Social Anthropology: Careers in Social Science
Social Anthropology: Careers in Social Science
Social Anthropology: Careers in Social Science
Social anthropology
Why do people get passionate about sport? Why can terrible atrocities be committed by
people defending their religious beliefs?
Social anthropology is the study of human societies and cultures, social customs and beliefs.
Social anthropology
After my degree... what next? Learning on the job
Once you’ve finished your undergraduate degree
you may want to continue studying and researching If you are interested in pursuing a career
anthropology. Today there are postgraduate in anthropology, volunteering or doing
opportunities in new fields such as the an internship in a relevant area is a great
anthropology of childhood or digital anthropology. way to gain first-hand experience of what
PhD students can go on to be lecturers at anthropologists do, as well as knowledge of
universities, curators in museums or work as specialist areas within the discipline.
consultants in public and private organisations.