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Subprime - Primer

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21 June 2007

The Subprime Meltdown:

A Primer1
Part I of A NERA Insights Series
By Dr. Faten Sabry and Dr. Thomas Schopflocher

Forthcoming topics in this Introduction originated in 2006 alone.4 Figure 1 shows the
subprime lending series The subprime mortgage market consists of growth of subprime originations over time.
will include: loans to borrowers with high credit risk, and
the mechanisms that have evolved to originate, Several factors contributed to the fast growth
 Finance & Accounting service, and finance those loans. While this of the subprime market. Most importantly,
Aspects of a Securitization market has existed since the early 1980s, it there has been an increase in the rate of
was not until the mid-1990s that the growth securitization. That is, many more mortgages
 Anatomy of a
of the subprime industry gained significant are now repackaged as mortgage-backed secu-
Fraudulent Conveyance
momentum. A decade ago, five percent of rities (MBS) and sold to investors. Also, there
 De-Mystifying the Economics of mortgage loan originations were subprime; have been various credit innovations and a
Complex Mortgage Transactions by 2005 the figure had jumped to approxi- proliferating range of mortgage products avail-
 The Domino Effect: mately 20 percent.2 Currently, there are about able to the subprime borrower. These factors
Economic Impact of When $1.3 trillion in subprime loans outstanding,3 increased liquidity, reduced costs of lending,
Exotic Mortgages Reset with over $600 billion in new subprime loans and enabled a greater number of previously

1 The authors thank Andrew Carron, Chudozie Okongwu, Erin McHugh, Tom Porter, and David Tabak for
helpful comments and suggestions. Giang Nguyen, Kenneth Beehler, Max Egan, and Jen Wolinetz provided
excellent research assistance.
2 Testimony of Sandra F. Braunstein, Director, Division of Consumer and Community Affairs—Federal Reserve
Board, on Sub-prime Mortgages, before the Subcommittee on Financial Institutions and Consumer Credit,
Committee on Financial Services, US House of Representatives, March 27, 2007.
3 Testimony of Sheila C. Bair, Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, on Subprime and Predatory Lending:
New Regulatory Guidance, Current Market Conditions, and Effects on Regulated Institutions, before the
Subcommittee on Financial Institutions and Consumer Credit of the Committee on Financial Services, US
House of Representatives, March 27, 2007.
4 Testimony of Sandra L. Thompson, Director, Division of Supervision and Consumer Protection—Federal
Deposit Insurance Corporation, Mortgage Market Turmoil: Causes and Consequences, before the Committee
on Banking, Housing and Urban Affairs—US Senate, March 22, 2007.


How Markets Work

unqualified borrowers to obtain loans. As litigation issues arising from the current be harder to recover the capital from the
of 2006, over 60 percent of all loans not industry difficulties. collateral if they default on their loans.
eligible for prime rates were securitized.5 This is especially the case when home price
The Subprime Market
appreciation (HPA) is flat or negative.
Several structural and economic factors Subprime Borrowers Prepayment Penalties
have recently slowed subprime growth and A subprime borrower is one who has a
A borrower may be required to pay a fee or
increased delinquencies and foreclosures. high debt-to-income ratio, an impaired or
penalty upon refinancing or paying off his
Some of these factors include the rise in minimal credit history, or other charac-
mortgage ahead of schedule (called a
short-term interest rates and the decrease teristics that are correlated with a high
prepayment). This mortgage feature, known
in the rate of home price appreciation (with probability of default relative to borrowers
as a prepayment penalty, is a prevalent
actual price declines taking place in many with good credit history. Because these
feature of subprime loans.10 In the initial
locations). As a result of mounting defaults borrowers are inherently riskier, subprime
stages of a mortgage, the likelihood that a
and delinquencies, one of the largest mortgages are originated at a premium
subprime borrower prepays in response to
subprime lenders, New Century Financial above the prime mortgage rate offered to
falling interest rates is higher than that for
Corporation, filed for bankruptcy on April 2, individuals with good credit. Until recently,
a prime borrower. Therefore, in order to
2007. With the industry rapidly contracting, the spread between the average prime and
mitigate prepayment risk, subprime lenders
many other lenders have since followed subprime rate has remained at approxi-
typically include prepayment penalties as
suit, or simply exited the subprime market mately 200 basis points.7
part of the mortgage agreement. According
altogether. Consequently, many lenders,
to a 2006 study by the Federal Reserve
borrowers, and investors have filed lawsuits. A method developed by the Fair Isaac
Bank of St. Louis, the average duration of a
While the subprime mortgage business is the Company assigns borrowers a credit score,
prepayment penalty as of 2003 was
focus of this primer, it is worth noting that or FICO score, that lies between 300 and
between two and three years, depending
this “meltdown” (as coined by the news 850. This is a measure of the borrower’s like-
on the type of mortgage product.11
media)6 is affecting all areas of subprime lihood of delinquency and default, where a
business, including automobile loans and lower score implies a greater risk to the Subprime Loan Purpose
credit card lending. lender. It is generally accepted that a FICO A loan can be for a home purchase, for
score less than 620 is considered subprime.8 refinancing an existing mortgage (popularly
In this primer, we provide a brief description called a “refi”), or for refinancing an
of the subprime mortgage industry and the In addition to having lower FICO scores, existing mortgage and simultaneously
process of securitization; we examine the subprime borrowers typically have a borrowing cash against the equity in the
economic factors leading to the deteriora- loan-to-value ratio (LTV) in excess of home (called a “cash-out refi” or simply a
tion of the US subprime mortgage industry; 80 percent.9 A high LTV means that the “cash-out”). In the case of the subprime
we identify some of the factors that differ borrower is making a smaller down- industry, refis have been very popular in
between the current crisis and the 1998 payment. So, the lender assumes more recent years. Because cash-out refis allow
crisis; and we discuss pending and potential risk with these individuals because it will the mortgagor to tap into built-up equity in

5 Data from Inside Mortgage Finance Publishing, Inc.

6 Ray Hennessey, editor of SmartMoney.com, “Mortgage Meltdown,” March 14, 2007,
http://www.cbsnews.com/stories/2007/03/14/hennessey/main2571703.shtml on May 18, 2007.
7 Souphala Chomsisengphet and Pennington-Cross, “The Evolution of the Subprime Mortgage Market,” Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Review,
January/February 2006.
8 It is worth noting that credit scores alone do not guarantee eligibility for the prime mortgage rate. The category of borrowers referred to as Alt-A
involves loans with higher credit scores—between 620 and the low 700s. However, even though their FICO scores are reasonably high, Alt-A
borrowers do not qualify for prime mortgage rates. Usually, this is because they are unable to provide sufficient documentation to the originator.
9 Frank J. Fabozzi, The Handbook of Mortgage-Backed Securities, sixth ed., 2006, McGraw-Hill, p. 100.
10 Prepayment penalties are seen in prime loans, but they are rare.
11 Souphala Chomsisengphet and Pennington-Cross, “The Evolution of the Subprime Mortgage Market,” Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Review,
January/February 2006.

2 www.nera.com
Figure 1. Total Subprime Originations



($ in billions)



$200 $185


2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006
Source: Inside Mortgage Finance as presented in Sandra Thompson Testimony, March 22, 2007.

the property, the borrower is able to benefit determined by an index, such as the the next 28 years as the note rate resets to
directly from appreciation of home prices. 12-month LIBOR, plus a fixed margin. The the value of an index plus a margin.
An academic study shows that 60 percent frequency at which the ARM note rate
of subprime borrowers refinance into adjusts is usually either monthly, semi- Other non-traditional products include
another subprime loan.12 annually, or annually. Both these products negatively amortizing mortgages (NegAms)
typically have an amortization period of 30 and interest-only mortgages (IOs). Negatively
Types of Subprime Mortgages
years and a monthly payment frequency. amortizing loans are FRMs or ARMs with
Broadly speaking, there are two main types
payment schedules in which the borrower
of mortgages that apply across all credit
Many subprime loans are a hybrid of ARMs pays back less than the full amount of the
sectors in the US. The traditional fixed-rate
and FRMs in that they typically have a fixed interest to the lender, and the remainder is
mortgage (FRM) is defined by constant
note rate for the first two to three years and added to the principal. An IO mortgage can
periodic payments as determined by a
then revert to a classical ARM structure. For be either an ARM or an FRM such that the
“note rate” (the rate the borrower pays)
example, the 2/28 hybrid loan—a popular borrower pays only the interest for a set
that is fixed at loan inception. By contrast,
subprime product—has a fixed, low rate for period of time. Once the IO period ends, the
the adjustable-rate mortgage (ARM) is
the first two years (known as a teaser) and borrower has to pay down the principal in
defined by variable periodic payments as
then becomes adjustable semiannually for addition to the periodic interest. During the

12 See M J Courchane, Brian Surette & Peter Zorn, “Subprime Borrowers: Mortgage Transitions and Outcomes,” Journal of Real Estate Finance and
Economics, 29:4, 365-92 (2004). In the case of a cash-out refi, the reason is often to manage other forms of debt (credit card, for example).

www.nera.com 3
Figure 2. Borrowing Under the Borrower-Lender Relationship without Securitization


Lends money. Receives interest

Manages delinquincies. and principal.


period 2004-2006, approximately 45 percent package them into bonds that are subse- gage-backed securities (MBS). The purpose
of subprime mortgages were ARMs or quently sold to investors—a process known of securitization is to increase the volume of
hybrids, 25 percent were FRMs, 10 percent as securitization. This process involves many credit available to borrowers and improve
allowed for negative amortization, and 20 additional parties to the borrower and the liquidity of the mortgage market.14
percent were IOs.13 lender. In this section, we describe the
process of securitization, introduce these According to the Mortgage Bankers
The Securitization Process additional parties, and discuss associated Association, there were nearly $2.5 trillion
benefits and risks. in total mortgage originations in the US in
2006, of which $1.9 trillion was securitized
A mortgage used to be a simple relationship Description of the Process
into MBS. About 25 percent of the MBS
between a homeowner and a bank or and Key Players
issued in 2006 were subprime loans.15 In
savings institution. The bank would decide
What is Securitization? 2006, 63 percent of all subprime and Alt-A
whether to grant and finance the loan,
Securitization is the creation and issuance of loans were securitized.16
collect payments, restructure the loan, or
debt securities whose payments of principal
foreclose in case of defaults. Figure 2 illus- Agency vs. Non-Agency
and interest derive from cash flows gener-
trates borrowing under the traditional The government-sponsored enterprises
ated by separate pools of assets. In the case
borrower-lender relationship. Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac, and Ginnie
of mortgages, securitization is the process of
Mae (GSEs) significantly advanced the
turning pools of home loans into bonds,
Today, it is standard practice to pool development of this secondary mortgage
which are generically referred to as mort-
mortgages with similar characteristics and

13 Yuliya Demyanyk and Yadav Gopalan, “Subprime ARMs: Popular Loans, Poor Performance,” Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Bridges, Spring 2007,
14 When bonds are backed by subprime collateral, it is industry convention to categorize them as residential asset-backed securities, or “residential ABS.”
This distinction is somewhat artificial, however; so, throughout this paper we will refer to all securities backed by mortgages as MBS.
15 Data from Inside Mortgage Finance Publishing, Inc.
16 Ibid.

4 www.nera.com
Figure 3. Standard Securitization Structure


P&I Mortgage $$

Servicer Mortgage Broker

P&I Mortgages $$

Trustee Trust (SPE)


Underwriter/ Insurer
Rating Agency
Placement Agent


Pension Funds,
Insurance Companies,
Mutual Funds,
Hedge Funds

Financial $$


market by providing a mechanism for but requiring mortgages that exceed the Lender/Originator
securitizing pools of mortgages and Agency loan-size guidelines). Throughout In the first stage of the securitization
reselling them to investors. For the most the last decade, there has been tremendous process, the borrower obtains a loan from
part, the GSEs have dealt with prime mort- growth in the private-label sector. As of the the lender with or without the help of a
gages that conform to a relatively narrow fourth quarter of 2006, 54 percent of the mortgage broker. Note that about two-
set of specifications and cater to borrowers MBS market was non-Agency.17 thirds of subprime mortgages are originated
with good credit and complete documenta- by mortgage brokers who market to
Key Players
tion. Mortgages that lie outside these prospective borrowers, assess borrower
Figure 3 describes a representative
parameters are usually issued and securi- credit worthiness, and submit loan applica-
securitization process. Note that it is not
tized by private-label (or “non-Agency”) tions to mortgage lenders who fund the
unusual for one party to play several roles.
companies. Broadly speaking, the three approved loans.18 Next, the lender/origi-
For example, the lender might also service
major sectors of the private-label industry nator of loans usually creates a trust (and in
the loans.
are subprime, Alt-A, and Jumbo—the latter some cases creates a new corporation to
market serving borrowers with good credit serve the same purpose) and sells to the

17 The 2007 Mortgage Market Statistical Annual, Vol. II: The Secondary Market, Bethesda: Inside Mortgage Finance Publications, Inc., 2007, p. 11.
18 Ellen Schloemer, Wei Li, Keith Ernst, and Kathleen Keest, “Losing Ground: Foreclosures in the Subprime Market and their Cost to Homeowners,”
Center for Responsible Lending, December 2006.

www.nera.com 5
trust all of its legal rights to receive payment Underwriters and Rating Agencies senior/subordinate credit enhancement is
on the mortgages. In this way, the trust The underwriter (or investment bank) buys called “subordination.”
becomes the owner of the loans. When a the securities from the trust, resells the secu-
lender extends a loan or acquires another rities to investors, and then administers the When an MBS deal is structured, bonds of
asset, such as a lease, it is creating assets issuance of the securities to investors. Credit various levels of credit risk are created in
that potentially can be securitized. Because agencies are involved in the securitization order to generate cash-flow streams from
they initiate the securitization chain, lenders process because most securitized assets are borrowers to investors. Following a process
are also called originators. rated, typically as double-A or triple-A. known as credit tranching, the securitized
loans are divided into different classes
Over the years, many mortgage brokers and Credit Enhancements and Credit according to their level of risk. The top
Enhancement Providers
regional banks have come to specialize in tranches are the triple-A and double-A rated
specific types of mortgage originations. There Because non-Agency pools of loans or bonds. Below these are the lower-rated
are a number of originators who specialize collateral expose the investor to credit risk, classes. At the lowest level is the equity or
exclusively in subprime loans. Some examples some form of “credit enhancement” is “first-loss” tranche, which is usually not
are New Century, First Franklin, and Option required in order for subprime MBS to rated. See Figure 4 for an illustration. All
One. Many exclusively subprime originators obtain specific credit ratings for individual parties involved in the securitization process
have filed for bankruptcy. bonds in a deal. Such enhancement mecha- understand that the most subordinated
nisms can come from unrelated parties, or tranches have the highest likelihood of
The Trust Special Purpose be part of the deal structure itself. As such, default and subsequent loss. Furthermore,
Entity (SPE) they are referred to either as external or the responsibilities of the loan servicer are
The trust is a bankruptcy-remote, special- internal credit enhancements, respectively. documented and agreed to by the rating
purpose vehicle (a subsidiary of either the
agencies, servicers, and investors. Through
originator or an investment bank) that One of the oldest external mechanisms, this credit-tranching process, it is possible
underwrites the securities. The trust struc- now rarely used, is a bank letter of credit. for the senior pieces to obtain investment
ture is used because it is exempt from taxes, This is a financial guarantee by the issuing grade status, even though the underlying
allows the originator to treat the transaction bank stating that it promises to reimburse collateral is subprime debt. This is because
as a loan sale, and insulates investors from credit losses up to a predetermined amount. the triple-A tranche is not backed by
the liabilities of the originator and issuer. Another external enhancement is bond specific loans, only by a set of rules
The trust controls the collateral, administers insurance. This is a guarantee from an insur- governing cash-flows from the loans. So,
the collection of cash, and passes the ance company that there will be timely depending on the level of subordination
interest and principal to the investors. payment of principal and interest in the (the percentage by principal of the deal that
event of default or foreclosure. Examples of is designated as subordinate), the senior
such monoline insurers include: Ambac, tranches are protected from losses up to a
The servicer is the entity responsible for
FGIC, FSA, MBIA, and XL Capital Assurance. predetermined level. Such a set of rules is
collecting loan payments from borrowers
and remitting these payments to the issuer an example of a collateralized mortgage
By far, the most common internal credit obligation, or CMO.
for distribution to investors in exchange for
enhancement mechanism in the subprime
a fee. The servicer is also responsible for
world is the senior/subordinate structure. It is The two other ways that this structure
handling delinquent loans and foreclosures.
very common for subprime loan pools to be enhances credit are “overcollateralization”
Because the servicer receives fees based on
carved up into “tranches” such that cash and “excess spread.” Overcollateralization
the volume of loans it services, the origi-
flows from bonds will suit particular investor involves providing more collateral than
nator may choose to take on this role itself.
requirements. The idea is that the senior liability in a deal such that the subprime-
It is also possible for some originators to
pieces are designed to get paid preferentially, backed bonds are able to withstand losses
contract out the servicing function to
while the subordinated tranches get paid up to the amount of the surplus. An excess
outside organizations, or to sell the servicing
only to the extent that the underlying collat- spread account involves allocating cash on a
rights altogether.
eral permits. Of course, as compensation, monthly basis after paying out interest and
the so-called “B-pieces” offer a higher expenses. Because the amount in this
expected yield. This aspect of the

6 www.nera.com
Figure 4. Schematic of MBS Structure

Credit Tranching

AAA/Aaa Class


AA/Aa2 Mezzanine
A/A2 Classes
BB/Ba2 B-Pieces
Equity Tranche First-Loss Piece

Source: “A Simple Guide to Subprime Mortgages, CDO and Securitization,” Citibank analyst report, April 12, 2007.

account will build over time, it can be used repurchase agreement is rarely exercised. regulated and restricted as to the extent
to pay for potential losses in the future. However, as rates rise and home price of their non-investment grade holdings.
appreciation slows, defaults can be
expected to accelerate, leaving lenders faced One of the features that make MBS hard
The largest investors in MBS securities are
with buy-back demands. If lenders are not to value is the borrower’s right to prepay
mutual funds, hedge funds, insurance
properly reserved in this situation, they may any or all the outstanding principal ahead
companies, and pension funds. Note that
be forced into bankruptcy if they cannot of schedule, which is true for prime or
regulated investors such as life insurance
meet their loan repurchase requirements. subprime loans. Effectively, this amounts to
companies and pension funds are limited
the borrower being long a call option on
as to how much they can invest in any Investors
the mortgage. Because borrowers are
securities that are not investment grade. The primary risk in the subprime world
inclined to prepay as prevailing interest rates
relates to credit quality. When interest rates
Risks to the Various Parties decline, the MBS investor gets his money
rise and the economy slows, subprime
back in an environment where alternative
Lenders borrowers are more likely to default than
fixed-income investment options are not
Lenders such as New Century either keep prime borrowers. Investors holding the
that attractive. Conversely, when interest
loans on their books or sell them. Typically, equity tranche will experience the first
rates rise, the homeowner will be less
when pools of subprime mortgages are sold, losses, followed by holders of the B-pieces
inclined to refinance his mortgage, leaving
they come with a limited guaranty, or and other subordinated tranches. Holders
the investor stuck with a fixed-income
“repurchase agreement” that obliges the of the investment grade bonds should
investment that pays less than the prevailing
lenders to buy back loans whose default largely be insulated from losses. Never-
rates. This feature of MBS bonds is referred
rates have exceeded a specified threshold. theless, if and when the rating agencies
to as “negative convexity.”
Lenders are expected to set up loan downgrade the bonds, investors will be
repurchase reserves to meet any potential faced with having to sell at lower prices.
Although negative convexity still plays
repurchase requirements. In periods of low This is especially problematic for insurance
a role in the subprime world, subprime
interest rates and rising value of houses, the companies and pension funds, which are
borrowers are typically faced with prepay-

www.nera.com 7
ment penalties that serve as a disincentive face of a severe market crisis and potentially Second, the aversion of investors to all risky
to refinance when interest rates decline. systemic risk for the world economy, cut the securities, as demonstrated both by the wide
Therefore, prepayment risk is more of a target Fed funds interest rate by 75 basis credit spreads and the lack of new issuances,
problem for prime rather than subprime points (from 5.50 percent to 4.75 percent) led the market to reduce its estimate of the
lenders and investors. between September 29 and November 17, profitability of the subprime sector as a
1998.19 The widening of credit and swap whole. Investors demanded a greater yield
What Caused the Current
spreads was also driven by investors as they premium for subprime securities relative to
Subprime Problems?
sold all but the very safest securities, and prime securities, thereby further depressing
Some may point out that the current
reevaluated and re-priced risks in general, the prices of subprime MBS.
subprime problems are nothing new and
and credit risks in particular.
that a similar crisis took place in the late
Subprime lenders were adversely affected
1990s, where almost all subprime lenders
The 1998 financial crisis had two effects by both of these factors. Much of their
went bankrupt or were bought out by
of particular relevance on the subprime capital base consisted of the rights to future
larger companies. While some of the
mortgage sector at the time. First, the excess cash flows on subprime loans they
symptoms, like elevated delinquencies and
sharply lower interest rates—and commen- had previously securitized. The rise in
defaults, are similar, the underlying prob-
surately higher market prices—on US prepayments meant that much of that
lems have different causes than those of
Treasuries set in motion a chain of events future cash flow would not occur, forcing
the crisis of 1998.
that caused the rates of return on all the lenders to take writedowns on their
The 1998 Crisis mortgage securities to lag behind other portfolios. The relative decline in subprime
The late 1990s witnessed significant credit bonds. Lower Treasury yields led to a decline MBS prices meant that lenders had losses
deterioration in several financial sectors. in mortgage interest rates that encouraged on loans already in the pipeline and a less
It was caused by credit concerns from the many borrowers to refinance their existing competitive product to offer prospective
Russian debt crisis and the subsequent higher-rate mortgage loans. The resulting borrowers. As a result of this crisis, many
fallout from the failure of Long Term Capital surge in mortgage refinancing boosted lenders went bankrupt in the late 1990s
Management (LTCM). Turmoil in the global prepayment rates. When prepayments and there was a massive consolidation of
capital markets, caused in large part by a increase, the average maturity of a mort- lenders and issuers. While the outcome of
debt default in Russia, led to a marked gage security decreases. The market prices the current crisis is not yet apparent, the
decline in investors’ willingness to assume of fixed income securities with shorter causes are clearly different.
risk. This was expressed by an increase in maturities are less sensitive to changes in
Current Subprime Difficulties
the price of “risk free” US Treasury Securi- market interest rates than are securities
The current subprime difficulties are a result
ties relative to other credit products (the with longer maturities. Long Term Capital
of industry trends along with a change in
so-called “flight to quality”) as well as by a Management and other hedge funds held
the economic environment that has led to
lack of demand for certain classes of debt large quantities of MBS that they hedged
an increase in delinquencies in the subprime
securities, including securitized subprime by selling short Treasury securities with
mortgage market. Figure 5 shows subprime
mortgages, that were perceived as risky. long maturities. The values of these short
delinquencies over time. While these delin-
Treasury positions declined sharply as
quencies remain below the previous cyclical
Market reaction to Russia’s actions was Treasury prices rose, but the anticipated
peaks of 2002, the delinquency rate of
swift and severe. Credit and swap spreads— offsetting increase in MBS prices did not
subprime loans originated in 2006 is poised
indicators of the premium demanded by the occur, because higher prepayment expecta-
to surpass previous highs.20
market to assume credit risk—increased tions had taken away most of the interest
sharply. This was due, in part, to actions of rate sensitivity of the MBS. These hedge
Several economic and financial factors
the Federal Open Market Committee of funds were forced to liquidate large hold-
contributed to the current crisis. According
the Federal Reserve Board which, in the ings of MBS, further depressing MBS prices
and thereby exacerbating the situation.

19 Federal Reserve Bank of New York, http://newyorkfed.org/markets/statistics/dlyrates/fedrate.html, updated 10/6/2005.

20 Assessing Global Financial Risks. Chapter 1: “Deterioration in the US Subprime Mortgage Market—What are the Spillover Risks?” IMF World Economic
and Financial Surveys, April 2007.

8 www.nera.com
Figure 5. Subprime Loan Delinquencies




% Delinquent

Ju 1

Ju 2

Ju 3
Se 0

Se 1

Se 2

Se 4
M 1

M 2
Ju 0

Ju 4
M 8

M 3

De 8

Ju 9

De 9




De 3


Ju 5

De 5
Se 3
M 9

M 0

M 4

Ju 6
Se 5

De 6
Se 9

Se 6




































Source: Bloomberg, LP

to a study by the IMF,21 part of the the summer of 2005, sales of both new and riences this payment shock depends on the
deterioration of subprime collateral can existing homes have dropped sharply, and level of short-term interest rates upon reset.
be attributed to “adverse trends in the inventory of unsold homes has risen Therefore, any upward movement in rates
employment and income in specific states.” substantially. Also, single-family housing or stagnation in home prices will subject
However, this is only part of the story. Other starts fell by roughly one-third since the the borrower to increased payment shock,
important contributors to the crisis include beginning of 2006.23 and hence, elevated likelihood of default.
the increase in short-term interest rates (the As the housing market slowed and
Fed began raising the overnight lending rate The nature of subprime products intensified subprime borrowers faced higher rates,
in June 200422) and the cooling of the the effects of the recent housing slow- many were unable to refinance and had
housing market in 2006. Prior to that time, down. About 80 percent of subprime loans no option but to default on their loans.
several years of growth in the housing originated in 2005 were ARMs, with the
market meant that even when a subprime 2/28 making up 75 percent of these mort- A commonly cited cause for the weakening
borrower’s personal finances were stressed, gages.24 Once the low introductory teaser of subprime collateral is a supposed relax-
the increase in home values provided the expires, the rate “resets” and becomes ation of underwriting standards.25 Fed
option to refinance or even sell instead of linked to an index. At this point, the Chairman Bernanke has emphasized the
going into delinquency. Figure 6 shows the monthly payments are almost certain to go importance of underwriting standards in
recent decline in HPA. Since their peaks in up. The extent to which the borrower expe- recent statements on subprime difficulties.

21 Ibid.
22 Federal Reserve Bank of New York, http://newyorkfed.org/markets/statistics/dlyrates/fedrate.html, updated 10/6/2005.
23 Remarks by Chairman Ben S. Bernanke at the Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago’s 43rd Annual Conference on Bank Structure and Competition, Chicago,
Illinois, May 17, 2007, http://www.federalreserve.gov/BoardDocs/Speeches/2007/20070517/default.htm
24 Michael Youngblood, “Explaining the Higher Default Rates of the 2005 Origination Year,” The MarketPulse, June 2006.
25 Ellen Schloemer, Wei Li, Keith Ernst and Kathleen Keest, “Losing Ground: Foreclosures in the Subprime Market and their Cost to Homeowners,”
Center for Responsible Lending, December 2006.

www.nera.com 9
Figure 6. Home Price Appreciation, Conventional Mortgage Home Price Index, 1Q2000–4Q2006




Percentage Change



00 00 00 00 01 01 01 01 02 02 02 02 03 03 03 03 04 04 04 04 05 05 05 05 06 06 06 06
Q 20 Q20 Q20 Q20 Q20 Q20 Q20 Q20 Q20 Q20 Q20 Q20 Q20 Q20 Q20 Q20 Q20 Q20 Q20 Q20 Q20 Q20 Q20 Q20 Q20 Q20 Q20 Q20
1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4

House Price Quarterly Appreciation

House Price Quarterly Appreciation Annualized
House Price Appreciation from the Same Quarter One Year Prior

Source: Office of the Chief Economist, Freddie Mac. Index based on single unit, residential mortgages purchased or securitized by Freddie Mac or Fannie
Mae since January 1975.

Mr. Bernanke noted that “[t]he accuracy of According to a study by the Center for The incentive is clear: such software enables
much of the information on which the Responsible Lending, “Low-doc and no-doc mortgage brokers to increase their rate of
underwriting was based is also open to loans originally were intended for use with origination dramatically. Notwithstanding
question. Mortgage applications with little the limited category of borrowers who are these hypotheses, however, the actual
documentation were vulnerable to misrepre- self-employed or whose incomes are other- causes of rising subprime delinquencies
sentation or overestimation of repayment wise legitimately not reported on a W-2 tax have yet to be determined.
capacity by both lenders and borrowers, form, but lenders have increasingly used
Litigation Potential
perhaps with the expectation that rising these loans to obscure violations of sound
Since the start of the current subprime
house prices would come to the rescue of underwriting practices.”27
crisis, many lenders have filed for bank-
otherwise unsound loans. Some borrowers
ruptcy and several lawsuits have been filed.
may have been misled about the feasibility A recent New York Times article described a
Figure 7 shows the list of companies that
of paying back their mortgages, and others popular software product that facilitates
filed for Chapter 11 or have closed since
may simply have not understood the some- automatic underwriting. There, it is stated
times complex terms of the contracts they that up to 40 percent of all subprime loans
signed.”26 employ automatic screening techniques.28

26 Remarks by Chairman Ben S. Bernanke at the Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago’s 43rd Annual Conference on Bank Structure and Competition,
Chicago, Illinois, May 17, 2007 http://www.federalreserve.gov/BoardDocs/Speeches/2007/20070517/default.htm
27 Ellen Schloemer, Wei Li, Keith Ernst and Kathleen Keest, “Losing Ground: Foreclosures in the Subprime Market and their Cost to Homeowners,”
Center for Responsible Lending, December 2006.
28 Lynnley Browning, “The Subprime Loan Machine,” The New York Times, March 26, 2007.

10 www.nera.com
Figure 7. Partial List of Bankrupt, Closed, or Acquired Subprime Lenders as of May 2007

Company Headquarter Status Date

Bankrupt lenders:
SouthStar Funding Atlanta, GA Bankrupt (Chapter 7) April 11, 2007
New Century Financial Irvine, CA Bankrupt (Chapter 11) April 2, 2007
People’s Choice Irvine, CA Bankrupt (Chapter 11) March 20, 2007
ResMae Mortgage Corp. Brea, CA Bankrupt (Chapter 11) February 12, 2007
Mortgage Lenders Network USA Middletown, CT Bankrupt (Chapter 11) February 5, 2007
Ownit Mortgage Solutions Agoura Hills, CA Bankrupt (Chapter 11) December 2006
Lenders that have closed or been acquired:
Option One Mortgage Irvine, CA Sold to affiliate of Cerberus Capital Management April 20, 2007
EquiFirst Corp. Charlotte, NC Sold to Barclays April 2, 2007
Fieldstone Mortgage Columbia, MD To be acquired by C-BASS April 2007
Rose Mortgage Parsippany, NJ Closed April 2007
Investaid Corp. Southfield, MI Closed March 2007
Popular Financial Holding Marlton, NJ Closed March 2007
ECC Capital Corp. Irvine, CA Acquired by Bear Stearns February 12, 2007
Lenders Direct Capital Lake Forest, CA Closed wholesale operation February 2007
Secured Funding Costa Mesa, CA Closed wholesale operation January 2007
Bay Capital Owings Mills, MD Closed January 2007
Champion Mortgage Parsippany, NJ Sold to Nationstar Mortgage January 2007
Harbourton Mortgage Santa Rosa, CA Closed December 20, 2006
Sebring Capital Partners Carrollton, TX Closed December 2006
First Financial Equities Teaneck, NJ Closed December 2006
Centex Home Equity Dallas, TX Sold to Fortress July 2006
Lenders actively seeking to sell:
Ameriquest/Argent Mortgage Orange, CA Actively seeking to sell
Accredited Home Lenders San Diego, CA Actively seeking to sell
First NLC Financial Deerfield Beach, FL Actively seeking to sell
NovaStar Financial Inc. Kansas City, MO Seeking to sell
Fremont Investment & Loan Santa Monica, CA Seeking to sell

Sources: Factiva, The Mortgage Graveyard (www.mortgagedaily.com)

Examples of recent lawsuits include: See Figure 8 for a list of some of recent were ill-suited to their needs. Claims will
• A class action lawsuit against NovaStar subprime-related lawsuits. emphasize the complexity of the mortgage
Financial in 2007 related to a yield terms, as well as the impact of rate reset
spread premium fee.29 Some examples of potential areas of and subsequent payment shock. Examples of
litigation include the following: this type of lawsuits include Thomas Hilchey
• Various breach-of-contract cases against
and Robin Crevier vs. Ameriquest. The suit
New Century, Sunset Direct Lending,
Homeowners’ lawsuits versus conduits alleges that the lender failed to provide
and others, calling for subprime lenders
and underwriters. As a result of fore- documents and disclosures, leading the
to buy back their loans.
closures, such cases will involve accusations plaintiffs to take out the loan, only to face a
• Class action lawsuits against other of predatory lending. That is, homeowners— payment shock two years later when the
lenders claiming reckless projections presumably in a class-action setting—will file “teaser” period ended.31
and false and misleading statements.30 lawsuits alleging that mortgage products

29 Yield spread premium (YSP) fees are cash rebates that a broker receives for initiating a loan at an interest rate above what the client would otherwise
qualify for. Depending on the spread above par, the lender pays the broker a percentage of the loan amount.
30 “Exploring the Future Trends of Novastar Financial Inc.,” M2 PressWIRE, April 10, 2007; Bailey Somers, “Preferred Shareholders File Suit Against New
Century,” Financial Services Law 360, April 5, 2007; “Lawsuit Against First Franklin Financial Corp, a Subprime Lender, Alleges Violations of Fair Business
Practices Act, Says Plaintiff, Allison Morris,” ENP Newswire, April 4, 2007; Edvard Pettersson, “Credit Suisse Unit Sues Subprime Mortgage Lender,”
The Washington Post, March 31, 2007.
31 Jason Szep, “As US subprime crisis deepens, some fight back,” Reuters, March 16, 2007.

www.nera.com 11
Conduits’ lawsuits versus the banks. and underwriters. The claims will be along
Since conduits are unable to do business the lines of fraudulent conveyance and
without capital, many have been forced to breach of contract related to loan servicing.
file bankruptcy when they were asked to
buy back loans. It is likely that there will be Individual investors’ lawsuits. If and
claims of improper margin calls and flawed when the investors of MBS post poor
valuation of underlying collateral on the returns as a result of failing subprime-
part of banks and other institutions that backed investments, the individual investors
purchased or financed the loans. will accuse the funds of not taking on suit-
able and prudent investments, and failing
Shareholders’ lawsuits versus conduits, to follow investment guidelines and stan-
accountants, trustees, and underwriters. dard risk management procedures. There
The subprime lenders that went bankrupt will also be claims of misrepresentations,
will face extensive accusations. Shareholders omissions, bad pricing, and mark-ups.
will make claims of misrepresentation and Recently, a retiree filed suit against Fremont
omission related to accounting for residuals, General Corp, alleging imprudent invest-
as well as claims of bad valuation and poor ment and seeking class action status to
underwriting standards. There have been reclaim funds lost from a drop in Fremont’s
several class action lawsuits against subprime share price.32
lenders such as New Century, NovaStar
Financial, and Accredited Home Lenders
In summary, an increasing number of
Holdings, Inc. in the last few months,
borrowers with weak credit and sparse
alleging violations of Section 10(b) and
documentation have qualified for mort-
20(a), and rule 10b-5 by issuing false and
gages as a result of the proliferating range
misleading statements. Figure 8 provides a
of mortgage products and other credit
more detailed listing of these lawsuits.
market innovations. This explains part of the
significant increase in subprime originations
Insurers’ lawsuits versus conduits.
over the last decade. However, the recent
Large insurance claims on failed subprime
slowdown in the housing sector, the
collateral will lead to accusations of poor
increase in short-term interest rates, and
underwriting (misrepresentations and
ubiquitous prepayment penalties left many
omissions) on the part of conduits.
subprime borrowers with no option but to
default on their mortgage payments. As
Investors’ lawsuits versus trustees.
delinquencies and foreclosures increased
To the extent that bondholders do not get
beyond expected levels, many lenders
paid, there will be claims of breach of fidu-
ended up filing for Chapter 11 or stopped
ciary duty on the part of the trustees
originating subprime loans as they were
responsible for the distribution of cash-flow.
unable to meet their loan buyback obliga-
tions. Furthermore, investors may face
Trustees’ lawsuits versus conduits and
losses if rating agencies start downgrading
underwriters on behalf of investors.
the mortgage-backed securities.
Trustees will seek damages from conduits

32 Joel Rosenblatt, “Fremont General Sued Over Purchases of Stock for Pension Funds,” Bloomberg, April 26, 2007,

12 www.nera.com
Figure 8. Subprime Lawsuits to Date as of May 2007

Lawsuits Date
Shareholders vs. Lender for violation of securities laws:
Class actions against New Century February 9, 2007
Class actions against NovaStar Financial February 9, 2007
Class actions against Accredited Home Lenders Holdings, Inc. March 19, 2007
Class action against Beazer Homes USA Inc. March 29, 2007
Issuer/Underwriter vs. Lender for failure to buy back loans:
HSBC against various subprime lenders March 13, 2007
DLJ Mortgage Capital, a unit of Credit Suisse, vs. Sunset Direct Lending February 27, 2007
DLJ Mortgage Capital, a unit of Credit Suisse, vs. NetBank March 30, 2007
DLJ Mortgage Capital, a unit of Credit Suisse, vs. Infinity Home Mortgages March 30, 2007
UBS Real Estate Securities vs. New Century Financial April 5, 2007
MBS Investors vs. Issuer/Underwriter:
Class action against Bear Stearns, JPM, Credit Suisse, and Morgan Stanley for negligence April 11, 2007
Bankers Life Insurance Co. v. Credit Suisse, seeking to recover losses on bonds April 27, 2007
Borrower vs. Lender:
Class action against Wells Fargo Financial, Inc. for failure to advise borrowers adequately December 2003
Thomas Hilchey & Robin Crevier vs. Ameriquest for deceit and negligent misrepresentation March 16, 2007
Leon L. Morris and Allison S. Morris vs. First Franklin Corp., a subsidiary or Merrill Lynch April 4, 2007
Class action lawsuit against NovaStar Financial for controversial yield spread premium fee April 10, 2007
Class action against Ameriquest for aggressive marketing and sale of risky mortgages April 20, 2007
State vs. Lender for violation of State laws:
Ohio State Attorney General vs. New Century March 15, 2007
Individual Investors vs. Funds and Insurance Companies:
McCoy vs. Fremont General Corp for making imprudent investment for pension plan April 26, 2007

Sources: Factiva, Bloomberg, MortgageDaily.com

www.nera.com 13
For further information and questions, please contact the authors:

Dr. Faten Sabry

Vice President
+1 212 345 3285

Dr. Thomas Schopflocher

+1 212 345 1998

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