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Disobey Societal Rules Depending Upon His or Her Ability To Rationalize Whether He Is Protected From Hurt or Destruction

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Gresham Sykes
He advocated the Neutralization Theory – maintains that individual will obey or
disobey societal rules depending upon his or her ability to rationalize whether he is
protected from hurt or destruction.
People become law abiding if they feel they are benefited by it and they violate it if
these laws are not favorable to them.

Earl Richard Quinney (1934)

 He advocated the Instrumentalist Theory, a Marxist capitalist rule idea.
 He argued that the state exists as a device for controlling the exploited class –
the class that labors for the benefit of the ruling class.
 He claims that upper classes create laws that protect their interest and the
same time the unwanted behavior of all other members of society.

Howard S. Becker (1928)

 He advocated the Labelling Theory also known as Social Reaction Theory,

which is based on the idea that a social deviant is not inherently deviant
individual, rather they become deviant because they are labelled as such.
 Social groups create deviance by making rules whose infraction create deviance,
and by applying those rules to particular people and labelling them as
 From this point of view, deviance is not a quality of the act the person commits,
but rather a consequence of the application by another of rues and sanctions to
an offender.
 In other words, an act becomes deviant only when others (society) label them as

Karl H. Marx (1818 – 1940)

 He was a German philosopher, economist, socialist and historian.

 In the context of criminological thoughts, together with Friedrich Engels, they
advocated the Social Class Conflict and capitalism Theory.
 They claimed that the ruling class in a capitalist society is responsible for the
creation of criminal law and their ideological basis in the interpretation and
enforcement of the laws.
 All are reflected in the ruling class, thus crime and delinquency are reflected on
the demoralized surplus of population, which is made up the underprivileged
usually the unemployed and underemployed.

What are the characteristics of the capitalist?

1. Act to increase their profits
- They resist improvements in working conditions
- They attempt to hold down wages of workers
2. Acknowledge that disputes sometimes arise within the capitalist class and that
the government sometimes makes concessions to workers in an effort to protect
the long term interest of capitalist.

Charles R. Darwin (1809 – 1882)

 Charles Darwin’s Theory of Evolution, laid the foundation of anthropological

 he claimed that humans, like other animals, are parasite.an organism having
an animalistic behavior and is dependent on other animals for survival.
 Thus man kills and steal to live, and this social Darwinism idea was influential
to Lombroso’s anthropological work on the “born criminal”

Adolphe J. Quetelet (1796 – 1874)

 Was a Belgian Statistician who pioneered Cartography and the Cartographical

School of Criminology that placed emphasis on social statistics.
 Through statistical analysis, he gained insight about the relationships between
crime and other social factors.
 Among his findings were strong relationships between age and crime, as well as
gender and crime.
 He also discovered that crimes against persons tends to increase during
summer while crimes against property tends to increase during winter (may be
considered seasonal crimes).

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