The Daily Observer
The Daily Observer
The Daily Observer
Pg 3
Cancellation of
Gatwick flights
‘likely to bring
more high-end
Landmark birthday celebrations travellers’
Long-term Antiguan resident Hyacinth Mottley (left) - born in Barbados on May 13 1914 –
marks her incredible 106th birthday today. Also celebrating today is Zena Maude Doobay, orig-
inally from Guyana, who officially becomes a centenarian. Read story on page 8 Pg 4
Investigation into
death of English
Nation’s nurses take to streets in show of unity Harbour man
Nurses brandishing placards and banners formed a human chain along Queen Elizabeth High-
way on Tuesday in a show of solidarity with their counterparts across the world. The hour-
long event was to mark International Nurses Day which pays tribute to the selfless
contributions nurses make to society. Read story on page 9 Pg 6
Pa g e 2 We d n e s d a y M a y 1 3 , 2 0 2 0
T H E D A I LY O b se rv er
The Public Service Commission office is open Mondays
to Fridays 8am-12pm until further notice. Physical reg-
ular meetings are temporarily suspended. The public EXTENDED FORECAST
is assured that the Commission’s matters continue by
virtual and round robin dialogue to ensure the efficient WED THURS
implementation and monitoring of services rendered
by the civil service, regarding government policies.
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30% chance of shwrs 30% chance of shwrs
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sistency, so we are trying to tiser products that can be sold duce roughly 400 cases of the product expansion.
tackle both markets at the to restaurants and other busi- product per day if all factors Greene, who said the
same time,” Wade said. nesses at an affordable price. are ideal”. products have “import po-
All of the products are The Antigua Distillery At present Wade said the tential”, remarked that he
free of perfumes and fra- has also put forward a pro- distillery is making multiple was particularly pleased by
grances in keeping with the posal to the government to smaller batches that equate to the addition of aloe in the
WHO standard to reduce provide sanitisers to schools a larger batch until demand sanitisers. The minister hopes
skin irritation and allergies. island-wide. increases and will alternate local farmers will use the op-
Managing director An- Wade said each of the between the gel sanitiser and portunity to partner with the
thony Bento also disclosed three tanks has the capacity the WHO-formulated hand distillery to supply the aloe
the company’s intention to to hold at least 8,500 litres of rub. plant.
offer all three items in bulk. alcohol – enough for two and International Trade Min- “This is innovation at its
He said the company a half days’ production - ister Chet Greene and Trade best. This is truly the An-
will be using the old Cavalier adding that “we are readily Coordinator ambassador tiguan spirit,” he said, pledg-
1.75 litre plastic bottles to available to make about three Clarence Henry toured the fa- ing the government’s full
mass produce bulk size sani- batches a day. So, we can pro- cility on Tuesday to witness support.
Our Neighbours
the spread of the coronavirus
pandemic despite the coun-
try’s own challenges aggra-
vated by enhanced US
“Foreign Ministers called
for an immediate and uncon-
ditional lifting of the US eco-
CARICOM foreign ministers nomic, commercial and
financial embargo against
condemn EU over blacklisting Cuba,” the statement said,
noting that the ministers also
made reference to the deep-
of regional states ening of relations with Latin
GEORGETOWN, COR), the foreign minister cussed ways and means by America.
Guyana — Caribbean Com- said they “rejected the arbi- which these relations could “CARICOM Foreign
munity (CARICOM) foreign trary and unilateral imposi- further be strengthened. Ministers highlighted the re-
ministers have “rejected the tion of blacklisting by the EU “The COFCOR also re- cent developments in the re-
arbitrary and unilateral im- on several member states of flected on the need to engage lations between CARICOM
position of blacklisting by the the Community. new partners with a view to and Africa underpinned by
European Union” on several “They expressed concern promoting an appreciation of reciprocal official visits of
CARICOM countries. over the constant shifting of the Community’s interests CARICOM Prime Ministers
Last week, the EU said goal posts, the continued lack and catalysing new develop- and African Presidents which
under the Anti-Money Laun- of prior consultation or noti- ment platforms.” have brought the two regions
dering Directive (AMLD), it fication and the unwilling- The statement said par- closer.
has revised its list, taking into ness to take into account the ticular attention was paid to “They expressed regret
account developments at in- efforts at compliance made developments, such as over the postponement of the
ternational level since 2018 by CARICOM member BREXIT and the negotiation proposed CARICOM-African
and that the “new list is now states,” the statement noted. of the successor to the Coto- Union Summit in June 2020
better aligned with the lists It said that the “measure nou Agreement, “which are owing to the spread of the
published by the FATF (Fi- was viewed as detrimental to having a profound impact on COVID-19 virus.”
nancial Action Task Force)”. the economies of the affected the nature of existing rela- The foreign ministers
The countries which states which are already in re- tionships, hence the focus on have also expressed their re-
have been listed are The Ba- cession. relations with the UK in its gret at “the understandable
hamas, Barbados, Jamaica, “The Community called new dispensation and the Eu- postponement of the Com-
along with Botswana, Cam- on the EU to take into consid- ropean Union (EU)”. monwealth Heads of Gov-
bodia, Ghana, Mauritius, eration the disproportionate The statement said that ernment Meeting (CHOGM)
Mongolia, Myanmar, impact of the COVID-19 pan- with the seventh CARICOM- which was due to be held in
Nicaragua, Panama and Zim- demic on the economic well- Cuba Summit scheduled to Rwanda in June 2020”.
babwe. being of the small states of be held in Cuba in December, It said that CARICOM
But Guyana is among six CARICOM in their policy- the foreign ministers received “was looking forward to ad-
other Third World countries making,” the statement an update on the status of re- dressing issues of interest
that have been de-listed. added. lations. and concern with their Com-
In a statement issued The statement said that “The COFCOR paid trib- monwealth counterparts.
Monday following last the foreign ministers also re- ute to the government and “This forum has always
week’s 23rd meeting of the viewed the region’s relations people of Cuba for the provi- been viewed as a valuable
Council for Foreign and with both its traditional and sion of public health person- opportunity for exchanging
Community Relations (COF- more recent partners and dis- nel to boost the region’s views with members of the
G7 and G20 which play an in-
fluential role in shaping
global economic and finan-
been opportune, given the
present need for the support
required by CARICOM states
whose economies have been
decimated by the pandemic.
This forum is also of signifi-
cance because of the impor-
tance it has ascribed
traditionally to the situation
of small states,” the statement
Pa g e 1 4 We d n e s d a y M a y 1 3 , 2 0 2 0
T H E D A I LY O b se rv er
MOSCOW - Russian
President Vladimir Putin’s
to-face meeting earlier on
Tuesday with Igor Sechin, the
of deaths edged up by 2.9% to
5,049 from 4,906 on Monday,
ing U.S. infectious disease ex-
spokesman Dmitry Peskov head of oil giant Rosneft. The one of the smallest daily gains pert Anthony Fauci on
said on Tuesday he had tested Kremlin says Putin’s health is so far. Canada is the 11th na- Tuesday warned Congress that
positive for the novel coron- rigorously protected. In a sur- tion to record more than 5,000 a premature lifting of lock-
avirus, as a new surge in infec- prise announcement on Mon- deaths from the outbreak. downs could lead to addi-
tions gave Russia the third day, Putin said it was time Long-term care homes in On- tional outbreaks of the deadly
highest number of reported after six weeks to gradually lift tario and Quebec - the two coronavirus, which has killed
cases in the world after the nationwide restrictions that most populous of the 10 80,000 Americans and brought
United States. Peskov, the fifth had forced many people to provinces - have been particu- the economy to its knees.
senior official to contract the work from home and busi- larly hard hit. Officials have Fauci, director of the National
virus, said he had last met nesses to temporarily close. detailed poor conditions in Institute of Allergy and Infec-
Putin in person more than a (Reuters) some residences, where em- tious Diseases, told a U.S. Sen-
month ago, the TASS news OTTAWA - The Canadian ployees earn just the minimum ate panel that the virus
agency reported. Tatyana coronavirus death toll passed wage. “We’ve seen heart- epidemic is not yet under con-
Navka, Peskov’s wife, said on the 5,000 mark on Tuesday and breaking tragedies in long- trol in areas of the nation. “I
Instagram that she also had the Prime Minister Justin Trudeau term care facilities and nursing think we’re going in the right
virus. Putin, who has been said major reforms were homes right across the country direction, but the right direc-
working remotely from his res- needed to seniors’ residences, - overworked staff, under- tion does not mean we have by
idence outside Moscow and where more than 80% of the staffed residences, grieving any means total control of this
holding many meetings via victims lived. The public families,” Trudeau told a daily outbreak,” Fauci said during
video conference, held a face- health agency said the number briefing. (Reuters) hours of testimony. (Reuters)
Editorial Exploring simultaneous
We d n e s d a y M a y 1 3 , 2 0 2 0 Pa g e 1 7
T H E D A I LY O b se rv er
fiscal support initiatives
By Kwame Venner, Econo-
CALL 1-268-462-3920/21
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T H E D A I LY O b se rv er
McGregor criticises UFC rivals & hints at fighting behind closed doors
Mixed martial arts fighter the lightweight division, he was
Conor McGregor has suggested going to move up to welter-
he would like to compete in one weight.
of the upcoming UFC behind- He has experience of the
closed-doors events. 170lb division, having competed
McGregor, 31, was critical of there three times in the UFC -
fellow lightweight fighters in a fighting Nate Diaz twice at that
foul-mouthed social media out- weight and, more recently, for
burst on Monday. his comeback victory over Don-
He watched UFC 249 take ald Cerrone.
place without fans in the USA on If he won a title at welter-
Saturday from home. weight, he would become the
“The fans make the sport,” first man to win a world title in
Mixed martial arts fighter Conor McGregor.
said McGregor. “But it will be three weight divisions in the
my pleasure to display the weight, and suggested the next scheduled to face 36-year-old UFC.
power I possess with zero back- fight would be him against Ferguson for the title, but the McGregor also was scathing
ground noise for them.” American Justin Gaethje, who fight was cancelled for a fifth in his criticism of interim cham-
There has been speculation successfully defeated compatriot time because of the coronavirus pion Gaethje, saying: “Try and
about an upcoming McGregor Tony Ferguson for the interim pandemic. dance around what the real
fight after he posted a photo- lightweight title on Saturday. Gaethje came in as a re- threat is here all you want.”
graph on Instagram with the “It’s me and Justin next as placement to fight Ferguson for The Dubliner also criticised
caption: “Stay ready.” Khabib is the biggest bottle the interim title on Saturday, former opponent Dustin Poirier,
UFC president Dana White fighter in the game. Guarantee with victory putting the 31-year- who sits above McGregor in the
confirmed he spoke to McGregor it,” he added. old next in line to face Nur- lightweight rankings. “Dustin,
before Saturday’s card in Florida Khabib Nurmagomedov is magomedov. although game, and in the mix,
- the first major sporting event in the UFC lightweight champion However, McGregor does will be fed to the floor again,” he
the United States since March - and defeated McGregor last not believe that fight will take said.
and discussed the possibilities of year, a contest which was place, making a jibe at the Russ- McGregor previously beat
scheduling a bout. marred by ugly post-fight scenes ian for not showing up to face Poirier with a first-round stop-
Former UFC lightweight as the Russian scaled the cage to Ferguson this time. page in 2014 and said Ferguson
champion McGregor was critical fight with McGregor’s team. McGregor finished by say- should fight Poirier next. (BBC
of other competitors at the Nurmagomedov, 31, was ing that once he is finished with Sport)
We d n e s d a y M a y 1 3 , 2 0 2 0 Pa g e 2 1
T H E D A I LY O b se rv er
Tyson comeback would be ‘horrible’ after one minute, says Steve Bunce
Mike Tyson’s rumoured got it. Then the longer they
return to the boxing ring has are away from the sport,
got people asking - is this the they start to forget that feel-
real deal or just a publicity ing they had when they re-
stunt? alised they didn’t have it.
At 53, Tyson’s impres- “Tyson can have 20
sive speed and ferocity in his years out of the gym and
training regime have fuelled look sensational when he
the speculation. loses two stone with a man
“The power is a different making him look good on
level,” says Rafael Cordeiro, the pads. I can assure you,
the trainer holding the pads. within 30 seconds of a real
“I didn’t expect to see what I fight with anything like real
saw - I saw a guy with the gloves on, no matter what
same speed, the same power the opposition is in the other
as a guy who is 21-22-years- corner, he will become a 53-
old.” year-old man again.
However, the last time “It’s boxing, you don’t
someone was punching play this. It’s serious.”
back, Tyson quit on his stool Talk of a charity bout
against Kevin McBride in his with Evander Holyfield has
last bout in 2005. swirled recently.
“There are probably In 2006, Tyson engaged
hundreds of men above 14 in a number of four-round
stone that are boxing around exhibition bouts with Corey
the world that would easily Sanders. At the time he
beat Tyson now,” says 5 Live needed money having filed
Boxing’s, Steve Bunce. for bankruptcy in 2003.
“That’s the truth. Unless “When fighters have a
he fights another 53-year-old second retirement, they can
where they are both walking never look you in the eyes
through treacle, after a when they tell you of that
minute it will be horrible. one fight back that they
“It comes to some fight- know they shouldn’t have
ers at 24 and some at 34; they had,” adds Bunce. (BBC
At 53, Tyson’s impressive speed and ferocity have fuelled the speculation. realise inside they haven’t Sport)
Pa g e 2 2 We d n e s d a y M a y 1 3 , 2 0 2 0
T H E D A I LY O b se rv er
the youth level. petition at the time was a lit- string, but I think that at the was it,” he said.
“I started at the under-19 tle bit tough in the goal be- end of the day and seeing all Edwards scored 59 goals
level [as a goalkeeper] and cause you had Wesley Dyer those easy goals that those in 63 matches at the interna-
carried Antigua to a finals in and Francis from Jennings guys were letting in, I tional level while also win-
Trinidad in 1986; so I started who were the two goalkeep- thought I could do a better ning several scoring titles at
off in the goal [but] the com- ers, and I was the third job but I had to hang the the national level.
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SPORTS We d n e s d a y M a y 1 3 , 2 0 2 0
See classifieds
The Daily Observer is published in St. Johnʼs by Algernon Watts who resides at Mount Joy.
The Editor is Gemma Handy who resides at Bolans Village, St. Mary's Parish, Antigua.
on page 23
Contact: 156, Redcliffe Street, ABI Financial Building, 4th floor, St Johnʼs, Antigua, WI,
(268) 462-3911. Newsroom: (268) 462-3920/21. E-mail:, Advertising: