Comparison of Ziegler-Nichols, Cohen-Coon and Fuzzy Logic Controllers For Heat Exchanger Model: A Review
Comparison of Ziegler-Nichols, Cohen-Coon and Fuzzy Logic Controllers For Heat Exchanger Model: A Review
Comparison of Ziegler-Nichols, Cohen-Coon and Fuzzy Logic Controllers For Heat Exchanger Model: A Review
International Journal of Engineering, Management, Humanities and Social Sciences Paradigms (IJEMHS)
(Volume 15, Issue 01)
Publishing Month: August 2015
An Indexed and Referred Journal
ISSN: 2347-601X
Where is time delay, T is Time constant and K is describes the closed-loop method.
represents gain of the system. From the experimental The tuning procedure is as follows:
data the transfer function [4] of the process model [4]
is given by Step I: Find out the sign of process gain.
Step II: Introduce proportional control.
Step III: Raise proportional gain until sustained
periodic oscillation occurs.
Step IV: Note down ultimate gain
Ku (gain at which oscillation occurs) and ultimate
III. Controller Design
period Pu (distance between two consecutive crests)
Different types of controller tuning techniques that Step V: Calculate control parameters as prescribed by
can be applied to temperature control process are Ziegler and Nichols.
listed below:
Table 1: Ziegler Nichols Parameter for PID Controller
International Journal of Engineering, Management, Humanities and Social Sciences Paradigms (IJEMHS)
(Volume 15, Issue 01)
Publishing Month: August 2015
An Indexed and Referred Journal
ISSN: 2347-601X
On calculation C-C PID gives following values than PID controllers [10] for system exhibiting time
Kp=2.207 delays in thermal models [11]. Fuzzy logic
Ki=0.0757, controllers based on human approach. This method is
Kd=10.672 very frequent in European countries. A rule-based
system [8] [9] is characterized by a set of rules that
C. Fuzzy Logic Controller were defined by antecedents and consequents.
Inference rules were made by a simple logic.
The concept of Fuzzy Logic was conceived by Lotfi
Zadeh, a professor at the University of California at A fuzzy logic controller has four main components as
Berkley, and presented not as a control methodology, shown in Figure:
but as a way of processing data by allowing partial a) Fuzzification
set membership rather than crisp set membership or b) Inference engine
non-membership. This approach to set theory was not c) Rule base
applied to control systems until the 70's due to d) Defuzzification
insufficient small-computer capability prior to that
time. Usually fuzzy logic controller performs better
International Journal of Engineering, Management, Humanities and Social Sciences Paradigms (IJEMHS)
(Volume 15, Issue 01)
Publishing Month: August 2015
An Indexed and Referred Journal
ISSN: 2347-601X
E represents error and CE represents change in error variables are converted into linguistic variables. The
in the rule base table. In the above table NL- membership functions are divided into a range. Rule
Negative Large, NM- Negative Medium, NS- base plays a very important role. They are in form of
Negative Small, Z- Zero, PS- Positive Small, PM- IF-THEN statements. Consider a rule If (temperature
Positive Medium, PL- Positive Large. Further VL is “cold”) than (heater is “high”) Defuzzification
stands for Very Low, L- Low, MED- Medium, generates a crisp numeric value. The defuzzified
MOD- Moderate, H- High, VH- Very High, F- Full. output is fed to the plant.
Fuzzification [12] is a process in which, crisp
International Journal of Engineering, Management, Humanities and Social Sciences Paradigms (IJEMHS)
(Volume 15, Issue 01)
Publishing Month: August 2015
An Indexed and Referred Journal
ISSN: 2347-601X
International Journal of Engineering, Management, Humanities and Social Sciences Paradigms (IJEMHS)
(Volume 15, Issue 01)
Publishing Month: August 2015
An Indexed and Referred Journal
ISSN: 2347-601X