Fully Interval Integer Transportation Problem For Finding Optimal Interval Solution Using Row Column Minima Method
Fully Interval Integer Transportation Problem For Finding Optimal Interval Solution Using Row Column Minima Method
Fully Interval Integer Transportation Problem For Finding Optimal Interval Solution Using Row Column Minima Method
Abstract— A new approach namely, row-column minima method is suggested to find an optimal interval solution for fully interval integer transportation
problem (FIITP). In the proposed method, the given FIITP is decomposed into two transportation problem as upper (UBITP) and lower (LBITP) and by
applying row-column minima method so as to get the optimal interval solution. Fuzzy concept, midpoint, centre, width, interval ordering and multi-
objective technique were not used. The proposed method is easier and also, simply because of arithmetic calculation. Using the proposed method, the
numerical example is illustrated.
Index Terms— Fully interval integer transportation problem, Optimal Interval Solution, Row- column minima method, Transportation problem
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1 INTRODUCTION based on this optimal solution, the lower TP is allocated, an
In different approaches, solving transportation problems in optimal interval solution for FIITP is obtained by allocating the
tackling of specific origin, landing place boundary and penance maximum possible in minimum number of allocated row (or)
factors. In a situation of real life problems, parameters are not column. In row-column minima method, the optimal interval
be satisfied for all conditions. Transportation problem (TP), solution is obtained and the solution procedure is illustrated
which is principally developed by Hitchcock [4] and then by below for better understand. In this method advance to without
Koopmans [7]. Sengupta and Pal [12] developed with fuzzy using fuzzy concept, midpoint, centre, width, interval ordering
initiate method to solving TP using intervals of width, midpoint and multi-objective technique and has been proposed lacking
of the integer interval in the given objective function. Pandian interval parameters in the TP.
and Natarajan [9] developed a new method to solve FIITP in
the absence of width and the centre-point of the interval in the 2 PRELIMINARIES
profit function. Sudhakar and Navaneetha Kumar [13] Consider T, where T is arrange of all closed bounded interval
developed to find an optimal solution for FIITP in separation by in horizontal axis R, which is defined as follows:
using zero suffix method. Ramesh and Ganesan [11]
developed simplex like algorithm to solve interval linear
programming problem without changing into classical linear We know that the following operator and definitions in closed
programming problems. Abdul Quddoos et al. [1] developed bounded intervals.
to find an optimal solution for a wide range of TP, directly by
using ASM method. Akilbasha et al. [2] developed a new idea 2.1 Definition:
for FIITP, by split and separation idea based on zero point
approach. Patel and Dhodiya [5] developed interval TP to
convert into classical multi objective transportation by using
the conception of upper range, half-width, lower range and
centre of an interval. Mohana [8] used zero point idea to find
an optimal integer solution for TP to get maximum profit with
minimum penalty. Purushoth kumar et.al [10] developed
diagonal optimal algorithm to find the optimal for integer
interval TP. Akilbasha et.al [3] developed mid-width method for
fully interval TP. Keerthana and Ramesh [6] developed a
method to solve FIITP without transforming into classical TP.
In this paper we recommend a new approach namely, row-
column minima method for obtaining an optimal interval
solution to the given FIITP. In this method we consider two
transportation problem from the given FIITP, one is of 2.2 Definition:
maximization (upper) and other one is of minimization (lower)
problem. Initially, we find an optimal solution for upper TP,
2.3 Definition: number of allocation in row (or) column for allotted cell (*).
Set of all [ xij , yij ] i 1 to m & j 1 to n , are satisfied the
Step 6: Replicate the procedure of step 5 until the rim
equations (1), (2) and (3) then it is called feasible solution to requirements are satisfied then we get an optimal
the FIITP.
solution for LBITP and is denoted by with the
2.4 Definition: condition and obtain the minimum interval
Set of all [ xij , yij ] i 1 to m & j 1 to n is called an objective value and is denoted by Z1 .
optimal solution of FIITP if
Step 7: The optimal solution to the particular FIITP is
is called an optimal solution (FIITP) if [ xij , yij ], i 1to m & j 1to n and the minimum
interval transportation cost is [Z1* , Z 2* ] .
i 1 to m & j 1 to n and for all optimal solution 5.1 Example:
[vij , wij ] i 1to m & j 1to n A company has 3 machines P1, P2 & P3 with production units
of manufacturer. These production unit deliver to 4 places Q1,
Q2, Q3 & Q4 with requirements. The given interval are
3 FULLY INTERVAL INTEGER TRANSPORTATION PROBLEM minimum and maximum transport cost. Calculate the minimum
Let the FIITP is: transport interval cost from machines manufacturer to deliver
places, by using below numerical data, where the minimum
origin from P1, P2 & P3 are 7, 17 & 16 respectively and the
maximum origin from P1, P2 & P3 are 9, 21 & 18 respectively.
The minimum requirement from Q1, Q2, Q3 & Q4 are 10, 2, 13
& 15 respectively and the maximum requirements from Q1,
Q2, Q3 & Q4 are 12, 4, 15 & 17 respectively and transport
price given in table form of intervals:
Step 4: Mark (*) as the optimal solution of UBITP in LBITP. By step (4),
Step 5: Now we allocate the maximum possible in minimum
Iteration 6:
By step (5), We allocate the maximum possible of the minimum number of
Iteration 1: allocation in row (or) column (ie.) Here no. of allocation in row is (-
We allocate the maximum possible of the minimum number of , -, 1) and column is (-, - ,-, 1) then we can allocate the third row
allocation in row (or) column (ie.) Here no. of allocation in row as 3.
is (2, 2, 2) and column is (2, 1, 1, 2) then we can allocate the
second column as 2.
By step (6),
Therefore the optimal solution to the LBITP is
5.2 Example:
For the following FIITP, find the optimal solution and minimum
interval transportation cost.
Iteration 3:
We allocate the maximum possible of the minimum number of
allocation in row (or) column (ie.) Here no. of allocation in row is (-
, 2, 2) and column is (1, -, 1, 2) then we can allocate the first
column as 5.
By step (1),
Now, the upper bound of the integer transportation problem
(UBITP) from the above problem is given below,
Iteration 4:
We allocate the maximum possible of the minimum number of
allocation in row (or) column (ie.) Here no. of allocation in row is (- By step (2),
, 1, 2) and column is (-, -, 1, 2) then we can allocate the second Using existing idea, to find optimal solution for the UBITP is
row as 12.
By step (3),
By step (4),
Iteration 5:
We allocate the maximum possible of the minimum number of
allocation in row (or) column (ie.) Here no. of allocation in row is (-
, -, 2) and column is (-, -, 1, 1) then we can allocate the third
column as13.
By step (5),
Iteration 4:
We allocate the maximum possible of the minimum number of
allocation in row (or) column (ie.) Here no. of allocation in row is (-
, 1, 2) and column is (-, 2, -, 1) then we can allocate the second
row as 7.
Iteration 6:
By step (6),
A new process namely, row-column minima method for
computing FIITP is established. It is easy to interpret because
we used classical transportation technique and apply a well
ordered procedure. Never using fuzzy, zero point method, mid-
point, half-width, zero suffix method and diagonal method. Its
idea can be given an essential technique for the decision
makers to more options when they operate distinct planning
problems and factors as intervals.
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