The document outlines the academic calendar for BGMEA University of Fashion and Technology for the Fall 2020 semester. It includes important dates for admission, registration, orientation, the start and end of classes, midterm and final exams, holidays, result publications, and the start of the next Spring 2021 semester. The calendar spans from August 2020 to February 2021 and includes a total of 24 academic weeks with some holidays.
The document outlines the academic calendar for BGMEA University of Fashion and Technology for the Fall 2020 semester. It includes important dates for admission, registration, orientation, the start and end of classes, midterm and final exams, holidays, result publications, and the start of the next Spring 2021 semester. The calendar spans from August 2020 to February 2021 and includes a total of 24 academic weeks with some holidays.
The document outlines the academic calendar for BGMEA University of Fashion and Technology for the Fall 2020 semester. It includes important dates for admission, registration, orientation, the start and end of classes, midterm and final exams, holidays, result publications, and the start of the next Spring 2021 semester. The calendar spans from August 2020 to February 2021 and includes a total of 24 academic weeks with some holidays.
The document outlines the academic calendar for BGMEA University of Fashion and Technology for the Fall 2020 semester. It includes important dates for admission, registration, orientation, the start and end of classes, midterm and final exams, holidays, result publications, and the start of the next Spring 2021 semester. The calendar spans from August 2020 to February 2021 and includes a total of 24 academic weeks with some holidays.
2-4 Aug Sun-Tue * Holiday: Eid-ul-Adha 8-18 Aug Sat-Tue Final Examination (Spring-2020) 11-Aug Tuesday Holiday: Janmashtami 13-20 Aug Thu-Thu Admission & Advising- Fall-2020 (New Batches) (1st Slot) From Previous Academic 15-Aug Saturday Holiday: National Mourning Day Calendar (Spring-2020) 24-Aug Monday Last date of Final Grade Submission 25-Aug Tuesday Publication of the Results (Spring-2020) 27-Aug Thursday Faculty Orientation 30-Aug Sunday * Holiday: Ashura 1-Sep Tuesday Discussion with Faculty Members on Student Advising 1-3 Sep Tue-Thu Date of Tuition Fee Waiver Application Form Submission 1-3 Sep Tue-Thu Online Semester Reg. & Reg. Fees Payment-Fall-2020 (Old Batches) Fall 2020 Semester 6-7 Sep Sun-Mon Finalising the waiver Application Starting Preparation:02 weeks 6-10 Sep Sun-Thu Online Course Advising &Tuition Fees Payment Fall-2020-Old Batches 7-10 Sep Mon-Thu Admission & Advising- Fall-2020 (New Batches) (2nd Slot) 13-Sep Sunday Commencement of Session: Fall-2020 [Old Batch] 15-Sep Tuesday Orientation Program & Commencement of Session:Fall-2020 [New Batch] 24-Sep Thursday Last date of Course Add / Drop 4-Oct Sunday Last date of tuition fees payment without any fine (Old Batch) Class before 8-Oct Thursday Last date of tuition fees payment with 1000 Tk. fine (Old Batch) Mid Term Exam: 25-29 Oct Sun-Thu Teachers Evaluation by the Students 07 Weeks 26-Oct Monday Holiday: Durgapuja (Vijaya Dashami) Holiday: 01 Day 27-Oct Tuesday Last date of Question Paper Submission for Mid-Term Exam 29-Oct Thursday Last date of the classes before Mid-Term Exam 30-Oct Friday * Holiday: Eid -e-Milad- un- Nabi 1-5 Nov Sun-Thu Make-up Classes and Mid Term Exam Preparation Mid Term Preparation: 01 week 8-19 Nov Sun-Thu Mid-Term Examinations Mid Exam:02 Weeks 22-Nov Sunday Class Start After Mid-Term Examinations 22-26 Nov Sun-Thu Publication of Mid-Term Examinaiton Results 16-Dec Wednesday Holiday: Victory Day Class before 25-Dec Friday Holiday: X-Mass day Final Exam: 10-Jan Sunday * Holiday: Bishwa Ijtema (Akheri Munajat 1st Phase) 08 Weeks 12-Jan Tuesday Last date of Question Paper Submission for Final Exam Holiday: 03 day 14 Jan 2021 Thursday Last date of the classes before Final Examination 17-Jan Sunday * Holiday: Bishwa Ijtema (Akheri Munajat 2nd Phase) 18-21 Jan Mon-Thu Make-up Classes and Final Term Exam Preparation Final Exam Preparation:01 week 24 Jan - 4 Feb Sun-Thu Final Examinations (Fall-2020) Final Exam:02 Weeks 9-Feb Tuesday Last date of Final Grade Submission Result Publication & Semester 10-Feb Wednesday Publication of the Results (Fall-2020) Break: 01 Weak 11-Feb Thursday Semester Break (Fall-2020) Admission Test- Spring-2021 (1st Phase) Admission Test- Spring-2021 (2nd Phase) Admission & Advising- Spring-2021 (New Batches) 14-Feb Sunday Discussion with Faculty Members on Student Advising 14-16 Feb Sun-Tue Date of Tuition Fee Waiver Application Form Submission For next Academic Calendar, 14-16 Feb Sun-Tue Online Semester Reg. & Reg. Fees Payment-Spring-2021 (Old Batches) Spring-2021 17-18 Feb Wed-Thu Finalising the waiver Application 17-23 Feb Wed-Tue Online Course Advising &Tuition Fees Payment Spring-2021-Old Batches 24-Feb Wednesday Faculty Orientation 25-Feb Thursday Commencement of Session: Spring-2021 (Old Batches) * Subject to appearance of the moon/ Declaration by the competent authority. * Authority reserves the right to make changes in the academic calendar. Semester Starting Preparation :02 Weeks Class before Mid Term Exam :07 Weeks excluding 01 holiday Mid Term Exam Preparation :01 Week Mid Term Exam :02 Weeks Class before Final Term Exam :08 Weeks including 03 holidays Final Exam Preparation :01 Week Final Term Exam :02 Weeks Result Publications & Semester Break :01 Week Total Academic Weeks (September,2020 to February, 2021) : 24 weeks including 04 days Holiday.