Rexroth HMV Troubleshooting Guide PDF
Rexroth HMV Troubleshooting Guide PDF
Rexroth HMV Troubleshooting Guide PDF
Purpose of Documentation This documentation contains the descriptions of all diagnostic messages im‐
plemented in the following firmware versions:
● Drive controller firmware versions MPx-02 to MPx-08
● Firmware versions of supply units of type "HMV"
It assists machine operators and installation programmers with troubleshooting.
Table of Contents
Table of Contents
1 Introduction.................................................................................................................. 23
1.1 About This Documentation................................................................................................................... 23
1.2 Reference Documentations.................................................................................................................. 24
1.2.1 Drive Systems, System Components................................................................................................ 24
1.2.2 Motors................................................................................................................................................ 24
1.2.3 Cables............................................................................................................................................... 25
1.2.4 Firmware............................................................................................................................................ 25
Table of Contents
Notes on Commissioning................................................................................................................ 46
4.2.3 Fixed Status Displays........................................................................................................................ 47
Function-Related Status Parameters............................................................................................. 47
Status Parameters for Real-Time Status Bits................................................................................. 48
4.2.4 Control Parameters........................................................................................................................... 49
4.3 Control Panels of the IndraDrive Controllers........................................................................................ 49
4.3.1 General Information on the Operation Options ................................................................................. 49
Control Panel Variants.................................................................................................................... 49
4.4 Standard Control Panel........................................................................................................................ 50
4.4.1 Brief Description................................................................................................................................ 50
4.4.2 Functional Description....................................................................................................................... 51
4.4.3 Notes on Commissioning................................................................................................................... 69
4.5 Terms, Basic Principles........................................................................................................................ 69
4.5.1 Parameters........................................................................................................................................ 69
4.5.2 Data Storage and Parameter Handling............................................................................................. 69
4.5.3 Password........................................................................................................................................... 70
4.5.4 Commands........................................................................................................................................ 71
4.5.5 Operation Modes............................................................................................................................... 71
4.5.6 Warnings........................................................................................................................................... 72
4.5.7 Errors................................................................................................................................................. 72
5 Operating States.......................................................................................................... 75
5.1 General Information.............................................................................................................................. 75
5.2 Ab / VM Bb............................................................................................................................................ 75
5.3 AC......................................................................................................................................................... 75
5.4 AE......................................................................................................................................................... 75
5.5 AF......................................................................................................................................................... 75
5.6 AH......................................................................................................................................................... 75
5.7 AR......................................................................................................................................................... 75
5.8 AS......................................................................................................................................................... 75
5.9 ASP....................................................................................................................................................... 75
5.10 AU......................................................................................................................................................... 75
5.11 bb / VM bb............................................................................................................................................ 75
5.12 charg / VM charg.................................................................................................................................. 76
5.13 CM........................................................................................................................................................ 76
5.14 OM........................................................................................................................................................ 76
5.15 P0 / VM P0............................................................................................................................................ 76
5.16 P-1........................................................................................................................................................ 76
5.17 P1 / VM P1............................................................................................................................................ 76
5.18 P2 / VM P2............................................................................................................................................ 76
5.19 P3 / VM P3............................................................................................................................................ 76
5.20 PM........................................................................................................................................................ 76
5.21 PL......................................................................................................................................................... 76
5.22 RL......................................................................................................................................................... 76
5.23 SBB....................................................................................................................................................... 76
5.24 SBB1..................................................................................................................................................... 77
DOK-INDRV*-GEN-**VRS**-WA07-EN-P Bosch Rexroth AG III/601
Rexroth IndraDrive MPx-02 to MPx-08 and HMV
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5.25 SBB2..................................................................................................................................................... 77
5.26 SBB3..................................................................................................................................................... 77
5.27 SBB4..................................................................................................................................................... 77
5.28 SBH...................................................................................................................................................... 77
5.29 SH......................................................................................................................................................... 77
5.30 SMM1................................................................................................................................................... 77
5.31 SMM2................................................................................................................................................... 77
5.32 SMM3................................................................................................................................................... 77
5.33 SMM4................................................................................................................................................... 77
5.34 SS1....................................................................................................................................................... 77
5.35 SS1 ES................................................................................................................................................. 77
5.36 SS2....................................................................................................................................................... 77
5.37 STO...................................................................................................................................................... 77
5.38 VM Lb................................................................................................................................................... 78
5.39 VM LB................................................................................................................................................... 78
5.40 VM ZKS................................................................................................................................................ 78
Table of Contents
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7.46 A0134 Cam, lagless, encoder 1, real master axis.............................................................................. 110
7.47 A0135 Cam, lagless, encoder 2, real master axis.............................................................................. 111
7.48 A0136 MotionProfile, encoder 1, virtual master axis.......................................................................... 111
7.49 A0137 MotionProfile, encoder 2, virtual master axis.......................................................................... 112
7.50 A0138 MotionProfile, encoder 2, real master axis.............................................................................. 112
7.51 A0139 MotionProfile, encoder 1, real master axis.............................................................................. 113
7.52 A0140 MotionProfile lagless, encoder 1, virtual master axis.............................................................. 113
7.53 A0141 MotionProfile lagless, encoder 2, virtual master axis.............................................................. 114
7.54 A0142 MotionProfile lagless, encoder 1, real master axis.................................................................. 114
7.55 A0143 MotionProfile lagless, encoder 2, real master axis.................................................................. 115
7.56 A0150 Drive-controlled positioning, encoder 1................................................................................... 115
7.57 A0151 Drive-controlled positioning, encoder 1, lagless...................................................................... 116
7.58 A0152 Drive-controlled positioning, encoder 2................................................................................... 116
7.59 A0153 Drive-controlled positioning, encoder 2, lagless...................................................................... 117
7.60 A0154 Position mode drive controlled, encoder 1.............................................................................. 117
7.61 A0155 Position mode drive controlled, encoder 2.............................................................................. 118
7.62 A0156 Position mode lagless, encoder 1 drive controlled.................................................................. 118
7.63 A0157 Position mode lagless, encoder 2 drive controlled.................................................................. 119
7.64 A0160 Position mode drive controlled................................................................................................ 119
7.65 A0161 Drive-controlled positioning..................................................................................................... 120
7.66 A0162 Positioning block mode........................................................................................................... 120
7.67 A0163 Position synchronization.......................................................................................................... 121
7.68 A0164 Velocity synchronization.......................................................................................................... 121
7.69 A0206 Positioning block mode, encoder 1......................................................................................... 121
7.70 A0207 Positioning block mode lagless, encoder 1............................................................................. 122
7.71 A0210 Positioning block mode, encoder 2......................................................................................... 122
7.72 A0211 Positioning block mode lagless, encoder 2............................................................................. 122
7.73 A0403 Quick stop with probe detection is active................................................................................ 123
7.74 A0500 Supply module in voltage control............................................................................................ 123
7.75 A0502 Supply module in operation..................................................................................................... 123
7.76 A0503 DC bus charging active........................................................................................................... 124
7.77 A0520 DC bus quick discharge active................................................................................................ 124
7.78 A0800 Unknown operating mode....................................................................................................... 125
7.79 A4000 Automatic drive check and adjustment.................................................................................... 125
7.80 A4001 Drive deceleration to standstill................................................................................................ 125
7.81 A4002 Drive in automatic mode.......................................................................................................... 126
7.82 A4003 Setting-up mode is active........................................................................................................ 126
Table of Contents
8.2 Fatal Errors (F8xxx)............................................................................................................................ 129
8.2.1 Behavior in Case of Fatal Errors (F8xxx)........................................................................................ 129
8.2.2 F8000 Fatal hardware error............................................................................................................. 130
8.2.3 F8010 Autom. commutation: Max. motion range when moving back.............................................. 131
8.2.4 F8011 Commutation offset could not be determined....................................................................... 131
8.2.5 F8012 Autom. commutation: Max. motion range............................................................................. 132
8.2.6 F8013 Automatic commutation: Current too low............................................................................. 133
8.2.7 F8014 Automatic commutation: Overcurrent................................................................................... 134
8.2.8 F8015 Automatic commutation: Timeout......................................................................................... 134
8.2.9 F8016 Automatic commutation: Iteration without result................................................................... 135
8.2.10 F8017 Automatic commutation: Incorrect commutation adjustment................................................ 135
8.2.11 F8018 Device overtemperature shutdown....................................................................................... 136
8.2.12 F8022 Enc. 1: Enc. signals incorr. (can be cleared in ph. 2)........................................................... 137
8.2.13 F8023 Error mechanical link of encoder or motor connection......................................................... 138
8.2.14 F8025 Overvoltage in power section............................................................................................... 138
8.2.15 F8027 Safe torque off while drive enabled...................................................................................... 139
8.2.16 F8028 Overcurrent in power section............................................................................................... 140
8.2.17 F8030 Safe stop 1 while drive enabled........................................................................................... 141
8.2.18 F8042 Encoder 2 error: Signal amplitude incorrect......................................................................... 141
8.2.19 F8057 Device overload shutdown................................................................................................... 142
8.2.20 F8060 Overcurrent in power section............................................................................................... 142
8.2.21 F8064 Interruption of motor phase.................................................................................................. 143
8.2.22 F8067 Synchronization PWM-Timer wrong..................................................................................... 144
8.2.23 F8069 +/-15Volt DC error................................................................................................................ 144
8.2.24 F8070 +24Volt DC error.................................................................................................................. 145
8.2.25 F8076 Error in error angle loop....................................................................................................... 145
8.2.26 F8078 Speed loop error................................................................................................................... 146
8.2.27 F8079 Velocity limit value exceeded............................................................................................... 147
8.2.28 F8091 Power section defective....................................................................................................... 147
8.2.29 F8100 Error when initializing the parameter handling..................................................................... 148
8.2.30 F8102 Error when initializing power section.................................................................................... 149
8.2.31 F8118 Invalid power section/firmware combination......................................................................... 149
8.2.32 F8120 Invalid control section/firmware combination........................................................................ 150
8.2.33 F8122 Control section defective...................................................................................................... 150
8.2.34 F8129 Incorrect optional module firmware...................................................................................... 150
8.2.35 F8130 Firmware of option 2 of safety technology defective............................................................ 151
8.2.36 F8133 Error when checking interrupting circuits............................................................................. 151
8.2.37 F8134 SBS: Fatal error.................................................................................................................... 152
8.2.38 F8135 SMD: Velocity exceeded...................................................................................................... 153
8.2.39 F8140 Fatal CCD error.................................................................................................................... 153
8.2.40 F8201 Safety command for basic initialization incorrect................................................................. 153
8.2.41 F8203 Safety technology configuration parameter invalid............................................................... 154
8.2.42 F8813 Connection error mains choke............................................................................................. 155
8.2.43 F8830 Power section error.............................................................................................................. 156
8.2.44 F8838 Overcurrent external braking resistor................................................................................... 156
8.3 Safety Technology Errors (F7xxx)...................................................................................................... 157
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Rexroth IndraDrive MPx-02 to MPx-08 and HMV
Table of Contents
8.3.1 Behavior in Case of Safety Technology Errors................................................................................ 157
8.3.2 F7010 Safely-limited increment exceeded...................................................................................... 158
8.3.3 F7011 Safely-monitored position, exceeded in pos. direction......................................................... 158
8.3.4 F7012 Safely-monitored position, exceeded in neg. direction......................................................... 159
8.3.5 F7013 Safely-limited speed exceeded............................................................................................ 160
8.3.6 F7014 Timeout safely-monitored transient oscillation..................................................................... 160
8.3.7 F7020 Safe maximum speed exceeded.......................................................................................... 161
8.3.8 F7021 Safely-limited position exceeded.......................................................................................... 161
8.3.9 F7030 Position window Safe stop 2 exceeded................................................................................ 162
8.3.10 F7031 Incorrect direction of motion................................................................................................. 162
8.3.11 F7040 Validation error parameterized - effective threshold............................................................. 163
8.3.12 F7041 Actual position value validation error.................................................................................... 164
8.3.13 F7042 Validation error of safe operation mode............................................................................... 164
8.3.14 F7043 Error of output stage interlock.............................................................................................. 165
8.3.15 F7050 Time for stopping process exceeded................................................................................... 165
8.3.16 F7051 Safely-monitored deceleration exceeded............................................................................. 166
8.4 Errors of Category F6xxx.................................................................................................................... 167
8.4.1 Behavior in Case of Errors of Category F6xxx................................................................................ 167
8.4.2 F6006 Incorrect initialization of effective master axis position......................................................... 168
8.4.3 F6010 PLC Runtime Error............................................................................................................... 168
8.4.4 F6024 Maximum braking time exceeded......................................................................................... 170
8.4.5 F6028 Position limit value exceeded (overflow).............................................................................. 171
8.4.6 F6029 Positive position limit exceeded........................................................................................... 172
8.4.7 F6030 Negative position limit exceeded.......................................................................................... 172
8.4.8 F6034 Emergency-Stop activated................................................................................................... 173
8.4.9 F6042 Both travel range limit switches activated............................................................................ 174
8.4.10 F6043 Positive travel range limit switch activated........................................................................... 174
8.4.11 F6044 Negative travel range limit switch activated......................................................................... 175
8.4.12 F6140 CCD slave error (emergency halt)........................................................................................ 176
8.5 Interface Errors (F4xxx)...................................................................................................................... 177
8.5.1 Behavior in Case of Interface Errors .............................................................................................. 177
8.5.2 F4001 Sync telegram failure............................................................................................................ 177
8.5.3 F4002 RTD telegram failure............................................................................................................ 178
8.5.4 F4003 Invalid communication phase shutdown............................................................................... 179
8.5.5 F4004 Error during phase progression............................................................................................ 180
8.5.6 F4005 Error during phase regression.............................................................................................. 180
8.5.7 F4006 Phase switching without ready signal................................................................................... 180
8.5.8 F4009 Bus failure............................................................................................................................ 181
8.5.9 F4011 Communication watchdog: Overload of cyclic communication............................................ 183
8.5.10 F4012 Incorrect I/O length............................................................................................................... 183
8.5.11 F4016 PLC double real-time channel failure................................................................................... 184
8.5.12 F4017 S-III: Incorrect sequence during phase switch..................................................................... 184
8.5.13 F4034 Emergency-Stop activated................................................................................................... 185
8.5.14 F4140 CCD communication error.................................................................................................... 186
8.6 Non-Fatal Safety Technology Errors (F3xxx)..................................................................................... 186
8.6.1 Behavior in Case of Non-Fatal Safety Technology Errors............................................................... 186
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Rexroth IndraDrive MPx-02 to MPx-08 and HMV
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8.6.2 F3111 Refer. missing when selecting safety related end pos......................................................... 187
8.6.3 F3112 Safe reference missing......................................................................................................... 187
8.6.4 F3115 Brake check time interval exceeded..................................................................................... 189
8.6.5 F3116 Nominal load torque of holding system exceeded................................................................ 190
8.6.6 F3117 Actual position values validation error.................................................................................. 190
8.6.7 F3122 SBS: System error................................................................................................................ 192
8.6.8 F3123 SBS: Brake check missing................................................................................................... 192
8.6.9 F3130 Error when checking input signals........................................................................................ 193
8.6.10 F3131 Error when checking acknowledgment signal...................................................................... 194
8.6.11 F3132 Error when checking diagnostic output signal...................................................................... 195
8.6.12 F3133 Error when checking interrupting circuits............................................................................. 196
8.6.13 F3134 Dynamization time interval incorrect.................................................................................... 197
8.6.14 F3135 Dynamization pulse width incorrect...................................................................................... 198
8.6.15 F3140 Safety parameters validation error....................................................................................... 200
8.6.16 F3141 Selection validation error...................................................................................................... 200
8.6.17 F3142 Activation time of enabling control exceeded....................................................................... 201
8.6.18 F3143 Safety command for clearing errors incorrect...................................................................... 202
8.6.19 F3144 Incorrect safety configuration............................................................................................... 203
8.6.20 F3145 Error when unlocking the safety door................................................................................... 204
8.6.21 F3146 System error channel 2........................................................................................................ 205
8.6.22 F3147 System error channel 1........................................................................................................ 206
8.6.23 F3150 Safety command for system start incorrect.......................................................................... 207
8.6.24 F3151 Safety command for system halt incorrect........................................................................... 208
8.6.25 F3152 Incorrect backup of safety technology data.......................................................................... 209
8.6.26 F3160 Communication error of safe communication....................................................................... 210
8.7 Non-Fatal Errors (F2xxx).................................................................................................................... 211
8.7.1 Behavior in the Case of Non-Fatal Errors........................................................................................ 211
8.7.2 F2002 Assignment of encoder for synchronization is not allowed................................................... 211
8.7.3 F2003 Motion step skipped............................................................................................................. 212
8.7.4 F2004 Error in MotionProfile............................................................................................................ 212
8.7.5 F2005 Cam table invalid.................................................................................................................. 214
8.7.6 F2006 MMC was removed.............................................................................................................. 214
8.7.7 F2007 Switching to non-initialized operation mode......................................................................... 215
8.7.8 F2008 RL The motor type has changed.......................................................................................... 215
8.7.9 F2009 PL Load parameter default values....................................................................................... 216
8.7.10 F2010 Error when initializing digital I/O (-> S-0-0423)..................................................................... 217
8.7.11 F2011 PLC - Error no. 1.................................................................................................................. 218
8.7.12 F2012 PLC - Error no. 2.................................................................................................................. 218
8.7.13 F2013 PLC - Error no. 3.................................................................................................................. 219
8.7.14 F2014 PLC - Error no. 4.................................................................................................................. 219
8.7.15 F2015 PLC - Error no. 5.................................................................................................................. 220
8.7.16 F2016 PLC - Error no. 6.................................................................................................................. 220
8.7.17 F2017 PLC - Error no. 7.................................................................................................................. 220
8.7.18 F2018 Device overtemperature shutdown....................................................................................... 221
8.7.19 F2019 Motor overtemperature shutdown........................................................................................ 222
8.7.20 F2021 Motor temperature monitor defective................................................................................... 223
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Rexroth IndraDrive MPx-02 to MPx-08 and HMV
Table of Contents
8.7.21 F2022 Device temperature monitor defective.................................................................................. 223
8.7.22 F2025 Drive not ready for control.................................................................................................... 224
8.7.23 F2026 Undervoltage in power section............................................................................................. 224
8.7.24 F2027 Excessive oscillation in DC bus............................................................................................ 225
8.7.25 F2028 Excessive deviation.............................................................................................................. 225
8.7.26 F2031 Encoder 1 error: Signal amplitude incorrect......................................................................... 226
8.7.27 F2032 Validation error during commutation fine adjustment........................................................... 227
8.7.28 F2033 External power supply X10 error.......................................................................................... 227
8.7.29 F2036 Excessive position feedback difference............................................................................... 228
8.7.30 F2037 Excessive position command difference.............................................................................. 229
8.7.31 F2039 Maximum acceleration exceeded......................................................................................... 229
8.7.32 F2040 Device overtemperature 2 shutdown.................................................................................... 230
8.7.33 F2042 Encoder 2: Encoder signals incorrect................................................................................... 231
8.7.34 F2043 Measuring encoder: Encoder signals incorrect.................................................................... 231
8.7.35 F2044 External power supply X15 error.......................................................................................... 232
8.7.36 F2048 Low battery voltage.............................................................................................................. 233
8.7.37 F2050 Overflow of target position preset memory........................................................................... 234
8.7.38 F2051 No sequential block in target position preset memory.......................................................... 234
8.7.39 F2053 Incr. encoder emulator: Pulse frequency too high................................................................ 235
8.7.40 F2054 Incr. encoder emulator: Hardware error............................................................................... 235
8.7.41 F2055 External power supply dig. I/O error..................................................................................... 236
8.7.42 F2057 Target position out of travel range........................................................................................ 236
8.7.43 F2058 Internal overflow by positioning input................................................................................... 237
8.7.44 F2059 Incorrect command value direction when positioning........................................................... 238
8.7.45 F2063 Internal overflow master axis generator............................................................................... 239
8.7.46 F2064 Incorrect cmd value direction master axis generator............................................................ 239
8.7.47 F2067 Synchronization to master communication incorrect............................................................ 240
8.7.48 F2068 Brake error........................................................................................................................... 240
8.7.49 F2069 Error when releasing the motor holding brake..................................................................... 241
8.7.50 F2074 Actual pos. value 1 outside absolute encoder window......................................................... 242
8.7.51 F2075 Actual pos. value 2 outside absolute encoder window......................................................... 242
8.7.52 F2076 Actual pos. value 3 outside absolute encoder window......................................................... 243
8.7.53 F2077 Current measurement trim wrong......................................................................................... 244
8.7.54 F2086 Error supply module............................................................................................................. 245
8.7.55 F2087 Module group communication error...................................................................................... 245
8.7.56 F2100 Incorrect access to command value memory....................................................................... 246
8.7.57 F2101 It was impossible to address MMC....................................................................................... 246
8.7.58 F2102 It was impossible to address I2C memory............................................................................ 247
8.7.59 F2103 It was impossible to address EnDat memory....................................................................... 247
8.7.60 F2104 Commutation offset invalid................................................................................................... 248
8.7.61 F2105 It was impossible to address Hiperface memory.................................................................. 248
8.7.62 F2110 Error in non-cyclical data communic. of power section........................................................ 249
8.7.63 F2120 MMC: Defective or missing, replace..................................................................................... 249
8.7.64 F2121 MMC: Incorrect data or file, create correctly........................................................................ 250
8.7.65 F2122 MMC: Incorrect IBF file, correct it......................................................................................... 250
8.7.66 F2123 Retain data backup impossible............................................................................................ 251
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Rexroth IndraDrive MPx-02 to MPx-08 and HMV
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8.7.67 F2124 MMC: Saving too slowly, replace......................................................................................... 252
8.7.68 F2130 Error comfort control panel................................................................................................... 252
8.7.69 F2140 CCD slave error.................................................................................................................... 252
8.7.70 F2150 MLD motion function block error.......................................................................................... 253
8.7.71 F2174 Loss of motor encoder reference......................................................................................... 253
8.7.72 F2175 Loss of optional encoder reference...................................................................................... 254
8.7.73 F2176 Loss of measuring encoder reference.................................................................................. 255
8.7.74 F2177 Modulo limitation error of motor encoder.............................................................................. 256
8.7.75 F2178 Modulo limitation error of optional encoder.......................................................................... 256
8.7.76 F2179 Modulo limitation error of measuring encoder...................................................................... 257
8.7.77 F2190 Incorrect Ethernet configuration........................................................................................... 257
8.7.78 F2260 Command current limit shutoff............................................................................................. 258
8.7.79 F2270 Analog input 1 or 2, wire break............................................................................................. 259
8.7.80 F2802 PLL is not synchronized....................................................................................................... 260
8.7.81 F2814 Undervoltage in mains.......................................................................................................... 260
8.7.82 F2815 Overvoltage in mains............................................................................................................ 260
8.7.83 F2816 Softstart fault power supply unit........................................................................................... 261
8.7.84 F2817 Overvoltage in power section............................................................................................... 261
8.7.85 F2818 Phase failure........................................................................................................................ 262
8.7.86 F2819 Mains failure......................................................................................................................... 262
8.7.87 F2820 Braking resistor overload...................................................................................................... 263
8.7.88 F2821 Error in control of braking resistor........................................................................................ 264
8.7.89 F2825 Switch-on threshold braking resistor too low........................................................................ 264
8.7.90 F2833 Ground fault in motor line..................................................................................................... 265
8.7.91 F2834 Contactor control error......................................................................................................... 265
8.7.92 F2835 Mains contactor wiring error................................................................................................. 266
8.7.93 F2836 DC bus balancing monitor error........................................................................................... 266
8.7.94 F2837 Contactor monitoring error................................................................................................... 267
8.7.95 F2840 Error supply shutdown.......................................................................................................... 267
8.7.96 F2860 Overcurrent in mains-side power section............................................................................. 268
8.7.97 F2890 Invalid device code............................................................................................................... 268
8.7.98 F2891 Incorrect interrupt timing....................................................................................................... 269
8.7.99 F2892 Hardware variant not supported........................................................................................... 269
8.8 SERCOS Service Channel Error Codes / Error Messages of Serial Communication........................ 269
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9.1.10 E8041 Current limit active............................................................................................................... 279
9.1.11 E8042 Both travel range limit switches activated............................................................................ 279
9.1.12 E8043 Positive travel range limit switch activated........................................................................... 280
9.1.13 E8044 Negative travel range limit switch activated......................................................................... 281
9.1.14 E8055 Motor overload, current limit active...................................................................................... 281
9.1.15 E8057 Device overload, current limit active.................................................................................... 282
9.1.16 E8058 Drive system not ready for operation................................................................................... 283
9.1.17 E8260 Torque/force command value limit active............................................................................. 283
9.1.18 E8802 PLL is not synchronized....................................................................................................... 284
9.1.19 E8814 Undervoltage in mains......................................................................................................... 285
9.1.20 E8815 Overvoltage in mains........................................................................................................... 285
9.1.21 E8818 Phase failure........................................................................................................................ 286
9.1.22 E8819 Mains failure......................................................................................................................... 286
9.2 Warnings of Category E4xxx.............................................................................................................. 287
9.2.1 E4001 Double MST failure shutdown.............................................................................................. 287
9.2.2 E4002 Double MDT failure shutdown.............................................................................................. 288
9.2.3 E4005 No command value input via master communication........................................................... 289
9.2.4 E4006 Communication module overload......................................................................................... 290
9.2.5 E4007 SERCOS III: Consumer connection failed........................................................................... 290
9.2.6 E4008 Invalid addressing command value data container A........................................................... 291
9.2.7 E4009 Invalid addressing actual value data container A................................................................. 291
9.2.8 E4010 Slave not scanned or address 0........................................................................................... 292
9.2.9 E4011 Communication watchdog: Overload of cyclic communication............................................ 292
9.2.10 E4012 Maximum number of CCD slaves exceeded........................................................................ 292
9.2.11 E4013 Incorrect CCD addressing.................................................................................................... 293
9.2.12 E4014 Incorrect phase switch of CCD slaves................................................................................. 294
9.2.13 E4016 CCD: Topology error............................................................................................................ 294
9.2.14 E4017 CCD: Unknown I/O configuration......................................................................................... 295
9.3 Possible Warnings When Operating Safety Technology (E3xxx)....................................................... 295
9.3.1 E3100 Error when checking input signals....................................................................................... 295
9.3.2 E3101 Error when checking acknowledgment signal...................................................................... 296
9.3.3 E3102 Actual position values validation error.................................................................................. 297
9.3.4 E3103 Dynamization failed.............................................................................................................. 297
9.3.5 E3104 Safety parameters validation error....................................................................................... 298
9.3.6 E3105 Validation error of safe operation mode............................................................................... 298
9.3.7 E3106 System error safety technology............................................................................................ 299
9.3.8 E3107 Safe reference missing........................................................................................................ 300
9.3.9 E3108 Safely-monitored deceleration exceeded............................................................................. 300
9.3.10 E3110 Time interval of forced dynamization exceeded................................................................... 301
9.3.11 E3115 Prewarning, end of brake check time interval...................................................................... 302
9.3.12 E3116 Nominal load torque of holding system reached.................................................................. 302
9.4 Non-Fatal Warnings (E2xxx)............................................................................................................... 303
9.4.1 Behavior in Case a Non-Fatal Warning Occurs............................................................................... 303
9.4.2 E2010 Position control with encoder 2 not possible........................................................................ 303
9.4.3 E2011 PLC - Warning no. 1............................................................................................................. 303
9.4.4 E2012 PLC - Warning no. 2............................................................................................................. 303
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Rexroth IndraDrive MPx-02 to MPx-08 and HMV
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9.4.5 E2013 PLC - Warning no. 3............................................................................................................. 304
9.4.6 E2014 PLC - Warning no. 4............................................................................................................. 304
9.4.7 E2015 PLC - Warning no. 5............................................................................................................. 305
9.4.8 E2016 PLC - Warning no. 6............................................................................................................. 305
9.4.9 E2017 PLC - Warning no. 7............................................................................................................. 305
9.4.10 E2021 Motor temperature outside of measuring range................................................................... 306
9.4.11 E2026 Undervoltage in power section............................................................................................. 306
9.4.12 E2040 Device overtemperature 2 prewarning................................................................................. 307
9.4.13 E2047 Interpolation velocity = 0...................................................................................................... 308
9.4.14 E2048 Interpolation acceleration = 0............................................................................................... 309
9.4.15 E2049 Positioning velocity >= limit value........................................................................................ 309
9.4.16 E2050 Device overtemp. Prewarning.............................................................................................. 310
9.4.17 E2051 Motor overtemp. prewarning................................................................................................ 311
9.4.18 E2053 Target position out of travel range....................................................................................... 312
9.4.19 E2054 Not homed............................................................................................................................ 313
9.4.20 E2055 Feedrate override S-0-0108 = 0........................................................................................... 314
9.4.21 E2056 Torque limit = 0.................................................................................................................... 315
9.4.22 E2058 Selected positioning block has not been programmed........................................................ 315
9.4.23 E2059 Velocity command value limit active.................................................................................... 316
9.4.24 E2061 Device overload prewarning................................................................................................. 316
9.4.25 E2063 Velocity command value > limit value.................................................................................. 317
9.4.26 E2064 Target position out of num. range........................................................................................ 318
9.4.27 E2069 Holding brake torque too low............................................................................................... 318
9.4.28 E2070 Acceleration limit active........................................................................................................ 319
9.4.29 E2074 Encoder 1: Encoder signals disturbed................................................................................. 320
9.4.30 E2075 Encoder 2: Encoder signals disturbed................................................................................. 321
9.4.31 E2076 Measuring encoder: Encoder signals disturbed................................................................... 321
9.4.32 E2077 Absolute encoder monitoring, motor encoder (encoder alarm)............................................ 322
9.4.33 E2078 Absolute encoder monitoring, opt. encoder (encoder alarm)............................................... 323
9.4.34 E2079 Absolute enc. monitoring, measuring encoder (encoder alarm).......................................... 323
9.4.35 E2086 Prewarning supply module overload.................................................................................... 324
9.4.36 E2092 Internal synchronization defective........................................................................................ 324
9.4.37 E2100 Positioning velocity of master axis generator too high......................................................... 325
9.4.38 E2101 Acceleration of master axis generator is zero...................................................................... 325
9.4.39 E2140 CCD error at node................................................................................................................ 326
9.4.40 E2270 Analog input 1 or 2, wire break............................................................................................ 326
9.4.41 E2802 HW control of braking resistor.............................................................................................. 327
9.4.42 E2810 Drive system not ready for operation................................................................................... 328
9.4.43 E2814 Undervoltage in mains......................................................................................................... 328
9.4.44 E2816 Undervoltage in power section............................................................................................. 329
9.4.45 E2818 Phase failure........................................................................................................................ 329
9.4.46 E2819 Mains failure......................................................................................................................... 330
9.4.47 E2820 Braking resistor overload prewarning................................................................................... 330
9.4.48 E2829 Not ready for power on......................................................................................................... 330
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10.1.45 C4500 Displacement to referenced system procedure command................................................... 350
10.1.46 C4600 Command Calculate motor control parameters................................................................... 350
10.1.47 C4700 Command Activate easy startup mode................................................................................ 350
10.1.48 C4800 Command Determine cogging torque compensation table.................................................. 351
10.1.49 C4900 PLC command..................................................................................................................... 351
10.1.50 C5200 Communication phase 4 transition check............................................................................ 351
10.1.51 C5300 SERCOS III: Command SYNC delay measurement............................................................ 352
10.1.52 C5400 Command Save PLC retain data on MMC........................................................................... 352
10.1.53 C5500 Command Load PLC retain data from MMC........................................................................ 352
10.1.54 C5600 Command subsequent optimization of commutation offset................................................. 353
10.1.55 C5800 Command Apply redundant holding brake........................................................................... 353
10.1.56 C5900 Command Resurfacing of redundant holding brake............................................................ 354
10.1.57 C6000 Set absolute position procedure command.......................................................................... 354
10.1.58 C6100 Command Activate IP settings............................................................................................. 354
10.1.59 C6200 Command Enabling SM without valid brake status.............................................................. 355
10.1.60 C6400 Reboot command................................................................................................................. 356
10.1.61 C6500 Save operating data in backup memory.............................................................................. 357
10.1.62 C6600 Restore operating data from backup memory...................................................................... 357
10.1.63 C7000 CCD: Command adjust slave addresses............................................................................. 357
10.1.64 C7100 CCD: Command Close ring................................................................................................. 358
10.1.65 C7200 CCD: Command Apply I/O configuration............................................................................. 358
10.1.66 C7400 CCD: Switching to phase 2.................................................................................................. 358
10.1.67 C7500 CCD: Switching to phase 4.................................................................................................. 358
10.1.68 C7600 Command Create parameter image.................................................................................... 359
10.1.69 C7700 Command Open control loop............................................................................................... 359
10.2 Command Errors................................................................................................................................ 359
10.2.1 Clearing Command Errors............................................................................................................... 359
10.2.2 C0101 Invalid parameters (-> S-0-0021)......................................................................................... 359
10.2.3 C0102 Limit error in parameter (-> S-0-0021)................................................................................. 360
10.2.4 C0103 Parameter conversion error (->S-0-0021)............................................................................ 360
10.2.5 C0104 Config. IDN for MDT not configurable.................................................................................. 361
10.2.6 C0105 Maximum length for MDT exceeded.................................................................................... 361
10.2.7 C0106 Config. IDNs for AT not configurable................................................................................... 362
10.2.8 C0107 Maximum length for AT exceeded....................................................................................... 362
10.2.9 C0108 Time slot parameter > Sercos cycle time............................................................................. 363
10.2.10 C0109 Telegram offset unsuitable................................................................................................... 363
10.2.11 C0110 Length of MDT (S-0-0010) odd............................................................................................ 364
10.2.12 C0111 ID9 + Record length - 1 > length MDT (S-0-0010)............................................................... 365
10.2.13 C0112 TNcyc (S-0-0001) or TScyc (S-0-0002) error....................................................................... 365
10.2.14 C0113 Relation TNcyc (S-0-0001) to TScyc (S-0-0002) error......................................................... 366
10.2.15 C0114 T4 > TScyc (S-0-0002) - T4min (S-0-0005)......................................................................... 366
10.2.16 C0115 T2 too small......................................................................................................................... 367
10.2.17 C0116 T3 (S-0-0008) within MDT (S-0-0089 + S-0-0010)............................................................... 367
10.2.18 C0118 Order of cyclic command value configuration incorrect....................................................... 368
10.2.19 C0119 Max. travel range too large.................................................................................................. 368
10.2.20 C0120 Error when reading encoder data => motor encoder........................................................... 369
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Rexroth IndraDrive MPx-02 to MPx-08 and HMV
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10.2.21 C0121 Incorrect parameterization of motor encoder (hardware)..................................................... 369
10.2.22 C0122 Incorr. parameteriz. of motor enc. (mechanical system)...................................................... 370
10.2.23 C0123 Modulo value for motor encoder cannot be displayed......................................................... 370
10.2.24 C0124 Motor encoder unknown...................................................................................................... 371
10.2.25 C0125 Error when reading encoder data => optional encoder........................................................ 371
10.2.26 C0126 Incorrect parameterization of optional enc. (hardware)....................................................... 372
10.2.27 C0127 Incorr. parameteriz. of opt. enc. (mechanical system)......................................................... 372
10.2.28 C0128 Modulo value for optional encoder cannot be displayed...................................................... 373
10.2.29 C0129 Optional encoder unknown.................................................................................................. 373
10.2.30 C0130 Maximum travel range cannot be displayed internally......................................................... 374
10.2.31 C0131 Switching to phase 3 impossible.......................................................................................... 375
10.2.32 C0132 Invalid settings for controller cycle times............................................................................. 375
10.2.33 C0134 Invalid motor data in encoder memory (->S-0-0021)........................................................... 376
10.2.34 C0135 Type of construction of motor P-0-4014 incorrect................................................................ 376
10.2.35 C0136 Several motor encoders connected..................................................................................... 377
10.2.36 C0137 Error during initialization of motor data (->S-0-0021)........................................................... 377
10.2.37 C0138 Invalid control section data (->S-0-0021)............................................................................. 378
10.2.38 C0139 T2 (S-0-0089)+length MDT (S-0-0010)>TScyc (S-0-0002)................................................. 378
10.2.39 C0140 Rotary scaling not allowed................................................................................................... 379
10.2.40 C0151 IDN for command value data container not allowed............................................................ 379
10.2.41 C0152 IDN for actual value data container not allowed.................................................................. 380
10.2.42 C0153 Error at init. of synchr. motor with reluctance torque........................................................... 380
10.2.43 C0154 Field bus: IDN for cycl. command val. not configurable....................................................... 381
10.2.44 C0155 Field bus: max. length for cycl. command val. exceeded.................................................... 381
10.2.45 C0156 Field bus: IDN for cycl. actual val. not configurable............................................................. 382
10.2.46 C0157 Field bus: length for cycl. actual values exceeded............................................................... 382
10.2.47 C0158 Field bus: Tcyc (P-0-4076) incorrect.................................................................................... 383
10.2.48 C0159 Field bus: P-0-4077 missing for cycl. command values....................................................... 383
10.2.49 C0160 Error when reading encoder data => measuring encoder................................................... 384
10.2.50 C0161 Incorr. prarmeterization of measuring enc. (hardware)........................................................ 384
10.2.51 C0162 Measuring encoder unknown............................................................................................... 385
10.2.52 C0163 Modulo value for measuring encoder cannot be displayed.................................................. 386
10.2.53 C0164 Incorrect measuring encoder configuration.......................................................................... 386
10.2.54 C0170 Config. IDNs for connection not configurable...................................................................... 386
10.2.55 C0171 Maximum length for connections exceeded......................................................................... 387
10.2.56 C0172 Delay measurement (S-0-1024) not carried out................................................................... 387
10.2.57 C0173 Connections (number) not configurable............................................................................... 388
10.2.58 C0174 Connection configuration not allowed.................................................................................. 388
10.2.59 C0175 Producer cycle time of a connection not correct.................................................................. 388
10.2.60 C0199 Functional package selection changed. Restart.................................................................. 389
10.2.61 C0201 Invalid parameters (->S-0-0423).......................................................................................... 389
10.2.62 C0202 Parameter limit error (->S-0-0423)....................................................................................... 390
10.2.63 C0203 Parameter conversion error (->S-0-0423)............................................................................ 390
10.2.64 C0210 Feedback 2 required (->S-0-0423)....................................................................................... 391
10.2.65 C0212 Invalid control section data (->S-0-0423)............................................................................. 392
10.2.66 C0218 Double signal selection master axis format converter......................................................... 393
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Rexroth IndraDrive MPx-02 to MPx-08 and HMV
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10.2.67 C0219 Max. travel range too large.................................................................................................. 393
10.2.68 C0220 Error when initializing position of encoder 1........................................................................ 393
10.2.69 C0221 Initialization velocity encoder 1 too high.............................................................................. 394
10.2.70 C0223 Invalid settings for controller cycle times............................................................................. 394
10.2.71 C0224 Error when initializing position of encoder 2........................................................................ 395
10.2.72 C0225 Initialization velocity encoder 2 too high.............................................................................. 395
10.2.73 C0227 Error when initializing position of measuring encoder.......................................................... 396
10.2.74 C0228 Initialization velocity measuring encoder too high................................................................ 397
10.2.75 C0229 Field bus: IDN for cycl. command val. not configurable....................................................... 397
10.2.76 C0230 Field bus: Max. length for cycl. command val. exceeded.................................................... 397
10.2.77 C0231 Field bus: IDN for cycl. actual val. not configurable............................................................. 398
10.2.78 C0232 Field bus: Length for cycl. actual values exceeded............................................................. 398
10.2.79 C0233 Field bus: Tcyc (P-0-4076) incorrect.................................................................................... 399
10.2.80 C0234 Field bus: P-0-4077 missing for cycl. command values....................................................... 399
10.2.81 C0238 Order of cyclic command value configuration incorrect....................................................... 399
10.2.82 C0239 IDN for command value data container not allowed............................................................ 400
10.2.83 C0240 IDN for actual value data container not allowed.................................................................. 400
10.2.84 C0241 Incorrect parameterization of motion task............................................................................ 401
10.2.85 C0242 Multiple configuration of a parameter (->S-0-0423)............................................................. 402
10.2.86 C0243 Brake check function not possible....................................................................................... 403
10.2.87 C0244 Act. modulo value cycle greater than max. travel range...................................................... 404
10.2.88 C0245 Operation mode configuration (->S-0-0423) not allowed..................................................... 404
10.2.89 C0246 Trav. range lim. switch not ass. to dig. input........................................................................ 406
10.2.90 C0247 Dig. output already assigned to other axis........................................................................... 406
10.2.91 C0248 Dig. input assigned differently to axes................................................................................. 407
10.2.92 C0249 Dig. I/Os: Bit number too large............................................................................................. 407
10.2.93 C0250 Probe inputs incorrectly configured...................................................................................... 407
10.2.94 C0251 Error during synchronization to master communication....................................................... 408
10.2.95 C0252 Incorrect MLD initialization (write access->S-0-0423).......................................................... 408
10.2.96 C0253 Error in combination operation mode - encoder (->S-0-0423)............................................. 409
10.2.97 C0254 Configuration error PROFIsafe............................................................................................ 409
10.2.98 C0255 Safety command for system init. incorrect........................................................................... 410
10.2.99 C0256 Safety technology configuration error.................................................................................. 410
10.2.100 C0257 Error in safety technology encoder initialization................................................................... 411
10.2.101 C0258 Error in relation TNcyc (S-0-0001) to fine interpol............................................................... 412
10.2.102 C0259 MLD configuration error (->S-0-0423).................................................................................. 412
10.2.103 C0260 Incremental enc. emulator resol. cannot be displayed......................................................... 413
10.2.104 C0261 Emulator (P-0-0902) activated for both axes....................................................................... 414
10.2.105 C0265 Incorrect CCD address configuration................................................................................... 414
10.2.106 C0266 Incorrect CCD phase switch................................................................................................ 415
10.2.107 C0267 CCD timeout phase switch................................................................................................... 415
10.2.108 C0270 Error when reading encoder data => motor encoder........................................................... 416
10.2.109 C0271 Incorrect parameterization of motor encoder (hardware)..................................................... 416
10.2.110 C0272 Incorr. parameteriz. of motor enc. (mechanical system)...................................................... 417
10.2.111 C0273 Modulo value for motor encoder cannot be displayed......................................................... 417
10.2.112 C0274 Motor encoder unknown...................................................................................................... 418
DOK-INDRV*-GEN-**VRS**-WA07-EN-P Bosch Rexroth AG XVII/601
Rexroth IndraDrive MPx-02 to MPx-08 and HMV
Table of Contents
10.2.113 C0275 Error when reading encoder data => optional encoder........................................................ 419
10.2.114 C0276 Incorrect parameterization of optional enc. (hardware)....................................................... 419
10.2.115 C0277 Incorr. parameteriz. of opt. enc. (mechanical system)......................................................... 420
10.2.116 C0278 Modulo value for optional encoder cannot be displayed...................................................... 420
10.2.117 C0279 Optional encoder unknown.................................................................................................. 421
10.2.118 C0280 Maximum travel range cannot be displayed internally......................................................... 421
10.2.119 C0281 Commutation via encoder-2 impossible............................................................................... 422
10.2.120 C0282 Sensorless posit. of synchr. motors, invalid ctrl parameters................................................ 422
10.2.121 C0283 Error during initialization of motor control (->S-0-0423)....................................................... 423
10.2.122 C0284 Invalid motor data in encoder memory (->S-0-0423)........................................................... 423
10.2.123 C0285 Type of construction of motor P-0-4014 incorrect................................................................ 424
10.2.124 C0286 Several motor encoders connected..................................................................................... 425
10.2.125 C0287 Error during initialization of motor data (->S-0-0423)........................................................... 426
10.2.126 C0288 Rotary scaling not allowed................................................................................................... 427
10.2.127 C0289 Error at init. of synchr. motor with reluctance torque........................................................... 428
10.2.128 C0290 Error when reading encoder data => measuring encoder................................................... 429
10.2.129 C0291 Incorr. prarmeterization of measuring enc. (hardware)........................................................ 429
10.2.130 C0292 Measuring encoder unknown............................................................................................... 430
10.2.131 C0293 Modulo value for measuring encoder cannot be displayed.................................................. 430
10.2.132 C0294 Incorrect measuring encoder configuration.......................................................................... 431
10.2.133 C0298 Impossible to exit parameterization level............................................................................. 431
10.2.134 C0299 Configuration changed. Restart........................................................................................... 432
10.2.135 C0301 Measuring system unavailable............................................................................................. 432
10.2.136 C0302 Absolute evaluation of measuring system impossible......................................................... 433
10.2.137 C0303 Absolute encoder offset cannot be saved............................................................................ 433
10.2.138 C0401 Switching not allowed.......................................................................................................... 434
10.2.139 C0403 Switching to CCD phase 2 impossible................................................................................. 435
10.2.140 C0501 Error clearing only in parameter mode................................................................................. 435
10.2.141 C0601 Homing only possible with drive enable............................................................................... 436
10.2.142 C0602 Distance home switch - reference mark erroneous............................................................. 436
10.2.143 C0603 Homing impossible with optional encoder............................................................................ 436
10.2.144 C0604 Homing impossible with absolute encoder........................................................................... 437
10.2.145 C0606 Reference mark not detected............................................................................................... 437
10.2.146 C0607 Reference cam input not assigned...................................................................................... 438
10.2.147 C0608 Pos. stop a. HW lim. switch not allowed f. modulo axes...................................................... 438
10.2.148 C0609 Different travel directions parameterized............................................................................. 439
10.2.149 C0610 Absolute encoder offset could not be saved........................................................................ 439
10.2.150 C0702 Default parameters not available......................................................................................... 439
10.2.151 C0703 Default parameters invalid................................................................................................... 440
10.2.152 C0704 Parameters not copyable..................................................................................................... 440
10.2.153 C0706 Error when reading the controller parameters..................................................................... 441
10.2.154 C0722 Parameter default value incorrect (-> S-0-0423).................................................................. 441
10.2.155 C0723 Safety command for load defaults procedure incorrect....................................................... 442
10.2.156 C0724 Timeout of safety command for load defaults procedure..................................................... 442
10.2.157 C0751 Parameter default value incorrect (-> S-0-0423).................................................................. 443
10.2.158 C0752 Locked with password.......................................................................................................... 444
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Rexroth IndraDrive MPx-02 to MPx-08 and HMV
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10.2.159 C0799 An invalid index was set....................................................................................................... 444
10.2.160 C0851 Parameter default value incorrect (-> S-0-0021).................................................................. 444
10.2.161 C0852 Locked with password.......................................................................................................... 445
10.2.162 C0902 Spindle positioning requires drive enable............................................................................ 445
10.2.163 C0903 Error during initialization...................................................................................................... 445
10.2.164 C0906 Error during search for zero pulse....................................................................................... 446
10.2.165 C1204 Error in offset calculation..................................................................................................... 446
10.2.166 C1208 No adjustment with asynchronous motor............................................................................. 447
10.2.167 C1209 Proceed to phase 4.............................................................................................................. 447
10.2.168 C1211 Commutation offset could not be determined...................................................................... 448
10.2.169 C1212 Motion range exceeded during commutation....................................................................... 448
10.2.170 C1214 Command only possible with linear synchronous motor...................................................... 448
10.2.171 C1215 Command only possible in 'bb'............................................................................................ 449
10.2.172 C1216 Commutation determination not selected............................................................................ 449
10.2.173 C1217 Setting only possible in 'Ab'................................................................................................. 450
10.2.174 C1218 Automatic commutation: Current too low............................................................................. 450
10.2.175 C1219 Automatic commutation: Overcurrent.................................................................................. 451
10.2.176 C1220 Automatic commutation: Timeout........................................................................................ 451
10.2.177 C1221 Automatic commutation: Iteration without result.................................................................. 452
10.2.178 C1222 Error when writing offset parameters................................................................................... 452
10.2.179 C1223 Command execution impossible.......................................................................................... 453
10.2.180 C1301 Class 1 diagnostics error at command start......................................................................... 453
10.2.181 C1402 Faulty reference mark signal................................................................................................ 454
10.2.182 C1701 Measuring wheel mode not possible.................................................................................... 454
10.2.183 C1801 Start requires drive enable................................................................................................... 454
10.2.184 C1802 Motor feedback data not valid.............................................................................................. 455
10.2.185 C1803 Inertia detection failed.......................................................................................................... 455
10.2.186 C1804 Automatic controller setting failed........................................................................................ 456
10.2.187 C1805 Travel range invalid.............................................................................................................. 457
10.2.188 C1806 Travel range exceeded........................................................................................................ 457
10.2.189 C1807 Determining travel range only via travel distance................................................................ 458
10.2.190 C1808 Drive not homed................................................................................................................... 458
10.2.191 C2001 Command not enabled......................................................................................................... 458
10.2.192 C2101 Holding system check only possible with drive enable........................................................ 459
10.2.193 C2103 Holding brake: Torque too low............................................................................................. 459
10.2.194 C2104 Command execution impossible.......................................................................................... 460
10.2.195 C2105 Load of holding system greater than test torque.................................................................. 460
10.2.196 C2106 Test torque of holding system not reached.......................................................................... 461
10.2.197 C2107 Redundant holding brake: Torque too low........................................................................... 464
10.2.198 C2108 Error when releasing the holding system............................................................................. 464
10.2.199 C2109 SBS: Test torque invalid...................................................................................................... 465
10.2.200 C2202 Error when writing data to non-volatile memory................................................................... 465
10.2.201 C2301 Error when reading non-volatile memory............................................................................. 466
10.2.202 C2302 Error when converting parameters....................................................................................... 466
10.2.203 C2402 Error when saving parameters............................................................................................. 467
10.2.204 C2502 Error when accessing the MMC........................................................................................... 467
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Rexroth IndraDrive MPx-02 to MPx-08 and HMV
Table of Contents
10.2.205 C2504 Error when writing data to internal memory......................................................................... 468
10.2.206 C2602 Error when accessing the MMC........................................................................................... 468
10.2.207 C2604 Error when reading the internal memory.............................................................................. 469
10.2.208 C2801 Analog input not configured................................................................................................. 470
10.2.209 C2802 Oscillations of input signal outside tolerance range............................................................. 470
10.2.210 C2803 Measured values at zero point and max. value identical..................................................... 471
10.2.211 C2804 Automatic adjustment failed................................................................................................. 471
10.2.212 C2903 Error when accessing the MMC........................................................................................... 471
10.2.213 C2904 Error when accessing the flash............................................................................................ 472
10.2.214 C2905 Programmed firmware defective.......................................................................................... 473
10.2.215 C3001 Synchronization and storage failed...................................................................................... 474
10.2.216 C3101 Act. modulo value cycle greater than max. travel range...................................................... 474
10.2.217 C3102 Drive is still in drive enable.................................................................................................. 474
10.2.218 C3201 Incorrect input for current..................................................................................................... 475
10.2.219 C3202 Incorrect input for voltage.................................................................................................... 475
10.2.220 C3203 Incorrect input for frequency................................................................................................ 475
10.2.221 C3204 Incorrect input for speed...................................................................................................... 476
10.2.222 C3205 Incorrect input for power factor............................................................................................ 476
10.2.223 C3206 Incorrect input for power...................................................................................................... 477
10.2.224 C3207 Type plate list incomplete.................................................................................................... 477
10.2.225 C3208 Error when writing parameters (->S-0-0423)....................................................................... 477
10.2.226 C3209 Command execution impossible.......................................................................................... 478
10.2.227 C3501 Acquisition velocity not allowed........................................................................................... 478
10.2.228 C3502 Motor encoder not available................................................................................................. 479
10.2.229 C3503 Optional encoder not available............................................................................................ 479
10.2.230 C3504 Measuring encoder not available......................................................................................... 479
10.2.231 C3505 No encoder selected............................................................................................................ 480
10.2.232 C3506 Correction value table cannot be stored.............................................................................. 480
10.2.233 C3601 Motor not or not correctly connected................................................................................... 481
10.2.234 C3602 Determined values invalid.................................................................................................... 481
10.2.235 C3603 Device current limit too low.................................................................................................. 482
10.2.236 C3604 Error when writing parameters (->S-0-0423)....................................................................... 482
10.2.237 C3605 Motor turning........................................................................................................................ 483
10.2.238 C3606 Type of construction of motor not allowed........................................................................... 483
10.2.239 C3607 Motor revolution/motion impeded......................................................................................... 483
10.2.240 C3608 Incorrect motor phases or rotational direction of encoder.................................................... 484
10.2.241 C3609 Incorrect number of pole pairs or number of encoder lines................................................. 484
10.2.242 C3610 No encoder: Validation check impossible............................................................................ 485
10.2.243 C3611 Test velocity not reached..................................................................................................... 485
10.2.244 C3701 Error when manually unlocking the safety door................................................................... 486
10.2.245 C3901 Resurfacing of holding brake only possible with drive enable............................................. 486
10.2.246 C3902 Error during resurfacing of holding brake............................................................................. 487
10.2.247 C3903 Command execution impossible.......................................................................................... 487
10.2.248 C4001 Error during safe homing procedure.................................................................................... 488
10.2.249 C4002 Incorrect distance of dedicated point channel 1-2............................................................... 488
10.2.250 C4101 Switching only possible without AF...................................................................................... 489
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Rexroth IndraDrive MPx-02 to MPx-08 and HMV
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10.2.251 C4102 Switching only possible in parameter mode......................................................................... 490
10.2.252 C4103 Preselect parameter set forbidden value............................................................................. 490
10.2.253 C4104 Error during parameter set switching (->S-0-0423).............................................................. 490
10.2.254 C4201 Oscillation requires drive enable.......................................................................................... 491
10.2.255 C4202 Oscillation command speed cannot be reached.................................................................. 491
10.2.256 C4302 Distance home switch - reference mark erroneous............................................................. 492
10.2.257 C4304 Homing impossible with absolute encoder........................................................................... 492
10.2.258 C4306 Reference mark not detected............................................................................................... 492
10.2.259 C4307 Reference cam input not assigned...................................................................................... 493
10.2.260 C4308 Pos. stop a. HW lim. switch not allowed f. modulo axes...................................................... 493
10.2.261 C4601 Error when writing parameters (->S-0-0423)....................................................................... 494
10.2.262 C4701 Drive active, activation of easy startup impossible.............................................................. 494
10.2.263 C4801 Cogging torque compensation: Measuring vel. too high...................................................... 495
10.2.264 C4802 Cogging torque compensation: Measuring vel. too low....................................................... 495
10.2.265 C4803 Cogging torque compensation: Inadmissible acceleration................................................... 496
10.2.266 C4804 Cogging torque comp.: Err. when storing corr. val table...................................................... 496
10.2.267 C4805 Cogging torque comp.: Motor measuring system not homed.............................................. 496
10.2.268 C4901 PLC command error no. 1.................................................................................................... 497
10.2.269 C4902 PLC command error no. 2.................................................................................................... 497
10.2.270 C4903 PLC command error no. 3.................................................................................................... 498
10.2.271 C4904 PLC command error no. 4.................................................................................................... 498
10.2.272 C4910 PLC command timeout........................................................................................................ 498
10.2.273 C5301 SERCOS III: Delay measurement failed.............................................................................. 499
10.2.274 C5401 PLC program not ready for retain data backup.................................................................... 499
10.2.275 C5402 Error when writing data to the MMC.................................................................................... 500
10.2.276 C5501 PLC program not ready for loading retain data.................................................................... 500
10.2.277 C5502 MMC not available or not OK............................................................................................... 501
10.2.278 C5503 PLC retain data do not match PLC program........................................................................ 501
10.2.279 C5504 Unknown format in PLC retain file....................................................................................... 502
10.2.280 C5505 Invalid PLC retain data......................................................................................................... 502
10.2.281 C5601 Command requires drive enable.......................................................................................... 502
10.2.282 C5602 Axis blocked......................................................................................................................... 503
10.2.283 C5603 Timeout: Axis in motion........................................................................................................ 503
10.2.284 C5801 Command Apply redundant holding brake not possible...................................................... 504
10.2.285 C5901 Comm. Resurfacing of red. holding brake only possible AF................................................ 504
10.2.286 C5902 Error when resurfacing redundant holding brake................................................................. 505
10.2.287 C5903 Command execution impossible.......................................................................................... 505
10.2.288 C6001 Measuring system unavailable............................................................................................. 506
10.2.289 C6002 Absolute evaluation of measuring system impossible......................................................... 506
10.2.290 C6003 Absolute encoder offset cannot be saved............................................................................ 507
10.2.291 C6004 Command cannot be executed under drive enable............................................................. 507
10.2.292 C6101 Incorrect IP settings............................................................................................................. 507
10.2.293 C6201 Command execution impossible.......................................................................................... 508
10.2.294 C6401 reboot command impossible................................................................................................ 509
10.2.295 C6501 Error when writing backup data (backup memory).............................................................. 509
10.2.296 C6502 Error when reading backup data (device)............................................................................ 510
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Table of Contents
10.2.297 C6503 Error when checking backup data (comparison).................................................................. 510
10.2.298 C6601 Error when reading backup data (backup memory)............................................................. 511
10.2.299 C6602 Error when writing backup data (device).............................................................................. 512
10.2.300 C6603 Error when writing comparative data (backup memory)...................................................... 513
10.2.301 C6604 Error when reading comparative data (device).................................................................... 514
10.2.302 C6605 Warning, restoration incomplete (device)............................................................................ 514
10.2.303 C7001 CCD: Impossible to adjust slave addresses........................................................................ 515
10.2.304 C7101 CCD: Impossible to close ring.............................................................................................. 515
10.2.305 C7201 CCD: Impossible to apply I/O configuration......................................................................... 516
10.2.306 C7401 CCD: Impossible to switch to phase 2................................................................................. 516
10.2.307 C7501 CCD: Impossible to switch to phase 4................................................................................. 517
10.2.308 C7601 Memory access impossible.................................................................................................. 517
10.2.309 C7602 Slave access impossible...................................................................................................... 518
10.2.310 C7701 Control password required................................................................................................... 518
Table of Contents
12.14 Display F8201..................................................................................................................................... 570
Index.......................................................................................................................... 587
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Rexroth IndraDrive MPx-02 to MPx-08 and HMV
1 Introduction
1.1 About This Documentation
Editions of This Documentation
Important facts which are to be high‐ With the safety function "Safe parking axis", the following
lighted in the body text monitoring functions are deactivated: ...
The missing speed information can be replaced via the control
Parameter names, diagnostic mes‐
Quotation marks bit "defined safety with parked axis" in
sage names, function designations
"P‑0‑3210, Safety technology configuration".
This box contains important information which you should take into
Product Range
1) In the document typecodes, "xx" is a wild card for the current edition of
the documentation (example: AW01 is the first edition of an Application
Fig.1-4: Documentations – Overview
1.2.2 Motors
Title Kind of documentation Document typecode1) Part number
Rexroth IndraDyn … DOK-MOTOR*-… R911…
1.2.3 Cables
Title Kind of documentation Document typecode1) Part number
DOK-… R911…
1) In the document typecodes, "xx" is a wild card for the current edition of
the documentation (example: CA02 is the second edition of the docu‐
mentation "Selection Data")
Fig.1-6: Documentations – Overview
1.2.4 Firmware
Title Kind of documentation Document typecode1) Part number
Rexroth IndraDrive … DOK-INDRV*-… R911…
Before using Rexroth products, make sure that all the pre-requisites for an ap‐
propriate use of the products are satisfied:
● Personnel that in any way, shape or form uses our products must first read
and understand the relevant safety instructions and be familiar with ap‐
propriate use.
● If the products take the form of hardware, then they must remain in their
original state, in other words, no structural changes are permitted. It is not
permitted to decompile software products or alter source codes.
● Do not mount damaged or faulty products or use them in operation.
● Make sure that the products have been installed in the manner described
in the relevant documentation.
The drive controllers may only be used with the accessories and
parts specified in this documentation. If a component has not been
specifically named, then it may neither be mounted nor connected.
The same applies to cables and lines.
Operation is only permitted in the specified configurations and com‐
binations of components using the software and firmware as speci‐
fied in the relevant Functional Descriptions.
Contact with parts conducting voltages above 50 volts can cause personal
danger and electric shock. When operating components of the electric drive
and control system, it is unavoidable that some parts of these components
conduct dangerous voltage.
High electrical voltage! Danger to life, risk of injury by electric shock or serious
● Only qualified persons are allowed to operate, maintain and/or repair the
components of the electric drive and control system.
● Follow the general installation and safety regulations when working on
power installations.
● Before switching on, the equipment grounding conductor must have been
permanently connected to all electric components in accordance with the
connection diagram.
● Even for brief measurements or tests, operation is only allowed if the
equipment grounding conductor has been permanently connected to the
points of the components provided for this purpose.
● Before accessing electrical parts with voltage potentials higher than 50 V,
you must disconnect electric components from the mains or from the pow‐
er supply unit. Secure the electric component from reconnection.
● With electric components, observe the following aspects:
Always wait 30 minutes after switching off power to allow live capacitors
to discharge before accessing an electric component. Measure the elec‐
trical voltage of live parts before beginning to work to make sure that the
equipment is safe to touch.
● Install the covers and guards provided for this purpose before switching
● Never touch electrical connection points of the components while power
is turned on.
● Do not remove or plug in connectors when the component has been pow‐
● Under specific conditions, electric drive systems can be operated at mains
protected by residual-current-operated circuit-breakers sensitive to uni‐
versal current (RCDs/RCMs).
● Secure built-in devices from penetrating foreign objects and water, as well
as from direct contact, by providing an external housing, for example a
control cabinet.
High housing voltage and high leakage current! Danger to life, risk of injury by
electric shock!
● Before switching on and before commissioning, ground or connect the
components of the electric drive and control system to the equipment
grounding conductor at the grounding points.
34/601 Bosch Rexroth AG DOK-INDRV*-GEN-**VRS**-WA07-EN-P
Rexroth IndraDrive MPx-02 to MPx-08 and HMV
Cross section outer con‐ Minimum cross section equipment grounding conductor
ductor Leakage current ≥ 3.5 mA
1 equipment grounding 2 equipment grounding con‐
conductor ductors
16 mm2 (6 AWG) -
35 mm2 (2 AWG) -
Danger to life, risk of injury by electric shock! High electrical voltage by incorrect
If extra-low voltage circuits of devices containing voltages and circuits of more
than 50 volts (e.g., the mains connection) are connected to Rexroth products,
the connected extra-low voltage circuits must comply with the requirements for
PELV ("Protective Extra-Low Voltage").
● After switching chokes, supply units and drive controllers off, wait 15 mi‐
nutes to allow them to cool down before touching them.
● Wear safety gloves or do not work at hot surfaces.
● For certain applications, and in accordance with the respective safety reg‐
ulations, the manufacturer of the machine or installation must take meas‐
ures to avoid injuries caused by burns in the final application. These
measures can be, for example: Warnings at the machine or installation,
guards (shieldings or barriers) or safety instructions in the application
In case of non-compliance with this safety instruction, death or serious injury
will occur.
In case of non-compliance with this safety instruction, death or serious injury
could occur.
In case of non-compliance with this safety instruction, minor or moderate injury
could occur.
DOK-INDRV*-GEN-**VRS**-WA07-EN-P Bosch Rexroth AG 39/601
Rexroth IndraDrive MPx-02 to MPx-08 and HMV
In case of non-compliance with this safety instruction, property damage could
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Rexroth IndraDrive MPx-02 to MPx-08 and HMV
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Rexroth IndraDrive MPx-02 to MPx-08 and HMV
In addition to these class diagnostics parameters, there are change bits con‐
tained in the status word of the field bus (e.g. S‑0‑0135 in the case of SERCOS)
which display changes in one of the above-mentioned class diagnostics pa‐
rameters (collective information).
Features ● Class diagnostics parameter for errors (cf. S‑0‑0011)
● Class diagnostics parameter for warnings (cf. S‑0‑0012)
● Class diagnostics parameter for messages (cf. S‑0‑0013)
● Change bits in status word of master communication (e.g. S‑0‑0135 in
case of SERCOS)
● Change bits of class 2 and 3 diagnostics (S‑0‑0097 and S‑0‑0098) can be
masked in the status word of master communication (e.g. S‑0‑0135 in
case of SERCOS) to suppress individual bits or status messages
Pertinent Parameters ● S‑0‑0011, Class 1 diagnostics
● S‑0‑0012, Class 2 diagnostics
● S‑0‑0013, Class 3 diagnostics
● S‑0‑0097, Mask class 2 diagnostics
● S‑0‑0098, Mask class 3 diagnostics
● S‑0‑0135, Drive status word
Functional Description
Status Class Parameters ● S‑0‑0011, Class 1 diagnostics (status parameter for drive errors)
– In case a drive error occurs, the bit assigned to the error is set in
parameter S‑0‑0011. A separate bit is assigned in S‑0‑0011 to errors
defined according to SERCOS.
Manufacturer-specific errors cause bit 15 to be set in parameter
S‑0‑0011 (see also Parameter Description "S‑0‑0011, Class 1
– In case a drive error occurs, bit 13 (drive interlock; error in class 1
diagnostics) is simultaneously set in the status word of the field bus
(S‑0‑0135 in case of SERCOS).
Change Bits in Drive Status Word If the status of a bit in "S‑0‑0012, Class 2 diagnostics" or "S‑0‑0013, Class 3
diagnostics" changes, the change bit for class 2 or 3 diagnostics is set in the
field bus status word (e.g., S‑0‑0135 in case of SERCOS). A change bit in the
status word (bit 11 or 12) is always set due to a change of the parameter content
of S‑0‑0012 or S‑0‑0013. This enables the master to recognize very quickly
whether a change occurred in S‑0‑0012 or S‑0‑0013.
A read access to one of the two parameters clears the respective change bit
Masking the Change Bits By means of the parameters "S‑0‑0097, Mask class 2 diagnostics" and
"S‑0‑0098, Mask class 3 diagnostics", it is possible to mask certain bits in terms
of their effect on the change bit of the status word (bit 12 or bit 11).
The figure below illustrates the principle of masking by means of an example:
This is the status word of the master communication (SERCOS) and con‐
tains all essential status information for the master.
● S‑0‑0403, Position feedback value status
This parameter contains status bits for the position data reference of the
individual measuring systems.
● S‑0‑0419, Positioning command acknowledge
This status information is used for acknowledgment in "drive-controlled
positioning" mode.
● P‑0‑0046, Status word of current controller
This parameter contains status bits of the internal motor control (e.g. over‐
voltage in DC bus).
● P‑0‑0115, Device control: status word
This parameter contains status bits of device control (see also "Device
Control and State Machines").
● P‑0‑0222, Travel range limit switch inputs
This parameter displays the status of the travel range limit switch inputs
(see also "Limitations: Travel Range Limit Switches").
● P‑0‑0223, E-Stop input
This parameter displays the status of the E-Stop input (see also
"E-Stop Function").
● P‑0‑0455, Acceleration feedforward actual value
This parameter contains status bits to display the activation of torque/cur‐
rent limitation (see also "Limitations: Current and Torque/Force Limita‐
● P‑0‑0539, Holding brake status word
This parameter contains status bits for the status of the motor holding
brake (see also "Motor Holding Brake").
● P‑0‑0555, axis controller messages
This parameter displays messages with regard to velocity and limits that
have been reached.
● P‑0‑4029, Diagnostic report SCSB module
Parameter for reading master communication settings and states (with
SERCOS interface).
● P‑0‑4086, Master communication status
This parameter displays control information of the master communication
for handling phase switch, drive enable etc., defined during initialization.
Status Parameters for Real-Time Status Bits
The following list contains status parameters that only contain one bit and can
therefore be used for configuring real-time status bits (see "SERCOS inter‐
● S‑0‑0330, Status "n_feedback = n_command"
● S‑0‑0331, Status "n_feedback = 0"
● S‑0‑0332, Status "n_feedback < nx"
● S‑0‑0333, Status "T >= Tx"
● S‑0‑0334, Status "T >= Tlimit"
● S‑0‑0335, Status "n_command > n_limit"
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Variant Description
VCP operator terminals are separate components (terminals) that can be used
in addition to the standard or comfort control panel. They are connected to the
serial interface of the controller via a separate line. This allows integrating a
VCP operator terminal in the front of the control cabinet, for example.
By means of a configuration tool it is additionally possible to configure other
application-dependent settings, displays and command functions.
Fig.4-8: Standard Control Panel with Display and Control Elements (Example of
Standard Control Panel Display The display of the IndraDrive controller automatically shows
● the status of the master communication,
● the operating status,
● commands and diagnostic command messages,
● warnings and diagnostic error messages,
● extended displays such as contents of error memories, diagnostic mes‐
sage memory, operating hours counter of control section, operating hours
counter of power section, type designation of firmware active in the device,
safety technology code (if safety technology option available)
Possible Settings with Standard The following settings can be made via the standard control panel:
Control Panel
● Setting the drive address (drive number in the bus system of the master
● Setting the length of the fiber optic cable
● Activating the master communication mode "Easy Startup"
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Rexroth IndraDrive MPx-02 to MPx-08 and HMV
Command Activation via Standard The following commands can be activated via the standard control panel:
Control Panel
● Activating "S‑0‑0262, C07_x Load defaults procedure command" (load
controller parameters or basic parameters)
● Activating other commands, such as:
– C0200 Exit parameterization level procedure command
– C0300 Set absolute position procedure command
– C0400 Activate parameterization level 1 procedure command
– C2000 Command Release motor holding brake
– C2200 Backup working memory procedure command
– C2300 Load working memory procedure command
– C2800 Analog input adjustment command
– C2900 Command Firmware update from MMC
Fig.4-14: Activating the Extended Display, the Command Menu and the Service
Menu and the Easy Menu
Easy Menu
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"Comm.___" This submenu shows the current field bus protocol and can
"Protocol" be changed, if required.
Extended Display By means of the extended displays, it is possible to additionally call up the
contents of certain parameters:
● Error memory
● Diagnostic message memory
● Operating hours counter of control section
● Operating hours counter of power section
● Type designation of the firmware active in the device
● Safety technology code, change counter of safety technology and oper‐
ating hours counter since last change (if safety technology option availa‐
● Diagnostic field bus message (P‑0‑4073)
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For more details on diagnostic messages, error messages and operating hours
counters, see the respective sections of the present documentation.
Command Menu Starting from the extended display, you can activate the command menu by
pressing the "Up" key. There are various settings that can be made in this menu:
● Setting the drive address (drive number in the bus system of the master
● Other communication settings (IP address, gateway addresses and sub‐
net mask)
● Activating easy master communication mode "Easy Startup"
● Activating "S‑0‑0262, C07_x Load defaults procedure command" (load
controller parameters or basic parameters)
● Switching the communication phases between operating mode (OM) and
parameter mode (PM)
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Fig.4-24: Setting Parameter P‑0‑4090 for "Load Defaults Procedure" via the
Standard Control Panel
Switching the Communication Pha‐ Switching the communication phases between operating mode (OM) and pa‐
ses rameter mode (PM) via the control panel is possible with all master communi‐
cations, except for SERCOS interface. With SERCOS interface, phases can
only be switched via the control panel while "Easy Startup" mode is active!
Fig.4-26: Switching Back from Parameter Mode to Operating Mode via the Control
Defining MMC Storage Mode Parameter "P‑0‑4070, Parameter storage configuration Parameter storage
configuration" defines how the controller handles the (optional) MMC memory
card. This setting can be made directly via the command menu of the control
panel (2.10). The following storage modes are possible for operating the MMC:
● MMC as programming module
● MMC as update medium
● MMC as backup medium
MMC as Programming Module If the MMC has been defined as "programming module", all parameters are
stored on the MMC. With active controller, the MMC must be permanently in‐
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Rexroth IndraDrive MPx-02 to MPx-08 and HMV
serted in the control section. If the controller is switched on without MMC or the
MMC is removed from the active controller, the controller signals an error.
MMC as Update Medium If the MMC has been defined as "update medium", the control section checks
during the booting process whether or not an MMC was inserted. The display
shows a prompt asking whether the parameters are to be loaded from the MMC.
If the MMC features more current firmware, you will also be asked whether this
firmware is to be loaded. The parameters are not stored on the MMC, but in the
onboard flash memory.
MMC as Backup Medium If the MMC has been defined as "backup medium", it is used as a demand-
depending storage location for parameter settings. The parameter values are
stored via a command, via FTP server or file services (MLD).
If the MMC operation has been defined as "update medium" or as "backup
medium", it is not necessary to have the MMC permanently plugged in the con‐
trol section. The MMC can be inserted or removed while the drive is active.
Loading and storing parameter sets, however, is only possible with the MMC
plugged in!
The possibilities of use for the MMC in the IndraDrive controller are
described in detail in section "MultiMediaCard (MMC)".
Fig.4-27: Setting the MMC Storage Mode With the Control Panel
Service Menu Starting from the command menu, you can activate the service menu by press‐
ing the "Up" key. It supports the following actions:
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Rexroth IndraDrive MPx-02 to MPx-08 and HMV
● Firmware update with previous saving of the parameter values on the in‐
ternal memory (flash), if the optional memory (MMC) is the active memory
(MMC as "programming module"). After the update, the parameter values
can be loaded to the MMC again from the internal memory (flash).
Note: If the internal memory (flash) is the active storage medium ("hot
plug" of the MMC), the parameter values are already available in the de‐
vice and do not need to be saved before the MMC-based firmware update.
In this case, pressing the "Enter" key with the display "Save data" is without
● Replacement of device with saving of parameter values on MMC, if the
internal memory (flash) is the active memory. After the device has been
replaced, firmware and values of the drive parameters, as well as PLC
retain data, can be loaded from this MMC to the replacement controller.
Note: If the control section has been equipped with the optional module
"MDx", the retain data of the PLC are saved on the MMC in addition to the
values of the drive parameters, when "Save data" is executed! When the
MMC is the active memory, the drive parameters are not saved, because
they have already been stored on the MMC, but the PLC data are stored
on the MMC.
● Copy parameters:
– Storing the parameter values and, if necessary, the PLC retain data
from the device-internal, non-volatile memories (onboard flash and,
if available, memory of optional module "MDx") on the MMC
– Loading the parameter values stored on the MMC to the non-volatile
memories of the controller
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Rexroth IndraDrive MPx-02 to MPx-08 and HMV
By pressing the "Esc" key again, the standard display will reappear.
specific parameter values can also be stored in the working memory (volatile
Storing Parameter Values Saving application-specific parameter values is required in the following cases:
● After initial commissioning of the machine axis or the motor
● Before replacing the controller for servicing (if possible)
Application-specific parameter values can be saved via:
● MMC → copying the parameter values by command
● "IndraWorks Ds/D/MLD" commissioning tool → saving the parameter val‐
ues to an external data carrier
● Control master → saving the parameter values to a master-side data car‐
Parameter IDN Lists The drive supports master-side saving of parameter values by listing parameter
identification numbers (IDNs). Using these lists guarantees complete storage
of the application-specific parameter values. It is also possible to determine IDN
lists defined by the customer.
Loading Parameter Values Loading parameter values is required in the following cases:
● Initial commissioning of the motor (loading basic parameter values and
motor-specific parameter values)
● Serial commissioning of machine axes at series machines (loading the
values saved after initial commissioning)
● Reestablishing a defined initial status (repeated loading of the values
saved after initial commissioning)
● Replacing the controller for servicing (loading the current parameter val‐
ues saved before servicing)
Possibilities of loading parameter values to the controller:
● Motor encoder data memory → loading the parameter values by command
or via the control panel during initial motor commissioning
● MMC → loading the parameter values by command
● "IndraWorks Ds/D/MLD" commissioning tool → loading the parameter val‐
ues from an external data carrier
● Control master → loading the parameter values from a master-side data
Checksum of Parameter Values By means of checksum comparison, the control master can determine whether
the values of the application-specific parameter values currently active in the
drive correspond to the values saved on the master side.
4.5.3 Password
IndraDrive controllers provide the possibility to protect parameter values
against accidental or unauthorized change by means of a password. With re‐
gard to write protection, there are 3 groups of writable parameters:
● Parameters that are generally write-protected, such as motor parameters,
hardware code parameters, encoder parameters, error memories, etc.
("administration parameters"). The values of these parameters ensure
correct function and performance of the drive.
● Parameters the customer can combine in groups and protect them with a
so-called customer password. This allows protecting parameter values,
that are used for adjusting the drive to the axis, after having determined
● All other writable parameters and are not contained in the above-men‐
tioned groups. They are not write-protected.
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Rexroth IndraDrive MPx-02 to MPx-08 and HMV
Kinds of Passwords The drive firmware allows activating and deactivating the write protection for
parameter values by means of three hierarchically different passwords:
● Customer password
The parameter values of a parameter group combined by the customer
can be protected.
● Control password
Parameters protected by a customer password are writable; "administra‐
tion parameters" remain read-only.
● Master password
All writable parameters, including "administration parameters" and pa‐
rameters protected by a customer password, can be changed.
4.5.4 Commands
Commands are used to activate and control complex functions or monitoring
features in the drive. The higher-level master can start, interrupt or clear com‐
Each command is assigned to a parameter by means of which the execution
of the command can be controlled. While the command is executed, the display
of the control panel reads "Cx", "C" representing the diagnostic command mes‐
sage and "x" representing the number of the command.
All commands available in the drive are stored in parameter "S‑0‑0025, IDN-
list of all procedure commands".
Kinds of Commands There are 3 different kinds of commands:
● Drive control commands
– can cause automatic drive motion,
– can be started only when drive enable has been set,
– deactivate the active operation mode while they are executed.
● Monitor commands
– activate or deactivate monitoring or functions in the drive.
● Administration commands
– carry out administration task,
– cannot be interrupted.
See also section "Command Processing"
4.5.6 Warnings
Depending on the active operation mode and the parameter settings, many
monitoring functions are carried out. If a status is detected that still allows cor‐
rect operation but in case this status persists will cause an error to occur and
therefore cause the drive to be automatically switched off, the drive firmware
generates a warning message.
Classes of Warnings Warnings are classified in different warning classes which determine whether
or not the drive carries out an automatic reaction when the warning is gener‐
4.5.7 Errors
Depending on the active operation mode and the parameter settings, many
monitoring functions are carried out. If a status is detected that affects or pre‐
vents correct operation the drive firmware generates an error message.
Error Classes Errors are classified in different error classes. There are 6 error classes with
different drive error reactions.
Diagnostic message
Error class
F2xxx Non-fatal error
F3xxx Non-fatal safety technology error
F4xxx Interface error
F6xxx Travel range error
F7xxx Safety technology error
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Diagnostic message
Error class
F8xxx Fatal error
F9xxx Fatal system error
E-xxxx Fatal system error "processor exception"
Apart from the mentioned error classes that can occur during op‐
eration, errors can occur when the devices are booted and during
firmware download. These errors are displayed on the control panel
with a short diagnostic text rather than with a diagnostic message
number of the "Fxxxx" pattern. Boot and firmware download errors
are described in a separate "Troubleshooting Guide" documenta‐
tion (description of diagnostic messages).
Error Reactions of the Drive If the drive controller is in control and an error status is detected, the execution
of a drive error reaction is automatically started. The diagnostic message num‐
ber "Fxxxx" flashes on the display of the control panel.
The drive reaction in case of interface errors and non-fatal errors is defined in
parameter "P‑0‑0119, Best possible deceleration". At the end of each error re‐
action, the drive goes torque-free.
See also "Error Reactions"
Clearing an Error Message Error messages are not cleared automatically, but by the following action:
● Triggering command "S‑0‑0099, C0500 Reset class 1 diagnostics"
- or -
● Actuating the "Esc" key on the control panel
If the error status persists the error message is immediately generated again.
Clearing Error Messages when If a drive error occurs while operating with drive enable having been set, the
Drive Enable Was Set drive carries out an error reaction. The drive automatically deactivates itself at
the end of each error reaction; in other words, the output stage is switched off
and the drive switches from an energized to a de-energized state.
To reactivate the drive:
● clear the error message and
● prescribe a positive edge for drive enable again.
Error Memory The diagnostic message numbers of occurring errors are written to an error
memory. This memory contains the diagnostic message numbers of the last
50 errors that occurred and the time when they occurred. Errors caused by a
shutdown of the control voltage (e.g. "F8070 +24Volt DC error") are not stored
in the error memory.
The diagnostic message numbers in the error memory are mapped to param‐
eter "P‑0‑0192, Error memory of diagnostic numbers" and can be displayed by
means of the control panel. The "IndraWorks Ds/D/MLD" commissioning tool
allows displaying the diagnostic message numbers and the respective times at
which the errors occurred.
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Operating States
5 Operating States
5.1 General Information
The possible operating states are listed below in alphabetical order. The oper‐
ating states are displayed on the control panel of the device.
5.2 Ab / VM Bb
"Drive ready"
See also: A0012 Control and power sections ready for operation
5.3 AC
See also: A4000 Automatic drive check and adjustment
5.4 AE
See also: A4001 Drive deceleration to standstill
5.5 AF
"Drive enable"
Depending on the operation mode used, you can find a detailed description of
the "AF" display under the respective diagnostic status message.
5.6 AH
"Drive Halt"
See also: A0010 Drive HALT
5.7 AR
"Automatic drive reaction"
The drive can carry out an automatic drive reaction depending on the drive
function used.
As of firmware MPx05, the function "quick stop via probe input" (A0403 Quick
stop with probe detection is active) activates the operating status "AR" (see also
Functional Description of firmware "Quick Stop via Probe Input").
5.8 AS
See also: A0011 Starting lockout active
5.9 ASP
See also: A0014 Drive interlock active
5.10 AU
See also: A4002 Drive in automatic mode
5.11 bb / VM bb
"Ready for operation"
76/601 Bosch Rexroth AG DOK-INDRV*-GEN-**VRS**-WA07-EN-P
Rexroth IndraDrive MPx-02 to MPx-08 and HMV
Operating States
5.13 CM
See also: A4003 Setting-up mode is active
5.14 OM
See also: A0051 Operating mode
5.15 P0 / VM P0
"Phase 0" (only with SERCOS master communication)
See also: A0000 Communication phase 0
5.16 P-1
"Phase -1"
See also: A0009 Automatic baud rate detection for SERCOS interface
5.17 P1 / VM P1
"Phase 1"
See also: A0001 Communication phase 1
5.18 P2 / VM P2
"Phase 2"
See also: A0002 Communication phase 2
5.19 P3 / VM P3
"Phase 3"
See also: A0003 Communication phase 3
5.20 PM
See also: A0050 Parameterization level 1 active
5.21 PL
"Parameter load with basic values"
See also: F2009 PL Load parameter default values
5.22 RL
See also: F2008 RL The motor type has changed.
5.23 SBB
See also: A0017 Special mode motion active
DOK-INDRV*-GEN-**VRS**-WA07-EN-P Bosch Rexroth AG 77/601
Rexroth IndraDrive MPx-02 to MPx-08 and HMV
Operating States
5.24 SBB1
See also: A0018
5.25 SBB2
See also: A0019
5.26 SBB3
See also: A0020
5.27 SBB4
See also: A0021
5.28 SBH
See also: A0016
5.29 SH
See also: A0015
5.30 SMM1
See also: A0018 Special mode safe motion 1 active
5.31 SMM2
See also: A0019 Special mode safe motion 2 active
5.32 SMM3
See also: A0020 Special mode safe motion 3 active
5.33 SMM4
See also: A0021 Special mode safe motion 4 active
5.34 SS1
See also: A0015 Safe stop 1 active
5.35 SS1 ES
See also: A0014 Safe stop 1 (Emergency stop) active
5.36 SS2
See also: A0016 Safe stop 2 active
5.37 STO
See also: A0011 Safe torque off active
78/601 Bosch Rexroth AG DOK-INDRV*-GEN-**VRS**-WA07-EN-P
Rexroth IndraDrive MPx-02 to MPx-08 and HMV
Operating States
5.38 VM Lb
See also: A0500 Supply module in voltage control
5.39 VM LB
See also: A0502 Supply module in operation
5.40 VM ZKS
See also: A0520 DC bus quick discharge active
DOK-INDRV*-GEN-**VRS**-WA07-EN-P Bosch Rexroth AG 79/601
Rexroth IndraDrive MPx-02 to MPx-08 and HMV
Before "Boot 2.9" was displayed on the control panel the buttons "ESC" and
"ENTER" had been simultaneously pressed and kept pressed on the control
As the functional package "Motion Logic" (drive PLC and technology functions)
has been enabled, the display reads "PLC ?". The automatic start of a PLC boot
project was prevented.
By pressing the arrow buttons (arrow down or arrow up) the display changes
between "Run PLC" and "Stop PLC".
Cause Remedy
Drive controller is equipped with optional safety technology Confirm diagnostic message with "ENTER" in order to initiate
module and active, non-volatile memory ("P‑0‑4065, Non-vol‐ loading of safety technology parameters from parameter file
atile memory active") has changed while controller was of MMC.
switched off, because ATTENTION!: Safety technology parameters already existing
● MMC was plugged (before switching off, device-internal on control section will get lost.
memory was active) or In parameter mode, parameters are first accepted in safety
● MultiMediaCard (MMC) was replaced (different MMC technology channel 1. They are only accepted by channel 2
was active) or when switching to operating mode, without restart in the
● MMC was removed (before switching off, MMC was ac‐ meantime. If "P‑0‑3206, Safety technology password" in loa‐
tive) ded parameter file is unequal default value "INDRASAVE",
safety technology has been activated. For further steps see
"Replacing the Control Section"
– or –
Confirm diagnostic message with "ESC" and safety technolo‐
gy parameters won't be accepted
Cause Remedy
Content of MMC is incorrect. Parameter (*.pbf) or retain file Switch drive off and plug in MMC with correct content
(*.rbf) is missing
MMC was not formatted correctly Switch drive off and plug in appropriate MMC
– or –
Switch drive off and format MMC again on PC and plug it in
Cause Remedy
Active, non-volatile memory ("P‑0‑4065, Non-volatile memory Confirm diagnostic message with "ENTER" and start loading
active") has changed while drive was switched off, because of new parameters
● an MMC was plugged (before switching drive off, device- – or –
internal memory had been active) or Switch drive off and insert active, non-volatile memory again
● MultiMediaCard (MMC) was replaced (other MMC was that was used before drive was switched off, by either plugging
active) or in MMC / old MMC or removing MMC again (device-internal
● MMC was removed (before switching drive off, MMC memory was active). Then switch drive on again
was active)
Cause Remedy
MMC was replaced with device switched off To activate plugged MMC as programming module, press
<Enter> on control panel
‑ or ‑
To ignore plugged MMC and load parameters from on-board
memory, press <ESC> on control panel. As "programming
module mode" was set in "P-0-4070, Parameter storage con‐
figuration", error message "F2120 MMC: defective or missing,
replace" is displayed after booting process.
Cause Remedy
MMC was not formatted correctly Switch drive off and plug in appropriate MMC
– or –
Switch drive off and format MMC again on PC and plug it in
No IBF file or several IBF files on MMC Switch drive off and plug in appropriate MMC
No appropriate parameter file and retain data file on MMC Switch drive off and plug in appropriate MMC
Cause Remedy
IBF file on MMC is not okay Switch drive off and install MMC with appropriate IBF file in
– or –
On PC copy appropriate IBF file to MMC
Cause Remedy
Check showed that firmware on flash and on MMC are not Switch drive off and install MMC in drive with the same release
identical version as on flash
– or –
Confirm diagnostic message with "ENTER" and start firmware
Cause Remedy
Firmware not updated properly Reboot device and start firmware update
‑ or ‑
Switch off drive, remove MMC and update firmware using
"IndraWorks" on the PC
6.3.14 ActLW Up
Brief Description: Copies active logicware within ET to address 0
The selected master communication protocol (P-0-4089.0.1) was changed after
the last restart of the drive. The logicware required for the master communica‐
tion protocol is copied within the optional module "ET" (Multi-Ethernet).
This diagnostic message is displayed for the duration of the copy process (ap‐
prox. 10 seconds).
6.3.15 E FIP nf
Brief Description: ET error: Flash Info Page not found
At the first access to the SPI flash of the optional module "ET" (Multi-Ethernet),
there is an attempt to read the "Flash Info Page" (FIP). An error occurred during
this access.
Cause Remedy
SPI flash of optional module "ET" is empty, was incorrectly Switch drive controller off and then on again.
written or, if drive worked correctly before, was overwritten If error occurs again, please contact our service department
‑ or ‑
Optional module "ET" is defective
6.3.16 E FIP CS
Brief Description: ET error: Flash Info Page checksum incorrect
The "Flash Info Page" (FIP) was found; this means that the optional module
"ET" (Multi-Ethernet) is alright as far as the hardware is concerned, and the
module has full contact to the drive controller.
However, a check showed that the checksum of the "FIP" is incorrect.
Cause Remedy
Checksum calculated by means of "Flash Info Page" (FIP) Switch drive controller off and then on again.
does not correspond to command checksum stored in "FIP". If error occurs again, please contact our service department
If optional module "ET" (Multi-Ethernet) previously worked
correctly, parts of "FIP" were most likely overwritten in an im‐
permissible way.
If optional module "ET" previously did not work either, a prob‐
lem occurred when "FIP" had been programmed.
6.3.17 E Pge Sz
Brief Description: ET error: Flash geometry outside of defined size
Access to optional module "ET" (Multi-Ethernet) works correctly, but an error
in size of "SPI Flash Page" was detected.
Cause Remedy
Page size of SPI flash on optional module "ET" (Multi- Update of drive firmware is required. Please contact our serv‐
Ethernet) read from "Flash Info Page" (FIP) is not supported ice department.
by drive firmware.
(Error message is displayed to avoid system crash.)
84/601 Bosch Rexroth AG DOK-INDRV*-GEN-**VRS**-WA07-EN-P
Rexroth IndraDrive MPx-02 to MPx-08 and HMV
6.3.18 E MMC op
Brief Description: ET error: MMC could not be opened for reading
Content of MMC which has been plugged cannot be read.
Cause Remedy
Name and/or path of firmware file (IBF file) are wrong Replace faulty MMC by MMC with correct content
‑ or ‑ ‑ or ‑
An error occurred when IBF file had been copied Copy IBF file to MMC again on PC
Afterwards, restart drive
MMC is defective Replace MMC
6.3.19 E MMC cl
Brief Description: ET error: MMC could not be closed after reading
After the read access to the MMC, the MMC could not be closed.
Cause Remedy
Directory structure of MMC is not correct Check directory structure of MMC and correct it, if necessary
MMC is defective Replace defective MMC by MMC which works
6.3.20 E Adress
Brief Description: ET error: Trying to read invalid address
This error can only occur when the MMC has been plugged and the
MMC is basically alright.
There was an attempt to read ET software [software for the optional module
"ET" (Multi Ethernet)] from the MMC address "0"; at this address, there cannot
be any ET software.
Cause Remedy
IBF firmware file does not contain ET software which is the Copy correct IBF file and restart drive
case when file is smaller than 9MBytes
‑ or ‑
An error occurred when IBF file had been copied
6.3.21 E Length
Brief Description: ET error: Reading number greater than maximum file size
This error can only occur with the MMC plugged in.
There was an attempt to read a number of bytes from the MMC and to write
them to the SPI flash of the optional module "ET" (Multi-Ethernet); this number
exceeds the maximum number of bytes of an ET logicware or firmware. [In the
ET file (ET logicware or firmware), the actual length has been stored as an
additional information.]
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Rexroth IndraDrive MPx-02 to MPx-08 and HMV
Cause Remedy
Probably, a problem occurred when file had been transmitted Copy IBF file to MMC again
‑ or ‑
Use MMC which works and restart drive
6.3.22 E ET SW
Brief Description: ET error: Error when copying from MMC to ET flash
This error can only occur with the MMC plugged in.
Cause Remedy
If no other error had been displayed before this error occurred, Plug MMC with correct IBF file in drive and restart drive. Drive
SPI flash on optional module "ET" (Multi-Ethernet) had only then copies all ET software modules, which were detected to
been written with "Flash Info Page". be wrong or missing, from MMC to SPI flash of optional mod‐
ule "ET".
If another error had been displayed before this error occurred, Plug MMC with correct IBF file in drive and restart drive
IBF file is faulty
6.3.23 E MMC cp
Brief Description: ET error: Error when copying from MMC
This error can only occur with the MMC plugged in, and only if the MMC contains
a different ET software than the one contained in the SPI flash of the optional
module "ET" (Multi-Ethernet). (This means only when an update is to be made.)
In this case, another error always occurs before; this error is displayed and
specifies the problem in greater detail.
This error means that the transmission from the MMC to the SPI flash of the
optional module "ET" could not be carried out successfully.
Cause Remedy
Software structure on MMC is not alright Check and correct MMC or use different MMC which works
and restart drive
6.3.24 E HW nok
Brief Description: ET error: ET hardware signals not ready
The drive queries the FPGA on the optional module "ET" (Multi-Ethernet) for
readiness for operation; readiness for operation was not signaled.
Cause Remedy
Logicware file is defective Restart drive with MMC plugged; drive gets logicware from
A programming error is present Please contact our service department to get new drive firm‐
ware / logicware and transmit it via MMC to drive / optional
module "ET"
Optional module "ET" is defective Please contact our service department
86/601 Bosch Rexroth AG DOK-INDRV*-GEN-**VRS**-WA07-EN-P
Rexroth IndraDrive MPx-02 to MPx-08 and HMV
6.3.25 E SW-VER
Brief Description: ET error: Active LW or FW not supported version
When the drive had been booted, an error was detected with regard to the
versions of the drive firmware and the software (logicware and firmware) on the
optional module "ET" (Multi-Ethernet).
Cause Remedy
Exactly on version of ET software (logicware and firmware) By means of an MMC, ET software supported by drive firm‐
has been stored in each drive firmware. ware must be copied to optional module "ET".
When drive had been booted, it was detected that version of ‑ or ‑
drive firmware and one or several versions of software (logic‐ Drive firmware update must be carried out so that drive firm‐
ware and firmware) on optional module "ET" (Multi-Ethernet) ware and ET software match again.
did not match.
DOK-INDRV*-GEN-**VRS**-WA07-EN-P Bosch Rexroth AG 87/601
Rexroth IndraDrive MPx-02 to MPx-08 and HMV
The communication between master and slaves via SERCOS interface is es‐
tablished in four communication phases:
The communication phases 0 and 1 are used to recognize the bus nodes. In
the communication phase 2 the time and data build-up of the protocols are
prepared for the communication phases 3 and 4.
The phase progression takes place in ascending order. The communication
phase is set by the master. Switching to communication phase 4 completes the
initialization and allows power input.
If the phase progression is interrupted, the status display remains in the com‐
munication phase that has been reached.
When the "A0000 Communication phase 0" diagnostic message is active the
drive is in phase 0 and waits for the master's phase switch from communication
phase 0 to 1.
The communication between master and slaves via SERCOS interface is es‐
tablished in four communication phases:
The communication phases 0 and 1 are used to recognize the bus nodes. In
the communication phase 2 the time and data build-up of the protocols are
prepared for the communication phases 3 and 4.
The phase progression takes place in ascending order. The communication
phase is set by the master. Switching to communication phase 4 completes the
initialization and allows power input.
If the phase progression is interrupted, the status display remains in the com‐
munication phase that has been reached.
88/601 Bosch Rexroth AG DOK-INDRV*-GEN-**VRS**-WA07-EN-P
Rexroth IndraDrive MPx-02 to MPx-08 and HMV
When the "A0001 Communication phase 1" diagnostic message is active the
drive is in phase 1, the master has not yet activated the phase switch form
phase 1 to 2.
The communication between master and slaves via SERCOS interface is es‐
tablished in four communication phases:
The communication phases 0 and 1 are used to recognize the bus nodes. In
the communication phase 2 the time and data build-up of the protocols are
prepared for the communication phases 3 and 4.
The phase progression takes place in ascending order. The communication
phase is set by the master. Switching to communication phase 4 completes the
initialization and allows power input.
If the phase progression is interrupted, the status display remains in the com‐
munication phase that has been reached.
If the "A0009 Automatic baud rate detection for SERCOS interface" diagnostic
message is active, the drive is in phase 0 ‑ 1, the progression to phase 0 is
carried out at the moment when the correct baud rate is detected.
90/601 Bosch Rexroth AG DOK-INDRV*-GEN-**VRS**-WA07-EN-P
Rexroth IndraDrive MPx-02 to MPx-08 and HMV
The function "Drive Halt" is indirectly activated by the master via the master
communication interface by clearing the Drive Halt bit in parameter "S‑0‑0134,
Master control word" or by interrupting a drive control command (e.g., drive-
controlled homing procedure).
The function "Drive Halt" is used to shut down an axis with defined acceleration
and defined jerk.
The function "Drive Halt" can be carried out as quick stop in position control or
velocity control, or as operational stop in the active operation mode with velocity
command value reset [see configuration "Drive Halt" (P-0-0641)].
See also Functional Description of firmware "Drive Halt"
A0010 - Attributes Display: AH
Ident N°: A0010
Up to MPx06 As an option, certain digital drive controllers can be equipped with a starting
lockout. The starting lockout prevents the unintended start of a servo axis. This
is realized by separating the electronic control system of the power output stage
from the power output stage by means of a relay contact.
See also Project Planning Manual for Control Section, index entry "Starting
lockout L1"
As of MPx07 As an option, certain digital drive controllers can be equipped with the optional
safety technology module "Safe Torque Off". The optional safety technology
module prevents the unintended start of a servo axis. This is realized by sep‐
arating the electronic control system of the power output stage from the power
output stage by means of a relay contact.
See also Project Planning Manual for Control Section, index entry "Safe Torque
Off, L2"
For HMS, HMD, HCS The diagnostic message "A0012 Control and power sections ready for
operation" signals that the drive has been supplied with control voltage and
power has been switched on. The drive is ready for power output.
For HMV The diagnostic message "A0012 Control and power sections ready for
operation" signals that the supply unit is ready to switch on the mains contactor.
The diagnostic message "A0013 Ready for power on" signals that the drive or
supply unit has been provided with control voltage and that there isn't any error
present in the drive/supply unit.
The drive or the supply unit is ready for power on.
92/601 Bosch Rexroth AG DOK-INDRV*-GEN-**VRS**-WA07-EN-P
Rexroth IndraDrive MPx-02 to MPx-08 and HMV
The drive is in the special mode "safe standstill". The active safety function is
"safety related drive interlock" (up to MPx06) or "Safe stop 1 (Emergency
stop)" (as of MPx07).
The drive has come to standstill, the power supply has been interrupted via two
channels (output stage locked).
The drive is in the special mode "safe standstill". The active safety function is
"safety related standstill" (up to MPx06) or "Safe stop 1" (as of MPx07).
The drive has come to standstill, the power supply has been interrupted via two
channels (output stage locked).
If the drive is still in motion when "safety related standstill"/"Safe stop 1" is se‐
lected, there first is a stopping process, then the power supply is interrupted via
two channels (output stage locked).
The drive is in the special mode "safe standstill". The active safety function is
"safety related operational stop" (up to MPx06) or "Safe stop 2" (as of MPx07).
The drive has come to standstill, the power supply has not been interrupted, all
control loops are active, the standstill monitors are active.
If the drive is still in motion when "safety related operational stop"/"Safe stop
2" is selected, there first is a stopping process, then the standstill monitors be‐
come active (axis/spindle cannot be moved). When the drive leaves the stand‐
still position, the output stage is locked via two channels.
The drive is in one of up to four special "safe motion" operating states that can
be differently configured and selected.
By means of parameters
● "P‑0‑3240, Configuration of safe motion 1",
● "P‑0‑3250, Configuration of safe motion 2",
● "P‑0‑3260, Configuration of safe motion 3", and
● "P‑0‑3270, Configuration of safe motion 4"
it is possible to configure different characteristics of the special mode "safe
When a limit value of the configured and selected safety functions has been
exceeded, the drive system is brought to standstill in a safe way, then the power
supply is interrupted via two channels (output stage locked).
DOK-INDRV*-GEN-**VRS**-WA07-EN-P Bosch Rexroth AG 95/601
Rexroth IndraDrive MPx-02 to MPx-08 and HMV
With the safety function "safe direction", the drive can only
Safe direction move in a determined direction with reduced speed. The
speed monitors are active.
The drive is in the special mode "safe motion 1" that can be configured and
By means of parameter "P‑0‑3240, Configuration of safe motion 1", it is possible
to configure different characteristics of the special mode "safe motion 1".
When a limit value of the configured and selected safety functions has been
exceeded, the drive system is brought to standstill in a safe way, then the power
supply is interrupted via two channels (output stage locked).
96/601 Bosch Rexroth AG DOK-INDRV*-GEN-**VRS**-WA07-EN-P
Rexroth IndraDrive MPx-02 to MPx-08 and HMV
The drive is in the special mode "safe motion 2" that can be configured and
By means of parameter "P‑0‑3250, Configuration of safe motion 2", it is possible
to configure different characteristics of the special mode "safe motion 2".
DOK-INDRV*-GEN-**VRS**-WA07-EN-P Bosch Rexroth AG 97/601
Rexroth IndraDrive MPx-02 to MPx-08 and HMV
When a limit value of the configured and selected safety functions has been
exceeded, the drive system is brought to standstill in a safe way, then the power
supply is interrupted via two channels (output stage locked).
The drive is in the special mode "safe motion 3" that can be configured and
By means of parameter "P‑0‑3260, Configuration of safe motion 3", it is possible
to configure different characteristics of the special mode "safe motion 3".
When a limit value of the configured and selected safety functions has been
exceeded, the drive system is brought to standstill in a safe way, then the power
supply is interrupted via two channels (output stage locked).
The drive is in the special mode "safe motion 4" that can be configured and
By means of parameter "P‑0‑3270, Configuration of safe motion 4", it is possible
to configure different characteristics of the special mode "safe motion 4".
When a limit value of the configured and selected safety function has been
exceeded, the drive system is brought to standstill in a safe way, then the power
supply is interrupted via two channels (output stage locked).
The drive is in the "Parameterization level 1" mode. In this status, the monitoring
functions of the position encoders and the motor temperature sensor are de‐
activated. Although the master communication is in communication phase 4,
the drive can be parameterized as in communication phase 3.
This status is displayed on the control panel of the drive with "PM".
The axis was switched to operating mode, but the master communication is not
yet in cyclic data exchange. Axis control is not yet possible in this status.
A0051 - Attributes Display: OM
Ident N°: A0051
The drive is in the "Torque control" mode. It follows the torque command value
characteristic set by the master.
See also Functional Description of firmware "Torque/Force Control"
A0100 - Attributes Display: AF
Ident N°: A0100
DOK-INDRV*-GEN-**VRS**-WA07-EN-P Bosch Rexroth AG 101/601
Rexroth IndraDrive MPx-02 to MPx-08 and HMV
The drive is in the "Velocity control" mode. It follows the speed command value
characteristic set by the master. The speed control loop is closed in the drive.
See also Functional Description of firmware "Velocity Control"
A0101 - Attributes Display: AF
Ident N°: A0101
The drive is in position control. The position control loop is closed by means of
a position encoder in the drive. The master only specifies the position command
value characteristic, the drive follows the command value with a lag error.
"Encoder 1" means that the encoder assigned by means of "P‑0‑0077, Assign‐
ment motor encoder‑>optional slot" is used as a control encoder.
See also Functional Description of firmware "Position Control with Cyclic Com‐
mand Value Input"
A0102 - Attributes Display: AF
Ident N°: A0102
The drive is in position control. The position control loop is closed by means of
a position encoder in the drive. The master only specifies the position command
value characteristic, the drive follows the command value with a lag error.
"Encoder 2" means that the encoder assigned by means of "P‑0‑0078, Assign‐
ment optional encoder‑>optional slot" is used as a control encoder.
See also Functional Description of firmware "Position Control with Cyclic Com‐
mand Value Input"
A0103 - Attributes Display: AF
Ident N°: A0103
102/601 Bosch Rexroth AG DOK-INDRV*-GEN-**VRS**-WA07-EN-P
Rexroth IndraDrive MPx-02 to MPx-08 and HMV
The drive is in position control. The position control loop is closed by means of
a position encoder in the drive. The master only specifies the position command
value characteristic, the drive follows the command value laglessly (prerequi‐
site: "P‑0‑0040, Velocity feedforward evaluation"=100%).
"Encoder 1" means that the encoder assigned by means of "P‑0‑0077, Assign‐
ment motor encoder‑>optional slot" is used as a control encoder.
See also Functional Description of firmware "Position Control with Cyclic Com‐
mand Value Input"
A0104 - Attributes Display: AF
Ident N°: A0104
The drive is in position control. The position control loop is closed by means of
a position encoder in the drive. The master only specifies the position command
value characteristic, the drive follows the command value laglessly (prerequi‐
site: "P‑0‑0040, Velocity feedforward evaluation"=100%).
"Encoder 2" means that the encoder assigned by means of "P‑0‑0078, Assign‐
ment optional encoder‑>optional slot" is used as a control encoder.
See also Functional Description of firmware "Position Control with Cyclic Com‐
mand Value Input"
A0105 - Attributes Display: AF
Ident N°: A0105
From the control unit the drive receives a position command value identical to
the target position of the distance to be traveled. The drive then generates (in‐
terpolates) an internal position command value characteristic that complies with
DOK-INDRV*-GEN-**VRS**-WA07-EN-P Bosch Rexroth AG 103/601
Rexroth IndraDrive MPx-02 to MPx-08 and HMV
the maximum values for the jerk, acceleration and velocity characteristic de‐
termined by the master.
With a lag error the drive moves to the target position.
"Encoder 1" means that the encoder assigned by means of "P‑0‑0077, Assign‐
ment motor encoder‑>optional slot" is used as a control encoder.
See also Functional Description of firmware "Drive Internal Interpolation"
A0106 - Attributes Display: AF
Ident N°: A0106
From the master the drive receives a position command value identical to the
target position of the distance to be traveled. The drive then generates (inter‐
polates) an internal position command value characteristic that complies with
the maximum values for the jerk, acceleration and velocity characteristic de‐
termined by the master.
With a lag error the drive moves to the target position.
"Encoder 2" means that the encoder assigned by means of "P‑0‑0078, Assign‐
ment optional encoder‑>optional slot" is used as a control encoder.
See also Functional Description of firmware "Drive Internal Interpolation"
A0107 - Attributes Display: AF
Ident N°: A0107
From the master the drive receives a position command value identical to the
target position of the distance to be traveled. The drive then generates (inter‐
polates) an internal position command value characteristic that complies with
the maximum values for the jerk, acceleration and velocity characteristic de‐
termined by the master.
The drive laglessly moves to the target position (prerequisite: "P‑0‑0040, Ve‐
locity feedforward evaluation"=100%).
"Encoder 1" means that the encoder assigned by means of "P‑0‑0077, Assign‐
ment motor encoder‑>optional slot" is used as a control encoder.
See also Functional Description of firmware "Drive Internal Interpolation"
A0108 - Attributes Display: AF
Ident N°: A0108
104/601 Bosch Rexroth AG DOK-INDRV*-GEN-**VRS**-WA07-EN-P
Rexroth IndraDrive MPx-02 to MPx-08 and HMV
From the master the drive receives a position command value identical to the
target position of the distance to be traveled. The drive then generates (inter‐
polates) an internal position command value characteristic that complies with
the maximum values for the jerk, acceleration and velocity characteristic de‐
termined by the master.
The drive laglessly moves to the target position (prerequisite: "P‑0‑0040, Ve‐
locity feedforward evaluation"=100%).
"Encoder 2" means that the encoder assigned by means of "P‑0‑0078, Assign‐
ment optional encoder‑>optional slot" is used as a control encoder.
See also Functional Description of firmware "Drive Internal Interpolation"
A0109 - Attributes Display: AF
Ident N°: A0109
The drive is in velocity control. Taking the gear ratio and the master axis position
into account, the command velocity is determined in the drive.
"Virtual master axis" means that the master axis position is calculated by the
control unit.
See also Functional Description of firmware "Velocity Synchronization with Re‐
al/Virtual Master Axis"
A0110 - Attributes Display: AF
Ident N°: A0110
The drive is in velocity control. The velocitiy command value is derived from the
master axis position. The master axis position is generated by the measuring
DOK-INDRV*-GEN-**VRS**-WA07-EN-P Bosch Rexroth AG 105/601
Rexroth IndraDrive MPx-02 to MPx-08 and HMV
The drive is in position control. The position control loop is closed by means of
a position encoder in the drive. Taking the gear ratio and the master axis po‐
sition into account, the position command value is determined in the drive.
The drive follows the command value with a lag distance.
"Encoder 1" means that the position encoder is mounted to the motor shaft
(indirect measuring of the axis position). "Virtual master axis" means that the
master axis position is calculated by the control unit.
See also Functional Description of firmware "Phase Synchronization with Real/
Virtual Master Axis"
A0112 - Attributes Display: AF
Ident N°: A0112
The drive is in position control. The position control loop is closed by means of
a position encoder in the drive. Taking the gear ratio and the master axis po‐
sition into account, the position command value is determined in the drive.
The drive follows the command value with a lag distance.
"Encoder 2" means that the position encoder is mounted to the machine axis
(direct measuring of the axis position). "Virtual master axis" means that the
master axis position is calculated by the control unit.
See also Functional Description of firmware "Phase Synchronization with Real/
Virtual Master Axis"
A0113 - Attributes Display: AF
Ident N°: A0113
The drive is in position control. The position control loop is closed by means of
a position encoder in the drive. Taking the gear ratio and the master axis po‐
sition into account, the position command value is determined in the drive. The
drive follows the command value with a lag distance.
"Encoder 1" means that the position encoder is mounted to the motor shaft
(indirect measuring of the axis position). "Real master axis" means that the
master axis position is derived from the incremental encoder signals.
See also Functional Description of firmware "Phase Synchronization with Real/
Virtual Master Axis"
A0114 - Attributes Display: AF
Ident N°: A0114
The drive is in position control. The position control loop is closed by means of
a position encoder in the drive. Taking the gear ratio and the master axis po‐
sition into account, the position command value is determined in the drive. The
drive follows the command value with a lag distance.
"Encoder 2" means that the position encoder is mounted to the machine axis
(direct measuring of the axis position). "Real master axis" means that the mas‐
ter axis position is derived from the measuring encoder.
See also Functional Description of firmware "Phase Synchronization with Real/
Virtual Master Axis"
A0115 - Attributes Display: AF
Ident N°: A0115
The drive is in position control. The position control loop is closed by means of
a position encoder in the drive. Taking the gear ratio and the master axis po‐
sition into account, the position command value is determined in the drive.
The drive follows the command value without any lag error.
"Encoder 1" means that the position encoder is mounted to the motor shaft
(indirect measuring of the axis position). "Virtual master axis" means that the
master axis position is calculated by the control unit.
DOK-INDRV*-GEN-**VRS**-WA07-EN-P Bosch Rexroth AG 107/601
Rexroth IndraDrive MPx-02 to MPx-08 and HMV
The drive is in position control. The position control loop is closed by means of
a position encoder in the drive. Taking the gear ratio and the master axis po‐
sition into account, the position command value is determined in the drive.
The drive follows the command value without any lag error.
"Encoder 2" means that the position encoder is mounted to the machine axis
(direct measuring of the axis position). "Virtual master axis" means that the
master axis position is calculated by the control unit.
See also Functional Description of firmware "Phase Synchronization with Real/
Virtual Master Axis"
A0117 - Attributes Display: AF
Ident N°: A0117
The drive is in lagless position control. The position command value is calcu‐
lated by the master axis position. The master axis position is derived from the
measuring encoder.
See also Functional Description of firmware "Phase Synchronization with Real/
Virtual Master Axis"
A0118 - Attributes Display: AF
Ident N°: A0118
The drive is in lagless position control. The position command value is calcu‐
lated by the master axis position. The master axis position is derived from the
measuring encoder.
See also Functional Description of firmware "Phase Synchronization with Real/
Virtual Master Axis"
A0119 - Attributes Display: AF
Ident N°: A0119
The drive is in the "cam" mode. The function has been derived from the principle
of the mechanical cam. There is a fixed position relation between master axis
and slave axis. The position command values are taken from a table that is
accessed by means of the master axis position.
The drive follows the command value with a lag distance.
"Encoder 1" means that the position encoder is mounted to the motor shaft
(indirect measurement of axis position). "Virtual master axis" means that the
master axis position is calculated by the control unit.
See also Functional Description of firmware "Electronic Cam With Real/Virtual
Master Axis"
A0128 - Attributes Display: AF
Ident N°: A0128
The drive is in the "cam" mode. The function has been derived from the principle
of the mechanical cam. There is a fixed position relation between master axis
and slave axis. The position command values are taken from a table that is
accessed by means of the master axis position.
The drive follows the command value with a lag distance.
"Encoder 2" means that the position encoder is mounted to the machine axis
(direct measurement of axis position). "Virtual master axis" means that the
master axis position is calculated by the control unit.
See also Functional Description of firmware "Electronic Cam With Real/Virtual
Master Axis"
A0129 - Attributes Display: AF
Ident N°: A0129
DOK-INDRV*-GEN-**VRS**-WA07-EN-P Bosch Rexroth AG 109/601
Rexroth IndraDrive MPx-02 to MPx-08 and HMV
The drive is in the "cam" mode. The function has been derived from the principle
of the mechanical cam. There is a fixed position relation between master axis
and slave axis. The position command values are taken from a table that is
accessed by means of the master axis position.
The drive follows the command value with a lag distance.
"Encoder 1" means that the position encoder is mounted to the motor shaft
(indirect measurement of axis position). "Real master axis" means that the
master axis position is derived from the measuring encoder.
See also Functional Description of firmware "Electronic Cam With Real/Virtual
Master Axis"
A0130 - Attributes Display: AF
Ident N°: A0130
The drive is in the "cam" mode. The function has been derived from the principle
of the mechanical cam. There is a fixed position relation between master axis
and slave axis. The position command values are taken from a table that is
accessed by means of the master axis position.
The drive follows the command value with a lag distance.
"Encoder 2" means that the position encoder is mounted to the machine axis
(direct measurement of axis position). "Real master axis" means that the master
axis position is derived from the measuring encoder.
See also Functional Description of firmware "Electronic Cam With Real/Virtual
Master Axis"
A0131 - Attributes Display: AF
Ident N°: A0131
The drive is in the "cam" mode. The function has been derived from the principle
of the mechanical cam. There is a fixed position relation between master axis
and slave axis. The position command values are taken from a table that is
accessed by means of the master axis position.
The drive follows the command value without any lag error.
"Encoder 1" means that the position encoder is mounted to the motor shaft
(indirect measurement of axis position). "Virtual master axis" means that the
master axis position is calculated by the control unit.
See also Functional Description of firmware "Electronic Cam With Real/Virtual
Master Axis"
A0132 - Attributes Display: AF
Ident N°: A0132
The drive is in the "cam" mode. The function has been derived from the principle
of the mechanical cam. There is a fixed position relation between master axis
and slave axis. The position command values are taken from a table that is
accessed by means of the master axis position.
The drive follows the command value without any lag error.
"Encoder 2" means that the position encoder is mounted to the machine axis
(direct measurement of axis position). "Virtual master axis" means that the
master axis position is calculated by the control unit.
See also Functional Description of firmware "Electronic Cam With Real/Virtual
Master Axis"
A0133 - Attributes Display: AF
Ident N°: A0133
The drive is in the "cam" mode. The function has been derived from the principle
of the mechanical cam. There is a fixed position relation between master axis
and slave axis. The position command values are taken from a table that is
accessed by means of the master axis position.
The drive follows the command value without any lag error.
"Encoder 1" means that the position encoder is mounted to the motor shaft
(indirect measurement of axis position). "Real master axis" means that the
master axis position is derived from the incremental encoder signals.
DOK-INDRV*-GEN-**VRS**-WA07-EN-P Bosch Rexroth AG 111/601
Rexroth IndraDrive MPx-02 to MPx-08 and HMV
The drive is in the "cam" mode. The function has been derived from the principle
of the mechanical cam. There is a fixed position relation between master axis
and slave axis. The position command values are taken from a table that is
accessed by means of the master axis position.
The drive follows the command value without any lag error.
"Encoder 2" means that the position encoder is mounted to the machine axis
(direct measurement of axis position). "Real master axis" means that the master
axis position is derived from the measuring encoder.
See also Functional Description of firmware "Electronic Cam With Real/Virtual
Master Axis"
A0135 - Attributes Display: AF
Ident N°: A0135
The drive is in the "MotionProfile" mode. The function has been derived from
the principle of the mechanical cam. There is a fixed position relation between
master axis and slave axis. Depending on the master axis position, the position
command values are generated from a given motion profile.
The drive follows the command value with a lag distance.
"Encoder 1" means that the position encoder is mounted to the motor shaft
(indirect measurement of axis position). "Virtual master axis" means that the
master axis position is calculated by the control unit.
See also Functional Description of firmware "MotionProfile With Real/Virtual
Master Axis"
A0136 - Attributes Display: AF
Ident N°: A0136
112/601 Bosch Rexroth AG DOK-INDRV*-GEN-**VRS**-WA07-EN-P
Rexroth IndraDrive MPx-02 to MPx-08 and HMV
The drive is in the "MotionProfile" mode. The function has been derived from
the principle of the mechanical cam. There is a fixed position relation between
master axis and slave axis. Depending on the master axis position, the position
command values are generated from a given motion profile.
The drive follows the command value with a lag distance.
"Encoder 2" means that the position encoder is mounted to the machine axis
(direct measurement of axis position). "Virtual master axis" means that the
master axis position is calculated by the control unit.
See also Functional Description of firmware "MotionProfile With Real/Virtual
Master Axis"
A0137 - Attributes Display: AF
Ident N°: A0137
The drive is in the "MotionProfile" mode. The function has been derived from
the principle of the mechanical cam. There is a fixed position relation between
master axis and slave axis. Depending on the master axis position, the position
command values are generated from a given motion profile.
The drive follows the command value with a lag distance.
"Encoder 2" means that the position encoder is mounted to the machine axis
(direct measurement of axis position). "Real master axis" means that the master
axis position is derived from the measuring encoder.
See also Functional Description of firmware "MotionProfile With Real/Virtual
Master Axis"
A0138 - Attributes Display: AF
Ident N°: A0138
DOK-INDRV*-GEN-**VRS**-WA07-EN-P Bosch Rexroth AG 113/601
Rexroth IndraDrive MPx-02 to MPx-08 and HMV
The drive is in the "MotionProfile" mode. The function has been derived from
the principle of the mechanical cam. There is a fixed position relation between
master axis and slave axis. Depending on the master axis position, the position
command values are generated from a given motion profile.
The drive follows the command value with a lag distance.
"Encoder 1" means that the position encoder is mounted to the motor shaft
(indirect measurement of axis position). "Real master axis" means that the
master axis position is derived from the measuring encoder.
See also Functional Description of firmware "MotionProfile With Real/Virtual
Master Axis"
A0139 - Attributes Display: AF
Ident N°: A0139
The drive is in the "MotionProfile" mode. The function has been derived from
the principle of the mechanical cam. There is a fixed position relation between
master axis and slave axis. Depending on the master axis position, the position
command values are generated from a given motion profile.
The drive follows the command value without any lag error.
"Encoder 1" means that the position encoder is mounted to the motor shaft
(indirect measurement of axis position). "Virtual master axis" means that the
master axis position is calculated by the control unit.
See also Functional Description of firmware "MotionProfile With Real/Virtual
Master Axis"
A0140 - Attributes Display: AF
Ident N°: A0140
114/601 Bosch Rexroth AG DOK-INDRV*-GEN-**VRS**-WA07-EN-P
Rexroth IndraDrive MPx-02 to MPx-08 and HMV
The drive is in the "MotionProfile" mode. The function has been derived from
the principle of the mechanical cam. There is a fixed position relation between
master axis and slave axis. Depending on the master axis position, the position
command values are generated from a given motion profile.
The drive follows the command value without any lag error.
"Encoder 2" means that the position encoder is mounted to the machine axis
(direct measurement of axis position). "Virtual master axis" means that the
master axis position is calculated by the control unit.
See also Functional Description of firmware "MotionProfile With Real/Virtual
Master Axis"
A0141 - Attributes Display: AF
Ident N°: A0141
The drive is in the "MotionProfile" mode. The function has been derived from
the principle of the mechanical cam. There is a fixed position relation between
master axis and slave axis. Depending on the master axis position, the position
command values are generated from a given motion profile.
The drive follows the command value without any lag error.
"Encoder 1" means that the position encoder is mounted to the motor shaft
(indirect measurement of axis position). "Real master axis" means that the
master axis position is derived from the incremental encoder signals.
See also Functional Description of firmware "MotionProfile With Real/Virtual
Master Axis"
A0142 - Attributes Display: AF
Ident N°: A0142
DOK-INDRV*-GEN-**VRS**-WA07-EN-P Bosch Rexroth AG 115/601
Rexroth IndraDrive MPx-02 to MPx-08 and HMV
The drive is in the "MotionProfile" mode. The function has been derived from
the principle of the mechanical cam. There is a fixed position relation between
master axis and slave axis. Depending on the master axis position, the position
command values are generated from a given motion profile.
The drive follows the command value without any lag error.
"Encoder 2" means that the position encoder is mounted to the machine axis
(direct measurement of axis position). "Real master axis" means that the master
axis position is derived from the measuring encoder.
See also Functional Description of firmware "MotionProfile With Real/Virtual
Master Axis"
A0143 - Attributes Display: AF
Ident N°: A0143
From the master the drive receives a position command value in the "S‑0‑0282,
Positioning command value" parameter. This position/distance, when the sta‐
tus of bit 0 of parameter "S‑0‑0346, Positioning command strobe" changes, is
copied to "S‑0‑0258, Target position" or, in the case of a relative input, added
to the value in "S‑0‑0430, Effective target position". The drive then generates
(interpolates) an internal position command value characteristic in order to get
from the current position to this target position. This is done considering the
limit values for velocity, acceleration and jerk in the following parameters:
● "S‑0‑0193, Positioning Jerk",
● "S‑0‑0259, Positioning Velocity",
● "S‑0‑0260, Positioning Acceleration" and
● "S‑0‑0359, Positioning Deceleration".
With a lag error proportional to the velocity the drive moves to the target posi‐
"Encoder 1" means that the encoder assigned by means of "P‑0‑0077, Assign‐
ment motor encoder‑>optional slot" is used as a control encoder.
116/601 Bosch Rexroth AG DOK-INDRV*-GEN-**VRS**-WA07-EN-P
Rexroth IndraDrive MPx-02 to MPx-08 and HMV
From the master the drive receives a position command value in the "S‑0‑0282,
Positioning command value" parameter. This distance, when the status of bit 0
of parameter "S‑0‑0346, Positioning command strobe" changes, is copied to
"S‑0‑0430, Effective target position" or, in the case of a relative input, added to
the value in S‑0‑0430, Effective target position". The drive then generates (in‐
terpolates) an internal position command value characteristic in order to get
from the current position to this target position. This is done considering the
limit values for velocity, acceleration and jerk in the following parameters:
● "S‑0‑0259, Positioning Velocity",
● "S‑0‑0260, Positioning Acceleration",
● "S‑0‑0359, Positioning Deceleration" and
● "S‑0‑0193, Positioning Jerk".
The drive laglessly moves to the target position (prerequisite: "P‑0‑0040, Ve‐
locity feedforward evaluation"=100%).
"Encoder 1" means that the encoder assigned by means of "P‑0‑0077, Assign‐
ment motor encoder‑>optional slot" is used as a control encoder.
See also Functional Description of firmware "Drive Controlled Positioning"
A0151 - Attributes Display: AF
Ident N°: A0151
From the master the drive receives a position command value in the "S‑0‑0282,
Positioning command value" parameter. This distance, when the status of bit 0
of parameter "S‑0‑0346, Positioning command strobe" changes, is copied to
"S‑0‑0430, Effective target position" or, in the case of a relative input, added to
the value in "S‑0‑0430, Effective target position". The drive then generates (in‐
terpolates) an internal position command value characteristic in order to get
from the current position to this target position. This is done considering the
limit values for velocity, acceleration and jerk in the following parameters:
● "S‑0‑0259, Positioning Velocity",
● "S‑0‑0260, Positioning Acceleration",
DOK-INDRV*-GEN-**VRS**-WA07-EN-P Bosch Rexroth AG 117/601
Rexroth IndraDrive MPx-02 to MPx-08 and HMV
From the master the drive receives a position command value in the "S‑0‑0282,
Positioning command value" parameter. This distance, when the status of bit 0
of parameter "S‑0‑0346, Positioning command strobe" changes, is copied to
"S‑0‑0430, Effective target position" or, in the case of a relative input, added to
the value in "S‑0‑0430, Effective target position". The drive then generates (in‐
terpolates) an internal position command value characteristic in order to get
from the current position to this target position. This is done considering the
limit values for velocity, acceleration and jerk in the following parameters:
● "S‑0‑0259, Positioning Velocity",
● "S‑0‑0260, Positioning Acceleration",
● "S‑0‑0359, Positioning Deceleration" and
● "S‑0‑0193, Positioning Jerk".
The drive laglessly moves to the target position (prerequisite: "P‑0‑0040, Ve‐
locity feedforward evaluation"=100%).
"Encoder 2" means that the encoder assigned by means of "P‑0‑0078, Assign‐
ment optional encoder‑>optional slot" is used as a control encoder.
See also Functional Description of firmware "Drive Controlled Positioning"
A0153 - Attributes Display: AF
Ident N°: A0153
The drive is in position control. The position control loop is closed in the drive
by means of a position encoder. The master only presets the position command
value characteristic.
118/601 Bosch Rexroth AG DOK-INDRV*-GEN-**VRS**-WA07-EN-P
Rexroth IndraDrive MPx-02 to MPx-08 and HMV
When the operation mode is activated, any possible difference between current
actual position value and transmitted position command value is traveled in
drive-controlled form with a lag error.
"Encoder 1" means that the encoder assigned via "P‑0‑0077, Assignment motor
encoder‑>optional slot" is used as control encoder.
See also Functional Description of firmware "Position Control With Cyclic
Command Value Input"
A0154 - Attributes Display: AF
Ident N°: A0154
The drive is in position control. The position control loop is closed in the drive
by means of a position encoder. The master only presets the position command
value characteristic.
When the operation mode is activated, any possible difference between current
actual position value and transmitted position command value is traveled in
drive-controlled form with a lag error.
"Encoder 2" means that the encoder assigned via "P‑0‑0078, Assignment
optional encoder‑>optional slot" is used as control encoder.
See also Functional Description of firmware "Position Control With Cyclic
Command Value Input"
A0155 - Attributes Display: AF
Ident N°: A0155
The drive is in position control. The position control loop is closed in the drive
by means of a position encoder. The master only presets the position command
value characteristic.
When the operation mode is activated, any possible difference between current
actual position value and transmitted position command value is traveled in
drive-controlled form without lag error.
"Encoder 1" means that the encoder assigned via "P‑0‑0077, Assignment motor
encoder‑>optional slot" is used as control encoder.
See also Functional Description of firmware "Position Control With Cyclic
Command Value Input"
DOK-INDRV*-GEN-**VRS**-WA07-EN-P Bosch Rexroth AG 119/601
Rexroth IndraDrive MPx-02 to MPx-08 and HMV
The drive is in position control. The position control loop is closed in the drive
by means of a position encoder. The master only presets the position command
value characteristic.
When the operation mode is activated, any possible difference between current
actual position value and transmitted position command value is traveled in
drive-controlled form without lag error.
"Encoder 2" means that the encoder assigned via "P‑0‑0078, Assignment
optional encoder‑>optional slot" is used as control encoder.
See also Functional Description of firmware "Position Control With Cyclic
Command Value Input"
A0157 - Attributes Display: AF
Ident N°: A0157
The drive is in position control. The position control loop is closed in the drive
by means of a position encoder. The master only presets the position command
value characteristic.
When the operation mode is activated, any possible difference between current
actual position value and transmitted position command value is traveled in
drive-controlled form.
According to the axis controller control word (S-0-0520), the drive controls with
encoder 1 or encoder 2, laglessly or with lag error, with regard to the target
position to be approached (prerequisite: "P‑0‑0040, Velocity feedforward
See also Functional Description of firmware "Position Control With Cyclic Com‐
mand Value Input"
A0160 - Attributes Display: AF
Ident N°: A0160
120/601 Bosch Rexroth AG DOK-INDRV*-GEN-**VRS**-WA07-EN-P
Rexroth IndraDrive MPx-02 to MPx-08 and HMV
From the master the drive receives a position command value in parameter
"S‑0‑0282, Positioning command value". This distance, when the status of bit 0
of parameter "S‑0‑0346, Positioning command strobe" changes, is copied to
the value in "S‑0‑0430, Effective target position" or, in the case of relative input,
added to this value. The drive then generates (interpolates) an internal position
command value characteristic in order to get from the current position to this
target position. This is done considering the parameterized values for velocity,
acceleration and jerk in the parameters
● "S‑0‑0259, Positioning Velocity",
● "S‑0‑0260, Positioning Acceleration",
● "S‑0‑0359, Positioning Deceleration" and
● "S‑0‑0193, Positioning Jerk".
According to the axis controller control word, the drive controls with encoder 1
or encoder 2, laglessly or with lag error, with regard to the target position to be
approached (prerequisite: "P‑0‑0040, Velocity feedforward evaluation"=100%).
The command value profile is generated in the drive. Target position, velocity,
acceleration and jerk are determined by a programmed positioning block. Ac‐
cording to the parameterization of "P‑0‑4019, Positioning block mode", the
target position is understood as an absolute or relative distance.
According to the axis controller control word, the drive controls with encoder 1
or encoder 2, laglessly or with lag error, with regard to the target position to be
approached (prerequisite: "P‑0‑0040, Velocity feedforward evaluation"=100%).
The drive is in the "Position synchronization" mode. This means that the drive
is in position control and the position command values are derived from master
axis positions.
See also Functional Description of firmware "Synchronization Modes"
A0163 - Attributes Display: AF
Ident N°: A0163
The drive is in the "Velocity synchronization" mode. This means that the drive
is in velocity control and the velocity command values are derived from master
axis positions.
See also Functional Description of firmware "Synchronization Modes"
A0164 - Attributes Display: AF
Ident N°: A0164
The drive is in position control with systematic lag distance. Encoder 1 (motor
encoder) provides the actual value. The command value profile is generated in
the drive. Target position, velocity, acceleration and jerk are determined by a
previously programmed positioning block According to the parameterization of
"P‑0‑4019, Positioning block mode", the target position shall be understood as
being absolute or as relative distance.
See also Functional Description of firmware "Positioning Block Mode"
A0206 - Attributes Display: AF
Ident N°: A0206
122/601 Bosch Rexroth AG DOK-INDRV*-GEN-**VRS**-WA07-EN-P
Rexroth IndraDrive MPx-02 to MPx-08 and HMV
The drive is in position control without lag distance. Encoder 1 (motor encoder)
provides the actual value. The command value profile is generated in the drive.
Target position, velocity, acceleration and jerk are determined by a previously
programmed positioning block According to the parameterization of "P‑0‑4019,
Positioning block mode", the target position shall be understood as being ab‐
solute or as relative distance.
See also Functional Description of firmware "Positioning Block Mode"
A0207 - Attributes Display: AF
Ident N°: A0207
The drive is in position control with systematic lag distance. Encoder 2 provides
the actual value. The command value profile is generated in the drive. Target
position, velocity, acceleration and jerk are determined by a previously pro‐
grammed positioning block According to the parameterization of "P‑0‑4019,
Positioning block mode", the target position shall be understood as being ab‐
solute or as relative distance.
See also Functional Description of firmware "Positioning Block Mode"
A0210 - Attributes Display: AF
Ident N°: A0210
The drive is in position control without lag distance. Encoder 2 provides the
actual value. The command value profile is generated in the drive. Target po‐
sition, velocity, acceleration and jerk are determined by a previously program‐
med positioning block According to the parameterization of "P‑0‑4019,
Positioning block mode", the target position shall be understood as being ab‐
solute or as relative distance.
See also Functional Description of firmware "Positioning Block Mode"
DOK-INDRV*-GEN-**VRS**-WA07-EN-P Bosch Rexroth AG 123/601
Rexroth IndraDrive MPx-02 to MPx-08 and HMV
The readiness for quick stop and the detection of the quick stop signal internally
trigger the speed command value reset which causes the axis to be shut down.
This happens taking the following values into account:
● the current torque/force limit value for drives in closed-loop operation
● the maximum stator frequency change (P-0-0569) for drives in open-loop
In the case of quick stop, the drive ignores the setting of command values by
the control master, decelerates in a drive-controlled way and remains in a drive-
internal operating mode until the readiness for quick stop is reset.
See also Functional Description of firmware "Quick Stop via Probe Input"
A0403 - Attributes Display: AR
Ident N°: A0403
The mains contactor has been switched in, the DC bus has been charged, the
DC bus voltage is regulated to 750 V direct voltage.
The mains contactor has been switched in, the DC bus has been charged and
is ready for power output.
The DC bus is presently charged to the crest value of the mains voltage ("soft
start"). When the voltage in the DC bus has reached the crest value of the mains
voltage, the mains contactor is switched in.
The "DC bus short circuit" function (ZKS) was activated via the ter‐
minal strip X32 at the HMV.
There isn't any diagnostic message existing for the activated operating mode.
The drive
126/601 Bosch Rexroth AG DOK-INDRV*-GEN-**VRS**-WA07-EN-P
Rexroth IndraDrive MPx-02 to MPx-08 and HMV
This status is displayed on the control panel of the drive with "AE".
The drive-integrated PLC (MLD) has permanent (or temporary) control over the
drive; this means that the drive is controlled by the drive-integrated PLC.
See also Application Manual "Rexroth IndraMotion MLD"
A4002 - Attributes Display: AU
Ident N°: A4002
The "easy startup" mode is provided for controlling the drive manually.
When the "easy startup" mode has been activated, the display
switches between the drive address and the message "CM" (Com‐
missioning Mode).
In the "easy startup" mode, all motion commands of the PLC that is integrated
in the drive (IndraMotion MLD) or the master communication are ignored.
The drive is in velocity control mode; command values are specified via
"P‑0‑1460, PLC/setting-up mode, velocity command value".
A4003 - Attributes Display: AF
Ident N°: A4003
DOK-INDRV*-GEN-**VRS**-WA07-EN-P Bosch Rexroth AG 127/601
Rexroth IndraDrive MPx-02 to MPx-08 and HMV
Error Messages
8 Error Messages
8.1 Fatal System Errors (F9xxx and E-0000)
8.1.1 Behavior in the Case of Fatal System Errors
In the case of fatal system errors, there is a grave problem in the drive system
(e.g. watchdog error, processor crash, ...) which does no longer allow regular
operation of the drive. Due to a hardware or firmware error, the drive firmware
is no longer operable; clearing an error is no longer possible.
In this case the drive reacts automatically as follows:
Drive Behavior ● All digital outputs are set to "0".
Safety technology: Safe feedback is deactivated!
● The "ready for operation" relay opens, this also switches power off in case
the wiring is correct.
● The output stage is locked, this disables the drive torque.
● The brake output is deactivated; if a self-holding brake is used, it is applied!
● One of the following diagnostic messages is output at the display:
– F9xxx (fatal system errors)
– E8xxx (exceptions)
– or E-xxxx (processor error), e.g. E-0800 (detailed information in the
English language is output via the serial interface)
Putting the Drive Into Operation After a fatal system error has occurred, the drive can only be put into operation
again when:
1. The 24V supply is completely switched off and on so that a restart of the
drive is carried out (incl. booting process and initialization).
2. The drive is run up to the operating mode again.
3. Power is switched on again.
A fatal processor error (processor exception) occurred. The drive was switched
off by the firmware (torque-free).
"0000" is a wild card for hexadecimal error codes by means of which the Rexroth
service department can recognize the exact cause of the occurrence of the
Example "E-0220" means that an unauthorized (incorrect) interrupt call occurred.
128/601 Bosch Rexroth AG DOK-INDRV*-GEN-**VRS**-WA07-EN-P
Rexroth IndraDrive MPx-02 to MPx-08 and HMV
Error Messages
Cause Remedy
Error Messages
Cause Remedy
An error occurred in the firmware (general software error). The Please contact our service department.
drive was switched off by the firmware.
Cause Remedy
Firmware-side watchdog timer was triggered (general firm‐ Replace device, contact our service department
ware error). Drive was switched off by firmware.
An internal firmware error has occurred. The device was switched off by the
Cause Remedy
Error Messages
Cause "F8000" is a collective diagnostic message for the following fatal hardware er‐
● "F8060 Overcurrent in power section" and
● "F8069 +/-15Volt DC error"
Normally you won't see "F8000" on the display of the drive controller, because
"F8060 Overcurrent in power section" or "F8069 +/-15Volt DC error" will be
displayed shortly afterwards.
Reading Exact Cause of Error at An external control unit cannot recognize the exact cause of the error; the exact
External Control Unit cause of the error, however, can be detected via the service channel by re‐
peated reading of "S‑0‑0390, Diagnostic message number" and "S‑0‑0095,
Diagnostic message".
Remedy The respective cause is displayed in the diagnostic message which follows the
error F8000 ("F8060 Overcurrent in power section" or "F8069 +/-15Volt DC
DOK-INDRV*-GEN-**VRS**-WA07-EN-P Bosch Rexroth AG 131/601
Rexroth IndraDrive MPx-02 to MPx-08 and HMV
Error Messages
Error Reaction The error reaction defined for fatal errors (F8xxx) is immediately carried out
(see "Behavior in the Case of Fatal Error").
F8000 - Attributes Display: F8000
Ident N°: F8000
8.2.3 F8010 Autom. commutation: Max. motion range when moving back
Allocation Contained in 02VRS: «MPB» «MPH» «MPD»
Contained in 03VRS: «MPB» «MPH» «MPD»
Contained in 04VRS: «MPB» «MPH» «MPD»
Contained in 05VRS: «MPB» «MPH» «MPD»
Contained in 06VRS: «MPB» «MPH» «MPD» «MPC»
Contained in 07VRS: «MPB» «MPH» «MPD» «MPC»
Contained in 08VRS: «MPB» «MPH» «MPD» «MPC»
Supported by supply unit: «-»
The axis moved away from its initial position during the commutation setting
With the saturation method, this error is generated when the maximum motion
range was exceeded and "moving back to start position" had been set.
With the sine-wave method, this error is generated independent of the setting
"moving back to start position".
Cause Remedy
Positive feedback of motor; commutation offset determination Check motor encoder signals. To do this, move motor knowing
generated incorrect value for "P‑0‑0521, Effective commuta‐ manufacturer-side setting for sense of rotation or velocity po‐
tion offset". larity and check actual position values with regard to polarity
and validation.
If necessary, invert polarity of motor encoder or invert two mo‐
tor phases. Carry out commutation setting again.
Positive feedback of motor after motor replacement (servicing) Check whether direction of motion (sense of rotation) of motor
due to connection error. complies with that of motor encoder. If not, invert direction of
motion of motor (invert phases) or of motor encoder.
During commutation setting process, axis got into resonance. Set "search direction for sine-wave method" to "increase of
amplitude with priority" in "P‑0‑0522, Control word for com‐
mutation setting"
‑ or ‑
Reduce value in "P‑0‑0507, Test frequency for angle acquis‐
ition" in order modify excitation frequency for sine-wave meth‐
od compared to resonance frequency of axis.
Due to low friction of mechanical system, axis moved away With saturation method, switch off "moving back to start posi‐
from its initial position at start of commutation offset setting. tion", if possible on axis-side!
With sine-wave method, determine new start values for
P-0-0506 and P-0-0507! To do this, set P-0-0506 to "0" and
start command C1200!
Error Messages
The sine-wave method for commutation setting could not determine any value
for the commutation offset.
Cause Remedy
Axis could not carry out required motion Check axis for stiffness or blocking; if necessary, reduce fric‐
tion (lubrication, guiding device of trailing cable installation) or
remove blocking
‑ or ‑
Set "search direction for sine-wave method" to "increase of
amplitude with priority" in "P‑0‑0522, Control word for com‐
mutation setting"
‑ or ‑
Increase value in "P‑0‑0506, Amplitude for angle acquisition"
in order to increase excitation amplitude for sine-wave method
compared to frictional force of axis.
During commutation setting process, axis got into resonance Set "search direction for sine-wave method" to "increase of
frequency with priority" in "P‑0‑0522, Control word for com‐
mutation setting"
‑ or ‑
Reduce value in "P‑0‑0507, Test frequency for angle acquis‐
ition" in order modify excitation frequency for sine-wave meth‐
od compared to resonance frequency of axis
Motor has not been supplied with current Check motor connection
Sine-wave method without success, although axis has re‐ Try with manually input values if automatic search for motor-
quired freedom of motion and doesn't show any resonance specific values for "P‑0‑0506, Amplitude for angle acquisi‐
phenomena tion" and "P‑0‑0507, Test frequency for angle acquisition"
doesn't provide any result in spite of several repetitions.
Signals of motor encoder do not reflect motion process of axis; Check motor encoder signals. To do this move motor knowing
encoder cables of 2 drives possibly mixed up manufacturer-side setting for sense of rotation or velocity po‐
‑ or ‑ larity and check actual position values with regard to polarity
and validation.
Incorrect polarity of encoder signals
During commutation setting (sine-wave method) the axis left the allowed actual
position value range.
DOK-INDRV*-GEN-**VRS**-WA07-EN-P Bosch Rexroth AG 133/601
Rexroth IndraDrive MPx-02 to MPx-08 and HMV
Error Messages
Cause Remedy
Heavy axis motion due to too high drive torque or force gen‐ Reduce value contained in "P‑0‑0506, Amplitude for angle ac‐
eration during commutation setting quisition"
‑ and / or ‑
Increase value contained in "P‑0‑0507, Test frequency for an‐
gle acquisition"
External forces or torques cause axis to move out of allowed Check mechanical axis system for occurrence of external
actual position value range forces, e.g. due to trailing cable installation, vertical load etc.
Cogging force or torque causes axis to move out of allowed Make sure that, during commutation setting by means of sine-
actual position value range wave method, cogging forces of motor do not cause position
limits to be exceeded near limits of actual position value range
The actual current value amplitude resulting from commutation setting with the
saturation method is monitored. When it does not exceed a minimum threshold,
the error F8013 is generated.
Cause Remedy
Actual current value amplitude is not sufficient for exact de‐ Increase signal voltage ("P‑0‑0506, Amplitude for angle ac‐
termination of commutation offset quisition" or reduce signal frequency ("P‑0‑0507, Test fre‐
quency for angle acquisition" and restart commutation setting
‑ or ‑
Enter value "0" in "P‑0‑0506, Amplitude for angle acquisi‐
tion" Appropriate value for P‑0‑0506 is thereby automatically
determined during commutation setting process.
‑ or ‑
Reduce value of "P‑0‑0517, Commutation: required harmon‐
ics component", if approx. 30 similar values are determined
for "P‑0‑0521, Effective commutation offset" with repeated
commutation setting for different motor positions (drive re‐
mains in "Ab"). Reduce "P‑0‑0517, Commutation: required
harmonics component" until command error F8013 no longer
occurs; finally check function several times!
Error Messages
The actual current value amplitude resulting from automatic commutation offset
determination is monitored. When a maximum value is exceeded, the error
F8014 is generated.
Cause Remedy
Amplitude of actual current value is higher than allowed max‐ Reduce signal voltage ("P‑0‑0506, Voltage amplitude for an‐
imum current gle acquisition") or increase signal frequency ("P‑0‑0507, Test
frequency for angle acquisition").
‑ or ‑
With "P‑0‑0506, Voltage amplitude for angle acquisition"=0
start automatic determination of appropriate values.
Saturation Method During the execution of the automatic commutation offset determination (after
drive enable) an error was detected.
Cause Remedy
An error occurred in internal signal generator used for deter‐ Switch drive off and on again. If error continues to be signaled,
mining commutation offset. contact our service department.
Sine-Wave Method The commutation setting with motion by means of the sine-wave method is
completed when the axis, after commutation offset determination, has been
moved back to the initial position at which it was before the start. If this is im‐
possible, the error F8015 is generated.
Cause Remedy
Axis cannot be moved back to position at which it was at be‐ Check mechanical axis system, remove blocking or stiffness.
ginning of commutation determination.
Error Messages
Cause Remedy
Current generated during automatic commutation offset de‐ Check whether controller can supply motor with sufficiently
termination could not produce any saturation effect in motor. high current (cf. "S‑0‑0111, Motor current at standstill" and
Required maximum current is approx. 1.5-fold continuous cur‐ "S‑0‑0110, Amplifier peak current"). If maximum controller
rent at standstill ("S‑0‑0111, Motor current at standstill"). current is too low, drive controller has to be replaced by a big‐
ger one.
‑ or ‑
Change position of movable part of motor with regard to its
rigid part restart command "P‑0‑0524, C1200 Commutation
offset setting command".
‑ or ‑
Contact our service department and, if necessary, use an ab‐
solute measuring system, because motor characteristics do
not allow automatic commutation.
Error Messages
Cause Remedy
It was impossible to determine initial position of rotor. Check whether parameter values of sensorless positioning of
synchronous motors correspond to specification.
Rotor was moving during transient oscillation of rotor position Make sure that rotor does not turn during commutation proc‐
estimation. ess.
An error occurred when rotor angles determined before and Make sure that rotor does not turn during commutation proc‐
after commutation adjust were compared. ess.
‑ and/or ‑
Adjust parameter values of "P-0-0506, Amplitude for angle
acquisition", "P-0-0507, Test frequency for angle acquisition"
and "P-0-0517, Commutation: required harmonics compo‐
nent" or start search mode.
‑ and/or ‑
Check whether parameter values of sensorless positioning of
synchronous motors correspond to specification.
Determined commutation offset is wrong. Adjust parameter values of "P-0-0506, Amplitude for angle
‑ and/or ‑ acquisition", "P-0-0507, Test frequency for angle acquisition"
and "P-0-0517, Commutation: required harmonics compo‐
Rotor was moving during saturation method. nent" or start search mode.
The error can only be cleared when the device has cooled down.
Cause Remedy
Overtemperature (heat sink) due to overload of device Switch drive off and let it cool down. Check mechanical system
and drive sizing (on average, working power may not exceed
continuous power of drive)
For liquid-cooled devices: Check dimensioning of cooling sys‐
tem (see documentation with part number R911309636)
Ambient temperature too high. Specified performance data is Reduce ambient temperature, e.g. by cooling the control cab‐
valid up to an ambient temperature of 40 °C inet
DOK-INDRV*-GEN-**VRS**-WA07-EN-P Bosch Rexroth AG 137/601
Rexroth IndraDrive MPx-02 to MPx-08 and HMV
Error Messages
Cause Remedy
Heat sink of device is dirty Clean heat sink
Convection is prevented by other components or mounting Mount device vertically and provide sufficient space for venti‐
position in control cabinet lating heat sink
Device-internal blower failed If blower fails, replace device or power section
Failure of air conditioning for control cabinet Check air conditioning of control cabinet
Incorrect dimensioning of control cabinet with regard to heat Check dimensioning of control cabinet
For liquid-cooled devices: Connect cooling system
No cooling system connected
For liquid-cooled devices: Check cooling system and remove error
Error in cooling system, e.g. coolant pump defective or filter
clogged; thereby flow rate too small / inlet temperature of cool‐
ant too high
The signals of the measuring system (encoder 1) are monitored with regard to
their amplitudes and signal shape. If a signal (e.g. sin or cos) leaves the thresh‐
olds monitored by the hardware or if the signals are disturbed in such a way
that a position error occurs, the error F8022 is generated.
Cause Remedy
Defective encoder cable or cable shielding. Check cable to measuring system and replace it, if necessary.
Measuring system defective. Check measuring system and replace it, if necessary
Faulty mounting of measuring head in the case of linear meas‐ Check mounting of measuring head and correct it, if neces‐
uring systems. sary.
Measuring system dirty Clean or replace measuring system
Hardware defect on control section of drive. Replace control section or entire drive controller.
138/601 Bosch Rexroth AG DOK-INDRV*-GEN-**VRS**-WA07-EN-P
Rexroth IndraDrive MPx-02 to MPx-08 and HMV
Error Messages
The controller monitors the motor using model calculation and other means.
The input variables required for model calculation are checked for validity. Un‐
less the check is passed, this error message is generated.
Cause Remedy
Mechanical connection between motor rotor and motor en‐ Check and restore or repair connection
coder loose or broken
Phase failure in motor supply line ● Check motor supply line for continuity. Take potential
"loose contacts" into account.
● Check connection of motor supply line to controller.
● Check connection of motor supply line to motor.
● Line break in motor. Replace motor.
● Line break in controller. Replace controller.
Monitoring signal for encoder validity (P-0-0620) not within Re-determine commutation offset (see Functional Description
limits of P-0-0621 and P-0-0622 (upper and lower monitoring of firmware "Commutation Setting")
thresholds of encoder validity monitoring) because of incor‐
rectly set commutation offset
Monitoring signal for encoder validity (P-0-0620) not within Using P-0-0520, parameterize encoder validity monitoring lim‐
limits of P-0-0621 and P-0-0622 (upper and lower monitoring its such that monitoring range in working point of motor is not
thresholds of encoder validity monitoring) despite correctly set left (initiate oscilloscope measurement if necessary)
commutation offset
Synchronous motor: Commutation offset is inaccurate Re-determine commutation offset or start fine adjustment
Motor parameters are inaccurate Check motor parameters; increase "P‑0‑0520, Encoder
validation error threshold factor" if necessary
Error Messages
The DC bus voltage is monitored. When the allowed maximum value is excee‐
ded, the error F8025 is triggered in the case of carrier-signal-based determi‐
nation of the rotor position.
Cause Remedy
Energy regenerated to DC bus by mechanical machine sys‐ Reduce regenerative power by lower acceleration values.
tem during braking process was so high that supply unit – or –
couldn't dissipate it during regeneration time. This caused DC
bus voltage to rise to inadmissible value. Correct sizing of drive.
– or –
Sufficiently dimension supply unit as regards braking energy
requirements; if necessary, use additional braking resistor if
existing braking resistor has been under-dimensioned.
Mains supply voltage (alternating input voltage) too high. Check mains supply voltage (alternating voltage/3‑phase).
No braking resistor connected or connection or cable defec‐ Connect braking resistor or check connection.
F8xxx error at high speed (field weakening range) of a syn‐ Check whether braking resistance value in DC bus exceeds
chronous motor. maximum value allowed for motor; if necessary, reduce brak‐
ing resistance value to or below allowed value.
Incorrect parameterization of sensorless positioning of syn‐ Check whether parameter values of sensorless positioning of
chronous motors. synchronous motors correspond to specification.
Error Messages
Cause Remedy
Up to MPx06: "Starting lockout" was set with active control or Check control and connection of inputs "AS A", "AS B" and
drive enable was set with active "starting lockout" "AS n"
As of MPx07: Safety function "Safe torque off" was set with Check control and connection of inputs "STO A", "STO B" and
active control or drive enable was set with active safety func‐ "STO n"
tion "Safe torque off"
Cause Remedy
Up to MPx06: Drive enable was set while "drive interlock" or Do not set drive enable while drive is in one of the described
"safety related standstill" had been active states
‑ or ‑
Drive enable was set while drive was in error status "safety
related standstill error" due to internal safety technology error
The controller monitors the motor current (= controller output current) supplied
by the power section. When the controller output current is greater than the 1.2-
fold value of "S‑0‑0110, Amplifier peak current", the output stage of the power
section is locked.
Cause Remedy
Incorrect parameterization of sensorless positioning of syn‐ Check whether parameter values of sensorless positioning of
chronous motors. synchronous motors correspond to specification.
Rotor position incorrectly determined. Check whether preset limit values are complied with.
Possible causes:
● Acceleration outside of specification
● Maximum speed exceeded
● Error in control loop
Error Messages
Cause Remedy
In one of the following safety technology operating states or Before drive enable, make sure by means of P-0-3213 that
in internal error status, drive enable was set with safe torque drive no longer is in one of the mentioned safety technology
off: operating states or in internal error status
● "Safe stop 1" or
● "Safe stop 1 (Emergency stop)" or
● "Safe parking axis"
Cause Remedy
Defective encoder cable or cable shielding Check cable to measuring system and replace it, if necessary.
Encoder defective Check measuring system and replace it, if necessary.
Faulty mounting of measuring head in the case of linear meas‐ Check mounting of measuring head and correct it, if neces‐
uring systems sary.
142/601 Bosch Rexroth AG DOK-INDRV*-GEN-**VRS**-WA07-EN-P
Rexroth IndraDrive MPx-02 to MPx-08 and HMV
Error Messages
Cause Remedy
Measuring system dirty Replace measuring system
Hardware defect on control section of drive Replace control section or entire drive controller.
Cause Remedy
Power demanded by drives is too high Use drives with lower peak current
Power demanded by drives is too high Reduce allowed acceleration of axis or reduce final velocity to
which acceleration takes place
The current in the power transistors has exceeded the maximum allowed device
peak current (cf. "S‑0‑0110, Amplifier peak current").
Cause Remedy
External 24 V supply is not sufficiently overload-proof Check overload withstand capability of external 24 V power
supply unit and replace it, if necessary
Short circuit in motor or motor cable Check motor cable and motor for short circuit
DOK-INDRV*-GEN-**VRS**-WA07-EN-P Bosch Rexroth AG 143/601
Rexroth IndraDrive MPx-02 to MPx-08 and HMV
Error Messages
Cause Remedy
Power section of drive controller is defective Replace drive controller
Current loop parameterized differently Check current loop parameterization (cf. motor data sheet)
and correct it if necessary after having contacted our service
Voltage fluctuations in DC bus too high because system im‐ Reduce system impedance, e.g. increase feed wire cross sec‐
pedance too high tions
Restrictions of Correct Monitoring ● Safe monitoring of individual phases is only possible as of a speed com‐
Function mand value >10 rpm.
● The monitor is also triggered in the case of totally incorrect parameteri‐
zation of the motor (e.g. the setting in "P‑0‑4004, Magnetizing current" is
by far higher than the actually available magnetizing current).
Cause Remedy
At least one line phase of motor has not been connected to Check motor cable connection (assignment <‑> axis).
drive controller or line break occurred Check individual motor phases from connection at drive con‐
troller for line break and high ohmic resistance.
For a double-axis device, the two motor power connections Check whether assignment of motor connections is correct for
were interchanged or generally incorrect axis assignment was the axes.
made between motor and controller
Motor winding (U, V, W) has burned out Check motor winding by means of ohmmeter and replace mo‐
tor, if necessary.
144/601 Bosch Rexroth AG DOK-INDRV*-GEN-**VRS**-WA07-EN-P
Rexroth IndraDrive MPx-02 to MPx-08 and HMV
Error Messages
Cause Remedy
Motor incorrectly parameterized Compare motor data in drive to actual motor data (see also
Functional Description of firmware " Rexroth Motors" and "
Determining the Parameter Values of Third-Party Motors").
Power section defective Replace drive controller
Cause Remedy
Synchronization clock of bus master oscillates very much due Check external bus master and make sure synchronization
to software or hardware error [e.g. jitter of MST with SERCOS clock is error-free and constant.
(F2067 and F8067)].
Control section defective Replace control section or entire drive controller.
Internal timing problem in drive firmware Contact our service department for firmware update.
Error Messages
Cause Remedy
When the error F8070 occurs, the motors within the drive system
immediately go torque-free. Apply possibly existing self-holding
motor holding brakes.
Cause Remedy
Supply cable for control voltages defective Check and, if necessary, replace supply cable for control vol‐
tages and connector
Overload of 24 V power supply unit Check 24 V supply voltage at power supply unit
Power supply unit defective Check and, if necessary, replace power supply unit
Short circuit in 24 V supply wiring Check 24 V supply wiring for short circuit
Error Messages
Cause Remedy
Incorrect parameterization of sensorless positioning of syn‐ Check whether parameter values of sensorless positioning of
chronous motors. synchronous motors correspond to specification.
Rotor position incorrectly determined. Check whether preset limit values are complied with.
Possible causes:
● Acceleration too high
● Speed too high
● Instability in speed control loop
● Power line defective
The speed loop monitor is activated if the following conditions occur simulta‐
● "P-0-0049, Effective torque/force command value" is at the torque/force
● "P-0-0049, Effective torque/force command value" and actual velocity
have different signs.
● The actual velocity at the motor shaft is higher than 20 rpm (or 20 mm/min
for linear motors).
● Actual acceleration and control deviation have different signs.
Cause Remedy
Motor phases (U, V, W) interchanged so that commutation of Check motor cable connection and correct phase assignment,
motor is incorrect. if necessary.
Incorrect encoder arrangement Correct encoder arrangement (inverting rotational direction of
encoder can possibly resolve problem).
Speed loop setting incorrect Check speed loop setting according to Application Manual.
DOK-INDRV*-GEN-**VRS**-WA07-EN-P Bosch Rexroth AG 147/601
Rexroth IndraDrive MPx-02 to MPx-08 and HMV
Error Messages
Cause Remedy
Commutation offset incorrect Replace motor (in the case of MHD, MKD, MKE motors); in
the case of kit motors, make commutation settings.
Motor encoder defective Replace motor encoder (or motor)
Cause Remedy
"S‑0‑0040, Velocity feedback value" has exceeded the 1.125- Check and, if necessary, correct parameterization of
fold value of one of parameterized velocity limit values "S‑0‑0091, Bipolar velocity limit value", "S‑0‑0038, Positive
velocity limit value" and "S‑0‑0039, Negative velocity limit
As of MPx06: Within parameterized standstill window
(S‑0‑0124), actual velocity is not monitored for resulting limits
from S‑0‑0091, S‑0‑0038 and S‑0‑0039.
Velocity control loop unstable or too heavily oscillating due to Check and, if necessary, correct parameterization of velocity
incorrect parameterization loop
Preset velocity command value too high (cf. Reduce "P‑0‑0048, Effective velocity command value" by ad‐
P‑0‑0048 = "S‑0‑0036, Velocity command value" + "S‑0‑0037, justing "S‑0‑0036, Velocity command value" or "S‑0‑0037,
Additive velocity command value") Additive velocity command value"
During the initialization of the power section, the drive tries to access the power
section parameters.
These are the following parameters:
● S-0-0140, Controller type
● P-0-0809, Properties of charging circuit
● P-0-0859, Data of internal braking resistor
● P-0-1510, Circuit board code power section
● P-0-1519, Module code of power section
148/601 Bosch Rexroth AG DOK-INDRV*-GEN-**VRS**-WA07-EN-P
Rexroth IndraDrive MPx-02 to MPx-08 and HMV
Error Messages
Cause Remedy
One of power section parameters is invalid (e.g. checksum Check content of list "S‑0‑0021, IDN list of invalid operating
error) or contains inadmissible value. data for communication phase 2", write down IDNs it contains
(IDNs/parameters) and then please contact Rexroth service
As of MPx04VRS: Check/correct settings in "P‑0‑0860, Converter configura‐
Incorrect parameter setting when using device tion" (bit 15);
"HAC01" (SERCOS analog converter). reboot device "HAC01" after having changed parameter set‐
Control section and/or power section defective. Replace drive controller
During the initialization of the drive the control section is checked for correct
function. An error was detected during this check.
Cause Remedy
Control section configuration not allowed because an optional Switch drive off and on again. If error occurs again, replace
module (e.g. optional module 1...4, master communication,...) control section (e.g. CSH01.1 or CDB01.1) by different control
is not supported by firmware. section with appropriate configuration.
If necessary, contact our service department.
Firmware used is not suitable (e.g. MPH02VRS for double- Select suitable firmware by means of Functional Description
axis control section), i.e. hardware and software do not match. or Version Notes/Release Notes (see "supported control sec‐
tion configurations").
Hardware defect on control section Switch drive off and on again. If error still occurs, contact our
service department and, if necessary, replace control section
or entire drive controller.
Error Messages
See also Project Planning Manual for control section, keyword "Type Code".
F8100 - Attributes Display: F8100
Ident N°: F8100
During the initialization of the drive the power section is checked for correct
function. An error was detected during this check.
Cause Remedy
Hardware and firmware do not match Check Firmware Release Notes or Firmware Version Notes
and, if necessary, use latest firmware release.
Parameter "P‑0‑1510, Circuit board code power section" stor‐ Switch drive off and on again. If error occurs again, check
ed on power section is invalid or was incorrectly written. content of "P‑0‑1510, Circuit board code power section" and
contact our service department!
Maybe you have to replace power section or entire drive con‐
Hardware defect on power section Replace power section or entire drive controller.
Cause Remedy
Error Messages
Cause Remedy
During firmware replacement, there is an attempt to copy firm‐ Use firmware that matches control section
ware to controller which does not match
Inappropriate control section Use control section that matches firmware
Safety technology incorrectly configured for double-axis de‐ Check control section configuration
Cause Remedy
Hardware of control section is defective Replace control section or entire drive controller; use hard‐
ware configuration of same type
Error Messages
Cause Remedy
Firmware of an optional module programmed in invalid form Carry out firmware update (again). If error occurs repeatedly,
– or ‑ it is necessary to replace control section or drive controller
Cause Remedy
Programming of firmware for optional safety technology mod‐ Make firmware update
ule is invalid
An error occurred during firmware update Restart firmware update.
If error message is displayed again, replace control section
with control section of same type, if you are authorized to do
this! Otherwise entire drive controller has to be replaced.
In order to lock the output stage in a safe way when the safety technology has
detected an error, the correct functioning of the interrupting circuit is cyclically
checked. This is done on the one hand during the actions "release output
stage" and "lock output stage", on the other hand statically while the output
152/601 Bosch Rexroth AG DOK-INDRV*-GEN-**VRS**-WA07-EN-P
Rexroth IndraDrive MPx-02 to MPx-08 and HMV
Error Messages
Cause Remedy
An error was detected during check of interrupting circuit Switch power supply off and on again.
If error occurs repeatedly, replace control section or entire
drive controller
A check detected that the motor holding brake or the redundant holding brake,
with the drive torque-free, has not been controlled for the purpose of applying
it or has not been applied.
Cause Remedy
Error in wiring between control section, control module and Check wiring
redundant holding brake
Hardware error of control module or error in mechanical sys‐ Replace hardware
tem of redundant holding brake
Error in parameterization Check parameterization
Error Messages
During the stopping process, the drive is not able to come to standstill within
the parameterized limits.
Ursache Abhilfe
In the case of drive-controlled transition to standstill from nor‐ Select useful value for parameter "P-0-3282, Safely-
mal operation, special mode motion or in the case of error, monitored deceleration"
drive is not able to reach standstill with deceleration parame‐
terized in"P-0-3282, Safely-monitored deceleration".
Cause Remedy
"Error reaction active" has been set in "P‑0‑1600, CCD: con‐ Localize faulty slave and remove cause of error for this slave.
figuration" and an F8 error occurred in a slave.
In the booting phase of the drive, a basic initialization is carried out on both
safety technology channels.
154/601 Bosch Rexroth AG DOK-INDRV*-GEN-**VRS**-WA07-EN-P
Rexroth IndraDrive MPx-02 to MPx-08 and HMV
Error Messages
Cause Remedy
Basic initialization on channel 2 is incorrect or internal com‐ Execute command "C0720 Load defaults procedure
mand was aborted with timeout command (safety technology) " and reset optional safety tech‐
- or - nology module (switch control voltage off and then on again)
When using the optional module "safety technology I/O" (S1) (up to
MPx06) or "Safe Motion" (S2) (as of MPx07), you can, in addition
to the error message, obtain detailed information with regard to the
cause of the error or the error location. For this purpose, evaluate
parameter "P-0-3219, Diagnostic safety technology message".
Up to MPx06: See "Extended Diagnosis (P‑0‑3219)".
As of MPx07: See "Extended Diagnosis (P‑0‑3219) as of MPx07".
All safety technology parameters are protected against incorrect input ‑ which
is similar to the use of a password ‑ because they have to be input twice.
The time and control word parameters required for initialization are read from
their parameter memory after the drive has been switched on and the two dou‐
ble elements are compared.
● P‑0‑3210, Safety technology configuration
DOK-INDRV*-GEN-**VRS**-WA07-EN-P Bosch Rexroth AG 155/601
Rexroth IndraDrive MPx-02 to MPx-08 and HMV
Error Messages
Cause Remedy
A memory cell was overwritten by mistake Reset command "C0720 Load defaults procedure command
(safety technology) " and optional safety technology module
(switch control voltage off and then on again)
Note: Command "C0720 Load defaults procedure command
(safety technology)" overwrites user-defined safety technolo‐
gy settings! Only use this command if you want to commission
safety technology again
Firmware defect on optional safety technology module If command error occurs repeatedly, safety technology firm‐
ware has to be replaced
Hardware defect on optional safety technology module If command error occurs repeatedly, optional safety technol‐
ogy module has to be replaced
After the power supply had been switched on, a wiring error of the mains choke
(e.g. incorrect phase sequence of the mains phases) was detected.
156/601 Bosch Rexroth AG DOK-INDRV*-GEN-**VRS**-WA07-EN-P
Rexroth IndraDrive MPx-02 to MPx-08 and HMV
Error Messages
Cause Remedy
Mains choke was incorrectly connected Check and correct connection of mains choke; connections to
mains choke must be as short as possible and twisted
→ See also documentation "Drive System, Project Planning
Manual", chapter "Connection to Mains Choke and Mains Fil‐
ter" (for an overview of reference documentations on the drive
system and the system components, see: "Reference Docu‐
Cause Remedy
Hardware error in power section Switch device off and then on again.
If error occurs repeatedly, replace device
The error F8838 is generated when the current in the braking resistor circuit is
rising in an inadmissible way.
Cause Remedy
Resistance value of connected braking resistor is too low. Connect braking resistor unit with higher resistance value
(take specification into account!).
Short circuit at braking resistor connection. Remove short circuit
Error Messages
Up to MPx-03V18 Up to the firmware MPx-03V18, the drive is shut down as quickly as possible
in case of safety technology errors (F7xxx), i.e., independently of the settings
in "P‑0‑0119, Best possible deceleration"; the drive is brought to a standstill by
a velocity command value reset (see also MPx02 and MPx03 Functional De‐
scriptions, index entry "Error reaction").
As of Firmware MPx-03V20 As of firmware MPx-03V20, the error reaction in case of safety technology er‐
rors (F7xxx) can be parameterized via the configuration bit "reaction to F7
error" in "P‑0‑3210, Safety technology configuration"; the error reaction
"velocity command value reset" is activated by default but can be deactivated
so that the drive immediately goes torque-free when an F7 error occurs.
When using the optional module "safety technology I/O" (S1) (up to
MPx06) or "Safe Motion" (S2) (as of MPx07), you can, in addition
to the error message, obtain detailed information with regard to the
cause of the error or the error location. For this purpose, evaluate
parameter "P-0-3219, Diagnostic safety technology message".
Up to MPx06: See "Extended Diagnosis (P‑0‑3219)".
As of MPx07: See "Extended Diagnosis (P‑0‑3219) as of MPx07".
2. The error message was cleared by the error clearing command (cf.
"S‑0‑0099, C0500 Reset class 1 diagnostics").
3. The drive is in the operating mode again and power was switched on again
4. Drive enable was switched on again (0‑1 edge).
158/601 Bosch Rexroth AG DOK-INDRV*-GEN-**VRS**-WA07-EN-P
Rexroth IndraDrive MPx-02 to MPx-08 and HMV
Error Messages
In the special mode "safe motion" with configured safety function "Safely-limited
increment", the monitoring function makes sure that the values do not leave the
parameterized position window (increment).
The bipolar position window is activated with the start of the special mode. For
the duration of the special mode, the drive can freely move within the limits of
the position window.
Cause Remedy
At least one of the position windows relevant for special mode Check parameterization of position windows and adjust it to
"safe motion" has been incorrectly parameterized desired travel targets.
Position window:
● "P‑0‑3243, Safely-limited increment 1" or
● "P‑0‑3253, Safely-limited increment 2" or
● "P‑0‑3263, Safely-limited increment 3" or
● "P‑0‑3273, Safety related limited increment 4"
After troubleshooting, start command "S‑0‑0099, C0500
Reset class 1 diagnostics" in order to clear error an then set
drive enable again
Command value input is incorrect; i.e. drive moves to invalid Check command value input in control unit and adjust target
target positions positions according to travel range or required target posi‐
After troubleshooting, start command "S‑0‑0099, C0500
Reset class 1 diagnostics" in order to clear error an then set
drive enable again
Error Messages
In special mode "safe motion" with configured safety function "safety related
limited absolute position" (up to MPx06) or "Safely-monitored position" (as of
MPx07), the parameterized position limit value was exceeded in positive direc‐
Cause Remedy
In safety function "special mode motion", value parameterized Check command value input and adjust it according to para‐
in parameter meterized position limit values
● "P‑0‑3241, Safely-monitored position 1, positive" or – or –
● "P‑0‑3251, Safely-monitored position 2, positive" was Check parameter setting and change it, if necessary.
exceeded Afterwards start command "S‑0‑0099, C0500 Reset class 1
diagnostics" in order to clear error and then set drive enable
In the special mode "safe motion" with configured safety function "safety related
limited absolute position" (up to MPx06) or "Safely-monitored position" (as of
MPx07), the parameterized position limit value was exceeded in negative di‐
Cause Remedy
In special mode "safe motion", value parameterized in Check command value input and adjust it according to para‐
● "P‑0‑3242, Safely-monitored position 1, negative" or meterized position limit values
Error Messages
In the special mode "safe motion", a parameterized velocity threshold was ex‐
Cause Remedy
In special mode "safe motion", velocity threshold parameter‐ Check command value input and adjust it according to pa‐
ized in rameter setting
● "P‑0‑3244, Safely-limited speed 1" ‑ or ‑
or Check parameter setting and change it, if necessary.
● "P‑0‑3254, Safely-limited speed 2" Afterwards start command "S‑0‑0099, C0500 Reset class 1
or diagnostics" in order to clear error and then set drive enable
● "P‑0‑3264, Safely-limited speed 3"
● "P‑0‑3274, Safely-limited speed 4"
was exceeded
Cause Remedy
In special mode "safe motion" (with activated safety function Check command value input and adjust it according to parameter
"Safely-monitored transient oscillation") the "Safely-limited setting
speed" (P‑0‑3247, P‑0‑3257, P‑0‑3267 or P‑0‑3277) was ‑ or ‑
exceeded longer than the tolerance time set (P‑0‑3248,
P‑0‑3258, P‑0‑3268 or P‑0‑3278). Check parameter setting and change it, if necessary.
Afterwards start command "S‑0‑0099, C0500 Reset class 1
diagnostics" in order to clear error and then set drive enable
Error Messages
When monitoring of the safe maximum speed has been configured (see
"P‑0‑3239, Configuration of global safety technology functions"), the drive in
normal operation and in special mode monitors the current actual velocity.
When the velocity threshold parameterized in "P‑0‑3234, Safe maximum
speed" is exceeded, the error F7020 is generated.
Cause Remedy
Velocity threshold was incorrectly parameterized Check and, if necessary, increase parameter setting of
"P‑0‑3234, Safe maximum speed"
Incorrect command value input; i.e. velocity command value Check command value input in control unit or, for drive-inter‐
too high nal interpolation, check parameterized positioning data (cf.
"S‑0‑0259, Positioning velocity" or "P‑0‑4007, Positioning
block velocity")
With active safety function "Safely-limited position", axis was Home axis safely
moved without safe reference faster than 20 % of safe maxi‐ ‑ or ‑
mum speed
Do not exceed allowed speed
With active safety technology, the drive in normal operation and in special mode
monitors the current position in a safe way, when the safety function "safety
related limited absolute end position" (up to MPx06) or "Safely-limited
position" (as of MPx07) has been parameterized.
Cause Remedy
Position parameterized in "P‑0‑3235, Safely-limited position, Start command "S‑0‑0099, C0500 Reset class 1
positive" or "P‑0‑3236, Safely-limited position, negative" has diagnostics" in order to clear error. Then set drive enable again
been exceeded and move axis to allowed position range.
162/601 Bosch Rexroth AG DOK-INDRV*-GEN-**VRS**-WA07-EN-P
Rexroth IndraDrive MPx-02 to MPx-08 and HMV
Error Messages
In the safety function "safety related operational stop" (up to MPx06) or "Safe
stop 2" (as of MPx07), the axis is monitored for standstill. The bipolar position
window used for this purpose is activated with the start of the safety related
operational stop/Safe stop 2.
Cause Remedy
"P‑0‑3230, Monitoring window for safe stop 2" incorrectly par‐ Change parameterization of "P‑0‑3230, Monitoring window for
ameterized safe stop 2" in useful way
"P-0-3233, Velocity threshold for safe standstill" incorrectly Change parameterization of "P-0-3233, Velocity threshold for
parameterized safe standstill" in useful way
Incorrect command values are preset by drive or external con‐ Check command value input and adjust it according to pa‐
trol unit rameter setting
While safety function "Safe direction" is executed, the drive is monitored with
regard to whether it inadmissibly moves against the parameterized direction of
motion by more than the distance parameterized in "P‑0‑3232, Standstill
window for safe direction". If yes, error F7031 is generated.
DOK-INDRV*-GEN-**VRS**-WA07-EN-P Bosch Rexroth AG 163/601
Rexroth IndraDrive MPx-02 to MPx-08 and HMV
Error Messages
Cause Remedy
Incorrect command value input Adjust command value input according to parameterized di‐
rection of motion and monitoring window "P‑0‑3232, Standstill
window for safe direction"
Incorrect parameterization of direction of motion Check parameter setting for direction of motion and change it,
if necessary.
● "P‑0‑3239, Configuration of global safety technology
● "P‑0‑3240, Configuration of safe motion 1"
● "P‑0‑3250, Configuration of safe motion 2"
● "P‑0‑3260, Configuration of safe motion 3"
● "P‑0‑3270, Configuration of safe motion 4"
Incorrect parameterization of "P‑0‑3232, Standstill window for Check parameterization of "P‑0‑3232, Standstill window for
safe direction" safe direction" and change it, if necessary
A cyclic check is run in order to find out whether the thresholds in the internal
monitoring functions comply with the values parameterized in the safety mem‐
ory. The check detects errors that can occur due to subsequent change of
scaling or accidental overwriting. The values are required for all safety moni‐
toring functions and are of fundamental importance for the functioning of safety
Cause Remedy
Safety parameters were changed without afterwards having Execute "P‑0‑3204, C3000 Synchronize and store safety tech‐
been synchronized nology IDN command" (channel 2 applies parameters of chan‐
nel 1; internal values are recalculated and loaded).
Executing the command "C3000 Synchronize and store safety
technology IDN" increases the change counter of the safety
technology memory (P-0-3201). It is therefore necessary to
carry out the acceptance test again.
Start command "S‑0‑0099, C0500 Reset class 1 diagnos‐
tics" in order to clear error an then set drive enable again.
Hardware defect causes incorrect parameter contents Replace control section or entire drive controller
164/601 Bosch Rexroth AG DOK-INDRV*-GEN-**VRS**-WA07-EN-P
Rexroth IndraDrive MPx-02 to MPx-08 and HMV
Error Messages
Cause Remedy
Actual position values determined on channel 1 and channel 2 Start command "S‑0‑0099, C0500 Reset class 1 diagnos‐
are differing tics" in order to clear error and then set drive enable again.
If error occurs repeatedly, replace control section or entire
drive controller.
The active safety technology operating states of channel 1 and channel 2 are
cyclically and via two channels checked for validity.
If the two channels differ for more than 5 seconds, the error F7042 is generated.
Cause Remedy
Criteria for transition to new safety technology operating sta‐ Check time, velocity or position thresholds relevant for re‐
tus selected have not been fulfilled in one channel; this chan‐ spective transition and adjust them, if necessary.
nel remains in old status ‑ the other channel already went to
new safety technology operating status.
Control section is defective Replace control section or entire drive controller.
DOK-INDRV*-GEN-**VRS**-WA07-EN-P Bosch Rexroth AG 165/601
Rexroth IndraDrive MPx-02 to MPx-08 and HMV
Error Messages
When the output stage is activated, the correct functioning of the output stage
incl. control is checked. If an error is detected during the function check, the
error F7043 is generated.
Cause Remedy
During the transition of the drive from normal operation to a special mode "safe
standstill" [or to "drive interlock" (up to MPx06)/to "Safe stop 1 (Emergency
stop)" (as of MPx07)], the following check is run:
After the duration entered in
● "P‑0‑3220, Tolerance time transition from normal operation" or
● "P‑0‑3225, Tolerance time transition from safe operation"
is over, the actual velocity is checked with regard to the velocity threshold en‐
tered in "P‑0‑3233, Velocity threshold for safe standstill".
Error Messages
Cause Remedy
Cause Remedy
If transitions between safety technology operating states are Adjust command value input (deceleration caused by NC) to
NC-controlled (P‑0‑3210, bit 4="0"), deceleration caused by values parameterized in P‑0‑3220/P‑0‑3225
NC is insufficient Adjust P‑0‑3226
If transitions between safety technology operating states are Check parameterization of drive deceleration (P‑0‑0119)
drive-controlled (P‑0‑3210, bit 4="1"), deceleration caused by Check torque limitation
drive is insufficient
If "drive reaction to errors of category F3" is set, deceleration Check parameterization of drive deceleration (P‑0‑0119)
caused by drive is insufficient Check torque limitation
Actual velocity overshooting ● Check controller setting and adjust if necessary
● As of MPx05: Check parameterization of P‑0‑3226 and
DOK-INDRV*-GEN-**VRS**-WA07-EN-P Bosch Rexroth AG 167/601
Rexroth IndraDrive MPx-02 to MPx-08 and HMV
Error Messages
Cause Remedy
Selection of safety technology operating states during accel‐ ● If possible avoid selecting safety technology operating
eration procedures states during acceleration procedures
● As of MPx07V10: Activate monitoring variant"Safely-
monitored transient oscillation" (P‑0‑3210, bit 6="1").
Incorrect parameterization Check parameter settings and change them, if necessary:
● P‑0‑3282, Safely-monitored deceleration
● "P‑0‑3220, Tolerance time transition from normal
operation" or "P‑0‑3225, Tolerance time transition from
safe operation"
● "P‑0‑3226, Delay Safely-monitored deceleration" (as of
● "P‑0‑3210, Safety technology configuration", bit 6 (as of
Error Messages
Absolute initialization of the effective master axis position (P‑0‑0776) was not
possible with activated operation mode "Position synchronization".
Cause Remedy
When operation mode "Position synchronization" is activated, Adjust "P‑0‑0084, Number of bits per master axis revolution"
the resulting master axis position (P-0-0775) is multiplied by ‑ or ‑
the electronic gear and the fine adjustments and is then limited
to 2P‑0‑0084 increments (one revolution of the master axis). If Select P‑0‑0775 with activated operation mode "Position syn‐
the amount of the result that is not yet limited to 2P‑0‑0084 in‐ chronization" such that the requirement described under
crements exceeds a value of 231-1 increments, the effective "Cause" is met
master axis position (P‑0‑0776) is initialized incorrectly. In this (See also Functional Description "Master Axis Adjustment" /
case, the drive generates error F6006. index entry "Gear function, electronic")
The PLC integrated in the drive (Rexroth IndraMotion MLD) triggers the error
F6010 in the case of runtime errors or task watchdog.
Error Reaction All tasks of the PLC are stopped. The drive is always shut down with velocity
command value reset; i.e. the error reaction cannot be parameterized by the
DOK-INDRV*-GEN-**VRS**-WA07-EN-P Bosch Rexroth AG 169/601
Rexroth IndraDrive MPx-02 to MPx-08 and HMV
Error Messages
Runtime error in PLC program. Runtime monitor (watchdog) Remove error by modifying program (correct a possibly exist‐
for a task has been activated. In this task, processing was not ing infinite loop)
completed in the preset time. The following actions according to application:
● Increase task cycle time or
● Increase watchdog time or reduce watchdog sensitivity
(higher number)
● Optimize program structure
● Deactivate compilation option "Debugging" (increases
processing velocity of PLC program)
Division by "0" Modify PLC program: Remove division by "0"
Array limits exceeded Modify PLC program: Check and correct array access
A subrange type has been exceeded Modify PLC program: Eliminate incorrect assignment
Invalid access with a pointer in PLC program. As of MPx05, Modify PLC program: Eliminate incorrect assignment
every access with pointer is monitored. Access outside of PLC
data ranges cause this error
Error in system event Modify PLC program: Modify incorrect use or programming –
on this topic, see notes in task configuration
PLC project too big for memory Reduce project size or use control section with bigger code
Boot project could not be loaded, as it is incompatible with Recreate project with corresponding target
As of MPx05V08: Corrupt retain data were detected Save P-0-1359 again and reload project. If error occurs re‐
peatedly, replace control section or drive controller
Error Messages
The drive checks automatically whether the motor, after drive enable has been
switched off or when an error event occurs, was shut down within the delay time
parameterized in "S‑0‑0273, Maximum drive off delay time".
If not, error F6024 is generated.
Closed-Loop "Shut down" means that the velocity of the motor is smaller than 10 rpm (rotary)/
10 mm/min (linear) or the velocity of the motor is smaller than the standstill
window (S‑0‑0124), when S‑0‑0124 is smaller than 10 rpm (rotary)/10 mm/min
Open-Loop ● D.C. braking is deactivated: (P‑0‑0579 = "0"):
"Shut down" means that the calculated actual velocity of the motor is
smaller than 10 rpm (rotary)/10 mm/min (linear).
● D.C. braking is activated: (P‑0‑0579 > "0"):
"Shut down" means that
– the calculated actual velocity of the motor is smaller than 10 rpm
(rotary)/10 mm/min (linear) and
– the torque-producing current has fallen to 20% of its nominal value,
the D.C. braking time has elapsed (P‑0‑0579 = "0").
The error reaction of the drive depends on the brake type (see P‑0‑0525):
● Servo brake
– The drive internally presets a velocity command value of "0" and the
holding brake applies.
– After the time preset in "S‑0‑0207, Drive off delay time" is over, the
drive is torque- or force-free.
● Main spindle brake
– The drive goes torque- or force-free, the drive enable signal is switch‐
ed off internally.
– The brake applies, when the velocity is smaller than 10 rpm (rotary)/
10 mm/min (linear).
Cause Remedy
Incorrect parameterization of "S‑0‑0273, Maximum drive off Adjust delay time (S‑0‑0273) or acceleration (S‑0‑0372) to ac‐
delay time" or "S‑0‑0372, Drive Halt acceleration bipolar" celeration capacity of drive
Torque/force limitation incorrectly parameterized or current Check torque/force limitation and current limitation (see also
limitation active due to thermal overload Functional Description of firmware "Current and Torque/Force
DOK-INDRV*-GEN-**VRS**-WA07-EN-P Bosch Rexroth AG 171/601
Rexroth IndraDrive MPx-02 to MPx-08 and HMV
Error Messages
Cause Remedy
Incorrect motor connection Check and, if necessary, correct motor connection
Hardware defect on power section Replace control section or entire drive controller
The drive provides a function for monitoring an allowed travel range by means
of software limit switches that can be parameterized.
Cause Remedy
Command value set for drive causes axis position outside of 1. Clear error and switch power on.
positive travel range/position limit value ("S‑0‑0049, Positive 2. Set drive enable and input a command value leading
position limit value" or "S‑0‑0050, Negative position limit val‐ back to allowed travel range.
Contact machine manufacturer in order to find out cause
of incorrect command value.
"S‑0‑0049, Positive position limit value" or "S‑0‑0050, Nega‐ Check and, if necessary, correct parameter setting of
tive position limit value" incorrectly parameterized "S‑0‑0049, Positive position limit value" or "S‑0‑0050, Nega‐
tive position limit value".
When the position limit values are at the end of possible travel Increase "S‑0‑0278, Maximum travel range"
range (+/- "S‑0‑0278, Maximum travel range"), exceeding of ‑ or ‑
travel range can no longer be unequivocally detected by
means of actual position values. Therefore, overflow monitor‐ Reduce position limit values so that defined deceleration is still
ing is carried out which generates error possible within defined travel range.
Error Messages
The drive provides a function for monitoring an allowed travel range by means
of software limit switches that can be parameterized.
Cause Remedy
Command value set for drive causes axis position outside of 1. Clear error and switch power on.
positive travel range/position limit value ("S‑0‑0049, Positive 2. Set drive enable and preset command value that leads
position limit value"). back to the allowed travel range.
Contact machine manufacturer in order to clarify cause
of incorrect command value.
"S‑0‑0049, Positive position limit value" incorrectly parame‐ Check and, if necessary, correct parameterization of
terized. "S‑0‑0049, Positive position limit value".
The drive provides a function for monitoring an allowed travel range by means
of software limit switches that can be parameterized.
DOK-INDRV*-GEN-**VRS**-WA07-EN-P Bosch Rexroth AG 173/601
Rexroth IndraDrive MPx-02 to MPx-08 and HMV
Error Messages
Cause Remedy
Command value set for drive causes axis position outside of 1. Clear error and switch power on
negative travel range/position limit value ("S‑0‑0050, Negative 2. Set drive enable and preset command value that leads
position limit value"). back to the allowed travel range.
Contact machine manufacturer in order to clarify cause
of incorrect command value.
"S‑0‑0050, Negative position limit value" incorrectly parame‐ Check and, if necessary, correct parameterization of
terized "S‑0‑0050, Negative position limit value".
Cause Remedy
E-Stop input was controlled (0 V at digital input) Remove failure that caused E-Stop to be triggered and clarify
cause of triggering
Incorrect parameterization of digital inputs and outputs on Check configuration of digital inputs/outputs and correct it, if
control section necessary
174/601 Bosch Rexroth AG DOK-INDRV*-GEN-**VRS**-WA07-EN-P
Rexroth IndraDrive MPx-02 to MPx-08 and HMV
Error Messages
Cause Remedy
E-Stop switch or cable connection defective or incorrectly Check function and wiring of E-Stop switch
Control section or digital inputs on control section defective Replace control section or entire drive controller
The compliance with the allowed travel range is monitored on the hardware side
via two travel range limit switches. When the travel range has been exceeded,
one of the two limit switches is activated, if the limit switches were correctly
The error F6042 is generated, if
● the controller detects that both travel range limit switches have been si‐
multaneously activated and
● exceeding the travel range is handled as an error (setting in "P‑0‑0090,
Travel range limit parameter")
Cause Remedy
Due to incorrect mounting, axis simultaneously activates both Mount travel range limit switches in such a way that they are
travel range limit switches activated shortly before axis end position is reached. Make
sure the braking distance is sufficient.
Travel range limit switches were incorrectly connected Connect travel range limit switches correctly; check compli‐
ance with switching logic set in "P‑0‑0090, Travel range limit
Switching logic of travel range limit switches does not corre‐ Check switching logic with regard to realized wiring, adjust it
spond to realized wiring in "P‑0‑0090, Travel range limit parameter" if necessary
Error Messages
The drive provides a function for monitoring travel range limit switches (external
hardware limit switches).
Cause Remedy
Travel range limit switch situated in positive direction (see 1. Clear error (reset button or error clearing command) and
Project Planning Manual for motor) was activated because switch power on.
axis is outside of travel range that was defined by means of 2. Set drive enable and preset command value that leads
travel range limit switches. back to the allowed travel range.
Incorrect parameterization of digital inputs and outputs on Correct configuration of digital inputs/outputs and correct it, if
control section necessary.
Travel range limit switch or cable is defective or incorrectly Check function and wiring of travel range limit switch.
Control section or digital inputs on control section defective Replace control section or entire drive controller.
The drive provides a function for monitoring travel range limit switches (external
hardware limit switches).
176/601 Bosch Rexroth AG DOK-INDRV*-GEN-**VRS**-WA07-EN-P
Rexroth IndraDrive MPx-02 to MPx-08 and HMV
Error Messages
Cause Remedy
Travel range limit switch situated in negative direction (see 1. Clear error (reset button or error clearing command) and
Project Planning Manual for motor) was activated because switch power on.
axis is outside of travel range that was defined by means of 2. Set drive enable and preset command value that leads
travel range limit switches. back to the allowed travel range.
Incorrect parameterization of digital inputs and outputs on Correct configuration of digital inputs/outputs and correct it, if
control section. necessary.
Travel range limit switch or cable is defective or incorrectly Check function and wiring of travel range limit switch.
Control section or digital inputs on control section defective. Replace control section or entire drive controller.
Cause Remedy
"Error reaction active" has been set in" P‑0‑1600, CCD: con‐ Localize faulty slave and remove cause of error for this slave.
figuration" and an F6 or F7 error occurred in a slave; CCD
master reacts with emergency halt (velocity command value
Error Messages
Master Communication SERCOS II The master synchronization telegram (MST) was not received in the drive in
two successive SERCOS cycles.
Cause Remedy
Disturbance in fiber optic transmission line Check all fiber optic cable connections in SERCOS ring and
replace them, if necessary
Attenuation of light signals too high Measure attenuation of fiber optic cable again (if necessary,
increase transmission power via P-0-4027).
Maximum attenuation between TX and RX mustn't exceed
12.5 dB!
Different SERCOS cycle times in master and slave Check SERCOS cycle times in master and slave and adjust
them, if necessary
Disturbance in SERCOS interface (general) Replace control section or entire drive
Master Communication SERCOS The master synchronization telegram (MST) was not received in the drive in
III several successive SERCOS cycles. The number of allowed losses is set in
Cause Remedy
Different SERCOS cycle times in master and slave Check SERCOS cycle times in master and slave and adjust
them, if necessary
Disturbance in SERCOS interface (general) Replace control section or entire drive
178/601 Bosch Rexroth AG DOK-INDRV*-GEN-**VRS**-WA07-EN-P
Rexroth IndraDrive MPx-02 to MPx-08 and HMV
Error Messages
Master Communication CANopen The synchronization telegram was not received in the drive in two successive
Cause Remedy
Sync master does not transmit Sync telegram Check whether a bus node was configured as Sync master.
Check Sync master to see whether it is in an error state
CAN bus interrupted Check bus line
Disturbance in CANopen interface (general) Replace control section or entire drive
Master Communication SERCOS II The master data telegram (MDT) was not received in the drive in two successive
SERCOS or field bus cycles. The drive falls back to communication phase 0.
Cause Remedy
Bus master does not send any more cyclic telegrams to drive. Switch master on and start cyclic communication; see manual
These, however, are expected in communication phase 4 for control unit
Fiber optic cable bus: Disturbance in fiber optic transmission Check all fiber optic cable connections in SERCOS ring
Fiber optic cable bus: Input power of light signals too low. Light Adjust transmission power or check attenuation of fiber optic
power to be measured at receiver (with test mode: continuous cable. Maximum attenuation between TX and RX may not ex‐
light) must be between ‑20 dBm (10 μW) and ‑5 dBm (320 ceed 12.5 dB
Different transmission times of master data telegrams in mas‐ Synchronize transmission times of master data telegrams in
ter and slave master and slave
Disturbance in SERCOS interface (general) Replace control section or entire drive controller
Error Messages
Cause Remedy
Synchronous monitoring has been preset for a connection and Producer of connection (can be bus master or another slave)
NewData bit of connection does not toggle in preset cycle does not work correctly
Too many telegrams fail due to disturbances Check bus line and connector
Master Communication CANopen The real-time data telegram (RDT) was not received in the drive in two suc‐
cessive field bus cycles.
Cause Remedy
PDO master does not send any more cyclic telegrams to drive Switch master on and start cyclic communication; see manual
for control unit
Bus line disturbed Check bus line and connector
Disturbance in CANopen interface (general) Replace control section or entire drive controller
Master Communication EtherCAT In status "Operational" (OP), the (command value) telegram was not received
in the drive in two successive bus cycles.
Cause Remedy
An invalid communication phase (phase > 4) was set by the SERCOS master
180/601 Bosch Rexroth AG DOK-INDRV*-GEN-**VRS**-WA07-EN-P
Rexroth IndraDrive MPx-02 to MPx-08 and HMV
Error Messages
Cause Remedy
Error in SERCOS master module of control unit Error can only be corrected after consultation with control unit
See also Functional Description of firmware " Interface Errors and Diagnostic
F4003 - Attributes Display: F4003
Ident N°: F4003
The compulsory order was not followed during the phase progression.
Cause Remedy
Error in SERCOS master module of control unit Error can only be corrected after consultation with control unit
Cause Remedy
Error in SERCOS master module of control unit Error can only be corrected after consultation with control unit
See also Functional Description of firmware " Interface Errors and Diagnostic
F4005 - Attributes Display: F4005
Ident N°: F4005
Error Messages
The SERCOS master tried to carry out a phase switch without waiting for the
ready signal from the drive.
Cause Remedy
Error in SERCOS master module of control unit Error can only be corrected after consultation with control unit
The cyclic communication via the master communication interface failed after
the master communication interface had been initialized and commissioned.
The drive generates this error in the following cases:
● Within the monitoring time stored in P-0-4075, there hasn't any telegram
with command values or heartbeat been received.
‑ or ‑
● The control unit was switched to "Stop" and the drive is with torque.
‑ or ‑
● The control unit took the drive out of the master communication group and
the drive is with torque.
Error Messages
Cause Remedy
Master does not exchange any cyclic output data Check master status
Ethernet connection aborted Check Ethernet cable and, if necessary, switch
EMC problems at transmission line Check shielding and routing
Network load too high Switch off unnecessary Ethernet communication; if necessa‐
ry, establish separate network for EtherNet/IP
DeviceNet Only the "Implicite Message" is monitored which means that, within the watch‐
dog time, there haven't any new output data been received from the master.
Cause Remedy
Master does not exchange any cyclic output data Check master status
Bus connection interrupted Check cable and interface
EMC problems at transmission line Check shielding and routing
Bus load too high Check communication settings (or communication load) ("In‐
terscan Delay" setting at DeviceNet master)
Faulty bus terminator Check whether bus terminating resistors have been installed
at most distant bus nodes
CANopen According to the kind of node monitoring which has been set, the "Node Guard‐
ing request" (cyclic node monitoring) or the "heartbeat telegram" is monitored.
Cause Remedy
Master does not transmit any node monitoring telegram Check master status
Bus connection interrupted Check cable and interface
EMC problems at transmission line Check shielding and routing
Bus load too high Check communication settings (or communication load)
Faulty bus terminator Check whether bus terminating resistors have been installed
at most distant bus nodes
PROFIBUS The master must address the slave within the monitoring time.
Cause Remedy
Master does not exchange any cyclic output data Check master status
Bus connection interrupted Check cable and interface
EMC problems at transmission line Check shielding and routing
Faulty bus terminator Check whether bus terminating resistors have been installed
at most distant bus nodes. At all other nodes, bus terminating
resistors must not have been installed
PROFINET The consumer (drive) monitors the reception of the cyclic data from the provider
(control unit) by means of a monitoring interval.
Cause Remedy
Master does not exchange any cyclic output data Check master status
Ethernet connection aborted Check Ethernet cable and, if necessary, switch
DOK-INDRV*-GEN-**VRS**-WA07-EN-P Bosch Rexroth AG 183/601
Rexroth IndraDrive MPx-02 to MPx-08 and HMV
Error Messages
Cause Remedy
EMC problems at transmission line Check shielding and routing
Network load too high Switch off unnecessary Ethernet communication; if necessa‐
ry, establish separate network for PROFINET
Cause Remedy
Communication phase 0 was set, although drive enable had First remove drive enable and then set communication phase
been set. 0.
Cause Remedy
MultiEthernet interface is overloaded; I/O data of cyclic com‐ Please contact our service department
munication cannot be transmitted to drive
The master tries to establish communication with an I/O length that does not
correspond to the I/O length parameterized in the drive.
184/601 Bosch Rexroth AG DOK-INDRV*-GEN-**VRS**-WA07-EN-P
Rexroth IndraDrive MPx-02 to MPx-08 and HMV
Error Messages
Cause Remedy
Different length for input data or output data than drive expects ● Check parameter set in drive
in "P‑0‑4071, Field bus: length of cyclic command value data ● Adjust master configuration
channel" and "P‑0‑4082, Field bus: length of cyclic actual val‐
ue data channel" was configured in master
CCD system mode: Take cyclic CCD data between master communication master
In master communication master, different length for cyclic and CCD slaves (correctly) into account
CCD data ("P‑0‑1621, CCD: Configuration list master com‐
munication cmd values" and "P‑0‑1622, CCD: Configuration
list master communication actual values") than drive expects
for CCD slaves was configured.
CCD system mode: Take (virtual) field bus control word / field bus status word for
(Virtual) field bus control word / field bus status word for CCD CCD slaves into account (or correctly into account) (see also
slaves not (or not correctly) taken into account Functional Description of firmware "CCD System Mode".
Writing of the "RtcW" variable of the integrated PLC to the corresponding pa‐
rameters failed twice in succession / didn't take place in time.
Cause Remedy
See also:
● Rexroth IndraMotion MLD, Application Manual "Real-Time Channel"
● Rexroth IndraMotion MLD, Library Description "MX_SynchronControl"
F4016 - Attributes Display: F4016
Ident N°: F4016
Error Messages
Error in SERCOS‑III master module of the control unit; the SERCOS‑III master
tried to make a phase switch, the drive detected that the sequence of this phase
switch was incorrect.
Cause Remedy
Timeout occurred in drive during phase switch (individual Error can only be corrected after consultation with control unit
switching periods took too long) manufacturer
‑ or ‑
Master changed phase without prior notice (new phase in MST
without CPS bit set)
‑ or ‑
Drive was switched on while SERCOS III already was in higher
Cause Remedy
E-Stop input was controlled (0 V at digital input) Remove failure that caused E-Stop to be triggered and clear
error (reset key or error clearing command). Afterwards switch
power on again and clarify cause of triggering of E-Stop
Incorrect parameterization of digital inputs and outputs on Check configuration of digital inputs/outputs on control section
control section and correct it, if necessary
E-Stop switch or cable connection defective or incorrectly Check function and wiring of E-Stop switch
Control section or digital inputs on control section defective Replace control section or entire drive controller
186/601 Bosch Rexroth AG DOK-INDRV*-GEN-**VRS**-WA07-EN-P
Rexroth IndraDrive MPx-02 to MPx-08 and HMV
Error Messages
Cause Remedy
CCD master detected double telegram failure of cyclic tele‐ Remove error in transmission line.
"Error reaction active" has been set in "P‑0‑1600, CCD: con‐
figuration" and slave has signaled communication error.
Error Messages
8.6.2 F3111 Refer. missing when selecting safety related end pos.
Allocation Contained in 02VRS: «MPB» «MPH» «MPD»
Contained in 03VRS: «MPB» «MPH» «MPD»
Contained in 04VRS: «-» «-» «-»
Contained in 05VRS: «-» «-» «-»
Contained in 06VRS: «-» «-» «-» «-»
Contained in 07VRS: «-» «-» «-» «-»
Contained in 08VRS: «-» «-» «-» «-»
Supported by supply unit: «-»
The drive is shut down according to the setting in "P‑0‑0119, Best possible
The drive automatically switches to safety related standstill or "Safe stop 1" (S2)
and the output stage is switched off via two channels.
As soon as the axis has stopped, the safety door can be opened.
Cause Remedy
The acceleration threshold parameterized in parameter Start command "S‑0‑0099, C0500 Reset class 1
"P‑0‑3245, Safe deceleration/acceleration ramp 1" was ex‐ diagnostics" in order to clear error and then set drive enable
ceeded again.
If necessary, increase value for parameter "P‑0‑3245, Safe
deceleration/acceleration ramp 1"
Error Messages
Up to MPx06: It was impossible to carry out the safety function "safety related
limited absolute position" / "safety related limited absolute end position".
As of MPx07: It was impossible to carry out the safety function "Safely-moni‐
tored position" / "Safely-limited position".
Cause Remedy
When using the optional module "safety technology I/O" (S1) (up to
MPx06) or "Safe Motion" (S2) (as of MPx07), you can, in addition
to the error message, obtain detailed information with regard to the
cause of the error or the error location. For this purpose, evaluate
parameter "P-0-3219, Diagnostic safety technology message".
Up to MPx06: See "Extended Diagnosis (P‑0‑3219)".
As of MPx07: See "Extended Diagnosis (P‑0‑3219) as of MPx07".
DOK-INDRV*-GEN-**VRS**-WA07-EN-P Bosch Rexroth AG 189/601
Rexroth IndraDrive MPx-02 to MPx-08 and HMV
Error Messages
When "time interval of holding brake check" was activated in "P‑0‑0525, Holding
brake control word" or the function "safe braking and holding system" is used,
the drive monitors the time which has passed since the last holding brake check.
The space of time set in "P‑0‑0550, Time interval holding system check" or
"P‑0‑3302, SBS: Time interval brake check", within which the holding brake
check has to be carried out again, was exceeded.
Error Reaction The drive reacts with the error reaction that has been set. The "status of holding
brake check" is set to "0" in "P‑0‑0539, Holding brake status word".
If the "safe braking and holding system" is used as of MPx05, the "status of
holding brake check" is additionally set to "0" in "P‑0‑3301, Redundant holding
brake: Status word".
Cause Remedy
Drive had been put into operation and drive enable was set; Brake check (P‑0‑0541, C2100 Holding system check com‐
after 15 minutes, drive generates error F3115 mand) must be carried out within 15 minutes after drive was
put into operation and drive enable was set
Time set in "P‑0‑0550, Time interval holding system check" or Clear error; drive is operational again. Brake check must be
"P‑0‑3302, SBS: Time interval brake check" has elapsed since carried out within 15 minutes (with drive enable) (P‑0‑0541,
last brake check C2100 Holding system check command)
Repeated brake check is required due to defined errors in Clear error; drive is operational again. Brake check must be
"safe braking and holding system". carried out within 15 minutes (with drive enable) (P‑0‑0541,
● Signal "HAT-Diagnose" is zero (control module "HAT" C2100 Holding system check command)
signals error or connection to control module has been
interrupted) or
● Signal "HAT-Diagnose" does not correspond to expect‐
ations from control status of redundant holding brake or
● In case of error, redundant holding brake had to be ap‐
plied with "actual velocity value > standstill" or
● "C3000 Synchronize and store safety technology IDN"
was executed
190/601 Bosch Rexroth AG DOK-INDRV*-GEN-**VRS**-WA07-EN-P
Rexroth IndraDrive MPx-02 to MPx-08 and HMV
Error Messages
When using the optional module "safety technology I/O" (S1) (up to
MPx06) or "Safe Motion" (S2) (as of MPx07), you can, in addition
to the error message, obtain detailed information with regard to the
cause of the error or the error location. For this purpose, evaluate
parameter "P-0-3219, Diagnostic safety technology message".
Up to MPx06: See "Extended Diagnosis (P‑0‑3219)".
As of MPx07: See "Extended Diagnosis (P‑0‑3219) as of MPx07".
The current nominal load torque (P‑0‑0551) has exceeded the nominal load of
the holding system (P‑0‑3303) by a factor of at least 1.3 (up to MPx07) or the
factor parameterized in P‑0‑3316 (as of MPx08).
Cause Remedy
When using the optional module "safety technology I/O" (S1) (up to
MPx06) or "Safe Motion" (S2) (as of MPx07), you can, in addition
to the error message, obtain detailed information with regard to the
cause of the error or the error location. For this purpose, evaluate
the parameter "P-0-3219, Diagnostic safety technology message".
Up to MPx06: See "Extended Diagnosis (P-0-3219)".
As of MPx07: See "Extended Diagnosis (P-0-3219) as of MPx07".
Error Messages
When both safety technology channels have been homed (cf. "S‑0‑0403,
Position feedback value status" for channel 1 and "P‑0‑3213, Safety technology
operating status" for channel 2), their actual position values are cyclically
checked for validity; the difference of the actual position values mustn't exceed
an internal threshold that depends on the measuring system.
Error Reaction The drive is shut down according to the setting in "P‑0‑0119, Best possible
In "P‑0‑3213, Safety technology operating status", the status "safely homed" is
Automatic switching to "safety related standstill" (up to MPx06) or "Safe stop
1" (as of MPx07) takes place and the output stage is switched off via two chan‐
Cause Remedy
Short circuit of home switch input of channel 2 with 24 V Check connection of homing input at optional module "safety
technology I/O" (up to MPx06) or "Safe Motion" (as of MPx07)
Tolerance window around "safety related reference position Check parameter setting of "P‑0‑3229, Tolerance window for
channel 2" (P‑0‑3231) incorrectly parameterized safe homing procedure" and adjust it accordingly
Control section is defective Replace control section or entire drive controller
When using the optional module "safety technology I/O" (S1) (up to
MPx06) or "Safe Motion" (S2) (as of MPx07), you can, in addition
to the error message, obtain detailed information with regard to the
cause of the error or the error location. For this purpose, evaluate
the parameter "P-0-3219, Diagnostic safety technology message".
Up to MPx06: See "Extended Diagnosis (P-0-3219)".
As of MPx07: See "Extended Diagnosis (P-0-3219) as of MPx07".
Error Messages
Monitoring functions of the safe braking and holding system have detected er‐
rors in the control or feedback circuit of the redundant holding brake.
Cause Remedy
Brake server for controlling redundant holding brake is no lon‐ Replace hardware
ger active. Lifecounter brake server has not been incremen‐ Replace firmware
No acknowledgment when releasing/applying redundant hold‐ Check wiring
ing brake. Check takes place by means of feedback signal of
control module.
Error during static check of control and feedback signal of Check wiring
control module Check control module
Requirements for releasing redundant holding brake have not Replace hardware
been complied with. Output stage is not active
When using the optional module "safety technology I/O" (S1) (up to
MPx06) or "Safe Motion" (S2) (as of MPx07), you can, in addition
to the error message, obtain detailed information with regard to the
cause of the error or the error location. For this purpose, evaluate
the parameter "P-0-3219, Diagnostic safety technology message".
Up to MPx06: See "Extended Diagnosis (P-0-3219)".
As of MPx07: See "Extended Diagnosis (P-0-3219) as of MPx07".
Cause Remedy
At selection of a safety technology operating status, a check Deselect safety technology operating status and execute
has detected that states of holding brake monitoring of motor "C2100 Brake check command"
holding brake ((P-0-0539) and/or redundant holding brake
(P-0-3301) have not been set to "carried out successfully"
DOK-INDRV*-GEN-**VRS**-WA07-EN-P Bosch Rexroth AG 193/601
Rexroth IndraDrive MPx-02 to MPx-08 and HMV
Error Messages
When using the optional module "safety technology I/O" (S1) (up to
MPx06) or "Safe Motion" (S2) (as of MPx07), you can, in addition
to the error message, obtain detailed information with regard to the
cause of the error or the error location. For this purpose, evaluate
the parameter "P-0-3219, Diagnostic safety technology message".
Up to MPx06: See "Extended Diagnosis (P-0-3219)".
As of MPx07: See "Extended Diagnosis (P-0-3219) as of MPx07".
A validity check is run for the inputs for channel 1 and channel 2 of the safety
technology so that several errors can be detected.
Up to MPx06 For the optional module "starting lockout", the selection signals "AS_A" or
"AS_B" and "ASn" are monitored for states that are not allowed.
For the optional module "safety technology I/O", a check is run during dynam‐
ization to find out whether all input signals of safety function selection are zero.
As of MPx07 For the optional module "Safe Torque Off", the selection signals "STO A" or
"STO B" and "STO n" are monitored for states that are not allowed.
For the optional module "Safe Motion", a check is run during dynamization to
find out whether all input signals of safety function selection are zero.
Error Reaction The drive is shut down according to the setting in "P‑0‑0119, Best possible
Automatic switching to "safety related standstill" (up to MPx06) or "Safe stop
1" (as of MPx07) takes place and the output stage is switched off via two chan‐
Cause Remedy
Error in wiring of input signals or contact error resp. cable Remove cause of error in wiring of inputs or replace switch.
break Then start command "S‑0‑0099, C0500 Reset class 1
diagnostics" in order to clear error and then set drive enable
When using the optional module "safety technology I/O" (S1) (up to
MPx06) or "Safe Motion" (S2) (as of MPx07), you can, in addition
to the error message, obtain detailed information with regard to the
cause of the error or the error location. For this purpose, evaluate
the parameter "P-0-3219, Diagnostic safety technology message".
Up to MPx06: See "Extended Diagnosis (P-0-3219)".
As of MPx07: See "Extended Diagnosis (P-0-3219) as of MPx07".
194/601 Bosch Rexroth AG DOK-INDRV*-GEN-**VRS**-WA07-EN-P
Rexroth IndraDrive MPx-02 to MPx-08 and HMV
Error Messages
The drive is shut down according to the setting in "P‑0‑0119, Best possible
Automatic switching to "safety related standstill" (up to MPx06) or "Safe stop
1" (as of MPx07) takes place and the output stage is switched off via two chan‐
As soon as the axis has stopped, the safety door can be opened.
Cause Remedy
When using optional module "starting lockout" (up to MPx06) Reset module by switching control voltage off and on. If error
or "Safe Torque Off" (as of MPx07): occurs repeatedly, replace hardware
Channel 1 monitors status of acknowledgment relay. If normal
condition of relay is detected in spite of activated "starting
lockout" or "Safe Torque Off" function, or if operated condition
of the relay is detected with starting lockout not active, error
message F3131 is generated.
If error F3130 is generated in addition to error F3131 (see See F3130
"P-0-0192, Error memory of diagnostic numbers"), an error in
wiring of input signals or contact error resp. cable break might
be present
When using optional module "safety technology I/O" (up to Remove cause of error in wiring of acknowledgment signal
MPx06) or "Safe Motion" (as of MPx07): EA20.
During check of acknowledgment signal EA20, a static high Then start command "S‑0‑0099, C0500 Reset class 1
level (short circuit with V+) or a static low level (cable break diagnostics" in order to clear error and then set drive enable
resp. loose or missing connection) was detected again.
Note: If only diagnostic safety technology slave signals F3131,
this is a sign of missing connection of signal EA20 between
master and slave
Within defined time window there wasn't any acknowledge‐ Safety technology master always has to be included in
ment signal EA20 detected, because SERCOS ring (or field SERCOS ring (or field bus circuit) which is last to switch to
bus circuit) in which safety technology master has been inclu‐ operating mode
ded goes to operating mode more slowly than ring (or circuit)
in which axis with error message has been included
When using the optional module "safety technology I/O" (S1) (up to
MPx06) or "Safe Motion" (S2) (as of MPx07), you can, in addition
to the error message, obtain detailed information with regard to the
cause of the error or the error location. For this purpose, evaluate
the parameter "P-0-3219, Diagnostic safety technology message".
Up to MPx06: See "Extended Diagnosis (P-0-3219)".
As of MPx07: See "Extended Diagnosis (P-0-3219) as of MPx07".
DOK-INDRV*-GEN-**VRS**-WA07-EN-P Bosch Rexroth AG 195/601
Rexroth IndraDrive MPx-02 to MPx-08 and HMV
Error Messages
Cause Remedy
Error in wiring of diagnostic output / check input (A10, E10 or Remove error in wiring of diagnostic output / check input
Error in parameterization of diagnostic output / check input Check bit 1=1 (control of a safety door) and bit 2=1 (safety
technology master for diagnosis and acknowledgment) in pa‐
rameter "P‑0‑3210, Safety technology configuration".
Check status of A10 ("P‑0‑3214, Safety technology status
word, channel 1", bit 0) and E10 ("P‑0‑3212, Safety
technology control word, channel 1", bit 9) for corresponding
digital inputs/outputs.
Internal relay on channel 2 defective Replace control section or entire drive controller
When using the optional module "safety technology I/O" (S1) (up to
MPx06) or "Safe Motion" (S2) (as of MPx07), you can, in addition
to the error message, obtain detailed information with regard to the
cause of the error or the error location. For this purpose, evaluate
the parameter "P-0-3219, Diagnostic safety technology message".
Up to MPx06: See "Extended Diagnosis (P-0-3219)".
As of MPx07: See "Extended Diagnosis (P-0-3219) as of MPx07".
196/601 Bosch Rexroth AG DOK-INDRV*-GEN-**VRS**-WA07-EN-P
Rexroth IndraDrive MPx-02 to MPx-08 and HMV
Error Messages
In order to lock the output stage in a safe way when the safety technology has
detected an error, the correct functioning of the interrupting circuit is cyclically
checked. This is done on the one hand during the actions "release output
stage" and "lock output stage", on the other hand statically while the output
stage is being released or locked. The corresponding hardware realization en‐
sures that this is possible without repercussion on the PWM control signals.
When the safety technology has been activated, the error F3133
only occurs in normal operation. When a safety function is selected,
the cause of the error causes the error "F8133 Error when checking
interrupting circuit" to be triggered.
The drive is shut down according to the setting in "P‑0‑0119, Best possible
deceleration". Automatic switching to "safety related standstill" (up to MPx06)
or "Safe stop 1" (as of MPx07) takes place and the output stage is switched off
via two channels.
Cause Remedy
An error was detected during check of interrupting circuit Then start command "S‑0‑0099, C0500 Reset class 1
diagnostics" in order to clear error and then set drive enable
If error occurs repeatedly, replace control section or entire
drive controller
When using the optional module "safety technology I/O" (S1) (up to
MPx06) or "Safe Motion" (S2) (as of MPx07), you can, in addition
to the error message, obtain detailed information with regard to the
cause of the error or the error location. For this purpose, evaluate
the parameter "P-0-3219, Diagnostic safety technology message".
Up to MPx06: See "Extended Diagnosis (P-0-3219)".
As of MPx07: See "Extended Diagnosis (P-0-3219) as of MPx07".
DOK-INDRV*-GEN-**VRS**-WA07-EN-P Bosch Rexroth AG 197/601
Rexroth IndraDrive MPx-02 to MPx-08 and HMV
Error Messages
Error Reaction The drive is shut down according to the setting in "P‑0‑0119, Best possible
deceleration". Automatic switching to "safety related standstill" (up to MPx06)
or "Safe stop 1" (as of MPx07) takes place and the output stage is switched off
via two channels.
Cause Remedy
Error in wiring of dynamization signal (e.g. short circuit with V Check wiring of dynamization signal and remove error
Error in signal shape of dynamization signal in the case of ex‐ Check and, if necessary, correct dynamization signal. Rele‐
ternal dynamization (see also "F3135 Dynamization pulse vant parameters:
width incorrect") ● "P‑0‑3223, Time interval for dynamization of safety
function selection" (+20% tolerance) mustn't be excee‐
● "P‑0‑3224, Duration of dynamization pulse of safety
function selection"
Parameterization of "P‑0‑3210, Safety technology In the case of internal dynamization, per safety zone configure
configuration" not useful one axis as master for dynamization (set bit 3 in "P‑0‑3210,
Safety technology configuration").
After having removed the error, start the command "S‑0‑0099, C0500 Reset
class 1 diagnostics" in order to clear the error and then set drive enable again.
Error Messages
When using the optional module "safety technology I/O" (S1) (up to
MPx06) or "Safe Motion" (S2) (as of MPx07), you can, in addition
to the error message, obtain detailed information with regard to the
cause of the error or the error location. For this purpose, evaluate
the parameter "P-0-3219, Diagnostic safety technology message".
Up to MPx06: See "Extended Diagnosis (P-0-3219)".
As of MPx07: See "Extended Diagnosis (P-0-3219) as of MPx07".
Cause Remedy
Error in wiring of dynamization signal EA30 Remove error in wiring of dynamization signal EA30 [e.g.,
short circuit with 0 V (GND), cable break, missing connection
to master of dynamization]
In the case of separate dynamization ("P‑0‑3210, Safety Remove error in wiring of dynamization signal [e.g., short cir‐
technology configuration", bit7=1): cuit with 0 V (GND), cable break, missing connection to master
Error in wiring of "dynamization input channel 1" ("P‑0‑3212, of dynamization]
Safety technology control word, channel 1", bit10) ‑ or ‑
Missing or incorrect settings for transmission via master com‐
DOK-INDRV*-GEN-**VRS**-WA07-EN-P Bosch Rexroth AG 199/601
Rexroth IndraDrive MPx-02 to MPx-08 and HMV
Error Messages
Cause Remedy
In the case of internal dynamization ("P‑0‑3210, Safety Check parameterization of
technology configuration", bit7=0): ● "P‑0‑3210, Safety technology configuration" (only one
Error in signal shape of dynamization signal drive may be selected as master for dynamization, all
other drives must be declared slaves)
● "P‑0‑3223, Time interval for dynamization of safety
function selection" and "P‑0‑3224, Duration of
dynamization pulse of safety function selection" in in‐
volved slave axes have to be greater than or equal to
values in master axis
In the case of external dynamization: Error in signal shape of In the case of external dynamization, all drives that are to be
dynamization signal dynamized have to be parameterized as "slave for dynamiza‐
tion of safety function selection" via "P‑0‑3210, Safety
technology configuration". EA30 of respective drives have to
be interconnected and connected to signal source.
Dynamization signal is generated by external source and this
source has to be connected to selection elements and dy‐
namization signal EA30.
Signal shape mustn't exceed parameter values "P‑0‑3223,
Time interval for dynamization of safety function selection"
and "P‑0‑3224, Duration of dynamization pulse of safety
function selection".
Signal monitoring takes place with retriggerable timers; i.e.,
dynamization may also take place in shorter intervals and with
shorter pulse width (minimum 30 ms).
In the case of separate dynamization for channel 1 and chan‐ Channel 2: Interconnect EA30 of respective drives. Dynamize
nel 2 ("P‑0‑3210, Safety technology configuration", bit7=1): N/C contacts of selection elements with dynamization signal
Error in signal shape of dynamization signal EA30 EA30.
Channel 1: Dynamization signal for channel 1 is generated by
external source. "Dynamization input channel 1" ("P‑0‑3212,
Safety technology control word, channel 1", bit 10) of respec‐
tive drives has to be interconnected and connected to signal
source. Dynamize N/O contacts of selection elements with
externally generated "dynamization signal channel 1".
Signal shape mustn't exceed parameter values "P‑0‑3223,
Time interval for dynamization of safety function selection"
and "P‑0‑3224, Duration of dynamization pulse of safety
function selection".
Signal monitoring takes place with retriggerable timers; i.e.,
dynamization may also take place in shorter intervals and with
shorter pulse width (minimum 30 ms).
After having removed the cause, start the command "S‑0‑0099, C0500 Reset
class 1 diagnostics" in order to clear the error and then set drive enable again.
Error Messages
When using the optional module "safety technology I/O" (S1) (up to
MPx06) or "Safe Motion" (S2) (as of MPx07), you can, in addition
to the error message, obtain detailed information with regard to the
cause of the error or the error location. For this purpose, evaluate
the parameter "P-0-3219, Diagnostic safety technology message".
Up to MPx06: See "Extended Diagnosis (P-0-3219)".
As of MPx07: See "Extended Diagnosis (P-0-3219) as of MPx07".
In the operating mode, a validation check is cyclically carried out for the safety
parameters of channel 1 and channel 2.
Error Reaction The drive is shut down according to the setting in "P‑0‑0119, Best possible
deceleration". Automatic switching to "safety related standstill" (up to MPx06)
or "Safe stop 1" (as of MPx07) takes place and the output stage is switched off
via two channels.
Cause Remedy
Change in safety parameters without subsequent synchroni‐ Execute command "P‑0‑3204, C3000 Synchronize and store
zation of safety parameters in special mode safety technology IDN command"; channel 2 thereby applies
parameters of channel 1 and internal values are recalculated
and loaded
NOTE: Executing the command "C3000 Synchronize and
store safety technology IDN" increases the change counter of
the safety technology memory (P-0-3201). It is therefore nec‐
essary to carry out the acceptance test again.
When using the optional module "safety technology I/O" (S1) (up to
MPx06) or "Safe Motion" (S2) (as of MPx07), you can, in addition
to the error message, obtain detailed information with regard to the
cause of the error or the error location. For this purpose, evaluate
the parameter "P-0-3219, Diagnostic safety technology message".
Up to MPx06: See "Extended Diagnosis (P-0-3219)".
As of MPx07: See "Extended Diagnosis (P-0-3219) as of MPx07".
Error Messages
The check carried out when selecting/deselecting safety functions has shown
that the selection signals of channel 1 and channel 2 differed for a longer time
than the tolerated duration preset by "P‑0‑3221, Max. tolerance time for
different channel states".
The drive is shut down according to the setting in "P‑0‑0119, Best possible
deceleration". Automatic switching to "safety related standstill" (up to MPx06)
or "Safe stop 1" (as of MPx07) takes place and the output stage is switched off
via two channels.
As soon as the axis has stopped, the safety door can be opened.
Cause Remedy
Error in wiring of input signals or switch defective Check switch elements and wiring of input signals
Different safety functions assigned to inputs of channel 1 and Check configuration of inputs of channel 1 and channel 2
channel 2
Parameterization of "P‑0‑3221, Max. tolerance time for Change parameterization of "P‑0‑3221, Max. tolerance time
different channel states" not useful for different channel states" (increase value)
When using the optional module "safety technology I/O" (S1) (up to
MPx06) or "Safe Motion" (S2) (as of MPx07), you can, in addition
to the error message, obtain detailed information with regard to the
cause of the error or the error location. For this purpose, evaluate
the parameter "P-0-3219, Diagnostic safety technology message".
Up to MPx06: See "Extended Diagnosis (P-0-3219)".
As of MPx07: See "Extended Diagnosis (P-0-3219) as of MPx07".
After having removed the cause, start the command "S‑0‑0099, C0500 Reset
class 1 diagnostics" in order to clear the error and then set drive enable again.
F3141 - Attributes Display: F3141
Ident N°: F3141
The parameterized maximum time for the activation of the enabling control has
been exceeded.
Error Reaction The drive is shut down according to the setting in "P‑0‑0119, Best possible
deceleration". Automatic switching to "safety related standstill" (up to MPx06)
or "Safe stop 1" (as of MPx07) takes place and the output stage is switched off
via two channels.
202/601 Bosch Rexroth AG DOK-INDRV*-GEN-**VRS**-WA07-EN-P
Rexroth IndraDrive MPx-02 to MPx-08 and HMV
Error Messages
Cause Remedy
Enabling control was activated too long Remove enabling signal before parameterized time is over;
parameterizable activation times of enabling control:
● "P-0-3222, Max. activation time of enabling control" or
● "P‑0‑3246, Max. activation time of enabling control
1" (as of MPx05)
● "P‑0‑3256, Max. activation time of enabling control
2" (as of MPx05)
● "P‑0‑3266, Max. activation time of enabling control
3" (as of MPx05)
● "P‑0‑3276, Max. activation time of enabling control
4" (as of MPx05)
The currently valid parameter can be taken from P-0-3239.
Parameterization of maximum activation time of enabling con‐ Check parameterization and change it, if necessary:
trol does not make sense ● "P-0-3222, Max. activation time of enabling control" or
● "P‑0‑3246, Max. activation time of enabling control
1" (as of MPx05)
● "P‑0‑3256, Max. activation time of enabling control
2" (as of MPx05)
● "P‑0‑3266, Max. activation time of enabling control
3" (as of MPx05)
● "P‑0‑3276, Max. activation time of enabling control
4" (as of MPx05)
The currently valid parameter can be taken from P-0-3239.
Enabling control is defective or incorrectly wired Check and, if necessary, replace/correct enabling control and
When using the optional module "safety technology I/O" (S1) (up to
MPx06) or "Safe Motion" (S2) (as of MPx07), you can, in addition
to the error message, obtain detailed information with regard to the
cause of the error or the error location. For this purpose, evaluate
the parameter "P-0-3219, Diagnostic safety technology message".
Up to MPx06: See "Extended Diagnosis (P-0-3219)".
As of MPx07: See "Extended Diagnosis (P-0-3219) as of MPx07".
After having removed the cause, start the command "S‑0‑0099, C0500 Reset
class 1 diagnostics" in order to clear the error and then set drive enable again.
F3142 - Attributes Display: F3142
Ident N°: F3142
Error Messages
Via an internal command embedded in the call of "S‑0‑0099, C0500 Reset class
1 diagnostics", all errors of channel 2 are cleared. If a problem is detected during
this procedure, the drive generates the error F3143.
Error Reaction The drive is shut down according to the setting in "P‑0‑0119, Best possible
deceleration". Automatic switching to "safety related standstill" (up to MPx06)
or "Safe stop 1" (as of MPx07) takes place and the output stage is switched off
via two channels.
Cause Remedy
If error message coincides with a firmware update, this indi‐ Carry out firmware update again
cates that firmware on channel 2 was not started; in this case,
"P‑0‑3200, Safety technology firmware code" is without con‐
tent. (This can be due to following reasons: Firmware of
channel 2 incompatible with channel 1, checksum or hardware
error on channel 2.)
Execution of internal command was aborted with timeout Reset module by switching control voltage off and on.
If error occurs repeatedly, replace control section or entire
drive controller
When using the optional module "safety technology I/O" (S1) (up to
MPx06) or "Safe Motion" (S2) (as of MPx07), you can, in addition
to the error message, obtain detailed information with regard to the
cause of the error or the error location. For this purpose, evaluate
the parameter "P-0-3219, Diagnostic safety technology message".
Up to MPx06: See "Extended Diagnosis (P-0-3219)".
As of MPx07: See "Extended Diagnosis (P-0-3219) as of MPx07".
Error Messages
Cause Remedy
Safety technology control signals (selection signals) were con‐ For configuration "safety technology with PROFIsafe", only
figured in "P‑0‑3211, Safety technology I/O configuration list, assignment of home switch and
channel 2", but safety technology with PROFIsafe has not safety technology inputs 1 to 4 is allowed; for the other safety
been configured or hardware requirements therefor are miss‐ technology control signals it is not allowed to establish any
ing functional connection; change parameter setting of "P‑0‑3211,
Safety technology I/O configuration list, channel 2" accord‐
In "P‑0‑3211, Safety technology I/O configuration list, channel In "P‑0‑3211, Safety technology I/O configuration list, channel
2", safety technology control signals (selection signals) were 2", only assign safety technology control signals (selection
assigned several times signals) once
Safety technology inputs 1 to 4 were configured in "P‑0‑3211, Safety technology inputs 1 to 4 are only allowed in conjunction
Safety technology I/O configuration list, channel 2", but safety with configuration "safety technology with PROFIsafe";
technology with PROFIsafe has not been configured or hard‐ change parameterization of "P‑0‑3211, Safety technology I/O
ware requirements therefor are missing configuration list, channel 2" accordingly
Two configurations were inadmissibly made at the same time One of both configurations must be undone
for the axis:
Master for diagnosis and acknowledgment ("P‑2‑3210, Safety
technology configuration", bit 2)
‑ and‑
"Deactivation of acknowledgment support at EA20", i.e. drive
does not work in acknowledgment group ("P‑0‑3210, Safety
technology configuration", bit 8)
Safety function "Safely-limited position" was configured with‐ Configure safety function "Safe maximum speed" (P‑0‑3239,
out safety function "Safe maximum speed" P‑0‑3234)
When using the optional module "safety technology I/O" (S1) (up to
MPx06) or "Safe Motion" (S2) (as of MPx07), you can, in addition
to the error message, obtain detailed information with regard to the
cause of the error or the error location. For this purpose, evaluate
the parameter "P-0-3219, Diagnostic safety technology message".
Up to MPx06: See "Extended Diagnosis (P-0-3219)".
As of MPx07: See "Extended Diagnosis (P-0-3219) as of MPx07".
When the special mode is deselected, a check is run to find out whether the
control of the door locking device is inactive and the door is closed and locked.
DOK-INDRV*-GEN-**VRS**-WA07-EN-P Bosch Rexroth AG 205/601
Rexroth IndraDrive MPx-02 to MPx-08 and HMV
Error Messages
Error Reaction The drive is shut down according to the setting in "P‑0‑0119, Best possible
‑ or ‑
The axis already is in "safety related standstill" (up to MPx06) or "Safe stop
1" (as of MPx07) and the output stage is switched off via two channels.
Cause Remedy
Error in mechanical system of safety door Check mechanical system of safety door
Error in wiring of safety door or short circuit between EA10n, Check wiring of safety door
A10, E10 and 24 V
Hardware defect on control section or on optional safety tech‐ Replace control section or entire drive controller
nology module
When using the optional module "safety technology I/O" (S1) (up to
MPx06) or "Safe Motion" (S2) (as of MPx07), you can, in addition
to the error message, obtain detailed information with regard to the
cause of the error or the error location. For this purpose, evaluate
the parameter "P-0-3219, Diagnostic safety technology message".
Up to MPx06: See "Extended Diagnosis (P-0-3219)".
As of MPx07: See "Extended Diagnosis (P-0-3219) as of MPx07".
The drive is shut down according to the setting in "P‑0‑0119, Best possible
deceleration". Automatic switching to "safety related standstill" (up to MPx06)
or "Safe stop 1" (as of MPx07) takes place and the output stage is switched off
via two channels.
In the case of a measuring system error, the safety door can only be opened
via the command "P‑0‑3218, C3700 Manually unlocking the safety door".
206/601 Bosch Rexroth AG DOK-INDRV*-GEN-**VRS**-WA07-EN-P
Rexroth IndraDrive MPx-02 to MPx-08 and HMV
Error Messages
Cause Remedy
System error on channel 2 Reset module by switching control voltage off and on.
Then start command "S‑0‑0099, C0500 Reset class 1
diagnostics" in order to clear error and then set drive enable
If error occurs repeatedly, replace control section or entire
drive controller
Failure of encoder signal ● Check cable to measuring system
● Check shield connection
● Check connection (ribbon cable) between optional safe‐
ty technology module and encoder interface
No encoder signals ● Connection (ribbon cable) between optional safety tech‐
nology module and encoder interface is missing
● Check measuring system
When using the optional module "safety technology I/O" (S1) (up to
MPx06) or "Safe Motion" (S2) (as of MPx07), you can, in addition
to the error message, obtain detailed information with regard to the
cause of the error or the error location. For this purpose, evaluate
the parameter "P-0-3219, Diagnostic safety technology message".
Up to MPx06: See "Extended Diagnosis (P-0-3219)".
As of MPx07: See "Extended Diagnosis (P-0-3219) as of MPx07".
Error Messages
Cause Remedy
Cyclic test of monitoring functions of safety technology chan‐ Reset module by switching control voltage off and on.
nel 1 is faulty If error occurs repeatedly, replace firmware and/or hardware
You use a test firmware (to be recognized, among other Replace firmware by test firmware with safety technology firm‐
things, by "P‑0‑3213, Safety technology operating status", ware test or official firmware (V‑release) with which safety
bit 14). technology can always be used without restrictions.
Test firmware was provided as an exception for applications
without active safety technology; safety technology firmware
test was not carried out for this firmware!
When using the optional module "safety technology I/O" (S1) (up to
MPx06) or "Safe Motion" (S2) (as of MPx07), you can, in addition
to the error message, obtain detailed information with regard to the
cause of the error or the error location. For this purpose, evaluate
the parameter "P-0-3219, Diagnostic safety technology message".
Up to MPx06: See "Extended Diagnosis (P-0-3219)".
As of MPx07: See "Extended Diagnosis (P-0-3219) as of MPx07".
Error Messages
Cause Remedy
When using the optional module "safety technology I/O" (S1) (up to
MPx06) or "Safe Motion" (S2) (as of MPx07), you can, in addition
to the error message, obtain detailed information with regard to the
cause of the error or the error location. For this purpose, evaluate
the parameter "P-0-3219, Diagnostic safety technology message".
Up to MPx06: See "Extended Diagnosis (P-0-3219)".
As of MPx07: See "Extended Diagnosis (P-0-3219) as of MPx07".
Error Messages
Cause Remedy
Timeout in command processing because other command is Start command "S‑0‑0099, C0500 Reset class 1
active (e.g. C3000) diagnostics" in order to clear error and then switch from oper‐
ating mode to parameter mode.
If necessary, reset module by switching control voltage off and
When using the optional module "safety technology I/O" (S1) (up to
MPx06) or "Safe Motion" (S2) (as of MPx07), you can, in addition
to the error message, obtain detailed information with regard to the
cause of the error or the error location. For this purpose, evaluate
the parameter "P-0-3219, Diagnostic safety technology message".
Up to MPx06: See "Extended Diagnosis (P-0-3219)".
As of MPx07: See "Extended Diagnosis (P-0-3219) as of MPx07".
In order to use the same safety technology configuration, after the control sec‐
tion was replaced, without having to carry out safety technology commissioning
again, the monitoring of the correct backup or acceptance of the safety tech‐
nology data is contained in the drive. An error occurred during data backup.
Error Reaction The drive is shut down according to the setting in "P‑0‑0119, Best possible
deceleration". Automatic switching to "safety related standstill" (up to MPx06)
or "Safe stop 1" (as of MPx07) takes place and the output stage is switched off
via two channels.
Cause Remedy
Error in hardware or in internal sequence during data backup Repeat data backup.
If error occurs again, execute command "C0720 Load defaults
procedure command (safety technology)". If error occurs
again, optional safety technology module or entire drive con‐
troller has to be replaced. If error occurs, content of parameter
"P‑0‑3208, Backup of safety techn. data channel 2" is incorrect
Content of parameter "P‑0‑3208, Backup of safety techn. data Check whether correct parameter set, compatible firmware
channel 2" is incorrect version ("S‑0‑0030, Manufacturer version").
If error-free "P‑0‑3208, Backup of safety techn. data
channel 2" is not available, safety technology commissioning
has to be carried out again
210/601 Bosch Rexroth AG DOK-INDRV*-GEN-**VRS**-WA07-EN-P
Rexroth IndraDrive MPx-02 to MPx-08 and HMV
Error Messages
When using the optional module "safety technology I/O" (S1) (up to
MPx06) or "Safe Motion" (S2) (as of MPx07), you can, in addition
to the error message, obtain detailed information with regard to the
cause of the error or the error location. For this purpose, evaluate
parameter "P-0-3219, Diagnostic safety technology message".
Up to MPx06: See "Extended Diagnosis (P‑0‑3219)".
As of MPx07: See "Extended Diagnosis (P‑0‑3219) as of MPx07".
A cyclic check of the drive has shown that the drive cannot communicate with
the master via the safety bus.
Error Reaction The drive is shut down according to the setting in "P‑0‑0119, Best possible
deceleration". Automatic switching to "drive interlock" (up to MPx06) or "Safe
stop 1 (Emergency stop)" (as of MPx07) takes place and the output stage is
switched off via two channels.
Cause Remedy
When using the optional module "safety technology I/O" (S1) (up to
MPx06) or "Safe Motion" (S2) (as of MPx07), you can, in addition
to the error message, obtain detailed information with regard to the
cause of the error or the error location. For this purpose, evaluate
the parameter "P-0-3219, Diagnostic safety technology message".
Up to MPx06: See "Extended Diagnosis (P-0-3219)".
As of MPx07: See "Extended Diagnosis (P-0-3219) as of MPx07".
Error Messages
When a synchronous operation mode with outer position control loop ("Motion‐
Profile", "cam" or "phase synchronization") is activated, a check is run to find
out whether "P-0-0753, Position actual value in actual value cycle" was initial‐
ized with regard to the currently effective control encoder (encoder 1 or encoder
2); if the drive detects that this is not the case, the F2002 error is triggered.
Cause Remedy
Control encoder valid at activation of synchronous operation In parameter mode (PM), select, via "S-0-0520, Control word
mode with outer position control loop is not initialization en‐ of axis controller", encoder with regard to which "P-0-0753,
coder for actual position value in actual value cycle. Position actual value in actual value cycle" is to be initialized.
Make sure that, when activating a synchronous operation
mode with outer position control loop, control encoder defined
via "S-0-0520, Control word of axis controller" is initialization
encoder of "P-0-0753, Position actual value in actual value
212/601 Bosch Rexroth AG DOK-INDRV*-GEN-**VRS**-WA07-EN-P
Rexroth IndraDrive MPx-02 to MPx-08 and HMV
Error Messages
When the operating mode "electronic motion profile" is active, a check is run
during the transition from one motion step to the next to find out whether a
motion step was skipped.
Except for the transition from the last to the first motion step (or vice versa), the
motion step number may only change by 1.
Cause Remedy
Master axis velocity ("P-0-0777, Effective master axis veloci‐ Reduce master axis velocity
ty") is so high that master axis distance ("P-0-0227, Cam shaft ‑ or ‑
profile, access angle") covered in one position loop clock is
greater than width of one motion step Increase width of motion step (distance of two master axis in‐
itial positions in "P-0-0705, List of master axis initial positions,
set 0" or "P-0-0712, List of master axis initial positions, set
‑ or ‑
Reduce position loop clock (see Functional Description of
firmware " Performance Data").
In the "MotionProfile" mode, the drive monitors whether the defined motion
profile (max. 8 individual motion steps) is verisimilar. The error is generated if
a motion profile that has not passed the validation checks is activated with the
drive having been enabled. Depending on whether set 0 or set 1 had been
selected, a number is displayed in parameter "P‑0‑0702, MotionProfile, diag‐
nosis, set 0" or "P‑0‑0709, MotionProfile, diagnosis, set 1".
DOK-INDRV*-GEN-**VRS**-WA07-EN-P Bosch Rexroth AG 213/601
Rexroth IndraDrive MPx-02 to MPx-08 and HMV
Error Messages
Cause Remedy
1: Master axis initial positions of motion steps used are not Check list "P‑0‑0705, List of master axis initial positions,
increasing set 0" or "P‑0‑0712, List of master axis initial positions, set 1"
2: In the case of absolute motion profile, sum of individual dis‐ Check list "P‑0‑0707, List of distances, set 0" or "P‑0‑0714,
tances is not "0" or a multiple of "S‑0‑0103, Modulo value" List of distances, set 1"
Only up to MPx07: Check parameter "P‑0‑0703, Number of motion steps, set 0"
3: In case of relative motion profile, number of motion steps is or "P‑0‑0710, Number of motion steps, set 1"
smaller than "2"
21…28: Checked motion step is "rest in velocity" or "velocity Check list "P‑0‑0706, List of motion laws, set 0"/"P‑0‑0706,
in velocity". Following step consists of profile which is not List of motion step modes, set 0" or "P‑0‑0713, List of motion
"velocity in rest" or "velocity in velocity". laws, set 1"/"P‑0‑0713, List of motion step modes, set 1"
Number of checked motion step can be taken from second
digit of diagnostic message number
31…38: Checked motion step is "rest in velocity" or "velocity Check list "P‑0‑0708, List of slave axis velocities, set 0" or
in velocity". Following step consists of profile which is either "P‑0‑0715, List of slave axis velocities, set 1"
"velocity in rest" or "velocity in velocity". Velocities of step that
was checked and following step do not match.
Number of checked motion step can be taken from second
digit of diagnostic message number
41…48: Checked motion step is "velocity in rest" or "velocity Check list "P‑0‑0706, List of motion laws, set 0"/"P‑0‑0706,
in velocity". Previous step consists of profile which is not "rest List of motion step modes, set 0" or "P‑0‑0713, List of motion
in velocity" or "velocity in velocity". laws, set 1"/"P‑0‑0713, List of motion step modes, set 1"
Number of checked motion step can be taken from second
digit of diagnostic message number
51…58: Checked motion step is "velocity in rest" or "velocity Check list "P‑0‑0708, List of slave axis velocities, set 0" or
in velocity". Previous step consists of profile which is either "P‑0‑0715, List of slave axis velocities, set 1"
"rest in velocity" or "velocity in velocity". Velocities of step that
was checked and previous step do not match.
Number of checked motion step can be taken from second
digit of diagnostic message number
61…68: 1st table element of a cam table used is unequal "0" Check list "P‑0‑0706, List of motion laws, set 0"/"P‑0‑0706,
or cam table is invalid. List of motion step modes, set 0" or "P‑0‑0713, List of motion
Number of rejected cam table can be taken from second digit laws, set 1"/"P‑0‑0713, List of motion step modes, set 1"
of diagnostic message number
71...78: Checked motion step is "velocity in rest", "velocity in Check list "P‑0‑0707, List of distances, set 0" or "P‑0‑0714,
velocity" or "rest in velocity". Distance of motion step inadmis‐ List of distances, set 1"
sibly is "0"
Number of checked motion step can be taken from second
digit of diagnostic message number
As of MPx05: ● Reduce distance of step (P-0-0707 or P-0-0714)
81...88: Checked motion step is "rest in rest with limited ve‐ ● Increase maximum slave axis velocity (P-0-0708 or
locity". Indicated maximum slave axis velocity would be ex‐ P-0-0715)
ceeded and segmentation into the three partial steps "rest in ● Reduce master axis velocity (P-0-0704 or P-0-0711)
velocity", "constant velocity" and "velocity in rest" is impossi‐
Number of checked motion step can be taken from second
digit of diagnostic message number
214/601 Bosch Rexroth AG DOK-INDRV*-GEN-**VRS**-WA07-EN-P
Rexroth IndraDrive MPx-02 to MPx-08 and HMV
Error Messages
When the cam mode is active, the drive monitors whether one of the cam tables
contains invalid elements or is incomplete.
Cause Remedy
One of cam tables is invalid Check cam tables and, if necessary, reload them ("P‑0‑0072,
Cam table 1", "P‑0‑0092, Cam table 2", "P‑0‑0780, Cam table
3" or "P‑0‑0781, Cam table 4").
In case of doubt, contact installation programmer or machine
The drive monitors whether the MMC is available when it is used as an active
memory, i.e. when the parameters are stored in the MMC.
Cause Remedy
MMC is used as active memory and was removed from drive Put MMC in its slot at the drive controller again and then start
controller under voltage command "S‑0‑0099, C0500 Reset class 1 diagnostics" in or‐
der to clear error
Loose contact in MMC slot or MMC incorrectly plugged Check fixing of MMC and, if necessary, plug it in correctly
MMC defective Replace MMC
MMC slot defective Replace control section or entire drive controller
DOK-INDRV*-GEN-**VRS**-WA07-EN-P Bosch Rexroth AG 215/601
Rexroth IndraDrive MPx-02 to MPx-08 and HMV
Error Messages
When switching the active operation mode, the drive was switched to a non-
initialized operation mode.
For the operation modes that can be selected, please see descriptions of the
operation mode parameters:
● S‑0‑0032, Primary operation mode
● S‑0‑0033, Secondary operation mode 1
● S‑0‑0034, Secondary operation mode 2
● S‑0‑0035, Secondary operation mode 3
As of MPx03, in addition:
● S‑0‑0284, Secondary operation mode 4
● S‑0‑0285, Secondary operation mode 5
● S‑0‑0286, Secondary operation mode 6
● S‑0‑0287, Secondary operation mode 7
Cause Remedy
Drive-integrated PLC (IndraMotion MLD) or one of following Enter desired operation mode in selected operation mode pa‐
control words were used to select an operation mode that was rameter
not initialized (e.g., S‑0‑0032="0"):
● "S‑0‑0134, Master control word" (with SERCOS)
● "P‑0‑4077, Field bus: control word" (with field bus)
● "P‑0‑4028, Device control word"
● "P‑0‑0120, Control word easy startup"
Error Messages
In the initialization phase (after activation of the drive), the controller checks
whether the connected motor corresponds to the type designation in "S‑0‑0141,
Motor type". If not, error F2008 is generated and the controller prompts the user
to load the motor-specific control loop parameter values from the encoder
memory of the motor (the display of the control panels shows "RL").
Cause Remedy
When the firmware is replaced (firmware update), the non-volatile memory (in‐
ternal memory or MMC) is automatically analyzed; during the analysis an error
was detected.
During the transition checks for the communication phases 3 and 4, the oper‐
ating data (parameter values) are subsequently verified; parameters with inva‐
lid operating data (normally only all new parameters) are output in the
parameters "S‑0‑0021, IDN list of invalid operating data for communication
phase 2" or "S‑0‑0022, IDN list of invalid operating data for communication
phase 3".
Error Messages
Cause Remedy
Drive is started with new firmware for the first time or a version By clearing error via control panel, all parameter values are
update was carried out due to which number of non-volatile cleared and set to original values (default values).
parameters has changed. ‑ or ‑
Error is cleared by starting command "S‑0‑0099, C0500 Reset
class 1 diagnostics". Parameters that can be read from mem‐
ory remain at their last stored value, all parameters that cannot
be read from the memory (new parameters) are set to default
values and marked as being invalid.
‑ or ‑
By starting command "S‑0‑0262, C07_x Load defaults
procedure command" with option "Load defaults", F2009 is
automatically cleared.
Parameter memory (MMC or internal memory) is defective so Check MMC and replace it, if necessary, or replace control
that error F2009 keeps reappearing. section or entire drive controller.
An error occurred during the first initialization of the drive (initialization of digital
218/601 Bosch Rexroth AG DOK-INDRV*-GEN-**VRS**-WA07-EN-P
Rexroth IndraDrive MPx-02 to MPx-08 and HMV
Error Messages
Cause Remedy
Conflict with last stored parameters of digital inputs/outputs Check following parameter contents and correct them, if nec‐
● P‑0‑0300, Digital I/Os, assignment list
● P-0-0301, Digital I/Os, bit numbers
● P‑0‑0302, Digital I/Os, direction
With master communication PL available:
● S-0-0026, Configuration list signal status word
● S-0-0328, Assign list signal status word
● S-0-0027, Configuration list signal control word
● S-0-0329, Assign list signal control word
With optional module MD1 or MD2 available:
● P-0-0681, Assignment IDN -> parallel output 1
● P-0-0682, Assignment parallel input 1 -> IDN
As of firmware version MPx05: You might possibly find some
information on incorrectly configured parameters in
"S-0-0423, IDN-list of invalid op. data for parameterization
In conjunction with technology functions, the PLC integrated in the drive (op‐
tional expansion package "Drive PLC") allows the user to generate error
messages from within the PLC program.
Occurrence of this error depends on the particular PLC project (or the active
technology function). If the error message is generated by a technology function
provided by Bosch Rexroth, the causes and remedies can be found in the de‐
scription of the technology function.
Tip: As of firmware versions MPx08/MPx17, the diagnostic message text can
be edited via the integrated PLC. This allows the user to assign meaningful
diagnostic messages.
F2011 - Attributes Display: F2011
Ident N°: F2011
Error Messages
In conjunction with technology functions, the PLC integrated in the drive (op‐
tional expansion package "Drive PLC") allows the user to generate error
messages from within the PLC program.
Occurrence of this error depends on the particular PLC project (or the active
technology function). If the error message is generated by a technology function
provided by Bosch Rexroth, the causes and remedies can be found in the de‐
scription of the technology function.
Tip: As of firmware versions MPx08/MPx17, the diagnostic message text can
be edited via the integrated PLC. This allows the user to assign meaningful
diagnostic messages.
F2012 - Attributes Display: F2012
Ident N°: F2012
In conjunction with technology functions, the PLC integrated in the drive (op‐
tional expansion package "Drive PLC") allows the user to generate error
messages from within the PLC program.
Occurrence of this error depends on the particular PLC project (or the active
technology function). If the error message is generated by a technology function
provided by Bosch Rexroth, the causes and remedies can be found in the de‐
scription of the technology function.
Tip: As of firmware versions MPx08/MPx17, the diagnostic message text can
be edited via the integrated PLC. This allows the user to assign meaningful
diagnostic messages.
F2013 - Attributes Display: F2013
Ident N°: F2013
In conjunction with technology functions, the PLC integrated in the drive (op‐
tional expansion package "Drive PLC") allows the user to generate error
messages from within the PLC program.
Occurrence of this error depends on the particular PLC project (or the active
technology function). If the error message is generated by a technology function
provided by Bosch Rexroth, the causes and remedies can be found in the de‐
scription of the technology function.
220/601 Bosch Rexroth AG DOK-INDRV*-GEN-**VRS**-WA07-EN-P
Rexroth IndraDrive MPx-02 to MPx-08 and HMV
Error Messages
In conjunction with technology functions, the PLC integrated in the drive (op‐
tional expansion package "Drive PLC") allows the user to generate error
messages from within the PLC program.
Occurrence of this error depends on the particular PLC project (or the active
technology function). If the error message is generated by a technology function
provided by Bosch Rexroth, the causes and remedies can be found in the de‐
scription of the technology function.
Tip: As of firmware versions MPx08/MPx17, the diagnostic message text can
be edited via the integrated PLC. This allows the user to assign meaningful
diagnostic messages.
F2015 - Attributes Display: F2015
Ident N°: F2015
In conjunction with technology functions, the PLC integrated in the drive (op‐
tional expansion package "Drive PLC") allows the user to generate error
messages from within the PLC program.
Occurrence of this error depends on the particular PLC project (or the active
technology function). If the error message is generated by a technology function
provided by Bosch Rexroth, the causes and remedies can be found in the de‐
scription of the technology function.
Tip: As of firmware versions MPx08/MPx17, the diagnostic message text can
be edited via the integrated PLC. This allows the user to assign meaningful
diagnostic messages.
F2016 - Attributes Display: F2016
Ident N°: F2016
Error Messages
In conjunction with technology functions, the PLC integrated in the drive (op‐
tional expansion package "Drive PLC") allows the user to generate error
messages from within the PLC program.
Occurrence of this error depends on the particular PLC project (or the active
technology function). If the error message is generated by a technology function
provided by Bosch Rexroth, the causes and remedies can be found in the de‐
scription of the technology function.
Tip: As of firmware versions MPx08/MPx17, the diagnostic message text can
be edited via the integrated PLC. This allows the user to assign meaningful
diagnostic messages.
F2017 - Attributes Display: F2017
Ident N°: F2017
Cause Remedy
Overtemperature (heat sink) due to overload of device Switch drive off and let it cool down. Check mechanical system
and drive sizing (on average, working power may not exceed
continuous power of drive)
For liquid-cooled devices: Check dimensioning of cooling sys‐
tem (see documentation with part number R911309636)
Ambient temperature too high. Specified performance data is Reduce ambient temperature, e.g. by cooling the control cab‐
valid up to an ambient temperature of 40 °C inet
Heat sink of device is dirty Clean heat sink
Convection is prevented by other components or mounting Mount device vertically and provide sufficient space for venti‐
position in control cabinet lating heat sink
Device-internal blower failed If blower fails, replace device or power section
Failure of air conditioning for control cabinet Check air conditioning of control cabinet
Incorrect dimensioning of control cabinet with regard to heat Check dimensioning of control cabinet
222/601 Bosch Rexroth AG DOK-INDRV*-GEN-**VRS**-WA07-EN-P
Rexroth IndraDrive MPx-02 to MPx-08 and HMV
Error Messages
Cause Remedy
For liquid-cooled devices: Connect cooling system
No cooling system connected
For liquid-cooled devices: Check cooling system and remove error
Error in cooling system, e.g. coolant pump defective or filter
clogged; thereby flow rate too small / inlet temperature of cool‐
ant too high
The motor temperature measured by the temperature sensor has reached the
limit value in "S‑0‑0204, Motor shutdown temperature". The drive is immediately
decelerated according to the selected error reaction ("P‑0‑0119, Best possible
deceleration") and shut down. The controller outputs F2019.
For MHD, MKD, MKE and LSF motors, "S‑0‑0204, Motor shutdown
temperature" is permanently set and cannot be changed.
The error can only be cleared when the motor has cooled down.
Cause Remedy
Motor shutdown temperature incorrectly parameterized Check and correct parameterization of "S‑0‑0204, Motor shut‐
down temperature" by means of motor or temperature sensor
data sheet
Motor is overloaded. Effective torque demanded from motor Check dimensioning of motor. In case of installations that have
has been above allowed continuous torque too long been operated for a long time, check whether drive conditions
have changed (with regard to dirt accumulation, friction,
moved masses etc.)
Line interruption, ground fault or short circuit in line for motor Check line for motor temperature monitoring for line interrup‐
temperature monitoring tion, ground fault or short circuit
Instability in speed control loop Check parameterization of speed control loop
For liquid-cooled motors: Connect cooling system
No cooling system connected
For liquid-cooled motors: Check cooling system and remove error
Error in cooling system, e.g. coolant pump defective or filter
clogged; thereby flow rate too small / inlet temperature of cool‐
ant too high
Error Messages
The function of the temperature sensor used for motor temperature monitoring
is cyclically monitored by the drive, as soon as the drive is ready for power
output ("Ab").
Motors MSK, MAD, MAF When the voltage level of the temperature sensor is outside of the allowed
range of values, error F2021 is output for Rexroth motors of the MSK, MAD or
MAF lines.
Motors MHD, MKD, MLF, LSF When a voltage suggesting a temperature sensor defect or a contact error has
been detected at the temperature sensor input for 30 seconds, error F2021 is
output for Rexroth motors of the MHD, MKD, MLF or LSF lines.
Motors 2AD, ADF, 1MB When a voltage suggesting too low motor temperature, a temperature sensor
defect or a contact error has been detected at the temperature sensor input for
30 seconds, error F2021 is output for Rexroth motors of the 2AD, ADF or 1MB
The drive reacts to F2021 with the error reaction which has been set or it refuses
drive enable.
The error can only be cleared, when its cause has been removed.
Cause Remedy
Interruption or short circuit in line for motor temperature mon‐ Check motor connection and cable for interruption and short
itoring circuit
Temperature sensor in motor is defective Use replacement temperature sensor (if available) or replace
Only for Rexroth motors of lines 2AD, ADF or 1MB: Observe minimum allowed ambient temperature (see docu‐
Motor temperature stays below allowed ambient temperature mentation of respective motor line)
Drive controller defective Replace drive controller or power section
Error Messages
The function of the temperature sensor used for device temperature monitoring
is cyclically monitored.
When a temperature equal to or less than ‑20 °C has been measured for 30
seconds, a defect is supposed to have occurred and the F2022 error is output.
Cause Remedy
When drive enable is set, the drive must be ready; i.e. it must signal the drive
status "Ab".
If the drive only signals bb (betriebsbereit = ready for operation), i.e. the DC
bus voltage is too low or the drive is in parameter mode, the drive generates
this error message.
Cause Remedy
Drive enable (AF) was set before power supply had been Check logic for activating drive in connected control unit.
switched on
‑ or ‑
Drive enable (AF) was set although drive is still in parameter
The DC bus voltage value is monitored by the drive controller and the supply
Drive Controllers HMS, HMD, HCS If the DC bus voltage falls below the minimum value determined for the drive
(see value of "P‑0‑0114, Undervoltage threshold") or it reacts to "DC bus not
ok" of the module bus, the drive generates the error message F2026 if "non-
fatal error" has been set with regard to the reaction to undervoltage in
"P‑0‑0118, Power supply, configuration".
HMV Supply Units If the DC bus voltage falls below 75% of the mains voltage crest value that was
detected when the mains contactor had been switched on, "error in supply" is
DOK-INDRV*-GEN-**VRS**-WA07-EN-P Bosch Rexroth AG 225/601
Rexroth IndraDrive MPx-02 to MPx-08 and HMV
Error Messages
signaled via the module bus and F2026 is displayed at the device. Power is
switched off!
Cause Remedy
Power is switched off without previous drive deactivation by Check logic for activating drive in connected control unit
means of drive enable ("AF")
Failure in power supply or overload of power supply Check power supply; for HCS02, particularly check wiring of
mains supply to connection X3
Mains failure Check cause of mains failure, switch mains voltage on again
Temporary supply unit overload Reduce processing cycle of machine
Excessive oscillation occurs in the DC bus. The DC bus voltage changes for
several minutes by more than 12V/ms.
Cause Remedy
Drive oscillates. Oscillation might possibly not be mechanical‐ Check command torque of drive to know whether it corre‐
ly visible, therefore check command torque. sponds to expected load cycle. Check settings of velocity
control loop and position control loop.
Drive loads DC bus impulsively Check application
When the position control loop is closed the drive monitors whether it can follow
the preset position command value. To do this a actual model position value is
calculated in the drive and compared with the real actual position value. If the
difference of calculated and real actual position value exceeds the value en‐
tered in parameter "S‑0‑0159, Monitoring window" it is obvious that the drive
cannot follow the preset command value and the error F2028 is generated.
Error Messages
Cause Remedy
Parameterized monitoring window too small Check and, if necessary, correct content of "S‑0‑0159, Moni‐
toring window".
Too high command acceleration due to incorrect command Reduce acceleration value set by the control unit (see control
value set by control unit unit manual)
Numeric value in "S‑0‑0092, Bipolar torque/force limit value" Check content of parameter "S‑0‑0092, Bipolar torque/force
too low limit value" and set it to maximum value allowed for applica‐
Axis is blocked or sluggish Check mechanical system and remove axis blocking.
Incorrect or non-optimized control loop parameters Check control loop setting (e. g. "S‑0‑0104, Position loop Kv-
factor", "S‑0‑0100, Velocity loop proportional gain",
"P‑0‑0556, Control word of axis controller").
Acceleration capacity of drive was exceeded Check drive dimensioning
Cause Remedy
Defective encoder cable or cable shielding Check cable to measuring system and replace it, if necessary
Measuring system defective Check measuring system and replace it, if necessary
Faulty mounting of measuring head in the case of linear meas‐ Check mounting of measuring head and correct it, if necessary
uring systems
Measuring system dirty Clean or replace measuring system
Hardware defect on control section of drive Replace control section or entire drive controller
Error Messages
Cause Remedy
Initial commissioning was not or incompletely carried out. Carry out initial commissioning
Motor encoder was replaced Carry out initial commissioning
Motor connections (U, V, W) were mixed up. Check and if necessary correct motor connection.
Values in "P‑0‑0508, Commutation offset" and/or "P‑0‑3008, Check value stored in "P‑0‑0508, Commutation offset"; carry
Commutation offset, encoder memory" were manipulated. out initial commissioning again, if required.
See also Functional Description of firmware " Establishing the Position Data
Reference (Drive-Controlled Homing)".
F2032 - Attributes Display: F2032
Ident N°: F2032
If the X10 interface at the IndraDrive controller has been equipped with a digital
I/O extension "MD1" or "MD2", this requires an external 24 V power supply.
The error can only be cleared, when the external power supply is
Cause Remedy
Voltage externally applied is outside of allowed range [and Supply interface with controlled power supply unit
temporary failures (voltage peaks) are detected]
At least one of the inputs was connected with reversed polarity Check wiring
228/601 Bosch Rexroth AG DOK-INDRV*-GEN-**VRS**-WA07-EN-P
Rexroth IndraDrive MPx-02 to MPx-08 and HMV
Error Messages
Cause Remedy
At least one of the outputs has short circuit Check wiring
At least one of the outputs is overloaded Supply motor brake and interface with different power supply
units, especially in case of long motor cables
External voltage has not been applied, because digital I/Os For digital I/O extension "MD1", external 24 V power supply
are not used must be connected, even if I/Os are not used.
For digital I/O extension "MD2", 24 V monitoring in parameter
P-0-0910 can be switched off, if I/Os are not used.
In cyclic operation, the difference between actual position value 1 and actual
position value 2 (see also "P‑0‑0391, Actual position value difference
encoder1 ‑ encoder2") is compared to "S‑0‑0391, Monitoring window feedback
2". If the absolute value of the difference is greater than the monitoring window,
error F2036 is generated.
The drive carries out the error reaction parameterized in "P‑0‑0119, Best
possible deceleration" and the reference bits of both encoders are cleared
("S‑0‑0403, Position feedback value status").
Cause Remedy
Parameters for encoder 2 incorrect Check "S‑0‑0115, Position feedback 2 type" and "S‑0‑0117,
Resolution of feedback 2"
Mechanical system between motor shaft and encoder 2 in‐ Check "S‑0‑0121, Input revolutions of load gear", "S‑0‑0122,
correctly parameterized Output revolutions of load gear" and "S‑0‑0123, Feed
Mechanical system between motor shaft and encoder 2 is not Increase "S‑0‑0391, Monitoring window feedback 2", switch
rigid (e.g., gear backlash, slip) and monitoring window is too off in the case of gear with slip
Maximum allowed slip exceeded with active measuring wheel Check or switch off "P‑0‑0244, Monitoring window of slip in
mode %"
Encoder cable defective Replace encoder cable
Maximum input frequency of encoder interface exceeded Reduce velocity
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Rexroth IndraDrive MPx-02 to MPx-08 and HMV
Error Messages
Cause Remedy
Encoder 2 not mounted to driven axis Set "S‑0‑0391, Monitoring window feedback 2" to "0" (switch
monitoring function off)
Incorrect encoder gear settings Check relevant encoder parameters and correct them, if nec‐
● "P‑0‑0121, Gear 1 motor-side (motor encoder)" /
"P‑0‑0122, Gear 1 encoder-side (motor encoder)"
● "P‑0‑0124, Gear 2 load-side (optional encoder)" /
"P‑0‑0125, Gear 2 encoder-side (optional encoder)"
● "S‑0‑0121, Input revolutions of load gear" /
"S‑0‑0122, Output revolutions of load gear"
Position data reference of an absolute encoder incorrect Execute "P‑0‑0012, C0300 Set absolute position procedure
When the drive is running in the operation mode "position control with cyclic
command value input", the incoming position command values (cf. "S‑0‑0047,
Position command value") are monitored. If the position difference between two
successive position command values is greater than or equal to the value in
"S‑0‑0091, Bipolar velocity limit value", the position command value monitor is
activated and the error F2037 is generated.
The excessive position command value is stored in parameter "P‑0‑0010,
Excessive position command value".
The last valid position command value is stored in parameter "P‑0‑0011, Last
valid position command value".
Cause Remedy
Value in "S‑0‑0091, Bipolar velocity limit value" too low Check and, if necessary, correct parameterization of
"S‑0‑0091, Bipolar velocity limit value"
Incorrect command value set by control unit Contact control unit manufacturer or programmer
Error Messages
In cyclic position control the allowed acceleration limit value was exceeded.
Cause Remedy
Value in "S‑0‑0138, Bipolar acceleration limit value" too low. Check and, if necessary, correct parameterization of
"S‑0‑0138, Bipolar acceleration limit value".
Incorrect command values set by control unit (position com‐ Contact control unit manufacturer or programmer.
mand values).
Preset acceleration value was greater than value parameter‐ Reduce acceleration value used
ized in "S‑0‑0138, Bipolar acceleration limit value". ● S‑0‑0042, Homing acceleration
● S‑0‑0260, Positioning acceleration
● P‑0‑0057, Return acceleration
A switch-off values of the second and, if available, third temperature sensor are
stored in parameter "P‑0‑4059, Electric type data of power section".
If "P‑0‑0816, Amplifier temperature 2" exceeds the switch-off value, error F2040
is generated and the device is switched off.
With HCS04.2: If "P‑0‑0817, Amplifier temperature 3" exceeds the switch-off
value, error F2040 is generated and the device is switched off.
The error can only be cleared when the device has cooled down.
Cause Remedy
Ambient temperature too high. Specified performance data is Reduce ambient temperature, e.g. by cooling the control cab‐
valid up to an ambient temperature of 40 °C inet
Heat sink of device is dirty Clean heat sink
Convection is prevented by other components or mounting Mount device vertically and provide sufficient space for venti‐
position in control cabinet lating heat sink
Device blower defective Replace device
Error Messages
Cause Remedy
Defective encoder cable or cable shielding Check cable to measuring system and replace it, if necessary
Encoder defective Check measuring system and replace it, if necessary
Faulty mounting of measuring head in the case of linear meas‐ Check mounting of measuring head and correct it, if necessary
uring systems
Measuring system dirty Replace measuring system
Hardware defect on control section of drive Replace control section or entire drive controller
Error Messages
Cause Remedy
Defective encoder cable or cable shielding Check cable to measuring system and replace it, if necessary
Encoder defective Check measuring system and replace it, if necessary
Faulty mounting of measuring head in the case of linear meas‐ Check mounting of measuring head and correct it, if necessary
uring systems
Measuring system dirty Replace measuring system
Hardware defect on control section of drive Replace control section or entire drive controller
The drive monitors the digital IOs of the "Parallel interface ‑ PL" master com‐
The error can only be cleared, when the external power supply is
Cause Remedy
24-V voltage supply of one or more input/output groups is Ensure that all 4 input/output groups are supplied with voltage
missing or is outside of 19 V to 30 V range between 19 V and 30 V
Temporary failures (voltage peaks) or voltage drops Use controlled power supply unit
At least one of the inputs was connected with reversed polarity Check wiring incl. cable and correct it, if necessary
DOK-INDRV*-GEN-**VRS**-WA07-EN-P Bosch Rexroth AG 233/601
Rexroth IndraDrive MPx-02 to MPx-08 and HMV
Error Messages
Cause Remedy
At least one of the outputs has short circuit or is overloaded Check wiring incl. cable and remove short circuit, if necessary
Voltage drops because motor brake applied Supply motor brake and interface with different power supply
units, especially in case of long motor cables
The battery was designed for a service life of 10 years in its installed
In the case of Rexroth motors of the MKD/MKE line, the absolute position in‐
formation is maintained, by means of battery-buffered electronics in the motor
feedback, even when the drive controller has been switched off. The battery
voltage is checked in the transition command from parameter to operating
mode during the initialization of the drive.
Cause Remedy
Battery voltage has fallen below 3.1 V Clear error and immediately arrange for and prepare replace‐
ment of battery (see instructions in Project Planning Manual
for respective motor). For replacement of battery observe
warning notice below!
Battery voltage has fallen below 2.8 V Error cannot be cleared any longer. Battery must be replaced
immediately (see instructions in Project Planning Manual for
respective motor). For replacement of battery observe warn‐
ing notice below!
Error Messages
If the control voltage is switched off after the battery was removed,
the absolute position data reference gets lost. The position data
reference then has to be reestablished.
See also Functional Description of firmware " Establishing the Position Data
F2048 - Attributes Display: F2048
Ident N°: F2048
Cause Remedy
There was an attempt to preset a new positioning command Check command value in control unit and make sure that new
value x(k+2) while drive was moving to target position of po‐ positioning command value x(k+2) is only preset when posi‐
sitioning command value x(k) tioning command value x(k+1) was accepted and drive moves
to corresponding target position
Incorrect command value acceptance (toggling of "S‑0‑0346, Check control program and only toggle bit 0 of "S‑0‑0346, Po‐
Positioning control word") in control unit causes positioning sitioning control word" once for each new positioning com‐
command value to be accepted several times mand value, because every change of the bit causes current
positioning command value to be accepted.
Incorrect positioning mode for "approaching target" was set in Set positioning mode "immediately moving to new target" for
"S‑0‑0346, Positioning control word". "approaching target" in "S‑0‑0346, Positioning control word".
In the case of the positioning block mode "sequential block without intermediate
stop" the drive is monitoring whether a new positioning block is available in the
target position preset memory when the target position has been reached.
DOK-INDRV*-GEN-**VRS**-WA07-EN-P Bosch Rexroth AG 235/601
Rexroth IndraDrive MPx-02 to MPx-08 and HMV
Error Messages
Cause Remedy
When target position of a sequential block has been reached, Preset sequential block in time (before target position has
there is no new positioning block in target position preset been reached)
Positioning block mode by mistake set to "sequential block Check positioning block mode and switch off sequential block
without intermediate stop". processing, if necessary ("S‑0‑0346, Positioning control
The number of increments or lines output within the position loop cycle (Basic:
TA = 500 µs, Advanced: TA = 250 µs) is monitored in the drive in order to make
sure that the maximum allowed frequency of the incremental encoder signals
of 1024 kHz is not exceeded; otherwise a position offset would be produced
due to "lost increments".
Cause Remedy
Resolution set in "P‑0‑0903, Encoder emulation resolution" is Reduce number of increments of incremental encoder emu‐
too high for existing travel velocity. lator in "P‑0‑0903, Encoder emulation resolution"
‑ or ‑
Reduce travel velocity.
In the case of incremental encoder emulation, a check is run at the end of each
output interval (= position loop clock) to find out whether all increments to be
236/601 Bosch Rexroth AG DOK-INDRV*-GEN-**VRS**-WA07-EN-P
Rexroth IndraDrive MPx-02 to MPx-08 and HMV
Error Messages
output have been output before the next increment output is started. Exceeding
the run time or hardware errors can cause overlapping that is detected during
the check and signaled by the error message F2054.
Cause Remedy
Run time internally exceeded Switch off all functions not required (e.g. analog output). If this
does not remove error, replace control section or entire drive
controller and contact our service department.
Hardware error Replace control section or entire drive controller and contact
our service department.
In case of "High" control of one or several digital outputs of the interfaces X31/
X32 at the drive controller (assigned in "P‑0‑0300, Digital I/Os, assignment
list"), there is no "High" signal (+DC24 V) output.
The error can only be cleared, when the external power supply is
Cause Remedy
Error Messages
Cause Remedy
Position limit values ("S‑0‑0049, Positive position limit value", Check parameterization of position limit values and adjust it
"S‑0‑0050, Negative position limit value") incorrectly parame‐ according to desired travel range ("S‑0‑0049, Positive position
terized limit value" has to be greater than "S‑0‑0050, Negative
position limit value")
Position limit value monitor has been activated although it is Deactivate position limit value monitor if it is not needed (e.g.,
not needed in modulo operation)
In the case of relative interpolation, value for travel range was Check preset travel range (cf. "S‑0‑0258, Target position")
set too high or several travel ranges that are added cause ef‐ and, if necessary, adjust it in control unit program
fective target position (cf. "S‑0‑0430, Effective target
position") to be outside of position limits
In the case of absolute interpolation, preset target position is Check preset target position (cf. "S‑0‑0258, Target position"
incorrect or "S‑0‑0282, Positioning command value") and, if necessary,
adjust it in control unit program (only enter "S‑0‑0258, Target
position" within position limit values)
In "positioning block mode" one or more target positions have Check parameterized target positions in "P‑0‑4006,
been incorrectly parameterized or incorrect positioning block Positioning block target position" and block selection
is selected (P‑0‑4026, Positioning block selection). In addition, check
block selection via respective master communication (e.g.,
field bus or digital I/Os).
Error Messages
In operating modes that are using the internal path generator (interpolation,
positioning, positioning block mode and spindle positioning), the residual path
to be traveled and the braking distance are monitored to find out whether the
numeric range is exceeded.
Cause Remedy
Due to command value input a residual path was generated Check command value input, positioning velocity or potenti‐
that is greater than 2^31. ometer value
As the internal position resolution is determined by the travel
range (from ‑travel range to +travel range the resulting max.
distance is less than 2^31), this can only occur with axes with
modulo scaling. In this case only if relative distances are
stringed together several times without the axis being able to
Calculated braking distance is greater than 2^31 Increase "S‑0‑0278, Maximum travel range"
– or ‑
Increase deceleration in "S‑0‑0359, Positioning decelera‐
tion", "S‑0‑0372, Drive Halt acceleration bipolar" or "P‑0‑4063,
Positioning block deceleration".
Cause Remedy
In operating mode "drive-controlled positioning", target posi‐ Check relative positioning input ("S‑0‑0282, Positioning com‐
tion points to wrong direction. mand value")
Rotational direction of "modulo axis" incorrectly parameter‐ Check command value mode that was set ("S‑0‑0393, Com‐
ized for drive-controlled positioning procedures mand value mode")
DOK-INDRV*-GEN-**VRS**-WA07-EN-P Bosch Rexroth AG 239/601
Rexroth IndraDrive MPx-02 to MPx-08 and HMV
Error Messages
Cause Remedy
In operating mode "positioning block mode", target position Check relative positioning input ("P‑0‑4006, Positioning block
points to wrong direction. target position").
You are trying to jog in wrong direction. Jogging only in allowed rotational direction ("S‑0‑0346, Posi‐
tioning control word")
The residual path to be traveled and the braking distance are monitored to find
out whether the numeric range is exceeded.
Cause Remedy
Braking distance of axis is greater than position value range Increase "P‑0‑0771, Virtual master axis, positioning acceler‐
that can be displayed. ation"
Deceleration value that was set ("P‑0‑0771, Virtual master ax‐
is, positioning acceleration") is too low.
Braking distance of axis is greater than position value range Reduce "P‑0‑0770, Virtual master axis, positioning velocity"
that can be displayed.
Velocity value that was set ("P‑0‑0770, Virtual master axis,
positioning velocity") is too high.
With the internal master axis generator it is possible to jog the virtual master
axis in both directions and preset relative distances in both directions.
240/601 Bosch Rexroth AG DOK-INDRV*-GEN-**VRS**-WA07-EN-P
Rexroth IndraDrive MPx-02 to MPx-08 and HMV
Error Messages
Cause Remedy
Due to setting in "P‑0‑0756, Virtual master axis, scaling Input command value direction according to parameter setting
type", position data of virtual master axis are to be processed in "P‑0‑0769, Virtual master axis, command value mode".
in modulo format and positive or negative rotational direction
was selected in "P‑0‑0769, Virtual master axis, command val‐
ue mode". Input command value leads to wrong direction.
The drive control is synchronized to the bus interface (SERCOS, Profibus, In‐
terbus, ...) via two phase control loops (Phase Locked Loop - PLL). The correct
function of the synchronization is monitored by monitoring the respective control
deviation of the two PLLs for an allowed threshold. When the threshold is ex‐
ceeded this error message is generated.
Cause Remedy
Interference injection due to incorrect connection of master Check connection of master communication (incl. shield con‐
communication cause synchronization problems. nection) and correct it, if necessary.
Synchronization clock of master oscillates very much due to Check field bus master and make sure synchronization clock
software or hardware error in master (e.g. jitter of MST with is good and constant.
Master communication hardware of drive controller is defec‐ Replace control section or entire drive controller.
tive (e.g. optional SERCOS card).
Error Messages
The holding brake current is monitored when the holding brake has been con‐
trolled. If the holding brake current is outside of the allowed range, the error
F2068 is generated.
Furthermore, the holding brake of controllers of the IndraDrive Cs type is moni‐
tored for wire break. If wire break has occurred, the error F2068 is generated,
If the activation of brake control causes problems with wire break monitoring,
wire break monitoring can be deactivated (see "P‑0‑0525, Holding brake control
Cause Remedy
Supply voltage for holding brake has not been correctly con‐ Check supply voltage
nected or is outside of tolerance (24 V +/-5 %)
Motor cable has been incompletely connected Check motor cable
Motor holding brake is defective Replace motor
Drive controller is defective Replace drive controller
During the automatic check of the holding brake ("P‑0‑0525, Holding brake
control word"), after drive enable or after the start of the "P‑0‑0541, C2100
Brake check command" the motor did not move, although half the holding tor‐
que was produced.
Cause Remedy
Motor brake (servo brake) was not or incorrectly connected. Connect brake or correct connection
Axis is mechanically blocked Check mechanical system and remove blocking
Brake is defective Check and, if necessary, replace brake
Brake supply error Check voltage
Friction torque of axis is greater than test torque of drive. Deactivate brake check ("P‑0‑0525, Holding brake control
word") because it cannot be used due to mechanical proper‐
242/601 Bosch Rexroth AG DOK-INDRV*-GEN-**VRS**-WA07-EN-P
Rexroth IndraDrive MPx-02 to MPx-08 and HMV
Error Messages
When switching off a drive with a motor encoder that can be evaluated in ab‐
solute form, the current actual position is stored in the drive. When switching
the drive on again, the current position is compared to the position stored when
the drive was switched off the last time. If the deviation is greater than the value
in "P‑0‑0095, Absolute encoder monitoring window for motor encoder", the error
message F2074 is generated.
Cause Remedy
While switched off, axis was moved by more than value en‐ Make sure displayed position is correct in relation to machine
tered in "P‑0‑0095, Absolute encoder monitoring window for zero point. Then clear error and, if necessary, reestablish po‐
motor encoder". sition data reference
Value entered in "P‑0‑0095, Absolute encoder monitoring Check parameterization of "P‑0‑0095, Absolute encoder
window for motor encoder" is too low for existing encoder res‐ monitoring window for motor encoder" and increase monitor‐
olution so that normal encoder jitter already causes monitor to ing window
be triggered
Amplifier replaced without parameter update Clear error and establish position data reference
Change in parameters of mechanical system (gear, feed con‐ Clear error and establish position data reference
stant, ...)
Motor encoder defective Replace motor or motor encoder
Error Messages
When switching off a drive with an external encoder that can be evaluated in
absolute form, the current actual position is stored in the drive. When switching
the drive on again, the current position is compared to the position stored when
the drive was switched off the last time. If the deviation is greater than the value
in "P‑0‑0096, Absolute encoder monitoring window for opt. encoder", the error
message F2075 is generated.
Cause Remedy
While switched off, axis was moved by more than value en‐ Make sure displayed position is correct in relation to machine
tered in "P‑0‑0096, Absolute encoder monitoring window for zero point. Then clear error and, if necessary, reestablish po‐
opt. encoder" sition data reference
Value entered in "P‑0‑0096, Absolute encoder monitoring Check parameterization of "P‑0‑0096, Absolute encoder
window for opt. encoder" is too low for existing encoder reso‐ monitoring window for opt. encoder" and increase monitoring
lution so that normal encoder jitter will already cause monitor window
to be triggered.
Encoder defective or encoder replacement Replace encoder, clear error and establish position data ref‐
Amplifier replaced without parameter update Clear error and establish position data reference
Change in parameters of mechanical system (gear, feed con‐ Clear error and establish position data reference
stant, ...)
When switching off a drive with a measuring encoder that can be evaluated in
absolute form, the current actual position is stored in the drive. When switching
the drive on again, the current position is compared to the position stored when
the drive was switched off the last time. If the deviation is greater than the value
in "P‑0‑0097, Absolute encoder monitoring window for measuring encoder", the
error message F2076 is generated.
244/601 Bosch Rexroth AG DOK-INDRV*-GEN-**VRS**-WA07-EN-P
Rexroth IndraDrive MPx-02 to MPx-08 and HMV
Error Messages
Cause Remedy
While switched off, axis was moved by more than value en‐ Make sure displayed position is correct in relation to machine
tered in "P‑0‑0097, Absolute encoder monitoring window for zero point. Then clear error and, if necessary, reestablish po‐
measuring encoder". sition data reference
Value entered in "P‑0‑0097, Absolute encoder monitoring Check parameterization of "P‑0‑0097, Absolute encoder
window for measuring encoder" is too low for existing encoder monitoring window for measuring encoder" and increase mon‐
resolution so that normal encoder jitter already causes monitor itoring window
to be triggered
Encoder defective or encoder replacement Replace encoder, clear error and establish position data ref‐
Amplifier replaced without parameter update Clear error and establish position data reference
Change in parameters of mechanical system (gear, feed con‐ Clear error and establish position data reference
stant, ...)
Cause Remedy
Hardware of control section or power section defective. Replace power section or control section resp. entire drive
Error Messages
This error is signaled by the supply to the drives via the module bus. It has high
priority and...
● causes error reaction in the drives in operation. The error message is dis‐
played at these drives.
● causes power of the supply unit to be switched off or the Bb contact of
converters to open (requires assignment of respective bit "P‑0‑0861, Sta‐
tus word of power section" to digital output!) and possibly causes DC bus
short circuit (requires corresponding wiring!).
This error can also have been caused by a fatal drive error that was signaled
to the supply via the module bus. The respective settings must be made in
"P‑0‑0118, Power supply, configuration".
Cause Remedy
The error can only be cleared, when the signals are error-free or
the module bus communication was switched off.
Cause Remedy
Failure of control voltage supply of a module bus node while Supply all devices of a "drive system" with control voltage
"drive system" is ready for power output or in operation
Disturbance on module bus Identify and remove sources of disturbance
Incorrect signal timing on module bus Identify and replace faulty device
Module bus cable defective Identify and replace defective module bus cable; replace de‐
vice, if necessary
Error Messages
Cause Remedy
Failure occurs sporadically (firmware error) Clear error and contact our service department for firmware
Hardware in control section is defective Should error occur repeatedly, control section or entire drive
has to be replaced.
Cause Remedy
Failure occurs sporadically (firmware error) Clear error and contact our service department in order to get
a firmware update
MMC has not been plugged in correctly or is defective Clear error and check MMC or plug it in correctly. If error oc‐
curs again when MMC is accessed, MMC has to be replaced.
MMC slot in control section is defective Clear error and check MMC slot. If error occurs again when
MMC is accessed, control section or entire drive controller has
to be replaced.
Error Messages
Cause Remedy
Failure occurs sporadically (firmware error) Clear error and contact our service department in order to get
a firmware update.
Encoder cable defective or bad shielding Clear error. Replace defective encoder cable or improve
Encoder memory or encoder electronics is defective. Clear error. Replace encoder or motor
Hardware defect on control section Replace control section or entire drive controller
Cause Remedy
Failure occurs sporadically (firmware error) Clear error and contact our service department in order to get
a firmware update.
Encoder cable defective or bad shielding Clear error. Replace defective encoder cable or improve
Encoder memory or encoder electronics is defective Clear error. Replace encoder or motor.
Hardware defect on control section Replace control section or entire drive controller.
Error Messages
The commutation offset value stored in the motor encoder memory was detec‐
ted to be invalid.
Cause Remedy
Failure occurs sporadically (firmware error) Clear error. Then execute command "P‑0‑0524, C1200 Com‐
mutation offset setting command"; if error occurs again con‐
tact our service department in order to get a firmware update.
Encoder memory or encoder electronics is defective Clear error. Replace encoder or motor. Then execute com‐
mand "P‑0‑0524, C1200 Commutation offset setting com‐
Cause Remedy
Failure occurs sporadically (firmware error) Clear error and contact our service department in order to get
a firmware update.
Encoder cable defective or bad shielding Clear error. Replace defective encoder cable or improve
Encoder memory or encoder electronics is defective Clear error. Replace encoder or motor.
Hardware defect on control section Replace control section or entire drive controller.
DOK-INDRV*-GEN-**VRS**-WA07-EN-P Bosch Rexroth AG 249/601
Rexroth IndraDrive MPx-02 to MPx-08 and HMV
Error Messages
Cause Remedy
Failure occurs sporadically (firmware error) Clear error and contact our service department for firmware
Hardware defective Should error occur repeatedly, control section or entire device
has to be replaced
Error Messages
Communication via the SERCOS interface, however, and thereby the reading
of the error message are ensured.
Cause Remedy
It was impossible to address MMC Check whether MMC was plugged in and that it has been cor‐
rectly inserted
- or -
MMC might possibly be defective, replace it by another one
"Programming module mode" was set via P-0-4070, but MMC Change parameter storage configuration to "init/update medi‐
hasn't been plugged um" (P-0-4070=0)
The distributed servo drive KSM (component of the drive system Rexroth
IndraDrive Mi) is only ready for operation with the MMC having been plugged.
The MMC is checked during the initialization phase; an error occurred during
the check.
The drive only runs up to communication phase 2 and refuses further phase
Communication via the SERCOS interface, however, and thereby the reading
of the error message are ensured.
Cause Remedy
MMC itself is alright, but directories, files or data on the MMC Copy contents of previously made backup copy to MMC (see
are faulty or missing. Particularly firmware, parameters and also "Project Planning Manual", "Rexroth IndraDrive Mi":
retain data must be available. "MMC")
The distributed servo drive KSM (component of the drive system Rexroth
IndraDrive Mi) is only ready for operation with the MMC having been plugged.
The MMC is checked during the initialization phase; an error occurred during
the check.
The drive only runs up to communication phase 2 and refuses further phase
DOK-INDRV*-GEN-**VRS**-WA07-EN-P Bosch Rexroth AG 251/601
Rexroth IndraDrive MPx-02 to MPx-08 and HMV
Error Messages
Communication via the SERCOS interface, however, and thereby the reading
of the error message are ensured.
Cause Remedy
In "Firmware" folder, operation firmware (file with extension Check and correct MMC and "Firmware" folder with appropri‐
".ibf") is missing or more than on file with extension ".ibf" was ate reader
Operation firmware is defective Order firmware again; transmission error might possibly have
Note: Writing the MMC takes a relatively long time. If you do occurred. Afterwards, copy firmware to MMC again.
not wait until end of writing process, file with operation firm‐ - or -
ware on MMC is not complete and it will be detected as being Copy functioning operation firmware either from backup copy
defective. or from another MMC to defective MMC
Tip: For firmware update, it is necessary to replace file with
extension ".ibf" (operation firmware); it is strongly recommen‐
ded that you do not delete operation firmware, but rename file
extension, e.g. from ".ibf" to ".ibx". In any case, you should
make a backup copy of current operation firmware.
The distributed servo drive KSM (component of the drive system Rexroth
IndraDrive Mi) is only ready for operation with the MMC having been plugged.
The MMC is checked during the initialization phase.
In addition, important operating data, such as the current position, operating
time, travel block etc., are stored when the controller is switched off. If this
storing process is faulty, it is impossible to continue operation after the next
switch-on in such a way as if there hadn't been any interruption; for example,
the motor loses its reference in the case of faulty retain data backup. To make
sure that the retain data backup works faultlessly, such a data backup is carried
out for test purposes during the initialization phase.
The drive only runs up to communication phase 2 and refuses further phase
Communication via the SERCOS interface, however, and thereby the reading
of the error message are ensured.
Cause Remedy
Backup of retain data for test purposes was terminated with Hardware specifications of MMC used might possibly be so
an error near to limits that this (quick) write access did not work. Re‐
place MMC by original factory-provided one.
Temporary failure might possibly have occurred Switch off and on again
Hardware or software defect Read logbook and forward entry to service department
Error Messages
In the booting phase of the drive, a backup of the retain data on the MMC is
tested. The error F2124 is generated, because the storage process takes more
than 50 ms.
Cause Remedy
Storage process of MMC is too slow (e.g. slowed storage for Replace MMC
reasons of aging)
An error occurred in the communication with the comfort control panel (VCP01):
● "reset" couldn't be carried out
● error during download of application or firmware
● communication to control panel disturbed
Cause Remedy
Error Messages
Cause Remedy
An F2 or F3 error occurred in a CCD slave and "error reaction Locate faulty slave and remove cause of error for this slave.
active" has been set in "P‑0‑1600, CCD: configuration".
An F8 error occurred in a CCD slave and "best possible de‐ Locate faulty slave and remove cause of error for this slave.
celeration" has been set in "P‑0‑1600, CCD: configuration" as
reaction to an F8 error.
Faulty command triggering of a remote axis (Axis2) in MLD-M Locate faulty function block and remove error by means of
master. (For example, motion function block "MC_MoveRela‐ function block error outputs.
tive" with "Acceleration"=0).
Cause Remedy
Faulty command triggering in MLD-S (single-axis application) Locate faulty function block and remove error by means of
‑ or ‑ function block error outputs.
See also Application Manual Rexroth IndraMotion MLD " Error Handling of
IndraMotion MLD".
F2150 - Attributes Display: F2150
Ident N°: F2150
Error Messages
In the case of absolute encoder evaluation, the validity of the initialized absolute
position is checked during position initialization. If the controller detects that the
position data reference of the encoder cannot be established any more due to
changes of the mechanical system parameters or due to replacement of en‐
coder or device, the actual position value status ("S‑0‑0403, Position feedback
value status") goes to "relative" and the error F2174 is generated.
Cause Remedy
Switching on without reference (in the case of initial commis‐ Clear error and reestablish position data reference.
sioning or caused, for example, by changing parameters that
characterize mechanical system or influence position evalua‐
Switching on without reference (after replacing motor or motor Clear error and establish position data reference.
Motor encoder defective Replace motor or motor encoder, clear error and establish po‐
sition data reference.
Parameters of mechanical system changed (gear, feed con‐ Clear error and establish position data reference.
stant, ...)
Amplifier replaced without parameter update Clear error and establish position data reference
Switching on without reference after replacement of device Clear error and establish position data reference
with loaded axis-specific parameter values (according to list ‑ or ‑
from "S‑0‑0192, IDN-list of backup operation data").
Clear error, then load parameter values of "P‑0‑0195, IDN list
of retain data (replacement of devices)", if it was possible to
save them immediately before device was replaced. Check
reestablished position data reference for correctness.
In the case of absolute encoder evaluation, the validity of the initialized absolute
position is checked during position initialization. If the controller detects that the
position data reference of the encoder cannot be established any more due to
changes of the mechanical system parameters or due to replacement of en‐
coder or device, the actual position value status ("S‑0‑0403, Position feedback
value status") goes to "relative" and the error F2175 is generated.
DOK-INDRV*-GEN-**VRS**-WA07-EN-P Bosch Rexroth AG 255/601
Rexroth IndraDrive MPx-02 to MPx-08 and HMV
Error Messages
Cause Remedy
Switching on without reference (in the case of initial commis‐ Clear error and reestablish position data reference.
sioning or caused, for example, by changing parameters that
characterize mechanical system or influence position evalua‐
Switching on without reference (after replacement of encod‐ Clear error and establish position data reference.
Optional encoder defective. Replace encoder, clear error and establish position data ref‐
Parameters of mechanical system changed (gear, feed con‐ Clear error and establish position data reference.
stant, ...).
Amplifier replaced without parameter update. Clear error and establish position data reference.
Switching on without reference after replacement of device Clear error and establish position data reference
with loaded axis-specific parameter values (according to list ‑ or ‑
from "S‑0‑0192, IDN-list of backup operation data").
Clear error, then load parameter values of "P‑0‑0195, IDN list
of retain data (replacement of devices)", if it was possible to
save them immediately before device was replaced. Check
reestablished position data reference for correctness.
When the controller is switched on, it determines, in the case of absolute en‐
coder evaluation, the initial position of the measuring system (position initiali‐
zation) and checks its validity. If the controller detects that the position data
reference of the encoder cannot be established any more due to changes of
the mechanical system parameters or due to replacement of encoder or device,
the actual position value status ("S‑0‑0403, Position feedback value status")
goes to "relative" and this diagnostic message is generated.
Cause Remedy
Switching on without reference (in the case of initial commis‐ Clear error and establish position data reference.
sioning or caused, for example, by changing parameters that
characterize mechanical system or influence position evalua‐
Encoder defective Replace measuring encoder, clear error and establish position
data reference.
Switching on without reference (after replacement of measur‐ Clear error and establish position data reference.
ing encoder).
Controller replaced without parameter update. Clear error and establish position data reference.
256/601 Bosch Rexroth AG DOK-INDRV*-GEN-**VRS**-WA07-EN-P
Rexroth IndraDrive MPx-02 to MPx-08 and HMV
Error Messages
With active modulo scaling the drive limits its actual position values to the values
parameterized in "S‑0‑0103, Modulo value", otherwise to the value parameter‐
ized in "S‑0‑0278, Maximum travel range". As these values possibly cannot be
exactly displayed, the corresponding recalculation of the systematic errors in
the case of position overflow takes place in the drive.
Cause Remedy
"S‑0‑0103, Modulo value" or "S‑0‑0278, Maximum travel Check and, if necessary, correct "S‑0‑0103, Modulo value" or
range" have been incorrectly parameterized and not adjusted "S‑0‑0278, Maximum travel range".
to the application.
Drive was moved as rapidly that recalculation no longer works Reduce drive velocity at position overflow.
According to scaling, the drive limits the actual position values to the maximum
travel range or to the modulo value. As these values possibly cannot be exactly
displayed the corresponding recalculation of the errors takes place in the drive.
Cause Remedy
Encoder speed was so high that recalculation no longer works Reduce encoder speed
correctly. ‑ or –
change "S‑0‑0103, Modulo value"
Error Messages
With active modulo scaling the drive limits its actual position values to the values
parameterized in "S‑0‑0103, Modulo value", otherwise to the value parameter‐
ized in "S‑0‑0278, Maximum travel range". As these values possibly cannot be
exactly displayed, the corresponding recalculation of the systematic errors in
the case of position overflow takes place in the drive.
Cause Remedy
"S‑0‑0103, Modulo value" or "S‑0‑0278, Maximum travel Check and, if necessary, correct "S‑0‑0103, Modulo value" or
range" have been incorrectly parameterized and not adjusted "S‑0‑0278, Maximum travel range"
to the application.
Drive was moved as rapidly that recalculation no longer works Reduce drive velocity at position overflow.
Error Messages
Cause Remedy
Unallowed configuration of parameters for Ethernet commu‐ Set parameters for Ethernet communication (TCP/IP) to valid
nication (TCP/IP): values:
IP address and gateway address are not in the same IP net‐ ● P-0-1531, Engineering: IP address
work ● P-0-1532, Engineering: Network mask
‑ or ‑ ● P-0-1533, Engineering: Gateway address
IP address and gateway address are identical As of MPx05VRS, in addition:
● P-0-1641, CCD: IP address
● P-0-1642, CCD: Network mask
● P-0-1643, CCD: Gateway address
● S-0-1020, Master comm. engineering over IP: IP ad‐
● S-0-1021, Master comm. engineering over IP: Network
● S-0-1022, Master comm. engineering over IP: Gateway
As of MPx06VRS, in addition:
● P-0-4089.00.13, Master communication: IP address
● P-0-4089.0.14, Master communication: Network mask
● P-0-4089.00.15, Master communication: Gateway ad‐
Due to storage problems, internal configuration of IP stack Due to a hardware problem, it is necessary to replace control
was inadmissibly terminated section
The drive first reacts with the warning "E8260 Torque/force command value
limit active" to the triggering of the current command value limitation.
If the current limitation is active for more than 1.5 seconds, the drive reacts with
a drive error, when this has been parameterized in "P-0-0556, Config word of
axis controller".
DOK-INDRV*-GEN-**VRS**-WA07-EN-P Bosch Rexroth AG 259/601
Rexroth IndraDrive MPx-02 to MPx-08 and HMV
Error Messages
Cause Remedy
Error reaction to current limitation active Check whether error reaction to current limitation is desired
and, if necessary, deactivate error reaction to current limitation
in "P-0-0556, Config word of axis controller"
Current limitation active Remove cause of current limitation (see "E8260 Torque/force
command value limit active")
Cause Remedy
Input value at analog input 1 or 2 is lower than minimum value Check wiring of analog input, reestablish contact to voltage
of voltage measuring range (setting "voltage signals" in source, if necessary
"P‑0‑0218, Analog input, control parameter""). ‑ or –
Check value range of voltage source.
Input value at analog input 1 or 2 is lower than minimum value Check wiring of analog input, reestablish contact to current
of current measuring range (setting "current signals" in source, if necessary
"P‑0‑0218, Analog input, control parameter"). ‑ or –
Check value range of current source.
Error Messages
Cause Remedy
At least one phase is missing Check and, if necessary, replace mains circuit breakers.
Mains voltage is too low Measure mains voltage and compare it to allowed value
Mains frequency is outside of specified range Measure mains frequency and compare it to allowed value
The crest value of the mains voltage has fallen below the allowed minimum
value (connection voltage range see documentation for HMV01.1).
Cause Remedy
Cause Remedy
Crest value of mains voltage has exceeded allowed maximum Check mains voltage. If necessary, use matching transformer
value (supply voltage range see documentation "Rexroth
IndraDrive Supply Units and Power Sections")
DOK-INDRV*-GEN-**VRS**-WA07-EN-P Bosch Rexroth AG 261/601
Rexroth IndraDrive MPx-02 to MPx-08 and HMV
Error Messages
During the soft start process (charging of DC bus capacitance) the DC bus
voltage curve is monitored. Great deviations suggest a defect in the power
section and are diagnosed with the error F2816.
Cause Remedy
Short circuit in DC bus Check DC bus wiring, remove if there is a short circuit.
Load on DC bus Check DC bus wiring; if an external braking resistor has been
incorrectly connected, connect it correctly.
Insulation error in DC bus Check DC bus wiring; if wiring is alright, there can be an in‐
sulation error within device or other devices connected to DC
bus. To find defective device take connected devices out of
drive system step by step (remove wiring).
Final value of DC bus voltage is not reached within a maximum Check whether there is defect at load externally connected to
time. DC bus.
Inadmissible voltage fluctuations in supply mains. Mains volt‐ Check mains voltage
age has inadmissibly dropped during soft start process.
HMV01, HMV02: thermal overload of soft start circuit. Check number of ON-OFF cycles.
Device is defective Replace device
When the warning E8025 is present for devices of the "HMV" type, the error
"F2817 Overvoltage in power section" is generated after a certain length of time
which depends on the hardware index of the device.
From the hardware indices listed below upwards, the error F2817 is generated
100 milliseconds after the warning E8025 has been present:
● HMV02.1R-W0015: From hardware index A09 upwards
● HMV01.1R-W0018: From hardware index A43 upwards
● HMV01.1R-W0045: From hardware index A43 upwards
● HMV01.1R-W0065: From hardware index A43 upwards
262/601 Bosch Rexroth AG DOK-INDRV*-GEN-**VRS**-WA07-EN-P
Rexroth IndraDrive MPx-02 to MPx-08 and HMV
Error Messages
From the mentioned hardware indices upwards, the error can only
be reset by switching the device off, in order to call attention to pos‐
sible application errors [e.g. "coasting" of a synchronous motor at
high speed (field weakening range) with a DC bus braking resistor
value inadmissibly high for the motor].
Cause Remedy
See "E8025 Overvoltage in power section" See "E8025 Overvoltage in power section"
A single-phase mains failure, which lasted for a longer time than the tolerated
phase failure time, was detected for a supply unit of the HMV type.
HMV01.1E approx. 2 s
HMV01.1R, HMV02.1R approx. 2 s
Cause Remedy
Error Messages
The mains has failed and the DC bus voltage has fallen below a threshold value.
HMV Supply Units A mains failure, which lasted for a longer time than the tolerated mains failure
time, was detected for a supply unit of the HMV type.
Cause Remedy
Mains failure (permanent or temporary) Search and remove cause of mains failure
Mains circuit breakers defective Replace mains circuit breakers
Power was switched off due to possible overload of the braking resistor.
If the DC bus voltage exceeds the current switch-on threshold of the braking
resistor ("P‑0‑0833, Braking resistor threshold") as a result of regenerative op‐
eration of the drive, the braking resistor is switched on to limit the DC bus
voltage. The load of the braking resistor is displayed in "P‑0‑0844, Braking re‐
sistor load". When the load rises to 110%, error F2820 is displayed.
Error F2820 also indicates that no braking resistor has been con‐
nected or that the connected braking resistor is defective. A value
of at least 110% is displayed in "P‑0‑0844, Braking resistor load",
although in reality there isn't any load present or possible!
After having eliminated the cause of the error, check the braking
resistor for operability!
The error can only be cleared, when its cause has been removed.
264/601 Bosch Rexroth AG DOK-INDRV*-GEN-**VRS**-WA07-EN-P
Rexroth IndraDrive MPx-02 to MPx-08 and HMV
Error Messages
Cause Remedy
Allowed deceleration of connected drives too high Reduce deceleration of connected drives
Energy absorption capacity of braking resistor is exhausted Switch power supply off with a delay in the case of drive OFF
or E-STOP (for regenerative supply units) or reduce velocity
Regenerated energy in machining cycle is too high Increase cycle time or reduce maximum velocity
Continuous regenerative power and/or rotary drive energy is Reduce maximum velocity or check dimensioning of braking
too high resistor and, if necessary, increase dimensioning
Braking resistor is defective or has not been connected For external braking resistor, visually check wiring and resistor
component. If necessary, correct wiring or replace braking re‐
If internal braking resistor is defective, replace device.
The error can occur for devices of both the HCS and the HMV type.
There are different causes and remedies for both device types!
Devices of HCS Type An error has occurred in the control of the external braking resistor.
Cause Remedy
Control of braking resistor has detected inadmissibly high cur‐ Check braking resistor for correct resistance value. If neces‐
rent sary, use braking resistor with higher resistance value
Terminal connectors for external braking resistor have been Remove short circuit, connect braking resistor correctly, if
short-circuited necessary
Devices of HMV Type An error has occurred in the control of the internal braking resistor.
Cause Remedy
Error Messages
For devices of type HCS, this error message is generated when the parame‐
terized braking resistor reference switch-on voltage is too low. The braking
resistor would already be active with correct DC bus voltage.
The error can only be cleared, when its cause has been removed.
Cause Remedy
This error message is generated for devices of type HCS when Increase value of 4th list element in "P‑0‑0858, Data of exter‐
value of braking resistor reference switch-on voltage (list ele‐ nal braking resistor"
ment 4 of "P‑0‑0858, Data of external braking resistor") acti‐ ‑ or ‑
vated via "P‑0‑0860, Converter configuration" is too low
Select different reference value for ON-OFF switching voltage
of braking resistor in "P‑0‑0860, Converter configuration"
During the loading process of the DC bus a ground fault was detected in the
motor line of one of the connected converters/inverters.
Cause Remedy
Ground fault in a motor line within drive system Take controllers of drive system successively out of device
‑ or – group on control voltage and power voltage side, until error no
longer occurs. By doing this identify faulty drive.
Ground fault in a controller of drive system
Check insulation of motor cable with measuring device. If mo‐
tor cable is not defective, there is a device or connection error.
Error Messages
Cause Remedy
Due to wiring or control error, contact "ZKS" ["DC bus short Check control. "Netz EIN" ("mains ON") has to be opened si‐
circuit"] (X32.8) or contact "Netz AUS" ["mains OFF"] (X32.6/ multaneously with or before "ZKS" ("DC bus short circuit") and
X32.7) was opened while contact "Netz EIN" ["mains ON"] N"etz AUS" ("mains OFF").
(X32.4/X32.5) still had been close.
Mains contactor could not be switched Check wiring of interface.
Check voltages at interfaces X32, X14 (HMV0x.xR) or at L1,
L2 and L3 (HMV0x.xE).
Contactor control has detected an error Replace device
For supply units of the HMV01 line which do not have an internal mains con‐
tactor, an external mains contactor has to be controlled via X34.
Cause Remedy
See also documentation "Rexroth IndraDrive Supply Units and Power Sec‐
F2835 - Attributes Display:
Ident N°: F2835
Unbalance on the DC bus was detected for the supply unit / converter.
Cause Remedy
Unbalance on the DC bus Switch device off/on; if error continues occurring, replace de‐
Error Messages
Cause Remedy
A component in the drive system demands the shutdown of power supply. The
supply unit switches power off and signals F2840.
The supply units (as of listed HWIs) generate the diagnostic mes‐
sage in the status "Bb", too. Prevent the activation of the mains
contactor by means of the Bb1 contact (see "Control Circuits for the
Mains Connection" in the Project Planning Manual of the drive sys‐
tem and "Connection Point X31" in the Project Planning Manual of
HMV supply units).
HMV01.1E-W0030 A36
HMV01.1E-W0075 A37
HMV01.1E-W0120 A40
268/601 Bosch Rexroth AG DOK-INDRV*-GEN-**VRS**-WA07-EN-P
Rexroth IndraDrive MPx-02 to MPx-08 and HMV
Error Messages
Cause Remedy
A second supply unit connected in parallel, a DC bus resistor Remove cause of error at respective supply unit, DC bus re‐
unit or an inverter/converter signals an error in supply sistor unit or inverter/converter; then clear error
For HMV01.1R The current in the mains-side power bridge has exceeded the maximum al‐
lowed value. The power supply is switched off.
Cause Remedy
Cause Remedy
Error Messages
Cause Remedy
Cause Remedy
Error Messages
Error Messages
Warnings (Exxxx)
9 Warnings (Exxxx)
9.1 Fatal Warnings (E8xxx)
9.1.1 Behavior in the Case of Fatal Warnings
There are different drive reactions in the case of warnings of category E8xxx;
they are described under the cause/remedy descriptions of the warnings.
The DC bus voltage is monitored. When the allowed maximum value (870 V)
is exceeded, the fatal warning E8025 is generated.
The controller switches the motor to torque-free state in the case of overvoltage.
If the DC bus voltage falls below the allowed maximum value again, the motor
is switched on again.
Cause Remedy
Energy regenerated to DC bus by mechanical machine sys‐ Reduce regenerative power by lower acceleration values
tem during braking process was so high that supply unit – or –
couldn't dissipate it during regeneration time. This caused DC
bus voltage to rise to inadmissible value Correct dimensioning of drive
– or –
Sufficiently dimension supply unit as regards braking energy
requirements; if necessary, use additional braking resistor if
existing braking resistor has been under-dimensioned
Mains supply voltage (alternating input voltage) too high Check mains supply voltage (alternating voltage/3‑phase)
No braking resistor connected or connection or cable defec‐ Connect braking resistor or check connection
F8xxx error at high speed (field weakening range) of a syn‐ Check whether braking resistance value in DC bus exceeds
chronous motor maximum value allowed for motor; if necessary, reduce brak‐
ing resistance value to or below allowed value
274/601 Bosch Rexroth AG DOK-INDRV*-GEN-**VRS**-WA07-EN-P
Rexroth IndraDrive MPx-02 to MPx-08 and HMV
Warnings (Exxxx)
Only for HMV: When the warning E8025 is present, the error "F2817
Overvoltage in power section" is generated after a certain length of
time which depends on the hardware index of the device.
From the hardware indices listed below upwards, the error F2817
is generated 100 milliseconds after the warning E8025 has been
● HMV02.1R-W0015: From hardware index A09 upwards
● HMV01.1R-W0018: From hardware index A43 upwards
● HMV01.1R-W0045: From hardware index A43 upwards
● HMV01.1R-W0065: From hardware index A43 upwards
● HMV01.1R-W0120: From hardware index A02 upwards
● HMV01.1E-W0030: From hardware index A33 upwards
● HMV01.1E-W0075: From hardware index A34 upwards
● HMV01.1E-W0120: From hardware index A36 upwards
For devices of the "HMV" type with smaller hardware indices, the
error F2817 is generated 2 seconds after the warning E8025 has
The DC bus voltage value is monitored by the drive controller and the supply
Drive Controllers HMS, HMD, HCS If the DC bus voltage falls below the minimum value determined for the drive
(see value of "P‑0‑0114, Undervoltage threshold") or it reacts to "DC bus not
ok" of the module bus, the device generates the warning E8026 if "fatal warn‐
ing" has been set with regard to the reaction to undervoltage in "P‑0‑0118,
Power supply, configuration".
In the case of fatal warning E8026, the motive torque is locked. The
control unit still can actively decelerate the drive, but no longer ac‐
celerate it.
Supply Units HMV, Identifier
"FCN1" or "FNN1" This diagnostic message is only displayed for HMV supply units
which have the identifier "FCN1" or "FNN1" at the position "Other
design" in the type code.
If the DC bus voltage falls below 75% of the mains voltage crest value that was
detected when the mains contactor had been switched on, "error DC bus volt‐
age, mains failure" is signaled via the module bus and E8026 is displayed at
the device. Power is switched off!
According to the situation in the mains, the diagnostic message is only dis‐
played for a short time.
DOK-INDRV*-GEN-**VRS**-WA07-EN-P Bosch Rexroth AG 275/601
Rexroth IndraDrive MPx-02 to MPx-08 and HMV
Warnings (Exxxx)
Cause Remedy
Power is switched off without previous drive deactivation by Check logic for activating drive in connected control unit
means of drive enable ("AF")
Malfunction or overload of power supply Check power supply
Mains failure Check cause of mains failure, switch mains voltage on again
Temporary supply unit overload Reduce processing cycle of machine
Cause Remedy
Starting lockout (up to MPx06) or "Safe torque off" (as of Remove drive enable
MPx07) was set with active drive enable and diagnostic mes‐
sage has been set to "fatal warning" via parameter P-0-0101
The controller monitors the motor current (= controller output current) supplied
by the power section.
● If the controller output current is higher than the 1.2-fold of "S‑0‑0110,
Amplifier peak current"
- or -
276/601 Bosch Rexroth AG DOK-INDRV*-GEN-**VRS**-WA07-EN-P
Rexroth IndraDrive MPx-02 to MPx-08 and HMV
Warnings (Exxxx)
Cause Remedy
Current loop incorrectly parameterized Check current loop setting ("S‑0‑0106, Current loop propor‐
tional gain 1", "S‑0‑0107, Current loop integral action time 1")
and, if necessary, correct it after having contacted our service
In the case of Bosch Rexroth motors with encoder data mem‐ Check whether values in "S‑0‑0106, Current loop proportional
ory (MHD, MKD, MKE), values for current loop parameteriza‐ gain 1" and "S‑0‑0107, Current loop integral action time 1"
tion do not correspond to values in encoder data memory correspond to values in encoder data memory ("P‑0‑2106,
Current loop proportional gain 1, encoder memory" and
"P‑0‑2107, Current loop integral-action time 1, encoder mem‐
Note: Calculation of "S‑0‑0106, Current loop proportional gain
1" depends on "P‑0‑0001, Switching frequency of the power
output stage" and "P‑0‑0556, Control word of axis controller"!
In the case of Rexroth motors without encoder data memory, Check whether values in "S‑0‑0106, Current loop proportional
values for current loop parameterization do not correspond to gain 1" and "S‑0‑0107, Current loop integral action time 1"
manufacturer-side specifications correspond to manufacturer-side specifications (see Drive‐
In the case of third-party motors, output data for calculating Check whether output data for calculating parameter values
parameter values are not correct are correct
The drive provides a function for monitoring an allowed travel range by means
of software limit switches that can be parameterized.
Warnings (Exxxx)
Cause Remedy
A command value was set for the drive that causes an axis Set command value that leads back to the allowed travel
position outside the positive travel range/position limit value range.
Contact machine manufacturer in order to find out cause of
incorrect command value
Positive travel range/position limit value incorrectly parame‐ Check and, if necessary, correct parameterization of
terized "S‑0‑0049, Positive position limit value"
The drive provides a function for monitoring an allowed travel range by means
of software limit switches that can be parameterized.
Cause Remedy
A command value was set for the drive that causes an axis Set command value that leads back to the allowed travel
position outside the negative travel range/position limit value range.Contact machine manufacturer in order to find out
cause of incorrect command value
Positive travel range/position limit value incorrectly parame‐ Check and, if necessary, correct parameterization of
terized "S‑0‑0050, Negative position limit value"
Warnings (Exxxx)
Cause Remedy
E-Stop input was controlled (0 V at digital input) Remove failure that caused E-Stop to be triggered and clarify
cause of triggering
Incorrect parameterization of digital inputs and outputs on Check configuration of digital inputs/outputs on control section
control section and correct it, if necessary
E-Stop switch or cable connection defective or incorrectly Check function and wiring of E-Stop switch
Control section or digital inputs on control section defective Replace control section or entire drive controller
The warning E8040 is generated when the "stall protection loop" takes effect
and changes the working point of the machine for its relief.
DOK-INDRV*-GEN-**VRS**-WA07-EN-P Bosch Rexroth AG 279/601
Rexroth IndraDrive MPx-02 to MPx-08 and HMV
Warnings (Exxxx)
Cause Remedy
The warning E8041 is generated when the current limitation loop takes effect
and reduces the output voltage due to overvoltage.
Cause Remedy
"S‑0‑0109, Motor peak current" incorrectly parameterized Check content of "S‑0‑0109, Motor peak current" and increase
it, if necessary
Short circuit at output of power output stage (e.g. in motor ca‐ Check motor connection and motor for short circuit and re‐
ble or in motor) place cable or motor, if necessary
Power output stage in drive controller defective Replace drive controller
The compliance with the allowed travel range of linear axes is monitored on the
hardware side via two travel range limit switches. When the travel range has
been exceeded, one of the two limit switches is activated, if the limit switches
were correctly mounted.
The warning E8042 is generated, if
● the controller detects that both travel range limit switches have been si‐
multaneously activated and
280/601 Bosch Rexroth AG DOK-INDRV*-GEN-**VRS**-WA07-EN-P
Rexroth IndraDrive MPx-02 to MPx-08 and HMV
Warnings (Exxxx)
As long as the cause of E8042 has not been removed, the controller
does not accept any command value!
Cause Remedy
Due to incorrect mounting, axis activates both travel range Mount travel range limit switches in such a way that they are
limit switches simultaneously activated shortly before axis end position is reached. Make
sure the braking distance is sufficient
Travel range limit switches were incorrectly connected Connect travel range limit switches correctly; check compli‐
ance with switching logic set in "P‑0‑0090, Travel range limit
Switching logic of travel range limit switches does not corre‐ Check switching logic with regard to realized wiring, adjust it
spond to realized wiring in "P‑0‑0090, Travel range limit parameter", if necessary
The drive provides a function for monitoring travel range limit switches (external
hardware limit switches). This monitor has to be activated and parameterized
via "P‑0‑0090, Travel range limit parameter".
When the warning E8043 occurs, the axis is shut down with velocity
command value reset.
Cause Remedy
Travel range limit switch situated in positive direction (see Set drive enable and input a command value leading back to
Project Planning Manual for motor) was activated because allowed travel range
axis is outside of travel range that was defined by means of
travel range limit switches
Incorrect parameterization of digital inputs and outputs on Correct configuration of digital inputs/outputs on control sec‐
control section tion and correct it, if necessary
Travel range limit switch or cable is defective or incorrectly Check function and wiring of travel range limit switch
Control section or digital inputs on control section defective Replace control section or entire drive controller
Warnings (Exxxx)
The drive provides a function for monitoring travel range limit switches (external
hardware limit switches). This monitor has to be activated and parameterized
via "P‑0‑0090, Travel range limit parameter".
When the warning E8044 occurs, the axis is shut down with velocity
command value reset.
Cause Remedy
Travel range limit switch situated in negative direction (see Set drive enable and input a command value leading back to
Project Planning Manual for motor) was activated because allowed travel range
axis is outside of travel range that was defined by means of
travel range limit switches
Incorrect parameterization of digital inputs and outputs on Correct configuration of digital inputs/outputs on control sec‐
control section tion and correct it, if necessary
Travel range limit switch or cable is defective or incorrectly Check function and wiring of travel range limit switch
Control section or digital inputs on control section defective Replace control section or entire drive controller
In order to protect the motors against thermal destruction in the case of peak
loads occurring for a very short time, the thermal work load of the motor is
282/601 Bosch Rexroth AG DOK-INDRV*-GEN-**VRS**-WA07-EN-P
Rexroth IndraDrive MPx-02 to MPx-08 and HMV
Warnings (Exxxx)
Cause Remedy
Too high acceleration torque/too high acceleration force de‐ Reduce acceleration by adjusted command value profile
Overload of drive by too high continuous load Reduce overload in the case of long machining phases
Too high process or machining force (e.g. infeed) Reduce process or machining force
Mechanical changes in axis (e.g. friction, load conditions,...) Check mechanical system and, if necessary, optimize load
conditions and/or friction conditions
In order to protect the devices against thermal destruction, the thermal load of
the output stage in devices with digital current control is continuously calculated
by a temperature model, depending on the measured current.
For HCS, HMS, HMD If the thermal load exceeds 97% (displayed in "P‑0‑0141, Thermal drive load"),
the continuous current limitation is activated and the warning E8057 is gener‐
ated. As a consequence thereof the drive can no longer follow the command
values preset by a control unit.
Cause Remedy
Device is not adjusted to requirements of application or motor Check dimensioning of drive and, if necessary, use more pow‐
erful device
Too high acceleration torque/too high acceleration force de‐ Reduce acceleration by adjusted command value profile
Overload of drive by too high continuous load Reduce overload in the case of long machining phases
DOK-INDRV*-GEN-**VRS**-WA07-EN-P Bosch Rexroth AG 283/601
Rexroth IndraDrive MPx-02 to MPx-08 and HMV
Warnings (Exxxx)
Cause Remedy
Too high process or machining force (e.g. infeed) Reduce process or machining force
Mechanical changes in axis (e.g. friction, load conditions,...) Check mechanical system and, if necessary, optimize load
conditions and/or friction conditions
This fatal warning can occur for drive controllers in operation that are intercon‐
nected via the module bus. If one of these drive controllers in operation signals
an error via the module bus, the drives that are to react to signaled errors
("package reaction") react with shutdown. The reacting drives display the warn‐
ing E8058, the supply unit displays "E2810 Drive system not ready for opera‐
The settings for error messages and error reactions for devices that are inter‐
connected via the DC bus and module bus are made in "P‑0‑0118, Power
supply, configuration".
Cause Remedy
Error message of one or several drives of a drive system Identify drive or drives signaling an error. Remove cause of
error at respective drive or drives
Apart from the dynamic actual torque/force value limitation by means of a motor
or amplifier temperature model, there are voltage-dependent (velocity-depend‐
ent), as well as parameterizable limitations of the torque/force command value.
At least one of these limits has been reached.
Warnings (Exxxx)
Cause Remedy
"Controlled motor operation" / "closed-loop operation" Reduce preset maximum acceleration value to allow drive to
Acceleration capacity of drive has been exceeded. In operat‐ follow position or velocity command value characteristic
ing modes "position control" and "velocity control", this means
that there is an ever-increasing position deviation (lag error)
between command value and actual value
"Controlled motor operation" / "closed-loop operation" Reduce maximum velocity command value in such a way that
Velocity command value is higher than maximum velocity of values of P-0-0535 or P-0-0536 are not reached when accel‐
drive. Drive limits output value of velocity loop (torque com‐ erating or at maximum velocity.
mand value) so that output voltage of controller, depending on If possible, use controlled supply unit (HMV-R); with uncon‐
load, does not exceed value of "P‑0‑0535, Motor voltage at no trolled supply unit increase supply voltage, if necessary
load" or "P‑0‑0536, Maximum motor voltage"
"Controlled motor operation" / "closed-loop operation" Increase values of "S‑0‑0082, Torque/force limit value posi‐
Torque/force limit values incorrectly set tive", "S‑0‑0083, Torque/force limit value negative",
"S‑0‑0092, Bipolar torque/force limit value" and "P‑0‑0109,
Torque/force peak limit", if necessary
"Controlled motor operation" / "closed-loop operation" Check contents of "S‑0‑0106, Current loop proportional gain
Current loop incorrectly parameterized for motors without 1" and "S‑0‑0107, Current loop integral action time 1" and cor‐
feedback data memory (e.g. kit motors or third-party motors) rect them, if necessary.
See also Functional Description of firmware "Automatic Set‐
ting of Motor Control "
"Controlled motor operation (FXC)" Reduce current at standstill ("P‑0‑0532, Premagnetization
Controller cannot permanently provide required current at factor" * "P‑0‑4004, Magnetizing current") by lower value of
standstill of asynchronous motor P‑0‑0532
‑ or ‑
Use controller with higher continuous current (type current)
"Open-loop operation" / "U/f-controlled motor operation" Maximum change of velocity with which drive can follow com‐
Acceleration capacity of controlled drive has been exceeded mand values is determined by motor. This possibly requires
(velocity command value ramp too steep) adjustment of "P‑0‑0569, Maximum stator frequency change"
Warnings (Exxxx)
Cause Remedy
At least one phase is missing Check mains circuit breakers and replace them, if necessary
Mains voltage is too low Measure mains voltage and compare it to allowed range of
Mains frequency is outside of specified range Measure mains frequency and compare it to allowed range of
See also documentation "Rexroth IndraDrive Supply Units and Power Sec‐
E8802 - Attributes Display:
Ident N°: E8802
"Error DC bus voltage, mains failure" is signaled via the module bus and E8814
displayed at the device. Power is switched off!
According to the situation in the mains, the diagnostic message is only dis‐
played for a short time.
Cause Remedy
Crest value of mains voltage has fallen below allowed mini‐ Use matching transformer
mum value (supply voltage range see documentation
"Rexroth IndraDrive Supply Units and Power Sections")
Warnings (Exxxx)
"Error DC bus voltage, mains failure" is signaled via the module bus and E8815
displayed at the device. Power is switched off!
According to the situation in the mains, the diagnostic message is only dis‐
played for a short time.
Cause Remedy
Crest value of mains voltage has exceeded allowed maximum Check mains voltage. If necessary, use matching transformer
value (supply voltage range see documentation "Rexroth
IndraDrive Supply Units and Power Sections")
A single-phase mains failure, which lasted longer than the tolerated phase fail‐
ure time, was detected for a supply unit of the HMV type.
"Error DC bus voltage, mains failure" is signaled via the module bus and E8818
displayed at the device. Power is switched off!
According to the situation in the mains, the diagnostic message is only dis‐
played for a short time.
HMV01.1E Approx. 2s
HMV01.1R, HMV02.1R Approx. 2s
Cause Remedy
Warnings (Exxxx)
Drive Controllers HMS, HCS Mains failure was detected. To maintain the DC bus, regenerative operation of
the motor is still possible, motive operation of the motor is disabled. The function
depends on "P‑0‑0118, Power supply, configuration" (behavior in case of un‐
dervoltage in DC bus).
Cause Remedy
Power is switched off without previous drive deactivation by Check logic for activating drive in connected control unit
means of drive enable ("AF")
Malfunction or overload of power supply Check power supply
Mains failure Check cause of mains failure, switch mains voltage on again
A mains failure lasting longer than the tolerated mains failure time was detected
for a supply unit of type HMV.
"Error DC bus voltage, mains failure" is signaled via the module bus and E8819
displayed at the device. Power is switched off!
Sometimes, the diagnostic message is displayed only briefly, depending on the
situation in the power supply network.
Cause Remedy
Mains failure (permanent or temporary) Search and remove cause of mains failure
Mains circuit breakers defective Replace mains circuit breakers
Warnings (Exxxx)
Master Communication SERCOS II The master synchronization telegram (MST) was not received in the drive in
two successive SERCOS cycles.
Cause Remedy
Disturbance in fiber optic transmission line Check all fiber optic cable connections in SERCOS ring and
replace them, if necessary
Attenuation of light signals too high Measure attenuation of fiber optic cables again.
Maximum attenuation between TX and RX mustn't exceed
12.5 dB!
Different SERCOS cycle times in master and slave Check SERCOS cycle times in master and slave and adjust
them, if necessary
Disturbance in SERCOS interface (general) Replace control section or entire drive
Master Communication SERCOS The master synchronization telegram (MST) was not received in the drive in
III several successive SERCOS cycles. The number of allowed losses is set in
Cause Remedy
Different SERCOS cycle times in master and slave Check SERCOS cycle times in master and slave and adjust
them, if necessary
Disturbance in SERCOS interface (general) Replace control section or entire drive
Warnings (Exxxx)
The master data telegram (MDT) was not received in the drive in two successive
SERCOS or field bus cycles.
Cause Remedy
Bus master does not send any more cyclic telegrams to Switch master on and start cyclic communication; see manual for
the drive. These, however, are expected in communica‐ control unit
tion phase 4.
Fiber optic cable bus: Disturbance in fiber optic trans‐ Check all fiber optic cable connections in SERCOS ring
mission line
Fiber optic cable bus: Input power of light signals too low Adjust transmitting power or check attenuation of fiber optic cable
Light power to be measured at receiver (with test mode: Maximum attenuation between TX and RX mustn't exceed 12.5 dB!
continuous light) must be between –20 dBm (10 µW) and
–5 dBm (320 µW)
Different transmission times of master data telegrams in Synchronize transmission times of master data telegrams in master
master and slave and slave
Disturbance in SERCOS interface (general) Replace control section or entire drive controller
Warnings (Exxxx)
Cause Remedy
See F4009 See F4009
Other Field Buses (CANopen, In "P-0‑4088, Master communication, configuration", bus failure was configured
PROFIBUS, ...) as a warning.
Warning E4005 is generated in the following cases:
● No telegram with command values was received within the monitoring
time stored in P-0-4075.
‑ or ‑
● The control unit was switched to "Stop".
‑ or ‑
● The control unit took the drive out of the master communication group.
Cause Remedy
See F4009 See F4009
Cause Remedy
Warnings (Exxxx)
Cause Remedy
Synchronous monitoring has been preset for a consumer con‐ Producer of connection (can be bus master or another slave)
nection and NewData bit of connection does not toggle in does not work correctly
preset cycle
Too many telegrams fail due to disturbances Check bus line and connector
During the index check in the multiplex channel an error occurred. During the
cyclic data exchange the index for access to the lists Data container A: config‐
uration list command value-x is monitored to find out whether it is pointing to a
non-initialized position in the list.
Cause Remedy
During the index check in the multiplex channel an error occurred. During the
cyclic data exchange the index for access to the lists Data container A: config‐
uration list actual value-x is monitored to find out whether it is pointing to a non-
initialized position in the list.
292/601 Bosch Rexroth AG DOK-INDRV*-GEN-**VRS**-WA07-EN-P
Rexroth IndraDrive MPx-02 to MPx-08 and HMV
Warnings (Exxxx)
Cause Remedy
Cause Remedy
Slave was not scanned in phase 1 or address 0 has been Set correct slave address
Slave deactivated by control unit Check SERCOS master configuration
Cause Remedy
MultiEthernet interface is overloaded; I/O data of cyclic com‐ Please contact our service department
munication cannot be transmitted to drive
Warnings (Exxxx)
Cause Remedy
More CCD slaves than allowed have been connected to Reduce number of connected CCD slaves
CCD master Note: Maximum number of axes depends on CCD cycle time and
data length
Cause Remedy
A CCD slave address has been used several times; actual Correct slave address in slave(s) ("P‑0‑4025, Drive address
topology (P-0-1603) and command topology (P-0-1636) do of master communication")
not match. Addresses must be unequivocal
In "P‑0‑1601, CCD: Addresses of projected drives" Correct "P‑0‑1601, CCD: addresses of projected drives" ac‐
‑ or ‑ cording to connected CCD slaves
Warnings (Exxxx)
When the CCD group powers up to phase 0, 1 or 2, the CCD slaves are moni‐
tored for correct reaction. Warning E4014 is generated if the behavior of one
or more slaves is not correct. There may be the following error symptoms:
● The CCD slave ignores phase switching and continues to transmit
● The CCD slave does not resume transmitting after completed phase
● The list of scanned CCD slaves is not stable (the list must be completely
identical for phase 0)
● No communication on port 1 or port 2
● No scanned CCD slave (only if "P‑0‑1601, CCD: Addresses of projected
drives" is also empty; otherwise E4013)
● The MST that was transmitted is not received correctly
● There is a connected CCD slave that is not supported by the CCD master
Cause Remedy
SERCOS III plug connectors are loose or defective Check SERCOS III plug connectors and replace if necessary
One of the CCD slaves is defective Replace CCD slave
The CCD master has detected in SERCOS phase 4 that the actual topology
(P-0-1610.0.3) is different from the command topology (P-0-1620.0.3).
Warnings (Exxxx)
Cause Remedy
Command topology specified in P-0-1620.0.3 is not available Change P-0-1620.0.3 according to setup of connections (top‐
‑ or ‑
Change connection(s) between slaves as parameterized in
Connection between two slaves interrupted Check connection between slaves.
NOTE:Green LED indicates link; addresses of slaves are
shown at end of line in parameter P-0-1610.0.21.
The composition of a modular I/O has changed since the previous CCD phase
progression. The content of parameter S‑0‑1500.0.3 (List of Module Type Co‐
des) in a modular I/O is not identical with the content of parameter "P‑0‑1634.x.
1, CCD: Module type codes of the modular I/Os".
As a result, there may be cases where the inputs or outputs are not operated
correctly because modules of the modular I/O have been exchanged.
Cause Remedy
New modular I/O was added to CCD group Start command "P‑0‑1620.0.31, C7200 CCD: Command
Apply I/O configuration" or write to parameter P‑0‑1634.x.1
Changes were made to known modular I/O in CCD group. Undo changes to modular I/O
Modules were exchanged or replaced by other modules or ‑ or ‑
new modules were added
Inform CCD master about changes with command C7200
"CCD: Command Apply I/O configuration"
‑ or ‑
Write correct values to parameter P-0-1634.x.1
Warnings (Exxxx)
When the safety technology has been activated, the warning only occurs in
normal operation. When a safety-related operation status is selected, the cause
of the error causes the error "F3130 Error when checking input signals" or
"F3141 Selection validation error" to be triggered.
Cause Remedy
During "dynamization of safety function selection" not all input Remove wiring error of input signals or replace switch.
signals are zero. Cause can be error in wiring of input signals Note: Cause of error can be localized, for example, by means
or short circuit of switch contacts with positive supply voltage of internal oscilloscope function and one of the following pa‐
● "P-0-3216, Active safety technology signals" or
● "P-0-3212, Safety technology control word, channel 1"
● "P-0-3217, I/O status channel 2 (optional safety
technology module)"
There are unequal channel states between channel 1 and 2. Remove wiring error of input signals or replace switch
Cause can be error in wiring of input signals or defective switch Note: Cause of error can be localized by means of parameter
"P‑0‑3216, Active safety technology signals" (of channel 1 and
channel 2).
Parameterization of "P‑0‑3221, Max. tolerance time for Change parameterization of "P‑0‑3221, Max. tolerance time
different channel states" not useful for different channel states" in a useful way
Warnings (Exxxx)
Cause Remedy
There is an error in wiring of acknowledgment signals (contact Remove error in wiring of acknowledgment signals
error, cable break, short circuit with 0 V, missing connection
to master)
When both safety technology channels have been homed (confer "S-0-0403,
Position feedback value status" for channel 1 and "P-0-3213, Safety technology
operating status" for channel 2), a validation check is cyclically carried out for
their actual position values. The difference of the actual position values mustn't
exceed an internally defined threshold.
When the safety technology has been activated, this warning only occurs in
normal operation. When a safety function is selected, the cause of the error
causes the error "F3117 Actual position values validation error" to be triggered.
Cause Remedy
Implausible values on channel 1 and 2 resulted from cyclic Reestablish safety related reference
comparison of actual position values. An internally calculated
tolerance threshold is used for this comparison
Warnings (Exxxx)
Cause Remedy
Within time "P‑0‑3223, Time interval for dynamization of safety Remove cause of error in wiring of dynamization input
function selection" there hasn't any dynamization pulse (low ‑ or ‑
level) occurred at dynamization input EA30 or "dynamization
input channel 1" In the case of internal dynamization, make sure that only one
of involved axes has been configured as master for dynami‐
zation of safety function selection ("P‑0‑3210, Safety technol‐
ogy configuration")
‑ or ‑
In the case of external dynamization, use appropriate signal
‑ or ‑
Make sure that in involved slave axes values for "P-0-3223,
Time interval for dynamization of safety function selection"
and "P-0-3224, Duration of dynamization pulse of safety func‐
tion selection" are greater than or equal to values in master
In the operating mode, a validation check is cyclically carried out for the safety
parameters of channel 1 and channel 2.
When the safety technology has been activated, this warning only occurs in
normal operation. When a safety function is selected, the cause of the error
causes the error "F3140 Safety parameters validation error" or "F7040 Valida‐
tion error parameterized ‑ effective threshold" to be triggered.
Cause Remedy
A comparison has shown that channel 1 and channel 2 are not Execute command "P-0-3204, C3000 Synchronize and store
working with the same safety parameters safety technology IDN command"; channel 2 thereby accepts
parameters of channel 1
Warnings (Exxxx)
When the safety technology has been activated, this warning only
occurs in normal operation. When a safety function is selected, the
cause of the error causes the error "F7042 Validation error safety
related operating mode" to be triggered.
Cause Remedy
Time, velocity or position thresholds were incorrectly parame‐ Check time, velocity or position thresholds relevant for re‐
terized spective transition and adjust them, if necessary
When the safety technology has been activated, this warning only occurs in
normal operation. When a safety function is selected, the cause of the error
causes the error "F3146 System error channel 2" or "F3147 System error chan‐
nel 1" to be triggered (as of firmware versions 05VRS).
Cause Remedy
Warnings (Exxxx)
A check showed that, when the special mode "safe motion" with configured
safety function "safety related limited absolute position" (up to MPx06) or
"Safely-monitored position" (as of MPx07) was selected, there is no "safe
reference" existing.
Cause Remedy
Monitoring of safety related end positions has been config‐ 1. Set drive enable
ured; requirement that channel 2 has been homed is missing 2. For absolute measuring systems: Execute "P-0-3228,
(can also be recognized in "P‑0‑3238, Extended safety C4000 Homing procedure command channel 2" in order
technology status"). No safety function has been selected (i.e., to establish "safe reference" on channel 2
drive is in normal operation)
- or -
For all other measuring systems: Execute "S‑0‑0148,
C0600 Drive-controlled homing procedure
command" (C4000 for establishing safe reference of
channel 2 is integrated)
Warnings (Exxxx)
Cause Remedy
During transition to special mode, drive is not able to reach Adjust command value input to parameterized values
standstill, within corresponding transition time ("P‑0‑3220,
Tolerance time transition from normal operation"/"P‑0‑3225,
Tolerance time transition from safe operation"), with deceler‐
ation parameterized in "P‑0‑3282, Safely-monitored
One or several of values selected for the following parameters Check parameter settings and change them, if necessary
are not useful:
● P‑0‑3282, Safely-monitored deceleration,
● P‑0‑3226, Delay Safely-monitored deceleration,
● P‑0‑3233, Velocity threshold for safe standstill,
● "P‑0‑3220, Tolerance time transition from normal
operation" or
● P‑0‑3225, Tolerance time transition from safe operation
Cause Remedy
Setting of time interval in parameter "P‑0‑0103, Time interval Set time interval in parameter "P‑0‑0103, Time interval of
of forced dynamization" does not comply with requirements forced dynamization" according to requirements
Starting lockout has not been activated within time interval that Activate starting lockout with drive controller being active
was set
Warnings (Exxxx)
When "time interval of holding brake check" was activated in "P-0-0525, Holding
brake control word" or the function "safe braking and holding system" is used,
the drive monitors the time which has passed since the last holding brake check.
Cause Remedy
Drive had been put into operation and drive enable was set; Brake check ("P-0-0541, C2100 Holding system check
after 5 minutes, drive generates warning E3115 command") must be carried out within 15 minutes after drive
was put into operation and drive enable was set
Space of time since last holding brake check has approached Start brake check within 15 minutes after occurrence of E3115
time interval parameterized in "P-0-0550, Time interval ("P-0-0541, C2100 Holding system check command")
holding system check" or "P-0-3302, SBS: Time interval brake
check" by 15 minutes or less
The current nominal load torque ("P-0-0551, Current load torque") has tempo‐
rarily exceeded the nominal load torque of the holding system ("P-0-0547,
Nominal load of holding system") or of the safe braking and holding system
("P-0-3303, SBS: Nominal load").
Cause Remedy
"P‑0‑0551, Current load torque" is greater than nominal load Avoid overload
torque of holding system ("P-0-0547, Nominal load of holding
system") or nominal load torque of safe braking and holding
system ("P-0-3303, SBS: Nominal load")
Incorrect parameterization of "P-0-0547, Nominal load of Correct parameter setting
holding system" or "P-0-3303, SBS: Nominal load"
Warnings (Exxxx)
For operating modes using parameter "S‑0‑0520, Control word of axis control‐
ler" it is possible to switch the control encoder during operation.
If no second encoder has been defined as control encoder, this warning is gen‐
erated when you try to switch to encoder 2.
E2010 - Attributes Display: E2010
Ident N°: E2010
In conjunction with technology functions, the PLC integrated in the drive allows
the user to generate warnings from within the PLC program.
Causes of and remedies for a PLC warning depend on the particular PLC proj‐
ect (or the active Rexroth technology function) and can be found in the de‐
scription of the particular technology function.
Tip: As of firmware versions MPx08/MPx17, the diagnostic message text can
be edited via the integrated PLC. This allows the user to assign meaningful
diagnostic messages.
E2011 - Attributes Display: E2011
Ident N°: E2011
Warnings (Exxxx)
In conjunction with technology functions, the PLC integrated in the drive allows
the user to generate warnings from within the PLC program.
Causes of and remedies for a PLC warning depend on the particular PLC proj‐
ect (or the active Rexroth technology function) and can be found in the de‐
scription of the particular technology function.
Tip: As of firmware versions MPx08/MPx17, the diagnostic message text can
be edited via the integrated PLC. This allows the user to assign meaningful
diagnostic messages.
E2012 - Attributes Display: E2012
Ident N°: E2012
In conjunction with technology functions, the PLC integrated in the drive allows
the user to generate warnings from within the PLC program.
Causes of and remedies for a PLC warning depend on the particular PLC proj‐
ect (or the active Rexroth technology function) and can be found in the de‐
scription of the particular technology function.
Tip: As of firmware versions MPx08/MPx17, the diagnostic message text can
be edited via the integrated PLC. This allows the user to assign meaningful
diagnostic messages.
E2013 - Attributes Display: E2013
Ident N°: E2013
In conjunction with technology functions, the PLC integrated in the drive allows
the user to generate warnings from within the PLC program.
Causes of and remedies for a PLC warning depend on the particular PLC proj‐
ect (or the active Rexroth technology function) and can be found in the de‐
scription of the particular technology function.
Tip: As of firmware versions MPx08/MPx17, the diagnostic message text can
be edited via the integrated PLC. This allows the user to assign meaningful
diagnostic messages.
DOK-INDRV*-GEN-**VRS**-WA07-EN-P Bosch Rexroth AG 305/601
Rexroth IndraDrive MPx-02 to MPx-08 and HMV
Warnings (Exxxx)
In conjunction with technology functions, the PLC integrated in the drive allows
the user to generate warnings from within the PLC program.
Causes of and remedies for a PLC warning depend on the particular PLC proj‐
ect (or the active Rexroth technology function) and can be found in the de‐
scription of the particular technology function.
Tip: As of firmware versions MPx08/MPx17, the diagnostic message text can
be edited via the integrated PLC. This allows the user to assign meaningful
diagnostic messages.
E2015 - Attributes Display: E2015
Ident N°: E2015
In conjunction with technology functions, the PLC integrated in the drive allows
the user to generate warnings from within the PLC program.
Causes of and remedies for a PLC warning depend on the particular PLC proj‐
ect (or the active Rexroth technology function) and can be found in the de‐
scription of the particular technology function.
Tip: As of firmware versions MPx08/MPx17, the diagnostic message text can
be edited via the integrated PLC. This allows the user to assign meaningful
diagnostic messages.
E2016 - Attributes Display: E2016
Ident N°: E2016
In conjunction with technology functions, the PLC integrated in the drive allows
the user to generate warnings from within the PLC program.
306/601 Bosch Rexroth AG DOK-INDRV*-GEN-**VRS**-WA07-EN-P
Rexroth IndraDrive MPx-02 to MPx-08 and HMV
Warnings (Exxxx)
Causes of and remedies for a PLC warning depend on the particular PLC proj‐
ect (or the active Rexroth technology function) and can be found in the de‐
scription of the particular technology function.
Tip: As of firmware versions MPx08/MPx17, the diagnostic message text can
be edited via the integrated PLC. This allows the user to assign meaningful
diagnostic messages.
E2017 - Attributes Display: E2017
Ident N°: E2017
The lower limit of the allowed ambient temperature range of Rexroth motors is
0°C. In the case of very low temperatures (below –20°C), motor encoders risk
failing, shaft bearings and housings risk getting damaged.
Motors MSK, MAD, MAF The temperature sensors installed in the motor windings of Rexroth motors of
the MSK, MAD and MAF lines allow measuring temperatures below the allowed
temperature range. When the motor temperature has fallen below –20°C, the
warning E2021 is output.
Motors MHD, MKD, 2AD, ADF, The temperature sensors installed in the motor windings of Rexroth motors of
1MB, MLF, LSF the MHD, MKD, 2AD, ADF, 1MB, MLF and LSF lines cannot measure temper‐
atures below the allowed temperature range. Therefore, the warning cannot be
generated in this case!
Cause Remedy
Motor temperature measured by temperature sensor is below Warning disappears automatically when motor is heated up to
–20°C more than –20°C by load or higher ambient temperature
Sensor defective Check wiring and hardware, above all for loose contact and,
‑ or ‑ if necessary, for malfunction
Cable break
‑ or ‑
Electronic monitoring system in controller defective
The DC bus voltage value is monitored by the drive controller and the supply
DOK-INDRV*-GEN-**VRS**-WA07-EN-P Bosch Rexroth AG 307/601
Rexroth IndraDrive MPx-02 to MPx-08 and HMV
Warnings (Exxxx)
Drive Controllers HMS, HMD, HCS If the DC bus voltage falls below the minimum value determined for the drive
(see value of "P‑0‑0114, Undervoltage threshold") or it reacts to "DC bus not
ok" of the module bus, the device generates the warning E2026 if "non-fatal
warning" has been set with regard to the reaction to undervoltage in "P‑0‑0118,
Power supply, configuration".
Cause Remedy
Power is switched off without previous drive deactivation by Check logic for activating drive in connected control unit
means of drive enable ("AF")
Malfunction or overload of power supply Check power supply
Mains failure Check cause of mains failure, switch mains voltage on again
Warnings (Exxxx)
Cause Remedy
Ambient temperature too high. Specified performance data Reduce ambient temperature, e.g. by cooling the control cab‐
are valid up to an ambient temperature of 40 C. inet
Heat sink of device is dirty Clean heat sink
Convection is prevented by other components or mounting Mount device vertically and provide sufficient space for venti‐
position in control cabinet lating heat sink
Blower of device is defective Replace device
Cause Remedy
Incorrect velocity is preset (value = "0") Check parameterization or cyclic command value of control
(cf. "S‑0‑0259, Positioning velocity", "S‑0‑0041, Homing ve‐ unit and set value for preset velocity unequal zero
locity", "P‑0‑4007, Positioning block velocity"[i], "S‑0‑0222,
Spindle positioning speed", "S‑0‑0091, Bipolar velocity limit
value", "P‑0‑0143, Synchronization velocity", "P‑0‑0686, Ad‐
ditive position command value, positioning velocity")
Analog input to which preset velocity was assigned is defec‐ Check wiring and function of analog input and, if necessary,
tive or not connected replace cable or control section, or the entire drive controller
Warnings (Exxxx)
Cause Remedy
Incorrect acceleration is preset (value = "0") Check parameterization or cyclic command value of control
(vgl. "S‑0‑0260, Positioning acceleration", "S‑0‑0042, Homing unit and set value for preset acceleration > "0"
acceleration", "S‑0‑0138, Bipolar acceleration limit value",
"S‑0‑0359, Positioning deceleration", "P‑0‑0142, Synchroni‐
zation acceleration", "P‑0‑0687, Additive position command
value, positioning acceleration")
In the operation modes in which the drive-internal position command value in‐
terpolator is active, the velocity command value (positioning velocity) effective
in the drive is limited to the smallest parameterized velocity limit value.
310/601 Bosch Rexroth AG DOK-INDRV*-GEN-**VRS**-WA07-EN-P
Rexroth IndraDrive MPx-02 to MPx-08 and HMV
Warnings (Exxxx)
This means that the monitor is active in the following operation modes or op‐
erating states:
Operation Modes ● Drive-internal interpolation
● Drive-controlled positioning
● Positioning block mode
Commands ● Position spindle
● Drive-controlled homing procedure
● Automatic control loop setting
● ...
Cause Remedy
Incorrect velocity has been preset (parameterized or cyclically Check parameterization or cyclic command value of control
preset value is too high) (cf. "S‑0‑0259, Positioning velocity", unit and set value for used preset velocity smaller than value
"S‑0‑0041, Homing velocity", "P‑0‑4007, Positioning block from "S‑0‑0091, Bipolar velocity limit value", "S‑0‑0038,
velocity" [i], "S‑0‑0222, Spindle positioning speed", "S‑0‑0091, Positive velocity limit value" or "S‑0‑0039, Negative velocity
Bipolar velocity limit value", "S‑0‑0038, Positive velocity limit limit value"
value", "S‑0‑0039, Negative velocity limit value")
"S‑0‑0091, Bipolar velocity limit value", "S‑0‑0038, Positive Check parameter contents of "S‑0‑0091, Bipolar velocity limit
velocity limit value" or "S‑0‑0039, Negative velocity limit value", "S‑0‑0038, Positive velocity limit value" and "S‑0‑0039,
value" incorrectly parameterized Negative velocity limit value". Check whether parameter pos‐
sibly has been assigned to an analog input or is contained in
cyclic data
Analog input to which "S‑0‑0091, Bipolar velocity limit value", Check wiring and function of analog input and, if necessary,
"S‑0‑0038, Positive velocity limit value" or "S‑0‑0039, replace cable or control section, or the entire drive controller
Negative velocity limit value" was assigned is defective or not
Warnings (Exxxx)
When the warning E2050 appears, it is possible to stop the axis via
the control unit in accordance with the process (e.g. terminate pro‐
cessing, leave collision area etc.) or to reduce the load of the drive
Cause Remedy
Amplifier overtemperature (heat sink) due to overload of drive Switch drive off and let it cool down, check mechanical system
(overcurrent) as well as drive dimensioning (working power mustn't exceed,
on average, continuous power of drive)
Ambient temperature too high. Specified performance data Reduce ambient temperature, e. g. by cooling the control cab‐
are valid up to an ambient temperature of 40 C inet
Heat sink of device is dirty Clean heat sink
Convection is prevented by other components or mounting Mount device vertically and provide sufficient space for venti‐
position of control cabinet lating heat sink
Failure of internal blower If blower fails, replace device or power section
Failure of air conditioning for control cabinet Check air conditioning of control cabinet
Incorrect dimensioning of control cabinet with regard to heat Check dimensioning of control cabinet
Cause Remedy
Incorrect parameterization of "S‑0‑0201, Motor warning Check and correct parameterization of "S‑0‑0201, Motor
temperature" warning temperature" by means of motor or temperature sen‐
sor data sheet Check temperature display (S-0-0383) of motor
As of MPx07V14: Incorrect parameterization of "P‑0‑0468, Check parameterization of temperature model (P‑0‑4034,
Prewarning threshold of therm. motor load" P‑0‑4035, P‑0‑4037). Check motor load and prewarning
threshold (P‑0‑0446, P‑0‑0468)
312/601 Bosch Rexroth AG DOK-INDRV*-GEN-**VRS**-WA07-EN-P
Rexroth IndraDrive MPx-02 to MPx-08 and HMV
Warnings (Exxxx)
Cause Remedy
Motor is overloaded. Effective torque demanded from motor Check dimensioning of motor and reduce motor load, e.g., by
has been above allowed continuous torque too long reducing feedrate in cutting operations. Or, in case of instal‐
lations that have been operated for a long time, check whether
drive conditions have changed (with regard to dirt accumula‐
tion, friction, moved masses, etc.)
Line interruption, ground fault or short circuit in line for motor Check line for motor temperature monitoring for line interrup‐
temperature monitoring tion, ground fault or short circuit
Instability in speed control loop Check parameterization of speed control loop
Fan / cooler defective Check fan / cooler
When the position limit value monitor has been activated and the
target position is outside of the allowed travel range, a warning bit
is set in "S‑0‑0012, Class 2 diagnostics". In addition, the message
"S‑0‑0323, Target position outside of travel range" is set.
Up to MPx04: The positioning procedure is started.
As of MPx05: The positioning procedure is not started.
DOK-INDRV*-GEN-**VRS**-WA07-EN-P Bosch Rexroth AG 313/601
Rexroth IndraDrive MPx-02 to MPx-08 and HMV
Warnings (Exxxx)
Cause Remedy
Position limit values ("S‑0‑0049, Positive position limit value", Check parameterization of position limit values and adjust it
"S‑0‑0050, Negative position limit value") incorrectly parame‐ according to desired travel range ("S‑0‑0049, Positive position
terized limit value" has to be greater than "S‑0‑0050, Negative
position limit value")
Position limit value monitor has been activated although it is Deactivate position limit value monitor if it is not needed (e.g.,
not needed in modulo operation)
In the case of relative interpolation, value for travel range was Check preset travel range (cf. "S‑0‑0258, Target position")
set too high or several travel ranges that are added cause ef‐ and, if necessary, adjust it in control unit program
fective target position (cf. "P‑0‑0050, Effective target
position") to be outside of position limits
In the case of absolute interpolation, preset target position is Check preset target position (cf. "S‑0‑0258, Target position"
incorrect or "S‑0‑0282, Positioning command value") and, if necessary,
adjust it in control unit program (only enter "S‑0‑0258, Target
position" within position limit values)
In "positioning block mode" one or more target positions have Check parameterized target positions in "P‑0‑4006,
been incorrectly parameterized or incorrect positioning block Positioning block target position" and block selection
is selected ("P‑0‑4026, Positioning block selection"). In addition, check
block selection via respective master communication (e.g.,
field bus or digital I/Os).
Before a motion is carried out a check is run in the case of operating modes
with drive-internal position command value generation (drive-internal interpo‐
lation, drive-controlled positioning and positioning block mode) to find out
whether, with absolute target position preset ("S‑0‑0258, Target position" or
"S‑0‑0282, Positioning command value", or "P‑0‑4006, Positioning block target
position"), the measuring system used for positioning (cf. operating mode se‐
lection) has been homed.
When the warning E2054 appears, the drive stops or does not ac‐
cept the target position or the positioning block. In parameter
"S‑0‑0012, Class 2 diagnostics" a warning bit is set.
314/601 Bosch Rexroth AG DOK-INDRV*-GEN-**VRS**-WA07-EN-P
Rexroth IndraDrive MPx-02 to MPx-08 and HMV
Warnings (Exxxx)
Cause Remedy
Absolute positioning was started although position data refer‐ Establish absolute position data reference by starting com‐
ence of drive had not yet been established [drive has not been mand "S‑0‑0148, C0600 Drive-controlled homing procedure
homed (cf. "S‑0‑0403, Position feedback value status")] command" or "P‑0‑0012, C0300 Command Set absolute
Cause Remedy
Parameter "S‑0‑0108, Feedrate override" was set to "0" Set feedrate override > "0" so that drive moves. Full velocity
is reached with 100%.
For devices with analog inputs: feedrate override via analog Apply voltage > "0" proportionally to desired velocity (+10 V
input has been activated and voltage at analog input is "0" corresponds to 100% of velocity) alternative: deactivate fee‐
drate override
Infeed potentiometer of connected control unit was set to "0" Carefully actuate infeed potentiometer, check analog signal
or is incorrectly evaluated and evaluation
Analog input used for feedrate override or connecting cable is Check and if necessary replace cable and control section
Warnings (Exxxx)
Cause Remedy
One of the torque-/force-limiting parameters has the value "0" Check parameters "S‑0‑0082, Torque/force limit value posi‐
tive"; "S‑0‑0083, Torque/force limit value negative";
"S‑0‑0092, Bipolar torque/force limit value" and "P‑0‑0109,
Torque/force peak limit" and enter "correct" limit value (un‐
equal "0")
One of the torque-/force-limiting parameters has been as‐ Apply voltage > 0 proportionally to desired torque/force limit
signed to analog input and voltage at analog input is "0" value
Note: Scaling of analog input defines scaling of analog input
voltage (see also Functional Description of firmware "Analog
Potentiometer of connected control unit was set to "0" or is Carefully actuate potentiometer, check analog signal and
incorrectly evaluated evaluation
Cable connected at analog input for torque/force limitation is Check and, if necessary, replace cable
Analog input used for torque/force limitation is defective Replace control section or entire drive controller
You are using motor without encoder memory; its motor data Load motor parameters via motor data base stored in
haven't yet been set and max. allowed currents (S‑0‑0109, IndraWorks D
S‑0‑0111,...) therefore are still "0"
Warnings (Exxxx)
When the warning E2058 appears, the drive stops or does not ac‐
cept the selected positioning block. In parameter "S‑0‑0012, Class 2
diagnostics" a warning bit is set.
Cause Remedy
Positioning block data of currently selected block are not avail‐ Check positioning block data ("P‑0‑4006, Positioning block
able target position", "P‑0‑4007, Positioning block velocity",
"P‑0‑4008, Positioning block acceleration", "P‑0‑4009, Posi‐
tioning block jerk", and "P‑0‑4019, Positioning block mode")
and correct respective parameters
Incorrect positioning block selection via field bus or digital in‐ Check "P‑0‑4026, Positioning block selection" and control. If
puts necessary, also check wiring and connection of digital I/Os
Incorrect configuration of digital inputs causes unwanted po‐ Check configuration of digital inputs and correct it accordingly
sitioning block selection
The drive is constantly monitoring the effective velocity command value (sum
of velocity command values at controller input) and is limiting it.
If the effective velocity command value exceeds "S‑0‑0091, Bipolar velocity limit
value", the warning E2059 is output because for positioning tasks the lag error
can be increased.
Cause Remedy
Cyclic command value preset by control unit is incorrect or too Control cyclic command value and, if necessary, adjust control
high program
Velocity limit value parameterized too low Check and correct parameterization of "S‑0‑0091, Bipolar ve‐
locity limit value"
Warnings (Exxxx)
The load of the device has exceeded a signaling threshold. A warning is gen‐
erated, alerting the user to reduce the load in order to avoid an overload.
Devices with digital control are monitored by a continuously running tempera‐
ture model. If the thermal load approaches 100%, the continuous current
limitation function is activated shortly thereafter and warning "E8057 Device
overload, current limit active" is displayed.
Current limitation is accompanied a reduction in torque/force, which may lead
to problems on machines and plants. For this reason, a warning is issued before
such a situation may occur.
The warning sets bit 1 in "S‑0‑0012, Class 2 diagnostics".
For HCS, HMS, HMD The threshold value for the overload prewarning can be set in "P‑0‑0441, Drive
load warning threshold". If the thermal load exceeds this value, warning E2061
is issued. Meaningful values for "P‑0‑0441, Drive load warning threshold" are
80% to 90% to ensure a buffer before the actual thermal load (100%) is reached.
Cause Remedy
Inappropriate value of "P‑0‑0441, Drive load warning Increase value of "P‑0‑0441, Drive load warning threshold" if
threshold" necessary
Overload of drive (e.g., due to excessive infeed during ma‐ Switch drive off and let it cool down. Check drive dimensioning
chining or high acceleration to high speed) and command value profile
Changes in mechanical system with regard to friction and If installations have been operated for a prolonged time period,
moved masses check drive conditions for changes in mechanical system
Warnings (Exxxx)
The drive continuously monitors the velocity command value (S‑0‑0036 or an‐
other parameterized command value input).
If the velocity command value exceeds the smallest parameterized velocity limit
value, the lag error can be increased for positioning tasks.
Cause Remedy
Cyclic command value preset by control unit is incorrect or too Check cyclic command value and, if necessary, adjust control
high program
Velocity limit value parameterized too low Check and correct parameterization of "S‑0‑0091, Bipolar
velocity limit value", "S‑0‑0038, Positive velocity limit value",
"S‑0‑0039, Negative velocity limit value"
Cause Remedy
Incorrect target position or positioning command value was Check target position ("S‑0‑0258, Target position") or posi‐
preset tioning command value ("S‑0‑0282, Positioning command val‐
ue") preset by control unit (master) and, if necessary, correct
control unit program
An "infinitely turning axis" is not operated in modulo format Check content of "S‑0‑0076, Position data scaling type" and
change to "modulo format"
Selected "S‑0‑0278, Maximum travel range" too small Increase value of "S‑0‑0278, Maximum travel range" in order
to increase position that can be displayed internally in absolute
Warnings (Exxxx)
When drive enable was switched off, the motor moved during the automatic
check of the holding brake torque (can be activated via "P‑0‑0525, Holding
brake control word"). The motor holding brake therefore no longer provides the
required holding torque (see also "P‑0‑0547, Test torque with holding brake
Cause Remedy
Due to storage, brake is covered by an oxide layer If warning occurs when drive enable is switched off, start com‐
‑ or ‑ mand "P-0-0544, C3900 Command Holding brake
resurfacing" in order to resurface brake. Afterwards brake
Brake is wetted with oil or grease should be able to provide full torque again
Brake is worn (see "service life of brake" in Project Planning If holding torque still is not reached after repeated start of
Manual of motor) command "P-0-0544, C3900 Command Holding brake
resurfacing", motor holding brake or entire motor must be re‐
Wiring or control error of brake (hardware defect on control Check wiring and connection of brake (incl. brake relay).
section) If holding brake control in controller (e.g. relay) is defective,
entire drive controller or control section has to be replaced
The acceleration in the velocity loop is limited to the value of "S‑0‑0138, Bipolar
acceleration limit value".
Warnings (Exxxx)
Cause Remedy
Value in "S‑0‑0138, Bipolar acceleration limit value" too low Check and, if necessary, correct parameterization of
"S‑0‑0138, Bipolar acceleration limit value"
Incorrect command value set by control unit Contact control unit manufacturer or programmer
Preset acceleration value was greater than value parameter‐ Reduce acceleration value used
ized in "S‑0‑0138, Bipolar acceleration limit value" ● S‑0‑0042, Homing acceleration
● S‑0‑0260, Positioning acceleration
● P‑0‑0057, Return acceleration
● P-0-1201, Ramp 1 pitch
● P-0-1203, Ramp 2 pitch
● P-0-1211, Deceleration ramp 1
● P-0-1213, Deceleration ramp 2
The hardware checks the signals of the measuring system (encoder 1) for in‐
admissible signal dips. If a signal (e.g., sin or cos) leaves the thresholds
monitored by the hardware, the warning E2074 is generated.
For absolute measuring systems (EnDat2.1, HIPERFACE®), the position gen‐
eration via the incremental track signals (SIN/COS) is monitored by cyclic
comparison to the absolute position of the encoder. This allows detecting dis‐
turbances of the analog encoder signals.
In the case of major failures or several signal dips in series, the error "F8022
Enc. 1: Enc. signals incorr." is generated and the drive is shut down. The warn‐
ing E2074 therefore points at disturbed encoder signals before a breakdown
Cause Remedy
Defective encoder cable or cable shielding Check cable to measuring system and replace it, if necessary
Measuring system defective Check measuring system and replace it, if necessary
Faulty mounting of measuring head in the case of linear meas‐ Check mounting of measuring head and correct it, if necessary
uring systems
Measuring system dirty Clean or replace measuring system
Hardware defect on control section of drive Replace control section or entire drive controller
DOK-INDRV*-GEN-**VRS**-WA07-EN-P Bosch Rexroth AG 321/601
Rexroth IndraDrive MPx-02 to MPx-08 and HMV
Warnings (Exxxx)
The hardware checks the signals of the measuring system (encoder 2) for in‐
admissible signal dips. If a signal (e.g., sin or cos) leaves the thresholds
monitored by the hardware, the warning E2075 is generated.
For absolute measuring systems (EnDat2.1, HIPERFACE®), the position gen‐
eration via the incremental track signals (SIN/COS) is monitored by cyclic
comparison to the absolute position of the encoder. This allows detecting dis‐
turbances of the analog encoder signals.
In the case of major failures or several signal dips in series, the error "F2042
Encoder 2: Encoder signals incorrect" is generated and the drive is shut down.
The warning E2075 therefore points at disturbed encoder signals before a
breakdown occurs.
Cause Remedy
Defective encoder cable or cable shielding Check cable to measuring system and replace it, if necessary
Measuring system defective Check measuring system and replace it, if necessary
Faulty mounting of measuring head in the case of linear meas‐ Check mounting of measuring head and correct it, if necessary
uring systems
Measuring system dirty Clean or replace measuring system
Hardware defect on control section of drive Replace control section or entire drive controller
Warnings (Exxxx)
The hardware checks the signals of the measuring encoder for inadmissible
signal dips. If a signal (e.g., sin or cos) leaves the thresholds monitored by the
hardware, the warning E2076 is generated.
For absolute measuring systems (EnDat2.1, HIPERFACE®), the position gen‐
eration via the incremental track signals (SIN/COS) is monitored by cyclic
comparison to the absolute position of the encoder. This allows detecting dis‐
turbances of the analog encoder signals.
In the case of major failures or several signal dips in series, the error "F2043
Measuring encoder: Encoder signals incorrect" is generated and the drive is
shut down. The warning E2076 therefore points at disturbed encoder signals
before a breakdown occurs.
Cause Remedy
Defective encoder cable or cable shielding Check cable to measuring system and replace it, if necessary
Measuring system defective Check measuring system and replace it, if necessary
Faulty mounting of measuring head in the case of linear meas‐ Check mounting of measuring head and correct it, if necessary
uring systems
Measuring system dirty Clean or replace measuring system
Hardware defect on control section of drive Replace control section or entire drive controller
Warnings (Exxxx)
Cause Remedy
Measuring system defective Check measuring system and replace it, if necessary
Faulty mounting of measuring head in the case of linear meas‐ Check mounting of measuring head and correct it, if necessary
uring systems
Measuring system dirty Clean or replace measuring system
Cause Remedy
Measuring system defective Check measuring system and replace it, if necessary
Faulty mounting of measuring head in the case of linear meas‐ Check mounting of measuring head and correct it, if necessary
uring systems
Measuring system dirty Clean or replace measuring system
Warnings (Exxxx)
checks this error bit and outputs the warning E2079 when an error of the ab‐
solute position occurs.
Cause Remedy
Measuring system defective Check measuring system and replace it, if necessary
Faulty mounting of measuring head in the case of linear meas‐ Check mounting of measuring head and correct it, if necessary
uring systems
Measuring system dirty Clean or replace measuring system
The supply signals a warning regarding imminent overload via the module bus.
The warning is displayed at the drive controllers and can be evaluated by the
control master via the master communication. If there is no relief, the module
bus message "error supply module" and power off (F2086) can occur.
Cause Remedy
Imminent overload of power supply Reduce required power by lower infeed velocity of tools.
Check dimensioning of supply
Max. energy absorption capacity of braking resistor almost Check dimensioning of braking resistor and, if necessary, in‐
reached crease dimensioning
The drive is told by the NC cycle time in which intervals new cyclic command
values must be received and have been processed. The warning E2092 is
generated, when the parameterized processing clock ["S-0-0001, NC cycle
time (TNcyc)"] differs from the effective processing clock of the cyclic command
DOK-INDRV*-GEN-**VRS**-WA07-EN-P Bosch Rexroth AG 325/601
Rexroth IndraDrive MPx-02 to MPx-08 and HMV
Warnings (Exxxx)
Cause Remedy
Up to MPx05V14: Before the occurrence of warning E2092, a Remedy cause of communication error. Afterwards, reestab‐
master communication error, e.g. "F4001 Double MST failure lish cyclic operation
shutdown", had occurred
Master communication with synchronization ability Master communication master must toggle "IPOSYNC" bit
(SERCOS II) correctly (see description of master communication)
If NC cycle time is greater than SERCOS cycle time, master
communication master must toggle "IPOSYNC" bit of master
control word; if this is not the case or takes place incorrectly,
warning E2092 is generated
Master communication with synchronization ability Producer of synchronous consumer connection must toggle
(SERCOS III) "new data" bit at point of time TPcyc
As of MPX06: With synchronous consumer connection, pro‐
ducer must transmit new data to consumer at a defined point
of time. Producer signals this to consumer by toggling bit1
("new data" bit) of "S-0-1050.x.8, SIII-Connection: Connection
control (C-Con)". Producer did not toggle this bit at point of
time TPcyc.
Cause Remedy
Positioning velocity of master axis generator has reached Maximum velocity parameterized in "P‑0‑0770, Virtual master
maximum allowed limit value ("P‑0‑0770, Virtual master axis, axis, positioning velocity", with which master axis generator
positioning velocity") moves to new target position, has to be adjusted:
● In the case of modulo scaling of master axis generator:
half the modulo value ("P‑0‑0757, Virtual master axis,
modulo value") per 2 ms
● In the case of absolute scaling of master axis generator:
half the feed travel ("P‑0‑0918, Feed travel internal vir‐
tual master axis") per 2 ms
Warnings (Exxxx)
Cause Remedy
Preset positioning acceleration of master axis generator is "0" Set positioning acceleration of master axis generator unequal
"0" in "P‑0‑0771, Virtual master axis, positioning acceleration"
Cause Remedy
In a CCD slave or in CCD master, an error of class 1 diag‐ Remove error in CCD slave or CCD master
nostics has occurred
In a CCD slave or in CCD master, a motion function block with Remove error in PLC program
faulty parameters was called in drive-integrated PLC
(IndraMotion MLD-M) [see also "P‑0‑1367, PLC configura‐
tion", bit7]
Warnings (Exxxx)
Cause Remedy
Input value at analog input 1 or 2 is lower than minimum value Check wiring of analog input, reestablish contact to voltage
of voltage measuring range (setting "voltage signals" in source, if necessary
"P‑0‑0218, Analog input, control parameter") ‑ or –
Check value range of voltage source
Input value at analog input 1 or 2 is lower than minimum value Check wiring of analog input, reestablish contact to current
of current measuring range (setting "current signals" in source, if necessary
"P‑0‑0218, Analog input, control parameter") ‑ or –
Check value range of current source
During the braking process the increasing DC bus voltage is reduced by switch‐
ing on the braking resistor. But when the regenerated braking power is too high
the DC bus voltage keeps increasing. The warning E2802 is generated when
the protective hardware circuit switches on the braking resistor in the case of
high voltages (>900 V).
Cause Remedy
DC bus voltage >900 V due to increased regenerated braking Check drive dimensioning and, if necessary, use additional
energy capacitance
Braking resistor defective or not correctly connected Check function of braking resistor (incl. cabling and connec‐
Hardware defect in brake control Replace power section or entire drive controller
328/601 Bosch Rexroth AG DOK-INDRV*-GEN-**VRS**-WA07-EN-P
Rexroth IndraDrive MPx-02 to MPx-08 and HMV
Warnings (Exxxx)
Cause Remedy
Error message of one or several components of a drive system Identify component/components which signals/signal an error.
Remove cause of error at component/components
The crest value of the mains voltage during operation has fallen below the par‐
ameterized threshold value. The threshold value can be individually set by the
user via "P‑0‑0810, Minimum mains crest value".
Cause Remedy
Mains voltage falls under load Check dimensioning of mains connection, increase feed wire
cross section or use matching transformer, if necessary
Mains voltage too low at power on Use matching transformer
Warnings (Exxxx)
The warning E2816 is generated with the respective setting in "P‑0‑0118, Pow‐
er supply, configuration" when the DC bus voltage in operation falls below the
values parameterized in "P‑0‑0114, Undervoltage threshold".
Cause Remedy
DC bus voltage drops due to temporary overload Check drive dimensioning incl. devices connected at DC bus
Required acceleration currents are too high Reduce command acceleration by adjusting travel profile
Faulty mains connection (e.g. loose contact) Check mains connection
"P‑0‑0114, Undervoltage threshold" has not been adjusted to Check and, if necessary, correct content of "P‑0‑0114, Un‐
conditions in mains dervoltage threshold"
A single-phase mains failure was detected. Power is not switched off unless
undervoltage occurs in the DC bus (F2026).
When the phase failure lasts for a longer time, the error "F2818
Phase failure" is generated.
Cause Remedy
Warnings (Exxxx)
Cause Remedy
A temperature model taking the working power and the maximum energy con‐
sumption of the braking resistor into account is calculated for the thermal load
of the braking resistance. If the thermal load reaches the warning threshold,
this warning is issued and bit 1 is set in "S‑0‑0012, Class 2 diagnostics".
Up to MPx07V12: The warning threshold is fixed to 90%.
As of MPx07V14: The warning threshold can be defined by parameter
"P‑0‑0469, Prewarning threshold of therm. load of braking resistor".
Cause Remedy
Allowed deceleration of connected drives too high Reduce deceleration of connected drives
Energy consumption capacity of braking resistor is almost ex‐ Switch power off with a delay in case of OFF or E‑STOP (for
hausted regenerative supply)
Regenerated energy in machining cycle is too high Increase cycle time or reduce maximum drive speed of appli‐
Braking resistor connection is interrupted Check wiring of external braking resistor
Continuous regenerative power and/or rotary drive energy is Check dimensioning of braking resistor; increase dimension‐
too high ing if necessary
Warnings (Exxxx)
The mains voltage for power supply cannot yet be switched on for the converter;
the device is not yet ready for loading the DC bus capacitors.
Cause Remedy
Resistors for loading DC bus capacitors still are thermally loa‐ Wait until converter clears warning E2829
ded due to last loading process
In the firmware versions 02VRS and 03VRS, the name of the com‐
mand is "C0200 Communication phase 4 transition check".
02VRS / 03VRS The command "S‑0‑0128, C0200 Communication phase 4 transition check" has
been activated.
As of 04VRS The command "S‑0‑0422, C0200 Exit parameterization level procedure com‐
mand" has been activated.
C0200 - Attributes Display: C02
Ident N°: C0200
The command for setting the absolute measuring ("P‑0‑0012, C0300 Com‐
mand Set absolute measuring") was activated.
See also Functional Description of firmware "Set Absolute Measuring"
C0300 - Attributes Display: C03
Ident N°: C0300
334/601 Bosch Rexroth AG DOK-INDRV*-GEN-**VRS**-WA07-EN-P
Rexroth IndraDrive MPx-02 to MPx-08 and HMV
02VRS / 03VRS The command for switching to the parameter mode was started via parameter
"P‑0‑4023, C0400 Communication phase 2 transition".
As of 04VRS The command for switching to the parameter mode was started via parameter
"S‑0‑0420, C0400 Activate parameterization level 1 procedure command".
C0400 - Attributes Display: C04
Ident N°: C0400
The command for clearing errors, "S‑0‑0099, C0500 Reset class 1 diagnostics",
was activated. All drive-internal errors are cleared.
Only those errors can be cleared that were removed! Errors that are
still present after clearing will cause the error message to be gen‐
erated again.
The message "C07_0" on the display of the drive controller shows that the
command "C0700 Load defaults proced. command (motor-spec. controller
val.)" was activated.
The command can be started as follows:
● Via parameter "S‑0‑0262, C07_x Load defaults procedure command" or
● Via the control panel of the drive controller or
● By starting the command "S‑0‑0099, C0500 Reset class 1 diagnostics"
when the drive controller displays "RL". ("RL" occurs if parameters
"S‑0‑0141, Motor type" and "P‑0‑2141, Motor type, encoder memory" are
Message "C07_4" on the display of the drive controller shows that command
"C0740 Load defaults procedure command (safety technology)" was activated.
The command can be started as follows:
1. Enter value "0x00A5" in parameter "P‑0‑4090, Configuration for loading
default values".
2. Start "S‑0‑0262, C07_x Load defaults procedure command".
Message "C07_3" on the display of the drive controller shows that command
"C0730 Load defaults procedure command (MLD)" was activated.
The command can be started as follows:
1. Enter value "0x0002" in parameter "P‑0‑4090, Configuration for loading
default values".
2. Start "S‑0‑0262, C07_x Load defaults procedure command".
The message "C07_4" on the display of the drive controller shows that the
command "C0740 Command Activate field bus profile settings" was activated.
The command execution sets user-defined parameters depending on the field
bus profile to their default values.
The command can be started as follows:
1. Enter the value "0x0004" in the parameter "P‑0‑4090, Configuration for
loading default values".
2. Start "S‑0‑0262, C07_x Load defaults procedure command".
Via the control unit the "S‑0‑0152, C0900 Position spindle command" param‐
eter was activated.
See also Functional Description of firmware "Spindle Positioning"
C0900 - Attributes Display: C09
Ident N°: C0900
The command for setting the commutation offset, "P‑0‑0524, C1200 Commu‐
tation offset setting command", was activated.
Which one of the two methods with current (saturation or sine-wave method) is
to be active has to be set in "P‑0‑0522, Control word for commutation setting"
The command "S‑0‑0149, C1300 Positive stop drive procedure command" was
See also Functional Description of firmware "Positive Stop Drive Procedure"
C1300 - Attributes Display: C13
Ident N°: C1300
The "P‑0‑0014, C1400 Command Get marker position command" was started.
The "C14" display signals that the command is executed.
340/601 Bosch Rexroth AG DOK-INDRV*-GEN-**VRS**-WA07-EN-P
Rexroth IndraDrive MPx-02 to MPx-08 and HMV
The command "S‑0‑0139, C1600 Parking axis command" has been activated.
See also Functional Description of firmware "Parking Axis"
C1600 - Attributes Display: PA
Ident N°: C1600
⇒ Starting the command C1800 can immediately trigger a motion, if drive
enable and drive start are set at the drive.
⇒ The drive automatically (i.e. without external command value input) carries
out motions within the travel range defined before with the two limits ("P‑0‑0166,
Lower limit for autom. control loop adjust" and "P‑0‑0167, Upper limit for autom.
control loop adjust").
Check and make sure that the E-Stop circuit and the travel range limit switches
are working.
The command "P‑0‑0542, C2000 Command Release motor holding brake" was
During the command execution, the motor holding brake is released.
The "C20" display signals that the command is executed.
See also Functional Description of firmware "Motor Holding Brake"
C2000 - Attributes Display: C20
Ident N°: C2000
The command "P‑0‑0541, C2100 Holding system check command" was acti‐
342/601 Bosch Rexroth AG DOK-INDRV*-GEN-**VRS**-WA07-EN-P
Rexroth IndraDrive MPx-02 to MPx-08 and HMV
The command "P‑0‑4091, C2500 Copy IDN from optional memory to internal
memory" was started.
All parameters are copied from the optional memory (MMC) to the internal
memory (flash).
The display "C25" signals that the command is executed and the parameters
are loaded from the MMC to the drive.
The MMC can only be used as an optional memory for control sec‐
tions with MMC slot.
See also Functional Description of firmware "Loading, Storing and Saving Pa‐
C2500 - Attributes Display: C25
Ident N°: C2500
The command "P‑0‑4092, C2600 Copy IDN from internal memory to optional
memory" was started.
All parameters are copied from the internal memory (flash) to the optional
memory (MMC).
344/601 Bosch Rexroth AG DOK-INDRV*-GEN-**VRS**-WA07-EN-P
Rexroth IndraDrive MPx-02 to MPx-08 and HMV
The display "C26" signals that the command is executed and the parameters
are written from the drive to the MMC.
The MMC can only be used as an optional memory for control sec‐
tions with MMC slot.
See also Functional Description of firmware "Loading, Storing and Saving Pa‐
C2600 - Attributes Display: C26
Ident N°: C2600
The command "P‑0‑4072, C2900 Command Firmware update from MMC" was
DOK-INDRV*-GEN-**VRS**-WA07-EN-P Bosch Rexroth AG 345/601
Rexroth IndraDrive MPx-02 to MPx-08 and HMV
The MMC can only be used as an optional memory for control sec‐
tions with MMC slot.
The command is started via the command parameter "P‑0‑4033, C3200 Com‐
mand Calculate motor data".
While the command is executed, the values in "P‑0‑4032, Motor type plate data"
are checked for validity and completeness. Then the motor parameters are
calculated according to type plate data.
The command for setting the coordinate system ("S‑0‑0197, C3300 Set coor‐
dinate system procedure command") was activated.
See also Functional Description of firmware "Shifting the Position Data Refer‐
ence for Relative and Absolute Measuring Systems"
C3300 - Attributes Display: C33
Ident N°: C3300
The command for shifting the coordinate system ("S‑0‑0199, C3400 Shift co‐
ordinate system procedure command") was activated.
See also Functional Description of firmware "Shifting the Position Data Refer‐
ence for Relative and Absolute Measuring Systems"
DOK-INDRV*-GEN-**VRS**-WA07-EN-P Bosch Rexroth AG 347/601
Rexroth IndraDrive MPx-02 to MPx-08 and HMV
The command "P‑0‑0565, C3600 Command Motor data identification" has been
See also Functional Description of firmware "Automatic Setting of Motor Con‐
C3600 - Attributes Display: C36
Ident N°: C3600
In the case of an encoder error the safety technology can no longer guarantee
dual-channel safety. It would then be impossible, for example, to detect a
coasting spindle.
Behavior After the execution of command C3700 ("P‑0‑3218, C3700 Manually unlocking
the safety door"), the drive signals safety via EA20 in spite of the encoder error.
In the special mode "safety related stopping process" (selected via operating
mode switch), the safety technology master can unlock the locking device of
the safety door although an axis in the safety zone has an encoder error.
C3700 - Attributes Display: C37
Ident N°: C3700
The command "P‑0‑0543, C3800 Command Apply motor holding brake" was
While the command is executed the motor holding brake is applied.
See also Functional Description of firmware "Motor Holding Brake"
C3800 - Attributes Display: C38
Ident N°: C3800
The command "P‑0‑3228, C4000 Homing procedure command Channel 2" was
See also documentation "Integrated Safety Technology", keyword "Safety Re‐
lated Homing Procedure"
C4000 - Attributes Display: C40
Ident N°: C4000
The command "S‑0‑0216, C4100 Switch parameter set command" was started.
See also Functional Description of firmware "Parameter Set Switching"
C4100 - Attributes Display: C41
Ident N°: C4100
The command for starting the "easy startup" mode (commissioning mode for
SERCOS and field bus devices; "P‑0‑4085, C4700 Command Activate easy
startup mode") was activated.
See also Functional Description of firmware "Initial Start in Easy Startup
C4700 - Attributes Display: C47
Ident N°: C4700
The command "P‑0‑1449, C4900 PLC command" for controlling a PLC program
was started.
See also Application Manual "Rexroth IndraMotion MLD"
C4900 - Attributes Display: C49
Ident N°: C4900
This status is displayed on the control panel of the drive with "C52".
The command "S‑0‑1024, C5300 SERCOS III: SYNC delay measuring proce‐
dure command" was activated.
C5300 - Attributes Display: C53
Ident N°: C5300
When the command is executed, the PLC retain data ("P‑0‑1359, SPS Retain
data") are copied from the internal memory to the optional memory [MulitMe‐
diaCard (MMC)]. The data are stored in the folder "PLC" in the file "SPS-
See also MLD Application Manual "Working With Retain Variables" and "File
System in the Drive"
C5400 - Attributes Display: C54
Ident N°: C5400
The command for setting the absolute measuring ("S‑0‑0447, C6000 Com‐
mand Set absolute measuring") was activated.
See also Functional Description of firmware "Set Absolute Measuring"
C6000 - Attributes Display: C60
Ident N°: C6000
The IP communication via the interfaces for which the settings were
not changed is not affected by the command and can continue
without restrictions.
The display C62 shows that the command "P-0-3315, C6200 Comm. Enabling
SM without valid brake status" is active.
See also documentation "Integrated Safety Technology", chapter "Enabling the
Special Mode Without Valid Brake Status"
C6200 - Attributes Display: C62
Ident N°: C6200
The command for rebooting the drive (S-0-1350, Reboot command) was acti‐
"C64" flashing on the display of the control panel signals that command
S‑0‑1350 was started.
"C65" flashing on the display of the control panel signals that the command
P-0-0665 was started.
During the command execution, the parameters to be saved are copied from
the active, non-volatile memory (flash) to the MultiMediaCard (MMC).
When CCD slaves exist, the execution of the command can take
several minutes. During this time, write access to the parameters
to be saved should be avoided. Therefore, running PLC programs
are automatically stopped during the runtime of the command.
"C66" flashing on the display of the control panel signals that the command
P-0-0666 was started.
With the command C6600, the device data saved on the MultiMediaCard
(MMC) are restored.
The data must have been generated before by means of the command C6500.
The device data saved on the MMC comprise all parameters and MLD pro‐
grams required for restoring a device configuration. The device configuration is
restored by means of cross communication (CCD) in the CCD slaves.
See also Functional Description of firmware "MultiMediaCard (MMC)"
C6600 - Attributes Display: C66
Ident N°: C6600
The command for adjusting the slave addresses ("P‑0‑1635, C7000 CCD:
Command Adjust slave addresses") was activated.
358/601 Bosch Rexroth AG DOK-INDRV*-GEN-**VRS**-WA07-EN-P
Rexroth IndraDrive MPx-02 to MPx-08 and HMV
The command for applying the CCD I/O configuration (P‑0‑1620.0.31, C7200
CCD: Command Apply I/O configuration) was started.
See also Functional Description of firmware "Cross Communication (CCD)"
C7200 - Attributes Display: C72
Ident N°: C7200
Cause Remedy
Data block elements required in communication phase 3 are Write allowed operating data to parameters affected. (Affected
missing or invalid parameters can be taken from list "S‑0‑0021, IDN-list of invalid
operation data for CP2")
A change was made in "P‑0‑2003, Selection of functional Check content of "P‑0‑2003, Selection of functional
packages". Then you failed to reboot before trying to switch to packages" and reboot (i.e., switch device off and on again)
operating mode.
A change of functional packages was made in "P‑0‑2003, Correct list parameters affected. (Affected parameters can be
Selection of functional packages" which has an effect on cus‐ taken from list "S‑0‑0021, IDN-list of invalid operation data for
tomer- and application-specific parameters lists (e.g., CP2".)
S‑0‑0279) Problem can also be remedied by loading basic parameters
("S‑0‑0262, C07_x Load defaults procedure command" with
appropriate setting in "P‑0‑4090, Configuration for loading
default values")
Internal data memory defective Contact our service department
Cause Remedy
Parameter values required in communication phase 3 are out‐ Write allowed values to parameters (cf. minimum/maximum
side their allowed range of values (minimum or maximum value) (these parameters can be taken from list "S‑0‑0021,
value) IDN list of invalid operating data for communication phase 2")
Cause Remedy
Parameter values required in communication phase 3 cannot Write allowed values to parameters (these parameters can be
be processed taken from list "S‑0‑0021, IDN list of invalid operating data for
communication phase 2")
Cause Remedy
In "S‑0‑0015, Telegram type parameter", telegram type 7 Set priority telegram (telegram type = 0..6) in "S‑0‑0015, Tele‐
(configured telegram) was set gram type parameter"
In "S‑0‑0024, Config. list of the master data telegram" there In "S‑0‑0024, Config. list of the master data telegram" those
were some parameters entered that are not contained in parameters have to be entered that are contained in
"S‑0‑0188, List of configurable data in the MDT" "S‑0‑0188, List of configurable data in the MDT"
Cause Remedy
In "S‑0‑0015, Telegram type parameter", telegram type 7 Set priority telegram (telegram type = 0..6) in "S‑0‑0015, Tele‐
(configured telegram) was set gram type parameter"
Length of configured data record in MDT that is determined by Reduce number of configured parameters in MDT ("S‑0‑0024,
"S‑0‑0024, Config. list of the master data telegram" exceeds Config. list of the master data telegram")
the maximum allowed value entered in "S‑0‑0186, Length of
the configurable data record in the MDT"
Cause Remedy
In "S‑0‑0015, Telegram type parameter", telegram type 7 Set priority telegram (telegram type = 0..6) in "S‑0‑0015, Tele‐
(configured telegram) was set gram type parameter"
In "S‑0‑0016, Custom amplifier telegram configuration list" In "S‑0‑0016, Custom amplifier telegram configuration list" those
there were some parameters entered that are not contained parameters have to be entered that are contained in "S‑0‑0187,
in "S‑0‑0187, List of configurable data in the AT" List of configurable data in the AT"
Cause Remedy
In "S‑0‑0015, Telegram type parameter", telegram type 7 Set priority telegram (telegram type = 0..6) in "S‑0‑0015, Tele‐
(configured telegram) was set gram type parameter"
Length of configured data record in AT that is determined by Reduce number of configured parameters in AT in "S‑0‑0016,
"S‑0‑0016, Custom amplifier telegram configuration list", ex‐ Custom amplifier telegram configuration list"
ceeds maximum allowed value entered in "S‑0‑0185, Length
of the configurable data record in the AT"
Cause Remedy
SERCOS II: At least one of the following time slot parameters Correct the respective time slot parameter(s).
exceeds SERCOS cycle time ["S‑0‑0002, SERCOS Cycle Contact machine manufacturer or installation programmer
time (TScyc)"]:
● S‑0‑0006, AT Transmission starting time (T1)
● S-0-0007, Feedback acquisition starting time (T4)
● S-0-0008, Command valid time (T3)
● S‑0‑0089, MDT Transmit starting time (T2)
SERCOS III: At least one of the following time slot parameters Correct the respective time slot parameter(s).
is not correct: Contact machine manufacturer or installation programmer
● S‑0‑1006, SERCOS III: AT0 transmission starting time
● S‑0‑1007, SERCOS III: Feedback acquisition starting
time (t4)
● S‑0‑1017, SERCOS III: NRT transmission time
The definition of the times for the time slot parameters is the re‐
sponsibility of the control unit manufacturer and is specified by
SERCOS interface.
Cause Remedy
SERCOS II: The parameter "S‑0‑0009, Position of data record The parameter "S‑0‑0009, Position of data record in MDT"
in MDT" contains an even value. This is not allowed. must be parameterized with an odd value.
Note: The definition of the parameter S‑0‑0009 is the respon‐
sibility of the control unit manufacturer and is specified by
SERCOS III: A parameterized telegram offset is in HotPlug Check offsets in the following parameters:
array (offset smaller than 8) ● S‑0‑1009, SERCOS III: Device Control (C-Dev) offset in
● S-0-1011, SERCOS III: Device Status (S-Dev) offset in
● S-0-1013, SERCOS III: SVC offset in MDT
● S-0-1014, SERCOS III: SVC offset in AT
● S-0-1050.x.3, SIII-Connection: Telegram assignment
Note: The definition of the telegram offsets is the responsibility
of the control unit manufacturer.
Cause Remedy
Parameter "S‑0‑0010, Length of master data telegram" con‐ Parameter "S‑0‑0010, Length of master data telegram" has to
tains an odd value. This is not allowed. be parameterized with an even value
Cause Remedy
Parameterization of "S‑0‑0009, Position of data record in Correct parameterization of "S‑0‑0009, Position of data record
MDT" and "S‑0‑0010, Length of master data telegram" is in‐ in MDT" and "S‑0‑0010, Length of master data telegram"
Cause Remedy
Setting of parameters "S‑0‑0001, NC Cycle time (TNcyc)" or Correct parameters "S‑0‑0001, NC Cycle time (TNcyc)" and
"S‑0‑0002, SERCOS Cycle time (TScyc)" is incorrect "S‑0‑0002, SERCOS Cycle time (TScyc)".
There are settings of 500 µs for control section ADVANCED
(or 1 ms for control section BASIC) or integral multiples of 1 ms
Cause Remedy
Setting of parameters "S‑0‑0001, NC Cycle time (TNcyc)" or Value of "S‑0‑0001, NC Cycle time (TNcyc)" can only be equal
"S‑0‑0002, SERCOS Cycle time (TScyc)" is incorrect to or a multiple of "S‑0‑0002, SERCOS Cycle time (TScyc)".
Correct parameters "S‑0‑0001, NC Cycle time (TNcyc)" and
"S‑0‑0002, SERCOS Cycle time (TScyc)".
Cause Remedy
Value for "S‑0‑0007, Feedback acquisition starting time (T4)" Correct "S‑0‑0007, Feedback acquisition starting time (T4)".
is incorrect Maximum allowed value for "S‑0‑0007, Feedback acquisition
starting time (T4)" is calculated from "S‑0‑0002, SERCOS cy‐
cle time (TScyc)" and "S‑0‑0005, Minimum feedback acquisi‐
tion time (T4min)" as follows:
S‑0‑0007 > S‑0‑0002 – S‑0‑0005
Cause Remedy
Value set for "S‑0‑0089, MDT Transmit starting time (T2)" is Correct "S‑0‑0089, MDT Transmit starting time (T2)"
incorrect. Drive cannot run with this value
Cause Remedy
Value for "S‑0‑0008, Command valid time (T3)" is within value Check and if necessary correct setting of "S‑0‑0089, MDT
for "S‑0‑0089, MDT Transmit starting time (T2)". This could Transmit starting time (T2)" and "S‑0‑0008, Command valid
cause access problems in SERCOS communication time (T3)"
The chronology of the processing of cyclical command value data in the drive
has the order in which the configured IDNs have been entered in parameter
"S‑0‑0024, Config. list of the master data telegram". The following parameters
are available for using the multiplex mode in the cyclic command value tele‐
● "S‑0‑0360, Data container A: command value 1",
● "S‑0‑0362, Data container A: list index command values" and
● "S‑0‑0368, Data container A: addressing"
If more than one of these parameters has been configured in the cyclic com‐
mand value telegram, their correct order is checked in the command "S‑0‑0127,
C0100 Communication phase 3 transition check".
Cause Remedy
Incorrect order of relevant parameters in cyclic command val‐ Observe correct order of parameters in cyclic command value
ue telegram telegram:
Parameters S‑0‑0362, S‑0‑0366 and S‑0‑0368 in cyclic com‐
mand value telegram have to be located before parameters
S‑0‑0360 and S‑0‑0450 to S‑0‑0456
Cause Remedy
"S‑0‑0278, Maximum travel range" incorrectly parameterized. Check and, if necessary, reduce parameterization of
Defined travel range is too large S‑0‑0278. The value of "S‑0‑0278, Maximum travel range" is
to be selected in such a way that the resulting internal position
resolution guarantees a correct commutation of the motor.
Inappropriate measuring system (resolution) for maximum Check resolution of measuring system and, if necessary, use
travel range to be displayed a different measuring system
10.2.20 C0120 Error when reading encoder data => motor encoder
Allocation Contained in 02VRS: «MPB» «MPH» «MPD»
Contained in 03VRS: «-» «-» «-»
Contained in 04VRS: «-» «-» «-»
Contained in 05VRS: «-» «-» «-»
Contained in 06VRS: «-» «-» «-» «-»
Contained in 07VRS: «-» «-» «-» «-»
Contained in 08VRS: «-» «-» «-» «-»
Supported by supply unit: «-»
Measuring systems with their own data memory are DSF/HSF and
resolvers, as well as measuring systems with EnDat interface (Hei‐
denhain company) and HIPERFACE® interface (Stegmann com‐
Cause Remedy
Cause Remedy
Parameterization "P‑0‑0074, Encoder type 1 (motor encoder)" Check whether parameterized encoder type matches encoder
does not match encoder interface (e.g. EN1 with EnDat en‐ interface
In the case of "current control with motor encoder" (see Enter value appropriate for motor encoder in "P‑0‑0074, En‐
"P‑0‑0045, Control word of current controller"), "operation coder type 1 (motor encoder)"
without encoder" was detected to have been set in "P‑0‑0074,
Encoder type 1 (motor encoder)"
Parameterization in "P‑0‑0077, Assignment motor encod‐ Correct assignment of motor encoder and optional slot in pa‐
er‑>optional slot" is incorrect rameter "P‑0‑0077, Assignment motor encoder‑>optional slot"
370/601 Bosch Rexroth AG DOK-INDRV*-GEN-**VRS**-WA07-EN-P
Rexroth IndraDrive MPx-02 to MPx-08 and HMV
Cause Remedy
Incorrect encoder type ("S‑0‑0277, Position feedback 1 type") Check and, if necessary, correct "S‑0‑0277, Position feed‐
back 1 type"
Parameterized scaling ("S‑0‑0076, Position data scaling Check and, if necessary, correct "S‑0‑0076, Position data
type") is incorrect scaling type"
Cause Remedy
Parameterized value for "S‑0‑0103, Modulo value" is greater Correct content of "S‑0‑0103, Modulo value" or value of
than maximum travel range (cf. "S‑0‑0278, Maximum travel "S‑0‑0278, Maximum travel range"
Parameterized value for "S‑0‑0103, Modulo value" cannot be Correct content of "S‑0‑0103, Modulo value" or gear ratios that
internally displayed with gear ratios that have been set have been set ["S‑0‑0121, Input revolutions of load
(S‑0‑0121/S‑0‑0122, P‑0‑0121/P‑0‑0122) gear"/"S‑0‑0122, Output revolutions of load gear"; "P‑0‑0121,
Gear 1 motor-side (motor encoder)"/"P‑0‑0122, Gear 1 en‐
coder-side (motor encoder)"]
Cause Remedy
10.2.25 C0125 Error when reading encoder data => optional encoder
Allocation Contained in 02VRS: «MPB» «MPH» «MPD»
Contained in 03VRS: «-» «-» «-»
Contained in 04VRS: «-» «-» «-»
Contained in 05VRS: «-» «-» «-»
Contained in 06VRS: «-» «-» «-» «-»
Contained in 07VRS: «-» «-» «-» «-»
Contained in 08VRS: «-» «-» «-» «-»
Supported by supply unit: «-»
Measuring systems with their own data memory are DSF/HSF and
resolvers, as well as measuring systems with EnDat interface (Hei‐
denhain company) and HIPERFACE® interface (Stegmann com‐
372/601 Bosch Rexroth AG DOK-INDRV*-GEN-**VRS**-WA07-EN-P
Rexroth IndraDrive MPx-02 to MPx-08 and HMV
Cause Remedy
Cause Remedy
Parameterization "P‑0‑0075, Encoder type 2 (optional encod‐ Correct parameterization of "P‑0‑0075, Encoder type 2 (op‐
er)" does not match interface card (e.g. EN1 with EnDat tional encoder"
"P‑0‑0078, Assignment optional encoder‑>optional slot" in‐ Correct parameterization of "P‑0‑0078, Assignment optional
correct encoder‑>optional slot"
Cause Remedy
Incorrect encoder type ("S‑0‑0115, Position feedback 2 type") Check and, if necessary, correct "S‑0‑0115, Position feed‐
back 2 type"
Parameterized scaling ("S‑0‑0076, Position data scaling Check and, if necessary, correct "S‑0‑0076, Position data
type") is incorrect scaling type"
Cause Remedy
Parameterized value for "S‑0‑0103, Modulo value" is greater Correct content of "S‑0‑0103, Modulo value" or value of
than maximum travel range (cf. "S‑0‑0278, Maximum travel "S‑0‑0278, Maximum travel range"
Parameterized value for "S‑0‑0103, Modulo value" cannot be Correct content of "S‑0‑0103, Modulo value" or gear ratios that
internally displayed with the gear ratios that have been set have been set ["S‑0‑0121, Input revolutions of load
(S‑0‑0121/S‑0‑0122, P‑0‑0121/P‑0‑0122) gear"/"S‑0‑0122, Output revolutions of load gear"; "P‑0‑0121,
Gear 1 motor-side (motor encoder)"/"P‑0‑0122, Gear 1 en‐
coder-side (motor encoder)"]
Encoder resolution ("S‑0‑0117, Feedback 2 Resolution") in‐ Check and, if necessary, correct parameterization of
correctly parameterized "S‑0‑0117, Feedback 2 Resolution"
Resolution of encoder does not match required modulo range Replace encoder
therefore the parameterized optional encoder is not allowed (e.g. rotary scaling
with linear encoder).
Cause Remedy
In the case of absolute scaling, the maximum travel range represents the over‐
flow limit of the actual position values. If this travel range cannot be displayed
correctly internally so that position generation without error is impossible, this
error is generated.
Cause Remedy
"S‑0‑0278, Maximum travel range" incorrectly parameterized Check and if necessary reduce "S‑0‑0278, Maximum travel
S‑0‑0116 / S‑0‑0117 incorrectly set (e.g. value "0") Check and if necessary correct "S‑0‑0116, Feedback 1 Res‐
olution" / "S‑0‑0117, Feedback 2 Resolution"
Value for "S‑0‑0278, Maximum travel range" is invalid al‐ Check "S‑0‑0278, Maximum travel range" and if necessary
though it might be within the respective absolute encoder change value (take respective absolute encoder range into
range account!)
Position resolution of a pole pair or of pole pair distance is too "P‑0‑0018, Number of pole pairs/pole pair distance" has value
low. Commutation offset value internally cannot be displayed "0" or a too small value (maybe incorrect unit). Check and if
precisely enough necessary correct "P‑0‑0018, Number of pole pairs/pole pair
Cause Remedy
Dduring a firmware download there was an attempt to switch Wait until the firmware download is completed before switch‐
from communication phase 2 to communication phase 3 ing to another communication phase
After a boot error (F81xx error) there was an attempt to switch Clear error, remove its cause and then boot up drive again
from communication phase 2 to communication phase 3
P-0-0556, Config word P-0-0001, Switching frequency of TA - position loop TA - velocity loop TA - current loop
of axis controller, bit 2 the power output stage
Cause Remedy
Parameterization of "P‑0‑0556, Config word of axis control‐ Select setting "Basic performance" (cf. bit 2) in "P‑0‑0556,
ler" does not comply with switching frequency of 12 kHz set in Config word of axis controller"
"P‑0‑0001, Switching frequency of the power output stage"
Incorrect parameterization of switching frequency selected in In "P‑0‑0001, Switching frequency of the power output
"P‑0‑0001, Switching frequency of the power output stage" stage", select allowed switching frequency (see table)
with given controller performance (= sampling rate/time)
Cause Remedy
Cause Remedy
A motor without encoder data memory was connected Parameterize "P‑0‑4014, Kind of motor" correctly or connect
a motor with encoder data memory
Encoder defective Replace encoder
Cause Remedy
Two encoders were detected; in their data memories a valid Replace one of encoders by encoder without valid motor type
and known motor type string is contained in "P‑0‑2141, Motor string
type, encoder memory"
Encoder connectors of neighboring axes were interchanged Check axis assignment of encoder connectors and assign to
correct axis
Cause Remedy
Invalid motor data stored in motor data memory Replace motor or contact service department for correction of
motor data
Encoder cable defective or bad shielding Check encoder cable and shielding
Encoder memory or encoder electronics defective Replace encoder
Hardware defect on control section Replace control section or entire drive controller
Cause Remedy
Reading error from I2C-Prom due to hardware defect For detailed error diagnosis contact our service department
Cause Remedy
Sum of transmit starting time of master data telegram set by Parameterize smaller value for transmit starting time of master
master ["S‑0‑0089, MDT Transmit starting time (T2)"] and data telegram ["S‑0‑0089, MDT Transmit starting time (T2)"]
length of data record of master data telegram ("S‑0‑0010,
Length of master data telegram") exceeds SERCOS cycle
time ["S‑0‑0002, SERCOS Cycle time (TScyc)"]. This means
that master data telegram overlaps the master synchroniza‐
tion telegram (MST)
Cause Remedy
Although a linear motor is used, rotary scaling was selected Check and correct respective scaling parameter(s) or use a
in at least one of the following parameters: linear encoder
● S‑0‑0044, Velocity data scaling type
● S‑0‑0076, Position data scaling type
● S‑0‑0086, Torque/force data scaling type
● S‑0‑0160, Acceleration data scaling type
10.2.40 C0151 IDN for command value data container not allowed
Allocation Contained in 02VRS: «-» «-» «-»
Contained in 03VRS: «MPB» «MPH» «MPD»
Contained in 04VRS: «-» «-» «-»
Contained in 05VRS: «-» «-» «-»
Contained in 06VRS: «MPB» «MPH» «MPD» «MPC»
Contained in 07VRS: «MPB» «MPH» «MPD» «MPC»
Contained in 08VRS: «MPB» «MPH» «MPD» «MPC»
Supported by supply unit: «-»
Cause Remedy
A command value configuration list (S‑0‑0370 and S‑0‑0490 Check parameters "S‑0‑0370, Data container A: configuration
to S‑0‑0496) contains one or several IDNs that aren't existing list command value-1" and "S‑0‑0490, Data container A: con‐
or not contained in "S‑0‑0188, List of configurable data in the figuration list command value 2" to "S‑0‑0496, Data container
MDT" A: configuration list command value 8" for incorrect IDNs and
correct them
10.2.41 C0152 IDN for actual value data container not allowed
Allocation Contained in 02VRS: «-» «-» «-»
Contained in 03VRS: «MPB» «MPH» «MPD»
Contained in 04VRS: «-» «-» «-»
Contained in 05VRS: «-» «-» «-»
Contained in 06VRS: «MPB» «MPH» «MPD» «MPC»
Contained in 07VRS: «MPB» «MPH» «MPD» «MPC»
Contained in 08VRS: «MPB» «MPH» «MPD» «MPC»
Supported by supply unit: «-»
Cause Remedy
An actual value configuration list (S‑0‑0371 and S‑0‑0500 to Check parameters "S‑0‑0371, Data container A: configuration
S‑0‑0506) contains one or several IDNs that aren't existing or list feedback value-1" and "S‑0‑0500, Data container A: con‐
not contained in "S‑0‑0187, List of configurable data in the AT" figuration list feedback value 2" to "S‑0‑0506, Data container
A: configuration list feedback value 8" for incorrect IDNs and
correct them
Cause Remedy
Incomplete or invalid entries in parameters for initialization of Check parameter contents and enter data supplied by motor
synchronous motor manufacturer in above parameters. If error is generated in
spite of correct data, please contact our service department
Initialization for synchronous motor with reluctance torque was Correct setting in "P‑0‑4014, Type of construction of motor
run although synchronous motor without reluctance torque is
10.2.43 C0154 Field bus: IDN for cycl. command val. not configurable
Allocation Contained in 02VRS: «MPB» «MPH» «MPD»
Contained in 03VRS: «MPB» «MPH» «MPD»
Contained in 04VRS: «-» «-» «-»
Contained in 05VRS: «-» «-» «-»
Contained in 06VRS: «-» «-» «-» «-»
Contained in 07VRS: «-» «-» «-» «-»
Contained in 08VRS: «-» «-» «-» «-»
Supported by supply unit: «-»
Cause Remedy
In operating data of "P‑0‑4081, Field bus: config. list of cyclic In "P‑0‑4081, Field bus: config. list of cyclic command value
command value data ch." there is an IDN that is not contained data ch." enter allowed IDN (cf. "S‑0‑0188, List of configurable
in "S‑0‑0188, List of configurable data in the MDT" data in the MDT")
10.2.44 C0155 Field bus: max. length for cycl. command val. exceeded
Allocation Contained in 02VRS: «MPB» «MPH» «MPD»
Contained in 03VRS: «MPB» «MPH» «MPD»
Contained in 04VRS: «-» «-» «-»
Contained in 05VRS: «-» «-» «-»
Contained in 06VRS: «-» «-» «-» «-»
Contained in 07VRS: «-» «-» «-» «-»
382/601 Bosch Rexroth AG DOK-INDRV*-GEN-**VRS**-WA07-EN-P
Rexroth IndraDrive MPx-02 to MPx-08 and HMV
Cause Remedy
Sum of data widths of all IDNs entered in "P‑0‑4081, Field bus: Reduce number of IDNs entered in "P‑0‑4081, Field bus: con‐
config. list of cyclic command value data ch." is exceeding fig. list of cyclic command value data ch."
max. value of "P‑0‑4071, Field bus: length of cyclic command
value data channel"
10.2.45 C0156 Field bus: IDN for cycl. actual val. not configurable
Allocation Contained in 02VRS: «MPB» «MPH» «MPD»
Contained in 03VRS: «MPB» «MPH» «MPD»
Contained in 04VRS: «-» «-» «-»
Contained in 05VRS: «-» «-» «-»
Contained in 06VRS: «-» «-» «-» «-»
Contained in 07VRS: «-» «-» «-» «-»
Contained in 08VRS: «-» «-» «-» «-»
Supported by supply unit: «-»
Cause Remedy
In operating data of "P‑0‑4080, Field bus: config. list of cyclic In "P‑0‑4080, Field bus: config. list of cyclic command value
command value data ch." there is an IDN that is not contained data ch." enter allowed IDNs (cf. "S‑0‑0187, List of configura‐
in "S‑0‑0187, List of configurable data in the AT" ble data in the AT")
10.2.46 C0157 Field bus: length for cycl. actual values exceeded
Allocation Contained in 02VRS: «MPB» «MPH» «MPD»
Contained in 03VRS: «MPB» «MPH» «MPD»
Contained in 04VRS: «-» «-» «-»
Contained in 05VRS: «-» «-» «-»
Contained in 06VRS: «-» «-» «-» «-»
Contained in 07VRS: «-» «-» «-» «-»
Contained in 08VRS: «-» «-» «-» «-»
Supported by supply unit: «-»
Cause Remedy
Sum of data widths of all IDNs entered in "P‑0‑4080, Field bus: Reduce number of IDNs entered in "P‑0‑4080, Field bus: con‐
config. list of cyclic actual value data ch." is exceeding max. fig. list of cyclic actual value data ch."
value of "P‑0‑4082, Field bus: length of cyclic actual value data
Cause Remedy
"P‑0‑4076, Field bus: cycle time (Tcyc)" is not an integral mul‐ Adjust "P‑0‑4076, Field bus: cycle time (Tcyc)" to position loop
tiple of the position loop clock clock (control section ADVANCED: 500 µs or 250 µs, control
section BASIC: 500 µs)
The minimum field bus cycle time ["P‑0‑4076, Field bus: cycle time
(Tcyc)"] is 500 µs for control section ADVANCED and 1000 µs for
control section BASIC.
10.2.48 C0159 Field bus: P-0-4077 missing for cycl. command values
Allocation Contained in 02VRS: «MPB» «MPH» «MPD»
Contained in 03VRS: «MPB» «MPH» «MPD»
Contained in 04VRS: «-» «-» «-»
Contained in 05VRS: «-» «-» «-»
Contained in 06VRS: «-» «-» «-» «-»
Contained in 07VRS: «-» «-» «-» «-»
Contained in 08VRS: «-» «-» «-» «-»
Supported by supply unit: «-»
Cause Remedy
Operating data of "P‑0‑4081, Field bus: config. list of cyclic According to profile type configure one of both control words
command value data ch." contains neither "P‑0‑4077, Field in "P‑0‑4081, Field bus: config. list of cyclic command value
bus: control word" nor "P‑0‑4068, Field bus: control word IO". data ch."
At least one control word has to be contained.
10.2.49 C0160 Error when reading encoder data => measuring encoder
Allocation Contained in 02VRS: «MPB» «MPH» «MPD»
Contained in 03VRS: «-» «-» «-»
Contained in 04VRS: «-» «-» «-»
Contained in 05VRS: «-» «-» «-»
Contained in 06VRS: «-» «-» «-» «-»
Contained in 07VRS: «-» «-» «-» «-»
Contained in 08VRS: «-» «-» «-» «-»
Supported by supply unit: «-»
It was impossible to read the encoder data ("P‑0‑1020, Kind of encoder 3, en‐
coder memory"; "P‑0‑1021, Encoder 3 resolution, encoder memory";
"P‑0‑1022, Absolute encoder offset 3, encoder memory") correctly from the
encoder memory during the initialization of the control section.
Cause Remedy
Interference caused by incorrect shielding or defective encod‐ Check encoder cable (incl. shielding) and, if necessary, re‐
er cable place or run it correctly
Encoder defective Check encoder function and, if necessary, replace encoder
Measuring encoder option on control section is defective Replace control section or entire drive controller
Incorrect parameterization of "P‑0‑0076, Encoder type 3 Check content of "P‑0‑0076, Encoder type 3 (measuring en‐
(measuring encoder)" coder)" and correct it in such a way that measuring encoder is
correctly assigned to optional slot
Cause Remedy
Parameterization of "P‑0‑0076, Encoder type 3 (measuring Correct parameterization of "P‑0‑0076, Encoder type 3 (meas‐
encoder)" does not match encoder interface (e.g. EN1 with uring encoder)"
EnDat encoder)
"P‑0‑0079, Assignment measuring encoder ‑>optional slot" Correct parameterization of "P‑0‑0079, Assignment measur‐
incorrectly parameterized ing encoder ‑>optional slot" or change control section config‐
uration (replacement of control section or drive controller)
In the case of double-axis device (CDB control section) Only one measuring encoder can be connected per double-
"P‑0‑0076, Encoder type 3 (measuring encoder)" was para‐ axis device (CDB control section). "P‑0‑0076, Encoder type 3
meterized unequal "0" for both axes (measuring encoder)" may only be unequal "0" for one axis
Cause Remedy
Cause Remedy
Value parameterized for "P‑0‑0765, Modulo factor measuring Correct content of "S‑0‑0103, Modulo value" or measuring
encoder" cannot be displayed internally with gear that was set gear settings ("P‑0‑0127, Input revolutions of measuring gear"
and "P‑0‑0128, Output revolutions of measuring gear")
"P‑0‑0327, Encoder resolution of measuring encoder" incor‐ Check and, if necessary, correct content of "P‑0‑0327, En‐
rectly parameterized coder resolution of measuring encoder"
Cause Remedy
At least one of selected operating modes is synchronization Check and, if necessary, correct parameterization of operating
mode (velocity synchronization, phase synchronization or mode parameters ("S‑0‑0032, Primary mode of operation";
electronic cam shaft) and control encoder of synchronization "S‑0‑0033, Secondary operation mode 1"; "S‑0‑0034, Secon‐
mode has simultaneously been configured as measuring en‐ dary operation mode 2";...) if synchronization mode is not
coder. This configuration is not useful. required.
If synchronization mode is required, deactivate measuring en‐
coder or use additional encoder as measuring encoder.
Cause Remedy
When SERCOS III connections had been configured Allowed IDNs for consumer connections:
(S-0-1050.x.6, SIII-Connection: Configuration list), an inad‐ "S-0-0134, Master control word" and all IDNs from "S-0-0188,
missible IDN was parameterized. List of configurable data in the MDT"
Cause Remedy
When SERCOS III connections had been configured, allowed Reduce number of IDNs in "S-0-1050.x.6, SIII-Connection:
connection length was exceeded; i.e. total length of all con‐ Configuration list".
figured IDNs in "S-0-1050.x.6, SIII-Connection: Configuration
list" exceed value in "S-0-1050.x.4, SIII-Connection: Max.
length of connection".
A check run during the execution of the command "S-0-0127, C0100 Commu‐
nication phase 3 transition check" showed that there is no correctly executed
delay measurement with usable measured values available.
Cause Remedy
Command "S-0-1024, C5300 SERCOS III: SYNC delay meas‐ Execute command "S-0-1024, C5300 SERCOS III: SYNC de‐
uring procedure command" was not executed or aborted with lay measuring procedure command" and then start command
error. "S-0-0127, C0100 Communication phase 3 transition check"
Cause Remedy
Parameterized connections in S-0-1050 cannot be realized, Arrange connections of slave better in telegram (put them one
because resources of SERCOS III FPGA have been excee‐ after another). (Can only be corrected by bus master or con‐
ded. figurator.)
Cause Remedy
For a SERCOS IIIconnection, a configuration has been set "S-0-1050.x.1, SIII-Connection: Connection setup" is to be
which is not supported by drive controller/firmware checked in all SERCOS IIIconnections and has to be com‐
pared to allowed configurations in Parameter Description
Cause Remedy
For a SERCOS IIIconnection, a producer cycle time has been "S-0-1050.x.10, SIII-Connection: Producer cycle time" is to be
set which is not supported by drive controller/firmware checked in all SERCOS IIIconnections and has to be com‐
pared to allowed producer cycle times in Parameter Descrip‐
Cause Remedy
Parameter "P‑0‑2003, Selection of functional packages" con‐ Switch drive off and on again in order to accept functional
tains functional package selection not corresponding to active package selection of "P‑0‑2003, Selection of functional pack‐
functional package selection (cf. "P‑0‑2004, Active functional ages" in "P‑0‑2004, Active functional packages"
Incorrect functional package selection in "P‑0‑2003, Selection Set value in "P‑0‑2003, Selection of functional packages" to
of functional packages" value in "P‑0‑2004, Active functional packages"
02VRS / 03VRS While command "S‑0‑0128, C5200 Communication phase 4 transition check"
is executed, internal variables are initialized and the available parameters are
checked (e.g., for validity). An error was detected during execution of the com‐
Cause Remedy
Data block elements required in communication phase 4 are Write allowed operating data to parameters affected. (Affected
missing or invalid parameters can be taken from list "S‑0‑0022, IDN-list of invalid
operation data for CP3")
Cause Remedy
Data required in operating mode is missing or invalid Write allowed operating data to parameters affected. (Re‐
spective parameters can be taken from list "S‑0‑0423, IDN-list
of invalid data for parameterization levels")
In the firmware versions 02VRS and 03VRS, the name of the com‐
mand error is "C0202 Parameter limit error (->S-0-0022)".
02VRS / 03VRS While the command "S‑0‑0128, C0200 Communication phase 4 transition
check" is executed, the limit values (minimum/maximum value) are checked for
some parameters. An error was detected during the execution of the command.
Cause Remedy
Parameter values required in communication phase 4 are out‐ Write allowed values to parameters (cf. min./max. value). (Re‐
side of their allowed range of values (minimum or maximum spective parameters can be taken from list "S‑0‑0022, IDN list
value) of invalid operating data for communication phase 3")
As of 04VRS While the command "S‑0‑0422, C0200 Exit parameterization level procedure
command" is executed, the limit values (minimum/maximum value) are
checked for some parameters. An error was detected during the execution of
the command.
Cause Remedy
Parameter values required in operating mode are outside of Write allowed values to parameters (cf. min./max. value). (Re‐
their allowed range of values (minimum or maximum value) spective parameters can be taken from list "S‑0‑0423, IDN-list
of invalid op. data for parameterization level")
In the firmware versions 02VRS and 03VRS, the name of the com‐
mand error is "C0203 Parameter calculation error (->S-0-0022)".
02VRS / 03VRS While the command "S‑0‑0128, C0200 Communication phase 4 transition
check" is executed, the internal parameter formats are checked in order to en‐
sure the internal processing. An error was detected during the execution of the
Cause Remedy
Parameter values required in communication phase 4 cannot Write allowed values to parameters. (Respective parameters
be processed can be taken from list "S‑0‑0022, IDN list of invalid operating
data for communication phase 3")
As of 04VRS While the command "S‑0‑0422, C0200 Exit parameterization level procedure
command" is executed, the internal parameter formats are checked in order to
ensure the internal processing. An error was detected during the execution of
the command.
Cause Remedy
Parameter values required in operating mode cannot be pro‐ Write allowed values to parameters. (Respective parameters
cessed can be taken from list "S‑0‑0423, IDN-list of invalid op. data
for parameterization level")
Cause Remedy
Bit for measuring wheel mode has been set in "P‑0‑0185, Parameterize encoder 2 in "P‑0‑0075, Encoder type 2 (op‐
Control word of encoder 2 (optional encoder)". Measuring tional encoder)"
wheel mode requires second encoder which has not been ‑ or ‑
Deselect function "measuring wheel mode" in "P‑0‑0185, Con‐
trol word of encoder 2 (optional encoder)"
Bit for redundant motor encoder has been set in "P‑0‑0185, Parameterize encoder 2 in "P‑0‑0075, Encoder type 2 (op‐
Control word of encoder 2 (optional encoder)". Second en‐ tional encoder)"
coder, however, has not been parameterized ‑ or ‑
Deselect redundant motor encoder in "P‑0‑0185, Control word
of encoder 2 (optional encoder)"
In the firmware versions 02VRS and 03VRS, the name of the com‐
mand error is "C0212 Invalid control section data (->S-0-0022)".
02VRS / 03VRS:
For HMS, HMD, HCS During the execution of the command "S‑0‑0128, C0200 Communication phase
4 transition check" an error during the initialization of the control section data
was detected. The respective parameters are entered in the list "S‑0‑0022, IDN
list of invalid operating data for communication phase 3".
For HMV During the initialization of the device data an error was detected.
Cause Remedy
Reading error from I2C-Prom due to hardware defect If possible, replace hardware; otherwise contact our service
As of 04VRS:
For HMS, HMD, HCS During the execution of the command "S‑0‑0422, C0200 Exit parameterization
level procedure command" an error was detected during the initialization of the
amplifier data. The respective parameters are entered in the list "S‑0‑0423,
IDN-list of invalid op. data for parameterization level".
For HMV During the initialization of the device data an error was detected.
Cause Remedy
Reading error from I2C-Prom due to hardware defect If possible, replace hardware; otherwise contact our service
Cause Remedy
In the case of a double-axis device, a parameter was selected Set parameter "P‑0‑0916, Master axis format converter signal
in both axes in parameter "P‑0‑0916, Master axis format con‐ selection" of one axis of double-axis device to "S‑0‑0000"
verter signal selection" the value of which is to be converted
to master axis format; however, there is only one master axis
format converter available for a double axis device
While the command "C0200" is executed an error with regard to the scaling of
the drive was detected.
Cause Remedy
"S‑0‑0278, Maximum travel range" incorrectly parameterized. Check and, if necessary, reduce parameterization of
Defined travel range is too large S‑0‑0278. Value of "S‑0‑0278, Maximum travel range" is to be
selected in such a way that resulting internal position resolu‐
tion guarantees correct commutation of motor.
Inappropriate measuring system (resolution) for maximum Check resolution of measuring system and, if necessary, use
travel range to be displayed a different measuring system
While command "C0200" is executed, the following checks are carried out for
initializing encoder 1 (motor encoder):
● Offset between high-resolution and low-resolution track
● Communication with encoder
● Generation of position of an initialization track
● Reading of analog signals of an initialization track
If the motor encoder is an HSF encoder, the following checks are additionally
carried out:
● Access to angle correction data
● Pointer length of analog signals of an initialization track
If one of the above checks fails, command error "C0220" is generated.
Cause Remedy
Motor encoder cable defective Check and, if necessary, replace motor encoder cable
Motor encoder defective or error in micro controller of meas‐ Replace motor
uring system
Measuring system interface defective Have measuring system interface replaced by service depart‐
Absolute position in relation to incremental track shifted Absolute position in relation to incremental track was shifted
deliberately (as of MPx07V12, MPx06V14, MPx08): Deacti‐
vate offset monitoring (see S-0-0277)
Absolute position in relation to incremental track was shifted
by a defect: Check other causes mentioned
During the execution of the command C0200, an error in the initialization ve‐
locity of encoder 1 (motor encoder) was detected.
Cause Remedy
Velocity for initialization of encoder 1 was too high Reduce velocity during encoder initialization [comply with ini‐
tialization velocity (encoder-related); rotary: <30 rpm, linear:
30 mm/min]
While command "C0200" is executed, the following checks are carried out for
initializing encoder 2 (optional encoder):
● Offset between high-resolution and low-resolution track
● Communication with encoder
● Generation of position of an initialization track
● Reading of analog signals of an initialization track
If the optional encoder is an HSF encoder, the following checks are additionally
carried out:
● Access to angle correction data
● Pointer length of analog signals of an initialization track
If one of the above checks fails, the command error "C0224" is generated.
Cause Remedy
During the execution of the command C0200, an error in the initialization ve‐
locity of encoder 2 (optional encoder) was detected.
Cause Remedy
Velocity for initialization of encoder 2 was too high Reduce velocity during encoder initialization [comply with ini‐
tialization velocity (encoder-related); rotary: <30 rpm, linear:
30 mm/min]
While command "C0200" is executed, the following checks are carried out for
initializing the measuring encoder:
● Offset between high-resolution and low-resolution track
● Communication with encoder
● Generation of position of an initialization track
● Reading of analog signals of an initialization track
If the measuring encoder is an HSF encoder, the following checks are addi‐
tionally carried out:
● Access to angle correction data
● Pointer length of analog signals of an initialization track
If one of the above checks fails, the command error "C0227" is generated.
Cause Remedy
During the execution of the command C0200, an error in the initialization ve‐
locity of the measuring encoder was detected.
Cause Remedy
Velocity for initialization of measuring encoder was too high Reduce velocity during encoder initialization [comply with ini‐
tialization velocity (encoder-related); rotary: <30 rpm, linear:
30 mm/min]
10.2.75 C0229 Field bus: IDN for cycl. command val. not configurable
Allocation Contained in 02VRS: «-» «-» «-»
Contained in 03VRS: «-» «-» «-»
Contained in 04VRS: «MPB» «MPH» «MPD»
Contained in 05VRS: «MPB» «MPH» «MPD»
Contained in 06VRS: «MPB» «MPH» «MPD» «MPC»
Contained in 07VRS: «MPB» «MPH» «MPD» «MPC»
Contained in 08VRS: «MPB» «MPH» «MPD» «MPC»
Supported by supply unit: «-»
During the execution of the command "C0200" an error with regard to the tele‐
gram configuration of master communication was detected.
Cause Remedy
In operating data of "P‑0‑4081, Field bus: config. list of cyclic In "P‑0‑4081, Field bus: config. list of cyclic command value
command value data ch." there is an IDN that is not contained data ch." enter allowed IDN (cf. "S‑0‑0188, List of configurable
in "S‑0‑0188, List of configurable data in the MDT" data in the MDT")
10.2.76 C0230 Field bus: Max. length for cycl. command val. exceeded
Allocation Contained in 02VRS: «-» «-» «-»
Contained in 03VRS: «-» «-» «-»
Contained in 04VRS: «MPB» «MPH» «MPD»
Contained in 05VRS: «MPB» «MPH» «MPD»
Contained in 06VRS: «MPB» «MPH» «MPD» «MPC»
Contained in 07VRS: «MPB» «MPH» «MPD» «MPC»
Contained in 08VRS: «MPB» «MPH» «MPD» «MPC»
Supported by supply unit: «-»
398/601 Bosch Rexroth AG DOK-INDRV*-GEN-**VRS**-WA07-EN-P
Rexroth IndraDrive MPx-02 to MPx-08 and HMV
Cause Remedy
Sum of data widths of all IDNs entered in "P‑0‑4081, Field Reduce number of IDNs entered in "P‑0‑4081, Field bus: Config.
bus: Config. list of cyclic command value data ch." exceeds list of cyclic command value data ch."
maximum value
10.2.77 C0231 Field bus: IDN for cycl. actual val. not configurable
Allocation Contained in 02VRS: «-» «-» «-»
Contained in 03VRS: «-» «-» «-»
Contained in 04VRS: «MPB» «MPH» «MPD»
Contained in 05VRS: «MPB» «MPH» «MPD»
Contained in 06VRS: «MPB» «MPH» «MPD» «MPC»
Contained in 07VRS: «MPB» «MPH» «MPD» «MPC»
Contained in 08VRS: «MPB» «MPH» «MPD» «MPC»
Supported by supply unit: «-»
During the execution of the command "C0200" an error with regard to the tele‐
gram configuration of master communication was detected.
Cause Remedy
In operating data of "P‑0‑4080, Field bus: config. list of cyclic In "P‑0‑4080, Field bus: config. list of cyclic command value
command value data ch." there is an IDN that is not contained data ch." enter allowed IDNs (cf. "S‑0‑0187, List of configura‐
in "S‑0‑0187, List of configurable data in the AT" ble data in the AT")
10.2.78 C0232 Field bus: Length for cycl. actual values exceeded
Allocation Contained in 02VRS: «-» «-» «-»
Contained in 03VRS: «-» «-» «-»
Contained in 04VRS: «MPB» «MPH» «MPD»
Contained in 05VRS: «MPB» «MPH» «MPD»
Contained in 06VRS: «MPB» «MPH» «MPD» «MPC»
Contained in 07VRS: «MPB» «MPH» «MPD» «MPC»
Contained in 08VRS: «MPB» «MPH» «MPD» «MPC»
Supported by supply unit: «-»
Cause Remedy
Sum of data widths of all IDNs entered in "P‑0‑4080, Field bus: Reduce number of IDNs entered in "P‑0‑4080, Field bus: Con‐
Config. list of cyclic command actual data ch." exceeds max‐ fig. list of cyclic actual value data ch."
imum value
Cause Remedy
While command C0200 was executed, error in parameteriza‐ Observe allowed input values (minimum/maximum values) of
tion of P-0-4076 was detected. "P‑0‑4076, Field bus: Field bus: Process data - updating
clock"; step size of allowed input values: 1 ms
10.2.80 C0234 Field bus: P-0-4077 missing for cycl. command values
Allocation Contained in 02VRS: «-» «-» «-»
Contained in 03VRS: «-» «-» «-»
Contained in 04VRS: «MPB» «MPH» «MPD»
Contained in 05VRS: «MPB» «MPH» «MPD»
Contained in 06VRS: «MPB» «MPH» «MPD» «MPC»
Contained in 07VRS: «MPB» «MPH» «MPD» «MPC»
Contained in 08VRS: «MPB» «MPH» «MPD» «MPC»
Supported by supply unit: «-»
During the execution of the command "C0200" an error with regard to the tele‐
gram configuration of master communication was detected.
Cause Remedy
Operating data of "P‑0‑4081, Field bus: config. list of cyclic According to profile type configure one of both control words
command value data ch." contains neither "P‑0‑4077, Field in "P‑0‑4081, Field bus: config. list of cyclic command value
bus: control word" nor "P‑0‑4068, Field bus: control word IO". data ch."
At least one control word has to be contained
The cyclic command value data in the drive is processed chronologically in the
order in which the configured IDNs have been entered in the list of cyclic com‐
mand values. The following parameters are available for using multiplex mode
in the cyclic command value telegram:
● S‑0‑0360, Data container A: command value 1,
400/601 Bosch Rexroth AG DOK-INDRV*-GEN-**VRS**-WA07-EN-P
Rexroth IndraDrive MPx-02 to MPx-08 and HMV
Cause Remedy
Incorrect order of relevant parameters in cyclic command val‐ Observe correct order of parameters in cyclic command value
ue telegram telegram:
Parameters S‑0‑0362, S‑0‑0366 and S‑0‑0368 must precede
parameters S‑0‑0360 and S‑0‑0450 to S‑0‑0456 in cyclic com‐
mand value telegram
10.2.82 C0239 IDN for command value data container not allowed
Allocation Contained in 02VRS: «-» «-» «-»
Contained in 03VRS: «-» «-» «-»
Contained in 04VRS: «MPB» «MPH» «MPD»
Contained in 05VRS: «MPB» «MPH» «MPD»
Contained in 06VRS: «MPB» «MPH» «MPD» «MPC»
Contained in 07VRS: «MPB» «MPH» «MPD» «MPC»
Contained in 08VRS: «MPB» «MPH» «MPD» «MPC»
Supported by supply unit: «-»
Cause Remedy
A command value configuration list (S‑0‑0370 and S‑0‑0490 Check parameters "S‑0‑0370, Data container A: configuration
to S‑0‑0496) contains one or several IDNs that aren't existing list command value-1" and "S‑0‑0490, Data container A: con‐
or not contained in "S‑0‑0188, List of configurable data in the figuration list command value 2" to "S‑0‑0496, Data container
MDT" A: configuration list command value 8" for incorrect IDNs and
correct them
10.2.83 C0240 IDN for actual value data container not allowed
Allocation Contained in 02VRS: «-» «-» «-»
Contained in 03VRS: «-» «-» «-»
Contained in 04VRS: «MPB» «MPH» «MPD»
Contained in 05VRS: «MPB» «MPH» «MPD»
Contained in 06VRS: «MPB» «MPH» «MPD» «MPC»
Contained in 07VRS: «MPB» «MPH» «MPD» «MPC»
Contained in 08VRS: «MPB» «MPH» «MPD» «MPC»
Supported by supply unit: «-»
level procedure command" (as of 04VRS), an error with regard to the actual
value configuration list was detected.
Cause Remedy
An actual value configuration list (S‑0‑0371 and S‑0‑0500 to Check parameters "S‑0‑0371, Data container A: configuration
S‑0‑0506) contains one or several IDNs that aren't existing or list feedback value-1" and "S‑0‑0500, Data container A: con‐
not contained in "S‑0‑0187, List of configurable data in the AT" figuration list feedback value 2" to "S‑0‑0506, Data container
A: configuration list feedback value 8" for incorrect IDNs and
correct them
Cause Remedy
A motion task which is synchronous to master communication Advanced and Basic performance: Minimum allowed NC cycle
cannot be operated with NC cycle time (S-0-0001 or S-0-1001 time is 1000µs. Other values in steps of 1000µs are allowed.
for master communication SERCOS III) which was set Economy performance: Minimum allowed NC cycle time is
2000µs. Other values in steps of 2000µs are allowed.
A motion task which is synchronous to CCD group is not op‐ Activate MLD-M system mode
erated in MLD-M system mode - or -
Change your PLC project for MLD in such a way that no CCD-
synchronous motion task is configured
In the firmware versions 02VRS and 03VRS, the name of the com‐
mand error is "C0242 Multiple configuration of a parameter (-
02VRS / 03VRS During the execution of the command "S‑0‑0128, C0200 Communication phase
4 transition check" an error was detected.
Cause Remedy
For a double-axis device, a device-specific function has been Read IDNs entered in "S‑0‑0022, IDN list of invalid operating
activated in both axes (e.g. position switch activated in both data for communication phase 3" to find out function activated
axes or encoder emulation activated in both axes) in both axes. Then deactivate function in one of both axes
For cyclic parameter write, a parameter was simultaneously Read IDNs entered in "S‑0‑0022, IDN list of invalid operating
configured in different interfaces. It is impossible, however, to data for communication phase 3" to detect and remove multi‐
simultaneously write data to same parameter from different ple configuration.
Note: "Interfaces" means as well analog and digital inputs as
complete bus systems.
For each conflict, the configurations of the involved interfaces have to be modi‐
fied in such a way that only one interface writes data to a parameter.
As of 04VRS During the execution of the command "S‑0‑0422, C0200 Exit parameterization
level procedure command" an error was detected.
DOK-INDRV*-GEN-**VRS**-WA07-EN-P Bosch Rexroth AG 403/601
Rexroth IndraDrive MPx-02 to MPx-08 and HMV
Cause Remedy
For a double-axis device, a device-specific function has been Read IDNs entered in "S‑0‑0423, IDN-list of invalid op. data
activated in both axes (e.g. position switch activated in both for parameterization level" to find out function activated in both
axes or encoder emulation activated in both axes) axes. Then deactivate function in one of both axes
For cyclic parameter write, a parameter was simultaneously Read IDNs entered in "S‑0‑0423, IDN-list of invalid op. data
configured in different interfaces. It is impossible, however, to for parameterization level" to detect and remove multiple con‐
simultaneously write data to same parameter from different figuration.
Note: "Interfaces" means as well analog and digital inputs as
complete bus systems.
For each conflict, the configurations of the involved interfaces have to be modi‐
fied in such a way that only one interface writes data to a parameter.
For removing command errors see "Command Errors"
C0242 - Attributes Display: C0242
Ident N°: C0242
Cause Remedy
Holding brake is not controlled Activate holding brake control in parameter "P‑0‑0525,
Holding brake control word"
"P‑0‑0540, Torque of motor holding brake" is too low Parameterize "P‑0‑0540, Torque of motor holding brake" cor‐
rectly by means of data sheet of brake or motor.
10.2.87 C0244 Act. modulo value cycle greater than max. travel range
Allocation Contained in 02VRS: «MPB» «MPH» «MPD»
Contained in 03VRS: «MPB» «MPH» «MPD»
Contained in 04VRS: «MPB» «MPH» «MPD»
Contained in 05VRS: «MPB» «MPH» «MPD»
Contained in 06VRS: «MPB» «MPH» «MPD» «MPC»
Contained in 07VRS: «MPB» «MPH» «MPD» «MPC»
Contained in 08VRS: «MPB» «MPH» «MPD» «MPC»
Supported by supply unit: «-»
Cause Remedy
Calculated modulo value for actual value cycle is greater than Check parameterization of "S‑0‑0278, Maximum travel range"
value parameterized in "S‑0‑0278, Maximum travel range" and if necessary adjust it to modulo value for actual value cycle
– or –
Check parameterization of modulo value for actual value cycle
and adjust it to "S‑0‑0278, Maximum travel range"
In the firmware versions 02VRS and 03VRS, the name of the com‐
mand error is "C0245 Operating mode configuration (->S-0-0022)
not allowed".
02VRS / 03VRS During the execution of the command "S‑0‑0128, C0200 Communication phase
4 transition check" an invalid operating mode configuration was detected.
DOK-INDRV*-GEN-**VRS**-WA07-EN-P Bosch Rexroth AG 405/601
Rexroth IndraDrive MPx-02 to MPx-08 and HMV
Cause Remedy
Operating mode configuration is invalid (phase synchroniza‐ Parameter contents of operating mode parameters have to be
tion or electronic cam shaft with different control encoders) changed is such a way that invalid operating mode configura‐
tion no longer occurs (respective operating mode parameters
are listed in "S‑0‑0022, IDN list of invalid operating data for
communication phase 3")
An operating mode was configured for control with encoder 2; Select control with encoder 1 (motor encoder) or connect en‐
but encoder 2 does not exist or interface has not been as‐ coder 2 and assign interface ("P‑0‑0078, Assignment optional
signed encoder ->optional slot")
If several operating modes are invalid, only the first operating mode
found is entered in "S‑0‑0022, IDN list of invalid operating data for
communication phase 3".
As of 04VRS During the execution of the command "S‑0‑0422, C0200 Exit parameterization
level procedure command" an invalid operating mode configuration was de‐
In the operating mode parameters, it is not allowed to parameterize synchro‐
nization modes with outer position control loop (phase synchronization or
electronic cam shaft) with different control encoders.
Operating mode parameters:
● S‑0‑0032, Primary mode of operation,
● S‑0‑0033, Secondary operation mode 1,
● S‑0‑0034, Secondary operation mode 2,
● S‑0‑0035, Secondary operation mode 3,
● etc.
Cause Remedy
Operating mode configuration is invalid (phase synchroniza‐ Parameter contents of operating mode parameters have to be
tion or electronic cam shaft with different control encoders) changed is such a way that invalid operating mode configura‐
tion no longer occurs (respective operating mode parameters
are listed in "S‑0‑0423, IDN-list of invalid op. data for param‐
eterization level")
An operating mode was configured for control with encoder 2; Select control with encoder 1 (motor encoder) or connect en‐
but encoder 2 does not exist or interface has not been as‐ coder 2 and assign interface ("P‑0‑0078, Assignment optional
signed encoder ->optional slot")
If several operating modes are invalid, only the first operating mode
found is entered in "S‑0‑0423, IDN-list of invalid op. data for pa‐
rameterization level".
406/601 Bosch Rexroth AG DOK-INDRV*-GEN-**VRS**-WA07-EN-P
Rexroth IndraDrive MPx-02 to MPx-08 and HMV
10.2.89 C0246 Trav. range lim. switch not ass. to dig. input
Allocation Contained in 02VRS: «MPB» «MPH» «MPD»
Contained in 03VRS: «MPB» «MPH» «MPD»
Contained in 04VRS: «MPB» «MPH» «MPD»
Contained in 05VRS: «MPB» «MPH» «MPD»
Contained in 06VRS: «MPB» «MPH» «MPD» «MPC»
Contained in 07VRS: «MPB» «MPH» «MPD» «MPC»
Contained in 08VRS: «MPB» «MPH» «MPD» «MPC»
Supported by supply unit: «-»
During the execution of the command "C0200" the configuration of the digital
inputs with activated travel range limit switches is checked in order to ensure
the function of the travel range limit switches that are relevant for machine
Cause Remedy
Travel range limit switches +/‑ have been activated in Assign travel range limit switches to digital inputs via
"P‑0‑0090, Travel range limit parameter" but not assigned to "P‑0‑0300, Digital I/Os, assignment list"
any digital input
Travel range limit switches +/‑ have been unintentionally ac‐ Deactivate travel range limit switches +/‑ in "P‑0‑0090, Travel
tivated in "P‑0‑0090, Travel range limit parameter" range limit parameter"
During the execution of the command "C0200" digital outputs were detected to
have been configured more than once.
Cause Remedy
In the case of a double-axis device (HMD01.1), a digital output Check parameterization of "P‑0‑0300, Digital I/Os, assign‐
is used by both axes ment list" in both axes and change it in at least one axis
During the execution of the command "C0200", the configuration of the avail‐
able digital inputs is checked with regard to inconsistent double assignment.
Cause Remedy
In the case of a double-axis device (HMD01.1), a digital input Check parameterization of "P‑0‑0300, Digital I/Os, assign‐
was parameterized by both axes with different IDN ment list" or "P‑0‑0301, Digital I/Os, bit numbers" in both axes
("P‑0‑0300, Digital I/Os, assignment list") or bit number of double-axis device and change it in at least one axis
("P‑0‑0301, Digital I/Os, bit numbers")
During the execution of the command "C0200", the configuration of the digital
I/Os is checked with regard to the configured bit numbers.
Cause Remedy
Bit number ("P‑0‑0301, Digital I/Os, bit numbers") for an as‐ Check parameterization of "P‑0‑0300, Digital I/Os, assign‐
signed IDN ("P‑0‑0300, Digital I/Os, assignment list") is not ment list" and "P‑0‑0301, Digital I/Os, bit numbers" and adjust
available (e.g. bit number 25 but IDN only 2 bytes long) "P‑0‑0301, Digital I/Os, bit numbers" to data format of corre‐
sponding IDN
Cause Remedy
At least one of both probes was activated in "S‑0‑0169, Probe Assign probes to digital inputs via "P‑0‑0300, Digital I/Os, as‐
control parameter" but not assigned to any digital input signment list", "P‑0‑0301, Digital I/Os, bit numbers" and
"P‑0‑0302, Digital I/Os, direction"
Probes were accidentally activated Deactivate probes in "S‑0‑0169, Probe control parameter"
During the execution of the command "C0200" the drive checks whether the
drive control is synchronized to the bus interface (SERCOS, Profibus, Interbus,
…) via two phase control loops. The synchronization process must have been
completed until the end of the command. If not, this error message is generated.
Cause Remedy
Hardware defect on control section Replace control section or entire drive controller
Due to an incorrect write access of the firmware (e.g. S‑0‑0269), switching from
the parameter mode to the operating mode was prevented.
Cause Remedy
Internal error or control section defective Please contact our service department
Cause Remedy
Operating modes were parameterized which obligatorily re‐ Correct settings for primary mode of operation and secondary
quire an optional encoder or operating modes were parame‐ oper. modes (S‑0‑0032 to S‑0‑0035 and S‑0‑0284 to
terized for which a certain encoder mustn't be set S‑0‑0287)
- or -
"P‑0‑0077, Assignment motor encoder->optional slot" and
"P‑0‑0078, Assignment optional encoder ->optional slot"
- and -
check motor control which was set (U/f, FXC, FOC) (see Func‐
tional Description of firmware "Motor Control")
When PROFIsafe was configured, a check is run during the execution of the
command "C0200" to find out whether the conditions for successful operation
have been fulfilled.
410/601 Bosch Rexroth AG DOK-INDRV*-GEN-**VRS**-WA07-EN-P
Rexroth IndraDrive MPx-02 to MPx-08 and HMV
Cause Remedy
PROFIsafe was accidentally activated Deactivate PROFIsafe (write zero to "P‑0‑3290, PROFIsafe:
Control section doesn't have Profibus master communication Replace control section; use correct hardware configuration
Due to hardware error, Profibus master communication wasn't Replace control section or entire drive controller; use hard‐
recognized during initialization of control section ware configuration of same type
While command "C0200" was executed, an error was detected during check of
the safety technology configuration.
1. Read error code entered in "P‑0‑3219, Extended safety technology
2. Based on the command error codes (here: C0255) and the error code in
P-0-3219, information about the error cause and/or error location is pro‐
vided as follows:
● Up to MPx06: "Extended Diagnosis (P‑0‑3219)".
● As of MPx07: "Extended Diagnosis (P‑0‑3219) as of MPx07".
For removing command errors see "Command Errors"
C0255 - Attributes Display: C0255
Ident N°: C0255
During the execution of the command "C0200", an error was detected during
checks of the safety technology configuration.
DOK-INDRV*-GEN-**VRS**-WA07-EN-P Bosch Rexroth AG 411/601
Rexroth IndraDrive MPx-02 to MPx-08 and HMV
Cause Remedy
For the cause, please see the documentation Remove cause of error
"Troubleshooting Guide"
Up to MPx06: "Extended Diagnosis (P-0-3219)"
As of MPx07: "Extended Diagnosis (P-0-3219) as of MPx07"
While command "C0200" was executed, an error was detected during encoder-
related safety technology initialization.
Cause Remedy
There is no encoder plugged in optional slot X4 (X4.1 and X4.2 Remove cause of error
in double-axis device)
Encoder plugged in optional slot X4 (X4.1 and X4.2 in double Remove cause of error
axis-device) is not configured because either encoder type
(P‑0‑0074, P‑0‑0075) or encoder assignment (P‑0‑0077,
P‑0‑0078) is "0".
Encoder plugged in optional slot X4 (X4.1 and X4.2 in double- Remove cause of error
axis device) is not allowed
See also documentation "Integrated Safety Technology", in‐
dex entry "Requirements of safety technology, measuring
When using the optional module "safety technology I/O" (S1) (up to
MPx06) or "Safe Motion" (S2) (as of MPx07), you can, in addition
to the error message, obtain detailed information with regard to the
cause of the error or the error location. For this purpose, evaluate
parameter "P-0-3219, Diagnostic safety technology message".
Up to MPx06: See "Extended Diagnosis (P‑0‑3219)".
As of MPx07: See "Extended Diagnosis (P‑0‑3219) as of MPx07".
During the execution of the command "C0200", a check is run, when the cubic
fine interpolator or the interpolator according to contour ("P‑0‑0187, Position
command processing mode" = "1" or "2") is used, to find out whether the se‐
lected NC cycle time is supported by the respective fine interpolator.
Cause Remedy
"S‑0‑0001, NC cycle time (TNcyc)" incorrectly parameterized Select appropriate "S‑0‑0001, NC cycle time (TNcyc)".
Allowed NC cycle times, when using cubic fine interpolator or
fine interpolator according to contour, depend on relation of
NC cycle time (S-0-0001) and position loop clock (P-0-0556,
Control word of axis controller).
Allowed clock relations:
● From 1 to 8 in steps of one
● From 10 to 16 in steps of two
● From 20 to 32 in steps of four
Example [allowed NC cycle times with Advanced performance
(position loop clock=250 µs)]:
● 250 µs to 2000 µs
● 2500 µs to 4000 µs
● 5000 µs to 8000 µs
Cubic fine interpolation or fine interpolation according to con‐ Use linear fine interpolator ("P‑0‑0187, Position command
tour cannot be used with present NC cycle time ("S‑0‑0001, processing mode" = "0")
NC cycle time (TNcyc)")
Cause Remedy
In "P-0-1367, PLC configuration" , permanent control was set, (Local) axis can be controlled either via field bus
but in "P-0-4084, Field bus: profile type" the "operating mode (P-0-4084=FFFE) or via MLD (P-0-1367, bit 4=1); it is impos‐
neutral" profile was not set (P-0-4084=FFFD) sible to have both settings at the same time
In "P-0-1367, PLC configuration" , "boot project on MMC" was To store boot project on an MMC, the MMC must be perma‐
set, but in "P-0-4070, Parameter storage configuration" nently available and in P-0-4070 you must have set
"programming module mode" was not set "programming module mode"; otherwise, boot project cannot
be stored on an MMC, but only in PLC parameters
Cause Remedy
Resolution of emulated signal is not correct for modulo range / Reduce resolution entered in "P‑0‑0903, Encoder emulation
travel range resolution"
‑ or ‑
Reduce "S‑0‑0278, Maximum travel range"
Cause Remedy
For double axis devices encoder emulation can only be acti‐ Deactivate encoder emulation in one of both axes ("P‑0‑0902,
vated in one axis. Encoder emulation was activated in both Encoder emulation control parameter")
Cause Remedy
"P‑0‑1601, CCD: Addresses of projected drives" or "P‑0‑1604, Check "P‑0‑1601, CCD: Addresses of projected drives" or
CCD: Addresses of projected I/Os" (as of MPx05) of the CCD "P‑0‑1604, CCD: Addresses of projected I/Os" (as of MPx05)
master contains the address of a SERCOS III slave which is and addresses of connected slaves; if necessary, change ad‐
not contained in "P‑0‑1636, CCD: Command topology dress on slave or assign remote address.
addresses". Note: When the address of a slave is changed, a new
‑ or ‑ SERCOS III phase progression must be carried out via phase
The same address is entered in "P‑0‑1601, CCD: Addresses 0. Phase 0 scans the connected slaves.
of projected drives" and "P‑0‑1604, CCD: Addresses of
projected I/Os".
DOK-INDRV*-GEN-**VRS**-WA07-EN-P Bosch Rexroth AG 415/601
Rexroth IndraDrive MPx-02 to MPx-08 and HMV
Cause Remedy
After command "C0200 Exit parameterization level procedure Check up "P‑0‑1630, CCD: Diagnosis" correct rejected pa‐
command" is started, CCD master attempts to put SERCOS rameter, if any.
III slaves to phase 4 by starting commands C01 and C52 in ‑ or ‑
CCD slaves; here, values are written to all required slave pa‐
rameters. Check configuration of CCD process data:
Command error occurred in CCD slave during one of these ● P‑0‑1621, CCD: configuration list master communica‐
actions. tion cmd values
● P‑0‑1622, CCD: configuration list master communica‐
tion actual values
● P‑0‑1623, CCD: configuration list master cmd values
● P‑0‑1624, CCD: configuration list actual master values
● P‑0‑1625, CCD: configuration list slave cmd values
● P‑0‑1626, CCD: configuration list actual slave values
‑ or ‑
Eliminate cause of command error in CCD slave.
The maximum delay time (60 seconds) for switching the SERCOS III slaves to
phase 4 has elapsed but one or more slaves which did not enter phase 4 yet.
Cause Remedy
One or more SERCOS III slaves entered in "P‑0‑1601, CCD: Locate defective SERCOS‑III slave(s) and remove cause of
Addresses of projected drives" or "P‑0‑1604, CCD: Addresses error for this (these) slave(s)
of projected I/Os" (as of MPx05) do not react to service chan‐
nel communication
Transition command "S‑0‑0127, C0100 Communication Locate defective SERCOS‑III slave(s) and remove cause of
phase 3 transition check" or "S‑0‑0128, C5200 error for this (these) slave(s)
Communication phase 4 transition check" is not completed or
only completed with error in one or more SERCOS III slaves
10.2.108 C0270 Error when reading encoder data => motor encoder
During the execution of the command "C0200" an error during the reading of
the encoder data from the data memory of the motor encoder was detected.
Measuring systems with their own data memory are DSF/HSF and
resolvers, as well as measuring systems with EnDat interface (Hei‐
denhain company) and HIPERFACE® interface (Stegmann com‐
Cause Remedy
During the execution of the command "C0200" an error with regard to the pa‐
rameterization of the motor encoder hardware was detected.
Cause Remedy
Parameterization "P‑0‑0074, Encoder type 1 (motor encoder)" Check whether parameterized encoder type matches inter‐
does not match interface card (e.g. EN1 with EnDat encoder) face card that has been plugged in
In the case of "current control with motor encoder" (see Enter value appropriate for motor encoder in "P‑0‑0074, En‐
"P‑0‑0045, Control word of current controller"), "operation coder type 1 (motor encoder)"
without encoder" was detected to have been set in "P‑0‑0074,
Encoder type 1 (motor encoder)"
Parameterization in "P‑0‑0077, Assignment motor encod‐ Correct assignment of motor encoder and optional slot in pa‐
er‑>optional slot" is incorrect rameter "P‑0‑0077, Assignment motor encoder‑>optional slot"
During the execution of the command "C0200" an error was detected with re‐
gard to the scaling that has been set and the selected motor encoder type (e.g.
rotary scaling with linear motor).
Cause Remedy
Incorrect encoder type ("S‑0‑0277, Position feedback 1 type") Check and, if necessary, correct "S‑0‑0277, Position feedback
1 type"
Parameterized scaling ("S‑0‑0076, Position data scaling Check and, if necessary, correct "S‑0‑0076, Position data
type") is incorrect scaling type"
Parameterized type of construction of motor ("P‑0‑4014, Type Correct "P‑0‑4014, Type of construction of motor"
of construction of motor") is not correct
Maximum travel range ("S‑0‑0278, Maximum travel range") Make input greater than "0" for "S‑0‑0278, Maximum travel
was incorrectly input range"
During the execution of the command "C0200" an error with regard to the mod‐
ulo value for the motor encoder was detected.
Cause Remedy
Parameterized value for "S‑0‑0103, Modulo value" is greater Correct content of "S‑0‑0103, Modulo value" or value of
than maximum travel range (cf. "S‑0‑0278, Maximum travel "S‑0‑0278, Maximum travel range"
Parameterized value for "S‑0‑0103, Modulo value" cannot be Correct content of "S‑0‑0103, Modulo value" or gear ratios that
internally displayed with gear ratios that have been set have been set ["S‑0‑0121, Input revolutions of load
(S‑0‑0121/S‑0‑0122, P‑0‑0121/P‑0‑0122) gear"/"S‑0‑0122, Output revolutions of load gear"; "P‑0‑0121,
Gear 1 motor-side (motor encoder)"/"P‑0‑0122, Gear 1 en‐
coder-side (motor encoder)"]
During the execution of the command "C0200" an error with regard to the motor
encoder was detected. The content of "P‑0‑1000, Kind of encoder 1, encoder
memory" is invalid and therefore the parameterized motor encoder is not al‐
lowed (e.g. rotary scaling with linear encoder).
Cause Remedy
10.2.113 C0275 Error when reading encoder data => optional encoder
During the execution of the command "C0200" an error during the reading of
the encoder data from the data memory of the optional encoder was detected.
Measuring systems with their own data memory are DSF/HSF and
resolvers, as well as measuring systems with EnDat interface (Hei‐
denhain company) and HIPERFACE® interface (Stegmann com‐
Cause Remedy
During the execution of the command "C0200" an error with regard to the pa‐
rameterization of the hardware of the optional encoder was detected.
Cause Remedy
Parameterization "P‑0‑0075, Encoder type 2 (optional encod‐ Correct parameterization of "P‑0‑0075, Encoder type 2 (op‐
er)" does not match encoder interface (e.g. EN1 with EnDat tional encoder)"
"P‑0‑0078, Assignment optional encoder‑>optional slot" in‐ Correct parameterization of "P‑0‑0078, Assignment optional
correct encoder‑>optional slot"
During the execution of the command "C0200" an error was detected with re‐
gard to scaling that was set and the selected motor encoder type (e.g. rotary
scaling with linear optional encoder).
Cause Remedy
Incorrect encoder type ("S‑0‑0115, Position feedback 2 type") Check and, if necessary, correct "S‑0‑0115, Position feed‐
back 2 type"
Parameterized scaling ("S‑0‑0076, Position data scaling Check and, if necessary, correct "S‑0‑0076, Position data
type") is incorrect scaling type"
During the execution of the command "C0200" an error with regard to the mod‐
ulo value for the optional encoder was detected.
Cause Remedy
Parameterized value for "S‑0‑0103, Modulo value" is greater Correct content of "S‑0‑0103, Modulo value" or value of
than maximum travel range (cf. "S‑0‑0278, Maximum travel S‑0‑0278, Maximum travel range"
Parameterized value for "S‑0‑0103, Modulo value" cannot be Correct content of "S‑0‑0103, Modulo value" or gear ratios that
internally displayed with gear ratios that have been set have been set ["S‑0‑0121, Input revolutions of load
(S‑0‑0121/S‑0‑0122, P‑0‑0121/P‑0‑0122) gear"/"S‑0‑0122, Output revolutions of load gear"; "P‑0‑0121,
Gear 1 motor-side (motor encoder)"/"P‑0‑0122, Gear 1 en‐
coder-side (motor encoder)"]
Encoder resolution ("S‑0‑0117, Feedback 2 Resolution") in‐ Check and, if necessary, correct parameterization of
correctly parameterized "S‑0‑0117, Feedback 2 Resolution"
Resolution of encoder does not match required modulo range Replace encoder
During the execution of the command "C0200" an error with regard to the op‐
tional encoder was detected. The content of "P‑0‑1010, Kind of encoder 2,
encoder memory" is invalid and therefore the parameterized optional encoder
is not allowed (e.g. rotary scaling with linear encoder).
Cause Remedy
In the case of absolute scaling, the maximum travel range represents the over‐
flow limit of the actual position values. If this travel range cannot be displayed
correctly internally so that position generation without error is impossible, this
error is generated.
422/601 Bosch Rexroth AG DOK-INDRV*-GEN-**VRS**-WA07-EN-P
Rexroth IndraDrive MPx-02 to MPx-08 and HMV
Cause Remedy
"S‑0‑0278, Maximum travel range" incorrectly parameterized Check and if necessary reduce "S‑0‑0278, Maximum travel
S‑0‑0116 / S‑0‑0117 incorrectly set (e.g. value "0") Check and if necessary correct "S‑0‑0116, Feedback 1 Res‐
olution" / "S‑0‑0117, Feedback 2 Resolution"
Value for "S‑0‑0278, Maximum travel range" is invalid al‐ Check "S‑0‑0278, Maximum travel range" and if necessary
though it might be within the respective absolute encoder change value (take respective absolute encoder range into
range account!)
Position resolution of a pole pair or of pole pair distance is too "P‑0‑0018, Number of pole pairs/pole pair distance" has value
low. Commutation offset value internally cannot be displayed "0" or a too small value (maybe incorrect unit). Check and if
precisely enough necessary correct "P‑0‑0018, Number of pole pairs/pole pair
Cause Remedy
Parameterized mechanical system does not allow unequivo‐ ● Reduce maximum travel range ("S‑0‑0278, Maximum
cal commutation via optional measuring system travel range")
● Adjust gear ("S‑0‑0121, Input revolutions of load gear";
"S‑0‑0122, Output revolutions of load gear"; ...)
● Use appropriate encoder (e.g. multi-turn)
Cause Remedy
Sensorless positioning of synchronous motors was incorrectly Use parameter file made available by Bosch Rexroth
Incorrect motor control mode was parameterized Check parameters P‑0‑0045, P‑0‑4014 and P‑0‑0074
Parameter file made available by Bosch Rexroth is defective Please contact our service department
Cause Remedy
An error was detected during adjust of type of construction of Check and correct parameters in "S‑0‑0423, IDN-list of invalid
motor, encoder type, kind of current control op. data for parameterization level"
An error was detected in enabling of functional packages There was an attempt to activate sensorless positioning of
synchronous motors in functional package open-loop.
Check and correct parameters in "S‑0‑0423, IDN-list of invalid
op. data for parameterization level"
In the firmware versions 02VRS and 03VRS, the name of the com‐
mand error is "C0284 Invalid motor data in encoder memory (-
02VRS / 03VRS During the transition check from communication phase 3 to communication
phase 4 (C0200) an error during the reading of the motor data from the data
memory of the motor encoder was detected.
The respective parameters are entered in "S‑0‑0022, IDN list of invalid oper‐
ating data for communication phase 3".
Cause Remedy
Cause Remedy
02VRS / 03VRS During the execution of the command "S‑0‑0128, C0200 Communication phase
4 transition check" an error was detected in "P‑0‑4014, Type of construction of
Cause Remedy
A motor without encoder data memory was connected Parameterize "P‑x‑4014, Type of construction of motor" cor‐
rectly or connect a motor with encoder data memory.
Note: "x" in parameter number is a wild card for parameter set;
e.g. "P‑0‑4014" for first parameter set.
A motor with encoder data memory was connected, but data Check whether "P‑0‑2141, Motor type, encoder memory" con‐
stored in memory are incomplete or encoder line resp. encod‐ tains correct type designation of connected motor. If not,
er is defective contact our service department.
If "P‑0‑2141, Motor type, encoder memory" cannot be read,
replace encoder line or motor encoder
As of 04VRS During the execution of the command "S‑0‑0422, C0200 Exit parameterization
level procedure command" or "S‑0‑0128, C5200 Communication phase 4 tran‐
sition check" an error in the parameterization of the type of construction of the
motor was detected.
Cause Remedy
A motor without encoder data memory was connected Parameterize "P‑x‑4014, Type of construction of motor" cor‐
rectly or connect a motor with encoder data memory.
Note: "x" in parameter number is a wild card for parameter set;
e.g. "P‑0‑4014" for first parameter set.
A motor with encoder data memory was connected, but data Check whether "P‑0‑2141, Motor type, encoder memory" con‐
stored in memory are incomplete or encoder line resp. encod‐ tains correct type designation of connected motor. If not,
er is defective contact our service department.
If "P‑0‑2141, Motor type, encoder memory" cannot be read,
replace encoder line or motor encoder
During the execution of the command "C0200" two motor encoders were de‐
tected during the encoder configuration check.
Cause Remedy
Two encoders were detected; in their data memories a valid Replace one of encoders by encoder without valid motor type
and known motor type string is contained in "P‑0‑2141, Motor string
type, encoder memory"
Encoder connectors of neighboring axes were interchanged Check axis assignment of encoder connectors and assign to
correct axis
In the firmware versions 02VRS and 03VRS, the name of the com‐
mand error is "C0287 Error during initialization of motor data (-
02VRS / 03VRS During the execution of the command "S‑0‑0128, C0200 Communication phase
4 transition check" an error during the initialization of the motor data was de‐
tected. The respective parameters are entered in the list "S‑0‑0022, IDN list of
invalid operating data for communication phase 3".
Cause Remedy
Invalid motor data stored in motor data memory Replace motor or contact service department for correction of
motor data
Synchronous motor with motor encoder data memory (MSK, Check whether closed-loop operation required for synchro‐
MHD, MKD, MKE) was connected to controller which so far nous motors was set in "P‑0‑0045, Control word of current
had controlled motor in open-loop operation controller"; set closed-loop operation, if necessary
Encoder cable defective or bad shielding Check encoder cable and shielding
Encoder memory or encoder electronics defective Replace encoder
Hardware defect on control section Replace control section or entire drive controller
motor data. The respective parameters are entered in the list "S‑0‑0423, IDN-
list of invalid op. data for parameterization level".
Cause Remedy
Invalid motor data stored in motor data memory Replace motor or contact service department for correction of
motor data
Synchronous motor with motor encoder data memory (MSK, Check whether closed-loop operation required for synchro‐
MHD, MKD, MKE) was connected to controller which so far nous motors was set in "P‑0‑0045, Control word of current
had controlled motor in open-loop operation controller"; set closed-loop operation, if necessary
Encoder cable defective or bad shielding Check encoder cable and shielding
Encoder memory or encoder electronics defective Replace encoder
Hardware defect on control section Replace control section or entire drive controller
Cause Remedy
Invalid motor data stored in motor data memory Replace motor or contact service department for correction of
motor data
Encoder cable defective or bad shielding Check encoder cable and shielding
Encoder memory or encoder electronics defective Replace encoder
Hardware defect on control section Replace control section or entire drive controller
During the execution of the command "C0200" an error was detected with re‐
gard to scaling that was set and the selected motor type (e.g. rotary scaling
428/601 Bosch Rexroth AG DOK-INDRV*-GEN-**VRS**-WA07-EN-P
Rexroth IndraDrive MPx-02 to MPx-08 and HMV
Cause Remedy
Although a linear motor is used, rotary scaling was selected Check and correct respective scaling parameter(s) or use a
in at least one of the following parameters: linear encoder
● S‑0‑0044, Velocity data scaling type
● S‑0‑0076, Position data scaling type
● S‑0‑0086, Torque/force data scaling type
● S‑0‑0160, Acceleration data scaling type
During the execution of the command "C0200" a validation error was detected
during the initialization of a synchronous motor with reluctance torque.
Cause Remedy
Incomplete or invalid entries in parameters for initialization of Check parameter contents and enter data supplied by motor
synchronous motor manufacturer in above parameters. If error is generated in
spite of correct data, please contact our service department
Initialization for synchronous motor with reluctance torque was Correct setting in "P‑0‑4014, Type of construction of motor"
run although synchronous motor without reluctance torque is
DOK-INDRV*-GEN-**VRS**-WA07-EN-P Bosch Rexroth AG 429/601
Rexroth IndraDrive MPx-02 to MPx-08 and HMV
10.2.128 C0290 Error when reading encoder data => measuring encoder
It was impossible to read the encoder data (P‑0‑1020, Kind of encoder 3, en‐
coder memory"; "P‑0‑1021, Encoder 3 resolution, encoder memory";
"P‑0‑1022, Absolute encoder offset 3, encoder memory") correctly from the
encoder memory during the initialization of the control section.
Cause Remedy
Interference caused by incorrect shielding or defective encod‐ Check encoder cable (incl. shielding) and, if necessary, re‐
er cable place or run it correctly
Encoder defective Check encoder function and, if necessary, replace encoder
Measuring encoder option on control section is defective Replace control section or entire drive controller
Incorrect parameterization of "P‑0‑0076, Encoder type 3 Check content of "P‑0‑0076, Encoder type 3 (measuring en‐
(measuring encoder)" coder)" and correct it in such a way that measuring encoder is
correctly assigned to optional slot
During the execution of the command "C0200" an error with regard to the pa‐
rameterization of the hardware of the measuring encoder was detected.
430/601 Bosch Rexroth AG DOK-INDRV*-GEN-**VRS**-WA07-EN-P
Rexroth IndraDrive MPx-02 to MPx-08 and HMV
Cause Remedy
Parameterization of "P‑0‑0076, Encoder type 3 (measuring Correct parameterization of "P‑0‑0076, Encoder type 3 (meas‐
encoder)" does not match interface card (e.g. EN1 with EnDat uring encoder)"
"P‑0‑0079, Assignment measuring encoder‑>optional slot" in‐ Correct parameterization of "P‑0‑0079, Assignment measur‐
correctly parameterized ing encoder‑>optional slot" or change control section config‐
uration (replacement of control section or drive controller)
In the case of double-axis device (CDB control section), Only one measuring encoder can be connected per double-
"P‑0‑0076, Encoder type 3 (measuring encoder)" was para‐ axis device (CDB control section). "P‑0‑0076, Encoder type 3
meterized unequal "0" for both axes (measuring encoder)" may only be unequal "0" for one axis
Clock frequency selected in "P‑0‑0910, SSI control parame‐ Reduce performance (P-0-0556) or increase clock frequency
ter" cannot be supported (P-0-0910)
During the execution of the command "C0200" an error with regard to the
measuring encoder was detected. The content of "P‑0‑1020, Kind of encoder 3,
encoder memory" is invalid and the measuring encoder therefore is not allowed.
Cause Remedy
Cause Remedy
Value parameterized for "P‑0‑0765, Modulo factor measuring Correct content of "P‑0‑0765, Modulo factor measuring
encoder" cannot be displayed internally with gear that was set encoder" or measuring gear settings ("P‑0‑0127, Input
revolutions of measuring gear" and "P‑0‑0128, Output
revolutions of measuring gear")
"P‑0‑0327, Encoder resolution of measuring encoder" incor‐ Check and, if necessary, correct content of "P‑0‑0327,
rectly parameterized Encoder resolution of measuring encoder"
During the execution of the command "C0200" an error with regard to the
measuring encoder configuration was detected.
Cause Remedy
At least one of selected operating modes is synchronization Check and, if necessary, correct parameterization of operating
mode (velocity synchronization, phase synchronization or mode parameters ("S‑0‑0032, Primary mode of operation";
electronic cam shaft) and control encoder of synchronization "S‑0‑0033, Secondary operation mode 1"; "S‑0‑0034, Secon‐
mode has simultaneously been configured as measuring en‐ dary operation mode 2";...) if synchronization mode is not
coder. This configuration is not useful. required.
If synchronization mode is required, deactivate measuring en‐
coder or use additional encoder as measuring encoder.
Cause Remedy
During firmware download there was an attempt to switch to Wait until firmware download has been completed before
operating mode switching to operating mode
After a boot error (F81xx error) there was an attempt to switch 1. Terminate command
to operating mode 2. Clear boot error (F81xx error)
3. Remove cause
4. Reboot drive
Cause Remedy
"P‑0‑2003, Selection of functional packages" contains func‐ Switch drive off and on again in order to apply functional pack‐
tional package selection not corresponding to active functional age selection of P‑0‑2003 to P‑0‑2004
package selection (cf. "P‑0‑2004, Active functional pack‐
Incorrect functional package selection in "P‑0‑2003, Selection Set value in "P‑0‑2003, Selection of functional packages" to
of functional packages" value in "P‑0‑2004, Active functional packages"
Up to MPx05: Different input channel of master communica‐ Switch drive off and on again to apply change in P‑0‑4088 and
tion was selected in P‑0‑4088 (bits 14/15) "P‑0‑4089.0.1, Master communication: Protocol"
As of MPx06: Different field bus protocol was selected in
"P-0-4089.0.1, Master communication: Protocol"
During the execution of the "Set absolute measuring" command (C0300) the
measuring system selected by parameter "P‑0‑0612, Control word for setting
absolute measuring" was detected to be unavailable.
Cause Remedy
Cause Remedy
When executing the command for setting absolute measuring (C0300) the off‐
set of the encoder zero point with regard to the machine zero point is determined
and stored in the data memory of the encoder. It was impossible to store the
offset correctly.
Cause Remedy
Communication between encoder and drive is disturbed Check encoder cable and repair it, if necessary
‑ or ‑
Replace encoder
In the firmware versions 02VRS and 03VRS, the name of the com‐
mand error is "C0401 Drive active, switching not allowed".
02VRS / 03VRS When switching to communication phase 2 (C0400) an error was detected.
Cause Remedy
Command for switching to parameter mode was started by Terminate command and switch drive enable off, then com‐
means of parameter "P‑0‑4023, C0400 Communication phase mand can be started again
2 transition" although drive enable had been activated
Cause Remedy
Command "S‑0‑0420, C0400 Activate parameterization level Terminate command C0400 and wait until command C0200
1 procedure command" was started although command has been completed. Then you can restart command C0400
"S‑0‑0422, C0200 Exit parameterization level procedure com‐
mand" had still been active
Command for switching to parameterization level 1 was star‐ Terminate command and switch drive enable off, then com‐
ted by means of parameter "S‑0‑0420, C0400 Activate pa‐ mand can be started again
rameterization level 1 procedure command" although drive
enable had been activated
Cause Remedy
Attempt to bring CCD slaves to CCD phase 2, 30 seconds after Check communication with CCD slaves
start of command "S‑0‑0420, C0400 Activate
parameterization level 1 procedure command", has failed due
to communication problem with CCD slaves
During the execution of the error clearing command (C0500) an error was de‐
Cause Remedy
There was an attempt to clear error "F8022 Enc. 1 error: sign. Switch drive to communication phase 2 by means of command
amplitude (can be cleared in ph.2)" in communication phase 4 "P‑0‑4023, C0400 Communication phase 2 transition" and
(operating mode). This is only possible in communication start error clearing command again.
phase 2 (parameterization mode).
436/601 Bosch Rexroth AG DOK-INDRV*-GEN-**VRS**-WA07-EN-P
Rexroth IndraDrive MPx-02 to MPx-08 and HMV
Cause Remedy
Command was started without drive enable. This is not al‐ Enable drive and start command again.
Cause Remedy
Evaluation of home switch has been switched on ("S‑0‑0147, Read value from parameter "S‑0‑0298, Reference cam shift"
Homing parameter"). Distance between selected home switch and apply it to parameter "S‑0‑0299, Home switch offset"
edge and reference mark to be evaluated is outside of allowed - or -
Shift reference cam
Cause Remedy
Optional encoder has been parameterized as homing encoder Parameterize motor encoder as homing encoder in "S‑0‑0147,
in "S‑0‑0147, Homing parameter" although optional encoder Homing parameter"
does not exist
Optional encoder has not been activated Activate optional encoder in "P‑0‑0075, Encoder type 2 (op‐
tional encoder)"
Cause Remedy
By encoder selection in "S‑0‑0147, Homing parameter" an ab‐ First activate command "P‑0‑0012, C0300 Command Set ab‐
solute measuring system was selected. Command for drive- solute measuring" and then start command "S‑0‑0148, C0600
controlled homing can only be executed if command Drive-controlled homing procedure command"; by doing this,
"P‑0‑0012, C0300 Command Set absolute measuring" had absolute position data reference is established.
been activated before.
This requires the correct setting for "P‑0‑0153, Optimum distance home switch-
reference mark".
Cause Remedy
Reference marks do not occur in expected position difference Check measuring system to be homed and corresponding
‑ or ‑
Check and, if necessary, correct setting of "P‑0‑0153, Opti‐
mum distance home switch-reference mark"
Value set in "P‑0‑0153, Optimum distance home switch-ref‐ Correct setting of "P‑0‑0153, Optimum distance home switch-
erence mark" does not match encoder that is used reference mark"
Cause Remedy
Home switch hasn't been assigned to any digital input Assign home switch ("S‑0‑0400, Home switch") to a digital in‐
put via parameter "P‑0‑0300, Digital I/Os, assignment list"
10.2.147 C0608 Pos. stop a. HW lim. switch not allowed f. modulo axes
Cause Remedy
Drive-controlled homing at positive stop or travel range limit Modify control information for homing in "S‑0‑0147, Homing
switch with modulo axes isn't a useful combination and there‐ parameter" in a useful way
fore not allowed!
DOK-INDRV*-GEN-**VRS**-WA07-EN-P Bosch Rexroth AG 439/601
Rexroth IndraDrive MPx-02 to MPx-08 and HMV
Cause Remedy
Travel directions for homing and positioning were differently Parameterize travel directions in "S‑0‑0147, Homing param‐
parameterized eter" and "S‑0‑0393, Command value mode" in such a way
that they match
Cause Remedy
Cause Remedy
Control loops of motors with motor encoder data memory are Data sheets of Rexroth motors are made available by the
adjusted to connected digital drive by activating controller pa‐ service department. Enter controller parameters.
rameters stored in it.
Message C0702 on display of drive controller signals that no
data memory is available at connected motor.
Cause Remedy
Default parameters are read from motor encoder data mem‐ Check connection to motor encoder. Replace motor, if nec‐
ory. At least one of these parameters is invalid. essary.
Cause Remedy
It was impossible to load default values for motor-specific con‐ Load appropriate firmware version to controller; observe mo‐
trol loop parameters, available in encoder memory, to associ‐ tor type and motor encoder type
ated parameters. Firmware version is incompatible with motor
or motor encoder
Performance and switching frequency setting do not match Correct performance setting in "P‑0‑0556, Control word of axis
controller" and switching frequency setting in "P‑0‑0001,
Switching frequency of the power output stage"
Cause Remedy
Cause Remedy
Internal command for channel 2 was incorrectly executed Clear command "C0720 Load defaults procedure command
(safety technology)" and restart.
If error is signaled again, reset optional safety technology
module (switch control voltage off and on again)
Channel 2 executes a second internal command which may Complete internal command that is still running
not be interrupted
Hardware defect on optional safety technology module Restart command "C0720 Load defaults procedure command
(safety technology)". If command error occurs repeatedly, re‐
place control section or entire drive controller
Cause Remedy
Sporadic timeout error Reset optional safety technology module (switch control volt‐
age off and on again). Restart command "C0720 Load defaults
procedure command (safety technology)". If the command
error occurs repeatedly, contact our service department.
Firmware defect on optional safety technology module Restart command "C0720 Load defaults procedure command
(safety technology)". If command error occurs repeatedly,
safety technology firmware has to be replaced
Hardware defect on optional safety technology module Restart command "C0720 Load defaults procedure command
(safety technology)". If command error occurs repeatedly, re‐
place control section or entire drive controller
Cause Remedy
Drive parameters were write-protected by means of parameter Deactivate write protection by entering password. Then restart
"S‑0‑0267, Password". Diagnostic message C0752 signals command.
that command "C0750 Load defaults procedure command
(factory settings)" was started without deactivating customer
password beforehand.
This command error can only occur as a result of the "C0800 Load
basic parameters command" that can only be used by the manu‐
This command error can only occur as a result of the "C0800 Load
basic parameters command" that can only be used by the manu‐
During the execution of the command for spindle positioning (C0900) an error
was detected.
Cause Remedy
At start of "S‑0‑0152, C0900 Position spindle command", drive Set drive enable before starting command
was not yet in drive enable
While the command for spindle positioning (C0900) was executed, an error was
Cause Remedy
When "S‑0‑0152, C0900 Position spindle command" was star‐ For incremental measuring systems, check whether
ted, respective encoder had not yet been initialized (homed) "S‑0‑0400, Home switch" was assigned to a digital input. As‐
signment, connection and function of home switch must have
been realized (only when home switch is evaluated)!
For absolute measuring systems, check whether drive is in
reference. If this is not the case, establish absolute position
data reference, e.g., by "P‑0‑0012, C0300 Set absolute
position procedure command" (as of MPx07: "S‑0‑0447, Set
absolute position procedure command")
During the execution of the command for spindle positioning (C0900) an error
was detected.
Cause Remedy
Homing procedure integrated in spindle positioning was not Check parameterization of spindle positioning and of drive-
executed successfully. Encoder zero mark was not found or it controlled homing procedure, especially encoder and home
was impossible to assign it correctly. switch combination used.
- or -
Check encoder parameterization.
- or -
Check distance zero pulse ‑ home switch.
- or -
Carry out drive-controlled homing in order to check homing
Cause Remedy
Drive controller is not in phase 4 (ready for operation, display: Switch drive controller to phase 4 and then execute command
bb; with sine-wave and saturation method, display: Ab); the "P‑0‑0524, C1200 Commutation offset setting command"
command "P‑0‑0524, C1200 Commutation offset setting com‐ again.
mand" can only be executed in phase 4.
An error has occurred during the execution of the command "P‑0‑0524, C1200
Commutation offset setting command" (in this case: sine-wave method).
The axis left the allowed actual position value range while commutation settings
were made.
Cause Remedy
Command was started while axis was still moving Wait until axis has come to standstill and restart command
Axis was moved by mechanical force Exclude influence of mechanical force
Parameter values for "P‑0‑0506, Amplitude for angle Reduce parameter values for "P‑0‑0506, Amplitude for angle
acquisition" and "P‑0‑0507, Test frequency for angle acquisition" and "P‑0‑0507, Test frequency for angle
acquisition" are too high Possibly, mechanical axis conditions, acquisition". They can also be set to default values of 25% for
such as friction and load due to weight, have changed "P‑0‑0506, Amplitude for angle acquisition" and 500 Hz for
"P‑0‑0507, Test frequency for angle acquisition".
When executing the command for determining the commutation offset (C1200)
with the currentless procedure (see "P‑0‑0522,Control word for commutation
setting") the condition for the motor type was detected not to have been fulfilled.
Cause Remedy
When executing the command for determining the commutation offset (C1200)
with the currentless procedure (see "P‑0‑0522, Control word for commutation
setting") the drive was detected not to be ready for operation ("bb").
Cause Remedy
Drive is not yet ready for operation ("bb") Bring drive to ready for operation status ("bb")
- or -
Drive is already in drive enable ("AF")
Cause Remedy
There wasn't any mode for commutation determination selec‐ Set a mode for commutation determination in parameter
ted "P‑0‑0522, Commutation setting control word"
Cause Remedy
Drive was not ready at start of command, display did not read 1. Switch drive to communication phase 4, if there isn't any
"Ab" error present, display reads "bb" ("betriebsbereit" =
ready for operation)
2. Switch power on, drive goes to operating mode, display
reads "Ab" ("Antrieb bereit" = drive ready)
3. Now start command C1200
The actual current value amplitude resulting from commutation setting with the
saturation method is monitored. If it does not exceed a minimum threshold when
the command "P‑0‑0524, C1200 Commutation offset setting command" is exe‐
cuted, the command error C1218 is generated.
DOK-INDRV*-GEN-**VRS**-WA07-EN-P Bosch Rexroth AG 451/601
Rexroth IndraDrive MPx-02 to MPx-08 and HMV
Cause Remedy
Actual current value amplitude is not sufficient for exact de‐ Increase signal voltage ("P‑0‑0506, Amplitude for angle ac‐
termination of commutation offset quisition") or reduce signal frequency ("P‑0‑0507, Test fre‐
quency for angle acquisition") and restart commutation setting
‑ or ‑
Enter value "0" in "P‑0‑0506, Amplitude for angle acquisition".
Appropriate value for P‑0‑0506 is thereby automatically de‐
termined during commutation setting process
‑ or ‑
Reduce value of "P‑0‑0517, Commutation: required harmon‐
ics component", if approx. 30 similar values are determined
for "P‑0‑0521, Effective commutation offset" with repeated
commutation setting for different motor positions (drive re‐
mains in "Ab"). Reduce "P‑0‑0517, Commutation: required
harmonics component" until command error C1218 no longer
occurs; finally check function several times!
Cause Remedy
The actual current is higher than the allowed maximum cur‐ Reduce the signal voltage ("P‑0‑0506, Voltage amplitude for
rent. angle acquisition") or increase the signal frequency
("P‑0‑0507, Test frequency for angle acquisition").
‑ or ‑
With P‑0‑0506 = 0 start the automatic determination of appro‐
priate values.
Cause Remedy
An error occurred in signal generator Switch drive off and on again. If error continues to be signaled,
contact our service department
Cause Remedy
Type current of controller too low Use controller that can supply motor with sufficiently high cur‐
rent (for Rexroth kit motors, required minimum current for
magnetic saturation effects is approx. 2.0...2.5-fold continu‐
ous current at standstill).
If without success, check whether sine-wave method can be
used for commutation offset setting
Test current generated in motor is too low Manually increase value of "P‑0‑0506, Amplitude for angle
acquisition" or reduce value of "P‑0‑0507, Test frequency for
angle acquisition" so that higher test current is generated.
If without success, check whether sine-wave method can be
used for commutation offset setting
When executing the command for determining the commutation offset (C1200)
with the currentless procedure (see "P‑0‑0522, Commutation setting control
word") the determined commutation offset value is written to the P‑0‑0508,
P‑0‑0521 and P‑0‑3008 parameters. When writing data to these parameters an
error or a disorder occurred.
Cause Remedy
For at least one of parameters P‑0‑0508, P‑0‑0521 or Execute command C1200 again
P‑0‑3008 it was impossible to write determined commutation ‑ or ‑
offset value to it
Check wiring for noise immunity
‑ or ‑
Replace sensor of encoder
‑ or ‑
Contact our service department, if necessary
Cause Remedy
There was an attempt to start command "P-0-0524, C1200 Command execution is impossible for sensorless positioning
Commutation offset setting command" of synchronous motors
Cause Remedy
Cause Remedy
In order to make sure that the drive is in control when the command "P‑0‑0162,
C1800 Command Automatic control loop adjust" is started, this is queried at
the start of the command.
Cause Remedy
Drive enable not set at start of command Set drive enable and restart command "P‑0‑0162, C1800
Command Automatic control loop adjust"
At the beginning of the automatic control loop setting ("P‑0‑0162, C1800 Com‐
mand Automatic control loop adjust"), the parameters
● "P-0-0051, Torque/force constant",
● "P-0-0018, Number of pole pairs/pole pair distance" and
● "S-0-0110, Amplifier peak current"
are read from the memory in motor encoder or power section.
Cause Remedy
One of above-mentioned parameters has a value equal to or For Rexroth motors with encoder data memory: Service staff
less than zero (<= 0) which would cause incorrect calculation writes stored motor parameters or replacement of motor
of controller parameters For Rexroth motors without encoder data memory and third-
party motors: User writes correct values to motor parameters
When device type current is incorrect (S-0-0110): Service staff
writes parameter stored in power section or replacement of
At the beginning of the automatic control loop setting, the mass inertia is de‐
termined by an "oscillation test".
This means that the speed change and motor current during acceleration or
deceleration have to exceed certain minimum values in order to guarantee
useful and sufficiently exact calculation of the inertia.
Cause Remedy
In exceptional cases difficulties can occur during automatic control loop setting.
This means that automatic setting is impossible and the default or standard
values are loaded to the drive again.
Cause Remedy
Oscillating mechanical systems (resonances) It is sometimes possible to achieve a satisfactory result by re‐
‑ or ‑ starting the command "P‑0‑0162, C1800 Command Automat‐
ic control loop adjust" with a high "P‑0‑0163, Damping factor
highly noisy encoder signals for autom. controller adjust", i.e. a low degree of dynamic re‐
This value then can still be reduced until the desired control
loop behavior occurs.
Cause Remedy
Maximum travel distance ("P‑0‑0169, Travel distance for au‐ 1. Clear command error by completing the command
tom. controller adjust") defined with "P‑0‑0166, Lower position 2. Define limits again so that defined travel range is bigger
limit for autom. control loop adjust" and "P‑0‑0167, Upper po‐
sition limit for autom. control loop adjust" is smaller than 6 3. Restart command with useful travel range
motor revolutions and therefore too small in order to be able
to start automatic control loop setting.
During the automatic control loop setting the travel range limits "P‑0‑0166,
Lower limit for autom. control loop adjust" and "P‑0‑0167, Upper limit for autom.
control loop adjust" are permanently monitored.
If one of these limits is exceeded, the command error C1806 is output and the
drive is shut down in a speed-controlled way.
Cause Remedy
Actual position is outside defined travel range 1. Clear command error by completing the command
‑ or – 2. Define limits again so that actual position is within de‐
Limits were defined again after start of command fined travel range
3. Restart command with useful travel range
458/601 Bosch Rexroth AG DOK-INDRV*-GEN-**VRS**-WA07-EN-P
Rexroth IndraDrive MPx-02 to MPx-08 and HMV
When the travel range for the automatic control loop setting had been parame‐
terized, the modulo scaling was not taken into account.
Cause Remedy
There was an attempt to parameterize travel range via Set travel range by parameterizing "P‑0‑0169, Drive optimi‐
"P‑0‑0166, Drive optimization, end position nega‐ zation, travel distance"
tive" / "P‑0‑0167, Drive optimization, end position positive". In
this case, travel range can only be parameterized directly
During the execution of the command "P-0-0162, C1800 Command Drive op‐
timization / command value box", an error occurred. It was impossible to record
the tables for cogging torque compensation.
Cause Remedy
Linear motor hasn't been homed Establish reference; then record table for cogging torque com‐
pensation (see also Functional Description of firmware "Cog‐
ging Torque Compensation")
The execution of the "Release motor holding brake" command (C2000) was
aborted by an error.
Cause Remedy
Command can only be executed, if it is allowed by bit 5 in Set bit 5 in parameter P‑0‑0525 to "1"
parameter "P‑0‑0525, Holding brake control word"
10.2.192 C2101 Holding system check only possible with drive enable
Cause Remedy
Command "P‑0‑0541, C2100 Brake check command" was ac‐ Switch drive to "AF", then start command C2100
tivated, but drive enable ("AF") had not been set.
When the command "P-0-0541, C2100 Holding system check command" had
been executed, the holding torque of the brake was detected to be too low.
Cause Remedy
Due to storage, brake is covered with an oxide layer. Start command "P-0-0544, C3900 Command Abrasion of
- or - holding brake" for holding system check again to reestablish
full brake torque by repeated resurfacing of holding break.
Brake is wetted with oil or grease.
If brake torque is still too low after several attempts to rees‐
- or - tablish it, brake or motor must be replaced.
Brake is worn.
460/601 Bosch Rexroth AG DOK-INDRV*-GEN-**VRS**-WA07-EN-P
Rexroth IndraDrive MPx-02 to MPx-08 and HMV
The command "P‑0‑0541, C2100 Holding system check command" could not
be started.
Cause Remedy
Brake control has not been activated in parameter "P‑0‑0525, Activate brake control in parameter "P‑0‑0525, Holding brake
Holding brake control word" control word"
Value in "P‑0‑0540, Torque of holding brake" is "0" Enter correct value for "P‑0‑0540, Torque of holding brake"
Drive is in a safety related operating status, cf. "P‑0‑3213, Deselect safety related operating status and execute "C2100
Safety technology operating status" or "P‑0‑3213, Safety tech‐ Holding system check command" again
nology status"
To reliably block the axis, the holding torque or the holding force
must be greater than the load due to weight of the axis. Therefore,
the test torque or the test force must be greater than the load due
to weight, too.
● If P‑0‑0547 is equal to "0", the test torque is equal to the value entered in
"P‑0‑0540, Torque of holding brake".
Cause Remedy
Load due to weight is greater than nominal load which was Remedy during initial commissioning:
input (if "P‑0‑0547, Nominal load of holding system" is unequal Determine load due to weight of axis and compare it to value
to "0") entered in "P‑0‑0547, Nominal load of holding system". If nec‐
essary, correct (increase) value.
Remedy during operation of axis drive:
DANGER! Dangerous movements! Danger to life, risk of in‐
jury, serious injury or property damage! Load due to weight of
axis was increased compared to initial commissioning. Check
The execution of the command "P-0-0541, C2100 Holding system check com‐
mand" was aborted. The holding system check detected that it is impossible to
generate the test torque required on the drive side with which the blocking of
the axis is to be tested.
The test lasts for one second with regard to the 1.3-fold value of
● "P‑0‑0547, Nominal load of holding system" (if P‑0‑0547 is unequal "0")
● "P‑0‑0540, Torque of holding brake" (if P‑0‑0547="0").
Cause Remedy
Static limitation of drive torque or drive force is active Check or increase static torque or force limit values so that
1.3-fold value of "P‑0‑0547, Nominal load of holding sys‐
tem" (if P‑0‑0547 is unequal "0") or "P‑0‑0540, Torque of
holding brake" (if P‑0‑0547="0") is possible. By way of trial, set
maximum values, if necessary:
● "S‑0‑0092, Bipolar torque/force limit value"
● "S‑0‑0082, Torque/force limit value positive"
● "S‑0‑0083, Torque/force limit value negative"
● "P‑0‑0109, Torque/force peak limit"
Dynamic limitation of drive torque or drive force is active and Check dynamic limitations (static limit values mustn't be ef‐
"P‑0‑0547, Nominal load of holding system" is unequal "0" fective!).
If value displayed in "P‑0‑0444, Actual value peak torque lim‐
it" does not allow 1.3-fold of "P‑0‑0547, Nominal load of hold‐
ing system", drive is underdimensioned! Check thermal load
of motor and controller. Replace overloaded component(s) by
appropriate component(s), if necessary.
Dynamic limitation of drive torque or drive force is active and Check dynamic limitations (static limit values mustn't be ef‐
"P‑0‑0547, Nominal load of holding system"="0" fective!).
If value displayed in "P‑0‑0444, Actual value peak torque lim‐
it" does not allow 1.3-fold of "P‑0‑0540, Torque of holding
brake", check whether value depending on axis load can be
input in "P‑0‑0547, Nominal load of holding system". If not,
controller is underdimensioned! Replace controller by an ap‐
propriate one, if necessary.
DOK-INDRV*-GEN-**VRS**-WA07-EN-P Bosch Rexroth AG 463/601
Rexroth IndraDrive MPx-02 to MPx-08 and HMV
Cause Remedy
If value of "P‑0‑0547, Nominal load of holding system" is un‐ Remedy during initial commissioning:
equal "0": Determine force due to weight of axis and compare it to value
Input of nominal load of axis ("P‑0‑0547, Nominal load of hold‐ entered in "P‑0‑0547, Nominal load of holding system". If
ing system") is greater than actual load due to weight. "P‑0‑0547, Nominal load of holding system" is greater and no
This means that load current demanded from controller cannot check for "increased holding torque or holding force" is to be
be made available for test duration. Dynamic limitation of drive run, set (reduce) "P‑0‑0547, Nominal load of holding sys‐
torque or drive force is active tem" according to load due to weight.
If check is to be run for entered value, controller is underdi‐
mensioned; see remedy for "Dynamic limitation of drive torque
or drive force is active"
Remedy during operation of axis drive:
DANGER! Dangerous movements! Danger to life, risk of in‐
jury, serious injury or property damage! Check is run for hold‐
ing torque or holding force of holding brake. Controller is
If possible, carry out remedy during initial commissioning (see
‑ or ‑
Mount controller with sufficiently high continuous current, see
remedy for "Dynamic limitation of drive torque or drive force is
If "P‑0‑0547, Nominal load of holding system"="0": Remedy during initial commissioning:
Holding torque or holding force of holding brake is greater than Determine load due to weight of axis and compare it to value
actual load due to weight of axis. of "P‑0‑0540, Torque of holding brake". If load due to weight
This means that load current demanded from controller cannot requires less holding torque than "P‑0‑0540, Torque of holding
be made available for test duration. Dynamic limitation of drive brake" displays and no check for "increased holding torque or
torque or drive force is active holding force" is to be run, enter actual load due to weight in
"P‑0‑0547, Nominal load of holding system". In this way, ac‐
tual axis load is checked in the future. Otherwise, controller is
underdimensioned, see remedy for "Dynamic limitation of
drive torque or drive force is active"
Remedy during operation of axis drive:
DANGER! Dangerous movements! Danger to life, risk of in‐
jury, serious injury or property damage! Check is run for hold‐
ing torque or holding force of holding brake. Controller is
If possible, carry out remedy during initial commissioning (see
‑ or ‑
Mount controller with sufficiently high continuous current, see
remedy for "Dynamic limitation of drive torque or drive force is
The execution of the command "P‑0‑0541, C2100 Holding system check com‐
mand" was aborted. Due to the test torque added, the redundant holding brake
was inadmissibly distorted.
Cause Remedy
Due to a too high degree of backlash or torsion, allowed travel Check parameterization of "P-0-3310, Safe holding system:
distance selected in "P-0-3310, Safe holding system: travel travel range brake check"
range brake check" is too short
Parameter "P-0-3303, Safe holding system: nominal load" is Change parameter setting: Test torque in "P-0-0547, Nominal
greater than value entered in "P-0-0547, Nominal load of hold‐ load of holding system" should correspond to test torque in
ing system" "P-0-3303, Safe holding system: nominal load"
Redundant holding brake no longer achieves required brake Carry out resurfacing procedure according to manufacturer's
torque specification
- or -
Replace redundant holding brake
The execution of the command "P-0-0541, C2100 Holding system check com‐
mand" was aborted. An error was detected when the redundant holding brake
was released.
DOK-INDRV*-GEN-**VRS**-WA07-EN-P Bosch Rexroth AG 465/601
Rexroth IndraDrive MPx-02 to MPx-08 and HMV
Cause Remedy
Incorrect control of holding system, holding system does not Check wiring
release ‑ or ‑
If third-party brake was connected:
Check parameter setting
Test torque for releasing holding system set too low Increase value in parameter "P‑0‑0545, Test torque for re‐
leasing holding system"
Increased breakaway torque of axis due to increased friction Remove malfunction in installation
within installation, etc.
Cause Remedy
During the execution of the "S‑0‑0264, C2200 Backup working memory proce‐
dure command" an error occurred.
Cause Remedy
It was impossible to address active, non-volatile memory (in‐ First start command "S‑0‑0264, C2200 Backup working mem‐
ternal flash memory or MMC, if plugged in) without error. ory procedure command" again. If error occurs again, then
replace MMC (if plugged in) if necessary, then start command
again. If error occurs again, contact our service department.
During the execution of the "S‑0‑0263, C2300 Load working memory procedure
command" an error occurred.
Cause Remedy
It was impossible to read active, non-volatile memory [internal Restart command. If error occurs again, contact our service
flash memory or MMC (if plugged in)] without error. department. Have control section checked for functional safe‐
During the execution of the "S‑0‑0263, C2300 Load working memory procedure
command" an error occurred.
Cause Remedy
When reading parameters from active, non-volatile memory, Enter faulty parameter values correctly by hand and save
an error occurred. them again in non-volatile memory.
Cause Remedy
It was impossible to address active, non-volatile memory (in‐ Start "S‑0‑0293, C2400 Selectively backup working memory
ternal flash memory or MMC, if plugged in) without error. procedure command" again. If error occurs again, then re‐
place MMC (if plugged in) if necessary, then start command
again. If error occurs again, contact our service department.
During the execution of "P‑0‑4091, C2500 Copy IDN from optional memory to
internal memory" an error occurred.
The MMC can only be used as an optional memory for control sec‐
tions with MMC slot.
Cause Remedy
MMC had not been active before, there haven't been any valid Write parameter contents of internal memory to MMC by ex‐
parameter contents stored on it ecuting command "P‑0‑4092, C2600 Copy IDN from internal
memory to optional memory"
MMC has not (or not completely) been plugged in the MMC Put MMC into controller. Then restart command "P‑0‑4091,
slot provided for this purpose C2500 Copy IDN from optional memory to internal memory"
Error occurs sporadically due to voltage fluctuations in device Check power supply and then restart command "P‑0‑4091,
C2500 Copy IDN from optional memory to internal memory".
If error occurs repeatedly, you should contact our service de‐
MMC was not or not correctly formatted Format MMC or contact our service department. Then restart
command "P‑0‑4091, C2500 Copy IDN from optional memory
to internal memory"
468/601 Bosch Rexroth AG DOK-INDRV*-GEN-**VRS**-WA07-EN-P
Rexroth IndraDrive MPx-02 to MPx-08 and HMV
Cause Remedy
MMC is defective Check MMC and restart command "P‑0‑4091, C2500 Copy
IDN from optional memory to internal memory".
If diagnostic message appears repeatedly: replace MMC
MMC slot in control section is defective Check MMC slot and, if necessary, replace control section or
complete drive controller
During the execution of the "P‑0‑4091, C2500 Copy IDN from optional memory
to internal memory" an error occurred.
Cause Remedy
Error when writing to internal, non-volatile flash memory Restart "P‑0‑4091, C2500 Copy IDN from optional memory to
internal memory".
If diagnostic message is displayed repeatedly: contact our
service department
During the execution of the command "P‑0‑4092, C2600 Copy IDN from internal
memory to optional memory" a check is run in order to find out whether a func‐
tioning MMC (MultiMediaCard) is available.
The MMC can only be used as an optional memory for control sec‐
tions with MMC slot.
Cause Remedy
MMC has not (or not completely) been plugged in MMC slot Put MMC into controller. Then restart command "P‑0‑4092,
provided for this purpose C2600 Copy IDN from internal memory to optional memory"
MMC was not or not correctly formatted Format MMC or contact our service department. Then restart
command "P‑0‑4092, C2600 Copy IDN from internal memory
to optional memory"
At least one of required files is missing in "Parameters" folder Check whether files with extension "....#1.pbf" or "....#1.rbf"
on MMC are contained in "Parameters" folder on MMC. For double-axis
devices, files with extension "....#2.pbf" or "....#2.rbf" have to
be available! If diagnostic message appears repeatedly: re‐
place MMC
MMC is defective Check MMC and restart command "P-0-4092, C2600 Copy
IDN from internal memory to optional memory".
If diagnostic message appears repeatedly: replace MMC
MMC slot in control section is defective Check MMC slot and, if necessary, replace control section or
entire drive controller
During the execution of the "P‑0‑4092, C2600 Copy IDN from internal memory
to optional memory" an error occurred.
470/601 Bosch Rexroth AG DOK-INDRV*-GEN-**VRS**-WA07-EN-P
Rexroth IndraDrive MPx-02 to MPx-08 and HMV
Cause Remedy
Error when reading internal flash memory Restart "P‑0‑4092, C2600 Copy IDN from internal memory to
optional memory".
If diagnostic message is displayed repeatedly: save parame‐
ter values via serial interface or SERCOS interface, if required.
In the medium term, have control section checked for func‐
tional safety
During the execution of the command for adjusting the analog input ("P‑0‑0220,
C2800 Analog input adjust command") an error was detected. The execution
of the command was aborted.
Cause Remedy
Command for automatic adjust of analog input was started al‐ Check parameter "P‑0‑0218, Analog input, control parame‐
though there hadn't any analog input been configured on drive ter". In this parameter an analog input has to be assigned for
controller selected analog input assignment
When the command "P‑0‑0220, C2800 Analog input adjust command" is exe‐
cuted, the quality of the reference signal used is checked.
Cause Remedy
During gain adjust, reference voltage was used that fluctuates Check input signal used for precision; if necessary, use dif‐
by more that 1% of input voltage range ferent calibration signal
During zero point adjust, input voltage is not exactly "0" and Short circuit analog inputs by means of wire bridge
fluctuates by more than 1% of input voltage range
10.2.210 C2803 Measured values at zero point and max. value identical
During the execution of the command "P‑0‑0220, C2800 Analog input adjust
command" an error was detected. The execution of the command was aborted.
Cause Remedy
During zero point and gain adjust, the same voltage value was Voltage provided at input has to be modified between two
provided at analog input steps of adjust (voltage value for zero adjust: 0 V, voltage val‐
ue for gain adjust: maximum input voltage)
The command "P‑0‑0220, C2800 Analog input adjust command" was aborted
due to an unspecified error. Please contact our service department.
C2804 - Attributes Display: C2804
Ident N°: C2804
Cause Remedy
A transmission error occurred during transmission of firmware Execute command "P‑0‑4072, C2900 Command Firmware
from MMC update from MMC" again
If error occurs again, contact a Rexroth service engineer
Firmware file (ibf file) available on MMC is not correct (does Use different MMC with firmware file appropriate for control
not match control section) section
● Control section CSH01.1C: Firmware MPH
● Control section CSB01.1x: Firmware MPB
● Control section CDB01.1x: Firmware MPD
Command C6600 was started. During subsequent automatic Via file system of a PC, copy content of MMC, with which error
execution of command C2900, command error C2903 was occurred, to MMC with more memory space
There is not enough memory space available on MMC to copy
new firmware
Command C6600 was started. During subsequent automatic Make sure that MMC has been correctly plugged in slot of
execution of command C2900, command error C2903 was control section.
generated: Execute command "P‑0‑0666, C6600 Command Restore pa‐
An error occurred when new firmware had been read or cop‐ rameters from MMC" again
ied. MMC was removed or is defective If error occurs again, replace MMC and check slot on control
section; if necessary, replace control section.
During the execution of the "P‑0‑4072, C2900 Command Firmware update from
MMC" an error occurred.
DOK-INDRV*-GEN-**VRS**-WA07-EN-P Bosch Rexroth AG 473/601
Rexroth IndraDrive MPx-02 to MPx-08 and HMV
Cause Remedy
Due to voltage fluctuations in device an active request was Execute "P‑0‑4072, C2900 Command Firmware update from
aborted MMC" again
Control section is defective Replace control section or entire drive controller
During the execution of the "P‑0‑4072, C2900 Command Firmware update from
MMC" an error occurred.
Cause Remedy
Firmware transfer from MMC was incorrect Execute "P‑0‑4072, C2900 Command Firmware update from
MMC" again
Firmware available on MMC is not correct Use a different MMC with the desired firmware
An error was detected during check of flash Execute "P‑0‑4072, C2900 Command Firmware update from
MMC" again.
If error occurs repeatedly, replace control section or entire
drive controller
The command "P‑0‑3204, C3000 Synchronize and store safety technology IDN
command" was not or incorrectly executed.
Cause Remedy
Hardware defect of optional module "safety technology I/O" or Reset optional module "safety technology I/O" or "Safe
"Safe Motion" Motion" by means of restart. If command error occurs repeat‐
edly, hardware has to be replaced
Firmware error Please contact our service department
10.2.216 C3101 Act. modulo value cycle greater than max. travel range
The command error C3101 is generated when the calculated modulo value for
the actual value cycle is greater than the maximum travel range ("S‑0‑0278,
Maximum travel range").
C3101 - Attributes Display: C3101
Ident N°: C3101
Cause Remedy
Drive enable has been set and command "P‑0‑0071, C3100 To be able to carry out the command, drive enable has to be
Recalculate actual value cycle" was started removed
Cause Remedy
List element 1 (rated current) in "P‑0‑4032, Type plate list Value for rated current has to be inside of following limits:
asynchronous motor" is outside of useful limits rated current > 0.01 * amplifier peak current
rated current < 10 * amplifier peak current
Cause Remedy
List element 2 (rated voltage) in "P‑0‑4032, Type plate list Value for rated voltage has to be between 10 V and 2000 V
asynchronous motor" is outside of useful limits
Cause Remedy
List element 3 (rated frequency) in "P‑0‑4032, Type plate list Value for rated frequency has to be between 5 Hz and 3000 Hz
asynchronous motor" is outside of useful limits
Cause Remedy
There is no useful relation between list element 4 (rated Correct list element 4 (rated speed) in "P‑0‑4032, Type plate
speed) in "P‑0‑4032, Type plate list asynchronous motor" and list asynchronous motor"
rated frequency, i.e. number of pole pairs cannot be calculated
Cause Remedy
Power factor of motor is outside of useful limits List element 5 (power factor cos phi) in "P‑0‑4032, Type plate
list asynchronous motor" has to be between 0.5 and 0.999
Cause Remedy
There is no useful relation between list element 6 (rated pow‐ Correct values in "P‑0‑4032, Type plate list asynchronous mo‐
er) in "P‑0‑4032, Type plate list asynchronous motor" and tor" and restart command "P‑0‑4033, C3200 Command Cal‐
electric power that results from the other rated data. culate data for asynchronous motor"
Mechanical power output has to be smaller than effective
electric power of motor at rated point because an efficiency of
less than 1 is assumed. Furthermore a mechanical power out‐
put smaller than 40% of effective electric power is not valid
Cause Remedy
List length of parameter "P‑0‑4032, Type plate list asynchro‐ Please check: To calculate motor and controller parameters
nous motor" is shorter than 6 elements or at least one element from type plate of an asynchronous motor, value higher than
has value "0" "0" has to be entered in all 6 list elements of "P‑0‑4032, Type
plate list asynchronous motor"
Cause Remedy
At least one list element in "P‑0‑4032, Type plate list asyn‐ Correct values in "P‑0‑4032, Type plate list asynchronous mo‐
chronous motor" has no useful value so that at least one tor" and restart command "P‑0‑4033, C3200 Command Cal‐
parameter is outside of allowed limits when motor data are culate data for asynchronous motor"
Cause Remedy
Command cannot be executed with connected motor Connect asynchronous motor and parameterize "P-4014,
Type of construction of motor" accordingly
Cause Remedy
Acquisition velocity outside of allowed range of values Check range of values for acquisition velocity (range of values
relates to encoder shaft or sensor head)
DOK-INDRV*-GEN-**VRS**-WA07-EN-P Bosch Rexroth AG 479/601
Rexroth IndraDrive MPx-02 to MPx-08 and HMV
Cause Remedy
Motor encoder does not supply any signal or is not recognized Check whether signals of motor encoder are reaching con‐
by controller troller. If necessary, replace motor encoder or motor encoder
Motor encoder not available, not connected or not registered Connect motor encoder and register it in "P‑0‑0074, Encoder
("open-loop" operation) type 1 (motor encoder)"
Cause Remedy
Optional encoder does not supply any signal or is not recog‐ Check whether signals of optional encoder are reaching con‐
nized by controller troller. If necessary, replace encoder or encoder cable
Optional encoder not available, not connected or not regis‐ Connect optional encoder and register it in "P‑0‑0075, Encod‐
tered er type 2 (optional encoder)"
Cause Remedy
Measuring encoder does not supply any signal or is not rec‐ Check whether signals of measuring encoder are reaching
ognized by controller controller. If necessary, replace encoder or encoder cable
Measuring encoder not available, not connected or not regis‐ Connect measuring encoder and register it in "P‑0‑0076, En‐
tered coder type 3 (measuring encoder)"
Cause Remedy
At start of command "P‑0‑0340, C3500 Command Determine Select encoder in "P‑0‑0341, Control word for encoder cor‐
encoder correction values" there hadn't any encoder been se‐ rection"
lected in "P‑0‑0341, Control word for encoder correction"
Cause Remedy
Determined correction value table ("P‑0‑0342, Correction val‐ Execute command "P‑0‑0340, C3500 Command Determine
ue table for encoder correction") is incomplete encoder correction values" again, select different acquisition
Due to hardware problem, determined correction value table Replace device
("P‑0‑0342, Correction value table for encoder correction")
cannot be stored in drive
Cause Remedy
When executing the command "P‑0‑0565, C3600 Command Motor data iden‐
tification" the determined values were detected to be invalid.
Cause Remedy
Type plate data not entered correctly Check values, correct them if necessary, then successively
calculate "C3200 Command Calculate data for asynchronous
motor" and start "C3600 Command Motor data identification"
482/601 Bosch Rexroth AG DOK-INDRV*-GEN-**VRS**-WA07-EN-P
Rexroth IndraDrive MPx-02 to MPx-08 and HMV
When executing the command "P‑0‑0565, C3600 Command Motor data iden‐
tification" the drive detected that the required measuring current couldn't be
Cause Remedy
Controller cannot make sufficient measuring current available If possible, reduce value in "P‑0‑0001, Switching frequency of
the power output stage"
‑ or ‑
use controller with higher type current
Cause Remedy
Type plate data not entered correctly Check values, correct them if necessary, then successively
start "C3200 Command Calculate data for asynchronous mo‐
tor" and "C3600 Command Motor data identification"
The command "P‑0‑0565, C3600 Command Motor data identification" may only
be started when the motor is not moving. Motor motion is detected by the pos‐
sibly available motor encoder.
Cause Remedy
Command C3600 had been started when motor was still mov‐ Start command C3600 when motor in standstill
Cause Remedy
Below MPx08: C3600 can be used for synchronous motors only as of firm‐
Command C3600 was started for a synchronous motor ware MPx08; if necessary, use "C4600 Command Calculate
motor control parameters" with a firmware below MPx08
Command C3600 was executed for a linear motor with option Select option "Motor shaft cannot move freely" from
"Motor shaft can move freely" IndraWorks dialog "Motor" (see also P‑0‑0601)
Cause Remedy
Cause Remedy
Cause Remedy
Value in "P‑0‑0018, Number of pole pairs/pole pair distance" Check values in "P‑0‑0018, Number of pole pairs/pole pair
and encoder lines (or resolution) entered in "S‑0‑0116, distance" and "S‑0‑0116, Resolution of feedback 1", if neces‐
Resolution of feedback 1" do not match. sary also with regard to settings for motor encoder gear (if any)
("P‑0‑0121, Gear 1 motor-side (motor encoder)" / "P‑0‑0122,
Gear 1 encoder-side (motor encoder)").
Cause Remedy
If not present, an encoder cannot be checked for validity of its There is no remedy for motors without encoder.
sense of rotation as compared to that of motor If the motor has an attached encoder, check proper connec‐
tion to controller. Then enter required values in P‑0‑0074
(motor encoder) and P‑0‑0077 (motor encoder interface)
Cause Remedy
If supply is unregulated [HMV (type "E", feed), HCS]: If possible, adjust line voltage until requirement is met. Ob‐
Nominal motor voltage and speed are too high as compared serve permitted line voltage range!
with line voltage (requirement: Umotor_nom < 150% ULN). ‑ or ‑
Reduce nominal motor data until requirement is met. Observe
corresponding motor data (nominal speed, voltage, power)!
If supply is regulated [HMV (type "R", feedback)]: Reduce nominal motor data until requirement is met. Observe
Nominal motor voltage and speed are too high as compared corresponding motor data (nominal speed, voltage, power)!
with maximum output voltage of controller (requirement: Umo‐
tor_nom < 100% DC voltage of DC bus).
Motor cannot follow drive-internal velocity command value. Flatten acceleration ramp by reducing P-0-0569 accordingly;
Acceleration ramp is too steep! ramp-up time should be at least 1 second.
If synchronous motors fail to start nevertheless: Additionally
increase value in P-0-0602!
The command "C3700 Manually unlocking the safety door" was not or incor‐
rectly executed.
Cause Remedy
Drive still is in normal operation, there hasn't been any safety Clear command "C3700 Manually unlocking the safety door".
function activated yet Select safety function via mode selector. Execute command
‑ or ‑ again
10.2.245 C3901 Resurfacing of holding brake only possible with drive enable
Cause Remedy
Command was activated without drive enable ("AF") having Switch drive to "AF", then start command "P‑0‑0544, C3900
been set Command Abrasion of holding brake"
Cause Remedy
Cause Remedy
Brake control has not been activated in parameter "P‑0‑0525, Activate brake control in parameter "P‑0‑0525, Holding brake
Holding brake control word" control word"
Value in "P‑0‑0540, Torque of holding brake" is "0" Enter correct value for "P‑0‑0540, Torque of holding brake"
Velocity limit value is too low to resurface holding brake Value greater than or equal to 100 min-1 or 100 mm/min must
be parameterized in S‑0‑0091
Cause Remedy
No home switch was configured for channel 2 Configure a home switch in "P‑0‑3211, Safety technology I/O
configuration list, channel 2"
Actual position value difference between channel 1 and chan‐ Check parameter setting of "P‑0‑3229, Tolerance window for
nel 2 is greater than value entered in "P‑0‑3229, Tolerance safe homing procedure" and "P‑0‑3231, Reference position
window for safe homing procedure" for safe reference"
Failure on home switch input signal Check wiring of home switch; check signal quality
For encoders which without home switch do not have unequivocal reference to
the axis position, a check is run at the beginning of command "P‑0‑3228, C4000
Homing procedure command channel 2" to find out whether the distance of the
dedicated points of channel 1 and channel 2 is greater than the tolerance win‐
dow plus a tolerance of 10 percent:
Cause Remedy
Distance of dedicated points of channel 1 and channel 2 is Check parameter setting and change it, if necessary
smaller than "P‑0‑3229, Tolerance window for safety related ‑ or ‑
homing procedure" (plus tolerance of 10 percent)
Mount home switch appropriately
Then execute "P‑0‑3228, C4000 Homing procedure com‐
mand channel 2" again
During the execution of the command "S‑0‑0216, C4100 Switch parameter set
command" an error occurred.
Cause Remedy
Parameter set switching with parameter group "encoder pa‐ Remove drive enable ("AF") before starting command
rameters" was started although axis still is in "AF"
Cause Remedy
Parameter set switching was activated in operating mode al‐ Bring drive to parameter mode (P2) before starting command
though parameter group "motor parameters" has been inclu‐
ded in switching process
Cause Remedy
Value entered in parameter "S‑0‑0217, Preselect parameter Before starting "C4100 Switch parameter set command", set
set command" is greater than value in "P‑0‑2217, Parameter value in "S‑0‑0217, Preselect parameter set command" to val‐
set switching, preselection range" id value
Cause Remedy
A calculation error occurred during parameter set switching IDN of parameter which caused error is displayed in
"S‑0‑0423, IDN-list of invalid data for parameterization
levels". Write valid value to displayed parameter
Cause Remedy
At start of command, drive wasn't yet ready for power output Before starting C4200 switch power on and set drive enable
Cause Remedy
Value of "S‑0‑0157, Velocity window" is zero Set "S‑0‑0157, Velocity window" to valid value greater zero
Motor is blocked or speed is too low due to high degree of Check mechanical drive system for blocking or stiffness
Cause Remedy
Distance between home switch edge and next reference mark Read value from parameter "S‑0‑0298, Reference cam shift"
determined by controller is not inside allowed range and take it over to parameter "S‑0‑0299, Home switch offset"
‑ or ‑
Shift reference cam by value of "S‑0‑0299, Home switch off‐
Cause Remedy
Reference marks do not occur in expected position difference Check measuring system to be homed and corresponding
‑ or ‑
Check and, if necessary, correct setting of "P‑0‑0153, Opti‐
mum distance home switch-reference mark"
Value set in "P‑0‑0153, Optimum distance home switch-ref‐ Correct setting of "P‑0‑0153, Optimum distance home switch-
erence mark" does not match encoder that is used reference mark"
Cause Remedy
Home switch hasn't been assigned to any digital input Assign home switch ("S‑0‑0400, Home switch") to a digital in‐
put via parameter "P‑0‑0300, Digital I/Os, assignment list"
Home switch was connected to NC but "S‑0‑0147, Homing Correct setting of respective bit of "S‑0‑0147, Homing param‐
parameter" was incorrectly parameterized eter"
10.2.260 C4308 Pos. stop a. HW lim. switch not allowed f. modulo axes
Cause Remedy
NC-controlled homing at positive stop or travel range limit Modify control information for homing in "S‑0‑0147, Homing
switch with modulo axes isn't a useful combination and there‐ parameter" in a useful way
fore not allowed!
When the command "P‑0‑0566, C4600 Command Calculate motor control pa‐
rameters" was executed, the writing of at least one of the calculated parameters
caused a limit error.
Cause Remedy
Motor data weren't correctly entered in motor parameters Check values, correct them if necessary, then start "C4600
Command Calculate motor control parameters" again
Incorrect motor data Check motor data, if necessary consult motor manufacturer.
After entering corrected values start "C4600 Command Cal‐
culate motor control parameters" again
The command "P‑0‑4085, C4700 Command Activate easy startup mode" was
started, but could not be executed.
DOK-INDRV*-GEN-**VRS**-WA07-EN-P Bosch Rexroth AG 495/601
Rexroth IndraDrive MPx-02 to MPx-08 and HMV
Cause Remedy
Drive had been active when command for activating "easy Remove drive enable before starting command "P‑0‑4085,
startup" mode was started C4700 Command Activate easy startup mode"
Cause Remedy
Position command value characteristic preset by control Check position command value characteristic of control master
master has caused too high measuring velocity at motor and, if necessary, reduce time-related position command value
increase; take possibly existing gear ratio into account.
Note: Values in table 1 always refer to motor shaft!
Cause Remedy
Position command value characteristic preset by control mas‐ Check position command value characteristic of control mas‐
ter has caused too low measuring velocity at motor ter and, if necessary, increase time-related position command
value increase; take possibly existing gear ratio into account.
Note: Values in table 1 always refer to motor shaft!
Cause Remedy
Position command value characteristic preset by control mas‐ Check position command value characteristic of control mas‐
ter has caused too high acceleration during measured value ter and, if necessary, change it in such a way that motor moves
detection for cogging torque/force compensation with constant velocity in measured value detection range (see
"P‑0‑1133, Status word of cogging torque compensation")
10.2.266 C4804 Cogging torque comp.: Err. when storing corr. val table
Cause Remedy
Active non-volatile memory couldn't be addressed without Restart "P‑0‑1138, C4800 Command Determine cogging tor‐
error que compensation table"; should error occur repeatedly,
please contact our service department
10.2.267 C4805 Cogging torque comp.: Motor measuring system not homed
Cause Remedy
Motor encoder (relative) of a rotary motor didn't yet have po‐ Before starting command "P‑0‑1138, C4800 Command De‐
sition data reference termine cogging torque compensation table", make motor turn
until reference mark of motor encoder is read
Motor encoder (relative) of a linear motor didn't yet have po‐ Before starting command "P‑0‑1138, C4800 Command De‐
sition data reference termine cogging torque compensation table", establish posi‐
tion data reference
The command "P‑0‑1449, C4900 PLC command" for controlling a PLC program
was started.
Cause Remedy
PLC program has generated "PLC command error no. 1" See program description of PLC program for how to react to
The command "P‑0‑1449, C4900 PLC command" for controlling a PLC program
was started.
Cause Remedy
PLC program has generated "PLC command error no. 2" See program description of PLC program for how to react to
The command "P‑0‑1449, C4900 PLC command" for controlling a PLC program
was started.
Cause Remedy
PLC program has generated "PLC command error no. 3" See program description of PLC program for how to react to
The command "P‑0‑1449, C4900 PLC command" for controlling a PLC program
was started.
Cause Remedy
PLC program has generated "PLC command error no. 4" See program description of PLC program for how to react to
The command "P‑0‑1449, C4900 PLC command" for controlling a PLC program
was started. The PLC did not acknowledge the command input.
DOK-INDRV*-GEN-**VRS**-WA07-EN-P Bosch Rexroth AG 499/601
Rexroth IndraDrive MPx-02 to MPx-08 and HMV
Cause Remedy
PLC program was not started Start PLC program and then execute "P‑0‑1449, C4900 PLC
command" again
Loaded PLC program is not correct Correct PLC program, load it and then execute "P‑0‑1449,
C4900 PLC command" again
During the execution of the command "S‑0‑1024, C5300 SERCOS III: SYNC
delay measuring procedure command" an error occurred or the command could
not be started.
Cause Remedy
Parameterization for execution of command is incomplete; Enter valid value in "S-0-1015, SERCOS III: Ring delay"
measurement cannot be started
Measurement was unsuitable, because deviations in meas‐ Repeat measurement
ured values were too big
Measurement was unsuitable, because topology changed Repeat measurement
during measuring process
10.2.274 C5401 PLC program not ready for retain data backup
During the execution of the command "P‑0‑4054, C5400 Command Save PLC
retain data on MMC" an error occurred.
Cause Remedy
No PLC program has been loaded (cf. "P‑0‑1351, PLC status Check PLC programs (load them, if necessary) and then start
word") "P‑0‑4054, C5400 Command Save PLC retain data on
500/601 Bosch Rexroth AG DOK-INDRV*-GEN-**VRS**-WA07-EN-P
Rexroth IndraDrive MPx-02 to MPx-08 and HMV
During the execution of the command "P‑0‑4054, C5400 Command Save PLC
retain data on MMC" an error occurred.
Cause Remedy
MMC (MultiMediaCard) has not been plugged Plug MMC into controller and then start "P‑0‑4054, C5400
Command Save PLC retain data on MMC"
MMC (MultiMediaCard) was not formatted correctly Start command "P‑0‑4072, C2900 Command Firmware up‐
date from MMC" and then "P‑0‑4054, C5400 Command Save
PLC retain data on MMC"
10.2.276 C5501 PLC program not ready for loading retain data
While command "P‑0‑4055, C5500 Command Load PLC retain data from
MMC" was executed, an error occurred.
Cause Remedy
No PLC boot project has been loaded (cf. "P‑0‑1351, PLC Command C55 can only be executed if PLC boot project loa‐
status word") ded is appropriate for retain data.
Check PLC boot project (load it, if necessary) and then start
"P‑0‑4055, C5500 Command Load PLC retain data from
PLC program is still active (cf. "P‑0‑1351, PLC status word") Stop PLC program and then start "P‑0‑4055, C5500 Com‐
mand Load PLC retain data from MMC"
DOK-INDRV*-GEN-**VRS**-WA07-EN-P Bosch Rexroth AG 501/601
Rexroth IndraDrive MPx-02 to MPx-08 and HMV
During the execution of the command "P‑0‑4055, C5500 Command Load PLC
retain data from MMC" an error occurred.
Cause Remedy
MMC (MultiMediaCard) has not been plugged Plug MMC into controller and then start "P‑0‑4055, C5500
Command Load PLC retain data from MMC"
MMC (MultiMediaCard) was not formatted correctly Start command "P‑0‑4072, C2900 Command Firmware up‐
date from MMC" and then "P‑0‑4055, C5500 Command Load
PLC retain data from MMC"
During the execution of the command "P‑0‑4055, C5500 Command Load PLC
retain data from MMC" an error occurred.
Cause Remedy
PLC retain data on MMC do not match currently running PLC Plug appropriate MMC into controller and then start
program (see "P‑0‑1360, PLC program identifier") "P‑0‑4055, C5500 Command Load PLC retain data from
‑ or ‑
Load appropriate PLC program and then start "P‑0‑4055,
C5500 Command Load PLC retain data from MMC"
During the execution of the command "P‑0‑4055, C5500 Command Load PLC
retain data from MMC" an error occurred.
Cause Remedy
File "SPS-Retain.pbf" has unknown format Load appropriate firmware to controller and then start
"P‑0‑4055, C5500 Command Load PLC retain data from
During the execution of the command "P‑0‑4055, C5500 Command Load PLC
retain data from MMC" an error occurred.
Cause Remedy
Stored PLC retain data in file "SPS-Retain.pbf" are invalid Again generate file "SPS-Retain.pbf" with "P‑0‑4054, C5400
Command Save PLC retain data on MMC" and then start
"P‑0‑4055, C5500 Command Load PLC retain data from
Cause Remedy
Command for subsequent optimization of commutation offset Switch drive to "AF" and then restart command "P‑0‑0518,
setting was started, but drive is not in "AF" C5600 Command subsequent optimization of commutation
Cause Remedy
To successfully carry out command for subsequent optimiza‐ Remove axis blocking and then restart command "P‑0‑0518,
tion of commutation offset setting, motor/axis must be able to C5600 Command subsequent optimization of commutation
freely move by some degrees; this is not the case offset"
Cause Remedy
External motion mechanically coupled Remove external motion; uncouple motor, if necessary
Axis has very long post-pulse oscillation Reduce oscillation time of axis, generate slight additional fric‐
tion at axis, if necessary
Cause Remedy
Channel 2 of safety technology prevented redundant holding Parameterize channel 2 of safety technology in such a way
brake from applying that execution of command "P‑0‑3313, C5800 Command Ap‐
ply redundant holding brake" is allowed
Cause Remedy
Command "P‑0‑3314, C5900 Command Resurfacing of re‐ Clear command error, switch drive to "AF" and then start com‐
dundant holding brake" was activated without drive enable mand "P‑0‑3314, C5900 Command Resurfacing of redundant
("AF") having been set holding brake"
Cause Remedy
Cause Remedy
Brake control has not been activated Activate brake control in parameter is "P‑0‑3300, Redundant
holding brake: Configuration"
A form-fitting holding brake is configured Command "P‑0-3314, C5900 Command Resurfacing of
redundant holding brake" can only be executed with friction-
fitting holding brakes.
Safety technology prevents command from being executed Switch to normal operation
because drive is in special mode
During the execution of the "Set absolute measuring" command (C6000) the
measuring system selected by parameter "S‑0‑0448, Control word for setting
absolute measuring" was detected to be unavailable.
Cause Remedy
During the execution of the "Set absolute measuring" command (C6000) it was
detected that absolute evaluation of the selected measuring system is impos‐
Cause Remedy
When executing the command for setting absolute measuring (C6000) the off‐
set of the encoder zero point with regard to the machine zero point is determined
and stored in the data memory of the encoder. It was impossible to store the
offset correctly.
Cause Remedy
Communication between encoder and drive is disturbed Check encoder cable and repair it, if necessary
‑ or ‑
Replace encoder
Cause Remedy
Command "C6000 Command Set absolute measuring" was Reset drive enable, then clear command error and restart
started with drive enable having been activated; in first stage command "C6000 Command Set absolute measuring"
of expansion of function "set absolute measuring" according
to SERCOS specification, this is not supported
Cause Remedy
Settings for IP address, network mask and gateway address Correct changed settings of IP communication for concerned
for one or several interfaces do not match interfaces and execute command "P‑0‑1534, C6100 Com‐
mand Activate IP settings" again
Cause Remedy
Command had already been started since last "control voltage Switch control voltage of axis off and then on again.
ON", but it may only be started once after "control voltage Then restart command
Command was started, although safe braking and holding Parameterize safety function "Safe braking and holding sys‐
system had not been parameterized tem"
Command was started, although command execution had not Enable command in P-0-3300.
been enabled Then restart command
Command "C2100 Command Holding system check" is ac‐ Terminate command "C2100 Command Holding system
tive, this is not allowed check"
Command was started, although brake status of motor brake Command execution is only allowed with invalid brake status
and/or redundant holding brake is still valid (see P-0-0539)
When using the optional module "safety technology I/O" (S1) (up to
MPx06) or "Safe Motion" (S2) (as of MPx07), you can, in addition
to the error message, obtain detailed information with regard to the
cause of the error or the error location. For this purpose, evaluate
the parameter "P-0-3219, Diagnostic safety technology message".
Up to MPx06: See "Extended Diagnosis (P-0-3219)".
As of MPx07: See "Extended Diagnosis (P-0-3219) as of MPx07".
Cause Remedy
During the execution of the command C6500, an error occurred when the
backup data had been written to the MultiMediaCard (MMC).
See the file "Backup.log" for the parameters which were success‐
fully backed up and for the parameters with which an error occurred
during backup; "Backup.log" is contained in the directory "User/
Backup" on the MMC.
Cause Remedy
Not enough available memory space on MMC Use MMC with more memory space or delete unrequired files
from MMC, then execute command C6500 again
MMC was not or not correctly formatted Format MMC and execute command C6500 again.
Directory "user" must exist on MMC.
When MMC is formatted, all data stored on MMC are lost.
MMC has not (or not completely) been plugged in MMC slot Plug MMC in controller and execute command C6500 again
provided for this purpose
510/601 Bosch Rexroth AG DOK-INDRV*-GEN-**VRS**-WA07-EN-P
Rexroth IndraDrive MPx-02 to MPx-08 and HMV
Cause Remedy
MMC is defective Check MMC and execute command C6500 again
If diagnostic message is displayed repeatedly: Replace MMC
MMC slot in control section is defective Check MMC slot and, if necessary, replace control section or
entire drive controller
During the execution of the command C6500, an error occurred when a pa‐
rameter in the active, non-volatile memory of the drive controller or a CCD slave
had been read.
Cause Remedy
Incorrect parameter access to a CCD slave Check cross communication (CCD) and execute command
C6500 again
The command C6500 was terminated with error. The comparative data are
To verify the backup parameters, the comparative data at the beginning of
backup are compared to the comparative data upon completed backup. These
data must be identical. Otherwise, the value of one or several parameters
changed while the command had been active.
Cause Remedy
Write access to one or several parameters during backup pro‐ Execute command C6500 again
During the execution of the command C6600, an error occurred when the
backup data had been read on the MultiMediaCard (MMC).
Cause Remedy
Cause Remedy
MMC is defective Check MMC and execute command C6600 again.
If diagnostic message is displayed repeatedly: Replace MMC
MMC slot in control section is defective Check MMC slot and, if necessary, replace control section or
entire drive controller
MMC was not or not correctly formatted Format MMC and generate backup data again: Execute com‐
mand C6500. Directory "user" must have been created on
MMC has not (or not completely) been plugged in MMC slot Plug MMC in controller and execute command C6600 again
provided for this purpose
During the execution of the command C6600, an error occurred when a pa‐
rameter had been written to the active, non-volatile memory of the drive
controller or a CCD slave.
Cause Remedy
Incorrect access to parameter of a CCD slave Check cross communication (CCD) and execute command
C6600 again
Error when starting or stopping command C2200 or C2900 Check cross communication (CCD) and execute command
C6600 again
An error occurred when a file from directory "user/Update" had Check available memory space on MMC
been copied
During the execution of the command C6600, an error occurred when the com‐
parative data had been written to the MultiMediaCard (MMC).
Cause Remedy
File with comparative data could not be written Check available memory space on MMC and execute com‐
mand C6600 again
MMC is defective Check MMC and execute command C6600 again.
If diagnostic message is displayed repeatedly: Replace MMC
MMC slot in control section is defective Check MMC slot and, if necessary, replace control section or
entire drive controller
MMC was not or not correctly formatted Format MMC and generate backup data again: Execute com‐
mand C6500. Directory "user" must have been created on
MMC has not (or not completely) been plugged in MMC slot Plug MMC in controller and execute command C6600 again
provided for this purpose
While command C6600 was executed, an error occurred in the drive controller
or in a CCD slave when the comparative data was read.
Cause Remedy
Incorrect parameter access to a CCD slave Check cross communication (CCD) and execute command
C6600 again
During the execution of the command C6600, one or several parameters could
not be restored in the active, non-volatile memory of the drive controller or a
CCD slave.
Cause Remedy
One or several parameters are unknown in firmware of drive If update of firmware was carried out in special case update,
controller or CCD slave command C6600 should be executed again.
Otherwise: Check parameter files for parameters which are
unknown or cannot be written.
One or several values in parameter files are not allowed (limit Check parameter files. Actually, error can only be caused by
ranges, list size) manually created or modified parameter files, or be due to in‐
correct transmission to MMC In exceptional cases, when firm‐
ware versions of backup firmware and restoring firmware are
different, changes in parameter definitions can make individ‐
ual parameter values become invalid.
Firmware update: Check available memory space on local MMC of faulty drive
While command "S‑0‑1635, C7000 CCD: Command Adjust slave addresses "
was executed, an error occurred.
Cause Remedy
During execution of command C7000 and within the scope of Put CCD slaves to phase 2:
remote address assignment, an attempt is made to write cor‐ For example, switch CCD master to parameterization mode
responding addresses of CCD slaves ("S-0-1040, Drive
address of master communication") such as parameterized in ‑ or ‑
"P-0-1636, CCD: Command topology". This is impossible, as As of MPx07: Execute command C7400
CCD slaves are not in phase 2.
Cause Remedy
CCD group is not in SERCOS phase 4 Switch CCD group to SERCOS phase 4
Double ring is already existing (command execution was un‐ -
There is not connection between last slaves of lines Check connection between last slaves of lines (green link
New ring delay could not be transferred to slave(s) Restart command
While the command for applying the CCD I/O configuration (P‑0‑1620.0.31,
C7200 CCD: Command Apply I/O configuration) was executed, an error oc‐
curred; the CCD I/O configuration cannot be applied.
Cause Remedy
CCD group is not in SERCOS phase 2 Switch CCD group to SERCOS phase 2 using command
"P‑0‑1620.0.5, C7400 CCD: Switching to phase 2"
While the command for switching to CCD phase 2 (P‑0‑1620.0.5, C7400 CCD:
Switching to phase 2) was executed, an error occurred; switching to CCD phase
2 is not possible.
DOK-INDRV*-GEN-**VRS**-WA07-EN-P Bosch Rexroth AG 517/601
Rexroth IndraDrive MPx-02 to MPx-08 and HMV
Cause Remedy
Projected slaves were not detected in CCD phase 0 Observe note in P-0-1630 of CCD master. Check slave con‐
figuration or connected slaves.
Master does not receive its transmitted telegrams Check SERCOS III wiring
Switching to CCD phase 1 was not possible Observe note in P-0-1630 of CCD master
Switching to CCD phase 2 was not possible Observe note in P-0-1630 of CCD master
While the command for switching to CCD phase 4 (P‑0‑1620.0.6, C7500 CCD:
Switching to phase 4) was executed, an error occurred; switching to CCD phase
4 is not possible.
Cause Remedy
Error occurred in timing calculation of CCD master. Maybe, Observe note in P-0-1630 of CCD master
SERCOS timing cannot be set due to number of slaves or se‐
lected CCD modes.
An error occurred while telegram structure was checked. Observe note in P-0-1630 of CCD master
Maybe, it is not possible to transfer desired parameter cycli‐
cally or combine them in master-slave lists
Error in switching command "S‑0‑0127, C0100 Observe note in S-0-0021 of faulty slave
Communication phase 3 transition check" of slaves
Error in switching command "S‑0‑0128, C5200 Observe note in S-0-0022 of faulty slave
Communication phase 4 transition check" of slaves
Cause Remedy
External memory not plugged or plugged incorrectly Check whether external memory is plugged correctly
External memory defective Replace external memory
Slot of external memory defective Check slot and replace drive controller/control section if nec‐
Write access to external memory denied Check for simultaneously running actions (e.g., commands
also writing to external memory) and deactivate them if nec‐
Cause Remedy
While command "C7700 Command Open control loop " was executed, an error
DOK-INDRV*-GEN-**VRS**-WA07-EN-P Bosch Rexroth AG 519/601
Rexroth IndraDrive MPx-02 to MPx-08 and HMV
Cause Remedy
Command was executed without having entered control pass‐ Clear command, enter control password and restart command
word beforehand
channel 2
Display channel 1 Safety technology error
(P3219 [0])
C0254 PROFIsafe configuration error: PROFIsafe was activated by P-0-3290 unequal zero.
213 The precondition for this, however, is missing, as there is no PROFIBUS master com‐
munication available
Validation check with regard to parameterization "deceleration in the case of error
Parameterization in parameters P-0-0119, P-0-0117 and P-0-3210 (bit 9) is not al‐
C0255 lowed
600 No measuring system connected to connector X4
33, 43 Encoder type is not supported by channel 2
522/601 Bosch Rexroth AG DOK-INDRV*-GEN-**VRS**-WA07-EN-P
Rexroth IndraDrive MPx-02 to MPx-08 and HMV
channel 2
Display channel 1 Safety technology error
(P3219 [0])
Configuration error: "Safety related limited absolute position" or "safety related limited
216 absolute end position" was configured, but the required homing encoder has not been
connected to X4.x
Configuration of a safety function that has not been released (safety related braking
and holding system)
Configuration of "safety related braking and holding system" (P-0-3300, bit0=1) with
main spindle brake (P-0-0525, bit1=1) is not allowed
Configuration of "safety related braking and holding system" (P-0-3300, bit0=1) and
"best possible deceleration with torque disable" is not allowed
Configuration of "safety related braking and holding system" (P-0-3300, bit0=1) and
reaction "torque disable in the case of F7 errors" (P-0-3210, bit9=1) is not allowed
424 Configuration of a safety function that has not been released (safety related I/Os)
Configuration of a safety function that has not been released (safety related limited
absolute end position)
Configuration error: "Safety related braking and holding system" requires motor hold‐
ing brake (P-0-0525, bit 2)
Configuration of "safety related braking and holding system" (P-0-3300, bit0=1) and
"best possible deceleration with return motion" is not allowed
Configuration error: "Safety related braking and holding system" mustn't be operated
with "self-releasing holding brake" (P-0-0525)!
436 Configuration error: P-0-3307 mustn't be smaller than S-0-0207
Configuration error: "NC or MLD error reaction" (P-0-0117) is not allowed together with
"safety related braking and holding system"!
Configuration error: "Safety related monitored deceleration" (P-0-3210, bit 13) mustn't
be deselected!
Configuration error: Signal "HAT-Steuer" (P-0-3301, bit 0) is missing or has been con‐
figured twice (P-0-0300)
Configuration error: F7 error reaction not consistent P-0-3210=velocity command val‐
ue reset and P-0-0119=torque-free.
Configuration error: Contradictory direction of motion (involved parameters: P-0-3239,
P-0-3240, P-0-3250, P-0-3260 or P-0-3270)
Configuration error: "Gear independence with safety technology encoder mounted on
591 the load side" is only allowed with rotary, load-related scaling for position, velocity and
acceleration data (see P-0-3210, S-0-0044, S-0-0076, S-0-0160)
Configuration error: "Gear independence with safety technology encoder mounted on
592 the load side" and "safety related braking and holding system" are not allowed simul‐
taneously (see P-0-3210, P-0-3300)
Configuration error: "Gear independence with safety technology encoder mounted on
the load side" and "safety related limited absolute position" or "gear independence with
safety technology encoder mounted on the load side" and "safety related limited ab‐
solute end position" are not allowed (see P-0-3210, P-0-3239, P-0-3240, P-0-3250)
Configuration error: "Gear independence with safety technology encoder mounted on
the load side" with motor encoder as safety technology encoder (X4) is not allowed
DOK-INDRV*-GEN-**VRS**-WA07-EN-P Bosch Rexroth AG 523/601
Rexroth IndraDrive MPx-02 to MPx-08 and HMV
channel 2
Display channel 1 Safety technology error
(P3219 [0])
C0257 48 No motor encoder or external encoder plugged at optional slot X4
Safety technology configuration error: "Safety related limited absolute position" and
C0265 214
"motor-related scaling" have been configured
channel 2
Display channel 1 Safety technology error
(P3219 [0])
"C07_02 load defaults procedure for safety technology" presently cannot be executed,
C0723 102
as channel 2 is still busy with execution of another safety technology command
Safety related brake check: Determined load due to weight greater than 1.3 *
"P-0-3303, Safety related holding system: Nominal load"
1548, 1549, Safety related brake check: Test point holding torque of motor holding brake incorrectly
1550 carried out in positive direction
C2103 1553. 1554, Safety related brake check: Test point holding torque of motor holding brake incorrectly
1555 carried out in negative direction
510 Safety related brake check: Motor brake controlled
507, 509 Safety related brake check: Redundant holding brake not released
508, 514 Safety related brake check: Motor brake not controlled
Command execution of command C2100 is not allowed, because command C6200 is
C2104 630
Safety related brake check: Determined load due to weight greater than 1.3 *
"P-0-3303, Safety related holding system: Nominal load"
1558, 1559, Safety related brake check: Test point holding torque of redundant holding brake in‐
1560 correctly carried out in positive direction
1563, 1564, Safety related brake check: Test point holding torque of redundant holding brake in‐
1565 correctly carried out in negative direction
Safety related brake check: When the force due to weight is determined, motion is
506 expected when the brakes have been released. The drive did not move. In spite of
control, a brake does not release
511 Safety related brake check: Redundant holding brake not released
512 Safety related brake check: Motor brake controlled
514 Safety related brake check: Motor brake not controlled
524/601 Bosch Rexroth AG DOK-INDRV*-GEN-**VRS**-WA07-EN-P
Rexroth IndraDrive MPx-02 to MPx-08 and HMV
channel 2
Display channel 1 Safety technology error
(P3219 [0])
1541 Safety related brake check: Channel 1 error-free, see error code channel 2
Safety related brake check: Channel 1 signals successful, see error message of chan‐
nel 2
Brake check: Command C2100 is not allowed with selection "safety related opera‐
Safety related brake check: Command C2100 is not allowed with selection "safety
related operation"
Safety related brake check: Axis did not move [or less than half the monitoring window
("P-0-3310" / 2)]
Safety related brake check: Starting torque exceeded (P-0-0545 or P-0-0540 <
C2108 1546
Safety related brake check: Starting torque exceeded,
P-0-0546 > P-0-0545 (or P-0-0540, when P-0-0545=0)
1542, 1544 "Safety related brake check" error
Safety related brake check:
1545, 1547 - Axis did not move (<P-0-3310/2) or
- Axis moved too far (>P-0-3310*2)
507 Safety related brake check: Redundant holding brake not released
508 Safety related brake check: Motor brake not controlled
Safety related brake check: Incorrect torque normalization
1551, 1556,
C2109 582, 583 ● Replacement of motor (P-0-3304 ↔ P-0-0051)
1561, 1566
● Incorrect current measurement (P-0-0043)
channel 2
Display channel 1 Safety technology error
(P3219 [0])
Channel 2 signals error for internal command "homing procedure channel 2"
channel 2
Display channel 1 Safety technology error
(P3219 [0])
Exxx 1xxx In the case of warning on channel 1, 1000 is added to the error code
Safety related reference is missing for monitoring in the case of "safety related limited
E3107 1311
absolute end position"
Monitoring of time interval brake check
E3115 415, 417 254 Cause: Drive had been in "AF" for 15 minutes and brake check hasn't been carried
out yet or the time defined in P-0-3302 was exceeded
Safety related braking and holding system: "Prewarning, end of brake check time in‐
E3115 1416, 1418
channel 2
Display channel 1 Safety technology error
(P3219 [0])
"Special mode safety related motion" selected with "safety related limited absolute
position" without channel 2 having been homed
Safety related reference is missing for monitoring in the case of "safety related limited
312 179, 271
absolute end position"
"Special mode safety related motion 1" selected with "safety related limited absolute
F3112 155
position" without channel 2 having been homed
"Special mode safety related motion 2" selected with "safety related limited absolute
position" without channel 2 having been homed
Missing safety related reference for monitoring of "safety related limited absolute po‐
283, 284
sition" in "special mode safety related motion"
Monitoring of time interval brake check:
F3115 415, 417 254 Cause: Drive had been in "AF" for 15 minutes and brake check hasn't been carried
out yet or the time defined in P-0-3302 was exceeded
F3116 439 256 Monitoring of actual load torque: Nominal load torque of holding system exceeded
Validation error of actual position values channel 1 and 2 (in the case of safety related
Actual position value difference between channel 1 and channel 2 greater than deter‐
F3117 mined internal measuring-system-dependent threshold
With the configuration "reference input channel 2 with static signal", 24V were meas‐
158 ured at the reference input outside of the tolerance window P-0-3231 +/- P-0-3229.
Cause: Possibly short circuit to 24V.
Command "apply redundant holding brake" was started. Brake could not be applied
within 50 ms (diagnostic input at channel 2 (X41) at 24V)
The internal command "release redundant holding system" was started. Brake could
not be released within 50 ms (diagnostic input at channel 2 (X41) at 0V)
During the command "resurfacing of redundant holding brake", the redundant holding
223 system is applied. The brake, however, could not be applied within 200 ms (diagnostic
input at channel 2 (X41) at 24V)
During the command "resurfacing of redundant holding brake", the redundant holding
224 system is released. The brake, however, could not be released within 200 ms (diag‐
nostic input at channel 2 (X41) at 0V)
F3122 Safety related braking and holding system:
Feedback signal from control module (HAT) is 0V
505 Cause: Missing connection between control module (HAT) and diagnostic input at
connector X41 (HSI11) or
Error in control module (HAT)
Safety related braking and holding system:
Error in feedback signal of control module (HAT)
532 Cause: Brake applied: Line interrupted, short circuit to 0V or error message of control
module (HAT) or
Brake released: Short circuit to 24V
DOK-INDRV*-GEN-**VRS**-WA07-EN-P Bosch Rexroth AG 527/601
Rexroth IndraDrive MPx-02 to MPx-08 and HMV
channel 2
Display channel 1 Safety technology error
(P3219 [0])
channel 2
Display channel 1 Safety technology error
(P3219 [0])
EA20 is statically at low level.
24 48
Cause: Short circuit to GND or EA20 not connected or power supply at X41 missing
EA20 is statically at high level.
Cause: Short circuit to 24V
Diagnostic/acknowledgment slave: EA20 does not toggle during initialization in oper‐
151 ating mode (after phase progression or clear error).
Cause: +24V are missing at X41 or short circuit to V+ or GND
F3131 163 Diagnostic/acknowledgment master: It was impossible to set EA20 to high level
Diagnostic/acknowledgment master: EA20 longer than 600 ms at high level during
acknowledgment request
167 Diagnostic/acknowledgment master: EA20 does not toggle when safety door is locked
Diagnostic/acknowledgment master: EA20 does not toggle when safety door is un‐
Single axis for diagnosis/acknowledgment: EA20 at low level for more than 10 ms
171 174 (EA20 should be permanently at 24V).
Cause: 24V supply missing at X41 or short circuit EA20 to 0V
Diagnostic/acknowledgment master: EA20 does not toggle during initialization in op‐
49 erating mode (after phase progression or clear error).
Cause: No voltage supply at X41 or short circuit EA20 to 0V
Diagnostic/acknowledgment master: EA20 is permanently at high level.
124 Cause: One module in the group with non-activated safety technology or short circuit
EA20 to 24 V
Diagnostic/acknowledgment slave: EA20 does not toggle.
129 Cause: One module in the group with non-activated safety technology or short circuit
EA20 to 24 V
Safety door unlocked or diagnostic output at "safe" in the case of PLC control, although
safety of zone does not exist
DOK-INDRV*-GEN-**VRS**-WA07-EN-P Bosch Rexroth AG 529/601
Rexroth IndraDrive MPx-02 to MPx-08 and HMV
channel 2
Display channel 1 Safety technology error
(P3219 [0])
Diagnostic/acknowledgment master: A10 cannot be set to low level when safety door
is locked
Diagnostic/acknowledgment master: A10 cannot be set to high level when safety door
is unlocked
Single axis for diagnosis/acknowledgment: Channel 1 acknowledges safety and chan‐
172 nel 2 does not.
(A10 and A10n at high level)
Single axis for diagnosis/acknowledgment: Channel 2 acknowledges safety and chan‐
173 nel 1 does not.
(A10 and A10n at low level)
Safety related output has been activated/set; after a tolerance time of 2 seconds,
feedback at check input E10 is missing (P-0-3212, bit 9 = high for t > 10ms)
Safety related output has been deactivated/reset; after a tolerance time of 2 seconds,
feedback at check input E10 is still present (P-0-3212, bit 9 = low for t > 10ms)
33, 36, 38,
Diagnostic/acknowledgment master: E10 has low level at end of unlocking of safety
40, 42, 100,
101, 168
93, 165 Diagnostic/acknowledgment master: E10 has high level at end of locking of safety door
F3132 Diagnostic master/slave with PLC control: During transition to normal operation,
... 126 EA10n cannot be set to 24V
(Short circuit EA10n to 0V)
In safety related status and control of a safety door: EA10n at high level.
Remedy: Check wiring in control circuit
In safety related status, EA10n (with configuration of a PLC control) cannot be set to
128 low level.
Cause: EA10n has short circuit to 24V or error in wiring
Error in control of safety door.
Cause: EA10n defective or feedback via E10 missing
Activation safety related output: Control of channel 2 has not taken place within one
201 second
Cause: Internal relay defective or output EA10n is at 24V
Activation safety related output: The drive is not able to switch to the active status
206 within 1s.
Remedy: Check wiring in control circuit and feedback circuit (input E10 = 0V)
Activation safety related output: Control of channel 1 via A10 has not taken place within
one second
146, 176 In non-safety-related status, EA10n cannot be set to high level
530/601 Bosch Rexroth AG DOK-INDRV*-GEN-**VRS**-WA07-EN-P
Rexroth IndraDrive MPx-02 to MPx-08 and HMV
channel 2
Display channel 1 Safety technology error
(P3219 [0])
147, 175 In safety related status, EA10n cannot be set to low level
Activation safety related output: After activated status has been reached, this status
202, 204 is permanently checked. An error was detected during this check.
Remedy: Check wiring in control circuit and feedback circuit (input E10 = 0V)
... Deactivation safety related output: After safety related status has been reached at load
207, 208 circuit, this status is permanently checked. An error was detected during this check.
Remedy: Check wiring in control circuit and feedback circuit (input E10 = 24V)
Deactivation safety related output: Upon request, drive is not able to switch load circuit
to safety related status within two seconds.
211, 212
Cause: Incorrect control of channel 2 or feedback via channel 1 not ok (input E10 =
Interval "dynamization of safety function selection" (EA30||EDynK1) is greater
P-0-3223 * 1.2
F3134 111, 117 63 Interval of dynamization signal (EA30 or P-0-3212, bit 10) exceeded (P-0-3223)
In synchronization phase of dynamization during transition to operating mode, dy‐
namization signal is longer than 1.5-fold time of P-0-3223 at 24V
Pulse width of dynamization signal (EA30 or P-0-3212, bit 10) shorter than minimum
pulse width of 30ms
98, 99, 116 57 Pulse width of dynamization signal (EA30 or P-0-3212, bit 10) greater than P-0-3224
64 Dynamization pulse at EA30 smaller than minimum pulse width (30ms)
In synchronization phase of dynamization during transition to operating mode, dy‐
namization signal is longer than 1.5-fold time of P-0-3224 at 0V
channel 2
Display channel 1 Safety technology error
(P3219 [0])
channel 2
Display channel 1 Safety technology error
(P3219 [0])
79 441 P-0-3300 of channels 1 and 2 are different
Safety technology parameters of channels 1 and 2 are different
363, 364,
120 Channel 1: Up to FWA-INDRV_-MPx03V08 P-0-3220, then P-0-3234
Channel 2: P-0-3220
Safety technology parameters of channels 1 and 2 are different
369, 370,
121 Channel 1: Up to FWA-INDRV_-MPx03V08 P-0-3221, then P-0-3220
Channel 2: P-0-3221
Safety technology parameters of channels 1 and 2 are different
366, 367,
122 Channel 1: Up to FWA-INDRV_-MPx03V08 P-0-3222, then P-0-3221
Channel 2: P-0-3222
Safety technology parameters of channels 1 and 2 are different
387, 388,
123 Channel 1: Up to FWA-INDRV_-MPx03V08 P-0-3223, then P-0-3222
Channel 2: P-0-3223
Safety technology parameters of channels 1 and 2 are different
390, 391,
124 Channel 1: Up to FWA-INDRV_-MPx03V08 P-0-3224, then P-0-3223
Channel 2: P-0-3224
Safety technology parameters of channels 1 and 2 are different
418, 419,
... 125 Channel 1: Up to FWA-INDRV_-MPx03V08 P-0-3225, then P-0-3224
F3140 Channel 2: P-0-3225
... Safety technology parameters of channels 1 and 2 are different
422, 423,
126 Channel 1: Up to FWA-INDRV_-MPx03V08 P-0-3229, then P-0-3225
Channel 2: P-0-3229
Safety technology parameters of channels 1 and 2 are different
360, 361,
127 Channel 1: Up to FWA-INDRV_-MPx03V08 P-0-3230, then P-0-3229
Channel 2: P-0-3230
Safety technology parameters of channels 1 and 2 are different
372, 373,
128 Channel 1: Up to FWA-INDRV_-MPx03V08 P-0-3231, then P-0-3230
Channel 2: P-0-3231
Safety technology parameters of channels 1 and 2 are different
393, 394,
129 Channel 1: Up to FWA-INDRV_-MPx03V08 P-0-3232, then P-0-3231
Channel 2: P-0-3232
Safety technology parameters of channels 1 and 2 are different
410, 411,
130 Channel 1: Up to FWA-INDRV_-MPx03V08 P-0-3233, then P-0-3232
Channel 2: P-0-3233
Safety technology parameters of channels 1 and 2 are different
414, 415,
131 Channel 1: Up to FWA-INDRV_-MPx03V08 P-0-3234, then P-0-3233
Channel 2: P-0-3234
532/601 Bosch Rexroth AG DOK-INDRV*-GEN-**VRS**-WA07-EN-P
Rexroth IndraDrive MPx-02 to MPx-08 and HMV
channel 2
Display channel 1 Safety technology error
(P3219 [0])
348, 349,
132 P-0-3241 of channels 1 and 2 are different
351, 352,
133 P-0-3242 of channels 1 and 2 are different
336, 337,
134 P-0-3243 of channels 1 and 2 are different
324, 325,
135 P-0-3244 of channels 1 and 2 are different
136 P-0-3245 of channels 1 and 2 are different
354, 355,
137 P-0-3251 of channels 1 and 2 are different
357, 358,
138 P-0-3252 of channels 1 and 2 are different
339, 340,
139 P-0-3253 of channels 1 and 2 are different
327, 328,
140 P-0-3254 of channels 1 and 2 are different
141 P-0-3255 of channels 1 and 2 are different
342, 343,
... 142 P-0-3263 of channels 1 and 2 are different
330, 331,
... 143 P-0-3264 of channels 1 and 2 are different
144 P-0-3265 of channels 1 and 2 are different
345, 346,
145 P-0-3273 of channels 1 and 2 are different
333, 334,
146 P-0-3274 of channels 1 and 2 are different
147 P-0-3275 of channels 1 and 2 are different
442, 443,
350 P-0-3302 of channels 1 and 2 are different
450, 451,
351 P-0-3306 of channels 1 and 2 are different
454, 455,
352 P-0-3307 of channels 1 and 2 are different
462, 463,
353 P-0-3311 of channels 1 and 2 are different
466, 467,
354 P-0-3226 of channels 1 and 2 are different
470, 471,
355 P-0-3246 of channels 1 and 2 are different
DOK-INDRV*-GEN-**VRS**-WA07-EN-P Bosch Rexroth AG 533/601
Rexroth IndraDrive MPx-02 to MPx-08 and HMV
channel 2
Display channel 1 Safety technology error
(P3219 [0])
474, 475,
356 P-0-3256 of channels 1 and 2 are different
478, 479,
357 P-0-3266 of channels 1 and 2 are different
482, 483,
358 P-0-3276 of channels 1 and 2 are different
432, 433,
368 P-0-3235 of channels 1 and 2 are different
436, 437,
369 P-0-3236 of channels 1 and 2 are different
446, 447,
370 P-0-3303 of channels 1 and 2 are different
458, 459,
371 P-0-3310 of channels 1 and 2 are different
... 460
F3140 486, 487,
372 P-0-3304 of channels 1 and 2 are different
405 P-0-3240 of channels 1 and 2 are different
406 P-0-3250 of channels 1 and 2 are different
407 P-0-3260 of channels 1 and 2 are different
408 P-0-3270 of channels 1 and 2 are different
396, 400 P-0-3211 (input E1n) of channels 1 and 2 are different
397, 401 P-0-3211 (input E2n) of channels 1 and 2 are different
398, 402 P-0-3211 (input E3n) of channels 1 and 2 are different
399, 403 P-0-3211 (input E4n) of channels 1 and 2 are different
428, 429,
148 P-0-3282 of channels 1 and 2 are different
channel 2
Display channel 1 Safety technology error
(P3219 [0])
channel 2
Display channel 1 Safety technology error
(P3219 [0])
channel 2
Display channel 1 Safety technology error
(P3219 [0])
Configuration error: Switch drive to P2, clear error and switch to P4 again; C0256 is
499 585
then signaled with corresponding error code in P-0-3219
5 As of MPx04: Mode selector was configured twice in P-0-3211
6 As of MPx04: Drive interlock was configured twice in P-0-3211
7 As of MPx04: Enabling control was configured twice in P-0-3211
8 As of MPx04: Reference input was configured twice in P-0-3211
9 As of MPx04: Safety switch 1 was configured twice in P-0-3211
10 As of MPx04: Safety switch 2 was configured twice in P-0-3211
12 As of MPx04: No valid configuration in P-0-3211
95 PROFIsafe and hardware inputs configured (in P-0-3211), this is not allowed
Mode selector was parameterized in P-0-3211, this is not allowed when using
Drive interlock was parameterized in P-0-3211, this is not allowed when using
Enabling control was parameterized in P-0-3211, this is not allowed when using
187 Reference input was configured twice in P-0-3211
... "Safety switch 1" was parameterized in P-0-3211, this is not allowed when using
F3144 PROFIsafe
... "Safety switch 2" was parameterized in P-0-3211, this is not allowed when using
190 "Safety related input 1" was configured twice in P-0-3211
191 "Safety related input 2" was configured twice in P-0-3211
192 "Safety related input 3" was configured twice in P-0-3211
193 "Safety related input 4" was configured twice in P-0-3211
215 Diagnostic input of redundant holding brake was configured twice in P-0-3211
Safety related braking and holding system parameterized, but no diagnostic input was
configured for channel 2 in P-0-3211
Configuration error: "Safety related limited absolute position" and "gear independence
with safety technology encoder mounted on the load side" not allowed
Configuration error: "Safety related limited absolute end position" and "gear independ‐
ence with safety technology encoder mounted on the load side" not allowed
Configuration error: "Safety related braking and holding system" and "gear independ‐
ence with safety technology encoder mounted on the load side" not allowed
Configuration error: Both directions (P-0-3300 bit 9/10) were parameterized as direc‐
tion input for the brake check
180, 181, Safety related input 1-4 was parameterized for safety technology 24V EA, this is only
182, 183 possible in conjunction with PROFIsafe
536/601 Bosch Rexroth AG DOK-INDRV*-GEN-**VRS**-WA07-EN-P
Rexroth IndraDrive MPx-02 to MPx-08 and HMV
channel 2
Display channel 1 Safety technology error
(P3219 [0])
Monitoring for direction of rotation was parameterized differently in P-0-3239 and
568, 572
Monitoring for direction of rotation was parameterized differently in P-0-3239 and
569, 573
... P-0-3250
F3144 Monitoring for direction of rotation was parameterized differently in P-0-3239 and
570, 574
Monitoring for direction of rotation was parameterized differently in P-0-3239 and
571, 575
Diagnostic master with control of safety door. During transition to normal operation the
door cannot be locked.
F3145 67
Cause: Error in wiring of safety door or short circuit between EA10n, A10, E10 and
Difference in measuring system between incremental and analog system is greater
than 1/4 division period
During measuring system evaluation, two active counting edges were detected.
F3146 The information no longer is unequivocal (position error)
120, 121 Incorrect encoder signals. Amplitude monitoring
33, 43,
Encoder type is not supported by channel 2
604, 605
Danger to persons!
F3147 299 The firmware used is a test version and the specific safety technology firmware test
was not carried out for this firmware. It is only destined for a limited time and restricted
applications. Contact our service department.
Safety parameters cannot be stored in the safety memory (wrong version)
F3152 47 172, 200
(Invalid parameter set, probably of a previous version)
channel 2
Display channel 1 Safety technology error
(P3219 [0])
channel 2
Display channel 1 Safety technology error
(P3219 [0])
11 89 P-0-3242 exceeded in "special mode safety related motion 1"
16 92 P-0-3252 exceeded in "special mode safety related motion 2"
7 1 P-0-3244 exceeded in "special mode safety related motion 1"
12 11 P-0-3254 exceeded in "special mode safety related motion 2"
17 18 P-0-3264 exceeded in "special mode safety related motion 3"
20 22 P-0-3274 exceeded in "special mode safety related motion 4"
F7020 94 133 P-0-3234 was exceeded
313 177 P-0-3235 was exceeded
314 178 P-0-3236 was exceeded
Safety related end position was exceeded: Tracked threshold was exceeded by more
than P-0-3232
315, 327
Position polarity, inverted → safety related end position, positive
Otherwise → safety related end position, negative
Safety related end position was exceeded: Tracked threshold was exceeded by more
than P-0-3232
316, 328
Position polarity, inverted → safety related end position, negative
Otherwise → safety related end position, positive
Safety related end position was exceeded: Command values point to forbidden direc‐
319, 321
Position polarity, inverted → safety related end position, positive
Otherwise → safety related end position, negative
Safety related end position was exceeded: Command values point to forbidden direc‐
320, 322
Position polarity, inverted → safety related end position, negative
Otherwise → safety related end position, positive
F7022 431 Missing feedback or brake controlled with drive enable missing
channel 2
Display channel 1 Safety technology error
(P3219 [0])
channel 2
Display channel 1 Safety technology error
(P3219 [0])
5 576 P-0-3232 exceeded in negative direction in "special mode safety related motion"
6 577 P-0-3232 exceeded in positive direction in "special mode safety related motion"
Positive monitoring of direction of motion has detected motion in negative direction (>
Negative monitoring of direction of motion has detected motion in positive direction (>
101 P-0-3232 exceeded in positive direction in "special mode safety related motion 4"
F7031 102 P-0-3232 exceeded in negative direction in "special mode safety related motion 4"
103 P-0-3232 exceeded in positive direction in "special mode safety related motion 3"
104 P-0-3232 exceeded in negative direction in "special mode safety related motion 3"
105 P-0-3232 exceeded in positive direction in "special mode safety related motion 2"
106 P-0-3232 exceeded in negative direction in "special mode safety related motion 2"
107 P-0-3232 exceeded in positive direction in "special mode safety related motion 1"
108 P-0-3232 exceeded in negative direction in "special mode safety related motion 1"
channel 2
Display channel 1 Safety technology error
(P3219 [0])
channel 2
Display channel 1 Safety technology error
(P3219 [0])
Time for safety related stopping process exceeded during transition to safety related
27 standstill
Cause: Actual velocity value > P-0-3233 or drive enable still set
Time for safety related stopping process exceeded during transition to drive interlock
Cause: Actual velocity value > P-0-3233 or drive enable still set
Time for safety related stopping process exceeded during transition to safety related
32 operational stop
(Actual velocity value > P-0-3233)
Time for safety related stopping process exceeded (P-0-3220 or P-0-3225) during
transition to parameter mode
Time for safety related stopping process exceeded during transition to internal error
91 status "safety related standstill error"
(the error reaction could not remove drive enable within the time P-0-3220/P-0-3225)
F7050 Configuration error: P-0-0117="1" (NC error reaction activated; with F3 error) and
transition time (P-0-3220/P-0-3225) parameterized smaller than 30s
Time for safety related stopping process exceeded (P-0-3220) during transition to
123, 290 safety related standstill or drive interlock
Cause: Actual velocity value > P-0-3233 or drive enable still set
Time for safety related stopping process exceeded (P-0-3225) during transition to
134, 288 safety related standstill or drive interlock
Cause: Actual velocity value > P-0-3233 or drive enable still set
Time for safety related stopping process exceeded (P-0-3220) during transition to
144, 285, safety related operational stop
Cause: Actual velocity value > P-0-3233
Time for safety related stopping process exceeded (P-0-3225) during transition to
145, 286 safety related operational stop
Cause: Actual velocity value > P-0-3233
DOK-INDRV*-GEN-**VRS**-WA07-EN-P Bosch Rexroth AG 541/601
Rexroth IndraDrive MPx-02 to MPx-08 and HMV
channel 2
Display channel 1 Safety technology error
(P3219 [0])
Safety related braking and holding system: When decelerating with "velocity command
411 value reset with ramp and filter", the deceleration ramp has fallen below the value set
in P-0-3282
205, 208, In the safety technology function "safety related standstill", the deceleration ramp has
217 fallen below the value set for safety related monitored deceleration (P-0-3282)
In the safety technology function "safety related operational stop", the deceleration
206, 209,
ramp has fallen below the value set for safety related monitored deceleration
207, 210, In the safety technology function "safety related drive interlock", the deceleration ramp
219 has fallen below the value set for safety related monitored deceleration (P-0-3282)
270, 271, During the transition to "safety related standstill error", the deceleration ramp has fallen
272 below the value set for safety related monitored deceleration (P-0-3282)
During best possible deceleration, drive is not able to come to standstill within
547 Drive is not able to come to standstill within the parameterized monitoring limits
Drive is not able to come to the special mode motion within the parameterized moni‐
toring limits (P-0-3225 or P-0-3220, P-0-3282)
During NC-controlled transition to the special mode standstill [after delay was over
563 (P-0-3226)], drive is not able to come to standstill within the parameterized monitoring
limits (P-0-3225 or P-0-3220, P-0-3282)
In the function "safety related monitored deceleration during transition from normal
161, 272,
operation to safety related standstill/operational stop", drive is not able, within the
scope of possible acceleration, to reach standstill within transition time P-0-3220
In the function "safety related monitored deceleration during transition from safety re‐
162, 274 lated operation to safety related standstill/operational stop", drive is not able, within
the scope of possible acceleration, to reach standstill within transition time P-0-3225
During drive-controlled stopping process, drive is not able to come to standstill within
565, 589
channel 2
Display channel 1 Safety technology error
(P3219 [0])
113 Drive enable is set in internal error status "safety related standstill error"
114 Drive enable is set in safety technology function "safety related standstill"
115 Drive enable is set in safety technology function "drive interlock"
303 Drive enable is set with "parking axis"
542/601 Bosch Rexroth AG DOK-INDRV*-GEN-**VRS**-WA07-EN-P
Rexroth IndraDrive MPx-02 to MPx-08 and HMV
channel 2
Display channel 1 Safety technology error
(P3219 [0])
637, 642 Drive enable was set in safety related standstill
F8133 638, 641 Drive enable was set in drive interlock
639 Drive enable was set with parking axis
During the transition to "safety related standstill error", deceleration ramp has fallen
below the value set in P-0-3282
Safety related braking and holding system: Missing feedback or brake controlled with
drive enable missing
Safety related braking and holding system: Missing control of redundant holding brake
F8134 406
without drive enable in standstill
Safety related braking and holding system: Missing control of motor holding brake
("P-0-3307, Safety technology - drive off delay time" is running)
Motor brake or redundant holding brake released, although output stage is not active
235, 542
Remedy: Check control of brakes
In the safety technology function "safety related standstill", the deceleration ramp has
fallen below the value set for safety related monitored deceleration (P-0-3282)
In the safety technology function "safety related drive interlock", the deceleration ramp
has fallen below the value set for safety related monitored deceleration (P-0-3282)
566, 567, During the transition to "safety related standstill error", deceleration ramp has fallen
586 below the value set in P-0-3282
F7 error reaction: During the transition to "safety related standstill error", deceleration
ramp has fallen below the value set in P-0-3282
Safety related braking and holding system: Missing control of redundant holding brake
407 without drive enable
Cause: Delay by motor holding brake is not sufficient
Time for safety related stopping process exceeded, the error reaction could not remove
410 drive enable within the time P-0-3220/P-0-3225
Remedy: Check parameterization P-0-3220/P-0-3225 and S-0-0207
Safety related braking and holding system: When decelerating with "velocity command
412, 413 546
value reset", the deceleration ramp has fallen below the value set in P-0-3282
After an F7 error has occurred, the drive accelerates in spite of velocity command
592 value reset
Cause: Possibly commutation error
In the case of error, the drive is not able, during drive-controlled stopping process, to
619, 620 come to standstill within the parameterized monitoring limits. Error is generated before
P-0-3226 is over.
channel 2
Display channel 1 Safety technology error
(P3219 [0])
channel 2
Display channel 1 Safety technology error
(P3219 [0])
channel 2
Display channel 1 Safety technology error
(P3219 [0])
Configuration error: "Safely-monitored position" or "Safely-limited position" was con‐
figured, but the required homing encoder has not been connected to X4.x
Configuration of a safety function that has not been released (safe braking and holding
Configuration of "safe braking and holding system" (P-0-3300, bit0=1) with main spin‐
dle brake (P-0-0525, bit1=1) is not allowed
Configuration of "safe braking and holding system" (P-0-3300, bit0=1) and "best pos‐
sible deceleration with torque disable" is not allowed
Configuration of "safe braking and holding system" (P-0-3300, bit0=1) and reaction
"torque disable in the case of F7 errors" (P-0-3210, bit9=1) is not allowed
424 Configuration of a safety function that has not been released (safe I/Os)
425 Configuration of a safety function that has not been released (Safely-limited position)
Configuration error: "Safe braking and holding system" requires motor holding brake
(P-0-0525, bit 2)
Configuration of "safe braking and holding system" (P-0-3300, bit0=1) and "best pos‐
sible deceleration with return motion" is not allowed
Configuration error: "Safe braking and holding system" may not be operated with "self-
releasing holding brake" (P-0-0525)!
C0256 436 Configuration error: P03307 may not be smaller than S-0-0207
Configuration error: "NC or MLD error reaction" (P-0-0117) is not allowed together with
"safe braking and holding system"
Configuration error: "Safely-monitored deceleration" (P-0-3210, bit 13) may not be
Configuration error: Signal "HAT-Steuer" (P-0-3301, bit 0) is missing or has been con‐
figured twice (P-0-0300)
Configuration error: F7 error reaction not consistent P-0-3210 = velocity command
value reset and P-0-0119 = torque-free.
Configuration error: Contradictory direction of motion (involved parameters: P‑0‑3239,
P‑0‑3240, P‑0‑3250, P‑0‑3260 or P‑0‑3270)
Configuration error: "Gear independence with safety technology encoder mounted on
591 the load side" is only allowed with rotary, load-related scaling for position, velocity and
acceleration data (see P‑0‑3210, S‑0‑0044, S‑0‑0076, S‑0‑0160)
Configuration error: "Gear independence with safety technology encoder mounted on
592 the load side" and "safe braking and holding system" are not allowed simultaneously
(see P-0-3210, P-0-3300)
Configuration error: "Gear independence with safety technology encoder mounted on
the load side" and "Safely-monitored position" or "gear independence with safety tech‐
nology encoder mounted on the load side" and "Safely-limited position" are not allowed
(see P‑0‑3210, P‑0‑3239, P‑0‑3240, P‑0‑3250)
DOK-INDRV*-GEN-**VRS**-WA07-EN-P Bosch Rexroth AG 547/601
Rexroth IndraDrive MPx-02 to MPx-08 and HMV
channel 2
Display channel 1 Safety technology error
(P3219 [0])
Configuration error: Parameter set switching of group "load gear" is not allowed if
734 "Redundant holding brake available" (bit 0="1") is configured in P-0-3300 and "Load
... reference" is set in S-0-0086
C0256 911 Configuration error: P-0-3317 may not be smaller than P‑0‑3316
999 Configuration error: P‑0‑3305 may not be smaller than S‑0‑0206
48 No measuring system connected to X4
721, 722 Inadmissible encoder type at X4
Configuration error: "Gear independence with load-side safety technology encod‐
C0257 594 er" (P-0-3210, bit15="1") with motor encoder as safety technology encoder (X4) is not
Configuration error: Absolute encoder monitoring is deactivated for slot X4. This is not
allowed. Check S‑0‑0277, S‑0‑0115 and P‑0‑0328, bit 15.
Configuration error: "Safely-monitored position" and "motor-related scaling" have been
C0265 214
channel 2
Display channel 1 Safety technology error
(P3219 [0])
channel 2
Display channel 1 Safety technology error
(P3219 [0])
1569 Safe brake check: Determined load due to weight greater than 1.3 * P-0-3303
Safe brake check: Test point holding torque of redundant holding brake incorrectly
1559, 1560
carried out in positive direction
Safe brake check: Test point holding torque of redundant holding brake incorrectly
1564, 1565
carried out in negative direction
C2107 Safe brake check: When the force due to weight is determined, motion is expected
506 when the brakes have been released. The drive did not move. A brake does not release
although it is controlled
511 Safe brake check: Redundant holding brake not released
512 Safe brake check: Motor brake controlled
514 Safe brake check: Motor brake not controlled
1541 Safe brake check: Channel 1 error-free, see error code channel 2
1543 Safe brake check: Command C2100 is not allowed if "safe operation" is selected
Safe brake check: Axis did not move [or moved less than half the monitoring window
("P-0-3310" / 2)]
1546 Safe brake check: Starting torque exceeded (P‑0‑0545 or P‑0‑0540 < P‑0‑0546)
channel 2
Display channel 1 Safety technology error
(P3219 [0])
Channel 2 signals error for internal command "homing procedure channel 2"
channel 2
Display channel 1 Safety technology error
(P3219 [0])
Exxx 1xxx In case of warning on channel 1, 1000 is added to the error code
E3107 1311 Safe reference is missing for monitoring in case of "Safely-limited position"
Monitoring of time interval brake check
415, 417 254 Cause: Drive had been in "AF" for 15 minutes and brake check hasn't been carried
out yet or the time defined in P-0-3302 was exceeded
1416, 1418 Safe braking and holding system: "Prewarning, end of brake check time interval"
550/601 Bosch Rexroth AG DOK-INDRV*-GEN-**VRS**-WA07-EN-P
Rexroth IndraDrive MPx-02 to MPx-08 and HMV
channel 2
Display channel 1 Safety technology error
(P3219 [0])
Special mode "safe motion" selected with "Safely-monitored position" without channel
2 having been homed
312 179, 271 Safe reference is missing for monitoring in case of "Safely-limited position"
Special mode "safe motion 1" selected with "Safely-monitored position" without chan‐
F3112 nel 2 having been homed
Special mode "safe motion 2" selected with "Safely-monitored position" without chan‐
nel 2 having been homed
Missing safe reference for monitoring of "Safely-monitored position" in special mode
283, 284
"safe motion"
Monitoring of time interval brake check:
F3115 415, 417 254 Cause: Drive had been in "AF" for 15 minutes and brake check hasn't been carried
out yet or the time defined in P-0-3302 was exceeded
F3116 439 256 Monitoring of actual load torque: Nominal load torque of holding system exceeded
192 Validation error of actual position values channel 1 and 2 (in the case of safe reference)
Actual position value difference between channel 1 and channel 2 greater than deter‐
154, 666
mined internal measuring-system-dependent threshold
With configuration "reference input channel 2 with static signal", 24 V were measured
158 at the reference input outside of the tolerance window P-0-3231 +/- P-0-3229.
Cause: Possibly short circuit to 24 V.
Encoder evaluation incorrect: Within the last 2s, the relative position value has not
Possible cause: Bad resolution so that position feedback value (S-0-0051 or S-0-0053)
723, 724
does not change in last digit at standstill.
Troubleshooting: Increase resolution (make max. travel range smaller, increase num‐
ber of decimal places)
DOK-INDRV*-GEN-**VRS**-WA07-EN-P Bosch Rexroth AG 551/601
Rexroth IndraDrive MPx-02 to MPx-08 and HMV
channel 2
Display channel 1 Safety technology error
(P3219 [0])
Command "apply redundant holding brake" was started. Brake could not be applied
within 50 ms (diagnostic input at channel 2 (X41) at 24 V)
The internal command "release redundant holding system" was started. Brake could
not be released within 60 ms :
221 ● Diagnostic input at channel 2 (HSI11:X41) at 0 V
● Error in HAT, i.e., 0 V at diagnostic input (HSI11:X41)
● No voltage supply at connector X31
During the command "resurfacing of redundant holding brake", the redundant holding
223 system is applied. The brake, however, could not be applied within 200 ms (diagnostic
input at channel 2 (X41) at 24 V)
During the command "resurfacing of redundant holding brake", the redundant holding
F3122 224 system is released. The brake, however, could not be released within 200 ms (diag‐
nostic input at channel 2 (X41) at 0 V)
Safe braking and holding system:
Feedback signal from control module (HAT) is 0 V
505 Cause: Missing connection between control module (HAT) and diagnostic input at
connector X41 (HSI11) or
Error in control module (HAT)
Safe braking and holding system:
Error in feedback signal of control module (HAT)
532 Cause: Brake applied: Line interrupted, short circuit to 0 V or error message of control
module (HAT) or
Brake released: Short circuit to 24 V
channel 2
Display channel 1 Safety technology error
(P3219 [0])
23 Not all input signals of channel 1 are at low level during dynamization pulse
During dynamization of input E1n of channel 2, the input does not go to 0 V.
Cause: Short circuit between input E1n and 24 V.
During dynamization of input E2n of channel 2, the input does not go to 0 V.
F3130 Cause: Short circuit between input E2n and 24 V.
During dynamization of input E3n of channel 2, the input does not go to 0 V.
Cause: Short circuit between input E3n and 24 V.
During dynamization of input E4n of channel 2, the input does not go to 0 V.
Cause: Short circuit between input E4n and 24 V.
DOK-INDRV*-GEN-**VRS**-WA07-EN-P Bosch Rexroth AG 553/601
Rexroth IndraDrive MPx-02 to MPx-08 and HMV
channel 2
Display channel 1 Safety technology error
(P3219 [0])
EA20 is statically at low level.
24 48
Cause: Short circuit to GND or EA20 not connected or power supply at X41 missing
Diagnostic/acknowledgment slave: EA20 does not toggle during initialization in oper‐
151 ating mode (after phase progression or clear error).
Cause: +24 V are missing at X41 or short circuit to V+ or GND
F3131 Diagnostic/acknowledgment master: EA20 at high level longer than 600 ms during
acknowledgment request
167 Diagnostic/acknowledgment master: EA20 does not toggle when safety door is locked
Diagnostic/acknowledgment master: EA20 does not toggle when safety door is un‐
Single axis for diagnosis/acknowledgment: EA20 at low level for more than 10 ms
171 174 (EA20 should be permanently at 24 V).
Cause: 24 V supply missing at X41 or short circuit EA20 to 0 V
Diagnostic/acknowledgment master: EA20 does not toggle during initialization in op‐
49 erating mode (after phase progression or clear error).
Cause: No voltage supply at X41 or short circuit EA20 to 0 V
Diagnostic/acknowledgment master: EA20 is permanently at high level.
124 Cause: One module in the group with non-activated safety technology or short circuit
EA20 to 24 V
Diagnostic/acknowledgment slave: EA20 does not toggle.
129 Cause: One module in the group with non-activated safety technology or short circuit
EA20 to 24 V
Safety door unlocked or diagnostic output at "safe" under PLC control although safety
of zone does not exist
554/601 Bosch Rexroth AG DOK-INDRV*-GEN-**VRS**-WA07-EN-P
Rexroth IndraDrive MPx-02 to MPx-08 and HMV
channel 2
Display channel 1 Safety technology error
(P3219 [0])
Diagnostic/acknowledgment master: A10 cannot be set to low level when safety door
is locked
Diagnostic/acknowledgment master: A10 cannot be set to high level when safety door
is unlocked
Single axis for diagnosis/acknowledgment: Channel 1 acknowledges safety and chan‐
172 nel 2 does not.
(A10 and A10n at high level)
Single axis for diagnosis/acknowledgment: Channel 2 acknowledges safety and chan‐
173 nel 1 does not.
(A10 and A10n at low level)
Safe output has been activated/set; after a tolerance time of 2 seconds, feedback at
check input E10 is missing (P-0-3212, bit 9 = high for t > 10ms)
Safe output has been deactivated/reset; after a tolerance time of 2 seconds, feedback
at check input E10 is still present (P-0-3212, bit 9 = low for t > 10 ms)
338 780 Short circuit between X3x.x and X41.2 with activated safe output (P-P-switching)
Diagnostic/acknowledgment master: E10 has low level at end of unlocking of safety
F3132 door
... 165 Diagnostic/acknowledgment master: E10 has high level at end of locking of safety door
Monitoring diagnostic output A10: In UNSAFE state, the digital output (see P-0-30x)
was at high level for more than 100 ms (e.g., by short circuit)
Monitoring diagnostic output A10: In SAFE state, the digital output (see P-0-30x) was
at low level for more than 100 ms (e.g., by short circuit)
Diagnostic master/slave with PLC control: During transition to normal operation,
126 EA10n cannot be set to 24 V
(Short circuit EA10n to 0 V)
In safe state and control of a safety door: EA10n does not detect 24 V at A10.
Remedy: Check wiring in control circuit, contactor for control of safety door defective
In safe state, EA10n (with configuration of a PLC control) cannot be set to low level.
Cause: EA10n has short circuit to 24 V or error in wiring
Error in control of safety door.
Cause: EA10n defective or feedback via E10 missing
Activation safe output: Control of channel 2 has not taken place within one second
Cause: Internal relay defective or output EA10n is at 24 V
DOK-INDRV*-GEN-**VRS**-WA07-EN-P Bosch Rexroth AG 555/601
Rexroth IndraDrive MPx-02 to MPx-08 and HMV
channel 2
Display channel 1 Safety technology error
(P3219 [0])
Activation safe output: The drive is not able to switch to the active state within 1s.
Remedy: Check wiring in control circuit and feedback circuit (input E10 = 0 V)
Activation safe output: Control of channel 1 via A10 has not taken place within one
146, 176 In unsafe state, EA10n cannot be set to high level
147, 175 In safe state, EA10n cannot be set to low level
Activation safe output: After activated state has been reached, this status is perma‐
202, 204 nently checked. An error was detected during this check.
Remedy: Check wiring in control circuit and feedback circuit (input E10 = 0 V)
Deactivation safe output: After safe state has been reached at load circuit, this status
207, 208 is permanently checked. An error was detected during this check.
Remedy: Check wiring in control circuit and feedback circuit (input E10 = 24 V)
Deactivation safe output: Upon request, drive is not able to switch load circuit to safe
state within two seconds.
211, 212
Cause: Incorrect control of channel 2 or feedback via channel 1 not ok (input E10 =
24 V)
780 Short circuit between X3x.x and X41.2 with activated safe output (P-P-switching)
Interval "dynamization of safety function selection" (EA30||EDynK1) is greater than
P-0-3223 * 1.2
F3134 111, 117 63 Interval of dynamization signal (EA30 or -P0-3212, bit 10) exceeded (P-0-3223)
In synchronization phase of dynamization during transition to operating mode, dy‐
namization signal is longer than 1.5-fold time of P-0-3223 at 24 V
Pulse width of dynamization signal (EA30 or P-0-3212, bit 10) shorter than minimum
pulse width of 30 ms
98, 99, 116 57 Pulse width of dynamization signal (EA30 or P-0-3212, bit 10) greater than P-0-3224
64 Dynamization pulse at EA30 smaller than minimum pulse width (30 ms)
In synchronization phase of dynamization during transition to operating mode, dy‐
namization signal is longer than 1.5-fold time of P-0-3224 at 0 V
556/601 Bosch Rexroth AG DOK-INDRV*-GEN-**VRS**-WA07-EN-P
Rexroth IndraDrive MPx-02 to MPx-08 and HMV
channel 2
Display channel 1 Safety technology error
(P3219 [0])
channel 2
Display channel 1 Safety technology error
(P3219 [0])
348, 349,
132 P-0-3241 of channels 1 and 2 are different
351, 352,
133 P-0-3242 of channels 1 and 2 are different
336, 337,
134 P-0-3243 of channels 1 and 2 are different
324, 325,
135 P-0-3244 of channels 1 and 2 are different
136 703 P-0-3247 of channels 1 and 2 are different
354, 355,
137 P-0-3251 of channels 1 and 2 are different
357, 358,
138 P-0-3252 of channels 1 and 2 are different
339, 340,
139 P-0-3253 of channels 1 and 2 are different
327, 328,
140 P-0-3254 of channels 1 and 2 are different
141 705 P-0-3257 of channels 1 and 2 are different
342, 343,
... 142 P-0-3263 of channels 1 and 2 are different
330, 331,
... 143 P-0-3264 of channels 1 and 2 are different
144 707 P-0-3267 of channels 1 and 2 are different
345, 346,
145 P-0-3273 of channels 1 and 2 are different
333, 334,
146 P-0-3274 of channels 1 and 2 are different
147 709 P-0-3277 of channels 1 and 2 are different
428, 429,
148 P-0-3282 of channels 1 and 2 are different
432, 433,
149 P-0-3235 of channels 1 and 2 are different
436, 437,
150 P-0-3236 of channels 1 and 2 are different
442, 443,
350 P-0-3302 of channels 1 and 2 are different
450, 451,
351 P-0-3306 of channels 1 and 2 are different
454, 455,
352 P-0-3307 of channels 1 and 2 are different
558/601 Bosch Rexroth AG DOK-INDRV*-GEN-**VRS**-WA07-EN-P
Rexroth IndraDrive MPx-02 to MPx-08 and HMV
channel 2
Display channel 1 Safety technology error
(P3219 [0])
462, 463,
353 P-0-3311 of channels 1 and 2 are different
466, 467,
354 P-0-3226 of channels 1 and 2 are different
470, 471,
355 P-0-3246 of channels 1 and 2 are different
474, 475,
356 P-0-3256 of channels 1 and 2 are different
478, 479,
357 P-0-3266 of channels 1 and 2 are different
482, 483,
358 P-0-3276 of channels 1 and 2 are different
359 711, 713 P-0-3248 of channels 1 and 2 are different
360 714, 716 P-0-3258 of channels 1 and 2 are different
361 717, 719 P-0-3268 of channels 1 and 2 are different
362 720, 722 P-0-3278 of channels 1 and 2 are different
694, 695,
363 P-0-3305 of channels 1 and 2 are different
432, 433,
... 368 P-0-3235 of channels 1 and 2 are different
436, 437,
369 P-0-3236 of channels 1 and 2 are different
446, 447,
370 P-0-3303 of channels 1 and 2 are different
458, 459,
371 P-0-3310 of channels 1 and 2 are different
486, 487,
372 P-0-3304 of channels 1 and 2 are different
405 P-0-3240 of channels 1 and 2 are different
406 P-0-3250 of channels 1 and 2 are different
407 P-0-3260 of channels 1 and 2 are different
408 P-0-3270 of channels 1 and 2 are different
396, 400 P-0-3211 (input E1n) of channels 1 and 2 are different
397, 401 P-0-3211 (input E2n) of channels 1 and 2 are different
398, 402 P-0-3211 (input E3n) of channels 1 and 2 are different
399, 403 P-0-3211 (input E4n) of channels 1 and 2 are different
670 692 P-0-3316 of channels 1 and 2 are different
672 693 P-0-3317 of channels 1 and 2 are different
DOK-INDRV*-GEN-**VRS**-WA07-EN-P Bosch Rexroth AG 559/601
Rexroth IndraDrive MPx-02 to MPx-08 and HMV
channel 2
Display channel 1 Safety technology error
(P3219 [0])
channel 2
Display channel 1 Safety technology error
(P3219 [0])
channel 2
Display channel 1 Safety technology error
(P3219 [0])
Safety switch 1 was parameterized in P-0-3211; this is not allowed when using
Safety switch 2 was parameterized in P-0-3211; this is not allowed when using
190 "Safe input 1" was configured twice in P-0-3211
191 "Safe input 2" was configured twice in P-0-3211
192 "Safe input 3" was configured twice in P-0-3211
193 "Safe input 4" was configured twice in P-0-3211
215 Diagnostic input of redundant holding brake was configured twice in P-0-3211
Safe braking and holding system parameterized, but no diagnostic input was config‐
ured for channel 2 in P-0-3211
Configuration error: "Safely-monitored position" and "gear independence with safety
technology encoder mounted on the load side" not allowed
Configuration error: "Safely-limited position" and "gear independence with safety tech‐
nology encoder mounted on the load side" not allowed
Configuration error: "Safe braking and holding system" and "gear independence with
... 492
safety technology encoder mounted on the load side" not allowed
Configuration error: Both directions (P-0-3300 bit 9/10) were parameterized as direc‐
tion input for the brake check
180, 181,
Configuration error: Safe input 1-4 is only possible in conjunction with PROFIsafe
182, 183
Monitoring for direction of motion was parameterized differently in P-0-3239 and
568, 572
Monitoring for direction of motion was parameterized differently in P-0-3239 and
569, 573
Monitoring for direction of motion was parameterized differently in P-0-3239 and
570, 574
Monitoring for direction of motion was parameterized differently in P-0-3239 and
571, 575
681, 682,
683, 684,
685, 686,
Configuration error: Monitoring for direction of motion in P-0-3239 not plausible
687, 688,
689, 690,
Diagnostic master with control of safety door. During transition to normal operation the
door cannot be locked.
F3145 67
Cause: Error in wiring of safety door or short circuit between EA10n, A10, E10 and 24
562/601 Bosch Rexroth AG DOK-INDRV*-GEN-**VRS**-WA07-EN-P
Rexroth IndraDrive MPx-02 to MPx-08 and HMV
channel 2
Display channel 1 Safety technology error
(P3219 [0])
Difference in measuring system between incremental and analog system is greater
than 1/4 division period
During measuring system evaluation, two active counting edges were detected.
F3146 The information no longer is unequivocal (position error)
120, 121 Incorrect encoder signals. Amplitude monitoring
33, 43,
Encoder type is not supported by channel 2
604, 605
Danger to persons!
299 The firmware used is a test version and the specific safety technology firmware test
was not carried out for this firmware. It is only provided for a limited time and restricted
applications. Contact our service department.
F3147 Safe braking and holding system: Axis moved too far during brake check
(> P‑0‑3310 * 2)
483 Encoder signals incorrect: Amplitude monitoring, pointer length too small.
484 Encoder signals incorrect: Amplitude monitoring, pointer length too big.
485 Encoder signals incorrect: Quadrant error
Safety parameters cannot be stored in the safety memory (wrong version)
F3152 47 172, 200
(Invalid parameter set, probably of a previous version)
channel 2
Display channel 1 Safety technology error
(P3219 [0])
channel 2
Display channel 1 Safety technology error
(P3219 [0])
94 133 P-0-3234 was exceeded
F7020 Safely-limited position (SLP): P-0-3234 exceeded. When safe reference is not avail‐
731 782
able, the drive may only be moved at a maximum of 20% of P-0-3234
661 699 P-0-3247 exceeded longer than P-0-3248 in special mode "safe motion 1"
662 700 P-0-3257 exceeded longer than P-0-3258 in special mode "safe motion 2"
663 701 P-0-3267 exceeded longer than P-0-3268 in special mode "safe motion 3"
664 702 P-0-3277 exceeded longer than P-0-3278 in special mode "safe motion 4"
313 177 P-0-3235 was exceeded
314 178 P-0-3236 was exceeded
"Safely-limited position" was exceeded: Tracked threshold was exceeded by more
than P-0-3232
315, 327
Position polarity, inverted → Safely-limited position, positive
Otherwise → Safely-limited position, negative
"Safely-limited position" was exceeded: Tracked threshold was exceeded by more
than P-0-3232
F7021 316, 328
Position polarity, inverted → Safely-limited position, negative
Otherwise → Safely-limited position, positive
"Safely-limited position" was exceeded: Command values point to forbidden direction
319, 321 Position polarity, inverted → Safely-limited position, positive
Otherwise → Safely-limited position, negative
"Safely-limited position" was exceeded: Command values point to forbidden direction
320, 322 Position polarity, inverted → Safely-limited position, negative
Otherwise → Safely-limited position, positive
F7022 431 Missing feedback or brake controlled with drive enable missing
channel 2
Display channel 1 Safety technology error
(P3219 [0])
channel 2
Display channel 1 Safety technology error
(P3219 [0])
5 576 P-0-3232 exceeded in negative direction in special mode "safe motion"
6 577 P-0-3232 exceeded in positive direction in special mode "safe motion"
Positive monitoring of direction of motion has detected motion in negative direction (>
Negative monitoring of direction of motion has detected motion in positive direction (>
650 679 P-0-3232 exceeded in negative direction in normal operation
651 680 P-0-3232 exceeded in positive direction in normal operation
F7031 101 P-0-3232 exceeded in positive direction in special mode "safe motion 4"
102 P-0-3232 exceeded in negative direction in special mode "safe motion 4"
103 P-0-3232 exceeded in positive direction in special mode "safe motion 3"
104 P-0-3232 exceeded in negative direction in special mode "safe motion 3"
105 P-0-3232 exceeded in positive direction in special mode "safe motion 2"
106 P-0-3232 exceeded in negative direction in special mode "safe motion 2"
107 P-0-3232 exceeded in positive direction in special mode "safe motion 1"
108 P-0-3232 exceeded in negative direction in special mode "safe motion 1"
DOK-INDRV*-GEN-**VRS**-WA07-EN-P Bosch Rexroth AG 565/601
Rexroth IndraDrive MPx-02 to MPx-08 and HMV
channel 2
Display channel 1 Safety technology error
(P3219 [0])
channel 2
Display channel 1 Safety technology error
(P3219 [0])
709, 710, 653, 654,
Change in scaling or number of decimal places of position parameters
715 655
711, 716 656, 657 Change in scaling or number of decimal places of velocity parameters
712, 717 658, 659 Change in scaling or number of decimal places of acceleration parameters
... 713, 718 660, 661 Change in scaling or number of decimal places of parameter P-0-3303
F7040 714, 719 662, 663 Change in scaling or number of decimal places of parameter P-0-3304
739 Encoder type has changed
Encoder configuration, position scaling or multiplication (S‑0‑0256 / S‑0‑0257) has
800, 801
416 P-0-3234 of channels 1 and 2 are different
Output stage cannot be switched on via channel 2 during transition from "Safe stop 1
(Emergency stop)" or "Safe stop 1" to a special mode
267, 500 Output stage cannot be switched on via channel 2 during transition to normal operation
F7043 643, 781 Output stage cannot be switched on via channel 2 in normal operation
644, 645,
646, 647, Output stage cannot be switched on via channel 2 in special mode
DOK-INDRV*-GEN-**VRS**-WA07-EN-P Bosch Rexroth AG 567/601
Rexroth IndraDrive MPx-02 to MPx-08 and HMV
channel 2
Display channel 1 Safety technology error
(P3219 [0])
Time for safe stopping process exceeded during transition to "Safe stop 1"
Cause: Actual velocity value > P-0-3233 or drive enable still set
Time for safe stopping process exceeded during transition to "Safe stop 1 (Emergency
28 stop)"
Cause: Actual velocity value > P-0-3233 or drive enable still set
Time for safe stopping process exceeded during transition to "Safe stop 2"
(Actual velocity value > P-0-3233)
Time for safe stopping process exceeded (P-0-3220 or P-0-3225) during transition to
parameter mode
Time for safe stopping process exceeded during transition to internal error state "Safe
91 stop 1" error (the error reaction could not remove drive enable within the time P-0-3220/
Configuration error:
F7050 601 P-0-0117="1" (NC error reaction activated; with F3 error) and transition time
(P-0-3220/P-0-3225) parameterized smaller than 30 s
Time for safe stopping process (P-0-3220) exceeded during transition to "Safe stop
123, 290 1" or "Safe stop 1 (Emergency stop)"
Cause: Actual velocity value > P-0-3233 or drive enable still set
Time for safe stopping process (P-0-3225) exceeded during transition to "Safe stop
134, 288 1" or "Safe stop 1 (Emergency stop)"
Cause: Actual velocity value > P-0-3233 or drive enable still set
Time for safe stopping process exceeded (P-0-3220) during transition to "Safe stop
144, 557 2"
Cause: Actual velocity value > P-0-3233
Time for safe stopping process exceeded (P-0-3225) during transition to "Safe stop
145, 286 2"
Cause: Actual velocity value > P-0-3233
568/601 Bosch Rexroth AG DOK-INDRV*-GEN-**VRS**-WA07-EN-P
Rexroth IndraDrive MPx-02 to MPx-08 and HMV
channel 2
Display channel 1 Safety technology error
(P3219 [0])
Safe braking and holding system: When decelerating with "velocity command value
411 reset with ramp and filter", the deceleration ramp has fallen below the value set in
205, 208, In the safety technology function "Safe stop 1", the deceleration ramp has fallen below
217 the value set for safely-monitored deceleration (P-0-3282)
206, 209, In the safety technology function "Safe stop 2", the deceleration ramp has fallen below
218 the value set for safely-monitored deceleration (P-0-3282)
207, 210, In the safety technology function "Safe stop 1 (Emergency stop)", the deceleration
219 ramp has fallen below the value set for safely-monitored deceleration (P-0-3282)
During the transition to "Safe stop 1" error, the deceleration ramp has fallen below the
value set for safely-monitored deceleration (P-0-3282)
During best possible deceleration, drive is not able to come to standstill within
502, 622
547 Drive is not able to come to standstill within the parameterized monitoring limits
Drive is not able to come to the special mode motion within the parameterized moni‐
F7051 toring limits (P-0-3225 or P-0-3220, P-0-3282)
During NC-controlled transition to the special mode "safe standstill" [after delay was
563, 624 over (P-0-3226)], drive is not able to come to standstill within the parameterized mon‐
itoring limits (P-0-3225 or P-0-3220, P-0-3282)
In the function "Safely-monitored deceleration" during transition from normal operation
161 to "Safe stop 1"/"Safe stop 2", drive is not able, within the scope of possible acceler‐
ation, to reach standstill within transition time P-0-3220
In the function "Safely-monitored deceleration" during transition from safe operation
162 to "Safe stop 1"/"Safe stop 2", drive is not able, within the scope of possible acceler‐
ation, to reach standstill within transition time P-0-3225
During drive-controlled stopping process, drive is not able to come to standstill within
565, 589
During drive-controlled stopping process, drive is not able to come to standstill within
618, 621
P-0-3282. Error is generated before P-0-3226 is over
During NC-controlled transition to the special mode "safe standstill" [before delay was
636 over (P-0-3226)], drive is not able to come to standstill within the parameterized mon‐
itoring limits (P-0-3225 or P-0-3220, P-0-3282)
DOK-INDRV*-GEN-**VRS**-WA07-EN-P Bosch Rexroth AG 569/601
Rexroth IndraDrive MPx-02 to MPx-08 and HMV
channel 2
Display channel 1 Safety technology error
(P3219 [0])
113 Drive enable is set in internal error status "Safe stop 1" error
114 637, 642 Drive enable is set in safety technology function "Safe stop 1"
115 638, 641 Drive enable is set in safety technology function "Safe stop 1 (Emergency stop)"
303 639 Drive enable is set with "parking axis"
669 Drive enable is still set during transition to "Safe stop 1 (SS1)"
670 Drive enable is still set during transition to "Safe stop 1 (Emergency stop) (SS1ES)"
During the transition to "Safe stop 1" error, the deceleration ramp has fallen below the
value set in P-0-3282
Safe braking and holding system: Missing feedback or brake controlled with drive
enable missing
Safe braking and holding system: Missing control of redundant holding brake without
F8134 406
drive enable in standstill
Safe braking and holding system: Missing control of motor holding brake ("P-0-3307,
Safety technology - drive off delay time" is running)
Motor brake or redundant holding brake released, although output stage is not active
235, 542
Remedy: Check control of brakes
In the safety technology function "Safe stop 1", the deceleration ramp has fallen below
the value set for safely-monitored deceleration (P-0-3282)
In the safety technology function "Safe stop 1 (Emergency stop)", the deceleration
ramp has fallen below the value set for safely-monitored deceleration (P-0-3282)
566, 567, During the transition to "Safe stop 1" error, the deceleration ramp has fallen below the
586 value set in P-0-3282
F7 error reaction: During the transition to "Safe stop 1" error, the deceleration ramp
has fallen below the value set in P-0-3282
Safe braking and holding system: Missing control of redundant holding brake without
F8135 407 drive enable
Cause: Delay by motor holding brake is not sufficient
Time for safe stopping process exceeded, the error reaction could not remove drive
410 enable within the time P-0-3220/P-0-3225
Remedy: Check parameterization in P‑0‑3220/P‑0‑3225 and S‑0‑0207
Safe braking and holding system: When decelerating with "velocity command value
412, 413 546, 623
reset", the deceleration ramp has fallen below the value set in P-0-3282
In the case of error, the drive is not able, during drive-controlled stopping process, to
619, 620 come to standstill within the parameterized monitoring limits. Error is generated before
P-0-3226 is over.
570/601 Bosch Rexroth AG DOK-INDRV*-GEN-**VRS**-WA07-EN-P
Rexroth IndraDrive MPx-02 to MPx-08 and HMV
channel 2
Display channel 1 Safety technology error
(P3219 [0])
F8201 620, 621, HW configuration check: Optional safety technology module has not been released
622, 623, for operation with the active safety technology firmware.
624, 625,
626 Remedy: Replace control section
630, 631, HW configuration check: Optional encoder module has not been released for operation
632, 633, with the active safety technology firmware.
634, 635,
636 Remedy: Replace control section
DOK-INDRV*-GEN-**VRS**-WA07-EN-P Bosch Rexroth AG 571/601
Rexroth IndraDrive MPx-02 to MPx-08 and HMV
Cause Remedy
Firmware download via IndraWorks aborted (e.g. computer Firmware must be reloaded via serial connection (IndraWorks)
crash or cable removed during download) (see Functional Description "Firmware Replacement")
‑ or ‑
Firmware replacement via MMC aborted (MMC was removed)
‑ or ‑
Voltage failure during firmware replacement
Device-internal, non-volatile flash memory defective Replace drive controller
13.4 FL: DL
Brief Description: Download -> Shutdown carried out successfully
A shutdown was carried out.
FL: DL: The firmware loader is active.
LD: DL: The loader in the control section is active.
572/601 Bosch Rexroth AG DOK-INDRV*-GEN-**VRS**-WA07-EN-P
Rexroth IndraDrive MPx-02 to MPx-08 and HMV
You can only exit the shutdown mode by rebooting (requested via
the master communication or by switching the drive off).
Brief Description: Clearing active
The loader (FL:ERASE = firmware loader, LD:ERASE = loader in control sec‐
tion) is in the clearing mode. The requested memory range / module is being
"FL: CKS" means firmware loader and "LD: CKS" means loader in
control section.
Cause Remedy
Address read from IBF file is outside of allowed range Please contact our service department
"FL:E ADR" means firmware loader and "LD:E ADR" means loader
in control section.
Cause Remedy
Data in IBF concerning memory range (firmware, loader, boot Please contact our service department
kernel) are incorrect
"FL: SEC" means firmware loader and "LD: SEC" means loader in
control section.
13.10 FL:E FW
Brief Description: Warning: No valid firmware available
DOK-INDRV*-GEN-**VRS**-WA07-EN-P Bosch Rexroth AG 573/601
Rexroth IndraDrive MPx-02 to MPx-08 and HMV
Cause Remedy
Firmware module contained in internal memory is defective, Update firmware (using "IndraWorks" or by starting command
therefore clearing of loader is impossible "P‑0‑4072, C2900 Command Firmware update from MMC")
"FL:E FW" means firmware loader and "LD:E FW" means loader
in the control section.
13.11 FL:E LD
Brief Description: Warning: No valid loader available
Cause Remedy
Loader contained in internal memory is defective, therefore Update firmware (using "IndraWorks" or by starting command
deleting of firmware is impossible "P‑0‑4072, C2900 Command Firmware update from MMC")
"FL:E LD" means firmware loader and "LD:E LD" means loader in
the control section.
Cause Remedy
Command order was not complied with when drive firmware Use "IndraWorks" or command "P‑0‑4072, C2900 Command
was programmed Firmware update from MMC" to update firmware
‑ or ‑
Carry out shutdown before clearing or programming drive
Attempt was made to write to range with valid checksum Delete range to which data is to be written before writing
"FL:E SEQ" means firmware loader and "LD:E SEQ" means loader
in the control section.
13.13 FL:F9002
Brief Description: Error: Operating system error
See "F9002 Error internal RTOS function call"
13.14 FL:F2100
Brief Description: Error: Internal memory defective
See "F2100 Incorrect access to command value memory"
Cause Remedy
Checksums of programmed modules are calculated after firm‐ Carry out firmware update again; should error occur again,
ware update. Calculated and entered checksums were detec‐ please contact our service department
ted to be different
"FL:F CKS" means firmware loader and "LD:F CKS" means loader
in control section.
Cause Remedy
Several possibilities of firmware update (serial and MMC) Restart firmware update using only one possibility (serial or
were used simultaneously. An access conflict has occurred MMC)
"FL:F ACC" means firmware loader and "LD:F ACC" means loader
in control section.
13.17 FL:F2101
Brief Description: Error: MMC defective
See "F2101 It was impossible to address MMC"
13.18 FL:F8122
Brief Description: Error: Control section defective
An error occurred during firmware update.
Cause Remedy
Hardware of control section is defective Replace control section or entire drive controller; use hard‐
ware configuration of same type
13.19 FL:F8129
Brief Description: Error: Optional module incorrectly programmed
See "F8129 Incorrect optional module firmware"
13.20 FL:F8130
Brief Description: Error: optional safety module 2 incorrectly programmed
See "F8130 Firmware of option 2 of safety technology defective"
DOK-INDRV*-GEN-**VRS**-WA07-EN-P Bosch Rexroth AG 575/601
Rexroth IndraDrive MPx-02 to MPx-08 and HMV
13.21 FL:F8120
Brief Description: Error: Firmware does not support hardware
See "F8120 Invalid control section/firmware combination"
576/601 Bosch Rexroth AG DOK-INDRV*-GEN-**VRS**-WA07-EN-P
Rexroth IndraDrive MPx-02 to MPx-08 and HMV
DOK-INDRV*-GEN-**VRS**-WA07-EN-P Bosch Rexroth AG 577/601
Rexroth IndraDrive MPx-02 to MPx-08 and HMV
Replacing Defective Drive Compo‐ If a defective component must be replaced, the following aspects have to be
nents observed:
● Only Rexroth service engineers or especially trained users are allowed to
replace the control section. The replacement of the entire drive controller
is described in the Project Planning Manual for the power section.
● Only Rexroth service engineers are allowed to replace options of the con‐
trol section.
● The replacement of the supply unit is described in the Project Planning
Manual for the supply unit.
● In case devices fail within the warranty period, the defective components
must be returned to Bosch Rexroth; for addresses and telephone num‐
bers, please see the printed documentation (chapter "Service and
Support") or the Internet (
Checks and Repairs If checks or repairs are required, the following aspects apply:
● Checks and repairs may only be carried out by the Rexroth service de‐
partment or by especially trained staff.
578/601 Bosch Rexroth AG DOK-INDRV*-GEN-**VRS**-WA07-EN-P
Rexroth IndraDrive MPx-02 to MPx-08 and HMV
Before a drive error is cleared, the cause for the occurrence of the
error should be investigated and permanently removed.
582/601 Bosch Rexroth AG DOK-INDRV*-GEN-**VRS**-WA07-EN-P
Rexroth IndraDrive MPx-02 to MPx-08 and HMV
Service Hotline
Phone +49 (0) 9352 40 50 60 Outwith Germany please con‐
tact our sales/service office in
Fax +49 (0) 9352 40 49 41
your area first.
Preparing Information For quick and efficient help please have the following information ready:
● Detailed description of the fault and the circumstances
● Information on the type plate of the affected products, especially type co‐
des and serial numbers
● Your phone, fax numbers and e-mail address so we can contact you in
case of questions.
586/601 Bosch Rexroth AG DOK-INDRV*-GEN-**VRS**-WA07-EN-P
Rexroth IndraDrive MPx-02 to MPx-08 and HMV
DOK-INDRV*-GEN-**VRS**-WA07-EN-P Bosch Rexroth AG 587/601
Rexroth IndraDrive MPx-02 to MPx-08 and HMV
A0000 Communication phase 0.......................... 87 A0129 Cam, encoder 2, virtual master axis...... 108
A0001 Communication phase 1.......................... 87 A0130 Cam, encoder 1, real master axis.......... 109
A0002 Communication phase 2.......................... 88 A0131 Cam, encoder 2, real master axis.......... 109
A0003 Communication phase 3.......................... 88 A0132 Cam, lagless, encoder 1, virt. master
A0009 Automatic baud rate detection for axis.................................................................... 109
SERCOS interface.............................................. 89 A0133 Cam, lagless, encoder 2, virt. master
A0010 Drive HALT.............................................. 90 axis.................................................................... 110
A0011 Safe torque off active............................... 90 A0134 Cam, lagless, encoder 1, real master
A0012 Control and power sections ready for axis.................................................................... 110
operation............................................................. 91 A0135 Cam, lagless, encoder 2, real master
A0013 Ready for power on................................. 91 axis.................................................................... 111
A0014 Safe stop 1 (Emergency stop) active....... 92 A0136 MotionProfile, encoder 1, virtual mas‐
A0015 Safe stop 1 active.................................... 93 ter axis.............................................................. 111
A0016 Safe stop 2 active.................................... 93 A0137 MotionProfile, encoder 2, virtual mas‐
A0017 Special mode motion active..................... 94 ter axis.............................................................. 112
A0018 Special mode safe motion 1 active.......... 95 A0138 MotionProfile, encoder 2, real master
A0019 Special mode safe motion 2 active.......... 96 axis.................................................................... 112
A0020 Special mode safe motion 3 active.......... 97 A0139 MotionProfile, encoder 1, real master
A0021 Special mode safe motion 4 active.......... 98 axis.................................................................... 113
A0050 Parameterization level 1 active.............. 100 A0140 MotionProfile lagless, encoder 1, vir‐
A0051 Operating mode..................................... 100 tual master axis................................................. 113
A0100 Torque control....................................... 100 A0141 MotionProfile lagless, encoder 2, vir‐
A0101 Velocity control...................................... 101 tual master axis................................................. 114
A0102 Position mode, encoder 1...................... 101 A0142 MotionProfile lagless, encoder 1, real
A0103 Position mode, encoder 2...................... 101 master axis........................................................ 114
A0104 Position mode lagless, encoder 1.......... 102 A0143 MotionProfile lagless, encoder 2, real
A0105 Position mode lagless, encoder 2.......... 102 master axis........................................................ 115
A0106 Drive-internal interpolation, encoder 1... 102 A0150 Drive-controlled positioning, encoder 1. 115
A0107 Drive-internal interpolation, encoder 2... 103 A0151 Drive-controlled positioning, encoder
A0108 Drive controlled interpolation, lagless, 1, lagless........................................................... 116
encoder 1.......................................................... 103 A0152 Drive-controlled positioning, encoder 2. 116
A0109 Drive controlled interpolation, lagless, A0153 Drive-controlled positioning, encoder
encoder 2.......................................................... 104 2, lagless........................................................... 117
A0110 Velocity synchronization, virtual mas‐ A0154 Position mode drive controlled, encod‐
ter axis.............................................................. 104 er 1.................................................................... 117
A0111 Velocity synchronization, real master A0155 Position mode drive controlled, encod‐
axis.................................................................... 104 er 2.................................................................... 118
A0112 Phase synchronization, encoder 1, vir‐ A0156 Position mode lagless, encoder 1 drive
tual master axis................................................. 105 controlled.......................................................... 118
A0113 Phase synchronization, encoder 2, vir‐ A0157 Position mode lagless, encoder 2 drive
tual master axis................................................. 105 controlled.......................................................... 119
A0114 Phase synchronization, encoder 1, re‐ A0160 Position mode drive controlled.............. 119
al master axis.................................................... 105 A0161 Drive-controlled positioning................... 120
A0115 Phase synchronization, encoder 2, re‐ A0162 Positioning block mode.......................... 120
al master axis.................................................... 106 A0163 Position synchronization........................ 121
A0116 Phase synchr. lagless, encoder 1, vir‐ A0164 Velocity synchronization........................ 121
tual master axis................................................. 106 A0206 Positioning block mode, encoder 1........ 121
A0117 Phase synchr. lagless, encoder 2, vir‐ A0207 Positioning block mode lagless, en‐
tual master axis................................................. 107 coder 1.............................................................. 122
A0118 Phase synchr. lagless, encoder 1, real A0210 Positioning block mode, encoder 2........ 122
master axis........................................................ 107 A0211 Positioning block mode lagless, en‐
A0119 Phase synchr. lagless, encoder 2, real coder 2.............................................................. 122
master axis........................................................ 107 A0403 Quick stop with probe detection is ac‐
A0128 Cam, encoder 1, virtual master axis...... 108 tive.................................................................... 123
588/601 Bosch Rexroth AG DOK-INDRV*-GEN-**VRS**-WA07-EN-P
Rexroth IndraDrive MPx-02 to MPx-08 and HMV
A0500 Supply module in voltage control........... 123 C0120 Error when reading encoder data =>
A0502 Supply module in operation................... 123 motor encoder................................................... 369
A0503 DC bus charging active......................... 124 C0121 Incorrect parameterization of motor
A0520 DC bus quick discharge active.............. 124 encoder (hardware)........................................... 369
A0800 Unknown operating mode...................... 125 C0122 Incorr. parameteriz. of motor enc. (me‐
A4000 Automatic drive check and adjustment. . 125 chanical system)............................................... 370
A4001 Drive deceleration to standstill............... 125 C0123 Modulo value for motor encoder can‐
A4002 Drive in automatic mode........................ 126 not be displayed................................................ 370
A4003 Setting-up mode is active...................... 126 C0124 Motor encoder unknown........................ 371
Ab........................................................................ 75 C0125 Error when reading encoder data =>
AC....................................................................... 75 optional encoder............................................... 371
ActLW Up ........................................................... 83 C0126 Incorrect parameterization of optional
Administration commands................................... 71 enc. (hardware)................................................. 372
AE....................................................................... 75 C0127 Incorr. parameteriz. of opt. enc. (me‐
AF....................................................................... 75 chanical system)............................................... 372
AH....................................................................... 75 C0128 Modulo value for optional encoder
Appropriate use................................................... 27 cannot be displayed.......................................... 373
Applications .................................................. 27 C0129 Optional encoder unknown.................... 373
AR....................................................................... 75 C0130 Maximum travel range cannot be dis‐
AS....................................................................... 75 played internally................................................ 374
ASP..................................................................... 75 C0131 Switching to phase 3 impossible........... 375
AU....................................................................... 75 C0132 Invalid settings for controller cycle
times................................................................. 375
C0134 Invalid motor data in encoder memory
B (->S-0-0021)...................................................... 376
bb........................................................................ 75 C0135 Type of construction of motor
P-0-4014 incorrect............................................ 376
C C0136 Several motor encoders connected....... 377
C0100 Communication phase 3 transition C0137 Error during initialization of motor data
check................................................................. 333 (->S-0-0021)...................................................... 377
C0101 Invalid parameters (-> S-0-0021).......... 359 C0138 Invalid control section data (-
C0102 Limit error in parameter (-> S-0-0021)... 360 >S-0-0021)........................................................ 378
C0103 Parameter conversion error (- C0139 T2 (S-0-0089)+length MDT
>S-0-0021)........................................................ 360 (S-0-0010)>TScyc (S-0-0002)........................... 378
C0104 Config. IDN for MDT not configurable. . . 361 C0140 Rotary scaling not allowed.................... 379
C0105 Maximum length for MDT exceeded..... 361 C0151 IDN for command value data container
C0106 Config. IDNs for AT not configurable..... 362 not allowed........................................................ 379
C0107 Maximum length for AT exceeded......... 362 C0152 IDN for actual value data container not
C0108 Time slot parameter > Sercos cycle allowed.............................................................. 380
time................................................................... 363 C0153 Error at init. of synchr. motor with re‐
C0109 Telegram offset unsuitable.................... 363 luctance torque................................................. 380
C0110 Length of MDT (S-0-0010) odd............. 364 C0154 Field bus: IDN for cycl. command val.
C0111 ID9 + Record length - 1 > length MDT not configurable................................................ 381
(S-0-0010)......................................................... 365 C0155 Field bus: max. length for cycl. com‐
C0112 TNcyc (S-0-0001) or TScyc mand val. exceeded.......................................... 381
(S-0-0002) error................................................ 365 C0156 Field bus: IDN for cycl. actual val. not
C0113 Relation TNcyc (S-0-0001) to TScyc configurable...................................................... 382
(S-0-0002) error................................................ 366 C0157 Field bus: length for cycl. actual values
C0114 T4 > TScyc (S-0-0002) - T4min exceeded.......................................................... 382
(S-0-0005)......................................................... 366 C0158 Field bus: Tcyc (P-0-4076) incorrect..... 383
C0115 T2 too small........................................... 367 C0159 Field bus: P-0-4077 missing for cycl.
C0116 T3 (S-0-0008) within MDT (S-0-0089 command values............................................... 383
+ S-0-0010)....................................................... 367 C0160 Error when reading encoder data =>
C0118 Order of cyclic command value con‐ measuring encoder........................................... 384
figuration incorrect............................................ 368 C0161 Incorr. prarmeterization of measuring
C0119 Max. travel range too large.................... 368 enc. (hardware)................................................. 384
DOK-INDRV*-GEN-**VRS**-WA07-EN-P Bosch Rexroth AG 589/601
Rexroth IndraDrive MPx-02 to MPx-08 and HMV
C0162 Measuring encoder unknown................ 385 C0239 IDN for command value data container
C0163 Modulo value for measuring encoder not allowed........................................................ 400
cannot be displayed.......................................... 386 C0240 IDN for actual value data container not
C0164 Incorrect measuring encoder configu‐ allowed.............................................................. 400
ration................................................................. 386 C0241 Incorrect parameterization of motion
C0170 Config. IDNs for connection not con‐ task................................................................... 401
figurable............................................................ 386 C0242 Multiple configuration of a parameter
C0171 Maximum length for connections ex‐ (->S-0-0423)...................................................... 402
ceeded.............................................................. 387 C0243 Brake check function not possible......... 403
C0172 Delay measurement (S-0-1024) not C0244 Act. modulo value cycle greater than
carried out......................................................... 387 max. travel range.............................................. 404
C0173 Connections (number) not configurable 388 C0245 Operation mode configuration (-
C0174 Connection configuration not allowed. . . 388 >S-0-0423) not allowed..................................... 404
C0175 Producer cycle time of a connection C0246 Trav. range lim. switch not ass. to dig.
not correct......................................................... 388 input.................................................................. 406
C0199 Functional package selection C0247 Dig. output already assigned to other
changed. Restart............................................... 389 axis.................................................................... 406
C0200 Exit parameterization level procedure C0248 Dig. input assigned differently to axes... 407
command.......................................................... 333 C0249 Dig. I/Os: Bit number too large.............. 407
C0201 Invalid parameters (->S-0-0423)........... 389 C0250 Probe inputs incorrectly configured....... 407
C0202 Parameter limit error (->S-0-0423)........ 390 C0251 Error during synchronization to master
C0203 Parameter conversion error (- communication.................................................. 408
>S-0-0423)........................................................ 390 C0252 Incorrect MLD initialization (write ac‐
C0210 Feedback 2 required (->S-0-0423)........ 391 cess->S-0-0423)............................................... 408
C0212 Invalid control section data (- C0253 Error in combination operation mode -
>S-0-0423)........................................................ 392 encoder (->S-0-0423)........................................ 409
C0218 Double signal selection master axis C0254 Configuration error PROFIsafe.............. 409
format converter................................................ 393 C0255 Safety command for system init. incor‐
C0219 Max. travel range too large.................... 393 rect.................................................................... 410
C0220 Error when initializing position of en‐ C0256 Safety technology configuration error.... 410
coder 1.............................................................. 393 C0257 Error in safety technology encoder in‐
C0221 Initialization velocity encoder 1 too itialization.......................................................... 411
high................................................................... 394 C0258 Error in relation TNcyc (S-0-0001) to
C0223 Invalid settings for controller cycle fine interpol....................................................... 412
times................................................................. 394 C0259 MLD configuration error (->S-0-0423)... 412
C0224 Error when initializing position of en‐ C0260 Incremental enc. emulator resol. can‐
coder 2.............................................................. 395 not be displayed................................................ 413
C0225 Initialization velocity encoder 2 too C0261 Emulator (P-0-0902) activated for both
high................................................................... 395 axes.................................................................. 414
C0227 Error when initializing position of C0265 Incorrect CCD address configuration.... 414
measuring encoder........................................... 396 C0266 Incorrect CCD phase switch.................. 415
C0228 Initialization velocity measuring en‐ C0267 CCD timeout phase switch.................... 415
coder too high................................................... 397 C0270 Error when reading encoder data =>
C0229 Field bus: IDN for cycl. command val. motor encoder................................................... 416
not configurable................................................ 397 C0271 Incorrect parameterization of motor
C0230 Field bus: Max. length for cycl. com‐ encoder (hardware)........................................... 416
mand val. exceeded.......................................... 397 C0272 Incorr. parameteriz. of motor enc. (me‐
C0231 Field bus: IDN for cycl. actual val. not chanical system)............................................... 417
configurable...................................................... 398 C0273 Modulo value for motor encoder can‐
C0232 Field bus: Length for cycl. actual val‐ not be displayed................................................ 417
ues exceeded.................................................... 398 C0274 Motor encoder unknown........................ 418
C0233 Field bus: Tcyc (P-0-4076) incorrect..... 399 C0275 Error when reading encoder data =>
C0234 Field bus: P-0-4077 missing for cycl. optional encoder............................................... 419
command values............................................... 399 C0276 Incorrect parameterization of optional
C0238 Order of cyclic command value con‐ enc. (hardware)................................................. 419
figuration incorrect............................................ 399
590/601 Bosch Rexroth AG DOK-INDRV*-GEN-**VRS**-WA07-EN-P
Rexroth IndraDrive MPx-02 to MPx-08 and HMV
C0277 Incorr. parameteriz. of opt. enc. (me‐ C0606 Reference mark not detected................ 437
chanical system)............................................... 420 C0607 Reference cam input not assigned........ 438
C0278 Modulo value for optional encoder C0608 Pos. stop a. HW lim. switch not al‐
cannot be displayed.......................................... 420 lowed f. modulo axes........................................ 438
C0279 Optional encoder unknown.................... 421 C0609 Different travel directions parameter‐
C0280 Maximum travel range cannot be dis‐ ized................................................................... 439
played internally................................................ 421 C0610 Absolute encoder offset could not be
C0281 Commutation via encoder-2 impossible 422 saved................................................................ 439
C0282 Sensorless posit. of synchr. motors, C0700 Load defaults proced. command (mo‐
invalid ctrl parameters....................................... 422 tor-spec. controller val.).................................... 335
C0283 Error during initialization of motor con‐ C0702 Default parameters not available........... 439
trol (->S-0-0423)................................................ 423 C0703 Default parameters invalid..................... 440
C0284 Invalid motor data in encoder memory C0704 Parameters not copyable...................... 440
(->S-0-0423)...................................................... 423 C0706 Error when reading the controller pa‐
C0285 Type of construction of motor rameters............................................................ 441
P-0-4014 incorrect............................................ 424 C0720 Load defaults procedure command
C0286 Several motor encoders connected....... 425 (safety technology)............................................ 336
C0287 Error during initialization of motor data C0722 Parameter default value incorrect (->
(->S-0-0423)...................................................... 426 S-0-0423).......................................................... 441
C0288 Rotary scaling not allowed.................... 427 C0723 Safety command for load defaults pro‐
C0289 Error at init. of synchr. motor with re‐ cedure incorrect................................................ 442
luctance torque................................................. 428 C0724 Timeout of safety command for load
C0290 Error when reading encoder data => defaults procedure............................................ 442
measuring encoder........................................... 429 C0730 Load defaults procedure command
C0291 Incorr. prarmeterization of measuring (MLD)................................................................ 336
enc. (hardware)................................................. 429 C0740 Command Activate field bus profile
C0292 Measuring encoder unknown................ 430 settings.............................................................. 337
C0293 Modulo value for measuring encoder C0750 Load defaults procedure command
cannot be displayed.......................................... 430 (factory settings)............................................... 337
C0294 Incorrect measuring encoder configu‐ C0751 Parameter default value incorrect (->
ration................................................................. 431 S-0-0423).......................................................... 443
C0298 Impossible to exit parameterization C0752 Locked with password........................... 444
level................................................................... 431 C0799 An invalid index was set........................ 444
C0299 Configuration changed. Restart............. 432 C0800 Load basic parameters command......... 338
C0300 Set absolute position procedure com‐ C0851 Parameter default value incorrect (->
mand................................................................. 333 S-0-0021).......................................................... 444
C0301 Measuring system unavailable.............. 432 C0852 Locked with password........................... 445
C0302 Absolute evaluation of measuring sys‐ C0900 Position spindle command.................... 338
tem impossible.................................................. 433 C0902 Spindle positioning requires drive
C0303 Absolute encoder offset cannot be enable............................................................... 445
saved................................................................ 433 C0903 Error during initialization........................ 445
C0400 Activate parameterization level 1 pro‐ C0906 Error during search for zero pulse......... 446
cedure command.............................................. 334 C1200 Commutation offset setting command... 339
C0401 Switching not allowed............................ 434 C1204 Error in offset calculation....................... 446
C0403 Switching to CCD phase 2 impossible. . 435 C1208 No adjustment with asynchronous mo‐
C0500 Reset class 1 diagnostics, error reset. . . 334 tor...................................................................... 447
C0501 Error clearing only in parameter mode. . 435 C1209 Proceed to phase 4............................... 447
C0600 Drive-controlled homing procedure C1211 Commutation offset could not be de‐
command.......................................................... 334 termined............................................................ 448
C0601 Homing only possible with drive enable 436 C1212 Motion range exceeded during com‐
C0602 Distance home switch - reference mutation............................................................ 448
mark erroneous................................................. 436 C1214 Command only possible with linear
C0603 Homing impossible with optional en‐ synchronous motor........................................... 448
coder................................................................. 436 C1215 Command only possible in 'bb'.............. 449
C0604 Homing impossible with absolute en‐ C1216 Commutation determination not selec‐
coder................................................................. 437 ted..................................................................... 449
DOK-INDRV*-GEN-**VRS**-WA07-EN-P Bosch Rexroth AG 591/601
Rexroth IndraDrive MPx-02 to MPx-08 and HMV
C1217 Setting only possible in 'Ab'................... 450 C2302 Error when converting parameters........ 466
C1218 Automatic commutation: Current too C2400 Selectively backup working memory
low..................................................................... 450 procedure command......................................... 342
C1219 Automatic commutation: Overcurrent.... 451 C2402 Error when saving parameters.............. 467
C1220 Automatic commutation: Timeout.......... 451 C2500 Copy IDN from optional memory to in‐
C1221 Automatic commutation: Iteration with‐ ternal memory................................................... 343
out result........................................................... 452 C2502 Error when accessing the MMC............ 467
C1222 Error when writing offset parameters.... 452 C2504 Error when writing data to internal
C1223 Command execution impossible........... 453 memory............................................................. 468
C1300 Positive stop drive procedure com‐ C2600 Copy IDN from internal memory to op‐
mand................................................................. 339 tional memory................................................... 343
C1301 Class 1 diagnostics error at command C2602 Error when accessing the MMC............ 468
start................................................................... 453 C2604 Error when reading the internal mem‐
C1400 Command Get marker position............. 339 ory..................................................................... 469
C1402 Faulty reference mark signal................. 454 C2800 Analog input adjustment command....... 344
C1500 Cancel reference point procedure C2801 Analog input not configured................... 470
command.......................................................... 340 C2802 Oscillations of input signal outside tol‐
C1600 Parking axis command.......................... 340 erance range..................................................... 470
C1700 Command measuring wheel mode........ 340 C2803 Measured values at zero point and
C1701 Measuring wheel mode not possible..... 454 max. value identical.......................................... 471
C1800 Command Drive optimization / com‐ C2804 Automatic adjustment failed.................. 471
mand value box................................................. 340 C2900 Command Firmware update from MMC 344
C1801 Start requires drive enable.................... 454 C2903 Error when accessing the MMC............ 471
C1802 Motor feedback data not valid............... 455 C2904 Error when accessing the flash............. 472
C1803 Inertia detection failed........................... 455 C2905 Programmed firmware defective........... 473
C1804 Automatic controller setting failed......... 456 C3000 Synchronize and store safety technol‐
C1805 Travel range invalid............................... 457 ogy IDN............................................................. 345
C1806 Travel range exceeded.......................... 457 C3001 Synchronization and storage failed....... 474
C1807 Determining travel range only via trav‐ C3100 Recalculate actual value cycle.............. 345
el distance......................................................... 458 C3101 Act. modulo value cycle greater than
C1808 Drive not homed.................................... 458 max. travel range.............................................. 474
C2000 Command Release motor holding C3102 Drive is still in drive enable.................... 474
brake................................................................. 341 C3200 Command Calculate motor data............ 346
C2001 Command not enabled.......................... 458 C3201 Incorrect input for current...................... 475
C2100 Command Holding system check.......... 341 C3202 Incorrect input for voltage...................... 475
C2101 Holding system check only possible C3203 Incorrect input for frequency.................. 475
with drive enable............................................... 459 C3204 Incorrect input for speed........................ 476
C2103 Holding brake: Torque too low.............. 459 C3205 Incorrect input for power factor.............. 476
C2104 Command execution impossible........... 460 C3206 Incorrect input for power........................ 477
C2105 Load of holding system greater than C3207 Type plate list incomplete...................... 477
test torque......................................................... 460 C3208 Error when writing parameters (-
C2106 Test torque of holding system not >S-0-0423)........................................................ 477
reached............................................................. 461 C3209 Command execution impossible........... 478
C2107 Redundant holding brake: Torque too C3300 Set coordinate system procedure
low..................................................................... 464 command.......................................................... 346
C2108 Error when releasing the holding sys‐ C3400 Shift coordinate system procedure
tem.................................................................... 464 command.......................................................... 346
C2109 SBS: Test torque invalid........................ 465 C3500 Command Determine encoder correc‐
C2200 Backup working memory procedure tion values......................................................... 347
command.......................................................... 342 C3501 Acquisition velocity not allowed............. 478
C2202 Error when writing data to non-volatile C3502 Motor encoder not available.................. 479
memory............................................................. 465 C3503 Optional encoder not available.............. 479
C2300 Load working memory procedure com‐ C3504 Measuring encoder not available.......... 479
mand................................................................. 342 C3505 No encoder selected............................. 480
C2301 Error when reading non-volatile mem‐ C3506 Correction value table cannot be stor‐
ory..................................................................... 466 ed...................................................................... 480
592/601 Bosch Rexroth AG DOK-INDRV*-GEN-**VRS**-WA07-EN-P
Rexroth IndraDrive MPx-02 to MPx-08 and HMV
C3600 Command Motor data identification....... 347 C4500 Displacement to referenced system
C3601 Motor not or not correctly connected..... 481 procedure command......................................... 350
C3602 Determined values invalid..................... 481 C4600 Command Calculate motor control pa‐
C3603 Device current limit too low................... 482 rameters............................................................ 350
C3604 Error when writing parameters (- C4601 Error when writing parameters (-
>S-0-0423)........................................................ 482 >S-0-0423)........................................................ 494
C3605 Motor turning......................................... 483 C4700 Command Activate easy startup mode. 350
C3606 Type of construction of motor not al‐ C4701 Drive active, activation of easy startup
lowed................................................................. 483 impossible......................................................... 494
C3607 Motor revolution/motion impeded.......... 483 C4800 Command Determine cogging torque
C3608 Incorrect motor phases or rotational compensation table........................................... 351
direction of encoder.......................................... 484 C4801 Cogging torque compensation: Meas‐
C3609 Incorrect number of pole pairs or num‐ uring vel. too high.............................................. 495
ber of encoder lines.......................................... 484 C4802 Cogging torque compensation: Meas‐
C3610 No encoder: Validation check impos‐ uring vel. too low............................................... 495
sible................................................................... 485 C4803 Cogging torque compensation: Inad‐
C3611 Test velocity not reached...................... 485 missible acceleration......................................... 496
C3700 Manually unlocking the safety door....... 347 C4804 Cogging torque comp.: Err. when stor‐
C3701 Error when manually unlocking the ing corr. val table............................................... 496
safety door........................................................ 486 C4805 Cogging torque comp.: Motor meas‐
C3800 Command Apply motor holding brake... 348 uring system not homed.................................... 496
C3900 Command Holding brake resurfacing.... 348 C4900 PLC command....................................... 351
C3901 Resurfacing of holding brake only pos‐ C4901 PLC command error no. 1..................... 497
sible with drive enable....................................... 486 C4902 PLC command error no. 2..................... 497
C3902 Error during resurfacing of holding C4903 PLC command error no. 3..................... 498
brake................................................................. 487 C4904 PLC command error no. 4..................... 498
C3903 Command execution impossible........... 487 C4910 PLC command timeout.......................... 498
C4000 Homing procedure command channel C5200 Communication phase 4 transition
2........................................................................ 348 check................................................................. 351
C4001 Error during safe homing procedure...... 488 C5300 SERCOS III: Command SYNC delay
C4002 Incorrect distance of dedicated point measurement.................................................... 352
channel 1-2....................................................... 488 C5301 SERCOS III: Delay measurement
C4100 Switch parameter set command............ 349 failed................................................................. 499
C4101 Switching only possible without AF....... 489 C5400 Command Save PLC retain data on
C4102 Switching only possible in parameter MMC.................................................................. 352
mode................................................................. 490 C5401 PLC program not ready for retain data
C4103 Preselect parameter set forbidden val‐ backup.............................................................. 499
ue...................................................................... 490 C5402 Error when writing data to the MMC...... 500
C4104 Error during parameter set switching (- C5500 Command Load PLC retain data from
>S-0-0423)........................................................ 490 MMC.................................................................. 352
C4200 Drive-controlled oscillation command.... 349 C5501 PLC program not ready for loading re‐
C4201 Oscillation requires drive enable........... 491 tain data............................................................ 500
C4202 Oscillation command speed cannot be C5502 MMC not available or not OK................ 501
reached............................................................. 491 C5503 PLC retain data do not match PLC
C4300 NC-controlled homing procedure com‐ program............................................................. 501
mand................................................................. 349 C5504 Unknown format in PLC retain file......... 502
C4302 Distance home switch - reference C5505 Invalid PLC retain data.......................... 502
mark erroneous................................................. 492 C5600 Command subsequent optimization of
C4304 Homing impossible with absolute en‐ commutation offset............................................ 353
coder................................................................. 492 C5601 Command requires drive enable........... 502
C4306 Reference mark not detected................ 492 C5602 Axis blocked.......................................... 503
C4307 Reference cam input not assigned........ 493 C5603 Timeout: Axis in motion......................... 503
C4308 Pos. stop a. HW lim. switch not al‐ C5800 Command Apply redundant holding
lowed f. modulo axes........................................ 493 brake................................................................. 353
C4400 Calculate displacement procedure C5801 Command Apply redundant holding
command.......................................................... 350 brake not possible............................................. 504
DOK-INDRV*-GEN-**VRS**-WA07-EN-P Bosch Rexroth AG 593/601
Rexroth IndraDrive MPx-02 to MPx-08 and HMV
C5900 Command Resurfacing of redundant C7501 CCD: Impossible to switch to phase 4... 517
holding brake.................................................... 354 C7600 Command Create parameter image...... 359
C5901 Comm. Resurfacing of red. holding C7601 Memory access impossible................... 517
brake only possible AF...................................... 504 C7602 Slave access impossible....................... 518
C5902 Error when resurfacing redundant C7700 Command Open control loop................ 359
holding brake.................................................... 505 C7701 Control password required.................... 518
C5903 Command execution impossible........... 505 Cables
C6000 Set absolute position procedure com‐ Documentation ............................................. 25
mand................................................................. 354 Cam shaft invalid.............................................. 214
C6001 Measuring system unavailable.............. 506 charg................................................................... 76
C6002 Absolute evaluation of measuring sys‐ Checksum of parameter values.......................... 70
tem impossible.................................................. 506 Classes of warnings............................................ 72
C6003 Absolute encoder offset cannot be Clearing an error message................................. 73
saved................................................................ 507 CM....................................................................... 76
C6004 Command cannot be executed under Commands.......................................................... 71
drive enable...................................................... 507 Commutation offset setting............................... 339
C6100 Command Activate IP settings.............. 354 Components
C6101 Incorrect IP settings............................... 507 Documentations ........................................... 24
C6200 Command Enabling SM without valid Control panels..................................................... 49
brake status...................................................... 355 Standard control panel ................................. 50
C6201 Command execution impossible........... 508 Control parameters............................................. 49
C6400 Reboot command.................................. 356
C6401 reboot command impossible................. 509
C6500 Save operating data in backup mem‐
ory..................................................................... 357 Data storage....................................................... 69
C6501 Error when writing backup data (back‐ Definitions of terms, general basic principles...... 69
up memory)....................................................... 509 Diagnosis............................................................ 41
C6502 Error when reading backup data (de‐ Diagnostic message
vice).................................................................. 510 Diagnostic message in plain text .................. 43
C6503 Error when checking backup data Display ......................................................... 43
(comparison)..................................................... 510 Display text ................................................... 44
C6600 Restore operating data from backup Error number ................................................ 44
memory............................................................. 357 List of diagnostic numbers ........................... 44
C6601 Error when reading backup data Structure ....................................................... 42
(backup memory).............................................. 511 Diagnostic message number.............................. 44
C6602 Error when writing backup data (de‐ Diagnostic messages of the drive....................... 41
vice).................................................................. 512 Display of diagnostic message number.............. 43
C6603 Error when writing comparative data Documentation
(backup memory).............................................. 513 Cables .......................................................... 25
C6604 Error when reading comparative data Drive systems ............................................... 24
(device)............................................................. 514 Firmware ...................................................... 25
C6605 Warning, restoration incomplete (de‐ Motors .......................................................... 24
vice).................................................................. 514 Overview ...................................................... 24
C7000 CCD: Command adjust slave address‐ Reference documentations .......................... 24
es...................................................................... 357 System components ..................................... 24
C7001 CCD: Impossible to adjust slave ad‐ Drive control commands..................................... 71
dresses............................................................. 515 Drive system....................................................... 29
C7100 CCD: Command Close ring................... 358
C7101 CCD: Impossible to close ring............... 515 E
C7200 CCD: Command Apply I/O configura‐ E0000 E-0000 Processor exception error......... 127
tion.................................................................... 358 E2010 Position control with encoder 2 not
C7201 CCD: Impossible to apply I/O configu‐ possible............................................................. 303
ration................................................................. 516 E2011 PLC - Warning no. 1.............................. 303
C7400 CCD: Switching to phase 2................... 358 E2012 PLC - Warning no. 2.............................. 303
C7401 CCD: Impossible to switch to phase 2... 516 E2013 PLC - Warning no. 3.............................. 304
C7500 CCD: Switching to phase 4................... 358 E2014 PLC - Warning no. 4.............................. 304
594/601 Bosch Rexroth AG DOK-INDRV*-GEN-**VRS**-WA07-EN-P
Rexroth IndraDrive MPx-02 to MPx-08 and HMV
E2015 PLC - Warning no. 5.............................. 305 E3105 Validation error of safe operation mode 298
E2016 PLC - Warning no. 6.............................. 305 E3106 System error safety technology............. 299
E2017 PLC - Warning no. 7.............................. 305 E3107 Safe reference missing.......................... 300
E2021 Motor temperature outside of measur‐ E3108 Safely-monitored deceleration excee‐
ing range........................................................... 306 ded.................................................................... 300
E2026 Undervoltage in power section.............. 306 E3110 Time interval of forced dynamization
E2040 Device overtemperature 2 prewarning. . 307 exceeded.......................................................... 301
E2047 Interpolation velocity = 0........................ 308 E3115 Prewarning, end of brake check time
E2048 Interpolation acceleration = 0................ 309 interval.............................................................. 302
E2049 Positioning velocity >= limit value.......... 309 E3116 Nominal load torque of holding system
E2050 Device overtemp. Prewarning............... 310 reached............................................................. 302
E2051 Motor overtemp. prewarning.................. 311 E4001 Double MST failure shutdown............... 287
E2053 Target position out of travel range......... 312 E4002 Double MDT failure shutdown............... 288
E2054 Not homed............................................. 313 E4005 No command value input via master
E2055 Feedrate override S-0-0108 = 0............ 314 communication.................................................. 289
E2056 Torque limit = 0...................................... 315 E4006 Communication module overload.......... 290
E2058 Selected positioning block has not E4007 SERCOS III: Consumer connection
been programmed............................................. 315 failed................................................................. 290
E2059 Velocity command value limit active...... 316 E4008 Invalid addressing command value da‐
E2061 Device overload prewarning.................. 316 ta container A.................................................... 291
E2063 Velocity command value > limit value.... 317 E4009 Invalid addressing actual value data
E2064 Target position out of num. range.......... 318 container A........................................................ 291
E2069 Holding brake torque too low................. 318 E4010 Slave not scanned or address 0............ 292
E2070 Acceleration limit active......................... 319 E4011 Communication watchdog: Overload
E2074 Encoder 1: Encoder signals disturbed... 320 of cyclic communication.................................... 292
E2075 Encoder 2: Encoder signals disturbed... 321 E4012 Maximum number of CCD slaves ex‐
E2076 Measuring encoder: Encoder signals ceeded.............................................................. 292
disturbed........................................................... 321 E4013 Incorrect CCD addressing..................... 293
E2077 Absolute encoder monitoring, motor E4014 Incorrect phase switch of CCD slaves... 294
encoder (encoder alarm)................................... 322 E4016 CCD: Topology error............................. 294
E2078 Absolute encoder monitoring, opt. en‐ E4017 CCD: Unknown I/O configuration.......... 295
coder (encoder alarm)....................................... 323 E8025 Overvoltage in power section................ 273
E2079 Absolute enc. monitoring, measuring E8026 Undervoltage in power section.............. 274
encoder (encoder alarm)................................... 323 E8027 Safe torque off while drive enabled....... 275
E2086 Prewarning supply module overload..... 324 E8028 Overcurrent in power section................. 275
E2092 Internal synchronization defective......... 324 E8029 Positive position limit exceeded............. 276
E2100 Positioning velocity of master axis E8030 Negative position limit exceeded........... 277
generator too high............................................. 325 E8034 Emergency-Stop activated.................... 278
E2101 Acceleration of master axis generator E8040 Torque/force actual value limit active.... 278
is zero............................................................... 325 E8041 Current limit active................................. 279
E2140 CCD error at node................................. 326 E8042 Both travel range limit switches acti‐
E2270 Analog input 1 or 2, wire break.............. 326 vated................................................................. 279
E2802 HW control of braking resistor............... 327 E8043 Positive travel range limit switch acti‐
E2810 Drive system not ready for operation..... 328 vated................................................................. 280
E2814 Undervoltage in mains........................... 328 E8044 Negative travel range limit switch acti‐
E2816 Undervoltage in power section.............. 329 vated................................................................. 281
E2818 Phase failure.......................................... 329 E8055 Motor overload, current limit active........ 281
E2819 Mains failure.......................................... 330 E8057 Device overload, current limit active...... 282
E2820 Braking resistor overload prewarning.... 330 E8058 Drive system not ready for operation..... 283
E2829 Not ready for power on.......................... 330 E8260 Torque/force command value limit ac‐
E3100 Error when checking input signals......... 295 tive.................................................................... 283
E3101 Error when checking acknowledgment E8802 PLL is not synchronized........................ 284
signal................................................................. 296 E8814 Undervoltage in mains........................... 285
E3102 Actual position values validation error... 297 E8815 Overvoltage in mains............................. 285
E3103 Dynamization failed............................... 297 E8818 Phase failure.......................................... 286
E3104 Safety parameters validation error........ 298 E8819 Mains failure.......................................... 286
DOK-INDRV*-GEN-**VRS**-WA07-EN-P Bosch Rexroth AG 595/601
Rexroth IndraDrive MPx-02 to MPx-08 and HMV
E Adress ............................................................ 84 F2031 Encoder 1 error: Signal amplitude in‐
E-code channel 1 (P3219 [0])................... 521, 545 correct............................................................... 226
E-code channel 2 (P3219 [1])................... 521, 545 F2032 Validation error during commutation
E ET SW ............................................................ 85 fine adjustment.................................................. 227
E FIP CS ............................................................ 83 F2033 External power supply X10 error........... 227
E FIP nf .............................................................. 83 F2036 Excessive position feedback difference. 228
E HW nok ........................................................... 85 F2037 Excessive position command differ‐
Electric drive system........................................... 29 ence.................................................................. 229
E Length ............................................................. 84 F2039 Maximum acceleration exceeded.......... 229
E MMC cl ............................................................ 84 F2040 Device overtemperature 2 shutdown..... 230
E MMC cp .......................................................... 85 F2042 Encoder 2: Encoder signals incorrect.... 231
E MMC op .......................................................... 84 F2043 Measuring encoder: Encoder signals
End C29 ............................................................. 81 incorrect............................................................ 231
E Pge Sz ............................................................ 83 F2044 External power supply X15 error........... 232
Error classes....................................................... 72 F2048 Low battery voltage................................ 233
Error in motion profile........................................ 212 F2050 Overflow of target position preset
Error memory...................................................... 73 memory............................................................. 234
Error messages of serial communication.......... 269 F2051 No sequential block in target position
Error number....................................................... 44 preset memory.................................................. 234
Error reactions F2053 Incr. encoder emulator: Pulse frequen‐
Drive error reactions ..................................... 73 cy too high......................................................... 235
Errors.................................................................. 72 F2054 Incr. encoder emulator: Hardware error. 235
Drive error reactions ..................................... 73 F2055 External power supply dig. I/O error...... 236
E SW-VER ......................................................... 86 F2057 Target position out of travel range......... 236
Extended diagnosis........................................... 521 F2058 Internal overflow by positioning input..... 237
Extended diagnosis as of MPx07...................... 545 F2059 Incorrect command value direction
when positioning............................................... 238
F2063 Internal overflow master axis generator. 239
F F2064 Incorrect cmd value direction master
F2002 Assignment of encoder for synchroni‐ axis generator................................................... 239
zation is not allowed.......................................... 211 F2067 Synchronization to master communi‐
F2003 Motion step skipped............................... 212 cation incorrect.................................................. 240
F2004 Error in MotionProfile............................. 212 F2068 Brake error............................................. 240
F2005 Cam table invalid................................... 214 F2069 Error when releasing the motor holding
F2006 MMC was removed................................ 214 brake................................................................. 241
F2007 Switching to non-initialized operation F2074 Actual pos. value 1 outside absolute
mode................................................................. 215 encoder window................................................ 242
F2008 RL The motor type has changed........... 215 F2075 Actual pos. value 2 outside absolute
F2009 PL Load parameter default values......... 216 encoder window................................................ 242
F2010 Error when initializing digital I/O (-> F2076 Actual pos. value 3 outside absolute
S-0-0423).......................................................... 217 encoder window................................................ 243
F2011 PLC - Error no. 1.................................... 218 F2077 Current measurement trim wrong.......... 244
F2012 PLC - Error no. 2.................................... 218 F2086 Error supply module............................... 245
F2013 PLC - Error no. 3.................................... 219 F2087 Module group communication error....... 245
F2014 PLC - Error no. 4.................................... 219 F2100 Incorrect access to command value
F2015 PLC - Error no. 5.................................... 220 memory............................................................. 246
F2016 PLC - Error no. 6.................................... 220 F2101 It was impossible to address MMC........ 246
F2017 PLC - Error no. 7.................................... 220 F2102 It was impossible to address I2C mem‐
F2018 Device overtemperature shutdown........ 221 ory..................................................................... 247
F2019 Motor overtemperature shutdown.......... 222 F2103 It was impossible to address EnDat
F2021 Motor temperature monitor defective..... 223 memory............................................................. 247
F2022 Device temperature monitor defective... 223 F2104 Commutation offset invalid.................... 248
F2025 Drive not ready for control..................... 224 F2105 It was impossible to address Hiperface
F2026 Undervoltage in power section.............. 224 memory............................................................. 248
F2027 Excessive oscillation in DC bus............. 225 F2110 Error in non-cyclical data communic. of
F2028 Excessive deviation............................... 225 power section.................................................... 249
596/601 Bosch Rexroth AG DOK-INDRV*-GEN-**VRS**-WA07-EN-P
Rexroth IndraDrive MPx-02 to MPx-08 and HMV
F2120 MMC: Defective or missing, replace...... 249 F3132 Error when checking diagnostic output
F2121 MMC: Incorrect data or file, create cor‐ signal................................................................. 195
rectly................................................................. 250 F3133 Error when checking interrupting cir‐
F2122 MMC: Incorrect IBF file, correct it.......... 250 cuits................................................................... 196
F2123 Retain data backup impossible.............. 251 F3134 Dynamization time interval incorrect...... 197
F2124 MMC: Saving too slowly, replace........... 252 F3135 Dynamization pulse width incorrect....... 198
F2130 Error comfort control panel.................... 252 F3140 Safety parameters validation error......... 200
F2140 CCD slave error..................................... 252 F3141 Selection validation error....................... 200
F2150 MLD motion function block error............ 253 F3142 Activation time of enabling control ex‐
F2174 Loss of motor encoder reference........... 253 ceeded.............................................................. 201
F2175 Loss of optional encoder reference....... 254 F3143 Safety command for clearing errors in‐
F2176 Loss of measuring encoder reference. . . 255 correct............................................................... 202
F2177 Modulo limitation error of motor encod‐ F3144 Incorrect safety configuration................. 203
er....................................................................... 256 F3145 Error when unlocking the safety door.... 204
F2178 Modulo limitation error of optional en‐ F3146 System error channel 2.......................... 205
coder................................................................. 256 F3147 System error channel 1.......................... 206
F2179 Modulo limitation error of measuring F3150 Safety command for system start in‐
encoder............................................................. 257 correct............................................................... 207
F2190 Incorrect Ethernet configuration............. 257 F3151 Safety command for system halt incor‐
F2260 Command current limit shutoff............... 258 rect.................................................................... 208
F2270 Analog input 1 or 2, wire break.............. 259 F3152 Incorrect backup of safety technology
F2802 PLL is not synchronized......................... 260 data................................................................... 209
F2814 Undervoltage in mains........................... 260 F3160 Communication error of safe commu‐
F2815 Overvoltage in mains............................. 260 nication.............................................................. 210
F2816 Softstart fault power supply unit............. 261 F4001 Sync telegram failure............................. 177
F2817 Overvoltage in power section................ 261 F4002 RTD telegram failure.............................. 178
F2818 Phase failure.......................................... 262 F4003 Invalid communication phase shutdown 179
F2819 Mains failure.......................................... 262 F4004 Error during phase progression............. 180
F2820 Braking resistor overload....................... 263 F4005 Error during phase regression............... 180
F2821 Error in control of braking resistor.......... 264 F4006 Phase switching without ready signal.... 180
F2825 Switch-on threshold braking resistor F4009 Bus failure.............................................. 181
too low............................................................... 264 F4011 Communication watchdog: Overload
F2833 Ground fault in motor line...................... 265 of cyclic communication.................................... 183
F2834 Contactor control error........................... 265 F4012 Incorrect I/O length................................ 183
F2835 Mains contactor wiring error.................. 266 F4016 PLC double real-time channel failure..... 184
F2836 DC bus balancing monitor error............. 266 F4017 S-III: Incorrect sequence during phase
F2837 Contactor monitoring error..................... 267 switch................................................................ 184
F2840 Error supply shutdown........................... 267 F4034 Emergency-Stop activated..................... 185
F2860 Overcurrent in mains-side power sec‐ F4140 CCD communication error..................... 186
tion.................................................................... 268 F6006 Incorrect initialization of effective mas‐
F2890 Invalid device code................................ 268 ter axis position................................................. 168
F2891 Incorrect interrupt timing........................ 269 F6010 PLC Runtime Error................................ 168
F2892 Hardware variant not supported............ 269 F6024 Maximum braking time exceeded.......... 170
F3111 Refer. missing when selecting safety F6028 Position limit value exceeded (over‐
related end pos................................................. 187 flow).................................................................. 171
F3112 Safe reference missing.......................... 187 F6029 Positive position limit exceeded............. 172
F3115 Brake check time interval exceeded...... 189 F6030 Negative position limit exceeded........... 172
F3116 Nominal load torque of holding system F6034 Emergency-Stop activated..................... 173
exceeded.......................................................... 190 F6042 Both travel range limit switches activa‐
F3117 Actual position values validation error. . . 190 ted..................................................................... 174
F3122 SBS: System error................................. 192 F6043 Positive travel range limit switch acti‐
F3123 SBS: Brake check missing..................... 192 vated................................................................. 174
F3130 Error when checking input signals......... 193 F6044 Negative travel range limit switch acti‐
F3131 Error when checking acknowledgment vated................................................................. 175
signal................................................................. 194 F6140 CCD slave error (emergency halt)......... 176
F7010 Safely-limited increment exceeded........ 158
DOK-INDRV*-GEN-**VRS**-WA07-EN-P Bosch Rexroth AG 597/601
Rexroth IndraDrive MPx-02 to MPx-08 and HMV
F7011 Safely-monitored position, exceeded F8100 Error when initializing the parameter
in pos. direction................................................. 158 handling............................................................ 148
F7012 Safely-monitored position, exceeded F8102 Error when initializing power section..... 149
in neg. direction................................................. 159 F8118 Invalid power section/firmware combi‐
F7013 Safely-limited speed exceeded.............. 160 nation................................................................ 149
F7014 Timeout safely-monitored transient os‐ F8120 Invalid control section/firmware com‐
cillation.............................................................. 160 bination............................................................. 150
F7020 Safe maximum speed exceeded........... 161 F8122 Control section defective....................... 150
F7021 Safely-limited position exceeded........... 161 F8129 Incorrect optional module firmware........ 150
F7030 Position window Safe stop 2 exceeded. 162 F8130 Firmware of option 2 of safety technol‐
F7031 Incorrect direction of motion.................. 162 ogy defective..................................................... 151
F7040 Validation error parameterized - effec‐ F8133 Error when checking interrupting cir‐
tive threshold..................................................... 163 cuits................................................................... 151
F7041 Actual position value validation error..... 164 F8134 SBS: Fatal error..................................... 152
F7042 Validation error of safe operation mode. 164 F8135 SMD: Velocity exceeded........................ 153
F7043 Error of output stage interlock................ 165 F8140 Fatal CCD error..................................... 153
F7050 Time for stopping process exceeded..... 165 F8201 Safety command for basic initialization
F7051 Safely-monitored deceleration excee‐ incorrect............................................................ 153
ded.................................................................... 166 F8203 Safety technology configuration pa‐
F8000 Fatal hardware error.............................. 130 rameter invalid.................................................. 154
F8010 Autom. commutation: Max. motion F8813 Connection error mains choke............... 155
range when moving back.................................. 131 F8830 Power section error................................ 156
F8011 Commutation offset could not be de‐ F8838 Overcurrent external braking resistor.... 156
termined............................................................ 131 F9001 Error internal function call...................... 128
F8012 Autom. commutation: Max. motion F9002 Error internal RTOS function call........... 128
range................................................................. 132 F9003 Watchdog............................................... 129
F8013 Automatic commutation: Current too F9004 Hardware trap........................................ 129
low..................................................................... 133 Firmware
F8014 Automatic commutation: Overcurrent.... 134 Documentation ............................................. 25
F8015 Automatic commutation: Timeout.......... 134 Firmware update ?.............................................. 82
F8016 Automatic commutation: Iteration with‐ FL: CKS ........................................................... 572
out result........................................................... 135 FL: DL .............................................................. 571
F8017 Automatic commutation: Incorrect FL:E ADR ......................................................... 572
commutation adjustment................................... 135 FL:E FW ........................................................... 572
F8018 Device overtemperature shutdown........ 136 FL:E LD ............................................................ 573
F8022 Enc. 1: Enc. signals incorr. (can be FL:ERASE ........................................................ 572
cleared in ph. 2)................................................ 137 FL:E SEC ......................................................... 572
F8023 Error mechanical link of encoder or FL:E SEQ ......................................................... 573
motor connection.............................................. 138 FL:F2100 .......................................................... 573
F8025 Overvoltage in power section................ 138 FL:F2101 .......................................................... 574
F8027 Safe torque off while drive enabled....... 139 FL:F8120 .......................................................... 575
F8028 Overcurrent in power section................. 140 FL:F8122 .......................................................... 574
F8030 Safe stop 1 while drive enabled............. 141 FL:F8129 .......................................................... 574
F8042 Encoder 2 error: Signal amplitude in‐ FL:F8130 .......................................................... 574
correct............................................................... 141 FL:F9002 .......................................................... 573
F8057 Device overload shutdown..................... 142 FL:F ACC ......................................................... 574
F8060 Overcurrent in power section................. 142 FL:F CKS ......................................................... 573
F8064 Interruption of motor phase.................... 143 FL: PROG ........................................................ 572
F8067 Synchronization PWM-Timer wrong...... 144
F8069 +/-15Volt DC error.................................. 144
F8070 +24Volt DC error.................................... 145
F8076 Error in error angle loop......................... 145 Generation of diagnostic messages, drive-in‐
F8078 Speed loop error.................................... 146 ternal................................................................... 41
F8079 Velocity limit value exceeded................. 147
F8091 Power section defective......................... 147 I
IBF not correct!................................................... 82
598/601 Bosch Rexroth AG DOK-INDRV*-GEN-**VRS**-WA07-EN-P
Rexroth IndraDrive MPx-02 to MPx-08 and HMV
Inappropriate use................................................ 28 ...P-0-3219
Consequences, exclusion of liability ............ 27 Extended diagnosis as of MPx07 ............... 545
P1........................................................................ 76
P2........................................................................ 76
K P3........................................................................ 76
Kinds of commands............................................ 71 Parameter handling, general............................... 69
Kinds of diagnostic messages............................ 41 Parameters
Kinds of passwords, overview............................. 71 Definitions of terms ...................................... 69
Password............................................................ 70
L PELV................................................................... 34
Language selection............................................. 44 PL........................................................................ 76
List of diagnostic numbers.................................. 44 PLC ? ................................................................. 79
LOADER........................................................... 571 PLC error.................................. 218, 219, 220, 221
Loading parameter values, general.................... 70 PM....................................................................... 76
Load New Safety ?.............................................. 80 Project planning manuals.................................... 24
Load Par from MMC............................................ 81 Protective extra-low voltage................................ 34
Means of representation Reference documentations................................. 24
Conventions of notation ............................... 23 RL....................................................................... 76
Notations ...................................................... 23 Run PLC ............................................................ 80
Notes ............................................................ 23
MMC not correct!................................................ 81 S
Monitor commands............................................. 71 Safety instructions for electric drives and con‐
Motion profile, encoder 1, real master axis....... 113 trols..................................................................... 29
Motion profile, encoder 1, virtual master axis. . . 111 SBB..................................................................... 76
Motion profile, encoder 2, real master axis....... 112 SBB1................................................................... 77
Motion profile, encoder 2, virtual master axis. . . 112 SBB2................................................................... 77
Motion profile lagless, encoder 1, real master SBB3................................................................... 77
axis.................................................................... 114 SBB4................................................................... 77
Motion profile lagless, encoder 1, virtual mas‐ SBH..................................................................... 77
ter axis.............................................................. 113 SERCOS service channel error codes.............. 269
Motion profile lagless, encoder 2, real master SH....................................................................... 77
axis.................................................................... 115 SMM1.................................................................. 77
Motion profile lagless, encoder 2, virtual mas‐ SMM2.................................................................. 77
ter axis.............................................................. 114 SMM3.................................................................. 77
Motor SMM4.................................................................. 77
Documentation ............................................. 24 SS1..................................................................... 77
SS1 ES............................................................... 77
N SS2..................................................................... 77
new MMC activate.............................................. 81 State-of-the-art.................................................... 27
No IDN on MMC !................................................ 80 Status classes..................................................... 44
Non-volatile data memories................................ 69 Status displays.................................................... 47
STO..................................................................... 77
Stop PLC ............................................................ 80
O Storing parameter values, general...................... 70
OM...................................................................... 76 Structure of diagnostic message......................... 42
Operating states.................................................. 75 Support
Operation modes see Service Hotline .................................... 585
Basic principles ............................................ 71 Synchronous motor........................................... 339
P0........................................................................ 76 Update Error !..................................................... 82
P-0-3219 Use
Extended diagnosis .................................... 521 Appropriate use ............................................ 27
DOK-INDRV*-GEN-**VRS**-WA07-EN-P Bosch Rexroth AG 599/601
Rexroth IndraDrive MPx-02 to MPx-08 and HMV
...Use VM P2................................................................. 76
Inappropriate use ......................................... 28 VM P3................................................................. 76
VM ZKS............................................................... 78
VM bb.................................................................. 75 W
VM Bb................................................................. 75 Warnings............................................................. 72
VM charg............................................................. 76
VM Lb.................................................................. 78
VM LB................................................................. 78
VM P0................................................................. 76 XXX Upd ............................................................ 82
VM P1................................................................. 76
600/601 Bosch Rexroth AG DOK-INDRV*-GEN-**VRS**-WA07-EN-P
Rexroth IndraDrive MPx-02 to MPx-08 and HMV
DOK-INDRV*-GEN-**VRS**-WA07-EN-P Bosch Rexroth AG 601/601
Rexroth IndraDrive MPx-02 to MPx-08 and HMV
Bosch Rexroth AG
Electric Drives and Controls
P.O. Box 13 57
97803 Lohr, Germany
Bgm.-Dr.-Nebel-Str. 2
97816 Lohr, Germany
Tel. +49 (0)93 52-40-0
Fax +49 (0)93 52-48 85
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