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Arch Computat Methods Eng (2015) 22:291–308

DOI 10.1007/s11831-014-9125-9


A Comparative Review of Building Information Modelling

Implementation in Building and Infrastructure Industries
Wenchi Shou · Jun Wang · Xiangyu Wang ·
Heap Yih Chong

Received: 16 July 2014 / Accepted: 22 July 2014 / Published online: 8 August 2014
© CIMNE, Barcelona, Spain 2014

Abstract Rapid advances in building information mod- experience from the building industry; and (3) the compara-
elling (BIM) offer new opportunities to improve efficiency tive analysis of BIM in infrastructure and building cases high-
and effectiveness of the construction process and enhance the lights the support of new BIM use, enhanced of traditional
use of emerging technology throughout project’s lifecycle, project management and transformation of project delivery
not only in buildings, but also in infrastructures. Although method.
some researchers have promoted the use of BIM in infrastruc-
tures and several reviews in BIM implementation have been
conducted; the comparative study of BIM implementation 1 Introduction
between building and infrastructure industry in a holistic
view has not been identified. Hence, the goal of this study is to Rapid advances in BIM offer new opportunities to improve
explore the extent to which level of BIM implementation has efficiency and effectiveness of the construction process and
achieved in building and infrastructure industries. This explo- enhance the use of emerging technology throughout project’s
ration was performed differently from two main sources, lifecycle, not only in buildings, but also in infrastructures.
namely, academic studies and industrial cases, where con- Lately, few studies have discovered the use of BIM in
ventional reviews in BIM were mainly focused on academic infrastructure and highlighted in some pioneering reports [24,
publications only. More than forty case studies in academic 30,37,43,82,106]. However, no prior comparative research
journals and conference proceedings and twenty four BIM has considered for both building and infrastructure indus-
cases in industrial reports were collected and analysed to tries. It will determine the opportunity for direct gains and
determine the current BIM uses and emerging BIM applica- benefits in BIM implementation from the building industry
tions in both industries. The results show that (1) BIM case to the infrastructure industry. Although this topic attracted
studies in academic journals show the high level of BIM attention in both academic circles and the private consult-
implementation in practice; (2) the initial development of ing industry, there are no studies that would absorb existing
BIM in infrastructure can be referred to the existing BIM building BIM implementation results and spur the infrastruc-
ture toward faster implementation of BIM in practice. There
is a lack of understanding as to what the main BIM uses in
building and infrastructure industry are, where BIM can pro-
W. Shou · J. Wang · X. Wang (B) · H. Y. Chong
vide benefits to infrastructure practices based on the study
Australasian Joint Research Centre for Building Information Modelling,
School of Built Environment, Curtin University, Perth, WA, Australia of building, and what the differences in BIM development
e-mail: xiangyu.wang@curtin.edu.au stage between building and infrastructure are.
J. Wang This study aims to provide a comparative review for
e-mail: jun.wang1@curtin.edu.au the current implementation status of BIM in building and
W. Shou infrastructure industries. Through a comprehensive analysis
e-mail: wenchi.shou@curtin.edu.au that based on academic studies of publications and industrial
H. Y. Chong case studies, where previous reviews in BIM were mainly
e-mail: heapyih.chong@curtin.edu.au focused on academic publications only [57,66,97] and soft-

292 W. Shou et al.

ware review [21]. The study would outline opportunities and Table 1 BIM uses throughout a building lifecycle [46]
challenges for the use of BIM in both building and infrastruc- Stages Themes
ture practices.
Plan Existing conditions Phase planning
Cost estimation Site analysis
2 Building Information Modelling and BIM Uses
Design Design reviews Mechanical analysis
In the context of BIM implementation in the building and Design authoring Other Eng. analysis
infrastructure industry, it is imperative to understand the def- Energy analysis LEED evaluation
inition of BIM. Eastman et al. [39] noted that BIM is just Structural analysis Code validation
not a tool but a process, it is defined as a modelling tech- Lighting analysis
nology and associated set of processes to produce, com- Construct 3D coordination Digital fabrication
municate and analyse building models; BIM is a verb to Site utilization planning 3D control and planning
describe tools, processes and technologies that are facilitated Construction system design
by digital, machine-readable documentation about a build- Operate Record model Asset management
ing, its performance, its planning, its construction and later Maintenance scheduling Space management/
its operation. Therefore BIM describes an activity, not an tracking
object [39]. BIM is a data-rich, object-oriented, intelligent Building system analysis Disaster planning
and parametric digital representation of the facility [10]. A
building information model concludes the geometry, spatial
relationships, geographic information, quantities and prop-
A set of exclusive BIM uses in infrastructure was developed
erties of building elements, cost estimates, material invento-
by Thomas Liebich [64] (Table 2).
ries and project schedule [15]. For this characterizes, BIM
is a demonstration of the entire construction lifecycle that
allow to redefine the work scope, generate high quality three-
dimensional (3D) design schemes, support four-dimensional 3 Method and Review Approach
(4D) scheduling and five-dimensional (5D) cost estimation,
and optimise facility management and maintenance. The implementation of BIM in building and infrastructure is
growing rapidly, there are many empirical data and indus-
2.1 BIM Uses in Building Industry try practices on this topic. To garner data, the study used a
number of research methods that build on each other. Firstly,
America buildingSMART alliance published the BIM Project an academic study has been designed to cover the breadth
Execution Planning Guide and summarised 25 appropriate of BIM utilizations. Secondly, a series of case studies were
BIM uses for project implementation throughout a building prepared to understand the industry’s level of implementa-
lifecycle as shown in Table 1 [46]. As the guide suggested, it tion and experience regarding the use of BIM in practices.
is not appropriate to adopt all BIM uses. More importantly, Basically, an explanatory case study approach was adopted to
the understanding is the main reason why BIM needs to be compare the data for the building and infrastructure industry.
used in the project. BIM uses enable us to understand BIM This approach describes as a theoretical approach to demon-
functions in different stages and the level of maturity in cur- strate data bearing cause–effect relationships in BIM imple-
rent practices. This version was utilized as a template for the mentation for both industries [51].
following BIM uses analysis. A highly structured and faithful academic study enables
academic workers to recognise on-going topics and research
2.2 BIM Uses in Infrastructure Industry gaps. Knowledge about previous works is essential to make
appropriate choices about directions for further research
Now, BIM research and implementation is extending to work. Documenting the literature search methodology is a
infrastructure (infrastructure in this paper refer in particular crucial part in any review study. First, the SciVers Scopus
to airport, bridge and main road construction). Compare with database was selected as the source for the article search.
the building, the infrastructure is basic physical and organi- The academic study was conducted on journal articles and
zational structures for society work and mainly owned and conference proceedings for considered to be representative
managed by governments. Airport, bridge and main road all of the main research in this area. Keywords used for the liter-
belong to the transport infrastructures, which have their own ature review, “BIM”, “building information modelling”, “3D
construction methods and characteristics. The experiences Computer-Aided-Design (CAD)”, “Virtual Design and Con-
and investigation data in building are not fit for infrastructure. struction (VDC)”, “Virtual Prototype (VP)” and “4D CAD”

A Comparative Review of Building Information Modelling 293

Table 2 BIM uses throughout

Stages Themes
an infrastructure lifecycle [64]
Design Land use and transportation planning Target quality tracking
Public information and communication Constructability reviews
Traffic impact simulations 3D coordination
Engineering analysis Rule-based model validation
Quantity take-off
Procure Product master data Product vendor management
Enterprise buying Business to business transactions
Product inventory management Material tagging and tracking
Automated procurement
Construct Virtual project scheduling Work zone safety planning
Virtual work planning Virtual cost reporting
Visual progress reporting Equipment machine control
Field survey Mobile progress claiming
Site logistics (JIT) Maintenance of traffic
Geospatial issue tracking Field design changes
Equipment management Material testing and analysis
Equipment telematics Quality issue tracking and reporting
Product inspection and testing
Operate Road management Water mitigation and planning
Toll and facility management Traffic volume simulations
Bridge maintenance Event planning
Emergency response and repair Maintenance and repair information
Transportation management systems Disaster planning
GIS asset tracking

have been used to along with “case study”, to identify the full off and cost estimation so as to reduce manual works and
breadth of BIM implementation in real case. Next, case stud- errors. Another way was to develop extra function based on
ies were obtained from reports which have been published existing BIM system. For instance, Guo et al. [50] developed
by Bentley Systems Pvt. Ltd and Autodesk Inc. a construction safety management tools on the top of exist-
The following sections expand on the current BIM ing virtual prototype technology to improve safety perfor-
research field in building and infrastructure, list and analyse mance of construction projects. There were also those who
the related academic and industry efforts systematically. presented an integrated approach of current BIM tools to
improve project performance. Rebolj et al. [81] introduced a
combined method for automated construction activity moni-
4 BIM Implementation in Practice: Perspective of Case toring system, which consists of three components: an auto-
Studies in Academic Journals mated activity tracking subsystem based on image recogni-
tion, an automated material tracking subsystem, and a mobile
To explore the level of BIM usage in practice from academic computing supported communication environment.
perspective, 13 main BIM uses were identified and summa- From data analysis of these BIM cases in academic pub-
rized from the articles as shown in Table 3. The goal of this lications, three characteristics of BIM implementation were
analysis was to find out research level of the 13 BIM uses to concluded to indicate the BIM utilization in practice.
assess general implementation level.
Due to the inadequate capacity of existing BIM tools and • Lifecycle BIM is implemented from initial planning stage
platforms, the review results indicated that some researchers to final demolition stage so as to enhance lifecycle infor-
developed new solutions to improve BIM implementation mation management.
performance. One of the solutions was to create a novel sys- • Automation The purpose of most BIM prototypes or tools
tem or tools. For example, Ma et al. [65,111] developed a is developed to reduce manual works and errors so as to
BIM-based construction tool for automated quantity take- improve overall productivity.

294 W. Shou et al.

Table 3 40 case studies and 13 main BIM uses in academic publications

Purpose to use BIM Project type Highlights References

Procurement Industrial Research and Integrating BIM model-driven architecture, service-oriented [45]
Development project architecture, and cloud computing may challenge
Sustainable design Salisbury University’s Perdue Establish the relationship between BIM-based sustainability [17]
and analysis School of Business building analyses and the LEED certification process;
documentation supporting LEED credits may be directly or
indirectly prepared using the results of BIM-based
sustainability analyses software
Student housing complex Develop a novel parametric approach that integrates climatic [25]
and site data into a dynamic model of a large building project,
to support architectural decisions in early design stages
New Community Emergency Develop energy efficient building design process using data [58]
Service Station (CESS) facility mining technology which can help project teams discover
important patterns to improve the building design
Headquarters building BIM can significantly aid in performing complex building [16]
performance analyses to ensure an optimized building design
Safety design and Residential building Develop a rule-based automatic safety checking of construction [109]
management models and schedules on top of a commercially available
BIM platform
Hong Kong TKO Sports Ground Develop a virtual prototyping (VP) -based safety management [50]
system in large-scale construction projects
School building Propose a framework for a novel safety management and [77]
visualization system (SMVS) that integrates BIM, location
tracking, augmented reality (AR), and game technologies
Design alternatives High-rise building structures Develop a structural building information modelling [62]
selection and (S-BIM)-based design procedure to increase the efficiency of
optimization selection and obtain more optimal solutions to eventually
improve the constructability, structural safety, and economic
feasibility of the building
Operation and EV building of Concordia Integrate BIM and RFID for fire equipment inspection and [68]
maintenance University maintenance
Campus building BIM-based facility management for maintenance planning [7]
Environmental Research Institute Virtual sensors for estimation of energy consumption and [79]
building thermal comfort in buildings with underfloor heating
Fire House Present a new serious gaming approach based on BIM for the [83]
exploration of the effect of building condition on human
behaviour during the evacuation process
Taiwan school Develop a BIM-based Facility Management system for facility [89]
managers and staffs
Supply chain Building project in Carrollton, Integrate BIM and Geographic Information Systems (GIS) into [56]
management Georgia, “The School of Nursing a unique system, which enables keeping track of the supply
at the University of West chain status and provides warning signals to ensure the
Georgia” delivery of materials
Construction 70-story office building Use Construction Virtual Prototyping (CVP) to integrate [63]
planning and product, process and resource models of construction projects
management so as to support construction planning in virtual environment
Building project located in Propose an interface system that uses the BIMs ability with [99]
northern Taiwan regard to quantity take-off of required materials (such as
steel, forms, and concrete) to support site-level operations
simulation, ultimately leading to the generation of a project
John Molson School of Business Integrate BIM and RFID for progress monitoring and lifecycle [68]
(JMSB) at Concordia University management of the Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning
(HVAC) components

A Comparative Review of Building Information Modelling 295

Table 3 continued
Purpose to use BIM Project type Highlights References

Steel structure Integrate BIM and RFID for optimization in steel construction [105]
Building at Leader University in Present a scheduling system that applies multi-dimensional [40]
Taiwan (MD) CAD model, Object Sequencing Matrix (OSM), and
genetic algorithms (GAs) to generate the time–cost integrated
schedule for the construction project
National Stadium, Guangzhou Develop a BIM and 4D-based integrated solution of analysis [55,108]
West Tower, and Qingdao Bay and management for conflicts and structural safety problems
Bridge during construction
Worcester Trial Courthouse Use BIM in construction logistics and progress tracking [84]
Industrial building Present a combined method for automated construction activity [81]
monitoring system, which consists of three components: an
automated activity tracking subsystem based on image
recognition, an automated material tracking subsystem, and a
mobile computing supported communication environment
United Kingdom hospital Develop BIM-enabled tools to allow site workers using mobile [35]
tablet personal computers to access design information and to
capture work quality and progress data on-site
Quality management Plant facility and its office building Deviation analysis method for the assessment of the quality of [11]
attachment the as-is Building Information Models generated from point
cloud data
Campus building Use BIM and laser scanning for quality assessment [91]
Automated building US Courthouses Development of space database for automated building design [61]
design review review systems
Capital facility Develop a safety code compliance checking technology that [110]
does not replace human judgment, but supports human
decision making of safety experts, designers, engineers, and
field staff
Residential house Present a new integrated approach to automated code [90]
compliance checking for building envelope design based on
simulation results and building codes
Fabrication Residential building Develop a new BIM-based tool for design and prefabrication [69]
Medical pavilion BIM-enabled design-to-fabrication on building delivery [28]
Airport Use BIM for design, fabrication and erection [44]
Residential facilities Establish a methodology for the automation of design and [8]
drafting for the building manufacturing of residential
facilities based on the platform construction framing method
Information Engineering project in the campus Propose an application framework to effectively solve the [103]
integration, of National Taiwan University problems of integrating project information and system
management and interfaces among different participating parties and
visualization engineering application systems, as well as to provide five
kernel modules to encapsulate complicated management and
visualization functions
Cost management Teaching building project Develop a BIM-based construction cost estimating application [65,111]
Teaching building project Establish an IFC-based construction product information model [65]
of cost estimation
Formulate a general process map and the involved key
algorithms for semi-automatic and specification-compliant
TBP cost estimation based on the IFC data of the design
Reinforced concrete structure Use BIM for quantity take-off [23]

296 W. Shou et al.

Table 3 continued
Purpose to use BIM Project type Highlights References

Commissioning Building BIM-enabled building commissioning and handover [104]

Environmental Research Institute Multi-dimensional building performance data management for [5]
(ERI) building Cork continuous commissioning
Mary General Hospital Identify several benefits of Implementing BIM for Healthcare [22]
Facility Commissioning

• Integration New emerging technologies, such as RFID, that BIM related experience in bridge is mainly introduced
laser scanning, mobile computing and cloud computing, in design stage.
are integrated into BIM platform to improve project per- Road The data collected for BIM implementation in road
formance. were analysed. For road construction, BIM is mainly used
for 3D modelling: laser scanning to get the existing model,
Overall, the use of BIM is significantly increased across all 3D modelling to minimize the environmental impacts in con-
phases of design and construction. Although the implemen- struction stage. Cases mentioned the BIM use of quality con-
tation of BIM in building industry is expanding to lifecy- trol in design stage. Cases also supported the importance of
cle, BIM implementation in operation is still in its forma- coordination platform among different stakeholders.
tive stage, and AEC industry will continuing to struggle to Airport For the features of airport are similar to building
achieve lifecycle BIM uses. construction. BIM uses in airport share almost the same BIM
uses with building. Judge by cases, BIM implementations in
airport are still in design stage.
5 BIM Implementation in Practice: Perspective of Case
Studies in Industrial Reports 5.2 Details of the Selected Building Cases from Autodesk

The following case studies were chosen from Bentley [19] After gathering data on nine projects from Autodesk, the
and Autodesk [14] in official internet website. The selection results contributed to the understanding of the current uses
is motivated by the facts that Autodesk is the leading building of BIM in practical (Table 5). As expected, the current
software providers; while Bentley is worldwide popularity implementations are emphasis on the design and construc-
provider in infrastructure industry. Twenty four case studies tion stages. Although no cases in operation/facility manage-
were analysed and described how BIM has been applied on ment stage listed here which caused by the limitation of case
a specific project in building and infrastructure industry in source, BIM implementation in operation stage is on.
BIM uses. This analysis was done by deriving a qualitative Overall, BIM is extending to the realm of construction
description of BIM current practice in case studies. Details for bridge, roads, and other infrastructure. Four emerging
of the cases including project (company) name, year, phase, BIM implementation in current infrastructure practices have
BIM uses were provided in Tables 4 and 5. been identified, namely, visualization, coordination, analy-
sis, and supply chain integration [92]. Although BIM uses in
5.1 Details of the Selected Infrastructure Cases from infrastructure is lag several years behind building construc-
Bentley tion, current percentage BIM implementation in infrastruc-
ture projects jumps to 53 % and will grow dramatically in
Fifteen infrastructure cases were chosen from Bentley case future [30].
studies. Table 4 shows BIM use stages; BIM implementa-
tions in road, airport and bridge industry are widely ranged
in design stages. BIM uses in design stage are varies in three 6 Discussion
Bridge Bridges are composed by geometrically complex Considering BIM implementation in practice and related
objects; mechanical analysis of interdependent geometric BIM guidelines and standards, we reviewed more than forty
entities is the vital factor for safe and efficient construction. academic papers from journals and conference proceedings,
Mechanical analysis (load analysis, stress analysis, geometry and twenty four BIM cases from industrial reports. Numer-
analysis), documentation management, collaboration plat- ous rapid changes and recent developments not only pro-
form are the main BIM uses in design stage. From the current mote the implementation and research in many BIM-related
BIM implementation perspective, it is encouraging to notice areas, but also enlarge the complexity of research [97]. The

A Comparative Review of Building Information Modelling 297

Table 4 Details of the selected Type Project name Year Phase Uses
infrastructure cases from
Bentley Bridge Twin Span Bridge in New 2005 Design Design reviews
Orleans, USA Design authoring
Structural analysis
Data storage and sharing
Visual demonstration
Bridge of Lions rehabilitation 2009 Plan design Plan review comments and permit
in St. Augustine, USA processing
Mechanical analysis
Load analysis
Stress analysis
Geometry analysis
South Kasheli Bridges in India Design Structural analysis
Mechanical analysis
Live load analysis
Verification of consultant’s design
The Sutong Bridge 2007 Design Design checking
Structural system and parametrical
Stage analysis
New Jubilee Bridge in India Design Civil superstructure analysis
Design visualization
Marina Bayfront Pedestrian Design Civil structural analysis
Bridge in Singapore Design
Geometry modelling
Hoover Dam Bypass Project Design Design visualisation
Environmental analysis
Road ProjectWise Online Connects 2009 Construction Web-based communication
aeCOM With 12 platform for DB contract
sub-consultants in 22 Offices Work sharing
Content reuse
Dynamic review
File management
Quality control
Document storage
State highway in Austin, USA Design File management,
Quality control
Quality assurance
Document control

298 W. Shou et al.

Table 4 continued
Type Project name Year Phase Uses

NysdOt Pilot Project in 2008 Design construction 3D modelling to minimize

New York environmental impact
Coordination platform
4D schedule
LJB, Incorporated West Construction 3D laser scanning point
Broad Street Columbus, cloud
Ohio 3D site map
Human error eliminate
MD 2/4 Southern Design Design modelling
Connector Boulevard Coordination platform
Lusby, Maryland
Highway 155, Canada Design 3D simulation
Volume measurement
Verification of
Airport New Bangalore Design Civil site Design
International Airport in Design Evaluation
India Information exchange
Integrated design
Huston’s George Bush Design construction Existing condition
Intercontinental Airport modelling
3D design model
3D model walkthroughs
Design review
Prepare final coordination
and pipe fabrication
4D schedule simulation

building industry is gradually recognised that 4D schedule BIM implementation and discussion continue to increase in
application and 5D cost planning are the next step of BIM building. BIM has been widely adopted by 10 countries. It
development. BIM for 3D architecture, MEP, and structure is worth noting that half of the guidelines/standards shown
model and detail analysis are the most common BIM uses. in Fig. 1 were from the United States of America. This is
On the other hand, BIM case studies in industrial reports probably due to the earlier development and implementation
show the average level of BIM implementation in practice of BIM in America compared to other countries.
since most cases are performed in real environment and uti- Moreover, thirty one BIM uses were identified from forty
lizing commercial solutions. The success can be replicated two BIM guidelines/standards as illustrated in Fig. 1. The
and promotion in other projects. However, current technolo- uses are still surrounding in planning, design and construc-
gies and solutions cannot support all requirements of projects tion stages. Some interesting findings are:
and their participants. Hence, these unsatisfied demands will
inspire the BIM research and development in academic area. • Figure 2 illustrates BIM uses in planning stage primarily
At the same time, the success of BIM case studies in acad- in existing conditions modelling and space programming
emic journals can also stimulate the BIM implementation in and equipment validation.
industrial cases. • Only 4 BIM guidelines/standards proposed code check-
Besides, it is imperative to analyse BIM guidelines and ing, a truly automated code-checking is not achieved [109].
standards worldwide to have a clear picture on its overall • However, BIM as visualisation tools and collaboration
development in BIM. Forty two guidelines and standards platform, statistics on design visualisation for commu-
were downloaded from websites (Table 6). From the number nication and functional analysis is less than half of the
of published BIM guidelines/standards we can evidence that basic model function.

A Comparative Review of Building Information Modelling 299

Table 5 Details of the selected

building cases from Autodesk Type Company Phase Uses

Building Aluminum Curtainwall Systems Conceptual design detail Digital prototype

Inc.: Canada design Design reviews
Virtual testing
Data storage and sharing
HUNTAIR, Inc.: Cleaner Design Airflow simulation
Operating Rooms 3D model
Athié | Wohnrath: Dow Chemical Plan design Architecture model
Building (Brazil) Quantity take off
Design review
Lighting presentation
Cost estimation
Mark Richey Woodworking: Design construction Modeling complex
Helzberg Hall geometry
Data management
Interference checking
Adolfson and Peterson Planning design Revit design
Construction: NOvA Project construction 3D model
Construction simulation
Clash detection
Interference detection
Demonstrate assembly
Brookhaven National Design construction 3D models
Laboratory/Torcon: NSLS-II Visualisation
West Hills Construction: Green Design construction Cost estimate
Energy Management 3D simulation
Immediate feedback
KlingStubbins and Tocci Building Design construction Integrated project delivery
Companies LEED
SENER Engineering Group 2012 Design Reconstruction Architecture model
European Cup tournament Structure model
stadium 3D simulation
Lighting analysis

300 W. Shou et al.

Table 6 BIM guidelines/standards in building

Country Organisation BIM guidelines/standards Year Description

Australia Australian and New Australian and New 2012 The primary objectives of this project are to:
Zealand Revit Standards Zealand Revit Establish minimum compliance requirements
Standards [12] for Revit content shared or sold throughout
Australia and New Zealand
Document Revit content creation best practises
Establish a more extensive collection of shared
Establish a list of object subcategories
Discipline-specific requirements for Revit
NATSPEC NATSPEC National BIM 2011 “To assist clients, consultants and stakeholders to
Guide [71] clarify their BIM requirements for construction
projects in a nationally consistent manner”
Australia Mechanical BIM-MEP AU S Practice [9] 2011 “Address the following barriers that are currently
Contractors’ Association preventing the effective take-up and use of BIM
within Australia:
• Significant time and cost burdens involved in
customising BIM modelling software to suit
Australian design and construction
• Lack of industry standards around BIM MEP
• Poor consideration of the requirements for IPD
• Limited BIM Project Management and file
management expertise within the industry”
Cooperative Research National Guidelines and 2009 “To assist in and promote the adoption of BIM
Centre Case Studies for Digital technologies in the Australian building and
Modelling [34] construction industry, and try to avoid the
uncertainty and disparate approaches that
created inefficiencies with the implementation
of 2D CAD over the past three decades.” The
focus of the guidelines is the process
implications of BIM implementation
America Massachusetts Institute of MIT CAD and BIM 2011 “These guidelines are issued to promote the
Technology Department Guidelines [32] development of electronic drawings and models
of Facilities suitable for use in the MIT Department of
Facilities CAD and BIM environment”
Georgia Tech Facilities Georgia Tech BIM 2011 “This document will allow all stakeholders to
Management Requirements and weigh the importance of each requirement on a
Guidelines for Architects, per-project basis. Through this collaborative
Engineers and effort, a final project-based set of requirements
Contractors [49] and corresponding BIM Execution Plan will be
issued based on what level of BIM proficiency
necessary for a given project”
Indiana University BIM Guidelines and 2012 Standards for AEC
Architect’s Office and Standards for Architects,
Engineering Services Engineers, and
Contractors [13]
University of Washington Attachment G - University 2012 Standards for A/E project drawings “This
Capital Projects Office of Washington CAD and includes CAD and BIM drawing standards,
BIM Standards [33] PDF requirements, and the schedule of
documents submittals for Owner’s compliance
review. The A/E may request a compliance
review at any time during the Project through
the UW Project Manager”

A Comparative Review of Building Information Modelling 301

Table 6 continued
Country Organisation BIM guidelines/standards Year Description

University of Southern BIM Guidelines [42] 2012 Guidelines for design bide build contracts “This
California Facilities document defines the Design and Construction
Management Services scope of work and deliverables for using Building
Information Modeling (BIM) on new USC
construction projects, major renovations and other
projects as required by USC, based on a Design
Bid Build form of Contract”
Los Angeles Community BIM Standard [60] 2011 Standards for design-build projects “The LACCD
College District BIM Standards for Design-Build Projects have
been developed to define a process and establish
requirements, procedures and protocol for the
utilization of BIM in the various stages of our
design-build projects”
San Diego Community BIM Standards for 2012 Standards for Architects, Engineers and Contractors
College District Architects, Engineers and “The principle objective of incorporating BIM is to
Contractors [85] improve the quality of the design solutions and
optimize the exchange of information between
The Pennsylvania State BIM Planning Guide for 2012 Guide for facility owners “The Guide is written for
University Facility Owners [80] facility owners who operate and maintain facilities,
it can also provide value to those owners who
procure facilities as well as other non-owner
organizations wishing to adopt Building
Information Modeling”
College of the Desert BIM GUIDE [20] 2011 “Using building information modelling for the
design, construction, and management of all its
future projects. This guide will cover the overall
process of developing a BIM project workflow and
the basic understanding of College of the Desert’s
National Institute of National BIM Standard [73] 2012 “NBIMS establishes standard definitions for
Building Science building information exchanges to support critical
buildingSMART alliance business contexts using standard semantics and
ontologies…(to be)… implemented in software”
United States General National 3D-4D BIM 2007 A guide “intended for GSA associates and
Services Administration Program [47] consultants engaging in BIM practices for the
design of new construction and major
modernization projects for GSA”
American Institute of E202-2008 BIM Protocol 2008 “This exhibit establishes the protocols, expected
Architects [6] levels of development, and authorized uses of
Building Information Models on this project and
assigns specific responsibility for the development
of each Model Element to a defined Level of
Development at each Project phase. Where a
provision in this Exhibit conflicts with a provision
in the Agreement into which this Exhibit is
incorporated, the provision in this Exhibit will
Associated General The Contractor’s Guide to 2009 “To generally introduce the subject and provide an
Contractors of America BIM [4] outline of the “how-to” for getting started”
United States Air Force “ATTACHMENT F”—BIM 2012 Requirement for design-build/firm fixed-price
Centre for Engineering Requirement [3] contract
and the Environment
Capital Investment

302 W. Shou et al.

Table 6 continued
Country Organisation BIM guidelines/standards Year Description

United States Army Corps Roadmap for Life-Cycle 2012 “The scope of this plan is to focus on the
of Engineers BIM [95] implementation of BIM in the U.S. Army
Corps of Engineer’s civil works and military
construction business processes, including the
process for working with the USACE
Architectural Engineering Construction (AEC)
industry partners and software vendors”
US Veterans Affairs VA BIM guide [96] 2010 “This guidance shall apply to design and
construction by the architects, engineers, other
consultants, and contractors hired for those
projects by VA”
New York City Department BIM Guidelines [36] 2012 “The BIM guide considers the end-use of the
of Design + Construction model for multiple client agencies, allowing
qualified and authorized client agency
representatives to review the ways in which the
BIM may facilitate their ongoing building
operation and maintenance protocols, and tailor
their agency requirement and standards to
leverage the enhanced capabilities provide by
BIM for building O&M”
New York School BIM Guidelines and 2012 Guidelines and Standards for Architects and
Construction Authority Standards for Architects Engineers “use building information modelling
and Engineers [74] (BIM) and related software products as a tool,
which would, amongst other things, assist in
the development of coordinated Contract
Documents for “Capacity” construction
City of San Antonio Capital BIM Development Criteria 2011 Standards for Design and Construction Project
Improvements and Standards for Design “developed to define a process and establish
Management Services and Construction Projects requirements, procedures, and protocol for the
(aka “CoSA BIM utilization of BIM in the various stages of
Standards”) [27] CoSA’s design and construction building
projects elements and systems to use as a tool
to more efficiently manage, maintain, and
renovate the facility for the life cycle of the
The Port Authority of NY EAD (E/A Design Division) 2012 “The Port Authority of NY and NJ BIM Standard
and NJ Engineering BIM Standard Manual Manual describes the processes and procedures
Department [76] required for the preparation and submission of
BIM Models for Port Authority of NY and NJ
State of Ohio Facilities BIM Protocol [75] 2012 “1. Establish a common methodology for
Construction Commission communicating owner’s expectations for the
level of detail and types of data contained in a
building information model
2. Establish minimum building information
modeling expectations that reflect current
industry capabilities while incorporating
processes that provide immediate value to
3. Encourage further industry adoption of
building information modeling to allow owners
to receive increased benefit from the
State of Texas, Texas Professional Service 2010 Guidelines and Standards for Architectural and
Facilities Commission Provider Guidelines and Engineering
Standards [94] This document applies to all TFC projects
contracted on or after the Edit Date indicated in
the header above

A Comparative Review of Building Information Modelling 303

Table 6 continued
Country Organisation BIM guidelines/standards Year Description

State of Wisconsin DSF BIM Guidelines and 2009 Guidelines and Standards for ARCHITECTS and
Department of Standards for ENGINEERS
Administration, Division ARCHITECTS and
of State Facilities ENGINEERS [38]
Georgia State Financing and GSFIC BIM Guide Series 2013 Architects and Engineers (A/Es) The purpose of
Investment Commission 01: Model Analysis and this guide is to aid Architects and Engineers
Validation [48] (A/Es) in their Building Information Modeling
(BIM) efforts related to design and construction
of GSFIC managed projects. This
release—series 01 addresses BIM for Design
requirements only
Denmark Erhvervsstyrelsen (National Det Digitale Byggeri 2007 A guide made of 4 components: 3D CAD
Agency for Enterprise and (Digital Construction) Manual, 3D Working Method, Project
Construction) [70] Agreement and Layer—and Object Structures
Spain Generalitat Valenciana FIDE (Formato Intercambio Spanish
(Valencia Regional Datos Edificación aka
Government) Building Data Exchange
Format) [98]
Finland buildingSMART Finland Yleiset 2012 The guidelines mainly focuses on architecture
tietomallivaatimukset [41] and engineer design
Senaatti Kiinteistot (aka Senate Properties: BIM 2007 General operational procedures in BIM projects
Senate Properties) Requirements [87] and detailed general requirements of
BIModels—focuses on the design phase
Norway Boligprodusentene BoligBIM [72] 2011 “Intended to be a practical aid for those who
perform the project planning for residential
Statsbygg Statsbygg BIM Manual [88] 2012 A ‘full-scale IFC test’ documenting experiences
gained on a collaborative project
Netherlands Rijksgebouwendienst Rgd BIM Standard [67] 2012 “A BIM Framework consisting of seventeen
(Ministry of the Interior orthogonal Dimensions that describe in general
and Kingdom Relations) the BIM world constituting a “Way of Thinking
about BIM”
United Kingdom AEC (UK) BIM Standard for AEC 2011 “It is aimed at providing a base starting point for
industry in UK [29] a unified BIM standard that can easily be
adopted “as is” or developed and adapted for
implementation within projects that have
specific requirements for the structuring of their
BIM data. This document intends to provide
platform-independent guidelines for BIM for
AEC (UK) AEC (UK)BIM Protocol [1] 2012 “It focuses primarily on adaptation of those
standards for practical and efficient application
of BIM, particularly at the design stages of a
Construction Industry Best Practice Guide for 2013 “The aim of this best practice guide is to support
Council Professional Indemnity the construction industry’s take up of Level 2
Insurance when using BIM, by summarising the key areas of risk
BIM and, Outline Scope which Professional Indemnity (‘PI’) insurers
of Services [26] associate with level 2 BIM and what you can do
about those risks as a prudent insured”
Specialist Engineering First Steps to BIM 2013 “The purpose of this guidance document is to
Contractors’ BIM Competence: A Guide for acquaint firms with the steps they need to take
Academy at the Specialist Contractors to become comfortable using Level 2
University of [86] BIM—that is, developing and sharing
Northumbria. National project-related data in a 3D format with other
Specialist Contractors’ parties. (We will talk about ‘Levels’ later.)’

304 W. Shou et al.

Table 6 continued
Country Organisation BIM guidelines/standards Year description

Singapore Building and Construction Authority Singapore BIM Guide [18] 2012 “It is a reference guide that outlines the
roles and responsibilities of project
members when using BIM at different
stages of a project. It is used as a
reference guide for the development of a
BIM Execution Plan, which will be
agreed between the Employer and
project members, for the successful
implementation of a BIM project”
CORENET e-submission System CORENET BIM 2010 Architectural, structural and MEP
e-submission Guidelines guidelines were published
Hong Kong The Hong Kong Institute of Building BIM Project 2011 “This BIM Standard is intended to be
Information Modeling Specification[52] used to define the scope of work for a
BIM process, the responsibilities of the
project participants and the deliverables
from the BIM Process for the overall
benefit of the project and the owner”

• BIM 4D shall be used to illustrate the phasing plan • Enhancing traditional project management
to interact, communicate, and get approval of the final
design and spatial sequencing with the contractors. More Project schedule and cost estimate in traditional projects
than half of the documents proposed planning construc- are done manually. In this situation, many mistakes appeared
tion scheduling and sequencing, while the communi- and the planned schedule and cost are not fit for actual
cation of construction scheduling and sequencing—4D, requirements. Cases illustrated the BIM promotion to the
which means contractors link BIM to the project schedule traditional process.
as a communication method to coordinate with the build-
ing users and the Facility Manager, was not widespread
• Transforming the project delivery model
• Cost estimation has two levels of meanings: the first level
means cost planning from authoring software based on Traditional DBB is one of the most popular delivery mod-
building perimeter, square foot zones in design stage, els in building projects [59], and however, it is obvious that
and second level is 5D costing data linked to 4D BIM for the fragment of these delivery models go against to the col-
generating cash flow reports. However, majority of the laboration atmosphere for the BIM implementation. IPD has
documents discussed the cost estimation in first level. materialized as a delivery method that could most effectively
• Although facility management is still a weak stage in facilitate the use of BIM for construction project [59]. Many
BIM implementation, many documents are concerning cases in building and infrastructure have begun to apply the
about COBie design in design and contraction stages. IPD principles or as a delivery model in projects. Although
the use of IPD by building and infrastructure industry is still
in its infancy, BIM as a catalyst is leading the changes of
Overall, three significant findings were identified from the delivery model.
comparative analysis of BIM implementation in both indus-
tries such as:
7 Conclusion
• Supporting new BIM uses
BIM supported project implementation continues to be an
Identified from the cases, new uses beyond those typical area under active and intensive research. The purpose of this
implementations appeared, such as environmental analysis, paper is to explore the extent to which level of BIM imple-
LEED and lighting analysis. Features in current BIM tools mentation has achieved in practice from academic publica-
enable comprehensive analysis, and those were impossible tions and industrial cases. The results reveal that (1) BIM
before. In infrastructure industry, the primary concern of BIM case studies in academic journals show the high level of
uses was the mechanical analysis and load analysis. BIM implementation in practice; (2) the initial development

A Comparative Review of Building Information Modelling 305

Fig. 1 BIM uses in BIM guidelines/standards

of BIM in infrastructure can be referred to the existing BIM tem [2,81,93,107], are emerging and not studied in this
experience from the building industry; and (3) the compara- research. Nevertheless, the scope of research is limited to the
tive analysis of BIM in infrastructure and building cases high- aspect of BIM implementation in the building and infrastruc-
lights the support of new BIM use, enhanced of traditional ture industries. The case study explanatory approach has clas-
project management and transformation of project delivery sified all the data and discovered certain areas of findings
method. required in the review.
Certain limitations need to be considered in the review, With the advancements of BIM technology, more and
some latest publications or trends might have been over- more advanced technologies are employed to investigate
looked and not been considered in this paper. Moreover, their implementation to support BIM application in prac-
there are many novel BIM prototypes and system frame- tice. Data standardization, process integration and intelli-
works which have not been used in practice, such as proac- gent information exchange will pull the BIM implemen-
tive construction defect management system using BIM tation into new level. In conclusion, the review draws an
and ontology-based data collection template [78], BIM and important inference that the academic and industry have
Augmented Reality (AR)-enabled assembly [53,54,100– started to concern BIM implementation in different delivery
102], and automated construction performance tracking sys- environments.

306 W. Shou et al.

Space Management & Tracking

Building System Analysis
Building Maintenance Scheduling
As-Built Models
Asset Management
Security Assessment and Disaster Planning
Record Model
Lift Planning
Site Utilisation Planning
Communication of Construction Scheduling and Sequencing - 4D
Planning Construction Scheduling and Sequencing – 4D
Digital Fabrication
Construction System Design
Clash Detection/Coordination
Quantity Take-off and Cost Planning
Other Engineering Analysis
Lighting Analysis
Virtical Testing and Balancing
Energy Analysis
MEP Modelling and Analysis
Structural Modelling and Analysis
Sustainability Evaluation
Code Checking
Design Visualisation for Communication and Functional Analysis
Architecture – Spatial and Material Design Models
Design Authoring
Design Review
Space Programming and Equipment Validation
Site Analysis
Modelling Existing Conditions
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20

Fig. 2 BIM guidelines/standards contents area across the disciplines

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