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Case History of Focal Pneumonia

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18th children’s hospital

Case history report

Patient Data
Name: Lenin Bogdan
Date of Birth: 22/06/2004
Date of admission: 23/10/2010
Method of admission: by ambulance
Home Address: zhukovskova 71,
Patient was admitted with suspected diagnosis of Right sided focal Pneumonia

Frequent unproductive cough, temp is normal, decreased appetite. Malaise, fatigue
and difficulty in breathing, most especially at Nights and very loud breathing.

Anamnesis Morbi

18th children’s hospital
Case history report
The child was ill, one week ago. He took augumentin and expectorant at home but
no improvement and then he was brought to the hospital.

Anamnesis Vitae
The child has a mother is 34years old, father, and a 10years old brother who are
healthy. Mother’s pregnancy was normal and child was born with out complications
and normal weight of 2.3kg.
Neonate period was normal and Agar score 9.0. The child was breast feed until 1
year. The child was ill with frequent bronchitis and pneumonia 4times when he was
Development was normal.

Physical examination
Temperature 37.5oc, pulse rate 110Bpm, respiratory rate 28/mins, BP: 90/50mmHg,
weight 22kg, Height 120cm, heart rate 108pm.

General appearance
Child is norm asthenic. The patient appear ill
Degree of prostration: - Normal consciousness, No abnormalities, gait is normal,
facial expression is good.
Color of skin is normal, hair distribution is normal, no nodules, no dilated vessel, and
direction of blood flow is normal, no edema, and no eruption
Lymph nodes
Palpable in the right inguinal region, liver is palpable and normal and the spleen is
not palpable.
The size, shape circumference is normal, and also symmetrical
Symmetrical, distance between nose and mouth is normal, no paralysis, depth of
nasolabial folds and bridge of nose is normal.
Visual acuity is normal, no exophthalmos or enophthalmos pupil size, shape and
reaction to light and accommodation is normal.
Shape is normal, no discharge and no bleeding
No inflammation of tonsils, absence of hypertrophic lymphoid tissues, voice is
No inflammation and discharge, the hearing ability is normal
The neck position is normal, no swelling, thyroid, lymph nodes, vein, position of
trachea, sternocleidomastoid muscle are normal.

Shape is normal, absence of pigeon breast, the thorax is symmetrical, pulsation and
length of the sternum is normal, thorax participation in respiration is observed.

18th children’s hospital
Case history report
(a) General: absence of deformities, no paralysis and edema. Posture and gait is
(b) Joints: the joints are normal, no swelling, no redness and pain. Absence of
rheumatic nodules
(c) Hands and feet: Normal
(d) Peripheral vessels: absence.

Spine and back

Abdominal breathing, dyspnea present, unproductive cough, dullness to percussion
is heard on the lower lobe of the right lungs. Shortness of resonance, diminish
breathing, crepitation is present, no rales, absence of wheezing.

Cardiovascular system
Auscultation: on the lower lobe of the right lungs, diminishing breathing was heard
on the left lungs (half or superficial breathing.)

Size and shape is normal, umbilicus is in the midline, absence of palpable masses.
Vein is not distended and direction of flow is normal.
The size of the liver is normal, liver is palpable and normal
The spleen is not palpable

Urogenital system
Urination is normal, painless, absence of abdominal development.
Rectum and Anus:
Absence of irritation fissure and Artesia

Nervous system:
Behavior is normal, level of consciousness and intelligence was excellent, ability to
understand, to communicate and write was also good.

Provisional diagnosis: Right sided focal pneumonia.

Plan of clinical and laboratory Examination:

• Determining the presence of pneumonia
• Assessing disease severity at the time of presentation
• Identifying causative agent

Laboratory analysis and findings

Stool: normal
X-ray examination: Enrichment of lung’s picture and infiltration in the lower lobe of
right lung.
Blood test:
Hemoglobin: 120g/l
RBC: 3.5x1012/l
Color index:1

18th children’s hospital
Case history report
Leukocyte 12 x109/L

Segmented: 64%
Eosinophil: 2%
Lymphocyte: 20%
ESR: 26mm/h

Vol: 75.0
Color: slight yellow, clear urine
Sugar and protein: negative
Concentration of urine: 1020
Leukocyte: 1-2 in field of visual
Erythrocyte: absent
Mucosal: is a little slightly

Differential diagnosis
Acute respiratory viral infection, bronchiolitis, bronchiestasis, chronic bronchitis. In
lingering course of pneumonia; primary tuberculosis, cystic fibrosis, COPD.

Final diagnosis.
Right sided focal pneumonia

Augumentin 500g 2 times daily intramuscular
Lazolvan 30mm 3 times a day
Bufilat 1 tablet 2 times daily

With treatment, pneumonia can be cleared with 2-4 weeks. Generally prognosis is
good and so the outcome is favorable.

An acute infectious inflammatory disease of various nature with involving of
respiratory organs into pathologic process and intra-alveolar inflammatory

Groups of pneumonias: Primary and secondary

Primary pneumonia is a pathological process that first develop in lung t issue and is
considered as a basic disease

18th children’s hospital
Case history report
Secondary pneumonia: pathologic process with complicated course of another
pulmonary disease or disease of other organ (same concern the chronic
Forms of pneumonia
• Focal (focal confluent)
• Segmented (mono or poly segmented)
• Croupous
• Interstitial

Localization of process
Lungs, lobes, segment, one sided, double (two sided)

Course of pneumonia
• Acute
• Lingering (reverse development of pneumonia process earlier than 6 weeks –
6 months after beginning of disease)
• Recurrent (under exclusion of reinfection)
Variety of pneumonia
• Out-of hospital (home)
• Hospital (nosocomial)
• Under perinatal infection – aspirative one
• In patients with immune deficiency
The type of infections agent is connected with variety of pneumonia.
• In out-hospital pneumonia gram +ve cocci are predominant
• In hospital pneumonia: staphylococci and gram –ve micro flora
• In new born-: Chlamydia, pneumocystas, urea plasma
• In aspirative pneumonia: obligate anaerobes + Gram –ve bacilli
• In case of prominent immune disorders: pneumocysta, fungi,

Pneumonia maybe complicated or not complicated

Complicated: pulmonary or extra-pulmonary

Pulmonary complications
• Syn-pneumonial pleurisy
• Meta-pneumonial pleurisy
• Pulmonary destruction
• Pneumothorax

Extra-pulmonary complications
• Infections – tissue shock
• DIC- syndrome
• Cardiovascular insufficiency
• Respiratory distress syndrome of adult type

Criteria of pneumonia
I. Anamnesis data
• Connection with respiratory viral infections: common cold
II. Clinical

18th children’s hospital
Case history report
• Syndrome of respiratory insufficiency: dyspnea, participation of axillary
muscles in breathing act, retraction of flexible parts of thorax, pallor of skin,
cyanosis of nasolabial triangle or spread cyanosis, increasing after physical
• Syndrome of intoxication: worsening of feeling, sleep disturbances, motor
anxiety, hyperthermia, muffled heart sounds tarchycardia.

Infants of 1st 2 months of life marked signs of intoxication:

Are flaccidity, decreasing of appetite down to refusing of breast feeding, weight
loss, decreasing physiological reflexes, appearance of GIT disorders,
development of exicosis.

Focal signs in lungs:

They are prominent in segmented (poly-segmented) and affluent pneumonia,
less marked in focal pneumonia and minimal changes are supervised in
interstitial pneumonia.

a. On percussion: shortening of resonance on the place of lesion

b. On auscultation: harsh bronchial or weakened bronchial breathing on
place of lesion.
c. Fine bubbling rales or crepitating rales above the infiltrative foci
III. X-ray: infiltrative changes of the lungs of focal or segmented type and
reaction of lungs hilus on the side of the lesion

Such a sign as emphysema and strengthening of hilus figure (perivascular

and peribronchial shadowing) may be separated either in bronchitis,
bronchiolitis of in pneumonia
IV. Laboratory:
Blood cell count shows activity of bacterial inflammation leads to increase
ESR, Leucocytosis and neutrophils with slight to left infant of 1 st months of life
seen lymphocyte reaction, early developed anemisation (anemia)

Differential diagnosis
Acute respiratory viral infection, bronchiolitis in lingering course of
pneumonia: primary tuberculosis, cystic fibrosis.

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