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Answer To The Questions Given Below. Erasures May Invalidate Your Answer

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Name______________________________________ Duration of test : 24 hr

Student No._________________________________ Fuel fired during test : 421.27 tons

HHV of fuel : 34,017 kJ/kg
HHV of refuse : 1873 kJ/kg
Instructions: Encircle the letter that represents the best Refuse collected o test : 365 kg
answer to the questions given below. Erasures may Water supplied to boiler : 4,074,966 kg
invalidate your answer. Water entering : 190 C
Steam : 5.79 MPag, 400 C
1. The performance of a power plant can be expressed Fuel and Air temperature : 33 C
by the following factors, except Gas temperature : 226 C
A. heat rate B. load factor Gas Analysis : 14.9% CO2, 3.7% O2, .2%
C. capacity factor D. power factor CO
Air relative humidity : 55%
2. The _______ for a power plant is the ratio between
average load and rated load for a period of time. 11. The overall gross efficiency of the plant is
A. Use factor B. load factor A. 64.7% B. 74.9%
C. capacity factor D. power factor C. 61.8% D. 81.9 %

3. It is the overall thermal performance or energy 12. The heat loss due to moisture in the fuel is____kJ/kg
efficiency for a power plant A. 45.45 B. 65.43
A. heat rate B. Economic efficiency C. 54.82 D. 76.32
C. capacity factor D. Thermal efficiency
13. The heat loss due to combustion of hydrogen
4. ________factor for a power plant is the ratio is____kJ/kg
between average load and peak load A. 1102 B. 910
A. Use factor B. load factor C. 2101 D. 1020
C. capacity factor D. utilization factor
14. The heat loss due to the moisture in the air is
5. A motor may only be used for eight hours a day, 5 ____kJ/kg
days a week, 50 weeks a year. The Utilization factor is A. 635 B. 653
A. 31.96% B. 32.4% C. 536 D. 730
C. 23.15% D. 22.83%

6. If a residence having 6000W equipment connected 15. The heat carried by the dry flue gas is ____kJ/kg
has a maximum demand of 3300W, then the demand A. 1102 B. 910
factor = is C. 2101 D. 1020
A. 181% B. 45%
C. 55% D. 222% 16. The heat loss due to incomplete combustion is
7. Is equal to the sum of Individual Max. Demand A. 652 B. 526
divided by the Max. Demand on Power Station. C. 256 D. 562
A. Demand factor B. Diversity factor
C. Utilization factor D. Power factor 17. The heat loss due to combustible in the refuse is
8. A base load power plant with a capacity of 1,000 A. 206 B. 620
megawatts (MW) produced 648,000 megawatt-hours C. 602 D. 260
(MW·h) in a 30-day month. The capacity factor is
A. 10% B. 46% 18. The unaccounted for losses is ______ kJ/kg
C. 111% D. 90% A. 367 B. 637
C. 736 D. 763
9. Could be defined as the ratio the time that a
equipment is in use to the total time that it could be in 19. The air fuel ratio is
use. A. 13.28 B. 18.32
A. Use factor B. Diversity factor C. 12.38 D. 21.83
C. Utilization factor D. Capacity factor
20. The exhaust gas flowrate is_________ kg/hr
10. A load curve used for economic studies A. 320,000 B. 250,000
A. Daily load B. Annual load C. 220,000 D. 350,000
C. Superposed daily load D. monthly load curve 21. The procedure of transferring heat from one part of
a cycle to another to eliminate or reduce external
11. The following data were taken from the boiler test irreversibilities is called:
of unit #1 of USLD Power Plant: A. Cogeneration B. Regenerative Heating
Fuel Ultimate analysis : 81.74% C, 4.74% H2, 6.51% O2, C. Sensible Heating D. Cyclic
1.48% N2, .74% S, 4.79% A, & 2.39% W. heating
22. This cycle is used worldwide to obtain the highest 32. This boiler operates at pressures above the critical
possible thermodynamic efficiencies with fossil-fuel pressure where no drum is necessary since there is no
steam generation equipment. separation of water and steam occurs.
A. Super-critical pressure cycle A. Natural Circulation B. Recirculation
B. C. Sub-critical pressure cycle C. Once through D. Forced circulation
C. Combined Cycle
D. D. Regenerative Cycle 33. Boilers with forced draft fans and no induced draft
fans are called _________ boilers
23. These are provided at the hydro powerhouse A. Balanced-draft B. Pressurized-furnace
intakes to protect the units from damaging trash C. Vacuumed furnace D. Natural draft
A. Trash bars B. Trash rakes
C. Trash beams D. Trash screens 34. A steam turbine where all the shafts of the different
casings are bolted together in line to drive the same
24. Is anyone of a number of combinations of gas generator
turbines, steam generators, and steam turbines A. Tandem-compound turbine
assembled for the reduction in plant cost or B. Cross-compound turbine
improvement of cycle efficiency in power generation C. Velocity-compound turbine
process? D. Single-shaft turbine
A. Super-critical pressure cycle
B. Combined Cycle 35. Single-reheat turbines have been built for throttle
C. Sub-critical pressure cycle pressure and temperature of the range:
D. Regenerative Cycle A. 1050-1500 psig, 1000-1100 F
B. 1850-4500 psig, 1000-1100 F
25. This is used to close off the draft tube, to permit C. 1450-3500 psig, 1500-1800 F
dewatering of the turbine for inspection and D. 1450-3500 psig, 1000-1100 F
A. Draft Tube Gate B. Draft Tube Valve 36. The critical pressure is of steam and water where
C. Draft Tube Grate D. Draft Tube there is no difference in their density is
A. 29.02 MPaa B. 22.09 MPaa
26. Is the excess generating capacity that is in operation C. 20.92 MPaa D. 9.202 MPaa
and on the line at the time of peak load?
A. Reserve for Outages B. ReserveCapacity 37. The section of the boiler designed to extract the
C. Spinning reserve D. Reserve over peak maximum amount of heat from the partially cooled flue
27. In this concept, a steam generator is introduced A. Radioactive section B. Conductive section
between the air compressor and the gas turbine. B. Convective section D. Riser section
A. Gas turbine plus Unfired steam generator
B. Supercharged Furnace-Fired steam 38. Is the phenomenon of formation of vapor-filled
generator plus gas turbine sections in a stream of water?
C. Gas turbine plus supplementary-fired steam A. Water hammer B. Water jacket
generator C. Implosion D. Cavitation
D. Gas turbine plus furnace-fired steam
generator Items 39- (Five (5) points each)
Superposition is one method of increasing the
28. These hydraulic turbines were developed for capacity of an existing thermal plant. The superposed
relatively low-head applications. The runner unit, though, is governed with thermodynamic ceiling
theoretically may have from 3 up to 10 radial blades for maximum additional power. A 150-MW plant in
that maybe fixed or movable. Luzon operates with throttle steam at 400 C and 5 MPaa
A. Francis turbine B. Propeller turbine and exhausts to a pressure of 0.005 MPaa. After partial
C. Straflo turbine D. Deriaz turbine expansion to 1 MPaa, the steam is reheated at constant
pressure to 400 C. There are two extraction points for
29. For natural circulation steam generators the normal feedwater heating at the low pressure stage of the
range of the circulation ratio is turbine, 0.5 MPaa and 0.05 MPaa, respectively. The first
A. 2 to 5 B. 5 to 8 C. 8-10 D. 10-12 feedwater heater is open while the last is closed (TD =
0). The mechanical and electrical efficiencies of the
plant are 95%, and 98%, respectively. The stage
30. Are angularly adjustable, streamlined elements that efficiencies of the turbine are 95%, 92%, 90%, and 87%,
direct and control (throttle) water flow to the turbine. for the 1st, 2nd, 3rd, and 4th stages, respectively. The
A. Draft tube gates B. Intake gates drains of the last heater are cascaded down to the
C. Wicket gates D. Wicked gates condenser hotwell. It is proposed to increase the
capacity of this plant to a maximum by adding a
31. The normal height of steam generators is superposed unit whose stage, turbine and generator
A. 50-100 ft B. 75-120 ft efficiencies are 95.2%, 93% and 97%, respectively.
C. 100-150 ft D. 150-200 ft
39. What is the mass, in kg/s, of steam extracted at the 48. The required amount of coal to supply the one
second extraction point? month requirements of the plant, MT
A. 12.24 B. 14.24
C. 21.24 D. 41.4215.53 For the steam generator:

40. What is the mass flowrate, in kg/s, of the condenser 49. Factor of evaporation b) equivalent evaporation
cooling water if its temperature rise is 10 C?
A. 22.00 B. 220 C. 2200 D. 2020 50. Developed boiler horsepower

41. What should be the throttle pressure, in MPaa, of

the superposed plant if the tempt ceiling is 550 C?
A. 15.28 B. 18.52 C. 25.15 D. 12.58

42. What is % increase of the plant’s capacity with the

addition of the superposed unit?
A.42% B. 34% C. 24% D. 14%

Items 39-26 (Three (3) points each)

A river in a site for a proposed HEPP has the
following monthly average flow, in cfs, for one year:
1503; 2467; 3038; 5641; 6409; 7707; 9005; 10304;
8236; 6168; 4100; and 2032. The available head for the
site is 150 ft. with an overall efficiency of 93%. It is
estimated that precipitation, seepage and evaporation
will be 20% of the total flow for the year. For a storage
type of an HEPP determine?

43. The required base area, in sq. mi., of the reservoir

(dam) so that the maximum height of the headwater is
40 ft.
A. 1585 B. 1885 C. 1386 D. 2885

44. The capacity of the plant, MW.

A. 70.3 B. 52.4 C. 10.14 D. 48.6

45. The actual speed of the generator, rpm if Francis

turbine is used.
A. 108 B.270 C. 90 D. 180

A steam turbogenerator receives 750,000 kg/hr of

throttle steam at 8 MPaa and 400oC with condenser
pressure of 5 kPaa. The steam expands in the high
pressure side of the turbine to 2 MPaa where it is
reheated at constant pressure to its original
temperature then enters the low pressure side of the
turbine. The stage efficiencies in the five expansion
stages are 95%, 92%, 90%, 88%, and 87%, respectively.
There are three extraction points for feedwater heating
at the LP turbine, 1.3, 0.2, and 0.03 MPaa, respectively.
Closed heaters are used except the second which is an
open heater. The terminal difference for all heaters is
0oC. The cascade system for the heaters is used. Turbine
mechanical efficiency is 91% and generator electrical
efficiency is 96%. The steam generator burns coal with
an HHV of 35,000 kJ/kg at an overall boiler gross-
efficiency of 83%. Determine:

46. The mass flowrate of steam at each extraction

points, kg/hr

47. The power output of the plant, MW

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