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It Influences Human Values and Behaviors Directly and Are More Important Than Secondary Mechanisms

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(1) Primary Mechanisms :-It influences human

values and behaviors directly and are more

important than secondary mechanisms.
These are :
 Parenting and socialization
 Education
 Religion
2) Secondary Mechanisms :-It influences the values and behaviors

of people but not as direct as the primary influences. These are:

 The Laws
 Organization Culture
 HRM System
Restructuring and Lay offs –
 Employers generally have a right to make decisions about:
hiring, promotion, discharge, wages and job assignments and
other conditions of work.
 Employees also have a corresponding right to either accept
or refuse on the terms offered and to negotiate for more
favorable terms.
 But in the absence of a contract employment can be
terminated legally for any reason or for no reason at all.
 Employment “at will”
It is a doctrine that comes into existence when two parties willingly
enter into an agreement and the relation continues till both parties
will to “do so”.
Three arguments to to justify Employment at will
Property rights Argument
 The owner of a factory owns the machinery ,raw materials,
some money but he lacks labor for operating the machinery
and turning the raw material into a finished product.
 Labor (productivity labor) has an economic value, can be
said to be a kind of property ‘owned’ by the worker. In this
exchange, both parties are free to exercise the rights of
property ownership.

Freedom of Contract Argument

 Company wide contract :Union employees are covered
under this.
 Implicit contract : Conditions of employment are
understood and tacitly accepted by both parties.
 Freedom of contract, like the right to property, is not
absolute. Outside the employer-employee relation, there area
number of moral and legal limits on the right of individual to
enter into contractual relations.
 Children ,insane and mentally retarded people are not
competent parties to a contract. They do not have the mental
or emotional capacity to understand the terms of a contract.
They are not able to give their consent in a meaningful way.
An Autonomy Argument
 Autonomy can be used to support the doctrine of
“employment at will” and simultaneously can also serve as an
argument against “employment at will”.
 For Example : Lay-offs are discharge of unneeded workers
 Downsizing is not necessarily a desperate move on the
part of failing organizations but should be a strategic choice
designed to serve the best interest of the organization. A
healthy profit picture and downsizing are not mutually

Job Satisfaction
Jobs can be specialized in two dimensions :-
1. Horizontal:- Restricting the range of different tasks contained
in the job increasing the repetition of the narrow range of
2. Vertical- Restricting the range of control and decision making
over the activity that the job involves.
Sexual Harassment-It is defined as an unwanted conduct of a sexual nature
or other behaviors based on sex that affects the dignity of men and women at work.
This includes uninvited and unwelcome physical, verbal or non-verbal conduct. This may
include: touching, looks etc. It’s prevention includes the following :-
A. Sexual harassment policy
B. Communicating the policy to all the members of the organization
C. Setting up a procedure for reporting violations
D. Taking appropriate actions.
It is a form of unequal treatment but not all unequal treatment
is discrimination. Different types of discrimination exists like:-
a) Age discrimination
b)Natural origin discrimination
c) Religious discrimination
d)Sex discrimination
e) Discrimination against handicapped

Different Discriminatory Practices

1. Recruitment Practices
2. Screening practices
3. Promotion practices
4. Conditions of employment
5. Discharge
Sexual Harassment
It is defined as an unwanted conduct of a sexual nature or
other behaviors based on sex that affects the dignity of men
and women at work.
This includes uninvited and unwelcome physical, verbal or non-
verbal conduct. This may include: touching, looks etc.
Whistle Blowing
It is a moral protest or an attempt by a member or an ex-member of
an organization to disclose wrong doing in or by the organization.
Technology and Ethics in the Work Place Whether the presence of
new technology in the work place increased the risk of unethical and
illegal business practices or not.
Types of Technology used by Workers
Desk top PC, Fax machine, E- mail, Answering Machine, Voice Mail,
Cellular Phone, Internet, CD-Rom,
(A) Direct Marketing
 It is an effort to reach carefully targeted customers more
efficiently to build strong, more personal, one to one relationship with
B)Marketing ethics and consumer Rights
 Consumers have certain rights in the market place but some
unethical and unlawful practices are overlooked by the regulatory
Marketers must adopt values to determine what is ethical and what is
not and should recognize
Socially Responsible Advertising
Some advertising become willfully irresponsible towards society like:-
 Deceptive Advertising :- gives false information and willfully misleads
consumers about the benefits of the brand like-
a) Willfully manipulating younger children.
b) Insulting or distasteful representation of women or minorities.
 Corrective Advertising :- The company must publicly correct a false
impression created by past advertising.

Ethics in Personal Selling-

Sales person sells a company's products or services in an ethical manner like :-
 Conveying truthful and accurate information about the company’s products.
 Trying to provide customers full information about the products.

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