Print - Mohan Krishi
Print - Mohan Krishi
Print - Mohan Krishi
For the period of 2077/78 to 2081/82
2077-78 2078-79 2079-80 2080-81 2081-82
Current Assets
Debtors and Account Recievables 8,37,329 11,31,250 13,57,500 16,29,000 19,54,800
Deposit To Suppliers - - - - -
Inventory 32,90,959 36,20,055 39,82,061 43,80,267 48,18,293
Cash and Bank 1,10,000 11,15,198 11,81,140 17,34,199 14,00,899
Total Current Assets 42,38,288 58,66,503 65,20,701 77,43,466 81,73,992
Investment - - - - -
Fixed Assets - - - - -
Fixed Assets net of Depreciation 6,64,353 5,64,700 18,82,495 30,45,120 27,15,852
Total Fixed Assets 6,64,353 5,64,700 18,82,495 30,45,120 27,15,852
Total Assets 49,02,640 64,31,203 84,03,195 1,07,88,586 1,08,89,845
Liabilities and Owner's Equity
Current Liabilities
Account Payable 6,61,691 7,27,860 8,00,646 8,80,711 9,68,782
Bank Overdraft 25,00,000 25,00,000 25,00,000 25,00,000 -
Provisions 2,90,608 5,32,880 6,08,022 7,03,337 8,04,131
Other Payables 3,78,519 - - - -
Total Current Liabilities 38,30,818 37,60,740 39,08,668 40,84,047 17,72,913
Long Term Liabilities
Other long term liabilities - - - - -
Total Long Liabilities - - - - -
Owners Equity
Proprietor's Capital 2,00,000 2,00,000 2,00,000 3,00,000 3,00,000
Retained Earning 8,71,823 24,70,463 42,94,528 64,04,538 88,16,931
Total Owner's Equity 10,71,823 26,70,463 44,94,528 67,04,538 91,16,931
Toal Liabilities and Owner's Equity 49,02,640 64,31,204 84,03,196 1,07,88,585 1,08,89,844
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Accountant Proprietor
Mohan Krishi Tatha Pashupanchhi Firm
Dhulikhel-12, Kavre
Projected Income Statement
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Accountant Proprietor
Mohan Krishi Tatha Pashupanchhi Firm
Dhulikhel-12, Kavre
Projected Cash Flow Statement
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Accountant Proprietor
Mohan Krishi Tatha Pashupanchhi Firm
Dhulikhel-12, Kavre
Depreciation of Fixed Assets
Year 2077/78
Gross Assets Value Depreciation
Particulars Dep Rate Opening WDV Addition Total Opening WDV On Addition Total WDV(A-B)
Truss 15% 5,45,078 5,45,078 81,762 81,762 4,63,316
Feeding Utensils 15% 1,28,559 1,28,559 19,284 19,284 1,09,275
Electrical Equipment 15% 25,014 25,014 3,752 3,752 21,262
Furniture and Fixtures 25% 94,000 94,000 23,500 23,500 70,500
Total 7,92,650 7,92,650 1,28,298 1,28,298 6,64,353
Year 2078/79
Gross Assets Value Depreciation
Particulars Dep Rate Opening WDV Addition Total Opening WDV On Addition Total WDV(A-B)
Truss 15% 4,63,316 - 4,63,316 69,497 - 69,497 3,93,818
Feeding Utensils 15% 1,09,275 - 1,09,275 16,391 - 16,391 92,884
Electrical Equipment 15% 21,262 - 21,262 3,189 - 3,189 18,072
Furniture and Fixtures 15% 70,500 - 70,500 10,575 - 10,575 59,925
Total 6,64,353 - 6,64,353 99,653 - 99,653 5,64,700
Year 2079/80
Gross Assets Value Depreciation
Particulars Dep Rate Opening WDV Addition Total Opening WDV On Addition Total WDV(A-B)
Truss 15% 3,93,818 16,50,000 20,43,818 59,073 2,47,500 3,06,573 17,37,246
Feeding Utensils 15% 92,884 - 92,884 13,933 - 13,933 78,951
Electrical Equipment 15% 18,072 18,072 2,711 - 2,711 15,362
Furniture and Fixtures 15% 59,925 - 59,925 8,989 - 8,989 50,936
Total 5,64,700 16,50,000 22,14,700 84,705 2,47,500 3,32,205 18,82,495
Year 2080/81
Gross Assets Value Depreciation
Particulars Dep Rate Opening WDV Addition Total Opening WDV On Addition Total WDV(A-B)
Truss 15% 17,37,246 9,00,000 26,37,246 2,60,587 1,35,000 3,95,587 22,41,659
Feeding Utensils 15% 78,951 8,00,000 8,78,951 11,843 1,20,000 1,31,843 7,47,108
Electrical Equipment 15% 15,362 - 15,362 2,304 - 2,304 13,057
Furniture and Fixtures 15% 50,936 - 50,936 7,640 - 7,640 43,296
Total 18,82,495 17,00,000 35,82,495 2,82,374 2,55,000 5,37,374 30,45,120
Year 2081/82
Gross Assets Value Depreciation
Particulars Dep Rate Opening WDV Addition Total Opening WDV On Addition Total WDV(A-B)
Truss 15% 22,41,659 1,00,000 23,41,659 3,36,249 15,000 3,51,249 19,90,410
Feeding Utensils 15% 7,47,108 50,000 7,97,108 1,12,066 7,500 1,19,566 6,77,542
Electrical Equipment 15% 13,057 - 13,057 1,959 - 1,959 11,099
Furniture and Fixtures 15% 43,296 - 43,296 6,494 - 6,494 36,801
Total 30,45,120 1,50,000 31,95,120 4,56,768 22,500 4,79,268 27,15,852
Mohan Krishi Tatha Pashupanchhi Firm
Dhulikhel-12, Kavre
Balance Sheet Analysis
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Accountant Proprietor
Mohan Krishi Tatha Pashupanchhi Firm
Dhulikhel-12, Kavre
Projected Income Analysis
(Sales/365)*Average Account
d. Debtors/Account Recievable Recievable Period 8,37,328.77
CoGS/365* Average Account
e. Creditors/ Account Payable Payable Period 6,61,690.89
f. Total Requirement of Working Capital c+d-e 34,66,596.63
g 80% Bank Financing limit g=f*80% 27,73,277.30
h Working capital Loan Requested 25,00,000.00
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