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Bass Clef - Rhythms and Melodies

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Sightreading Jazz

Bass Clef – Rhythms and Melodies

Version 3 See the future of your

music – today! TM
©2005 Visual Jazz Publications

All rights reserved. These materials (printed/electronic) may not be reproduced in any way without the written consent of Visual Jazz Publications.
F: Swing Variations ........................................... 15

Contents F1: Using Even Eighth-Notes in Swing............. 15

F2: Laying Back on the Tempo........................... 15
F3: Swing Exceptions ........................................... 16
G: Practice Techniques and Goals.................... 17
A: The Challenge of Sight Reading.................... 3
A Little History........................................................ 3 Part 1: Sight-reading Rhythms
Skills to Develop ..................................................... 4

B: Miscellaneous Reading Problems .................... 5 Practice Methods for Rhythms ......................... 21

Tempo....................................................................... 5 A: One Pitch .......................................................... 21

Tune Form and Road Signs................................... 5 B: Multiple Pitches ................................................ 21

Other Problems....................................................... 5 C: Using a Scale ..................................................... 21

D: Using an Arpeggio ........................................... 22
C: Ten Common Problems in Sight Reading..... 6 E: Two-Octave Scale or Arpeggio ...................... 22
1: Being Surprised ................................................. 6 F: Switching Scales ................................................ 22
2: Playing Easy Notes Fast, Hard Notes Slow.... 6 G: Using Thirds or Other Intervals.................... 22
3: Playing Side-by-Side Eighths Wrong ............... 6 H: Going Across the Page ................................... 22
4: Getting “Tied Up”.............................................. 7 I: Going Down the Columns............................... 22
5: Playing Dotted Quarters Wrong....................... 7
6. Switching Offbeats and Downbeats ................ 7 Two-Measure Rhythm Exercises......................23

7. Mistaking Three Eighths for Triplets .............. 8 Four-Measure Rhythm Exercises .....................26
8. Handling Dotted Eighths & 16ths ................... 8
9. Waiting for 16ths ............................................... 8 Eight-Measure Rhythm Exercises....................29
10. Miscounting a Single Downbeat 8th.............. 8
Triple Meter....................................................... 31
D: Swing Rhythms.............................................. 9
Mixed Meters ....................................................32
D1: Quarter-Notes and Quarter-Rests ................ 9
D2: Eighth-Notes and Eighth-Rests.................. 10 Additional Rhythms ..........................................34
D3: Dotted Quarters, Longer Notes, Triplets.. 10

Part 2: Sight-reading Pitches

E: Swing Articulations and Accents ................. 12
E1: Eighth-Note Articulations............................ 12 Ten Guidelines for Reading Pitches ................. 41

E2: Articulations for Long Notes & Triplets.... 13 1: Know Your Key Signatures............................. 41

E3: Swing Accents ................................................ 14 2: Strengthen Your Interval Skills ....................... 41

3: Know the Pitch-Degree Numbers.................. 41
4: Don’t Lose the Root .....................................41 Variation Examples for Pitch Exercises ........49
5: Hear the Pitch Degrees.................................41
Major Key Pitch Exercises ............................. 51
6: See the Chords and Scales ............................42
7: Watch for Sequences and Semi-Sequences 42 Minor Key Pitch Exercises.............................77
8: Don’t Confuse Slurs and Ties......................42
9: Handle Accidentals........................................43
10: Don’t Stop at the “Barriers” ......................43 Part 3: Etudes
Dealing with Manuscript Problems .............. 44
Four-Measure Etudes ...................................101
1: Watch for Bad Spacing .................................44
2: Watch for Bad Beams ...................................44 Eight-Measure Etudes ................................. 106
3: Watch for Bad Ledger Lines ........................44
16-Measure Etudes ........................................110
4: Find Beat 3 when it’s Hidden ......................45
5: Watch for Bad Accidentals...........................45 Blues Etudes .................................................114

Practice Methods for Pitches......................... 46

About the Practice Methods.............................46 Appendix
A: Across the Page ............................................46
B: Down the Columns ......................................46 Sightreading Jazz Art Gallery........................118
C: Upside Down ............................................46
Practice Tracker for Rhythms ...................... 123
D: New Keys ............................................47
E: New Rhythms................................................47 Practice Tracker for Pitches......................... 125
Combinations .....................................................47
Rhythm Combinations for Pitch Exercises....48

A: The Challenge of Sight Reading

B: Miscellaneous Reading Problems
C: Ten Common Problems in Reading Rhythms
D: Swing Rhythms | E: Swing Articulations & Accents
F: Swing Variations
G: Practice Techniques and Goals

Sightreading Jazz – Bass Clef © 2005 – Visual Jazz Publications – 1

A: The Challenge of Sight Reading Notes

Why does sight reading jazz music cause so many problems for ____________________________________
performers and so many headaches for ensemble directors? ____________________________________
Anyone who has fought through the strange maze of jazz ____________________________________
rhythms and melodies can relate to these challenges.
Picture yourself in one of these situations:
• Everyone in your group plays the same printed music ____________________________________
differently, resulting in a ragged sound.
• Your director stops rehearsal repeatedly to demonstrate how ____________________________________
to play a swing rhythm, taking up valuable rehearsal time.
• You seem to make the same kinds of mistakes each time you ____________________________________
sight read a tune.
• Other players get recommended for gigs instead of you, ____________________________________
because they sight-read better than you do.
Sound familiar? You’ve probably faced one or more of these ____________________________________
challenges already. So why is jazz music so hard to sight read?
G A Little History ____________________________________
Let’s briefly dig in to jazz history for some clues the answers. In ____________________________________
the early 1900’s, jazz developed in America as a blend of African ____________________________________
and Western European music. Here are some of the
contributions of each of these cultures to jazz: ____________________________________
African Sources Western European Sources
Improvisation Modern instruments
Blue notes, pitch inflections Chromatic harmony ____________________________________
Rhythmic freedom Balanced form and structure ____________________________________
Music learned by ear Written notation system ____________________________________
Merging of duple/triple meters ____________________________________
Probably the hardest thing about writing out jazz music is trying
to capture “swing” – the combination of duple and triple meters. ____________________________________
These rhythms can be notated in 12/8 time, which captures the ____________________________________
duple and triple feeling, but that’s a cumbersome notation system.

Sightreading Jazz – Bass Clef © 2005 – Visual Jazz Publications – 3

Instead, it’s simpler to write in 4/4 notation, but this lacks the triple
Notes element and leads to a series of musical optical illusions on the page.
With 4/4 notation, it’s up to the performer to inject the triple
element and play the rhythms not as they look, but as they should
____________________________________ That’s where the Swing Rhythms chapter of Sightreading Jazz comes
into play. It’s a collection of guidelines that help you make the
conversion from printed to sound, consistently and effectively.
G Skills to Develop
____________________________________ Here are some of the skills you need in order to become a good
____________________________________ • Good reflexes
____________________________________ • Technical command of your instrument or voice
____________________________________ • Knowledge of musical styles, such as swing and latin.
• Knowledge of printed musical symbols (pitches, rhythms, “road
____________________________________ signs,” markings, etc.)
Working Smarter and Harder
The traditional advice for learning to sight read is this – “Sight-read
as much music as you can!” But there are problems with this
____________________________________ approach:
• It’s often difficult or expensive to find enough new material for
____________________________________ constant sight reading practice.
• Quantity of practice time doesn’t necessarily equal quality, unless
____________________________________ you can break down and understand the principles of effective
____________________________________ sight reading.
____________________________________ Sightreading Jazz pays off here, as a smarter and proven approach.
____________________________________ Instead of being stuck with the typical “play it and you’re done”
method of reading, you can recycle and customize Sightreading Jazz
exercises, creating thousands of new exercises for fresh reading
____________________________________ practice. Additionally, this book helps you “divide and conquer” the
____________________________________ many smaller issues in the big picture of sight reading.

4 – © 2005 – Visual Jazz Publications Sightreading Jazz – Bass Clef

B: Miscellaneous Reading Problems Notes

The guidelines below will help you handle some of the common ____________________________________
problems you’ll face in sight reading. ____________________________________
G Tempo
1. Keep counting and keep the tempo steady, especially when the ____________________________________
rhythm section drops out or when you have rests in the music.
2. If your conductor counts off a faster tempo than you can handle ____________________________________
well, keep up with the tempo, even if it means dropping certain
notes. Make sure to play the downbeat of each bar correctly and
in time, then try to play beat 3 in each bar correctly. Remember – ____________________________________
if you’re consistently behind the tempo, all the “right” notes you ____________________________________
play are still wrong, because they are late.
G Tune Form and “Road Signs” ____________________________________
(“Road signs” are directional markings in a tune, such as repeats, DS,
codas, etc.) ____________________________________
1. Watch for tunes with odd-length phrases (other than 8, 12, or 16
measures). ____________________________________

2. Notice when a repeated section should be played more than ____________________________________

twice. “3x’s” means play the section three times; “3xo” means ____________________________________
play the written notes only on the third time through the section. ____________________________________
3. Memorize the location of a starting repeat (||:) so when you ____________________________________
reach the ending repeat (:||) you’ll remember where to repeat to. ____________________________________
4. Memorize the locations for any DS or Coda signs the first time ____________________________________
you see them, avoiding a panic situation later.
5. Unfold longer charts on the music stand so you can see more ____________________________________
music and avoid awkward page turns.
G Other Problems ____________________________________
1. Pay close attention to written dynamics, and be aware of what
dynamics to use when none are marked. (You can get clues on this ____________________________________
from the range, density and texture of the piece. ____________________________________
2. Watch for instrument switches, mute changes, or changes in ____________________________________
electronic settings. ____________________________________

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Best wishes from

Visual Jazz Publications
D: Swing Rhythms Notes


Objective: You’ll learn to divide swing rhythms into triplets to ____________________________________

get the authentic swing style. ____________________________________
Remember: These are guidelines, not hard-and-fast rules. Still, it’s
best to learn them first so you’ll understand how to make ____________________________________
exceptions later. ____________________________________
G D1: Quarter-Notes and Quarter-Rests ____________________________________
*1 Mentally divide each quarter-note into three eighth-note
triplets. Swing quarter-notes are usually played staccato, so they ____________________________________
are about one triplet of sound and two triplets of silence. ____________________________________

Example - Dividing quarter-notes into triplets ____________________________________

Offbeat quarters (tied 8ths) are divided similarly: ____________________________________

1,2 3 1,2 3 ,2 3 1,2 3 1 (2,3) ____________________________________

Example - Dividing offbeat quarter-note values into triplets ____________________________________

*2 Mentally divide each quarter-rest into 3 eighth-note-triplet ____________________________________

rests. ____________________________________
Example - Dividing quarter-rests into triplet rests ____________________________________
It’s important to feel the underlying triplets of rest just as securely as ____________________________________
you feel the triplets of sound. Many problems with swing
rhythms stem from not paying strict attention to the right ____________________________________
amount of silence during the rests.

Sightreading Jazz – Bass Clef © 2005 – Visual Jazz Publications – 9

G D2: Eighth-Notes and Eighth-Rests
In swing, an eighth-note is not equal to half of a quarter note. Instead,
the eighth-note varies in length, depending on whether it comes on
____________________________________ the beat (downbeat) or off the beat (offbeat).
*3 A downbeat 8th-note is like two tied 8th-note triplets; an offbeat 8th is
____________________________________ like one 8th-note triplet.
____________________________________ 2 1 2 1 2 1 3 EQUALS 2 1, 2 1, 2 1, 3
____________________________________ Example - Dividing 8th-notes into triplets
*4 Likewise, downbeat eighth-rests are “two triplets” long; offbeat
eighth-rests are “one triplet” long (you rarely see offbeat eight-rests;
____________________________________ they’re usually handled with staccato quarter-notes).
____________________________________ 2 1, 2 1, 2 1, 2 1 = 2 1, 2 1, 2 1, 2 1
____________________________________ Example B1 - Dividing eighth-notes and eighth-rests into triplets
____________________________________ To play swing 8th-notes, you alternate between “two-triplet” and
“one-triplet” 8th-notes. When an 8th-note or rest is followed by
some other rhythm, you need to correctly subdivide each note value
____________________________________ into triplets.
____________________________________ Activity D2: Marking Triplets for Quarters & Eighths
On the sheet of paper, mark the correct triplets for the 8th-
 notes, quarter-notes, and rests.

G D3: Dotted Quarters, Longer Notes, Triplets
____________________________________ Dotted quarter-note values in swing are not all the same length, even
when they are side-by-side in the music.

10 – © 2005 – Visual Jazz Publications Sightreading Jazz – Bass Clef

*5 Downbeat dotted quarter-notes get five triplets; offbeat dotted
quarters get four triplets. Like eighth-notes, side-by-side dotted Notes
quarters vary in length. The quarter-note portion always gets
three triplets; the dot (an 8th-note) gets two if on the beat, or one
if off the beat, just like a swing eighth-note.
3+2 1,+3 3
Example - Dividing dotted-quarters into triplets

In the example above, you can see that side-by-side dotted ____________________________________
quarter values are not equal. Getting these subdivisions right will ____________________________________
greatly help you get a more authentic swing feel. ____________________________________
*6 Longer notes (half-notes, etc.) get the correct amount of
triplets: ____________________________________
3+2 1,+3+2 1, + 6 6

Example - Triplets for longer notes ____________________________________

Guidelines for written triplets and rests ____________________________________
*7 Each written 8th-note triplet gets 1 triplet; quarter-note ____________________________________
triplets get 2 triplets each.
1 1 1+3 1 1 1 (3) (1) 1 1 2 1 2 2 2
*8 Half-note triplets and rests are 4 triplets each. ____________________________________
(4 4 4 4 2 + 2 4) ____________________________________
--------- 3 ---------- ----------- 3 -------- ____________________________________

Remember that triplets should always add up to 12 per bar of ____________________________________

4/4, or 9 per bar of 3/4. ____________________________________

Sightreading Jazz – Bass Clef © 2005 – Visual Jazz Publications – 11

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Best wishes from

Visual Jazz Publications
Part 1: Sight-reading Rhythms

Practice Methods for Rhythms

*2-Measure Rhythms | *4-Measure Rhythms | *8-Measure Rhythms
*Triple Meter | *Mixed Meters | *Additional Rhythms

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Best wishes from

Visual Jazz Publications
Four-Measure Rhythm Exercises

A – One pitch | B – Multiple Pitches | C – Scale | D – Arpeggio | E – 2-Octave | F – Switch Scales

G – Intervals | H – Across the Page | I – Down the Column
26 – © 2005 – Visual Jazz Publications Sightreading Jazz – Bass Clef
A – One pitch | B – Multiple Pitches | C – Scale | D – Arpeggio | E – 2-Octave | F – Switch Scales
G – Intervals | H – Across the Page | I – Down the Column
Sightreading Jazz – Bass Clef © 2005 – Visual Jazz Publications – 27
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Version for the complete content. To order Visual Jazz products, go to:


Best wishes from

Visual Jazz Publications
Ten Guidelines for Reading Pitches Notes

Objective: You’ll recognize and solve common problems that occur ____________________________________
as you sight-read pitches in jazz music.
1: Know Your Key Signatures ____________________________________
Memorize the key signatures of all major and minor keys; learn to
recognize them instantly. Always check the key signatures in a piece ____________________________________
in advance to avoid surprises. ____________________________________

2: Strengthen Your Interval Skills ____________________________________

Practice sight-singing regularly. You can practice most exercises in
Sightreading Jazz vocally as well as instrumentally. The better you
hear and sing intervals, the better you will play them. ____________________________________

Work on your intervals, small to large. The pitch exercises in ____________________________________

Sightreading Jazz are built with smaller intervals at the top of the ____________________________________
page and wider intervals at the bottom. ____________________________________
3: Know the Pitch-Degree Numbers ____________________________________
Be familiar with all the pitch-degree numbers in each key. For
example, the 6th degree in D Major is B; the 4th degree in C# minor ____________________________________
is F#, etc. With 15 major and 15 minor scales (allowing for ____________________________________
enharmonics), there are about 210 pitch-degree numbers (30 x 7). ____________________________________
Patient work in this area will pay off well in your sight reading efforts.
4: Don’t Lose the Root ____________________________________
Use the root of the current key as the strongest reference point. Store
the root in your mind and compare it to other pitches as you play. ____________________________________
This will keep you grounded in the key, especially if you are sight- ____________________________________
5: Hear the Pitch Degrees ____________________________________
After you hear the root of the key, learn to hear the 3rd and 5th of
the key. This will complete the basic chord triad in your mind. ____________________________________

Sightreading Jazz – Bass Clef © 2005 – Visual Jazz Publications – 41

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Best wishes from

Visual Jazz Publications
Major Key
Pitch Exercises

Sightreading Jazz – Bass Clef © 2005 – Visual Jazz Publications – 51

C Major - 1

A – Across the Page | B – Down the Column | C – Upside Down | D – New Key | E – New Rhythm
Combinations: AC, AD, ACD, ACE, ACDE, BC, BD, BCD, BDE, BCDE, CD, CDE, DE

52 – © 2005 – Visual Jazz Publications Sightreading Jazz – Bass Clef

C Major - 2

A – Across the Page | B – Down the Column | C – Upside Down | D – New Key | E – New Rhythm
Combinations: AC, AD, ACD, ACE, ACDE, BC, BD, BCD, BDE, BCDE, CD, CDE, DE

Sightreading Jazz – Bass Clef © 2005 – Visual Jazz Publications – 53

C# Major

A – Across the Page | B – Down the Column | C – Upside Down | D – New Key | E – New Rhythm
Combinations: AC, AD, ACD, ACE, ACDE, BC, BD, BCD, BDE, BCDE, CD, CDE, DE

54 – © 2005 – Visual Jazz Publications Sightreading Jazz – Bass Clef

Db Major - 1

A – Across the Page | B – Down the Column | C – Upside Down | D – New Key | E – New Rhythm
Combinations: AC, AD, ACD, ACE, ACDE, BC, BD, BCD, BDE, BCDE, CD, CDE, DE

Sightreading Jazz – Bass Clef © 2005 – Visual Jazz Publications – 55

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Best wishes from

Visual Jazz Publications
Minor Key
Pitch Exercises

Sightreading Jazz – Bass Clef © 2005 – Visual Jazz Publications – 77

C Minor - 1

A – Across the Page | B – Down the Column | C – Upside Down | D – New Key | E – New Rhythm
Combinations: AC, AD, ACD, ACE, ACDE, BC, BD, BCD, BDE, BCDE, CD, CDE, DE

78 – © 2005 – Visual Jazz Publications Sightreading Jazz – Bass Clef

C Minor - 2

A – Across the Page | B – Down the Column | C – Upside Down | D – New Key | E – New Rhythm
Combinations: AC, AD, ACD, ACE, ACDE, BC, BD, BCD, BDE, BCDE, CD, CDE, DE

Sightreading Jazz – Bass Clef © 2005 – Visual Jazz Publications – 79

C# Minor

A – Across the Page | B – Down the Column | C – Upside Down | D – New Key | E – New Rhythm
Combinations: AC, AD, ACD, ACE, ACDE, BC, BD, BCD, BDE, BCDE, CD, CDE, DE

80 – © 2005 – Visual Jazz Publications Sightreading Jazz – Bass Clef

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Best wishes from

Visual Jazz Publications
Four-Measure Etudes

Sightreading Jazz – Bass Clef © 2005 – Visual Jazz Publications – 101

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Best wishes from

Visual Jazz Publications
Eight-Measure Etudes

106 – © 2005 – Visual Jazz Publications Sightreading Jazz – Bass Clef

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Best wishes from

Visual Jazz Publications

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