DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.1255814
In Myanmar, electric power system planning is widely constructed because of more and more load growth and
facing with failure of electricity, outage problems and system shut-down. Thus, not only making new power
system network but also improving reliability of the existing system using suitable methods is very important to
provide an adequate supply of electrical energy to its customers as economically and reliably as possible with an
acceptable degree of continuity and quality that is designated by the term power system reliability, the primary
function of an electric power system. No one wants to get the electricity interruption. 74- Bus radial distribution
system is employed as a test system for a reliability assessment to understand the problems connected with the
reliability of the power system and to suggest the most appropriate ways of getting the applicable results.
Reliability analysis is carried out with the reliability assessment and reliability indices are calculated by using
ETAP software. Also, expected energy not supplied, expected cost and annual service availability index is shown
for various cases compared with base case. From the simulation results, the most relevant reliability arrangement
for the improvement of radial distribution system is revealed clearly in this paper.
KEYWORDS: failure of electricity, system reliability, reliability assessment, radial distribution system.
The issue of reliability plays an important role in the area of system planning. In reliability analysis, one is given
the configuration of the system and the probability distributions of individual component failures. An electrical
power can be broadly divided into the three segments of generation, transmission, and distribution. These
segments are commonly referred to as functional zones. The functional zones of an electric power system can be
combined to form hierarchical levels (HLs). Adequacy assessment techniques can also be grouped under this
hierarchical generation to meet the system load requirement and this area of activity is usually termed as
generation capacity reliability (HLI) evaluation. Both generation and the associated transmission facilities are
considered at HLII adequacy assessment and are sometimes referred to as composite system or bulk system
adequacy. HLIII adequacy assessment involves the consideration of all the three functional zones in an attempt to
evaluate customer load point adequacies. The overall problem of HLIII evaluation can become very complex in
most systems as this level involves all three functional zones, starting at the generating stations and terminating
at the individual consumer load points. For this reason, the distribution functional zone is usually analyzed as a
separate entity. Distribution system adequacy evaluation involves assessment of suitable adequacy indices at the
actual consumer load points. There are two basic types of distribution system: meshed and radial configurations.
A distribution system, however, is relatively cheap and outages have a very localized effect. Analysis of the
customer failure statistics of most utilities shows that the distribution system makes the greatest individual
contribution to the unavailability of supply to a customer. In this paper, radial distribution configuration for
reliability improvement system is only considered in detail.
There are two main categories of reliability evaluation techniques: analytical and simulation. There are merits and
demerits in both methods. Analytical technique uses a mathematical model and evaluates the reliability indices
from this model using direct numerical solutions with short computing time but assumptions are frequently
required. Simulation technique is a method in which the reliability indices are determined by simulating the actual
process and random behavior of the system. In this paper, simulation method is going to estimate the indices for
the distribution system reliability analysis by simulating the actual process and random behavior of the system.
This method treats the problem as a series of experiments. The use of simulation techniques is very important in
the reliability evaluation of such situations. In general, if complex operating conditions are not considered and/or
the failure probabilities of components are quite small, the analytical techniques are more efficient. When complex
Overall distribution system performance indices can be calculated using the three basic load point indices. The
following indices are used for the assessment of distribution system reliability.
Average failure rate at load point i, (f/yr)
λ i λ ej (1)
je N e
Annual outage duration at load point i, (hr/yr)
U i λ ejrij (2)
je N e
Average outage duration at load point i, (hr)
ri (3)
Expected energy not supplied index at load point i, (MWhr/yr)
Reliability indices at load points can be obtained by evaluating with the above equations. In the case of distribution
system reliability evaluation, these indices can be divided into two fundamental groups. The first group contains
the three basic load point indices: failure rate, outage duration, and annual outage time. The second group contains
the system performance indices, in which the most commonly used ones are SAIFI, SAIDI, CAIDI, ASAI and
ASUI. The EENS and ECOST for a bus are respectively defined as the expected energy not supply and expected
interruption cost of the loads that are directly connected to that bus due to the outage of that bus. Reliability cost
is depended on types of load and surveyed area. For residential load, the cost is lower than that of industrial load.
The main approach is to examine the existence of continuity between the supply points and the load points.
Existence of continuity is associated not only with failures of line components but also with the switching logic
of breakers and fuses, disconnecting switches and alternative supply. Frequency and duration indices are
particularly important in distribution system adequacy assessment. Most customers are very concerned about how
often outages are expected to occur and how long they are expected to last. The distribution system reliability
indices are calculated using component failure data. The outage duration due to component failures are reduced
by protective devices and alternative supply. These indices can be calculated by applying the above equations. In
the test system, a distribution circuit uses a main feeder and three lateral distributors. A main feeder originates
from the substation and passes through the major load centers. The individual load points are connected to the
main feeder by lateral distributors with distribution transformers at their ends. A main feeder is constructed using
single circuit that is defined as radial distribution system. Disconnecting switches are installed in the main feeder
and fuses are usually provided on the lateral distributors. Faults on a lateral distributor or in a distribution
transformer are normally cleared by a fuse. The faulted lateral distributor is then isolated and the supply is restored
to the rest of the system. Besides, distributed generation is installed at Bus 46 that is two-third of the line length
as an alternative supply.
Table 1. Component reliability data for the 74-Bus radial distribution system
Component Active failure (f/yr) Permanent failure (f/yr) Switching time (hr)
Bus 0.001 - 2
By analysing reliability indices of existing data, the reliability assessment of improved system for the proposed
system can be focused. The outage duration due to component failures are reduced by protection and sectionalizing
schemes. Adding protective device and connecting distributed generation to the distribution network is one of the
most effective methods for improving distribution system reliability. In this paper, disconnecting switches, fuses
and distributed generation (DG) are used in the test system to reduce the interruption time and to improve the
availability of electric power. Provision of disconnecting switches at judicious points along the main feeder,
installing the fuse at the tee-point in each lateral distributor and DG for an alternative supply at overloaded feeder
for the analysis of reliability improvement is described with the following cases. Only disconnecting switches are
used along the main feeder, only fuses are exploited in the distributor and only DG for an alternative supply at
overloaded feeder are described with Case I, Case II and Case III.
Moreover, Case IV is the combination of disconnecting switches and fuses and addition of disconnecting switches
and DG is for Case V. Case VI and Case VII are fuses with DG and fuse joins together with disconnecting switch
and DG. Results of reliability indices for base case and various improved cases are generated by using ETAP
software. From the simulation results, reliability indices for various cases are clearly depicted in Table 2. By
comparing the simulation results of base case and seven improved cases, it is clear that Case VI, the case of using
fuse and DG is the best case and suitable for the proposed system. Figure 2 shows the best case of 74-Bus radial
distribution system for the proposed configuration.
71 58
74 69
Figure 1. Typical 74-Bus existing radial distribution system
71 58
74 69
Figure 2. Proposed system of 74-Bus radial distribution system
Table 2. Resulted reliability indices for base case and various cases
(f/customer. (hr/customer. (pu) (MWhr/yr) ($ / yr) (MWhr/customer.
yr) yr) yr)
System Average Interruption Frequency Index, (f/yr)
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Base & Improved Cases
Comparison of System Average Interruption Duration Index for Base and Various Improvement Schemes
System Average Interruption Duration Index, (hr/yr)
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Base & Improved Cases
The values of system average interruption frequency index (SAIFI) and system average interruption duration
index (SAIDI) are reduced obviously compared with base case that is shown in Figure 3 and Figure 4. Therefore,
the value of expected energy not supply for the improvement reliability system is also decrease from 696.198
MWhr/yr to 314.372 MWhr/yr. Also, average service availability index (ASAI) is improved from 0.9884 pu to
0.9929 pu. Besides, the comparison of the base case and the best case suitable for the proposed system is generated
to study obviously in Table 3.
The author wishes to express her special thanks to her parents for their supports and encouragement to attain her
destination without any trouble throughout her life. The author is deeply grateful to her teachers at Department of
Electrical Power Engineering, Technological University (Thanlyin), Mandalay Technological University and
Pyay Technological University for their accomplished guidance, their willingness to share ideas and valuable
suggestion in preparing this paper.
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