CT - 2 Assignment Brand Management Shilpi Jain
CT - 2 Assignment Brand Management Shilpi Jain
CT - 2 Assignment Brand Management Shilpi Jain
Submitted To
In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirement of the Degree of
Master of Business Administration (MBA)
QUES : Samsung India Ltd. Taking example of above company, identify its
2 Brands and explain application of Brand Awareness, Brand Image,
Brand Personality & Brand Equity with respect to them.
Assuming yourself as the “Vice President – Marketing & Communication”
of this company, make a presentation for Board of Directors covering
following key points:
1) Brand Architecture of company.
2) New Brand to be introduced using Brand Extension?
Brand Awareness :
Brand Awareness is the extent to which a brand is recognized by customers, and is correctly
associated with a particular product.
Brand awareness is related to the functions of brand identities in consumer's memory and can
be reflected by how well the consumers can identified the brand under various conditions.
Brand awareness includes brand recognition and brand recall performance.
DEFINE- Brand image is the current view of the customers about a brand. It can be defined
as a unique bundle of associations within the minds of target customers. It signifies what the
brand presently stands for. It is a set of beliefs held about a specific brand. In short, it is
nothing but the consumers’ perception about the product. It is the manner in which a specific
brand is positioned in the market. Brand image conveys emotional value and not just a mental
image. Brand image is nothing but an organization’s character. It is an accumulation of
contact and observation by people external to an organization.
Brand imaging is an essential tactic for company’s marketing plan and consumer behavior
research (Dobni & Zinkhan, 1990). A clear image of a brand enables consumers to know
about the brand, use the brand, and talk about the brand. All these factors are beneficial for
the brand in identifying it from any rivals in the market. Good brand image strategies can
lead to a good brand performance (Roth, 1995).
Product Attributes
Customer’s benefit
Brand Personality
The success of brand is the goal pursued of companies whose attempting to lead the
market. Brand value is one of significant criteria that enhance branding of the
company. The uniqueness of the brand is influenced consumers in both directly and
indirectly, hereby improving the company value (Melewar and Karaosmanoglu,
2006). The strong and successful brand was able to dominate and persuade decision
making of consumers.
Samsung ranks 19th in the Top 100 Global brands in 2009 to 2010. That shows
Samsung brand value up 11 percent from year earlier, according to annual report by
global branding inter brand.
Brand Personality
The products are highly developed to ensure customer satisfaction and meeting personal
needs are required at a particular time. Thus, functional benefits are considered to be intrinsic
as consumers are able to achieve rational psychological satisfaction. The desire is to enhancer
self-concept through symbolic meaning and information provided by consuming certain
products. Moreover, the products are acceptable among consumers, thus increasing self-
worth, happiness, and developing a sense of self-independence. To some extent, the brand
has developed strategies to improve communication and mechanisms for consumer
identification in the provided market and respective networks.
To attain competitive market advantage and facing competitors Samsung Company has made
the products more appealing and attractive to consumers. This approach creates and
strengthens the connection of the company to immediate consumers in the market.
Brand equity refers to a value premium that a company generates from a product with a
recognizable name when compared to a generic equivalent. Companies can create brand
equity for their products by making them memorable, easily recognizable, and superior in
quality and reliability.
Samsung has strongly structured themselves according to Keller’s Brand Equity Theory and
became a highly valued company with high customer loyalty. In 2017’s statistical report,
Samsung has 66,219 million dollar brand fund and ranked as 7th biggest corporation amongst
several global conglomerates.
We can often see Samsung advertisements in the streets or anywhere. Samsung is highly
reputed as its mobile phones and it has been ranked as 6th biggest company in its brand
reputation. In this way, Samsung has high brand value and reputation not only in Korea, but
also in Europe, USA, Asia and in several different countries in the world.
Assuming myself as a vice president of Marketing & Communication of
this company:
Brand Architecture :
Brand architecture defines the different levels within your brand and provides a hierarchy that
explains the relationships between the different products, services, and components that make
up your company’s portfolio of offerings. This architecture gives your existing brand
structure so employees and customers understand the value of and relationship between its
different parts. It also creates a roadmap that guides how your brand can scale in the future .
It is the way in which the brands within a company’s portfolio are related to, and
differentiated from, one another. Brand Architecture
•There are three key levels of branding:
Brand Architecture is a system that organizes brands, products and services to help an
audience access and relate to a brand. A successful Brand Architecture enables consumers to
form opinions and preferences for an entire family of brands by interacting or learning about
only one brand in that family.
In this all or many brands are kept with seprate identities,names,and life cycles of their own
Samsung Brand
Brand Extension is required for a company’s growth, profitability, and brand’s added
reputation. It is an inevitable strategic move at some point of time in brand management.
While extending a brand, all assumptions related to that brand held for a long time are
revised and the brand’s identity is redefined. The brand managers need to identify growth
opportunities and increase parent brand’s value.
A new product is launched under existing brand. It often adds a product of different
category. The new associated brand is a sub-brand.
We are launching a new brand with new product a new brand name is “ SG group” and the
new product name is the electronic car under the dignitary of Samsung India Ltd.“SG
GROUP ” is the electronic car which comes under e-motor in which it is the future oriented
process because if in future oils will be costly than the electronic car will be choice of a
customer it will be charged once a day and can be used frequently and will inspire the
youngsters it will take not much unit of electricity but will surely succeed in future it is the 1 st
step towards automobile sector hope it will be successful .