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VSC MTDC Systems With A Distributed DC Voltage Control - A Power Flow Approach

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Paper accepted for presentation at the 2011 IEEE Trondheim PowerTech

VSC MTDC Systems with a Distributed DC

Voltage Control – A Power Flow Approach
Jef Beerten, Student Member, IEEE, Dirk Van Hertem, Senior Member, IEEE, and Ronnie Belmans, Fellow, IEEE

Abstract—In this paper, a power flow model is presented to both Line-Commutated Converters (LCC) and traditional AC
include a DC voltage droop control or distributed DC slack technology. Contrary to LCC, the VSC technology can support
bus in a Multi-terminal Voltage Source Converter High Voltage the AC grid due to a fast and independent control of active
Direct Current (VSC MTDC) grid. The available VSC MTDC
models are often based on the extension of existing point-to-point and reactive power. The inherent technical characteristics of
connections and use a single DC slack bus that adapts its active VSCs give the technology much better prospects for a multi-
power injection to control the DC voltage. A distributed DC terminal operation than its LCC counterpart. Furthermore, a
voltage control has significant advantages over its concentrated connection to remote wind farms would only be realistic with
slack bus counterpart, since a numbers of converters can jointly VSC technology. As European plans and studies to gradually
control the DC system voltage. After a fault, a voltage droop
controlled DC grid converges to a new working point, which construct such an overlaying DC grid are taken more concrete
impacts the power flows in both the DC grid and the underlying forms, the technical problems yet still unsolved are becoming
AC grids. Whereas current day research is focussing on the predominantly important in current day research on DC grids.
dynamic behaviour of such a system, this paper introduces An outstanding research issues is a distributed control of
a power flow model to study the steady-state change of the the system voltage in such a DC grid. A strong urge has risen
combined AC/DC system as a result of faults and transients
in the DC grid. The model allows to incorporate DC grids in in recent years to thoroughly address this issue and to provide
a N-1 contingency analysis, thereby including the effects of a robust control functions to increase the overall safety of the
distributed voltage control on the power flows in both the AC DC grid [1]. An extension of the control principles of point-
and DC systems. to-point connections gives rise to one converter controlling
the DC voltage at its terminals while the other converters
Index Terms—DC Grids, HVDC transmission, Load flow control their active power injections in the AC grid. The DC
analysis, Voltage control. voltage controlling converter is often referred to as the ‘DC
slack’ converter since the control adapts the output power
I. I NTRODUCTION automatically to compensate for the losses in the DC system.
Such a centralised DC slack converter has to react fast on DC

A T present, the power engineering world is facing enor-

mous challenges. Today’s power systems are operated
more closely to their limits, while system operators are more
grid transients, such as e.g. the loss of converters or DC line.
The converter needs to be oversized and connected to a strong
AC system to cope with severe system transients. Furthermore,
and more faced with an increased public opposition to the an outage of this converter cannot be covered. The control
construction of new lines. The projected massive integration function of the slack bus converter can be duplicated to other
of intermittent renewable energy sources also imposes major converters that would be functioning as a back-up slack to
technical challenges in terms of a secure grid operation. take over the DC voltage control in case the primary DC
The growing need for transmission capacity that accompanies slack converter fails. While a duplication could increase the
the recent challenges has lead to an increased interest in High overall reliability of the system, it does not disregard the main
Voltage Direct Current (HVDC) systems in multi-terminal disadvantages of a centralised DC slack converter [2]. Beside
(MTDC) configuration as an alternative to grid enforcements the technical problems, the geographic location of such a DC
based on AC technology. In Europe, suggestions are even slack converter might be controversial, as one system operator
made to construct a whole new overlaying DC ‘supergrid’, would have to cope with all problems on the DC grid.
as DC technology has technical and economical advantages Alternatively to a centralised DC slack approach, the DC
over traditional AC transmission. The meshed DC supergrid voltage control can be distributed over a number of converters
could thereby interconnect remotely located offshore wind using a voltage droop control [3], [4]. In this way, a number
farms and connect them with various points in the existing of converters contribute to the control of the DC system
AC infrastructure, to provide a more reliable grid. Special voltage by adopting their active power input when the DC
attention is given to HVDC based on Voltage Source Con- system voltage alters as a result of changes in the operation
verter (VSC) technology as it has significant advantages over of the grid. Whereas previous research has primarily focused
on the transient behaviour of a VSC MTDC systems with a
Jef Beerten is funded by a research grant from the Research Foundation –
Flanders (FWO). distributed voltage control [5], [6], the steady-state behaviour
The authors are with the Department of Electrical Engineering of distributed voltage control schemes and its integration
(ESAT), Division ELECTA, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, in power flow algorithms has mainly remained unaddressed
Kasteelpark Arenberg 10, bus 2445, 3001 Leuven-Heverlee, Belgium
(e-mail: jef.beerten@esat.kuleuven.be, dirk.vanhertem@ieee.org, so far. However, when system studies and N-1 contingency
ronnie.belmans@esat.kuleuven.be). analyses of systems including DC grids need to be undertaken,

978-1-4244-8417-1/11/$26.00 ©2011

Pdc 6dc
Phase X
Ss reactor S c
Udc,0 XXX
Fig. 1. VSC HVDC converter station connected to a DC grid. Pdc,0

Fig. 2. Standard voltage droop characteristic.

the steady-state power flows and the effect of this distributed

voltage control are of primary interest [7]. Contrary to the 2) Udc -control: The converter adapts its active power in-
situation in case of a system with a centralised slack bus, a jection Pdc to control its DC bus voltage.
converter outage will give rise to a change of the power set- This two-terminal concept can be extended to a VSC HVDC
points of all voltage controlling converters. This paper aims grid by having all-but-one converters fixing their active power
to provide an answer to this mainly unaddressed research injection. The function of the remaining converter is to control
question by presenting a model to fully integrate a distributed the voltage at the DC bus to its reference value, thereby
voltage control in an AC/DC power flow program. controlling the DC grid voltage profile by clamping the voltage
The paper elaborates further on the sequential AC/DC power at one bus. From a power flow point of view, there is no
flow algorithm presented in [8] and discusses how the algo- objection to assign a voltage control function as described
rithm has to be extended to include the effects of a distributed above to more than converter, thereby having multiple slack
DC voltage control on the power flows. Section II briefly buses in one DC grid. One of the problems, however, is that
discusses the control principles of VSC HVDC converters that this control may give rise to unwanted voltage and power
are of interest with regard to power flow algorithms. Special oscillations.
attention is paid to the proposed voltage droop control strategy. Alternatively, the DC voltage can be controlled by introduc-
Section III discusses the representation of the DC grid and ing a voltage droop, as shown in Fig. 2. By doing so, multiple
Section IV presents the inclusion of the distributed voltage converters can assist the voltage control by adapting the power
control in the AC/DC power flow algorithm. Section V shows according to their droop characteristic. The lower the value
the effects of a converter outage on the power flows by means of the voltage droop k, with k the opposite of the slope in
of simulation results. Fig. 2, the more the converter adapts its output power when
the voltage changes. The limit values of the voltage droop k
II. VSC CONVERTER CONTROL are 0 and ∞, at which the converter respectively controls the
As addressed in the previous section, a VSC HVDC con- DC voltage (DC slack) or the DC power (P -control) to their
verter, shown in Fig. 1, can fully control its apparent power reference values.
injection by independently controlling its active and reactive The DC voltage droop control shows many similarities to
power, respectively Ps and Qs . To achieve this, a vector- the frequency droop used in AC systems. However, there are
control scheme with two inner current controllers indepen- peculiarities which make the DC voltage droop implementa-
dently controls the converter currents in a rotating dq-reference tion less straight-forward than the frequency droop counter-
frame. Slower outer control loops allow to independently part. Whereas the frequency remains constant in an AC system,
control the active and reactive power injections by changing the DC voltage differs from one bus to another in a DC system
the reference set-points of the inner current control loops. as a result of the steady-state power flows in the DC grid. From
From a power flow point-of-view, only the steady-state this perspective, voltage deviations at different locations in the
behaviour of the outer control loops is of importance. A VSC DC grid as such do not necessarily reflect transient system
converter can exhibit two reactive power control functions: conditions. They might as well be the result of the power
flows in the DC grid or they might be caused by changing
1) Q-control: The reactive power Qs injected in the AC
operating conditions. In light of this, [9] suggested to introduce
grid is kept constant.
a Load Reference Set Point for each converter, representing the
2) U -control: The converter adopts its reactive power in-
target no-load DC voltage for all converters connected to the
jection Qs to keep its AC bus voltage magnitude Us
grid. Similarly, the implementation put forward in this paper
uses a reference voltage Udc,0 and power Pdc,0 for the droop-
As far as active power is concerned, current-day two- controlled converters, as shown in Fig. 2. In this paper, these
terminal VSC HVDC transmission schemes have two different reference values are set to the system’s working conditions
control functions for each converter: in steady-state, without a droop control being active. In this
1) P -control: The active power Ps injected in the AC grid way, the power flows are the same as those in a situation with
is kept constant. a centralised DC slack bus. After a contingency in the DC

grid, the system will start operating in a new operation point Data input
AC grids
determined by the voltage droop characteristics. The droop power flow

control can be extended to include current and voltage limits. If

the dynamic characteristics of the droop control are of interest,
the basic droop characteristic from Fig. 2 has to be extended per unit
to include a dead band around the set-point voltage value, conversion
& internal
similar to the frequency droop implementation in governors. numbering and losses
Such a detailed representation is out of the scope of this study.
Instead, the basic droop characteristics from Fig. 2 are used
in the remainder of the paper. DC slack bus DC grids
DC slack
and/or DC power flow
bus power
voltage droop with DC
and/or DC
III. DC GRID POWER FLOW buses power voltage
voltage droop
estimates droop buses
buses power
This section discusses the DC grid power flow equations
and the modifications to the algorithm presented in [8] when a DC slack
per unit
voltage droop is introduced. The power flow equations to solve reconversion bus and/or
a DC grid show many similarities to those of a conventional & external DC voltage
numbering droop buses
AC power flow and the methods used to solve the equations loss iteration
are also applied here.
In an AC system, the active power through the lines is
mainly linked with the angle difference between different yes no
Output Converged?
buses, whereas the magnitude of the voltage at the different
buses is linked to the flow of reactive power. In DC grids, on
the contrary, the power flows are dictated by the differences
in voltage magnitude between the different DC buses. The Fig. 3. Flow chart of the sequential VSC AC/DC power flow algorithm with
current injected at a DC node i can be written as the current a distributed voltage control.
flowing to the other n − 1 nodes in the network:

Combining (2) and (4) and assuming a monopolar, symmet-
Idci = Ydcij · (Udci − Udcj ), (1)
rically grounded DC grid, the known active power injections
j=i can be written as
with Ydcij equal to 1/Rdcij . 
Pdci =2 Udci Ydcij · (Udci − Udcj ). (5)
Combining all currents injected in an n bus DC network
results in j=i

Idc =Ydc Udc , (2) The active power injected by the converters in voltage control
depends on the deviation of the bus voltage from its reference
with the DC current vector Idc given by value and is an unknown prior to the power flow. Using Fig.
Idc = [Idc1 , Idc2 . . . Idck , 0 . . . 0 ]T , (3) 2, the active power injection can be written as
working converters outage
Pdci =Pdc,0i − (Udci − Udc,0i ), (6)
with n − k zero elements due to converter outages and DC
buses without a power injection. The DC voltage vector is with ki the voltage droop, defined as ΔUdc /ΔPdc .
given by Udc = [Udc1 , Udc2 . . . Udcn ]T and Ydc is the DC bus This system of non-linear equations can be solved with a
matrix. When line outages are taken into account, this involves Newton-Raphson (NR) method, as shown in the next section.
altering the DC bus matrix accordingly. For a monopolar,
symmetrically grounded DC grid, the power injections become IV. S EQUENTIAL POWER FLOW WITH DISTRIBUTED DC
Pdci =2Udci Idci , ∀i ≤ k. (4)
In this section, the DC grid model with a distributed voltage
A similar expression holds for a bipolar configuration when control is introduced in the sequential AC/DC power flow
in steady-state operation. algorithm from [8]. Fig. 3 shows the flow chart of the power
The current injections Idc are unknown prior to the DC flow algorithm when a distributed voltage control scheme
grid power flow. Instead, the active power injections Pdc of is included. The modifications to the sequential power flow
the converters in P -control are calculated using the results algorithm from [8] are printed in bold. In [8], one converter
of the AC power flow. However, the DC slack bus active was assigned the task of the DC slack converter, adapting its
power injection Pdc is not known prior to the DC power flow. power to control the DC system voltage. When a DC voltage
When there are converters with a distributed voltage control, droop is applied by other converters, it is still possible, but not
the active power injection Pdc at these buses is not known necessary, to include a slack bus in the DC grid. From a control
prior to the DC power flow either. point of view, this stems with a converter that controls its DC

bus voltage to the reference value using a PI controller, whilst with Pc the active part of the complex power injected at the
the converters with a DC voltage droop use a proportional converter side, shown in Fig. 1.
gain. In this section, the equations are written in their most During the iteration, this expression does not hold for the
general form, with the first converter being a regular DC slack DC slack converter and the m−1 converters under DC voltage
converter. droop for reasons explained above. However, the intermediate
The remainder part of the section only briefly discusses the AC grid states can be used for estimating the losses of these
sequential algorithm as such. Instead, emphasis is put on the converters to start the iteration that follows the DC power flow,
modifications introduced by to the distributed voltage control. shown in Fig. 3.

A. AC grid power flow

B. DC grid power flow
Similarly to the converters under active power control,
With the DC power injections calculated as a result of the
the DC voltage controlling buses are introduced in the AC
AC power flow, a NR iteration, based on (5)–(6) is used to
power flow algorithm as either PQ or PV buses. When no
calculate the DC grid’s power flow. For the converters under
generator is present at the AC bus under consideration, a
constant power control, m + 1 to k, the DC power injection
dummy generator is added to the bus to deliver or absorb
Pdc as defined by (5), is known as a result of the AC power
the reactive power needed to keep up the AC system voltage.
flow. For the converters under distributed voltage control, 2 to
When under constant reactive power control, the reactive part
m, the DC power injection set-points Pdc,0 are all known. A
of the load is changed to include the converter’s reactive power 
modified active power vector Pdc is introduced to group these
All active power injections to the AC grid are included for variables, hence
the AC power flow calculation by adapting the active part of
the load at the selected buses. With the active power injection 
Pdc = [Pdc1 , Pdc,02 . . . Pdc,0m , Pdcm+1 . . . Pdck , 0 . . . 0 ]T .
defined with respect to the AC system, the powers can be          
slack voltage droop P −control outage
modified at once. However, when a converter is under DC (10)
voltage control, either a slack bus or droop-based control, the Using this modified power vector, the DC bus voltages are
active power injection in the AC grid is not known beforehand, calculated with a NR method:
since it depends on the active power needed at the DC side to   (j)
control the DC voltage. The voltage droop buses can thus be ∂Pdc ΔUdc (j)  (j)
Udc · = ΔPdc . (11)
treated in a way similar to the slack converter with regards to ∂Udc Udc
the AC system.
The equations and terms corresponding to the slack bus are
As a first estimate to initiate the overall iteration, the AC
removed since its voltage is known prior to the DC network
active power injections of the droop controlled converters are
power flow.
put equal to the negative of the DC power reference Pdc,0 ,
In this system of equations, the modified power mismatch
thereby assuming that the DC voltage does not deviate from  (j)
the reference value Udc,0 and neglecting the converter losses vector ΔPdc is given by

Ploss . Without lack of generality, we assume a n bus DC ⎪ (j)
⎨Pdc,0i − Pdc,0i (Udc ) ∀i : 2 ≤ i ≤ m
system with the first converter as the DC slack bus and the (j) (k)
ΔPdci = Pdci − Pdci (Udc (j) ) ∀i : m < i ≤ k ,
subsequent m−1 converters using a DC voltage droop control. ⎪

The next k − m buses are under constant active power control. −Pdci (Udc (j) ) ∀i : k < i ≤ n
The remaining n − k buses do not have a connection to the
with Pdc,0i (Udc (j) ) given by
AC grid or are facing a converter outage. The active power
injection estimate of the m−1 converters under voltage control (j) 1 (j)
Pdc,0i = Pdci (Udc (j) ) + (U − Udc,0i ), (13)
is given by ki dci
=−Pdc,0i ∀i : 2 ≤ i ≤ m. (7) and superscripts (j) and (k) respectively referring to the inner
NR iteration and the outer AC/DC power flow iteration. The
The active power delivered by the DC slack bus, if present, is
terms of the Jacobian are given by
initiated as
m n
∂Pdci (j) (j)
=− P (0)
s − Psj , (8) Udcj = −2Udci Ydcij Udcj , (14)
i=2 j=m+1
 (j) n
(0) ∂Pdci (j) (j) 2
with Psi from (7) and Psj defined prior to the power flow. Udci = Pdci + 2 Udci Ydcij , (15)
∂Udci j=1
After calculating the AC power flow, all converter powers  (j)  (j)
and losses are calculated to obtain the DC grid’s injected ∂Pdc,0i ∂Pdci
Udcj = Udcj , (16)
powers Pdc for the k DC buses to which converters are ∂Udcj ∂Udcj
connected, disregarding the ones facing outages.  (j)  (j)
∂Pdc,0i ∂Pdci 1 (j)
Udci = Udci + U . (17)
Pdci = −Pci − Plossi , ∀i < k, (9) ∂Udci ∂Udci ki dc,i

133.6 84.3 45+j15 40+j5 133.3 45+j15 40+j5 132.9 84.5 45+j15 40+j5
~ 1 3 4 ~ 1 3 4
~ 1 3 4
35.3 34.2 23.1 23.0 29.1 28.3 43.9 43.7 33.8 32.8 35.1 35.0

13.0 15.1 4.6 6.5 0.1 0.3 14.6 17.5 3.1 4.5 14.8 0.7 13.3 15.6 5.9 7.5 11.9 1.6
98.4 71.4 104.2 69.7 99.1 71.2

95.7 69.6 101.3 67.4 96.4 69.3

25.3 25.1 46.3 45.4 49.2 48.3

0.1 4.7 14.6 5.0 11.8 6.1
1.9 0.4 4.7 5.0 4.0 3.9
~ 2 5 ~ 2 5 ~ 2 5
20+j10 60+j10 20+j10 60+j10 20+j10 60+j10
40 32.8 40 18.5 40 25.3

(a) Normal operation (b) Outage: P -control (c) Outage: DC voltage droop
Fig. 4. AC network power flow solution with a VSC MTDC system between buses 2, 3 and 5: (a) Normal operation, (b) Converter outage on bus 5 &
P -control, (c) Converter outage on bus 5 & DC voltage droop on converters 2 and 3. Legend: → Active power (MW) and  Reactive power (MVAr).

20.8 7.1 3 56.7 0.1 3 36.1 7.1 3

21.9 58.0 37.3

28.0 27.7 17.2 17.1 11.0 11.0

58.6 36.2 58.6 37.5

60.0 40.0 2 5 35.0 5.0 60.0 40.0 2 38.8 40.0 2

(a) Normal operation (b) Outage: P -control (c) Outage: DC voltage droop
Fig. 5. DC network power flow solution with a VSC MTDC system between buses 2, 3 and 5: (a) Normal operation, (b) Converter outage on bus 5 &
P -control, (c) Converter outage on bus 5 & DC voltage droop on converters .2 and 3. Legend: → Active power (MW)

After convergence, the voltages on all DC buses are known. 5 are under constant P and Q-control. The converter at bus 3 is
Thereafter, the power injections of the slack bus and the DC under constant U -control and is also designated the role of the
voltage droop buses are calculated using (5). DC slack converter. The DC voltages and DC power injections
from this power flow are used as the reference values for the
C. Additional converter loss iteration DC voltage droop control later on. Figs. 4b & 5b show the
results of the AC and DC test system with a converter outage
After having calculated all unknown DC grid voltages and on bus 5. As expected, the power of the slack converter at
powers, an additional iteration is needed to calculate the bus 3 adapts its power, whereas the power injected by the
AC grid power injection of the DC slack converter and the converter at bus 2 remains unaltered. In Figs. 4c & 5c, a
voltage droop converters since the AC powers injected by voltage droop control has been implemented on all converters.
these converters depend on the converter losses, which are The converters remaining in operation, namely those on buses
not known beforehand. 2 and 3 have a voltage droop that has been respectively set to
Due to the extension of the algorithm, the overall con- 5e-3 and 7e-3 p.u./MW. As shown by the results, the remaining
vergence criterium has to be based on the slack converter converter powers are both lowered, dictated by their droop
power, if present, as well as on the voltage droop buses’ power characteristics. As expected, the droop control also alters the
injections in the AC grid, as shown in Fig. 3. power flows in the AC grid, shown in Fig. 4.
When the droop control is implemented in a larger DC
V. S IMULATION RESULTS network, the contribution of each converter to the DC voltage
This section discusses the effect of a converter outage on control can be adapted by altering its droop characteristic.
the power flows in the AC and DC grid. The extension of the
sequential power flow algorithm allows to study the effect of VI. C ONCLUSION
the droop characteristics on the overall power flows after a In this paper, a model has been presented to include voltage
disturbance. droop characteristics in power flow calculations. The model
The DC voltage droop control has been included in a has been implemented and tested in a sequential AC/DC power
sequential AC/DC power flow algorithm, using MATPOWER flow algorithm. The implementation of the droop characteris-
[10], an open-source power flow toolbox for Matlab. The tics allows to extend contingency analyses to DC grids and
simulation results, shown in Figs. 4 – 5, are based on a 5-bus makes it possible to study the effects of the distributed voltage
test network from [11] with a 3-bus VSC MTDC network. control and the individual droop values of each converter on
Figs. 4a & 5a show the results of the AC and DC test system the post-disturbance power flows in both the AC and DC
under normal operation conditions. Converters on buses 2 and system. The droop characteristics have been included in a

MATPOWER based AC/DC power flow program and properly Jef Beerten (S’07) was born in Belgium in 1985.
tested. Numerical simulations show the effect of the distributed He received the M.Sc. degree in electrical engi-
neering from the Katholieke Universiteit Leuven
voltage control on the power flows in the system. (K.U.Leuven), Leuven, Belgium, in 2008, where he
is currently working towards the Ph.D. degree. He
is a Research Assistant with the division ESAT-
R EFERENCES ELECTA division of K.U.Leuven. His research in-
[1] D. Van Hertem and M. Ghandhari, “Multi-terminal VSC HVDC for terests include power system control, integration
the European supergrid: Obstacles,” Renewable and Sustainable Energy of wind energy, DC grids and multi-terminal VSC
Reviews, vol. 14, no. 9, pp. 3156–3163, Dec. 2010. HVDC in particular. Mr. Beerten is an active mem-
[2] C. Dierckxsens, “VSC MTDC systems with distributed slack bus,” ber of both the IEEE and Cigré.
Master’s thesis, K.U.Leuven, Jun. 2010. Mr. Beerten holds a Ph.D. fellowship from the Research Foundation
[3] R. Hendriks, G. Paap, and W. Kling, “Control of a multi-terminal VSC Flanders (FWO).
transmission scheme for connecting offshore wind farms,” in Proc.
European Wind Energy Conference & Exhibition, Milan, Italy, May,
7 – 10 2007.
[4] T. Haileselassie and K. Uhlen, “Primary frequency control of remote
grids connected by multi-terminal hvdc,” in Proc. IEEE PES GM ’10, Dirk Van Hertem (S’02, SM’09) graduated as a
Minneapolis, USA, Jul. 25–29, 2010. M.Eng. (industrieel ingenieur) in Electro-mechanical
[5] A. van der Meer, R. Hendriks, and W. Kling, “Combined stability and engineering in 2001 from the KHK, Geel, Belgium
electro-magnetic transients simulation of offshore wind power connected and as a M.Sc.(burgerlijk ingenieur) in Electrical
through multi-terminal VSC-HVDC,” in Proc. IEEE PES GM ’10, Engineering from the K.U.Leuven, Belgium in 2003.
Minneapolis, USA, Jul. 25–29, 2010, pp. 1 –7. In January 2009, he obtained his PhD, also from the
[6] T. Haileselassie, K. Uhlen, and T. Undeland, “Control of multiterminal K.U.Leuven. From 2010 to spring 2011, Dirk Van
HVDC transmission for offshore wind energy,” in Proc. Nordic Wind Hertem was a member of the Electric Power Sys-
Power Conference Presentation, Rønne, Denmark, Sep. 10–11, 2009. tems division at the Royal Institute of Technology,
[7] G. Asplund, B. Jacobson, B. Berggren, and K. Lindén, “Continen- Stockholm. Currently, he is working again as a post-
tal overlay HVDC-grid,” in CIGRE 2010 Session Proceedings, Paris, doctoral researcher in the ELECTA research group
France, 2010. at the K.U.Leuven, Belgium.
[8] J. Beerten, S. Cole, and R. Belmans, “Generalized steady-state VSC His special fields of interest are power system operation and control in
MTDC model for sequential AC/DC power flow algorithms,” IEEE systems with FACTS and HVDC and building the (super-)grid of the future
Trans. Power Syst., 2011, submitted for publication. with large amounts of renewable energy sources. Dr. Van Hertem is an active
[9] C. Barker and R. Whitehouse, “Autonomous converter control in a multi- member of both IEEE and Cigreé.
terminal HVDC system,” in Proc. IET ACDC ’10, London, UK, Oct.
20–21, 2010.
[10] R. D. Zimmerman, C. E. Murillo-Sanchez, and R. J. Thomas, “MAT-
POWER: Steady-state operations, planning, and analysis tools for power
systems research and education,” IEEE Trans. Power Syst., vol. 26, no. 1, Ronnie Belmans (S’77-M’84-SM’89-F’05) re-
pp. 12–19, Feb. 2011. ceived the M.Sc. degree in electrical engineering in
[11] G. W. Stagg and A. H. El-Abaid, Computer Methods in Power System 1979 and the Ph.D. degree in 1984, both from the
Analysis. Kogakusha, Japan: McGraw-Hill, 1968. K.U.Leuven, Belgium, the Special Doctorate in 1989
and the Habilitierung in 1993, both from the RWTH,
Aachen, Germany. Currently, he is a full profes-
sor with the K.U.Leuven, teaching electric power
and energy systems. His research interests include
techno-economic aspects of power systems, power
quality and distributed generation. He is also guest
professor at Imperial College of Science, Medicine
and Technology, London-UK.

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