Unit 11 and 12
Unit 11 and 12
Unit 11 and 12
Me-QSvr rsnt utearrnS
a ffim ymw &mwk m&§ke? .§h¿ r §
Comptete the conversation with the missing questions. Sometimes there is
more than one correct answer"
Kari Did you meet my brother Bob at the party last night?
He's home for spring break.
UAV¡fl l'm not sure. Does he [ook tike you? I mean, do you laok alike?
Kari No, we look tota[[y different.
üavid Huh. So, ' ?
!(ar§ No, he d oesn't. lt's very curty. But it's blond [ike mine.
UAVI$ Then it's not the guy I'm thinking of.
Kari He's 21. So he's younger than me.
§avld oh, oK. Itlln., i ....!nt. {E i'"f :ves
? Are they green?
Kari Yes, he's got green eyes. Oh. [ook. He's here now.
§av§d Oh, himl So, SI ,rP. t.,[.e *S]-<r 1
Kari ActuaIty, he tal<es after my mom. And I [ool< tike my dad.
1. Who does Karen take after, Sharon or Dick? She takes after Sharon.
2. Who's got dark hair?
3. Do att the women have straight hair?
4. Do l(evin and loey lool< alike? ,
A Absu€ y&e§
1. How tatI are you? Are you talter or shorter than your parents?
l'm taller than my mother, but l'm shorter than
2. Do you take after your father or your mother? How?
.k<- oÉ{'¿v
3. Who does your father take after, his mother or his father? How?
4. How many peopte have dark hair in your lamity? Does anyone have curly hair?
in{r.\r* ? ¡r t lnt.l tv-
5. What color eyes do peopte in your family have?
, ,, :¡ - . -:.:,: . .:t.l"i,.*{ff
r" , ., ! "-i;-, - .,- ,:,- -r'r ;Í
I] W§xm&§s §&?
,ñ Read the ctues and write the features.
12. This is your haírstyte if your hair is short and stands up. 4C\.\tr
1. Do you think men should have pierced ears? l"lo, I don't. I don't think men should wear iewelry.
or l think it's OK
^\,".',/t \d.,,',/\t^)
A wsxsstu ffi$§ffi?
JHniif iLook at the picture. write a sentence abour each srqdqnr using the word[ivenfand
L.--- I
What about lvy,,which one is she? (slt a| the front)
l/ P..?
& tr)r drr,9
c-L b r: r¡
O § emm*§ remember
Complete the conversations with the questions in the box.
2. 1::r¡ ,;;r' ',¡ ;;,,: Guess who we just saw at the airportl That singer, she
has a reatly fabulous voice.
:'.,,.;:;rrtl,r,,i, Um, Beyoncé?
!r:;r":ir:,,, No. Not Beyoncé. She ptays the piano and writes her
own songs.
,,1,',i,,,',,,, 0h, I know who you mean. Years ago, she wore her
in those tittte braids.
ttm Y at,tlrat b¡g game.
:il t;il:Ji')';il:.:l'.áj? l*¡1,,?rü'{y'eruowr.
,,i,,,.:,,,':,r, Oh, you mean A[icia Keys?
r',,, Yeah. That's it. Wett, we saw her at the airport.
a *h,3rox"r me&§r . , .
iii§X§wl',o are they tatking about? Respond using You mean.l. . or Do you meon .
Then match the pictures.
§\ *escr¡oe !8,
2. lt My brother's hair
Lesson D
f] hsmsr trcmds
ü**di*s $A look at the pictures. Then read the article. Match each picture with a decade.
Ii :§*l
les the decades...
Do you know how people wore their hair 10, 20, late '70s and '80s, soap opera stars made "big
or 30 years ago? Look back at some of the hair" popular - women u'ore their hair very long,
popular hairstyles of the last few decades. There curly, and fu1l.
are some styles that come back again and again. '80s
The "new romantic" women of the wore
The 1950s were the beginning of the "rock'n'roll" hairstyles from the 19th centun long curiy hair
era. In the early '50s, men had short hail, but singer and French braids. For manr men. the "mullet"
Elvis Presley changed all that when he combed his cut (short on top and lon-s rn the back) w'as the
long hair into a "pompadonr" and "duck tail." The hairstyle to have.
ponytail was zr popular hairstyle for young women. st¡ 1ish. Both men
In the '90s, dyed hair became
The '60s was the decade of the Beatles, who caused and women started chan,uing the color of their
a sensation when they grew their hair long - to their hair or adding highlights. Some men began to
ears! In the late '60s and the early '70s, the "hippie bleach their hair blond.
look" was in style. Men and women grew their hair In the 2000s, many women cllanged to a more
very long, and a lot of men had beards. The 'Afro" "natural" look with long hair. simiiar to the 1970
was a popular hairstyle for African-Americans and
hippie look. Some men had desr,sns shaved into
anyone with curly hair or "perms."
their hair; others had a textured or layered look.
Punk rockers shocked everyone with their So, what's goingto be next'l Look around you.
multicolored, spiky hair in the'70s. Then in the Do you see any styles that are really "new"?
ffi Read the article again. Write I(true) or F(fatse) for each sentence.
Then correct the fatse sentences.
1. Before Etvis Prestey, guys wore their hair in a po.mpado ut. *f-
2. ln the '60s, the Beatles had very short hair. '
4. ln the '90s, more peopte started to change the color of their hair. *-
5. ln the 2000s, women started using more hair products than ever before. F
6. Musicians and singers started some of the fashions in the Iast 50 years. §_
a &fffum&*s
fash ionable lii,nli ', I,,.inr's,t 'lá "out" out of styte popular the .,in,, thing /trendy
ffi write a short article about new.t'ashíon trends using the expressions in the box above.
C!-,ror.,\ c,{.r{lr-.-l (:i \'(.- " lL.
AN r)
{onversation §
!',f riting §
n Yk§mgs t§xmt gm &mgctk*r
Complete these sentences with the expressions in the box. o o
a We axx§gh& mmw*§
I friends quickly. Also, my brother probably won't comé / might not come with us He's studying for
his master's degree, and I don't think he takes / will take time off from school.
I think I 'll be / 'm being lonely at first, l'm trying hard to learn Spanish before we leavel l'm taking a
class in the evenings. My teacher says that at the end of the course I can / will know enough Spanish
to get around. I don't know. l'm just worried that I can understand her now, but when l'm in Peru,
I can't / won't understand anyone!
A ffi&mmsasmg mhxmmd
' write two sentences about each picture. use the words in parentheses and be going
or will. sometimes there is more than one correct answer.
lr,C\r-, rÉA_ \ 5 qO :]
l[. 1
(have a baby)
,.:3.¿¿.'! -sJO¡ 1 {,
(probably fnot take a vacation)
Lesson B
a what ere y&§r p[ams?
§f &tus*xt y*e§
*.:ffffif frComplete the sentences wirh rrue information usin@r] ,:tg!9.flrryryUi;1 l¡-
93 iJ"
Lesson C
f\ ffirmm§sess p§'*§ffi§sss
q§érl# fl,*¡1
slrxlesi*s & Comptete the conversations with the responses in the box'
§-imm Great! But don't forget the dressing Iike tast time.
§lmir¡* ¡' i
§-i*rm tL r
2. l*rry Remember to set your atarm tonight. We're leaving at 6:00 a.m.
Kqvin OK, catI me. Or maybe I shoutd just stay at your Ptace tonight.
That way you won't worrY!
/ *i§ Make an offer or promise using the words given.
I 1. A Wittyou remember to ca[[ the plumber this afternoon?
t5 yss. I won't forget. (not forget)
i 2. A oh, no! I forgot my cett phone. I have to cat[ my brother for a ride home.
ffi Don't worry. ii You home. (drive)
Looking aheadl§flpfi
a A surpnise party
' ' , , .,- Complete the conversation with the responses in the box.
Nicole Tara, can we have Lynn's birthday party atyour place this weekend? Mine's too small.
Tara OK. l hqve plenty of space.
Nicote And we should make a cake, but l'm notvery good at baking. Can you make one?
Tara Alt r'",il-f , irc",.^ *..,!,&{-.-vtd-, "l
l".a u iur rr r \n"-rr n\ )
Itricote That sounds good. And would you mind doing the invitations, too? You're good at that stuff.
Nicote And then we need a gift., Do you have any ideas? I mean, could ygr¡ get her something?
Tara r)u^* , ,*ji r,{-t, --.'i'i,' ^, h,'r, d n{ smr*¡r \¡l,n*
Nicole it. Oh, and one other,thing. Should we order pizza or . . .?
Tara , Il¡I no_Ji *¿uru.j órJ.É$i ñ \*.r,.11¡")r1..ru"
Nicole Maybe four? Weli;thanks Tara. I guess l'[[ go home. Catt me if you need anything.
Lesson D
O PrEmt ii out!
i':i!iiri*:;: l: A nead the articte. Then circte the best titte.
Print Your Own Shoes ,'The Futur. áf ¡-O Printing Buitding New Homes
1. Printing your own shoes wi[[ certainty / might be possibte in the future.
2. lt is /.isn't possible to use a 3-D printerto make things out of chocotate.
3. Right now, designers use 3-D printers to make designs better / sett their designs.
4. lfcompanieshave3'Dprinters,theywi[[beabletotest/repairtheirownmachines.
5. Engineers think that 3-D printers wil[ become more expensive / cheapei,
6. ln the future, 3-D printers wi[[ / won't change the way we buy personal items.
Looking aheadl§flpffi
A tu§fe §rx thm fmt*¡re
'.",::,';.' & Read the paragraph. Add Firsf, Second,/Vext, and Finaltyto the paragraph to
tist the examptes. Change the punctuation.
It is not easy to live in some big cities. For example, there are problems withlraffic and pollutron.
However, 20 years from new, many of these cities may be better uno .i"unfr."tl%y will have better
public transportation systems, and people won't need to drive cars. Also, there won't be many traffic
jams or parking problems:'There will be more open spaces and parks. People will be able to walk and
cycle and spend time outdoors..The air will be cleaner because there will be fewer cars, and more
cars will be electrtc. Industries will probably be cleaner and more efficient because solar power and
wind power will be more popular*With these changes, big cities will be more attractive places to live.
ffi Write a short article about one of these topics. Use Firsf, Second,iVexf, and Finally
to list examples within the article.
a the ideaI city of the future . everyday life in the future
a health in the future o the environment in the future
Conuersation i
ur/riting I