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لاهوت الكنيسة عند القديس أغناطيوس الأنطاكي - الأب يوحنا رومانيدس
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لاهوت الكنيسة عند القديس أغناطيوس الأنطاكي - الأب يوحنا رومانيدس
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لاهوت الكنيسة عند القديس أغناطيوس الأنطاكي - الأب يوحنا رومانيدس
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cA Cele Lae cel Sle gol ee Cease opie iis SN iteat otal LyAt Ch gible ecsola| ALN I KeThe Ecclesiology of St. Ignatios of Antioch Race 3 dunsul! alae! Hand ¢ atu, Gass oy Linge uuyaill ages G Giles Saal s ¢ Rages Sigh «sill § (SUEAI 24 Selljntle gi goal aisles, Uagy Ga Gllgs aal ge qasKll 13s tall any tas + eltell ilaly acl! SLIT 42 Ubl lacs {all any galyll Bs - Lugs G deal pS gh ¥! —25ll5 eat 4g Sal gf Gas Me gle dedi! ESI ygne ceeeall O98 Ge Gat Leals gb ULaYly LS 98s! «Ug calelbsall JS Ug Lela alg dab gm Quid lie cued Gi! Ly faa Gall ay Kai cage Lees Vy gushes Ghat pad Greatly YI 6 pagablis! ate Lugsl ye Y » giles GUELI ol Ge Mo gady . Ute gp Sigh s¥l Sall G Auusll cue Ga jas sSILE . cage Ul lhe os daualy 3 Se org (dl LL dala: seuall bie ool gay cae beil ¢ alll dala Lal ¢ gai Ue Maly peat Qe LAZY) Stunt Gy © cand! aes elsel gal ws Loi) pet peed! eed Aub dU Goll. Glaus 3 Bl om GygieSll . doag Gayl one Lgl, Gio, Ihe y ¢ all lj! sesall Me 3 ostier pet¥ dual Lgl Gyre ie 1ESe yg. sal git AYE gle om gla ys ant sll ll opis YW ob: wotone Y peg Apailly JS ESS cael pee . Fatungatll _.o edn s ~ gual JSS J alll sy Hot Gila! G wale Ll asall cmap! gai lala, Us gt ot og gece Ul YG LbE Gall JG LS deals alll cas o pag bLbtS Cugel gt Mulall Lisl ode Gal LU oS oltage of. lil alll ans azn QdLel dal oe Uatall « slgeY) Cast gl ge tell Las Slaall BySa clabil gm (pul « Risll Sang Geiss yd gat (ally Lys Ae Le Rang! Lsgill 2 lls GSU Gas ol Gasll Ie g ob AW sll Bang cle cniegll Caed o bs see ge | CaS MSheeg GUbpll a8 gyamlas Laing Lgl dels + hogel SS gle ae § ge Gall paaal sil gd” danny S SLI pul ge Gagalslizl ste Lugs cage peal cual ol mS 6 Baza 50 6 eyed! sues MIG. aMElL Ghee cil 2 gli AIA. paul G GaLAI) gy sung cing) ¢ Lis Y ti = Aaseto Cll ¢ sacl O53 poste ab dys osie Lausil «ga wisely Lage sll ane Y dual Goyebliel lbs G penned (gil Meal Gass GY ¢ lan Gace jal Leg. Gad Lgaieal sof Gey 6 LigiSl AAI Sas gll ygal ge 6 cyosall PM ge aAI AL sgt Sly. Lubl ell sey ele Soll pV) canal The Jglits gh Gas 6 Lassi Ge Gagablizl 2 Lai! + Apslllls ( sual Ge) Gad Vesely peal! G GadAl Gle Upeaall + dic ( Spall) + Sill pay dus _ oy Lgl detail gh Lucci egy o getaly Lee YT Qual gles alias, » Rely) gu BLgLul Qala Loy » de LA aibad, — A a om ° —V—1 GMA 1) AaGLLLy (aLudlt yo) Yadall 1 et gh eel dat Gl Gangulblid! Guaall Ges al + apull Gigs Vg Las Vag eave Tulsi Y clog pel pralll he st plandl eyo US oo 6p gam Crores All Lgled bal: 4006 5! al eaghl Shag ote VA eee EL) dase got Lag! call oY Rawal os Gig po¥l Hey ¢ bbs dll (bi; ) Ga Gas el GY ¢ cuglls dy Yoo! La, glbnalls . dll UI LuY) ode (VO VED Y que) AGLY! aunts stinalls cu gl! dol g AubAl so. (OV! Jo 98) } CALLAN (ye cll A558 LI «(VV 2 2 5) Corll gOS, cell de pale GLY! peal GEUbH cag Gunns P jae OT! cles ges 6 AMUN Gall 3 bed ena, Hs Cana Ul Lag. Gay SG 4a Boy canal (all call Bee GL gai plgall gle Genus ged 6 gl! ge ELA Saal Kail ge Go Lnddy oth GM Vln pees qutlly Gaull geal Gopal tig Gell G glayl) Ja: Qe 2uball + Sash! 250d phate etal lang . 4Gld (ein Y gall ali sliaall Gli ¢ cual! Gar ge Gall gibt ay cigll ot Lay © CVA Garendl EN) 6 Gagll U1 5l o 9G aludlly pall ashi, Ute ve UA Lee hls Gl ally 6 alias cagll erste Aan phos 53S «LBD US Lannea alll oat cal 6 Sync = Gagbliél Guaall Jiu, Gi slat ye tel ow aTT Jo—82 SNS ( Rpsligigs ) Sal s 48, old coals (Assists) cell Aut gs aged Call Aas gll lbs a Ach gukl, sag aay Uanll gl gins Meg. pSlly all ASLa 4 aLualls elas wall glal (A. al lt eaeess Al LI 6 gli 6 piled Apalas — alll ath pllelly alll gs JSD. AT altel gS. (0 Apis 21). Slat ¢ alll drotdy . cull wuad ol aga5e dl. Abd CUE oe Geils Lt el Gall! OU + eo jgls 3 eared IE CYT 1. FA 95) alenall glbl. Led. CVA Geil 61) @ cagll YL (tis (SI asiels aly» LL, Gee LLC gl GLAD Gud aU Lee gliad aglall y Slyal aeoll Ball job asl. (1. Spugite 21) tide (ail Lille! Ege oe coped GL. CVA Gel ET) Cal Pall saa) » oberg De ( E pasl 6) Apis 6 Gael £1) CSL bed Y digas 6 (VY Qeeedl 1) CuI ae piles dus! © C9 olla 61) C Agta Olin pele Gpnsalall oglAll 385 ogubligh Ula ge Guat ceed Ged Foils quSll Ul) clad Gls 6 6 Su) Gagilly old + ettld be guts Aisles coral! Gres Sle 6 oaey I ail Cuilly 4p ahaa ty Hye Gud > (4 Lecastde £1) clus lal ead stl oo, eS ads ot (0 Laladbs 1) (eral g gue) ett dig GR GAM Gall Gals ge ee Galas! Gans Gle LCA Uae £1) Laas, Lally lay Gasiegy Gaol @ Aya) PLaallg slid) gae Cm ) All ae guaplall b flay EL) ( slinall poe dale pm Qatls 0. CY Gao Sales El) + CA Galas 4g Teall Gg sess OT! pM! Shs Los gl hob ig) ell Gigs oY © (Asal G oll 21) aT s Plan —all ay cranes Sill ¢ gust! Gloag 6 (VA Genil E!} —\.—Gg Ul ggasi dige: eileT L 1» (1A = dpe EL) somal 4uL8s call Caps oa Se oA LI. CT ou g)) Sag Al ge cpatlre eg adil Tylae agid gant! oe Sil aalé > BAaH aah 4 ier Vigo (0 geil £1) (Anza ge pgeléa Jas + ( Ibid 1) call Sls 458 ¢ LIS e Gl ag ula 6. doe -( Ibid VY pogtalas 3 ogign 6 alll dbo opadys cullls d Sonal GhasYl $y5p8 cll bghry glock: Geysbliel is he Had) Gaghy el Sell ge alll aust ull Gilesll ee VTA Gal 1. 4 CY olla Et). Lane ule, cSt 3 gate! ye Nydas 6. GE Gul Cy COP ETON BALE, YT, GalSll Fag Gle Sally ¢ Aba atlaall des Ghee gl C11 daeutee £1) (bail abe age opal agall oll GLa 52 (YF aaah @1) 4a.s9 call slgadls RAGA Gall bla gl Ab 6 ogdsYl cyan dy clies dea ale! gon glans gla dlls Goll Goi 24 gall Blab 1p Seo Sg ce coe play Baal hall cepeall SS 6 Ligke cals 2) eal ¢ gang deat dalle 8 Si a gleay ypill coll Ee pds Ge gabliel Gel. ( thid VY) CAML bat! Cpe gles Ayal AaJAU Ayacall dahil Siig ABUL Gof (ll ela all «snails Capel) Gita! Gael! iLL Say cng Gb Gils pagal] o! Le (Ana ol Sed! bin (eats Lan oie gal 13g gS QUAL. Badal Mabel jell QD! cps asilslidl pgeale Quill Zabel jqll gf GLUT Chay GL giants Lal,» gall Grae LS 6 dips tans gS sh sls cl. ibid 0) aus S851 ail Ge Vy Gel ing ginseng ill ead Lilly Glos 1S LSS Gly G! aebiy Ly sal ll ES Gag ghliél Ss Ge dy pe Ayal cul Bi padig Laie caglalZl uunlty Glo gSai Gg) aghid Y Gil. {all 13g) Bae gl gpa Gill Gan! DAY! gsi Gly jl Gay Aaa —\i-Tl See gt pa! GR Od Ghat UE Ube! Kage spate: Lana) Real Aut! ba Y Gazelle! Ks dadlall ode. has jack ead) oes dp Salut! LES Ges DR ns Looe Ges é Aigledy Grual cael rye - » LagS Ge tig) oli ul Gaeal ys Lully Sahl gle gush Jo gtlay tll jy Voilan all slat gl abe ( 1¢ Dy cee YY RY. TA gy) coll BY OC V0 TY ce) © call GA, Qa geld G pstlea Ulgb Gia 4b! oy . Stl) cull dase GB oS Clb ill Ss Goal Rae Gl GAS oe uilll Slats Gay ¢ oat GL NS ya Gagll Gla! Gata Gell ang Gs haa ef AGI Qaally SSLally ppeally patsy & Glbytll Lage oe Coathe coped GUM Rend ALLAN oot cull gilt Glo quis, “eget GAM AMM cCulaa Gglag ¢ dine: wgiegll 6.6 0 Caaall (ss 983 Gl ttle C497 3 cageil ¢ not of 1 Mal. aul : (0 Apne 21) onal peg GEUAY! oliney aeepall Aalst dayeall cla! deal gl Sts Halg . plntil Wb Santo gal (gm 6 Aislts RLSM y Ayal S gzll cuts 1a, . Qual dani! as) Ql agzs et CVG SY ae) wohl 4 del cue ol oats GA AA > Hho 4sha, cllg lL ABA Gl 6 4s Gaull Grg0 3 peti CAV! Yo gS 1) SllbSs B ool du .. pS 3B ell OS ol gal! holy: GaNAI Ua ALAM 25 pune sles Guay lat UY Gi pSiy USUI» 2 Aga! quae y Sila aise LulstQul BAIS BAY g yo Sit geil Ol. (1A — IAF 10 SS 1) Coogi, fa 9 Cergll Ge Ygailas D pm ¢ diglsig Aga g 2anill allt 2 (0 pet ll E1) © ygcatall peels » eee 6 Ga gabelis! aie Aynpll desl! gle aol cl — \yoCents cota pllel 5 balls Sagan AeA! cgil gal bis UL ( Transcendental )42)5~2 ltsilS Abetis (dyad 4 Sales gs Gig Blin Laakall Gg GL y Salecull Lamb Libs 0 pad Loi Lalla Gua Sly C eagll ude ay GSM seaa dl ot call abe by cel asl goby Yee 0s agasll Gaually cqasill QLY ge W gegeall Gees G Ley pSiser Igial di ¢ seve! Guns Aone cpetill Gall ye cabas call Bo gall dell. CV duis @1) Do CV EVE 5p) danas pened Matlin bale weak: oil SYD OYAA TEV. Flot ocol ws ley—t CNW ToMEC SoH Iho SF CVIIN EVV Yor Ny ACV Fo sla Ys Gaal y ey cell Gaal LS pele Lass of Ula! aad! aul? 3 peed! LS ge Lal oe 5 (0, pe Seloe 1) (Luisi Lager petal ge ah ashe (y+ Yo 55) Cad quakes Ly Galles pl» elas GE IE. (Job 0 SY) eget ans yo clin Yl Lard US pe gh) 6B gene pepe B ASUAUT Lal oe GUILT opel pe dl gh. (FY Do Gl) « Assi y eaall po ds cgiel pele Sopa Se cb oh LewSM GR Goll CY Y 6 B3s cpumenell pebbe lel le Gay eDAD y . GAT Lane au gael gloat oF de cogs GS EEAY) au de pealesl 93% wl Nyaa5i oudll cLaulls «C0 gas Salo BI) CAM Ge Y Gel Guan clog US jeall [de GB ULSI! gle haat ¥ gai 4yb8I) cas Ratlall JLeYu . pe pill 93 aa Le dus lay ¢ je J ol anale pins gS} alls GLAY! cmt et ke gps be je Gul sh —eall Rah ge de 6 Ryall Lin GI) Ayal Glets bak MLN! all dal ge olay all as GLa! aL, Gill ¢ya5ll —ireES oe Lal) Lally alas) Gat. ({)quyally all Lue adlil, Biel GY 6 Gaal oaas iS Ye AeLai pel! dag ch Ga SO aT Shall Qa GL ed Gout Leileas Hl o.oo oth all se dace Los belts Gt Qusnull (ably gettin Wile tele Liye y cone ey aall be Ga cdlioe 2 CY pees £1) asi) Goold Cally cla Y GA BLM stl Ges Late cas Uaulls stalls Boll cast! ook cn Udo! duis! eg ———L os DaY! Cell ise pets ¢ othpill peas » AGL, EN 6 dag yg cciuns I ganily Lygd ds boils o gual a2} » Lar os ol CF ail E1) Cagle by patil cupll 1p zal - otzes of gebing Y ¢ dati Tae doa pay cugll OS go) lias 6 497 B cageil & pad ol ISD eg gees peel! s—4 Nae Ayla Lit ail st ols (0 Apia £1) «Us tenets gape Cube od (Y)ER SAN Ges ete! oo Sy quill Ue 6 aye Ga 6 Guill Gol anil an) ppb od ol Ss cle Seal Zeng Ge cue Zell 6 glint Gays Solu Gail! idl UI) Load clay ball Jost oe Iepeee Geel, Gola! eel peasl Jeni lie . ( De Doctrina Christiana 1, 20 ) cpt st J cual ol EEL, Sg5Ll ¢ Guys o GLESM, ooh ol! Ghall sda GAY g aflesls cos pel Cle Bola! Vy ake ol sal + pg Y dead geen pete Vesey ol pel C bela! Ge actles | ald pails + Sls GAN cap calle pel gi cls ( Dogmengeschichte, Tuebingen 1931 , p 293 ff. ) eels oe VW ogtell — oY) Gill aeall oe VP os Hog de cola on cools cle cw Ja! ostall — 2 eee oe Toe Too) cpl all — ul! + Gok —-ft-—sia y .(V)glhall sar G Uasia peg ¢ call oye Cag Al! OS gl 6 ped Be OS Gl GAM Gogblizl Ls, £8 (nil 5550) dl See GI bal ob gss8! pile 2 gtbetlls Gast) ons peat Y (all dedbell Gusasl (Co — Worker ) (AL el as Ls oAll gli! s gl. ll cay) Se Gib! Laie . wasalls EY! pall Gus Le Vm gY 6 AG BLY! Gs Gg gy) dale phats GlS Gor gable! (te cally gitleds ol sayy ollall Lae dy ol 0 + Glbp all 4a ie pies (beso 8 o5ast! os dal oaclios YI gay) All ge (3 Ss ak + (V Asegs Eb) L, Lali ols Ui psychopath (asi! (34 5 ongsbl:! oS ol V Gal PO OVL EY aS 1) lentil ge Qasall Gls 4igo FSM caged elas deo Gaed Gill Aesets Gl conte co AG NaN. gail US lal cx Iphe d- AY ge Udedl pS pYT oe Coredl Ll Le) ¢ pSthar Ggiseipet 28 Ys La ged cad Vpbeesl 6. 0 6 (A deegs G1) © ppciatl 2 Ege le Geant S gle pall ablde ails Ly! Gigabit 2 ( tbid 2) C15 pall = SoS Sk: cell oe VY stall 07 — jorAeasiSH Silt pggilly cand! B yada te Joaal!—y See eH calatns ¢ olbally cell Gle Gaull jlauk El Ly dye ae tlasl 6 dingy alll Shins das gl ¢ paul! Rass — VY 9 V Geil G1) Coans Al ope) Gas ol oe Vg 4385 US Stee Gall Stasi! US Iyaaci ol aero. C1 © spd SS b Coils GEO ¢ peds Saaly dolby qrioods 2 (CY peel 2 1) Roa ge 6 pageblsl aie GIG) quell 35a ol Legals VY glills — y. Gaul 21) gle! bang Auld! Tage Le ¢ oS Lille oll © (A Gag Sil — Lal cA ANC (VE cymes & VP) Lettlety meal 3 Plall Aylasy Saat Aygibe £1) Ca g1AW Algtaly 500 oe Gall og ST ge San ll Lol Sb ctily ete VE c el guul Gle dine jge¥l USP. 4 © AIL Geode Ghul US asa pap OLA! . (4 Labodhs 21) pa GB eel gg ey el. (1 Ata G1) GLA Gil Goat We Gall Gl. ( € ule!) « pSalal, AYU leet Y Sang gd lois yo! all oe» (Ibid) + ( Ibid ) C alll as Aails dang b 1yigG Ga Vivier go dual) Saag) glands adil y waa oil 0 CY eal 21) eaeall PL 3 yp Seull 64315 yo Sand 6 pcgablis! QM dub 6 dha Y gly! otuass ola! Ul. ( autozoe ) FLall ils gm daze alll OY 6 eat gat at Glas! gl La GS. alll ee AS LIL —wW—Habe gl. ll Betty (Ae 9 all daubll 13 ¢ all ostadl glu etfs OL Gia 6 gluidls all cpt Agnaclall s A flall dadeed! date! os ag alatlian . CVD ¥V Sa) Gags Abs glu! all © lla) aglSM alll eisy Leaie sy « CVV IV sei 1) @ agtill aol pt gly lily . Gel dual 845 Ge heals Y o5/All liga - (¥ g5&)) € Soutall pt dill ga oo. aaa gl gilgs wag (to pros ti) 4a. coud alll dias ob o dgle pass (ill Palen! jaa B lagage all gis la. 4s yg Stins 6 gall Jn gle es Ba gage CAS TSI «GIS alae Gbs cad Gots gall a Gall GT AU! Sa OSE (fy ns OLE A ngeills cand ye GIRS Ape dd Line gh 6 0h ge Cpe sl calkig oiTety all coll do onl dhaly: ALIS Gall, aMAlls Aull 25 4igh Ji Auli Gilg: YAQIAN Qazi yl de 6 Gens GLUSY y AUD gg: Rage call coledbell LadLoal pad coals glial! Bleed! Ball GM asalel abl Gle hea Glut! fees (go gall UT yak pe Lal Qaadll Gil. lll aad Shea Vg 6 Spl Kagel) GU iS Ls glal peas nell Hd (0) Gps deg GIS Gages 6 Gp asks US CT GY 6 pe gall G dll Lyla pila Vd Maslae pe Gs of past Y gill G alla . ( Actus purus ) cher V pial a) ans ol US dag Lag eld 965 gl any Donal! Gad ole (pe SY) Lagi) Sop AN age hh Sp ths Lele B ses gy! Y pllall Ul Us, yu lice, Summa Theologica, pt. 1, 9. 43, art. 3. qe al oS. Adgls Grats Nhe oY. pI by Spl Bat OSS o! 38 seh oe oe Gt gall GMA CSL QgY) Bi, Gane ad Zhi JEL lll Gay yl ( Ibid. pt. 1, 9. 20, art. 2, obj. 2, reply 2. ) -—\Weoee I I Ee I lal 2 Gal ae ay he auld ans aa YC Ca pills EV sé!) Cae ol Call ag sa) gill » Ga galabisl Sue oY) CV mena Lead lhe Ghana ol tN Gedy! pull alles QI fe—digy GLa oles alll eats godt Lis ada gly Sail G lmaai ¥ clogis US Glee! pleieY! qjllgis All oles GLa! dangle Sell Gags baled pad Salle agli! Gaga ALA paplall Gaol dite UL uly Selly Aaglt cbs GSI! ill yo gal 5 paall pe Gud) pSLul a. Akl, ohestols GUS Gu: dayne exladle Lut aly ¢ aul daa! Ghai yo Aetls Xygesal gla jt ail de 6 Luly Al Ley aglSlly Sigal g Glas! dsjlae . Lele Bal Gilly cigll: oil cle Jeans | Gurall La DUA Ge Gell Galil Lay ¢ agli! YoU > Joie Go Ags Lasts SM go gall Galan gl (2) (to Aproslepton atherapeuton ) « ,ii2! le Ques Y 6 alll oda cla gal ap Baby auglly gl betll pw Gal pots Gilly Ayal Upped, TSAI atl oe Get ge 6 Gell cee holy PAY gab tla a Gaey Jae Gil pti slate, Leal ge Gl. pill li Sle Las oY Gan a! He. Ge osha oS ol Grube Gu 2 Gala ge LOLI Lage Gall ge gala Wil ol ca dikaiosyne dikaiosis ai, g ea Ppkal ) pall 643 Oe Galil] Lanny Laat Looks ( C.H. Dodd, The Epistle of Pau! to the Romans, London 1932, p. 9 - 13 } Juin Vy GE Y AW ols Jem gall Gl) Luk! Gg anus! alata (yi Ga ab BLL 5 seigall s open! Leet, (ally Gp, Uihy Gelb Y5 (els eeney Gad gape) - Sa gIS UM) Lyell Sages GLI tet Sess. VI Canon 11 . — VA —(Yo aregh Vo gg 6 Ve eadl £1) casdl iptny pty aol cigll Kye otean call AWUDU Gall ogtee lll oli 1A) aut Ctl Gt ans wills Tl alll canta gil slag) Sank! Te Hh Goa GUS Val Ge dyadtene + Anla: gl © peamall & po Geel Day diye dhay Al Ae Sal ey ot oe. Gall S10 oA edd EL) meal Ee el gl Lila gsi stig Lise sept US ugleds Crna! ol 6 CV badladls © 11 Quite = ( VY Ayia @! ) © uoall cole ols oI Gb? feed aes LSM ge Seiad pagubalisl pate Sl ane ge Gass LS alll Sal MAD ppadd Gala desi Gilsall deals G55 of Lila Gas Gill Aico quell! auld gales Gagh ge lids yall ASI) a ga Fagegll Aa lel A Sciase! Addall Loaladl y Lalll jal sill Wal aly dagiall ol 4 coll Agel g} yada Ase dh el 4adle Y 2 aude ge boaly calls AU ees GS Got! pllell jylet 8 os 2A oe SY tats tata gm ¢ Vin Ulle ¢ jaqsblisl ate oat oe gall J peel sue Ne Ge gla ya > Uae Le Flats gustll Ge Galdall Gauls ¢ Ledlly Gell GadE KG Sy gagdbLisl gas 6 Ay ll Xela AICI 4 ply Glas! — Aly} ae gl sual! 45S 50 tg cell 4S Ube aves Gd alll Jd tually Seal Est Le onl gay aol CNV held § Ye mV Let Vel). spall 2 (A= 0 Gsbdas 6 4 Apia OT rely CP 1 poll Sigil . die GoM spe cue! Zell alll debs G dasls LelaS oS ty qui GH asl Fabel — 5 » AGUA! dual! CLAY Sates (aut) Gils eigll pests GLA Gag — 1 + eal 2 Gl —-wecome A ae a EE . + ell goes DUS ge Cally all Lah “ual! 6 rae cole g cau! gle 25S pall opablis! Usa ol a he gles GS Leal Golses cell pati syae Grad FSI ye dagen Galal alps Gall patil GAA! By p5 + let] Luis! aul! seal! Goad Ge GillySua pov desi — ¥ DLS Ge Sal Fall cates! dboly GLa) Gala os Cus Gbis Yl GY» Gy all daa y Au pall deg B udu lS Ger Y ond 6 CA Lode) « Glaall, quascil Eames Al omsls Cro fi Oo ge (lll dang Gg!) ttnegs 6. coll fll oles bts ged ¢ ULogl LS Lae Lae Gay gly epuall GAM Coll ce Lied phe Ail pled Lilly 6 Qs alll lal y alll LEY oe Ly al y al. (YC — YP gt 1) CU aay col Nghe Y aI L(V ned 21) Conall GL Lea + CY Gabdhs eb) Call aShocg yn Y glaall eal ae call Gos ge alll Lney ght) ALA. oI ol he Y Gena ol Gis 6 dagly! Steal! AS 5 Gm Calls gu AT! Vm putty Sha gye Ig jel o glantll Jil OF hy pagii pStumes panty ott Sele Ags Mil aalaa, polledl 6 Lies Si Qual Wo ule Gail, (Suual Nginas Y > + CAV Geail EF) « Sl Sand) Staal Ge Gar gels pSaeus SU of Sales cally CGyaeeill Gaaia Lal els Gall GUI ast Le» EN) © coll Gb os jlins qylll clu! 3.4 SIL ts @apbee Y epeell dine 9 tes ae Saal Gu. CY Lahde Aaa Slats edt oa Ge Gall oY 6 Gere ol oth! etl AS) GUS Ngecias go! B lpeiel y Gla all paw Le (silt EL el Gd bes Mile ygecint Laid . all aally (Sail Jats glhiall 632 Jan ai ¢ ( epi to afto’) iy lay! — yjgene YO. CAT poet EL) t aalles pl. Gla pL} 44,28 SRS on pute UG Saell pK GLUT gis 1aG 6 4 asl Sis 8 (epi to ato) lea glaa sl Yas s+. tll . (0 anal £1) CaS pall ge dati phy 6 eal GAS 5 All Ll ot set A dala GIS on 9 / CV otal) «Lar Gal ost suis Lye Byglll py Spoil) ¢ ByyBAl Lassll oS! cypiedis cogil Gureadl cplegll Ge UNS ¢ ( Aaila Lage (ble! pboleail; cag! BS jhgall a2 gilily lla,all te AG Lys coat gl Gall dau B patedl peaed petiae ube eal Sees Lasd Gall Ha AAG Gay San gll ode Guedes (Pall doa | cpepg CHS Rag CLT GIS + peels paths causal gag aglbll Blas cA, baaslly Gall! — teal 53 call 4ayiy olhetll a Guall — pl deus ¢ ced J slay eel! B corte cull os cle Grell aoe J ex aail he Ge call — Ast 1 LM Slaeld cy paths cagA! peal dal Gt Lapsle all « obbpall ot sail C cpaabsl call Gaal Gas 3 Eb bas y dopll The ost ¢ Fast cage y Lagglgiea Sil agai yabeall Solel! 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(1 tals + geal! thats opt hh GE Ue oe ost ol Ag Lbatlls coll ag Sys L Line Seas al E1) © Nas Cipee ghall GAL (aks geass Gl peat + OV ct Salor — reguided g Audbaaifl Guals Glas cline — 4 pe GE! gt Atal 5 Salt Gayebliel Ji oF cat cygcigli Laila I gil agSNLs . ets Ld tole Leal ISL Cot! a! one Vjansd paggaliel 2 g cilia ol LS. deutk GEL Sala Gl ge G6 ple SE opty Dull. alls Sail Gast co) ge aaa! (iil. Baaly delea cole paid LOK Gla 8 EN) Cobde iss aS et ol Sl els SSI gs heen UPL 6 Gey Get pubes Galas Soot YUE > 2 Aangy BT) Clave oT) cae dIgI UII ola bee alae ban Y poe Ghaes Lind oF outr bliel ol cals CLS ¢ gpalay cle Sagk cabs er pl opill pUball Jautt db aie G2. Guayll Attyer GEAMI day, AU, de Sue cee gg ll Lelia Ge stalllh SSN ge Gesell! chSe Gl Ss Ge dase GH set Jp! 1} ¢ ( epi to afto ) eughiys dal ll GS Lath alge Jgeaall s HUST pas S CCA V8) ) Jaa Any Je acet deo! el il y: Sls lead! gga Y RY! gti? pos cbal coll pa gilalis! CoS 5 2 (A aed EL) CAM is Vo Jee yl cae gli Lente Auk Jal ed gga YL Jemeal go! Ge V1 date past) Bb GLA Letil gyelie ¢ dally Gp Kes ygnl) Roe Cagle Gd gloss: Gly tal Lube! stlalles ode dua gidll Shall Goan LS Lass Sage po—ti; Leaie (( demonology ) cola s den gl ge All Ue acoll GB Ld og G Gebel Say Ga GL Boa Bis ped pubinny ¢ Gall suas -b ~38 ( epi to afto ) . Lupatlzes UIs SSB dary ead! aie oy plolits | gilsS opie gl gl Le ey Ge Aba! ae we OS ail Lang ¢ da taal Hgts Liglailly 44S gh euah ¢ gutlalls © qbse gl! ewsbi Gf Sale Liles qulhs paall G Gad! gL + pall By Relea 2308 Bo calige gl! Gs Gy opilall Usa SLM Ley pats Ried 8 9h, Caectll Ge Saat Vag lS ol SON pepe anus (ge US LeLoall GY 6 Galt, alll Gu bea gS ont AlSY! Gaede 2 Zuaaall GI wl: Gell! Ue alll Gas au C19 ye ceed! ae clidel Gle Ubilall G dudgguen do 6 Lintpeally Sau GM sae clisel gs Gy glbeall LeSone Gall pL ¢ 5) ales sual! law gle Beall Abslall cree! Lelad . Rusty Ko all gil gall JS baby olan tll 5Soe y9S2l Lath Lye ge Ul cued Lil ¢ sual) Gai Chua Uaekig call 3 dial Plas geod Coil AQT 5 gills ban gil ot Sabor HT Ga geblisl oS aah (CY 1 Tf et) Y gill Baal ialy o60. Ue US Se Cle ddl) UL SOV cep Sale £1) (lade Ladd spot —yyeai) cps Bl glad) yall — ¥ LusLad) gu SLgloll gle (AUT aa ped aeho Lul ( Sententiae Episcoporum, op. cpt pS Gyn ae ) 2 Rall) Gal sa) JMB gp aS Ula, jet Gell dolar! blall ul — 1 ddan G Bsiag 6 GA Lela bop diage Lele cS ol — 1 + call B peeazs cpgeeiny call! plegll Bla Gd hey cell ULS ol — 7 (epi to afto) cella dl. aul all Slall oe Lat 3 sje Aut yl — £ { epi to afto ) ail gly ld ony Lis Us ery Lal! oS ol Koni NY yl Leag 2 Leal B ils Gy ¢ Laie Djeey ol Silat Sag Seidl Lathe G bles pels (all pS! apy aan ® phil Asst ages yl dl tyler edb due UW GIS Li mystagogical ap—ag Fy pas Wh pads Y loaeils Ushlndl Got el 3 Sloat Ge las oplaS———— ee oats dus pemey a! caLeluall gY 6 qyglaces Igils dell JS gil. Lea! gobi Y (GENT) Rall gall Bape of LS + Lyla eats Sonaly Syqall oY ¢ GA! Fae Ge otal sl oS! O98 ol — Yt~—Hh oa 4 + Ag glicte y GS! gall G dala! YY GleLa by UsY eek aa ene ol Sol gb Ge erally aul sul cyan! ase SAT cas gb oi LG og b+ ll sacl Jagt aals aus! olSe alg Gaul Wig US Gatos lS Sores Lia y sil Sly. 4yois7l ( P. Trembelas, Taxeis Cheirothesion kai Cheirotonion Athens 1949, P 26 — 29 n ) nae gill SSI Ge Iyhe af UYS! gt Lig dat gh S56 Lea ysialll Gul, oS) pel Ghar of gga ¢ Saha ob epee cates ll saad! ansell os egal deg I cp Aa OSV (le gS ine Laie I pdly . GAT oSUI ces pall aul Ge eje Gu GRY) pial 6 Sail Capen » yeaa! dan stall 551 pag §S GB dene gl dua gil etme WLS Cas aly pe eal ll yall ll Lagg Gp Salall ode Bb cHllsll cues 13Se (Dom G. Dix, op. cit. p. 21.) VAY- ohm Gulag ¢ S13 say cdagS Aan shall pine Say eds A Lg) ols ¢ 4313 sa 3 GA spol! ge RY! ob Jos (all o sail yas be ihe Gel GE egal G eae Call on! all 2 tte das gid Bb oat Cll opal pall BAL Geet gall G GlelLall (a8 Ge ol aur Sa ne Rig at ot Gansbll Ge dea ¢ Fassel! ble sl gewnal 65 pl Gall G Lobes Lata ode conrad Laie s - li VoilS gall co yall daslal ge pS) Abba; etcie dual) iu! Ge Me Clie Jas aig. Saaly dele Gl pelts alld we duce! SSI 1s ss) clans Gil Sal) G GRY ez, Gat! ow Gate gad Gls Lagaae ZAM cals 6 Gall GE! Yo» Aisa) cael dal t Lat SLs o! Gt uu! a, dual Gaul gal gar Lal t gl Gals Gh paso! grand 59a — YY —« (4 SUsil pa os poled! ggilall) . cal easy wall ( Chrysostomos Papadopoulos , peri Chorepiscopon, . Athens 1935 p. 8 — 10 ) Sais oll dpul! Gall Geer elo Qual alg) 3 2a w daly galS aals Gaul Kale olS (all 4ulLall Lay! ( Agta st Ge 00 pill! ) (H. Alibizatos, The Holy Canons 1949, p. 254 )- exis Podatke Le) deny cle colic! gall (ails ol ls CALS 0 pol aay ol yall Gal of easy. IY! digs legs Vagd . (VY) Reuglgetll.s A4SH Ath ps Ga ail jas cll3y dial clo be © Got! G Lut aga) Gee gall Caslal say pl Gull RY) Gua Yo 13g). WL oge¥l Ig ee ol again Liesl! call Lal 6 Sy bel lity Js Sug ye Sabin Gog) pte dias Hl Fase Gets al le Nps YI Ged pete Ge .( A530! geas Ge OV uglall) . « Ayal Cell Gall G jase GC: Sayan Spin dll ode als Spee Maas gh Lied Gal gue pee YT US geal Gone Call gpusd Qanoa Vg 6 Agaall asly Gab (AS Cus LC Ghia 6g GEL geil gletel (dl jeotased Gade SN Ga ge Vgege coll og pall Leslad lye Gata gall SSN ata (11) + Raa GUSH Bocas LEI: cally GR cg eagll GIL! ge Neg —Yye-1 dag colada — A cell AGA pla Ga geblisl ate Lugs! cage Y su dong yaa! Goll ane gh. Gaal Use Qhisll piled! pd—aag Saagll aglAll Ia a 6 Oy eel OV 9) eI) Tjlagy LAGU! Gaal) Jal gs steal Byally QT) ge ola 2 daly ot gla mel Gale ua all GY jane See aul Gada Ai) G5 .( epi to afto ) ASUISU! Gall bia 3 gota Ags gill BLall 3 olgall ole oS ts Gl ality! op by glll ale Ge Guytlly all 4gUIMI dot) Glo Uytall Shall ode, » Ligld aa, ot ASE oe 2 Ja duet el ga os Y data! JleW! gil RuLDU Gall Jal ge slgall ge pres GS GLY» aU gu eel oll Al pling Yo. gla til aa gyal (Mull Ge all SLwally elleall eal coll pagodas GLY! ¢ Sulu! dal! eligi Sing Aas ASUIU Lael Leng th ALM y ppalls hemos S ssl Gl. olbp all clea ge olay Leal 3 ae cold CVV YN ED Geena ) desis 2 AGA gg ¢ zs endl gl gtr Gall bla Gal uyt (ih sts (able —Yo—oe Ole Gad OY). Lad! Slo dag S-e dis LL! aay aes La LAY! Glo FS pail Bang! Sus Go8 Lys (epi to afto ) Alea! te Lgl poi Y Guay - \ali LigkS 4zgeu Gall gral He Gah) Leas cad ALAN! G9 6 A pte wail Sst ge dy 6 pllall Jaf gs dia ed y Gal e CADW o2) Gall Biya sliily Lesa ge ( tng Goel 29950 asi ala » . 4435 cell as dG ¢ ( epi to afto ) bx soll (Lede (gens! cut V cgill Ba gly ginly -- + ee JS AS je Ute mee San gl I pal cde pot hls (1 eGo £1) Yc sd amy Gag eSY QV. Salsa 852 le Gay Lasts Galas osayg paelil crull ao » paki ol qi Slat B Gsas( epi to afto ) Gaedl ted Linas Fang: Alglit Algal Coady Golds GSI 9 geil ¢ Baal! Slav gy ene gill GST aay GT Lath JY 6 ag (epi to afto ) a——wiall cpl! s_—_—> 29S el gall (te SYN EY PEM EVN ge) GF ostaill cuacall G32: Aco gh 7! Lausll culat aa] AN the pol oe gaat ob g23 AU pL} aul Ahol gs cha oe 11) che Se seyell ose) gai. Hu. alll gy dg des Gre dl peed Thal, Sole! taget Gag Faalgll Tall ols Asa g!yo5 Sill ye GOA ge UaMaY! » QyS)) atlaad! Gf Sagal! SSI lal opeets ceey be date GL Ga ntl eae Il ples) oF Osis pelely ¢ sual y oll ge glial Fok ol oe tl all ently Gel Ulaatt g GAY Jotall pes 6 otal agl! bkay! ge Geaall Quill elke! GA dell pal gill es, ball oh LY) By gua gle Lauill Sales Ugh) Used dea gil » sy), Sova) Gol) UL) y MADE! Gallas ejay GN a Le -y—VYol 5 VVEN gle Ayitsil all John Karmiris, The dogmatic and Symbolic Monuments of the Orthodox Catholic Church, Athens 1952’ Vol. 1, P. 294 ff. duolAL Gail ol wind (all nodal J 4a i ee tall JS pat be & joiy Leall dis Gore eqs B qeat Leily Sale Ce ALY! palestl eatlel LS. cbt sally Lyn dle b QS cee Ages 8 pithy GLY Geld 4d alll oy Jill bel s . is JAU Gg NS gs A Sg QV! Ba atall Gal I ath ol cle pile © Gadlally Lugs! eagotly Lag sine Ally cag pall 4agzs Le Sa glig tla gs Y Aadth aldyy iT hes Gl ZspIM po ol gh jones Gt gy! gybinw oaay All Shall all Gaal) alll mga Ge ceed Lag Gall OF 6 Lee pero Sai All gl ciey Ie gy! St ( Actus Purus L~2>s Ded Voie s . teegish Jets Vy ( Uuslall ) a5aljl uly oases GpighDlal janes Glo} AL ge GagbOET gue call alll Gah Farts oa IS GM gadee Gall pol 6 GLH Gay Gaya gt end SyalVl ootll oe qymealh abl) aLSI gs pasa © (quashed Geapaall Gute call Rabat jal! alles AMLAN all 393 Gal Ge dag. cual Gell youll ot palais Y USS. (VE)RaGIAL ey Fyyallly Soll Aphally cb Ge gasall oe ead al) sual ¢ Capa tla aut Ge (1) Vane gel GLC gles y Seat call Liell! 4553 go al) Gland» asl! oF cll BJLANT sll gag + pte eal gual G Gendt! eal Pte 22-3 nl Legletal LS ( Ellas ) ES opus ate jupeill Hag: pls oa C.H. Dodd Ulloa G (Ailes ) LK Joa ol ( Op, Cit, P.9— 10 J uals pull Cal gb osmsill case! Lbs Gall © alll se sall LOE) Geass ilizall YEA RM oglu gael EI 6 gga Sigh g¥T cL) Wai a3 6 cpt sl ( Chief Physician, ed. R. J. Deferrari, + gagHleal (ol London 1930P. 64 — 66 ) aot gute Ail Ge ¢ lee je: ol gl dunn Reedlt Satis ol glad gawaatll RULIU aus GG Blas sid 2 alll jot eLL Sa Glas desl ¢ dasall ode . ( epi to afto ) still 35 Gaal B legle sates iT! oultall Bo Sieg ¢ Gr geblisl cep S56 Gh. pte gall Goal B onSe AY sCull wo Se ob gph Y LS cigaY Ugo usall pSS gt s¥l ws gS. Gugublis! atl! es Raila) Gall y. ba, Bp AY! joreell G de gutyy Labs yall Fake Genel as JS phi (ally Lald Agcy Spall alia all Ugday SP gil Rog cles yay Salo ylal dhas cas, 2d LS a gas GY alldy dog! SIC3! g. GAT JS LIS Cas ski ob ene ldo Sag GIA cla be call Gh ae Last» ob Jt ol nie QI! gall G clei! oSisizsll oo agsall ols ¢( Migne 150 , 452) ol pa ages eo Gilet Lagasse oly doagill bos ASN go! atin cl leg + Aaegs Aeeebe Gl eM, ALS ackss © gbisll Tadig US, gall pdt 6 EEE LY La peady La gieSll eile pall eagigS oe Gastall Ge jle ¢( epi to afto ) dal! bla ye aagll le sty asl. quiggll doles dbs. 2 dads 3 gi seen Libel am guteall SS gl ¢ Uilall Gash ell Gil 6538 pel LS. Al glist ASH GM gue ds Lele ell ol ta aul Jas! ones SAUIWE Gall Sal ga leat Lay Al osSle ¥ B rll Cpeali Npenutl ps ilSs ( epi to afto ) gland! dois, + 4d goal! 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AIS Gall gl SC VTA VY. VV Gage) C4 eS dag 0 (Slaall oelaig Laila § wala duogag dais (m duailae! | deal ol ini Rye gl US. lad ploial Jog Quaall pg ll Bb Pbats ge GAL USI Gy desl adlall gi eu Y cal ¢ dual, 8 A Aaelle © (epi to afto) doall bLin ene eng Ul ol. SLY) G ANU Gall bls ge gut B pts gai les Ltgay Geel! seer cts gai L! thal Liaise KY a. lial s GS! 698 alll ans Gun oul Jang glen sll 663 dae (epi to afto) | AS ygeciai 2 CNY Cel 1) @ StL call cold — 4
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