3845-Article Text-10897-2-10-20200114
3845-Article Text-10897-2-10-20200114
3845-Article Text-10897-2-10-20200114
2020; 10(1):92-96
Brinzolamide is inhibitor of carbonic anhydride and is highly specific and non-competitive. The aim of the present study is to develop a simple,
precise, accurate, sensitive RP-HPLC method for the determination of bulk drug. The objective of the method validation is to demonstrate
whether the method was suited for the intended purpose. The method was validated as per the ICH guidelines. The method was validated for
linearity, precision (repeatability, intermediate precision), accuracy, specificity, robustness, ruggedness, limit of detection and limit of
quantification. Cosmosil (4.6X250mm, 5 μ) column was used for separation. The selected wavelength for Brinzolamide was 254 nm. The mobile
phase consists of Acetonitrile: Potassium dihydrogen phosphate buffer (40:60). Flow rate was delivered at 1.0 mL/min. Appropriate dilutions of
standard stock solutions were prepared to get desired concentrations in the range of 100-500 mcg/ml. The equation od standard curve was y =
441.8x + 1132 and R2 = 0.998. The RT obtained was 6.6167 minutes.
Keywords: Brinzolamide, UV spectroscopy, RP-HPLC, ICH
Article Info: Received 03 Nov 2019; Review Completed 21 Dec 2019; Accepted 29 Dec 2019; Available online 15 Jan 2020
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Tiwari B, Shirsat MK, Kulkarni A, Analytical method development and validation for the determination of Brinzolamide by
RP-HPLC, Journal of Drug Delivery and Therapeutics. 2020; 10(1):92-96 http://dx.doi.org/10.22270/jddt.v10i1.3845
Development and optimization of the HPLC method: delivered at 1.0 mL/min with detection wavelength at 254
nm. A 20 μL was injected to the chromatographic system
For getting an optimized chromatographic condition, A
with ambient temperature. Acetonitrile: Potassium
Cosmosil (4.6X250mm, 5 μ) column was used for separation.
dihydrogen phosphate buffer (40:60) was the optimized
The mobile phase consists of Acetonitrile: Potassium
mobile phase selected for experimentation. The RT obtained
dihydrogen phosphate buffer (40:60). Flow rate was was 6.6167 minutes.
Figure 3: RT of Brinzolamide
Method validation: 500 mcg/ml. Then the concentrations were plotted against
the area under curves to get the equation of standard curve,
as presented in Table 1.
Appropriate dilutions of standard stock solutions were
prepared to get desired concentrations in the range of 100-
Precision is determined at two levels: a) Repeatbility b) Intraday and Interday Precision.
Table 3: Precision Data
Parameter Amount taken (µg/ml) Amount found* (µg/ml) %RSD
System Precision 60 59.94 0.475
Method Precision 60 60.15 0.683
*Mean of Six observations
Table 4: Intraday and Interday Precision Data
Concentration of Brinzolamide Intraday* %RSD Interday * %RSD
Limit of Quantification (LOQ) and Limit of Detection Robustness was studied by observing the change in
(LOD): following parameters, and then observation of each
parameter change was done to access their effect on system
The limit of quantification (LOQ) is defined as the lower
suitability and assay. Change in mobile phase composition
concentration of an analyte in a sample that can be
was done by ± 5.0 ml of organic solvent and the change in
determined with acceptable precision and accuracy under the detection wavelength ± 10 nm was done.
the stated operational conditions of the method. The limit of
detection (LOD) is defined as the lowest concentration of an Change in mobile phase composition: The sample solution
analyte in a sample that can be detected, not quantified. The at test concentration (60μg/ml of drug was injected thrice
LOD and LOQ were estimated from the set of 5 calibration with the mobile phase composition changed by ± 5.0ml of
curves used to determine method linearity. The LOD and organic solvent from the developed method.
LOQ were calculated using following formula
Change in detection wavelength: The sample solution at
LOD = 3.3× σ/S test concentration (60μg/ml of drug was injected thrice with
the change in detection wavelength by ± 10 nm from the
LOQ= 10× σ/S
developed method. The % assay of drug after changes in
Where, σ = Standard deviation of the Y- intercepts of the 5 method parameters were observed.
calibration curves, S = Mean slope of the 5 calibration curves.
The LOQ and LOD parameters of Brinzolamide are provided
A precise RP – HPLC method was developed for the
in Table 5.
determination of Brinzolamide. The shorter run time elutes
Table 6: LOD and LOQ parameters Erlotinib hydrochloride with good resolution, and
symmetry. The method was validated as per the ICH
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