Application Form For The Post of SRF
Application Form For The Post of SRF
Application Form For The Post of SRF
Personal Details:
Full Name: Dhiraj Baburao Maske
Laxmi Organic In-Plant Studied the process for Ethyl Acetate production, 05/2014 06/2014
Industries Trainee analyzed its process control and feasibility of
incorporation of Reactive Distillation.
Institute of Final year Presented a seminar on the topic under the title of 06/2014 12/2014
Chemical Seminar "Chemicals from Algal oil" in the final year of B.
Technology Chem. Engg. as a part of academics.
Institute of Final year Worked for the Home-Paper that designed a plant 06/2014 05/2015
Chemical Project (theoretically) for the “Manufacturing of 2000 TPA
Technology of Dimethyl Sulphate".
Honeywell Project Developed solution approach for optimum functioning 06/2019 05/2020
Automation Engineer I of the Pesticide Industry under the "Golden Batch
India Limited MES Analytics Project".
I hereby declare that I have carefully read the instructions and particulars supplied to me and that the entries
made in this application form are correct to the best of knowledge and belief. If selected, I promise to abide by
the rules and discipline of the Institute. I note that the decision of the Institute is final in regard to selection for
assignment to a particular Department and field of study. The Institute shall have the right to expel me from the
Institute at any time without notice, if false particulars furnished by me or my antecedents prove that my
continuance in the Institute is not desirable. I agree that I shall abide by the decision of the Institute, which shall
be final.
Place: Jalna
Date: 12/06/2020
Dhiraj Baburao Maske