Cost Benefit Analysis
Cost Benefit Analysis
Cost Benefit Analysis
Project Management
2. Introduction
3. Learning Outcome
It contains the list of competencies that students should acquire during the learning
3. Explain roles and responsibilities for key project personnel and stakeholders.
6. Explain how to identify the lessons learned in a project closeout and review session.
4. Learning Content
It contains readings, selection and discussion questions and sets of activities that students
can work on individually or by group.
There's a list of each project cost and what the benefits will be after the project has been completed
successfully. The return on investment (ROI), internal rate of return (IRR), net present value (NPV) and
payback period can be determined from this.
The disparity between the costs and benefits will decide whether or not intervention is justified. For
most cases, if the cost is 50% of the benefits and the payback period is no longer than a year, then it is
worth taking the action.
1. To determine if the project is sound, justifiable and feasible by figuring out if its benefits
outweigh costs.
2. To offer a baseline for comparing projects by determining which project’s benefits are greater
The Process of Cost Benefit Analysis
CBA has been around for quite a long time, according to the Economist. Benjamin Franklin wrote about
their use in 1772. But the CBA idea as we know it dates back to Jules Dupuit, a French engineer who
described the method in an 1848 paper.
Although it is not clear if this Founding Father has followed this exact method, it has developed to
include the 10 steps:
1. What Are the Goals and Objectives of the Project? The first step is probably the most critical,
since you need a simple and definite understanding of what it is intended to achieve before you
can determine if a project is worth the effort.
2. What Are the Alternatives? You need to equate it with other projects before you can decide if
the project is right to see which is the best path forward.
3. Who Are the Stakeholders? Listing of all project stakeholders.
4. What Measurements Are You Using? You have to determine which metrics to use to calculate
both costs and benefits. And how are you going to comment on these metrics too?
5. What Is the Outcome of Costs and Benefits? Look over what the costs and benefits of the
project are, and map them over a relevant time period.
6. What Is the Common Currency? Take all the accumulated expenses and benefits and turn them
into the same currency to make an apple-to-apple comparison.
7. What Is the Discount Rate? That will convey the interest amount at the end of a certain time as
a percentage of the balance.
8. What Is the Net Present Value of the Project Options? It is a income metric measured by
subtracting the current cash outflow values for a period of time from the existing values of cash
9. What Is the Sensitivity Analysis? It is a analysis of how output uncertainty can be apportioned in
its inputs to various sources of uncertainty.
10. What Do You Do? After gathering all these data the final step is to make the option suggested
by the study.
It's also necessary to generally apply all the related costs and benefits. That is, the amount of time the
money spent takes. This can be achieved by translating the projected potential costs and benefits into
the existing prices.
There is risk inherent in any plan, of course, and danger and uncertainty must be addressed when
determining a project's CBA. This can be measured with probability theory. Uncertainty is different from
risk, but it can be measured using a sensitivity analysis to show how the results react to changes in
Too much reliance on data collected from past projects, especially when those projects differ in
purpose, scale, etc.
Using subjective impressions when you’re making your assessment.
The improper use of heuristics (problem solving employing a practical method that is not
guaranteed) to get the cost of intangibles.
Confirmation bias or only using data that backs up what you want to find.
However, in terms of CBA, massive projects that are going on for a long time can be problematic. There
are outside factors that influence the precision of the study, such as inflation , interest rates etc.
Certain approaches, such as NPV and IRR, supplement CBA in evaluating broader programs.
Nonetheless, the use of CBA overall is a key step in deciding if any project is worth pursuing.
The identification, definition and communication of roles and responsibilities is fundamental for the
ability of a team to deliver. Clearly defined responsibilities allow each team member to focus on their
work and provide the structure they need to feel comfortable in their role.
Below we look at some of the typical team roles in the software and key responsibilities of each member
of the team.
Whatever framework or terminology you use in your project or product teams, make sure that
the best people are selected for each position. Define the main roles and responsibilities of each person
and then communicate, so that the whole team understands exactly what is required of them.