M2019HRM008 - PLO - Assignment1 &2 Both - Akhil
M2019HRM008 - PLO - Assignment1 &2 Both - Akhil
M2019HRM008 - PLO - Assignment1 &2 Both - Akhil
Assignment 1:
1)How has power played out in your life?
I have been an introvert for most of my childhood. I always had a lot of things to
express but could not. I once became a monitor of my class in 9th standard, and I had
some power over the class. It gave me a sense of confidence; people became more
friendlier and I was given due respect.
With great power comes great responsibility, I was ready for it. In my Btech I was
the class representative, and again it made me more confident and made friends
easily. As soon as I opted out from CR position, I was a common man. It did give a
sense of freedom, but at the cost of powerlessness. It wasn’t worth it
I could have easily been a committee member, but avoided it to focus on academics.
Later I regretted, as being in POR teaches you a lot more than books can ever teach
2) What are the power struggles you have won and lost, and most importantly, what stands
in your way of being even more powerful than you are?
3) Please write a short (one or two paragraph) statement on the topic, “why I’m taking this
I am taking this class to understand about Power in different contexts, is it worth to
handle the responsibilities which comes with Power. Understand how managers use
Power and still kelp their calm, how they are assertive. How people climb in
corporates, is talent enough or you need power to be successful in life. Also, given
the fact Dr Mulla is teaching it, wouldn’t want to miss hearing the anecdotes that
come as a gift in the lectures.
Assignment 2
1. Write a brief, one-page essay about those aspects of your personality, skills and
abilities, and “character” that you believe are and have been most important in
helping you get ahead in life (both in the past and in the future). In other words,
what personal attributes or qualities do you possess that you value highly and
believe have and will make you more effective in obtaining your goals?
1) Dedication: Once, I fix my goal and see a great value in achieving it, I have given my
100 percent. I took a drop for IIT JEE and prepared with dedication and eventually
cracked IIT JEE 2011.
3) Teetotaler: I have been away from sensory pleasures and intoxicants, as I see this a
great differentiator in a world where youth is highly intoxicated, it gives a sense of
freedom and achievement to have stayed away from the her and gained control on
4) Energy: I have good energy that I can transpire, I have worked in 7 companies and
mailed 7/9 interviews cracked many MBA interviews despite less score, but with good PI
skills. These skills will help me ahead too.
7) No stage fright: I have danced, sand, acted, hosted in front of crowds, with no fear at
all. I have conquered it and very confident on stage
8) Personal Talents: I dance, sing, act play sports well and these talents help me establish
myself quickly anywhere
2. Consider the material from Ch. 2 from Power and the material you have read for
the first two sessions. Now write a second one-page essay indicating how you
see yourself with respect to each of the attributes described in the chapter. Rate
yourself on those dimensions on a 1-5 scale, where 1 means you possess little of
the attribute and 5 means you possess a lot of it.
1) Ambition: 4/5
: I have high ambitions In life. For position, status, money comfort etc.
2) Energy: 4/5
I have a lot of Energy and have been often told about how It is contagious to
m Iove people. That has helped me grow my YouTube channel as well
3) Focus: 3/5
I dwindle from one goal to another. I don’t know thast one thing I want to
do in life. I am good when the goal is set and theres no other thing in my
mind which rarely happens
4) Self-Knowledge : 3/5
5) Confidence: 4/5
I am confident in my abilities
6) Empathy: 4/5
Can easily read people, friends and have been good with it.
3. Compare and contrast the two essays. What do they suggest to you about
things you might want to do to develop more power and influence?
1) I need to be wanting Power. Ambition for Power has to be developed to gain
more control
4. What are you going to do during this year to develop those personal qualities
and dimensions of yourself?
iv) Use good communication skills, also keep pleasing my manager in fieldwork
and gain more visibility this time.
vi) Frequently put my points in conflict and let people know of my stand often.
Be vocal more.