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Research Proposal (39038)

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University of Dhaka

Department of Finance
EMBA Program
Research Proposal on
“The Influence and impact of advertising to consumer Purchase Motive”

Submitted to:
Md Mukhlesur Rahman
Assistant Professor,
Department of Finance
University of Dhaka

Submitted by:
Shaiqua Tashbih
ID No: 39038

Date of Submission: 18Th July

1.1Background of the study research:
In the modern times, businesses are leaning towards Advertising. Companies are so focused
in social media and mobile advertisements that they may take over Television
advertisement very soon. Most large local and multinational giant companies are now
practicing marketing in full swing.
Advertising has always known to be one of the key factors that affect consumer’s decision-
making process. In this paper, we have attempted to combine different sets of variables to
test and analyse how they impact consumer’s buying intention.

1.2 Objectives of the research:

• To examine the awareness of the consumers about advertised products.

• To examine if advertisements of different businesses affect the purchasing motive,
preferences, and loyalty of their consumers.

1.3 Contribution of the Study

This research will conduct an experimental study to examine the effect of advertising on
consumer purchase motive or preferences and loyalty. The research will perform surveys to
obtain needed information to attain the objectives of the study. Furthermore, this study
would assess relevant literature review on the same topic. This will help marketers to focus
on the right factors and achieve maximum benefit from their advertisement. We believe
that the study will offer useful insights for both advertising scholars and executives to
understand the ins and outs of advertising and to assist marketers in introducing better
approaches to advertising.

1.3 Outline of the study:

In this research proposal we discussed about the literature review which aims
to demonstrate how this proposal will contribute to this relevant and helps to
reinstate the objective. In methodology sections, which types of method or
processes will be helpful to assess the researcher will be discussed.
Literature review
Some researchers have hypothesised that consumer's personality profiles affect decision
making in their assessments of credibility in advertising content. As a result, consumers are
more responsive to advertising claims tailored to a specific personality profile in product ads
than to advertising claims not tailored to a specific personality profile. Therefore, the current
research explores consumers' response tendencies to advertising claims when the source of
such claims is identified as tailored to a specific personality profile or not tailored to a specific
personality profile. The study also examines the relative impact of tailoring the advertisement
to a specific personality profile on consumers' assessments of credibility in advertising
content. This can be accomplished by examining whether consumers' beliefs', competency,
or perceived goodwill are affected by credibility information when advertisements are
tailored to a specific personality profile versus advertisements not tailored to a specific
personality profile. Accordingly, advertising claims whose credibility has been challenged by
governmental or by consumer groups are more likely to affect consumers' action than are
unchallenged advertising claims. The findings have implications for understanding the role of
personality profiles in shaping visual imagery and message content of advertising claims.
In the field of advertising research, as it applies to exploratory correlation between
personality and advertising message response, there is no dearth of literature and we have a
long history surrounding the myriad of topics associated with this concept (Plummer, 2000).
However, given the vast literature present, there is an absence of consensus in both theories
and frameworks that address much of the often-conflicting reasons of advertising's
interaction in consumer decision-making. Accordingly, there have been weak empirical
relationships found between prediction of product use or choice with personality behaviour.
(Lastovicka, JL., Erich A., & Joachimsthaler, 1988) Some researchers have, however,
demonstrated and analysed brand personality to the extent that effective designs can aid in
their influence (Aaker, 1997; Greengrove, 2002; Neal and Wurst, 2001). Accordingly, there
has been ample research on source effects that concentrated on the impact of the
competence, believability, and trustworthiness of the spokesperson in the fields of
psychology, advertising, and communication literature (Bush, Moncrief, and Ziethaml 1987).
There is, however, little research on relative impact of personality profiles on consumers'
assessments of credibility in advertising content.
Research Questions and Hypothesis

3.1Research Question(s)
• Do consumers' beliefs about advertised products differ when the ad content of an
advertising claim to which consumers are exposed is specifically tailored to their
buying preferences or purchase motives?
• Do consumers' beliefs about advertised products differ when consumers are
exposed to advertising claims specifically tailored by their preferences that include
credibility information versus when consumers are exposed to advertising claims
that are specifically tailored by their preferences that do not include credibility

3.2 Hypothesis Development

Considering the objectives of the study, it is hypothesized as:
• The level of awareness of advertised products among people is positive.
• There is no significant difference in the purchasing motive, preferences, and loyalty with
reference to locality

Research design and methodology

4.1 Research Type: There are four independent variables and one dependent variable.
So, an adjustment in the independent variable will change the dependent variable. In this
manner, to examine the research questions and test the theory a Causal review is required.
This study is focused on finding out the impact of advertising on consumer buying behavior.
This paper also clarifies the structure of a connection amongst the independent and
dependent variables. Therefore, this study can be considered as Causal or Explanatory
research. Explanatory research shows a connection between factors and also the course of
the relationship.
4.2 Data Source: The data collection technique used in this study comprised of playing
out an up close and personal meeting with the respondents who are consumers of any
product or have been exposed to any sort of advertisement. The review poll was planned
and conveyed to target respondent arbitrarily. All together for the research to deliver a
reasonable result, the data must be comprised of a large number of populations. Hence, the
survey was conducted among 86 consumers.
4.3 Sample design: The sampling method that was used in this research is ‘random
sampling method’. Students, professionals, and aged people were considered for the
survey. The age limit was minimum 18 years. The data was mainly collected among the
people from different parts of Dhaka city, which is the capital of Bangladesh.
4.4 Measurement of Variables: There are 4 key variables that can affect the
consumer’s purchasing motive. They are Entertainment, Familiarity Social Imaging
Advertisement spending.

Data Analysis and Expected Outcomes

In this research, the analysis should be done using statistical software SPSS, version 20. To check
the reliability of factors, internal consistency coefficients will be assessed. According to George
and Mallery (2003), reliability coefficient of 0.7 is acceptable, more than 0.8 is good and more
than 0.9 is considered excellent. For the research design, the use of survey and interview
questionnaires will be initiated. The questionnaire is prepared based on the research questions
that were presented. This is to ensure that the questions that will be asked from the respondents
will be able to yield the necessary information for the formulation of the conclusion. Along with
a letter to the respondents, the questionnaire will contain the following: the first part is for
knowing the basic characteristics of the respondents for their identification; the second part
focuses on the perceived methods that the product uses for addressing the needs of their target
consumers; the third focuses on the consumers' preferences and loyalty with regards to
information on the product; finally, the fourth is on the effects of the product's advertisements
to the consumers.Together, these questions will be used for the gathering of information from
the respondents and will assist in putting together an assessment of the consumers' perception
of product advertising methods.

As discussed, the method of analysis that this study will be using is based on the gathered
information that provide methods of assessing the characteristics and the consumer behaviours
especially based on the media that presents the product. Since the products are being advertised
using several medias that will be included in this study, limited however to television and
magazine advertisements, these will be used to evaluate how products will impact the different
classes. The primary method of analysis that will be used for this study, however, will be focused
on the information gathered from the respondents. Careful assessment must be done on the
literatures themselves and notes were taken that helped in finding information that related
primarily to the consumer behaviour and how culture affects the choices that the customers
make. A combination of the information will be helpful for the study.
One of the problems that the researcher must deal with is to ensure that biases will not be given
to the study; as the information will be based primarily on the information gathered from the
literatures, which are secondary sources, this may be a problem that the researcher may face. As
such, the researcher will then strive to ensure that the method of information analysis will be
conducted in a very objective manner and will not in any way affect the outcome of the study.
Limitation and Contingency Plan:
‘Advisement Spending’ comes in third in terms of significance. This implies that people’s
association with ‘Spending’ and ‘Brand’ is likely to lead people to buy a product. In other words,
advertisement spending is somewhat successful in persuading people to make a purchase.
Social Imaging in Advertisement is seen to have the least impact. It means that people’s desire
to belong to a certain group sometimes makes people buy a product. But consumers are more
concerned with other factors rather than the ‘social imaging’ in the advertisement .Consumers
are more motivated to buy a product when they see an advertisement of it somewhere; they
also feel safe to buy a product that they have seen advertisement of. Consumer develops a
level of trustworthiness for a brand they have seen advertisement of. They were even noted to
collect information of products from advertisement, get to know about the usage and benefits
of product and then make a purchase decision based on that. Therefore, advertisement is an
exceptionally good marketing tool for generating more sales. Some limitations of this study
ought to be addressed. Firstly, the sample size will be variable. It would have been more
interesting to know more about their thoughts on modern advertising. this research could have
included a more diversified range of variables to analyses the same topic from a different

The present era has witnessed a revolutionary change in the trend of advertising. The role of
advertisements is important and influences the buying behavior of consumers. This research
was a study on impact of advertisements on consumer buying behavior This study can be
helpful for advertisers in the consumer electronic sector to understand what triggers a
consumer’s intention to purchase. It can also determine which element in advertising is most
affecting and which has a comparatively lower impact.


a) George, D., & Mallery, P. (2003). SPSS for Windows step by step: A simple
guide and reference 11.0 update (4th ed.). Boston: Allyn & Bacon
b) Impact of Advertisement on Buying Behaviours of the consumers. Retrieved
form https://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=2740920
c) The Impact of Advertising on Consumers Buying Behaviour. Retrieved from

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