America's Hope - Thomas Schauf - Vol
America's Hope - Thomas Schauf - Vol
America's Hope - Thomas Schauf - Vol
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America's Hope: To Cancel Bank
Loans Without Going to Court
Thomas Schauf
AMERICA .............................................................................................................. 63
BANK? .................................................................................................................... 75
BANK LOAN...................................................................................................... 126
AMERICA .............................................................................................................. 129
Revised 4/23/02
31. IS THE GOVERNMENT BANKRUPT? ..................................................... 133
32. INSOLVENCY......................................................................................................138
33. WHAT CREATES INFLATION? ................................................................... 140
34. WHAT CAUSES RECESSIONS AND DEPRESSIONS? ......................140
DECEIVED AND BEING DECEIVED....................................................... 144
38. HOW CAN THE BANKS LOSE MONEY? ...............................................148
WHY IS THERE NOT MORE INFLATION? ..................................... 150
40. IS THERE A MEDIA BLACKOUT? ............................................................ 151
41. MEDIA AND THE INTERNET ......................................................................152
EXPLAIN THE FOLLOWING.......................................................................153
43. SECRET BANKER'S MANUAL REVEALS ALL ................................. 155
44. ECONOMIC SOLUTION .................................................................................157
45. STRATEGY TO GET AMERICANS OUT OF DEBT ............................161
CAME FROM.......................................................................................162
47. QUESTIONS PEOPLE ASK TOM SCHAUF ........................................... 163
49. QUOTES.................................................................................................................182
50. LAW OF THE LAND ........................................................................................ 216
51. YOU BE THE JUDGE ......................................................................... 216
52. WARNING.............................................................................................................220
53. THE FUTURE AND YOUR INVESTMENTS...................................229
54. MORE DECEPTION AND GREED TO FOOL PEOPLE .....................231
55. YESTERYEAR AND THE FUTURE ...........................................................234
56. OUR MISTAKE - THEIR GAIN ....................................................................237
57. MY RELATIONSHIP TO RESELLERS ......................................................239
58. ANCIENT HISTORY .........................................................................................239
59. SHOULD I SUE THE BANK ......................................................................... 243
60. HELP WANTED .................................................................................................. 245
62. WHAT DOES TOM SCHAUF STAND FOR? ..........................................253
63. LEARN THE SECRETS OF MAKING MONEY ....................................256
ORDERING BOOKS................................................................................................262
America's Hope: To Cancel Bank Loans
Without Going to Court
America's Hope: To Cancel Bank Loans
Without Going to Court
America's Hope: To Cancel Bank Loans
Without Going to Court
Americans learn the truth and what the media has hidden from
us, every real American will want to follow presidents Jack-
son, Lincoln and Kennedy and eliminate our debt.
All freedom-loving Americans who believe in the Revolu-
tionary War, the Constitution and the Bill of Rights, join us in
getting this message out so we can get the support of the Ameri-
can people. We cannot correct it if we all believe a lie. But we
can correct it if enough Americans learn the truth and want out
of their loans. It will be up to you to save America.
America's Hope: To Cancel Bank Loans
Without Going to Court
To make things simple, this book will begin with the basic
concepts. These concepts will be repeated with new informa-
tion added as we progress. Different illustrations will be added
with more sophisticated arguments and teaching given. The goal
is to have an average, non-banker able to argue the bank loan
agreement like a CPA expert witness.
America's Hope: To Cancel Bank Loans
Without Going to Court
America's Hope: To Cancel Bank Loans
Without Going to Court
America's Hope: To Cancel Bank Loans
Without Going to Court
America's Hope: To Cancel Bank Loans
Without Going to Court
and we should use the vote we have to correct the nation's prob-
lems. Before one can vote intelligently, one must know the
whole truth.
The problem is that people believe that the bank agreement
discloses all material facts. Borrowers would never dream that
the Federal Reserve Bank publications show that the banks do
the opposite of what most borrowers believe. This book will
present evidence allowing the reader to be the judge and jury
and decide for themselves if there is a fraud or not. According
to certified public accounting ethics, I believe I must tell the
truth about this banking system.
No other party is to speak on my behalf. If I did not publish
an idea or piece of information or place it in writing and sign it,
I take no responsibility for it. I am concerned that people will
misquote me or take my meaning out of context. By changing
one word, the entire meaning can be obscured. Therefore, I ask
that people not quote me or this book.
Do your own research before taking any legal action. Tom
Schauf is not giving legal advice — he is merely giving informa-
tion to become elected. This book is based on information be-
lieved to be correct, but it is up to you to research it. It is pos-
sible that the FED may change their publications in the future
in order to change their previous quotes.
This book uses information from Federal Reserve Bank
publications up to 1996. After 1996 I do not know what Fed-
eral Reserve Bank publications will say. Do your own research.
America's Hope: To Cancel Bank Loans
Without Going to Court
America's Hope: To Cancel Bank Loans
Without Going to Court
America's Hope: To Cancel Bank Loans
Without Going to Court
America's Hope: To Cancel Bank Loans
Without Going to Court
did not loan you other depositors' money or if the bank refused
to repay the loan from you to the bank.
America's Hope: To Cancel Bank Loans
Without Going to Court
Interest: The charge for the use of borrowed money, not the
opposite of money or the postponement of the payment of
America's Hope: To Cancel Bank Loans
Without Going to Court
America's Hope: To Cancel Bank Loans
Without Going to Court
note as a loan from the borrower to the bank, the bank assets
and liabilities increase by the amount of the loan to the bank.
When a bank claims it granted a loan, the bank's assets and
liabilities increase by the amount of the promissory note. It is
the same situation if the bank received the promissory note in a
fraudulent conversion and loaned the value of the stolen prop-
erty back to the victim. The question is, did the bank hide this
transaction? Did the borrower give the bank permission? Did
the borrower have knowledge? If there was no knowledge, how
can there be mutual understanding or an agreement? Was it a
loan, theft, or did the borrower have knowledge? According to
the accounting records, it is either a loan to the bank or it is a
theft. According to the accounting records, at a minimum it is
an implied loan to the bank because the bank recorded it as
such. You have a right to receive the loan back in "its equiva-
lent in kind", meaning you have the right to receive the princi-
pal and interest paid to the bank. If it was stolen, most people
would want their stolen property back.
America's Hope: To Cancel Bank Loans
Without Going to Court
America's Hope: To Cancel Bank Loans
Without Going to Court
America's Hope: To Cancel Bank Loans
Without Going to Court
America's Hope: To Cancel Bank Loans
Without Going to Court
people use cash. People use cash for small purchases and checks
for larger purchases.
Under the constitutional banking system, the people own
their homes, cars, farms, and businesses with very little debt
compared to the European banking system. in the European sys-
tem, for every dollar counterfeited and loaned, at the moment
the loan papers are signed, one dollar of wealth is immediately
transferred from the citizen's pocket to the banker's pocket for
free. Just before the American Revolutionary War, the colo-
nists used colonial scrip (money) under a constitutional bank-
ing system. In a sinister plot to obtain the colonists' property
for free, King George of England forced the citizens into a Eu-
ropean banking system, thereby allowing the banks to obtain
nearly all the colonists' property for free and forcing them to
pay interest on what was taken. According to founding father
Benjamin Franklin, this was one of the primary reasons for the
Revolutionary War. The Constitution prohibits the European
banking system by requiring gold and silver money and equal
protection. Imagine if Congress forced the citizens to surren-
der their assets to the bankers for free. Then the bankers re-
turned the value of the assets back to the citizens as loans from
the bankers to the citizens. Imagine Congress allowing bankers
to legally steal or counterfeit."
Mr. Jefferson was amazed to see how well this student un-
derstood the two banking systems and gave him an "A."
America's Hope: To Cancel Bank Loans
Without Going to Court
America's Hope: To Cancel Bank Loans
Without Going to Court
The next student proposed that it was like the old gold-
smiths of several hundred years ago. Everyone deposited their
gold at the goldsmith for safekeeping. The goldsmith gave the
depositors a gold receipt showing the amount of gold coins
deposited. The merchants used the gold receipts like money,
knowing they could exchange the receipts for gold coins. Soon
there were few people using the gold coins. Instead, they were
using the receipts as money. The goldsmiths realized they could
create gold receipts without actually having the gold to back it,
because few people ever asked to exchange the receipts for gold.
The goldsmiths advertised that they could loan money at 10%
interest. People flocked to the goldsmiths. Farmers agreed to
lien their farms and sign promissory notes. The goldsmiths cre-
America's Hope: To Cancel Bank Loans
Without Going to Court
America's Hope: To Cancel Bank Loans
Without Going to Court
could create money and loan it out. That would increase prof-
its." Another replied, "If only we could become moneychangers,
exchange $100 for $100 and charge $100 plus interest for the
exchange." Yet another spoke up and said, "How about making
the borrower deposit $100 while we withdraw the $100 and
give it back to him as a $100 loan?"
Doubting Thomas said, "People would never be so stupid
as to allow us to do that."
Richard, who called the meeting, rebuked him, saying,
"You're wrong, Thomas. I have devised a plan to do exactly
that, without the people ever suspecting what's being done. Ev-
eryone please be seated and I will explain how we can end up
owning nearly all the wealth of the globe without ever loaning
one cent of other depositors' money." He went to the front of
the room and explained the following: "Gentlemen, I have a
bill in my hands that I wrote, and that the Congress and the
President will pass, making it legal for us to convert the prop-
erty of the world into our hands without people ever realizing
it. Today the people own their homes, cars, farms, and busi-
nesses debt-free because the government prints money like
President Lincoln did. We will stop Lincoln's successors and
ensure that only the banks can create money. We will then loan
it out at interest. Every time someone receives a $100,000 bank
loan, the bank will create $100,000 of money and loan it out.
The people will have $100,000 of new debt that never existed
before, while the bank will have a lien on their house or farm.
If they do not repay the loan, we get the real estate for free.
When someone buys a house, they are dependent on obtaining
a bank loan to purchase it. The average house sells every 7.5
years, so in less than 10 years the banks will have these coun-
terfeit liens on most homes. Every loan from a bank will ensure
that the people will have more debt, not only in principal bal-
ance but also by paying us interest. If they do not pay us the
interest, we foreclose and take their property. In short, the bank
creates the money and buys up the nation's assets, ending up
owning nearly everything. Today, people can own a $100,000
house debt-free because of Lincoln. Tomorrow, the same house
will have a $90,000 mortgage on it and the bank will receive
America's Hope: To Cancel Bank Loans
Without Going to Court
America's Hope: To Cancel Bank Loans
Without Going to Court
the banks create and loan out. Government is the biggest mo-
nopoly. All we have to do is get the money for free and loan it
to the monopoly. Then we use the judges and police to collect
the taxes, and we get nearly half of it back for free. To get the
judges, police, and lawmakers to join us, we will show them
how to profit from foreclosures. Sheer greed will enforce this
banking system. The law will allow us to take from the Ameri-
cans, putting their money and wealth into our hands without
ever loaning one cent of other depositors' money. Many states
have a 7% sales tax and a 3 to 5% income tax. The banks could
get much of this tax once we get the monopoly into enough
debt. Gasoline tax, utility tax, sales tax, real estate tax, and state
income tax could be as high as 10% of a family's income. The
banks could receive nearly 40% of the tax for free, which is 4%
of families' income. Add the 4% to the 32% calculated earlier
and the banks could receive about 36% of an average family's
income for free."
Doubting Thomas continued to argue that the people would
never allow this, and that the media would expose it even if it
got through Washington D.C.
In response, Richard explained, "The major media is easy
to control. They cannot exist without bank loans either. They
know that if they upset the banks, they will not get the loans
they need to stay in existence. With all the bank profit and re-
tirement money to invest, we can own a portion of the major
media and publishing companies as well. Anyone speaking
against the banks will be labeled as a conspiracy nut or an anti-
government group. That will shut people up.
If we collect nearly 36 percent of the income from fami-
lies, we have plenty of money to be one of the largest political
funders of Presidents, Congress, judges, sheriffs, and other of-
ficials. They need the media and money to get elected. Let ev-
eryone argue over the little issues, but never allow this secret
to be revealed. Anyone running for political office to correct
our banking system will never receive favorable major media
attention and will never get elected. Any lawmaker opposing
the banks will be taught a lesson by having the media favor
their opponent in the next election. The banking interests will
America's Hope: To Cancel Bank Loans
Without Going to Court
America's Hope: To Cancel Bank Loans
Without Going to Court
America's Hope: To Cancel Bank Loans
Without Going to Court
deposit cash, we will deposit the promissory note and then sell
the promissory note for government bonds. It makes no differ-
ence whether cash or promissory notes are deposited; we sell
both to get government bonds that can be sold later for cash if
we need it. Depositing a $100,000 promissory note is like de-
positing new money, creating a new deposit. Then, the check is
written from this new deposit. The check has cash behind it so
it is not check kiting. We loan nothing for the promissory note,
we get it for free, and then loan it back to the one we stole it
from. If we can keep stealing and returning the value of the
stolen property back to the victim as a loan, the bankers will
end up owning the world for free. We can control everything!"
Joe explained what he loved most about the idea: "It is too
confusing to explain this to a jury. If we foreclose, the victim
has no money to take the bank to court and hire an attorney and
expert witness."
Peter was sitting quietly in the back of the room, thinking.
He said, "Let me get this straight. On a national level, the gov-
ernment gives us $100 cash for the cost of printing it, and we
loan it back to the government who gave it to us for free or
printing cost. And when local banks grant a $100,000 loan, the
borrower gives the bank $100,000 for free, and the bank re-
turns the $100,000 back to the borrower as a loan."
James interrupted and asked, "How can the bank receive
$100,000 from the borrower for free when the borrower needs
money and is going to the bank for a loan?"
Charles spoke up and said, "The minute the borrower signs
the $100,000 promissory note, the note can be sold for $100,000
cash. When you deposit the cash or promissory note into a
checking account, there is a new checking account balance of
$100,000 that acts like money. It is like creating $100,000 of
counterfeit money. Whatever is deposited, by law, becomes the
bank's property. People use checks to buy things instead of cash,
so we do not need cash, we need checkbook money."
James spoke up and said, "It is simple. The government or
the people give us money or something that can be sold for
money, and we get it for free. Then, we return it back to the
same person and call it a loan. The people will never figure it
America's Hope: To Cancel Bank Loans
Without Going to Court
One cannot prove that this secret meeting, or one like it,
ever occurred. But one can look to see if the results predicted
in such a meeting occurred. This book will prove that the eco-
nomic effect of the plan discussed in this meeting has occurred
in America.
Once you learn the banking secret, you can help foreclo-
sure victims and legally divert money from the bankers' pock-
ets, back to the citizens where it belongs.
America's Hope: To Cancel Bank Loans
Without Going to Court
America's Hope: To Cancel Bank Loans
Without Going to Court
The banks are charged with violating the bank loan agree-
ment. The banker is charged with advertising that he will loan
a check as consideration (money) loaned if the borrower signs
the promissory note agreeing to repay the money. The lender is
charged with forging the promissory note, recording it as a loan
from the borrower, and using it to fund a loan from the bank
back to the same alleged borrower. The bank fails to loan other
depositors' money or repay the unauthorized loan from the al-
leged borrower to the bank. The damages are equal to stealing,
default, or counterfeiting.
America's Hope: To Cancel Bank Loans
Without Going to Court
America's Hope: To Cancel Bank Loans
Without Going to Court
America's Hope: To Cancel Bank Loans
Without Going to Court
America's Hope: To Cancel Bank Loans
Without Going to Court
ing. Soon the economy will fall into a depression and the banks
will foreclose on the national debt. Nearly all homes, cars, farms,
and businesses end up in the hands of the bank.
When the European banking system grants loans, the bank
loan agreement conceals one very important fact: the bank first
receives the money they loan from the borrower for free. The
bank then loans this money back to the borrower as a bank loan.
Just as when the government gives the bank cash and the bank
loans the cash back to the government, the same thing occurs
when local banks grant house loans, car loans, student loans,
business loans, and credit cards.
This book will use the Federal Reserve Bank publications
to prove that we are under the European banking system. Most
Americans will argue that they do not give the bank $100,000
actual cash value for free and that the bank returns it back to
them as a loan. This book will not only expose how this trick
works, but will teach you how to argue the point like a certified
public accountant expert witness, destroying the arguments of
a judge, attorney, or banker.
Would you agree to give the bank cash, or something that
can be sold for cash, allowing the banker to deposit the money
and write a check back to you as a loan? Of course not. The
banker believes this is what you agreed to. Most Americans
know that if you deposit $100 cash into a checking account,
there is a new deposit of $100 and the bank owes you $100.
You can ask for the cash back as a return of your capital earlier
deposited, or write a $100 check. The $100 deposit funds the
check. We know the bank cannot return the $100 back to us as
a bank loan. Most Americans believe the bank will loan them
$20,000 of other depositors' money if they sign a promissory
note agreeing to repay the money. The banker does the oppo-
site of what most Americans believe the agreement is, chang-
ing the cost and the risk of the alleged loan. The banker knows
that if you deposit $100 cash, they can sell the cash for $100 of
government bonds, with the banker receiving interest. Govern-
ment bonds are just like cash. If the banker needs cash, they
sell the government bonds. The trick is this simple: instead of
depositing cash, the banker sells the $20,000 promissory note
America's Hope: To Cancel Bank Loans
Without Going to Court
America's Hope: To Cancel Bank Loans
Without Going to Court
keep it for free and then return the $1,000 back to you as a bank
loan? Of course not, unless you are completely insane. Would
you agree to allow the bank to take the money you will earn ten
days in the future, deposit the money, and return it back to you
as a loan? If you are that gullible, I want to loan you some
money. Your future labor represents the future payroll money
to fund the loan repayment required by the promissory note. If
you object to letting the bank have your $1,000 payroll check
for free and giving it back to you as a loan, you would object to
the European banking system. If you want justice and equal
protection, you will follow Lincoln's and our founding fathers'
Constitutional, gold- and silver-backed banking system. Banks
hate gold and silver because they cannot manipulate the prom-
issory note, deposit it, and create new money (a new bank de-
posit). If you believe that no class of citizens has the right to
steal and counterfeit legally, then you agree with Lincoln and
our founding fathers' Constitution. If someone kept stealing your
future payroll checks, depositing them, and returning the money
back to you as a loan, you would be poor and in perpetual debt,
paying interest to the thief. It is very profitable to steal and
counterfeit, especially if you have the aid of government to
enforce it.
National Geographic (Jan. 93, p. 84) claims that the banks
create money and loan it out at interest. Later this book will
show you Federal Reserve Bank publications confirming that
this is true. There is a controversy as to who owns the Federal
Reserve Banks. It is true that local banks own part of the Fed-
eral Reserve Bank in their district. But these local banks do not
appear to have control over the Federal Reserve Bank. This
kind of ownership means little if anything to most Americans.
Encyclopaedia Britannica claims it is privately owned. The FED
does not pay IRS tax but does pay real estate tax. Some re-
searchers believe it is owned by the government. The economic
effect remains the same whether it is government or private. I
do not wish to explain the details regarding the corporate status
of the United States government and/or who owns the Federal
Reserve Bank. It is sufficient to say that the Federal Reserve
Bank is a federally chartered agency of the federal government.
America's Hope: To Cancel Bank Loans
Without Going to Court
ARE YOU MAD YET? Remember how Ross Perot and Bob
Dole went on national television wanting a balanced budget?
Both were given information about banking and how the Fed-
eral Reserve Bank operates. Do you think they are smart enough
to know about Abraham Lincoln and the Constitution? Did they
tell you 32 out of the required 34 States passed a constitutional
convention under the guise of needing a balanced budget and
that the bankers funded a new constitution to replace our exist-
ing one? It was to be a constitution wherein everyone loses the
freedom of speech and religion, along with our other rights.
The bankers' goal is to end our Constitutional gold and silver
money and equal protection. Notice how the media is silent
about the truth. They are trying to talk you into a balanced bud-
get, while all we have to do is follow Lincoln's example. Bob
Dole made a small fortune with his television advertisement
pushing a cashless society, allowing the banks to have absolute
control over every citizen through the use of credit cards. The
banks create the problem/deficit, then they push for a constitu-
tional convention to solve the very problem they created. The
solution, then, is designed to end our rights. We would never
agree to ending our rights unless we had a problem that needed
to be solved. If the American people understood the truth, no
one would believe Bob Dole or the media and we could correct
the problem. If you study and research, you will find the banks
and the United Nations are working together with the same
agenda. But that's left for another book.
I thank the grassroots organization of United We Stand for
helping to stop the constitutional convention and helping people
become aware of the banking problem. They know about the
Federal Reserve Bank and the problems it has created. I be-
lieve if we can get this book out to the people of United We
Stand, and if they support equal protection, we could restore
America to her former greatness. I thank the grassroots for their
gallant efforts to expose the truth. Grassroots Republicans and
Democrats are just beginning to see the benefit of following
the Constitutional banking system. The Republican and Demo-
crat leaderships may be receiving favorable media coverage and
money from bankers, forcing them to remain silent, but the faster
America's Hope: To Cancel Bank Loans
Without Going to Court
the grassroots movement grows, the faster the change will take
The solution is simple. We need 200 people in every state
to distribute 1,000 brochures, and soon ten percent of the people
will want out of their loans. The ten percent will grow. Edu-
cated Americans will support us. As the numbers grow, states-
men will run for office to represent the people and not the banks.
We must wake the voters up. We must expose the big lie so we
can vote out every lawmaker, judge, and police official who
would aid and abet the enemies of our founding fathers in the
Revolutionary War.
Two great Americans said it all. In Bulletin (Nov. 1991,
p.4), President Andrew Jackson is quoted as saying, "If the
American people only understood the rank injustice of our
money and banking system, there would be a revolution before
morning." Automaker Henry Ford Sr. said, "It is well enough
that people of the nation do not understand our banking and
monetary system, for if they did, I believe there would be a
revolution before tomorrow morning" (see bibliography #10,
p. 11). We do not need guns or bombs. America has the greatest
government in the world. All we need is an informed populace
willing to vote out anyone who thinks one class of citizens
should have the legal right to enforce an economic effect of
stealing and counterfeiting against the other citizens.
America's Hope: To Cancel Bank Loans
Without Going to Court
America's Hope: To Cancel Bank Loans
Without Going to Court
America's Hope: To Cancel Bank Loans
Without Going to Court
bankers are above the law. Do you know of a banker who has
gone to jail for violating the U.S. Constitution or bank loan
agreement? The medieval, feudal system denies equal protec-
tion under the law, as does today's American banking system.
The courts, lawmakers, and police have enforced this medi-
eval, feudal banking system, denying us equal protection under
the law. The banks have demanded the serfs give up one-third
to one-half of their payroll check to them, paying all the inter-
est forced upon us. Why should we allow the banks to conceal
the whole truth about the real bank loan agreement, allowing
the economic effect of theft and counterfeiting to continue? It
continues because Americans believe the big lie.
Once Americans educate their other fellow Americans, we
will repeat history and change the banking system. Outraged
Americans will demand the government create interest-free
United States Notes and that this cash be the only money al-
lowed in circulation. If you want money, you must earn it and
not create it like banks do today. If money is loaned, the bank
must loan other depositors' money and not create it.
Today, Congress and the President are too fearful to change
the laws and follow Lincoln's example, and they will continue
to be until we organize and send out enough brochures to enough
Americans so that the population will support the change and
make it safe for lawmakers to follow their oath of office to up-
hold the U.S. Constitution. The lawmakers, political candidates,
and judges are waiting on you to do your job to spread the word
and get the truth out. We must show that the media is biased
and supports the medieval, feudal banking system of nobles
and serfs. Greed and the love of money run the bankers, gov-
ernment leaders, and the media. To correct the problem, we need
you to join us in distributing brochures and cassette tapes. If
we have 25 hairdressers in every state joining us, and if they
convert 100 clients each, we will have 2,525 people wishing to
follow Lincoln. Wives could stop working and maintain the
same standard of living. If these 2,525 converted one more per-
son each, we would have 5,050 people talking, 252,500 in all
50 states. If the average person passed out 100 brochures, one
in every four voters would want to follow Lincoln. Soon the
America's Hope: To Cancel Bank Loans
Without Going to Court
whole country will follow. You and your group of friends could
get 25 people in your state interested and watch American his-
tory repeat itself by changing the banking system once again.
Senator Bob Dole's book Trusting the People (p. 8) explains
that, in 1995, the government paid over $230 billion on the
national debt. This is nearly 40 percent of every dollar the fed-
eral government collects. The $230 billion in interest and 40
percent of taxes going to the bankers for free will be a part of
the past and never be repeated in American history. People will
again remember the reason we fought the Revolutionary War.
In my next book, I will explain how judges, police offi-
cials, and lawmakers can double their money every 6 to 8 months
without risking one cent. You cannot rely on the courts to give
you justice if the judges and police are quietly doubling their
money every 6 to 8 months. Why would politicians vote to end
doubling their wealth? Once you learn how easily it can be done,
you may decide to join them. But for those with a conscience, I
will illustrate a way to use the same method to help restore this
country's economic stability and security. If you were a police-
man or judge enjoying the benefits of a feudal noble, doubling
your wealth at the expense of the others, you would not stop
until the nation was outraged. It is clearly up to the voters to
change the system.
President Kennedy issued United States Notes just before
he was assassinated. I owned one of the Kennedy dollars, called
a silver certificate. This cash was issued interest-free. Within a
few months, he was assassinated. If President Kennedy had lived
and continued, today the national budget could be balanced,
your personal IRS tax eliminated, your home, car, or farm could
be debt-free, and you could be living in prosperity. The three to
six months of labor the banks receive for free from you today
could be all yours to spend. Today they spend it, but if Kennedy
had lived, the money would be yours. Trillions and trillions of
dollars that the banks have today would be in the hands of
American citizens if Kennedy had lived and continued printing
his United States Notes. Immediately after he died, President
Johnson withdrew the Kennedy dollar and issued Federal Re-
serve Notes in their place. Who benefited most by Kennedy's
America's Hope: To Cancel Bank Loans
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death? One death and trillions and trillions of dollars were kept
in the hands of the bankers, with nearly half your labor being
given to the bankers for free in the medieval, feudal banking
system. Just one bullet shifted the wealth of every American.
The people may not know, but bankers surely know the differ-
ence between the United States Notes and the Federal Reserve
I believe President Kennedy would have lived if he had first
exposed the banking scheme on TV and then issued United
States Notes. Media control is essential to keeping the money
system secret, essential to deceiving the nation and making ev-
ery American a serf instead of the free American our founding
fathers intended. Now we need to act like we are free and tell
the world the whole truth, end the debt slavery, and become
free once again.
America's Hope: To Cancel Bank Loans
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nation's assets for the cost of printing new gold receipts. Gold
receipts are really bank notes.
The publication went on to explain how transaction depos-
its are the modern counterpart of bank notes (gold receipts). It
was a small step from printing notes to making book entries
crediting the deposits of borrowers, which the borrowers could,
in turn, "spend" by writing checks. I asked the bank auditor, if
we replaced the word gold with cash, and gold deposit receipt
with checkbook money, would this describe American banking
today? Does that gold deposit receipt represent a check or bank
promissory note? Yes. Did the bank redefine the word money
by calling the gold receipt money, just as they call a checking
account balance checkbook money? He said yes, and that it is
not going to change until the people realize what is happening.
You went to the bank for a loan of gold coins. The bank
created $100,000 of new gold deposit receipts and loaned you
a slip of paper owing you $100,000 in gold coins without the
gold coins on deposit to make the gold deposit slip valid. The
deposit slip was a fake; There was no money behind it. It is like
counterfeit money. Who would agree to being loaned a slip of
paper? You owe the bank $100,000 in gold coins, and the bank
has given you a piece of paper without the money to back it. If
the bank paid you the gold it owed you, and you paid the bank
the gold you owed it, both debts would be canceled. Key les-
son: If the bank paid their debt, you would be out of debt. In-
stead, they tell you to use the gold deposit receipt as money.
The $100,000 promissory note the borrower signed can be
sold for $100,000 in gold coins, and this is why the promissory
notes are called the banker's gold. The bank loaned a fake, a
piece of paper with no gold behind it. The borrower was tricked.
The borrower must work to earn $100,000 in gold coins, plus
interest, to repay the bank. Today the promissory note can be
sold for $100,000 in cash, so the investor can receive interest.
The borrower's labor to repay the loan is worth $100,000 in
cash today. Key lesson: Your labor is equivalent to money. Your
labor is your property. A $100,000 promissory note has the
equivalent value of $100,000 legal tender because it can be sold
for that amount.
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America's Hope: To Cancel Bank Loans
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the bank loan check? The check would be valid. The seller of
the house received a check. He does not care if other deposi-
tors funded the check or if the borrower funded the check. Key
lesson: According to the agreement, was the bank to loan you
money to obtain the promissory note, or was the bank to de-
posit the promissory note and return it back to you as a loan? It
would be different if the people used only gold coins to buy
merchandise? If the bank can trick you into using casino to-
kens (or checkbook money or deposit slips) in place of real
gold coins, you do not know if the value to back up the tokens
came from you or other depositors. If we only used cash or
gold coins and the banks could not create money, then we would
know for sure we were being loaned other depositors' money.
Would it matter whether the borrower funded the bank loan
check or whether other depositors funded the check? If the bor-
rower deposited his $1,000 (earned by his labor) into a check-
ing account and was forced to withdraw it as a loan, he would
have lost $1,000 and had a $1,000 debt. If he does not pay this
debt, the bank forecloses. If this continued, the nonbankers
would have huge debts and all their wealth would be transferred
to the bankers.
I proceeded to explain the bank bookkeeping entries and
asked the bank auditor to stop me if I was wrong. If Tim depos-
its $100 in his checking account, the bank records the cash as a
bank asset and records a $100 bank liability. The $100 liability
is like a bank scorecard saying the bank owes Tim $100. The
deposit is like Tim loaning the bank $100, as proven by the
$100 liability. Because Tim loaned the bank $100, Tim can re-
ceive back the $100 in the form of either cash or by writing a
check to a merchant. Key lesson: If you deposit money at the
bank, it is like loaning the bank the money. You have a right to
receive your money back. Key lesson: The promissory note has
value because it has interest and collateral (lien.) Without in-
terest or collateral, few people would buy it.
If Tim loaned the bank $5,000 in diamonds, the diamonds
would be recorded as a bank asset and a new bank liability of
$5,000 would be recorded. If Tim did not want the diamonds
back and it was agreed that the bank would repay the loan by
America's Hope: To Cancel Bank Loans
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giving Tim a $5,000 check, the loan from Tim to the bank would
be paid in full. The bank exchanged the $5,000 in diamonds for
a $5,000 check, just like the bank exchanged the borrower's
promissory note for a check. Tim had to earn $5,000 to buy the
diamonds, just as he must earn the money to repay the loan. He
earned the money, so he has the right to spend the money. If the
bank stole what Tim earned and deposited the money, returning
it to him as a loan, it would be an injustice to Tim. Key lesson:
An exchange is the same as a deposit. The bookkeeping entries
are the same. Receiving $5,000 in diamonds from a borrower,
selling it for cash, and returning the cash back to the borrower
as a loan is a fraudulent conversion of the diamonds. Taking
our previous example, the bank records the $100,000 promis-
sory note as a bank asset, creating a new $100,000 bank liabil-
ity called checkbook money. This is really an unauthorized loan
from the borrower to the bank. The bank returns the loan back
to the borrower by issuing a check for $100,000. The check
merely transfers the liability from one checking account to an-
other. Bank loan agreements do not disclose the unauthorized
loan from the borrower to the bank. Example: A bank adver-
tises that it loans money. You apply for a $100,000 loan. The
bank gives you a $100,000 check. What really happened? The
bank implied that they loaned you $100,000. The truth is that
the bank recorded a loan from you. The bank owes you the
$100,000 they agreed they would loan you as required to le-
gally own your promissory note. The bank paid you $100,000,
they still owe you $100,000 more for the deposit (the unautho-
rized loan to the bank). The auditor agreed that this is true,
according to the bank bookkeeping. The bank loan checks need
cash or an asset (promissory note that can be sold for cash) to
make the check legal. The Federal Reserve Bank publications
admit that the bank never loaned one cent of legal tender or
other depositors' money. The FED publications admit that the
bank used the promissory note to fund the bank check. Stealing
the promissory note or recording the promissory note as a loan
from the borrower and then using it to fund the check is essen-
tially the same. Bank assets and liabilities both increase whether
it was "loaned" to the bank or stolen. Whether it was stolen or
America's Hope: To Cancel Bank Loans
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not, most people want their property back. Stealing and refus-
ing to pay a loan is essentially the same thing. I asked the former
bank auditor to tell me if I was wrong. He said I was correct.
About one hundred years ago, Rothschild claimed the
nonbankers would never learn the secret. He claimed the simple
people were too stupid to learn how the bankers stole every-
thing. The oldest bank trick is this simple: People think they
can only deposit cash or checks into a checking account. The
checking account balance acts like a substitute for the real
money or cash deposited. It is like exchanging cash for a ca-
sino token and using the token as the money. The trick is to get
people to use the token as money, or checks and checking ac-
count balances as money, instead of cash. The next trick is that
a bank can deposit anything into a checking account as long as
it can be sold for cash. For example, if I stole cars or diamonds
and the bank cooperated and allowed me to deposit the stolen
property, it would be like depositing cash as long as the stolen
property can quickly be sold for cash. If one deposits cash, the
bank sells the cash to buy government bonds that pay the bank
interest. In hours, the bank ca ell the bonds for cash, making
the bonds the equivalent cash. If one deposits stolen cars or
diamonds and the ban exchanges the stolen property for gov-
ernment bonds, it is like depositing cash. The bank knows it is
easier to sell pro promissory notes than stolen cars or diamonds.
One telephone c 11 and the promissory notes are sold for gov-
ernment bonds. It is done every day. It is like depositing gov-
ernment bonds (cash) to issue a check.
The oldest bank trick in the world is to make you think you
received a loan which you are then willing to repay. You got an
alleged bank loan check with cash behind it. The question is,
where did the cash come from?
The bank auditor replied, "I think you finally understand."
Key lesson: The bank does not own the promissory note until
the bank fulfills the agreement and gives you consideration
(money) in accordance to the agreement. Depositing funds and
stealing the deposit is called a fraudulent conversion. It is a
felony. The key question is, did the borrower agree in writing
to be the depositor and fund the bank loan check?
America's Hope: To Cancel Bank Loans
Without Going to Court
Actual cash value means the cash price you can sell an item
for in the ordinary course of business, without being forced to
sell it. When you apply for a $100,000 bank loan, you sign a
$100,000 promissory note. The note funds the $100,000 bank
loan check back to you. What is the actual cash value of the
promissory note? It is $100,000, because the bank sells it at the
end of the day for $100,000 in government bonds, which has
value equal to cash. What is the actual cash value of the new
bank loan check? It is $100,000 because you can receive
$100,000 cash. They merely exchanged actual cash value for
actual cash value, and charged you as if there was a loan. Some
of you may want proof. Federal Reserve Bank of San Fran-
cisco publication Monetary Policy in the United States (p. 13)
states that, "bank loans is funded... by banks creating new de-
posits." They claim there was a loan. The truth is, it was an
exchange and they called the exchange a loan. The proof is in
the bookkeeping entries. No actual cash value was loaned as
consideration to obtain the promissory note, and the proof is
that the note funded the check. The proof that the note funded
the check is the new money, the new deposit, as the FED publi-
cations so clearly admit. If you gave the bank $100 cash as
collateral for a bank loan, and the bank loaned you nothing, but
deposited the $100 cash and used it to fund a bank loan check,
refusing to return the $100 cash collateral, would you be mad?
That is exactly what the bank did to you. When you hand the
promissory note to the bank, it has equal value to the bank loan
check. After the loan is repaid, the promissory note has no value
because the loan payments stopped. When they return the note
it has no value, which is the same as refusing to return the $100
cash collateral. If we followed the Constitution and only used
gold and silver as lawful money, the bank could never use your
promissory note to fund the bank loan check. The bank would
be forced to use other depositors' money to fund the check,
giving you equal protection under the law. This is why the bank-
America's Hope: To Cancel Bank Loans
Without Going to Court
ers hate the Constitution, gold and silver money, and equal pro-
tection. Next time the media claims a group is anti-government,
I bet that group believes in the Constitution and in gold and
You are receiving the training of a bank expert witness.
Volume II will significantly increase your skills. Volume I is
the basics to get everyone up to the same level. Volume II is the
bankers' nightmare.
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America's Hope: To Cancel Bank Loans
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America's Hope: To Cancel Bank Loans
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it. Only the alleged borrower signed the agreement, so only the
alleged borrower's signature is relevant to the intent.
The bank had a far different intent in writing the agree-
ment. The bank intended to receive actual cash value of $10,000
for free from the alleged borrower and return the $10,000 back
to the borrower as a loan. The law allows the bank to create
new tokens (checkbook money called bank liabilities, deposits,
and IOUs) to match cash or government bonds the bank owns.
The bank simply used the promissory note to obtain govern-
ment bonds for free and used the government bonds to create
10,000 new tokens (new money) as if someone deposited cash.
The money supply increased by the amount of the promis-
sory note. The bank exchanged the promissory note having ac-
tual cash value of $10,000 for bank tokens (checkbook money)
having actual cash value of $10,000. The bank received $10,000
for free from the alleged borrower and returned it back to the
alleged borrower as a loan. The bank required the alleged bor-
rower to repay the alleged loan in cash or tokens.
If the alleged borrower knew the bank loaned nothing of
value for the promissory note, they would use their vote to
change the system. When we took an opinion poll of the Ameri-
can people and told them the whole truth, they agreed they never
had the intent to give the bank $10,000 of actual cash value for
free and have it returned back to them as a loan. They had no
idea, so they could not have had intent to fund the bank loan
check. The borrower believed the tokens loaned were financed
by other depositors. The alleged borrowers had no idea they
financed their own loan and had to pay back the principal and
interest to a third party who never loaned any actual cash value.
The bank knew the truth and what their intent was. The
bank wrote the agreement, they advertised and had the intent
proven by the bookkeeping entries. They claimed there was a
loan when, in fact, the economics prove that no loan existed.
That there was an exchange and a charge as if there was a loan,
I believe, shows that the bank intended to make false state-
ments, false representations, to conceal the exchange in the
agreement with the intent to reinforce a false impression, and
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America ' s Hope: To Cancel Bank Loans
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America's Hope: To Cancel Bank Loans
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America's Hope: To Cancel Bank Loans
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all the property in the nation for free. Judges and attorneys have
routinely refused evidence into court. Larceny by fraud, extor-
tion, and concealment are committed when a court prevents one
from bringing evidence into court for one's defense. The law-
yer reinforces a false statement, claiming there was a loan, con-
cealing that the bank took actual cash value from us, returned it
back to us, and claimed it was a loan from the bank and not a
return of the unauthorized loan from us to the bank. Please look
up the words conspiracy and white collar crime as well. The
bank told you that you received a check you can cash for legal
tender, and that the check was the loan allowing you to buy the
house or car. All one has to do is follow the money
trail—bokepng ntries— to see that this is not the case.
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America's Hope: To Cancel Bank Loans
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America's Hope: To Cancel Bank Loans
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America's Hope: To Cancel Bank Loans
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printing money and, for every dollar they print, they buy some-
thing while having you repay the bank principal and interest on
the money they created. The banks cannot lose.
The Federal Reserve Bank publications simply redefined
"money" to mean the opposite of what the traditional meaning
was. A simple illustration: years ago cash was scarce, so people
used horses like currency; they bartered. The bank had a better
idea. Instead of using a horse as currency, the people gave the
bank a $500 horse and the bank created 500 tokens worth one
dollar each. The bank received the horse for free by creating
500 new tokens and giving you the new tokens. People used
the tokens as money instead of using horses like money. To-
kens are really bank notes owing cash. Tokens became check-
book money. Checkbook money stopped people from stealing
cash. For safety reasons and out of convenience, people used
checkbook money for large transactions and cash for small pur-
chases. The bank simply expanded its operations by exchang-
ing newly created tokens for matching amounts of promissory
notes that can be sold for cash. Casinos force you to use cash or
tokens (liabilities) as money, and the banks force you to use
cash or checkbook money (liability) as currency, thereby forc-
ing their private Monopoly money upon the citizens.
The people did not see the banking secret. When the bank
created new tokens and exchanged the tokens for horses, the
bank ended up owning all the horses for free. It was so profit-
able that the bank expanded their operation, exchanging nearly
anything of value for newly created tokens. Soon the bank owned
nearly everything. They learned that counterfeiting works bet-
ter than outright stealing.
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America's Hope: To Cancel Bank Loans
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the bank notes back to the alleged borrower as money. "In this
way, banks began to create money." The next paragraph states,
"Transaction deposits are the modern counterpart of bank
notes." Remember a transaction deposit is a checking account
balance (bank liability/token). Then it explains how issuing a
bank note is like making a bank bookkeeping entry that creates
a deposit (bank liability/token) for a borrower which can be
spent by writing a check. The check merely transfers the funds
(tokens) from your checking account to another checking ac-
count. Both the deposit and bank note are bank liabilities used
as private bank money (tokens). The bank liability is spent like
money and is used in place of cash. To use private bank money
like cash, one first deposits cash (asset) or a promissory note
(asset) having actual cash value. The asset is exchanged for a
token (liability) or checkbook money (liability owing the cash).
Every dollar deposited is matched with a new bank liability or
token. Now the depositor spends the token like money because
the real money was exchanged for a substitute (liability/token).
No one will use the token as money without first depositing an
asset so one can cash the check. The token is dependent on
cash behind it if it is to be used as money, thus proving the real
money is a bank asset (cash), and not a liability (token).
Creating new money proves that they did not loan you other
depositors' money. A token is not legal tender because it is owing
cash, which is the opposite of cash. Modern Money Mechanics
gives the details, explaining that the bank did not loan you other
depositors' money. Richmond Federal Reserve Bank publica-
tions Your Money and Our Money claim that demand deposits,
traveler's checks, and interest-bearing accounts are not legal
tender, even though they are "usually accepted in payment for
purchases for goods and services." These publications admit
that they loaned you a bank liability called a demand deposit or
checkbook balance traded by check.
Modern Money Mechanics explains how the promissory
note is "exchanged for credits in the borrower's transaction ac-
counts," thereby creating new money. The new money is then
given back to the alleged borrower as a bank loan. Your Money
and Our Money claim that "the loan in fact becomes new de-
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America's Hope: To Cancel Bank Loans
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money and the government. Our brochures, tapes, and this book
will become our media to expose the ugly truth about our bank-
ing problem.
Conclusion: Any asset is money. A car, house, cash, prom-
issory note, lien on a car or house, anything that has value that
you own and can trade is money. The banks created a monopoly,
forcing your to transfer your assets to the bank for free. The
bank gives you back an equal amount of private bank tokens
representing the value of the asset. The banks then only accept
cash or tokens as money, forcing private bank liabilities (IOUs/
tokens) to be used as a substitute in place of the real money, i.e.
car, house, or promissory note. In the process, the bank obtains
the nation's assets for free through money creation. Then the
bank loans us back the substitute money (liability) represent-
ing the money the bank just took from us.
The Constitution our founding fathers gave us gives us equal
protection and gold and silver currency, and prohibits credit
(bank tokens, liabilities, IOUs). The citizens are not forced to
transfer their assets to the bank for free to obtain money. One
cannot redefine the Constitutional definition of money, i.e. gold
and silver coin (asset), without an Amendment to the Constitu-
tion or a constitutional convention.
The Constitution demands equal protection, prohibiting two
classes of citizens. Our founding fathers' Constitution prohib-
its those who can legally transfer wealth from your pocket into
theirs, use it to create money, and loan it back to you. In the
future, informed voters will decide if the bankers are right or if
our founding fathers were correct. Our job is to tell everyone
what the real bank loan agreement is. The bankers know they
must conceal the truth.
I talked to bankers who redefine words and call checks cash
because you can get cash for the check. We know that a check
merely transfers money previously deposited. The banks claim
that they do not steal nor counterfeit. They redefine it and call
it good business or monetizing. Monetize means to make into
money. They made the asset (house, promissory note, cash) into
checkbook money/tokens by matching the value of the asset
with new tokens. The economic effect is similar to stealing and
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America's Hope: To Cancel Bank Loans
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America's Hope: To Cancel Bank Loans
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did not want to show that they altered the promise to pay money
into money itself. Altering a document makes the document a
forgery, and then they would have to admit that you gave them
money to fund the check. They had to conceal the evidence and
claim that the original burned.
America's Hope: To Cancel Bank Loans
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own money to fund the check and received $1.6 million plus
interest in return. It was pure profit. The money loaned to the
customer came from the same customer, because the note was
altered and changed. Many ranchers and banks are involved in
this practice.
America's Hope: To Cancel Bank Loans
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bank does the same thing with the promissory note. As the judge
and jury, I ask you to determine whether this is fraudulent or
The Federal Reserve Bank of New York publication The
Story of Banks is summarized as follows: By depositing $5,000
into the bank with a 10% reserve requirement, the bank can
lend up to $4,500 ($5,000 times 90%). When the $4,500 is de-
posited, the bank can loan another $4,050 ($4,500 times 90%).
When the $4,050 is deposited, the bank can loan another $3,645
($4,050 times 90%). The bank's assets thereby grow by $12,195
($4,500 + $4,050 + $3,645).
The publication then explains how, through a $5,000 de-
posit and three loans, the banks received $13,550 in new de-
posits and lent $12,195. The most interesting point made in the
publication is the admission that banks, credit unions, and sav-
ings and loans create a lot of new money when they grant loans.
Read it carefully and you will see that the bank first received
$12,195 in new deposits and then made $12,195 in loans. You
will find the new deposits of $12,195 were created by deposit-
ing promissory notes or exchanging promissory notes for credit
in the borrower's account.
Federal Reserve Bank of New York publication The Story
of Checks and Electronic Payments claims that you deposit cash
and checks. Cash and checks have actual cash value. The FDIC
Call Reports (i.e. bank balance sheets) prove that all checking
account balances are matched by an offsetting bank asset which
can be converted into cash to pay the checking account balance
(liability). This proves one cannot create a new deposit balance
(liability) without depositing something of value that can be
exchanged for cash.
The Federal Reserve Bank admits, that, if you deposited
funds at the bank, you loaned the bank the funds. Federal Re-
serve Bank of Kansas City Publication Banking Regulation
claims that a deposit becomes a liability of the bank, placing
the " and the depositor in a debtor-creditor relationship."
The bank is the debtor and the depositor is the creditor or lender
to the bank. The alleged borrower is first the creditor, deposi-
tor, and lender to the bank, proven by the bank recording the
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America's Hope: To Cancel Bank Loans
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America's Hope: To Cancel Bank Loans
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issory note, then we can repay the loan in its equivalent in kind,
i.e., a second promissory note with no interest or lien. If we
have equal protection under the law, money, credit, and agree-
ment, and if the alleged borrower created the money for the
first alleged loan, why not create some more and repay the loan?
The bank refuses the second note, demanding tokens or cash,
thus proving the banker is merely a moneychanger and not a
lender. The second note has value because the banker can use it
like money to buy your house if, and when, you ever sell it. If
the banker demands you repay the second note, have him en-
dorse the back and keep the note and then give him a new note.
The bank publication admits it is money and they deposited it
before. They don't want your second note because they don't
want you to do to them what they did to you in the first place.
The banker must deny you equal protection to keep his bank-
ing system.
If both parties repaid their loans, the loans would cancel.
But the bank refuses to repay your unauthorized loan to them,
while they demand that you repay their loan. Again, equal pro-
tection is denied if the bank is to keep their European feudal
banking system, thereby owning the nation's assets for free and
forcing us serfs to pay the nobles their rent (interest).
The bank owes us for the deposit in the transaction account
because they altered the agreement and made the borrower the
creditor, lender, and depositor. The bank should return this
money to us as a return of our loan or deposit to the bank. They
received it for free and should return it. They advertised that
they would loan us money. That implies they loaned us their
money. They gave us one check for the earlier deposit. That
was a return of our original capital. They called this a loan, but
we never received a loan of actual cash value from the bank in
order for the bank to obtain the promissory note. If they want
us to pay them back, I believe they should either loan us the
money to fund the bank loan check or return the loan from us
to the bank. In either case, the bank loan is canceled. No rights
can be acquired by fraud.
The promissory note acts just like a check; both say "pay to
the order of." Both have value and can be exchanged for cash.
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America's Hope: To Cancel Bank Loans
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America's Hope: To Cancel Bank Loans
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America's Hope: To Cancel Bank Loans
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America's Hope: To Cancel Bank Loans
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America's Hope: To Cancel Bank Loans
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pear. The newly created bank liability means the bank received
the promissory note for free.
The banker cannot answer one tax question (if he does, he
could go to jail): How did he get the promissory note for free?
If a person or business received $100,000 for free, the IRS is
right there demanding taxes. It could not be a gift, because the
borrower had to have known. There was not a loan of actual
cash value to the alleged borrower as consideration loaned to
obtain it. If there is no loan, there is no need to repay it. If it
was a loan to the bank (not taxable to the bank), every Ameri-
can would demand the loan be returned, canceling every bank
loan. If the loan to the bank was forgiven, it is taxable to the
bank. If it was stolen, it is taxable to the bank. The bank tax
return, signed under penalty of perjury, will tell us if it was a
loan to the bank or if they obtained it for free.
To avoid the tax question, the banker must then claim that
the bank checking account balance is money. If it is money, the
bank could never be obligated to allow you to write checks off
the checking account balance, nor obligated to give you cash
for the money in your checking account. Legal tender is re-
corded as a bank asset and owing legal tender is a bank liabil-
ity. If a bank liability is money per the bank or judge, then that
money is the opposite of legal tender. The bank liability and
the promissory note both owe legal tender, which is the oppo-
site of legal tender. If money is deposited at the bank, there is a
new bank asset and liability. The new liability and the new as-
set represent the same deposit. If the bank claims the bank li-
ability is money, then the matching asset (cash, check, promis-
sory note deposited) is equally money. The new liability repre-
sents the matching asset and the new asset deposited represents
the matching new liability. For the banker to win, he must prove
legal tender (asset) deposited ceases to be money or legal ten-
der and the new matching bank liability is money. The banker
must prove that one can issue a check without first depositing
cash or something having actual cash value (asset) to fund the
check (liability), thus proving check kiting is now legal. The
bank must prove that they are no longer obligated to exchange
checks (liability) into cash (asset). The bank must prove that
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something having actual cash value and deposited it. They know
a new liability will also result if the bank stole your property,
deposited it, and returned the value back to you as a loan. cer-
tified public accountants universally know a liability is a debt
owing money. The FED publications clearly admit bank assets
and liabilities (IOUs) both increase when banks grant loans.
An IOU owing money is the opposite of money. The banker
cannot discuss whether he loaned you money or the opposite of
money. If he loaned you the opposite of money, you need to
repay in the opposite of money—that is, a promise to pay money.
The banks add money and the opposite of money together
and call it money. That is like adding apples and a slip of paper
called an IOU (owing you apples) together and claiming the
total is the number of apples you have in inventory today. Even
a child knows an apple and an IOU owing an apple are not the
same. Your child will chose an ice cream cone to eat, not an
IOU owing an ice cream cone. The banker tried to sell you the
IOU and never intended to give you the money. The bank IOU
has no value and is worthless if it cannot be paid by a bank
The bank IOU is just like a casino token. If the bank can
get you to use the token as money, they can steal and counter-
feit. If everyone must use the real money—cash or gold and
silver coins—as money, giving everyone equal protection un-
der the law, then stealing and counterfeiting will cease to exist.
Interest and tokens are the bankers' secret weapons, used in a
silent war to seize your property and return it back to you as a
loan. They keep the war silent, concealed, so they can quietly
continue. They know if the voters learned the truth, the steal-
ing and counterfeiting would end. It is your responsibility as
an American to stop the bankers from denying us equal protec-
tion. The only way to stop a secret war is to expose it. We must
inform all Americans so we can all join in saving the Republic
for Which We Stand.
America's Hope: To Cancel Bank Loans
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As judge and jury, you must decide if the bank gave con-
sideration in accordance with the agreement, contract, and ad-
vertisement. The Dictionary of Banking Terms explains consid-
eration as the lending of money in exchange for a borrower's
promise to repay the loan. The key words are, "lending of
money." Remember how the bank redefined money? Instead of
calling gold or cash money, they redefined money to mean ow-
ing gold or owing cash. Typically, the lender loans you a check
or some similar instrument. Remember how the bank redefined
the word loan, calling it an exchange? By changing the defini-
tion of the word money to mean the opposite of money, and
changing the definition of the word loan to exchange, the mean-
ing of the agreement has been completely altered. It now means
the borrower funds the bank loan check. The Law Dictionary
defines the following:
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gets your labor for free. And if you fail to repay the loan, the
bank gets your home in foreclosure for free. The minute the
bank deposits your promissory note and gets your money (prom-
issory note) for free, the banker's wealth is increased and your
debt is increased by a simple bookkeeping entry. If the bank
lent other depositor's money, and the money was returned to
the one who funded the loan (you) no theft or wealth transfer
would take place. But, instead, the bank gets new money for
free and returns it to you as a loan. Now the banker gets your
wealth for free by making you work for the banker (to repay
the loan) or by foreclosing and getting your home or car for
free. Debtor's are the banker's slave. Only slaves work for free.
The banker needs you working to produce food, cars, gas
for the cars, homes, roads, bridges, bank buildings and services.
Then the banker gets a free ride by printing money and getting
your production for free. Who has the biggest building in town?
Often the banker does.
The banker knows that if everyone stopped working, and
stayed home with a money making machine, everyone would
have piles of millions of dollars in their living room. If the
farmer, grocery worker and gas station attendant stopped work-
ing to print money, there would be no food. or gas to buy. Ev-
eryone would starve. If everyone had to work, and could only
barter food for gas, or a car for a motor cycle, the bankers would
have to produce wealth to survive. The banker could not print
money to get your wealth (gas or food or car) for free. If we
had no money, and could only barter, the problem would be
corrected. If the banker could not print money he would have
to work like everyone else. He would have to build a house and
barter one house for another house.
Why should you have to work to produce wealth, but the
banker can obtain wealth without working, by printing money
and getting a house for free? Why does the counterfeiter go to
jail, but the banker creates new money and sits on the board of
directors of the church and local businesses? It's because the
banker is smart enough to not print cash and go to jail. The
banker prints money as bookkeeping entries (non-legal tender,
like a casino prints casino tokens) so it is not technically coun-
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America's Hope: To Cancel Bank Loans
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to the voters. Voters will join us if they know that we can win.
And we can win if you help us get one American to join at a
time. The bankers use deception and we must use the truth to
win. The key is the vote. Politicians have a price. Give them
enough money and they change their views and sell their vote
to the highest bidder. You can never trust anyone who will sell
their vote to the highest bidder. Even if the current politicians
change the banking system, you cannot trust them. They have
proved to us that they will sell themselves to the highest bid-
der. What else will they do to you? We need honest people in
government. We need politicians who represent the people, and
not the bankers or special interest groups who steal our wealth,
our rights and our liberties.
Bankers use deception and we use the truth. Please help us
by hosting a web site, or by getting out emails to bring people
to the web sites. You can help us make a huge impact for the
freedoms we deserve in America. We have a political party that
will join us if we get the web sites up and emails out. When we
have converted enough Americans to the truth, and it is safe,
they will join us. Please help us make it safe to correct the prob-
lem. Help us convert the voters to the truth. You can have the
government you deserve. But, if you do nothing, you deserve
to have your children be the banker's slaves. Or, you can help
us to set your children free. You really can make a difference.
Join us while we have the freedom to correct the problem. Your
job and money mean nothing if they take your freedoms away
or manipulate the money supply and create a bank induced de-
pression for their further profits. The time to act is now. Help
us save America and get out the truth today.
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mony, the attorney uses the promissory note as the witness and
as the evidence to sue the alleged borrower.
There is a legal concept of form vs. substance. The form is
the promissory note, which says that the lender lent money to
the alleged borrower. The substance is the money trail—the book-
keeping entries. The substance shows that there were two loans
exchanged, equal value for equal value. The borrower was re-
quired to repay his loan to the bank plus interest, but the bank
never repaid the debt it owes. IOU was exchanged for IOU.
The two newly created IOUs cancel each other.
Substance—true transaction—shows that the borrower was the
lender to the bank. Then the bank repaid the loan from the bor-
rower to the bank. The form—the alleged bank loan agreement—
shows the opposite.
Example: You sign a paper that says you were lent $10,000,
but no one lent you one cent to obtain the promissory note. A
thief stole $10,000 worth of diamonds from you, sold them for
cash, and returned the cash to you as a loan. The form says that
there was a loan; your signature also says that there was a loan.
The true transaction, though, proves that there was no loan.
The substance—the money trail and the bookkeeping entries—
proves that someone took something of value worth $10,000
from you, exchanged it for a different asset of equal value, and
returned your $10,000 to you as a loan that you now have to
pay off with interest. The attorney sues you, claiming that your
signature proves that you received the loan. You hire an expert
witness to prove that there was no loan, that the substance of
the true transaction was an exchange, and that you were charged
as if it were a loan.
Economically speaking, what is the difference if a stranger
received your $10,000 worth of diamonds for free, or if he got
a $10,000 lien on your property for free, or if he received
$10,000 of your future payroll checks for free? The substance
of the transaction is the transferral of $10,000 of property from
you to the stranger for free. The transfer of wealth is precisely
how bankers obtain liens on the nation's homes, cars, farms,
and businesses for free. If a robber were to use a gun to transfer
America's Hope: To Cancel Bank Loans
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Example: You give Rich $100 for five boxes of toys. Rich
says, "Here are the five boxes. Sign this paper that says you
received the boxes." You sign. Rich refuses to hand over the
five boxes and claims that the form—the paper you just signed—
says that you received the boxes. You would tell the judge that
you acted in good faith by signing because you were told that
you would receive the five boxes standing in front of you. Af-
ter you had signed, Rich refused to let you have the boxes. The
form—the paper—says that you received the boxes, but the sub-
stance—the true transaction—clearly shows you never received
what you had bargained for. If the attorney uses the form (pa-
per) in court to claim that you received the boxes when, in fact,
he knew that you had never received then, the attorney brought
fraud on the court to sue you. The form—the paper—would be a
false witness against you.
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America's Hope: To Cancel Bank Loans
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The banker was placed on the witness stand and sworn in.
The plaintiff's (borrower's) attorney asked the banker the rou-
tine questions concerning the banker's education and back-
ground. The attorney asked the banker, "What is court exhibit
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The banker said, "No." He knew that one must first deposit
something having actual cash value (cash, check, or promis-
sory note) to fund a check.
The attorney asked, "Is it the bank policy to first transfer
the actual cash value from the alleged borrower to the lender
for the amount of the alleged loan?"
The banker said, "Yes."
The attorney asked, "Does the bank pay IRS tax on the ac-
tual cash value transferred from the alleged borrower to the
The banker answered, "No, because the actual cash value
transferred shows up like a loan from the borrower to the bank,
or a deposit which is the same thing, so it is not taxable."
The attorney asked, "If a loan is forgiven, is it taxable?"
The banker agreed by saying, "Yes."
The attorney asked, "Is it the bank policy to not return the
actual cash value that they received from the alleged borrower
unless it is returned as a loan from the bank to the alleged bor-
rower? "
"Yes", the banker replied.
The attorney said, "You never pay taxes on the actual cash
value you receive from the alleged borrower and keep as the
bank's property?"
"No. No tax is paid.", said the crying banker.
The attorney asked, "When the lender receives the actual
cash value from the alleged borrower, does the bank claim that
it then owns it and that it is the property of the lender, without
the bank loaning or risking one cent of legal tender or other
depositors' money?"
The banker said, "Yes."
The attorney asked, "Are you telling me the bank policy is
that the bank owns the promissory note (actual cash value) with-
out loaning one cent of other depositors' money or legal tender,
that the alleged borrower is the one who provided the funds
deposited to fund the bank loan check, and that the bank gets
funds from the alleged borrower for free? Is the money then
returned back to the same person as a loan which the alleged
borrower repays when the bank never gave up any money to
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What is the proof that bad money drives out good money?
You're broke, aren't you?
The KGB and Gestapo would have loved the cashless soci-
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If one person stole all the property from the other 260 mil-
lion Americans and returned the value of the stolen property
back to the victims as a loan, who would be rich and who would
be poor? What is the difference between doing this and coun-
terfeiting to obtain liens on nearly every home, car, farm, busi-
ness, etc.? It's the same thing. Do you know why bankers love
Congress so much? They made it legal for a private organiza-
tion to create money!
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and then you have to repay the bank the loan? Would you agree
to this? This is why bankers love Americans.
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I said, "I do not care want you think. I want to know the
law. Do you have the competence to know?" I knew he had to
say he did because he did the audit.
He responded, "Legally it is not money."
I asked, "Does the bank record legal tender as a bank as-
He answered yes.
I asked, "Does a bank liability mean that the bank owes
legal tender?"
He said yes. Then he asked, "Why are you asking all these
I said that several CPA bank auditors I knew had said that
bank loans were a fraud, and I wanted to know more. He ex-
ploded and said that whoever was selling those manuals and
tapes should be put in jail. I thought to myself, "I never men-
tioned a manual or tapes." I realized he knew about them from
some other source. He demanded to know who I was. I gave
him my CPA business card.
He looked at my name and said, "I have seen this name
I suggested we go on with our discussion. I asked, "Does
the bank disclose all material facts?"
He said, "Yes, they have to or it is fraudulent concealment."
I asked, "Does the bank deny borrowers equal protection
under the law?"
He said no.
I said, "On the $100,000 bank loan, if the bank refused to
loan $100,000 of other depositors' money or legal tender, does
the bank legally own the promissory note?"
He said no, because the bank never fulfilled the agreement
to loan the money.
I asked, "Does the bank have to follow the Federal Reserve
Bank policy and procedures when granting loans?"
He said, "Of course they do, it is the law. They have no
I asked, "What are the bank bookkeeping entries for a loan?"
He said, "The bank replaces the other depositors' cash with
the promissory note."
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America's Hope: To Cancel Bank Loans
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"Now that you have admitted to a fraud, will you revise the
audit opinion and expose it?"
He would not respond and I thanked God that I had never
audited a bank.
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A car dealer sold cars and financed the cars right there in
his office. He privately explained that he has power of attorney
from the bank to loan the bank's money. He said that the bank
told him never to sign the loan papers. Is the car dealer a co-
conspirator with the bank? You have to ask an attorney. Ask
your lawyer about ambiguity of contracts or resolution of un-
certainty. I understand that if the bank wrote the agreement and
there is uncertainty (who provides the money for the loan check,
you or the other bank depositors?), the court should rule in fa-
vor of the one who did not write the agreement.
The false statement that the banks constantly give me is
that they loan other depositors' money and follow the Federal
Reserve Bank's policies and procedures. This is an impossible
statement. I went into my bank in a suburb of Chicago and asked
the lending officer: If I were to get a $10,000 car loan, would I
have to give the bank $10,000 or loan the bank something of
value worth $10,000 to fund the bank loan check. He said no,
that would be a fraud. If he is correct that it is a fraud, then the
Federal Reserve Bank and his own bank are involved in a felony.
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the check through the mail. I went to their bank, to the drive up
teller, avoiding the lobby as they'd asked. I sent the check
through the little tube. Ten minutes later, they refused to cash
the check. No other customers were there to delay it being
cashed. I asked them what the holdup was. They would not an-
swer me. I asked them to either cash it or return it immediately.
They returned it. I went directly to the police and told them
that the bank had threatened me because, as a CPA, I'd uncov-
ered a massive white collar crime at the bank. To my surprise,
the bank called the police saying that I'd been told to not come
onto the property of the bank and had driven onto their prop-
erty anyhow. How else could I cash the check? To clear out my
lockbox at the bank vault, I had the police escort me for fear of
being arrested. All I did was ask a question about who funded
the bank loan check. They made it very clear that they did not
want anyone knowing the truth. What will they do when mil-
lions of people copy and distribute my brochure and affidavit?
One person walked into a bank and showed the banker my
40 most basic questions. The borrower said, I want to know the
answers to these questions. The banker looked at the questions
and said, "Who gave you these questions?" The borrower would
not tell them it was me. The banker said, "You are not to know
this." Then the banker threatened to call the FBI, claiming he
should not be asking these questions. The borrower was upset
and called me.
I said, "If the FBI claims we should not know what is in the
agreement, it just proves my point that there is a fraudulent
concealment and that they should arrest the banker." I said, "Tell
the banker Tom Schauf will give the bank $1,000 if he will
answer all of my questions, explaining the whole truth and noth-
ing but the truth about the bank loan agreement, under oath and
under penalty of perjury. This banker was one scared puppy.
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America's Hope: To Cancel Bank Loans
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note, plus the interest he had paid. He knew that the bank had
recorded the promissory note as a loan from him, which makes
it an asset in his bankruptcy. The judge did not know what to
do. This man would call me, just laughing, because the judge
and bank attorney were trying to figure out how the bank owed
him more money than he owed the bank. He would call me
saying that when his bankruptcy case would come up in court,
the judge would say, "Next case" and skip his case until the
next month. This went on for months and months. I understand
he lived on his farm for a long time while they tried to figure
out that mess.
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America 's Hope: To Cancel Bank Loans
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to the bankers. The bankers never could have done this if poli-
ticians upheld their oath of office to defend the U.S. Constitu-
tion. Politicians have full knowledge of what they have done.
This book is the proof that politicians and bankers knew and
should have known all along. Can the judge set aside the debt
the bank owes and force you to pay your debt to the bank by
setting aside preferences? Examine the court foreclosure pa-
pers very carefully and I am convinced you will find the an-
America's Hope: To Cancel Bank Loans
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for the people and income for the banks. You lost your govern-
ment and your rights in bankruptcy because most Americans
do not understand money. Without sovereign United States
money, we are forced to use unpaid bank liabilities as if they
were money. If you sue the bank to pay the debt they owe you,
and if the banks are forced to pay in substance and not allowed
to create more bank debt, then they will have a major problem
that will result in cancelling your loans and the national debt.
The media makes you think that America is a democracy.
In the pledge of allegiance, you say, "I pledge allegiance to the
flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for
which it stands, one nation under God, indivisible, with liberty
and justice for all." It says "Republic," meaning Constitutional,
not a democracy, or mob rule. Government lawmakers, judges,
and police take an oath, a contract with you, to uphold the U.S.
Constitution. Article 4, section 4 of the Constitution says, "The
United States shall guarantee to every state in this union a re-
publican form of government, and shall protect each of them
against invasion; and on application of the Legislature, or of
the executive... against domestic violence." Ask yourself, do
we have the Republican form of government our founding fa-
thers intended for us? If I told you I wanted to buy your car,
gave you a check with no money behind it, and took your car,
is that theft? Yes. What is the difference between that and using
your promissory note to fund the bank loan check with the bank
receiving the lien for free. In both cases, the victim lost money
and is in debt for the loss. What is the difference if it is done on
a national level? Who should own the country, "We the People"
or the bankers? Who obtained the nation's assets for free?
If you want to have your chickens stolen, hire a fox to guard
the chicken house. You cannot blame him. That's what he's sup-
posed to do. It's in his nature to be sly. I blame the one who
hired him. The solution is simple: if Americans want out of
their bank loans, all we have to do is expose the real bank agree-
ment to enough Americans. If Americans want to double their
wealth, all they have to do is educate enough other Americans
about the truth behind banking policies. The threat of our vote
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and public pressure exposing the media blackout will force the
Rear Admiral Chester Ward, a former member of the Coun-
cil on Foreign Relations (CFR) for 16 years, warned about the
bankers' intentions. In the book Why A Bankrupt America, he
is quoted as saying, "The most powerful clique in these elitist
groups have one objective in common. They want to bring about
the surrender of the sovereignty of the national independence
of the United States. A second clique of international members
in the CFR comprises the Wall Street international bankers and
their key agents. Primarily, they want the world banking mo-
nopoly from whatever power ends up in control of global gov-
ernment" (p. 27, see bibliography #10). Many of our members
of Congress belong to the CFR, along with members of media
and other powerful positions.
In 1957, U.S. Senator George Malone said, "I believe that
if the people of this nation fully understood what Congress has
done to them over the past 49 years, they would move on Wash-
ington: they would not wait for an election... It adds up to a
preconceived plan to destroy the economic and social indepen-
dence of the United States" (Ibid. 9). They know the truth but
must remain silent to remain in power. Recall the words of Tho-
mas Jefferson, who warned us about the banks, "Single acts of
tyranny may be ascribed to the accidental opinion of a day. But
a series of oppressions; begun at a distinguished period, and
pursued unalterably through every change of ministers (admin-
istrations), too plainly proves a deliberate systematic plan of
reducing us to slavery" (Ibid. 13).
The U.S. Constitution separated government into three
branches. In bankruptcy, the banks become the creditors to all
three branches and controls all three. The borrower becomes
the servant to the lender.
Founding Father James Madison said, "The accumulation
of all powers, legislative, executive, and judiciary, in the same
hands, whether in one, a few, or many, and whether hereditary,
appointed, or elected, may justly be pronounced the very defi-
nition of tyranny "(p. 193, see bibliography #2).
America's Hope: To Cancel Bank Loans
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He continued,
America's Hope: To Cancel Bank Loans
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If the bank auditor knows that the bank did not fulfill the
bank loan agreement or that the bank is insolvent, this must be
disclosed in the audit opinion or a dirty opinion must be given.
(A dirty opinion means the bank is insolvent or involved in a
fraud, or that they never legally owned the promissory note.)
The users of the bank financial statements need to know the
truth so that they can make informed investment decisions.
Is the bank insolvent? To determine this, we need to know
what insolvent means. The Dictionary of Banking Terms de-
fines insolvency as, "the inability to pay debts as they mature."
It further explains insolvency as not being able to pay debts. A
bank is considered insolvent if the ratio of liabilities to assets
is zero or near zero. If assets over liabilities is zero (more li-
abilities than quality assets available to pay the liabilities), the
bank is considered insolvent. If the bank records the promis-
sory note as a loan from the alleged borrower to the bank and if
the bank repays the loan in "its equivalent in kind" (meaning
America's Hope: To Cancel Bank Loans
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the principal and interest), the bank never has the money to
repay the loan, making the bank insolvent. If it is insolvent, the
bank never has actual cash value to loan to the borrower to
obtain the promissory note.
From this book you have learned one thing. If everyone
went to the bank and closed out their checking accounts, cut up
their credit cards, and only used cash, the banks would have to
pay all the debt they owe borrowers. The government would
have to print United States Notes—cash— interest-free, or it
would be obvious to everyone that the leaders of this nation
represent the banking interests. If the bank does not print new
Federal Reserve Notes, can the bank convert its assets to pay
all the bank debt? No. There is not enough cash to pay the bank
debt. They would, by definition, be insolvent because they are
unable to convert assets into cash to meet financial obligations.
Are the banks insolvent? Did they loan you cash or give you a
liability owing you cash? If they are insolvent, how can they
have loaned you cash?
If you study the words insolvency and bankruptcy, you will
find that the bank can never be insolvent because they never
intend to pay the bank liabilities. They only trade the bank li-
abilities from one checking account to another by check. You
can argue that if everyone demanded the bank pay the bank
debt owed for the promissory notes by demanding cash, the
bank is insolvent unless they create more debt by printing more
Federal Reserve Notes. The only alternative is having the gov-
ernment print cash interest-free by printing United States Notes.
If the bank is not insolvent because they never intended to pay
the bank debt, it proves that the bank never loaned money and
never intended to loan you actual cash value to obtain your
promissory note. If they admit that they are insolvent, they could
not make the loan. If they claim they are not insolvent, they
must prove that they obtained the promissory note for free.
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America's Hope: To Cancel Bank Loans
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the lawmakers, the judges, and the police. The fact is, they used
judges and police to obtain forty percent of the nation's income
tax as interest on the national debt and the liens they obtained.
Either you give the conquerors your labor for free or they fore-
close and take your assets. It is much easier to conquer and
control a people who think they are free. The media has labeled
those who object to this as anti-government so that other citi-
zens will not join them in the fight for their freedom.
A nation is not sovereign if they do not have a treasury
printing sovereign money, interest-free. The banks proved this
by foreclosing on the national debt, making Congress trustees
of the national bankruptcy. The creditor owns the nation in bank-
ruptcy. This is the secret not disclosed in court. We will be set
free if we make the banks repay our loans to them, or make the
private banks pay the debt due us. All we have to do is spread
the truth to enough Americans in order to compel them to cor-
rect the problem. We cannot be conquered if the truth is re-
vealed. It is up to every American to get the truth out so we can
correct the problem. If even half of all Americans understood
this and agreed to help correct the problem, we would be free
Americans, refusing to be conquered.
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aiding and abetting the banks kept lying to you, should you
believe them in the future? Only a fool would. Did the media
tell you the whole truth when they said we needed to balance
the budget? Did the banks tell you the whole truth about the
alleged bank loan? How much of the lie did you believe before
you learned the truth?
I have listened to a number of individuals working on the
inside, creating computers and computer chips for a cashless
society which they believe is coming in the near future. They
have come to me, pleading with me to get the message out be-
fore it is too late. They explain that the banks and government
will have absolute control over everyone. They have even shown
me the national I.D. card and the small computer chip that is to
be implanted under your skin, as they are doing with animals
I heard one of the top insiders who developed the chip ex-
plain it this way: First, they plan on implementing a national
I.D. card. They must identify everyone so they can disarm
America without objection. They need to mark every person
with an identification system. We know people will object to
surgery. To overcome this, we developed a small computer chip
which is round and about the size of a grain of rice that can be
injected by a needle. We figure people will accept it because it
will be like getting a flu shot. The computer chip will be placed
just under the skin of the forehead, just below the hairline, or
the right hand. Those two places are chosen because that is
where your body temperature changes the most. The change in
temperature recharges the little battery in the chip. The chip
will be used like a credit card, a medical file, criminal record,
and a means to locate you at any time. By locating people and
knowing where everyone is at anytime, we will know who com-
mitted what crime. No more drugs and everyone pays taxes and
child support. After the chip was developed, I heard this man
explain how he had come to read Revelations, Chapters 13 and
14 (the last book of the Bible). After he developed the chip, he
learned he had fulfilled Biblical prophecy. Needless to say, he
accepted Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior and is telling others
how true the Bible really is.
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love each other. High crime rates allow police, judges, and at-
torneys to create and benefit from a legal industry. Police re-
ceive bonuses from writing tickets and arresting people. They
seize property under the pretense of a drug bust and keep the
property without ever going to court. One deputy sheriff ex-
plained to me that the deputies kept such money for themselves,
never reporting it to the IRS.
The television show Dateline had a story in January of 1997
which showed Louisiana police pulling over out-of-state driv-
ers for improperly changing lanes. The people claimed they did
not even make lane changes. The primary purpose of such a
procedure was to seize property. If you had an expensive car,
you were targeted. Dateline brought in their camera and was
picked up without violating the law. The nation was outraged
and many people wrote back to Dateline, saying that this was
one of the clearest violations of human rights, as well as one of
the clearest cases of the abuse of power, that they had seen in a
Asset forfeiture laws are aimed at drug traffickers. All they
need is probable cause to seize your car and put you in jail. The
police officers receive a bonus for seizing your assets. Louisi-
ana police were making a business out of pulling over innocent
victims and seizing their assets. It is more profitable than taxa-
tion, and quicker. A cop is paid less than $200 a day, but can
seize $100,000 in a day without ever having to go to court. Why
would the police or the judicial system want innocent people in
jail? To pay off the elected public officials and their support-
ers. The courts have a gold-fringed flag, which symbolically
upholds the national bankruptcy created by the banks. Bank-
ruptcy takes away your Constitutional rights. Gun owners know
this process through the controversy over the right to bear arms.
Their rights were replaced by a privilege, a license to have a
gun. Notice how the government is turning the jails into private
institutions to make a profit. Cut the food and medical benefits
to prisoners and the profits go up. Use slave labor and profits
go up. The ones aiding and abetting the banking institutions
are the ones behind the judicial system perpetuating such prac-
tices. I believe a large percentage of the prison population could
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ney $10,000, and has $190,000 left to pay the bank liability of
$230,000. It is a paper loss of $40,000.
The Federal Reserve Bank has control over the money sup-
ply, interest rates, and the economy. According to one bank
auditor, the goal is to close out the small banks, to end up with
one huge bank, and to force total control of the economy. No-
tice how big banks are buying out small banks that have paper
The government passed the NAFTA and GATT agreements.
The American worker making $10.00 per hour must compete
with a Chinese prison laborer who may be paid 10¢ or less an
hour. American wages must go down to compete with China's
labor, but you still owe the bank the same amount. You get
squeezed and cannot pay the interest. Why would the banks
want NAFTA and GATT? Anytime one can debauch the cur-
rency and know ahead of time where to invest, there are huge
profits to be made.
Imagine Mexico selling beef cows for significantly lower
prices than ranchers in the southwest United States. The ranch-
ers would lose their ranches, not being able to sell their beef at
high enough prices to pay their loan payments. How would the
bank profit? If the ranch was worth $2 million and owed the
bank $500,000, there is a quick $1,500,000 profit. Is it true? I
can tell you that I have received telephone calls saying this is
happening. Whether it is true or not does not matter, because it
could happen in almost any industry. The banks pushed Con-
gress to pass NAFTA and GATT. The media supported Con-
gress passing the agreements. It was done to increase the prof-
its of certain banks and media corporations.
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tools and vassals of rich men behind the scenes. We are the
jumping jacks; they pull the strings and we dance. Our talents,
our possibilities, and our lives are all the property of other men.
We are intellectual prostitutes." (see bibliography #12)
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Illustrative Example:
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back to you, calling it a bank loan. You must repay the bank,
but the bank never repays you.
4. You agree to the bank stealing from you and returning
the value of the stolen property back to you as a loan.
5. You deposit your future payroll checks into a checking
account and when you withdraw the money, it's in the form of
a loan from the bank to you. You believe that you should repay
the bank loan. The bank should never return the money to you,
the depositor who provided the capital that funded the loan.
A. Yes. If you are an accountant, you know that you can adjust
expenses to be sure there are little, if any, profits. In ac-
counting, we call it smoke and mirrors. If the banks create
money and loan it out at interest, you will be kept in debt
paying interest.
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A. No. Jesus said to love them and pray for them. If I love my
neighbor, I will not allow him to continue to act sinfully. I
will not be in partnership with wickedness, lies, or half-
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Q. Do you think that the government will try and correct all
this before the next presidential election?
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A. I feel God sent me to expose the banks and turn the nation
around. I hate being lied to and stolen from. I hate that the
banks never loaned one cent of legal tender to obtain my
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promissory note, and that they can change the odds, risk-
ing my money, by creating a bank-induced recession. As
an expert witness, I expose these things. I decided to use
my training to show others how to present the argument
and win. I told the bankers to correct it, or I will expose it.
A. No. If enough people found out that the media is the banker's
propaganda arm—used to herd you like sheep to the slaugh-
ter—you would use alternative sources.
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This entry shows that the bank deposited the money into a
checking account. The cash is recorded as a bank asset, show-
ing that the bank owns the money. The bank creates a bank
liability of $6,000, showing the bank owes you $6,000. This
$6,000 liability on the bank's books is a scorecard showing how
much the bank owes you. It means you can get your $6,000
cash back or write a check for $6,000. The legal tender is re-
corded as a bank asset and owing money is a bank liability. The
key thing to remember is, when you deposit $6,000, the bank
assets and the bank liabilities both increase by $6,000. If money
is withdrawn, the bank assets and liabilities both decrease by
the amount of the funds withdrawn. If the bank records receiv-
ing a loan from you in the amount of $6,000, the bank records
the cash as a bank asset and records a new bank liability of
$6,000. That is exactly what the bank did when you deposited
the cash. When the bank grants you a loan, replace the word
cash with the word promissory note. If the bank grants a $6,000
loan, you sign the $6,000 promissory note and the bank records
the promissory note as a loan from you to the bank when they
record the promissory note as a bank asset and create a new
bank liability. The $6,000 liability means they owe you $6,000
of legal tender. If they owe you for the $6,000 cash, they also
owe you for the $6,000 promissory note because they altered
the agreement and made you the lender and not just the bor-
rower. A DDA, or Demand Deposit account, is the same thing
as a checking account or transaction account.
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Example #5: When banks claim that they grant loans, this
is the bank bookkeeping entry. Please notice that the bank first
records your promissory note as a loan from you to the bank, or
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steals it, and claims the bank owns it without loaning one cent
of legal tender.
Where is the money that paid for the promissory note? There
was no legal tender or other depositors' money loaned. Notice
how the bank liabilities and assets increased by the amount of
the alleged loan. The new liability means the bank owes $40,000
for the promissory note. The new $40,000 bank liability means
the bank recorded the promissory note as a loan from you to
the bank just as your deposit of cash is a loan from you to the
bank. Now the bank trades this $40,000 liability in the DDA
from one checking account to another checking account (DDA)
by check, making it appear that the bank paid money for the
promissory note. Then the bank sells the promissory note for
cash or government bonds that can quickly be sold for cash so
that if you demand cash for the check the bank can give you
cash, making you think there was a loan. This new $40,000
bank liability, traded by check from one checking account to
another, acts like $40,000 of new counterfeit money.
There was an exchange of a loan from you to the bank for a
loan from the bank back to you. If I give the bank $100 cash
and they give me back a $100 check that I can spend, it is an
exchange of $100 value that I gave the bank for the $100 value
the bank gave back to me. The cash is money I earned in the
past. The bank exchanged a promissory note having a fair mar-
ket value of $40,000 of legal tender that investors are willing
to pay $40,000 for. Why would investors pay $40,000 for the
$40,000 promissory note? They pay it because I will pay them
$40,000 in cash that I will earn in the future, plus interest se-
cured by a lien.
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Example #7: The person who received the bank loan check
deposits the money in his checking account.
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The cash that was in the bank vault and recorded as an as-
set must be taken out of the vault and given to you, so the bank
must record the cash leaving the bank by decreasing the asset
column, placing $5,000 in the liability column. The bank no
longer owes you the $5,000, so the bank takes $5,000 out of
the amount they owed you. If anyone deposits the cash again,
the bank liabilities will again increase by the cash deposited.
Example #9: When the bank sells the promissory note for
legal tender or government bonds, this is the bank bookkeeping
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CPA into the picture. You may have forgotten who the CPA was
when you took out the loan, but if you say you relied on the
CPA's audit, he is in big trouble. By the way, other CPAs see
this as a good way to make big bucks, testifying against other
CPAs and banks.
I have spoken to lawmakers, judges, police, attorneys, and
CPAs. They continue to act in favor of the banking interests.
Share this book with them to be sure they know the truth. I say
it is time to make a clean sweep and vote them out. Vote in real
Americans who will not represent the banking interests. We need
people who cannot be bribed, people who have ethics. We do
not need baby-kissing politicians who enslave the same baby
in debt to get elected. The lying, stealing, and counterfeiting
must stop.
As judge and jury, please listen to the following testimony
before deciding for or against the banks.
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Past law of the United States Code, at Title 12, Sec. 152:
"Lawful money of the United States shall be construed to mean
gold and silver coin" (Ibid. p. 12).
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police acted like angry bullies. It was the most complete pic-
ture of power abuse and violation of human rights I have seen.
The police acted no better than the drug dealers. How can we
instruct our children not to rob when the cops are doing it? The
law (drug seizures) should be changed to protect the citizens
from abuse." Will Dateline show the police enforcing the cur-
rent banking system, converting the nation's assets to the bank?
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The Federal Reserve Act and the National Bank Act are,
in their operation and effect, contrary to the whole letter and
spirit of the Constitution of the United States, for they con-
fer an unlawful and unnecessary power on private parties;
they hold all of our fellow citizens in dependence; they are
subversive to the rights and liberation of the people.
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Not one person who mismanaged and stole from the ac-
counts of thousands of depositors has been sent to jail. The
Justice Department has been dragging its feet on more than
2,300 frauds and embezzlement cases and it has left thou-
sands of referrals and complaints untouched.
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The following was taken from the New York Herald, "Any-
one who wants any legislation buys it with cold cash." (Ibid. p.
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dollar of equity and the bank gains one dollar of equity. The
counterfeiter goes to jail if caught, while the banks use a por-
tion of their profit to elect lawmakers, judges, and law enforce-
ment officials. In one case, the police put you in jail, in the
other case, the police benefit, but in both situations, the people
lose their wealth to the one who created the money. The power
of elections are shifted from the people to the bank, and if the
bank controls who is elected, then they control our government.
The people are deceived into thinking that their vote counts,
while the bank controls the media and both parties of the elec-
tion. Once enough Americans learn the truth and spread the
word far and wide, it will catch like wildfire. All real Ameri-
cans will rally to vote out every lawmaker, judge, and police
official aiding and abetting the bankers. The wealth stolen from
the people will be returned to them. The wealth of the wicked
is stored up for the righteous and all we have to do is lawfully
take back what is ours. By God's authority, we will take back
what the devil stole and demand that he return it back to us
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The Arizona Daily Star (Feb. 16, 1997, A3) discussed how
campaign donors sought to influence U.S. policy and how they
attempted to capitalize on White House connections.
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"The danger that the country was warned against came upon
us and is shown in the long train of horrors attendant upon the
affairs of the traitorous and dishonest Federal Reserve Board
and the Federal Reserve Banks. This is an era of economic mis-
ery, and, for the conditions that caused that misery, the Federal
Reserve Board and the Federal Reserve Banks are fully liable.
This is an era of financial crime."
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of the United States and the people through the Federal Re-
serve Board and the Federal Reserve Banks. They have been
peddling the credit of this Government and the signature of this
Government to the swindlers and speculators of all nations.
"A few days ago, the President of the United States went
before the Senate in behalf of the moneyed interest and asked
the Senate to levy a tax on the people so that foreigners might
know that the United States would pay its debts to them. Most
Americans thought that it was the other way around. What does
the United States owe to foreigners? When and by whom was
debt incurred? It was incurred by the Federal Reserve Board
and the Federal Reserve Banks when they peddled the signa-
ture of the United States for a price. It is what the United States
Government has to pay to redeem the obligations of the Fed-
eral Reserve Board and the Federal Reserve Banks. Are you
going to let those thieves get off scot-free?"
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bens of people are growing daily. You fear that the whole coun-
try will soon know the truth. Your election campaign fund re-
ceived money from the banking interests. You fear being
smeared by the media if you go against the money interests.
You wonder what will happen if too many people read those
brochures, win the election, and take you to court. If you were
a federal judge, you may not worry about elections, but you
would worry that you received money from the Treasury. People
are finding out that the Treasury, the International Monetary
Fund (IMF), and the Federal Reserve Bank are all intercon-
nected and paying your salary. Your court represents the bank-
ruptcy, yet you swore an oath to uphold the U.S. Constitution.
The people found out that they were lied to and they are mad!
They want out of their loans and an end to the IRS tax.
As an expert witness in the court system, I have gone to
fundraisers to get judges elected. The attorneys privately told
me that they felt obligated to contribute money because they
practice before the judge. The lawyers help get the judges
elected. The lawyers know that if the European banking system
is replaced with Constitutional Banking, that you will have twice
the wealth. If the banking system is fixed, then lawyers will
earn less money in divorces (lack of money is the number one
cause of divorce). The unemployed will have good paying jobs
so that they will no longer need to steal. This means less fees
for attorneys. One CPA making a living filling out 1040 tax
forms told me that he wants to keep the IRS. You cannot blame
him. Nor can you blame the 100 million taxpayers for not want-
ing three to six months of their labor taken from them to fi-
nance a national debt the banks received for the cost of print-
ing paper. Your city, county, and state debt was financed like
the national debt. The politicians, judges, police, attorneys, and
the CPA industry was built on the European banking system.
They want your money to keep it going.
This is a true story. As an expert witness, I appraised busi-
nesses for property settlements in divorce. I would keep the fee
as low as I could. Too many times I heard attorneys tell me to
not let them settle out of court. The house has $50,000 equity
in it; if the divorce keeps going and the arguing continues, the
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attorneys will split the $50,000 between both sides. "If you want
work again as an expert witness, you know what to do", they
said. As a Christian, I had to end this kind of work.
Let's say you are the judge and you know how the system
works. You understand Trading with the Enemy, Emergency
War Powers, who controls or owns the media, the bankruptcy,
and that the banks are the creditors. It is not in your interest to
rule against the banks. Deep down, you want out of your own
loans—but if you rule against the banks, your career may end.
You then decide to listen to the court case of someone suing the
I will give you some strategy. The CPA expert witness is
the one creating the strategy to sue the bank. I reviewed old
court cases to see why people lost. I learned that you cannot
sue and win if you say the bank never loaned you anything.
Those arguing whether Federal Reserve Notes are legal or not,
lost. If you say the bank created checkbook money, you lost.
One attorney sued, claiming the bank loaned out the same dol-
lar to five people at the same time. You guessed it—it got thrown
out. Many people lose on procedure. Lawyers know procedure
and they use it to win, even if you have the right arguments. If
they lied to you in the past, what makes you think that they
changed their nature and became saints? They may have hired
someone who has the same nature they have. Do not presume
everyone is as honest as you; that is what got you in trouble in
the first place.
Part of the strategy the banks use is simple. If they fore-
close on you, you have no money to hire an expert witness. You
could not afford to hire me as an expert witness and they know
it. I want money in advance. If you fly me in and the judge
postpones the court until next week, you still have to pay the
airline ticket plus my daily fee. The bank knows this, so if I
show up, expect them to postpone the court date until you are
out of money to pay me. Our strategy is to only have the bank's
expert testify. You do not need an expert witness, although it
can be to your advantage to have one. If your opponents know
you have one, they know you mean business and that you know
the answer to the riddle. They also know that you know how to
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question their expert and get to the truth. The banks do not know
if you read this book and took notes, but they do know that
they do not want these questions asked in court.
Your goal is to sue without the court throwing out the case,
letting an honest jury hear your arguments and decide if you
are right. Your goal is to have the bank's expert witness admit
that the bank does not legally own the promissory note. You
know as well as the bank that the bank's expert witness must
answer all the questions and cannot say he does not know the
answer. You know from past court cases that you cannot dis-
cuss the money issue, such as gold, silver, United States Notes
versus Federal Reserve Notes, or the U.S. Constitution. It is
also best in most situations not to discuss the bankruptcy.
As a judge, you want to help the bank. You and the bank
attorney agree that the borrower went to the bank to buy a house
and he got the house. He got a check that can be exchanged for
cash. The check is not check kiting, so if the suit against the
bank says check kiting, it can be thrown out. The bank has a
promissory note with the borrower's signature, promising to
repay the loan. The judge and bank attorney cannot understand
what the problem is. The bank attorney knows you must prove
that you were damaged to win. He and the judge are wondering
how were you damaged. You made the loan payments for the
last 10 years, so you obviously agreed and ratified the agree-
If you tell the judge you were loaned a bank liability, he
will laugh and say: "So what? You got the house. You need to
repay the bank the money they loaned you." If you argue that
the bank never loaned gold or silver, it is not news to the judge,
he knows that. Remember, the court represents the bankruptcy.
The judge and bank attorney will say, "You got a check, so pay
us back the money we loaned you. We have your signature giv-
ing validity to the promissory note." If you successfully sue the
bank, you have to break those two arguments in such a way
that the court cannot throw out the case.
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give you a yes or a no. If they do not know, how can they de-
fend themselves. What is the agreement then?
Mr. Banker, describe what the money looked like that you
loaned the borrower. He can tell you what Federal Reserve Notes
look like. They are about 2-5/8 inches by 6-1/8 inches, with
green on one side and black on the other side, saying Federal
Reserve Notes. If they loaned you the bank liability owing you
the legal tender that they refused to pay you, I do not know
what size or color that comes in. Imagine them saying they
loaned you $100,000 but they never saw the money and do not
know what it looks like. You want them to look very silly for
answering the lawsuit.
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Your legal counsel will give you ideas how to honestly answer
the questions. You want to put the bank president, CPA bank
auditor, bank controller (accountant), bank attorneys, and lend-
ing officers in a deposition or on the witness stand in court.
Your goal is to get them to admit they knew or should have
known they were involved in as many felonies as you can get
them to admit to. Ask questions about Federal Reserve Bank
policy or their bank policy in order to show they had intent.
You need intent for criminal charges. Through the questions,
you want them to admit they do not legally own the promissory
note. People have called me, claiming the bankers pleaded the
Fifth Amendment. The judge may not allow you to question
them, but the legal eagles tell me the judge cannot do this. Be-
lieve me, funny things happen in court and you never know
what to expect. If they do not answer, I do not know how they
can defend the lawsuit.
You want the deposition to prove that the bank is still mak-
ing false statements, just like they did before the alleged loan.
The deposition is to prove the bank bookkeeping entries are the
opposite of the alleged bank loan agreement. Do not allow the
deposition to stop until you obtain your objective. You must
find out what the real bank loan agreement is according to the
bank or the entity who bought the promissory note.
At this time, the bank knows that they cannot answer any
of the questions or lawsuits without exposing the truth. They
know if they answer, the nonbankers will fax the bank's an-
swers to the four corners of the nation. They know people are
misled as to what the real agreement is. They know the bank
bookkeeping entries are the opposite of what the agreement is
and if there is equal protection and if there are material facts
Imagine the banker going to the judge, saying that the bank
complied with all federal laws. The bank was audited and re-
ceived a clean bill of health. Imagine the borrower at this time
claiming the bank did the opposite of what the alleged agree-
ment said, which changed the cost and the risk, whereby no
one in their right mind would loan themselves their own money
and repay a complete stranger the principal and interest as if
America's Hope: To Cancel Bank Loans
Without Going to Court
the stranger loaned his own money, when, in fact, they never
worked one day to earn the legal tender to loan to you and never
loaned you other depositors' money. They loaned no legal ten-
der to obtain your promissory note, placed a lien on your prop-
erty, and used the U.S. Mails to receive loan payments from
you, yet they never risked nor invested one cent of legal tender.
Is this the federal law they say they are in compliance with?
Now you have an argument and need to go to court.
You just made the bank look silly. According to the bank
bookkeeping entries, did the bank steal the promissory note,
did they record it as a loan from you to the bank, or did the
bank loan other depositors' money to obtain the promissory
note? How can the judge rule the bank invests no legal tender?
The borrower is the one who provided the legal tender to fund
the check and then the borrower had to pay the banker the loan
payments while the banker never risked nor loaned one cent of
legal tender. Are you telling the borrower that he agreed to this?
Would you agree to this Mr. Bank attorney? Does this federal
law allow banks to be involved in fraudulent concealment? Does
this federal law mean the banks obtained the liens on nearly
every home, car, farm, ranch, factory, business, and aircraft
without loaning one cent of legal tender or other depositors'
Are you telling me the borrower authorized and gave per-
mission for the bank to open up a borrower's transaction ac-
count and exchange the promissory note for credit in the
borrower's transaction account, allowing the bank to withdraw
a check out of the transaction account without the borrower's
signature on the check, and this same check is called the bank
loan check?
Who would be stupid enough to deposit $100,000 into a
checking account, withdraw the $100,000, and call it a bank
loan, allowing the bank to obtain the $100,000 of money de-
posited for free? Are you calling me stupid?
If the bank attorney said yes, ask him to show you where
you gave this permission in writing. Was he personally there
and did he witness you giving permission? Ask the bank attor-
ney if, to qualify for a bank loan, one of the requirements is
America's Hope: To Cancel Bank Loans
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America's Hope: To Cancel Bank Loans
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America's Hope: To Cancel Bank Loans
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America's Hope: To Cancel Bank Loans
Without Going to Court
ment can confiscate gold, as in 1933, for their own profit, but
are less likely to confiscate rare coins.
One must watch the money supply and the amount of new
loans. If the government balances the budget, there will be less
money created. If not enough new money is created, the
economy could collapse. If we remain under the European bank-
ing system, we must create new money to keep the economy
from collapsing. I fear that the bankers may wish to create a
depression. When bankers feel threatened, they tend to con-
sider this option. If the majority of the nation's people are out
of money and out on the street, the bankers usually feel they
are no longer a threat. This is why it is so critical to get out the
brochures and cassette tapes and have people read this book.
If we switched to a Constitutional banking system, we would
be safe from these bank-instigated depressions and could work
our way out of debt very quickly if the government cooperated.
I feel that the only safe investment is to correct the banking
problem. Having all the money in the world is meaningless if
the banks can control the stock market and government lead-
ers. If they continue to force the people into a cashless society,
wealth will be meaningless. Without freedom, you have no real
Your best investment is in the time and money to correct
the banking takeover so we can prevent a depression and a con-
stitutional convention to end our rights. Today, when you play
the stock market, you are gambling and the bankers control the
odds. They will win. Even if you are personally out of debt,
your house and investments are collateral for the national debt.
You will go down with the others. It is only a matter of time.
The best investment you can make is to get out the brochures
and encourage others to distribute them in mass to save the
America's Hope: To Cancel Bank Loans
Without Going to Court
America's Hope: To Cancel Bank Loans
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America's Hope: To Cancel Bank Loans
Without Going to Court
public knowledge that they lost, and neither can you. We have
a nation to save, not to destroy, and the banks know it."
Why is it that I refuse to give proof? If a bank settles out of
court and you sign a settlement agreement agreeing never to
discuss what happened, and information leaked out, you
breached the agreement and you will have to pay the bank debt.
All I can tell you is that if you are the first court case, so what?
If you are not the first court case, so what? Someone can win
today and another can lose tomorrow using the same argument.
There may be new case laws after the book is published. I can
assure you of one thing, this one book is not enough to win in
court. As this book is being written, I am writing book number
two. The second book has hundreds of questions to ask the bank,
the reasons why we ask the questions, and why they do not
wish to answer. All I can do is tell you what I know. At the end
of 1996, as I am writing this book, I am not aware of a single
jury trial where all these arguments were argued and the banks
won and published the case. I can tell you from the best infor-
mation I have at the end of 1996, that the bank attorneys have
tried to do everything in their power to stop a jury trial. Even
so, the bank attorneys have had cases thrown out so they can-
not be argued. If the banks won and if it were public knowl-
edge, I think the banks would show you the court case.
Where I have people teaching my information, they will
receive a letter every three months from me, stating that I al-
low them to instruct. Hopefully this will slow false informa-
tion from spreading. If someone is distributing my informa-
tion, they are not my legal agents and they cannot speak on my
behalf. I only train people to help others better understand this
information. If you wish to have additional training and be in
the know as to the latest information I have concerning the
courts, I would love to work with you. I am looking for people
to conduct seminars and sell information.
I do not want people who want to "bring down the banks."
I do not want to destroy the economy. The nation must change
the banking system. I want people who wish to bring the nation
back to its former greatness and glory under our founding fa-
thers' Constitution. I need people to teach others the money
America's Hope: To Cancel Bank Loans
Without Going to Court
issue and how to get our rights and liberties back. I need people
who are willing to do this within the law and in a peaceful man-
ner. I need you to help us make history.
America's Hope: To Cancel Bank Loans
Without Going to Court
America's Hope: To Cancel Bank Loans
Without Going to Court
taxes and to pay interest on the national debt that was not there
just a few decades before.
All this social engineering occurred and caused a flip-flop
of power because the nation believed the big lie about who
funded the bank loan check. We were ignorant of the nature of
coins, money, and credit. Before, "We the People" had control
over who was voted in. Today, the media and banks control
both political parties. Whoever you vote for, you vote for the
bankers' politicians. The deceivers knew what they were do-
ing. Those who believe it is wrong to lie and deceive never
dreamed that deceivers could lie to us and use social engineer-
ing to change a nation. Now it is obvious that bankers have a
different agenda than non-bankers. Others want your wealth,
freedom, and power transferred to themselves. The money in-
terests are not satisfied with just running the banks; they want
to control the nation. Only you can change it by distributing
brochures and forming groups to expose the truth and outrage
the nation. If you do, your children will have freedom from the
banking influence. If not, you lose every freedom you enjoy
today. America's future depends on what you do today. Have
our soldiers fought in vain only to hand over the country to the
bankers? Rally behind me and over 10,000,000 Americans who
wish to save this great nation and return our freedoms. Our
founding Fathers knew that freedom carries a heavy cost. Many
died to create and preserve it. I ask you to distribute brochures
to preserve what freedom we have left, to gain all our freedoms
back, and to significantly increase your wealth. Bankers took
your wealth. Now, if not stopped, bankers will have absolute
control over you. Bankers want absolute control of the nation.
The future depends on what you do today. Will it be freedom or
slavery for you and your children?
The people did not change. Someone is trying to change
the people. We must remember our history, roots, and what
America is all about.
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America's Hope: To Cancel Bank Loans
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America's Hope: To Cancel Bank Loans
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America's Hope: To Cancel Bank Loans
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America's Hope: To Cancel Bank Loans
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America's Hope: To Cancel Bank Loans
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America's Hope: To Cancel Bank Loans
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America's Hope: To Cancel Bank Loans
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America's Hope: To Cancel Bank Loans
Without Going to Court
We need seminar leaders full time and part time. The pay is
excellent. Buy Mr. Schauf's books wholesale and sell them re-
tail. Be instrumental in making history, changing the banking
system, and returning the wealth back to the people where it
America's Hope: To Cancel Bank Loans
Without Going to Court
America's Hope: To Cancel Bank Loans
Without Going to Court
(1) Why do most judges tell you that you may consider "only
the facts," that you are not to let your conscience, opinion of
the law, nor the motives of the defendant affect your decision?
In a trial by jury, the judge's job is to referee the trial and
provide neutral legal advice to the jury, beginning with a full
and truthful explanation of a juror's rights and responsibilities.
But judges rarely "fully inform" jurors of their rights, es-
pecially their power to judge the law itself and to vote on the
verdict according to their conscience. Instead, they end up as-
sisting the prosecution by dismissing any prospective juror who
will admit to knowing about this right... starting with anyone
who also admits to having qualms with the law.
We can only speculate on why: Distrust of the citizen jury?
Disrespect for the idea of government "of, by, and for the
people"? Unwillingness to part with power? Ignorance of all
the rights and powers that trial jurors necessarily acquire upon
assuming the responsibility of judging a case? Actual concern
that trial jurors might "misuse" their power if told about it?
(2) How can people get fair trials if the jurors are told they
can't use their consciences?
America's Hope: To Cancel Bank Loans
Without Going to Court
Many people don't get fair trials. Too often, jurors actually
end up apologizing to the person they've convicted — or to the
community for acquitting when evidence of guilt seems per-
fectly clear. Something is definitely wrong when the juror feels
ashamed of his or her verdict. They should never have to ex-
plain, "I wanted to use my conscience, but the judge made us
take an oath to apply the law as given to us, like it or not."
Too often, jurors who try to vote their conscience are talked
out of it by other jurors who don't know their rights, or who
believe they are required to reach an unanimous verdict because
the judge "said so."
If jurors were supposed to judge "only the facts," their job
could be done by computer. It is precisely because people have
feelings, opinions, wisdom, experience, and conscience that we
depend upon jurors, not upon machines, to judge court cases.
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America's Hope: To Cancel Bank Loans
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America's Hope: To Cancel Bank Loans
Without Going to Court
Today juries still have that duty. This power permits the
people to administer not only the law, but justice, and to nullify
unconstitutional or unjust laws. For example: there is a law that
prohibits firing a gun into the air. It is a good law because the
bullet may fall on someone and injure them. But... a man en-
tered a woman's home, armed with a knife and demanded
money. She brandished a revolver and the man backed toward
the door. She fired over his head and he ran off. She was ar-
rested for firing a gun into the air!
In this case, the jury must decide if the law was properly
applied and examine the motives of the defendant. She clearly
broke the law; however, they could find her innocent. Some-
times the law itself may be judged. For example, during the
1850s, juries refused to convict persons for the harboring of
runaway slaves. They believed the law was wrong.
Many judges may disagree with informing jurors of their
rights, but they cannot punish jurors who choose to vote their
conscience or question why they reached such a decision!
* 1771: "It is not only the juror's right, but his duty, in that
case to find the verdict according to his own best understand-
ing, judgment and convictions, though in direct opposition to
the direction of the court." Second President of the United
States, John Adams.
* 1789: "I consider trial by jury as the only anchor yet imag-
ined by man, by which a government may be held to the prin-
ciples of its Constitution." Third President of the United States,
Thomas Jefferson.
* 1852: "For more than 600 years, that is since the Magna
Carta, in 1215, there has been no clearer principle of English
or American constitutional law, than that, in criminal cases, it
is not only the right and duty of juries to judge what are the
facts, what is the law, and what was the moral intent of the
accused; but that it is also their right, and their primary and
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America's Hope: To Cancel Bank Loans
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America's Hope: To Cancel Bank Loans
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America's Hope: To Cancel Bank Loans
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America's Hope: To Cancel Bank Loans
Without Going to Court
ernment seizure, fraud on the court, bank loan fraud, taxes, law
enforcement abuse, etc., you will be compensated for your loss
provided you are upholding the intent of our founding fathers'
This book has shown you the secrets of banking and how it
has harmed the citizen. If the banking system has upset you,
you will most likely become more upset over what the drug
companies, telephone companies, and major corporations have
done to you. If people understand what these large companies
have done, I believe we could turn this knowledge into wealth
for the average family. Having a job is defined as only one pay-
check away from ending your incoming cash flow and filing
bankruptcy. One of my goals is to begin using my CPA and
business brokerage background to show people how to own your
own business and bring the wealth back into your pocket where
it belongs. Most people have a dream to work for themselves,
have extra money to take the vacations and have the extra car,
vacation home, boat, and airplane. Today, the wealthy know
how to make money. If we can show others how to honestly
make extra money and not be dependent on a paycheck, fami-
America's Hope: To Cancel Bank Loans
Without Going to Court
Imagine having the banks return all the money they recorded
as a loan from you to them, plus owning your own business. It
could easily happen if we get the truth out to enough people.
America's Hope: To Cancel Bank Loans
Without Going to Court
1) Committee to Restore the Constitution Newsletter, Bul-
letin (Colorado: Non-Profit Corporation) P.O. Box 986, Ft.
Collins, Colorado 80522.
America's Hope: To Cancel Bank Loans
Without Going to Court
11) Bob Dole and Jack Kemp, Trusting the People (New
York: Harper Collins, 1996).
13) William Greider, Who Will Tell The People (New York:
Simon and Schuster, 1993).
America's Hope: To Cancel Bank Loans
Without Going to Court
America's Hope: To Cancel Bank Loans
Without Going to Court
The undersigned affiant, being duly sworn on oath, deposes and says:
That he/she is an officer of the below named financial institution, a na-
tionally chartered commercial bank or lending institution or organiza-
tion purchasing promissory notes, hereinafter called bank. That, as an
officer of the bank, he/she has the authority to execute this affidavit on
behalf of the bank and to bind the bank to its provisions. It is understood
that an exchange is not a loan. It is understood that the borrower's prom-
issory note is not used to fund any check. It is understood that the bank
does not record the promissory note as a bank asset offset by a bank
liability. It is understood the bank complies with and follows the Federal
Reserve Bank's policies and procedures. It is understood that the bank
does not use the same or a similar bookkeeping entry to record the prom-
issory note as a loan to the bank. It is understood that when banks par-
ticipate in granting loans the economic effect is not the same or similar
to stealing, counterfeiting, or a swindle. Banks who follow the Federal
Reserve Bank's policies and procedures deny customers neither equal
protection under the law, nor money, nor credit. The bank fully discloses
to each and every borrower all material facts concerning if the borrower
provides the funds to issue the bank loan check or if other depositors or
investors fund the bank loan check. It is understood that the one who
funded the loan should be repaid their money. It is understood that cash
is the money and a bank liability indicates that the bank owes cash. I
agree that if I have made a false statement regarding bank loans, then
any and all loans or alleged loans issued or purchased at the bank are
forgiven, without recourse, and shall immediately be considered null and
void. Signed under penalty of perjury.
Name of Bank
Address of Bank
City/State/Zip ___
America's Hope: To Cancel Bank Loans
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America's Hope: To Cancel Bank Loans
Without Going to Court
America's Hope: To Cancel Bank Loans
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