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2020-08-06 Calvert County Times

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Candidate Keen’s St. Mary’s Ryken Twenty Years of

Controversy Goes Hybrid. Blood Drawings

2 The Calvert County Times Thursday, August 6, 2020



RESTAURANTS 12 Routes 2/4 at Plum Point Road was closed in both directions for a while on Tuesday, cutting off
Calvert’s main artery




Controversy swirls around School Board Researchers land a gene knockout.
candidate Dawn Keen.




County Times
P.O. Box 250 • Hollywood, Maryland 20636
IN THE MAIL? St. Mary’s County ● Calvert County
For staff listing and emails, see page 23


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Thursday, August 6, 2020 The Calvert County Times Local News 3

Isaias Roars Through Calvert County

Flooding, Tornado Damage Reported
By Dick Myers from Dares Beach to Willows along • Meadow Lane @ Scott Street
Editor the Chesapeake Bay from 7:37 a.m. • Bayside Rodd @ Chesapeake
Tropical Storm Isaias ripped to 7:43 a.m. The path width was re- Avenue
through Calvert County on Tues- ported at 100 yards with peak winds • Ridge Road @ Willow Street
day, Aug. 4, dumping more than of 90 mph. About 25 homes received • Cornwall Road @ West Chesa-
eight inches of rain and spawning significant damage from trees fall- peake Beach Road
a destructive tornado. During the ing on them. • Newtown Road @ Lore Pine
day many roads were closed, includ- The Calvert County Sheriff’s Of- Lane
ing the critical Routes 2/4 and Plum fice reported: “The effects of Tropi- • Soper Road @ Lowery Road
Point Road intersection in Hunting- cal Storm Isaias have left numer- • Greenwood Ave, 5th Street
town. Some roads remained closed ous f looded and impassable roads • @ 5300 Breezy Point Road
on Wednesday morning, throughout the county. Below is a list Power Lines were reported un the
Deputy County Administrator of roadways that have been washed roadway at:
Linda Vassallo reported, “Storm out along with roadways that have • Lake Lariat
impacts to Calvert County primar- trees and power lines down.” • Pondswood Road @ Houston
ily include downed trees and power The following roads were washed Lane
lines throughout the county, local- out • Kings Road in St. Leonard
ized power outages, and roadway • Dalrymple Road bridge was un- A sanitary sewer overf low was re-
f looding.” der water ported in Chesapeake Beach as the
At the height of the storm, South- • Partial wash-out at 255 Hoile result of the storm. A manhole in the
ern Maryland Electric Cooperative Lane area of C Street and 31st reportedly
was reporting more than 8,000 out- • Grays Road @ Cyprus Swamp overf lowed due to the heavy rain.
ages in the county and by Wednes- • Stinnett Road @ Freeland Lane About 150 to 200 gallons leaked
day morning that number had been • Plum Point from Cecil Lane to from the manhole before it was
reduced to slightly more than 1,000. Route 4 caught and mitigated by the town’s
The National Weather Service Trees were reported in the road- Public Works staff.
confirmed a Category EF-1 tornado way at: dickmyers@countytimes.net
in Calvert County on a 2.2-mile path • Millbridge @ Sollers Warf Plum Point Road

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4 Local News The Calvert County Times Thursday, August 6, 2020

School Board Candidate Embroiled in Controversy

Keen Apologizes for Facebook Comments
By Dick Myers the next forum and I will be working
Editor on my coping skills until then. Lastly,
As tropical strom Isaias plowed I do ask one thing of my community,
through the area, a storm of another that they give me pardon, as the future
kind was swirling around Calvert of our children is in the hands of some
County Board of Education candidate people who do not mind covering up
Dawn Keen. Facebook posts by the truth.
candidate on racism issues prompted “Thank you for the opportunity.”
charges of racism against the candi- The post of the above statement on
date. Some of her Facebook friends, The County Times Facebook page
noting the rambling nature of the posts, drew hundreds of comments, many
asked if she was okay. That prompted along the lines of what Amy Beebe
expletive-laden posts from Keen. wrote: “Omg seriously?!? All I hear is
One of the posts that prompted con- ‘I got caught so I’m going to try and
troversy said: “School system adminis- shift the blame and make excuses’.”
trators and (currently, board members) Keen was one of the two top vote
in America, especially in targeted getters in the June primary for the seat
communities where traditional Judeo- that will be left vacant when Tracy
Christian values are held, promote McGuire’s term-limited service on
teachers and staff who are willing to Dawn Keen in a picture on her Facebook page. the board ends. Keen’s opponent is
discriminate against such values. They Antoine White, an African American.
great teachers, providing a much safer opinionated people, who do not want to
make it all about melanin, but it is re- Two of the existing board members,
space for our children. The toxic re- see me get elected and several of which,
ally about hijacking verbiage to dehu- who are not up for re-election, are also
maining narcissism in the community for my viewpoints and my proof, have
manize people. It is the most profound African American.
will fizzle out, eventually, and staff never wanted me to succeed.  As is in
example of projection I have ever seen. Keen was endorsed in the primary
shortages will no longer be an issue. any election.  
If you stand up to it, be prepared for the by the local Republican Party. The par-
“Our community has been desirable “However, their push to get my name
bullies with their projection. ty posted the following on their Face-
for the qualities that these narcissistic defamed went so far to send a screen-
“There are actually people with book page after the controversy over
administrators and their minions are shot taken way out of context to CAIR,
higher levels of melanin who agree and Keen’s posts:
seeking to destroy. ‘Equity’ is rooted a recognized hate group. These people
they are the most attacked as ‘uncle “The Republican Party, the party of
in a false ideal that was recently pro- defamed my character, because I be-
Toms’ or ‘coons.’ Lincoln, will not tolerate racism in any
moted by the museum of African lieve all children should be given the
“The most common quote I hear way, shape or form!” their statment
American history. It has since been same chance to succeed regardless of
from the silent majority of teachers is reads
removed due to the backlash for its dis- their skin color.
“they say we are not team players be- The Republican Party began in the
criminatory nature. I have screenshot “In the moment of slander and libel,
cause we try to document the truth.” early 1850’s, and was started by anti-
proof of this verifiable discrimination I had an awakening to my own child-
The most interesting in this is that the slavery activists and those who be-
against conservatives, that is rooted in hood traumas which continued into my
charge is usually led by those lacking lieved that settlers seeking land in
equity.” early adulthood, never addressed, but
melanin. Toxic. the west should be granted it free of
The screenshot was of a posting on suppressed. These traumas surfaced
“These folks, often narcissistic in charge. Their first meeting was infor-
the webpage of the National Museum amidst my defaming. I became  ob-
nature, become the “useful ones” and mal, and took place in Ripon, Wiscon-
of African American History and sessed with worry over Covid-19
work harder and harder to create a sin. July 16, 1854, marked the party’s
Culture that characterized whites, es- changes to school policy, lack of deci-
school system of ‘CHAZ.’ It started first formal meeting, which was held
pecially conservatives. The museum sions, trying to right the wrongs in my
at Evergreen University and is now in in Jackson, Michigan. They chose the
removed the post and explained, “… own children’s school, loss of sleep,
much of higher education, where these name of “Republican” for the party due
we believe that any productive conver- fear for my job and fears of what will
social justice warriors and teachers are to the world’s allusion to equality, and
sation on race must start with honesty, become of our constitution and rela-
coming from. There are a small group to draw reference to Thomas Jeffer-
respect for others, and an openness to tionships in this county.  
of chaos coordinators who will toxify son’s Democrat-Republican Party. The
ideas and information that provide new “I lost control of my Facebook post-
whole systems. Republicans became a national party
perspectives.” ings due to extreme fatigue.  In my
“The definition of justice so far in 1856, when John Fremont was nomi-
The incident Keen referred to at Ev- distress I lost my ability to self-censor.
hasn’t changed, and is ‘maintenance nated for President. Four years later,
ergreen University was the suggestion I made a mistake. I spoke my angry
or administration of what is just, es- the first Republican President would
that white students and professors stay words online, and they were left there
pecially by the impartial adjustment of be elected: Abraham Lincoln. Repub-
home for a day and backlash when a as I dealt with my issues. Those words
conflicting claims or the assignment of licans worked to secure the Thirteenth,
professor criticized that. were my strong response to the per-
merited rewards or punishments.’ Fourteenth, and Fifteenth Amend-
An example of the comments to version of our youth, and damage that
(https://www.merriam-webster.com/ ments, granting former slaves that
Keen’s post was from Manda Pullen- adults for many years turn a blind eye
dictionary/justice) their president freed equality under the
McGrath: “This is racist. Blatantly. to.  
“None of these defamed staff mem- law. The Republican Party was also the
And it’s white supremacy. I cannot “With my name defamed at this
bers are inherently racist in its original first party to favor women’s suffrage
support you or condone these posts.” point, I would like to stay in the race to
definition. Most often such staff are the and the majority of states that voted to
The not-often-seen-word “melanin” show Calvert County who I really am.
hardest workers and the best teachers. ratify the Nineteenth Amendment were
referred to in Keen’s post means: “any I am not my past, and I am not what
They would rise to the top and receive Republican states.
of a class of insoluble pigments, found my bullies would like you to think I
accolades in fair systems regardless of “The Calvert County REPUBLICAN
in all forms of animal life, that account am. These are the same people who
melanin. Central Committee will not tolerate
for the dark color of skin, hair, fur, defamed me, saying I don’t care about
“If we are unable to stop the silenc- any form of racism within its ranks.”
scales, feathers, etc.” childhood trauma or people of color, of
ing of the majority by the small, loud Calvert County Republican Central
As the result of the controversy, The which neither are true.
and disrespectful few, our community Committee Chairperson Catherine
County Times emailed Keen asking for “The election may or may not be in
instead needs to focus on our local Grasso told The County Times that her
her to explain what was going on. She November. Thank you for those who
controls to shift property tax dollars group would be holding a meeting on
responded: “I am writing to apologize support me, and thanks to the media
to buildings where these practices will Wednesday, Aug. 5, after press dead-
to Calvert County for the Facebook who has not taken part in this defama-
not be tolerated. line, to discuss the issue.
posts they have seen on my personal tion and shaming for my mistake.  
“Moving these teachers and staff dickmyers@countytimes.net
page. I had a series of events I’d like “Regardless, I made a mistake, had
into spaces where they will receive
to explain. here are a handful of strong a lapse in judgement. I have agreed to
excellent benefits and pay, deserved of
Thursday, August 6, 2020 The Calvert County Times Local News 5

St. Mary’s Ryken to Bond Funding Chosen

for Golf Clubhouse
Open as a Hybrid Public Hearing to be Scheduled
By Guy Leonard, Staff Writer Department and was endorsed by county By Dick Myers County Administrator Mark Willis noted
and Dick Myers, Editor, government. Editor that there was plenty of bond authority remain-
St. Mary’s Ryken High School, located in Governor Larry Hogan stepped into the fray The Calvert County Board of County Com- ing because any new county office building,
Leonardtown, announced that starting Aug. 25 and issued an emergency order prohibiting blan- missioners (BOCC) will be holding a public which was on the list, would be a scaled-down
it will begin the fall semester with a hybrid mod- ket school closures. Hogan said, “The recovery hearing on a proposal to use available bonding version costing considerably less. That would
el of instruction, blending both on-line learning plan for Maryland public schools stresses local authority to design and construct a new club- be in part because of the lessons learned on
and in-person class time. flexibility within the parameters set by state offi- house at Chesapeake Hills Golf Couse in Lusby. space needs due COVID-19, he said.
First-time students will have special ar- cials. Over the last several weeks, school boards Estimated price tag is $3.5 million. It was the pandemic that was on Weems’
rangements made for them, according to the and superintendents made their own decisions The BOCC had previously withheld approv- mind when he voted against moving forward
school’s leadership. about how and when to reopen public schools, al for bonding authority even though the project at all with the clubhouse. “I am not voting on
“Our new students - freshmen and transfer after consultation with state and local health had been approved. The BOCC had also previ- this because I don’t know what the final bill for
students - will attend classes and events on cam- officials. ously delayed a decision on the funding method COVID is.”
pus on August 25, 26, and 27,” the reopening “Private and parochial schools deserve the for the design of the building after an architect But Commissioner Mike Hart noted that
plan on the St. Mary’s Ryken’s website reads. same opportunity and flexibility to make re- had been selected. something had to be done to make the golf
“Our returning students will participate vir- opening decisions based on public health guide- The BOCC was presented with two options course profitable. He said there were no known
tually during this week.” lines. The blanket closure mandate imposed by staff – use bond authority or fund balance. takers to purchase the county-owned golf
School officials warn, however, that plans by Montgomery County was overly broad and The decision to use the bonding was controver- course.
could change quickly in the days leading up to inconsistent with the powers intended to be del- sial, and the ultimate vote was 3-2, with Com- The former clubhouse was taken out of ser-
the fall semester. egated to the county health officer. missioners Buddy Hance and Steve Weems in vice because of water damage and mold and
“Currently, we are expecting to open in hy- “To be clear, Maryland’s recovery contin- opposition. was burned down in a training exercise.
brid learning,” according to a statement from ues to be based on a flexible, community-based Hance was concerned what message the The golf course is using a temporary club-
SMR President Rick Wood and Principal Cath- approach that follows science, not politics. As decision would send to the county’s legislative house in a modular unit but that has been
erine Bowes. “However, our community should long as schools develop safe and detailed plans delegation, who must approve any additional deemed inadequate to attract tournaments,
be prepared to open in virtual learning, and that follow CDC and state guidelines, they bonding authority. Hance said typically the which are considered a necessity to increase
we will alert parents and students as soon as it should be empowered to do what’s best for their BOCC lists the projects set aside for use of the usage.
is determined that any change to our plans is community. bond proceeds and the golf course was not on A memo to the BOCC from Capital Projects
necessary.” “I want to thank all the parents, students, and that list. Analyst Veronica Atkinson said, “This $3.5
There’s been no word yet from the Archdio- school administrators who have spoken out in He said the next time they ask for more bond- million building should serve Calvert County
cese of Washington about the plan for reopening recent days about this important issue.” ing authority, the delegation could ask, “How citizens well into the future and make one of the
elementary schools in Southern Maryland. Calls to Calverton School and Cardinal Hick- will we trust you today?” few remaining local golf courses a more desir-
The archdoicese did issue a statement oppos- ey Academy were not returned as of press dead- Commissioner Tim Hutchins pointed out able location, which should, in turn, help Chesa-
ing plans by Montgomery County to require line seeking comments on their reopening plans. that the most recent bond authority request was peake Hills Golf Course increase revenues.”
all private schools to open virtually. That order guyleonard@countytimes.net and cut by the legislators without any specific num- dickmyers@countytimes.net
came from the Montgomery County Health dickmyers@countytimes.net bers assigned to any project.

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6 Local News The Calvert County Times Thursday, August 6, 2020


County Landmark Now
a Historic District
11:00am - 9:00pm

Expires 8/31/2020
Expires 7/31/2020 Expires 7/31/2020 By Dick Myers daughter of Nathaniel Ashcomb, who
Editor had previously owned it. The Parran
It has been “a familiar visual fea- family arrived in Calvert County in
ture in Calvert County for centuries.” the beginning of the 18th century and
That’s how Preston-on-Patuxent was became prominent in provincial af-
described during a July 30 public fairs. Alexander’s son, Young Parran,
hearing to consider making it a Cal- was a county judge. His son, Richard
vert County Historic District. That Parran, was a justice of the peace, and
was approved by the county commis- a judge of the orphans’ court. Rich-
sioners after the joint hearing with ard also participated in the adminis-
the planning commission. tration of county affairs during the
According to a staff report from Revolution.”
Expires 8/31/2020 Expires 8/31/2020
Expires 7/31/2020
Expires 8/31/2020
Expires 7/31/2020
Historic Preservation Planner Kirsti Uumila went on to report, “In the
Uumila, the existing home on the 20 th century, novelist Hulbert Footner

13-acre property on Turner Road in purchased the house. He wrote about
Lusby may be one of the county’s old- the house in his book, ‘Charles’ Gift.’
est, dating at the latest to the second Footner designed and constructed
quarter of the 18th century. an addition to the rear of the house
In her report, Uumila said the which has been deemed significant in
house is “among the very few brick its own right, owing to its association
houses of that period. It is a fine ex- with the author.”

OF THE WEEK ample of Tidewater Maryland ver-

nacular architecture. The house is
The application for Calvert Coun-
ty Historic District designation was
on property that was, in the 1600s, made by Preston-on-Patuxent’s cur-
MEET DOTTIE a 400-acre tract owned by Richard
Preston. Preston probably hosted ses-
rent owners Laurence and Roxanne
Cumberland. Being in an historic
sions of the Provincial Court and the district allows the owners to be eligi-
One small Cat
Assembly at his house in the 1650s. ble for tax credits for improvements.
Changes coming home
The existing house may be built on The property was also listed on Na-
To an empty house...
the site of the original Preston house. tional Register of Historic Places in
To coming Home
The existing house may have been 1974 in recognition of its historic
built by Alexander Parran who lived significance.
Hello, my name is Dottie. I’m a VERY SWEET LITTLE GIRL and I’m
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Thursday, August 6, 2020 The Calvert County Times Local News 7

State’s Census Rate Above National Average

Hogan Encourages Full Participation
Governor Larry Hogan on July 31 duty and help shape our future.” leaders which displays socioeconomic and
provided an update on Maryland’s prog- Every Marylander uncounted repre- Participation in local events, includ- demographic profiles of selected Census
ress in the 2020 Census and encour- sents more than $18,250 in unaccessed ing one this past weekend in Wicomico tracts, which allows staff to target
aged all citizens to complete their forms federal funding for programs, including County, where the Maryland Department strategies to improve the Census re-
at 2020Census.gov. Maryland currently Medicare and Medicaid, the Supple- of Planning worked with local residents sponse rates. Additionally, Planning re-
ranks 13th in the U.S. with a 66.7 percent mental Nutrition Assistance Program to fill out their 2020 Census. cently added a map of Food Distribution
self-response rate, above the national (SNAP), the Children’s Health Insurance “While the Census is about $1.5 tril- Centers and Census Tracts by Response
response rate of 62.8 percent. Maryland Program (CHIP), school construction, lion dollars in federal spending, includ- Rate. This online mapping application
ranks fifth in the U.S. in Internet re- emergency preparedness, and transpor- ing $16 billion to Maryland, the Census displays Maryland food banks and dis-
sponse. Carroll County leads the state tation projects. Census data also informs is really about us as Marylanders,” said tribution locations in relation to Census
with a self-response rate of 78.4 percent, reapportionment and redistricting, and Planning Secretary Rob McCord. “The tracts, which staff can leverage to reach
ranking 25th in the U.S. out of more than ensures that Maryland receives appropri- Census is about who we are as a state and Marylanders at sites in low response ar-
3,200 counties. ate representation in Congress. how many people reside in each commu- eas. Planning is also working with the
The Calvert County response rate as of Several statewide and local initiatives nity. We count people, not just citizens, Maryland Food Bank to include infor-
July 31 was 71 percent compared to an 80 are well underway to encourage Mary- and this is our one chance for the next mative flyers in meal distribution boxes
percent response rate in2010. St. Mary’s landers to respond to the Census, and to 10 years to paint an accurate portrait of across the state.
current rate is 66.4 percent compared to remind everyone to fill out the Census Maryland and each of our communities.” Additionally, Census takers will be-
75 percent in 2010. before October 31, 2020, including: Maryland has adopted a 21st-century gin visiting homes that haven’t yet re-
Response rates for towns are: Chesa- Coordination among state agen- approach to the Census. In addition to sponded to the 2020 Census beginning
peake Beach, 72 percent; North Beach, cies to leverage all resources to reach the significant outreach on social me- in early August. All Census takers will
62.1 percent; and Leonardtown, 59 Marylanders dia and as part of virtual and limited wear masks, follow Maryland’s public
percent. Census messaging on buses, bill- in-person events, Planning created sev- health guidelines, including physical
“Our administration is committed boards, and radio stations eral online tools to identify areas that distancing, and wear an ID badge with
to doing everything possible to ensure A weekly Census newsletter that require additional outreach. Governor their photograph, a U.S. Department of
that every single Marylander is counted reaches more than 41,000 recipients Hogan, Lt. Governor Boyd Rutherford, Commerce watermark, and an expiration
this year,” said Governor Hogan. “Every Social media messaging, including and First Lady Yumi Hogan all recorded date.
single response directly impacts the ser- weekly Census Champions Public Service Announcements about For more information about the 2020
vices our communities receive—funding Assistance to local Complete Count the 2020 Census, which can be found on Census in Maryland, please go to census.
for schools, hospitals, roads, and other Committees to find ways of developing the Maryland Census website at census. maryland.gov.
emergency and essential services all rely language-specific messaging in order to maryland.gov. Press Release from MD Department of
on our responses. I urge every single reach hard-to-count populations Planning created a Low Response State Planning.
Maryland resident to fulfill their civic Engagement with business and faith Score and Hard to Count dashboard,
8 The Calvert County Times Thursday, August 6, 2020

Saturday, August 8th

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Thursday, August 6, 2020 The Calvert County Times Cops & Courts 9


During the week of July 20 – July 26 deputies of the Calvert County Sheriff’s Office responded to 1,409 calls for service throughout the community.
Damaged Property: 20-38242 sponded to Spring Cove Road Marina pass order. Calvert County Emergency commands to exit the vehicle and af-
On July 20, 2020, Deputy Durnbaugh in Solomons for the report of a theft. Communications confirmed Dennis ter being physically removed from the
responded to MF Bowen Road in Hun- The complainant advised on July 10th, was issued a trespass order on 4/9/2020 vehicle, attempted to walk away. After
tingtown for the report of damaged an unknown suspect(s) stole a gold by Deputy Sturdivant. Dennis exited multiple attempts, and assistance from
property. The complainant advised Hamilton watch with an “IBM 25th an- the store and was placed under arrest other deputies, Jarboe was detained and
sometime between July 16th at 5:00pm niversary” engraving from their vehicle and transported to the Calvert County deputies were able to detect a strong
and July 20th at 7:00pm, an unknown while it was parked at the marina. The Detention Center where he was charged odor of alcohol emanating from Jar-
suspect(s) broke out the back window value of stolen property is $800. with Trespass: Private Property. boe’s breath. A search of the vehicle
of a vehicle parked at their property. Arrests: On July 26, 2020, Deputy Wilder was conducted which resulted in an
The value of damaged property is $400. On July 20, 2020, Deputy W. Mc- conducted a traffic stop on Mill Bridge open can of compressed air duster that
Damaged Property: 20-38586 Dowell conducted a traffic stop on Road in Lusby with assistance from was cold to the touch, as well as five un-
On July 22, 2020, Deputy Freeland Southern Maryland Boulevard at Yel- Trooper Kelly. Upon making contact opened cans. Jarboe was placed under
responded to Bandera Lane in Lusby low Bank Road in Dunkirk. After with the driver, Kelli Aaliyah Rich- arrest and transported to the Calvert
for the report of damaged property. multiple requests, the driver, Darrick ardson (19), and passenger, David County Detention Center where he was
The complainant advised an unknown Michael Jackson, Jr. Alexander Young (53), charged with Resist/Interfere with Ar-
suspect(s) damaged multiple lawn dec- (29), retrieved his driv- Trooper Kelly observed rest, CDS- Inhale Harmful Substance,
orations, throwing them around yard. er’s license from a bag two burnt marijuana cig- Disorderly Conduct, and multiple traf-
The value of damaged property is $130. at which time Deputy arettes in the passenger fic citations.
Damaged Property: 20-38704 McDowell observed side door handle. Rich- On July 28, 2020, Deputy Kwitowski
On July 23, 2020, Deputy Callison a small plastic bag, ardson and Young exited responded to Prince Frederick Library
responded to Solomon Rutter Road in containing suspected the vehicle and a search KELLI for a welfare check. Upon arrival,
Saint Leonard for the report of damaged CDS. Jackson advised DARRICK was conducted which RICHARDSON Deputy Kwitowski observed Zach-
property. The complainant advised that he did have marijuana, JACKSON JR resulted in a small black ary Lloyd Fisher (22)
sometime between 5:15am and 6:15am which he surrendered plastic bag containing a to be visually upset and
on July 23rd, an unknown suspect(s) had to Deputy McDowell, but refused to suspected synthetic can- shouting loudly at other
knocked their mailbox off the post. The comply with a search of the vehicle. nabinoid, as well as an deputies on scene. Fisher
value of damaged property is $50. Jackson ignored multiple commands additional plastic bag eventually went on his
Damaged Property: 20-38739 to exit the vehicle and to stop reaching containing twenty one way. Shortly after, depu-
On July 23, 2020, Deputy Anderson for items out of view. Instead of com- smaller sealed bags each DAVID YOUNG ties were advised a male
responded to Los Alamos Lane in Lus- plying, Jackson locked the doors and containing the suspected was seen shouting at a FISHER
by for the report of damaged property. rolled the windows up. To gain compli- synthetic cannabinoid. Richardson and female and being disrup-
The complainant advised sometime ance, Deputies broke the driver’s side Young were both placed under arrest tive in the parking lot of
between July 20th and July 23rd, an un- window, removing Jackson from the and transported to the Calvert County Wawa in Prince Frederick. Deputies lo-
known suspect(s) threw a rock through vehicle. A search of his person was con- Detention Center where they were each cated Fisher in the parking lot and ob-
the basement window of the residence, ducted, resulting in a pocket knife from charged with CDS: Possession- Not served him to be shouting and throwing
breaking it. The value of damaged his pocket. Deputies located an addi- Marijuana. change onto the sidewalk. Fisher was
property is $500. tional plastic bag containing marijua- Theft: 20-39803 placed under arrest and transported to
na, several empty marijuana packaging On July 28, 2020, Deputy Anderson the Calvert County Detention Center
Damaged Property: 20-38928 bags, and knives. Jackson was placed took a report of a theft that occurred at where he was charged with Disorderly
On July 24, 2020, Deputy Wilder under arrest and transported to the Cal- Walmart in Prince Frederick. The com- Conduct.
responded to the Chesapeake Ranch vert County Detention Center where he plainant advised sometime between On July 31, 2020, Deputy N. Buck-
Estates Water Company in Lusby was charged with CDS: Possession of 11:25am and 11:45am, an unknown ler responded to Eagle View Drive in
for the report of damaged property. Marijuana 10GM+, and Failure to Obey suspect(s) stole the registration plate off Chesapeake Beach for the report of
The complainant advised that some- a Reasonable/Lawful Order. their trailer while in the store parking multiple thefts. Complainants advised
time between June 22nd and July 24th, On July 21, 2020, Deputy Holt re- lot. The value of stolen property is $30. their vehicles were rummaged through
an unknown suspect(s) broke the top sponded to Rod N’ Reel in Chesapeake Theft: 20-40032 by a male Suspect during the overnight
off the water meter at a residence and Beach to assisted Sergeant Shrawder On July 29, 2020, Deputy Crum re- hours, and various items were taken.
tampered with an antenna wire inside, with a disorderly female subject. Upon sponded to Haleys Way in Owings for Deputies conducted a neighborhood
causing the meter to not function. The arrival, Sergeant Shrawder advised the report of a theft. The complainant canvas and made contact with Tyler
value of damaged property is $299. the female subject, Leigh Anne Bau- advised an unknown suspect(s) stole a David Edwards (25), who matched
Theft: 20-38468 er (35), that she had Husqvarna blower backpack from the the suspect’s descrip-
On July 21, 2020, Sergeant Denton to leave the property. bed of their truck. The value of stolen tion. Edwards advised
took a report of a theft that occurred Bauer stated she had property is $450. deputies he was staying
on Broomes Island Road in Broomes a room at the hospital, Arrests: with a friend but left the
Island. The complainant advised that however could not re- On July 27, 2020, Deputy E. Payne re- house, and was look-
sometime between 8:00pm on July 17th member the room num- sponded to the area of Windmill Nurs- ing for a place to sleep
and 8:00pm on July 21st, an unknown ber and refused to ask ery on East Chesapeake Beach Road for overnight. Deputies lo-
suspect(s) cut the battery wires to their the staff. Bauer took the report of a vehicle all over the road- cated Edwards’ back- EDWARDS
Bass Boat, stole two 12 Volt batteries, her belongings and left way. Deputy Payne observed a vehicle pack which contained
and three Cabela’s Bait Casting fishing the property continuing to yell at depu- matching the description parked on the the stolen items from
rods. The total value of stolen and dam- ties, and then proceeded to kick over shoulder and attempted to conduct a the vehicles including a bag of change,
aged property is $700. a stop sign. Bauer was placed under traffic stop. The vehicle continued driv- Quay sunglasses, 64 children’s movies,
Theft: 20-38599 arrest and transported to the Calvert ing away and increasing speed, ignor- three small containers of communion
On July 22, 2020, Deputy Anderson County Detention Center where she ing Deputy Payne’s emergency equip- wine and four cardboard vape pack-
responded to Long Beach Drive in Saint was charged with Disorderly Conduct. ment and commands to pull the vehicle ages. Edwards was placed under arrest
Leonard for the report of a theft. The On July 23, 2020, Deputy Aranda over. The vehicle came to a stop on and transported to the Calvert County
complainant advised that sometime be- responded to Safeway Paris Oaks Road in Ow- Detention Center where he was charged
tween 6:00pm on July 21st and 6:00am in Prince Frederick for ings and Deputy Payne in four separate cases with Rogue and
on July 22nd, an unknown suspect(s) the report of trespass- made contact with the Vagabond.
stole several items that were hanging ing. The complainant driver, Daniel Andrew Editor’s Note: The above ar-
from the rearview mirror of their vehi- advised Matthew Ed- Jarboe II (45), who she rests are not an indication of guilt or
cle. The value of stolen property is $25. ward Dennis (23), was observed to have droopy innocence as the cases have not been
Theft: 20-38942 inside the store and was eyes and slurred speech. adjudicated.
On July 24, 2020, Deputy Wilder re- previously issued a tres- MATTHEW Jarboe ignored multiple DANIEL
10 Cops & Courts The Calvert County Times Thursday, August 6, 2020


The below incidents, investigations, sault) through the Maryland State Po-
and arrests are, in part, demonstrative lice Prince Frederick Barrack. Whitley
of the Prince Frederick Barrack’s effort was turned over to Trooper First Class
to ensure that Calvert County is a safe Costello and transported to the Calvert
place to live, work, and visit. County Detention Center, where the
Traffic Stop / CDS - Not Mari- warrant was served without incident.
juana - On July 22, 2020, Trooper Warrant Service - On July 25, 2020,
Emerson conducted a vehicle stop in Trooper First Class Whitman respond-
the area of 4755 Hallowing Point Road, ed to the 1000 block of Prince Frederick
Prince Frederick, for moving viola- Boulevard, Prince Frederick to assist
tions. Trooper Emerson made contact the Calvert County Sheriff’s Office with
with the operator, Heather Christine a subject showing a warrant through the
Mallonee (01/14/76). A search of Mal- Maryland State Police Prince Frederick
lonee’s vehicle revealed seven pills of Barrack. Once on scene, Trooper First
suspected amphetamine in the back Class Whitman made contact with Em-
seat. Mallonee was transported to the mett Odyssey Harry Gantt (08/28/60),

Calvert County Detention Center where who had an active warrant (2nd Degree
she was charged accordingly. Assault). Gantt was arrested and trans-
Warrant Service - On July 24, ported to the Calvert County Detention

2020, Trooper First Class Costello and Center where the warrant was served
Trooper First Class Backus responded without incident.
to Patuxent Plaza, Solomon’s Island, to Editor’s Notre: The above arrests are

make contact with a trooper from the not an indication of guilt or innocence
Maryland State Police Leonardtown as the cases have not been adjudicated.
Barrack. The Trooper had Robert Bar- Press Release from Prince Frederick
ton Whitley (11/22/73) in custody for an Barrack, Maryland State Police
SERVICES open warrant (FTA - 2nd Degree As-

VEHICLES Owings Woman Dies in

EMPLOYMENT Pedestrian Accident
Charles County officers nn Aug. 1 at 10:16 p.m, responded to the 8500 block of
CHILD CARE Gunston Road in Welcome for the report of a pedestrian who had been struck by a
vehicle. Upon arrival, officers initiated CPR until paramedics arrived. The pedes-
trian was transported to a hospital with critical injuries.

GENERAL On Aug, 2, the victim, Kari Ann Katsouros, 40, of Owings died as a result
of her injuries. A preliminary investigation showed the victim was crossing the

roadway, on foot, when she was struck by the driver of a Honda. The driver stayed
on the scene until help arrived. PFC D. Walker of the Traffic Operations Unit is
Press Release from Charles County Sheriff’s Office.

Legal Notice

In the Circuit Court for Calvert County, Maryland

CHARLES, CALVERT, Case No.: C-04-FM-20-000032

Notice (Adult)

& ST. MARY’S COUNTY The above petitioner has filed a Petition for Name Change in which she
seeks to change her name from KARIN NICOLE KOCH to KARIN NICOLE
JONES. the Petitioner is seeking a name change becasue she wants to be restored to
her maiden name after divorce.

Any person may file an objection to the Petiton for Name Change on or
beforet he 28th day of August, 2020. The objection must be supported by an affidavit
(written statement confirmed by oath or affirmation) and served on the Petitioner
or her attorney, Steven B. Mudd, Esquire, P.O. Box 209, College Park, MD, 20741,

Tel: (301) 441-4505, E-mail: steven@phillipsmudd.com. See Md. Rule 1-132. If no
timely ojection is filed, the Court may issue a default judgement or grant the name

Kathy P. Smith
Clerk of Court for
Calvert County Maryland
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Thursday, August 6, 2020 The Calvert County Times Feature 13

Celebrating 20 Years of Blood Drives

Need is High for Blood Plasma
By Dick Myers, Editor VID-19 by a laboratory test and “We’ve been averaging probably St. Nicholas Lutheran Church
and Guy Leonard, Staff Writer meet other donor requirements. 75 units of blood per drive, which 1450 Plum Point Rd, Hunting-
They’ve been doing for 20 years Corrine Sewell, executive di- is phenomenal. It’s probably one town, MD
what saves lives every day. On rector of the Southern Maryland of the largest in the DC- Baltimore August 8, October 10, and De-
Aug. 17, the St. Anthony’s Catho- Chapter of the Red Cross said in area.” cember 12
lic Church Knights of Columbus the first week when COVID-19 The K of C uses a little bit of an St. Anthony’s Catholic Church
(K of C) Council #7870 in North first struck, blood drives quickly enticement to encourage blood do- 8816 Chesapeake Ave, North
Beach will be celebrating the 20 th closed. nors. They feed them afterwards, Beach, MC
anniversary of holding regular “We lost about 700 drives across Wilson said. “We make steak and August 17 & 18, October 19 &
blood drives at the church. the country,” Sewell said. “That’s cheese right there, and we make 20, December 21 & 22
The demand for blood is espe- a lot.” homemade tuna salad and a home- American Legion Post 274
cially urgent during this COVID When schools and other facili- made egg salad, and a variety of 11820 HG. Truman Rd, Lusby,
19 pandemic and organizers at St. ties began to close down, which breads. We feed everybody that MD
Anthony’s say they have been able is where many of the blood drives comes in that door.” September 8 and November 10
to maintain their collection levels occur, churches and hotels opened Michelle Atwood, who is in Wilson said of why he’s been do-
which are consistently the highest their doors in some cases. charge of blood drives in Calvert ing it for so long at St. Anthon’s,
in the region. “Some jumped at the opportu- and St. Mary’s counties for the “Because it’s good for the commu-
But, representatives with the nity, others questioned whether American Red Cross said, “We nity. It was good for our Knights
Southern Maryland Red Cross, it was safe to be giving blood in ask donors to please schedule your of Columbus to have an activity, a
headquartered in Glen Burnie, say the middle of a pandemic,” Sewell life-saving donation by visiting program to help the community. It
they have stabilized the regional said. our website at www.redcrossblood. was a big need. I really never do-
supply of blood available to hospi- Donation levels of blood are still org or call 800-REDCROSS.: nated blood before myself and now
tals but are in desperate need of the below pre-pandemic levels, said The following is a list of up- I’m working on my nineth gallon
blood plasma of patients who have Sewell. Part of the reason for that coming blood drawings in Calvert of donation.”
fully recovered from COVID-19. is that the Red Cross is not able to County On Aug. 17, the K of C will be
Blood plasma, one of the com- see as many people at once as they CalverHealth Medical Center celebrating collecting 5,000 units
ponents of whole blood, carries were once able per social distanc- @ St. Nicholas Lutheran Church of blood in that 20 years of service.
the antibodies that a recovered ing rules. 1450 Plum Point Rd, Hunting- dickmyers@countytimes.net and
patient carries that can be used in Temperature testing and ques- town, MD guyleonard@countytimes.net
another patient to fight the novel tion forms for screening potential August 7, October 8, November
coronavirus. donors also must take precedence, 27, December 4
“It is definitely a shortage, be- she said.
cause… were collecting less and At St. Anthony’s, Dave Wilson,
less [blood] in St. Mary’s and Sr. started the drives and has been
Calvert counties,” said Regina doing it ever since. “I’ve been do-
Boothe-Bratton, spokesperson for ing a blood drive for 20 years. Our
the American Red Cross. people at our North Beach com-
“We’re collecting the basic needs munity area have been very con-
for blood in hospitals, though sistent in responding to donating.
elective surgeries might have to be There’s a shortage. They do have a
delayed. problem getting a lot of the drives
“What is of urgent need right together since COVID. We actu-
now is convalescent plasma.” ally have added a second day to
So far Maryland has shipped out our blood drives to increase the
1,400 bags of convalescent plas- total number of donors. And we
ma across the country, Boothe- have the space to be able to handle
Bratton said, but the need is still that.”
growing. Everyone is social distanced and
“That plasma can help others K of C volunteers and Red Cross
who are fighting for their lives,” personnel make sure everyone is
Boothe-Bratton said. “There’s a safe.
huge need.” It started for Wilson with a
Local health officials have re- newspaper story “about a young
ported evidence showing that an- boy at 18 months old who was suf-
tibodies which form to fight off fering from neuroblastoma, which
COVID-19 may not last in those is a nasty cancer. He was being
who have recovered from the dis- treated at Children’s (Hospital).
ease; this leaves those who have Every month he needed a blood
survived the virus susceptible to transfusion of several pints.” A
infection. friend of Wilson’s said they ought
Boothe-Bratton said the collec- to do something about it and Wil-
tion of the convalescent plasma son said that was a perfect project
was still critical as it was still a for the Knights of Columbus.
viable treatment option. They collected 70 pints of blood
According to the U.S. Food and in that first drive in July of 2000.
Drug Administration (FDA), those After that, Wilson said, “We start-
who have been fully recovered ed off with two drives a year and
from COVID-19 for at least two ended up with maybe 30 units of
weeks should consider donating blood each time, which was good.
plasma. And ever since then we’ve been
Recovered patients must a doc- growing and increasing”
umented prior diagnosis of CO- They now do six drives a year.
14 In Our Community The Calvert County Times Thursday, August 6, 2020

Town Prepares for November Election

Absentee Ballots to be Mailed
In preparation for the 2020 Elec- vyhlif4261/f/uploads/electedoff i-
tion, the Town of Chesapeake cial_candidatesethicsform_2020.
Beach Board of Elections is dis- pdf with the town clerk by Sept.
tributing election information to 8, 2020. The town clerk can be
all town citizens to inform and reached at (410)257-2230, via email
prepare voters, and potential can- at shumm@chesapeakebeachmd.
didates, for the upcoming elec- gov <shumm@chesapeakebeach-
tion. The election will be held No- md.gov>;or by mail at 8200 Bay-
vember 3rd, 2020 at the Northeast side Rd. PO BOX 400 Chesapeake
Community Center Mini Gym Beach, MD 20732. 
from 7 a.m. to 8 p.m.  For voter Due to COVID-19, absentee bal-
registration information, go to lots are encouraged as a safe way
https://www.chesapeakebeachmd. to vote in 2020. An absentee ballot • Drop the application off at the on the selection in the application.
gov/gover nment/board-elections/ application form will be included Town Hall drop box, or Residents should follow the in-
pages/registration-information in the town mailer coming to your • Create a PDF,  JPEG, or clear structions in the ballot package.
All residents in the town limits mailbox in the coming week.   The image of signed application and Ballots must be received by the
will receive a paper version of the form may be copied for use by each email to:  shumm@chesapeake- Board of Elections not later than
election information and an absen- eligible voter in the household. beachmd.gov, or closing of polls at 8 p.m. p.m. on
tee ballot application delivered to The form must have an original • Mail to: Board of Elections, Election Day, Nov. 3, 2020 by any
their mailbox or PO Box.  signature in order to be validated. 8200 Bayside Rd., PO BOX 400, of the following methods:
If you want to become a candi- The form is available athttps:// Chesapeake Beach, MD 20732. • Drop off at Town Hall Office, or:
date for elected office, you need to w w w.ch e s a p e a ke b e a ch m d .gov/ Applications must be received by • Mail to: Board of Elections,
file a declaration of candidacy, at sites/g/files/vyhlif4261/f/uploads/ Oct. 27. 8200 Bayside Rd., PO BOX 400,
https://www.chesapeakebeachmd. absentee_ballot_application _1_. Printed ballots will not be back Chesapeake Beach, MD 20732, or
gov/sites/g/f iles/vyhlif4261/f/up- pdf or by calling town hall at from the printer until end of Sep- • Place in drop box at polling
loads/declaration_of_candidacy _. (410)257-2230. tember 2020.  Once available, with place on Election Day
pdf, and Financial Disclosure, Turn in the signed application to approved application, a ballot pack- Information from the Town of
available at https://www.chesa- the Board of Elections via Town age will be mailed to voter or avail- Chesapeake Beach
peakebeach md.gov/sites/g /f iles/ Clerk as follows: able for pickup at town hall based

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Thursday, August 6, 2020 The Calvert County Times In Our Community 15

Two Countians Named Second Round Open for

Census Champions COVID Small Business
Two more Calvert County residents have
been named Maryland Census Champions.
They are Dawn Tucker and Roseanna Vogt.
Tucker (immediate past president) and
RoseannaVogt (vice president)
Tucker and Vogt did not leave any leaf
A Maryland Census Champion is a
person or group that has gone above and
unturned alerting African-American, His-
panic, Asian, Native American, women, County Fund Also Covers
beyond in spreading the Census message and the disabled business owners and con-
in their community.  Census Champi- sumers in their commercial community to
ons have devised innovative ways to get be counted in Census 2020. They heeded
their community engaged in completing the U.S. Census Bureau experts’ message,
the 2020 Census. The individual or group assessed the needs, and planned their tar-
being nominated could be a member of a geted strategy to spread the word through-
local complete committee, a faith leader, a out their network and beyond. Their agile
business leader/owner, or even someone in efforts are helping Calvert County reach its
the community making a difference. Re- response rate goal of 90% for Census 2020.
cipients of the Census Champion will be Tucker and Vogt have featured the 2020
highlighted in this newsletter, on social Census on the Minority Business Alliance’s
media, and on the Maryland 2020 Census website, including posting the county’s two
Champions web page. Census videos (English and Spanish lan-
Who best to take the lead to reach the guage). And, Tucker’s two daughters were
under-counted minorities of every category featured in the English language video.
in Calvert County than the Calvert County Press Release from MD Department of
Minority Business Alliance’s own Dawn State Planning.

The Calvert County Board of a grant, both for-profit businesses and

County Commissioners announces it nonprofit organizations must:
will open a second round of the COV- Be in good standing with the state
ID-19 Small Business and Nonprofit of Maryland;
Relief Fund Grant to provide assis- Be current on all county tax
tance to local for-profit businesses liabilities;
and nonprofit organizations that Have no outstanding/open zoning
have experienced adverse financial or permitting code enforcement is-
impacts or expenses due to the CO- sues; and
VID-19 pandemic. Be able to demonstrate significant

Solomons Dragon Boat

The grant application opens financial impact caused by COV-
Wednesday, Aug. 5, 2020, at noon and ID-19 or address a community need
will remain open until Aug. 19, 2020, resulting from COVID-19.

Festival Cancelled
at 11:59 a.m. Closing date is subject Each grant category has specific
to change based on the number of ap- eligibility criteria and application
plications received. requirements. Business owners and
The county government will con- executive directors interested in re-

But Dragon Quest’ is Coming

tinue to distribute grant funding to ceiving a grant are encouraged to re-
businesses and nonprofits providing view criteria and requirements online
Hear ye! Hear ye! There’s an elusive invader cess! Participation will require personal chari- services in Calvert County that meet at www.CalvertCountyMd.gov/CO-
wreaking havoc in our realm of Southern Mary- ots (vehicles) with each rider donning personal criteria from the original federal al- VID19Relief Fund. Those interested
land and throughout the modern world. And helmets (masks). Each chariot team is asked to lotment of $1.25 million for business- in applying are encouraged to create
now, it has even caused our Solomons Dragon register its riders and will be assigned a starting es and $500,000 for nonprofits. The a user name and password prior to the
to literally fall to pieces, curtailing his annual time between 9 AM and noon. Each chariot will grant may be used for expenditures application period. Interested busi-
August appearance and eliminating the entire be taxed $25 per rider, age 16 and above, to join related to business interruption or ness owners may also send an email
Southern Maryland Community Resources’ the QUEST. Those under 16 ride FREE! Each unusual expenses incurred due to the to grant@calvertcountymd.gov.
(SMCR) Solomons Dragon Boat Festival this chariot team is encouraged to raise a minimum public health emergency. Repayment
year! But we shall not be conquered this easily! of $100 through personal fundraising efforts, is not required for any funds received The relief program is funded
Announcing SMCR DRAGON QUEST but of course much higher goals are encouraged
2020! All brave lords and ladies of the realm, to better benefit SMCR of the Realm (and for
through the grant program and eligi- through the Maryland Coronavirus
and citizens of their respective fiefdoms, are your team to qualify for much greater prizes)! bility criteria is less restrictive than Relief Fund, established under the
called to step forward and join SMCR DRAG- Sir Somdcr.org stands ready to offer its ser- in Round One. Coronavirus Aid, Relief and Eco-
ON QUEST 2020! Do you have what it takes to vices to assist each chariot team in raising these Entities that received funding in nomic Security (CARES) Act.
help us locate the pieces of our dragon from the funds! Round One are not eligible to reap- Questions may be emailed
far reaches of the realm, put him back together, Just as the Annual Solomons Dragon Boat ply in Round Two; however, any or- to grant@calvertcountymd.gov. For
and slay the elusive invader?  Festival has in the past, SMCR DRAGON ganization that was denied in Round business assistance, call the Depart-
The QUEST takes place on August 15, but QUEST 2020 serves to provide merriment One is encouraged to revisit criteria ment of Economic Development at
preparations are already underway. Cedar for the people of the realm, while also raising for this round to determine eligibility. 410-535-4583. For nonprofit assis-
Point Federal Credit Union, has led the way on greatly needed funds for Southern Maryland Grants will be awarded in the fol- tance, call the Department of Com-
this quest by anteing up a healthy sum for the Community Resources (SMCR), a 501(c)3 non-
cause, thereby claiming the title, Ruler of the profit organization that helps to bridge the gap
lowing categories and amounts: munity Resources at 410-535-1600,
Realm. Others are encouraged to ante up as ad- for individuals with developmental differences. Sole Proprietor: $1,500 ext. 8803.
ditional sponsors in order to ensure a successful This year’s merriment will abide by the ever- Micro Business (1-15 employees):  The county continues to share the
quest. Various levels of sponsorship are offered: changing mandates of the realm regarding so- $5,000 latest updates surrounding Calvert
Nobles, Knights, Defenders, and Merchants of cial distancing as we seek to locate the pieces of Small Business (16-50 employees): County’s response to COVID-19
the Realm.  our dragon, reassemble him, and help slay this $7,000 at www.CalvertCountyMd.gov/
Artisans of the Realm desiring to peddle elusive invader. Grassroots Nonprofit: $1,500 Coronavirus.
their wares or foodstuffs are encouraged to join Visit us at www.somdcr.org to sponsor, reg- Small Nonprofit: $5,000 Press Release fro0m Calvert
us as well. ister to participate in, or simply sign up to be Mid-Size Nonprofit: $10,000 County fgoverenment.
 Citizens of the Realm are those who choose kept abreast of SMCR DRAGON QUEST 2020 To be considered eligible to receive
to participate in the Quest itself, and all are en- developments. “For SMCR and our Dragon!”
couraged to do so, vying for prizes in the pro- Press Release from SMCR.
16 In Our Community The Calvert County Times Thursday, August 6, 2020

Small Business Center St. Mary’s Professor

Welcomes New Director Contributes to
Milestone Study
The Maryland Small Business Develop- services, technology and manufacturing.
ment Center (SBDC) announces that Wyn- Since 2001, Briscoe has successfully con-
ne Briscoe has been appointed Director sulted and advised entrepreneurs, busi-
for the Southern Maryland regional office. nesses, and non-profit organizations. She
The Southern Region SBDC is hosted by is known for her creativity and innovation First Gene Knockout in Cephalopod Achieved
the College of Southern Maryland and pro- in the development of new businesses by St. Mary's College of Maryland Pro- in Doryteuthis; it was surprisingly effi-
vides free, confidential business consulting offering in-depth experience and assisting fessor of Biology Karen Crawford, who cient,” Rosenthal says. Much more chal-
and low-cost business training to aspir- them from concept to profitability to exit was the Whitman Scientist this summer lenging was delivering the CRISPR-Cas
ing entrepreneurs and business owners in strategy. Briscoe has a passion to work with on a team at Marine Biological Labora- system into the one-celled squid embryo,
Charles, Calvert, and St. Mary's counties. Young Entrepreneurs. She enjoys coaching tory in Woods Hole, Massachusetts, is which is surrounded by an exceedingly
Briscoe previously served as SBDC and mentoring youth towards years of suc- first author of a milestone study reported tough outer layer, and then raising the
Business, Management, Technology & cess, while helping them realize business in the July 30 issue of Current Biology. embryo through hatching. The team de-
Manufacturing Consultant. She has re- ownership and self-employment as a viable The team at MBL, led by MBL Senior veloped micro-scissors to clip the egg’s
ceived several awards in recognition of her career option. She is also highly engaged Scientist Joshua Rosenthal and Craw- surface and a beveled quartz needle
exemplary performance and commitment in the Southern Maryland community and ford, has achieved the first gene knockout to deliver the CRISPR-Cas9 reagents
to small businesses: the 2017 Maryland the Maryland Small Business Eco-System. in a cephalopod using the squid Doryteu- through the clip.
Governor's Citation in Recognizing Small, “I am looking forward to carrying on this pealeii, an exceptionally important Studies with Doryteuthis pealeii have
Minority and Women-Owned Businesses, the great legacy of my mentor and former research organism in biology for nearly led to foundational advances in neurobi-
the 2019 ASBDC State Star (Maryland), SBDC Director, a century.   ology, beginning with description of the
and the 2019 St. Mary’s County Commis- Ellen Flowers-Fields," said Briscoe. The team used CRISPR-Cas9 genome action potential (nerve impulse) in the
sioners’ Small Business Proclamation. "SBDC is such an impactful resource in editing to knock out a pigmentation gene 1950s, a discovery for which Alan Hodg-
“I am forever grateful for the opportunity our community and we will continue col- in squid embryos, which eliminated pig- kin and Andrew Huxley became Nobel
to serve as the new Director for the SBDC laborations with our regional stakeholders, mentation in the eye and in skin cells Prize laureates in 1963. For decades D.
Southern Region," said Briscoe. "My long- community organizations and entrepre- (chromatophores) with high efficiency. pealeii has drawn neurobiologists from
standing passion to empower individuals to neurs help create a more thriving and pros- “This is a critical first step toward the all over the world to the MBL, which col-
live their dreams while providing a liveli- perous Southern Maryland.” ability to knock out -- and knock in -- lects the squid from local waters.
hood for themselves and their community The Maryland SBDC provides a wide genes in cephalopods to address a host Recently, Rosenthal and colleagues
has been my greatest joy.” range of low-cost training and no-cost of biological questions,” Rosenthal says. discovered extensive recoding of mRNA
Wynne Briscoe is a graduate of the business counseling services to new and Cephalopods (squid, octopus and cut- in the nervous system of Doryteuthis and
University of Maryland with a Bachelor’s existing small businesses throughout tlefish) have the largest brain of all in- other cephalopods. This research is un-
Degree in Criminology and Criminal Jus- Maryland. For more information on the vertebrates, a distributed nervous system der development for potential biomedical
tice, Minor in Business and Concentration Maryland SBDC program and its services, capable of instantaneous camouflage and applications, such as pain management
in Business Law. She has over 30 years of please visit www.marylandsbdc.org.  sophisticated behaviors, a unique body therapy.
entrepreneurship and business ownership Press Release from MD SBDC. plan, and the ability to extensively recode D. pealeii is not, however, an ideal spe-
experience to include retail, professional their own genetic information within cies to develop as a genetic research or-

Leaders Program
messenger RNA, along with other dis- ganism. It’s big and takes up a lot of tank
tinctive features. These open many av- space plus, more importantly, no one has
enues for study and have applications in been able to culture it through multiple

a wide range of fields, from evolution and generations in the lab.
development, to medicine, robotics, ma- For these reasons, the MBL Cephalo-
terials science, and artificial intelligence. pod Program’s next goal is to transfer the
The ability to knock out a gene to test new knockout technology to a smaller

its function is an important step in devel- cephalopod species, Euprymna berryi
oping cephalopods as genetically trac- (the hummingbird bobtail squid), which
table organisms for biological research, is relatively easy to culture to make ge-

augmenting the handful of species that netic strains.
currently dominate genetic studies, such The MBL Cephalopod Program is part
as fruit flies, zebrafish, and mice. of the MBL’s New Research Organisms
It is also a necessary step toward hav- Initiative, which is widening the palette
Leadership Southern Maryland’s (LSM) 30-second elevator pitch centered around
ing the capacity to knock in genes that of genetically tractable organisms avail-
new Emerging Leaders Program (LEAP) authenticity. This was followed by Captain
facilitate research, such as genes that able for research – and thus expanding
Class of 2020 on July 17 held its third of six Barbara Ives LSM’09, USN (Ret.), who ex-
encode fluorescent proteins that can be the universe of biological questions that
program sessions. plored intentionality in networking. Leslie
imaged to track neural activity or other can be asked.
They began their first all virtual pro- Fazio, emergenetics facilitator, wrapped up
dynamic processes. Press Release from SMCM.
gram day with a discussion on the three the day with an exercise on communicating
“CRISPR-Cas9 worked really well
tenets of communication: clarity, account- within the context of the class and partici-
ability, and feedback led by Nikki Phillips, pant emergenetics profiles.
owner and corporate trainer with Profes- Leadership Southern Maryland’s
sional Communication Training. This was Emerging Leaders Program (LEAP) pro-
followed by a panel discussion on manag- vides educational programming opportu-
ing in a multigenerational workplace with nities to new or emerging leaders in our
Kristina Moore LSM’13, human resources, region. Through a series of six “experienc-
Island Creek Associates LLC; Ed Rule es,” young leaders will facilitate, foster, and
LSM’18, president, Naval Systems, Inc.; refine their individual leadership under-
and Andrew Ponti, marketing manager, standing and abilities via structured course
St. Mary’s County Museum Division. The curriculum and a focus on self-discovery,
panel provided their insights and experi- teamwork, and networking. These sessions
ences representing generational cohorts will conclude with a capstone project and
when discussing cross-generational com- graduation in October. Experts from across
munication challenges in the workforce. the region and state representing business,
After lunch, Wynne Briscoe, regional government, education, and the nonprof-
director of The Maryland Small Business it community serve as panelists and guest
Development Center, Southern Region, speakers. Curled tentacle of the longfin inshore squid, D. Squid embryo at hatching with pigmentation
led an engaging discussion on creating a Press Release from LSM. pealeii. Credit: Karen Crawford gene knocked out. Credit: Karen Crawford
Thursday, August 6, 2020 The Calvert County Times Education 17

Mentoring Program Points Black Males To

Every fall for nearly a decade, the Col-
lege of Southern Maryland (CSM) has
welcomed its African American stu-
dents to join its Men of Excellence Pro-
gram – a college-wide initiative aimed
at improving the recruitment, success,
retention, graduation and transfer rates
of  black  men  who enter as first-time,
full- or part-time students at the col-
lege. The program was recently high-
lighted at a ‘Lunch and Learn’ as part
of CSM’s 30-Day Justice Challenge that
has had CSM communities spending
the month of July learning about ra-
cial injustices against black people in
“This is a necessary program and
serves an immeasurable role on our
campuses,” CSM’s Director of Orga-
nizational Development and Learning
Institute Trenace Richardson told the
Lunch and Learn audience. “We took a
look at this population and recognized,
based on data and graduation rates, that
we needed to help support the African
American male population better.” 
While all mentoring programs help CSM Men of Excellence member Micah Kay will welcome new students during CSM’s virtual student
improve student performance and grad- orientation this fall.
uation rates, some community colleges black learners. Our white learners. Our “In light of what has been going on, group of brothers at the College
are finding that minority mentorship Asian learners. Our Latinx learners. the students really resonated with, and of Southern Maryland – the Men of Ex-
programs are even more beneficial,  re- Our LGBTQIA learners.  Everyone, but understood,” what Berry was teaching cellence,” he shared with viewers in a
ported the Community College Re- right now we especially want our black them, Flowers-Fields shared. “The stu- pre-recorded video.
view in 2018. “Colleges across the learners to know our commitment to dents left very empowered about what “One of the skills I have picked up
country are celebrating the outstanding them is unwavering.”  their rights are when they encounter po- while being in the Men of Excellence
results achieved through the collabora- Black Lives Matter: Students are lice officers as African American men.”   is that it has helped me grow my com-
tive efforts of on-campus minority men- Awakening  “It is critical that our black male munications skills,” he said. “It has put
toring programs.”    In response to Black Lives Matter, students have a person like Tim, who me in environments with a variety of
“We provide empowerment, lead- and because of COVID 19, Fenner said looks like them, and who is represen- communications; with variety of com-
ership and academic resources,” ex- that the Men of Excellence Program tative of the achievements to which municators; with a variety of different
plained Tim Fenner, who coordinates shifted last semester – and has con- black men can aspire in higher edu- people talking in different formats and
Men of Excellence. “We connect our tinued through the summer – to give cation” said CSM Counselor Kel- in different ways. It has allowed me to
students with assistance in the areas Men of Excellence students a place to lie Jamison. “Statistics indicate grow in that area and I am grateful.” 
of mental health, student planning, ad- connect, to discuss current affairs and that, black men don’t matriculate at the Kay encouraged students to join the
vising and financial aid,” he explained. to support each other in a virtual setting same rate as their counterparts where program, adding “it exposes you to peo-
“We are a mentoring community and instead of face-to-face.   academics is concerned. There are few- ple who will make you a better person
together we grow.   “Like everything else, we adjusted er black men in higher education than for your future and a better person in
“To be able to positively influence to meet weekly in Zoom,” he said. other undergraduate students com- college right now.” 
youths’ lives – it is by far the best po- “And during those meetings we cover paratively. It’s tremendously impor- Thanks to his involvement with the
sition I’ve ever had,” he told the Lunch the gamut. We talk about what’s go- tant our students have someone with Men of Excellence, Kay entered and be-
and Learn audience. “Every year we ing on and how we feel about it. The whom they can relate; who looks like came the 2020 collegiate-level winner
watch the retention rates and Grade students are awakening and are look- them and who might have greater aware- of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc.®,
Point Averages (GPA) for our African ing at things differently. We spend a ness and insight as to the unique chal- Nu Zeta Omega Chapter’s MLK Day of
American male students improve.”  lot of time talking about our African lenges black male students face.”  Service Essay Contest. Results of the
There is still a long way to go to close American history.”  “Those of us who are student-facing contest were announced earlier this year
the equity gap, Fenner acknowledged, Fenner said that every African Amer- in any way – particularly faculty or in during the MLK Day of Service Pro-
“but we are making strides here at ican male student is welcome to par- financial aid – we are becoming aware, gram at St. Mary’s College of Maryland.  
CSM and I love this job.”    ticipate actively or passively in the pro- more aware – getting a deeper depth of Kay successfully wrote on the topic of
CSM’s promise to close equity gram and past participants have ranged knowledge about what the Men of Ex- “The Harlem Renaissance: Its Contribu-
gaps was emphasized in the heart-felt in age from 18 to 68. The current week- cellence program is and will be direct- tions and Its Challenges for Us Today.”
message penned by CSM President Dr. ly Wednesday Zoom meetings have ing our African American men to the The contestants were challenged to de-
Maureen Murphy May 29, four days af- seen between five and 25 students  in program,” shared Richardson, pointing scribe the lessons learned from the Re-
ter the death of George Floyd.  attendance.   to CSM’s over-arching approach to eq- naissance and to apply the quote, “The
“A college education is commonly un- To further explain the unique and per- uity and student success.   past is prologue” to the relationship be-
derstood as a ticket to a better life, and tinent mentoring offered by Men of Ex- Men of Excellence Participant Micah tween the Harlem Renaissance and the
at the College of Southern Maryland, we cellence, Ellen Flowers-Fields, CSM Kay Welcomes New Students this Fall  present time with support from personal
embrace our mission to close the equity associate vice president of Continuing One of the students who will welcome experiences. (Read Kay’s essay here.) 
gap, so all learners can improve their Education and Workforce Develop- new CSM students during the college’s To learn more about CSM’s Men
lives and the lives of their families,” ment talked about an event last fall that first virtual student orientation  this of Excellence, visit www.csmd.edu/
Murphy wrote in an open letter. “Racism had CSM alum and Charles County’s fall is CSM second-year psychology student-life/men-of-excellence/. 
is not welcome here. Intolerance is not first African American Sheriff  Troy major and active Men of Excellence Press Release from CSM
welcome here. Bigotry is not welcome Berry speak with students about how to member Micah Kay.  
here.  But people are welcome here. Our interact with police officers.   “I am a member of distinguished
18 Entertainment The Calvert County Times Thursday, August 6, 2020

ACLT’s Passport to
Partnering with Breweries,

For the entire month of August (The more places they visit and/or pur-
through Labor Day, the American chase beer and wine from, the greater
Chestnut Land Trust (ACLT) is part- their chances are of winning a prize.)
nering with nine breweries and winer- Those who are concerned about visit-
ies in and nearby Calvert County for a ing the venues in person can purchase
fundraiser that emphasizes the need to their beer and wine to-go or from local By Ronald N. Guy Jr. the second half, Washington was
support local agriculture-based busi- liquor stores and restaurants. Two of the Contributing Writer trailing and backup QB Colt McCoy
nesses. All the businesses are locally participating breweries (Greenspring We are now 148 days past the was in the game.
owned; most, if not all, use local ingre- and Gypsy) are delivery-only. For at- NBA’s sudden COVID shutdown, That’s where I was when I learned
dients; and several of the participating home participants, they simply need to but a week into its unprecedented that Alex Smith had suffered a
wineries are located on permanently send us a picture of themselves enjoying bubble city reboot. Baseball’s back gruesome compound fracture of
preserved agricultural land. the local beer or wine to get credit. too, but after playing briefly out- his lower right leg, an injury that
Part of ACLT’s mission is to pro- As an added bonus for participants, side of a tightly controlled envi- immediately threatened his career,
mote land conservation and preserva- two local artists will perform private ronment, COVID cases with the then the viability of his limb and,
tion throughout Southern Maryland and concerts in the event’s Facebook Group Miami Marlins, Philadelphia Phil- ultimately, his life.
to “connect people to the land”. This via Facebook Live. lies and St. Louis Cardinals have Where were you?
event does just that. Supporting these One of the performers, “Longman” caused postponements and tattooed Smith’s recovery since was chron-
local agriculture-based businesses is Joseph Norris, is a St. Mary’s County a big question mark on the rest of icled in the documentary “Project
important now more than ever. The CO- native, and well known in Southern the season. If this is any indication 11.” It is equally inspirational and
VID-19 pandemic has had devastating Maryland as a musician and singer. of how sports will fare while op- disturbing. The 17 surgeries aside,
effects on most local businesses, many His performances include songs and erating where pathogens roam, the there are clips of Smith’s leg in the
of whom will not survive. It is important storytelling about the history of South- chances of football this fall are slim film that leave the cringing viewer
that we show our support and help them ern Maryland and the Chesapeake Bay (at least football with any accept- marveling at modern medicine and
get through this crisis. region, and the lives of watermen and able level of competitive integrity). the quarterback’s resolve. For those
The “buy local movement” is a trend farmers. Joseph’s concert will be broad- And let’s hope MLB’s bubble-less that haven’t seen it, I won’t attempt
that is really taking hold and (hope- cast live from the barn at the north side experience isn’t a prelude for school a detailed description. Just know
fully) is here to stay. The advantages trailhead and participants will have the re-openings. this: A dangerous infection neces-
of buying local food also apply to beer option of attending the concert in person Rumors are swirling that poor sitated significant tissue removal.
and wine. Buying from local farmers (socially distanced) if they choose. choices by some Marlins players With that context, it is a miracle
and businesses that use local products The second performer, Dylan Galvin, caused the outbreak. Bad choices that Smith just has his leg, much less
is good for the local economy and good performed at ACLT’s Sip & Save event by unsupervised humans? Get out that he’s moving around without re-
for the planet – consumers are getting last year. Dylan is a native Calvert Coun- of here. You mean like how the na- striction and living a normal life –
fresher products that have traveled tian who is now building his career as a tion shut down in March and April, but he is. Admission: This is where
much shorter distances, while cutting musician in Los Angeles and recently re- made progress against the viral en- I thought the story would end. After
down on the pollution and inefficient leased a new music video featuring one emy, then rushed to re-open around seeing that injury and learning of
use of fossil fuels created by long-dis- of his original songs. Along with other Memorial Day with no uniform the complications that threatened
tance shipping. In addition, this event original music and covers of popular strategy other than the hope that 300 his life, I figured happily ever after
encourages participants to buy directly tunes, Dylan’s performance will include million people would put the coun- was Smith being able to run around
from the breweries and wineries, which his original song “The Chesapeake”; a try’s interests ahead of their own in the backyard with his kids.
gives the businesses a better return on tribute to his youth spent growing up hankering for a mask-less life fea- Smith, however, is flirting with
their products. on the very land ACLT works so hard turing massive pool parties, nights a different conclusion. Last week
The event is simple: participants to protect. at the club and political rallies? Just he was cleared by his medical team
will visit local breweries and winer- For more details, visit the event web- this past weekend I watched a mask- to resume football activities. The
ies where they will enjoy discounts on site at www.bit.ly/ACLTPassport. Please less couple enter a local restaurant Washington Football Team official-
beer and wine and have their “pass- drink responsibly. without seemingly a care in the ly placed Smith on the Physically
port” stamped for the chance to win Press Release from ACLT. world. Maybe they just missed the Unable to Perform list and his avail-
prizes at the end of the 5-week period. massive sign on the door requiring ability during the upcoming train-
masks upon entry. I figured once ing camp is uncertain, but even the
they got inside and saw all the em- hint of Smith on a football field for
ployees and patrons dutifully wear- anything more than polite applause
ing masks, they would do the right to acknowledge his journey is a
thing and extend the same courtesy. comeback of biblical proportions.
Or not… That he has made it this far is a tes-
You know who has been doing the tament to the alignment of his mind,
right thing? Washington Football body and spirit. It also stands wit-
Team (love how that sounds) QB ness to the shared commitment that
Alex Smith. he, his wife and family and his tend-
It was the afternoon of Sunday, ing medical professionals had in de-
November 18, 2018. I was leaving feating the bacteria that threatened
Miami International Airport in a his life and avoiding an amputation.
rental car and looking for the fast- Now, to scale that gritty team ef-
est trip out of the city and toward fort nationally in order to disinte-
a unique world where roosters and grate political divides, divisive rhet-
the ghosts of pirates, writers and oric and false claims and create a
former presidents roam – Key West. united front against a novel virus…
I flipped on the radio to get an up- Send comments to Ronald-
date on NFL action and, specifically GuyJr@gmail.com
Joseph Norris
Washington’s pivotal game against
Dylan Galvin
the Houston Texans. It was late in
Thursday, August 6, 2020 The Calvert County Times Calendars 19

Events Community
For more information & to register for events visit http://calvertlibrary.info

Thursday, August 06 to podcasts. Calvert Librarians read the

first chapters of popular, new and rec-
Pints and Private Eyes Book Discus- ommended middle grade books that are
sion (Online). available in our digital collection. New
7:00pm-8:30pm. episodes post every Sunday at 2 pm and To submit your event listing to go in our Community Calendar, please email timescalendar@county-
Have you always longed to drink beer Wednesday at noon. Find us on Spotify, times.net with the listing details by 12 p.m. on the Monday prior to our Thursday publication.
and talk detective books with a librarian? Apple Podcasts, Google Play, Simple-
Pints and Private Eyes is a book group cast and more! Calvert Library Virtual Thursday, August 6 Sunday, August 9
for fans of noir, detective and crime fic- Branch, 410-535-0291. https://CalvertLi-
tion. We are currently meeting online on brary.info. Volunteer with Calvert Democrats
the first Thursday of the month from 7-8
pm. Register for the link! Abbie awak-
Monday, August 10 7 p.m.
SOMD Fair Food Drive Thru
Calvert County Fairgrounds; noon- 8
It's Elementary! You can participate in a 30-minute in- p.m.
ens in a daze with no memory of who she troduction to volunteering with the Cal-
is or how she landed in this unsettling 9:00am-9:15am. The fairs are cancelled but the food is
Science, technology, engineering, vert Democratic Party. Contact Barbara not! Join us to feed your fair food crav-
condition. The man by her side claims to Ferrenz, Volunteer Coordinator, at Bar-
be her husband. He's a titan of the tech art, math? What will we talk about this ings! We will be offering everything from
week? Kindergarten through fifth grad- baraPrecinctCaptain@comcast.net and “Classic Eats” such as Italian Sausage,
world, the founder of one of Silicon Val- you will be sent an easy to use link to the
ley's most innovative start-ups. He tells ers are invited to join Calvert Library Gyros, Hand Cut Fries, Funnel Cake, Cal-
each week for It's Elementary! Enjoy a Zoom presentation. Let’s get out to vote! vert Kettle Corn, and more.. Or venture to
Abbie that she is a gifted artist, an avid
surfer, a loving mother to their young story followed by a fun at-home STEAM the “Only at the Fair!” menu and try an
based activity using common household Calvert Toastmasters Zoom Meeting award winning Krispy Kreme Dough-
son, and the perfect wife. He says she 11:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m.
had a terrible accident five years ago and items! Check out Calvert Library's It’s nut Cheeseburger, Texas Toast Grilled
Elementary! on Facebook, Youtube, In- Our club provides a supportive and Cheese Pulled Pork BBQ Sandwich, or
that, through a huge technological break- positive learning experience for members
through, she has been brought back from stagram, and Twitter and don't forget to Cheesy Bacon Bombs!
invite your friends!? Calvert Library to develop public speaking and leadership
the abyss.She is a miracle of science.
But as Abbie pieces together memories Virtual Branch, 410-535-0291. https:// skills. Please email cua942nd@gmail.
com for the password if you need it.
of her marriage, she begins questioning CalvertLibrary.info.
Books & Toys book discussion https://us02web.zoom.us/j/8850804871
her husband's motives--and his version of 8?pwd=RHc3a2IrR3liZXpxeXN1c09JaE ArtsWorks@7th
events. Can she trust him when he says (online).
1CQT09 Artworks@7th is OPEN with new
he wants them to be together forever? 8:00pm-9:00pm.
hours and policies to stop the COVID-19
Saturday, August 8
And what really happened to Abbie half Book Discussion for Adults, play-
spread. August in-store hours, masks re-
a decade ago? Beware the man who calls time for kids Calvert Library Virtual
quired, are Saturdays and Sundays, 11am-
you . . .THE PERFECT WIFE! Calvert Branch, 410-535-0291. https://CalvertLi-
5pm; private appointments available by
Library Virtual Branch, 410-535-0291. brary.info. NBVFD Auxiliary Yard Sale calling 410-286-5278 or shop 24/7 on so-
https://CalvertLibrary.info. North Beach Volunteer Fire Depart- cial media @ FB and Instagram (https://
Tuesday, August 11 ment; 8 a.m. - noon www.facebook.com/Artworkat7th/ and
Saturday, August 08 Story Tapestries Arianna Ross:
Be a BUYER or a SELLER! It’s your
choice! Either way, we would like to see
Summer Fun. 9Bomp/). Please respect appropriate safe
Poets' Circle (Online). you there! The cost to reserve a table is distancing and limited numbers in the
9:00am-10:00am. 10:00am-10:45am. $15 for one or $25 for two. Tables must
Use your imagination to explore sto- gallery at this time. Artworks is located at
Beginner or big-time, confident or be reserved in advance by contacting 8905 Chesapeake Avenue, North Beach.
compulsive, stuck or star-lit! All are ries, fairy tales, myths and fantastical Diana, after 5:00pm, at 410-231-1775. So-
welcome. Expect a friendly session of adventures. Sit back and get ready to cial Distancing will be practiced by hav-
dance, laugh and play through the streets CalvART
discussion, editing and support. We will ing everyone to stay 6 feet apart. Face CalvART clay artists explore a diversity
meet via WebEx. Registration required and jungles of Brazil, America, Mexico, covering/mask is a requirement while in
Indonesia, Egypt or India. All ages. Live of approaches to expressing their creativ-
to receive participation information. attendance. ity in two and three dimensions. Marie
Calvert Library Virtual Branch, 410-535- event will air on Crowdcast and replay for
the following 48 hours at https://www. Bundy Estabrook, Randy Estabrook, De-
0291. https://CalvertLibrary.info. SOMD Fair Food Drive Thru nise Breitburg, Ray Bogle, and Richard
crowdcast.io/e/summer-fun-arianna-ross Calvert County Fairgrounds; noon- 8 Preston are hosting a
Sunday, August 09 Join us on Crowdcast at https://www.
The fairs are cancelled but the food is
virtual exhibit, where their art and their
Calvert Library's Book Bites. to experience this multi-lingual storytell- stories will be highlighted. Please join us
not! Join us to feed your fair food crav- for this celebration of the creative mind as
2:00pm-3:00pm. ing program, Leave the program ready ings! We will be offering everything from
Listen to the first chapters of popu- to hop on a plane and see the universe, seen through the hands of these talented
“Classic Eats” such as Italian Sausage, artists. View the artwork on Facebook or
lar, new and recommended books. New dancing to the tunes of the world and Gyros, Hand Cut Fries, Funnel Cake, Cal-
chapters are posted every week. Search wanting to tell your own stories and those on CalvART’s NEW ONLINE STORE
vert Kettle Corn, and more.. Or venture to via https://squarspace.com/store/calvart-
"Calvert Library's Book Bites" on Apple of cultures all over the world. Calvert the “Only at the Fair!” menu and try an
Podcasts, Spotify, or wherever you listen Library Virtual Branch, 410-535-0291. gallery or https://www.facebook.com/
award winning Krispy Kreme Dough- www.calvartgallery.org/. Or visit us at the
https://CalvertLibrary.info. nut Cheeseburger, Texas Toast Grilled Gallery as we will be there Friday thru
Cheese Pulled Pork BBQ Sandwich, or Sunday, three days a week 11 to 5pm.
Cheesy Bacon Bombs!



Obituaries The Calvert County Times Thursday, August 6, 2020

In Remembrance
The Calvert County Times runs complimentary obituaries as submitted by funeral homes
and readers. We run them in the order we receive them. Any submissions that come to
jenicoster@countytimes.net after noon on Mondays may run in the following week’s edition.

David "Dave" James He was born on

April 8, 1961 in
cancer valiantly for a year and a half. She
enjoyed baking, lighthouses, the beach, and
would eventually
fill out the fam-
Hollweger Prince Frederick spending time with her family, especially ily tree with three
to the late Eldredge her grandchildren. “Good Job” children: Steven
David "Dave" Ridgeway Hard- Taffie is survived by her loving husband Douglas Barchers,
James Hollweger, esty Jr. and Janet Rickie Allen Lutz of Deale, sons Rickie A. Ronald Lee Barch-
beloved husband of Moore Hardesty Lutz, Jr. and wife Shannon of Churchton, ers and Joy Elaine
Brenda, crossed the Gee. Wayne served Joey N. Lutz and wife Shannon of Yukon, Barchers (Carter).
threshold peaceful- 36 years of Public OK, Bobby L. Lutz and wife Tiffany of Pas- It’s been said that
ly on the evening of Service to Calvert adena, and Tony M. Lutz and wife Michelle arguably the best
July 18, 2020 while County and was a Volunteer 40 years be- of Chesapeake Beach and grandchildren years to grow up
under the compas- tween Huntingtown and Prince Frederick Trey, Isabel, Drew, Jack, and Charlie. She is were in the 50’s and 60’s, and in the suburbs
sionate hospice Fires Departments. also survived by siblings Chester, Michael, of Twinbrook, located in the city of Rock-
care of the nurses Wayne is survived by his spouse, Sheryl Jeffrey, and Angelia, many nieces and neph- ville, MD were no exception.
and doctors at Georgetown University Hos- Simmons Hardesty, his children Jenni- ews and her beloved dogs Lucky and Levi. Ronald would attend Richard Montgom-
pital, Washington DC. He was 82 years of fer Miller and her husband Christopher, Visitation will be Thursday, August 6, ery High School as a Freshman in 1966, and
age, and had advanced Parkinson's Disease. and Jeffrey Hardesty and his wife Rachel 2020, 10 a.m. to noon at Friendship Com- it was during one of these school nights at
Dave was born on October 20, 1937 in Grandfather of Alexis Faith Hardesty, munity Baptist Church, 37 Jewell Road, a local bonfire, that a chance meeting with
Oceanside, CA to the late Frederick Karl Teagan Rae Hardesty and Everleigh Shae Dunkirk, MD 20754. Funeral service will Patricia Ann Shipe (Barchers) would lead to
Hollweger and Elizabeth (McCaslin) Hol- Miller. He is also survived by his mother, follow at 12:30 p.m. at the church. 6 years of dating and 48 years of marriage.
lweger.  He graduated from Sweetwater Janet Ann Gee and brothers Gary Lee Hard- Memorial contributions may be made to A sense of adventure and competitive-
High School in 1955, and from UCLA in esty and his wife Wanda, and Richard Paul Friendship Community Baptist Church, 37 ness enables Ron to letter in Cross Country
1961.  For 38 years he worked as a Propul- Hardesty and his wife Dee. Jewell Road, Dunkirk, MD 20754. Track and with America in a state of war for
sion Design Engineer initially for McDon- The family will be receiving friends on Funeral arrangements by Rausch Funeral over 14 years, duty calls.  One week after
nell Douglas, and later Boeing mainly in Saturday August 8, 2020 from noon to 4 Home. graduation, a young recruit is standing on a
St. Louis, MO, where he met and married p.m. at the Huntingtown Volunteer Fire De- pair of yellow boot prints at Marine Corps
Brenda.  His final 3 year-project as Propul- partment Co. 6, 4030 Old Town Road, PO
sion Chief on the F/18 Super Hornet Strike Box 482, Huntingtown, MD 20639. Richard Wade Recruit Depot Parris Island.
A tour of duty in Vietnam with the 1st Ma-
Fighter brought them to Calvert County, Memorial contributions may be made to
MD, where he retired in January 1999.  Prince Frederick Volunteer Fire Department
Collinson rine Division would instill attributes and
characteristics in Ronald that would carry
Dave was a member of the UCLA Alumni Co. 2, 450 Solomons Island Road South, Richard Wade him for the rest of his life: Duty, Honor, In-
Association, and the (AAAS)/American Prince Frederick, MD 20678; Link: https:// Collinson, 70, tegrity, Humility and Compassion.  There is
Association for the Advancement of Sci- www.pfvfd.org/. of Lothian, MD nothing like a few epic skirmishes during
ence.  He enjoyed reading and triking, and Funeral arrangements by Rausch Funeral passed away July a year-long deployment to put the frailty of
in his younger days, skiing, biking and a Home. 29, 2020 at his resi- life in perspective, so upon arrival stateside,
little golf. dence surrounded Ron wasn’t taking any chances.  He mar-
He is survived by his wife Brenda, his
sister Ruth Eastham & family in San Cle- Taffie Len Lutz by family. Rich-
ard was born May 13, 1950 in Annapolis,
ried his high school sweetheart Patricia and
started his 30-year career as a Master Fire-
mente, CA, and his brother Henry Hollwe- MD to Leola W. (Carter) and Joseph Con- fighter combined with 45 years as a School
Taffie Len Lutz, Bus Driver.
ger in Olympia, WA.  His deep, quiet pres- nor Collinson. He was raised in Annapolis
58, of Deale passed Throughout Ron’s illustrious dual pil-
ence and wry sense of humor will be sadly and graduated from Annapolis High School
away July 31, 2020. grimage, he would receive numerous
missed, as the world bids farewell to a very in 1969. He attended Anne Arundel Com-
She was born July awards and accolades, but nothing was
special and beloved human being. munity College, and moved to Lothian with
31, 1962 in Wash- more gratifying than being a first responder
A Memorial Service to celebrate his his family in the early 1970’s. He married
ington, D.C., to on the morning of September 11, 2001 when
life will be held later at Middleham & St. Sandra Trott April 14, 1973 and they lived
Barbara Ann Jones American Airlines Flight 77 slammed into
Peter's Parish. Condolences to the family and raised their family in Lothian. Richard
and Chester Leo the west wall of the Pentagon killing 189
may be made at www.rauschfuneralhomes. was a professional land surveyor and was
Curtis. Taffie mar- individuals.
com.   In lieu of any further gifts please employed with Wilkerson & Associates
ried Rickie Lutz on Free time was scarce, but when he had
send donations to the Michael J. Fox Foun- and McCrone, Inc. surveying companies.
November 12, 1977 it, Ron would take the time out to raise his
dation for Parkinson's Research at www. In 1990 he founded C.O.A., Collinson, Oliff
and they primarily lived in Montgomery three boys, Erick August, Aaron Lee with
michaeljfox.org. & Associates a surveying and engineering
County before moving to South County in wife Kimberly Lynn Williams (Barchers)
the mid 1980’s. Taffie’s greatest joy in life company, retiring in 2017. Richard enjoyed
Joseph “Wayne” was being a mother and grandmother and playing softball and spending time with
family, especially his grandchildren, and he
and Kyle Robert Barchers and the preferred
activity was wetting a line on the Chesa-
was constantly taking care of her family.
Hardesty From baking desserts to packing her grand- loved attending their many activities. peake Bay. Fishing became more than a
hobby to the Barchers family, it was what
children’s lunches, Taffie was always there Richard is survived by his wife Sandra
Joseph “Wayne” Hardesty, 59, of Prince for her family. She had the biggest heart and Trott Collinson, daughters Carrie Collin- all enjoyed the most.
Frederick, Maryland passed away July would do anything for anyone. Taffie was son Holaus and husband Steve of Lothian,  Nothing put a smile on the old man’s
31, 2020 in Prince Frederick, Maryland. a strong, independent woman who fought and Arin Collinson Lake and husband Jason face like loading up the family truckster
of Moseley, VA, and his son Richard Wade and heading to the Outer Banks of North
Collinson, Jr. and wife Lauren of Lothian. Carolina for the annual summer vacation. A
week of sun soaked, salt infused fishing ad-
Where Life and Heritage are Celebrated He is also survived by grandchildren Na-
than, Noah and Leah Holaus, Chloe, Jase, ventures and some much needed relaxation
Mazie and Evie Lake, and Lilly and Connor that everyone loved.
Collinson, and by his brother Joseph C. Col- In 1997 the family would move from
During a difficult linson III and his wife Maggie, of Lothian. Gaithersburg to Port Republic where Aar-
on and Kyle would attend middle and high
Services for Richard will be private.
time… still your best choice. Funeral arrangements by Rausch Funeral school. Ron loved to read books and educate
the masses on his findings in every type of
book known to man. He also enjoyed shar-
Affordable Funerals, Caskets, Vaults, ing stories about any adventure that he was
Cremation Services and Pre-Need Planning
Ronald Lee Barchers a part of and all the neighbors and friends
from school flocked at the opportunity to be
Family Owned and Operated by April 20, 1951 curious bright blue eyes entertained by such stories. Ron would soon
Barbara Rausch and Bill Gross blink open to observe a very peculiar sight, be known as “Pops.” The latest edition to
two smiling faces blotting out the view of the
www.RauschFuneralHomes.com Bethesda Naval Hospital maternity ward,
the family would come only 4 years ago as
the daughter to Kyle, Kylee Lynn Barchers,
the same smile is returned briefly before be- Ron’s little pride and joy as a first time ever
Owings Port Republic Lusby ing snatched away by a nurse and checked grandfather, she was his world.
8325 Mt. Harmony Lane 4405 Broomes Island Rd. 20 American Lane for positive vitals, Ronald Lee Barchers had  There was nothing that Pops wouldn’t
just been introduced to the world. do to help out anyone in need. From freeing
410-257-6181 410-586-0520 410-326-9400 Parents Ernest and Norma Barchers cars stuck in the snow to cutting someone’s
Thursday, August 6, 2020 The Calvert County Times
Obituaries 21

lawn for them or taking in kids and being a
father figure and role model for them, Ron
loyal and loving.
He took his car for repairs only to Scott NEW RETIREMENT
was always willing to extend a helping hand. Strickler, who Bob bragged about because
This kindness and generosity didn’t go un- Scott took such good care of him. A couple
noticed. He was a hero to all who knew him. months ago Scott gave Bob a new loaner
On 28 July 2020, Ron would lose the Ford while Bob’s car was in the shop. It was
battle to COVID-19 and those curious blue like Christmas had come early!
eyes closed for their final time. With a dark- The saints who were his best friends and Contributing Writer:
ness that envelops the Barchers family also who sometimes saved his life were two un-
comes light that shines in the form of re- selfish and accomplished gentlemen, James Lynda J. Striegel
membrance and love. A truly selfless war- Jackson and Tommie Miller. Bob would
rior that will always be loved and missed by want them to know how much he loved and The SECURE Act, the “Setting Every Community Up
all. appreciated them.
Visitation and services will be Saturday, If Bob thought he owed you money and
for Retirement Enhancement Act” was passed into law
August 8, 2020, 2-5 p.m. at Rausch Funeral you thought otherwise, you would often dis- effective January 1, 2020. This new retirement law has
Home-Port Republic, 405 Broomes Island cover random cash stuffed into your pocket five significant changes, as follows:
Road, Port Republic, MD 20676. or purse. He enjoyed breakfast at Trader’s 1. The new law increases the age for Required Minimum
Memorial contributions may be made and his favorite dinner was the end cut of
to Montgomery County Career Fire Fight- roast beef at the Moose. Every Christmas Distribution (the “RMD”) from 70 ½ to 72. The RMD is
ers Association, 932 Hungerford Drive, Day he drove alone from Maryland to Ar- the amount you are required to withdraw from your re-
Suite 32-B, Rockville, MD 20850-1713; dmore, Pennsylvania to visit our parents’ tirement account. Starting in 2020, you are required to
Link: http://www.iafflocal1664.org/index. graves. He was stubborn and sentimental,
cfm?section=22&pagenum=161 gregarious but a loner, and though he hated withdraw retirement funds at age 72 (as opposed to 70 ½
cats, last month he sent two toys for my fe- prior to 2020).
James Nelson Webb line pets. 2. The new law eliminates the IRA “stretch” option.
Bob’s upbeat attitude never flagged, even
as illness made his day-to-day life progres-
This is potentially the most significant law change. When
James Nelson Webb, 66, of St. Leonard, sively more challenging. you withdraw money from a traditional IRA in RMDs,
MD passed away
on Sunday July
He was a dear brother and I will miss him. you must pay income tax on the money. Inherited IRAs
Funeral arrangements were by Rausch with death dates prior to 2020 were able to “stretch” the
26, 2020 in Prince
Funeral Home.
Frederick, MD.  RMDs over the beneficiary’s lifetime. For younger ben-
James was born in eficiaries, this meant the amounts of RMD could be much
Baltimore, MD in David Monroe Van smaller and therefore result in a smaller income tax. Be-
1953 to James and
Catherine Webb.  Hoy III ginning in 2020, the new law requires, for non-spouse
He had was a re-
Beloved hus- beneficiaries, that an inherited IRA has to be distributed
tired United States
Capitol Police  K9 band, father, and over 10 years after the individual’s death. The new pro-
Officer.  James is grandfather David visions make it clear that IRAs must be liquidated, and
Monroe Van Hoy
survived by his loving wife Pamela.  He is
III passed away on
income taxes paid, over a ten year period, potentially re-
also survived by his children, James Webb
of North Beach, MD; Christopher Webb of Friday, July 24th, sulting in income tax on much larger amounts required
St. Leonard, MD; Kelly Webb of Owings, 2020 after spend- to be withdrawn. For deaths in 2020 and later, all IRAs
MD; and Brandi Webb of Leonardtown, ing 80 wonderful must be distributed in full by the tenth calendar year fol-
MD; and his grandchildren.  years of life on this
earth. He was born lowing death.
Funeral arrangements were by Rausch
Funeral Home. in 1940 to David 3. The new law repeals the maximum age for traditional
Monroe Van Hoy IRA contributions. Prior to 2020, no one over age 70 ½
Jr. and Frances Sutton, and raised in North
Bob Lutz Carolina, where he met his beautiful wife was permitted to make IRA contributions. The new law
Lorraine, before moving to Maryland and allows anyone over 70 ½ who has U.S. earned income to
Bob Lutz passed away peacefully at starting a family of three lovely daughters, make contributions to a traditional IRA. With our popu-
Burnett Calvert and later many wonderful grandchildren. A
Hospice House on jack-of-all-trades, he was a bookbinder and
lation aging, this is a good benefit for saving.
July 26, 2020. Bob worked for the CIA before pursuing a career 4. The new law expands Section 529 plans. Parents can
loved the game as a real estate broker and opening his own now use their 529 accounts to cover costs associated with
of golf – teaching real estate business, which became a staple
youngsters how
registered apprenticeships and for up to $10,000 of quali-
of the Calvert County community. After
to play, setting up retiring, he and his wife spent their time fied student loan repayments. This should be a help to
tournaments at RVing to warmer weather, creating lasting those paying student loans.
the country clubs memories. 5 The new law increases the maximum credit for start-
where he worked as David is survived by his wife Lorraine
a pro, playing the Howell Van Hoy, with whom he spent near- up business retirement plans from $500 to $5,000. A new
game competitively, watching Tiger perfect ly 58 loving years, and his three daughters tax credit of $500 is also available for some smaller em-
that swing on TV, or going to the driving and seven grandchildren: daughter Lori ployers who set up automatic enrollment in their plans.
range and hitting a bucket of balls. Years (Yvette) and grandson Caden, daughter
ago, I was his “caddy” (AKA sister-in-tow) Diane and granddaughter Tara and grand-
Everyone with a traditional IRA or similar retirement
for nine holes during a pro-am tournament sons Matt and Douglas, daughter Sandy and plan should consult their financial advisors or accoun-
and witnessed his skill, integrity, and gra- grandson Devin and granddaughters Kelsey tants about how to cope with the changes in the new law.
ciousness up close. Over the course of his and Taylor. He is also survived by brothers
life, he lived in many places, but The Green
Join me on the third Wednesday of every month to dis-
Frank (Cindy) and Bill (Barbara), and his
was his true home. sister Mary Ann (Charlie). He was preceded cuss this and other topics at 11am, 8906 Bay Avenue,
Robert Smith Lutz was born June 25, in death by his brother Kenny. North Beach. Call 301-855-2246 to reserve your spot.
1942. After finding college not to his liking, In lieu of flowers, contributions in David’s We support PROJECT ECHO, the homeless shelter in
he became a successful salesman for Gener- name may be made to The Salvation Army,
al Mills and, fast forward, the General Man- 615 Slaters Lane, Alexandria, VA 22314, Calvert County and urge you to do the same. Donate to
ager of Fox Chevrolet. I remember his call- Link: https://www.salvationarmyusa.org/ Project Echo through acontribution to www.projectecho.
ing me one day and saying he had to quit; usn/ or St. Jude Children’s Research Hos- com. Your support is appreciated.
firing people was too painful. Thus, began pital, 262 Danny Thomas Place, Memphis,
three decades of Bob living his dream of TN 38105; Link: https://www.stjude.org/.
working as a golf pro. Funeral arrangements were by Rausch
If you befriended Bob, he was eternally Funeral Home.
22 BusinessDIRECTORY The Calvert County Times Thursday, August 6, 2020

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Thursday, August 6, 2020 The Calvert County Times Fun & Games 23

1. Opposite of on CLUES DOWN
4. Creator 1. Passerine birds
10. No seats available 2. Noisy quarrel
11. About springtime 3. The front arm or leg of an animal
12. Flagship ESPN show (abbr.) 4. Early multimedia
14. Automobile 5. Golden years
15. A matchup 6. Large mollusk
16. Porous volcanic rock 7. Small arm of the sea
18. Utter repeatedly 8. Persian jurisdiction
22. Not written in any key 9. Atomic #81
23. Revolved 12. From end to end
24. Archrival 13. Adorable
26. Within 17. Ma
27. Smoker’s accessory 19. Nearly falling
28. Disfigure 20. Portable conical tent
30. Primordial matter 21. Excessive fluid accumulation in tissues
31. Thrust horse power (abbr.) 25. Fish with high dorsal fins
34. Kisses 29. Equal (prefix)
36. Some is iced 31. Aquatic plant genus
37. A way to derive 32. Choppers
39. Unaccompanied by others 33. Hand parts
40. Discontinued Google app 35. Region bordering the sea
41. Tony B. left his heart there 38. Well-liked
42. Condiment 41. Nap
48. Ancient Italian city 43. It’s used to make beer
50. One who distributes payoff 44. Related on the father’s side
money 45. Senior officer
51. Guarantees 46. Delicacy (archaic)
52. Highly decorative 47. Figures
53. Strike with a stick 49. A way to take away
54. Pie _ _ _ mode 56. Beloved sandwich _ _&J
55. Spanish be 57. Symptom typical of withdrawal (abbr.)
56. Glued
58. A way to drench
59. Part of the body
60. Changes the color


Publisher Thomas McKay The Calvert County Times is a weekly newspaper providing news and information for the
residents of Calvert County. The Calvert County Times will be available on newsstands
Associate Publisher Eric McKay
every Thursday. The paper is published by Southern Maryland Publishing Company,
General Manager which is responsible for the form, content, and policies of the newspaper. The Calvert
Al Dailey aldailey@countytimes.net County Times does not espouse any political belief or endorse any product or service
in its news coverage.
Jen Stotler jen@countytimes.net
Tim Flaherty timf laherty@countytimes.net To be considered for publication, articles and letters to the editor submitted must include
the writer’s full name, address and daytime phone number. Submissions must be deliv-
Editor ered by 4 p.m. on the Monday prior to our Thursday publication to ensure placement
Dick Myers dickmyers@countytimes.net for that week. After that deadline, the Calvert County Times will make every attempt
possible to publish late content, but cannot guarantee so. Letters may be condensed/
Staff Writer
Guy Leonard guyleonard@countytimes.net edited for clarity, although care is taken to preserve the core of the writer’s argument.
Copyright in material submitted to the newspaper and accepted for publication remains
Graphic Designer/Layout Artist
Jim Lucke

Contributing Writers
with the author, but the Calvert County Times and its licensees may freely reproduce it
in print, electronic or other forms. We are unable to acknowledge receipt of letters. The
Calvert County Times cannot guarantee that every letter or photo(s) submitted will be
County Times
Ron Guy, Shelby Opperman, Dave Spigler published, due to time or space constraints.
24 The Calvert County Times Thursday, August 6, 2020

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