Analysis of Ship Hull Girder Vibration
Analysis of Ship Hull Girder Vibration
Analysis of Ship Hull Girder Vibration
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3 authors, including:
All content following this page was uploaded by Franklin Johnny Dominguez Ruiz on 31 March 2017.
ABSTRACT: The hydro-vibration analysis of hull girder has become a very important methodology in the design
stages of a ship, for predicting resonance problems that can be caused by the encountering wave loads, or due
to the interaction between the ship’s drive line and rudder. This paper presents the methodology that has been
used to analyze the Hull-girder vibrations induced due to propeller - rudder interaction, in the design stage of a
Coastal Patrol Vessel (CPV). The methodology at first analyze the interaction of the propulsion system and the
rudder as two separate sub-systems and finally the interaction with the hull girder in a system of forced vibration
caused by the excitation of the propeller. The resulting interaction takes into consideration: the excitation of the
propeller, natural frequencies of the drive line, natural frequencies of the rudder, natural frequencies of the
structure of equipment foundations, added mass, and damping of both the propeller and the hull girder. Vibra-
tion levels acting in the vessel structure are compared with the limits proposed by ISO 6954 (2000).
Rudder Propeller Bearings
𝜔𝑒 = 𝜔 + (𝜔 ⁄𝑔) (𝑈. cos 𝜇) (1)
Added mass values for three different ship speeds Figure 8 – Propulsion line drawing
with the same sea state 3 and following seas are
shown in Table 1.
5.2. – Propeller added mass
The propeller accelerates its surrounding water and an where:
added mass is generated, that was estimated using
PRAMAD program [U OF MICHIGAN, 1980]. [M] is the mass matrix of the system
There are several formulas for estimating these [K] is the stiffness matrix of the system
masses M. Parsons (1980), Schwanecke (1963) or D. {𝑌} is the displacement vector
MacPherson (2007) {𝑌̈} is the second derivative of displacement Y
Table 2 – Propeller added mass Nowadays, computers allow this calculation accu-
Direction Units Value rately and for several degrees of freedom.
M11 N.s2/m 332.6 Tables 3 and 4 present the natural frequencies in the
M22 N.s2/m 48.9 system working range.
M52 N.s2 37.2
M55 N.m.s2 40.0 Table 3 – Hull girder natural frequencies
Vertical direction
Mode 1 Mode 2 Mode 3 Mode 4
Hz Hz Hz Hz
3.59 7.46 15.16 28.3
Horizontal direction
Mode 1 Mode 2 Mode 3 Mode 4
Hz Hz Hz Hz
5.59 10.23 16.17 28.27
Stuffing box
k k
Figure 13 – First vibration mode 23.49 Hz 2 2
10. -Hull structure and deck house forced analy- Figures 16, 17, 18 and 19 show as color-sectors the
sis evaluation deformation that is proportional to vibration speed.
Finite element method was used to perform a forced There is greater deformation on aft bulkhead of upper
vibration analysis of the hull structure, using the fol- deck house at 43.86 Hz condition.
lowing equation:
14. – Annex
Engine data
Strokes 4
Cylinders Nº 12
V angle 90 GRADES
Bore 165 mm
Stroke 190 mm
Connecting rod l. 354 mm
Weight 6800 Kg
Minimum rpm 500
Maximum rpm 2000
Max power x rpm 1680KW x 2000 RPM
Torque @ 1680 kw 8.02 KN.m
Propeller data
Type Fixed pitch
Blades Nº 4
Diameter 1.397 m
Pitch 1.283 m
D.A.R 0.91
Mass 363.7 Kg
Polar inertia 41.18 Kg.m2
Gearbox data
Ratio 3.04