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Freedom SIP FAQ

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ICICI Prudential Freedom SIP

The information contained herein is solely for private circulation for reading/understanding of registered Advisors/ Distributors of
ICICI Prudential Asset Management Company and should not be circulated to investors/prospective investors.

FAQ on ICICI Prudential Freedom SIP

Q1. What is Freedom SIP?

ICICI Prudential Freedom SIP is a feature that allows the investor to achieve their financial
goals. This feature encourages the investor to invest regularly in a disciplined manner through
Systematic Investment Plan (SIP) and enjoy the benefits of regular cash flows via Systematic
Withdrawal Plan (SWP) post completion of SIP period.

Freedom SIP comprises of three processes :

a. SIP: SIP will be registered into an open ended equity, hybrid or fund of fund scheme (Refer
Q2., also please refer to the application form for terms and conditions) for a pre-defined period
of either 8 years, 10 years,12 years or 15 years under the monthly frequency. The minimum
amount for SIP shall be the minimum Monthly SIP instalment amount for the respective

b. Switch: On completion of the chosen SIP period, the units accumulated through Freedom
SIP shall be transferred to the selected target scheme. The Switch shall take place T+15 days
or next business day where it is non-business day (T being last SIP installment date-Please
refer to the application form for terms and conditions)

c. SWP: Post the transfer, SWP is to be activated for an amount which is as per the matrix
below or as per the amount mentioned by the investor in the mandate form

Registered SIP Monthly SWP Installment

8 Years 1.0 X monthly SIP Installment
10 Years 1.5 X monthly SIP Installment
12 Years 2.0 X monthly SIP Installment
15 Years 3.0 X monthly SIP Installment
For example: If initial SIP registered for tenure of 12 years is Rs. 10,000 per month , then SWP
will be Rs 20,000 (2.0 X Rs. 10,000). The SWP Amount must be less than or equal to the
applicable slab mentioned for the respective tenures. Any SWP amount greater than the
applicable slab mentioned shall lead to rejection of the application. In case the investor does not
fill in any SWP amount the default option shall be as per the grid mentioned in point C. The SWP
amount is subject to the minimum SWP amount for the respective schemes

Freedom SIP mentioned henceforth means ICICI Prudential Freedom SIP

ICICI Prudential Freedom SIP
The information contained herein is solely for private circulation for reading/understanding of registered Advisors/ Distributors of
ICICI Prudential Asset Management Company and should not be circulated to investors/prospective investors.

FAQ on ICICI Prudential Freedom SIP

Q2. What are the eligible Schemes under Freedom SIP?
Source Scheme- SIP Scheme* Target Scheme – SWP Scheme*
ICICI Prudential Bluechip Fund ICICI Prudential Asset Allocator Fund (FOF)
ICICI Prudential Multicap Fund ICICI Prudential Balanced Advantage Fund
ICICI Prudential Large & Midcap Fund ICICI Prudential Equity & Debt Fund
ICICI Prudential India Opportunities Fund ICICI Prudential Multi – Asset Fund
ICICI Prudential Smallcap Fund
ICICI Prudential Midcap Fund
ICICI Prudential Dividend Yield Equity Fund
ICICI Prudential Focused Equity Fund
ICICI Prudential Value Discovery Fund
ICICI Prudential Asset Allocator Fund (FOF)
ICICI Prudential Balanced Advantage Fund
ICICI Prudential Equity & Debt Fund
ICICI Prudential Multi – Asset Fund

*AMC reserves the right to make changes in the list of eligible schemes from time to time. The Source
scheme and target scheme cannot be the same. Subject to minimum application amount of SWP
instalment under the respective schemes. Target Scheme is the Lumpsum switch/ Monthly SWP

Q3. Under which options and plan is Freedom SIP available?

Freedom SIP is only available under Growth option of the respective schemes. However, it is available for
both, regular and direct plans of the selected schemes

Q4. What if the investor wishes to change any particulars of the Freedom SIP ?
After registration, the investor cannot change any of the particulars such as the SIP tenure, the SIP
Scheme (Source Scheme), the SIP Amount, the SWP Scheme (the target scheme) or the SWP Amount
etc. However, investor can modify the bank mandate mapped to the registered SIP, anytime during the
SIP tenure, by submitting the respective SIP Mandate change form

Q5. What are the eligible frequencies?

Only the Monthly Frequency is available under Freedom SIP for SIP and SWP.

Q6. Can an investor choose the SIP date?

Yes, Investor can choose any date for SIP. In case the chosen date falls on a Non-Business Day or on a
date which is not available in a particular month, the SIP will be processed on the immediate next
Business Day.

Q7. What is the SWP Date?

The SWP date would be the same as the SIP date

Q8. When will the SWP start?

Post completion of SIP Tenure in the source scheme the units will be switched to target scheme, and
SWP will start from the target scheme from the following month on the same day as SIP instalment date.
ICICI Prudential Freedom SIP
The information contained herein is solely for private circulation for reading/understanding of registered Advisors/ Distributors of
ICICI Prudential Asset Management Company and should not be circulated to investors/prospective investors.

FAQ on ICICI Prudential Freedom SIP

Q9. Additional Purchase/ Switch in is allowed under Freedom SIP source Scheme?
Yes, additional Purchase/ Switch in is allowed under Freedom SIP source scheme

Q10. What would be the ICICI Prudential Freedom SIP - switch amount if there are units purchased through
additional purchase/ Switch in?
The total clear units accumulated through ICICI Prudential freedom SIP will be considered for the
switch to the target scheme and the same will be processed on FIFO basis.

Q11. What happens in case an investor does redemptions/ Switch Out or additional purchase/ Switch in
(SI) in the target scheme?
In case of redemptions/switch-out, the SWP will continue till units are available in the target scheme.
In case of additional purchase/switch-in in the target scheme, it will get added to the units available
for SWP.

Q12. What if investor makes a redemption/ partial redemption/ Switch Out (SO) from the source scheme
under Freedom SIP?
If any partial redemption / Switch Out (SO) is processed in source scheme which is impacting the
units accumulated through Freedom SIP during the SIP tenure (till execution of triggered switch), the
switch trigger and the SWP will be discontinued but SIP will continue till the end of registered tenure

Q13. Can an investor register multiple freedom SIP under same folio?
Yes, an investor can register multiple Freedom SIP in the same/ different schemes under a folio.

Q14. Can an investor cancel the freedom SIP?

Yes, Investor can cancel the SIP. On cancellation of SIP, they underlying Switch trigger and SWP will
get cancelled.

Q15. Is SIP PLUS eligible under freedom SIP?

Yes, Terms and Conditions of SIP PLUS shall be applicable.

Q16. Can an investor start a normal SIP where the freedom SIP is already registered?
Normal SIP is allowed but only units accumulated through ICICI Prudential Freedom SIP shall be
processed on the date of Switch to Target scheme and the same will be processed on FIFO basis.

Q17. Is SIP Top Up and SIP Pause allowed under Freedom SIP?
Yes, SIP Top-up and SIP pause is allowed, however for SIP Top-up the SWP amount limit would be
based on the initial SIP amount.

Q18. Will Exit Load be applicable?

Yes, exit load in line with the respective scheme features would be applicable incase of redemption or

Q19. Can a minor register for Freedom SIP?

No a minor cannot register for Freedom SIP
ICICI Prudential Freedom SIP
The information contained herein is solely for private circulation for reading/understanding of registered Advisors/ Distributors of
ICICI Prudential Asset Management Company and should not be circulated to investors/prospective investors.

FAQ on ICICI Prudential Freedom SIP

Q20. What happens in case an investor defaults under Freedom SIP?
In case of 5 consecutive defaults, the Freedom SIP along with underlying switch and SWP will

Q21. If due to any reason the Freedom SIP gets cancelled, what shall be the consequences?
If due to any reason the Freedom SIP is cancelled, this shall lead to subsequent cancellation of
the underlying Switch and SWP.

Q22. What happens In case the target scheme stops accepting subscriptions/Switch In (SI)?
In case the above happens, the underlying switch and SWP will cease.

Q23. What happens in case of merger of target scheme with another scheme?
In case of merger of target scheme with another scheme, AMC reserves the right to continue
the SWP from the new target scheme where feasible.

Q24. If Freedom SIP with SIP PLUS discontinues the insurance cover would be as follows:
I) If Freedom SIP with SIP PLUS registration discontinues before 3 years: Insurance cover stops
II) If Freedom SIP PLUS registration discontinues after 3 years: Insurance cover equivalent to
the value of units allotted under SIP PLUS investment at the valuation as on 1st business day of
month in which renewal confirmation is given, subject to a maximum of 100 times of the
monthly instalment, capped at the maximum of Rs. 50 lacs.

Q25. What will happen to SIP PLUS once the amount from source scheme is switched to the target
In this scenario, the insurance under SIP PLUS will cease.

Q26. What will happen to Freedom SIP in case of investor demise during SIP and SWP?
In case of investor demise during the SIP tenure, the switch and the SWP shall cease and the
subsequent transmission process shall begin.
In case of investor demise post SIP tenure/switch but up to Dec 2099 (or till units are available),
the SWP will cease and the subsequent transmission process shall begin.

Q27. In case nothing is selected under Switch/ Target SWP Scheme and Tenure what will be the
The default target scheme shall be ICICI Prudential Balanced Advantage Fund and default
tenure is 12 years.

Q28. To whom should the cheque / demand draft be drawn to?

The Cheque /demand draft should be drawn in favor of ICICI Prudential “Scheme Name” and
crossed “Account Payee Only”. For e.g., if an investor selects ICICI Prudential Multicap Fund as
source (SIP) scheme, the cheque shall be in favour of ICICI Prudential Multicap Fund and
crossed “Account Payee Only”.

Please refer to the Terms & Conditions mentioned in the Freedom SIP/ SIP PLUS – Common
Application Form for further details.
ICICI Prudential Freedom SIP
The information contained herein is solely for private circulation for reading/understanding of registered Advisors/ Distributors of
ICICI Prudential Asset Management Company and should not be circulated to investors/prospective investors.

Please refer to the terms & conditions in the application form for further details. ICICI Prudential
Freedom SIP is an optional feature offered by ICICI Prudential AMC. This feature does not in any
way give assurance of the performance of any of the Schemes of ICICI Prudential Mutual Fund or
provide any guarantee of withdrawals through SWP mode.

Mutual Fund investments are subject to market risks, read all scheme related documents

All figures and other data given in this document are dated. The same may or may not be relevant
at a future date. The AMC takes no responsibility of updating any data/information in this material
from time to time. The information shall not be altered in any way, transmitted to, copied or
distributed, in part or in whole, to any other person or to the media or reproduced in any form,
without prior written consent of ICICI Prudential Asset Management Company Limited.
Prospective investors are advised to consult their own legal, tax and financial advisors to
determine possible tax, legal and other financial implication or consequence of subscribing to the
units of ICICI Prudential Mutual Fund. Data source: Internal, except as mentioned specifically.

Disclaimer: In the preparation of the material contained in this document, ICICI Prudential Asset
Management Company Ltd. (the AMC) has used information that is publicly available, including
information developed in-house. Some of the material used in the document may have been
obtained from members/persons other than the AMC and/or its affiliates and which may have
been made available to the AMC and/or to its affiliates. Information gathered and material used in
this document is believed to be from reliable sources. The AMC however does not warrant the
accuracy, reasonableness and / or completeness of any information. We have included statements
/ opinions / recommendations in this document, which contain words, or phrases such as “will”,
“expect”, “should”, “believe” and similar expressions or variations of such expressions, that are
“forward looking statements”. Actual results may differ materially from those suggested by the
forward looking statements due to risk or uncertainties associated with our expectations with
respect to, but not limited to, exposure to market risks, general economic and political conditions
in India and other countries globally, which have an impact on our services and / or investments,
the monetary and interest policies of India, inflation, deflation, unanticipated turbulence in interest
rates, foreign exchange rates, equity prices or other rates or prices etc. ICICI Prudential Asset
Management Company Limited (including its affiliates), the Mutual Fund, The Trust and any of its
officers, directors, personnel and employees, shall not liable for any loss, damage of any nature,
including but not limited to direct, indirect, punitive, special, exemplary, consequential, as also
any loss of profit in any way arising from the use of this material in any manner. Further, the
information contained herein should not be construed as forecast or promise. The recipient alone
shall be fully responsible/are liable for any decision taken on this material.

ICICI Prudential SIP PLUS as an add-on, optional feature will be available for the select schemes of
ICICI Prudential Mutual Fund. Insurance cover is provided under the group term insurance plan by
ICICI Prudential Life Insurance Company Ltd. Please read the group scheme rules for more details
on the terms and conditions. The AMC is not acting as an agent for marketing/ sales of insurance
policies nor soliciting any business. This is just for information purpose and should not in any way
be construed as any kind of promotion or endorsement of any insurance product by ICICI
Prudential Asset Management Co Ltd.

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