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General Plan of Action: Campus Movers For Christ - Tsu Chapter

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General Plan of
A.Y. 2019-2020


A.Y. 2019-2020

Month Persons Estimate

Activity Objective/Purpose Involved Time Frame d Budget Expected Outputs
New sets of members that are
CMC Membership To allow the students to
CMC Officers 500.00 expected and trained to
Booth join the CMC – TSU August 6-9, 2019
become a follower of Christ.
Chapter organization.
Target members: 75.

CMC Orientation
The students will be able to
Tuesday, Thursday and
To introduce the know about the organization
Topic: The Campus CMC Officers and Friday of the month:
August organization to the new 500.00 and will be introduced to
Movers for Christ Members, Adviser August 20, 21, 22, 27,
members. God.
Introduce  Salvation 28, 29, 2019
Target attendees: 70

To strengthen the bond of The bond of the members

CMC Monthly Meeting the members and officers CMC Officers and and officers together with
August 31, 2019 200.00
to their respective families Members their families will be
through corporate prayer. strengthened.
The students will be
improving their relationship
To improve the leadership with God and will be able to
Takeoff: Leadership CMC Officers and
skills of the leaders of August 24, 2019 n/a reach out other students to
Conference Members
CMC come to Jesus as they lead.
Target Small
groups: 24
The students will be
To know the real meaning
motivated in all aspects
of worship and to share
especially in academics
thoughts about their CMC Officers and September 19, 2019
Campus Worship Event 1000.00 and also the students will
personal life to fellow Members
able to learn the real
students from different
meaning of worship.
Target People: 150.

CMC Regular Fellowship –

Lucinda Campus To promote the holistic
Tuesday, Thursday and
CMC Regular Fellowship – development of students The students will be able to
Friday of the month:
September Main Campus that will lead to 500.00 know God deeper and
CMC Regular Fellowship –
CMC Officers and September 3, 5, 6, 10,
excellence by developing develop their Christ-like value.
San Isidro Campus Members 12, 13, 17, 19, 20, 24,
Christ-like leadership in Target Attendees: 100.
26, 27, 2019
Topic: Purpose/Identity

To strengthen the bond of The bond of the members

CMC Monthly Meeting the members and officers CMC Officers and and officers together with
September 28, 2019 200.00
to their respective families Members their families will be
through corporate prayer. strengthened.

CMC Regular Fellowship –

Lucinda Campus To promote the holistic
CMC Regular Fellowship – Tuesday, Thursday and
development of students The students will be able to
Main Campus CMC Officers and Friday of the month:
October that will lead to know God deeper and
CMC Regular Fellowship – Members October 1, 3, 4, 8, 10, 500.00
San Isidro Campus excellence by developing develop their Christ-like value.
11, 15, 17, 18, 22, 24, 25,
Christ-like leadership in Target Attendees: 110
29, 30, 2019
Topic: You are an them.
To strengthen the bond of The bond of the members
CMC Monthly Meeting the members and officers CMC Officers and and officers together with
October 26, 2019 200.00
to their respective families Members their families will be
through corporate prayer. strengthened.

The students will improve and

To help and educate
CMC Leaders and excel in their academic
CMC Tutorials students in their October 1-5, 2019 500.00
Volunteers performance.
Target students: 50.

CMC Regular Fellowship –

Lucinda Campus To promote the holistic
CMC Regular Fellowship – development of students Tuesday, Thursday and
The students will be able to
Main Campus that will lead to Friday of the month.
CMC Officers and know God deeper and
CMC Regular Fellowship – excellence by developing November 5, 7, 8, 12, 500.00
San Isidro Campus Members develop their Christ-like value.
Christ-like leadership in 14, 15, 19, 21, 22, 26,
Target Attendees: 120.
them. 28, 29, 2019
Topic: How to become

Honing Executive Extension support of
Leaders to Practice members and leaders for The officers and members will
November and Services services to different CMC Officers and be able to help and engage
November 22, 2019 3000.00
groups of people like Members themselves to the
Paraiso Elementary schools, barangays and community.
School other small groups.
Topic: The Word of God

To strengthen the bond of The bond of the members

CMC Monthly Meeting the members and officers CMC Officers and and officers together with
November 30, 2019 200.00
to their respective families Members their families will be
through corporate prayer. strengthened.
CMC Regular Fellowship –
Lucinda Campus To promote the holistic
CMC Regular Fellowship – development of students Tuesday, Thursday and The students will be able to
Main Campus
that will lead to CMC Officers and Friday of the month. know God deeper and
CMC Regular Fellowship – 500.00
San Isidro Campus excellence by developing Members December 3, 5, 6, 10, develop their Christ-like value.
Christ-like leadership in 12, 13, 17, 19, 20, 2019 Target Attendees: 130.
Topic: Essence of them.

December To strengthen the bond of The bond of the members

CMC Monthly Meeting the members and officers CMC Officers and and officers together with
December 24, 2019 200.00
to their respective families Members their families will be
through corporate prayer. strengthened.

The students will improve and

To help and educate
CMC Leaders and excel in their academic
CMC Tutorials students in their December 2-7, 2019 500.00
Volunteers performance.
Target students: 70.

To strengthen the bond of The bond of the members

CMC Monthly Meeting the members and officers CMC Officers and and officers together with
January 18, 2020 200.00
to their respective families Members their families will be
through corporate prayer. strengthened.

January CMC Regular Fellowship – To promote the holistic

Lucinda Campus development of students
CMC Regular Fellowship – The students will be able to
that will lead to January 7, 9, 10, 14, 16,
Main Campus CMC Officers and 500.00 know God deeper and
excellence by developing 17, 21, 23, 24, 28, 30,
CMC Regular Fellowship – Members develop their Christ-like value.
San Isidro Campus Christ-like leadership in 31, 2020
Target attendees: 140.
Topic: A New Beginning
To prepare the prospect The students’ leadership skills
leaders of the will be honed like the ways of
CMC Officers and
CMC Team building organization to share the January 4, 2020 2000.00 Jesus Christ sharing the
Word of God in the gospel.
coming semester. Target leaders: 30.

To strengthen the bond of The bond of the members

CMC Monthly Meeting the members and officers CMC Officers and and officers together with
February 8, 2020 200.00
to their respective families Members their families will be
through corporate prayer. strengthened.

CMC Regular Fellowship – To promote the holistic

Lucinda Campus development of students Tuesday, Thursday and
CMC Regular Fellowship – The students will be able to
that will lead to Friday of the month
Main Campus know God deeper and
CMC Regular Fellowship –
excellence by developing CMC Officers and February 4, 6, 7, 11, 13,
500.00 develop their Christ-like value.
February San Isidro Campus Christ-like leadership in Members 14, 18, 20, 21, 25, 27, 28,
Target attendees: 150.
them. 2020
Topic: Kahit Ayaw Mo Na

Extension support of
members and leaders for
CMC H.E.L.P.S services to different
The officers and members will
Honing Executive groups of people like
be able to help and engage
Leaders to Practice schools, barangays and CMC Officers and
February 24, 2020 3000.00 themselves to the community
and Services other small groups Members
through sharing the Word of
through sharing the Word
CMC Chapter: TNHS of God, feeding
extensions, games and

To strengthen the bond of The bond of the members

CMC Monthly Meeting the members and officers CMC Officers and and officers together with
March March 21, 2020 200.00
to their respective families Members their families will be
through corporate prayer. strengthened.
CMC Regular Fellowship –
Lucinda Campus To promote the holistic
Tuesday, Thursday and
CMC Regular Fellowship – development of students The students will be able to
CMC Officers and Friday of the month
Main Campus that will lead to 500.00 know God deeper and
CMC Regular Fellowship –
Members March 3, 5, 6, 10, 12,
excellence by developing develop their Christ-like value.
San Isidro Campus 13, 17, 19, 20, 24, 26,
Christ-like leadership in Target attendees: 160.
27, 31, 2020
Topic: ALAB

Extension support of
members and leaders for
CMC H.E.L.P.S services to different
The officers and members will
Honing Executive groups of people like
be able to help and engage
Leaders to Practice schools, barangays and CMC Officers and
March 30, 2020 3000.00 themselves to the community
and Services other small groups Members
through sharing the Word of
through sharing the Word
CMC Chapter: Tibag of God, feeding
extensions, games and

The students will improve and

To help and educate
CMC Leaders and excel in their academic
CMC Tutorial students in their March 2-7, 2020 500.00
Volunteers performance.
Target Students: 80

To strengthen the bond of The bond of the members

CMC Monthly Meeting the members and officers CMC Officers and and officers together with
April 18, 2020 200.00
to their respective families Members their families will be
through corporate prayer. strengthened.

April CMC Regular Fellowship – To promote the holistic

Lucinda Campus development of students Tuesday, Thursday and
CMC Regular Fellowship – The students will be able to
that will lead to Friday of the month
Main Campus CMC Officers and know God deeper and
CMC Regular Fellowship –
excellence by developing April 2, 3, 7, 9, 10, 14, 500.00
Members develop their Christ-like value.
San Isidro Campus Christ-like leadership in 17, 21, 23, 24, 28, 30,
Target Attendees: 170.
them. 2020
Topic: It is Finished
Extension support of
members and leaders for
CMC H.E.L.P.S services to different
The officers and members will
Honing Executive groups of people like
be able to help and engage
Leaders to Practice schools, barangays and CMC Officers and
April 6, 2020 3000.00 themselves to the community
and Services other small groups Members
through sharing the Word of
through sharing the Word
CMC Chapter: Aguso of God, feeding
extensions, games and
The students will be
motivated in all aspects
To know the real meaning
especially in academics
of worship and to share
CMC Officers and and the students will able
thoughts about their April 16, 2020
Campus Worship Event Members 3000.00 to learn the real meaning
personal life to fellow
of worship.
students from different
Target attendees: 200.

To strengthen the bond of The bond of the members

CMC Monthly Meeting the members and officers CMC Officers and and officers together with
May 9, 2020 200.00
to their respective families Members their families will be
through corporate prayer. strengthened.

CMC Regular Fellowship – To promote the holistic
Lucinda Campus development of students Tuesday, Thursday and
CMC Regular Fellowship – The students will be able to
that will lead to CMC Officers and Friday of the month
Main Campus 500.00 know God deeper and
CMC Regular Fellowship –
excellence by developing Members May 1, 5, 7, 8, 12, 14,
develop their Christ-like value.
San Isidro Campus Christ-like leadership in 15, 2020
Target Attendees: 180.
Topic: Living a life of Christ
Extension support of
CMC H.E.L.P.S members and leaders for
Honing Executive services to different
The officers and members will
Leaders to Practice groups of people like
be able to help and engage
and Services schools, barangays and CMC Officers and
May 30, 2020 3000.00 themselves to the community
other small groups Members
through sharing the Word of
CMC Chapter: through sharing the Word
Mayantoc High School of God, feeding
Brigada extensions, games and
The students will improve and
To help and educate
CMC Leaders and excel in their academic
CMC Tutorial students in their May 4-9, 2020 500.00
Volunteers performance.
Target students: 80.

Prepared by: Noted by:

Maria Tiara Fatima Galang

John Lerner R. Marquez Head, Student Organization Unit
Secretary, Campus Movers for Christ

Unanimously carried: Prof. Gherold C. Benitez

Head, Student Development Unit
Carl Joses G. Aguilar
President, Campus Movers for Christ
Approved by:

Klenn Verwin G. Ibe Dr. Jasper Jay N. Mendoza

Vice President (Internal), Campus Movers for Christ Dean, Student Affairs and Services

Jeremy N. Clemente
Vice President (External), Campus Movers for Christ

Mr. Federico M. Estrada Jr.

Adviser, Campus Movers for Christ

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