KAN-TAURUS High Build Epoxy Finish: Characteristics
KAN-TAURUS High Build Epoxy Finish: Characteristics
KAN-TAURUS High Build Epoxy Finish: Characteristics
KAN-TAURAS High Build Epoxy Finish is a versatile Thinner is added to paint before application to
original, and maintenance coating for machinery, steel achieve the desired viscosity. Different quantity of
structures and marine installations. It may be thinner is added depending upon the application tool.
specified in most chemical, petrochemical, thermal Recommended thinner for KAN TAURAS High Build
power and fertilizer plants. Also suitable for Epoxy Finish is Epoxy thinner.
application on walls in chemical factories, laboratories
and toilets; where cement/plaster is liable to attack by APPLICATION
spillage or fumes. It is a suitable topcoat for shipping,
marine and locomotive structures. o
Do not apply if the temperature is below 10 C or is
likely to fall below 10 C during the drying period, or if
DESCRIPTION the Relative humidity exceeds 85% or within 3 oC of
KAN-TAURAS High Build Epoxy Finishes is a one- the Dew Point. Stir contents thoroughly before and
component product available in a packing of 3liter and occasional during use. KAN TAURUS High Build
1 liter for component A and B respectively. Epoxy Finish can be applied using roller, brush,
conventional or airless spray. Apply an even coat to
the recommended film build using a brush or roller.
While using a spray apply one wet coat overlapping
SURFACE PREPARATION the last one by 50%. Standard equipment such as
Graco, Hermex, Binks or others using a 30:1 pump
KAN TAURAS High Build Epoxy Finishes a ratio for airless spray can be used.
specialized chemical resistant coating and requires
sound substrate preparation and a suitable priming Please see the set up details of the application tools
system to perform to its optimum. It is recommended in the “Typical properties and application guide” table.
that potential specifies follow guidelines for surface
preparation from the Data Sheet for the primer system
selected. DRY AND RECOAT
Dries to touch in 2hrs and dries to handle in16hrs.
PRIMING Wait 8hrs before recoating base coats
A spreading rate of (9-11) m2/litre corresponds to (40-
Before application of paint, surface is smoothened 50) micrometers dry film thickness assuming no
with a primer. The recommended primers before losses on a non porous and non- absorbent surface.
application are KAN-TAURUS Epoxy Zinc Phosphate. Practical spreading rates will vary depending on such
factors as methods, conditions of application and
surface roughness (profile). Abrade surface, clean
from dust and foreign matter. Apply further coat of Hi-
build Epoxy Finish to specified film thickness.
Clean up all equipment with Epoxy Thinner
immediately after use.
Japan’s No.1