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Dungeon Magazine 003 Text

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THE BOOK WITH NO END — The ultimate tome of power

BLOOD ON THE SNOW - Arctic adventuring

THE DEADLY SEA - A dangerous undersea rescue


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Discover the true power of the elements and you
will find nature as deadly a foe as any monster.

volume to the
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Survival Guide,
the new AD&D®
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is the complete

reference work
for the realms
beneath the sun.

With new and

expanded rules
covering terrain,
weather and a
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mapping, the
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adds a whole
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to the wilderness

TSR, Inc.
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TSR UK Limited
TSR Inc. The Mill
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ADVANCED DUNGEONS & DRAGONS aod AD&D are registered trademaiks of TSR Inc. The TSR logo and
PRODUCTS OF YOUR IMAGINAnCW are trademarks of TSR Inc. ©1986 TSR UK Limited.



Consumed with his
lust for Infinite
power, Magus
urtleashes The Book
with No End —
annihilates his own
kingdom. Our third
cover artist,
Roger Raupp, has
captured that total
moment in time.

Same as it ever was?

The Readers LETTERS
Though we have behind in our evaluation of module
fallen This, that, and those 2
submissions for this magazine, a large number of modules and
module proposals have been reviewed. Some interesting themes
have come to light in this process, too.
Interestingly enough, nobody seems to like illusionists. Many
David Howery FALCON'S PEAK
of the module submissions and proposals cast the illusionist in
(ADD 1-3) Lord Falcon is dead, so no

an evil light, and I cannot recall any that had a good illusion- one will mind if you hunt for his
ist. Perhaps this reflects a cultural bias of some sort (i.e., illu- treasure — you hope 4
sionists are tricksters, fakes, and liars). It might also reflect
the fact that the illusionist class is perhaps the most unpopular
character class in the AD&D* game system. Thomas M. Kane BLOOD ON THE SNOW
Another curious point is the prevalence of cra^ wizards. (ADD one
3-7) In the frozen wastes,
Rogue magic-users plague every kingdom, and many of them can find wealth, beauty, and one’s
are quite insane. Arch-mages coiyure up demons and undead of own death II
every sort in frenzies of megalomania and paranoia. IDoes
magic make you crazy? I have yet to see a module on a crazy
paladin or a deranged ranger.
Generic evil hordes are another commonly seen topic. One Carol and THE DEADLY SEA
would not expect all bandit gangs to look alike, or even all ore Robert Pasnak (ADD 4-7) A rescue mission
tribes, but many have a distressing sameness about them, as if into the green depths of the
they were clipped straight from the Monster Manual. ocean 27
But the old tales are often among the best. A good author can
take an old theme and breathe new life into it. as was done
with each of the above themes in this and previous issues of Richard Emerich THE BOOK WITH NO END
DUNGEON™ Adventures. That, in the final analysis, makes (ADD 8-12) A vanished tome, a
all the difference between acceptance and rejection, between
faded legend, and the end of the
good modules and cliches.
world 41


Roger Raupp, Kevin Davies,
EDITOR: Roger E. Moore Diesel, Paul Jaquays, Valerie


EDITORIAL ASSISTANTS: Bakk, Betty Elmore, Gloria
Marilyn Favaro, Eileen Lucas, Habriga, Kim Lindau, “. . . go from here eastwards and pass the fields we know, tOl
Georgia Moore, Patrick Carolyn Vanderbilt you see the lands that clearly pertain to faery; and cross their
Lucien Price, Debbie Poutsch SUBSCRIPnONS: Pat Schulz boundary. ..."
Raupp Parkinson The King of Elfland's Daughter, Lord Dunsany
Dear editor: Dear editor: Dear editor:
I am writing to learn more about the I really like your new magazine. I am been a
I've DM
for two years but I’ve
process of sending in a dungeon adven- a subscriber to it and read it thoroughly not come across one single preplanned
ture. My questions are as follows: every month. After reading the latest dungeon module for chaotic or neutral
1. Should the final adventure copy we issue, my imagination has been alignment player characters. I was
send be in the form of published adven- sparked. I think I may have the urge to wondering if you might know of any
ture modules, with boxed descriptions, write a module sometime soon but don’t My players and I use the
DM notes, and other information, or have the information for it. Basic DUNGEONS & DRAGONS*
should the adventure be written as a If you wouldn’t mind, I would appreci- game system.
general guide to the DM, requiring the ate your sending me the Module Guide- Keith Foy
DM to determine what information lines advertised on page 15 of issue 12. Oneonta, Alabama
should be given the characters? Once again, I can't say how much I
2. If illustrations are included, should enjoy your magazine. One article I espe- Although no D&Tfi modules (to my
they be limited to a specific size? cially liked was "The
Dream." It Titan's knowledge) have been specifically de-
3. Are maps done on hex paper or adds a new sense to the game. I cer- signed for chaotic characters any of
graph paper suitable for presenting, or tainly hope that William Ibdorsky will them could easily be adapted for use by
should they be produced on white paper contribute more to your magazine. chaotic or neutral groups Neutral char-
with a grid system, similar to published Ibm Rood acters would most likely take a quest for
modules? Shelbyville, Illinois the reward offered (out of purely selfish
4. Should any monsters that are not in motives), and chaotic ones might take a
the Monster Manuals, being taken in- Thank you for the praise, and we do quest in order to fight an opposing cha-
stead from published adventures (such have another module by "7bdo” otic force or to serve as double agents,
as spectral minions from the Tbdorsky in the works. actually working for the bad guys but
DRAGONLANCE* saga) be listed in a However, this is a good time to an- pretending to work for the good guys.
"new monsters” section? nounce that we are flooded with module This would require some work on the
James Kowan material at present and it might not be DM’s part, and the other (lawful) player
Bramalea, Ontario a good idea to submit more material to characters might not be pleased to learn
us for the next six months. Because of of this duplicity, but that depends en-
Either format you suggest is accept-
1. work pressures, we're also having trou- tirely on the group playing the game.
able, but be sure to clarify which parts of ble processing the modules we do have
the text may be given to the player on a timely basis. Nonetheless, we’ll get
characters and which should not. it worked out Dear editor:
2. should not exceed the
Illustrations This should not stop you from going After reading the letters in the first
size of a regular S'/e" x 11” sheetof ahead and tinkering with some ideas for issue of DUNGEON
Adventures, I

paper in most cases, though a particu- modules Just keep in mind that you would like to respond to one. Even
larly complicated map could be made up might not be able to see them in print for though putting DUNGEON Adventures
to twice this size — but we don't recom- a long time to come. on (game store shelves] will get more
mend it buyers, it would be harder on the DMs.
3. Maps can be done in either manner, Dear editor: I know some players in my campaign

so long as the drawings and text are In “The Dwarven King’s Court,” issue would pick up a copy and look at it out
clearly legible and neatly executed #2, the exit hole from the catacombs to of curiosity.
4. Monsters which do not appear in the side of the mountains is in room 37, I would also like to see DUNGEON
any hardbound books should be fully instead of room 38 (as stated in room Adventures go on and include other
described in the module, as was done 35). Thank you for your time. games in their magazine (it could start
with Baalphegor, the tyrannabyss, and Robbie Fernandez with other TSR* games and go on from
the epadrazzil in DUNGEON"
Adven- Olney, Maryland there),
tures issue H2, and with razorweed in Ryan Cronwell
issue HI. Oops Mequon, Wisconsin

OUNOEON* Adventure* (13SN 0MI^71021 b bumtU; bjrTOS, lac, Th* aailiaf far »U cnbacnpitiw «dcn m
MJNGBMf Advesttnn, P.O 6 llO, Lake Geoem, WI SS147. the bufineea
leWphooe Dumber b (4 14) 2444836. ladtvtdual beua pnc« u 13 73. DIWGBON Adveatun* b avDiUMa b)^ Mbacripabn (famiybeM tke werM ?ubmn|*i»D wee vm «cao4<iaM natl art aa
. f 16 la U.$ fVtada fer one year
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ike chaa^, ia order to aiaun uctaterruptod dallvery.
A hmitedaunberofback beueKtfthiaaMpBBM are available CroCB tbe Mail Order Hobby Sho^ P.O. Bra 766, Lake Oeneva. Wt 63147 Pore copy cd the mmatBail-ardmeatalos, write to the mail Mder departmoDl at
tke above addrvac.
All material publabed in DUNGEON AdvaMuM bacocBM Uta txcluam prapany of ttaa publiahar, uaJem fecial armupeiueuta to (be contrary an made prwv to peUbatioB. DUNGEON Advantara* waleomM u&Mbeitad
oubeiiaMona of wriiua malarial aad artwrak; kowovcr, no fuaponaibility far au^ nibaiaaMAa can ba aanaaad by tka puIdialMr ta aay event. Any ^miamaa armnipanied by a aalT-addraamd, stamped aovelope of eufflclent sla*
will be returaad If it cannot be publiaked. naaaa wnta far our writer*’ guidelinea before aeodiap a medub la ra; arad a ealfaddraaaad. fuapadcftvetopa (913* long prafarrad) to: Module Cuideliea*, DUNGEON Adventurae. T6R.
lac., RO, Bra 110. Lake GaDOva. WI 63147.
DUNGEON b a iradamark fw the TSB roto-pfayiBg adveaturv pcriedKal by 16R, Idc. All rifbla «a Ike aanjaata af tbiapuWraiaai are reamvcd. aad oatkiacuiay be reproduced from it ta wbtde or >o pari, without
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2 Issue No.3

I understand your concern about play-

ers reading up on the very modules you
plan to run your campaign. However,
look at the other side of the coin. Perhaps
thesame players will be moved to be-
come Dungeon Masters themselves after
reading about a particularly exciting
adventure that they would like to run.
Also consider that players can still sub-
scribe to the magazine and read up on
the adventures anyway, whether the
stores get them or not
DUNGEON Adventures (if all goes
well) should be available for sale in
many stores early this year — perhaps
even with this issue So, ifyou’re read-
ing this while standing in your favorite
hobby shop, do your store owner a favor
for the New Year and buy this issue It’ll
make his day.

By the way King Clem's magical

sword is a broad sword, not a long
sword (as identified on page 15 of issue
m Sorry!

if mjiil your r>lci jind m‘W iuldr(\sses (<md your

you're movint;, plense
iK'eount number) to: Address Chjinj'e. DUNfJKON Adventures.

Hon 110. Uike ((eneva, Wl 5:iU7. Write to us at least six Ipreferably

eitsht) weeks hefoix- your move to insuix' uninlemipted delivery.

In tI)C DCQINNINQ. tl7€R€ was

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DUNetONS & DRAGONS. BLACKMOOR. ond TSR Ore trademarks of TSR, Inc.
^1967 TSR, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

Though gamers are hard to find in
Dillon, Montana, David Howery keeps
up with the AD&Df^ game as best he
can. A native of that state, David is
currently taking classes in computer
science at Western Montana College. A
jungle-based module of his design is
scheduled for a future issue of
DUNGEON™ Adventures.
Falcon’s Peak is an AD&D® game
adventure for 5-8 characters of lst-3rd
level. The party should include a thief
and one experienced cleric; a
at least
ranger would also be of help. The use of
stealth and silvered or magical weapons
is advised.

Adventure Background
The grim fortress known as Falcon’s
Peak has brooded over its mountain
pass for almost a century. It was built
by a brigand chief who called himself
Ix>rd Falcon, notorious for his lightning-
fast raids, crafty kidnapings, and utter
savagery in dealing with captives. Ru-
mors were told of Falcon’s wealth and of
a terrible monster trapped in a hidden
pit somewhere beneath the fort. Falcon
supposedly fed captives to the monster
as sacrifices to his evil god.
Eventually, the baronies bordering
the pass were forced to mount an as-
sault on Falcon’s Peak. After two days
of battle, the soldiers overwhelmed the
disorganized brigands — but no trace

FALCON’S was found of Falcon, his family, or his

plunder. The few surviving brigands
said that Falcon and his family hid
their treasure and committed suicide by
drinking poison. Their bodies were


ful servants,
in hidden catacombs by
who did not retxu-n.
of the surviving brigands knew where
the treasure or the bodies were hidden.
A cave beneath the fortress was found

and searched, but it was small and led

Falcon’s Peak is said to have been aban-
Lord Falcon’s nest doned and imtouched for over 90 years.
The only ones to enter the fort were un-
holds a new brood success^ treasure hunters; some never
came out again. Most of the common
people believe that Falcon’s Peak is
of evil haunted by the ghosts of the slain brig-
ands, and none dare enter the old fort As
of yet. Falcon’s treasure has not been
found. It is still somewhere in Falcon’s
Artwork by Kevin Davies Peak, waiting to be claimed by anyone
Cartography by Diesel
who has the courage and luck to find it.
The player characters have been at-

4 Issue No.3

tracted by rumors of the lost wealth, to raid too close to Falcon’s Peak, so as ders to the edge of the cave mouth.
made ever more spicy by its associatiou to not draw attention to the place. Un- 'Three hobgoblins are sitting on top of
with the infamous outlaw chief. Fal- fortunately, the fort’s reputation is the boulders, bows in hands, to serve as
con’s Peak may be placed in any tem- enough to draw adventurers and sentries. Five more are resting or sleep-
perate area with low mountains in the treasure seekers to it anyway. ing on the ground behind them. If they
Dungeon Master’s campaign. There are The brigands are led by a magic-user sight the party, the hobgoblin sentries
several small villages near Falcon’s named Millard. He allied his brigands shout to warn the others and fire their
Peak in which adventuring characters with a small clan of hobgoblins and arrows. The other five fire from behind
are able to buy provisions, mounts, and recently moved the whole force to Fal- the boulders, which give them AC 4
normal equipment. Weapons and armor con's Peak. Millard and Shamig, the from missile fire (50% cover). When the
must be purchased in larger towns hobgoblin chief, oversaw repair of the characters close to melee, the hobgob-
elsewhere. damaged walls and turned the fort into lins draw their scimitars and heft their
The journey to Falcon’s Peak from the a formidable retreat. As of yet, Millard shields, roaring challenges and curses
nearest village takes two days. There is has not discovered the catacombs under (eight hobgoblins: AC 8/7; 9” MV ;
a 1 in 6 chance each day that the party the fortress (see below), but he suspects 1 1; hp 6; #AT 1; Dmg by weapon type;
is attacked by a group of nine brigands that they are there. The hobgoblins each has a short bow, 12 arrows, a scim-
on foot (AC 7; MV 12"; zero level; hp 4; have been prevented from discovering itar, leather armor, large shield, two
#AT 1; Dmg by weapon type; AL LE/ the catacombs by the ghouls in areas 4, daggers, 1-6 sp; AL LE).
NE/CE) and their leader (ACj 7; MV 12" 5, and 6; Millard plans to explore the
F2; hp 11; #AT 1; Dmg by weapon type; area further whenever he can find an Noncombatants. Ibn female and
S 15, 1 14; AL NE). Each brigand has a evil cleric to help him out. fiveyoung hobgoblins reside in this
short sword, a short bow, a dozen Falcon’s Peak sits on top of a small cave. The females fight only if attacked
arrows, leather armor, and 1-6 sp; the rocky hill, with the main gate facing themselves or if the young are threat-
leader also has 10 gp. All carry small north. The characters can approach the ened. Otherwise, all cower off to one
shields, which must be dropped or slung fort from any side. However, the sen- side of the cave and run away when the
to use the bows. These brigands are the tries on the roof (area 13) can see clearly party passes (10 female hobgoblins: AC
usual riffraff one sees in small gangs of over the north, south, and east slopes; 10; MV
9" ;
1; hp 2-7; HAT 1; Dmg by
this kind —
dirty, crude, and vicious. anyone climbing up those sides will be weapon type; AL LE). The females are
These brigands are part of the group spotted at once. At night, lanterns are armed with an assortment of knives and
currently occupying Falcon's Peak (see placed all around the fort, so characters small clubs (1-4 hp damage), but have
below), if captured, they will not confess within 30' of the walls will be seen. It no treasure. The young hobgoblins have
to this except under extreme pressure, if will be very difficult for the party to no effective attacks (AC 10; MV 9" HD ;

ESP is used, or if bribes of over 1(X) gp enter the fort through the main gate, in hp 1-4; AL LE).
each are offered. In the latter case, the the face of over two dozen hostile brig-
bribed brigands will lie about the ands. An easier way to enter is to go 3. ChieFs Room. Shamig, the hob-
fortress’s defenses and will ask to be through the hobgoblin caves on the west goblin chief, lives here. If the sentries
freed (so they can return to the fort at slope and up through the catacombs. give an alarm, Shamig grabs his weap-
once). Because they all fear Millard’s The west side of the hill is steep, and ons and comes out to the ledge to fight
powers (see below), none of the brigands the sentries on the roof cannot see down when melee has begun. He won’t expose
will reveal anything useful about the its slope — but they assume the hobgob- himself to missile fire if possible
fort or its men. lins will handle any problems on that (Shamig: AC 5; MV 9" ;
(fights as) HD 3;
The leader of this force, Stankis, is a side. hp 16; #AT 1; Dmg by weapon type; S
youthful but promising brigand who 18). Shamig has a battle axe, a suit of
hopes to become Millard’s lieutenant in The Hobgoblin Caves chain mail armor, and 16 gp. He and his
the future (see “Concluding the Quest’’ group are the only survivors of a much
The entrance to the hobgoblin caves is
below). Stankis is eager, proud, and larger tribe (the Skull Breakers) that
set in themiddle of the slope. The hob-
somewhat self-important, but he is was destroyed by plague a year ago.
goblins have cleared a 100-yard area in
dedicated and not subject to bribery or A large chest sits at the back of this
front of the caves to setup a field of fire.
threats. He wears a pointed black beard area. Inside it are 240 gp, 700 sp, eight
If theparty tries to bypass the caves,
and greatly eqjoys the attention of silver-tipped arrows, old clothing, and a
there is a 90% chance that the hobgob-
women; he has no compunctions about worthless collection of bones. The chest
lin lookouts will see them, night or day.
killing men and does so without a is locked, and Shamig carries the key in
An open fight has a 40% chance per
thought. his belt pouch.
round of drawing the attention of the
See the notes under “The Fortress”
sentries on the roof (area 13).
for information on approaching Falcon’s Blockade. The entrance to this
Peak. area is blocked by a large boulder which
Cave Mouth. The entrance is 20'
requires a combined strength of 40 to
high at the mouth and slopes back to 6'
For the Dungeon Master high at the entrance to area 2. The cave
move. 'The hobgoblins put it there after
three of their clan were killed by ghouls
Falcon’s Peak has been occupied by a itself is old and dry, with few stalactites
in area 5; Millard kept the ghouls back
new force of brigands. As they are still and other projections.
using various magical attacks.
fairly weak, they have been careful not The hobgoblins have moved five boul-
This area has a 20'-high, vaulted


THE CAVES AND the rear of area

5. Underneath them is
box with a broken lock. In
flat iron

CATACOMBS the box is a I'-long brass rod with a

continual light spell on one end, making
it useful as a magical torch.

6. Family Vault. 'This room and the

rest of the catacombs are not natural
features, but are carved into the hill's
bedrock. They all have ceilings about
15' high.
Three low stone slabs are here. Lord
Falcon’s wife and two sons were laid to
rest on them long ago. The ghouls broke
into the room years ago and looted the
place, entering through the caverns and
digging through the loose rock until
area 6 was reached. (A ghoul’s sense of
smell never leads it astray when hunt-
ing for corpses to eat.) However, the
ghouls accidentally locked the door
leading into the corridor, thus restrict-
ing them to rooms 6 and 7 only. The
door to the corridor must either have its
lock picked or must be broken down
using a bend bars/lift gates strength

7. Priest’s Vault. The walls of this

room are covered with lurid paintings of
demons, carrying scythes and throwing
screaming victims into a dark pit. An-
6. other empty stone slab rests here. Lord
ceiling.Three small piercers hang such as when the character has half of
Falcon’s evil priest was interned in here
among the stalactites over the area his body up in the cave. They surprise
long ago. Unfortunately for him, the
marked with a large X. Characters who on a 1-4 on a d6. The characters on the
ghouls found his remains, and the cler-
enter that area will be attacked (three ground below are able to hear but not
ic’s bones are now mingled with others
piercers: AC 3; MV 1"; HD 1; hp 2-7; see what is happening (two ghouls; AC
in the ghouls’ nest. Nothing useful
il'AT 1; Dmg 1-6; SA 95% surprise). 6; MV 9" :
HD 2; hp 10, 13; #AT 3; Dmg
SA paralyzation, victims remains here.
The entrance to area 6 is actually 16' 1-3/1 -3/l-6;
off the ground, forming a sheer drop become ghouls; SD immune to sleep,
8. Evil Temple. Against the far wall
into area 4. The characters will have to charm, ^ar, AL CE)
of this unholy room is a 6’-tall bronze
find some way to climb the wall to reach 'The cave slopes from 8' high at the
idol standing on a slab of black stone.
the entrance. entrance to only 2' high at the back. If
the ghouls are losing the fight, they
The idol is a skeletal figure wearing a
cloak and carrying a scythe; the Grim
The Catacombs retreat to the rear and crawl around
Reaper, Lord Falcon’s neutral-evil
among the maze of boulders. Characters
The interior walls on this level are who crawl after them cannot use missile patron god. The idol radiates magical
made from mortared stone and are 2' weapons, blunt weapons, or any stab- horror throughout the room. Anyone
thick. The doors are made from iron- entering the room who has 1 HD/level
bing weapon longer than a short sword.
reinforced wood and require a normal or lees must save vs. will-force spells or
The ghouls are practiced at this and
open doors strength roll to open, unless immediately be rooted to the spot in
have no penalties in combat; everyone
otherwise stated. terror, unable to move or defend himself
else — save for halflings, gnomes, and
without magical aid or being led away
dwarves — has a -2 to hit.
Undead Lair. pair of ghouls live The ghouls have a nest at the rear of by friends.
in this cave. If alerted by light and There are six guardians here: five
the cave. It is a trash heap of tom black
noise from area 4, they move to either normal human zombies and a huge ogre
silk and chewed bones. Searching the
side of the entrance and wait in the monster zombie. All carry scythes. The
nest uncovers 43 cp, 120 sp, 41 gp, three
darkness, at the spots marked with a normal zombies attack characters who
gold medallions with scj^hes engraved
small X. When someone climbs into
on them (150 gp each), a jeweled unholy
are moving (five zombies: AC 8; MV 6"
their cave from area 4 below, the ghouls
symbol shaped like a scythe (1,500 gp),
HD 2: hp 6-10; #AT 1; Dmg 1-8; SD not
spring out at some awkward moment affected by sleep, charm, hold, death
— and a silver dagger (300 gp).
when return attacks are impossible
'There is also a small pile of rocks at
magic, cold-, strike last ina round; holy

6 Issue No.3

water does 2-8 hp damage; AL N). The raids on peasant towns. including Falcon's mistress, the other
monster zombie strikes at those para- A tall skeleton lies on a stone slab skeleton in the tomb. After bolting the
lyzed by horror, gaining a +4 to hit herein. The skeleton wears black chain fortress's trap door which leads into the
them (monster zombie; AC 6; MV 9"; mail, has a large shield *1 on one arm, catacombs (area 16), the servant lay
HD 6; hp 30; #AT 1; Dmg 4-16; SD not a normal long sword in the other hand, down and killed himself
affected by sleep, charm, hold, death and an unrolled scroll lying on his The treasure here is all on the wom-
magic, cold; blunt weapons do half dam- chest. The scroll had powers similar to an’s skeleton. It wears a gold ring set
age; strike last in melee; holy water the scroll in area 9, but its magical with amethyst chips (200 gp) and a
does 2-8 hp damage). If no one is para- curse was used all at once on a group of braided gold chain (100 gp).
lyzed, the monster zombie joins the tomb-robbers (see below). It is now
general melee. None of these zombies blank. 12. Corridor and ladder. The corri-
can be turned by a due to the
cleric, Scum creepers crawl around on the dor is dusty, and footprints on the south-
strong presence of the Reaper statue’s ceiling, feeding on the mold that grows ern end are revealed (from the four
evil aura. there. Four of them are actually thieves thieves now polymorphed in area 10).
The monster zombie has a small, who penetrated to this room and un- The north end has a series of iron rungs
silver pendant (worth 50 gp) shaped like luckily read the cursed scroll. When the set into the back wall. The rungs go up
a scythe around its neck. This is the key party enters this room, the seven real into a tunnel through the ceiling, climb-
to Falcon’s treasure, hidden in room 23 creepers attack by dropping onto the ing straight up 100' to the trap door in
in the fort. characters (seven scum creepers: AC 8; area 16 of Falcon’s Peak, The rungs are
MV 3": HD 1: hp 2-8; #AT 1; Dmg 1 hp/ not corroded and are safe to use.
9.Falcon’s Vault. The door to this round after first round; SA 5% chance of
room is made of solid brass and has blinding victim; rock salt does 2 hp The Fortress
three separate locks. Each lock has a damage/round for 1-4 rounds).
Though small. Falcon’s Peak is solidly
poison needle trap (save vs. poison at Meanwhile, the four thief/creepers
built. A dirt road, unused now save by
+2 or fall comatose for 2-8 hours). crawl onto the floor and write “WE
the brigands themselves, leads up to the
The walls of this room have paintings ARE HUMAN” into the dust in one
fortress and on into the mountains from
of a tall, grim man in black armor sit- corner, using their cilia. They then
a major trade highway (though the
ting on a throne, with thousands of frantically wave their cilia in an at-
latter part is much overgrown now). The
people kneeling at his feet in homage. tempt to draw the party’s attention to
characters might use the road as they
There is a low, black stone slab in the the words. If attacked, they fight back,
approach, but doing so increases the
center of the room, on top of which is a preferring to die than to live as scum
chances they will be spotted to 95%.
skeleton in black plate mail. The skele- creepers (four thief/creepers: T3/T4/T4/
A small corral and barn lie 200' down
ton holds a scroll in one hand and a T5; hp 15/16/17/20; AL N; otherwise the
the road from Falcon's Peak. Twelve
silver bastard sword in the other. Words same as the other scum creepers). The
light riding horses are kept here, none
engraved on the side of the stone an- thieves, if rescued, describe how they
of them especially valuable. The brig-
nounce: Lord of Falcon’s Peak. These drew the ghouls out from the caves
ands sometimes use the horses on their
are the remains of Lord Falcon himself. using animal carcasses, then crept into
11. raids, but more often they use them for
The scroll is cursed. Anyone who the catacombs. They pulled the doors
hauling supplies from neighboring
reads it must save vs. spells at -2 or be behind them to prevent the ghouls from
towns that know nothing of the brig-
turned into a scum creeper. If this hap- attacking if they returned early. The
ands' true nature. Two brigands stay
pens, a magic mouth on Falcon’s skull thieves know nothing about the brig-
here at all hours (two brigands: AC 8;
shouts. “The curse of Falcon on you ands in the fort; they have been magi-
alt!’’ In any event, the scroll rerolls cally transformed for the last twelve
MV 12"; zero level; hp 4 and 5; #AT 1;

itself and moves back into the skeletal years. The referee should create the
Dmg by weapon type; each has leather
armor, a spear, a short sword, and 4 sp;
hand. It may be used two times before statistics for these thieves as desired,
becoming nonmagical. selecting any appropriate races, sexes,
AL NE). The horses have standard
statistics as per the Monster Manual. If
The bastard sword has a blade made etc. None of them have magical posses-
attacked, both brigands flee to the
of a mithral, silver, and steel alloy, with sions. Though not ungrateful, these
fortress and raise an alarm.
beautiful silver-inlaid scrollwork. If the thieves might consider robbing the
party finds the means, the sword can be party and escaping if the party appears
13. Roof. The roof is simply one large
enchanted up to +4 power. Otherwise, rich, weak, and foolish.
open area with a battlement running
it can be sold for 4,000 gp, due to the
around the edge. There are eight brig-
fine craftsmanship, the special blade, Mistress’s Vault. There is one
ands on guard here, watching to the
and the jeweled hilt. stone slab herein, but no paintings
north, south, and east. As noted before,
cover the wall. On the floor is a skeleton
they cannot see down the west slope. If
10. Captain’s Vault. The walls of this with one hand wrapped around a dagger
they see intruders, one man goes down
room are painted with scenes of weirfare buried in its chest. On the slab is a
the ladder to warn the fort, while the
and violence. A tall man in black armor woman’s skeleton wearing a long, black
other seven fire arrows and ballistas.
is portrayed leading armies against silk dress.
The battlement gives the brigands AC 4
twisted, evil-looking men. Falcon’s cap- The man’s skeleton is that of Falcon’s
against fire from the ground.
tain is entombed in here, and the paint- most trusted servant. The servant en-
There are three ballistas set on the
ings are glorified views of the man’s tombed everyone in the catacombs,


north, south, and east walls. A
ballista moment, there are 11 brigands scat- and other minor miscellaneous survival
fires as a zerodevel fighter and hits for tered around the room (not counting the and adventuring equipment. The total
2-12 hp damage. The ballista only has guards at the door to area 17; see be- value of this gear does not exceed 1,000
to hit an AC of 10, regardless of what low). Melee in this room alerts all adja- gp, and it is very cumbersome to move.
the target’s real armor class is. The cent areas. The brigands are armed
minimum crew for each machine is two, with a variety of weapons; two have 17. Millard’s Treasury. The door to
and the maximum range is 32" (eight scimitars, two have f^chions, four have this room Inside are three
is locked.
brigands; AC 7/6; MV 9"; zero level; hp spears, and three have short swords (11 large, locked chests. Four brigands are
2-7; #AT 1; Dmg by weapon type; each brigands; AC 6; MV
9" zero level; hp 2-
; on guard outside here (AC 6; MV
has a short bow, 20 arrows, short sword, 7; #AT 1; Dmg by weapon type; each has zero level; hp 2-7; /CAT 1; Dmg by
studded'leather armor, shield, 1-6 sp; studded leather armor, small shield, and weapon type; each has a battle axe,
AL LE/NE/CE). 1-3 sp). chain mail, and 1-8 sp; AL LE/NE/CE).
A fight at the hobgoblin caves may The first chest has 4,000 cp and 850
attract the attention of these guards; Storage Room. The trap door sp. The second has 4,175 sp and 226 gp,
see “The Hobgoblin Caves.” leading down into the corridor of the but there is also a cobra inside which
catacombs (area 12) is in the southeast strikes at anyone opening the chest (AC
14. Entryway. This is the entrance to comer. The trap door is bolted on the 6; MV15" ; HD
2 + 1; hp 1 1; # AT 1; Dmg
the Tlmee brigands guard the main
fort. bottom side and fits perfectly flush with 1; SA poison (save or die in 2-8 turns).
gate. They are very alert and can hear the floor. There is only a 5% chance for The third chest has 100 pp, four rubies
shouts for help from the roof (area 13) or a person to notice it. The brigands (100 gp each), and a string of pearls
the barracks (area 15). The ladder in the would probably have done so, except worth 2,000 gp. The third chest is also
comer goes up to the roof (three brig- they placed two boxes right on top of it trapped with sleep gas which pours out
ands; AC 6; MV
9" ; zero level; hp 2-7; soon after moving in. If the party comes from a bottle uncorked when the lid
#AT 1; Dmg by weapon type; eai^ has a up by ladder from the catacombs to the rises (save vs. breath weapon or fall
falchion, short bow, 12 arrows in quiver, trap door, the leader must make an open asleep for 2-8 turns). The gas billows out
studded leather armor, small shield, and doors strength roll to move the boxes into a 20' cloud around the chest.
1-6 sp; AL LE/NE/CE). aside.
The store room is filled with bags of 18. Brigand Captain’s Room. There is
15. Barracks. This large room serves grain, water kegs, ale kegs, 200 extra a soft bed, a footlocker, and a map of the
as a barracks for the brigands. At the arrows, 19 falchions, 14 small shields. surrounding countryside in this room.

8 Issue No.3

Inside the footlocker are several old

clothes, a pair of boots, an old dagger, and
a poitch with 4 pp and 11 gp. A potion of
ESP is hidden in a secret container in the
bottom of the locker. Wayco, the brigand
captain, is takin g a nap in this room
when the characters arrive, unless an
alarm is raised. If surprised, he is not
wearing his armor (Wayco: AC 3 or 8; MV
6" or 12" F6; 30 hp; #AT 1 or 3/2; Dmg

by weapon type; S 17, 1 8, W

11, D 15, C
14, Ch mail (with cloth un-
11; splinted
dercoat), large shield, long sword +1,
da^er, footlocker key; specialization with
long sword (+2 to hi t/+4 damage total>,

19. Slaves' Quarters. The slaves of

the brigands are kept in here. There are
eleven women and seven men chained
to the walls, all of them abused, dirty,
and malnourished. The jailor (area 21)
has the keys (27 slaves: AC 10; 12" MV
zero level: 1-6 hp; #AT 0 (unarmed); AL

20. Captives’ Room. This is the

prison for ransomed captives.
Cell A: A noble elf from a far land is
here, and he is very angry at being
locked up. If released, he will gladly
help the party for the rest of the adven-
ture, although he will not do foolish
21. Jailor’s Room. There is a rough the pit trap and crouches behind the
“cannon-fodder” acts (AC 10; 12"; MV bed and a footlocker in this room. The desk, ready to use his wand. The desk
Fl/MUl; 7 hp; #AT 1; Dmg by weapon keys to the cells (area 20) and the adds 7 to his armor class against missile
type; S 16, 1 16, W
14, D 13. C 15, Ch
slaves’ chains (area 19) are hanging on fire (76% cover) (Millard: AC 6; 12" MV
14; can use long bow, long sword, his belt. The jailor hears any voices in MU5; hp #AT Dmg by weapon
21; 1;
dagger, short sword; AL CG).
Cell B:Four men are in here. They
the jail and investigates one round type; S 11, 1 17, W 14, D 16, C 16, Ch
later. If pressed, he yells for help, alert- 15; quarter staff, ring of protection +2,
are minor officials from a nearby town. MV
ing all adjacent rooms (jailor: AC 6; wand of magic missiles (14 charges), 30
There is a 100 gp reward for returning 9" ; F3; hp 18; # AT 1 or 3/2; Dmg by gp, 10 pp, keys to treasury (area 17) in
them safely home (AC 10; MV 12"; zero weapon type; S 15, 1 7, W 11, D 14, C desk drawer; spells: magic missiU ( x 2),
level; 3 hp; #AT 0 (unarmed); AL O'!). 16, Ch 10; AL NE; studded leather shield, shocking grasp, web, mirror
Cell C: One woman is in here, the armor, small shield, scimitar, dagger, 12 image, hold person; AL LE).
daughter of a wealthy spice merchant of The trap door in front of the door is
gp; specialization with scimitar ( 1 to-•-

a nearby town. There is a 500 gp reward hit/ +2 on damage)). triggered when 250 lbs. or more is
for returning her safely home (AC 10; placed on it. Thus, if characters run into
MV 12” ;
zero level; hp 2; #AT 0 (un- 22. The Mascot. A dire wolf is tied to the room one at a time (and aren't wear-
armed); AL N).
the back wall with a frayed rope. It can ing heavy armor), the trap will probably
Cell D; A ragged gnome is held
reach the doors, but not outside the not be triggered. Any character falling
herein. This fellow is highly chaotic
room. The wolf growls and whines if through the trap hits a greased ramp
evil. He appears grateful if rescued, but
either door is opened, alerting Millard which takes him down to room 24.
will murder any who delay his escape
in room 23. If the party stands back and Millard’s room is comfortably fur-
from Falcon's Peak at the first opportu- tries to kill the wolf with missiles, the nished, with a large feather bed off to
nity. He reluctantly claims to be a thief
wolf lunges against the rope with a the left of the door. The desk is a large,
— but is actually an assassin (AC 5; MV cumulative 10% chance per round to oaken affair and is quite old. Millard’s
6"; A5; hp 21; #AT 1; Dmg by weapon
W 13, D 18, C 16, Ch break it (dire wolf: AC 6; MV18” spell book is locked in the center
type; S 15, 1 13,
HD 3 + 3; hp 18; #AT 1; Dmg 2-8). drawer. The book contains Millard's
13; can use daggers and short swords; memorized spells, plus read magic,
AL CE). The brigands are trying to
23. Millard’s Room. The brigand push, write, detect good, and magic
figure out who to contact regarding the
leader is quartered in this room. If mouth. There is a chest in the far left
gnome’s ransom.
alerted by the wolf in area 22, he sets comer, containing clothing, 150 gp in a


shields, three long swords, two falchions

(one is magical, + a scroll tube with
two cleric scrolls (detect evil, cure light
wounds), two vials of holy water, a short
bow, a quiver with 20 arrows (two are
+ 1, three are silver-tipped), and two
short swords.

Concluding the Quest

Not the brigands are at the fort
all of
now. the characters are in the fort for
more than three days, the following
brigands return in a large group on the
third day at noon:
Nine brigands and their leader,
Stankis, described at the start of this
module (if not encountered before now);
Five hobgoblins back from hunting
(AC 8; MV 9" ; 1 1 HD; #AT 1 or 2;
Dmg by weapon type; each with short
bow, 12 arrows, scimitar, leather armor,
and 1-6 sp); and,
Human brigand captain (AC 4; MV
9" F3,
. hp 19, # AT 1 or 3/2; Dmg by
weapon type; S 15, 1 11, W
12, D 10, C
14, Ch 12; AL N£; long sword, dagger,
14 gp; specialization with long sword
( + 1 to hit/ +2 damage)). The captain

has been scouting out the wilderness for

signs of monsters or potential victims.
The captain’s name is Kervis, and
Stankis is his younger brother. Kervis is
pouch, and a scroll (with a levitate spell). 24. The Wight Anyone unfortu-
Stuff. less pleasant than his brother, and en-
Beside the desk is a bird stand with a nate enough to fall room finds
into this joys torture and destruction for its own
falcon on it. The bird attacks if Millard itimpossible to climb back up the sake.
gives the command. Each successful greased slide without help from above. 'Ib claim any rewards offered for cap-
attack by the falcon has a 25% chance of This room is about 30' underground. tives (as noted in room 20), the charac-
blinding unprotected eyes (falcon: AC 5; Characters must spend one round pick- ters must bring the captives back to
MV r/36"; HD 1-1; hp 4; #AT 3; Dmg ing themselves and their things up off their villages alive and well. If any of
1/1/1; SA blinding, diving; SD never the floor. the characters have enough experience
surprised visually). 'The coffin in the alcove across the points and money to advance a level,
In the southeast corner is a small room is the resting place of the Monster they must go to a larger town after-
engraved symbol of a scythe cut into the of Falcon’s Peak — a wight. It immedi- wai^s, as none of the villages in the
floor. The symbol has a blue chalk circle ately jumps out of its coffin and rushes area of Falcon’s Peak have the re-
drawn around it; Millard found the across the room to attack victims. sources for training characters.
engraving and marked it, but doesn’t Shamig’s arrows (area 3), the dagger
know what it is. If the silver scythe from the ghouls’ nest (area 5), and the
symbol from the monster zombie in bastard sword from Falcon’s tomb (area
room 8 is pressed into the engraving (it 9) will hurt the wight (AC 5; MV
fits perfectly), a 5' x 5' section of the 4 3 HD; hp 20; #AT 1; Dmg 1-4; SA
floor around the engraving disappears, energy drain, victims become wights;
revealing a sunken cache with Lord SD silver or magical weapons needed to
Falcon’s treasure. The cache holds 1,360 hit, immune to sleep, charm, hold, cold,

gp, 189 pp, three opals (500 gp each), a paralysis, poison; raise dead destroys it;

jeweled circlet (2,000 gp), a dagger + 1 holy water does 2-8 hp damage).
three potions {extra healing, animal 'The floor of the room is covered with
control, and fire resistance), a ruby- the bones of old sacrificial victims and
studded signet ring (300 gp), a small unfortunate adventurers captured by
shield + 1 , and a ring of water walking. the new band of brigands. Among the
There is a lever set in the floor be- mess are 46 gp, 50 sp, 180 cp, four suits
neath the desk. It can be set to open or of leather armor, two suits of chain
close the trap door, or to set the trap. mail, six large shields, four small

10 Issue No.3
Thomas Kane is a familiar name to
readers of DRAGON* Magazine, as he
has written a number of articles for the
AD&D* and TOP SECRET* games. A
student at the University of Maine in
Farmington, as well as the president of
the university's Table Gaming Club,
Thomas has a number of other modules
and articles in the works here — with no
end of them in sight

This AD&D* game module is designed

for 3-7 characters of 3rd-7th level.
Fighters, barbarians, and rangers
would be extremely helpful. Devices
useful as protection against cold
weather, either magical or not, are
equally helpful. Secondary skills of
hunter, forester, trapper, trader, and
furrier might prove helpful if the
Dungeon Master grants certain game
bonuses for using these skills to player
characters (PCs). Divination-type spells
would be useful to spellcasters.
This adventure requires characters to
take the roles of undercover agents —
observers who allow events to unfold
around them in order to solve a mys-
tery. A timeline of events is provided,
though the DMmust be prepared to
improvise if the actions of the charac-
ters change the situation or the se-
quence of events.

Adventure Background
In the arctic north, late winter is

BLOOD ON terrible.The sea pounds the icy coasts,

and bitter storms whip the landscape.
This season also brings great riches to
the frozen lands, for this is the breeding
season for fur seals, which swim ashore

SNOW to mate and bear their young. These
animals have marvelous hides, highly
prized by the wealthy nations farther
south. IVaders' guilds often maintain
small mercantile towns in the wastes,
providing bases from which men hunt
the seals and gain the precious fur.

A deadly hunt deep is

One particularly rich hunting ground
known as the Pohjolan Field, a penin-
sular glacier named after a mythical

in the Arctic wastes nation of evil. The local mercantile

town of Winterwolf is small but well-
established —
however, after years of
surviving the cold, the local hunters
may now be driven off by marauding
bandits. In the early days of the hunt,
the traders operating from Winterwolf
Artwork by Paul Joguoys encountered a warlike tribe, the
Cartography by Diesel Nahkrok, which fought them fiercely.
Finally, an agreement was reached with


the tribesmen. The guild agreed to hire must spy, ask questions, sneak away, temperatiu’e ranges from -30°Fto
certain Nahkrok tribal leaders as and be at least as active as when acting + 12°F (roll 2d20 and subtract 28). In
guides, and the hunting parties would independently of a group. Give them the lower areas, such as the forest,
hunt seals only where permitted and every opportunity to do this, using the marsh, and city, roll 3d2 - 28 for a
would obey tribal customs. In return, schedule as a guide only. Add atmo- result of - 26 * P to 32 ° F. Check the

the tribe would cease attacking the sphere to the adventure with minor temperature once each day. Wind speed
traders, and would provide tribesmen to encounters and events, giving players (in MPH) may be determined by rolling
help them with dogsleds and other de- time to develop plans. No day should be 2d20. Use the table below to compute
vices of the north. The agreement was wasted! the effective temperature.
profitable for each — until the bandits One of the most enjoyable parts of
came. Now, it is nearly impossible to refereeing role-playing N^s; in this
is Wind Degrees to
bring fur from the ice. The marauders adventure, this is particularly impor- speed subtract
seem to understand all the plans of the tant. DMs must read descriptions of the 2-5 5®
hunters; they wait for the hunters to hunters until they feel familiar with 6-10 14®
make a kill, then strike when they are each of them. As events transpire, a DM 11-15 19°
unprepared to fight. must plan the actions of various NPCs, 16-20 23°
Aceus, Winterwolfs merchant guild- whose reactions to and plots against the 21-25 28®
master, believes that one of the local PCs make up a large p^ of this adven- 26-30 30®
hunters is a traitor, but cannot deter- ture. Hints for playing characters are 31-35 32°
mine who the traitor is. From stories given in the timeline, along with some 36-40 34®
reported by Ali, the tribal guide, Aceus plots should the guide recognize his
fears that it may be Kanadius, his enemies, but only so many events can Thus, if the air temperature were
guard captain, llie player characters be foreseen. The rest must be developed -30°F and the wind speed 20 MPH, the
have been contacted by Aceus’s mer- by the DMusing his own refereeing effective temperature is -63°F. Heavy
chant house, which wishes to hire them The timeline is only a guide, and
skills. clothing reduces the wind chill to one
as hunters to replace those killed on a the way that the PCs interact with the quarter (thus a wind speed of 40 MPH
recent expedition. The PCs receive an hunters can drastically affect planned could be treated as 10 MPH). When the
equal share of the money obtained when events. If characters explore the ice on wind speed is greater than 30 MPH,
the furs they gather are sold —
but the their own, note that two areas marked vision is reduced to 40' and movement
PCs’ real purpose is to discover the spy, on the map on page 20 (the dragon’s ishalved, due to wind-blown snow.
if one exists. As the PCs travel with the cave and the selkie lair at E) contain During darkness, lower the tempera-
hunting party, they are told to ask ques- fixed encounters described in the event ture 10® on cloudy nights and 20° on
tions, snoop, and team who has been timeline. clear ones. A roll of 1 or 2 on d6 indi-
aiding the bandits. That person must be As far as what is actually happening cates cloudy weather. On a roll of 1,
reported when the expedition ends. in this scenario, the following applies. snowfall occurs. This limits vision to 80'
Then, a valuable detect lie spell scroll The natives (see the description) have and slows movement by one half. At
will be used by a local cleric in order to never resigned themselves to the pres- night, snow diffuses artificial light,
test the suspect. If the PCs caught the ence of the voracious traders. They restricting vision to half normal.
turncoat, they receive 600 gp each, over consider the seals to belong to them Unprotected characters receive 1 hp
and above any other payment. alone, and fear that travelers from the damage per hour, per 10® below 40°F.
The PCs have one month to prepare south are corrupting their way of life. For every degree ^low -30°F, 1 hp
for the expedition. In this time, they For this reason, the natives have allied damage per turn is taken, as described
should learn the use of skis, make mi- themselves with bandits in the area. under the spell endure cold/keat (Un-
nor explorations of the ice field, pur- The “guides” who lead the hunters earthed Arcana, page 33). For warmly
chase equipment, explore the town, away from tribal lands have been as- dressed characters, use the table below.
establish contacts, and gain needed signed to cooperate with the brigands in
information. stealing furs and making travel danger- Effective Damage
ous. This antihunter activity occurs temperature per hour
For the Dungeon Master despite any alignment differences be- over 10°F 0
tween Nahkrok tribesmen and the ban- 10°F to0°F 1
In this adventure, the party will
dits they support. The tribesmen are of -l®Fto -10®F 1-2
spend much of its time traveling with a
all alignments, but none of the bandits -ll°Fto -20°F 1-3
band of hunters. Rather than exploring
are good in nature. -21°Fto -30®F 1-4*
on their own, the PCs should generally
-31°Fto -40°F 2-5
follow the lead of the nonplayer charac-
Arctic Survival -41®Fto -60°F 3-6
ters (NPCs). For this reason, a timetable
-51®Fto -60°F 4-7
is provided which shows the major DMs may make use of the Wilderness
-61°F and below 5-10
events of each day. This is not to say Survival Guide in deciding the effects of
that the module determines the course cold weather on the PCs and NPCs.
* At this temperature and below, things
of the adventure; the PCs do not observe However, a variant system for cold
become brittle. Hard, inanimate objects
an event merely because the timetable effects is given here.
(such as potion bottles, oil flasks, etc.)
describes it. Tb be successful, characters On the glacier and in the hills, the
are penalized by two on saving throws

12 Issue No.3

v8. normal or crushing blows. Potions, practiceand instruction by a knowl- tered). Each walrus tusk is worth 1-8
poisons, and other liquids freeze at edgeable character to become proficient gp-
these temperatures. When thawed, each with cross-country skis. Until this time Once seals are spotted, hunters move
must save vs. frost in order to retain has passed, movement is at half the in onthem immediately and attack
any previous properties. normal rate, and no missile weapons or using blunt weapons; clubs are favored,
Double damage suffered by inactive
is weapons shorter than 5' may be used. as edged weapons damage seal hides.
characters in the open. Should cold NahJcrok mushers (described in “The During each round of attack, 1-6 seals
damage exceed one fourth of a victim’s Hunting Party”) may teach PCs to do escape through holes which they have
hit points, 1-4 minor extremities (such this, for a fee. made in the ice. It takes three rounds to
as fingers, toes, etc.) are lost, but only if Dogsleds are the most efficient way to skin and scrape a seal after the kill. A
such were left uncovered to the ele- carry burdens on the ice. As a rule, sled pelt has an average encumbrance of 15
ments. This permanently lowers the dogs are fierce and difficult to control. gp (5 gp for infant seal furs). If two
victim’s dexterity by 1-4 points. When Unskilled characters who disturb sled extra rounds are spent separating edi-
damage exceeds half of a victim’s total, dogs have a 30% chance of being at- ble blubber from the carcass, the blub-
a limb is lost, but only if such was un- tacked. Only a trained NPC may drive a ber may be used to feed dogs and even
covered or poorly clothed. Characters dog team with any success (the PCs may hunters. Seals each have 10d20 lbs. of
wearing extremely heavy clothing hire mushers in this adventure). A sled blubber; a dog can eat 5 lbs. each day, a
(DM’s judgment) may reduce damage by travels at 45 miles per day, or 22 miles human character 4 lbs.
2 hp. A bonfire negates cold damage in per day in rough/very rough terrain. With large numbers of fur seals being
a 3' radius for each 100 gp weight of The sled may carry no more than 25 lbs. hunted, attacking may slow down game
wood added to it. A fire of this size may (250 gp) per dog. Usually, 5-15 dogs pull play. When numerous seals are being
be maintained about an hour before
for one sled, which can also haul charac- attacked, the following system may be
more fuel must be added. Snow igloos ters. A sled rents for 30 gp per trip, and used to resolve the hunt. Assume that
may be erected in one hour if one knows the dogs rent for 25 gp each. Each dog each hunting character can kill one seal
how; a PC may be taught how, with one requires 5 lbs. of meat each day. In this per five rounds, during which time 5-30
hour of help from a knowledgeable adventure, the dogs are fed seal blub- seals escape. Thus, if 16 hunters at-
NPC. If a character has somehow ber; food need not be carried for them tacked 20 seals, 16 of the seals would be
learned the method of building a shel- (sled dogs: AC 7; MV 12"; HD 2 •2; #AT slain in five minutes; the rest are as-
ter, but has not received training, build- 1; Dmg 2-8 (bite); AL N). sumed to have escaped.
ing a shelter requires three hours. If Nahkrok tribesmen are encoun-
Shelters prevent any wind chill and Arctic Encounters tered, 2-20 barbarians and fighters of
double the effect of a fire. Cold damage levels 1-4 (of nonlawful alignments),
When PCs are exploring the ice by 1-10 clerics of levels 14 (of generally
is recovered at a rate of 1 hp per turn
themselves, check for encounters in the
(10 rounds) of exposure to warmth, such good and neutral gods), and 14 lawful-
morning, evening, and at midnight. A
as a fire or warm weather. evil monks (levels 1-6) who worship
roll of 1 on dlO indicates an encounter.
On the Pohjolan Field glacier, a char- The “arctic, rough” table in the FIEND
Loviatar, the Finnish deity of pain
acter may see roughly one mile. Ihll (Legends & Lore, page 55) will be
hills and other high objects may be seen
FOLIO* Tbme or DMG may be used
present — a sealing party, in actuality.
with these exceptions. Frost giants and
as far away as 50 miles. On sunny days, The good-aligned tribal members (who
remorhaz are not found on the Pohjolan
the glare reduces vision to half normal. worship good-aligned Finnish deities)
Field. Treat frost giant encounters as
Blackening the cheeks and eyelids with get along reasonably well with the evil
selkies; remorhaz encounters become
soot restores normal vision. Snowblind- ones, due to their mutual hope that
tribesmen encounters (see below). If a
ness occurs alter 1-8 hours of daylight offerings to Loviatar lessen the severe
constrictor snake is indicated, treat the
on the ice, resulting in pain and blind- weather of the Pohjolan Field. Due to
encounter as a white deadly pudding.
ness for 1-6 days. This may be pre- Nahkrok custom, no tribesman shows
Herd animal encounters are with cari-
vented by the use of a slitted visor (such his bare skin to the PCs. Nahkrok
bou on the ice; near the ocean, these
as that on a great helm). Making a tribesmen attack any hunters (includ-
encounters are with seals.
suitable visor (out of wood or cloth) ing PCs) who are not with Ali or
Unless otherwise noted, seal encount-
requires one hour. Cyronain.
ers are with fur seals 40% of the time
The icy terrain may be considered
“very rugged’’ for purposes of move-
(AC 8; MV 6" ; HD1, no attacks, 20-50
encountered; AL N); pelts are worth 5
ment (see page 58, Dungeon Masters
gp, and the pelts of infant seals (pups) The small town of Winterwolf can be
Guide). On skis (costing 10 gp for a set),
are worth 7 gp each. During the breed- the source of many adventures for the
it may be crossed at normal rates.
ing season, when the adventure takes PCs, and much information useful in
Snowshoes (3 gp) allow terrain to be
place, one pup may be found for every the adventure can be gained here. Dur-
crossed as if it were merely rugged.
two adult seals. Other breeds of seal are ing each summer month, 1-2 caravans
However, characters wearing skis or
snowshoes are penalized — 2 on initia-
encountered 40% of the time (AC 8; MV of merchants come, bringing leather,
6"; HD 2, one male with 1-20 females, food, weapons, and other goods. Due to
tive rolls. On skis, weapons shorter
males bite for 1-4 hp damage; AL N), the town’s small population, any un-
than 5' are penalized — 1 on “to hit”
and walrus are met 20% of the time (HD usual question or action that PCs take
rolls, due to the intervening length of
4-5, bite for 2-12 hp damage, 1-2 encoun- has a 30% chance of becoming general
the footwear. It requires 1-4 weeks of
knowledge. Fur trade is regulated by


the guild, and (due to a custom picked especially Hmatar, the goddess of moth- on the grounds that it was a haven for
up from the tribesmen) fur must be erhood (Legends & Lore, page S3). How- the bandits. Getting word of this, the
perfumed before being traded, as a fee ever, many woodcutters tolerated — and worshipers of Loki hired Surm, a local
to the spirit of the seals. even paid homage to — Loki, due to an assassin, to slay Aceus. On the same
During thaws, the ground becomes old tale about a human infant that night that Aceus would be slain, the
quite muddy and expands. Because of Thrym had desired to devour. Loki had bandits would also loot the temple of
this, buildings are placed on large heaps trickedThrym out of eating the child Ilmatar and set it on fire, both to draw
of boulders or wooden stilts. Richer or when no other god could save the babe. the guards away from the guild stock-
more important buildings are sur- The more intelligent citizens of the ade and to terrorize Sandara. The
rounded by 10' -high stone walls, the town did not believe the story, but even night's actions would be blamed on
inner sides of which are lined with the good-aligned ones were content to drunken woodcutters.
firewood and other supplies. Walls pro- have Loki worshiped, as long as human When the temple of Ilmatar was in-
vide protection from both from wind and sacrifice was not performed. But, as the vaded, there was a noisy battle between
marauders. Less well-built houses usu- town grew, actual clerics of Loki came the thieves and clerics. Hearing the
ally store wood and food between the to the town, and with them came clerics fight, the townspeople armed them-
ground and floor as insulation. Streets A
of other evil deities. thieves’ guild selves, believing that bandits were
in the town are paved with stone, over was established in Loki's temple, and raiding the town. Several groups of
which are logs lashed together. Off the the town became more violent. At this citizens attacked one another, not recog-
street, movement is halved because of time the bandit raids began, and the nizing their neighbors in the confusion.
mud in the summer and deep snow at town’s population began to decline. The temple of Ilmatar was set afire, but
other times of year. Within the town, Ali, the tribal guide for the mer- a local witch’s familiar (see building 19)
characters move at dungeon movement chant's guild, is responsible for much of detected Surm and led Hunten, the
rates. Because of the cold, most people the trouble. Long disenchanted with the guild paymaster, to Surm’s hiding place.
stay indoors and are not encountered by way the seal hunters treated the tribes- Hunten spotted the poison on Surm’s
chance. men, he decided to ruin the fur trade, weapon and correctly guessed that an
Winterwolfs current problems have and so joined the thieves’ guild. Using a assassination was planned, but Surm
deep roots. When the town was estab- stolen ring of invisibility to spy on San- escaped in the confusion. A full-scale
lished, the Finnish deities (known here dara, the High Priestess of Ilmatar, he riot was soon in progress. The wor-
as the Kalevalan gods) and certain discovered that she was developing a shipers of evil gods used the opportunity
Norse gods were extremely popular. plan with Aceus to close Loki's temple to pillage the other citizens.

14 Issue No.3



Several townspeople were slain on alert (surprised 1 in 6 times). The huge 4. Temple of Thrym. This was a
both sides, some inadvertently. The pine doors are reinforced with iron, cut secret church to the god of the frost
guild guards began patrolling the with three arrow slits, and may be giants. However, its cleric and last seri-
town’s streets, warning of brutal pun- barred with a huge beam. ous patron, Hamlen, was killed in the
ishment for any found outdoors. No A Warehouses. These each contain riot.
action was taken against any rioters, 5,000 gp in fiu*, as well as other guild
nor was Loki’s temple shut, for fear of supplies which the DM
may invent. 5.Warehouse. The guild stores
future unrest. Many of the rioters and B. Guildmaster's Office. Aceus, the leather, food,and other supplies here.
the fearful-but-peaceful sorts fled town guildmaster, does business here. He is All doors are locked, and two guards are
in the following days. Aceus ordered the the one who hired the PCs. He is bald- left here at all times (statistics identical
guild troops to prevent the exodus, but ing and friendly, but concerned with to those on guard at area 1).
contradictory orders given by Kanadius guild business to the exclusion of nearly
and Ali allowed the fugitives time to everything else. 6. Furrier. Although all sales of fur
escape. The sealing expedition which Aceus: F3; hp 13; 1 17, Ch 18; AL NG. are overseen by the guild, warm cloth-
followed this riot was raided more se- C. Guard Captain's Office. Kanadius ing may be purchased here. Thmara, the
verely than any before, prompting (see “The Hunting Party’’) does busi- furrier’s wife, has a baby daughter
Aceus to hire the PCs. The townspeople, ness in this room. which can often be heard crying. About
fearful of future riots, are quick to unite D. Paymaster's Office. A sprinkler for 100 gp worth of furs may be found here,
against troublemakers. anointing furs with perfume, worth 3 and 3 gp are on the table. Alaric, the
The DM should note how long it took gp, sits on the desk. Fur is traded and furrier, secretly worships Loki and
the PCs to be contacted and arrive in guild employees receive money here. makes visits to his temple. If bribed, he
Winterwolf, thus establishing how far Hunten, the paymaster, can call Kana- reveals that Cyronain and Ali are seen
into the past the riot was. The subject of dius and the five guards from area G at there, but he then warns Ali and Cyro-
the night’s fighting is a very touchy one will. If there is a fight, the rest of the nain that the PCs are inquiring about
for most townspeople, regardless of inhabitants of the stockade arrive in 10 them. His wife and apprentice support
other factors. rounds. Hunten wears chain mail and the Kalevalan gods, and he pretends to
keeps a halberd propped against the do so when they are nearby. Alaric buys
wall in case of disputes. The chest is infant seal furs from Herot, Danbury,
Winterwolf Encounter Key locked and trapped with a poisoned and Winegard (see “The Hunting
needle (save vs. poison or die). In the Party”) against guild regulations. For
NPC note: Many of the NPCs in this chest lie the guild’s finances: 200 pp, this reason, he is reluctant to discuss
adventure possess similar statistics.
5,000 gp, and one clerical scroll of detect furs with the PCs.
Unless otherwise noted, each NPC can
lie. In a drawer under the table are 100 Alaric: zero level; hp 3; 1 16, D 18; AL
make only one attack per round, and
sp and 500 cp. Hunten also serves the CE.
each does damage as per the weapon
town as moneychanger and banker, and Tamara (Alaric’s wife): zero level; hp
type used. Only exceptional statistics
the drawer holds receipts allotting 4; C 16; AL NG.
are given for each NPC; assume that
money to the other guild members and Jorge (apprentice): zero level; hp 2; S
unlisted statistics have a value of 11.
Unless met outdoors, all NPCs have AC
various other people. 16, D 16; AL LG.
10 (though dexterity bonuses may lower
Hunten: AC 3; MV
6"; F3; hp 24; S
18/90, D 16, AL LN.
C 15; 7. Charnel House. This is where
this figure) and move at 12". For out-
E.Bedrooms. Ali and Cyronain (see bodies are stored until summer, when
door use, each NPC has a suit of fur
“The Hunting Party”) each have a 40% the ground thaws and burial becomes
clothing which serves as protection from
chance of being in this area. At night, possible. The building is made of stone,
the cold, including mittens, head and
Aceus, Hunten, and Kanadius are also and the entrance is locked and barred to
face protection, and boots (AC 8, MV here. keep undead which arise trapped within
9"). Also, unless noted, all NPCs are
long-time residents of the Pohjolan
E KilcheidDining Room and Store- (none are present). In the living quar-
room. The usual food and cooking sup- ters are Jorimir, the undertaker, and his
Field, and they are quite familiar with
plies may be found here. apprentice, Esher. Both proclaim Ukko
the effects of the weather and the basic
G. Barracks. Five 2nd-level fighters as their deity, but after years of working
nature of the local terrain and wildlife.
with all of the characteristics of those with the dead, they have begun to fol-
found on guard duty at the fortalice are low Hel. They know that Cyronain has
Guild Stockade. This is the cen-
tral fortalice to the town. It is sur-
resting in this messy room (AC 10; MV killed several locals. About 200 cp are
12" ; other statistics as before). scattered around their living quarters.
rounded by boulder walls, and most
Jorimir: zero level; hp 3; S 15, C 16,
buildings are built to its east and south
2. Deserted Warehouses. These Ch 5; AL N.
as protection from the wind. Five 2nd-
level fighters, with light crossbows,
buildings are not currently in use, as Esher: zero level; hp 4; D 16; AL CN.
the fur trade has come on hard times.
broad swords, medium shields, and
8. Groaning Griffon Inn. This
is a
banded armor defend the gate (AC 3;
3. Deserted Building. These build- fairly clean place,with good food and
MV 6"; hp 11-16; AL variable). Due to ings’ owners fled in the exodus after the beer. Patrons are charged 1 gp per night
the recent riot and suspected assassina-
riot. for the common room, 10 per night in a
tion attempt, the guards are extremely
private room. For an extra copper piece,

16 Issue No.3

they are given a greasy stick to lure floor,holds 250 gp. Siegmund, the Thorin the outfitter comments that
bedbugs from the sheets. The burly smith, made a sword which could be Herot has made many unusual pur-
innkeeper is a member of the thieves’ disguised as a mace, and a spear shaft chases here. He says this in a dark and
guild, and he reports rich characters to with a “funny screw-on head” for a man angry voice, casting suspicion on the
the temple of Loki. These PCS are then called Sunn, who lived at building 020 character. The outfitter hates Herot due
subject to thieving attempts by Vingart but suddenly vanished. He relates this to Herot's ill-mannered remarks con-
(see building 13). The innkeeper has 500 information to a customer who spends cerning the local Nahkrok. If asked
gp in a safe and wears a 10-gp ring. more than 5 gp. Siegmund is not quite about the ice and given 20 gp, the out-
Silas, Arlan, Danbury, and Herot stay aware of the significance of Surm’s fitter warns characters of rumors about
here (see “The Hunting Party”). instruments, though he is suspicious. a white dragon (see day 8 on the event
'Ibbus: zero level; hp 5; S 18, D 15, C Siegmund; F2; hp 15; S 18/60, D 15, timeline). Chinlin, the outfitter’s wife,
16; AL N. C 17; AL N. descends from the tribe and does not
reveal her bare skin to the PCs, due to
9. Temple of the Kalevalan Gods. 12. Woodcutters’ Hovels. Each of tribal custom. There is a 10% chance
The front of this area is devoted to al- these buildings has 1-6 zero-level hu- that Ali is here to talk with Thorin on
tars, with two donation boxes which mans within, each with 14 sp and tribal topics.
contain 10-40 sp each. Icons of each woodworking equipment. One woodcut- Thorin: zero level; hp 5; AL N.
good Finnish deity line the altar room. ter in six is a worshiper of Loki; others Chinlin: zero level; hp 4; 1 15; AL NG.
'The fireplace has a screen allowing wax support Kalevalan deities. These people
powders to be sifted into the flame, to make lumber during the summer and 15. Tbmple of Hel. The services of the
color it. The four canons who sponsor sell it to southbound caravans. ’They Norse goddess of death are held in this
and defend the temple are named Ptolo- also cut firewood for the richer dwellers building. Sallas, the cleric of Hel, wears
mey, Castina, Phalia, and Josef; they of the Pohjolan Field. plate mail and displays her mace
worship Ukko, Ahto, Mielikki, and Woodcutters: zero level; hp 3-6; AL openly. Hel has few devoted worshipers
Ahto, respectively. All have maces and variable; all own axes (equal to battle in the town, although Jorimir and
wear chain mail. Five candles of inooca- and hand axes) and saws. Esher (see building 7) have made sev-
tion are in an ornate silver box (worth eral visits.
10 gp) in the temple. 13. Temple of Loki (Thieves’ Guild). Sallas: AC 3; MV 6"; C5; hp 31; W 17,
The high priestess of Ilmatar, San- Services for Loki are held in the front CIS, Ch 17; AL NE.
dara, is here as well. She has a mace +1 room of this temple. The two clerics
and bracers of defense, AC 2. Addition- present wear padded armor with maces 16. Warehouse. The merchants’ guild
ally, she wears a phylactery of long years concealed beneath. Vingart, the thief maintains this storage building. Food
that no one knows about. Ilmatar’s representing the guild, wears leather may be bought here at double the normal
temple was recently burned down by armor and bears a short sword. The rate. Mikhail, the owner, worships Loki,
followers of Loki during the riot, and other members of the guild and temple and has several idols of this deity in his
the four other clerics of Ilmatar were left town after the riot in which they set apartment. He has only 10 gp. Mikhail is
slain. Caldessa (see “The Hunting fire to the temple of Ilmatar. A locked interested in cooking, and fo^ purchased
Party”) is also here, preparing for the chest hidden under the altar holds 579 here is exceptionally good.
sealing expedition. gp, as well as 30 gp worth of stolen furs, Mikhail: zero level; hp 4; 1 15, D 15;
Ptolomey; AC 5; MV
9"; C6; hp 31; 'liie clerics and thief work with the ALCE.
W 16, C 15; AL LG. bandits. There is a 10% chance of en-
Castino: AC 5; MV 9” ; C6; hp 33; S countering Cyronain (see “The Hunting 17. Expedition Starting Point. The
16, 1 17, W 17, C 15; AL NG. Party”) here. If asked about Cyronain guild has set up this area for starting
Phalia: AC 4; MV 9"; C6; hp 32; W or Ali, these NPCs feign ignorance and expeditions across the ice. Edhall, the
14, D AL NG.
15; claim that the two have visited, but worker, helps harness dogs, tie down
Josef: AC 5; MV 9" C6; hp 27; S 16,
; only while searching for “Kanadia- baggage, and otherwise assist (as well
W15; AL NG. somebody” on guild business. as sell equipment). He has a 30% chance
Sandara: AC 2; MV 9"; CIO; hp 59; I Salia (Cleric of Loki): AC 5; MV9” of having any item listed in the Players
16, W 18, D 17, C 15, Ch 17; AL LG. C8; hp 39; S 16, W18, D 17; AL CE. Handbook and sells his goods for double
Johnter (Cleric of Lxiki): AC 5; MV the normal rates. Dogs and sleds are
10. Kennel. Dogs and sleds may be 9" C4; hp 18; S 18, W 16, D 16, C 15;
available for the rates given in the
rented here for the prices listed in the ALCE. section on “Arctic Survival.” Edhall has
section on arctic survival. A buried Vingart (Thieft: AC 4; MV 12" TIO; ; 130 gp in a money pouch on his belt.
saddle bag holds 50 gp. Boldo, the ken- hp 48; S 16, 1 15, D 18, C 15; AL CE. Edhall was a hunter before the bandits
nelmaster, often supplies sealing expedi- made it too dangerous. If contacted by
tions and talks avidly about hunting, 14. Expedition Outfttter. Characters characters prior to the departure date,
but has no useful information. may purchase most of the items listed he warns the PCs to be careful before
Boldo; zero level; hp 3; C 15; AL NG. in the Players Handbook here, but for they kill a seal, as he has seen selkies
four times the usual rate. Food costs on the ice. The tribal mushers (see be-
11. Smithy. Any desired metal item eight times the normal price. The outfit- low) live here, but stay inconspicuous
(within reason) can be purchased here. ter’s coffer holds 133 gp. unless hired by a PC.
A box in the smith’s bedroom, under the If asked about the other hunters. Edhall: F2;hpll; AL NG.


18. The Lost Inn. This is a fairly of Ilmatar, which was gutted by ftre become a monk in the cult of Loviatar.
dirty building. The charge is 3 sp per during the recent riot. Nothing useful He prefers to enter combat as a monk,
night, or 1 gp for a private room. The survived the fire. with an open-hand attack, but is not
owner has 250 gp. Winegard, and Jeffe, averse to back -stabbing or poisoning
Mithrini stay here (see “The Hunting The Hunting Party strong opponents. Masquerading as a
Party”). The innkeeper has a young son tribal hunting savant, he spies on mem-
Particularly important NPCs who are
who is often seen playing with dice in bers of the expedition and, when neces-
going on the hunting expedition with
the dining room. sary, eliminates them. His build is
the PCs are listed here. Read the note
Roberus (innkeeper): zero level; hp 3; stocky, even fat. Due to custom, he is
Ch 16; AL LG. on NPC statistics given in the Win- reluctant to show bare skin. When deal-
terwolf encounter key; abbreviated
Barbra (innkeep’s wife): zero level; hp ing with others, he is terse and insult-
statistics are given for some characters
2; AL LN. ing. In his sled is a sack of 150 gp, along
Eowine (child): zero level; hp 2; AL with three vials of type B ingestive
NG. poison and two of type A insinuative
Ali: AC 5; MV 9"; F8; hp 58; S 17. poison (DMG, page 20). The tip of his
19. Basia’s Residence. Basia is a
18, D 17; AL N.
spear may be removed to function as a
Ali is the guide assigned to the
female magic-user (the local "witch”) dagger of venom (he got this weapon
hunters by the tribesmen. He has a
who serves the town as a sage, scribe, from Surm). He also owns a pair of onyx
leather shield +1 covered with painted
wizard, and alchemist. She has 300 gp dice which magically roll any number
runes and wears a ring of invisibility on
worth of alchemical equipment and that he desires. He reports all he hears
hie left hand; the ring can only be used
inlaid symbols. She enjoys appearing to Ali.
once per day for 7-12 turns. A tall, im-
mysterious and using information Note that Cyronain can apeak with
posing man, Ali is always seen masked
gleaned by her familiar to startle and animals and is partially immune to
and swathed in fur. If questioned about
embarrass visitors. However, she is
this, he merely replies “it is the way”
ESP attempts because of his training as
quite kind and never goes back on a a monk. His other talents as an assassin
(as his tribe warns that a person who
bargain. In an herb chest, buried under and a monk should be carefully consid-
exposes his skin to strangers endangers
smelly weeds, are 1,000 gp and her spell ered in play.
his soul). Ali is the traitor responsible
books. Basia has two students: Horner,
for the bandit raids, though he feels
a zero-level apprentice, and Jan, her
justified in his actions as he considers
Kanadius: AC 4; MV 9"; F4; hp 34; S
favorite, a zero-level initiate. Basia’s
himself and the Nahkrok to be at war
18/95, D 15, C 16, Ch 6; AL LN.
familiar, a black cat named Hammer- Kanadius the guildmaster's Cap-
with the merchants and hunters. He
claw, often spies for her. Because of this, tain of the Expedition. He is responsible
has managed to draws suspicion toward
she knows that Cyronain and Ali have for maintaining discipline among the
the captain of the guards, Kanadius.
visited the temple of Loki (see building hunters and does so ruthlessly. For this
If the PCs perform any action during
13) and the expedition outfitter (see reason, he is unpopular. Due to this, Ali
the expedition, there is a 45% chance
building 14) quite often. She also de- and Cyronain blame the troubles of the
that Ali, Cyronain, or JefTe (see below)
scribes Surm’s sudden departure (see party on him. Physically, he is of me-
observe or overhear them, unless pre-
building 20). dium build, has sandy hair and piercing
Basia; MU12; hp 29; 1 18, W 16, Ch cautions are taken. The DM
may give
blue eyes. In his backpack are 200 gp.
the PCs some hint of the presence of
15;AL CG. He wears gauntlets of ogre power, and
Cyronain or JefTe, but Ali must be invis-
Horner: zero level; hp 3; 1 17, C 16;
ible. Never make it apparent that the
his long sword is covered with (nonma-
ALN. PCs are being spied upon, unless they
gical) golden runes, which make it
Jan: zero level;1 16, W 16, D 18; AL are using ESP or have some other simi-
worth 100 gp. Chain mail and a large
NG. shield make up his usual armor, over
lar way of knowing. Even then, the
which he wears furs. (Few wear armor
information gained should be limited.
20. Assassin’s Home. These are the in the snow because of its encumbrance
Ali carries a purse containing 20 sp,
abandoned quarters of Surm, an assas- and the need to move quickly to escape
and concealed in his sleeping furs are
sin. He was planning to slay Aceus the predators.) If approached concerning the
100 gp. He is crafty and ruthless, de-
guildmaster during the chaos that fol- bandit raids, he becomes angry and
fending tribal interests and his own. If
lowed when clerics of Loki set fire to the suggests that the PCs, being new-
all else fails, he may subject characters
temple of Ilmatar. However, he was comers, should be less inquisitive.
to a tribal execution by abandoning
accosted by Hunten (see building 1) who
them on the ice. Other hunters do not
saw poison on Surm’s short sword. He
usually interfere with Ali’s work, as
Arlan; AC 8; MV 9"; MU3; hp 8; 1 17,
escaped from the stockade and quickly
they fear him.
D 15; AL NG.
left town. He is now traveling with the Arlan is a magic-user hired to help
bandits and is calling himself “Stur- repulse bandit attacks. He has little
mick” (see day 6 on the event timeline).
Cyronain: AC 7; MV 18"; A3/M4; hp interest in sealing, but is pleased with
22; S 18. 1 18, W 16. D 17, C 16; AL LE.
A covered pit trap at his door is set, and Cyronain, a member of the Nahkrok
the opportunity to study the arctic area
a character stepping on it falls 10' for and to use his magic in order to defeat
tril»,was training as an assassin under
1-6 hp damage. brigands. His memorized spells are read
the auspices of the bandits. After sur-
magic, sleep, and web. In Arlan’s sled
viving a terrible storm, he decided to
21. Ruins. This was once the temple are his spell books and 60 gp. Arlan is

18 Issue No.3

glad to talk to PCs, particularly if the arrows, and broad sword. In his pack In front of the group go Ali and Cyro-
subject is magic. He does not especially are 140 gp. He steals infant seal furs, 10 nain. Behind them come Kanadius and
dislike Kanadius, but suggests that gp worth for each 20 seals (see day 2 on Arlan, then Caldessa and Herot. Follow-
Herot, Danbury, and Winegard act the event timeline). ing them are Silas and Danbury, then
suspiciously and are often seen apart Jeffe and Mithrim. Winegard brings up
from the group. Arlan is short and has a Jeffe; AC 6; MV 9" ; F3; hp 22; S 16. the rear. The PCs are placed in pairs
fair face and blond hair, appearing al- D16, Chl7;ALCE. between Winegard and the rest of the
most elven (his great-grandfather was Jeffe is charming but quite malicious. hunters. Despite the tension between
an elven wizard). He pilfers from the other members of members, the hunting party acts as a
the caravan when possible, and he un- group, bent on taking seals, and gener-
Caldesaa; AC 8; MV 9” ;
C3; hp 16; W derstands the relationship between Ali ally obeys Kanadius, Ali, or Cyronain.
15, Ch 17; AL LG. and the bandits. Should he learn of the 'The deadly cold makes allies of all.
A cleric of Ilmatar, Caldessa was PCs’ intent, he reports it to Ali. Cyro- The NPC mushers are tribal members
added to the hunting party as an after- nain gives him 20 gp per expedition, who serve AM, if he requires them. The
thought, in case severe casualties partly to keep Jeffe from revealing Ali guild uses them to instruct new hunters
should be sustained. She is not a hunter and partly as payment for his spying. If in the proper use of skis, and to drive the
and has only a mace for weaponry. She offered more than this by the PCs, Jeffe sleds of those who do not have the needed
is not pleased about going on the expe- willingly serves them (he always tries expertise. The hiring PCs must pay 5 gp
dition as the killing repells her, but her to maximize his profits). Jeffe accuses ea^ expedition to his musher, or 5 gp per
high priestess assigned her the task due Kanadius of aiding the bandits if the week for training in skiing. Each musher
to the added prestige it would bring in subject is brought up. In his pack are owns 2-6 sp and normal equipment, but
the struggle with the cult of Loki (see 200 gp, along with a bottle of type A nothing else (their furs count as padded
building 9 in Winterwolf). Her usual ingestive poison (DMG, page 20). He armor). They do not reveal bare skin to
spells are cure light wounds ( x 2), light, carries a battle axe with silver trac- characters. When not driving sleds, the
resist cold, hold person, and slow poison. eries, worth 30 gp. mushers tend to cluster together, avoiding
She has no money but carries a holy their employers. The mushers seem re-
symbol (a looped cross) worth 60 gp from Mithrim:
17, AC 6; MV 9"; F3; hp 33; S mote and even unfriendly, due to their
its silver and inlaid gems. 16. W 16, D 17, C 18; AL CG. minimum of speech and brief instructions
Mithrim is interested in profit, but he or requests. 'They tolerate no abuse or
AC 5; MV 9";
Herot: F3; hp 20; S 17, also admires the beauty of the arctic delays in pay, doing only their job. If even
D18;ALN. wilderness. He bears a halberd and one is subjected to maltreatment, the
Thll and dark, Herot is a hardened light crossbow for protection against the whole group of mushers is likely to attack
sealer. He kills seals almost to the point brigands. He is very angry with Kana- the offender, using unarmed combat and
of sadism and is rarely satisfied with dius and feels that Kanadius takes whips. The mushers do not eng^e in
the take. The bandits frighten him more than his share of the furs cap- sealing.
considerably, and he cairies a bastard tured. In his sled are 130 gp. All of the mushers wear masks and
sword +1 and a steel shield for combat heavy clothing equal to padded armor.
against them. Kanadius annoys him by Winegard: AC 8; MV 9’ ;F4; hp 41; S Each of them is a Ist-level barbarian,
refusing to hire a force of warriors for C17, Ch 15;ALN. well versed in arctic survival. Because
the hunters’ protection. Herot is highly A lusty, hearty man, Winegard eqjoys the clothing they wear is fairly bulky,
contemptuous of the Nahkrok and has sealing and the cold climate. He carries special dexterity bonuses are lost, and
earned their hatred. In his pack are 120 a broad sword and quarterstaff, and movement is restricted to 9". No trea-
gp. For each 20 pelts taken, he pilfers enjoys simulated combat. Although he sure is carried by any barbarian. Unless
10 gp of infant seal fur (see day 2 on the claims to deplore the bandits, Winegard otherwise given, all of these mushers
event timeline). makes it quite clear that they do not have strength and constitution scores of
disturb him —in fact, he eqjoys fighting 15 each, and dexterity scores of 14.
SUas: AC 8; MV 9"; F2; hp 15; S 16, C them. In his sack are 50 gp. He hides Naganain(Silas’s musher): AC 6; hp
17, Ch 16; AL LG. illicit infant seal furs in his bedding, 9; D 16; AL N.
Silas is a young warrior, barely 20 years taking 10 gp worth of illegal fur for Namuk (Arlan’s musher): AC 8; hp
old. He has only recently joined the 'lead- every 20 pelts taken. 10; W 16; AL CG.
er’s Guild. He is frighten^ of the bandits Curcutalak (Caldessa’s musher):
and feels oppressed by the cold weather. Each player character, like the other AC 5; hp 11; 1 16, D 17, Ch 16; AL CN.
His sack contains only 10 gp. members of the hunting party, has Dalin: AC 8; hp 14; S 18/61, C 17; AL
heavy clothing, skis, a sled with 11 dogs NE.
Danbury: AC 7; MV 9"; F3; hp 20; S (nine to pull the sled, two as reserve), Hengest AC 8; hp 7; 1 17, Ch 16; AL N.
18/91, 1 16, D 15, C 17; AL N. food, water flasks, rope, a spear, club, Higlac: AC 8; hp 13; S 17; AL CN.
Somewhat adventurous, Danbury is ice saw, and normal equipment. Except Vironain: A(i 7; hp 11; 1 16, D 16, C
blond and greedy. He likes to talk and for Silas, Arlan, and Caldessa, the Nrc 16; AL CE.
can be a good negotiator when neces- hunters have spent many years on the Raffel: AC 8; hp 8; AL CG.
sary. Arlan and he argue, since he con- Pohjolan Field and are accomplished Dalinain: A(I) 8; hp 7; S 16; AL N.
siders magic wasteful in the sealing sled-drivers. The PCs need trained Edgetha: AC 4; hp 9; D 18; AL NE.
party. He bears a composite bow, 15 mushers, as described above. Kalin: AC 8; hp 9; Ch 16; AL N.






20 Issue No.3

Event Timeline
This schedule describes the major
events of the sealing expedition. En-
counters, weather and hunting success
are detailed here. Time is given on a 24-
hour clock. Unless otherwise men-
tioned, the hunters begin a day’s march
at 07:00 and camp at 20:00. Due to the
northerly latitude and season, the days
are very short. The sun rises at 09:00
and sets at 16:30. Twilight sufficient for
hunting seal exists for two hours after
sunset and one hour before actual
On the wilderness map, the beginning
of each day’s journey is plotted. Unless
otherwise mentioned, when a seal en-
counter is described, it is with a group
of fur seals. Remember that this event
timeline could be radically altered by
the actions of the player characters.

Day 1
It has been one month since the PCs
arrived in the Pohjolan Field. Some of
this time must be spent learning the
rudiments of cross-country skiing and
existence on the Pohjolan Field. How-
ever, some may want their characters to
use much of this extra time to contact
members of the hunting party, explore
the town, and gather information.
12:00. The hunters assemble at the come up. Should Cyronain notice PCs in that the true reason the trail changes is
Expedition Beginning Point. The PCs the area, he and Ali spy on the PCs and to avoid prime sealing grounds, coveted
should get brief descriptions of any using JeiTe to assist. by the Nahkrok. At the noon stop, Jeffe
NPCs that they have not yet contacted. is led aside by C}nxinain; those who
The PCs are then assigned mushers and Day 3 listenhear mention of “special busi-
places in the marching order. Movement 09:00. One hour is spent raising the ness.” When Cyronain thinks the two
is difficult, as the trail Ali has chosen sleds and dogs to the glacier —
a spec- are alone together, he uses an open-
leads through marshes which have only tacular expanse of white land, sculpted hand attack on Jeffe for 2 hp damage.
partially frozen. Much complaining by the wind into ripples and hills. Once Those who see Jeffe later notice a bruise
about Ali is made by the hunters. Were on the ice, movement is much faster. on his forehead. He now fears Cyronain
itnot for his choice of direction, the ice The trail is marked by piles of small and claims that the bruise came from a
could be entered almost immediately, stones, with one trail marker about bad fall on ice.
and the fens avoided. Ali remains pas- every mile (hex). 14:00. Kanadius sends Silas, Arlan, ,

sive, but when the complaints become 13K)0. Fifty seals are pursued in the and Herot ahead to look for a sheltered
loud, he warns that the bandits are afternoon. Herot gathers together the campsite. If the PCs secretly follow
believed to watch the quicker path to furs of infant seals “to sort them out,” (though they are ordered to stay with
the ice. but he is later seen concealing them by the main group), they and the three
those who watch him closely. NPCs are attacked by a white deadly
Day 2 pudding at 15:30 (AC 8; MV 9"; HD
22:00. Herot, Danbury, and Winegard Day 4 hp 44; lAT 1; Dmg 7-28; SA weapon or
leave the camp at night to discuss a 08:00. Winds of 40 MPH whip the lightning bolt attacks create smaller
plan Herot has. He wishes to hide the glacier while the hunters move along. puddings; SD immune to acid, cold,
fur of infant seals and sell it for a high Worse yet, the snow-glare is intense. poison; doesn’t harm metal; 50% likely
price to Alaric, the furrier (see building One hour must be spent fashioning eye to appear to be snow). The NPCs flee. If
6). Since this is contrary to guild laws, protection. the PCs were involved in this episode,
they do not discuss this with PCs. Cyro- 11:00. For^ seals are encountered, the section below (20:00) may be greatly
nain hides in shadows and spies on this but Ali forbids the killing of more than altered.
affair. He is able to blackmail any of the half. The trail veers away from the 20:00. The hunters meet the scouts at
three into helping him, should the need ocean, which Ali says is essential due to the campsite. Herot has huge welts and
the icy wind. Jeffe complains (correctly) bums on his legs and feet (the white


lowed the two tribesmen, Cyronain

attacks them, attempting to backstab.
Ali and Cyronain return 20 minutes
later.With them are the ship’s captain,
his cleric, and the first and second
mates. All are bearded, burly men,
dressed in leather armor. The cleric
bears a mace with a long handle; the
others have swords. The four claim to be
adventurers in the service of Thor, and
wish to obtain permission to explore
fixim Ali, whose position in his tribe is
respected. The captain goes to confer
with Ali away from the group.
The “adventurers” are actually the
bandits, 14 of which remain on the ship
during this episode (14 bandits: AC 7;
MV 12" FI; hp 7-10 each; »AT 1 or 2

(bows); Dmg by weapon type; statistics

not exceptional; AL any but good; each
has leather armor, winter clothing,
medium shields, short spears, short
bows, quivers with 20 arrows each, and
two-handed battle axes; 1-100 sp each in
purses). Below are the details for the
bandit leaders.
Captain Homgard is a cruel, sly
man who prefers to attack from behind.
He does not particularly like Ali or
Cyronain, but finds them very helpful
in engineering raids on the sealers. He
wears leather armor *2 and carries a
battle axe. On his ship, he has a wooden
deadly pudding left him with 2 hp out of tempt is made to kill any spying
chest that holds 1,300 gp (Captain
18). llie scouts describe a “beast of characters, either then or later. One
creamy snow” which pursued them, hundred more seals are encountered in Homgard: AC 6; MV 12"; F7; hp 36;
devouring flesh. Silas was completely the afternoon. #AT 3/2; S 17, C 16, Ch 16; AL CE),
devoured by the monster, as strokes of Stunnick masquerades as a cleric of
his club split it into many smaller sec- Day 6 Thor but actually is an assassin; he
trained Cyronain in that art. His mace
tions, each attacking him. Caldessa’s 12:00. In the morning, 30 seals are
is fashioned as an iron ring on a central
spells bring Herot back to 17 hp. The discovered. Ali privately asks Kanadius
hunters hold mourning services in the to send Arlan, and Mithrim —
staff,rather than as a balled club. This
bitter cold. Silas’s belongings are aban- and the PCs, he suspects them of
weapon is actually a short sword, with

investigating the bandits — ahead four

the handle being a scabbard. Sturmick
doned or “donated” to the guild, with
Kanadius acting as its agent. miles to scout and set up a camp. Kana-
has a glass capsule of type B insinua-
tive poison (see DMG, page 20) in this
Snow huts are required in the cold. dius agrees and gives the orders. The
scabbard, which he may apply to the
Jeffe asks to share one with PCs, and mission leads to the night’s campsite
sword tip by pressing it downward be-
even offers to help them build it. This (area 7 on the Pohjolan Field map).
gives him the chance to snoop on them Those who continue to hunt encounter fore striking. In hispouch is 80 gp. See
in hopes of regaining Ali’s favor. If the 50 more seals. Characters at the camp- Winterwolf building 20 for more details
PCs fall asleep without leaving a guard, site miss the following event.
(Sturmick: AC 4; MV
9" A5; hp 24; S

16, 1 16, D 17, C 15; AL NE).

he steals any small valuables and hides 13HK). A longship, with a red sail and
Njal, the first mate, is an accom-
them in his sled. brightly painted shields along the sides,
plished pickpocket and ei^oys robbing
is sighted by those who continued to
the hunters he meets. In one of the
Day 5 hunt (see a^ve). The ship anchors at
several wine-flasks he bears is a potion
08:00. Despite the bitter (-20°F) point A on the Pohjolan Field map, and
temperature, the hunt goes on. Fifty figures begin to disembark from it. of climbing. He carries 20 gp in a belt
seals are encountered in the morning. Some of the hunters start to worry pouch (Njal; AC 4; T7; hp 23; S 16, D 18,
and Cyronain have a confer-
13:00. Ali about the sailors’ intent. Ali and Cyro-
Ch 16, AL N).
Sieg, the second mate, enjoys talking
ence away from the group. Should a PC nain go forward to confront the danger,
successfully listen in, the discussion is climbing down one face of the glacier to
with his victims before he robs them. In
the pack that he bears are 60 gp. (Sieg:
heard to be about a person named Stur- the shoreline. Cyronain stops at the
mick, who is “late.” Naturally, an at- cliffs edge; if any characters have fol-
AC 4; T7; hp 30; S 17, D 18, C 16; AL

22 Issue No.3

hunters to the bandits in mock rage.

The NPC hunters stop fighting at this
point. Flushed with success, the bandits
demand 100 gp and 150 pelts (as many
as the bandits can easily carry). While
the gold is being collected (each member
must give an equal amount), Danbury
and Herot realize that they have each
lost 20 gp (see day 6). The bandits leave
once they have taken their booty. Their
ship location is marked on the Pohjolan
Field map at B.
If the hunters are obviously winning,
the bandits retreat, hide on the ice until
sure that they are not being followed,
and return to their ship at B. If any
bandits are captured alive, Ali demands
to take charge of them. He takes them
out of sight on the ice and lets them go,
telling the hunters that the bandits
have been dealt a “tribal execution.”
21:00. The camp is in an uproar, with
Herot and Danbury accusing various
people of stealing from them. Should
any PC fail to defend himself suffi-
ciently or otherwise seem guilty, he is
considered a thief and avoided. Ali
feigns great pain from his arrow wound.
22:00. Jeffe takes Winegard out of the
camp and confronts him with the hid-
den furs (see NPC descriptions). He then
demands and receives 1 gp to keep from

Kanadius orders Mithrim, Herot, and telling Kanadius.

Ali plans the raids (see days 7, 9, and
10) with the captain. The other three Jeffe to travel ahead and seek a camp-
men appear interested in purchasing site for everyone.
08:00. In the morning, 70 seals are
pelts. The “cleric” discusses the quality 17:00. The main group of hunters (led
of furs with the hunters (including PCs) by Ali) follow agroup of distant seals
12:00. Hills are visible to the south.
while the first and second mates exam- into a rocky depression. Ibn seals are
Should Ali be displeased with the PCs,
ine the fur, moving from sled to sled. therein, but they are of a minor species
not worth the killing. However,
he attempts to abandon them here,
Herot and Danbury talk very earnestly
knowing that a dragon dwells in the
with the three sailors, as the second and Homgard and the 14 bandits (see day 6)
nearby hills. He claims that the hills
first mate use their pickpocket ability are concealed high in the rocks, gaining
could be the place from which the ban-
on each character. Should one be caught an armor class of '4 against missiles
in the act, the other feigns surprise and due to cover. They are in a rough circle
dits operate. A
group of hunters must go
outrage, escorting the thief back to the with a 40-yard diameter, and attack and make sure that another ambush is
not being planned, he says. Since this is
ship for “punishment.” They otherwise when the hunters are at the center of
a dangerous project, the hunters roll
steal 20 gp each from Herot and Dan- the depression. On a roll of 1-5, they
knucklebones to determine who must
bury. As the sun goes down, the sailors gain surprise over the hunters. The
go. However, Cyronain’s magical dice
return to the ship, and the hunters bandits wear white masks to hide their
are used, and the PCs automatically
rejoin the scouts at location 7. appearance. Homgard's plan is to pep-
lose. Ali takes the PCs aside and lies,
21:00. Arlan engages the PCs in con- per the hunters with arrows, avoiding
telling them that if they head directly
versation about the sailors. He is sur- melee combat. Cyronain stays near
southeast through the hills, they can
prised to hear that the cleric bore a Arlan, bumping him as if by accident to
rejoin the hunters on the other side at
mace rather than the traditional ham- prevent him from casting any spells. Ali
the coast. Use random encounters and
mer of Thor. He also feels that Danbury feigns combat, but does not actually
weather for moderating this trek. The
and Herot were entirely too trusting of deliver any damaging blows to bandits;
hunters move on according to the sched-
the sailors. during the fight, he secretly cuts him-
ule, abandoning the PCs to their own
self with an arrow.
devices. Should the PCs reunite with
Day 7 If combat has gone on for five rounds
16:00. loops away from
As the trail and the bandits are not obviously los- the hunters, the NPCs (except for Ali
and Cyronain) assume that the event
the ocean, the fur seals are less plenti- ing, Homgard (masked and unrecogniz-
ful. Only 20 are encountered all day. able) calls for parley. Ali surrenders the
was planned. Even if the PCs assert
otherwise, the hunters do not believe


that any wrong was done. Ali and Gyro- ice.'The temperature is effectively take all furs, as well as Arlan and
nain certainly won’t expect to see the -10®F. A little snow Alters from the Mithrim’s money. Sturmick lurks in the
PCs again. bleak clouds. Only fifteen seals are shadows around the camp to backstab
On the mountain marked with a cave encountered this morning. any character emerging from a shelter
dwells a huge, old, white dragon (AC 3; 10:00. Winegard offers to take JeAe to during the proceedings (no NPC does so
MV 12V30" HD 7; hp 42; 0AT 3; Dmg
: a good sealing area “where things are unless a msgor Aght erupts). Should Ali
1-4/1-4/2-16; SA breath weapon — 70' very quiet.” 'The two go a distance apart suspect any PC of being opposed to him,
cone of frost with 25' base doing 42 hp from the group. Danbury then searches Sturmick is directed to enter that charac-
damage, fear aura with +3 on saves). JeAe’s sled, explaining to anybody who ter’s shelter and attempt to slay the sleep-
For each turn that characters spend takes note that JeAe has a whetstone ing PC. The bandits then leave; their ship
within four hexes of the cave, there is a that Danbury needs to put an edge on is at point C. A the hunters are generally
10% cumulative chance that the dragon his spear-point. He Andis nothing in- aroused, the bandits separate and Aee as
notices them. It can speak and tries to criminating. quickly as possible. Their plans in the
gain from the encounter without fight- 13:00. It is a little warmer (0°F). event of capture or defeat are the same as
ing, threatening the party with death Heavy snow begins to fall, and the wind they were on day 7.
unless all valuables are brought for- blows it up furiously. Characters are
ward. It then flaps its wings and able to see only a few feet ahead, and Day 10
charges to frighten the group away with movement is slowed. Kanadius orders The storm ends. As the hunters
its fear aura; if this doesn’t work, it uses the hunters to stop so that the rich realize that theyhave been robbed,
its breath weapon and flies out of com- sealing grounds may be worked. Ali, anger runs high. Danbury and Herot sit
bat range to its cave. The dragon is however, requests that the group con- apart from the group, privately discus-
quite cowardly, despite its greed, and tinue. He ventures ahead to get his sing defense. Cyronain claims to have
will do anything to save itself. bearings, but he actually ties three of lost money, and he and Ali search for
If characters attempt to climb the his dogs to a stake behind one of the (nonexistent) bandit tracks.
peak to get to the dragon’s cave, the trail markers. After building a tiny 13:00. Kanadius sends Ali, Cyronain,
dragon starts a rock slide by pushing snow hut to protect and conceal them, and the PCs ahead to prepare a camp-
boulders from its nest. Each character he returns. site for the group.
beneath the nest must roll his dexterity 13:30. A faint barking sound can be 14K)0. Human forms may be seen
or lower on a d20 to avoid 2-20 hp dam- heard on the wind. A a character exam- ahead, obviously the bandits. Homgard,
age. If its breath weapons are exhausted ines the trail marker. All’s dogs are Sturmick, Njal, and Sieg are present, but
and the group still approaches, the found. Ali claims to have been missing masked. As they come forward, bows
white dragon flies off to the south. 'The them and proposes that a member of the drawn, Ali declares combat impossible. A
DM should arbitrate all particulars of party was “playing a foul joke, worthy he believes the PCs to be opposed to him,
the fight and the nature of the dragon’s of punishment.” He then tries to slip he and the bandits suddenly attack them
lair. away without an excuse (see 14:00 if his in an attempt to kill the entire party.
In the cavern itself are the carcasses dogs are not discovered). Even A they survive the combat, the PCs
of many seal and walrus. Fifty pelts 14:00. Ali Anally agrees to stop, but are outlawed from the hunting group by
may be recovered, worth 2 gp each. he stays ahead of the main camp by Ali, and are forced to adventure across
'There are 20 complete walrus tusks, himself. The sea can be heard crashing the Pohjolan Field in a direction away
each worth 10 gp. Amid the remains of not far away. Shelters are hacked out of from the other NPCs.
the seals and walrus are the remains of snow cakes. Ali then announces that A this attack does not place, the ban-
three human bodies. The ruined re- three of his dogs have broken their dits remove all items of value from the
mains of a suit of chain mail cling to harness, and goes oA to search for them. scouts (a few gold pieces are taken from
one; the other two are dressed in furs. A Cyronain and Winegard volunteer to Ali and Cyronain, but nothing of major
pair of fur bracers may be found at the accompany him. value). The bandits then return to their
bottom of the pile; these radiate magic, 14:30. Winegard returns to the camp, ship (at position D) and leave the Pohjo-
and have the power of a ring of warmth. saying that he followed Ali for some lan Field for a distant lair. If they are
The harpoon of one of the fur-clad distance but lost him in the storm. defeated, they retreat and attempt to
bodies is & javelin of piercing. Spread Cyronain was also ahead. Winegard get to their ship as fast as possible.
through this rubble are 22 cp, 57 sp, 194 received no answer to his calls and 19:00. 'The hunters are reunited with
gp, and 30 pp. Clutched in the armored turned back. the scouts; the former have taken 150
man’s hand is a jeweled ring worth 500 Ali is actually making contact with pelts. When the hunters learn of the
gp, with an inscription identifying him the bandits, whose ship is sheltered in robbery, Herot is outraged, shouting
as a fur hunter who worked for Aceus. the rocks. He became invisible with his that Kanadius’s scouting policies have
20:00. Away from the camp, Winegard ring to escape Winegard, as Cyronain repeatedly led to disaster. The latter
confers with Danbury and Herot con- hurried ahead. Cyronain recovers the stomps away angrily, returning a few
cerning Jeffe. They decide to search his dogs, while Ali confers with the minutes later in silence.
baggage in order to And something with brigands.
which to threaten him. 16:00. Ali and Cyronain return with Day 11
the dogs. 13:00. JeAe takes Herot aside to de-
Day 9 23KK). Late at night, ail the bandits, in mand more money in return for not
08:00. A harsh wind blows across the their masks, arrive at the camp. They giving away the fur sale. A Aght de-

24 Issue No.3

14:00. The storm finally ends, and 20

seals are encountered. Since the storm
has failed to drive the hunters away, the
selkie leader now reluctantly decides to
send warriors into combat with them.
The warriors do not plan to fight to the
death, but make a determined effort to
drive hunters from the area.
Tfen males take part in the attack (AC
5; MV 12"//36": HD 3 + 3; hp 12-22; AT
1; Dmg by weapon type; SA elder can
cast augury, cure light wounds, cure
disease once per day, and weather sum^
moning and control weather once per
week). They charge the hunters from
the top of an icy hill, having taken the
form of humans swathed in fur, with
their attractive faces visible. The
selkies first throw spears, then close in
with long swords stolen from past hunt-
ing parties. When a selkie drops below
half its hit points, it retreats to throw
rocks (1 hp damage. 90' range) at
hunters. If any hunter is badly
wounded, Kanadius calls for a retreat.
If all selkies are reduced to half or less
of their hit-point totals, they flee, even
dropping their weapons and swimming
away in the ocean as seals if necessary.
If they are thus defeated, no more seals
are encountered within a six-hex radius
of area E, as the selkies’ tribe has
cleared them from the area. Obviously,
velops, and the other hunters are dark. Snow begins falling, andthe wind
the PCs may mistake the selkies for
alerted. JefTe and Herot maintain that rises to 30 MPH. The temperature drops
it was “all in sport.” Two hundred seals to 0°F due to the weather summoning
are encountered an hour later. and control weather spells cast by a
21:00. Snow begins to fall. After most selkie leader. His community suffers
of the hunters have entered their shel- greatly from the hunters’ ravages,
ters, the sled dogs begin baying and sometimes even losing members which
barking at something far away which have been mistaken for seals. The Day 14
14:00. Herot tells Kanadius that Jeffe
no one else sees. It is a yeti (AC 6; MV selkies dwell under the ice at the posi-
15" HD 4 + 4, hp 24, #AT 2, Dmg 1-6/ tion on the Pohjolan Field map marked
is hoarding fur against guild regula-

1-6; SA squeeze victim for 2-16 hp dam- E. The selkies hope that by bringing
tions.Kanadius searches Jeffe’s sled
and finds nothing. The hunters finally
age if hits on roll of 20, victims save vs. poor weather, they can divert the
decide that Herot merely dislikes Jeffe
paralysis if surprised or else freeze for hunters from their tribal area peace-
three rounds to be struck and squeezed fully. The effective temperature due to
and is attempting to make trouble for
automatically; SD nearly invisible until wind is -30®F.
21:00. All of the dogs begin barking.
within 10-30' of prey, 5% chance per
In the distance, a dark figure is seen in
level of victim over 1st level of detecting Day 13
the light of the moon. It is the yeti (see
it; takes 50% greater damage from fire). 08:00. Due to the weather, the expedi-
It does not attack unless disturbed, and tion moves onward all morning.
day 11, 21:00 above), which is showing
itself to frighten off the hunters. Herot
does not approach closer than 400 yards 12:00. During the lunch break, Dan-
spots it and alerts the whole camp. He
from the camp. bury, Herot, and Winegard have a short
proposes that the figure might be a spy
discussion about Jeffe. They decide to
for the bandits, and asks the PCs to go
Day 12 convince him to illegally sell fur with
08:00. Fifty seals are discovered in the them, and take him aside to talk about and capture it. However, Kanadius
sarcastically says that previously every-
morning. The weather is clear. it. He agrees, but on the condition that

he be paid not to talk about it. Jeffe is one blamed him for breaking up the
through Herot’s
13:00. Jeffe searches
party, and forbids any intervention. If
baggage. Herot does not dare make any given 10 gp worth of fur by Winegard.
the yeti is disturbed, it attacks; other-
comment, because of the hidden fur. Later, JefTe attempts to give it to a PC
wise, it leaves the hunters after a few
Jeffe finds nothing, however. without explaining its origin; he treats
14:00. Very suddenly, the sky goes it as a gift (but see day 15).


Day 15 with a detect lie spell scroll. If Ali or

10:00. The climb down from the gla- Cyronain is captur^, the characters
cier is made. From here back to the were successful and receive the stated
town, the sleds must pass through the reward. Otherwise, all they receive is
frozen marshes, which is done at rapid, their share of the price of the furs.
nonstop speed.
20:00. liie hunters arrive at Win- Concluding the Quest
terwolf again. The furs garnered on the
It ispossible that the characters will
hunt (and preserved from the bandits)
fail touncover Ali and Cyronain’s plot
are divided equally and sold to the guild
for the appropriate prices. The guild
on this adventure. If so. the DM
well wish to end the adventure here. On
takes a 30% tithe of all earnings. Each
the other hand, the guildmaster may
PC must donate 5 gp to Ali, 5 gp to
send the PCs with the hunters again.
their musher, and purchase 1 gp worth The random encounter tables, section
of perfume for appeasing the spirits of
the seals (a local custom which the guild
on weather, and map key help the DM
understand the situations in the area,
enforces). If Ali knows that any surviv-
ing PCs are opposed to him, Cyronain is
but the DMmust develop his own time-
line for another hunting expedition. Or,
sent to track them and assassinate
using the information on arctic climates
them in the night. Herot, Danbury, and
Winegard sell Alaric their smuggled
herein, the DM may design an entirely
different sort of adventure. Don't forget
fur. Jeffe tries to steal his “gift” fur
your woolies!
back from the PCs, if such was accepted
(see day 13).

Day 16
Tbday, the PCs must inform the guild-
master of their suspect and collect their
pay. The guildmaster has the suspect
arrested by his guards and questioned

• U



DU^x;EONSaDRAGO^S.DaD,PRCXMJCT50FVCXiRltM€INAn(»l.t]nclmeTSRIooooletnMemaltaownMbvTSRInc.«l986T»tnc. All Rights Resatved.

26 issue No.3
The Pasnaks are both psychologists from
Virginia; Carol works with handicapped
children, and Robert teaches university
classes. Carol gave Robert the original
set of D&D^ game rules for Christmas
one year, and followed it up with a copy
of this module. They later revised it, sent
it to us, and here it is.

The Deadly Sea is an oceanic quest for

4-8 characters of 4th-7th level in the
AD&D® game. The use of magical items
or spells which aid undersea combat,
movement, and breathing is strongly
advised. The ability to open locks is also
helpful, as are mariner skills and
knowledge. See additional notes in the
section ‘‘For the Dungeon Master.”
The adventure begins at a seaport
which the Dungeon Master should
name and develop as desired, to fit the
circumstances of his campaign. The
names of other areas may be changed to
fit the campaign as well. This module
requires some detailing and planning
prior to use.

Adventure Background

The story is told by an old sailor

whom you have met in a coastal
seaport. It begins with a man named
Greytare, a cleric who loved the sea
and built his fortress into a 300'-high
cliffso that it overlooked the rolling
waters. The reclusive GreytMe even-
tually wed a beautiful aquatic elf

THE DEADLY nam^ Chael, and of this union came

two children; a son, Chartare, and a
daughter, Greytel. When Greytel
decided to develop her magic-using
her mother rejoiced and

gladly searched the seas for magical
treasures for her daughter’s use.
Chael went seven times into the
BY CAROL AND ROBERT (%SNAK sea, but from that seventh search,
she never returned. By magical
means, Greytare discovered that
tritons had captured his precious
A desperate rescue Chael when she ventured too near
their seahold, Tritonacil, by the isle

beneath the waves of Calliste some distance away.

Grieving, Greytare deduced that
Chael had died while imprisoned
It is now believed that in his
famous cliff dwelling, Fog Stone,
Greytare assembled magical items to
enable him to invade Tritonacil.
Artwork bv Valerie Valusek
Cartography by Diesel
Judging from the reports of seamen
and from subsequent events, it is


For the Dungeon Master dusk on the way to or from Fog Stone or
likely that Greytare, Chartare, and Tritonacil. The DM should create the
Greytel journeyed to the isle of Cal- Greytare’s domain is about two days
needed statistics for the following mon-
liste, where they tricked a young away from the seaport by ship; from
sters, using them in order as an en-
storm giant, Aghit, into causing a there, it is a three-day sail to Calliste.
counter is indicated. Once all six
great hurricane and undersea storm. Tritonacil lies just offshore from Cal-
encounters have been used, no more are
The storm’s mighty force and de- liste and is marked by a huge tower
erected to honor the god Triton. This
met for the adventure unless the DM
struction have probably driven the desires otherwise.
tritons from Tritonacil, leaving the tower is made of solid stone and is
The lung wang is satisfied by any
ruins of the great mansion to scaven- likely to have survived the storm. If it
tribute of 100 gp or more. Sailors in this
gers and opportunists of all sorts. has, Tritonacil will not be hard to frnd.
region know this monster well and
The vengeful Greytare then returned The first important task is to hire a
respect it, as it is not especially greedy
to his cliff dwelling to prepare to dive ship; this may be accomplished by the
and has been known to attack pirate
to Tritonacil and recover the body of DM as desired. It is suggested that only ships.
his wife. small ships be available for hire, though
But troubled times ever sound a the crews may be well-armed and
Oceanic monster encounters
tocsin to men of evil repute.
Profiting highly experienced. In most cases, only
from the displacement of the tritons leather armor is worn on ships. Weap-
No. Creatures encountered
and the general disorder of the local onry usually consists of pikes, spears,
javelins, swords, throwing axes, har-
1st One lung wang demanding
human nations, brigands and pirates tribute
descended on the area, hoping for poons, and light crossbows. A reason-
2nd Four kelpies wishing to charm
booty and easy victories. able fee, considering the danger into
The old fisherman who tells you which the characters are traveling,
could range up to several hundred gold
3rd One merchant ship from a
this story, accustomed to selling part
friendly country
of his catch atFog Stone, was rudely pieces per person. The fisherman who
4th One small carnivorous whale
warned off by new guards who contacted the PCs is a zero-level NPC
6th Nine lesser seawolves, met at
boasted loud and long of evil newly whose statistics may be generated as
dusk only
wrought. Fog Stone was theirs, they desired.
6th Twenty sahuagin attempting to
bragged, and Tritonacil soon would This adventure offers above-ground
board ship
be, as would all the demesnes that action at Fog Stone (a small keep), mon-
lay about it. There was no gainsay- ster encounters while aboard ship, and
underwater adventure at Tritonacil. See
Fog Stone Encounter Key
ing the forepart of their boasting.
Led by Bloodric, a high-ranking pages 55-57 of the Dungeon Masters Greytare’s domain is cut into a 300’
outlaw cleric served by two murder- Guide and pages 81-82 in Unearthed A very long, unrailed stairway

ous henchmen named Snast and Arcana to prepare for the underwater leads up to the keep. Although the cliff
Buod, these evildoers had already scenario and review the characteristics is very steep, there is enough slope (10”)

conquered Fog Stone. It appeared of the monsters to be encountered. Note to allow the doors and windows of the
that in the hard fighting, most of the also the special characteristics of water keep to be seen from all parts of the
outlaw band and all of Greytare 's as a transporting medium. Items don’t stairs (and vice versa) when the fog
retainers were slain, their bodies weigh as much as usual. Light is re- permits. Visibility can be a problem
cast down to the beach to be hurled fracted as well as absorbed, so even the here; it varies randomly from 3' to 300'
into the sea and lost. comers of a room may be dimly lit when as ocean breezes blow billows of fog
The fisherman did not see the light streams through a door. Sounds about the shore (roll dlOO x 3 to get the
bodies of Gres^tare and his children carry, but are also damped and distorted distance a character can see in any
among those thrown from the cliff to so that it is often hard to make out what direction from the cliff top, keep, stair-
the narrow strip of beach below. On is heard. way, or shore). The fog also makes the
the slim hope that they may have Since the characters have enough steps slippery, though no one will fall
siuwived as prisoners, the fisherman opportunities to acquire allies, these unless pushed. If a character falls off
has contact^ you in hopes you would should not be made gratuitously availa- the stairs, he continues down the cliff
go to Fog Stone and save Gres^tare ble unless the party is too small other- unless roped to other characters. If
and his brood while there is still wise. Doors might be difficult to open at characters are roped together, roll ld6.
some chance that they are alive. Tritonacil, so thieves or knock spells If the number rolled does not exceed the
Surely there will be a reward, for must be available. Druids will do well, number of characters roped together,
Greytare and his family were much but clerics can’t use their weapons un- the pushed or overborne character
favored along the coasts for their aid derwater — as a result, spiritual ham- merely falls flat on the stairs or landing
to local sailors. The fisherman can mers are advised. Finally, the DM rather than off the face of the cliff.
show the way to Fog Stone, although should not hesitate to reduce or increase Damage is ld6 per 10' the character
he has never been inside the keep, the numbers or quality of antagonists to falls down the cliff face.

and can also give directions to fit the party or to keep things from See the map on page 29 for locations
Calliste. getting out of hand. 1-12, and the map on page 31 for loca-
Sea-going encounters occur on a roll of tions 9-30.
1 on a d8; check at dawn, midday, and

28 Issue No.3

1. Shoreline. This location is guarded W 14, D 11, C 10, Ch 14; AL CE; wor- arch ordinarily stands open to improve
by an animated onyx statue, which shiper of Oceanus {Legends &Lore, the flow of air in the perpetually damp
speaks to anyone approaching the page 67>, splint mail +2, shield *1, dwelling, but it can be locked and
stairs;“Earn and learn the will of my flail *1, & staff sling and 10 bullets, a barred if necessary. It is so large and
master. Be bold and hold this hand of wooden cross, three sticks, a copper and strong that PCs have only half their
mine with thine. With less good will, ruby unholy symbol (1,000 gp), a garnet normal chances of opening it with bend
climb not this hill.” If anyone offers a ring (100 gp), a ring ofprotection + 1 a , bars/lift gates (round fractions down).
hand, the statue holds it firmly but — bloodstone brooch (100 gp), and a pouch
this is a mistake. The pirates who took with 30 gp, 10 sp, and 1 cp; note extra 7. Roof. An alert sentry is on duty
Fog Stone merely bypassed this crea* spells due to wisdom bonuses; spells here whenever the party approaches
tion. Anyone caught by the statue can- memorixed: curse, command, detect (AC 5 or 3; MV 9/"; F5; hp 42; #AT 1;
not break free unless a bend bara/lift good, darkness, protection from good, Dmg by weapon type; statistics not
gates roll is made (one chance allowed). cause fear, hold person, resist fire, si- exceptional; AL NE). He wears chain
The caught character will then be spot- lence 15' radius, spiritual hammer, mail and uses a shield when not
ted by a pirate guard in 4-10 rounds, cause blindness, bestow curse, continual wielding his heavy crossbow of speed (30
and will be fired upon, the alert darkness, sticks to snakes, poison, and bolts). He also has a hammer +2 with
sounded. The statue itself cannot attack flame strike; human male. Bloodric, as specialization in hammers ( + 1 to hit
and takes no other action, even if at- his name suggests, is a cold-hearted and +2 damage; #AT 3/2). His princi-
tacked (AC -1; MV
9" ; HD 6; hp 30; #AT butcher. Having heard that a cleric of ple job is to watch for flying or levitat-
nil; SD immune to all magical spells his deity’s mortal enemy lived at Fog ing threats to the newly occupied keep,
and powers: AL N). Stone, Bloodric was more than willing but he also keeps an eye on the stair-
to assault the keep, though it cost his way, although the fog may obscure
2. Ledge. If an unauthorixed party forces dearly. His ship, the Bloodragon, much of it. If hard pressed he retreats
reaches this point, guards at area 3 has left to gather new allies, and it is down through room 20 and prepares to
sound a bell alarm to warn the domain. not expected back for two weeks. fight in rooms 13 and 14.
The bell is noted before this only by Snast: AC 7; MV 12"; T6; hp 24; #AT
characters flying or levitating toward 1;Dmg by weapon type; S 17, 1 13, W 8; 8. Roof. The sentry here has the same
the entrance of Fog Stone. D 14, C 16, Ch 7; AL NE; leather armor duties as the one at location 7 (AC 7;
+ 1, & short sword dagger, a club, MV 12" F4; hp 31; # AT 1; Dmg by

3. Guard Station. Four guards (AC 5; a sling and 20 bullets, six darts, a weapon type; S 17, other statistics not
MV 9" F3; hp 22, 19. 16; #AT 1; Dmg
money belt with 10 gp, a purse with 10 exceptional; AL CN). He has a light
by weapon type; AL CE) are on duty on sp and 5 cp, a potion of fire resistance, crossbow, 30 bolts, a bastard sword, a
this walled but unroofed landing. Doors and a gold (50-gp) ring; half-ore male. medium shield, and wears leather armor
are wooden and barred. If a silence spell AC 9; MV 12"; MU6; hp 15;
Buod; 4 1. He also has a potion of human
is cast on this area, one guard runs to #AT 1; Dmg by weapon type; S 9, 1 16, control and a potion of levitation, and
warn the inhabitants of Fog Stone. He W 12, D 14, C 12, Ch 13; AL CE; a dag- may be a deadlier foe as a result.
exits through the back door (which ger *2, apotionof healing, ringofpro-
cannot be seen from below) onto the tection a fur-trimmed cape (75 gp), a 9 and 10. Windows. These are small
stairs and continues up toward the pearl-studded wrist guard (400 gp), 10 windows cut into the outer walls of lofts
keep. The guards are armed with a gp, 2 cp in a purse; spell books contain 15 and 16. They command a view of
short bow, 20 arrows, a cutlass, and two sleep, feather fall, push, write, read everything from the overhanging cliff to
throwing axes apiece; each also wears magic, shield, invisibility, rope trick, the ocean below. In good weather, they
chain mail armor. and dispel magic; spells memorized; are ordinarily open to air out the keep,
feather fall, sleep, shield, push, invisibik but they may be shuttered and bolted in
4. Ledge. If the bell has been ity rope trick, and dispel magic ( x 2); bad weather or during an attack.
sounded, Bloodric, Snast, and Buod human male.
show themselves at locations 6, 9, and Snast and Buod are archetypical evil 11 and 12. Doors. These doors are
10, respectively, when the party reaches henchmen, each out only for himself but also usually open, but can be closed and
location 4. Buod directs his push spell at willing to support and cooperate with barred. The door to location 11 seems
the most dangerous-looking member of Bloodric because of his talent and the hastily repaired; the pirates broke it
the party, if and when visibility per- chances for lots of booty. However, nei- down during their assault. As a result,
mits. These NPCs and the sentries at ther of the two will support Bloodric at it isweakened, and chances to break it
locations 7 and 8 gain a -^4 bonus to the expense of their own lives. in gain a +20% bonus to bend bars/lift
armor class from missile fire due to gates rolls.
cover, and use their spells and weapons Ledge. If the characters reach this
to attack parties on the stairs and land- point, Buod disappears from location 10. 13. Entrance Hall. This immense
ings as much as visibility allows. They He retreats to location 16. hall isdank and bare. It is mainly used
move out of range if they suffer more fordrying off and donning or doffing
than half damage apiece (Buod moves if Landing. Bloodric first casts spells
6. cloaks before proceeding. Reeds and
he suffers more than 8 hp damage). from here, but retreats into room 14 if rushes carpet the floor, pegs line the
Bloodric; AC 0; MV 9" C9; hp 40;
the party is not repelled before reaching walls, and a feeble lamp hangs from the
#AT 1; Dmg by weapon type; S 16, 1 12, the top of the stairs. The door in this ceilii^. Three pairs of boots, two cloaks.

30 Issue No.3

two large and three small bags, two

buckets, and a 120' coil of rope (all nor-
mal) hang from the pegs or rest along
the wall. In a large niche near the door
is a sizable oil cloth covering a lamp,
tinderboz, and 12 torches.
Note that rooms 15 and 16 are above
this hall, not a part of it, and characters
may walk beneath these areas while in
room 13. PCs cannot travel under the
stairs, however.

14. Grand Hall. 'This hall is decently

furnished and lit by candles in two huge
chandeliers. There is a large (20 x 5')
table in the center of the room, lined
with chairs, and there are four small
tables, two by the back wall and two by
the front (the one on the right is shat-
tered). There were two chairs by each of
these tables, but three now lie in broken
heaps. Four well-made (100-gp) tapes-
tries line the walls, but the one on the
left portion of the rear wall is slashed
and now worthless. Behind it is a small,
round secret portal which leads to loca-
tion 21. Anyone who has entered the
hall can see flights of stairs on either
side,one of which is covered with brown
stains (blood). These stains lead to a
closed set of doors on the second story.
There are also closed doors visible at attempts to charm a character in that 19. Kitchen Store. This room con-
the rear of each side wall and in the room, suggesting that fighting is too tains bags of grain, jars of spice, dried
center of the rear wall. dangerous and that the character meat, dried legumes in cannisters, and
Bloodric lounges in this room if no should desist. If things go badly he, uses various oils and juices in urns.
alarm has been sounded. He attacks his invisibility spell and tries to remain
uninvited guests whether an alarm has undetected until only one or two guards 20. Dining Room. In this room is a
been given or not. Refer to location 23 remain in the grand hall, then makes large table set for 15. There is a set of
after round one, location 16 after round his escape, employing his spells and stairs to the roof in this room; the guard
two, and location 16 after round three to fighting if necessary. comes from location 7 if summoned.
see who comes to his aid. Bloodric also
receives reinforcements from location 17. Kitchen. The kitchen contains a 21. Secret Chamber. This is the
28 in 13 rounds. If the fighting goes large fireplace and oven, as well as a refuge of Greytare, Chartare, and Grey-
badly, he tries to slip away and hide number of cupboards and cabinets. A tel. Since the secret portal can only be
when opportunity permits, hoping to meal was in preparation here when the opened from the outside, their hidey-
rejoin his pirate galley and crew —
and PCs arrived. If the characters are unin- hole is also a trap, and the walls are too
repay the PCs at a later date (an en- vited, the meal will be burning. thick to transmit sound. While they are
counter the DM might wish to play out). sustained by Greytare’s create food and
Cook’s Quarters. These are the
18. water spells, all of their hopes rest on
15. Loft. This loft has a small window cook’s quarters.The cook, a man named Greytel’s familiar, the pseudo-dragon
(see location 9) in the front wall. 'Ibrches Stavas, is hiding under the bed in the Sibesno (see below), and on the arrival
rest in sconces along the interior walls. room if Fog Stone has been attacked. He of friendly forces.
Snast, who normally stationed here,
is is the only one of Greytare’s retainers 'Two small iron chests in this room
descends to attack intruders on the —
who was spared after all, eating well contain major items found by Chael for
second round of fighting in location 14. is one of the pastimes mercenaries ei\joy Greytel. The first contains only a helm
If Bloodric is subdued before this, Snast most. He has heard that Bloodric was of underwater action and is locked by
surrenders. He has no knowledge of the unable to locate Greytare or his brood, five consecutive locks. Only Greytel
whereabouts of Greytare’s magic store. who mysteriously disappeared when knows where the keys are hidden (in a
Fog Stone fell (cook: AC 10; 12- MV hollow in the cliff face where they can
16. Loft. Buod in this loft, which is
is zero level; if AT nil; statistics not excep- be reached by Sibesno). The second
identical to location 15. On the third tional; AL CG). chest contains a ring of swimming, a
round of fighting in location 14, Boud cloak of the manta ray, gauntlets of


by weapon type; S 9, 1 16, W 15, D 16, C

11, Ch 15; AL CG;
a pearl necklace (500
gp), an ivory tiara (300 gp), a dagger
+1, a cloak of elvenkind, a potion of
invisibility, a purse with 30 sp, 2 cp, and
sundries; spell books contain charm
person, find familiar, write, read magic,
levitate, and magic mouth; spells memo-
rized: charm person ( x 3) and levitate
( X
2); half-elf female. Greytel is a
friendly (though shy and quiet) young
woman who is deeply immersed in her
magical studies. She enjoys discussing
sorcerous matters with any other magic-
users, though she secretly finds clerics
(save for her father and brother) to be
boring. Dragons also fascinate her,
though she has seen very few of them.
Like her brother, Greytel can breathe
air or water freely. She also knows a
large number of sea-creature languages,
and is otherwise similar to normal half-

22. Secret Chamber. The circular

door to this room, which is 5' off the
floor, is covered by a permanent illusion
cast by a friend of Greytare’s (12th-level
magic). Greytare can find and open it,
however. A trident *1, a trident of sub-
mission, and a trident of yearning lean
swimming and climbing, and a necklace lAT 1; Dmg by weapon type; S 11, 1 15, against a stone chest, which is trapped
of adaptation. This chest has the form of W 16, C 11, D 14, Ch 15; AL CN; wor- with poisoned needles in its lock (save
a cube with no visible lock, lid, or seam; ships Poseidon; chain mail +2, a staff of vs. poison twice or suffer 4-32 hp dam-
the chest springs open, however, if two striking (47 charges), an ivory symbol age each time, no damage if save is
command words are spoken; “Greytare" (50 gp), an ivory cross (59 gp), a pair of made). The chest contains 1,300 pp,
and “Chael.” boots ofelvenkind, a pearl headband 11,080 gp, 10 potions of water breathing,
Greytare: AC 2; MV 6"; C7; hp 43; (500 gp), a potion offish control, and a and three waterproofed scrolls in water-
#AT 1; Dmg by weapon type; S 18, 1 15, staff sling and 20 bullets; note extra tight cases. Each scroll contains one
W 17, C 13, D 13, Ch 16; AL CN; wor- spell due to wisdom bonus; spells memo- knock spell. This was to be Greytare’s
ships Poseidon; plate mail *l,a silver- rized; light ( X 3), remove fear, bless, hold “war chest,” from which he would draw
plated mace (250 gp), an ivory and person ( x 2); silence IS' radius, spiritual material to invade Tritonacil. That plan
silver cross (300 gp), an ivory symbol (60 hammer, snake charm, and cure blind- has been put off because of the pirate
gp), and a ring of protection +3; note ness; half-elf male. Chartare is like his raid.
extra spells from wisdom bonuses; spells father in many ways, but also possesses
memorized: cure light wounds ( x 2), a sense of humor — which his feather 23. Guard Chamber. This is the
bless, detect evil, command, augury; hold seems to lack. A youthful and dedicated location of the guard chamber. Greytare
person ( x 2); slow poison, speak with cleric, Chartare is of an age at which he had guarded the doorway between
animals, dispel magic, create food and is actively interested in the opposite rooms 23 and 24 with a glyph of ward-
water ( x 2), and neutralize poison; hu- sex. If any of the PCs is an attractive ing, which Bloodric’s forces have re-
man male. Greytare is a silent, brood- female who shares similar interests in spected. The glyph thus remains active,
ing figure, a large man who loves the the sea and in his religion, Chartare and movement through the doorway
sea and shares something of its nature. may become quite forward with her. causes the glyph to trigger, doing 14 hp
Greytare can be a dangerous and venge- As a half-aquatic elf, Chatare may of electricdamage unless the proper
ful figure, a self-willed anarchist who breathe either air or water freely. He is word spoken. The words “Ignore not

brooks no intrusions upon his domain. otherwise similar to half-elves of the this charge: enter only on my word” are
Threats against his family make him usual variety, save that he knows many inscribed on both sides of the door in the
especially dangerous, as this adventure sea-creatiue languages instead of forest- common tongue. The key word is
is proof. Nonetheless, he is a respected creature ones. “trident.”
figure and is a known enemy of pirati- Greytel: AC 8; MV 12”; MU4; hp 12 This room contains four alert guards
Cdl foi*CGS ( + 11 with pseudo-dragon, if within
with plate mail and shields. The cap-
Chartare: AC 3; MV 12” ; C5; hp 20; range; see end note below); #AT 1; Dmg tain, N’gra, possesses a spear +I and

32 Issue No.3

plate armor +2 (AC 0; MV 9" ;

F7; hp (AC 6; MV 18"; HD 3+3; hp 25; #AT 1; the party takes control of the entrance
55; #AT 3/2; Dmg by weapon type; S 18/ Dmg 2-8; AL N). These guards reach hall, Sibesno employs his telepathic
05, C 16, other statistics not excep- their weapons and shields on the second powers to divine their intentions toward
tional; AL NE). His second-in-command round after a battle in any of the afore- Greytel and her family. As soon as it is
is Ivra(AC 1; MV 6"; F4; hp 22; #AT 1; mentioned areas has been initiated, or safe to do so, Sibesno uses these same
Dmg by weapon type; D 15, other statis- after being roused by a guard from room powers to direct rescuers to the secret
tics not exceptional; AL CE), who is 23. It takes these guards one turn to door to the family’s hiding place (room
armed with a mace *1. The two other don their armor. The dire wolf is not 21) and tells them how to effect the re-
guards (AC 2; MV 6"; F3; hp 21 and 17; asleep and responds immediately to any lease of the people they have come to
#AT 1; Dmg by weapon type; statistics clamor. The guards and the wolf join save (pseudo-dragon; AC 2; MV 6"/24”;
not exceptional; AL CE) have normal Bloodric if no more immediate chal- HD 2; hp 11; #AT 1; Dmg 1-3; SA +4 to
long swords. Once they realize an at- lenge arises. hit with poisonous sting that induces
tack is underway, these guards alert catalepsy; SD chameleon power for 80%
those in location 28, and all exit door 12 29. Cavern. This natural cavern is undetectability; MR 35%; uses telepathy
to join Bloodric at location 6 or 14. relatively dry for Fog Stone, perhaps and transmits all it sees and hears to
because it lies far within the interior of Greytel up to 240 yards away; can detect
24. Sleeping Chamber. This chamber the cliff. It has been stocked with bar- invisible objects', adds hit points to Grey-
is relatively bare. It contains a small, rels of foodstuffs, wine, oils, and even tel’s total within 120 yar«ls of her; AL
plain clothes chest, a simple cot, and a stacks of firewood — everything needed NG).
prayer bench. Under the clothing in the to keep Fog Stone inhabitants comfort- Greytare is grateful for the rescue, but
dresser, a potion of levitation can be able in the event of a siege. This cavern he is nevertheless reserved (as a wise
found. On the door to room 23, the sen- and room 30 are the last remnants of a cleric should be) and will not be carried
tence “Ignore not this charge; enter large cavern that Greytare painfully away by the emotions of the moment.
only on my word” is engraved in the transformed into his current citadel. Greytare will reward his benefactors in
common tongue. All of Greytare’s fam- due time with 5,000 gp from room 22,
ily know the command word (“trident”). 30. Cavern. This cavern is similar to although he will not allow them to dis-
room 29, except that a tiny natural cover this room.
Sleeping Chamber. This chamber
25. spring trickles down the wall at the Parties that have been commanded
isthe sleeping quarters of Greytel. extreme northeast of the room, forming well may seek to enlist Greytare’s aid for
Various gowns hang from hooks; on the a 5' square pool before draining away an expedition against the tritons. Grey-
wall, a winter-wolf cape (600 gp) also through the small cracks and fissures in tare is willing to give the party scrolls
hangs. The walls are covered with un- the floor, flowing to some unknown and potions of water breathing, and is
derwater scenes, and the furniture is destination within the cliffs interior. willing to lend other items to the PCs; he
delicately carved. This spring has always been a sure further agrees to accompany the party
source of potable water for Fog Stone’s on this expedition along with his son,
26. Sleeping Chamber. In this cham- inhabitants. Chartare. For this assistance, Greytare
ber,blue-green draperies cover the This cavern is now the lair of 10 bully- demands appropriate shares of any trea-
walls. Various statues of fish are found wugs recruited by Bloodric. In a comer sure of magic items taken. He also
on several small tables. A portrait of of this room is a pile of 15 gems and six wishes the custody of as many triton
Chael is on the dresser. The bedding vials containing the following potions: prisoners as can be taken alive, since he
matches the walls, while the Hoor is a extra healing, longevity, frost giant wishes to learn more of Chael’s fate. If
mosaic of underwater scenes. strength, invisibility heroism, and sweet the party agrees to these terms, Grey-
water These potions are the bribes and tare and Chartare act as cooperative
27. Storage Room. If this room is rewards given to the bullswugs by followers who are neither arrogant nor
found, it reveals numerous shelves Bloodric for their help in conquering Fog gullible. If Greytare’s terms are not met,
holding 20 vials, small bottles, jars of Stone. Inasmuch as these creatures were he withholds as much aid as possible,
what appear to be water, wines, liquors, not paid to defend Fog Stone, they re- planning instead to mount his own expe-
medicines, and cosmetics. Only two of frain from combat until their lair is dition at a later time.
the bottles hold magical liquids; these approached. Since Bloodric used the
bottles contain Keoghtom's ointment bullywugs to lead the assault, the sur- Voyage to Tritonacil
and a potion of healing. viving creatiues are not anxious to fight
The party has the old fisherman’s direc-
his battles again (bullywugs; AC 6; MV tions for the three-day trip to Calliste,
Guards’ Sleeping Quarters. The
28. 3"//15"; HD 1; hp 3-8; #AT 1; Dmg 1-2/1- which any local sea captain understands
five sleeping guards in this room 2/2-5 or by weapon type; SA hop for +
well enough; if Chartare and Greytare
awaken if fighting occurs in rooms 23, to hit; SO camouflage so as to surprise 1-
are present, they also know the way. The
26, or 26, or if a general alarm is 3 on d6; AL CE). The bullywugs are
tatter can lead the party directly to the
sounded (AC 5; MV 9"; F3; hp 23. 21, armed with short spears and three
tower of Triton that rises from the center
19, 17, 15; #AT 1; Dmg by weapon type; throwing daggers apiece.
of the undersea mansion of Tritonacil
statistics not exceptional; AL NE/CE).
(see area 21 on the Tritonacil map
Each has a long sword, a throwing axe, Final Notes; Sibesno, a pseudo-dragon
and a dagger. These guards wear chain who is the familiar of Grey^l, has been on page The triton’s seahold is
slightly over a half-mile from the
mail armor. With them is a pet dire wolf hiding out in a hollow in the cliff face. If


isle of Calliste. If Chartare and Grey- neutral beings have secured the upper 4245 Crystal ooze 1
tare are not present, the ship which the hand, they are not cruel or vindictive in 46-51 Sahuagin 5-8
PCs hired must circle the island until their treatment of prisoners, and none 52-58 Sea snake 1
the tower is spotted, which consumes are particularly antagonistic towards 59-65 Ixitxachitl 10
half a day. demj-humans. The tritons are more 66-72 Black urchin 14
The hired ship can anchor to the south inclined to good than most — although 73-80 Green urchin 14
of Tritonacil (over area A on the map on they caught Chael trespassing within 81-89 Red urchin 1-4
page 35), keeping to the lee of the tower their domain, she was not otherwise 90-95 Silver urchin 1-3
and preserving sea room. As the party harmed, and they even tried to release 96-00 Yellow urchin 1-2
discusses descent, they note that Grey- her along with the other prisoners when
tare and Chartare (if present) do not disaster struck.The tritons are, how- Outside the ruins
leave the Gryphon at the same time. ever, the most aggrieved race; Grey-
tare’s vengeance has cost them dearly.
dlOO Creature Number
Since Chartare inherited his mother's
01-06 Pungi ray 3
ability to breathe underwater, he is Hence Tritonacil, especially its upper
07-11 Wereshark 4
usually the one to descend. floor, offersgreat scope for role-playing,
12-16 Sahuagin 5-8
The mansion lies only 80' below the though much depends upon the diplo-
17-22 Sea snake 1
surface, so vision is 30' during the day macy of the party. There are allies as 23-27 Ixitxachitl 10
in the clear water outside of it. The well as enemies to be gained there (the
28-37Manta ray 1
huge dwelling shows the effects of the DM must be wary of making the former
3843 Swordfish 5-8
undersea storm; walls are cracked, too easily available). If neutral parties
44-50 Masher 1-4
floors are strewn with sand and wrack, aren’t kept surly and if the situation
51-64 Common shark 5-8
furnishings and cornices have tumbled, isn't strained, the party may have an
65-78 Hippocampus 4
and there is a long rent in the south- easier time of it.
79-90 Mermen 10
west corner of the roof. The structure The lower floor of Tritonacil is popu-
91-00 Carnivorous whale
still stands, however. It lies amidst a lated by evil beings (again, not all need
(medium) 1
varied terrain. be present at the same time) who are
Reread pages 55-57 of the DMG
on sure to fight. If the party is expelled
Tritonacil Encounter Key
underwater combat movement,
spells, from the top floor of TVitonacil by one of
and weight. In addition, remember that the neutral races or because the PCs All doors in Tritonacil are 3' x 7' and
potions cannot be consumed underwa- prefer not to fight with neutrals, they do not close by themselves after being
ter,that topical ointments, dusts, etc., may still adventure in the lowest level. opened. All doors are pivoting stone
wash off before having any effect, and The thick floor of Tritonacil keeps those slabs and cannot be forced open when
that scrolls are ruined unless previously upstairs from being aware of doings locked unless a roll to bend bars/lift
waterproofed (Greytare took this pre- below. gates made. Ceilings are 10' high;
caution with the scrolls he gave the The sea bottom is rocky and sandy, so ceilings and walls are 3' thick. Assume
party). PCs obviously cannot use mud is unlikely to obscure sight. Any that after passing through two walls (or
torches, so light spells are at a pre- character looking up toward the surface closed doors), sounds are not easily
mium. Clerics are advised to pray for should be able to see the dark bulk of distinguishable from the shifting and
spiritual hammers. the tower of Triton silhouetted against falling of rubble that still goes on inter-
In all probability, the party will make the sunlit surface; they are thus able to mittently. Assume light is diffused in a
several descents to Tritonacil. For this determine the general location of the 20' radius around any arch, crack, or
reason, not all of the monsters described manse. door opening to an illuminated area.
as being in Tritonacil are there all of The following tables should be used The floor of Tritonacil is 10' thick and
the time or even at the same time. The when in Tritonacil's ruins and while does not transmit sound or light to
DM should have them move in or out as descending to them. Water creatures lower levels.
the situation demands, preserving game should be checked for at dusk and dawn. See the map on page 35 for locations
balance above all. For example, the They may also come at the beginning of A-G, rooms 1-21, and locations 34 and
tritons may be in the mansion when the a rain storm or when a light is used 35. See the map on page 39 for lower-
party enters it, when the party leaves below the siuface. A roll of 1 on a IdS level rooms 22-33. The outlying terrain,
after an exploration of the lower level, indicates an encounter. Particular sta- as shown by the map on page 35, is as
or only on the second or third descent these monsters should be
tistics for follows:
(by which time the party may or may generated by the DM
prior to game A. Flat sea floor with much vegeta-
not be allied with the locathah). Much time. tion.Sea weed here is 30' deep. No
of this decision depends upon the size strangleweed is found here, as the tri-
and strength of the party. Encounters at Tritonacil tons cleared it away.
The neutral beings (locathahs, ne- B. Flat, rocky shelves covered with
Inside the ruins
reids, sirenes, and tritons) should be drifting sand.
played as not particularly disposed dlOO Creature Number C. Steep rise toward the northwest,
towards doing either good or evil. 01-11 Giant crab 4-6 rocky shelves with many boulders. A
Rather, they act in their own self inter- 12-21 Mottled worm 1 storm giant’s castle (belonging to Aghit)
est and fight fiercely for advantage 22-31 Kopoacinth 4 lies about a half-mile away in this
where it seems obtainable. Once these 32-41 Giant lamprey 4 direction.

34 issue No.3

^ Unlocked door

l^>ckcd door

“ Open door
Secret door

Broken door

Magic portal







D. Slight downward slope toward value at present. nets are tumbled and empty in this
the northeast. Small pieces of quartz room. Upon careful inspection, a map of
and semiprecious stones abound (1 sp 5. Female Sleeping Quarters. This the terrain of the surrounding area can
each, one found per round of looking). room has several cots, some of which be found (the map on page 35).
E. Flat sea bottom with little vegeta- have luxurious waterproof cloths draped However, the room contains a strong
tion. Reef rises in the southeast. over them. The walls are richly deco- force of tritons who have returned to the
F.Coral reef. rated. A crystal dome lets light in manse to recover valuables. They are
G. Guardhouse. This structiure is through the ceiling; hanging from the unaware of the party unless warned by
deserted. A tunnel leads from here to dome are 100 10-gp clear gems on noise and light. After a long journey
room 22 on the lower level. The tunnel threads. On the north wall, a large from their new home many miles dis-
is equipped with rungs to facilitate metal plate is inscribed with the state- tant, they entered through the secret
vertical movement. The sandstrewn ment; I lift and lower the sea but have and seldom-used rear entrance and are
floor shows a melange of footprints, no arms; I fare widely but have no legs; 1 just ending an hour-long break before
much obscured by the movements of need no light but my face. If the solution beginning their search through the
the water. to the saying (Moon) is spoken, the ruins of Tritonacil (tritons; AC 5; MV
secret door glows softly and is discov- 16" ; HD 3; hp 3-24; #AT 1; Dmg by
Upper Level ered at once. Otherwise, each character weapon type; AL N).
has only a 5% chance of finding the door The tritons’ steeds, 15 giant sea
1. Terrace. A
colony of weed eels, when searching. horses, are waiting on the portico (a
their former lair caved in by the storm, On the floor near one of the cots is a porch consisting of a roof supported by
has established a new lair in this shel- (pet) sting ray covered in the sand pillars) just outside the secret door to
tered area. All around the left archway which the storm has left in heaps this room. Watched by a triton armed
are 40 weed eels which look so much throughout the upper level of TVitona- with a trident (hp 18), the sea horses are
like seaweed that only a trained ob- cil; hence, the ray is 90% invisible (sting able to join a battle if called (sea horses;
server notes the difference. The weed ray; AC 7; MV //9’; HD 1; #AT 1; Dmg AC 7; MV //21" HD 3; hp 3-24; #AT
; 1;
eels attack intruders; after 20 are 1-3; SA poisonous sting for 5-20 hp dam- Dmg 2-5; MR 90%; AL N).
killed, their holes (about 8" across) are age and 5-20 rounds paralysis (if save The room contains one 8-HD triton
seen. Characters who enlarge these vs. poison failed); AL N). with AC 4 from shell armor (hp 40),
holes through two yards of sand find 6'- The beautiful cloth on this cot is a three with 5 HD (hp 27, 25, 24), and
diameter tunnels leading to a 30’ x 20' nereid’s shawl. A young nereid (95% four with 3 HD
(hp 22, 20, 17, 16). All of
X 20' cavern dug into the sea bed. Scat- invisible, except as golden seaweed) these tritons are armed with tridents
tered about are a few triton bones, a sleeps underneath it. She was unable to and daggers; the leader possesses a
dagger in its sheath, a necklace of 10 resist theaccommodations that newly trident +2. The tritons wear headbands
black pearls <60-500 gp each) and 14 deserted Tritonacil seemed to offer and studded with three pearls (each pearl
white pearls (base worth 100 gp), and an has started to make her home here, worth 100 gp). While tritons are gener-
enameled tube. The tube contains a having acquired control of the water in ally well disposed towards humans,
waterproofed scroll ofprotection from this room. She is sound asleep and is they are quite suspicious of the inten-
possession (40 weed eels; AC 8; MV surprised unless the party creates a tions of anyone encountered in their
//16"; HD
1-1; hp 4 each; #AT 1; Dmg 1; disturbance. Once awake, however, she former home. In the absence of persua-
SA poisonous bite (save vs. poison or knows how to handle men. She does not sive speaking by party members, or at
die); AL N). harm party members unless provoked. any sign of hostility or looting, they
Her antics bemuse any male human or fight to expel the intruders. Each triton
2. Great Hall. The walls of this hall demi-human, rendering them incapable has a 5% chance of recognizing Char-
are covered by colorful shell mosaics. of doing her harm. Efforts to embrace tare from his similarity to Chael, but
One is of the god Triton, who wears a the seemingly flirtatious nereid arouse none recognize Greytare.
white cloak and carries a large key and her ire, however, as well as that of her The room has a tunnel leading down
crystal. On the key, the words I passeth sting ray —
the latter may feel threat- to area 24 on the lower level (the jail).
through or over the water but am not ened in any case (nereid; AC 10; MV The adventure could end quite quickly
wetted appear, written in small letters 12" ; HD
4; hp 16; #AT nil; SA blinding here if the PCs manage to get to the
visible only on close inspection. If the spit (effective out of water), control lower level where Chael is still impris-
word “sunlight” is spoken aloud, the water (see Monster Manual II, page 95); oned —
but they have no way of know-
crystaland key become real and may be SD deadly kiss, mesmerize males; AL ing this. The tunnel is covered with a
detached. The key opens any normal CN). metal plate which has been covered
door in Tritonacil. over by sand; only the tritons knew the
6. Treasure Room. Several empty tunnel’s location, and they aren’t likely
Lounge. This room has comfortable
3. chests and a finely carved ivory statue to want to tell. The tunnel entrance
divans and swinging chairs, now in a of the god Triton remain herein. This may be located by those who deliber-
state of disarray. statue is worth 5,000 gp due to its ex- ately search for it on a roll of 1 on a dlO
quisite workmanship; its effective per turn of searching (per character).
4. Male Sleeping Quarters. This weight is 350 lbs.
room is similar to area 6 (mentioned Reception Area. Three more mem-
below), though it contains nothing of 7. Command Post. Desks and cabi- bers of the triton salvage party (HD 3;

36 Issue No.3

hp 20, 16, 13), a 6th-level triton magic-

user (21 hp), and a 3rd-level (hp 13) and
a 4th-level (hp 17) cleric are consvilting
here. They can hear loud disturbances
in rooms 7, 9, or 10. The magic-user has
a dagger +2, and he and the clerics
have nets. The clerics cast their light
spells on the eyes of party members
they hope to net (if time permits). They
also wear headbands with pearl studs (3
pearls per band, 200 gp per peart). Their
spells are as follows:
Magic-user; magic missile (x2), charm
person, push, mirror image, web, hold
person, and slow.
Priest: light, sanctuary, and spiritual
Curate: light, command, cure light
wounds, hold person, and spiritual ham-

9. Leader’s Quarters. The triton

leader, Quag, is surveying his former
quarters. He is a 9-HD (hp 44) warrior
who, in addition to his headband, wears
a dagger -^3 and carries a staff of the
sea snake, a trident +4, and a conch
horn. The staff functions as a staff of the
pythor:, turning into an 8-HD sea snake
on command (AC 5; MV 12’’; hp 32; #AT
2; Dmg 1-6 (bite) and 3-18 (constriction);
SA constant damage with constriction, Poseidon, ’Triton, and Araphitrite are chance of discovering these special tablets
bite causes save vs. poison or death; AL found on the walls. each time that this room is searched.
N). Quag hears loud disturbances in
rooms 8 or 11; at the first sign of dan- 11. Treasure Store. The flagstones 13. Crypt. Five triton leaders lie
ger, he summons six sea lions (see room behind each door to this room conceal a entombed in stone sarcophagi, the lids
23) by blowing his horn. They arrive at balancing mechanism that closes the of which are locked at both ends. Both
the archway to room 10 in one turn and door, locking it automatically, if more locks must be unlocked to slide a lid off.
proceed toward Quag's quarters, attack- than one person steps on the stones. Each crypt contains the skeleton of a
ing any unfamiliar creature unless Most treasure has been removed from triton, which appear to quiver and
Quag orders otherwise. Quag tries to this room, but amidst the empty chests make small movements when the crypt
call the sea lions to his defense, acti- and coffers can be found 17 pp, 2 gp, and is opened. (The movement is due to tiny
vates his staff, and fights as well as a 500-gp aquamarine that were air currents created when the lid is
possible afterwards. dropped. The back wall contains a 10' x moved.) The skeletons are armed, the
Quag’s quarters have a floor of sand- 10' electnim mirror in a gold frame. It first with a short sword + J the second
stone, walls of kelly green, and a ceiling isworth 6,000 gp and weighs 100 with a normal dagger, the third with a
that is blue around the edges of a crys- pounds. Most of its value lies in 50 harpoon +2, the fourth with a staff of
tal dome. The east wall is engraved pearls worth 100 gp each that stud its the sea snake, and the fifth with a dag-
with the words We are the shining tim- frame. There are also four large urns in ger +1, *2 versus marine creatures.
bers for castles in the clouds, written in the room —
two of rose coral, one of Each skeleton wears 1-4 pieces of jew-
magical script requiring a read magic lapis lazuli, and one of malachite —
all elry worth 2,000-8,000 gp each. The
spell. If the word denoted by this riddle of which are empty. These urns are second also wears a pearl broach of
(“sunbeams”) is spoken, the dome worth 100-600 gp each. shielding, which is valued at 550 gp if
glows, thus lighting a particular area of its magical nature goes undetected.
the room where the secret door to the 12. Library. This room contains many If any local tritons find out that these
west can be found within one round. If tablets of laboriously engraved stone, tombs have been looted, they will be-
not, party members who search each most pertaining to important triton- come enraged and will enlist any assist-
have a S% chance of finding the door. relat^ historical or religious matters. A ance they can find in pursuing the
careful study reveals one expiainii^ the offenders.
Altar Room. An altar is all that
10. god IViton’s magical items and another
is found in this room of worship. Shell explaining the riddles engraved here and 14. Armory. This room, as well as
mosaics of the deities Pallas Athena, there in the mansion. There is a 5% rooms 16, 17, and 18, may be entered by


gnome- or halfling-sized creatures 16. Recreation Hall. This disordered ride high 30' southwest of the door; the
through the rent that runs diagonally room contains targets, blunted weapons, three locathah with tridents float low in
through the roof of this corner of the and dicing games. Any noise in this the extreme southeast comer of the
mansion. The eastern third of the ar- room awakens the occupants of room 23 room. They rely on the fighting quali-
mory is dimly illuminated by light (through the tunnel in the floor) who ties of their mounts as much as on their
filtering through the opening. Walls are appear in 2-5 rounds. (The southwest own abilities.
cracked, and there is a multitude of corner of this room is illuminated by Locathah: AC 6; MV //12"; HD 2 (un-
fallen stones, rubble, and a number of light from a rift in the ceiling. See room less stated otherwise); hp stated above;
damaged weapons, none of them of any 14 regarding possible entry through #AT Dmg by weapon type; AL N).
use. this rift.) Giant eels: AC 6; MV //9"; HD 5; hp
An electric eel has drifted into the stated above; #AT 1; Dmg 3-18; SD can
room and found its perfect lair; it is 17. Storage Room. This room con- detect approach of large creatures
hiding, but will be encountered on the tains small stone containers holding the within 120’: AL N).
tenth round of searching (electric eel: following items: agar, barley, fennel,
AC 9; MV //12": HD 2; hp 13; I AT 1; rhubarb, parsley, and tarragon. The 19. Kitchen Storage. In the pantries
Dmg 1-3; SA one jolt every hour for ceiling is badly damaged, and the north- are 20 small stone containers of herbs
double damage listed in the Monster east comer is dimly illuminated and spices, 10 barrels of fish (now
Manual, page 36; AL N). through the crack in it. A gnome has a spoiled), and 15 stoppered urns contain-
On the west wall of the room, the 70% chance of detecting unsafe ceiling; ing the flesh of various mollusks. The
15. Trace Me and Always dropped
words a dwarf has 50%. Large stones fall barrels are tumbled, and some are split.
when used, but recovered when not are every five rounds as the ceiling con- Wrapped bundles of squid and octopus
written in triton. Speaking the word tinues to collapse, hitting a character at tentacles (now terribly decayed) hang
"anchor” causes the outline of an an- random for 2d6 damage. An alert char- from the ceiling. A giant marine spider
chor to appear on the wall. Tracing the acter who rolls less than his or her has made an airy lair amongst the
outline from left to right causes a magic dexterity on a ld20 takes only ld6 dam- wreckage in the southeast corner of the
portal to form, giving entry to room 15. age. room. It charges out at anyone entering
Tracing it again causes the portal to the room (giant marine spider: AC 4;
disappear. 18. Kitchen. This room can be en- MV 15"; HD
7 +7; hp 40; #AT 1; Dmg
tered as room 14; the southwest quarter 3-12; SA bite causes paralysis (save vs.
Special Armory. Many hooks, is dimly illuminated. The kitchen has poison); AL N).
cases, and shelves are empty. This room norma) furnishings and shows signs of
is less damaged than many others due the upheaval caused by the storm. Pots 20. Dining Room. This room contains
to its strong construction, but there are and pans are scattered on counters, several tables and chairs, and it has a
some fallen stones, and many items some cabinets have fallen, and stools locked cupboard in each corner. The
have fallen or are overturned. The room are overturned. Hiding in this room are cupboards contain nothing but stone-
still contains six sealed pouches. These a party of locathah mounted on giant ware and appealing busts of IViton (one
pouches contain oily pellets which have eels, liiey trailed a party of koalinth to per cupboard) worth 10 gp each. The
magical properties — extra healing, Tritonacil and had just^gun to search southern door to this room has been
undead (ghoul/lacedonj control, diminu- the manse when their mounts’ lateral broken loose from its mountings by a
tion, healing, storm giant strength, and line organs warned of a very large mon- huge monster, a great white shark,
invisibility — when swallowed by tri- approach. They quickly slipped
ster’s which has followed some very interest-
tons. Only the pellets in the second and unnoticed into this room and are now ing scent traces into the mansion. It is
fifth pouches work for those who are not ready to ambush anyone who enters. 30' long and, though agile, has some
tritons. The second pellet is nauseating, The leader is a 4th-level fighter (hp 18) trouble maneuvering in these rooms; its
and an imbiber must save vs. poison to and his assistant is a 3rd-level fighter attacks are at -4 to hit (shark: AC 5; MV
avoid vomiting, negating the pellet’s (hp 14). 'They each have a trident and a //18" ;
HD 12; hp 65; #AT 1; Dmg 5-20;
effect. The pellet is not really poisonous, net. The other locathah have 12, 10, 10, ALN).
however, and if the imbiber does not 9, 9, 9, 8, 8, and 7 hit points each. The
vomit, he gains its power against all first three have lances, the next three 21. Garden. Unusual and beautiful
kinds of ghouls. The fifth pellet is caus- have tridents, and the last three have sea plants line this unroofed area. From
tic. A small bite does 1 hp damage, light underwater crossbows; all ride the center rises the 80’ stone tower
swallowing the whole pellet causes 10 giant eels (hp 23 apiece). They loose topped with a statue of Triton. A stone
hp. The imbiber does, however, gain their missile weapons and charge in path with four benches surrounds the
storm giant strength in this event. The twos and threes if attacking. They carry statue. If characters explore the tower,
room also contains a scroll ofprotection no treasure, but all have ivory-hilted they may think they see outlines of
from evil, a scroll of protection from daggers. The ornate workmanship secret doors or concealed portals, but
possession, sl ring of protection +2, a makes them worth 50 gp each. the tower is quite solid. 'The seams it
short sword +1, a javelin +2, bracers of The three crossbow-users float in the seems to show are merely products of its
defense AC 4, and a wand of negation extreme upper northwest comer of the construction or insignificant hairline
These items can all be found if the room room; the leader and two lancers are on cracks in its outer surface.
is searched (one item per five rounds). the floor, 30' from the door in the east
wall. His assistant and the other lancer

38 Issue No.3

this cell,where they have been feeding

on the body. The guard’s keys lie where
they fell from his hand, but his weapons
and valuables are gone. Cell D is still
locked; contains the floating corpse of
a merman. Cell E is locked but empty.
Cell F contains an exhausted and doz-
ing female aquatic elf —
Chael. She is a
cleric and has sustained herself with
create /bod spells. She is, however, out of
spells now. Though she feared sleep
since the lacedons entered the jail,
knowing she must be awake to turn
them if they find a way to enter her cell,
she has finally fallen into a light slum-
ber and is not able to warn the party of
the danger.
If awakened, Chael moves only at half
speed and cannot use spells until she
has had at least seven more hours of
sleep (as well as time to pray). She is
reticent, although thanl^ul for freedom,
unless she sees Greytare or Chartare.
Then Chael and her kin rejoice. The
latter gladly give their treasure shares
(but not magical items) to the party in
gratitude for the miraculous rescue.
Chael knows little of events at Tri-
tonacil. She can say only that the triton
jailer began releasing prisoners when
the tritons evacuated as the manse
L.ower Level that direction. threatened to collapse at the storm’s
height. Two koalinths were freed and
The tritons excavated utility areas 23. Sea Lion’s Den. The tritons on gladly fled, but she saw the sahuagin
under the southeast portions of Tritona- the upper level loosed their trained sea prisoner attack and slay the triton as
cil, but terminated their excavations lions immediately upon arriving at soon as the door to his cell was opened,
when they ran into faults in the rock Tritonacil, but these creatures went then flee with the jailer’s weapons.
strata. Because the tunnels bend a bit straight to their old lair instead of ex- Chael;
25. AC 10; MV
12"; C5; hp 19;
going from the two levels, the entry and ploring the ruins. Six are now in the #AT nil (at present); Dmg by weapon
exit holes do not necessarily line up shell-lined room. Four (hp 31, 28, 23, 17) S 8, 1
type; 15, W 16; D 14; C 10; Ch 17;
exactly. are sleeping, but two (hp 36, 16) are AL CN. At present, Chael has no per-
The triangular lower level of Tritona- awake. These creatures are not sure 26. belongings whatsoever; all of her
cil is roughly worked and very dark. It what, if anything, awakened them and adventuring gear was taken away by
shows, except for the newly opened are too tired to investigate unless they the tritons. Chael is an extremely out-
cracks, less evidence of storm damage hear another loud noise. The floor is going and free-willed individual who
than the upper level; as a result, little Uttered with bones, but the den con- never seems content. She is usually in
sand has been deposited here. tains no valuables (sea lions: AC 5/3; constant motion, and her personality is
: 6; hp stated above; # AT 3;
lively and sparkling. Though she also

22. Guard Post. This security area is Dmg 1-6/1-6/2-12; AL N). tends to be unpredictable and has a
a long hallway with furnishings for the short memory for details, she is a valu-
few men-at-arms usually assigned to 24. Jail. There is an exercise area and able and energetic ally — when circum-
duty here. Additionally, the tritons took six cells along the walls. The cells are stances permit.
their hippocampi to and from the stable stone, with stone doors that have small
nearby through here. It is now occupied windows shaped like the head of a tri- Guard Post and Entrance. The
only by fish: three floating eyes (AC 9; dent. The th]^ northern cells stand exterior tunnel entrance leads to the
MV //30" HD ‘/it; hp 3 each; # AT nil; SA
; open. Cells A and B are empty. Cell C door to room 25, which was not barred
hypnotism; AL N) and two barracuda contains the remains of a triton guard from within after the hasty evacuation.
(AC 6; MV //30"; HD 2; hp 12, 10; #AT struck down by the prisoner he was
1; Dmg 2-8; AL N). This pack is looking freeing. Three lacedons (AC 6; 9"; MV Stable. Dark and smelly, this
for dinner, having been attracted by the HD 2; hp 14, 12, 10; #AT 3; Dmg 1-3/1-3/ stable is laid out for hippocampi, whose
noise in room 26. They are not surprised 1-6; SA touch causes paralysis', SD im- nests lie in partitioned stalls along the
by anyone who enters the room from mune to sleep, charm; AL CE) are in side. It is currently occupied by a forag-


TRITONACIL walrus ivory (420 tusks worth 10 gp

each), and odds and ends of all sorte.
Lower Level Two of the 12 casks are sturgeon roe
worth 1,000 gp each. The 10 bales of
seals skin are worth 50 gp each. The 15
bales of hide are worth 10 gp each;
barrels of tallow, whale oil, and cod
liver oil are worth 5, 20, and 30 gp each;
roll IdlO for how many barrels of each
type are found.
Hiding in the northeast comer of this
room is an eye of the deep. The eye has
been watching the occupants of room 33
ever since it them here half a
day ago. The eye well hidden and can
only be surprised by a quiet, careful
scout on a roll of 1 on ld6; it surprises
on a roll of 4 or less (eye of the deep; AC
5; MV 6" : HD 10; hp 48; # AT 3; Dmg
2-8/2-8/1-6; SA stunning light in 30'-long
33. 20' across (save vs. death magic or
stunned 2-8 rounds), phantasmal force
OR phantasmal force and hold monster
spells; AL LE).
The walls of this room have split
along pre-existing fault lines. Only a
halfling or gnome can squeeze through
the narrowest portions of the split in
the north wall.

Storage Room. Five aquatic

ogres (AC 4; MV 6"//12"; HD 4 +4- hp
isg party of 25 koalinths, who entered harness used on the hippocampi, veteri-
24, 23, 22, 22, 20; #AT 1; Dmg 1-6/1-6/2-

through rooms 22 and 27. One clan nary supplies, and odds and ends re- 8; SA attack from surprise 1-4 on d6; AL
CE); armed with spears (2-12 hp dam-
leader (HD 2 +2; hp 11) armed with a main here. Nothing is of value.
age, hurled in first round of melee) have
trident and six followers (hp 8, 7, 7, 4, 3,
2) are contemplating the closed door to 29. Storage Room. This is a feed been sampling the leftover stores here.
room 26. The other clan leader (HD room; most of the vegetation stored here
They came into 'Tritonacil after seeing
the tritons flee the area, but are not
2 +2, hp 16) has a bilhguisarme. He and has rotted.
four followers (hp 8, 7, 6, 4) armed with
aware of the eye of the deep in room 32
which has tracked them.
spears keep an eye on the door to room 30. Infirmary. Cabinets lining the
27, which presently stands open. The walls contain many medical imple-
other 10 ordinary koalinths (hp 9, 7, 6, ments, waterproof bandages, and three
Concluding the Quest
6, 6, 5, 5, 4, 4, 3) all have spears and are jars of salve O^eoghtom's ointment). The Several further adventures could be
poking about half-heartedly in the latter supply is for ingestion, since developed for the PCs if Chael and her
abandoned hippocampus nests. These topical medicines don’t work well family are rescued. The pirates who
koalinths all have daggers as their underwater. served under Bloodric could come look-
second weapon. ing for the PCs, fully armed and ready
The koalinths have found no treasure 31. Storage Area. Meat for the sea for war. The vengeance of Greytare still
yet, but each carries 2-16 sp and 2-8 gp. lionswas stored here. It has rotted, produces fallout in the undersea world
The clan leaders each carry a 100-gp creating the equivalent of a stinking as the offshore area, now without the
piece of amber (koalinths: AC 5; MV 9" cloud in the stagnant water. Characters stability of the tritons, fills with new
HD 1 -t-1 (or more); hp stated above; #AT who enter the room must save vs. poi- creatures —
perhaps unfriendly ones
1; Dmg by weapon type; AL LE). son or be affected as if by the spell. The like ixitxachitl, koalinth, and sahuagin.
odor in the water does not disperse for Greytare may repent and ask the PCs to
27. Lounge. This is a roughly fur- at least two weeks. call the tritons back, hoping to make
nished, multi-purpose area where ofT- peace with them in some manner (using
duty guards might take a break, 32. Storage Room. This storage area the PCs as diplomats). The PCs them-
socialize, or perform minor tasks. It is contains piles of building materials, selves, if able, may wish to continue
deserted. bales of cimed seal skins and walrus exploring the undersea world with the
hide, barrels of tallow, cod liver oil and help of Greytare and his family.
28. Thck Room. Some of the light whale oil, casks of fish roe, a heap of

40 Issue No.3
As a chemist for a Connecticut environ-
mental lab, an avid science-fiction
reader, and a 10-year gaming veteran,
Richard Emerich doesn’t have a lot of
time for other hobbies —
but he does
quite well with the ones he has. This
module came into being because Richard
got tired of seeing gamers get "nice”
magical items; Monty-Haul types may
well bite off more (much, much more)
than they can chew.

This AD&D® game adventure is de-

signed for 6-8 characters of 8th-12th
level. At least one magic-user is re-
quired, and fighters and thieves would
be very helpful. Magic-users may have a
special interest in this quest due to the
nature of the item for which they
search. Traps and puzzles are a domi-
nant theme, and problem solving is
As always, the Dungeon Master may
locate this adventure in whatever part
of his campaign world fits the situation
best. The introduction to the adventure
may also be changed to fit the campaign
circumstances as desired.

Adventure Background

Having announced your availability

as adventurers for hire, you’ve been
contacted by a locally noted mage
named Xavian, who wishes you to
search for a special magical item

THE BOOK which he has been researching, lb-

day, you meet with him at his manor
estate in Carvet City to discuss your
“My friends,” the elderly gentle-

NO END man begins, his flowing cyan robes
continuously swirling in a magical
breeze that surrounds him, “I have
been looking throughout the many
manuscripts, tomes, and books which
I have accumulated over the years

for but one thing: a magical, mystical

anthology known as The Book With
Out of the eons, the No End. From what I have read and
magically sought, I believe that this
lost artifact may be within my —
deadliest artifact oiu" —
grasp, just waiting to be redis-
Xavian then unfurls a thick parch-
ment on the table in front of you and
shines a globe of wizard-light over it.
[The DMshould make a copy of the
map on page 43 available for the
Artwork by Roger Raupp
players at this point.] “Here we are,
Cortography by Diesel
in Carvet City,” he states, placing a


topush him toward his goal with more

finger on the city’s symbol, which “I do not know what you can expect and more speed. Every day that he was
then magically glows vivid crimson. once you get to this place, since it kept back from his place as Overlord to
“As you know, to the southwest lies has probably acquired different deni- mankind caused him more pain, more
a range of tall mountains, the Flan- zens than it originally had. But, I am
anger, and made him work faster. With-
drians. Above the range is fertile asking you, the most experienced of out realizing it, his megalomania
grassland, but below it is only arid my associates, to search for this caused him to be inaccurate, and occa-
desert. Book. As always, I will pay hand- sionally he forgot about necessary pre-
“It is my belief, from my arcane somely: 1,000 gold pieces for each of cautions intrinsic to the preparation of
studies, that this desert was once a you, plus a traveling allowance of magical devices. Finally, in his desper-
tropical zone rich with flora and 100 gold pieces, and one potion of ate attempt to shorten the time needed
fauna. It was also the home of a healing apiece. When you return to create the device, he cunningly plot-
certain wizard — his name is not with the Book, the usual 10% award ted, and then carried out, the murder of
important — who had in his posses- will be given to your group once I
no less than 16 lesser magic-users, in-
sion powerful magical energy which have assessed the Book’s value. stilling their life-forces into the device
he bent to create this Book With No “That’s all, then; you are to be on as its basic power, instead of slowly
End I’m not certain if he succeeded, your way. Good luck my friends, and accumulating in the device parts of his
but that tropical zone became desert may knowledge be your guide and own arcane energy. He would have his
as an end result of his use of the our reward!’’ world rulership right away.
Book — of that much I’m sure. The resultant arcane device took the
“In any case. I’ve discovered where It is required that at least one charac- form of a tome, dubbed The Book With
this wizard’s home once stood, as the ter in the group be a magic-user. As No End by Magus, because it could
magical barriers that once guarded it indicated, the PCs have, in addition to provide him with powers close to the
seem to have faded over the ages. their own equipment, two pack horses infinite, and
had the ability to accu-
The wizard lived here.’’ He points to which carry two weeks’ worth of food mulate powers “with no end
spells or
a blue circle in the desert zone, and water for eight people, two grap- limit." With the Book finally complete.
which lights at his touch. “This area pling hooks, 500' of rope, and 10 blan- Magus went forth from his tower home
of the desert is your destination.’’ kets. Each horse also has its own set of and brought the Book's power out in a
“I’ve arranged to have two pack saddle bags, capable of holding oats for test, ordering man and nature within
horses loaded with extra water, food, it for two week’s duration.
100 miles to bend to his will.
and climbing equipment for your use. The characters are each given 100 gp The result of this test was devastat-
You must use your skills to climb the to purchase any traveling necessities ing, for instead of becoming master of
mountains, cross the wastelands and adventuring equipment, and may man and nature, the Book obliterated
beyond, and somehow locate this do so before leaving on their adventure. everything in this area, draining the
wizard’s home. I give you this map to available energy and leaving a desolate
help you find your destination. It was For the Dungeon Master wasteland in its place.
created through many long hours of His vision of world domination ruined,
Twelve centuries ago, a powerful wiz-
spell work, and should be accurate to
ard, Magus of 'IVelm, began thinking the stunned Magus could not accept
within about one mile. You must that anything he had created could be
about world domination. Actually, he
navigate the monotonous dunes in flawed. This and the subtle influences of
had been constantly thinking about
some way, using what landmarks you the Book itself caused Magus, already
ruling everything since his adolescent
can, to reach this place. mildly insane, to become uncontrollably
years, when he discovered that the
“Now, about the Book With No End mad. His personality was shattered and
ancient art of sorcery came easily to
itself. It should be about fifteen warped: a megalomaniac side to his
him. Soon, his arcane strength matched
inches long and ten inches wide, with nature fought a paranoid sub-
the strength of his megalomania.
anywhere from one to ten inches of personality, and his persona eroded
thickness. My magical divination
He built for himself a tower in a re-
mote jungle, far from the prying eyes of rapidly afterwards. Magus eventually
suggests that it is bound with hard, died, consumed by his tome, leaving his
dark red leather, probably has gold his so-called colleagues, and began
doing research with one goal in mind: to flawed creation protected by the queer
or silver edging, and should have enchantments and powerful protections
create a powerful device through which
gold hinges and clasp. Upon it should in his tower home.
his already mighty powers would be
be two identifying sigils, an Alpha Thus, the Book With No End started
increased to a point where no other
and Omega. As to its powers — let in maleficent creation through the
magic-user, man, or group of men could
me say that I have no actual idea of homicide of 16 magicians, but ended in
stand against him. He spent a difficult
what to expect from it. All that I do the destruction of its creator and the
three decades doing research and plan-
know is that it contains some spells, absorption of him into the pages of its
ning to develop this universal, omnipo-
perhaps long forgotten or perturbed own text (see Appendix 1).
tent device, which would amplify his
by present-day magic-users, so for
During his regression, the fragments
this reason alone I desire it. Its name
own powers, add to his abilities, and
finally allow him to be above all other of Magus’s personality fought for con-
implies that it has no end, but what trol of the body. The paranoid part
this means I haven’t been able to
men in his rightful place as king of the left

world. some record of the Book's dangerous

determine. abilities in the form of warning verses
But Magus's megalomania continued

42 Issue No.3

left ininconspicuous places around the

tower home. His megalomaniac side left
bolder declarations of his own grandeur
and the Book's power. These warnings
and declarations act as clues for an
/ Canvet City
adventuring group of characters, giving
hints about the Book's powers, its crea-
tion, and its location in Magus’s home.
Magus’s tower home is a r^ection of
his megalomania and paranoia, and was
magically built by him with secret pas-
sages, spy holes, traps, and magical pro-
tections. His inner sanctum of workshops
is accessible only by wizard locked, secret
doors. All treasure is kept behind several
phases of nonmagical and magical traps.
Finally, his most prized possession (and
the source of all of his ills) is kept under
extraordinary protection in its own cham-
ber, its whereabouts given only in the
strange clues the adventurers may find in
the tower.
If the player characters return with
the Book, Xavian assesses it to be valu-
able, although possessing a latent, ma-
leficent power, and rewards each player
with an additional 2,000 gp worth of
Oa rO
precious gems and an additional potion
of healing and potion of sweet water. Desolate WastclaNb
I -
(Tbis reward should not be figured into
the player’s experience.) Calculate expe-
rience according to the method listed in •'V'
Appendix 2.
ARio bl<3^? plains ^>N

Starting the Adventure

The Flandrian Mountains have no man-
made road nor well-traveled pass
through them, since there is nothing
worth accessing beyond the range. At
the point where the characters cross
6 8 10
these mountains, the range is about 10 » I I

miles wide. In addition, there are hilly MILES

regions about five miles wide before and
alter the range. These hilly regions can X CowcR Of Macus
be crossed on horseback, but the moun-
tains require the characters to walk and Mountain encounters suddenly gives way 100-300' above the
lead their horses. Movement on horse- party. Unless the characters take cover
back in the hills is 20 miles per day;
dlOO Encounter
(don’t forget the horses!), they are swept
01-25 2-5 brown bears
through the moimtains (on foot), it away or covered with rock and die. If a
26-30 1-2 dragons; 40% red, 30%
slows to 5 miles per day. Consult the character can only find partial cover
white, 30% copper
Dungeon Masters Guide, page 68, if (which covers 10% to 70% of him), he
31-45 2-7 giants: 40% hill, 60%
other than average burdens on foot or takes 3-30 hp damage 70% of the time
medium horse are carried. or is swept away 30% of the time.
46-65 10-30 goblins, with 2-6 hob-
'The Flandrians are not greatly popu-
goblin leaders
lated with wildlife or denizens, so en-
66-70 5-10 trolls with one giant-troll
On the southern side of the Flandrian
counters occur on a 1-3 on IdlO, checked Mountains lies a desolate wasteland in
for at dawn, noon, dusk, and midnight. which temperatures reach 100°F during
71-90 Rock slide*
Statistics for each encounter should be the day and drop to around 20°F at
91-00 2-12 worgs
developed by the DM prior to play. night. The air is quite dry, and there are

seldom clouds.
Rock slide: About four tons of rock


Each character must consume a mini- melee; reduces foot

mum of one quart of water per day (four movement by half.
quarts for horses) in order to avoid de- V4 Same as above,
hydration and sickness. If a character with -4 on all
fails to do so, consult the dehydration melee and missile
table. Movement values are 20 miles combat; reduces
per day on horseback and 10 miles per foot movement by
day on foot. See the DMGfor further half; 15% chance of
information. fainting per hour,
There is even less wildlife here, so for a 10-minute
encounters occur on a 1 on IdlO, duration.
checked for once per day at dusk. No % or less All combat at -6;
statistics are given for these creatures; movement reduced
each encounter should be developed by by^k\ 50% chance
the DM prior to play. of fainting per hour,
for 15-minute dura-
Desert encounters tion;skin dehy-
drates and cracks,
causing 2-8 hp of
IdlOO Description
01-35 Dust pit*
damage per day and
1-4 additional hp
36-50 1-2 dragons;70% blue, 20%
per hour if moving.
red, 10% copper
The above table is for use only when
51-75 Sphinx: 50% crio-, 40%
characters are in the Desolate Waste-
gyno-, 10% hierarco-
land. If a character goes from consum-
76-90 1-6 poisonous snakes
ing one or more quarts of water in a
91-00 2-5 dustdiggers, arranged
24-hour period to none the next day, use
at least 20' apart
* the “M?” category for the first 24-hour
Dust pit: These pits are filled with
period and the “Vs” category for the
light, fluffysand particles, indistin-
following 24-hour periods. Any charac-
guishable from heavy sand. The pits
ter going without water for four 24-hour
range in diameter from 10-60' (ld6) and
periods falls unconscious for ld8 +
are usually formed in an inverted cone,
hours, after which the character dies.
some as deep as 50' (20-50' deep). Char-
acters falling into a pit immediately
A heal spell cures dehydration, restor-
ing the character to normal, as if he had
sink to the bottom and suffocate in two
consumed one quart of water in the
rounds. Such victims cannot climb out:
table above. This healing allows the
the dust pit’s sides are not solid enough
character to go for an additional day
for a foothold. A rope can only be low-
without water before manifesting any
ered if weighted with 10 tbs. or more,
adverse affects.
and it has a one time chance of 20%
The series of fractions in the table
that the victim grabs it in time. (A sim-
above denote rationing possibilities. If
pler rescue method would be to use a
fractions other than those listed are
spell to fly into the pit while holding
given, round down to the closest one
one’s breath, and drag the bottom for the
listed to determine the adverse effects.

Finding Magus's Tower

Effects of dehydration
Because the characters’ destination is
Quarts of
given in no exact terms, some searching
must be performed to find the location
of the Book. The characters do have a
per day Adverse effects
few landmarks to go by (namely the
1 ormore None.
Desert Rift and the Arid High Plains),
% Difficulty focusing
but without some other sort of guidance,
eyes on ^stant
they become lost among the monotonous
objects; -2 on me-
dunes of the Desolate Wasteland — a
dium and long
fate which has befallen several other
range missile
groups of adventurers over the years
weapon shots.
which sought the same book. Indeed,
Vi Same as above;
the scattered nature of the legends, the
weakness in limbs,
causing - 2 to hit in

44 Issue No.3

isolation of the area, the presence of the risky means. Riskier than this would be
hostile desert and mountains (and their the use of a gate spell and magical pro-
inhabitants), and the pitfalls on the way tection circles to summon such a crea-
to and inside the tower of the Magus ture. However, since the creature would
have eliminated all those who sought to not be magically bound to obey, trea-
recover the tome. The Book is now con- sures would have to be offered to cajole
sidered only a cxu'iosity in the annals of the creature into divulging information.
magical lore, and no one knows of its There is no guarantee that the creature
darker intent and powers. At present, will give any information, nor is there
only Xavian has any interest in finding any guarantee that the characters won’t
the tome itself. be attacked.
In thisAD&D campaign setting, there Finally, there is a library in Carvet
are no compasses available. There are, City which the characters may wish to
however, several other means available, consult before their journey. 'They have
both magical and technological in nat- a slim chance of finding some pertinent
ure. The technological means available information about the Book and its
are navigation by the stars or through whereabouts, but since it took their
the use of a sextant. The magical means employer years of such research to find
use spells of divination or location, plus what he already has, it is highly doubt-
some unreliable enchanted items avail- ful that they will obtain anything use-
able in any market square. ful. Yet, do not tell this to the
The map that the character’s have characters, and instead allow them this
been given is relatively accurate, hav- option if they ask for it. Consult the
ing been made from numerous nonde- following table to see if they are suc-
script references and magical cessful, and if so, consult Appendix 3 to
divinations obtained by Xavian. Thus, see what information they find. Check
one needs only to maintain a certain for these results at the end of each day
bearing as measured from the south- they search for information (rolling only
eastern edge of the Desert Rift. But once).
with the miles of intervening desert
offering no additional landmark, navi-
gation by the North Star (which, like North Star navigation 3-10 Correct calculations: The party
the real world, remains fixed due north) (Check at the end of each night.) maintains the same course
or by use of a sextant will be necessary. throughout the day.
Consult the tables below for each type Ids Result
of navigation. If the characters decide to 1 Miscalculation;The party veers The correct course heading from Car-
use a sextant, requiring one of their 10° from the intend^ path (1-3 vet City that the characters should
group to have a secondary skill as a on ld6, right; 4-6 on ld6, left). At choose for their trip is 230°, based on 0°
sailor or knowledge in navigation or the end of the night, the group is as north, 90° as east, 180° as south, and
astrology, they must first purchase one. off by 4 miles. 270° as west. The players may use a
Since the nearest navigable body of 2 Miscalculation: The party veers protractor to measure this, since the
water is some 300 miles distant, a sex- 6° &om the intended path (1-3 characters would have a device which
tant is a rare and very costly item to on ld6, right; 4-6 on ld6, left). At could measure angles. The characters
import. However, there is one available the end of the night, the party is must state a heading in degrees so that
for the game at a cost of 1,000 gp in the off by 2 miles. the DM can determine their course
market of Carvet City. Navigation by 3-6 Correct calculations: The party based upon their mode of maintaining
the North Star also requires that one of maintains the same course it. Without a stated destination heading
the characters have a secondary skill in throughout the night. in degrees, the characters wander aim-
either navigation or astrology. lessly about the Wasteland. It is sug-
On the magical side, a find the path Sextant navigation gested that the DM keep his own map of
spell would be useful, but only when the (Check at the end of each day.) party movement as determined by the
characters come within a few miles of preceeding tables.
the site, since the spell has a short dura- IdlO Result
tion. A commune or divination spell 1 Gross miscalculation; Improper Library research
could be employed to question the gods use of sextant (an unseen malad- (Check once at the end of the day.)
about the bwk and ite location. Alterna- justment) results in a 15° devia-
tively, a cacodemon spell could be used tion from the intended path. At IdlOO Result
to summon a creature from the lower the end of the day, the party is 01-85 No reference to the Book or its
planes for questioning. Since these off by 6 miles. location is uncovered.
creatures often have vast resources of 2 Miscalculation: See result for 86-97 The day’s work reveals some
knowledge to draw upon, the characters “2” in North Star navigation
obscure references to check the
may obtain some information by this table. next day. (The DM should en-


part of a deity who answers questions or

when giving magically obtained informa-
tion to the characters. Give only the infor-
mation they ask for; do not volunteer any.
(It is suggested that the players submit a
li6t of questions to the DM ^ a divination
spell is to be cast, thus allowing theDM
time to consider his answers, instead of
answering ofihand.)

Magus's Tower
The following describes the things seen as
the characters approach Magus’s home.
All sections in boxes are to be read to the
players. Read only those sections in italics
if the characters meet those conditions

that allow them to see, hear, or feel what

these descriptions convey. All other sec-
tions are for the DM’s eyes only and
should not be read to the characters un-
less otherwise noted.

Approaching Magus's Ibwer

(during daylight hours)

As you reach the apex of a tall dune,

you see before you a tall, weather-
worn tower of crumbling black stone.
From your vantage point (some 400
yards away) the tower seems to be
speckled with small, colored, blink-
ing lights, clearly defined against the
dark facade. The tower stands alone,
harshly defined against the bright,
amber sands of the Wasteland.

As the characters approach the tower

more closely and come to within 100' of
it, describe the following.

Now that you are closer, you can see

that the tower has many large gem-
stones set into it; these reflect the
sunlight in the many colors that you
saw on the distant dune. The facade
is rough and uncared for, and shows
courage the characters with this quential questions (as far as the god is
heavy signs of wind and sand wear. A
news. Roll again the next day concerned), and short or ambiguous
set of tall, narrow double doors set
with a +40 modifier.) replies may be common.
into the tower’s base on the northern
98-00 Exact information, although Spells determining the actual location
arc, however, show no signs of age.
obscure, is obtained. (The DM of the Book, namely find the path, are
They remain glistening with pol-
should turn to Appendix 3 and limited by spell duration and (possibly)
ished gold foil, and the relief work on
randomly to see what
roll infor- range. The DM must keep careful and
each door and the frame still show
mation is found.) accurate records of the time spent
the fine lines of delicate artistry.
searching and not allow the characters
Tb the right of the 20'-high doors is
The DM must use wisdom when the to abuse these spells. Spells such as
a large, rectangular placard, bearing
characters attempt to gain information locate object are almost useless, since
a score of tall, black runes on a silver
by magical means. The clerical spells of they require a prerequisite familiarity
base. It, too, shows no sign of natural
direct communication to the gods must with the object; the Book has never been wear.
be handled with strict restraint. 'The seen by the characters.
These double doors are the only
mortal is bothering a god with inconse- Use common sense when playing the

46 Issue No.3

physical force will force these doors to finding an invisible, magical barrier
portal visible on the tower; they have open. If a knock spell is employed to preventing them from entering.
no handles, knobs, or levers. You see gain entry, note that the wizai^ lock All walls, doors, ceilings, and floors
no way to grab them and pull them spell is not dispelled, but is
negated for have of iron plate sandwiched in
open, nor is there any visible lock or 10 minutes (one turn; see knock spell, them, preventing passwall spells from
key hole. page 70, Players Handbook). A success- operating, since the spell only allows
ful dispel magic spell will remove the passage through wood or stone.
Approaching Magus’s Tower wizard lock spell. The door closes auto- Due to defensive magic still in opera-
(during dusk, dawn, or night hours) matically unless propped open. tion, invisible characters are outlined by
The silver placard with the large, a clearly visible faerie fire (or brilliant
As you reach the apex of a tall dune, black runes to the right of the door is yellow-green color). This occurs anywhere
a sudden flickering of minute lights written in a forgotten language, and in the tower, but only to the characters. A
catches your eyes. After some search- anyone attempting to read it needs to dispel magic cast upon a character out-
ing for the sources of these lights, cast a comprehend languages spell first. line in this way removes faerie fire 60%
you see a tall tower outlined against If this is done, the sign reads as follows of the time and removes the invisibility
the dark sands by the moonlight and (read this to the characters, if they cast the rest of the time. But it matters not,
the dim glow of the horizon. From the spell): since the defensive magic simply places
this conical shape come the tiny another faerie fire on the character once
pulses of colored light that caught Debase yourself before the Master of the other is dispelled, and can do so infi-
your eyes originally. All nitely. There is no way to dispel the defen-
He will summon you to his hall sive casting source.
As the characters approach the tower And you shall know fear. Magus’s illusions are especially power-
more closely, they need some sort of ful,due to his skills (which have largely
light source to see efficiently. Describe This sign was merely an egotistical been forgotten among magic-users). They
the following only if a light source Oan- statement by Magus, but it should give work dii^ly against the observer's no-
tern, torch, light spell, etc.) is used. the characters a warning about what to tions of reality and work indirectly
expect. It also may give them confirma- against the observer’s intelligence and
The light illuminates part of the tion that this is the place they seek, by wisdom. Thus, in order to disbelieve an
building in front of you, revealing a the words “the Master of All." illusion in his home, take the sum of a

rough and wind-worn facade into character’s intelligence and wisdom,

which large colored gemstones have Inside the Tower divide it by two, and this value (the char-
been set randomly. The gemstones acter's Disbelief Index) or less must be
The size of the inside of Magus’s home
within sight appear to be unaffected rolled on 4d6 in order for the character to
cannot be determined from the outside,
by the elements, unlike the tower's be successful in his disbelief.
since this long dead wizard had dimen-
surface, which has had pieces broken Note; All characters who wish to pass
sionally warped the space inside his
off and spots worn rough by nature. through or otherwise use what an illu-
home to conform as he wished it. The
Your light also shines upon a set of sion hides must first successfully disbe-
wizard’s home is actually built like a
tall, narrow double doors set into the
lieve. If they fail (and they get only one
squat cylinder, with a 150’ radius and
tower’s base on the northern arc, 20-30’ ceilings.
chance), no amount of friendly assur-
which are plated with gold foil and ance convinces them that the illusion
Unless noted otherwise, the fioor and
untarnished. The doors have four are able to see, touch,
isn't real. 'They
objects in the rooms or areas within
small relief scenes depicted on each, and applicable) taste the illusion, and
Magus’s home are free of dust and are
showing various types of beautiful nothing short of dispelling the illusion
well preserved through the use of magp-
landscapes, lb the right of these dissuades them from their belief
cal spells. All items so preserved (if
doors is a large, rectangular placard, detected for) emit a very weak but
bearing a score of tall, black runes on Tower Encounter Key
noticeable magic aura.
a silver foil background. It too shows The air is kept at a constant 72°F Though there are no wandering en-
no sign of wear and remains glisten- through magical means. All doors, se- counters within the tower of Magus, the
ing in your light. cret or normal, close and lock within 30 DM should take some pains to lead the
The double doors are the only por- seconds if not propped open. There is no PCs to believe otherwise. Strange
tal visible on the tower; they have no light source in any room (unless other- noises, smells, and things seen out of
handle, knob, or levers immediately wise indicated), although some rooms do the corner of the eye (all common events
visible. You see no way to grab them have the capability of producing light in any dungeoneering expedition)
and pull them open, nor is there any through the use of serviceable lamps or should be played up just enough to keep
visible lock or keyhole. torches. the party in a slightly paranoid state.
Entry into or out of Magus's home Any “atmospheric” effects to increase
The doors described in the preceeding through the ethereal plane or by the use the sense of foreboding danger should
sections are magically locked by a of teleportation is prohibited by ancient, be carefully planned out and used.
wizard lock spell (cast at 20th-level but still operating, spells. Characters
proficiency). Tb open the doors, the char- who assume gaseous form and try to 1. Secret Observation Room. This
acters must employ either a dispel slip into the tower are also deterred. room was designed so that Magus or his
magic or knock spell. No amount of



lackeys could observe waiting visitors open the doors (see "Magus’s Tbwer”),
without being seen. A secret door leads they see the following: design of interlocking runes; the
runes look like those on the placard
from room 5 to this area. There are four
windows along the north wall that have outside the door.
The doors swing inward on noisy
illusions cast over them so they appear
There is a large mirror in a 6'
hinges, revealing a 20'-wide passage
as rock facade from the outside.
frame along the east wall, about 15'
leading south. With the available
into the passage. Opposite it is a
light, you can see that the floor is
dark wood coat stand and high chest
The secret door you’ve opened leads made of black stone, polished to a
of drawers made of the same wood.
into a narrow corridor, which then high sheen, and the walls have
An elegant, midnight-blue cloak with
opens into a 20' x 30' room. There are brown wooden paneling, dustless and
hood hangs on the stand. There is no
four windows set into the northern rich with tejcture. At yom feet is a
sign of dust on anything.
wall, which enable you to see the des- 10’ X 15 oriental rug of dark bur-

ert outside. There is nothing else here. gundy and amber color, with thick
gold threads woven throughout. The
The oriental carpet on the floor imme-
diately in front of the doors has a magi-
2. Entryway. Once the characters golden threads make up an intricate
cal symbol of stunning inscribed upon it.

48 Issue No.3

among the many normal runes. If a

comprehend languages or is still
is cast,
preserved. Between them stands an shiny dinnerware are arranged. Each
in effect, the caster finds that the runes
oak lamp upon which sits a
table, place setting has a dinner plate,
translate into random letters of some valuable gold-plated oil lamp with salad plate, bowl, wine glass, water
alphabet — a design and nothing more. paper shade. A low, double-level glass, crimson linen napkin, and six

Yet, a rune near the center of the rug

bookshelf 10' long forms a short wall pieces of silverware. Everything
will be indecipherable, and according to
behind the two chairs. looks to be of fine china and of pure,
the spell description, can be identified Along the east wall are book- untarnished gold, in the case of the
shelves running the entire length of flatware.
as “magical” in nature (but gives no
clue as to what it is). A read magic spell the wall — even on the backs of the A single large wooden door is set
identifies it as a symbol of stunning. large double doors. 'These contain into the southeast comer of the room.
lb remove the symbol, a dispel magic large clear bottles of strange little Around the table are 18 chairs, eight
must be cast vs. a 20th-Ievel original creatures preserved in liquid, along the west and east sides, and
caster. If it is not removed, the charac- strange collectables, and occasional one at each end. Each has its own
ter(s) who step on it or step parallel to groupings of leather-bound books. place setting before it.
the rug are stunned for 3*12 rounds, 'The west wall contains nothing; 'The chair at the south end is larger
immediately falling to the ground and instead, it has been painted to resem- and more exquisite than the other
dropping any item carried in hand. The ble a tropical lagoon, complete with plain, hardwood chairs, having a
spell affects up to 160 hit points of crea-
vivid emerald, shining water, white scarlet cushion, silver chasings, and

tures. Note: By reading the symbol with sand beach, and restful palm trees. gemstones inset on its high back.
a read magic, the effects of the symbol 'The water appears to move, waves
are activated upon the reader. lapping lazily against the sands, and In his earlier years, when his megalo-
Once 160 hit points of creatures have the palms wave in a nonexistent mania was not so forceful. Magus held
been affected, the symbol becomes dor- breeze. 'The whole mural is breath- court and often ate with his visitors.
mant for 10 minutes, after which it is taking and seems almost three- But, in the last years of his life, he often
fully operational. dimensional. sat alone in his chair (at the south end),
This symbol was placed here to stop brooding on his failure to conquer the
any unauthorized creatures from in- 'The mural on the west wall is magic world.
truding. Normally, when Magus was and activated by a strong light source
is His paranoia caused him to install a
alive, he would receive a telepathic cue (equivalent to a torch’s light). It affects magical escape button on the right arm
from the activation of this symbol and anyone who looks at it as a hypnotic of the chair. The last 4” of the carved
alert his guards. But since he is long pattern spell. Affected characters/ armrest lifts, revealing a red button. If
dead, no alarm sounds. creatures lay down on the floor, facing depressed, the person sitting in the
The cloak hanging on the stand, like the wall, and believe that they are bask- chair is teleported to room 24. Three
all of the dustless, inanimate objects in ing in warm sunlight on the l»ach if seconds later, the doors leading from the
this place, gives off a slight magical they fail to make a save vs. spells at -2 dining room are magically wizard
aura if checked. All of Magus’s items to the die roll (due to the powerful magi- locked and iron bars slide into place
have a preservation spell cast upon cal ability of Magus’s spells). Characters through them, sealing the room. After
them so that they do not become dirty thus affected remain so unless the light 10 seconds, the room begins filling with
or age. This spell has been cast upon the source is extinguished or a dispel magic chlorine gas from vents in the ceiling,
stone floor and wood paneling, too. is cast on the mural. If a dispel magic filling the room completely within five
(vs. 20th-level original casting) is suc- melee rounds. The button is found 1 on
3. Barroom. Against the north wall cessful, the mural becomes inactive for a d6 roll if searched for.
of this room is a wooden wine rack that 10 minutes. Magus would cast a light Characters caught in the room with-
holds about 50 dxtsty bottles of various spell and lose himself in the mural for out protection from gases (i.e., necklace
sizes. A silver serving cart and serving relaxation. of adaptation, cube of force, etc.) choke
platter sit in the southeast comer. A and die two rounds after the gas has
rack of glasses, from shot to brandy 5. Dining Room. completely filled the room. Characters
snifter size, stands along the east wall. who are choking and gagging (which
There is nothing of value here. All Your light illuminates a large, 60'- occurs from the first round the charac-
wine, should the characters try some, square room. 'The room’s walls have ter is exposed to the gas) cannot cast
has txirned to vinegar. dark, mahogany paneling running spells. 'They can, however, activate or
up each side to the ceiling 30' above. use magic devices that require no spell
4. Lounge. This elegant room was an The ceiling is supported with thick, casting or need only one command word
after-dinner retreat for Magus. Be sure oak beams, from which a marvel- spoken. Remember: passwall spells do
to read only those sections of the room ously crafted chandelier hangs on a not work in the tower; all walls have
description that the players can see golden chain the width of a man’s Vt" of iron plating in them which this
with their light source. arm. Below, a long wooden table, spell does not affect.
polished to a high sheen, stretches Once the button is pushed, only the
In the center of this room are two 40' from north to south. Upon it lies person sitting in the chair can be tele-
large easy chairs, dustless and well an immaculate, white lace tablecloth ported, until the proper button is
with gold foil trim; on top of this. pushed to air out the room, unlock the


from the ceiling, ending in a conical

vent hood made of shiny, beaten brass
over the hearth. This kitchen was used
by Magus’s servants. There is nothing
of importance here.

8. Servant’s Quarters. At one time.

Magus was attended by 12 servants, all
of whom resided in this common room
when off duty or when their services
weren’t required. "There is nothing of
value here.
This room contains 12 made beds,
matching night stands, and a mahogany
chest at the foot of each bed. All chests
have a large hasp and padlock. There
are torch holders spaced every 15' along
the walls, with unused torches in each.
The room has pine wood paneling with
a dark wooden floor.
9. Main Kitchen. This room has two
large, round stone hearths at its center.
Upon each sits a large, square metal
grate, blackened from charcoal. Hang-
ing from racks supported by ceiling
chains are a number of large and small
saucepans, pots, and frying pans, all
made from what appears to be gold.
Ladles and spoons sit neatly arranged
on tables that are against each wall.
There is nothing of interest here.
There are 12 pots and pans covered with
doors, and re<activate the teleportation the blanket. If the characters declare
7. gold foil over a copper base, each worth
chair, found in area 27A. that they are searching actively and
carefully through all of the shelves, 5gp.
Storeroom. they automatically find the blanket
10 . Storage Room. This small room
after 1-10 minutes.
The wool blanket in question is dark has shelving running along the east
You enter this room and see that it is
wall only, from floor to ceiling. It holds
lined with shelves along its walls, burgundy in color. Upon unfolding it,
china and crystal, dinnerware, plates,
reaching all the way to the ceiling the characters immediately notice that
it has been cut up at the center to form
dishes, and glasses, all in a variety of
10' above you. There are folded blan-
colors. "The room, shelves, and china are
kets and sheets, linens and canvas outlined words, which in turn form
all free of dust.
along the south wall’s shelves. The strange runes. If the characters cast and
shelves on the west wall hold use a comprehend languages spell, they
can read the following:
11 . Food Freezen
sconces, tins of paint and incense,
candles, and large flasks of lamp oil,
all clearly marked. The shelves along When curiosity catches game. The door to this room is heavy, made
The high kings fall and four remain; from thick slats of bound wot^ and
the north wall hold folded rugs and
Steadfast clerics hold the door, iron. As you open the door, wisps of
what appear to be heavy draperies.
The guardians of their Master’s white frost escape from around the
The east wall of shelves hold various lore.
edges, revealing icicles hanging from
building materials, such as kegs of
'The significance of this clue is ex- the door frame above. Cold air con-
nails, tools, small pieces of light and
plained in area 24. fronts you. Looking inside, you see a
dark wood, and metal fastenings and
row of meat hooks hanging from the
Servant’s Kitchen. This room low 7' ceiling, each holding a side of
contains a simple, but well kept hearth, beef. Along the north wall are
There isa clue to the Book in this
several large cooking pots and frying shelves made from iron, upon which
room. The first folded blanket on the
pans made of copper (which hang from a sit a number of oddly shaped items
middle shelf of the south wall contains
rack against the northern wall), and wrapped in dull white paper and
it. If the characters declare that they
two wooden tables, upon which a selec- twine.
are searching through the shelves,
there is a 2dl0 chance that they find tion of very clean, keenly sharpened
knives sit. A chimney extends down This freezer holds meat and vegeta-

50 Issue No.3

bles (the oddly wrapped packages). The

goods — or so it seems. Once a weight of Library Foyer. In order to gain
10 lbs. or more is set on the well’s floor, a entry to this area, the characters must
freezer is kept cold by an enchantment
weighted trap door opens, its two halves get past the double doors here or at the
which can be dispelled by a dispel magic
dropping down to reveal an additional south end of area 20. These doors are
cast against 20th-level ability.
100' of the well cavi^, filled with water. plated with gold over a steel base 1"
Simultaneously, hemispherical plates at thick. Each bares a 2’-tall black rune,
12. Secret Spy Chambec This narrow
floor level inside the weU’s wall emerge which, if translated by a comprehend
corridor runs along the south wall of the
and close off the weU opening. 'These languages spell, reads “M.” Each door is
Dining Hall (area 5). Every 10', there are
8" X 8" windows set into the wall sepa- plates have mithral-steel sharpened edges magically wizard locked and protected
which slice through any rope or cable by an efreeti (see abilities listed below).
rating the two rooms. They have been
under 3' in diameter and have a 50% 'Ihe efreeti attacks anyone who does not
enchanted to appear like normal wood
chance of slicing off any appendage give the proper password to open the
paneling from area 5, but in actualiQ'
caught in their closing. If they fail to doors, using his magical abilities first
they are made of glasses steel (unbreak-
sever, the appendage is cat^ht fast. until they are exhausted, then attack-
able). Via these windows, one can see
In either case, the character must roll ing with melee weapon. The efreeti
through gasses. Because they are also
a system shock (see page 12, Players gives no warning, attacking from be-
enchanted to allow infravision to viewers.
Handbook). If the character fails, he hind the party of adventurers if possi-
Magus could observe anyone trapped
falls unconscious for 5-8 rounds. In any ble, materializing while invisible up to
inside the chamber die of asphyxiation. 80' down the corridor. Once summoned,
event, the character takes 2d6 + 10 hp
'The secret door gives entry to a corri-
damage per round until the wound is the efreeti can only return to his state
dor beyond that runs from east to west.
cauteriz^ and a minimum of a cure of limbo within the doors he protects by
Set into the north wall, about every 10’,
light wounds or its equivalent (i.e., a killing all intruders. Be sure to play the
are small windows. They give a clear
view of the room beyond (obviously
potion of healing) is given to the charac- efreeti cunningly (efreeti; AC 2; 9'7 MV
some sort of large dining hall). There is
ter. A trapped appendage must first be 24"; HD 10; hp 70; lAT 1; Dmg 3-24
freed from the viselike grip of the hemi- (huge mace); SA become invisible (the
nothing else of interest here.
spherical plates by characters with a efreeti begins in this state), assume
combined strength of at least 36 points gaseous form, detect magt<^ enlarge,
13. Armory. This room houses weap-
and wearing gauntlets or equivalent. polymorph self, create illusion (aural
ons (which were to be used by the ser-
Meanwhile, the character caught inside and visual components, which remain
vants at Magus’s bidding) for defense of
the well cavity sinks to the bottom if he is until touched/dispelled), and wall of fire,
the tower. 'There are five crossbows, 200
wearing met^ armor of any sort; like- all once per day (all spell-like abilities
bolts, 12 long swords, 12 daggers, and
12 shields. 'Two of the swords are long
wise, the character sinks 45% of the time cast at 10th level); AL LE).
if wearing leather armor. If the character Although the wizard lock on the door
swords *2.
is encumbered with more than 30 tbs. of can be temporarily dispelled by a knock
This plain room houses a number of
equipment, he sinks 35% of the time. If a spell, the doors won’t open to any force
weapons arranged in racks along each
character does not sink, he must stiU until the efi^ti is dead and his magical
wall. The walls are bare, gray stone, as
actively tread water to stay afloat. A link to them is thus broken. If a disinte-
is the floor.
character may tread water for a number grate spell is attempted against the doors,
of rounds equal to his constitution, after the magic that holds them reflects the
14. Well Room. 'The walls and floor of
which he tires and sinks. spell back on the caster, disintegrating
this room are composed of smooth, dark
gray stone, and the atmosphere is
A character may try shedding all of him 15%, a m^or magic item 35%, or all
his equipment if he is wearing no ar- of his nonmagical items (including any
damp. At the center of the room, about
mor. Success is registered if a roll of 30 clothing!) 50% of the time.
7' across, is a low, 4' circular brick wall,
plus his dexterity is made on a IdlOO.
with a wooden arch supporting a rope
Afterwards, he can tread water for two As you move down the 20'-wide corri-
and bucket across the opening the wall
times his constitution score of rounds. dor you come to the end of the pol-
encircles. If the characters look down
Floating is not possible due to the nar- ished black floor where two massive,
into this well, describe the following;
row diameter of the well cavity. golden doors are set into the wall
If the treasure is recovered from the before you. Each is 15' high and 6'
Looking into the opening, you see well’s floor (some 100' below the water’s wide, with two symmetrically placed
dark, clear water, about 8' from the surface) and the gold box is opened, the knobs near the seam between them.
top of the well’s wall. Your light characters find inside a small diary, mea- Upon each is a bold, 2'-high rune
illuminates something shiny in the suring 6" long, 4" wide, and Vs" thick. drawn in reflective black paint.
water, possibly some sort of metal. On each of the pages are a number of
There seem to be several objects 4' strange doodles; one page contains the
below the water’s surface which Remember to check to see if anyone
foUowing verse, carelessly scribbled: notices the secret door near these dou-
reflect your light.
ble doors. If the characters check for
Leaves of knowledge, lined with gold. magical aura, inform them that they
Under the
water, there are 8 gp scat- Bound in dragon's leather old; detect a moderate aura on the doors.
tered about and a small, watertight, gold Upon them, endless power tamed, Once the characters defeat the efreeti
box with clasp. 'Ib collect this treasure, Enough to set this world aflame and kjiock the doors, describe the follow-
one need only lower themselves into the
ing to them:
water (it’s only 4' deep) and scoop up the


Having successfully disbelieved the

illusion and dispelled the magic
locking the door, you emerge into a
20' X 20' room lined with shelves
from floor to its 10' ceiling. The
shelves are about 12" apart and are
lined with small vials, Imttles of
and small bags
different colors, large
and sealed bowls of wood
of all sorts,
and ceramic. All of these items have
a small placard tacked to the shelf in
front of them, with small runes ap-
parently denoting the container’s
contents. The language, however, is
unfamiliar and indecipherable.

Of course, a comprehend languages

spell enables the magic-user to read
each placard and thus discover
that the containers hold spell compo-
nents. Without the aid of the spell,
finding a desired component takes 30
minutes each.

17. Creature Storage. 'This room

contains a number of various-sized
animal pens. Straw covers the floor of
the pens. Additionally, you see a num-
ber of large empty bird cages hanging
from supports along the east wall. 'The
walls here are made of smooth-hewn
gray stone, and the ceiling is arched
ter must provide a reasonable explana- and supported with oak beams. Magus
Beyond the doors, you see a large tion for his motivation to do so. One
room with part of its southern wall once penned up animals or other crea-
cannot simply cry “I disbelieve’’ and tures in this room to be used or sacri-
open to the beginnings of an even hope that he is right. It would be foolish
ficed in his magic operations.
larger room beyond. The walls here to do this every time the character is
are paneled with wide boards of confronted with a monster or situation.
18. Secret Corridor. This passage is
cedar, which give the room’s atmo- See the “Inside the 'Ibwer” section for
sphere a fresh scent. A large, ornate, longer than the one in area 12, but is
possible disbelief of the illusion.
and delicately crafted chandelier otherwise exactly the same. Secret spy
hangs from the arched ceiling 30' windows are spaced 10' apart looking
16. Magical Storage. 'This room was
into area 19, as well as outward to the
above, but its many lamps are unlit. used by Magus to store various, mun-
Against the north wall are two corridor to the passage’s west and south.
dane magical components. Wooden A number of secret doors allow entrance
leather couches, each 10' long, be- shelves are attached to the walls, with
to this passage, all of which are wizard
hind a low, long oak table. about 12' of height separating them.
'The components are still usable, so The “X” marks the location of a dead
'There isnothing of value here. If the magic-users in the group of characters
adventurer of the past. If the characters
characters go into the larger area be- may wish to stock up. A component for get to this point, describe the following:
yond, turn to area 20. spells from 1st through 5th level are all
If the efreeti is down to 10 hp or less available in 2-4 spell uses. Spell compo-
and hasn’t used his illusionary powers, nents for 6th- to 9th-level spells are
At this point, you suddenly come
he conjures a large, flaming ball of fire upon the bones of a man lying alone
present 50% of the time in 1-3 spell use
in his hand and hurls it at the ceiling with some worn possessions on the
quantities. 'The room is accessible only
above the characters; the resultant floor, up against the reverse of a
by the secret door from area 17, which
massive explosion causes illusionary secret door. in the remains
is masked by an illusion which makes it
debris and stone to fall over them. Char- of its right hand
the hilt of a cor-
look like a normal part of the wall. (See
acters who do not successfully disbe- roded long sword of black iron, with
the “Inside the 'Ibwer” section for possi-
lieve the illusion, take 3-30 hp damage. dull silver runes along its edge. Also
ble disbelief of illusions.) The door is
Disbelief allows the character to ignore lying about are a worn and molded
wizard locked at the 20th level of
the illusion and the damage. long-sword scabbard, the moth-eaten
'Ib disbelieve any illusion, the charac-

52 Issue No.3

ter’s Work, the Master’s Foil”) lies be-

remains of an empty leather back- and while below, stalks of wheat
neath the blood and soil; the verse goes
pack, and a small gold cloak broach casually sway back and forth. on to hint that the Book caused its Mas-
under the rib cage. ter’s downfall —
and may do the same for
This room was used by Magus to en- the characters seeking it.
The sword is a long sword +3, neutral tertain guests (before he became in- An invisible stalker has been en-
good in alignment, with the following sane). But, as in area 5, the paranoid chanted to remain here, acting as a
characteristics; intelligence 13; locate Magus later installed escape buttons servant and guardian to the Master.
object within 12" 1 hour total per day;
here, too. Along the ends of each couch, The invisible stalker would fetch books,
protection from normal missiles continu- almost at floor are small con-
level, close doors, and even file books for Ma-
ously for user only. cealed sliding panels. Behind each is a gus. Should the characters try to take
This poor adventurer was trying to red button and a blue button. The red any book from the room, it will bar the
use the locale object ability when he met button, when depressed, teleports the way, then attack to stop the book from
an evil adventurer also looking for the person sitting on the end to area 27A, being removed! The invisible stalker
Book. In the resultant combat, he died, 20.nils the room with chlorine gas (see
and does nothing if the characters do not
and since his weapon was good, the evil area 5). The blue button substitutes 21. a book (invisible stalker: AC
take 3; MV
opponent left him and the sword here. paralyzation gas, which paralyzes a 12" HD
8; hp 65; #AT 1; Dmg 4-24; SA

Note that the locale object ability won’t character for 30 minutes (no saving surprise on 1-5 on ld6 (which it uses to
work for the characters, since the spell throw). 'The panoramic mural, although attack the book stealers unawares); SD
requires familiarity or knowledge of strangely fascinating, does not adversely invisibility causing all characters sub-
what the object is; the characters don’t affect anyone (as the one in area 4 does). tract 2 from “to hit” rolls; MR
have enough of either. AL N).
The sword, through empathy, tells its Library.
wielder what its powers are. The “corro- Secret Corridor. This corridor is
sion” is only on the surface. The blade You explore this large room, finding similar to the one in area 12, having
remains intact and fully functional. The it to be quite immense. There are secret spy windows along the northern
sword need only be cleaned. high book shelves lining the perime- part, each facing into the 20' corridor;
ter and a low two-shelf one running between the gaps in books into area 20
Lounge/living Room. for 60', west to east, where indicated. are more of these windows, spaced every
Three large, square tables and chairs 10’. In addition, there is a treasure
The double doors pull back to reveal are placed uniformly in the south storage cabinet hidden within this corri-
an oddly shaped room of large size. area. The room has several crystal dor where indicated. Describe this cabi-
Your light shows four comfortable chandeliers hanging from the ceiling. net if they are able to see it.
couches at its center, each L-shaped Many varied books are shelved
and arranged to form the corners of a throughout. Against the west wall, a 5’-long, 3'-
small square near the room’s center. high, and I'-deep cabinet is set. It
The walls here are quite strange. Ifthe characters opt to search in has two glass panes for doors, each
The entire circumference is painted depth among the many books on the 2W long, with a seam at the center
with a breathtaking landscape: high shelves, then they discover a book out of where each half meets. Behind the
mountains with a raiment of fluffy order on the free-standing low shelf. glass doors are two shelves, each
clouds adorn the northern wall; the The book is a Manual of Iron Golems, as yielding about 6” of space. Upon the
west wall depicts hilly fields of short, determined by the group’s magic-user. top left side, arranged in a neat row,
green winter wheat under a waxing Possibly more interesting than this is are five silver, reflective flasks, 4"
golden sun; the south wall shows the the piece of scrap paper, used obviously high and wide, and about 1" deep, all
rippling white-capped waters of a as a book marker, visible partially from with silver caps. Each has thin, black
large inland sea surrounded by a near center. On it is the following clue: runes inscribed upon them; the runes
snow-white sand beach; and the east are in an unintelligible language.
wall shows a beautiful forest in au- Beneath the blood, beneath black soil. On the top right side is a crystal
tumn, the leaves on the trees a myr- The Master’s Work, the Master's Foil; box (12" X 4" X 4") which holds a
iad of red, orange, yellow, and green Within it, Might — beyond one's slim wand of black material which is
hues. dreams — tipped with a polished gold, seven-
The most startling feature, though, But Darkness, Death, DammUion pointed star resting upon a purple
is that everything seems to exist in teem! pillow.
three dimensions and actually seems On the left bottom side, two books
to be moving! The waves on the la- This clue refers area 24. The first
to rest,one atop the other. Each is
goon dance from the painted horizon line in this verse refers to the chess- about 18" X 10" X 3" Each book is

to lap gently against the white sand, board, with its red and black squares bound with gold fastenings and black
while an occasional leaf supported on described by “beneath the blood, beneath leather covers. No writing is visible
an unreal breeze floats gently to the black soil,” as well as to the mural in on the cover of either one, nor upon
mural’s ground. The clouds that area 25 (blood will soon stain the ground either binding.
encircle the mountain tops seethe when the knights attack the castle). It is Finally, the bottom right side holds
clearly stated that the Book (“The Mas-


found the following items: a potion of or dropping it against a hard surface

a slim, brown wooden box with a tiny extrohealing, potion of haste, potion of (i.e., stone, wood, or metal), the glass
silver hasp keeping it closed. The longevity, and a potion of sweet water. shatters, releasing the pyrohydra. 'The
wood appears to be of finished cedar. 'The wand is a wand of /brce (see Un- pyrohydra enlarges to normal size and
earthed Arcana, page 96); the activation becomes animated.
If sought, the area of the glass case words are written on the bottom of the 'The pyrohydra attacks any creatures
radiates strong magic. An individual box, requiring a comprehend languages within line of sight, except the person
measurement of the case or its contents to read them. who broke the cube and released it. 'The
proves inconclusive, yielding only a The long, cedar box is not locked. releaser may even attack the pyrohydra
constant strong magic aura. Inside are three rings of silver, set into with no retaliation. 'The pyrohydra
The glass panes pull open by inserting a velvet frame. Each ring is 3' in diam- continues to attack until it is killed,
fingers into the loose seam between
them. If this is done, a mechanical trap
eter and W wide. Inscribed upon each, until all creatures within line of sight
in small, fine runes, is a word (requiring are killed, or until 1 hour passes. If any
activates, releasing two 10' trap doors magical translation). 'These are special of these conditions are met, the pyrohy-
in the ceiling above, dropping an im- devices created by Magus in his prime dra reverts back to its 4" high painted
mense gray ooze on top of anyone stand- years to provide portable protection. flgure, itsanimation magic gone forever
ing in the two 10' areas before the 'The first ring (labeled “primus”) creates (leaving only a nice souvenir). Note that
cabinet. a 5' radius of protection from a chosen the pyrohydra does not obey any com-
'The second silver flask from the left is alignment around the ring (wherever it mands; it is simply programmed to
also trapped. It has an illusion cast is placed). 'The magical protection oper- attack (pyrohydra: AC 5; MV 9"; HD 7;
upon to resemble the others, but is in
it ates while moving or still. The second hp 56; lAT 7; Dmg 1-8; SA 1-4 attacks
fact a breakaway glass container con- ring (labeled “secundus") provides pro- on same opponent, breath weapon (20'-
taining a green slime. If anything tection from creatures of the lower long cone, 10' across at end) doing from
touches it, the green slime breaks free planes (demons, daemons, and devils). 1-6 hp damage: SD all heads must be
and searches for flesh. Once this occurs, 'The last ring (labeled “tertius”) acts as killed to slay the creature; AL N).
the illusion is dispelled and the green a protection against all elementals.
slime is revealed. Unless an identify spell determines You enter through a door in the east
'The book below the top book on the the rings functions successfully, the wall of this room and your light
lower-left side is also a trap. If the book user (any class) probably will not realize illuminates a chamber filled with
resting above it is moved in any man- their function. Each ring provides pro- cluttered tables and shelves that are
ner, the lower book, a bear trap springs tection for 20 minutes, usable three filled with jars, pots, cans, tools, and
closed. Ifsomeone uses a hand to lift it, times per day. various raw materials. Standing
there is a 90% chance they lose the Gray ooze; AC 8; MV1"; HD 3 +3; hp against the north wall is an old
hand (see resultant system shock prob- 27; lAT 1; Dmg 2-16; SA corrodes metal, walnut-wood desk, above which is a
lems and damage, area 14). 'The trap up to 1 square foot per round per HD (it shelf attached to the wall. A
also shreds the book which rests upon cannot harm stone or wood); SD only cube sits upon it, brilliantly reflect-
it. physical blows and magical lightning do ing your light. A door is set into the
A find traps spell could be very useful; normal damage; AL N. Note: Charac- wall, opposite from the one through
its use would make all three traps ters caught under the dropping ooze are which you just entered.
known to the caster. The ceiling trap unable to clean off or attack the ooze.
would show a trip wire from the hinges (The victim panics initially, which gives 'The desk's drawers are locked nor-
going into the wall behind; unless the the ooze time to work.) mally, but upon each is set a fire trap
caster looks up at the ceiling, however, Green slime: AC 9; MV nil; HD 2; hp spell. If a thief checks for the fire trap,
this trap won’t be fully understood. 'The 10; SA attaches to living flesh,
turning he has half his normal chances of /Ind-
breakaway vial would be revealed as a the creature into green slime in 1-4 ing traps to detect it. A detect magic
trap and the green slime seen for what rounds; SD immunity to most weapons shows the drawers to be outlined with
it is. Likewise, the bear trap would and spells; AL N. A cure disease spell some sort of spell, but does not define
appear not as a book, but a powerful set kills green slime. the spell. A find traps gives this infor-
of steel jaws. 'There is no way to deacti-
mation. The trap can be dispelled if a
vate the breakaway flask, but the over- 22. Workroom. room was used
'This successful dispel magic is cast upon it
head trap can be rendered harmless by by Magus to createminor magical against 20th-level ability. Otherwise,
depressing a button concealed on the items, practice spells, and make potions. any attempt to open either drawer re-
underside of the cabinet. 'The bear trap Of the many trinkets stacked among sults in detonating the trap for ld4 20
can be deactivated by pressing a locking the tools, jars, cans, vials, and raw ma- (or half that if a successful saving throw
pin at its hinged jaw. A find traps spell terials, is a small glass cube, 4" on a is made).
will make these deactivations apparent. side, containing a small, painted figure Inside the right drawer are the follow-
'The book here is a Book of Exalted of a seven-headed pjTohydra. 'The pyro- ing items: a scroll of dispel magic, potion
Deeds, which was useless to Magus. He hydra rests on a thick piece of green felt of longevity potion of ghoul control, scroll
stored it here because it has intrinsic within the cube, and no matter at what
ofprotection vs. petrification, and a wand
value. If a comprehend languages is angle the cube is held, the pyrohydra
of enemy detection with 15 charges.
cast, and the runes on the flasks are remains attached to the green felted Inside the left drawer are the follow-
read, the characters discover they have side. If the cube is broken by hitting it ing items; a ring of air elemental com-

54 Issue No.3

mand, censer of controlling air elemen-

tals, potion of human control, and a
potion of clairvoyance.
An illusion has been cast on the con-
tents of each drawer to make them
appear empty. If a character gives ade-
quate grounds for suspecting that some-
thing is wrong (e.g., “why place fire
traps to protect nothing?”), allow them
a roll vs, their Disbelief Index (see “In-
side the Tbwer” section).

23. The Inner Sanctum. These ad-

joining rooms were used by Magus to I

create meyor magical items Gike the I;

Book), as well as to observe the world t.

outside his home. This area is accessible
only through wizard locked secret doors.

This room has thick, crushed velvet H

tapestries of dark crimson color
hanging before each wall. The floor
is polished onyx and the ceiling is
arched to about 30’ with crisscross-
ing heavy oak beams fastened to-
gether with polished gold brackets.
At the center of the room, standing
inside of a glowing, scarlet magic
circle, stands a pure white marble
column, carved in doric style to a
height of 4'. On its top is an angled
board, and upon that sits an open
book: the cover seems to be of hard, reading through the entire book, then
dark red leather and its pages are of two passages leading away. 'The he must take five hours to do so, assum-
crisp, ivory vellum, edged with silver. ing he employs a comprehend languages
backside of a secret door is visible in
A gold hasp is visible, hanging from the southwest comer, accessible from spell for this duration. However, the
the front cover. A brilliant crimson book’s information is badly flawed, as it
a small foyer.
rope bookmark with tassel lies in the was written by Magus while he was in
crevice made by the two open halves. an advanced state of derangement. Any
The book found here isnot The Book
Additionally, the remains of a hu- magic-user who reads the book thor-
With No End, although itappears very
man lie directly before it, one skele- oughly has a percentage chance equal to
much like the description Xavian gave
tal hand outstretched toward the his intelligence score of detecting the
the characters. It is instead a treatise
book stand, partly covering the n (pi) defective material (which makes the
on the “step-by-step” creation of magi-
rune of the magical circle. Among its book much less valuable, but still of
calbooks and was used by Magus to
bones lies a bastard sword, its blade use).Otherwise, any magic-user follow-
create his Book. The book was protected
covered with intricate runes traced ing the directions listed herein to create
by explosive runes; the evil opponent
in red over a gleaming base of silvery any magical item has a 75% chance of
who killed the good-aligned human in
steel. The skeleton’s left hand is still causing an explosion or some other
area 18 met his own demise after set-
wrapped around its leatherbound horrible error or accident to manifest
ting off this spell. The spell did not
grip. You also see a jet black bag itself.
affect the magically protected book.
under the pelvis bone, apparently ’The skeleton’s possessions are a bag of
'The book is still protected through the
untouched by age or decay, as well as holding, which contains a traveling
use of a confuse languages spell, requir-
two rings upon the skeleton’s slender, spell book (the spells are listed hereaf-
ing the use of a comprehend languages
ivory fingers. Its right hand ring is ter), a potion of healing, potion of levitOf
spell to break the confusion and trans-
made of gold, inset with a large ame- tion, 340 gp, 260 sp, and a suit of plate
late the resultant unfam iliar language.
hand ring is
thyst, while the left mail of vulnerability —4; he wears a
Once this is done, the book must be
made of plain, unadorned silver. ring of protection 2 (the silver ring)
skimmed through for 20 minutes to -t-

From your position, you see that a discover that it is simply a “cookbook” and a ring of wizardry (which doubles
smaller room opens adjacent to this 1st- to 3rd-level spells). Lastly, his sword
for the creation of amagic book, and is
one, in the northwest comer. The is a bastard sword, +4 defender, with a
not the actual Book itself.
northeast corner of this room shows neutral-evil alignment and the follow-
If the character announces that he is


casting them from the book. This of

course removes the spell from the page around which lie bones scattered
totally and the casting magic-user has a randomly about. Some shadows from
chance of miscasting the spell equal to unseen things cross the pedestal and
100 minus his chance to know the spell the Book.
on IdlOO (see Ikble n, Players Hand-
book, page 10). Thus, a caster with 18 The Book & Greater Surroundings:
intelligence miscasts this spell (and Time required to observe = 8 min-
thus wastes it) 15% of the time. utes.** Read the preceding section first,
then the section below.
23A. Crystal Ball Viewing Room.
The ball’s vision sweeps along the
In this alcove, furnished with the shadows to their source, panning in a
same tapestries as the main room 180° arc, to show that the jet black
beyond, is a small, round table cov- pedestal is surrounded by four ob-

ered with a white lace tablecloth. At roughly the same height

jects, all
the table’s center rests a large glass and distance from the Book. These
sphere cradled in a quarter sphere of objects are located at relative north,
black, reflective onyx. The glass is east, south, and west from the Book.
quite clear and uniform. The northern object appears to be a
large, turbulent column of brilliant
This is a fully functional crystal ball, red flame, constantly turning inward
having the additional ability of ESP The upon itself. The eastern object ap-
ball can be used by a magic-user to find pears to be a large amoeba, its pseu-
the Book, with a base 10% chance of dopods constantly outstretching and
seeing the Book itself and its immediate enveloping, but never leaving its
surroundings. If the user wants to see the parent organism, nor becoming
greater area around it, the chance is larger. The southern figure is a spar-

reduced to 6%. If the character wants to kling ball of blinding lightning, and
see the way to the Book, a 1% chance the western figure is a grotesque
exists that he is successful. In all cases,
characterization of a mouth, set into
ing abilities: intelligence 13; detects the user can only look into the crystal the lower half of a face, which is
secret doors 'k" radius at will; heals ball for up to 10 minutes, once per day. If cruelly contorted to form an 0 .

once per day. Any good character taking this is exceeded, roll once per round
up the sword by any part immediately against the user's saving’s throw vs. The Way Tb The Book: Time re-
is affected by a harm spell; this includes spells. An unsuccessful roll means the quired to observe = 30 minutes** De-
contact by a hand wearing a glove or character permanently loses one point of scribe the above and reveal the way via
gauntlet, or a foot wearing a boot. Push- intelligence, becoming insane and inco- the secret access in area 24, but do not
ing the sword around with another herent until a heal spell is cast upon him. tell how to open the door or reveal the

weapon or item will not cause the harm Describe the following based upon the significance of the clues or mural!
to occur. user's desires in relation to The Book
The spell book contains the following; With No End- The Book is surrounded by the repre-
1st level; charm person, comprehend sentations of its power, as described in
languages, detect magic, feather fall, The Book & Immediate Surround- one of the clues (see area 24): north has
hold portal, magic missile, push, read ings: Time required to observe = two the characterization of hatred (a burn-
magic, sleep, and unseen servant. minutes. ing fire, constantly consuming itself);
2nd level: darkness, 15' radius, flam- east has the characterization of ambi-
ing sphere, forget, knock, invisibility, tion (an infinitely large being, always
The ball abruptly becomes opaque;
levitate, scare, and web. reaching outward and seeming to grow);
gradually, swirling clouds of turbulent
3rd level; dispel magic, detect illusion, south has the characterization of power
yellow smoke begin to fill the globe.
fly, fireball, haste, lightning bolt, mon- (a powerful energy incarnate); and, west
After a while, the smoke dissipates,
ster summoning I, protection from nor- has the characterization of pain (a par-
and you see a pedestal of jet marble,
mal missiles, slow, suggestion, and ody of a human mouth, crying from the
smooth and utilitarian in design, sur-
tongues. depths of its soul in unmentionable
rounded by a magenta aura. Upon its
4th level: charm monster, dispel illu-
sloped top rests a book with dark red
sion, Evard’s black tentacles, fear, fire * The rune visible is only legible once
leather covers held together by pol-
trap, ice storm, minor globe of invulneror ished gold fastenings and clasp. A
a read magic is cast (it is an alpha sym-
bility shout, ultravision, wall of fire, bol: A). See the DMG, page 141, for the
lai^e golden rune is drawn upon it,
wall of ice, and wizard eye. percentage chance of casting this spell
but this note is indecipherable*.
The spell book is trapped with a fire through the ball.
The around the pedestal
floor is
•• These figures represent the
trap spell cast at 8th level. Note that dark gray, smooth-hewn stone.
any magic-user may use these spells, by amount of time needed to see all that is

56 Issue No.3

described under that category. The upon the The duration of the
times are cumulative; thus, if the Book permanent and can only be
forcecage is tends out from the wall base by
and its immediate and greater sur- undone by a successful dispel magic vs. about 8"
roundings are to be seen, a total of 10 20th level. Alternatively, the trapped The northern wall is unadorned;
set in it are two large, gold-plated
minutes (the maximum possible in one victim could use a potion of gaseous
day) must be allotted. Consequently, to form to leave or polymorph into a small double doors bearing a single, tall,
black rune on each.
see the way to the Book may take as creature which could escape through
long as three days, with 10 minute the gaps in the force bars. Note that the
viewings per day. Any attempts to ex- rod’s power may be used by an en- If the characters ask to inspect the

ceed this 10 minute limit results in dire trapped spell caster to cast the dispel chessboard more closely, give them the
consequences. (See DMG for details on magic following description. (It is suggested
these consequences.) that the DM provide a real chessboard
24. Antechamber Chess Room. with the described set-up.) The charac-
23B. Workroom. ters may try moving the pieces, taking
Your light reveals a small room with up one or both sides of the game; thus, a
This room contains a small hearth
many complex adornments. At the real chessboard would facilitate this
center of the chamber is a 3' cube of action better.
and melting crucible at the center,
dark brown stone with two large,
with a pile of charcoal held in a large
comfortable-looking chairs placed The chessboard exhibits a game in
trough next to it. A bellows extends
with their backs to the chamber's progress. The black position is very
from the southern end of the hearth.
walls, one on the west and the other having lost many of its key
A high cabinet of shelves stands poor,
on the east side of the cube. Upon the power pieces, leaving its king in an
along the west wall, and you see
cube rests a wooden chessboard with ungua^ed position. White, on the
small bins of wood stack^ within.
alternating marble squares of red other hand, has managed to retain
Some of the bins are empty, while
and black, each 2” square. Unusu- most of ita powerful men and is close
others contain ingots of metal, metal
ally large chess pieces are positioned to a checkmate.
shavings, bits of wood and ceramic,
around the board, with some already
and other odd substances.
out of play and lined along the south All of the chess pieces are mobile,
Along the south wall is a short
side of the board. save for the bishops, which are firmly
workbench with a high stool. Along
The west wall is painted to resemble attached to the board. If anyone sits in
the east wall stands a low table upon
a pleasant and serene view of a lake at either chair or attempts to move a chess
which are stacks of dissimilar pieces
dusk, with pink-tinged clouds seeming piece, a magic mouth appears on the
of leather next to a bucket of clasps,
to glide slowly over the rainbow double doors, facing into the room; in a
hinges, and brackets of various
shaded horizon. The lake’s water deep, baritone voice, it says the follow-
metals, and several spools of differ-
seems to also move, brief whitecaps ing:
ent types and gauges of wire.
popping up randomly over the lake’s
voluminous area, but you realize that
What remains in this room are the Listen welly who plays the game,
it is only a harmless illusion.
leftover materials from the construction Who burns with Power’s endless
In a similar fashion, the east wall
of the Book. There are eight ingots of flame:
is painted to resemble a restful
fine gold, five ingots of fine silver, 12 All fires die in winter's frost;
mountain landscape, with graceful
ingots of fine brass, 20 ingots of fine Who plays the game must bear the
brown eagles flying on long wings
copper, 25 ingots of fine bronze, 30 in- cost
over snowcapped blue-gray peaks.
gots of zinc, 15 ingots of iron, and 10
Sunlight spills over the left row of
vials of merciuy (quicksilver). Each
peaks onto a cyan pine forest in a
Ambition, Hatred, Power, Pain —
ingot weighs 5 lbs. In the order given These forces great I did constrain
valley near the room’s floor.
above, these ingots are worth 200 gp, 7b gather cities, nations, lands.
The south wall is different: It is a
100 gp, 70 gp. 60 gp, 70 gp, 30 gp, and Their rulership in my own hands.
relief fresco of sandy colored rock,
20 gp; the vial of mercury is worth 500
delicately carved to show a jungle
gp and weighs 1 lb. There are 10 spools The Book was born which had no
landscape. The jungle starts at the
of wire. Their worths are as follows; 5 end.
southeast comer and runs up to the
gold wire at 800 gp total, 3 silver wire Which drank the souls of lesser men;
beginning tiers of a jagged cliff,
at 500 gp total, and 2 copper wire at 100 The page was turned, the word was
which in turn becomes a mountain- —
gp total. Also, there are 20 different side by the time it reaches the south-
hinges or clasps, each worth 80 gp. Each Upon the world, the volume fed.
west comer. At the point at which
spool or hinge weighs lb.
the jungle meets the rocky tiers, a
In a secret portal (2' in diameter and Churchmen by pale castles tall
small monkey sits upon the ground,
set into the south wall), there is a rod of Stand as all about them fall;
manipulating half of a coconut in its
absorption which can absorb 14 more The field is rased, the bishops raised.
tiny paws. The monkey is unaware
levels. The portal has no traps, but And on the Master's ruin gaze!
that on a tier 5' above, an ocelot
anyone lifting the rod out of the portal
prepares to attack. All of these fea-
triggers a magic spell-casting device in This clue (and warning) was emplaced
tures are done in relief, which ex-
the room; this device places a foivecage by the Magus during one of his more


emerge from the board attached to a 4”

length of stone. If alt four bishops are
pulled up, the north side of the stone
table slides into the floor and the chess-
board drops down against the inside of
the south wall of the cube. The chess-
men remain on the chessboard, held
there by a magical force.
The chess table is hollow inside; once
opened, a spiral staircase can be seen
descending into darkness. In the inside
west wall of the table are four square
holes. If the four bishops are inserted
here (base down), the secret door re-
mains in an open position until they are
removed. If the bishops are not put in
within 30 seconds, the secret door
closes, the chessmen return to their
upright position, and the ocelot slides
automatically back to its original posi-
tion (leaving the monkey no worse for
wear). Only by performing the opening
sequence again, replacing the bishops in
their earlier position, can one gain
access to the secret staircase.
There are two secret doors hidden
behind the illusionary murals on the
west and east walls. They can only be
seen if the illusions are disbelieved
first, then secret doors are searched (or
detected) for (see the section on disbe-
lucid periods,when he knew he had secret spiral staircase leading down to lieving illusions in “Inside the Tbwer”).
failedand could no longer bear it. The the basement level (and hence to the The chessboard is currently set up in
key word here is “razed.” Since this is Book's storage place). The chessboard the following manner. Aside from the
spoken by a magic mouth and is not serves as the door to this staircase and magic mouth activating if a piece is
provided as a written clue, the two the clues accumulated by the characters touched, nothing else comes from complet-
interpretations of it may come into play. (if understood properly) show how to ii^ the game. If all pieces are removed
First,“razed” refers to the collapse of open this door. from the board, but the opening sequence
the chessmen when the secret door’s The door opening sequence begins is not performed, the chessmen magically

mechanism is activated: all of them with the relief fresco on the south wall. reappear in the following positions:
(save the bishops) fall; thus, the chess One of the lines of verse from area 6
field is razed. Furthermore, the homo- states, “When curiosity catches game,/
phone “raised” is important, as it refers The high kings fall and four remain.”
to the chessboard raising to reveal the “Curiosity” isrepresented by the ocelot
secret stairway. Also, the clue leaves (amember of the cat family, which is
some question as to the area to which it known for this trait). The “game”
refers;: either the chessboard in area 24
or the mural in area 25. This places
some confusion on the precise interpre-
doesn’t refer to the chessboard, but
instead to the cat’s prey; the monkey.
The ocelot is a separate carving, at-
tation of this clue. tached to a concealed track which al-
Because these verses are spoken, do
not provide any written copy to the
lows it to move along the wall. If
pushed, the ocelot descends toward the
lil A 4)
characters. Furthermore, because the
words “razed” and “raised” are phoneti-
monkey, extending its paws and open-
ing its mouth, completely encircling the
A A y s
cally similar but different in meaning,
the DM should not offer any spellings of
monkey in its final position. Once this
action is completed, the chess pieces fall
r li
these words.
It is at this point that the characters
onto their sides. The bishops, however,
remain standing. This bishops are the
must put their clues together in order to pins holding the secret door in place ^3
solve the mystery of the location of The
Book With No End. Inside the cube
upon which the chessboard sits is a
(“Steadfast clerics hold the door”).
These chess pieces cannot be toppled,
but if a character pulls up on them, they
58 Issue No.3

Magus’s Living Quarters. The There is a secret door hidden behind without the trap being sprung in these
normal door to this room is wizard the illusory castle where indicated. Like areas, nothing occurs.
locked,- inscribed upon it a symbol of the secret doors in area 24, the illusion
stunning. Anyone touching the door must first be disbelieved before the door 26. Magical Staircase.
(e.g.,a thief checking for traps, listen- can be detected.
ing at it, or opening it) or passing You see a wide, white marble stair-
through the doorway is immediately 'Ibieportation Chamber. 'This is case which spirals up along the wall
stunned (see area 2 for what eifects the only area where teleportation into to an unseen floor above. TTie banis-
occur). and out of Magus’s home works. Tele- ter is made of carved ivory and the
portation works only for Magus coming main post at the beginning of the
This room’s west wall is painted to into the tower, but works (if the proper stairs is a statue of an imp set on a
depict a grassy plateau, upon which command phrase is known) for anyone short, doric-style column.
a large army of soldiers is arrayed wishing to leave. By speaking “Thy
before the walls and ramparts of a Master wishes to leave,” before casting This staircase is illusory: there is no
castle. The painted to appear
castle, a teleport spell or activating a device second floor to Magus’s tower. Once a
three.dimensional, is centered in the which does this function, the wearer is character attempts to climb the stairs,
corner at the juncture of the west able to teleport to any acceptable place. he is put under a maze spell for the
and north walls (this placement aids duration indicated under the spell’s
the realistic appearance of the for- You see a 10' x 10' x 8' niche in this description. If one of a group of charac-
tress). Many men can be seen defend- short hallway. On the floor is a 4’ x ters ascends, the others see him appear
ing its walls. 4' plate of silver around which is to go up to the second floor. 'They will
The army’s front ranks are made drawn a magic circle. 'The room is lit not be able to call to him, nor will he
up of thousands of peasant levies, by red-orange tight from an unidenti- return. If the entire group ascends, then
commanded from behind by knights fiable source. read the following to them. If one of a
on large horses. In the rear ranks, group ascends, take him aside and de-
pennants fly from standards held by Secret Corridor. 'This passage scribe the following:
heralds in an illusory wind. The has a normal unlocked door leading into
heralds stand before several clergy- area 27A and a secret, wizard locked You begin to climb the shallow, stone
men and surround
outfitted for battle door leading to area 28. 'This passage steps; about halfway up, you see a
a man of apparent royalty whose contains the nonhuman cleaning staff, thick, gray fog encircle your feet. As
polished crown shines in the midday which magically and perpetually main- you take one more step, the fog is
sun. tains the tower. A small, trained air suddenly all around. As abruptly as
As you study the mural, you can elemental is responsible for sweeping the mist appeared, it vanishes and
almost feel the tension of the siege, up dirt and dust, and disposed of by you find yourself at a four-way inter-
the mild breeze over the Held, and feeding it to a small gelatinous cube in section of 10' -wide corridors, each
the warm sunlight. one of the areas marked 29. When not leading off into a misty darkness at
At the center of this room is a luxu- cleaning (it performs this function once every turn.
rious couch made of soft leather and a week; 10% of the time it will be work-
before it, a low, walnut table stands. ing when the characters arrive), the air Should the affected characters wish to
Upon the table is a single silver elemental stays in the passage. TTie air search around after this point, provide
teacup and saucer, an accompanying elemental does not attack unless at- them with a randomly generate maze,
teaspoon of gold, and a small teapot tacked first —
an act which breaks its until the spell duration ends, where-
made of beaten copper. A small, un- magic holding and allows it to fight to upon they find themselves back at the
adorned wooden door is set into the the death (air elemental: AC 2; 36" MV bottom of the staircase. 'The affected
wall to the south, near the opening HD 8; hp 35; #AT 1; Dmg 2-20; SA characters are confused, but otherwise
in the east wall as indicated. whirlwind; SD ->-2 or better weapon to unaffected. The confusion lasts one
hit; AL N). round after the characters return from
The mural is another illusory picture. the maze.
Unlike the picture in area 4, though, it 27A. Control Room.
does nothing to the characters. The 29. Restroom.
teacup and saucer are worth 30 gp, the TTiis small, cubical room has the
teaspoon is worth 10 gp, the teapot is reverse sides of two secret doors in You see a small room with an un-
worth 2 gp, the couch is worth 150 gp, its west and east walls, and a normal
adorned commode against the south
and the walnut table is worth 25 gp. door in the north wall. On the south wall. A small washbasin and a
This mural is meant to offer some wall are two panels, each having a pitcher of water sit on a stand next to
misdirection to the characters in their single green button. it with a few towels and a bar of soap
search for the Book. Like the chessboard
in area 24, the picture also has pawns The panel on the clears the gas
(peasants), bishops (the clerics), and a
and resets the locking devices in area 5; Below the opening in the commode is
king. They are waiting for the field to the panel on the right does the same for trapped gelatinous cube. The gelatinous
be “razed,” while the chessmen wait for area 19. If either button is depressed
their field to be “raised.”


TOWER OF MAGUS only after all the creatures sent against

around which various bones lie scat-
Lower Level the characters are destroyed and a char-
tered randomly. The bones seem to be
acter takes possession of the Book.
'The room is lit magically; it is not too from many different types of crea-
large, so all of the following may be tures.
given to the characters: Stationed to the north is a rolling
column of flame roughly 12' high and
6' in diameter; the column moves
You have been forced into this targe
constantly within its diameter, giv-
ch 2unber and now stand before the
ing off intense light but no heat. It
center of the south wall, which is
stands 10' from the edge of the 10'-
about 60' in length. The west and
square platform. 'Ib its right stands a
east walls run 100' to meet the north
wall, which is the same as the wall
10' diameter blob of purple —
a Jelly-
like creature whose pseudopods con-
before you. At the far end of the
stantly writhe and stretch, but never
chamber you see a raised platform,
extend farther than its own diameter.
about 10’ square and 2' high, with a
The other light giving creature, a
black pedestal at its center. From
huge diameter ball of fizzling
atop the pedestal is an eerie magenta
electricity,hangs in the air a similar
light which obscures its source from
distance from the south side of the
sight at this distance.
platform, spinning slowly. None of its
Surrounding the platform (one at
lightning t»lt arms extend much
each side) are statues of strange
beyond its own diameter and it never
objects which glow with different
moves closer or farther from its 6'
colors. The nearest statue appears to
height above the floor. Finally, the
be a giant ball of sparkling electric-
creature standing to the west of the
ity which throws a brilliant, yellow
platform rests upon a 5' high pedes-
light into the room. The west statue
tal of gray slate. It appears to be the
does not glow or give off light; it
lower half of a head which shows
seems to be a sculpture of a large,
only a nose and mouth of gigantic
bald head. 'The east statue is a con-
proportion. The face is heavily lined
stantly moving, amoeba-like creature
and its mouth forms a huge, silent O,
cube disposes of any waste dropped which maintains its position. You can
as if contorted from an unmention-
down to it. It is unable to climb out of barely make out the northern crea-
able and horrible pain. This creature
its pit (gelatinous cube: AC 8; MV Nil; ture,which appears to be a rolling,
is about 6' high.
HD 4; hp 21; #AT 1; Dmg 2-8; SA touch red column of flame, its intense crim-
causes save vs. paralyzation or immobil- son luminescence vying with the
The characters should
realize that this
ity for 5-20 rounds, surprise on 1-3; SD yellow electrical light to illuminate
isindeed The Book Wit/i No End, al-
cold causes 1-4 hp damage, with no the chamber.
though they may have a hard time under-
effects coming from attacks using elec-
standing the creatures around it. The
tricity, fear, holds, polymorph, paralyzo- 'The characters have 10 minutes (me-
rune on the Book is an “alpha;” it is rec-
tion, sleep). lee rounds) in which to get the Book,
ognized as such if the reader casts a read
which is on the pedestal at the north
magic spell when viewing the rune.
30. The Chamber of The Book With end of the room. Should they fail to do
No End. The secret staircase from area The four creatures standing next to
so, or if a character touches the Book or
the platform are embodiments of the
24 leads down 80' to the small foyer the pedestal upon which it rests, the
forces Magus used to create the Book,
indicated. 'This area is a safe haven for Book’s guardians attack. If the charac-
and thus are its defense. Recalling the
the first 10 minutes after the first char- ters approach the north end, you may
lines “Ambition, Hatred, Power, Pain —
acter steps on the floor. After 10 min- give them the following description.
/These forces great I did constrain”
utes, the southern wall of this chamber
reveals what these creatures are: the
begins to push forward and the spiral As you approach the north end of the rolling, boiling column of flame is “ha-
staircase lifts up out of the way. The chamber, you see that the pedestal tred”; the amoeba, which constantly
wall pushes forward 10' to seal off the upon the raised platform is made of seeks to expand and envelope, is “ambi-
south wall of the larger chamber. No black marble, smooth and utilitarian tion”; the ball of electricity represents
amount of physical force can restrain in design, and surrounded by a ma- “power”; and the silently screaming
this wall from moving. A slow spell genta aura. Upon its sloped top rests mouth is “pain.” Once the aforemen-
causes the wall to close in four rounds a book, its dark red leather cover tioned attack conditions are met, these
rather than its normal two round clos- held together by polished gold fasten- creatures are no longer constrained to
ing time. A dispel magic vs. 20th-level ings and clasp. A large, indecipher- remain in their positions; thus, they
magic-use stops the wall for 10 rounds, able rune is drawn in gold upon its immediately attack the party of charac-
after which it begins closing again. top cover. 'The floor and rais^ plat- ters until destroyed. They have the
There is no way to spike the wall from form are made of smooth gray stone. following abilities:
closing. The wall section opens again

60 Issue No.3

Hatred: AC 0; MV 12" ;
HD 16; hp 92; Power: AC 0; MV 18" (+ special); HD are considered large in size.
#AT 2; Dmg 3-24; SA on
a natural 17 or 16;hp 100; #AT 1; Dmg ld6 + 16; SA If these creatures are all destroyed
above to hit, it covers its opponent, drop up to 16 ball lightnings which arc and the Book is removed from its stand,
doing 5-50 hp extra and igniting any to nearest metal source, doing 1-10 the middle section of the south wall
normal, flammable material within 5' of additional points; SD lightning or elec- slides back, allowing the characters to
it; SD +2 or better weapon to hit; MR trical attacks do no harm, fire or acid do return to area 24. If a character at-
25%; cold or water-based spells do +2 or no damage, water attacks do 1-8 tempts to open the Book during combat,
per HD, and it saves at -4 against points per gallon, and cold does full he takes damage (unless he is a magic-
them (saves as 16th-level fighter); spells damage (q.v., quasi-elemental, light- user). In any event, the Book cannot be
cast once per day (at 16th-level): burn- ning); need +2 or better weapon to hit; used by the magic-user until he has
ing hands, fireball, wall of fire, meteor MR 25%; AL LE. spent the required time studying it (see
swarm, flame strike, and fire storm; AL Pain: AC 0; MV 12' (flying); HD 16; Appendix 1).

CE. hp 85; #AT 1; Dmg see following; SA Combat reminders: Check the “Inside
Ambition: AC 0; MV 6" HD 16; hp ;
successful hit causes pain (q.v., symbol the Tbwer” section to see what spells
90; #AT variable; Dmg variable; SA on ofpain) for 2-20 tiums; also, after a work in this setting.
a successful hit, opponent must save vs. character has been “pained,” the next
paralyzation or be paralyzed by mucous hit does one of the following: age 10-40 Concluding the Quest
secretion on pseudopods; SD only blunt years (q.v., ghost) 50%, cause critical
Once the characters return from their
weapons of + 1 or better can harm, wounds 30%, or cause disease (terminal
adventure and present The Book With
immune to enchantment/charm type leprosy) 20%. If two cause disease
No End to Xavian, he determines its
spells; MR 25%; AL LE. actions are done against a character, he
worth and rewards each living charac-
Number of Damage per loses a limb (determine randomly, each
ter with 2,000 gp worth of precious
pseudopods used attack being lost 25% of time>. If the character
gems, a potion of healing, and a potion
1 5-50 (5dl0) takes three cause diseases, he dies; SD
of sweet water. The surviving characters
2 5-20 (5d4) need silver or + 1 weapon to hit; MR may trade any magical items they have
3 2-12 (2d6) 26%; AL CE.
identified correctly for another item in
4 1-10 (IdlO) If an area-effect capability of one of
Xavian 's hoard, as long as he can use
5 1-8 (IdS) these defenders encompasses a charac-
the item in question. Items for trade
6 1-6 (ld6) ter, his magical items as well as he
must be of comparable worth (compare
7 1-4 (ld4) must make appropriate saving throws
gold piece values in DMG) or favor
8 l-3(>fed6) or be damaged. All of these creatures


Xavian for a trade to occur. tended. This result was a devastating save vs. death magic must be made at
Calculate each character’s experience blow to Magus’s inflated ego, which -2. An unsuccessful save indicates that
according to Appendix 2, without in- caused his ultimate insanity. the magical progression of insanity
cluding the final payment from Xavian. His creation, which was designed to takes hold of the magic-user. A success-
Consult Appendix 1 if a PC magic-user powers and augment his
reflect his ful save allows the magic-user one hour
attempts to read the Book during the abilities, insteadbecame infused with of time to view the Book, after which
adventure. There is a good chance that these insane traits. Thus, when a time another save must be made to
he will eliminate the party of characters magic-user attempts to use the Book, he continue. This time-dependent system
before they see civilization again! The becomes infected with megalomania, continues as long as the magic-user
list below shows what is available for the duration depending upon a number reads the Book, has the Book open in
trade.Xavian himself, a 15th-level of factors. The magic-user then slides the immediate area, or until he becomes
wizard, should be created by the DM as into the pit of insanity and manifests all influenced by the insanity magic while
a special NPC. of the combined symptoms of Magus’s one of the two former conditions are
madness. Shortly thereafter, the Book met. In addition, the magic-draining
Items Available for Trade From consumes the magic-user as described power of the tome continues to operate,
Xavian’s Hoard below. destroying all magical devices carried
Potion of hill giant strength {9Q0 gp). or worn on the user’s person. In effect,
2 extrorhealing potions (800 gp each). Description one cannot use the Book and possess
Potion of levitation (500 gp). The Book is bound with hard, red any other magical device.
Potion of ghost control (3,000 gp). leather covers, made from dragon skin, Once the insanity progression has
Ring of fire resistance (5,500 gp). held together by gold hinges and a gold started, the magic-user slowly gains
Ring of protection *2 (14,000 gp). clasp. The book measures 15' long, 10' megalomania within a number of days
Cloak ofprotection +1 (12,000 gp). wide, and 2" thick. The covers are bare equal to his intelligence. During this
30 arrows *I (150 gp each). except for a large “alpha” sigil in gold time, the magic-user becomes increas-
2 short bows +I (3,250 gp each). leaf on the front cover and a large ingly annoyed with his role in life or in
Medium shield *2 (2,600 gp). “omega" sigil on the rear cover. The party affairs, gradually demanding
Spear +2. edges of its bound parchments are all more and more control until he is in
Mace +2. smoothly and uniformly cut, and are complete command of all decisions,
edged with gold leaf. The book weighs actions, and movement. He uses what-
Appendix 1: about eight pounds and seems to have ever powers the Book offers to gain this
The Book With No End about 100 thick vellum pages. position and will even go so far as to kill
without regret or consideration. As soon
The Book With No End was meant to be
Abilities as the megalomania has fully mani-
a versatile, omnipotent device through
1. Upon opening by any class other fested itself, the magic-user gains para-
whose use the Book's creator would
than magic-user, the Book discharges a noia, as well as 1-4 other random forms
become master of the world. In princi-
field of electricity causing lOdlO hp of insanity (as per the DMG, pages 83-
ple, Magus had the resources and
damage (as if cast at 20th level); saves 84). This condition continues until the
knowledge to create such an artifact.
against this attack are at -4 vs. death magic-user has used his and the Book's
However, because Magus was motivated
magic (a save indicates half damage resources to become a total recluse. This
by his advanced megalomania (which
taken). The book can discharge an infi- part of the progression also has a dura-
required him to rule the world immedi-
nite number of times. tion equal in days to the magic-user’s
ately), the Book was created too hastily,
In addition, the Book instantly drains intelligence.
and was therefore flawed.
all magical devices on the toucher's Finally, after the magic-user has be-
The result of Magus’s work totally
person, as if they had individually been come an insane wreck, he loses his life-
decimated the countryside for many
touched by rods of cancellation. TTiis force to the book. The mechanics of this
miles in each direction when he tried to
draining effect cannot be reversed. are straightforward: the magic-user is
use it, instead of bending the will of
2. Upon opening by a magic-user, a essentially sucked into the fiooA:,’ his life
man and nature to him as he had in- energy is used to augment the Book’s
powers, and the magic-user himself
becomes a color drawing in fine detail
on one of the Book’s many blank pages.
For each magic-user it draws into
itself,the Book increases its spell-
casting ability by one level for each 10
levels the magic-user has, rounded
down. Thus, Magus, being a 20th-level
magic-user added two casting levels to
all of the
Book's abilities.
The progression of insanity can be
broken at any point by casting a suc-
cessful dispel magic (vs. 20th-level
magic) on the Book while it is held by

62 Issue No.3

its user Any number of simultaneous 3)an elemental appears at the end of age. Nonliving structures and the land
dispel magics may be cast, adding to the one round. around are subjected to 10-100 points of
chance of success. Once the Book's user Only one spell-like function can be damage (see page 109, DMG), enough to
is freed from the book’s power and the used at a time, with the exception of the pulverize smaller buildings and turn
Book is closed, the magic-user reverts “constantly” powers. Thus, a reader rock into sand. The user of the tome is
back to normal; otherwise, the process could use infravision, comprehend lan- instantly struck with insanity from the
restarts. guages, and invisibility all within one magical backwash of this dread power
. Additionally, the Book has the fol- melee round, but would not be able to and, in addition, permanently loses 1 hp
lowing spell-like powers, all cast at 20th use infravision, lightning boll, and fire- per day thereafter until death, at which
level: ball simultaneously. point the user is absorbed by the Book.
Once the Book is opened by a magic-
a. Know alignment, 3" range, at will. user,he is magically compelled to read Appendix 2;
b. Convey infravision/ultravision, 10" through it once, taking two hours to Experience Points
range, constantly. complete this task. The initial reading
Experience points are awarded to each
c. Continual light or light, 12" range, does not activate any spells, and is the
player based upon individual and group
at will. only way a magic-user learns of the
performance. Tb determine each player’s
d. Detect magic, 1" path, 6" long, at Book’s abilities. After reading the first
experience point award (EPA), add his
will. 26 pages (with the spells mentioned
total personal experience (TPE) to the
e. Comprehend languages constantly. before), the reader discovers a detailed,
total group experience (TGE) divided by
f. Read magic at will. color picture of an elderly magic-user on
the number of starting players (NSP):
g. Detect invisibility, 20" range, 1" page 27. This is the grand wizard Ma-
path, at will. gus, who was the first to be imprisoned EPA = TPE + (TGE/NSP)
h. Invisibility at will. in the Book. The 75 blank pages which
The following tables list the experi-
i. Darkness, 15' radius, 10 times per follow, originally part of a protective
ence points possible for this game.
day (Note: the user can't see in this enchantment on the book that caught
darkness). the souls of unwanted readers, are re-
Group experience
j. Dispel magic five times per day. served for other magic-users. . .

k. Fireball three times per week. The Book needs only to be carried on
Each numbered area explored (exclud-
l.Lightning bolt three times per week. the person in order for the “constantly”
ing area 29): 100 xp.
m. Thngues at will. or “at will” powers to operate. The Book
Any treasure collected: (award group
n. Minor globe of invulnerability three needs to be open and a light source
points only): gp value in xp.
times per week. present to read the spells which activate
Each PC wounded below 0 hit points:
0 Wall of ice twice per week. the other powers.
-500 xp.
p. Conjure elemental of choice, 16 HD, 4. Finally, the Book augments the
Each PC killed: -5,000 xp.
in 1 round, twice per week (the elemen- user’s powers (once it has been read
Returning to Carvet City with The
tal is fully controlled, needing no con- through) by increasing the range of his
Book With No End unopened: 100,000
stant concentration, and is completely memorized spells by a factor of 150%.
obedient). Add 1 to every hit die of damage done
As above, but requiring magic to
q. Passwall at will. by offensive spells (or if a spell’s damage
separate the user from the Book because
r. Teleport, 90% chance of success, is a base value, add 10% more) and
it has been opened and used: 50,000 xp.
twice per week. increase the area of effect by a factor of
s. Death spell twice per week. 150% (or if a spell affects a certain num-
Personal Experience*
Power word, stun twice per week.
t. ber of creatures, or hit dice, increase
. Mass charm once per week. this figure by an additional 50%). The
Each symbol of stunning, fire trap,
V.Inscribe a symbol of fear or hope- Book must be carried by the user in
wizard foci! dispelled**: 1,1)00 xp.
lessness once per day. order for this augmentation to occur.
Efreeti killed: 2,650 xp.
w. Mass suggestion once per week. Certain spells cast by the Book have a
Invisible stalker killed: 1,700 xp.
X. Astral spell once per month. chance of creating a cataclysm if cast.
F^rohydra killed: 1,625 xp.
y. Shape change twice per month. The mass charm and mass suggestion
Grey ooze killed: 850 xp.
z. True seeing twice per week. spells are so trapped. Each time these
Green slime killed: 550 xp.
spells are cast, there is a 20% chance
Character played a key role in deci-
These functions must be activated by that the spells instead serve as a mon-
phering riddle to open the secret door in
reading the spell from the appropriate strous power-draining device that af-
area 24***: 3,000 xp.
page in the Book, taking two segments fects everything within a radius of
Character used comprehend languages
to find the page and read it. Exceptions: 10-100 yards (the Book no longer de-
to good value (per use): 100 xp.
1) spells listed as “constantly” come stroys as large an area as it did once, as
Any illusion disbelieved by the char-
into effect and stay in effect after the it is fully charged now). All living be-
acter (successfully): 100 xp.
first reading of that spell page; 2) abili- ings within this radius take 20-200 hp
Character used find traps spell in area
ties listed as “at will” come into effect of damage; those beings which are slain
21 to good value: 300 xp.
at the user’s thought (after the spell has simply vanish, their life-forces con-
Crystal ball in area 23A successfully
been read for the first time) and do not sumed completely in the blast. Beings of
require further reading to activate; and. divine status take half as much dam-


used to gain information about the purportedly created by a reclusive and of the transmutation of living land to
Book. 1,000 xp.
unnamed magician. *^0 classical legend arid wasteland was seen by the un-
Air elemental (area 27) killed; 3,100 lore spell provides only the reinforce- ranked magic-user whose queer artifact
xp. ment of the artifact’s title, which may created the desert beyond the Fladrian
Elimination of the book's guardians; in itself he incorrect because of the Range. This sub-element transforma-
Hatred: 11,540 xp. necessity of translation and the chang- tion within the area of ‘Earth’ is a clas-
Ambition: 11,500 xp. ing meaning or intent of words. The sical illustration of a manipulative
Power: 11,400 xp. modified divination spells heretofore power made easy through an attuned
Pain; 11,060 xp. mentioned do give more information, magical device. Although the wizard
Special considerations: •••• but as pointed out in the proceeding and his artifact have never been heard
section, because of the extreme time from since the (accidental?) transmuta-
* If a character does only fractional difference between today’s spell-work tion, the documented change is indica-
damage toward a creature’s death, and the events that created this book, tive of the power of the Alteration spell
award only that fraction of experience the data is inconsistent and even indeci- when incorporated within a magical
points. pherable. An example of this inconsis- entity and augmented with personal
“• 'Ib qualify, a spell from memory tency can be found when the major direction.”
must be used by the dispeller; if more powerfs) of this artifact are examined.
than one caster uses a spell in concert The only decipherable bit of data is that
with others, award this amount to each this book amplified the wielder’s own
who use a spell. powers, but the extent of this amplifica-
*** This award should be given to tion, whether it was life-force draining
those characters who showed constant or self-powered, or its inherent spell
insight and actively participated in capability are left ambiguous. Thus, the
solving the riddle of entry to the lower efficiency and accuracy have been re-
level. duced by the elapsed time.”
Unusual actions, ingenuity in
defeating opponents, valor, etc., should 3. This passage is found in an obscure
be given an award not to exceed 2,000 and dog-eared copy of Delineation of
points at the DM’s discretion. Artifacts’ Powers through Runes and
Portents, by the famous Sorcerer Opor-
Appendix 3: tom; “. with the casting of Runes, this

Library Research author decided to attempt this method

of signs and portents on the ancient and
If acharacter successfully uncovers a
relatively unknown ‘Codex of No End,’
clue to the location of the Book With No
of which so little was actually known,
End, roll ld4 and consult the appropri*
but much was theorized. Unfortunately,
ate reference below:
the results were inconclusive, probably
due to the loss of accuracy mentioned in
1. This passage is found in The His-
some of Ibnter Ansmond’s treatises. The
tory of Maleficent Magic, by the High
Runes revealed a general, evil tendency,
Wizard Aeriocron: “. the desert of the

while the portents indicated a very

Wastelands is a result of the power of
difficult prophecy — one indicating a
evilused to full advantage, l^e reclu*
sort of crazed determination. Nonethe-
sive,renegade necromancer Maginus
less, the delineation proves the corol-
was supposed to have created an at-
lary stated: that Runes cannot
tuned artifact which generated this
accurately describe an artifact’s
massive transformation from thriving
powerfs), although their main purpose
jungle to uninhabitable desert. But this
of event prophecy remains accurately
remains only partly confirmed, through
prescribed through this method.”
magical divination — the certainty of
which has failed with the extreme
If this section is found by the charac-
length of time between this treatise and
ters, and they haven't already found
the events of the day.”
item 2 above (and they declare a desire
to find the mentioned article by Ibnter),
2. This passage is found in Analysis of
they find item 2 the next day.
Divination Magics and Their Efficiency:
A Study of Elapsed Time Tarsus Accu- 4. This passage is found in Material
racy, by Tboter Ansmond, Arch Mage of
Transformation by Alteration Powers: A
the Silver Wand: “. an example of the

Study of the Four Elements and Their

loss of information and the dulling of
Interaction During Change, by the re-
accuracy. This is exemplified by the
nowned Supreme Wizard, Sai Dargon-
artifact called "The Unending Tbme’
dallesh IX: ”... a meaningful example

64 Issue No.3
Bubba the Barbarian says:

After a few weeks of wenching,

carving mutton, swiiling mead, and
tossing halflings, I need a break. So I
get out my war dinosaur Boo-Boo and
visit a few exotic countries, get to
know the locals and party a bit.
Afterwards, 1 settle down with a copy
of DUNGEON™ Adventures for the
latest on local monster hoards and
treasure troves.

DUNGEON™ Adventures. Now that's


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Itstalks the island at night, its -Ochimo: The Spirit Warrior is a

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Those who have contested its power ancient menace, and a supernatural
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