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Oracle® E-Business Suite Diagnostics: User's Guide Release 12.1

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Oracle® E-Business Suite Diagnostics

User's Guide
Release 12.1
Part No. E12895-02

April 2009
Oracle E-Business Suite Diagnostics User's Guide, Release 12.1

Part No. E12895-02

Copyright © 2002, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.

Primary Author:     Mildred Wang

Contributing Author:     KrishnaKumar Nair, Angelo Rosado

Contributor:     Michele Casalgrandi, Marijo Erickson

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1 Oracle E-Business Suite Diagnostics Overview

Introduction............................................................................................................................... 1-1
Accessing the User Interface..................................................................................................... 1-4
Diagnosing an Issue.................................................................................................................. 1-4
Reporting................................................................................................................................... 1-8
Security...................................................................................................................................... 1-9
Configuration.......................................................................................................................... 1-13

2 Using Oracle E-Business Suite Diagnostics

Introduction............................................................................................................................... 2-1
Diagnostic Tests........................................................................................................................ 2-1
Select Test............................................................................................................................ 2-2
Execute Test......................................................................................................................... 2-3
Execute a Test Set................................................................................................................. 2-3
Enter Test Set Inputs............................................................................................................ 2-4
Save Test Set.........................................................................................................................2-4
View Test Sets...................................................................................................................... 2-5
Upload Test Set.................................................................................................................... 2-5
Schedule Diagnostics Test.................................................................................................... 2-5
Schedule Diagnostic Test Set................................................................................................2-6
Viewing Reports in Oracle E-Business Suite Diagnostics....................................................... 2-6
View Reports........................................................................................................................2-6

View Test Results................................................................................................................. 2-8
View Report......................................................................................................................... 2-9
Scheduled Tests................................................................................................................... 2-9
Configuring Oracle E-Business Suite Diagnostics Tests....................................................... 2-10
View Registered Applications............................................................................................ 2-10
Register Application.......................................................................................................... 2-11
View Groups...................................................................................................................... 2-11
Edit Group......................................................................................................................... 2-11
Create Group..................................................................................................................... 2-12
Reorder Group................................................................................................................... 2-12
View Tests.......................................................................................................................... 2-12
View Test Details............................................................................................................... 2-13
Edit Test............................................................................................................................. 2-14
View Test Inputs................................................................................................................ 2-14
Create Test......................................................................................................................... 2-14
Reorder Tests..................................................................................................................... 2-15
Profile Options........................................................................................................................ 2-15

A Known Limitations
Known Limitations................................................................................................................... A-1

Send Us Your Comments

Oracle E-Business Suite Diagnostics User's Guide, Release 12.1

Part No. E12895-02

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Intended Audience
Welcome to Release 12.1 of the Oracle E-Business Suite Diagnostics User's Guide.
This guide assumes you have a working knowledge of the following:
• The principles and customary practices of your business area.

• Computer desktop application usage and terminology.

If you have never used Oracle Applications, we suggest you attend one or more of the
Oracle Applications training classes available through Oracle University.
See Related Information Sources on page viii for more Oracle Applications product

Deaf/Hard of Hearing Access to Oracle Support Services

To reach Oracle Support Services, use a telecommunications relay service (TRS) to call
Oracle Support at 1.800.223.1711. An Oracle Support Services engineer will handle
technical issues and provide customer support according to the Oracle service request
process. Information about TRS is available at
http://www.fcc.gov/cgb/consumerfacts/trs.html, and a list of phone numbers is
available at http://www.fcc.gov/cgb/dro/trsphonebk.html.

Documentation Accessibility
Our goal is to make Oracle products, services, and supporting documentation accessible
to all users, including users that are disabled. To that end, our documentation includes
features that make information available to users of assistive technology. This
documentation is available in HTML format, and contains markup to facilitate access by
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For more information, visit the Oracle Accessibility Program Web site at

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Screen readers may not always correctly read the code examples in this document. The
conventions for writing code require that closing braces should appear on an otherwise
empty line; however, some screen readers may not always read a line of text that
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This documentation may contain links to Web sites of other companies or organizations
that Oracle does not own or control. Oracle neither evaluates nor makes any
representations regarding the accessibility of these Web sites.

1  Oracle E-Business Suite Diagnostics Overview
2  Using Oracle E-Business Suite Diagnostics
A  Known Limitations

Related Information Sources

This book is included on the Oracle Applications Documentation Library, which is
supplied in the Release 12 Media Pack. You can download soft-copy documentation as
PDF files from the Oracle Technology Network at http://otn.oracle.com/documentation,
or you can purchase hard-copy documentation from the Oracle Store at
http://oraclestore.oracle.com. The Oracle Applications Release 12 Documentation
Library contains the latest information, including any documents that have changed
significantly between releases. If substantial changes to this book are necessary, a
revised version will be made available on the "virtual" documentation library on My
Oracle Support (formerly OracleMetaLink).
If this guide refers you to other Oracle Applications documentation, use only the latest
Release 12 versions of those guides.
Online Documentation
All Oracle Applications documentation is available online (HTML or PDF).
• Online Help - Online help patches (HTML) are available on My Oracle Support.

• PDF Documentation - See the Oracle Applications Documentation Library for

current PDF documentation for your product with each release. The Oracle
Applications Documentation Library is also available on My Oracle Support and is

updated frequently.

• Oracle Electronic Technical Reference Manual - The Oracle Electronic Technical

Reference Manual (eTRM) contains database diagrams and a detailed description of
database tables, forms, reports, and programs for each Oracle Applications product.
This information helps you convert data from your existing applications and
integrate Oracle Applications data with non-Oracle applications, and write custom
reports for Oracle Applications products. The Oracle eTRM is available on My
Oracle Support.

Related Guides
You should have the following related books on hand. Depending on the requirements
of your particular installation, you may also need additional manuals or guides.
Oracle Applications User's Guide
This guide explains how to navigate, enter data, query, and run reports using the user
interface (UI) of Oracle Applications. This guide also includes information on setting
user profiles, as well as running and reviewing concurrent requests.
Oracle Applications Concepts
This book is intended for all those planning to deploy Oracle E-Business Suite Release
12, or contemplating significant changes to a configuration. After describing the Oracle
Applications architecture and technology stack, it focuses on strategic topics, giving a
broad outline of the actions needed to achieve a particular goal, plus the installation and
configuration choices that may be available.
Oracle Applications Developer's Guide
This guide contains the coding standards followed by the Oracle Applications
development staff. It describes the Oracle Application Object Library components
needed to implement the Oracle Applications user interface described in the Oracle
Applications User Interface Standards for Forms-Based Products. It provides information to
help you build your custom Oracle Forms Developer forms so that they integrate with
Oracle Applications. In addition, this guide has information for customizations in
features such as concurrent programs, flexfields, messages, and logging.
Oracle Applications System Administrator's Guide Documentation Set
This documentation set provides planning and reference information for the Oracle
Applications System Administrator. Oracle Applications System Administrator's Guide -
Configuration contains information on system configuration steps, including defining
concurrent programs and managers, enabling Oracle Applications Manager features,
and setting up printers and online help. Oracle Applications System Administrator's Guide
- Maintenance provides information for frequent tasks such as monitoring your system
with Oracle Applications Manager, administering Oracle E-Business Suite Secure
Enterprise Search, managing concurrent managers and reports, using diagnostic
utilities including logging, managing profile options, and using alerts. Oracle
Applications System Administrator's Guide - Security describes User Management, data

security, function security, auditing, and security configurations.

Integration Repository
The Oracle Integration Repository is a compilation of information about the service
endpoints exposed by the Oracle E-Business Suite of applications. It provides a
complete catalog of Oracle E-Business Suite's business service interfaces. The tool lets
users easily discover and deploy the appropriate business service interface for
integration with any system, application, or business partner.
The Oracle Integration Repository is shipped as part of the E-Business Suite. As your
instance is patched, the repository is automatically updated with content appropriate
for the precise revisions of interfaces in your environment.

Do Not Use Database Tools to Modify Oracle Applications Data

Oracle STRONGLY RECOMMENDS that you never use SQL*Plus, Oracle Data
Browser, database triggers, or any other tool to modify Oracle Applications data unless
otherwise instructed.
Oracle provides powerful tools you can use to create, store, change, retrieve, and
maintain information in an Oracle database. But if you use Oracle tools such as
SQL*Plus to modify Oracle Applications data, you risk destroying the integrity of your
data and you lose the ability to audit changes to your data.
Because Oracle Applications tables are interrelated, any change you make using an
Oracle Applications form can update many tables at once. But when you modify Oracle
Applications data using anything other than Oracle Applications, you may change a
row in one table without making corresponding changes in related tables. If your tables
get out of synchronization with each other, you risk retrieving erroneous information
and you risk unpredictable results throughout Oracle Applications.
When you use Oracle Applications to modify your data, Oracle Applications
automatically checks that your changes are valid. Oracle Applications also keeps track
of who changes information. If you enter information into database tables using
database tools, you may store invalid information. You also lose the ability to track who
has changed your information because SQL*Plus and other database tools do not keep a
record of changes.

Oracle E-Business Suite Diagnostics

Oracle E-Business Suite Diagnostics provides application specific troubleshooting tools
that can help shorten problem-resolution time.
Oracle E-Business Diagnostics has two major components. They are:
• Oracle Diagnostics Framework

• Actual diagnostic tests related to individual functional areas

Oracle Diagnostics Framework provides the infrastructure to execute diagnostic tests

either for troubleshooting or for simply sanity checking the Oracle Applications
instance periodically or after applying any patch.
This guide primarily explains how to use the infrastructure. No guidance or
explanation is provided about any particular diagnostics test. See My Oracle Support if
you are looking for the details of a particular diagnostic test.

Target Audience
The target audience for this manual includes the following:

System Administrators
As a system administrator, running diagnostic tests allows you to check the health of
your system. You can use diagnostic tests to identify and resolve problems related to:
• Environment

• Post-installation setup

Oracle E-Business Suite Diagnostics Overview    1-1

• Customization

• Any other functional problems

If you cannot successfully resolve the problem on your own, you can send the report
generated by the tests to Oracle Support.

Implementation Engineers
When performing implementations, you are advised to run diagnostics after every
installation or patching process to confirm that the environment is set up correctly and
there are no outstanding issues to be resolved.

Application Developers and Consultants

You can use this manual to learn how to extend the diagnostic tests provided by Oracle.

Features include:
• Easy and user-friendly UI to diagnose issues by executing tests

• Logical grouping of tests based on functionality

• Simultaneous execution of multiple tests to diagnose an issue

• Capability to view and download a report

• Generation of reports in any format supported by Oracle XML Publisher

• Scheduling of diagnostic tests

• Ability to schedule test sets

• Integration with Role-Based Access Control to execute tests securely

• Ability to save and reuse test input values

• Support for long-running tests

• Support for large-volume reports

• Tracking of execution requests using unique request names

• Purging of old logs

• Support for a set of applications that can be valid for a given test

1-2    Oracle E-Business Suite Diagnostics User's Guide

• Support for custom and localized applications to execute diagnostic tests

• Preference profile options for setting default applications and a default report

• Performance profile options for setting collection thresholds, SQL block size, and
worker thread count

Benefits include:
• Identify problems at customer's site

• Suggest possible fixes to resolve the problems

• Generate a detailed report which Oracle support and development teams can
analyze for further troubleshooting

The next section lists terms used in this product.

Here is a list of terms used in this manual.

Application refers to any application that is bundled in Oracle E-Business Suite.

An ordered set of one or more related tests based on functionality. Every application
has one or more groups.

The actual program that is run to diagnose the problem.

Test Set
A logical grouping of tests across applications and groups that can be used to diagnose
a particular business transaction.

The architecture for the Oracle Diagnostics Framework constitutes of the following

Oracle E-Business Suite Diagnostics Overview    1-3

• Standards for diagnostic tests in Java or PL/SQL

• Security layer implemented using Role-Based Access Control (RBAC) as

implemented in Oracle User Management

• An execution engine to execute the test

• An API to generate the test report

• A user interface for configuration, execution, and viewing the detailed report

• Facility to download the report

Accessing the User Interface

Oracle Diagnostics Framework provides a very user-friendly web based interface. The
UI is secured using function security and requires a specific responsibility to access the
UI namely Application Diagnostics. This responsibility has three menus:
• Diagnose - To execute and schedule a test

• View Reports - To view the reports of diagnostic tests

• Configure - To configure diagnostics

Note: There is no other way to access the Oracle Diagnostics

Framework; all other paths are disabled.

Now Diagnostics supports three types of tests, which are:

• Java


• Declarative - In this case the diagnostic logic can be configured using UI. So no
coding is required to diagnose an issue.

Diagnosing an Issue
This section describes methods on how to use Oracle E-Business Suite Diagnostics to
troubleshoot an issue.

By Executing a Test
Click on the Application Diagnostics responsibility from the Oracle E-Business Suite

1-4    Oracle E-Business Suite Diagnostics User's Guide

home page. You will see three menus. Select the menu Diagnose, which will take you to
a page where you can see the available diagnostic tests under each application as a
hierarchy. By default, tests under an application by the name HTML Platform are
displayed. You can select any other application by clicking the Select Application
button, which will open up a list of values (LOV). Search using application name or
application short name. Searching with wild cards is supported. Also, you can enter
multiple search criteria separated by comma (,). From the list displayed, select one or
more applications.
This LOV lists all the available diagnostic tests under the selected applications as a
hierarchy. Only the tests under the first group of the last selected application will be
expanded. You can expand the hierarchy based on your needs.
Select the diagnostic test you want to execute and click on the Execute button, which
takes you to the request submission page. You are prompted for the following:
• Request Name - A unique name that can be used to track this request. The system
will generate a default value. The user can override it.

• Whether a downloadable report is needed or not by checking a check box. Note

only tests written using the new 12.1 reporting APIs provide you with the ability to
select different reporting formats. This option is not available for legacy tests, which
continue to be downloadable using the default HTML format only.

• Report Format - Available only for tests written using the new 12.1 reporting APIs.
The Report Format dropdown list is shown only if you have selected the check box
for downloadable report. The available formats are HTML, PDF, EXCEL and RTF.
For legacy tests the report format remains HTML.

• Test Inputs - Inputs for the tests if needed.

Enter the needed values and click the Submit button. The results page will be
displayed, showing the progress. Click on the Refresh button if the execution is still in
progress. Once the test execution is complete, you can view the report online or
download it.

By Executing Multiple Tests

Sometimes it will be required to execute multiple tests across applications to diagnose
an issue looking from a business perspective. You can bundle a bunch of tests and
execute them as part of a single request. This is called as a Test Set. To create a test set,
select multiple applications and select the needed tests from the hierarchy and click on
the Add to batch button. In the next page all the selected tests will be listed. If you want
to add more tests to the test set, click on the Add more tests button. You can also
remove tests if they were added inadvertently.
Click on the icon in the column Test Inputs to enter input values for each test. You can
enter multiple sets of inputs. You can either enter fresh set of inputs values or select
from available pre-configured inputs (input values that are stored in the database for

Oracle E-Business Suite Diagnostics Overview    1-5

reuse; see the Configuration section for more details). Click on Apply after entering the
values. Coming back to the previous page the icon in the column Inputs Available will
become a green tick indicating that the inputs were entered for that particular test.
If you opt for a downloadable report then the Download Format column will appear.
As described above, the facility to choose the format is available for tests written using
the Release 12.1 reporting APIs. Enter a valid request name and submit the request. You
are then redirected to the View Reports page where the details of the request are shown
as a hierarchy. Click on the links available to see the progress of individual test
executions. Once the request is completed, you can either view/download the report of
individual execution or download the report for the entire request (See the section
Reporting for more details).
Instead of executing the test, you can save the test set for future use. See the Test Set
section for more details.

Test Set
Selecting multiple tests every time to diagnose an issue can be cumbersome, so Oracle
Diagnostics provides the facility to save the selection for reuse. It is saved as an XML
file in the database and includes the input values entered. Confidential inputs (like
passwords) are stored in encrypted form.
After selecting the tests and configuring the input values, click on Save Test Set, give
the test set a unique name, and save it.
Test Set pages can be directly accessed through the subtab by the same name under the
Diagnose tab. You can search for test sets using the name; wild card searches are
You can execute the test set, edit it to add/remove tests or change the input values of
any existing tests, duplicate it to create a new one with any changes needed, or delete it.
Another useful feature is to download the test set as an XML file to a local hard drive.
Once downloaded the selection can be ported to another instance and can be uploaded
using the Upload Test Set button.

Executing a test with multiple set of inputs

If you want to execute a single test with multiple set of input values, you can use the
test set feature. This usage is like a test set with a single test.

Synchronous Execution
Execution of diagnostic tests always occurs in a separate thread. The main thread is
used to update users with progress in the user interface. However, there are some tests
that cannot be executed in a separate thread due to technical reasons associated with the
diagnostic logic (like a dependency on an HTTP request or response). Such tests cannot
be executed as part of a test set nor can the be scheduled. These tests can be executed as
single tests. These tests should be marked according to development guidelines so that

1-6    Oracle E-Business Suite Diagnostics User's Guide

the Oracle Diagnostics Framework can identify them at runtime and execute them in
the main thread itself.

Scheduling a Test
Scheduling of tests is done via the Concurrent Processing infrastructure. The concurrent
request cannot be submitted separately, it must be run only from the Oracle Diagnostics
Framework UI.
Click on the Application Diagnostics responsibility from the Oracle E-Business Suite
home page. From the three menus, select the menu Diagnose. Select the test and click
on the Schedule button. Provide the request name and specify whether a downloadable
report is needed or not. Inputs for scheduled tests cannot be given "on the fly" because
the execution might happen at a future time. Therefore the engine uses pre-configured
input values that are stored in the database. Clicking on the Submit button takes you to
the Concurrent Processing pages where more details related to scheduling can be
entered before submitting the request. Once the request is submitted, you will be
redirected to the Scheduling subtab under the View Reports tab. You can monitor the
progress using this page (see the section Reporting for more details). If you schedule
the test to be repeated, then the system appends the Concurrent Processing request ID
to the request name, making each request unique.

Scheduling a Test Set

Scheduling of test sets is done through the Concurrent Processing infrastructure. The
concurrent request to schedule test sets cannot be submitted separately; it must be run
only from the Oracle Diagnostics Framework user interface.
To schedule a test set, select the Application Diagnostics responsibility from the Oracle
E-Business Suite home page. From the three menu options, select the menu Diagnose.
Select two or more tests and click on the Execute button or click on the Add to batch
button. Provide the request name and specify whether a downloadable report is needed
or not.
The system will use the test input values stored as part of the test set XML file while
executing the test. If there is no input, the system will take the pre-configured inputs
stored in the database. If neither of them is available, the test will be skipped during
execution of the test set.
Users can create test sets using inputs values specific to them and schedule it.
Inputs for a test set can be entered when it is scheduled, and the execution can happen
immediately or at a future time. Clicking on the Save Test Set button takes you to the
Test Set Details ppage where you can enter a name for the test set and enters a
description before clicking the Apply button. Once you on the View Test Sets page,
clicking on the Schedule icon takes you to Concurrent Processing pages where more
details related to scheduling can be entered before submitting the request. Once the
request is submitted, you will be redirected to the Scheduling subtab under the View
Reports tab. You can monitor the progress using this page (see the section Reporting,

Oracle E-Business Suite Diagnostics Overview    1-7

page 1-8 for more details). If you schedule the test to be repeated, then the system
appends the Concurrent Processing request ID to the request name, making each
request unique.

Customization Support
Oracle E-Business Diagnostic Framework now makes it possible for users with custom
responsibilities to run diagnostic tests. For example, applications that have been cloned
from a seeded Oracle application can include these custom responsibilities. Also,
customers running localizations can create a custom role and a custom grant that map
to an Oracle seeded application. Once these tasks are done, the system will recognize
the mapping between custom/localized applications and seeded applications. The
responsibility LOV provided by the framework will show the responsibilities of the
user associated with custom applications.
Setting up for the execution of tests using custom responsibility with a seeded
application includes these tasks:
• Create a new role one per seeded application that needs to be customized.
• The Role Code uses ODF_CUSTOM_<Seeded Application Short Name>_Role
Note that Oracle User Management updated the role name by prepending
'UMX|' to the role code entered.

• Create a grant to this role using the following information:

• Set Grantee Type to 'Group Of Users'

• Set Grantee to 'ODF_CUSTOM_<Seeded Application Short Name>_ROLE'



• Set Data Context Type to 'Instance'

• Set Instance Primary Key to '<Custom Application Short Name>'

Once this setup is done, the system will recognize mapping between custom/localized
applications and seeded applications. The responsibility LOV provided by the
framework will start showing the responsibilities of the user associated with custom

Click on the Application Diagnostics responsibility from the Oracle E-Business Suite

1-8    Oracle E-Business Suite Diagnostics User's Guide

home page. From the three menus, select the menu View Reports. You can search for
the reports of diagnostic tests using a simple search or an advanced search. In a simple
search, you use the request name. Wild card searches are not supported. In an advanced
search, you can provide multiple criteria like test details, dates, status, and so on.
The results of the search are displayed as a hierarchy with different columns which
show counts for total execution, success, failure, warning, in-progress and in-queue.
Except for the in-queue count, you can click the count link and drill down to see the
details. In-queue means the test execution has not yet started and the test is in queue. A
refresh button appears if the execution is in queue or the execution/downloadable
report generation is in progress.
If the search was conducted using the request name, you can download all the reports,
which are part of the request, as a single ZIP file. Otherwise you have to drill down and
download each report individually.

You can specifically search for scheduled tests using the Scheduling subtab under
View Reports. A search can be conducted based on the dates or the concurrent request
ID, as well as the request name using wildcard support. The results are shown in a
table. A refresh icon is available to refresh the data. In the table are columns with
diagnostics request name and the concurrent request ID. Both of these are links that can
be used to drill down for details. The diagnostics request name gives you the details of
the diagnostic execution and the concurrent request ID will give details on the
concurrent request. In the diagnostic request name column, the link will not be enabled
until the request is picked up by the diagnostic execution engine.

Use the concurrent program Delete Diagnostic Logs to purge the old logs. You can
specify values for the two parameters:
• Days Expire - Logs older than this will be deleted.

• Application short names - Logs of the applications listed will be purged. Specify a
comma-separated list of values.

You can specify a value of either parameter or a combination.


Security in diagnostics is implemented at two levels, UI and data. The UI is secured
using function security and the content as well as actions available within each page is
controlled using data security

Oracle E-Business Suite Diagnostics Overview    1-9

Function Security
Using function security, only users with Application Diagnostics responsibility will be
able to access the UI for diagnostics.

Data Security
Data security is achieved using Role Based Access Control (RBAC). The actions that a
user can perform are grouped into different categories. Roles are created and Grants
are given to each role to perform different categories of actions. The section below
describes the implementation data security. We assume that the user has some basic
understanding of RBAC. Please see the RBAC documentation in Oracle Applications
System Administrator's Guide - Security to learn more.

Sensitivity is an attribute of the test that indicates the kind of data it is dealing with.
There are three levels - High, Medium and Low.

A permission is, as the name suggests, the permission to do an action. There are four
permissions in diagnostics.
• Execute a test

• View the report of an execution

• Pre-configure inputs for a test

• Configure diagnostics

Permission sets
This is a logical grouping of permissions. Grants are given using permission sets. There
are three permission sets in diagnostics
• Execution permission set
• Execute a test

• Pre-Configure inputs

• Reporting permission set

• View report of an execution

• Configuration permission set

1-10    Oracle E-Business Suite Diagnostics User's Guide

• Configure diagnostics

The execution permission set has the permission to execute a diagnostic test and
pre-configure input values for the test.
The reporting permission set has the permission to view the detailed report of an
execution. The reporting permission set is a child of execution permission set so that
any user who has the latter will also get the former. It is possible to change this
configuration (see the section Customizing Security).
The configuration permission set has the permission to configure diagnostics.

Diagnostics comes with three roles. A user must have any one of these roles to do
diagnosis. All three roles have the Application Diagnostics responsibility attached to it
so that UI access is available by default. Following are the three roles:
• Diagnostics Super User - Has unrestricted execution and configuration access

• Application Super User - Is able to execute any high or medium sensitivity test, if he
or she has a valid responsibility either in the application under which the test is
registered or in any of the application, which is configured as valid for test.

• Application End User - is able to execute any medium sensitivity test, if he or she
has a valid responsibility either in the application under which the test is registered
or in any of the application, which is configured as valid for test.

• Users with any diagnostic role can access low sensitivity tests registered under any

The following security matrix table below gives a detailed picture:

Security Matrix

Function Diagnostics Super Application Super Application End

User User User

Select, Execute Tests, Yes All tests valid for All tests validate for
View Execution Application that are Application that are
Results high, medium, or low medium, or low
sensitivity and the sensitivity and the
user has a valid user has a valid
responsibility responsibility

Scheduling Same as Execution Same as Execution Same as Execution

Oracle E-Business Suite Diagnostics Overview    1-11

View Reports Same as Execution Same as Execution Same as Execution

Configure Test Input Same as Execution Same as Execution Same as Execution


View Registered Yes Yes Yes

Applications, Groups,
and Tests

Register Applications, Yes No No

Tests and Groups

Grants are used to give access to different roles. The JTF_DIAGNOSTIC_TEST table is
used to give execution/reporting grants while the JTF_DIAGNOSTIC_APP table is used
to give configuration grants. Diagnostics ships four grants:
• Diagnostic Super User Execution Grant - Gives Execution Permission Set to all
instances of JTF_DIAGNOSTIC_TEST table.

• Diagnostic Super User Configuration Grants - Gives Configuration Permission Set

to all instances of JTF_DIAGNOSTIC_APP.

• Application Super User Execution Grant - Gives Execution Permission Set to an

instance set of JTF_DIAGNOSTIC_TEST. The instance set is called Diagnostics
Execution Instance Set. Its predicate takes two parameters. Parameter 1 is the
sensitivities allowed for its own application. Parameter 2 is the sensitivities allowed
for other applications. In this case Parameter 1 is 4 and Parameter 2 is 2. (Value 4
stands for all sensitivities. Value 3 stands for medium and low. Value 2 stands for
only low.)

• Application End User Execution Grant - Gives Execution Permission Set to an

instance set of JTF_DIAGNOSTIC_TEST. The instance set is called Diagnostics
Execution Instance Set. Its predicate takes two parameters. In this case Parameter 1
is 3 and Parameter 2 is 2.

Customizing Security
Customer can customize the security model if they do not want to use the roles shipped
out of the box. To do this, they must
• Create a new role.

1-12    Oracle E-Business Suite Diagnostics User's Guide

• Attach the Application Diagnostics responsibility to this role.

• Create a new permission set with all desired permissions.

• Give a grant to this role using the Diagnostic Execution instance set.

• Assign the role to the user.

HTML Platform
This application is a non-secure application and all users have full access to all tests
under it. This application is used to diagnose the issues related to security if security is
not working properly.

This section briefly describes the tasks involved in configuring Oracle Diagnostics
Framework. For more information on these tasks, see the next chapter.

Register Application
Tests are owned by applications. Each application must be registered. Use the Register
Application page to register applications.

Valid Applications for a Test

It is now possible to define a set of applications for which a test is valid. This task can be
done using the configuration UI. This is applicable only to high- and medium-
sensitivity tests. Low-sensitivity tests are valid for all applications. The values that are
hard-coded in the existing tests are moved to the database by a migration concurrent
program called "Diagnostics Patching CP". During an upgrade, this concurrent program
is run automatically as part of the upgrade process. Once the 12.1.1 patch is applied,
please make sure that this concurrent program was executed successfully. The short
name of this concurrent program is "DIAGPATCHINGCP". In the case it has not been
run, you can run it manually.

Create/Edit/Delete/Re-Order Group
Tests in an application can be organized into groups. Use these pages to manage your

Note: Seeded groups cannot be edited or deleted by end users.

Oracle E-Business Suite Diagnostics Overview    1-13

Create/Edit/Delete/Re-Order Test
Use these pages to create, edit, delete, and re-order your tests.

Pre-Configured Inputs
Pre-configured inputs are input values for a test entered during configuration, prior to
running the test.

1-14    Oracle E-Business Suite Diagnostics User's Guide

Using Oracle E-Business Suite Diagnostics

Oracle E-Business Suite Diagnostics pages are available through the Applications
Diagnostics responsibility. From this responsibility, you can access three types of
• Diagnose, page 2-1

• View Reports, page 2-6

• Configure, page 2-10

In addition, profile options used by Oracle E-Business Suite are described at the end of
this chapter.

Diagnostic Tests
Oracle E-Business Suite Diagnostics provides several methods for running diagnostic
tests: executing a single test, executing a test set, or scheduling a test through Standard
Request Submission. Tasks include:
• Select Test, page 2-2

• Execute Test, page 2-3

• Execute a Test Set, page 2-3

• Enter Test Set Inputs, page 2-4

• Save Test Set, page 2-4

• View Test Sets, page 2-5

Using Oracle E-Business Suite Diagnostics    2-1

• Upload Test Set, page 2-5

• Schedule Diagnostic Test, page 2-5

• Schedule Diagnostic Test Set, page 2-6

Select Test
You can execute diagnostic tests using this page.

Note: Only tests which you have permissions to execute will be listed
in the HGrid table.

Click on the Select Application button to populate the HGrid table with registered
applications. To find an application, enter an application name or partial application
name with wildcard(s) and click the Go button. Alternatively you can search on
"Application Short Name". Multiple application names or short names are allowed, but
must be separated by commas.
Each registered test will show a Select check box to be used when selecting a test to
Click on Focus to drill down on an application or group.
Additional details are shown:
• The Tests column shows the application name, group name, and related tests that
are available to execute.

• Descriptions of the tests are given with input parameters, if any.

• The Last Status column indicates whether the tests completed successfully or with
errors. A check mark represents that the test completed successfully, while a
box/square indicates that the test is pending, and an X mark indicates that the test
completed with warnings and possible errors.

• Last Execution Time shows the date and time when the test was last executed.

• Last Failure Time shows the date and time of the last failed execution.

Click on the Execute button to execute one or more tests. If multiple tests are selected
and the Execute button is clicked, the action is treated as clicking the Add to batch
Click on the Add to batch button to execute one or more tests or to create a test set.
To run the test with pre-configured inputs, select the test and click Add to batch. Click
on the Test Inputs link and select the pre-configured inputs.
Click on the Schedule button to schedule the execution of a test using concurrent

2-2    Oracle E-Business Suite Diagnostics User's Guide

manager scheduling. Only one test can be scheduled at a time.
Click on Select All to select all tests shown for an application.
Click on the Select None to deselect all tests selected for an application.
Click on Expand All to view all tests for the queried application.
Click on Collapse All to view no tests for the queried application.

Execute Test
Execute a test using this page.
You can choose to accept the defaulted request name or enter another request name.
You can check the Generate downloadable report box if the user wants a downloadable
report. This check box does not appear for legacy tests where HTML is the only
supported format.
If the Generate downloadable report box is checked, select the download format from
the list. If the test requires Inputs this page prompts you to enter the input parameters.
Click the Cancel button to cancel the execution of a test.
Click the Submit button to execute the test.

Execute a Test Set

Execute test sets using this page.
The Request Details region includes the following options:
• Request Name - Accept the default request name or enter your own request name.

• Generate Downloadable Report - When this box is checked, the report becomes
available for download and you can select the format of the downloaded report.

The Selected Tests region includes the following options:

• Remove button - Select the tests to be removed from the test set execution.

• Add more tests button - Add additional tests to the test set execution.

• Select All - Select all tests in a test set.

• Select None - Deselect all tests in a test set.

• Application - The applications for the test set execution.

• Group - The relevant groups for the test set execution.

• Test - The Names of tests in a test set execution.

Using Oracle E-Business Suite Diagnostics    2-3

• Download Format - This option appears if you checked "Generate downloadable
report" above. Select the format for the report.

• Test Input - This option appears for tests that require input. Click on the Input icon
to enter your input parameters.

• Inputs Available - This option appears for tests that require input. Two possible
icons are shown; an icon of an X indicates that input parameters are required and
an icon of a check mark indicates that the test input parameters have been entered.

Click Cancel to cancel your changes and return to the Select Test page.
Click Save Test Set to save the test set in the resulting page. You will be prompted for
the name and description of the test and to save the test set to your local file system.
Click Submit to execute the test set.

Enter Test Set Inputs

You can configure your test set input using this page.
The Test Details region includes:
• Application - the application name associated with the test.

• Test - the name of the test.

• Group - name of the group with which the test is associated.

• Test Executable - the name of the test executable.

The Pre-Configured Inputs region shows all input parameters with the exception of
Confidential Inputs.
The Custom Inputs region shows all input parameters that can be entered; mandatory
input parameters are prefixed with an asterisk.
You can click on the Add another row button to add input parameters.
You can click on the Remove button to delete configured inputs.
Use the Cancel button to return to the Execute Test Set page.
Use the Apply button to save the inputs you entered.

Save Test Set

You can Save Test Sets using this page.
Enter the following information:
• Test Set Name

2-4    Oracle E-Business Suite Diagnostics User's Guide

• Test Set Description

Click the Apply button to save the Test Set.

You can click the Cancel button to return to the Execute Test Set Page.

View Test Sets

View test sets using this page.
You can search for a test set by entering a specific Test Set Name or by entering part of a
Test Set Name with a wild character as prefix or a suffix.
The results region includes the following:
• Test Set Name - the user-entered test set name.

• Description - the user-entered description of the test set.

Click on the Execute icon to submit a Test Set.

Click on the Schedule icon to schedule a Test Set.
Click on the pencil icon to edit a Test Set.
Click on the Duplicate icon to copy a Test Set.
Click on the Download icon to save a Test Set to a local file system.
Click on the Trash Can icon to delete a Test Set.
Click on the Upload Test Set button to upload a test set from a local file system into the

Upload Test Set

You can upload a test set using this page.
Click on the Browse button to search for the test set in your local file system. Once you
select the test set, you can upload it to the Diagnostics database so it will be available for
Click on the Upload button to save the test set from a local file system into the database
Click on the Cancel button to return to View Test Set page.

Schedule Diagnostics Test

Schedule a diagnostic test to run using Standard Request Submission (SRS).
You can choose to accept the defaulted Request Name or enter another request name
The Downloadable Format option will be displayed for both tests and test sets that have
implemented the new reporting libraries. By default the check box for Generate
downloadable format is checked.

Using Oracle E-Business Suite Diagnostics    2-5

For individual tests, you can use the list to choose the desired format. Alternatively, you
can deselect the box and skip the download option all together.
For Test Sets the download format selection is available at the individual test level
during scheduling.

Schedule Diagnostic Test Set

You can schedule a test set like you would a single test. For more information on test
sets, see: Diagnosing an Issue, page 1-4.
You can schedule a test set from the Diagnose tab, Test Set subtab. Search for the test set
you want, then click on the Schedule icon for that test set. You can then schedule the
test set to run using SRS. See Schedule Diagnostics Test, page 2-5 for more information.

Viewing Reports in Oracle E-Business Suite Diagnostics

You can view reports and test results using these pages:
• View Reports, page 2-6

• View Test Results, page 2-8

• View Report, page 2-9

• Scheduled Tests, page 2-9

View Reports
You can search for reports using this page.
Search on the request name to show the report details. Note that the request name is
case-sensitive and searching with wildcard characters is not supported.
Click the Go button to retrieve the report for the request name entered.
Click the Advanced Search button to increase your search options to find a report.
Search options include:
• Application: search for all the tests that have been executed for a specific

• Group: search for all the tests that have been executed for a specific group.

• Test Executable Name: search for all the tests that have been executed for a specific
test execution name.

You can search on the Test Execution Status in combination with an Application,
Group, Test Execution Name, From Date, and To Date. You can also search for only
those executions in the current session to retrieve tests with statuses of Success, Failure,

2-6    Oracle E-Business Suite Diagnostics User's Guide

Warning, In Progress, In Queue, or All Statuses.
Additional search criteria are:
• From Date

• To Date

• You can click on the check box to view only the test executions within a current

Click the Go button to retrieve the report(s) for the advanced search option used.
Within the Results region, you can:
• Click on Expand All to view the reports as a result of the search entered.

• Click on Collapse All to minimize the viewing of reports.

• Click on Focus to drill down on an application or group.

• Click on All Applications to remove the focus and view all applications as a result
of the search criteria Tests shows the application name, group name, and related
tests as a result of the search criteria. Applications and Groups can be collapse or

In addition, the following details are shown:

• Tests shows the application, group name, and related tests as a result of the search
criteria. Applications and Groups can be collapsed or expanded.

• Total Executions shows the number of times a test has been executed as a result of
the search criteria. If the count is greater than zero then you can drill down to view
the individual reports.

• Success shows the number of times a test has completed without warnings or
failures. If the count is greater than zero then you can drill down to view the
individual reports.

• Warnings shows the number of times a test has completed with warnings. If the
count is greater than zero then you can drill down to view the individual reports.

• Failures shows the number of times a test has completed with failures. If the count
is greater than zero then you can drill down to view the individual reports.

• In Progress shows the number of tests whose execution is in progress or whose

downloadable report generation is in progress. You can drill down on the number
only if the test(s) have completed execution.

• In Queue shows the number of tests that are in the queue and scheduled to execute.

Using Oracle E-Business Suite Diagnostics    2-7

You can download the report of an entire request if you had searched for it using the
request name.
You can use the Refresh button to refresh the data on the page.

View Test Results

View test results using this page.
View Execution Results shows the Request Name.
The Test Details region includes:
• Application - the application name associated with the test

• Test - the name of the test

• Group - the name of the group the test is associated with

• Test Executable - the name of the test executable

The Request Details region includes:

• Submitted On - the date and time the test was submitted.

• Status - the current status of test (Running, Completed).

• Last Refreshed On - the date and time when the page was refreshed for the last

• Elapsed Time - how long the test took.

Execution Details region includes:

• Execution Time - the date and time the test was executed.

• View Report - shows a check mark if the report is available to view, shows a clock if
the test is still executing, or shows an 'X' meaning the test completed with warnings
and/or errors. Once the report is available to view, you can click on the check or 'X'
icon to get details.

• Download Report - shows a check mark if the report is available to download,

shows a clock if the test is still being formatted for download, or shows an 'X'
meaning no downloadable report available. Once the report is available to
download, you can click on the check icon to download it.

The Execution Details region includes test inputs with the exception of confidential
The Return to Select Test button - takes you back to the tests selection page
The Refresh button is used to refresh the page with the latest status of the execution

2-8    Oracle E-Business Suite Diagnostics User's Guide

and report generation.

View Report
You can view the report of a specific execution of a test using this page.
The Execution Details region includes:
• Application - the application name associated with the test.

• Executed by - the name of user who submitted the test.

• Group - the name of the group with which the test is associated.

• Result - the result of the diagnostic test, that is, success or failure.

• Test - the name of the test.

• Time Taken - the total elapsed time for the test execution.

• Date - the date and time the test was executed.

• Test Class Version - the version of the test.

The Inputs region lists all of the input parameters used to execute the test.
The Report region shows all details of the report.
The Return to Execution Results link returns you back to the View Reports page.
Use the Download Report button to download the report to your local PC. If the report
generation is still in progress, a Refresh button appears instead. Refresh the page to
check the report generation status.
Use the Upload to Support button to upload the report to Oracle Support. You will be
prompted to enter a My Oracle Support Service Request Number and to upload the
downloaded report from your PC.

Scheduled Tests
You can view the Scheduled Tests using this page.
You can search for a test using the Request Name (with wildcard support with "%"), the
Request ID, or the date submitted.
The Diagnostics Concurrent Request region includes the following information.
The Request Name shows all requests that have been executed, running, or scheduled.
Information shown includes the request name, the requestor, test name, date & time,
and request ID. Clicking on the request name takes you to the View Report screen.
The Request ID is the concurrent request ID assigned to the scheduled test. Clicking on

Using Oracle E-Business Suite Diagnostics    2-9

the request ID link takes you to a concurrent manager request summary screen which
allows you to review the concurrent processing log file.
In addition, the following information is shown:
• Start Time shows the date and time a test is scheduled to start.

• Requestor shows the user ID of the person who scheduled the test.

• Phase shows the concurrent manager phase (pending, running, and so on).

• Status shows the concurrent manager status (scheduled, normal, and so on).

Configuring Oracle E-Business Suite Diagnostics Tests

Use these pages to configure your Oracle E-Business Suite Diagnostics tests:
• View Registered Applications, page 2-10

• Register Application, page 2-11

• View Groups, page 2-11

• Edit Group, page 2-11

• Create Group, page 2-12

• Reorder Group, page 2-12

• View Tests, page 2-12

• View Test Details, page 2-13

• Edit Test, page 2-14

• View Test Inputs, page 2-14

• Create Test, page 2-14

• Reorder Tests, page 2-15

View Registered Applications

You can view all the applications registered under Oracle E-Business Suite Diagnostics
in this page.
Search can be conducted based on application short name or application name.
Select an application and click on the View Groups button to view the groups under

2-10    Oracle E-Business Suite Diagnostics User's Guide

each application.
Click the Register button to register any new application. This action is restricted to
only those users who have configuration privileges

Register Application
You can register a new application in this page. The list of unregistered applications
will be displayed in the list of values.
Click the Apply button to register a new application.
You can click the Cancel button to cancel registering application.

View Groups
You can view all the groups registered under an application using this page.
If you have come to this page from the View Registered Applications page, then the
selected application will be shown in the LOV field.
Alternatively, you can come directly to this page through the Groups subtab.
A search can be conducted using the application name and group name. If the group
name is left blank all the groups under the application will be displayed.
Details shown include the number of registered test under each group.
Click on the Update icon to update the details of the group. This action is restricted to
only those users who have configuration privileges.
Click on the Delete icon to delete the group. This action is restricted to only those users
who have configuration privileges
Click on the Reorder button to change the order in which the groups are organized
under the parent application. This action is restricted to only those users who have
configuration privileges.
Click on the Create Group button to create a new group. This action is restricted to only
those users who have configuration privileges.
Click on the View Tests button to view all the tests registered under this group.

Note: Seeded groups cannot be edited or deleted by end users.

Edit Group
You can change the name of a group.
You can change the placement of a given group in the group order of its parent

Using Oracle E-Business Suite Diagnostics    2-11

Create Group
Create groups using this page.
Select the application name using the list of values.
Enter the new group name.
You can choose to accept the auto-generated order sequence or select a previously-used
user-defined sequence number.
Click Cancel to cancel the group creation process.
Click Apply to save your work.

Reorder Group
You can reorder groups using this page.
Select the group to change the order in which the groups are organized under the
parent application.
Select a group and click on the "Move to the top" icon to move the selected group to the
top of the list.
Select a group and click on the Up icon to move the selected group up one in the list.
Select a group and click on the Down icon to move selected group down one in the list.
Select a group and click on the "Move to the bottom" icon to move the selected group to
the bottom of the list.
Click Cancel to cancel the reordering of the groups.
Click Apply to commit the reordering of the groups.

View Tests
You can view all the tests registered under a group.
If you have navigated to this page from the View Groups page, then the selected
application and group will be shown in the LOV field.
You can directly navigate to this page through the Tests subtab.
A search can be conducted using the Application name and Group name. If the
program name field is left blank, then all the program names under the group will be
Click on the View Input values button to view current input values and to add
additional rows. This button will be enabled only if the user has permission to execute
the test.
Click on the Create Test button to create a new test. This action is restricted to only
those users who have configuration privileges.

2-12    Oracle E-Business Suite Diagnostics User's Guide

Click on the Reorder Tests button to change the order in which the tests are organized
under the group. This action is restricted to only those users who have configuration
Details shown include:
• Number of registered tests under each group.

• Radio button to view input values for tests with inputs

• Order indicates the test sequence number within a group.

• The user-friendly test name.

• The program name associated with the test.

• The test type, either Java, PL/SQL, or Declarative.

• The sensitivity associated to a specific test.

The following are actions that are restricted to only those users with configuration
• Click on the eyeglasses icon to view test details.

• Click on the pencil icon to edit a test.

• Click on the Delete icon to delete the test.

Note: Seeded tests cannot be edited or deleted by end users.

View Test Details

You can view all registered applications valid for a test.
Details shown include:
• The name of the application for which the test is registered.

• The name of the group for which the test is registered.

• The program name associated with the registered test.

• The test type, which is either Java, PL/SQL, or Declarative.

• The sensitivity associated with the specific test.

• The order indicates the test sequence number within a group.

Using Oracle E-Business Suite Diagnostics    2-13

In addition, the following information is shown:
• Valid applications for the registered test, listed by application short name and
application name.

Edit Test
Edit a test using this page.
The following fields are shown:
• The name of the application for which the test is registered.

• The name of the group for which the test is registered.

• The registered test name.

• The program name associated with the registered test.

• The type of test: PL/SQL, Java, or Declarative.

Click on Order in the action list to change the order of the test within the group.
Click on Sensitivity in the action list to change the security sensitivity of the test.

View Test Inputs

You can view or add input values using this page.
Details shown include:
• Name of the application for which the test is registered.

• Group for which the test is registered.

• Registered test name.

• Program name associated with the registered test.

Click on the Add another row button to add additional inputs.

Click on the Remove button to delete configured inputs.
Click on the Cancel button to cancel any changes.
Click on the Apply button to save your changes.

Create Test
Create diagnostic tests using this page.
You can select the Application Name using the LOV.

2-14    Oracle E-Business Suite Diagnostics User's Guide

You can change the Group Name using the LOV.
You can enter a Program Name for a Java Test by entering the fully-qualified Java class
name. For a PL/SQL Test, the package must be in the APPS schema.
Select the Test Type that matches the corresponding program name.
You can optionally check the Do Not Validate test program box. If checked, the
framework will not try to validate the executable; otherwise the framework will try to
load the test and see if it is adhering to diagnostics standards.
Select the Sensitivity Type of low, medium, or high depending on the sensitivity of a
You can accept the default order test sequence number or select a previously-used order
test sequence number.
Click on the Cancel button to cancel your changes.
Click on the Apply button to save your changes.

Reorder Tests
You can reorder tests using this page.
Select the test and change the order in which the tests are organized under a group.
Only user-defined groups can be changed.
Select a test and click on the Up icon to move selected items to the top of the list.
Select a test and click on the Up icon to move selected items up one in the list.
Select a test and click on the Down icon to move selected items down one in the list.
Select a test and click on the Down icon to move selected items to the bottom of the list.
Click on the Cancel button to cancel your changes.
Click on the Apply button to commit your changes.

Profile Options
You can configure your system with the following profile options. After changing the
values, you must sign out and clear the cache. All these profiles are at the site level.
User-level profiles are not supported currently.

Preference Profile Options

The Preference profile options are:

Favorite Application
The Favorite Application profile option allows users to set a default application; once
set the default application will show on the Diagnose page. Only one favorite

Using Oracle E-Business Suite Diagnostics    2-15

application is supported. Favorite Applications for OD is case sensitive and expects
upper case.
Valid values are application short names.

Default Reporting Format

The Default Reporting Format profile option feature allows users to set a default report
format. Valid values are:
• 'excel' - Microsoft Excel spreadsheet format

• 'html' - Hyper Text Markup Language format

• 'pdf' - Portable Document Format

• 'rtf' - Rich Text Format

Note that the values for Default Reporting Format are case-sensitive and the profile
expects lowercase.

Performance Profile Options

The performance-related profile options are:

Collection Threshold
The Collection Threshold profile option allows users to set the number of reports nodes
that must be kept in memory before being saved to the database. This threshold helps
support huge volume diagnostic reports. If the number of components in the report
exceeds this threshold, then the report is moved to the database to free up memory.
Set this profile to the threshold number of components before saving to the database.

SQL Block Size

The SQL Block Size profile option allows users to set the number of records that are
fetched from the database in executing a query. This limit is used while displaying
tabular data. Fetching all the data and keeping it in memory will cause performance
Set this profile to the desired maximum number of rows fetched by any SQL query.
The internal name is OAM_DIAG_SQL_BLOCK_SIZE.

2-16    Oracle E-Business Suite Diagnostics User's Guide

Worker Thread Count
The Worker Thread Count profile option allows users to increase the number of
concurrent threads used by the executing engine to execute a request.
The internal name is OAM_DIAG_WORKER_THREAD_COUNT.

Using Oracle E-Business Suite Diagnostics    2-17

Known Limitations

Known Limitations
Known limitations of the Oracle Diagnostics Framework are:

Creation/Editing of declarative tests

The framework does not support the creation of new declarative tests or allow the
editing of existing declarative tests. Only execution is allowed.

File Types
Currently the only acceptable file types are Java and PL/SQL.

Known Limitations    A-1

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