Maximizing Utility - Krugman PDF
Maximizing Utility - Krugman PDF
Maximizing Utility - Krugman PDF
Maximizing Utility
Module Objectives
Students will learn in this module:
• Why consumers’ general goal is to maximize utility.
• Why the principle of diminishing marginal utility applies to the consumption of most
goods and services.
• How to use marginal analysis to find the optimal consumption bundle.
Module Outline
I. Utility: It’s All About Getting Satisfaction
A. Utility and consumption
1. Definition: Utility is a measure of personal satisfaction.
2. An individual’s consumption bundle is the collection of all the goods and
services consumed by an individual.
3. An individual’s total utility function gives the total utility generated by his
or her consumption bundle.
4. Definition: A util is a unit of utility.
B. The principle of diminishing marginal utility
1. Definition: The marginal utility of a good or service is the change in
total utility generated by consuming an additional unit of that good or
2. Definition: The marginal utility curve shows how marginal utility
depends on the quantity of a good or service consumed.
3. Definition: The principle of diminishing marginal utility says that
each successive unit of a good or service consumed adds less to total util-
ity than the previous unit.
4. There are a few exceptions to the principle of diminishing marginal util-
ity: goods that you must gain experience to enjoy (skiing) and goods that
deliver satisfaction only if you buy enough of them (wallpaper), so mar-
ginal utility increases before it begins to diminish.
II. Budgets and Optimal Consumption
A. Budget constraints and budget lines
1. Definition: A budget constraint requires that the cost of a consumer’s
consumption bundle is no more than the consumer’s total income.
module 20 maximizing utility 111
4. The marginal utility per dollar of clams = MUC/PC, and the marginal util-
ity per dollar of potatoes = MUP/PP.
B. Optimal consumption
1. Definition: The optimal consumption rule states that when a consum-
er maximizes utility, the marginal utility per dollar spent must be the
same for all goods and services in the consumption bundle.
2. In equation form, the optimal consumption rule for two goods C and P is
3. If the ratios of the two goods are not equal, consumers will adjust their
choices until the marginal utilities per dollar spent for each and every
good or service in that bundle are equal.
Teaching Tips
Utility: It’s All About Getting Satisfaction
Creating Student Interest
Bring a supply of small treats to class (for example, a box of “doughnut holes” works
well in a morning class). Ask for a volunteer who enjoys the treat you have brought.
Tell them that you will give them the treats in return for data you can use in the class.
Give them a treat (say, a doughnut hole) and let them eat it. They ask the student for
your data—ask, “How much did you like the doughnut hole?” Then student will prob-
ably ask you for more information, such as, “compared to what?” or “on what scale?”
Tell them that they agreed to give you the data in return for the doughnut hole and
press them to give you the answer. After making the student squirm for a bit, explain
that the satisfaction received from consuming a good is measured in “utils,” or units
of utility. Then ask the student “how many units of utility did you receive from eat-
ing the doughnut hole?” The student may still not want to answer. Encourage them by
pointing out that they are the only one who knows the answer and they have promised
to give you the data. Eventually you should be able to get a number from them. Record
the data on the board and then give them another doughnut hole. Repeat the process.
The number they give will eventually decline. At some point, the student will refuse an
additional doughnut. Coax them to eat as many as they will. When they won’t eat any
more, ask them why. Eventually you will get at the idea that their utility is 0 (or nega-
tive). Sometimes students will say they don’t want to eat more because they are thirsty
from the doughnut holes. If you like, bring something for them to drink (say, orange
juice) and discuss complements! Once your final data is recorded, calculate total utility
and graph total and marginal utility.
If you don’t want to bring food to class, or if you have no volunteers for the exercise,
talk about what happens when you are really hungry and you order a pizza. Do you eat
more than one slice? Do you get the same satisfaction from each slice? Is it possible that
the last slice actually gave you negative satisfaction (after the fact)?
Students are often mystified by the whole concept of attaching a number to how much
they like something. Explain that the numbers are useful for explaining how consumers
make decisions. Point out that the number itself does not matter, just the ranking. As
long as they can tell you that bundle A is preferred to bundle B, then bundle A must have
a higher utility number. The relative value of the numbers matters also. If you like brand
A twice as much as brand B then the marginal utility from brand A should be twice that
of brand B. Ask them what happens if you like the two brands equally? Which one do
you buy?
Quantity of
bags of
Budget line
12 Quantity of Cokes
Sergio’s possible consumption bundles, given his budget constraint and the prices of the
products and assuming that he is consuming a bundle on his budget line, are as follows
(any of these combinations can be found on the budget line):
Measuring Marginal Utility of M&M’s (10–15 minutes)
Bring a bag of M&M candies to class and ask if anyone gets satisfaction from them.
Ask a student who derives satisfaction from M&M’s to come to the front and rate each
piece of candy on a marginal utility scale of 1 to 10, with 10 being the highest. Then
hand the student one candy from the bag and have him or her eat the candy and assign
a number for its marginal utility. Do the same with subsequent candies until the law of
diminishing marginal utility is demonstrated.
In the book The Two Income Trap, authors Elizabeth Warren and Amelia Warren Tyagi
argue that Americans are filing for bankruptcy in higher numbers than ever before
because the cost of a home today takes up so much of discretionary spending. They argue
that Americans are not spending irrationally. Rather, parents bid against one another
for housing in better school districts. Higher mortgage payments, combined with higher
medical expenses and rising college tuitions, are leaving two-income earner families
Ask students on each side of the room to discuss with a partner whether the excerpt
accurately describes middle-class consumers. These pairs now break up and find a partner
from the other side of the room. Ask each student to share the excerpt with his or her
new partner. As a pair, students now discuss which description of middle-class consum-
ers seems the most accurate. Ask a few pairs to report.
Web Resources
The following websites may provide useful information for students:
Personal Finance and Education Information from the Chicago Federal Reserve Bank:
Money Instructor web page on budgeting (including information and curriculum):