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Beautiful Evidence: by Edward Tufte

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Beautiful Evidence

by Edward Tufte

Harriet King, CS 5090: Data Visualization (November 11, 2010)

[Chapter One] Mapped Pictures:
Images as Evidence and Explanation
Presentation Outline

● Brief Biography
● About the Book
● About the Chapter: Mapped Pictures
● Examples of Mapped Pictures
● Conclusion
● Sources
Edward R. Tufte
● Born 1942 in Missouri
● Beverly Hills High School
● Stanford BS and MS in
● Yale PhD Political Science
● Yale Professor Emeritus of
Political Science, Statistics,
and Computer Science
● Landscape Sculptor
Analytical Design Theorist

● "Leonardo da Vinci of Data"

(NY Times)
● “Galileo of graphics” (Business
● 1975 Princeton seminars on
statistics to journalists
● Self Published 1983 gave him
● Statistical evidence and
scientific visualization
Seeing & Thinking Intensified
“A big intellectual move in my work and my teaching came together
in [1990 book]... It essentially opened the entire world of visual
evidence up so evidence was no longer statistical graphics – it was
the whole world of seeing and thinking, bringing together how
seeing and therefore thinking could be intensified.” (Tufte)
Example of Book’s Variety

Edward Tufte, “Dear Leader I” and “Millstones 5 and 6”, 2003-2004

(mild steel, diameter 13"8" or 4.2 meters)
Beautiful Evidence’s Contents
1) Mapped Pictures: Images as Evidence and Explanation
2) Sparklines: Intense, Simple, Word-Sized Graphics
3) Links and Causal Arrows: Ambiguity in Action
4) Words, Numbers, Images – Together
5) The Fundamental Principles of Analytical Design
6) Corruption in Evidence Presentations: Effects Without Causes, Cherry
Picking, Overreaching, Chartjunk, and the Rage to Conclude
7) The Cognitive Style of PowerPoint: Pitching Out Corrupts Within
8) Sculptural Pedestals: Meaning, Practice, Depedestalization
9) Landscape Sculptures
Book’s Themes

Valid data visualizations turn seeing into showing

For both producers and consumers

● Evidence presentation is ethical and intellectual
● Must understand and reason about evidence
Meaning of “Beautiful Evidence”

● Beautiful beyond being proof

● Used to judge quality, relevance, integrity
● Science and art share intense observing
[chapter 1]

Mapped Pictures: Images

as Evidence and Explanation
A Mapped Picture

Edward Tufte, Spring Arcs (2004) solid stainless steel, arc diameter 12 feet
What are “Mapped Pictures”?

● Detailed annotations on images

● Credible
● Quantified
● Contextualized
● Clear Scale
Why Mapped Pictures?

● To present, explain, or document
● Mappings tell why an image matters
Minimal Mapping

● Stop sign
● Street sign
● Basic relative

David Hockney, Nichols Canyon (1980) acrylic on canvas

Notations as Evidence

Galileo’s drawing (1610)

● Scaled and annotated
● “credible quantitative evidence”
Notations as Evidence

Bayer’s sky drawing

● Measured star strength
● Located on the grid
● Gives context
● Unknown filled with
Leo the star myth

Johann Bayer, Uranometria (Augsburg, 1603)

“unscaled and dequantified”

Problem with scientific deep space photos of today

Scale and Location

● No scale given
● Same size
● Cross section
location missing
Figure 1: Marcus Bloch, Ichthyologie, our Histoire Naturelle
Generale et Particuliere des Poissons (1795)
Problem Solved

● Give scale bar
● Add cross section
Figure 1: Marcus Bloch, Ichthyologie, our Histoire Naturelle
Generale et Particuliere des Poissons (1795)
Evidence Because:
● Credible precision
● Engineering diagram

Humans as a commodity (347)

Published for the Religious Society of Friends in London, Case

of The Vigilante, A Ship Employed in the Slave-Trade (1823)
Explanatory Mappings

Hans Holbein the Younger, The Ambassadors (detail, 1533), Mapped by David Hockney, Secret Knowledge:
Rediscovering the Lost Techniques of the Old Masters (London, 2001)
Explanatory Mappings

Paul Cezanne, Still Life With a Basket (Kitchen Table) Erle Loran, Cezanne’s Composition: Analysis of His Form
(1890-95) oil on canvas, Musée d'Orsay, Paris with Diagrams and Photographs of His Motifs (1943)

● Various points of view

● Side by side vs. overlay
Explanatory Mappings Annoy Artists
● Lichtenstein’s
response to Loran
● Irony that the satire of
the diagrammed
analysis ends up
museum quality art
● Response: “Pop
Artists or Copy Cats”

Roy Lichtenstein, Man with Folded Arms, 1962, oil on

canvas, Museum of Contemporary Art, Los Angeles
After the fact mappings

Ernst Mossel, Vom Geheimnis der Form und der Urform des Seins (Stuttgart, 1938)

● Claim of universal structure beneath all art

● Not valid as evidence
Capturing Time in 2-d

La Cuisse, Le Repertoire des bals ou theorie-pratique des contredanses decrites d’une maniere aisee avec des
figures demonstratives pour les pouvoir danser facilement (1762, Paris)
Coherent multiple viewpoint
● Investigation of bird
anatomy and flight
● Goal of constructing
● Quantitative scale
● Cambered airfoil cross
● Shifting angles as
flapping wings torque
● Linked and oriented
● Side view flying left
Otto Lilienthal, Der Vogelflug als Grundlage dr Fliegekunst
(1889, Munich and Berlin)
● Diagram & text overlaid
on image
● Content documentation
and fluent art
● Words double as
horizontal line

Emile Allais, How to Ski by the French Method (Paris, 1947)

Multiple Views

St. Kirill of Belozersk with scenes from his life, silk cloth, early 16th century

Guide for Visitors to Ise Shrine (Ise, Japan, 1948-1954)

Local detail and whole country in context

Historical Documents
● Detailed diagram in
● Original not disturbed
● Affiliations and
names document the
● Avoid “dreaded letter

Marta Braun, “The Photographic Work of E. J. Marey”,

Studies in Visual Communication (1983) photo: 1902
Images can map other images

● Relative scale
● Easy to compare
● Lines directing
● Needs a universal grid
or measurement scale
Mappings tell why the image matters

Well designed, thoughtfully mapped images combine:

● Direct visual evidence
● Power of diagrams

Most explanatory & evidential images should be mapped

● Including scale and context
● High standards for mappings as any evidence
Sources page 1
Tufte, Edward, Beautiful Evidence, Graphics Press LLC, 2006.
Rosenberg, Scott, “The Data Artist” Chart-master Edward Tufte, March 10, 1997,
Few, Stephen, Beautiful Evidence: A Journey Through the Mind of Edward Tufte,
Lobel, Michael, Image Duplicator: Roy Lichtenstein and the Emergence of Pop Art,
Yale University Press, 2002.
Engelhardt, Yuri, A review of Edward Tufte’s ‘Beautiful Evidence’,
Sources page 2
Bissantz, Ivy League Rock and Roll – A day with Edward Tufte,
Zachry, Mark and Charlotte Thralls, An Interview with Edward R. Tufte, Utah State
University, Technical Communication Quarterly, 2004, Vol. 13, No. 4, Pages 447-
Andrew, Tufte: More Data, May 2010,

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