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Maths Methods

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Certificate in Mathematical Methods

Distance learning

“ The motivating factor for designing the CM2 has been the
overwhelming interest developed by past 7city/Wilmott
delegates for acquiring greater knowledge of the classical
branches of mathematical methods, which have a wide
range of ‘real-world’ applications.

Certificate in Mathematical Methods
The Certificate in Mathematical Methods (CM2) is a six-month intensive program covering a
variety of mathematical methods, with special focus on those which are applicable to real-world
problems. Through a series of twice weekly recorded lectures, delegates will learn subjects
that are normally covered in the first two years of a university mathematics degree. These
sessions will be accompanied by weekly problem sheets, designed to develop confidence and
hence extend the course participants’ understanding of the material covered in the lecture.

The impact of mathematics in the real world has never The CM2 has been designed with all of this in mind,
been greater. In addition to the classical branches of but the most important motivating factor has been the
science and engineering, we are now seeing the overwhelming interest developed by ex-CQF
application of mathematics to medicine, economics delegates for acquiring even greater mathematical
and finance, political and social science as well knowledge and with a strongly applied flavour.
established sections of applied mathematics. The
general view is that mathematics has “hijacked” many The course syllabus will include the following topics:
of the other well known non-mathematical disciplines.
• Numerical Analysis
Naturally, the demand for good mathematicians
• Functions of a Complex Variable
globally is at an all-time high, while the availability of
• Linear and Nonlinear Differential Equations
such trained professionals who are able to apply these
• Partial Differential Equations
skills in the workplace continues to lag. Simply put,
• Integral Equations
demand exceeds supply.
• Perturbation Methods
• Transform Methods

Your Questions Answered

Is this course suitable for me? The examinations will be open book, take home exams.
If you enjoyed the level of mathematics covered in the CQF, Candidates will recieve the papers on a Friday and must
and that has developed your interest in obtaining further submit the completed exam the following Monday morning.
knowledge in those topics at an advanced level, then the
course will be particularly suitable. During the course of the What knowledge will I have by the
program we will concentrate on the actual mathematics in
greater detail. Once instruction in these methods is
end of the course?
obtained, delegates will have increased confidence in The topics covered are all applied mathematics and
applying them to model a wide class of real-world situations. mathematical methods. The aim of the course is to provide
delegates with a solid grounding in the theory and use of
mathematical techniques which can be applied to a wide
Will there be any exams and if so, range of problems.
what form will they take?
The course is split into two sessions, January to March and
June to July. Each session will be assessed by two
examination papers. The style and standard of questions will
be typical of university mathematics degree exams.
Course Syllabus
Advanced Calculus Numerical Analysis I
• Complex numbers: Loci in the Argand diagram, roots • Errors: Sources and controls
of unity (De Moivres theorem) and applications. • Roots of equations: Bisection, Newton-Raphson, False
• Vector algebra: Scalar and vector products including position, Secant method
triple products. Cartesian components and direction • Interpolation: Lagrange and Inverse
cosines. Applications to 3-dimensional geometry: lines • Numerical Linear Algebra: Direct methods (Gaussian
and planes. elimination, LU decomposition, Cholesky); Iterative
• Matrix algebra: Matrix arithmetic; special matrices, Techniques (Jacobi, Gauss Seidel, SOR); Eigenvalues
determinants, inverses. (Power method).
• Ordinary differential equations: First order • Integration: Trapezoidal and Simpsons rules;
(Bernouilli; exact; homogeneous). Linear equations of Gaussian quadrature.
second and higher order (constant and variable • Differential equations: Euler and Runge-Kutta
coefficient problems). Theory of linear equations and methods.
Wronskians. D-operator method.
• Infinite series: Tests for convergence; power series -
radius of convergence, absolute convergence. Complex Variables
• Functions: Gamma and Beta. • Basic Properties: Functions, limits, continuity.
• Calculus for several variables: Partial differentiation • Elementary functions: ez, sin z, cos z, log z, za
(chain rules); Taylor series; tests for extrema; double and • Complex Differentiation: Holomorphic functions,
triple integration; integration over plane areas and singular points. Cauchy-Riemann equations.
volumes; change of variables; Jacobians. • Complex Integration: Curves, winding number,
• Vector calculus: gradient, divergence, curl, integration, Cauchy’s theorem, Cauchy’s integral formula.
line integrals. • Infinite Series: Power series. Taylor’s theorem,
Laurent’s theorem. Classification of singularities – poles,
removable/essential singularities, branch points.
Linear Algebra • The Theory of Residues: Calculation of residues,
• Linear equations: Matrix formulation and elementary residue theorem, application to definite integrals (proper
operations. Reduction to row echelon form. and improper), Jordan’s Lemma.
• Vector spaces: Subspaces of R and Q; Linear • Zeroes of polynomials: Fundamental theorem of
independence; Basis and dimension. algebra. Rouchés Theorem.
• Linear mappings: Rank and nullity. • Conformal Mappings: Transformations in the complex
• Eigenvalues and eigenvectors: Characteristic plane (translation, rotation, stretching, inversion).
equation; diagonalisation of matrices, applications; Riemann’s Mapping Theorem.
Cayley-Hamilton Theorem
• Gram-Schmitdt process: Orthogonal diagonalisation
of real symmetric matrices. Differential Equations
• Fourier series: Periodic functions, approximating
series, formulae for coefficients.
Introduction to Probability • Variation of parameters: Linear first order and higher
• Introduction: Axioms of a probability space (sample orders; systems of linear equations.
space and events), simple laws, independence, • Linear ordinary differential equations: Power
conditional probability and Bayes Theorem. series solutions - ordinary and regular/irregular singular
• Random Variables: Discrete random variables; point; Frobenius method. Solutions of complex integral
standard distributions. Expectations. form with applications to Airy equations.
• Continuous random variables: Densities, standard • Non-linear ordinary differential equations: First
distributions. order systems in two variables and linearization; singular
• Multivariate Random Variables: Bivariate RV’s. Joint points and classification; phase plane analysis.
Distribution Functions. Discrete and continuous random
variables. Covariance and correlation. Special
Mathematical Methods Numerical Analysis II -
• Elliptic Equations and related methods: Laplace’s Finite Difference Methods
equation in cylindrical coordinates and its solution by the • Parabolic equations: One, two and three dimensions.
separation of variables. Legendre’s equation and its series Explicit, implicit and Crank-Nicolson schemes. Stability
solution. Legendre Polynomials, Pn, their orthogonality, and convergence criteria; error analysis. ADI method.
and their generating function. Applications of the Upwind differencing.
generating function. • Hyperbolic equations: One space dimension; Method
• Mathematics of Hyperbolic Equations: The wave of Characteristics; Lax-Wendroff scheme, error analysis.
equation in cylindrical coordinates and its solution by • Elliptic Equations: Linear two dimensional problem.
separation of variables. Bessel’s equation. The general
Frobenius method and its application to Bessel’s equation.
Jn, Y0 .The generating function for Jn and its application.
• Calculus of Variations: Differentiation of functionals,
Euler's equations.

Advanced Mathematical Methods

• Asymptotic expansions of integrals: Laplace’s
method, Watson’s lemma; methods of stationary phase
and steepest descent.
• Non-linear ordinary differential equations:
Second order equations with continuous or discontinuous
damping terms. Free and forced oscillations. Limit cycles.
• Integral Equations & Boundary-Value Problems:
Fredholm and Volterra equations; Sturm-Liouville Theory.
• Perturbation Methods: Matched asymptotic
expansions and uses in solving ODE’s and PDE’s;

Transform Methods
• Laplace and Fourier transforms: Their definition
and inversion using tables in conjunction with the shift
and dilation theorems and the convolution theorem.
Inversions using complex integration, including
integration around branch cuts.
• Applications: Their use in the solutions of ODEs
and PDEs.
Course Tutors
Riaz Ahmad

Dr Riaz Ahmad received advanced degrees in mathematics from University College

London and Imperial College London. He has held academic positions at Imperial
College, Lahore University of Management Sciences (LUMS), Pakistan and more
recently Oxford University (Mathematical Institute), where he was also assistant
academic director of the university’s M.Sc. Mathematical Finance Program. Riaz is
full-time director at 7city for all mathematical and computational finance based
courses. In addition, he oversees 7city’s Quantitative Finance series and consults on
mathematical finance issues to City institutions. His research interests are in
theoretical and numerical/computational methods for derivative pricing and Islamic
Banking. Riaz is a visiting faculty member at LUMS where he teaches executive
education courses in derivatives to finance practitioners (as well as on the MBA).

Paul Wilmott

Dr Paul Wilmott is internationally renowned as a leading expert on quantitative

finance. His research work is extensive, with over 100 articles in leading mathematical
and finance journals, as well as several internationally acclaimed books on
mathematical modelling and derivatives, including the best-selling Derivatives and
Paul Wilmott on Quantitative Finance, both published by John Wiley & Sons. Paul
obtained mathematics degrees at the bachelor and doctorate level from Oxford
University, where he also founded and directed the Mathematical Finance Group.
Paul has extensive consulting experience in quantitative finance with leading US and
European financial institutions. He has founded a financial training company and a
university degree course. Paul has lectured at all levels, to students and to
practitioners. Paul was Partner with responsibility for volatility forecasting and risk
management at a statistical arbitrage hedge fund.

Course: Evening
Duration: 40 2 hour evening sessions
Time: 6.00pm - 8.30pm
Dates: Term 1 - Every Tuesday and Thursday from 8th January to 13th March 2008
Term 2 - Every Tuesday and Thursday from 3rd June to 31st July 2008
Cost: £9,950 + VAT/ $16,999
(discounted price of £2,950 + VAT/ $5,995 for delegates enrolled on the CQF programme)
For further details on the Certificate in Mathematical Methods, or any other quantitative finance programmes, please contact:
7city Learning
4 Chiswell Street
United Kingdom
t: +44 (0)20 7496 8600 e: cqf@7city.com w: www.7city.com/quants

Other Quantitative Finance courses include:

• Certificate in Quantitative Finance
- Including Certificate in C++ for Quantitative Finance
• Maths Primer

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