The Colours of Rashi (Zodiac Signs) : Mesha Red
The Colours of Rashi (Zodiac Signs) : Mesha Red
The Colours of Rashi (Zodiac Signs) : Mesha Red
12 1 2 3
North East South West
11 4
West North
10 5
South East
9 8 7 6
East North West South
Mesha Red
Mithuna Green
Karkata Pink
Simha Brown
Kanya Ash
Tula Multi-coloured
Makara Yellow
Kumbha Multi-coloured
Twelve Astrological Signs are classified into 15 groups depending on their nature, influences and
The twelve signs are divided into two groups. All the twelve signs are either Positive and Masculine Signs or
Negative and Feminine signs. All the odd number signs of Aries (Mesha), Gemini (Mithuna), Leo (Simha),
Libra (Tula), Sagittarius (Dhanus) and Aquarius (Kumbha) are Positive or Masculine or Day signs and the
even signs Taurus (Rishabh), Cancer (Karka), Virgo (Kanya), Scorpio (Vrischika), Capricorn (Makara) and
Pisces (Meena) are Negative or Feminine or Night Signs. Thus all the Fire and Air signs are Positive, Masculine
and Day signs and all the Earth and Water signs are Negative, Feminine and Night signs. Masculine signs are
extroverted and active and Feminine signs are receptive and introverted.
This is one of the most important classifications of astrological sign for predictive purpose. It helps in
describing the temperament and basic personality of each sign of the zodiac by classifying them into one of the
four ancient and traditional elements, fire, earth, air, and water. Each of the four elements has three signs
assigned to it.
The Element of Fire is associated with the Signs Aries, Leo and Sagittarius, and it also symbolizes the natural
first, fifth and ninth houses in astrology. The fiery signs represent the vital spirit and activity. These signs tend
to be confident, action oriented, outgoing, forceful, active, strong, adventurous, enthusiastic, expansive and
optimistic. Negatively they tend to be impatient, wilful, reactive, blunt, careless and foolhardy. Any planet or
house that is placed in these signs will acquire these qualities. The more planets one have in the fire signs the
more of these qualities will be pronounced.
The Element of Earth is associated with the Signs Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn, and it also symbolizes the
natural second, sixth and tenth houses in astrology. The earthy signs represent sense of responsibility and
reliability. These signs tend to be organized, practical, realistic, ambitious, hardworking, methodical,
disciplined, analytical, stable and steady. Negatively they tend to be stubborn, lazy, reserved, critical, fussy,
pessimistic and snobbish. Any planet or house that is placed in these signs will acquire these qualities. The more
planets one have in the earth signs the more of these qualities will be pronounced.
The Element of Air is associated with the Signs Gemini, Libra and Aquarius, and it also symbolizes the natural
third, seventh and eleventh houses in astrology. The airy signs represent mental and social experiences. These
signs tend to be communicative, quick-witted, adaptable, versatile, flexible, relationship oriented, cooperative,
sociable, balanced, tolerant and original. Negatively they tend to be babbling, nervous, superficial, indecisive,
aloof and eccentric. Any planet or house that is placed in these signs will acquire these qualities. The more
planets one have in the air signs the more of these qualities will be pronounced.
The Element of Water is associated with the Signs Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces, and it also symbolizes the
natural fourth, eighth and twelfth houses in astrology. The watery signs represent feelings, imaginative and
creative experiences. These signs tend to be sensitive, sympathetic, domestic, compassionate, benevolent,
intuitive, artistic and receptive. Negatively they tend to be moody, clinging, secretive, escapist, impractical,
unrealistic and brooding. Any planet or house that is placed in these signs will acquire these qualities. The more
planets one have in the water signs the more of these qualities will be pronounced.
There are three basic 'mode of operation' for a Sign and each mode has its own distinctive way to approach a
given situation. These thee modes are Cardinal or Movable, Fixed or Static and Mutable or Common. This
classification of signs along with the Triplicities (Fiery, Earthy, Airy and Watery Signs) mentioned earlier are
most important to understand astrological principles and functioning of signs.
Cardinal or Movable Signs are enterprising and outgoing they initiates change and make things happen. They
are interested in promoting change and bringing new things into the world. They like to take charge of
situations and do not like subordinate roles. They like changes and reform. Negative traits for this mode are
they can be restless and overactive.
Fixed or Static Signs are focused and determined and have stamina for persistence action. Once their mind is
focused on a thing they will tenaciously pursue it in practical manner with will power till it is completed. They
are very firm in their attitude and once an opinion has been formed they are not likely to change it. Negative
traits for this mode are they can be resistant to change, requires long time to come to a decision and are very
Mutable or Common Signs are adaptable, changeable, flexible and versatile. Their nature can be described as a
balance between fixed and movable signs. They adept themselves as per their surroundings and current needs.
Negative traits for this mode are they can be fluctuating, inconstant, indecisive and vacillating.
Each Mode has one Fire Sign, one Earth Sign, one Air Sign, and one Water Sign as in table below.
The first six signs of the Zodiac, Aries (Mesha), Taurus (Rishabh), Gemini (Mithuna), Cancer (Karka), Leo
(Simha) and Virgo (Kanya) are called Northern signs, as they are to the north of the celestial equator. The
remaining six signs, Libra (Tula) Scorpio (Vrischika) Sagittarius (Dhanus) Capricorn (Makara) Aquarius
(Kumbha) and Pisces (Meena) are to the south of the celestial Equator (in the southern hemisphere) and
termed as southern signs.
Equinoctial Signs
Equinoctial means equal day and night. This phenomenon occurs twice every year around 21st March and
23rd September, when the Sun is directly over the equator. Aries (Mesha) and Libra (Tula) are the two
equinoctial signs. Aries (Mesha) is the vernal equinoctial sign and Libra (Tula) is the autumnal equinoctial sign.
Tropical Signs
Cancer (Karka) and Capricorn (Makara) are the two tropical signs. They are sometimes called the summer
solstice sign and winter solstice sign respectively. The day time is longest when Sun is at the initial point of
Cancer when the Sun is directly overhead at Tropic of Cancer at and the night time is longest when the Sun is
at the beginning of Capricorn when the Sun is directly overhead at Tropic of Capricorn for northern
hemisphere. The opposite is true for the southern hemisphere.
Fruitful Signs
All watery signs of Cancer (Karka), Scorpio (Vrischika) and Pisces (Meena), called fruitful signs. Any of these
signs on 5th house cusp without any affliction to it or to its lord and Jupiter in natal horoscope is indicative of
several children being born, numbers of which will depend on how strong the concerned houses and planets
Barren Signs
Aries (Mesha), Gemini (Mithuna), Leo (Simha) and Virgo (Kanya) are called barren or sterile signs. These are
opposite of fruitful signs. Barren signs related to the afflicted 5th house and its lord is indication of being
Voice Signs
Gemini, Libra and Aquarius, all airy signs are also called voice signs. As for voice or sound, there has to be an
airy medium, this is the reason of all airy signs being voice signs. Voice signs coinciding with the second house
and placement of Venus in it suggest voice suitable for singing and a similar occurrence in tenth house suggest
career related to voice like singer, ventriloquist, commentator, mimicry artists, etc.
All watery signs namely Cancer (Karka), Scorpio (Vrischika) and Pisces (Meena) are called mute signs or mute
signs. This can be due to the fact that water is not a good medium for sound and hence mute. Watery sign on
afflicted ascendant or second house, Mercury afflicted by Saturn placed in any of these signs or Mercury in
ascendant or second house in these signs in affliction can cause speech problems, stammering or other speech
Violent Signs
Aries (Mesha) and Scorpio (Vrischika) are violent signs. Theses signs know no fear; they are full of courage
and confidence and are eager to take risk. The difference is Aries in violent on physical level and Scorpio is on
emotional level.
Bestial Signs
Aries (The Ram), Taurus (The Bull), Leo (The Lion), Capricorn (The Goat) and the second half of Sagittarius
are symbolized by the figures of animals and thus are called the bestial or four-legged signs. First half of
Sagittarius is represented as a human and second half by horse; therefore only second half of Sagittarius is
termed as bestial.
Human Signs
Gemini (The twins), Virgo (The virgin), Aquarius (The water bearers) and the 1st half of Sagittarius (Centaur)
are human signs as they are represented by human forms. Thus, the signs that are not bestial are human signs
apart from Libra which is represented by a non living thing, the Scales.
Double-bodied or Dual or Bicorporeal Signs
The double-bodied signs, also called the dual signs or bicorporeal signs are Gemini, Sagittarius and Pisces. This
is because the “double” symbols for these signs. Gemini is represented by the Twins, Sagittarius by a figure
part human and part horse or centaur and Pisces by two fishes. Virgo was included in this category, but not
anymore in modern times. Thus all three signs belonging to this category are the mutable signs. A double
bodied sign on the cusp of seventh house can indicate two marriages and on the cusp of fifth house can indicate
birth of twins.
The slant of 23.4 degrees of the Earth’s axis causes a variation in time taken for different signs to rise or ascend
over the horizon (particularly at middle latitudes). The signs requiring more time are rise are referred to as
signs of long ascension and those requiring less time are called signs of short ascension. In the Northern
Hemisphere, the signs of long ascension are Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, and Sagittarius. The longest
times taken to rise among these are Virgo and Libra. The signs of short ascension are Capricorn, Aquarius,
Pisces, Aries, Taurus, and Gemini. The shortest times taken to rise among these are Pisces and Aries. The signs
of long ascension in the northern hemisphere are seen as of short ascension in the southern hemisphere.
1. Kendra signs
The 1, 4, 7 and 10th houses of any sign – They represent the strength of the chart and life as a whole, and give
the capacity to achieve the desired goals.
2. Thrikona signs
The 1, 5, 9th houses of any sign – They correspond to the Dharma houses and are the houses of good luck,
success, wisdom, and knowledge. To find the power of Moola-Trikona
3. Panapara signs
4. Apoclima signs
3, 6, 9, 12 – Planets placed on these houses are considered weak or not very powerful. Those houses correspond
in meaning to the dual signs.
5. Upachaya signs
3, 6, 10, 11 – Planets placed in those houses tend to grow and improve over a period of time. To know about
Types of Upachaya House.
6. Apachaya signs
2, 4, 5, 7, 8, 9, 12 – Planets placed in those houses tend to obstruct or harm, become unfriendly over a period of
7. Day signs
Simha, Kanya, Tula, Vrischika, Kumbha, Meena have more strength during the daytime.
8. Night signs
Mesha, Vrischika, Mithuna, Karkata, Dhanu, Makara gain greater strength during nighttime.
9. Watery signs
The sign that Sun occupies and its 12, 2, 3rd signs.
Mesha, Mars
Vrischika, Venus
Mithuna, Mercury
Meena, Jupiter
Makara, Saturn
Karkata Moon
Simha Sun
The descriptions of the events are always altered by how they affect your unique, natal chart.
Transits are the connections between planets. There are a few days when no planet is making an exact transit,
so not much is going on that day.
It might be a quiet day for most people, but if your personal chart is being triggered, you'll notice it in some
way, with a mood, a thought or an event.
The length of a transit also depends on the aspect. Major aspects such as the conjunction, sextile, square, trine,
quincunx, and opposition have larger orbs and therefore last a little longer.
When working with transits, the time before a transit is exact is usually more potent than the time after it's
After a transit is exact, the planets have finished their business and move on. The closer a planet is to exact, the
more powerful it is.
And let me remind you, transits are always affected by your natal chart, for better or worse.
Any planet about to go retrograde is moving very slowly. When it makes its station it doesn't move at all for
several days.
For instance , when Mercury is retrograde in 2020, it makes three passes over the same area of the natal chart.
If a planet is located there, you will notice something happen in your life.
Three strikes and you're out, if you haven't done your work. All planets except the Sun and Moon go
Transits often overlap. Consider what is going on for the entire week, also take into account longer range
transits and the signs that are emphasized.
A square between outer planets will put a damper on the beneficial energy of positive transits between the
other planets.
For instance, the positive effects of a trine between Venus and Jupiter is lessened by squares between the outer
planets and an emphasis on Scorpio.
Any description of a transit is always general. The way it affects you is determined by your natal chart.
You may not even notice the transit if it is not triggering something in your chart. If it is a positive transit
making a difficult aspect to something in your chart, the effect will be eased.
If it is a negative transit making a positive aspect to your chart, it will be toned down. If it is a negative transit
making a negative aspect to your chart it will be more difficult.
If it is a positive transit making a positive aspect to your chart, this is a great benefit.
The Moon
The Moon makes aspects on a daily basis but the effect does not last all day, give it about half a day. Transits
from New and Full Moons are a couple of days. The waxing and waning quarters are about a day. An eclipse
lasts from 3 months to three years, and sometimes longer.,10 degree orb.
Sun - allow about three to five days prior to the aspect to feel the effects, and about three days after, 10 degree
Mercury, and Venus - allow about two days before the aspect, and a day after, 5 degree orb
Jupiter and Saturn have a longer influence of two or three weeks, depending on how fast the are moving, 3-5
degree orb
The outer planets, Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto move very slowly and their influence may be for months, or
even a year, before and after the transits, 1-2 degree orb.
These planets stay in the same degree for a couple of years, and the same sign for many years. As we become
more familiar with them, we'll know more about how they affect us.
The Difference: Progressions Vs Transits
Transits and progressions are what we use in the predictive art of astrology, and they are
fairly different. A transit differs from a progression in that it represents the real time position of a planet
orbiting at a particular moment in time.
Whereas a progression symbolizes a symbolic movement which has no relation to the planet’s actual positions
in the heavens at the time. Some astrologers, for this reason, focus solely on transits, but this would lead to a
wide gap in the information available. Both progressions and transits seem to operate in a similar way – they
specify something is being indicated on a psychic level, which may or may not be visible in a physical event.
Unlike progressions, however, transits, being a mirror image of actual planetary movements, reflect genuine
forces of energies in the outer world which encroach on the psyche from without, producing a response
according to the individual’s psychological make-up. It also shows how society and cosmos impress upon any
personality. Progressions, on the other hand, are wholly subjective reflections of the individual’s inner growth
pattern, and can deal with gradual transformations, essentially on an internal level.
It is to all these impacts, pressures, and influences of the environment (psychic and mental as
well as geographical, cultural, and social) that the transits refer in astrology. These transits constantly exert a
pressure upon our permanent and essential identity, symbolized by our birth-chart. The pressures may cause
pleasure, happiness, exaltation — or pain, misery, and depression. Some may strengthen basic factors in our
nature; others may tend to disintegrate our personality. But, generally speaking, they are that which every day
and year after year challenges us. What is it in us which will accept these challenges and make of them
opportunities for becoming more and more that which we potentially are?” By Dane Rudyhar
The birth chart reflects the beginning of an individual’s life cycle and is symbolic of a plan.
Perhaps it is better explained by what Jung called the individuation process, revealing how each person can
fully become what he potentially is. In predictive astrology, this foreknowledge we gain by observing both
progressions and transits can help us to gain a better perspective of what is happening, however, some people
will experience negative effects from knowing what’s coming up, mostly due to anxiety and fear of a possible
impending crisis coming in the future. Otherwise, both methods of predicting the upcoming trends, progressive
movements and transiting events, will hold valuable information and insight into the times ahead and the
patterns unfolding within the flowering of a human life, though, we do not know exactly what will happen or
how a person will react to these developments.
If your Sun is positioned at, say, 25 degrees of your sign, you might meet your spouse at age twenty-five or your
first child may be born. A-Sun at 8 degrees could mean your parents divorced when you were eight years old,
or you were admitted to a gifted program in third grade that influenced the rest of your education. In Reya’s
birth chart, the Sun is at 24 degrees and 58 minutes of Aquarius (two minutes short of 25 degrees). When Trish
first looked at her chart, she asked Reya what life sculpting event happened to her between the ages of twenty-
five and twenty-six. Just twelve days before her twenty-sixth birthday, Reya “was hit by a train and was
unconscious for four days. That event took me out of a very destructive lifestyle into my first foray with
alternative medicine,” she wrote. “Could that be it?” You bet. …If you were born on October 14, 1950, for
example, your Sun would be in 20 degrees of Libra. This means there may have been a defining moment in
your life when you were around twenty years old. Give it six months or so on either side. If you’re not yet at
that age that corresponds with the degree of your natal Sun, keep in mind that some defining event may happen
when you reach that age.
Other astrological studies on the degrees have interesting findings correlating with a natal chart. As stated
previously, I have the Sun in Pisces at 8 degrees and hopefully, it just slides out of Carol
Rushman’s interpretation. The writer reveals that people who have 7 degrees prominent in Virgo or Pisces can
be promiscuous, further noting that when a planet stations at that degree in either sign people start illicit love
affairs. Also, observing 24 degrees of Cancer to be an astrologer’s degree. The author considers critical degrees
as triggers for a crisis. Cardinal 0, 13, or 26, Fixed 8-9, 21-22, Mutable 4, 17, and 0 and 29 of any
Modality. Apparently, it tends to make situations incredibly intense in these crucial degree areas.
C.E.O Carter’s An Encyclopedia of Psychological Astrology is based on some degree work. Carter lists degrees
for those associated with astrology as being around 27 Leo-Aquarius. Also, 11 degrees Virgo-Pisces are
important. I have Saturn rising in Virgo at 10 degrees and 42 minutes. Liz Greene, one of the most popular
psychology astrologers, has the Sun in Virgo at 11 degrees.
In studies for
Cardinal Signs: 5-degree planets in Aries-Libra may show cruelty, homicidal tendency. 7 degrees Capricorn
gives great speaking ability.Immoral souls have 8 degrees Aries-Libra. 8 degrees Cancer-Capricorn is for
paralysis. 11 degrees Cancer for Alcoholism. 15 degrees cardinals are the suicides. 22 degrees Libra for artistic
ability. 24 degrees of the cardinals for music ability.
Fixed Signs: Planets at the beginning of Aquarius for obesity. 6 degrees Scorpio for a love of the sea. 9 degrees
fixed signs for alcoholism. 16 degrees Taurus for homicidal tendency. 20-25 degrees of the fixed signs for
homicidal tendencies. 25 degrees of the Fixed for alcoholism or suicide.
Mutable Signs: 6-degrees Gemini-Sagittarius for morbid fears. 9 degrees mutable for homicidal tendency. 22
mutable for insanity (I have my Moon on an insane degree!) and 26 degrees mutable for suicide.
Charles Carter also says this about the degrees in the natal chart:
No attempt is given for reasons for the connection between these areas and certain effects, nor can you always
understand why the same area should produce apparently quite unrelated results. Our knowledge of the
influences is still empirical and is only in the earliest stage from even that point of view. Future research may
explain the basis of these facts.