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The Daily Observer

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Vol. 27 No. 110 St.

Johnʼs, Antigua Wednesday May 13, 2020

Pg 3

Trio charged in dive

shop burglary
Pg 4

Cancellation of
Gatwick flights
‘likely to bring
more high-end
Landmark birthday celebrations travellers’
Long-term Antiguan resident Hyacinth Mottley (left) - born in Barbados on May 13 1914 –
marks her incredible 106th birthday today. Also celebrating today is Zena Maude Doobay, orig-
inally from Guyana, who officially becomes a centenarian. Read story on page 8 Pg 4

Search for missing

man widens
Pg 5

Investigation into
death of English
Nation’s nurses take to streets in show of unity Harbour man
Nurses brandishing placards and banners formed a human chain along Queen Elizabeth High-
way on Tuesday in a show of solidarity with their counterparts across the world. The hour-
long event was to mark International Nurses Day which pays tribute to the selfless
contributions nurses make to society. Read story on page 9 Pg 6
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The Public Service Commission office is open Mondays
to Fridays 8am-12pm until further notice. Physical reg-
ular meetings are temporarily suspended. The public EXTENDED FORECAST
is assured that the Commission’s matters continue by
virtual and round robin dialogue to ensure the efficient WED THURS
implementation and monitoring of services rendered
by the civil service, regarding government policies.
Partly Cloudy with a Partly Cloudy with a
30% chance of shwrs 30% chance of shwrs


High: 32ºC/90ºF High: 32ºC/90ºF

APUA’s Independence Drive outlet is open Mondays

Low : 25ºC/77ºF Low : 25ºC/77ºF

to Fridays from 8 am — 3.30 pm for bill payment and

Sunrise:5:36 am Sunrise:5:35 am
Sunset :6:31 pm Sunset :6:31 pm

customer service (customer service closes at 2pm on

Fridays). The Village Walk centre is open Mondays to ON THE RADIO
Fridays from 8am-3.30pm, and South Mall is open
Mondays to Fridays from 8 am — 4.30 pm. Customers
are urged to continue to use alternative payment op-
tions. Utility and Inet home bill payments can be made
through ACB, RBC, ECAB, CIBC FC, CFCCU, BNS or at
the cheque drop off boxes for cheque payments and
PDV vouchers. For Inet postpaid bills and top-ups,
payments may be done via the Myinet App. To inquire OBITUARIES /
about your bill balance or account information, email ALMANAC 2 p.m. – 3:15 p.m.
customerservice@apua.ag. 6 a.m. – 6:30 a.m. The Multi-Sectoral Plan For Covid-
19 – The UN’s Effort To Support
Birthday Club Countries In Fostering Interna-
ADOPT A PET 6:30 a.m – 6:45 a.m tional Solidarity And To Help Mo-
In these troubling times, please consider having a com- bilize Financial Resources To The
panion watchdog at your home. The Humane Society 1st Morning Edition Needs Of Barbados And Eastern
Animal Shelter in Bethesda has dogs available for of the Big Stories Caribbean Small Island States
adoption for just $100. The adoption fee covers worm- 6:45 a.m – 7 a.m
3:15 p.m. – 4 p.m
ing, vaccinations, spaying or neutering. Please call 461- Observer AM ECCCB Connects, The Impact Of
4957 for details. 7 a.m. – 9 a.m. Covid-19 On Small Businesses
News and Current Affairs
The college is now open Mondays, Wednesdays and 2nd Morning Edition Evolution Drive Time Powered
Fridays from 8am to 12pm. The limited business hours of the Big Stories By Skydrate Inc.
7:45 a.m. – 8 a.m.
are to facilitate the request for transcripts and new ap- Evening Edition
plicants. All visitors must wear a mask and adhere to Good Morning Jojo of the Big Stories
social distancing rules. New applicants can visit tem- 9 a.m. – 11 a.m. 5:30 p.m. – 6 p.m.
porary website https://antiguastatecollege- Weekday Sporting Highlights
anu.webs.com/ or https://education.gov.ag/ and OBITUARIES /
Voice of the People ALMANAC
follow the instructions for applying. Questions can be 11 a.m. – 2 p.m. 6 p.m. – 6:30 p.m.
submitted via the website. Call the college on 462-1434 Focusing on Hot Button Issues
or the Vice-Principal on 780-7847 before visiting. Healthy Living
Lunch Time Edition 7:00 p.m. – 8:30 p.m.
GUN LICENCE NOTICE of the Big Stories
Firearm holders are reminded that their licences are 11:45 a.m. – 12 p.m. Serpent in the Snakepit
8:30 p.m. – 11:00 p.m.
payable before May 31. Hours of operation at the Li- Connecting with Dave Lester
censing Department at Police Headquarters are now Payne
7.30am-11.30am Monday to Friday. Social distancing 2 p.m. – 4 p.m.
rules must be complied with. Licensed firearm holders
are required to present their firearms to the Licensing
Officer before a renewal licence is granted. A late fee of Local listeners (268) 462-2911
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Antigua Distillery adds hand

sanitiser to its production line formula.
“We have three different
versions of our sanitiser. We
have a ‘no virus’ sanitiser
which is the blue label, that is
useful for your everyday
cleaning – cleaning surfaces,
counter tops, utensils etc.
“We recently launched
our gel hand sanitiser which
is the green label version with
local aloe which should be
used to sanitise hand and
skin,” said the distillery’s
master blender, Mario Wade.
Trade Minister Chet Greene toured the factory to see the creations first-hand The new WHO-ap-
By Elesha George regional demand for hygiene rently being exported to St proved product can be iden-
Elesha.george@antiguaob- products by adding sanitis- Kitts and Nevis, Montserrat, tified by its orange label
server.com ing items to its production Anguilla, St Martin, Barbados under the same ‘no virus’
line. and Bermuda. brand.
Antigua Distillery Lim- Already, the company Shortly the company will “That is equal to our gel
ited – the producer of the has introduced its ‘no virus’ also launch a sprayable hand sanitiser, except the consis-
iconic English Harbour rum - surface cleaner and its gel rub using a World Health Or- tency is different. Different
has responded to local and hand sanitiser which are cur- ganization (WHO) approved people prefer different con-
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sistency, so we are trying to tiser products that can be sold duce roughly 400 cases of the product expansion.
tackle both markets at the to restaurants and other busi- product per day if all factors Greene, who said the
same time,” Wade said. nesses at an affordable price. are ideal”. products have “import po-
All of the products are The Antigua Distillery At present Wade said the tential”, remarked that he
free of perfumes and fra- has also put forward a pro- distillery is making multiple was particularly pleased by
grances in keeping with the posal to the government to smaller batches that equate to the addition of aloe in the
WHO standard to reduce provide sanitisers to schools a larger batch until demand sanitisers. The minister hopes
skin irritation and allergies. island-wide. increases and will alternate local farmers will use the op-
Managing director An- Wade said each of the between the gel sanitiser and portunity to partner with the
thony Bento also disclosed three tanks has the capacity the WHO-formulated hand distillery to supply the aloe
the company’s intention to to hold at least 8,500 litres of rub. plant.
offer all three items in bulk. alcohol – enough for two and International Trade Min- “This is innovation at its
He said the company a half days’ production - ister Chet Greene and Trade best. This is truly the An-
will be using the old Cavalier adding that “we are readily Coordinator ambassador tiguan spirit,” he said, pledg-
1.75 litre plastic bottles to available to make about three Clarence Henry toured the fa- ing the government’s full
mass produce bulk size sani- batches a day. So, we can pro- cility on Tuesday to witness support.

Trio charged in dive shop burglary

Three men have been and larceny.
charged in connection with a Alvin Goodwin, 30, of
burglary at an English Har- Grays Farm, is charged with
bour dive shop in which receiving stolen goods.
more than $30,000 worth of DiveCarib in Dockyard
equipment is said to have Drive was burgled on Friday,
been stolen. prompting owners to offer a
The trio are expected to US$1,000 reward for infor-
appear before All Saints mation leading to the re-
Magistrate’s Court today. trieval of the goods.
Mauriceson Valentine, A police source told Ob-
19, of Potters Village, and server almost all of the items
Dashaungh Richards, 20, of had been recovered by offi-
Grays Farm, are jointly cers investigating the inci-
charged with breaking in Thousands of dollars of equipment was stolen during the heist dent.

Cancellation of Gatwick flights ‘likely to bring more high-end travellers’

By Elesha George afford travel post-Covid,” said British Airways (BA) is of the tourism sector’s revival,
Elesha.george Chief Executive Officer (CEO) also expected to close its are set to undergo “compre-
@antiguaobserver.com of the Antigua and Barbuda Gatwick operation and al- hensive” training on new
Tourism Authority, Colin though service is unlikely to health, safety and service pro-
The decision by Virgin At- James. begin before July 2020, James tocols.
lantic to cancel flights emanat- James said although Virgin said it was also a welcomed Once agreed upon by the
ing from London’s Gatwick Atlantic has not given an exact change because new flights will OECS countries, these frontline
Airport, and to increase flights date when it will resume flights originate from Heathrow as workers will begin training in
from Heathrow Airport, will to Antigua, the airline has con- well. the upcoming weeks.
present an opportunity for An- firmed that its aircraft will be According to the CEO, Among the protocols to be
tigua and Barbuda to service reverting to the A330-300 series “Twenty percent of their [BA] agreed upon include the ability
more high-end travellers once configuration that launched in flights came out of Gatwick. for hotel guests to check in re-
borders reopen, say tourism of- early 2000 and boasts about 31 Gatwick was where all the motely to reduce person-to-
ficials. upper class seats. Caribbean flights originated, person contact, the
“They have shifted all their And since most flights will but Gatwick had a disadvan- implementation of in-room
operations now to London be tagged to Antigua and other tage in that people from Euro- dining, change of clothes poli-
Heathrow versus London destinations, James believes, pean continents could not cies and stringent sanitation
Gatwick, and I think that’s a “This is going to be good for us connect same day via London regulations.
good move for Antigua and in that it will allow us to con- to Antigua. By the time they got In addition, travellers must
Barbuda …Heathrow has a nect all major European capi- into Heathrow and they would present Covid-19 negative tests
much higher brand equity for tals same day so somebody change airports and get over to 48 hours before boarding a
the business class and the could leave Czech Republic, Gatwick, they would have flight bound to OECS countries
upper class or the club world Germany, Spain, Portugal, you missed the connection.” and Embarkation and Disem-
passenger, who is the type of name it, and get to London in Meanwhile, airport and barkation cards (ED-cards) are
passenger that will be keen to time to make their connection hotel workers as well as taxi to be phased out and replaced
be travelling and will be able to to Antigua.” drivers who will be at the heart with online submissions.
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Search for missing

man widens

With today marking 18 today.

days since Gerald Philmore “I am going to gather up
Omarde of Bolans Village some of my partners and
was last seen, his family has them and we are going to
been struggling to come to continue the search. We are
grips with his disappearance. going to do a search in
His son Kelly Omarde Bethesda along with the po-
told Observer media that the lice [and] go up east to where
family is currently trying to he was last seen,” he said.
process the news as best as Gerald Omarde, who
they can. was last seen on April 25, was
“Everybody is just sad. wearing a checkered but-
My aunty called me and was toned-down shirt, red short
crying and other family pants and black sandals.
members, too. We just want
to find him,” he said. MINISTRY OF EDUCATION
Despite the sadness, OPENING HOURS
The Ministry of Education, Sci-
Omarde continued that the ence and Technology informs
family has not given up hope the general public that, with im-
and they are still working to mediate effect, all transactions
locate their 67-year-old rela- with our departments must be
tive. Thus far, the search in completed between 8 am and
the community has had no re- noon, Monday through Friday,
sults but it will be broadened until further notice. We apolo-
gise for any inconvenience
to Bethesda and additional caused.
surrounding areas as of
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Investigation into death of English Harbour man progresses

The investigation into been seen in the custody of of the preliminary findings [but] we have done our in-
the death of English Harbour ABDF soldiers after appar- as the investigation remains ternal piece [and] they are
resident Bruce “Jungle” ently breaking curfew regu- active. doing what they are doing to
Greenaway has gone lations. “We completed our in- continue the investigation,”
through its first phase, with This allegation pushed ternal portion and all reports the ABDF boss said.
the Antigua and Barbuda ABDF officials to conduct a were handed over to the po- Greenaway’s relatives
Defence Force (ABDF) con- probe into the matter. lice. We have had follow-up have been demanding an-
firming it has completed its Yesterday, Chief of De- discussions just to make sure swers regarding what hap-
internal probe. fence Staff Colonel Telbert that we are aware of what is pened to the father-of-two
Greenaway’s body was Benjamin confirmed the in- happening because, as you since his disappearance and
discovered close to the formation during a brief in- should be aware, the police subsequent demise in early
shoreline at Indian Creek on terview with Observer, but are the ones who really deal April.
Easter Monday. He had last said he could not give details with matters of this nature,

Resorts craft safety plans to welcome back guests

Hoteliers are hard at
work putting safety meas-
ures in place to protect staff
and guests from Covid-19 as
they prepare to reopen to
On Saturday, Tourism
Minister Charles Fernandez
and Permanent Secretary Wal-
ter Christopher visited the
Hammock Cove Resort and
Spa and met with manager
Rosario Soler to hear more
about the work underway.
Hammock Cove comes
under the Elite Island Resorts Tourism Minister Charles Fernandez (right) and PS Walter Christopher
umbrella which also includes
Galley Bay Resort, Verandah,
Pineapple Beach Club and St
James Club.
Plans in the pipeline in-
clude providing guests with
face masks and a disinfectant
kit in their rooms, socially-dis-
tanced dining, and scheduling
activities at different times
during the week to avoid
large gatherings while ensur-
ing all guests can take part.
All frontline staff will
have their temperature
checked daily upon arrival to
work. Facilities are in place for
employees to change into
their uniform upon arrival to Hammock Cove Resort is busy putting safety measures in place
work and shower upon leav- thoroughly cleaned and sani- he was pleased with the meas- ment officials before they can
ing. tised. ures being adopted by the officially open for business.
Soler said while the coro- “We are depending on company. Within the next few Samoya Kirby, from the
navirus continues to impact the ministries of health and weeks, the ministries will fi- Ministry of Tourism, con-
the hotel industry, before the tourism to provide us with nalise protocols to guide firmed that the resorts had no
resorts welcome guests back, additional protocols to help us tourism industry operators set date for reopening yet.
managers will ensure that get all of Elite Island Resorts in going forward. Much will hinge on when in-
every bedroom, dining area, a state of readiness,” she said. All properties will be in- ternational commercial flights
bar, pool, spa and gym are Minister Fernandez said spected by a team of govern- return.
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Hyacinth Mottley celebrates 106th birthday

Long-term Antiguan resi- spirituality, politics, religion and meat and believes that the fact
dent Hyacinth Mottley - born in social life. The book is based on that she keeps moving from
Barbados on May 13 1914 – her life experiences and is filled “morning till night” has helped
marks her incredible 106th birth- with pearls of wisdom and her to attain health and long life.
day today. nuggets of faith that many are For over 70 years she has
In her twenties, she left her using as guides for living their been a committed convert in
job as a Barbados school teacher lives in these difficult and trou- using multivitamins and herbal
and embarked on a remarkable bling times. supplements on a daily basis.
journey that took her to several Ms Mottley has been living Even now, at 106, she still uses a
Caribbean islands — from in Antigua for over 75 years. In “handful of supplements” in the
Trinidad to St Croix and every- her early years here, she worked morning and a “handful” at
where in between. From these as a domestic maid in many night.
travels she gained many inter- prominent family households One of her favourite say-
esting life experiences and les- including the Derricks and ings is that “while most people
sons. From her father, Daniel Birds. In the mid-1950s she de- kneel and pray, I walk and
Mottley, a member of the cided to leave domestic work pray”. This has been the foun-
freemasons and a sailor who behind and work for herself. dation of her life because she be-
had travelled the world, she She began by selling trin- lieves that we shouldn’t just
heard many exciting stories and kets and other goods out of a wait on God … because “He
learned powerful and often suitcase. She trudged through counsellor to many generations helps those who help them-
prayerful practices. many villages, from Tyrells to of families. Her advice and selves.”
She is a fiercely independ- English Harbour, and from thoughts have uplifted, inspired Ms Mottley has one son, Dr
ent person who believes Crabbe Hill to Urlings. In so and motivated, and given real Marcus Mottley, two grandsons
strongly in the power of prayer doing, she gained hundreds of help to many with whom she in- Tijani Mottley and Yohance Mot-
and praise. This is exemplified clients, many of whom later teracted and those who read her tley, and one great granddaugh-
in her book “Words of Wisdom - sought her out for her wisdom, book. ter, Leigha Mottley. She is a
Words of Praise” which she pub- insight and help in dealing with Her favourite foods are member of the Roman Catholic
lished when she was 97. In her life’s many difficulties and chal- ground provisions, pepperpot, Church which she attended
book, she comments on the is- lenges. lettuce and citrus fruits. She every Sunday for decades of her
sues of personal development, She also served as a sort of doesn’t like to eat too much life in Antigua.

Zena Maude Doobay turns 100 today

Loving, caring and compas- work sheets. She in turn taught those who would lend an ear.
sionate grandmother Zena this at a primary school. She still assists in peeling onions,
Maude Doobay celebrates be- Her second and third jobs garlic and preparing the season-
coming a centenarian today. were renting bicycles and being ing for cooking. Her favourite
She was born on May 13 a dedicated wife to her husband dish is “Same” (string beans)
1920 in Berbice, Guyana, the sec- who passed away at an early and shrimp; she loves fish.
ond of 21 children by her father. age. She supported her family by She has four grandchildren
Her mother, whose parents went selling ice pop (sucka bubby) — Candace, Lonsdale, Shariot
to Guyana on an indentured and finger foods. She also did and Anthony; 12 great grand-
slave ship from India, unfortu- farming, planting peppers and children, including Latanya and
nately died in childbirth after vegetables. She loved to make others and one great great
giving birth to 10 of the 21 chil- local wine and fruits for cake grandchild.
dren. Doobay is the only sur- from gooseberries and five-fin- She presently resides with
vivor of that set. ger (star fruit); these were in de- her eldest granddaughter, Can-
She grew up with her mand at Christmas. dace Woodruff, of Baxter Street,
grandmother who, with the sup- She still loves to sing. Her St John’s, Antigua.
port of her father, sent her to favourite song is Onward Chris- Asked what advice she’d
school. She got married to tian Soldiers. She also loves to like to pass on to the younger
Nathaniel Small the day after listen to Jim Reeves. One would generation, so they can live to a
school closed, the year before she think she is trying to out-sing ripe old age as she has, she said
wrote her school leaving exams. him, especially when she hears they should maintain a healthy
She bore three children. Her first, “I’ll Fly Away”, relatives say. She relationship with God as with-
a boy, unfortunately passed is still a member of the Presbyte- out His guiding hand, she would
while still a baby. Lennox Small rian Church in Guyana even not have been able to achieve
followed, then a few years later, though she resides in Antigua watching Judge Judy. such a milestone. She also added
Cloyette Small. after travelling to Barbados and Presently, she spends her that a relationship with your fel-
Doobay’s maternal grand- USA. day doing Word Search, finish- low men is important.
mother, Rebecca La Rose, taught Before she became confined ing one book in just about a A relative said, “We thank
her embroidery - making deco- to a wheelchair, she visited the week; she doesn’t wear specta- God for sparing her life to reach
rative pillowcases, knitting chair SJPC Church a few times. Fam- cles. Even though sometimes this age so we could benefit from
backs, doilies for centre tables, ily Feud is one of her favourite slow to recall, she does remem- the examples from her blessed
making scrap mats and patch- TV shows. She also enjoys ber events and relates them to life.”
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Nation’s nurses take to streets in show of unity

Text and photos by Gemma

‘Standing strong’ were the

simple words on one placard
held by nurses who turned out
yesterday in a show of solidar-
ity with their counterparts
across the globe.
The world may be facing
one of its biggest health crises to
date but there was no mistaking
the fortitude among the na-
tion’s health care workers who
have risked their lives to save
their compatriots’.
Dozens of nurses brandish-
ing banners formed a human
chain along Queen Elizabeth
Highway to mark International
Nurses Day, an annual celebra-
tion which has perhaps never
before been so significant.
Some nurses were visibly
emotional as an official motor-
cade and passersby tooted
horns and called words of en-
couragement during the hour-
long display.
“We are overwhelmed by
the support that everyone has
shown to us today. Sometimes
a nurse’s work is not easy, espe-
cially during this pandemic, but
this has brought out the extra
strength we have inside of us,”
Nurses Association President
Soria Dupie-Winston told Ob-
“We give thanks to the gen-
eral public for acknowledging
who we are and the work we
do as nurses.”
Another nurse taking part
described the event as “heart-
And another said she
could not express how much
the public support meant to her
and her colleagues.
“It’s very emotional. We
are here for those nurses we
have lost around the world – for
them and their families,” she
International Nurses Day
is observed globally on May 12
– the birthday of Florence
Nightingale who is considered
the founder of modern nursing
– to commemorate the selfless
contributions nurses make to
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Lions Club teams up with Hall

Valley Farms to make donation

A number of organisa- assist those in need due to the

tions have benefitted from a Covid-19 outbreak, and Lion
donation of 80 dozen eggs, Valerie Gonsalves-Barreiro
compliments of Adrian Hall, MM MJF was approached for
of Hall Valley Farms, and the her advice. Lion Valerie re-
Lions Club of Antigua. sponded that the Lions Club
According to Susan Hall, would be willing to partner
Hall Valley Farms wanted to with Hall Valley Farms to en-
sure that those in need re-
ceived this generous
The eggs were donated to
the Salvation Army, the Care
Project, Clarevue Psychiatric
Hospital, the Fiennes Institute
and the Pensioners Associa-
tion. All of the groups were
very appreciative and
thanked the Hall Valley
Farms and the Lions Club for
remembering them.
President Lion Franklin
Maynard MJF, Lion Desiree
Edwards MJF (VP), Lion Gail-
Henry Lewis, and Lion Va-
lerie Gonsalves-Barreiro MM
MJF (Past President), were on
hand to make the donations.
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Sagicor rolls out insurance

plan for health care workers
By Carlena Knight Ravi Rambarran. cusses on healthcare workers and 150,000 for critical ill-
“We are here today to solely, and not all frontline nesses, while level three pro-
As the world celebrated talk about our heroes in the workers, it will be offered to vides $1 million coverage for
International Nurses Day health care industry. We be- their families and business life, $1 million for accidental
yesterday, one private corpo- lieve that, consistent with our entities as well. deaths, and $300,000 for criti-
ration stepped forward in a vision to improve the lives of It will include a 20 per- cal illnesses.
show of support. the communities in which we cent complimentary cover Those groups who sign
Via a virtual press con- operate, it is our duty to and will feature three benefit on for the plan, depending on
ference on Tuesday morning, recognise our heroes. Every packages for accidental which tier they choose, will
Sagicor launched an insur- day our doctors, our nurses, death, critical illnesses and also see a variance in their re-
ance plan for health care our pharmacists, the admin- life. The Covid-19 virus does quired payment per month.
workers — dubbed the Sagi- istrative staff and their fami- not fall under the 10 critical For those signing on for level
cor Health Care Heroes lies across the public and illnesses qualification for this one, it will be $88; level two,
Group Insurance Plan – in all private health care sectors plan. $155; and level three, $310.
markets in the region, except put themselves in harm’s The coverage and premi- Due to the fact that this is
Curacao. way to take the fight to ums will vary in the regional a group plan, Sagicor officials
“We recognise that he- Covid-19. Our heroes are our markets, but for the OECS are “encouraging nurses, or-
roes don’t just exist in movies people and we are honoured member states, level one will derlies, pharmacists to en-
but in life with us. Our heroes to be there for them.” see $250,000 coverage for life, gage with their associations
are in the frontline workers The group plan is the $250,000 for accidental to reach out”.
and include those in health first in a series of ventures deaths, and $100,000 for criti- More information on the
care, food, transportation, that Sagicor will be rolling cal illnesses. plan will be forthcoming in
sanitation and protective out to assist frontline workers Level two offers $500,000 later days or interested
services sectors,” said presi- during the pandemic. coverage for life, $500,00 cov- groups are asked to contact
dent and CEO of Sagicor Life Although the plan fo- erage for accidental deaths their local Sagicor office.
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limited capacity in the face of

Our Neighbours
the spread of the coronavirus
pandemic despite the coun-
try’s own challenges aggra-
vated by enhanced US
“Foreign Ministers called
for an immediate and uncon-
ditional lifting of the US eco-
CARICOM foreign ministers nomic, commercial and
financial embargo against
condemn EU over blacklisting Cuba,” the statement said,
noting that the ministers also
made reference to the deep-
of regional states ening of relations with Latin
GEORGETOWN, COR), the foreign minister cussed ways and means by America.
Guyana — Caribbean Com- said they “rejected the arbi- which these relations could “CARICOM Foreign
munity (CARICOM) foreign trary and unilateral imposi- further be strengthened. Ministers highlighted the re-
ministers have “rejected the tion of blacklisting by the EU “The COFCOR also re- cent developments in the re-
arbitrary and unilateral im- on several member states of flected on the need to engage lations between CARICOM
position of blacklisting by the the Community. new partners with a view to and Africa underpinned by
European Union” on several “They expressed concern promoting an appreciation of reciprocal official visits of
CARICOM countries. over the constant shifting of the Community’s interests CARICOM Prime Ministers
Last week, the EU said goal posts, the continued lack and catalysing new develop- and African Presidents which
under the Anti-Money Laun- of prior consultation or noti- ment platforms.” have brought the two regions
dering Directive (AMLD), it fication and the unwilling- The statement said par- closer.
has revised its list, taking into ness to take into account the ticular attention was paid to “They expressed regret
account developments at in- efforts at compliance made developments, such as over the postponement of the
ternational level since 2018 by CARICOM member BREXIT and the negotiation proposed CARICOM-African
and that the “new list is now states,” the statement noted. of the successor to the Coto- Union Summit in June 2020
better aligned with the lists It said that the “measure nou Agreement, “which are owing to the spread of the
published by the FATF (Fi- was viewed as detrimental to having a profound impact on COVID-19 virus.”
nancial Action Task Force)”. the economies of the affected the nature of existing rela- The foreign ministers
The countries which states which are already in re- tionships, hence the focus on have also expressed their re-
have been listed are The Ba- cession. relations with the UK in its gret at “the understandable
hamas, Barbados, Jamaica, “The Community called new dispensation and the Eu- postponement of the Com-
along with Botswana, Cam- on the EU to take into consid- ropean Union (EU)”. monwealth Heads of Gov-
bodia, Ghana, Mauritius, eration the disproportionate The statement said that ernment Meeting (CHOGM)
Mongolia, Myanmar, impact of the COVID-19 pan- with the seventh CARICOM- which was due to be held in
Nicaragua, Panama and Zim- demic on the economic well- Cuba Summit scheduled to Rwanda in June 2020”.
babwe. being of the small states of be held in Cuba in December, It said that CARICOM
But Guyana is among six CARICOM in their policy- the foreign ministers received “was looking forward to ad-
other Third World countries making,” the statement an update on the status of re- dressing issues of interest
that have been de-listed. added. lations. and concern with their Com-
In a statement issued The statement said that “The COFCOR paid trib- monwealth counterparts.
Monday following last the foreign ministers also re- ute to the government and “This forum has always
week’s 23rd meeting of the viewed the region’s relations people of Cuba for the provi- been viewed as a valuable
Council for Foreign and with both its traditional and sion of public health person- opportunity for exchanging
Community Relations (COF- more recent partners and dis- nel to boost the region’s views with members of the
G7 and G20 which play an in-
fluential role in shaping
global economic and finan-

HAVE BREAKING NEWS? cial affairs. This would have

been opportune, given the
present need for the support
required by CARICOM states
whose economies have been
decimated by the pandemic.
This forum is also of signifi-
cance because of the impor-
tance it has ascribed
traditionally to the situation
of small states,” the statement
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Church leader against wearing masks in church

KINGSTON, Jamaica that our body needs to ward
— Apostle Christene off diseases and viruses die
McLean, founder of the City out, the vaccine comes into
of Refuge Endtime Prophetic play, but the vaccine carries
Ministries in St Ann’s Bay, St a chip that carries a radio fre-
Ann, last night reacted in quency radiation that can
dismay to a declaration from change DNA, disrupt cell
Prime Minister Andrew Hol- metabolism and potentially
ness that churchgoers must lead to other diseases.”
wear masks when they are in Scientists around the
the sanctuary. world have been scrambling
“If he’s gonna be telling to find a vaccine to help pro-
people to wear masks he is Apostle Christene McLean said God is not pleased with the measures tect persons from the novel
saying there is no God, that that have been imposed on churches. coronavirus, which caused
God cannot deliver the peo- tancing must be observed. that he has and allow the the Covid-19 disease. Since
ple. When it comes to God’s This means that people people to walk by faith and the disease was discovered
House, people cannot be should be six feet apart at all not by sight, because God in China last December,
wearing masks in front of times. He also said that moves by faith,” she said. more than 4.2 million per-
God looking like a terrorist,” everyone must wear a mask “If you’re telling people sons around the world have
McLean said. in the church and that there to wear mask, then you’re been infected by the virus,
The self-described must be a programme of saying God who heal people which causes respiratory ill-
prophetess said that God is sanitisation. The rules also like me from cancer cannot nesses. Some 285,900 per-
not pleased with the meas- require churches to conduct heal Covid virus, so God is sons have died, and
ures that have been imposed temperature checks on entry; absolutely inferior to Covid economic activity across the
on churches. The govern- that no choir is to assemble; virus?” world has slowed tremen-
ment had initially imposed and no air-conditioning She believes that the dously, leading to business
tough social-distancing units are used. He said that wearing of masks is a way to closures and massive unem-
measures to contain the the provisions were agreed destroy immune systems, ployment as governments
spread of the Covid-19 dis- following a meeting with a which will then force per- impose lockdowns and so-
ease, which involved the re- representative group of the sons to feel compelled to cial-distancing measures to
striction of gatherings to no church last Friday. take the vaccine. contain the spread of the dis-
more than 10 persons in a McLean, however, is “When we constantly ease.
public space such as the particularly irked by the re- wear a mask, we only be- McLean, however, feels
church. quirement to wear masks. come sick because we are that the actions being taken
But yesterday, Holness “How can you tell people to doing the opposite of what is represent a desire by govern-
said that effective this Satur- wear mask into God’s sanc- needed to create immunity ments to impose the mark of
day, churches may resume tuary? The prime minister from viruses,” she said. the beast on people through
full services but physical dis- needs to step out of the fear “When all the components vaccination. (Jamaica Star)

Lethem COVID-19 patient flees

isolation facility, arrested in Brazil
GEORGETOWN, Reports are that the man, lier in Brazil. His condition has created much concern
Guyana — A Guyanese who lives in Brazil and forced staff to question him among staff of the hospital.
man, who tested positive makes frequent trips across further since he was not Guyana has recorded
the border, discharged him- forthcoming about his his- 109 cases of the Coronavirus
for the coronavirus ear- self from the isolation facility tory of travel. It was during to date. Over 1200 cases have
lier this week, was ar- Monday night and crossed questioning that the nurses been recorded in the state of
rested by the federal the border. He was arrested found out that the man Roraima next door to
police in Brazil yesterday in the town of BonFim the crossed the border illegally to Lethem.
morning after he fled the next morning. seek treatment at Lethem. Brazil’s tally of COVID-
isolation facility at the The man turned up at Samples were taken 19 cases has climbed sharply
the Lethem hospital on Fri- from the man and sent to the over the 150,000 mark re-
Lethem Regional Hospi-
day night complaining of city for analysis and on Mon- cently with more than 10,000
tal compound hours ear- feeling unwell. He was tested day, his test returned posi- deaths recorded. (Guyana
lier. positive for malaria days ear- tive. The man’s behaviour Chronicle)
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developed, including several

in clinical trials. The WHO
said in April a vaccine would
take at least 12 months.
Harris said that the
Americas were the current
“centre” of the pandemic, al-
though she also noted rising

World View cases in Africa. However, she

said the continent had a “big
advantage” over other coun-
tries with little experience of
infectious disease outbreaks.
WHO sees ‘potentially positive “They often have very
good contact tracing infra-
data’ in treating coronavirus structure and a deep, deep,
deep memory and under-
GENEVA (Reuters) - The standing of why we take a
World Health Organisation new pathogen very, very se-
(WHO) said on Tuesday that riously,” she said, singling
some treatments appear to be out South Africa for its effec-
limiting the severity or length tive testing and contact trac-
of the Covid-19 disease and ing.
that it was focusing on learn- Asked about the reasons
ing more about four or five of for high case loads in the
the most promising ones. United States and Brazil,
The Geneva-based Harris said: “Around the
WHO is leading a global ini- world we have seen that the
tiative to develop safe and warnings we put out right
effective vaccines, tests and from the start, very, very
drugs to prevent, diagnose early on, were not seen as
and treat Covid-19. The res- warnings about a very seri-
piratory illness has infected ous, lethal disease.”
4.19 million people around “The World Health Organisation (WHO) is upbeat.” She restated that the
the world, according to a (Photo courtesy Reuters)
WHO, which has come
Reuters tally. last month on remdesivir drug. under criticism especially
“We do have some treat- raised hopes it might be an A malaria treatment from the United States for its
ments that seem to be in very effective treatment. Several championed by U.S. Presi- handling of the pandemic,
early studies limiting the studies looking at combina- dent Donald Trump as a would conduct an “after-ac-
severity or the length of the tions of antiviral medicines “game changer” in the fight tion” review that would in-
illness but we do not have have also suggested they against the coronavirus clude a “free and frank”
anything that can kill or stop may help patients fight off again failed to show a bene- discussion on its perform-
the virus,” spokeswoman the virus. fit in patients hospitalised ance.
Margaret Harris told a brief- Results of a trial in Hong with Covid-19, a study this U.S. President Donald
ing, referring to the body’s Kong released this month month found. Trump is working to reopen
so-called Solidarity Trial of showed a triple drug combi- While the study had cer- the economy quickly against
drugs against the disease. nation of antiviral medicines tain limitations, doctors re- recommendations from
“We do have potentially helped relieve symptoms in ported that the use of health experts to move cau-
positive data coming out but patients with mild to moder- hydroxycholoquine neither tiously to avoid a resurgence
we need to see more data to ate Covid-19 infection and lessened the need for pa- of the virus that has so far
be 100% confident that we swiftly reduced the amount tients requiring breathing as- killed more than 80,000 peo-
can say this treatment over of virus in their bodies. sistance nor the risk of death. ple in the United States, the
that one,” she added, saying The trial, which in- In Geneva, the WHO of- highest death toll in the
more research was needed volved 127 patients, com- ficial sounded a note of cau- world. He said he acted early
and planned. pared those given the tion around expectations for to prevent the spread of the
Harris did not name the combination drug, made up a vaccine, saying coron- disease.
treatments. Gilead Science of the HIV medicine aviruses in general are “very Brazil has registered a
Inc. says its antiviral drug lopinavir-ritonavir, the hep- tricky viruses” that are “dif- total of 168,331 confirmed
remdesivir has helped im- atitis drug ribavirin, and the ficult to produce vaccines cases of the virus and 11,519
prove outcomes for Covid- multiple sclerosis treatment against.” deaths, the most deadly out-
19 patients. interferon beta, with a con- More than 100 potential break in an emerging market
Clinical data released trol group given just the HIV Covid-19 vaccines are being nation.
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‘Madness’ to hold Uganda vote

if virus persists: Museveni
KAMPALA (Reuters) - Though no date was fixed opposition. schools closed and move-
Uganda’s long-serving Pres- for the 2021 vote, it is typi- “We have seen repres- ments largely curtailed.
ident Yoweri Museveni has cally held in February. sion in this Covid-19 out- Museveni’s doubt over
said it would be wrong to In power since 1986, for- break, they are using it to holding the election con-
hold a presidential election mer rebel fighter Museveni cement their grip on power, trasts with nearby Burundi
expected for early next year has not confirmed whether without doubt,” he said. where campaigns are in full
if the coronavirus persists, he would run again, though Security personnel were throttle ahead of a presiden-
signalling for the first time a the ruling National Resist- last month accused of tortur- tial election next week.
possible delay. ance Movement (NRM) ing and blinding a lawmaker Museveni has won five
“To have elections when party has already asked him allied to Wine over alleged presidential elections and in
the virus is still there...It will to be their flag-bearer and violations of coronavirus so- 2017 Uganda’s parliament,
be madness,” the 75-year-old voters expect him to stand. cial distancing rules. dominated by NRM law-
Museveni, whom opponents The strongest opposition Opposition leaders and makers, removed an age cap
cast as an authoritarian presidential aspirant is pop rights groups have long ac- from the constitution, allow-
clinging to power, said in an star and lawmaker Bobi cused Museveni of intimidat- ing him to seek another
interview with the local NBS Wine whose music endears ing critics with detentions, term.
Television aired late on Mon- him to the young. torture and tear-gassing of That parliament vote
day. Asked by Reuters about rallies. The government de- was marred by violence that
Uganda has recorded a Museveni’s comment, nies that, saying arrests are to included fist fights in the
relatively low case load of Wine’s spokesman Joel Seny- preserve the law. chamber and at one point
the Covid-19 disease - 121 in- onyi accused Museveni of Under the 45-day anti- soldiers from the army’s elite
fections and no deaths - and capitalising on Covid-19 coronavirus lockdown, most special forces entered and re-
began easing a strict lock- fears to try and entrench businesses were shuttered, moved lawmakers opposed
down a few days ago. himself further and cow the public gatherings banned, to removing the age cap.

MOSCOW - Russian
President Vladimir Putin’s
to-face meeting earlier on
Tuesday with Igor Sechin, the
of deaths edged up by 2.9% to
5,049 from 4,906 on Monday,
ing U.S. infectious disease ex-
spokesman Dmitry Peskov head of oil giant Rosneft. The one of the smallest daily gains pert Anthony Fauci on
said on Tuesday he had tested Kremlin says Putin’s health is so far. Canada is the 11th na- Tuesday warned Congress that
positive for the novel coron- rigorously protected. In a sur- tion to record more than 5,000 a premature lifting of lock-
avirus, as a new surge in infec- prise announcement on Mon- deaths from the outbreak. downs could lead to addi-
tions gave Russia the third day, Putin said it was time Long-term care homes in On- tional outbreaks of the deadly
highest number of reported after six weeks to gradually lift tario and Quebec - the two coronavirus, which has killed
cases in the world after the nationwide restrictions that most populous of the 10 80,000 Americans and brought
United States. Peskov, the fifth had forced many people to provinces - have been particu- the economy to its knees.
senior official to contract the work from home and busi- larly hard hit. Officials have Fauci, director of the National
virus, said he had last met nesses to temporarily close. detailed poor conditions in Institute of Allergy and Infec-
Putin in person more than a (Reuters) some residences, where em- tious Diseases, told a U.S. Sen-
month ago, the TASS news OTTAWA - The Canadian ployees earn just the minimum ate panel that the virus
agency reported. Tatyana coronavirus death toll passed wage. “We’ve seen heart- epidemic is not yet under con-
Navka, Peskov’s wife, said on the 5,000 mark on Tuesday and breaking tragedies in long- trol in areas of the nation. “I
Instagram that she also had the Prime Minister Justin Trudeau term care facilities and nursing think we’re going in the right
virus. Putin, who has been said major reforms were homes right across the country direction, but the right direc-
working remotely from his res- needed to seniors’ residences, - overworked staff, under- tion does not mean we have by
idence outside Moscow and where more than 80% of the staffed residences, grieving any means total control of this
holding many meetings via victims lived. The public families,” Trudeau told a daily outbreak,” Fauci said during
video conference, held a face- health agency said the number briefing. (Reuters) hours of testimony. (Reuters)
Editorial Exploring simultaneous
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fiscal support initiatives
By Kwame Venner, Econo-

for OECS governments

Worldwide, the Covid-
19 pandemic has left a trail of
destruction in its path, in- sands of tourism sector disciplined approach to ad- joint fiscal support initiative
cluding but not limited to workers. hering to the relevant health for the governments could
plummeting business and The temporary closure protocols designed to control be considered by the inde-
government revenues and of non-essential businesses the spread of Covid-19. pendent members of the
significant layoffs and/or and concomitant effects. Adhering to health pro- OECS. This could be treated
salary cuts for a multitude of To cushion the adverse tocols is very important to: as a first phase of interven-
workers. Some notable ad- impact of the pandemic on Contain the transmis- tion given these members’
verse effects of the pandemic the socioeconomic land- sion of the coronavirus unhindered ability to negoti-
in the OECS sub-region in- scape, many of the affected which causes the Covid-19 ate with foreign countries
clude: countries have devised in- disease. and entities. Such negotiat-
A dramatic decline in come support packages Gain citizens’ trust and ing authority is not available
government revenues, of ap- which are being funded and confidence that it will be safe to the non-independent ter-
proximately 50%. implemented by their social to resume daily activities, ritories in the OECS.
Redundancy of thou- security schemes. These which in turn ensures, criti- Key representatives from
packages are meant to pro- cally, that the economic re- the countries’ respective
vide temporary income relief covery is sustained. Ministries of Finance could
and cost tens of millions of The conscientious re- meet to discuss the make-up
dollars to implement. In ad- sumption of economic activ- of this joint fiscal support ini-
dition, the governments of ity would reverse the trend tiative, which ultimately
the affected territories have of social and economic suf- would be duly deliberated
provided a wide variety of fering and minimise the upon and approved by our
economic concessions to al- need for income support political leadership. Our
leviate the plight of house- programmes funded by so- Ministries of Finance have
holds and businesses. The cial security schemes or developed the requisite ex-
provision of these conces- loans and/or grants from in- perience and expertise in
sions will undoubtedly re- ternal or external sources. It public sector financial man-
sult in tremendous would also negate the need agement through continual
government revenue losses. for governments to maintain training, counsel and appli-
Neither the social secu- the excessive levels of eco- cation of prudent fiscal pol-
rity schemes nor the govern- nomic concessions which, icy over many years. The
ments can sustain these given the resultant high rev- programme would be con-
worthy initiatives because enue losses incurred, would structed bearing in mind a
the scale of financial and handicap governments’ abil- lifespan of at least six months
human resources required to ity to satisfactorily fund ad- that would satisfy the imme-
do so will become over- ministrative operations and diate requirements/priorities
whelming over time, bearing development agendas. of government expenditure,
in mind that these initiatives Citizens of the Organisa- including but not limited to:
are not the primary man- tion of Eastern Caribbean Employee wages and
dates of these entities. States (OECS) can be assured salaries.
Given the transitory na- that its regional bodies, i.e. Utility payments.
ture of the income support the Eastern Caribbean Cen- Public infrastructure re-
measures instituted and the tral Bank (ECCB) and the pairs and maintenance.
need to continue the discus- OECS Commission, will be Procurement of goods
sion on suitable country-spe- committed to steadfastly and and services.
cific socioeconomic reforms diligently providing the nec- Rental payments for
to move forward on a sus- essary technical guidance to properties housing govern-
tainable path, the countries the member states on ment offices.
could consider, in the in- medium-to-long-term strate- Social sector subven-
terim, conscientiously and gies for responding to the tions.
expeditiously resuming eco- adverse effects of the pan- The group approach to
nomic activity whilst simul- demic. the design and management
taneously adopting a In the circumstances, a of the initiative would give
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“Ah pink and blue nuts wid artificial

flavour meh hab een dey.”
the prospective donor coun- etary Fund which, given their A country is not meant to forced upon our countries, all
tries/agencies great confi- ‘AAA’ investment ratings, can stop working, and must con- stakeholders must be very
dence in the quality of the generate funding at low inter- tinue to interact with the rest mindful that the successful re-
programme and in the abil- est rates. of the world. Our countries sumption of economic activ-
ity of the group to efficiently Friendly countries need to arrive at the point ity is contingent upon the
administer it, given the pool- which have enjoyed decades where health protocols are establishment of a harmo-
ing of the various countries’ of economic success and adhered to and operations nious relationship between
relevant human resources. with whom our countries can resume. Although this our governments and citi-
The funding sources that have strong international po- may have to be phased in, zenry. In this relationship, the
could be explored include: litical and economic rela- time is of the essence, because stakeholders must be res-
Regional and interna- tions, e.g. Canada. our citizens and our public olutely committed to contain-
tional agencies, e.g. Caribbean A combination of fund- and private sector operations ing and controlling the
Development Bank, World ing from the options de- are in distress. Notwithstand- transmission of the coron-
Bank and International Mon- scribed in (1) and (2). ing the adverse developments avirus.


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The Future is not

By Luis F Lopez-Calva, UN
Assistant Secretary-General,
Regional Director for Latin
America and the Caribbean,
what it used to be
cial sciences because, among more than in natural sciences, ures will lead to a new wave
other reasons, we deal with face enormous challenges to of contagion? What sectors
Niels Böhr said: “Predict- non-stationary processes predict future states of the should be opened first and
ing is very difficult, especially (people react to interventions world. under what standards of
about the future”. Böhr actu- and behavioral responses are Having said that, I want safety? Are we going to see a
ally won a Nobel Prize in difficult to foresee). Kaushik to take a broader view and major disruption in food mar-
Physics in 1922 because of its Basu has used this notion in defend a point: up to a few kets, given that supply effects
contributions to quantum his critique to the “Random- months ago, we could predict of Covid-19 will show up
theory. ized Control Trials” move- what predictions would look with a lag? How fast will gov-
Natural sciences taught ment within development like. Predictions about the fu- ernments be able to create
us that causality can be estab- economics (which actually re- ture were, pretty much, pre- systems so that education can
lished by our scientific meth- sulted in a Nobel Prize for dictable. All the conversations be back on track? What are
ods. However, I have always Kremer, Duflo, and Banerjee!). about the “future of work”, the types of behavioral
defended the view that For Kaushik, RCTs are the the role of technology, the ef- changes we will see after this
causality as an epistemologi- gold standard for a clean de- fects of climate change, and and how long they will last?
cal concept is an illusion in so- scription of the past. The same so on, were pointing to the (example: would you go to-
intervention on the same pop- same direction. Yet, the level morrow to the movie theatre
ulation might result in a dif- of uncertainty today has in- without hesitation? Will we
ferent outcome if repeated! creased the variance of what travel as often as we are used
Economists always thank God predictions predict. As we to? Would you send your kids
for the existence of meteorol- know, the quality and rigor of to school after reopening
ogists, because their existence prediction attempts also vary without asking about safety
guarantees we are not the (as Avinash Dixit said: tech- measures in schools?...)
worst discipline at predicting. nology reduced the cost of We cannot predict, but
Böhr, on a serious note, producing and publish- we can act on the basis of pa-
created the principle of comple- ing words, while the cost of rameters we want to establish
mentarity in physics: objects producing ideas remained for a “new normal”. We can
have complementary proper- constant; the result is what set a few principles that are
ties that cannot be analyzed any economist could foresee: desirable for recovery and
or characterized simultane- massive substitution). How- build our advice on those, al-
ously (this applies for exam- ever, there is an essential ele- ways subject to economic fea-
ple to what is called ment that makes our sibility. Bringing more climate
“entanglement”, referring to socioeconomic recovery work action as a driver of recovery
the fact that the state of a par- particularly complicated: the and “restoration of liveli-
ticle cannot be described in- basic parameters that will hoods”, embedding gender
dependently of the state of characterize the environment equality, pushing a more
the others). Entanglement can in which we can imagine spe- proactive public action in the
be easily translated into soci- cific policies having an im- care sector, and bringing an
ological frameworks. In any pact are not completely clear. inclusive lenses to recovery
case, what matters here is the Can we predict if relax- actions (“making recovery in-
fact that social scientists, even ation of health-related meas- clusive and pro-poor”), could
be principles to push for in
Members of the public that are experiencing mental anguish, anx-
fully, that will have an impact
iety, grief and loss, marriage, family, relationship, or work con-
flict, violence or abuse due to the current Covid-19 pandemic are on what the future looks like.
encouraged to call 783-8336 from 9am to 12pm for free therapy That we can do.
via phone call. The dust will eventually
settle. Predictions about the
DEVELOPMENT CONTROL AUTHORITY NOTICE future will be again as imper-
The DCA’s adjusted operating hours are Monday to Friday 8am- fect as they used to be. Our
12pm. All customers must wear a facemask and stand six feet future will be hopefully –
apart. marginally— better and, cer-
tainly, equally unpredictable.
COURTS NOTICE But, of course, I just made a
All payments due to be made to courts can be made daily from few predictions, so take them
8am-11am by order of the Chief Magistrate.
with a grain of salt.
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World Athletics announces adjusted Diamond

League, Continental Tour seasons
An international athletics ated by the coronavirus pan-
season of one-day meetings is demic, the Diamond League or-
taking shape between August ganisers have announced that
and October this year following these will be individual meetings
the commitment of most Conti- and will not include a series point
nental Tour Gold and Wanda Di- score, so there will be no overall
amond League meeting directors league winners this year and the
to organise their events on final in Zurich will not be held.
rescheduled dates in 2020. The format of each Diamond
A small number of countries League meeting and the disci-
will be able to stage meetings plines included will be an-
through June and July (Oslo’s nounced by each meeting
Bislett Games will go ahead in an organiser two months in ad-
altered format called The Impos- vance.
sible Games on 11 June), but the Of the World Athletics Series
international season is likely to The World Indoor Championships will be held in Nanjing, March 19-21, events that were scheduled for
commence in earnest directly 2020, only the World Half
after the National Champi- fall between August and October. ver and Bronze meetings will also Marathon Championships will
onships window of August 8-9. The Nairobi meeting, origi- be able to go ahead, primarily as go ahead this year, on 17 October
The first World Athletics nally planned to open the tour in domestic competitions, starting in Gdynia, Poland.
Continental Tour Gold meeting of May, has been rescheduled for 26 from the Memorial Josefa Od- The World Indoor Champi-
the year, the Paavo Nurmi Games September, and the Nanjing and lozila in Prague on 8 June. onships will be held in Nanjing,
in Turku, Finland, will be held on Tokyo meetings are considering As the Wanda Diamond March 19-21, 2021, but the
August 11 dates in September-October, but League has announced, its sched- World U20 Championships in
Eight of the 10 Continental these have yet to be finalised. ule of one-day meetings will Nairobi, Kenya, and the World
Tour Gold meetings originally A total prize money purse of begin with the Monaco meeting Race Walking Team Champi-
scheduled for 2020 have been at least US$200,000 will be offered on 14 August and continue onships in Minsk, Belarus are
confirmed for this year, although for each Gold meeting through until mid-October. still being rescheduled.
many have been rescheduled to Some Continental Tour Sil- Due to the uncertainty cre- (www.sportsmax.tv)

McGregor criticises UFC rivals & hints at fighting behind closed doors
Mixed martial arts fighter the lightweight division, he was
Conor McGregor has suggested going to move up to welter-
he would like to compete in one weight.
of the upcoming UFC behind- He has experience of the
closed-doors events. 170lb division, having competed
McGregor, 31, was critical of there three times in the UFC -
fellow lightweight fighters in a fighting Nate Diaz twice at that
foul-mouthed social media out- weight and, more recently, for
burst on Monday. his comeback victory over Don-
He watched UFC 249 take ald Cerrone.
place without fans in the USA on If he won a title at welter-
Saturday from home. weight, he would become the
“The fans make the sport,” first man to win a world title in
Mixed martial arts fighter Conor McGregor.
said McGregor. “But it will be three weight divisions in the
my pleasure to display the weight, and suggested the next scheduled to face 36-year-old UFC.
power I possess with zero back- fight would be him against Ferguson for the title, but the McGregor also was scathing
ground noise for them.” American Justin Gaethje, who fight was cancelled for a fifth in his criticism of interim cham-
There has been speculation successfully defeated compatriot time because of the coronavirus pion Gaethje, saying: “Try and
about an upcoming McGregor Tony Ferguson for the interim pandemic. dance around what the real
fight after he posted a photo- lightweight title on Saturday. Gaethje came in as a re- threat is here all you want.”
graph on Instagram with the “It’s me and Justin next as placement to fight Ferguson for The Dubliner also criticised
caption: “Stay ready.” Khabib is the biggest bottle the interim title on Saturday, former opponent Dustin Poirier,
UFC president Dana White fighter in the game. Guarantee with victory putting the 31-year- who sits above McGregor in the
confirmed he spoke to McGregor it,” he added. old next in line to face Nur- lightweight rankings. “Dustin,
before Saturday’s card in Florida Khabib Nurmagomedov is magomedov. although game, and in the mix,
- the first major sporting event in the UFC lightweight champion However, McGregor does will be fed to the floor again,” he
the United States since March - and defeated McGregor last not believe that fight will take said.
and discussed the possibilities of year, a contest which was place, making a jibe at the Russ- McGregor previously beat
scheduling a bout. marred by ugly post-fight scenes ian for not showing up to face Poirier with a first-round stop-
Former UFC lightweight as the Russian scaled the cage to Ferguson this time. page in 2014 and said Ferguson
champion McGregor was critical fight with McGregor’s team. McGregor finished by say- should fight Poirier next. (BBC
of other competitors at the Nurmagomedov, 31, was ing that once he is finished with Sport)
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Women’s World Cup 2021 qualifier postponed

The qualifying tourna- Under-19 World Cup in 2022,
ment for next year’s with regional qualifying set
Women’s World Cup has to begin in Denmark in July.
been postponed because of “We will work in part-
the coronavirus pandemic. nership with the members to
The event - featuring 10 find an appropriate window
teams, including Ireland - to reschedule these events as
was due to take place in Sri soon as is safe and practical
Lanka from 3-19 July. to do so,” said ICC head of
Pakistan, West Indies, Sri events Chris Tetley.
Lanka and Bangladesh are “Our priority during this
also involved. difficult period is to protect
Three teams will qualify the well-being of players,
to join England, Australia, coaches, officials, fans and
South Africa, India and the whole cricket community
hosts, New Zealand, in the The coronavirus pandemic previously forced the cancellation of Ireland’s and we will take well-in-
World Cup, scheduled for scheduled tour of Thailand in April. formed, responsible deci-
February and March 2021. tion tournaments, are Zim- The International Cricket sions in relation to both
The other teams in the babwe, Thailand, Papua Council (ICC) has also post- postponing events and re-
qualifier, who made it New Guinea, the Nether- poned the start of the qualifi- suming international
through regional qualifica- lands and the United States. cation process for the men’s cricket.” (BBC Sport)

Tyson comeback would be ‘horrible’ after one minute, says Steve Bunce
Mike Tyson’s rumoured got it. Then the longer they
return to the boxing ring has are away from the sport,
got people asking - is this the they start to forget that feel-
real deal or just a publicity ing they had when they re-
stunt? alised they didn’t have it.
At 53, Tyson’s impres- “Tyson can have 20
sive speed and ferocity in his years out of the gym and
training regime have fuelled look sensational when he
the speculation. loses two stone with a man
“The power is a different making him look good on
level,” says Rafael Cordeiro, the pads. I can assure you,
the trainer holding the pads. within 30 seconds of a real
“I didn’t expect to see what I fight with anything like real
saw - I saw a guy with the gloves on, no matter what
same speed, the same power the opposition is in the other
as a guy who is 21-22-years- corner, he will become a 53-
old.” year-old man again.
However, the last time “It’s boxing, you don’t
someone was punching play this. It’s serious.”
back, Tyson quit on his stool Talk of a charity bout
against Kevin McBride in his with Evander Holyfield has
last bout in 2005. swirled recently.
“There are probably In 2006, Tyson engaged
hundreds of men above 14 in a number of four-round
stone that are boxing around exhibition bouts with Corey
the world that would easily Sanders. At the time he
beat Tyson now,” says 5 Live needed money having filed
Boxing’s, Steve Bunce. for bankruptcy in 2003.
“That’s the truth. Unless “When fighters have a
he fights another 53-year-old second retirement, they can
where they are both walking never look you in the eyes
through treacle, after a when they tell you of that
minute it will be horrible. one fight back that they
“It comes to some fight- know they shouldn’t have
ers at 24 and some at 34; they had,” adds Bunce. (BBC
At 53, Tyson’s impressive speed and ferocity have fuelled the speculation. realise inside they haven’t Sport)
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Edwards reveals he was not always a goal scorer

By Neto Baptiste gloves up and take the boots
on,” he said.
Former national striker Edwards, who has rep-
and prolific goal-scorer, Der- resented the twin-island
rick “Pretty Boy” Edwards, state at all levels, including
who was famously referred coaching, remembers how-
to as “Number four bound to ever, that it was following a
score” because of the num- chance opportunity in Jen-
ber he carried on his jersey nings when he became
and his knack for scoring known for his goal-scoring
goals, was not always abilities.
charged with putting the ball “I think I got my break-
into the back of the oppo- through in the First Division
nent’s net. against Jennings when one
As a matter of a fact, he player who was eligible to
started his national team ca- start but didn’t get off from
reer trying to do the com- work because he worked at
plete opposite, having Brysons, and they started me
represented Antigua and Derrick “Pretty Boy” Edwards (left) avoids a tackle from a defender dur- that game and I scored two
Barbuda as a goalkeeper at goals in that game and that
ing a Premier Division clash.

the youth level. petition at the time was a lit- string, but I think that at the was it,” he said.
“I started at the under-19 tle bit tough in the goal be- end of the day and seeing all Edwards scored 59 goals
level [as a goalkeeper] and cause you had Wesley Dyer those easy goals that those in 63 matches at the interna-
carried Antigua to a finals in and Francis from Jennings guys were letting in, I tional level while also win-
Trinidad in 1986; so I started who were the two goalkeep- thought I could do a better ning several scoring titles at
off in the goal [but] the com- ers, and I was the third job but I had to hang the the national level.

Amazon Warriors retain Pooran, Hetmyer,

Paul and King for 2020 CPL season
CPL stars, Nicholas future stars of West Indies
Pooran, Shimron Hetmyer, cricket and who were mem-
Keemo Paul and Brandon bers of our team last year. The
King, have all been included Guyana Amazon Warriors
among the 10 Caribbean play- wish all of the retained play-
ers retained by the Guyana ers great success in the CPL
Amazon Warriors for the 2020 2020.”
CPL season scheduled to get Retentions and signings
underway in August. of international players will
Paul and Hetmyer are be announced at a later date.
two of seven Guyanese play- This year, teams can re-
ers retained by the Warriors. tain as many players from
Big-hitting Sherfane Ruther- their 2019 squads as they
ford, Romario Shepherd, wish. They can also transfer
Chanderpaul Hemraj and An- players to other teams and
CPL stars Nicholas Pooran (right and Shimron Hetmyer (left) are among
thony Bramble were also re- the 10 Caribbean players retained by the Guyana Amazon Warriors. sign emerging players.
tained, as has been the The CPL is scheduled to
emerging player, Kevin Sin- Guyanese players in our Rutherford have all benefitted take place between August 19
clair. squad as part of the fran- from these opportunities prior and September 26, but the
Odean Smith from Ja- chise’s mandate to provide to them becoming full-fledged tournament organisers are
maica will also be back for the opportunities to young aspir- members of our team. currently watching the situa-
coming season. ing Guyanese cricketers to as- “We are extremely de- tion with Covid-19 closely
“The Guyana Amazon sist in their overall lighted that we were able to and are liaising with medical
Warriors Franchise has and development as professional retain the majority of our local advisors and governments.
will always be committed to cricketers,” said Omar Khan, and regional players, includ- A decision on whether
the continued development of Guyana Amazon Warriors ing Nicholas Pooran and the tournament can proceed
our local and regional players. Team Operations Manager. Brandon King, both of whom as planned, or at a different
From the inception of the “Shimron Hetmyer, have been hailed by the time, will be made as soon as
CPL, we included young Keemo Paul and Sherfane cricket pundits as potential possible. (www.sportsmax.tv)
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Bodybuilding stalwarts weigh on new age categories,

believe hardcore art is dead
By Neto Baptiste different,” Williams said.
Meanwhile, Titus took a
The introduction of a more direct approach, stat-
number of new categories ing he was never in favour of
designed to attract a wider the new categories as they
cross-section of both com- promote laziness.
petitors and spectators in “I wasn’t really a fan of
bodybuilding has also all the different classes I saw
served to kill the more tradi- coming out of bodybuilding,
tional version of the sport as but I saw the reason why. I
it pertains to hardcore body- am really a fan of the classic
building. bodybuilding because it
This is according to two gives you a clean-looking
stalwarts of the discipline, physique whereas the hard-
Steve Williams and Kei- core style of bodybuilding
throy Titus, who both be- has gotten to a point where
lieve that bodybuilders people were just taking any-
today will gravitate to the thing available just to get
classic physique and other size and you had lost that
recently introduced cate- appeal. People were going
gories because it involves on stage, and if they could
less heavy lifting. Veteran bodybuilder Steve Williams (centre) enjoys a pose-down against just hold in their stomachs
Williams, who is a for- Ollyn Martin (left) and Orson Martin (right). for a little bit so they could
mer Sportsman of the Year, look ok and as soon as they
believes many young body- relaxed they would look as if
builders find it hard to keep they were pregnant,” he
up with what is required to said.
be competitive at the re- “I think that, and I am
gional and international going to say this, without
level in hardcore bodybuild- fear or favour or contradic-
ing. tion, but I think that a lot of
“It is dying, and the guys here in Antigua now,
bodybuilders themselves are that they have chosen the
dying too, because of what physique because they are
they have to do to keep up lazy,” Titus added.
with the level it is at right In 2019, four of the coun-
now. If I was supposed to do try’s female bodybuilders in
it again, just like Bernard Kimberly Percival, Leanna
Percival, I would do classic Carrington, Michelle
bodybuilding and I think I Seaforth and Sher-Rhonda
have more of a classic Braithwaite flexed their way
physique,” he said. to success in Barbados’
The former Mr. Antigua Darcy Beckles Classic to earn
who won the national title Keithroy Titus. (Social media photos) their pro cards.
on several occasions, added though we did a lot of things the youngsters, they will just Rosie-Ann Warring-
that competitors from his era wrong because as I said, we go into the gym and train for ton, Bernard Percival
worked harder at mastering didn’t know the right way to a six-pack [abs] and they Jr, and Elvis Bailey had pre-
the craft. train, so we did a lot of think that is bodybuilding so viously earned their pro
“Our work ethics, I things wrong, but the point our work ethics was totally card.
think, was different from is that we trained hard with
what we are seeing now. I the little knowledge that we
think we trained harder even had. What I find now is that

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SPORTS We d n e s d a y M a y 1 3 , 2 0 2 0

Matthew: I Personally Don’t See

Team Sports Returning This Year
By Neto Baptiste I have asked them to do,
which some have done, is to
Minister of Sports provide guidance in terms of
Daryll Matthew, does not safety protocols from their
see any lifting of restrictions international governing bod-
on team sports happening ies; so swimming, I know,
this year without the avail- has sent me, tennis has sent,
ability of a working vaccine. and so on because there are
His statement comes as some sports that because of
government begins easing the nature of the discipline
some restrictions that were can be exercised in a safe so-
put in place back in March as cial distance way, if I can use
the country battled the that expression,” he said.
spread of the coronavirus. “I have received docu-
Matthew said that in his mentation from the swim-
personal view, team sports ming federation to identify
could be the last of the lot to how swimming could take
return to normalcy here and place in a safe way. I’ve spo-
around the globe. ken to the folks at the shoot-
“I can give you my per- ing association and you
sonal position which I have know that’s a sport that’s
represented to the govern- made for social distancing so
ment and Cabinet from time as I have said to the associa-
to time, and for me, person- tions, I understand the frus-
ally, much like how I didn’t tration and I would love to
see the Olympics happening go and play football but I
this year, I think it would be can’t,” he added.
difficult for me to conceive Minister of Sports, Daryll Matthew. Basketball and cricket
how in the absence of a vi- extended period of time, so of measures to progressively have both cancelled their
able solution to the Covid-19 there is never any outside bring the country back to 2020 seasons while football
you could have major team [physical] interaction with normalcy. has postponed its competi-
sports playing. It just doesn’t any persons between games, Matthew said he has tions indefinitely. A number
add up in my mind, so even I just don’t see how it can been working with the sport- of other associations to in-
if all players on a team get happen,” he said. ing bodies as they map the clude cycling and swimming
tested and they are all nega- The government, last way forward together. have announced the post-
tive, unless you are going to month, eased restrictions on “I am in touch with all of poning of national champi-
house them in a safe or quar- golf, cycling and recreational the national federations on a onships and other
antined environment for an walking and jogging, as part fairly regular basis, and what competitions.

See classifieds
The Daily Observer is published in St. Johnʼs by Algernon Watts who resides at Mount Joy.
The Editor is Gemma Handy who resides at Bolans Village, St. Mary's Parish, Antigua.
on page 23
Contact: 156, Redcliffe Street, ABI Financial Building, 4th floor, St Johnʼs, Antigua, WI,
(268) 462-3911. Newsroom: (268) 462-3920/21. E-mail: editor@antiguaobserver.com,
dailyobserver@antiguaobserver.com. Advertising: adverts@antiguaobserver.com

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