Description of The S500 Range: Presentation
Description of The S500 Range: Presentation
Description of The S500 Range: Presentation
Strong points periodic report calculation for consumption monitoring, for example,
Operator dialog
S500 provides a number of ways of accessing facility-related data. Communications
The built-in graphical screen provides an initial level of facility S500 can also take up to 7 communication boards integrated into
display and diagnostics. its rack-mount box. It offers a broad range of modem boards
(PSTN, GSM 2G/3G, Ethernet, Serial, DL/PL, Radio, etc.) and
SOFTOOLS provides access to data in the form of lists and automatic query features suitable for these media to a range of
curves, access to logs and to complete system diagnostics. recipients (SMS, e-mail, SCADA central station, inter-RTU,
500 offers several accesses in addition to the
configuration and operation of the site to
supervise. Browser
PC browser
SOFTOOLS The Remote Terminal Unit is completely controlled from
SOFTOOLS is the PC-based S500 configuration and SOFTOOLS:
commissioning tool. Configuration is performed directly from the through a local connection, via the terminal port,
PC, with no Remote Terminal Unit connection required (off-line); it
makes extensive use of graphical representation of the various remotely, via PSTN, GSM 2G/3G and Ethernet.
objects used.
data and function tree view zone, The display is used to:
graphical parameterisation zone. display data in the form of lists or groups,
Reading configuration
Writing configuration
Software update
500 can be easily upgraded by downloading, via
SOFTOOLS, new software versions or specific
application modules.
Interactive graphical
display SMS server
The Remote Terminal Unit's interactive graphical display is perfectly On appearance of an alarm, the Remote Terminal Unit can send an
suited to local data processing. Its back-lit screen can display up to SMS message to the user's telephone.
4 lines of 20 characters or graphical symbols.
Main menu:
set-point adjustment,
archived data curve tracing,
alarm display and acknowledgement,
User-related security:
Compulsory password for S500 connection.
VOICE server
500 is fitted with input/output (I/O) boards Watchdog: automatic switch to downgraded mode
0-10 V voltage.
All of the input/output boards are fitted with removable terminal
strips for easy wiring.
The functions available on the graphical screen and in SOFTOOLS
allow rapid and intuitive diagnostics to be performed on each board. Description of I/O modules
The different input-output (I/O) boards are as follows:
In addition to I/O boards included in the case, in order
to expand the input/output options and transfer them
to other installations, the S500 Remote Terminal Unit
is able to communicate with expansion modules via
8DI Digital Input board the dedicated communication port “485 I/O”
Used to connect digital (faults, statuses, etc.) and counting inputs (modules remote power fed by the bus).
(volume, duration, etc.):
"Dry self-powered contact" inputs,
S550 16DI module:
Power supply insulated from contacts by the 8DI board,
Used to connect digital (faults, statuses, etc.) and counting inputs
User-selectable NO/NC logic,
(volume, duration, etc.):
Insulation: 1,500 V,
16 opto-insulated "dry self-powered contact" inputs,
Counting: up to 300 Hz.
Insulated power supply provided by the module,
All of the boards are fitted with removable terminal strips for easy
wiring. The functions available on the graphical screen and via
SOFTOOLS allow rapid and exhaustive diagnostics to be
performed on each board. S500 possesses several types of
board to communicate over different media and with various MODEM DL/HF board
Communications over DL, multi-point PL or Motorola type radio links
"PSTN": PSTN modem with voice server,
1 DL, multi-point PL link,
"GSM-2": GSM modem in DATA /GSM /EDGE /GPRS mode,
“GSM-3”: 3G modem (UMTS /HSDPA)
1 RADIO link,
2G compatible (GSM /EDGE /GPRS),
Speed: 1200 bps.
"DL/HF": modem for DL/PL or Motorola Radio links,
GSM board
RS-232 board
Network communications in 900 MHz, 1800 MHz and 2100 MHz
(depending on type of board). RS232 Serial link with devices such PCs, PLCs, controllers, etc.
1 RS232 Serial channel,
3G (HSDPA/UMTS) with SCADA Central Station, Email, Inter-
RTU, or Softools on Private APN or Public APN (depending on Speed: 19200 bps,
type of board)
Length: 15 m.
2G (EDGE - GPRS) with SCADA Central Station, Email, Inter-RTU,
or Softools on Private APN or Public APN
PSTN communications in DATA or VOICE mode. Power: up to 500 mW, 4 transmission levels,
Speed: up to 33600 bps, Range: 1500 metres typical, up to 5000 metres line of sight, no
Modulations: V22, V23, V32, V32bis, V34, V34bis.
See the "Communications" paragraph in this
document for usage examples of these different
S500 possesses a complete range of user-selectable processes.
Each logical input can be timed on appearance and/or
disappearance in order to stabilise or delay the integration of an
The integration of each input and of the major processes can be
inhibited by the presence of a logical datum.
Universal periods
S500 is able to monitor a digital datum by associating it with one or
more thresholds: threshold overrun causes the positioning of an The Remote Terminal Unit manages 25 universal periods that can
internal datum that is processed in a standard manner (alarm, be used to validate or inhibit certain processes according to the
archival, etc.). current date and time.
Periodicity: hourly, daily, weekly, monthly and at adjustable intervals. E.g. in a waste water plant, configure ventilator
operation for 20 minutes and shutdown for 10
E.g. Calculation of a pump's daily operating time. minutes.
Archiving These time periods can be modified from the
S500 archives data according to periodical and associated event- graphical screen and via SOFTOOLS.
related criteria. These records can be used from the graphical
screen, via SOFTOOLS and can be transmitted to a Remote
Terminal Unit.
50 exceptions can be configured to describe exceptional phases
during which the periods do not apply.
Automatic calls They can be used to replace a normal period with another
substitution period.
Each logical input can trigger a cycle of automatic calls for:
alarm reporting to recipients (telephone, SCADA central station, E.g. one exception per school vacation period.
email, etc.),
of communications.
Data recording
The Remote Terminal Unit records the instantaneous value of each
datum according to user-selectable criteria.
In addition to periodic archiving, a number of different
mechanisms are used to capture all significant values, while
optimising the historical value storage period:
archiving over variable periods allows the
archiving frequency to be modified according to hourly conditions or to
a datum's status,
500 can report alarms from the remotely
monitored site, according to various user-
selectable call scenarios.
Alarm definition
Alarms are generated by changes in logical input status changes.
The following are associated with each alarm:
a validation used to delay or filter the report
(e.g. on hourly program, on mains power fault, etc.),
Reporting parameterisation
Recipients Schedules
S500 possesses a directory of 20 recipients organised into various The automatic call schedules define, on a weekly basis, the
types: recipient call sequences.
SCADA central station,
sequence looping.
Communications with a SCADA central station allow S500 to Example of an Inter-RTU network:
integrate into any centralised network, whatever the transmission
S550 / S530 / S510
These communications, initiated either by the Remote Terminal Unit RADIO DL
or the SCADA central station, provide feedback of current data and
historical values. PL
For the transmission of historical data, S500 can communicate with Example of a GPRS network:
4 SOFBUS-PL or LACBUS remote monitoring and control SCADA The GSM medium becomes multi-purpose: each device on the
central stations. network is accessible for transmitting telemetry and SCADA data
(inter-RTU between different units, viewing from Softools, polling by
a SCADA central station or supervisor, transmission of emails,
Local communications automatic calls to recipients).
An S500 unit in GPRS communication with certain recipients, can
Local communications are used to federate all communicating additionally receive or send SMS messages (for example in the
products for a given site, such as PLCs, controllers, power meters event of an alert) and exchange data with devices in GSM-Data
and other Remote Terminal Units. mode.
E.g. central station
S550 / S530 / S510 Corporate IP
network (LAN)
ADSL Modem
reporting email
RS 485 and viewing
SCADA Controller
RS 232
MODBUS-TCP On Private APN, S500 performs all communications via a modem link
between the telephony operator and the corporate LAN.
These permanent connections, available over Serial and Ethernet On Public APN, communications occur via the SOFREL SG1000 server
links, allow real time data and parameter exchanges. installed on the LAN via the modem router.
500 includes complete "server" functions,
providing access to the main data via a land or
mobile phone.
SMS server
Voice Server This function is ready to use; simply enter the SMS messaging
operator's number into the configuration of S500 equipped with a
The S500 voice server allows users to record messages up to a total GSM board to send SMS messages to a mobile phone.
capacity of 5 minutes:
Voice consultation
The S500 voice server provides secure access to:
the list of unacknowledged alarms, with the possibility of SMS viewing
acknowledging these latter by entering a code using the phone From their mobile phone, users can call S500 to view the data
keypad, groups, position set-points, or acknowledge alarms.
the list of alarms present,
the display of data groups (logical and numerical), with the possibility
of altering set-points.
SMS reporting
On appearance of an alarm, S500 sends an SMS message to the
Voice reporting user's telephone:
When reporting an alarm to a "voice" recipient, S500 provides an
audible identification of the site and alarm. The voice server
function, available during the same communication, allows
complete facility diagnostics to be run.
From S500 V 4.10, voice functions are available only on This message is made up of the site name, followed by the
PSTN medium (PSTN board). designation of the datum that triggered the call and the datum
status suffix.
The recipient must call the Remote Terminal Unit back in order to
acknowledge the alarms, by sending an acknowledgement
message (using the phone's keypad).
The "Watchdog" output of the DO-Wdg board delivers a normally
closed contact, that opens in the event of Remote Terminal Unit
failure. This contact, inserted into the electromechanical control
chain, will allow, using appropriate wiring, the device to
Compliance with standards
automatically switch to "out of order" mode or to "downgraded" S500 is an industrial device that complies with international safety
mode (emergency mode).
and electromagnetic compatibility requirements.
Electrical safety
Data backup EN 60950-1: Electric shock, energy transfer hazard,
in the event of complete power outage (mains and battery), the EN 55 024: Level 4 immunity to shock waves (lightning, overvoltage,
system clock and current data statuses, in particular the set-points, etc.) (EN 61000-4-2, EN 61000-4-3, EN 61000-4-4,
are backed up. EN 61000-4-5, EN 61000-4-6, EN 61000-4-11)
TBR15 : DLHF board
TBR21 : PSTN board
ETSI EN 301 511 : GSM-3 board (2G)
ETSI EN 301 908 : GSM-3 board (3G)
ETSI EN 301 220-1
RD-RTU2 radio (500 mW)
ETSI EN 301 220-2
Environmental protection
This function provides the highly reliable management and process Communication with controllers
control of waste water network Lift Stations. S500 is able to manage up to 20 controllers. In this manner it can:
parallel pump operating time, remotely modify a controller's operating parameters (scheduled
occupation of premises, heating curves, etc.).
calculation of pumped volume,
simple to implement PROCESS CONTROL functions It is used to process data acquired or calculated by the meter
allowing complete Lift Station automation: (temperature, flow, volume, energy, power differences, etc.). It
performs telemetry and SCADA functions (alarm reporting,
pump control and switching (cyclic switching, switching according to
operating time, etc.),
calculation of historical data, reports, etc.).
stirrer control.
Person identification
The Remote terminal unit is able to manage and control access to
a building (common room, equipment room, tank, treatment station,
A Remote Terminal Unit fitted with (a) DALLAS board(s) can
communicate with one or more badge readers; it is thus able to
identify each entry into a building, manage the presence of agents
authorised to access the site or, if necessary, detect intrusions and
trigger an alarm.
Description of RTUs
S550 I/O expansion modules
In addition to its integrated input-output boards, a range of expansion
modules can be used to expand the capacity of the S550 box on
the one hand and, on the other hand, to allow the use of remote
inputs-outputs for distributed facilities.