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Comparison of Ziegler-Nichols, Cohen-Coon and Fuzzy Logic Controllers For Heat Exchanger Model: A Review

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International Journal of Engineering, Management, Humanities and Social Sciences Paradigms (IJEMHS)

(Volume 15, Issue 01)

Publishing Month: August 2015
An Indexed and Referred Journal
ISSN: 2347-601X

Comparison of Ziegler-Nichols, Cohen-Coon and Fuzzy

Logic Controllers for Heat Exchanger Model: A Review
Akshay Dhanda1 and Dharam Niwas2
M. Tech. Scholar, Indus Institute of Engineering and Technology, Kinana, Jind, Haryana (India)
Asst. Prof., Indus Institute of Engineering and Technology, Kinana, Jind, Haryana (India)

Abstract Many industrial processes have the time delay effect

First-Order plus Delay-Time (FOPDT) model introduced due to measurement delay. This delay
approximation can be carried out through either a kind of causes unnecessary instability in whole system. There
model reduction approach or a kind of system identification are a number of ways through which nonlinearity can
approach. In industrial applications heat exchanger plays a be present in the system. The presence of time-delay
very vital role. In heat exchanger model controlling
temperature range and achieving a desired temperature is a
thus complicates the whole system. Since most
very complicated process. We can use different controlling physical, chemical, mechanical systems are affected
techniques to achieve desired temperature. In this paper by temperature, so it is most often measured quantity.
comparison of step response of Ziegler-Nichols PID PID controllers [1] are very commonly used in
controller (Method II), Cohen-Coon Method and Fuzzy control industry. There are a number of controlling
logic controller has been developed for a heat exchanger techniques used to enhance the performance of
model. A First-Order plus time delay system is very controllers. In this paper the first part comprises of
common in modern industry. For this particular model heat exchanger model and its First-Order plus Delay-
MATLAB simulations are carried out and responses are time (FOPDT) approximation. The middle part
obtained for PID and Fuzzy Logic Controller.
consists of simulation of various techniques Ziegler-
Keywords: Cohen-Coon, Fuzzy Logic Controller,
Nichols (oscillations method), Cohen-Coon Method
PID Controller, Ziegler-Nichols Technique.
Fuzzy logic controller. In the end part various results
are compared qualitatively.
I. Introduction
Any control system when involves the movement of
material or information it encounters time delay.

Figure 1: Heat Exchanger Model

International Journal of Engineering, Management, Humanities and Social Sciences Paradigms (IJEMHS)
(Volume 15, Issue 01)
Publishing Month: August 2015
An Indexed and Referred Journal
ISSN: 2347-601X

II. System Modeling A. Ziegler-Nichols (method II) PID tuning

B. Cohen-Coon Method
A chemical process for heating consists of chemical
reactors and a heat exchanger system. The heat C. Fuzzy Logic controller
exchanger [4] heats up the fluid to a desired value by
using superheated steam. Different assumptions have A. Ziegler-Nichols (method II) PID Tuning
been considered regarding this process. First
assumption is that, fluid level remains constant. The PID controllers are integral part of the control
second assumption is that, heat storage capacity of
the insulating wall is negligible. industry. Earlier trial and error tuning was used to
The above model can be expressed as First Order tune these PID controllers until Ziegler and Nichols
plus Time Delay (FOPDT) System. The first order
plus time delay system has the following form of published a paper in 1942 where they described two
mathematical model: methods for tuning the parameters of P-, PI- and PID
controllers. These two methods are the Ziegler-
Nichols’ closed loop method [5] [6] and the Ziegler-
Nichols’ open loop method. The present paper

Where is time delay, T is Time constant and K is describes the closed-loop method.
represents gain of the system. From the experimental The tuning procedure is as follows:
data the transfer function [4] of the process model [4]
is given by Step I: Find out the sign of process gain.
Step II: Introduce proportional control.
Step III: Raise proportional gain until sustained
periodic oscillation occurs.
Step IV: Note down ultimate gain
Ku (gain at which oscillation occurs) and ultimate
III. Controller Design
period Pu (distance between two consecutive crests)
Different types of controller tuning techniques that Step V: Calculate control parameters as prescribed by
can be applied to temperature control process are Ziegler and Nichols.
listed below:
Table 1: Ziegler Nichols Parameter for PID Controller

International Journal of Engineering, Management, Humanities and Social Sciences Paradigms (IJEMHS)
(Volume 15, Issue 01)
Publishing Month: August 2015
An Indexed and Referred Journal
ISSN: 2347-601X

On simulation Z-N PID gives following values B. Cohen-Coon Method

Ku=2.9521, Pu=48.2
Therefore, by calculation using above table we get A decade after Ziegler-Nichols published a paper
Kp=1.77, Ki=0.0735, Kd=10.672 based upon PID tuning Cohen-coon developed
Since, we know that another tuning method. The Cohen-Coon method [7]
PID controller is represented by is a more complex version of the Ziegler-Nichols
Kp + Kp/Ti +Kp*Td method. The method is similar to the Ziegler- Nichols
Where method but the difference comes with the fact that
Kp/Ti =Ki and Kp*Td=Kd Cohen-Coon provides the faster rise time.

Table 2: Cohen-Coon Parameters

On calculation C-C PID gives following values than PID controllers [10] for system exhibiting time
Kp=2.207 delays in thermal models [11]. Fuzzy logic
Ki=0.0757, controllers based on human approach. This method is
Kd=10.672 very frequent in European countries. A rule-based
system [8] [9] is characterized by a set of rules that
C. Fuzzy Logic Controller were defined by antecedents and consequents.
Inference rules were made by a simple logic.
The concept of Fuzzy Logic was conceived by Lotfi
Zadeh, a professor at the University of California at A fuzzy logic controller has four main components as
Berkley, and presented not as a control methodology, shown in Figure:
but as a way of processing data by allowing partial a) Fuzzification
set membership rather than crisp set membership or b) Inference engine
non-membership. This approach to set theory was not c) Rule base
applied to control systems until the 70's due to d) Defuzzification
insufficient small-computer capability prior to that
time. Usually fuzzy logic controller performs better

International Journal of Engineering, Management, Humanities and Social Sciences Paradigms (IJEMHS)
(Volume 15, Issue 01)
Publishing Month: August 2015
An Indexed and Referred Journal
ISSN: 2347-601X

Figure 2: Rule base for Fuzzy Logic Controller

E represents error and CE represents change in error variables are converted into linguistic variables. The
in the rule base table. In the above table NL- membership functions are divided into a range. Rule
Negative Large, NM- Negative Medium, NS- base plays a very important role. They are in form of
Negative Small, Z- Zero, PS- Positive Small, PM- IF-THEN statements. Consider a rule If (temperature
Positive Medium, PL- Positive Large. Further VL is “cold”) than (heater is “high”) Defuzzification
stands for Very Low, L- Low, MED- Medium, generates a crisp numeric value. The defuzzified
MOD- Moderate, H- High, VH- Very High, F- Full. output is fed to the plant.
Fuzzification [12] is a process in which, crisp

International Journal of Engineering, Management, Humanities and Social Sciences Paradigms (IJEMHS)
(Volume 15, Issue 01)
Publishing Month: August 2015
An Indexed and Referred Journal
ISSN: 2347-601X

Figure 3: Membership Function Plots

International Journal of Engineering, Management, Humanities and Social Sciences Paradigms (IJEMHS)
(Volume 15, Issue 01)
Publishing Month: August 2015
An Indexed and Referred Journal
ISSN: 2347-601X

Figure 4: Comparison diagram of Ziegler-Nichols, Cohen-Coon and Fuzzy Logic Controller

Figure 5: Comparison of Z-N, C-C and Fuzzy Logic Controller

International Journal of Engineering, Management, Humanities and Social Sciences Paradigms (IJEMHS)
(Volume 15, Issue 01)
Publishing Month: August 2015
An Indexed and Referred Journal
ISSN: 2347-601X

Table 3: Comparison of Various Parameters for Different Controllers

IV. Conclusion [6] Bhaskar Lodh Simulink Based Model for

Analysing the Ziegler – Nichols Tuning
In this paper the response of First-order plus Time- Algorithm as appliedon Speed Control of DC
delay (FOPTD) process is compared using Ziegler- Motor International Journal of Advanced
Nichols (method II), Cohen-Coon Method and fuzzy Research in Electrical,Electronics and
logic controller. According to the calculations, if Instrumentation
system requires faster transient response Cohen-Coon [7] N. Gireesh, Dr. G. Sreenivasulu, “Comparison of
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more than 30 percent, but if system is sensitive to any Advances in Electrical Engineering (ICAEE),
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