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Chapter - Iii: Privatization: Meaning and Concepts

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After having reviewed in detail the r e l a t e d l i t e r a t u r e on

privatization in different countries of the world and having prepared
the framework of the study the present chapter deals with the meaning
and the concepts of Privatization. The subject matter of this chapter has
been presented in the following manner :

3.1 Introduction.
3.2 Privatization - A Conceptual Analysis.
3.3 Privatization - Macro Dimensions.
3.4 Privatization - Micro Dimensions.
3.5 Conclusion

3.1 Introduction:

The decades of 1960s and 1970s were largely attributed to the era of
fast growing public enterprises almost the world over. Public Enterprises
were then considered the chief source of attaining socio-economic
development. However, with the passage of time, this very concept has
come under severe attack because of lack-lustre performance (physical and
financial both). In the latter part of the decade of 80's and with the onset of
the decade of 90's, the word competition has gained currency in every walk
of business activities. Many countries of the world adopted vigorous reform
programmes through liberalization, delicencing and privatization of public
sector enterprises. Among them 'privatization' is the 'buzz' word every
where in the world under the shade of competition and efficiency. In the
succeeding paragraphs, an extensive analysis as regards the concept of
privatization is presented.

3.2 Privatization: A Conceptual Analysis:

There are various methods which are used for transferring public
enterprises to private sectors. The succeeding paragraphs in this chapter
make a comprehensive conceptual analysis of the privatization process.

There is no rigid concept of privatization rather it conveys a variety of

ideas. It may differ from case to case and country to country. The concept
of privatization is, in fact, far wider. It is to be understood not merely in the
structural sense o f who owns an enterprise, but in the substantive sense of
how far the operations of an enterprise are brought within the discipline of
market forces'.' The concepts with regard to privatization may be studied
with two approaches; Economic approach and Ideological approach. Economic
approach is growth and efficiency-oriented. In this approach ' Privatization
is defined as a means to increase output, improve quality and reduced unit
costs.^ It is believed further that Privatization reduces government debt,
raises fund, develops private initiatives in the free competition of market.
Privatization leads to open competitive market economies that produces
higher incomes and more permanept jobs.' From the view point of the
ideological approach, 'Privatization is a way to broaden the base of ownership
and participation in a society encouraging larger numbers to feel that they
have a stake in the economic system'^.

Privatization may be defined as a process by which the people

of a country can participate in every phase of economic activities and play
a vital role in the economic development of the country. In simple terms '
Privatization' means off- loading a portion of the government held equities
in public sector undertakings to the numbers of the public to ensure wider

ownership, greater accountability and providing the companies an access to
domestic and international capital market.'Privatization can generally be
defined ' as any measure resulting in the transfer from the public to the
private sector of ownership or control over assets or activities'.*

Commensurating different approaches underlying conceptualization

of privatization, different people define privatization in different ways
which are critically studied in the following paragraphs.

G.W. Johnson and others' define, privatization as the participation of

the private sector in the production and/or delivery of public services.

According to H.N. Agrawal*, privatization consists all those steps,

taken by a government which are directed towards (i) helping and encouraging
private sectors undertake more economic activities and become more efficient
and competitive and (ii) effecting transfer partially or fully, of public
enterprises to private sector with a view to achieving efficiency, productivity,
profitability and simultaneously to ensure fair awareness towards social

It becomes clear from Agrawal's opinion that the main themes of

privatization are to attain efficiency, profitability and overall factor
productivity. He also further argues that every privatization manifestation
should be careful about fulfilling the social obligations alongwith achieving
efficiency, profitability and productivity.

Hanke' gives an account of the objectives of privatization as follows:

i Improvement of the economic performance of assets or services

functioned concerned.

ii. Depoliticization of economic decisions.

iii. Generation of public budget revenues through sale receipt.

iv. Reduction in public outlays, taxes and borrowing requirements and

V. Promotion of popular capitalism through wider ownership of assets.

Almost similar view has been presented by Ronald Dutt.*" that '
Privatization merely recognizes that what matters most is the quality and cost
of product or services provided and not who provides it'. However, He has
segmented the process of privatization into four categories","

i. Load shedding or Transfer of defaults,
ii. Limited Government Arrangements,
iii. User charges and
iv. Competition.

The first technique urges that if the objectives of the public enterprises
are not achieved and justified, then the private sector should come ahead and
take the responsibility of the state socio-economic systems and to satisfy
the needs of the people by ensuring better performance in the form of
higher profitability, improved productivity and efficiency. This technique is
termed as load shedding or transfer by default technique.

Another technique is known as 'limited government arrangement

technique that refers to make an uninstitutional arrangement w^here the
government plays a crucial role in economic activities, but in a minimal way.
This technique should be applied when the first technique i.e. load shedding
technique is not possible to be applied.

The third technique, i.e. User charges refer to such arrangement that
are taxed on all services provided, including private as well as government
controlled agencies. Thus, user can compare between the cost and quality of
services provided by the private and public enterprises.

The last technique is ' competition. There is a common belief that the
competition is the key factor of achieving better performance of both the
sectors i.e. private and public. Privatization makes a situation where both
the sectors compete with each other as a result, the services extended to the
users become effective and qualitative.

In the words of N.C. Sengupta ", privatization in narrow sense , means

the sale of state's equity holdings in an enterprise to private person. But in
a broader sense, privatization comprises many more following developments

i. Transition to private sector business, managerial principles and methods

including an overwhelming concern for profits.

ii. Closure or liquidation of State Owned Enterprises and the sale of

iii. Leasing of a state enterprise to a private party,
iv. Management contract of an enterprise to a private party.

V. Permitting private sector to enter into certain industries exclusively

reserved for the government.

According to D.R. Pendse" Privatization, in broader spectrum includes:

i. Divestiture.
ii. Denationalization.
iii. Relaxation in Industrial Policy Resolution.
iv. Closure or liquidation of any State Owned Enterprises.
V. Leasing of a State-Owned Enterprise to a private sector party.
vi. Transfer of management and control of SOEs to a Private Sector
individual or agency,
vii. Abandoning or postponing the prospects of state, expand or diversify
the activities of SOEs, and
viii. Farming out to private contractors or agencies the function of supplying
various goods and services needed by the SOEs.

S. Vijaylakshmi'" defines privatization as a process which reduces the

involvement of the state in the economic activities of a nation. In a broader
sense, privatization will include the following:-

i. Green field Privatization - any measure of economic policy which

permits the entry of private sector in areas hiether to exclusively
reserved for the public sector.

ii. Closure or liquidation of public enterprises.

iii. Restricting the expansion of diversification of the activities of any of

the existing public enterprises.

iv. Employing private contractors for supplying various goods and services
needed by the public enterprises.

V. The leasing of a public enterprise to the private sector.

vi. Cold privatization - any measrue which distances the public enterprise
from the government.

vii. Franchise financing under which an infrastructural project is built and

often operated by a private agency.

viii. Managerial privatization under which persons with experience in

management of private sector companies are included on the Board of
Directors of public sector companies and

ix. Divestiture - Sale of shares and thereby transferring the controlling

power from the public sector to the private sector.

From the analysis of above definitions, it can be observed that all three
experts have expressed almost the same view regarding the process of
privatization which can be applied successfully.

According to Sammuel paul," in country after country, unbridled state

expansion has led to (i) economic inefficiency in production activities of the
public sector, (ii) ineffectiveness in the provision of goods and services such
as failure to meet intended objective, diversion of benefits to elite groups
and political interference in the management of enterprises and (iii) rapid
expansion of the bureaucracy severely straining the public budget causing
problems of labour relations with the public sector, inefficiency in government
and adverse effect on the whole economy. Sammuel Paul's concept of
privatization fucoses on both physical and financial performance of an
enterprise. He has stressed on the adoption of privatiztion process as this
idea ensures benefits to the capital owners, to the consumers by providing
efficient service to the public at large through a reduction in public sector

In the words of S.R. Mohnot,''Privatization is induction of management

control, via transfer of ownership or otherwise, often both, in public owned,
or managed enterprises.

Ramanadham '^ has opined that the best answer to the issue of
privatization is to take the necessary steps to improve the efficiency of
public enterprises by making suitable changes in the management structure
and their relationship with the government and parliament. Steps should be
taken to replace the civil service culture by commercial culture in public

One of the significant studies on privatization of Public Sector

Enterprises has been conducted to fulfill various objectives, which are: (1)
Fiscal objectives ( reducing revenue deficits), (ii) Economic objectives
(efficiency through competition) (iii) Semipolitical objectives (emphasising
consumers in preference to worker) (iv) ideological objectives (strengthening
and deepening industrialism, property rights, etc.)" This study has, however,
added some new dimensions to the concept of privatization.

The policy makers in the developing economies favour privatization

on the plea that the loss making public enterprises do not have any place in
the economy.^"

A pannel of economists suggested that public enterprises should not be

allowed to become a burden on government finance. The public enterprises
V-H' •''•''J i-'o^
>'' * / - --^x

which can not be viable may be closed down or sold off or restarted as private

Young" identifies seven different forms of privatization:

i. Special assets sales, which can involve denationalization, the sale of

public sector companies previously bought by the government, the
sale of government holdings in private companies.

ii. Deregulation or relaxing state monopolies which exposes individual

public sector organizations to competition.

iii. Contracting out work previously done by direct labour in local


iv. The private provision of services, allowing the private sector to provide
services to the public.

V. Investment projects designed to encourage the private sector to invest

in projects in deprived areas and extending private sector practices
into the public sector, often involving the creation of special units
within public sector organizations to secure a more commercial returns
on assets.

vi. Reducing subsidies and increasing charges, particularly in relation to

the welfare services, and

vii. The sale of council houses as an important element of privatization,

given that such sales have greatly reduced public sector housing
provision and therefore the scope of public sector for housing. Elliot
Berg" advocates that privatization has assumed increasing importance
due to the reason that the government everywhere are looking for
new ways to mobilise resources and ways to use the resources they
have more effectively.

3.3 Privatization In Macro Dimensions:

William Glade^'* perceived four Macro dimensions of privatization,

such as:

i. Privatization of Financing: It entails the utilization of private funds to

relieve the state enterprise from temporary budgetary problems.

ii. Privatization of Production: It includes the introduction of contract

labour instead of directly employing labour force.

iii. Privatization of Denationalization : It is the most important and
undisrupted form of privatization which involves the selling of shares
of Public Enterprises (PEs) partly or wholly to the private investors.

iv. Privatization by Liberalisation of Trade and Business: Liberalization,

infact, is the distinguished form of privatization which may be in the
form of relaxing or removing statutory constraints on completion or
prices etc.

M.B. Athreya^' has conceptualised four alternative models for

privatization, of these four, the first three models are for partial
privatization while the four one is for total privatization. These are as

1. Government Majority Enterprise (GME, 51% plus).

2. Government Controlled Enterprise (GCE, 26%-49%).
3. Joint Sector Enterprise (26% + 25% + 49%) and
4. Private Enterprise, (PE).

In the first step, it could be started with 20 to 30 per cent public as well
as Financial Institutions leading to 51 per cent government holding or more.
This may be called a government majority enterprise.

Secondly, even 51 per cent simple majority equity ownership for

control is an outdated concept. There has been increasing divorce of "
Professional Management" from "Control". When share holding is wide
spread, 26 per cent of equity is quite adequate for control. Under the
companies act, with 26 per cent equity, government can exercise veto on all
special resolutions at any AGM. This may be called a government controlled

Thirdly, this is partly similar to GCE, but only to the extent that the
government holding here also is 26 per cent. But in the balance 74 per cent,
25 per cent may be given to one 'partner'. This partner could be a successful
well-managed private firm. The operational management could be left with
the Private Partne. Government will have control will benefit from the
profitability and share value appreciation.

Fourthly, private sector- it would be inaccurate to call any of three

previous alternatives - 51 per cent or 26 per cent or JS - as privatization.
The only situation which can be called " Privatization" is where 100 per cent
of ownership is in non-governmental hands.

According to Theo Thie Mieyer " , there are different connotations

on privatization, such as:

1. Transfer (sale) of public assets (firms, part of firms, partial privatization,

or individual assets) to private persons.

2. Transition to private law legal forms.

3. Transfer of individual public supply tasks to private persons (e.g.
contracting out), also functional privatization.
4. Transition to private business management in the sense of profit
oriented management.
5. Extension of the margin of autonomy for the management of public

6. Debureaucratization, in the sense of freeing from formal provisions

administrative instructions.

7. Decentralization, in the sense of the delegation of authority to decide,

plan and act.

8. Aligning the conditions under which public enterprises act on those

which apply to private firms.

9. Promotion of competition by market processes (or market-like systems

of incentives).

10. Dismantling of such state monopolies as are justified by referring to

the traditional argument of'natural monopoly.

11. Adaptation of wages and working and employment conditions to those

applicable to the private sector: Privatization of Jobs.

12. Unilateral reduction of the nature and scope of public services.

13. Privatization of public resources.

14. Privatization of public revenue: Conversion of revenues from public

investments into private profits; or private access to public capital and
its revenues.

15. Denationalization - Pressures of international competitions; increasing

activity in foreign markets; take over a capital shares and rights of
disposal by foreigners.

The term privatization can be defined from two points of view - first,
at the economy level (i.e. Macro view and second, at the enterprise level

(i.e. Micro view).

Privatization of economy level implies the following traits :

1. The expansion of public enterprise is discouraged.

2. The growth and development of Public Sector Enterprises in the

economy is checked and thus allowed to expand at slower rate, and

3. The activities of public enterprises in the economy is reduced so that

the private sector may avail opportunity to expand.

3.4 Privatization - Micro Dimensions :

The micro dimension of privatization is as follows.^'

1. Ownership measures.
2. Organization measures.
3. Operational measures.

1. Ownership Measures: It is an important measure of privatizing the

State Owned Enterprises. Ownership measure implies
denationalization, joint venture and liquidation. Denationalization may
be legal or partial. Legal denationalization refers to the transfer of
majority ownership rights and benefits alongwith control on
management. Partial denationalization means transfer of ownership to
private parties upto 49 per cent and thereby the majority ownership
remain with the public sector enterprises maintaining control on the
management. However, denationalization implies three categories as

(i) Management Buy-out: It means that the sale of assets to the

employee or management or to both of the organisation i.e.
managers or employees or both together buy the majority share
holdings in a company.

(ii) Co-operative means an organization which belongs to

employees which must have distinctive legal features of a
cooperative society that can buys the assets of the enterprise.

(iii) Special Share: Here government retains some shares under

the arrangements that it undertakes not to participate activity in
the management process rather it holds a power to protect in
case of undesirable share concentration dragging of companies
property illegally or any other extreme circumstances.

(iv) Joint Venture: Joint venture denotes that private capital may
be introduced in a public enterprise either through a sale of some
government equity or in the course of its expansion.

(v) Liquidation: Liquidation means sale of the assets to some one

that uses them again in the same activity or moves them away
from their erstwhile activity. This occurs in the financial failure
of the enterprise.

Organizational Measures: Organizational measures have five

dimensions which are:

(i). Changes in Holding Company Structure: It means government

reduces its control to the operation of the company and then a
company is allowed to run its function under a high degree of
market discipline.

(ii) Changes Within Monolithic Structures: A monolithic

organization can be changed into two forms: firstly, it may be
broken into smaller units without loss of scale of economies; and
secondly, the major product lines or regional operations may be
converted into independent companies and they are also allowed
to stay in the same organization.

(iii) Leasing: A public enterprise can be privatized gradually, by

the method of leasing out large amount of its assets to the best
bidders and the bidders will enjoy profits as per agreement.

(iv) Competition: Promotion of competition is obvious importance

in ensuring results of improved efficiency, lower cost structures
and declining prices.^* This would be possible by three ways,
such as:

a. By breaking big public enterprise into less big units

which have a reasonable chance of competing with one
b. By deregulating the activities in a given sector, there by
improving the prospects of entry and exit."

c. By improving condition of internal competition within a

large public enterprise organization.

(v) Restructuring: It means reforming of the organisation. It may

be done in two ways, as financial restructuring and functional or
basic restructuring.

3. Operational Measure: It is very important and meaningful measures
of privatization which is appropriate for both planned and mixed
economy. It has seven dimensions:

(i) Contracting out: Here the government bears the cost of

providing the service and the right to produce and sell the
service under contract with the government is given to a private
firm selected on the basis of competitive bidding.

(ii) Rewards/incentives: Rewards is the acceptance of one's best

works. So, it helps to accelerate the improvement of efficiency
of the organization. Both shop-fioor employees and managerial
personnel should be provided rewards.

(iii) Investment Criteria: There should be the same investment

criteria for both public and private enterprises.

(iv) Pricing Principles: Every competitive industry uses to settle

the price at the level of costs and trys to minimal the price
discrimination. Private sector enterprises follows this way for
long time with a view to capturing the monopoly situation. In
case of public enterprise, the situation is reverse. So, pricing
principles should be the same for both the public and private

(v) T a r g e t s : Target setting is an alternative approach of

privatization. There should be a target of manager's particular
activities that must be attained and necessary incentive should
also be provided to them for successful managers.

(vi) Resort to Capital Market: A public enterprise should move to

capital market for its capital funds as private sector does. It can
be able to attract the funds if only the investors think that the
purpose of the project will be worthwhile. This measure would
make the public enterprise fittest in the market discipline which
is a major virtue in the case of private enterprise.

(vii) Rationalization of Government Control: There is a burning

question of a reform of the system of government control over
public enterprise. Government should rationalise its control
over the public enterprise and should provide managerial
autonomy. It should be considered as a 'fresh air' which can be
breathed by the public enterprise's managers.

The micro economic measures of privatization is shown in chart - 1.
Privatization is transfer of ownership and control of State Owned Enterprises
(SOEs) to the private sector through sale of assets. The main objective of
privatization is to transfcT ownership and control of economic activities from
the public sector to the private sector market. 'The market sector is based on
competition, voluntary transactions, and private property rights'".

'Voluntary transactions or contracts, involve two or more parties

engaging in economic activities without having to receive permission from
someone else'." Again, 'private property - the rights belonging to the
possessor are usually defined as the rights of an individual to decide how to
use an asset and to transfer his rights to some one else'." So, ' privatization
in its fullest sense, therefore, requires a change of ownership'." But this may
not be enough. Additional measures may be necessary to ensure that an
activity which is transferred to the private sector changes its behaviour
accordingly. So ' transfer should be supplemented by other means which
add to competition'."

In the socialist countries or the centrally planned economies, it has

come to the extent that in the individualisation ' of economic activity - i.e.
allowing individuals to own and control certain forms of economic
activities" China, Hungary are the best example of this form.

In the LDC's there have been a mixture of different techniques

followed in privatization. There have been cases of divestitures of the type
similar to that carried out in the industrialised countries." Singapore,
Malaysia, Thailand, Japan are being privatized by the sale of stock to the
public. Besides divestiture i.e. sale of equity there is a common form of
privatization in the LDC's, i.e. reprivatization of the government owned
enterprises. Bangladesh, Chile are tlie best example. At present Bangladesh
is following two methods of privatizing SOEs."

(a) Sale by International Tender: Local, foreign private buyers

may participate in all such tenders. Association of workers,
employees and officers of the tendered enterprise may also
offer bid for purchase of the enterprise.

(b) Sale by Offer of Shares: Government owned shares in different

companies and shares of the SOEs converted into public limited
company may be sold to the general public either directly or
through the Stock Exchange.



3.5 Conclusion:

From the foregoing analysis of the definition of privatization, it has

been rightly realised by the economists, planners and the governments alike
the world over that privatization is now the key to success in attaining
enhanced efficiency, increased profitability and improved productivity. So,
many countries have adopted vigorous reform programmes of privatization of
public enterprises.

Various methods of privatization are being used for transferring

public enterprises to private sector. However, the significant methods of
privatization process are divestiture, denationalization, deregulation, dillution
of public ownership, sale of public assets to private sector, sale of shares,
transfer of management and control to the private party, management buy-
out etc.

In Bangladesh, the privatization process which is currently followed

includes denationalization, the sale of entire enterprise through tender to
the local or foreign buyers, sale of shares to the general public, employees
or workers directly or through stock exchange.


1. Ramanadham, V.V. (ed) "Privatization in Developing Countries",

Routledge, London, 1994, p.4.

2. Ahmed Momtazuddin, "Privatization : Present Status and Future

Potentials as a Policy Options for Development", Bangladesh Journal
of American Studies, Vol. 5, Winter, 1991, p. 116.

3. McPherson, M.P., "The Promise of Privatization," In Hank, S.H. (ed)

Privatization and Development, International Centre for Economic
Growth (ICEG), Panama City, Oct. 1987, p. 118.

4. Ahmed Momtazuddin, op.cit. p. 116.

5. Fadnavis Mrunalini, "Privatization and Development: Trends in '80s

and Challenges in '90s", In DasDebendra, K. et al. (ed). Economics of
Privatization, Issues and Options, Deep and Deep Publications, New
Delhi, 1994, pp. 109-110.

6. Guislain Pierre "Divestiture of State Enterprises, An Overview of the

Legal Framework," The World Bank,, 1992, p. 1.

7. Johnson, G.W. and Heilman, J.G., " Metapolicy Transition and Policy
Implementation: New Federalism and Privatization," Economic Impact,
Nov. - Dec. 1987, Quoted from Ahmed Momtazuddin, op.cit. p. 117.

8. H.N. Agrawal, "Privatization of Public Enterprises: A move Towards

Realism," In Privatization of Public Enterprises, by Jagdish Prakash,
Himalya Publishing House, 1992, p. 153.

9. Slev H.Haukeg (ed) " Prospect for Privatization." New York, 1987,

10. Ronald Dutt., "Privatization, Shifting the Balance Towards Growth",

In Economic impact, 1989, p . 73.

11. Savas, E.S., "Privatization - The key to Better Government", Tata

McGraw Hill, New Delhi, 1989, p . 3 .

12. Patel, S.K., et al., "Privatization: Some Theoretical Reflections", In

Das Debendra K. et al. (ed), op.cit. p . 86.

13. Ibid p. 88.

14. Ibid pp. 88-89.

15. Sammuel Paul, "Privatization and the Public Sectors," Financial and
Development, Dec. 1985, IMI p . 42.

16. Ibid.

17. Mohnot, S.R. (ed), "Privatization : Options and Challenges," CIER,

New Delhi, 1991, p.2.

18. Ramanadham, V.V., "Privatization in the U.K.", Groom helm, London,

1988, p . 1 .

19. Financial Express, New Delhi, July 17, 1989, p. 7.

20. Indian Express, Bombay, Dec. 2 3 , 1987, p . 2.

21. Northern Indian Patrika, Allahabad, July, 28, 1989, p . l .

22. Rajan A. Meenakshi Sundara, " Privatization : Boom or Blow to Indian

Economy", In Das Debendra, K. (ed) op.cit. ,pp. 203-204.

23. Elliot Berg, "Privatization : Developing a Pragmatic Approach," In

Economic Impact, 1987, p.6.

24. William Glade "The Privatization and Denationalisation ofPE", in G.

Ram Reddy (ed) Government and Private Enterprises, Bombay, p.2.

25. Athreya, M.B. "Alternative Methods for Privatization or People Isation",

In Mohnot S.R. (ed), op.cit., pp. 16-19.

26. "Annals of Public and Co-operative Economy", April - June, 1986.

27. Ramanadham, V.V. (ed), "Privatization in Developing Countries",


28. Ibid. p.7.

29. Ibid.

30. "A Guide to Privatization" ICC, Paris, 1990. p.4.

31. Ibid.

32. Ibid

33. Ibid.

34. Ibid.

35. Ahmed Momtazuddin, op.cit, p. 120.

36. Ibid.

37. 'Privatization Policy", Privatization Board, Government of the Peoples

Republic of Bangladesh, 1994, p.2.


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