Humeral Shaft Fractures
Humeral Shaft Fractures
Humeral Shaft Fractures
The Rothman Institute, Philadelphia, PA, USA
Division of Orthopedic Surgery, American University of Beirut Medical Center, Beirut, Lebanon
Fractures of the humeral shaft are common injuries with multiple management strategies. Many still regard
nonoperative management as the standard of care; however, as the understanding of these injuries in-
creases, treatment recommendations are also evolving. Fracture pattern, fracture location, and identifiable
patient risk factors may predict poor outcome with nonoperative management, and earlier operative in-
tervention may be recommended. Operative management includes open reduction and internal fixation through
a variety of exposures, intramedullary nail fixation, and external fixation. With increasing rates of shoul-
der arthroplasty, periprosthetic humeral shaft fractures also deserve special consideration.
Level of evidence: Narrative Review
© 2017 Journal of Shoulder and Elbow Surgery Board of Trustees. All rights reserved.
Keywords: Humerus; shaft; fracture; bracing; fixation; periprosthetic
1058-2746/$ - see front matter © 2017 Journal of Shoulder and Elbow Surgery Board of Trustees. All rights reserved.
e88 G.F. Updegrove et al.
in a plane between the medial and lateral heads of the triceps The brachial artery and the median nerve have a joint course
muscle. Then, the radial nerve travels adjacent to the poste- along the humeral shaft. Both are rarely encountered during
rior aspect of the humerus for 6.5 cm.18 It exits the spiral groove humeral shaft exposure. The median nerve arises from the
on average 12.6 cm (range, 10.1-14.8 cm) proximal to the lateral and medial cords of the brachial plexus and courses
lateral epicondyle and 18.1 to 20.7 cm proximal to the medial directly medial to the brachial artery along the anterior surface
epicondyle.21,29,40,78 As the radial nerve exits the spiral groove of the intermuscular septum. Distally, both structures travel
and penetrates through the lateral intermuscular septum into in the interval between the pronator teres and the biceps tendon.78
the anterior compartment, it is located an average of 10 cm The ulnar nerve, originating from the medial cord, also
from the distal articular surface of the elbow but never closer courses anterior to the medial intermuscular septum. It then
than 7.5 cm.40 This is the location at which the Holstein- crosses posteriorly at the arcade of the Struthers, 8 cm prox-
Lewis fracture can potentially injure the nerve. 25 After imal to the medial epicondyle. From there on, the ulnar nerve
penetrating the lateral intermuscular septum, the radial nerves travels posterior to the intermuscular septum, behind the medial
gives rise to the posterior antebrachial cutaneous nerve that epicondyle, and into the cubital tunnel.78
course towards the forearm on the posterior aspect of the
septum.78 In the distal arm, the radial nerve courses between
the brachioradialis and the brachialis muscle (Fig. 1).78 Physical examination
The axillary nerve arises from the posterior cord of the
brachial plexus. It courses anterior to the subscapularis muscle, Basic principles are used for patients presenting with humeral
wraps posteriorly around the surgical neck of the humerus, shaft fractures. A skin examination is used to assess for
and penetrates the quadrangular space, innervating the teres an open fracture or gross deformity. Then, a vascular
minor and deltoid muscles. The axillary nerve is traced an examination is important to confirm the integrity of the radial
average of 4.3 to 7.4 cm distal to the lateral acromial edge and ulnar arteries. A neurologic examination should be per-
as it loops around the surgical neck.78 formed with emphasis on the function of the radial nerve. Any
Figure 1 Anatomy of the humerus. (A) Posterior view of the neural anatomy of the brachium with reference measurements (in cm) from
prominent anatomic landmarks. The area between the axillary nerve and the spiral groove is the proximal safe zone of the posterior humerus.
The distal safe zone is distal to the spiral groove. (B) Anterior view of the shoulder. Note the relationship of the axillary nerve and the an-
terior circumflex humeral artery to the inferior margin of the subscapularis muscle. During the deltopectoral approach, the “three sisters”
(anterior humeral circumflex artery and its 2 venous comitantes) are often ligated separately to minimize blood loss and gain adequate ex-
posure of the humeral metaphysis. (Reproduced with permission from Zlotolow DA, Catalano LW, Barron OA, Glickel SZ. Surgical exposures
of the humerus. J Am Acad Orthop Surg 2006;14:754-765.)
Humeral shaft fractures e89
Figure 2 Arbeitsgemeinschaft für Osteosynthesefragen (AO)/Orthopaedic Trauma Association (OTA) classification of diaphyseal
fractures. (Reproduced with permission from AO Surgery Reference, Copyright by AO Foundation, Switzerland.)
neurovascular deficit should be noted before any form of treat- subdivided by pattern. A moderate interobserver and sub-
ment is attempted, whether closed reduction, splinting, casting, stantial intraobserver agreement has been shown between
or surgical, and after treatment. Moreover, any concomitant different orthopedic surgeons when humeral shaft fractures
shoulder, elbow, or forearm injury should be taken into con- are classified (Fig. 2).37
sideration because it may guide the treatment plan. Polytrauma Two classification systems are commonly used for shoul-
patients often require surgical fixation to expedite mobilization. der arthroplasty periprosthetic fractures of the humeral shaft.
The first is the Wright and Cofield classification system, which
is based on the location of the fracture in relation to the tip
Classification of the humeral stem.74 Type A begins at the tip of the stem
and extends proximally, type B begins at the tip of the stem
The widely accepted classification for humeral shaft frac- and extends distally, and type C is completely distal to the
tures is the Orthopaedic Trauma Association (OTA)/ tip of the stem. The other classification system, described by
Arbeitsgemeinschaft für Osteosynthesefragen (AO) combined Campbell et al5 and Williams and Iannotti,73 is based on the
classification, derived from the Müller AO long-bone frac- location at which the fracture occurs within the humerus.5,73
tures classification.38 The 3 main types are divided into simple, Region 1 is the tuberosity, region 2 is metaphyseal, region 3
wedge, and complex fractures, which are then further is the proximal humeral diaphysis, and region 4 is the middle
e90 G.F. Updegrove et al.
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