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MR Eaves XL Sans and Modern: Narrow

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The document discusses the final installments of the Mr & Mrs Eaves family of fonts, Mr Eaves XL Sans Narrow and XL Modern Narrow, which are 20% narrower versions of existing fonts. It provides details on their design and intended uses.

Mr Eaves XL Sans Narrow is a narrower version of Mr Eaves XL Sans with tighter spacing, suitable for lengthy text. XL Modern Narrow has a less humanistic, more geometric look with simpler shapes. Both fonts are 20% narrower versions of existing fonts.

Mr Eaves XL Sans Narrow and XL Modern Narrow each have seven weights with accompanying italics, small caps, and alternate characters. They allow for a wide variety of text settings and maintain readability at smaller point sizes.

Mr Eaves XL Sans and Modern Narrow

Licensed and distributed by Emigre

Mr & Mrs EAVES Mr & Mrs EAVES
mr eaves xl narrow final Installment 2 mr eaves xl narrow final installment 3

Final Installment Aa Aa Aa Aa Aa Aa
Mr Eaves XL Sans & XL Modern Narrow are the final Aa Aa Aa Aa Aa Aa
installments to complete the Mr & Mrs Eaves family of Aa Aa Aa Aa Aa Aa
fonts. Mr Eaves XL Sans Narrow is 20% narrower than the Aa Aa Aa Aa Aa Aa Aa Aa Aa
regular Mr Eaves XL Sans with overall tighter spacing. Mr Aa Aa Aa Aa Aa Aa Aa Aa Aa
Eaves XL Sans Narrow allows for a wide variety of uses Aa Aa Aa Aa Aa Aa Aa Aa
and is perfectly suitable for lengthy text settings. The Aa Aa Aa Aa
larger x-height also maintains superior readability at mrs eaves mr eaves
mr eaves
mrs eaves
xl serif
mr eaves
xl sans
mr eaves
xl modern
mrs eaves
xl serif
mr eaves
xl sans
mr eaves
xl modern
smaller point sizes. The matching Modern Narrow narrow narrow narrow

fonts, also 20% narrower, provide an overall less 20% narrower

humanistic look, with simpler and more geometric-

Aa Aa
looking shapes, most noticeably in the squared-
off terminals and symmetric lower case counters.
These fonts have moved furthest from their
roots, yet still contain some of Mrs Eaves’ DNA.
The Modern Italic is free of tails, and overall

Aa Aa
mr eaves xl sans thin Mr eaves xl sans ultra
the Modern exhibits more repetition of forms,
projecting a cleaner look. Mr Eaves XL Sans
Narrow and XL Modern Narrow feature seven
weights each with accompanying italics,
small caps and alternate characters.
Designed and produced by Zuzana Licko. mr eaves xl sans narrow thin mr eaves xl sans narrow ultra

www.emigre.com www.emigre.com
sans modern
mr eaves xl narrow bold 4 mr eaves xl narrow bold 5

abcdefghij abcdefghij
klmnopqrs klmnopqrs
t uvwxyz tuvwxyz
0123456789 0123456789
$¤%&!?@ $¤%&!?@
www.emigre.com www.emigre.com
sans modern
mr eaves xl narrow bold italic 6 mr eaves xl narrow bold italic 7

abcdefghij abcdefghij
klmno pqrs klmno pqrs
tuvwxyz tu vwxyz
0123456789 0123456789
$¤%&!?@ $¤%&!?@
www.emigre.com www.emigre.com
sans modern
mr eaves xl narrow seven weights 8 mr eaves xl narrow s ev en w ei gh t s 9

Great Typography
Thin 32 point
Great Typography
Thin 32 point

Great Typography
light 32 point
Great Typography
light 32 point

Great Typography
book 32 point
Great Typography
book 32 point

Great Typography
regular 32 point
Great Typography
regular 32 point

Great Typography
bold 32 point
Great Typography
bold 32 point

Great Typography
heavy 32 point
Great Typography
heavy 32 point

Great Typography
ultra 32 point
Great Typography
ultra 32 point

Great Typography
small caps available in all seven roman weights
Great Typography
small caps available in all seven roman weights

1234567890 1234567890
lining and non-lining numerals available in all seven weights
1234567890 1234567890
lining and non-lining numerals available in all seven weights

www.emigre.com www.emigre.com
sans modern
mr eaves xl narrow standar d & alt e r nat e 10 mr eaves xl narrow sta nda r d & a lt er nat e 11
char act e r s c h a r ac t er s

standard characters mr eaves xl sans narrow ultra
standard characters mr eaves xl modern narrow ultra

alternate characters mr eaves xl sans narrow ultra
alternate characters mr eaves xl modern narrow ultra

Good Quality Typography is the selection of typefaces Good Quality Typography is the selection of typefaces
which are feelingly expressive of both caption and copy. which are feelingly expressive of both caption and copy.
standard characters mr eaves xl sans narrow ultra & book standard characters mr eaves xl modern narrow ultra & book

Good Quality Typography is the selection of typefaces Good Quality Typography is the selection of typefaces
which are feelingly expressive of both caption and copy. which are feelingly expressive of both caption and copy.
alternate characters mr eaves xl sans narrow ultra & book alternate characters mr eaves xl modern narrow ultra & book

Quality Regio
standard characters mr eaves xl sans narrow thin
Quality day
standard characters mr eaves xl modern narrow thin

Quality Regio
alternate characters mr eaves xl sans narrow thin
Quality day
alternate characters mr eaves xl modern narrow thin

www.emigre.com www.emigre.com
sans italic mod italic
mr eaves xl narrow standar d & alt e r nat e 12 mr eaves xl narrow sta nda r d & a lt er nat e 13
char act e r s c h a r ac t er s

standard characters mr eaves xl sans narrow ultra italic
standard characters mr eaves xl modern narrow ultra italic

alternate characters mr eaves xl sans narrow ultra italic
alternate characters mr eaves xl modern narrow ultra italic

Good Quality Typography is the selection of typefaces Good Quality Typography is the selection of typefaces
which are feelingly expressive of both caption and copy. which are feelingly expressive of both caption and copy.
standard characters mr eaves xl sans narrow heavy, ultra & book italic standard characters mr eaves xl modern narrow heavy, ultra & book italic

Good Quality Typography is the selection of typefaces Good Quality Typography is the selection of typefaces
which are feelingly expressive of both caption and copy. which are feelingly expressive of both caption and copy.
alternate characters mr eaves xl sans narrow heavy, ultra & book italic alternate characters mr eaves xl modern narrow heavy, ultra & book italic

Quality prefer
standard characters mr eaves xl sans narrow thin italic
Quality fad
standard characters mr eaves xl modern narrow thin italic

Quality prefer
alternate characters mr eaves xl sans narrow thin italic
Quality fad
alternate characters mr eaves xl modern narrow thin italic

www.emigre.com www.emigre.com
sans modern
mr eaves xl narrow standard characters 14 mr eaves xl narrow standard characters 15
(stroke endings) (stroke endings)

naed naed
Good typography Good typography
is the selection of typefaces which are feelingly is the selection of typefaces which are feelingly
expressive of both caption and copy; the choice expressive of both caption and copy; the choice
of borders in which lurk a seemly motive and a of borders in which lurk a seemly motive and a
silent meaning; ornaments, if necessary, which silent meaning; ornaments, if necessary, which
fit the theme just as felicitously as a scrolled fit the theme just as felicitously as a scrolled
scabbard fits its bright blade; and intelligent scabbard fits its bright blade; and intelligent
distribution of ample white space. distribution of ample white space.
mr eaves xl sans narrow heavy & regular 20/20 point mr eaves xl modern narrow heavy & regular 20/20 point

Good typography is the selection of typefaces which are feelingly expressive of both caption and Good typography is the selection of typefaces which are feelingly expressive of both caption and
copy; the choice of borders in which lurk a seemly motive and a silent meaning; ornaments, if necessary, copy; the choice of borders in which lurk a seemly motive and a silent meaning; ornaments, if necessary,
which fit the theme just as felicitously as a scrolled scabbard fits its bright blade; and intelligent which fit the theme just as felicitously as a scrolled scabbard fits its bright blade; and intelligent
distribution of ample white space. distribution of ample white space.
mr eaves xl sans narrow heavy & regular 9/9 point, tracking 10 mr eaves xl modern narrow heavy & regular 9/9 point, tracking 10

www.emigre.com www.emigre.com
sans modern
mr eaves xl narrow alternate characters 16 mr eaves xl narrow alternate characters 17
(stroke endings) (stroke endings)

naed naed
Good typography Good typography
is the selection of typefaces which are feelingly is the selection of typefaces which are feelingly
expressive of both caption and copy; the choice expressive of both caption and copy; the choice
of borders in which lurk a seemly motive and a of borders in which lurk a seemly motive and a
silent meaning; ornaments, if necessary, which silent meaning; ornaments, if necessary, which
fit the theme just as felicitously as a scrolled fit the theme just as felicitously as a scrolled
scabbard fits its bright blade; and intelligent scabbard fits its bright blade; and intelligent
distribution of ample white space. distribution of ample white space.
mr eaves xl sans narrow heavy & regular 20/20 point mr eaves xl modern narrow heavy & regular 20/20 point

Good typography is the selection of typefaces which are feelingly expressive of both caption and Good typography is the selection of typefaces which are feelingly expressive of both caption and
copy; the choice of borders in which lurk a seemly motive and a silent meaning; ornaments, if necessary, copy; the choice of borders in which lurk a seemly motive and a silent meaning; ornaments, if necessary,
which fit the theme just as felicitously as a scrolled scabbard fits its bright blade; and intelligent which fit the theme just as felicitously as a scrolled scabbard fits its bright blade; and intelligent
distribution of ample white space. distribution of ample white space.
mr eaves xl sans narrow heavy & regular 9/9 point, tracking 10 mr eaves xl modern narrow heavy & regular 9/9 point, tracking 10

www.emigre.com www.emigre.com
sans modern
mr eaves xl narrow text with standard 18 mr eaves xl narrow text with standard 19
characters characters

QRagl Qadtuy
Good typography is the selection of typefaces which are feelingly Good typography is the selection of typefaces which are feelingly
expressive of both caption and copy; the choice of borders in which lurk a expressive of both caption and copy; the choice of borders in which lurk
seemly motive and a silent meaning; ornaments, if necessary, which fit the a seemly motive and a silent meaning; ornaments, if necessary, which fit
theme just as felicitously as a scrolled scabbard fits its bright blade; and the theme just as felicitously as a scrolled scabbard fits its bright blade;
intelligent distribution of ample white space. and intelligent distribution of ample white space.
mr eaves xl sans narrow heavy & light 14/14 point mr eaves xl modern narrow heavy & light 14/14 point

Good typography is the selection of typefaces which are feelingly Good typography is the selection of typefaces which are feelingly
expressive of both caption and copy; the choice of borders in which lurk expressive of both caption and copy; the choice of borders in which lurk
a seemly motive and a silent meaning; ornaments, if necessary, which fit a seemly motive and a silent meaning; ornaments, if necessary, which
the theme just as felicitously as a scrolled scabbard fits its bright blade; fit the theme just as felicitously as a scrolled scabbard fits its bright
and intelligent distribution of ample white space. blade; and intelligent distribution of ample white space.
mr eaves xl sans narrow heavy & book 14/14 point mr eaves xl modern narrow heavy & book 14/14 point

Good typography is the selection of typefaces which are feelingly Good typography is the selection of typefaces which are
expressive of both caption and copy; the choice of borders in which feelingly expressive of both caption and copy; the choice of borders
lurk a seemly motive and a silent meaning; ornaments, if necessary, in which lurk a seemly motive and a silent meaning; ornaments,
which fit the theme just as felicitously as a scrolled scabbard fits its if necessary, which fit the theme just as felicitously as a scrolled
bright blade; and intelligent distribution of ample white space. scabbard fits its bright blade; and intelligent distribution of ample
mr eaves xl sans narrow heavy & regular 14/14 point white space.
mr eaves xl modern narrow heavy & regular 14/14 point

www.emigre.com www.emigre.com
sans modern
mr eaves xl narrow text with alternate 20 mr eaves xl narrow text with alternate 21
characters characters

QRagl Qadtuy
Good typography is the selection of typefaces which are feelingly Good typography is the selection of typefaces which are feelingly
expressive of both caption and copy; the choice of borders in which lurk expressive of both caption and copy; the choice of borders in which lurk
a seemly motive and a silent meaning; ornaments, if necessary, which fit a seemly motive and a silent meaning; ornaments, if necessary, which fit
the theme just as felicitously as a scrolled scabbard fits its bright blade; the theme just as felicitously as a scrolled scabbard fits its bright blade;
and intelligent distribution of ample white space. and intelligent distribution of ample white space.
mr eaves xl sans narrow heavy & light 14/14 point mr eaves xl modern narrow heavy & light 14/14 point

Good typography is the selection of typefaces which are feelingly Good typography is the selection of typefaces which are feelingly
expressive of both caption and copy; the choice of borders in which lurk expressive of both caption and copy; the choice of borders in which
a seemly motive and a silent meaning; ornaments, if necessary, which lurk a seemly motive and a silent meaning; ornaments, if necessary,
fit the theme just as felicitously as a scrolled scabbard fits its bright which fit the theme just as felicitously as a scrolled scabbard fits its
blade; and intelligent distribution of ample white space. bright blade; and intelligent distribution of ample white space.
mr eaves xl sans narrow heavy & book 14/14 point mr eaves xl modern narrow heavy & book 14/14 point

Good typography is the selection of typefaces which are Good typography is the selection of typefaces which are
feelingly expressive of both caption and copy; the choice of borders feelingly expressive of both caption and copy; the choice of borders
in which lurk a seemly motive and a silent meaning; ornaments, in which lurk a seemly motive and a silent meaning; ornaments,
if necessary, which fit the theme just as felicitously as a scrolled if necessary, which fit the theme just as felicitously as a scrolled
scabbard fits its bright blade; and intelligent distribution of ample scabbard fits its bright blade; and intelligent distribution of ample
white space. white space.
mr eaves xl sans narrow heavy & regular 14/14 point mr eaves xl modern narrow heavy & regular 14/14 point

www.emigre.com www.emigre.com
sans modern
mr eaves xl narrow mixed standard and 22 mr eaves xl narrow mixed standard and 23
alternate characters alternate characters

Animation Animation
aquarius aquarius
Ponderosa Pine Ponderosa Pine
mona mona
Agriculture Agriculture
Accompanying Play Accompanying Play
www.emigre.com www.emigre.com
mixed mixed
mr eaves xl narrow with 24 mr eaves xl narrow with 25
mrs eaves xl mr eaves XL

Aa Aa
Good typography is the selection of typefaces which are
Aa Aa
Good typography is the selection of typefaces which are
feelingly expressive of both caption and copy; the choice feelingly expressive of both caption and copy; the choice
of borders in which lurk a seemly motive and a silent of borders in which lurk a seemly motive and a silent
meaning; ornaments, if necessary, which fit the theme just meaning; ornaments, if necessary, which fit the theme just
as felicitously as a scrolled scabbard fits its bright blade; as felicitously as a scrolled scabbard fits its bright blade;
and intelligent distribution of ample white space. and intelligent distribution of ample white space.
mr eaves xl modern narrow ultra & mrs eaves xl serif narrow regular 14/14 point mr eaves xl modern narrow ultra alternates & mr eaves xl modern light alternates 14/14 point

Aa Aa
Good typography is the selection of typefaces which are feelingly
Aa Aa
Good typography is the selection of typefaces which are
expressive of both caption and copy; the choice of borders in feelingly expressive of both caption and copy; the choice of
which lurk a seemly motive and a silent meaning; borders in which lurk a seemly motive and a
ornaments, if necessary, which fit the theme just as felicitously as a silent meaning; ornaments, if necessary, which fit the theme
scrolled scabbard fits its bright blade; and intelligent distribution of ample just as felicitously as a scrolled scabbard fits its bright blade; and
white space. intelligent distribution of ample white space.
mr eaves xl sans narrow light & mrs eaves xl serif narrow heavy 14/14 point mr eaves xl sans narrow light alternates & mr eaves xl modern ultra alternates 14/14 point

www.emigre.com www.emigre.com
mixed mixed
mr eaves xl narrow with 26 mr eaves xl narrow with 27
mrs eaves xl mr eaves xl

WorldChamp mr eaves xl sans narrow ultra & mrs eaves xl serif narrow heavy
AfterEight mr eaves xl modern narrow ultra & mr eaves xl modern thin

mrs eaves xl serif narrow bold italic & mr eaves xl sans narrow ultra italic
mr eaves xl sans narrow ultra & mr eaves xl sans narrow regular italic

SmallChange mr eaves xl sans narrow ultra & mrs eaves xl serif regular
GoodMorning mr eaves xl modern narrow ultra & mr eaves xl modern ultra

mrs eaves xl serif narrow heavy italic & mr eaves xl modern narrow ultra italic alternates
MinimumWage mr eaves xl modern narrow thin & mr eaves xl modern ultra

UnitedStatesmr eaves xl sans narrow ultra & mrs eaves xl serif narrow bold
FullHouse mr eaves xl sans ultra & mr eaves xl sans narrow regular

CoolCat mrs eaves xl serif narrow bold & mr eaves xl modern narrow ultra
StateDinnermr eaves xl modern narrow ultra & mr eaves xl modern ultra italic

www.emigre.com www.emigre.com
mixed mixed
mr eaves xl narrow with 28 mr eaves xl narrow with 29
mrs eaves xl mr eaves xl

California Republic
An Abbreviated History
mrs eaves xl serif regular small caps & mr eaves xl modern narrow ultra alternates
Modernism The Robertson Collection
mr eaves xl modern narrow ultra & mr eaves xl modern book

great motivational speeches
mr eaves xl sans narrow ultra small caps & mrs eaves xl serif narrow bold small caps
The High Price of Space Exploration
mr eaves xl sans narrow light & mr eaves xl sans ultra small caps

An Introduction to Vertical Gardens
mr eaves xl sans narrow thin & mrs eaves xl serif narrow regular
Athletic Scholarships
The Race for Academic Excellence
mr eaves xl sans narrow ultra small caps & mr eaves xl sans ultra italic

Retrofit Fixing the Past

a novel by london fletcher
mr eaves xl modern narrow bold & mrs eaves xl serif narrow regular small caps mr eaves xl sans narrow thin & mr eaves xl modern heavy alternates

www.emigre.com www.emigre.com
web fonts emigre
30 31

The Emigre Font Library is now available in Order On-line

For more info and pricing go to: www.emigre.com
Web Font format.
Emigre Type Catalog
Emigre Web Fonts are provided in both WOFF and EOT formats for use with To order a copy of The Emigre Type Catalog go to: www.emigre.com/EmigreCatalog.php
the CSS @ font-face rule. The combination of WOFF and EOT formats allows
the Web Fonts to function on most currently used browser types. Emigre Magazine Back Issues
A few back issues of Emigre magazine remain available. These collectors’ copies (available in
Emigre Web Fonts are licensed for self hosting, with a choice of a 5 year limited quantities) start at $25. Visit our web site for a full showing of available issues and prices.
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contact emigre
Emigre Web Fonts are formatted to function exclusively on web pages and Emigre
cannot be installed and used like traditional desktop fonts. 1700 Shattuck Ave., #307
Berkeley, CA 94709
For more info and pricing go to: http://www.emigre.com/WebFonts U.S.A.


COPYRIGHT © 2012 EMIGRE, INC. all rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced without written permission from
emigre, inc. EMIGRE, EMIGRE FONTS, MR EAVES, AND MRS EAVES ARE TRADEMARKS OF EMIGRE, INC. sample text from Specimen Book and Catalog,
American Type founders company, 1923.

U.S.A. PERMIT 2097


EST. 1984

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