Department of It::Vrsec: 17IT3401: Statistics With R A.Y. 2019-20 Assignment-I
Department of It::Vrsec: 17IT3401: Statistics With R A.Y. 2019-20 Assignment-I
Department of It::Vrsec: 17IT3401: Statistics With R A.Y. 2019-20 Assignment-I
A.Y. 2019-20
s.n question BTL M
1 a.Write a short note on remember 3
iii.Factor Vectors
b. Illustrate the difference between NA and NULL with the Understanding 1
help of an example?
c. Write a short note on matrices in R. Understanding 1
2 a. Illustrate with an example how data frames work in R. Understanding 2
b. Write a short note on Base Graphs. Understanding 2
c. Define variable. Write the syntax for creating and Understanding 1
removing a variable..
3 Create a data frame that stores the name, age, designation of Applying 5
the employee. Find how many employees are working in
each designation?
4 Create a function to calculate the average, median and mean Applying 5
for a numeric vector age in employee database
5 Create two vectors that stores the details of name and Applying 5
gender of the employees. Find how many ‘male’ and
‘female’ employees are present?
6 Illustrate various data types available in R Language remember 5