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Course Syllabus Offered by Department of Chemistry With Effect From Semester B 2017/18

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Course Syllabus

offered by Department of Chemistry

with effect from Semester B 2017/18

This form is for the completion by the Course Leader. The information provided on this form is the official record of the
course. It will be used for the City University’s database, various City University publications (including websites) and
documentation for students and others as required.

Please refer to the Explanatory Notes on the various items of information required.

Prepared / Last Updated by:

Name: Dr. Doris Au Academic Unit: Department of Chemistry

3442 9710 /
Phone/email: bhdwtau@cityu.edu.hk Date: 30 November 2017

Course Syllabus 1
Jun 2017
City University of Hong Kong
Course Syllabus

offered by Department of Chemistry

with effect from Semester B 2017/18

Part I Course Overview

Diversity of Life and Microbiology Laboratory

Course Title:

Course Code:

1 semester
Course Duration:

2 credits
Credit Units:

1Arts and Humanities
Study of Societies, Social and Business Organisations
Proposed Area:
(for GE courses only) Science and Technology

Medium of English

Medium of English
BCH1200 Discovery in Biology (for normative 4-year students) or
A Level Biology (for advance standing I students)
(Course Code and Title)

Precursors: BCH2013 Microbiology, BCH2067 Diversity of Life and Evolution

(Course Code and Title)

Equivalent Courses: Nil

(Course Code and Title)

Exclusive Courses: Nil

(Course Code and Title)

Course Syllabus
Jun 2017
Part II Course Details

1. Abstract
(A 150-word description about the course)

This course aims to provide students with competent skills to discover different life forms in the natural
environment including microbes, and deal with these specimens, living and preserved, from collection to
design of protocols for detailed examination. This will include basic study and hands-on practice of the
a) principles of microscopy and the different microscopic techniques;
b) discovery fieldtrip, collection and treatment of live and preserved specimens;
c) documentation and presentation of observations.

2. Course Intended Learning Outcomes (CILOs)

(CILOs state what the student is expected to be able to do at the end of the course according to a given standard of

No. CILOs# Weighting* Discovery-enriched

(if curriculum related
applicable) learning outcomes
(please tick where
A1 A2 A3
1. Use compound and stereomicroscopes with competence 
and application of different light microscopy techniques
to examine biological specimens.
2. Master the technique of discovery of specific groups of 
microbes (e.g. bacteria, fungi, single-cell algae and
protists), animals and plants and their collection from
the environment for the purpose of laboratory
3. Perform laboratory procedures to prepare samples of  
living and preserved plant, animal and microbe (e.g.
bacteria, fungi, single-cell algae and protists) specimens
to study their morphology and relate these features to
their functions whenever applicable.
4. Make relevant and clear records of laboratory activities   
to document procedures and observations to reflect
thorough understanding of the topic under investigation.
* If weighting is assigned to CILOs, they should add up to 100%. 100%
Please specify the alignment of CILOs to the Gateway Education Programme Intended Learning outcomes
(PILOs) in Section A of Annex.

A1: Attitude
Develop an attitude of discovery/innovation/creativity, as demonstrated by students possessing a strong
sense of curiosity, asking questions actively, challenging assumptions or engaging in inquiry together with
A2: Ability
Develop the ability/skill needed to discover/innovate/create, as demonstrated by students possessing
critical thinking skills to assess ideas, acquiring research skills, synthesizing knowledge across disciplines
or applying academic knowledge to self-life problems.
A3: Accomplishments
Demonstrate accomplishment of discovery/innovation/creativity through producing /constructing creative
works/new artefacts, effective solutions to real-life problems or new processes.

Course Syllabus
Jun 2017
3. Teaching and Learning Activities (TLAs)
(TLAs designed to facilitate students’ achievement of the CILOs.)

TLA Brief Description CILO No. Hours/week

(if applicable)
1 2 3 4
Video Video presentation and hands-on 
presentation and laboratory class on the use of compound
hands-on and stereo microscopes using different
laboratory class light microscopy techniques to examine
live and preserved specimens. Students
will be working individually.
Field trips Field trips to an appropriate ecological 
sites will be organised for students to
discover how the different life forms
exist in the natural environment and
collect life specimens in groups for
laboratory investigation whenever
necessary or possible. Relevant
government regulations in relation to
collection of specimens in the wild will
be explained.
Laboratory Laboratory exercises involving the 
exercises examination of representative plant and
animal kingdoms and the microbes using
different microscope techniques.
Students will be working in groups.
Report writing Video presentations and readings will be 
assigned to help students to learn and
develop the skills necessary to write a
fieldtrip and /or a laboratory report
including laboratory log book entries and
biological drawings.

4. Assessment Tasks/Activities (ATs)

(ATs are designed to assess how well the students achieve the CILOs.)

Assessment Tasks/Activities CILO No. Weighting* Remarks

1 2 3 4
Continuous Assessment: 100%
Laboratory Class Performance  40%
(logbooks, skills demonstration,
participation in class activities,
Fieldwork / Group Presentation /    50%
Laboratory Reports
Quizzes    10%
Examination: 0% (duration: --)
* The weightings should add up to 100%. 100%

Starting from Semester A, 2015-16, students must satisfy the following minimum passing requirement
for BCH courses:
“A minimum of 40% in both coursework and examination components.”

Course Syllabus
Jun 2017

5. Assessment Rubrics
(Grading of student achievements is based on student performance in assessment tasks/activities with the following rubrics.)

Assessment Task Criterion Excellent Good Fair Marginal Failure

(A+, A, A-) (B+, B, B-) (C+, C, C-) (D) (F)
1. Laboratory Class Capacity for High Significant Moderate Basic Not even reaching
Performance self-directed learning marginal levels
(logbooks, skills to comprehend and
demonstration, explain in detail with
participation in accuracy the
class activities, knowledge of
attendance) biodiversity and
2. Fieldwork / Group Ability to apply the High Significant Moderate Basic Not even reaching
Presentation / knowledge of and marginal levels
Laboratory techniques for
Reports biodiversity and
microbiology in field
3. Quizzes Ability to explain High Significant Moderate Basic Not even reaching
skill and microscopy marginal levels
techniques for
microbiology and

Course Syllabus
Jun 2017

Part III Other Information (more details can be provided separately in the teaching plan)

1. Keyword Syllabus
(An indication of the key topics of the course.)

Principles of microscopy and their applications.

Laboratory safety.
Aseptic techniques.
Differentiation of different bacterial groups – staining and biochemical methods.
Morphological and functional characteristics of
 Single-cell algae (diatoms, dinoflagellates, green algae), protists (protozoa, macro-algae)
 Major fungal groups (chytrids, zygomycetes, ascomycetes and basidiomycetes) and chromists
 Non-vascular plants (bryophytes, mosses)
 Vascular non-seed plants (whisk ferns, club mosses, horsetails, ferns)
 Vascular plants (conifers, flowering plants)
 Invertebrate animals (selected key phyla)
 Vertebrate animals (from fish to mammals)

2. Reading List
2.1 Compulsory Readings
(Compulsory readings can include books, book chapters, or journal/magazine articles. There are also collections of
e-books, e-journals available from the CityU Library.)


2.2 Additional Readings

(Additional references for students to learn to expand their knowledge about the subject.)

1. Practical Skills in Biology. Allan Jones, Rob Reed and Jonathan Weyers. 4th ed. 2007. Pearson /
Benjamin Cummings.

Course Syllabus 6
Jun 2017
(for GE courses only)
Please specify the Gateway Education Programme Intended Learning Outcomes (PILOs) that the course is
aligned to and relate them to the CILOs stated in Part II, Section 2 of this form:

GE PILO Please indicate which CILO(s) is/are related to this

PILO, if any
(can be more than one CILOs in each PILO)
PILO 1: Demonstrate the capacity for self-directed
PILO 2: Explain the basic methodologies and
techniques of inquiry of the arts and
humanities, social sciences, business, and
science and technology
PILO 3: Demonstrate critical thinking skills

PILO 4: Interpret information and numerical data

PILO 5: Produce structured, well-organised and

fluent text
PILO 6: Demonstrate effective oral communication
PILO 7: Demonstrate an ability to work effectively
in a team
PILO 8: Recognise important characteristics of
their own culture(s) and at least one other
culture, and their impact on global issues
PILO 9: Value ethical and socially responsible
PILO 10: Demonstrate the attitude and/or ability to
accomplish discovery and/or innovation
GE course leaders should cover the mandatory PILOs for the GE area (Area 1: Arts and Humanities; Area 2: Study
of Societies, Social and Business Organisations; Area 3: Science and Technology) for which they have classified
their course; for quality assurance purposes, they are advised to carefully consider if it is beneficial to claim any
coverage of additional PILOs. General advice would be to restrict PILOs to only the essential ones. (Please refer to
the curricular mapping of GE programme: http://www.cityu.edu.hk/edge/ge/faculty/curricular_mapping.htm.)

A. Please select an assessment task for collecting evidence of student achievement for quality assurance
purposes. Please retain at least one sample of student achievement across a period of three years.

Selected Assessment Task

Course Syllabus 7
Jun 2017

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