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Modu Code

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T Code for the Construction
L -

r1 and Equipment of
%A Mobile Offshore
9 Drilling Units

2 Consolidated Edition, 200 1



x London, 2001
First prrb1i.iht-d iw 1980
by the I N T E R N ATIONAL M A R I T I M E O R G A N I Z
4 Albert Embankment. London SEl 7 S l i

Second edition 200 1

Printed by the Intrrl~acionalMaritime Organization, London

2 4 6 8 1 0 9 7 5 3 1

ISBN 92-801-5 109-6

Sales number: IMO-81 IE

Copyright 0 IMO 2001

All righls resewed.

N o pari of this publication may, for sales purposes,
be produced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted
in any form or by any means, electronic, electrostatic,
magnetic lape, mechanical, photocopying or othenvise,
without prior permission in wn'tingfrom the
International Maritime Organization.
The Code for the Construction and Equipment of Mobile Offshore
Drilling Units, 1989 (1989 MODU Code) was adopted by Assembly
resolution A.649(16) for mobile offshore drilling units, the keels of which
are laid or are at a s i n d a r stage of construction on or after 1 May 1991. The
1989 MODU Code supersedes thc 1979 M O D U Code adopted by
Assembly resolution A.414(XI).
The Maritime Safety Committee, a t its fifty-ninth session (13 to 24 May
1W l ) , adopted amendments to the 1989 M O D U Code (originally
circulated in MSC/Circ.561) and decided that, to maintain compatibility
with SOLAS, the amendments should become effective on 1 February
1992. New section 10.13, Radio life-saving appliances, and new chapter 11,
Radioconlmunication installations, introduced by the amendments apply to
all MODUs the keels of which are laid or are a t a similar stage of
construction on or after 1 May 1991, in the same way as the 1988
(GMDSS) amendments to SOLAS apply to ships. The Committee also
recommended that Member Governments encourage the fitting of all
MODUs with the GMDSS equipment specified in the amendments to the
1989 Code, and ensure that all MODUs comply with section 10.13 of the
amendments to the 1989 Code not later than 1 February 1995, and with
chapter 11 of the amendments not later than 1 February 1999.
The Maritime Safety Committee, at its sixty-third session (16 to 25 May
1994), adopted hrther amendments to the 1989 M O D U Code (resolution
MSC.38(63)) to introduce the harmonized system of survey and certifica-
tion (HSSC) into the Code (amendments to chapter 1 and the appendix);
provide guidelines for vessels with dynamic positioning systems (amend-
ments to chapters 4 and 5); and provisions for helicopter facilities (new
chapter 13). The Committee decided that the amendments introducing the
HSSC system should become effective on the same date as the 1988 SOLAS
and Load Line Protocols relating to the HSSC (i.e. 3 February 2000), and
that those providing guidelines for vessels with dynamic positioning systems
and provisions for helicopter facilities should become effective on 1 July
In 1995, the Assembly adopted the Code on Alarms and Indicators, 1995
(resolution A.830(19)), which is intended to provide general design
guidance and to promote uniformity of type, location and priority for
those alarms and indicators which are required by the 1974 SOLAS
Convention, MARPOL 73/78 and other IMO instruments, includmg the
1989 M O D U Code. The Assembly recommended Governments, inter alia,
to take appropriate steps to apply the Code and to use it as an international
safety standard for designing alarms and indicators for ships (and MODUs)
and their equipment and machinery.
This publication contains the consolidated text of the 1989 MODU Code
and the 1991 and 1994 amendments, but does not include the relevant

provisions of the Code on Alarms and Indicators, 1095. The intention of
this publication is to provide an easy reference to up-to-date requirements
of the 1989 MODU Code.

Preamble . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1

Chapter 1 .Gencral
1.1 Purpose . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
1.2 Application . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
. .
1.3 Definltlons . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
1.4 Exemptions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
1.5 Equivalents . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
1.6 Surveys and certification . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
1.7 Control . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
1.8 Casualties . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
1.9 Review of the Code . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15

Chapter 2 .Construction. strength and materials

2.1 General . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
2.2 Designloads . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
2.3 Structural analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
2.4 Special considerations for s u h c e units . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
2.5 Special considerations for self-elevating units . . . . . . . 19
2.6 Special considerations for column-stabilized units . . . . 20
2.7 Fatigue analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
2.8 Materials . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
2.9 Construction portfolio . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
2.10 Welding . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
2.11 Testing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22

Chapter 3 .Subdivision. stability and freeboard

3.1 Inclining test . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
3.2 Righting moment and heeling moment curves . . . . . . 23
3.3 Intact stability criteria. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
Corztcr?ts ~ - p -~~ - p ~ ~~~ ~ -- ~---
~ ~ ~

3.4 Subdivision and damage stability . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
3.5 Extent of damage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29
3.6 Watertight integrity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31
3.7 Freeboard . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32

Chapter 4 - Machinery installations~fi~r

all types of units
4.1 General . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37
4.2 Machinery requirements. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38
4.3 Steam boilers and boiler feed systenis. . . . . . . . . . . . . 38
4.4 Steam pipe systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39
4.5 Machinerycontrols . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39
4.6 Air pressure systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40
4.7 Arrangements for oil fuel, lubricating oil and other
flammable oils. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40
4.8 Bilge pumping arrangements. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40
4.9 Ballast pumping arrangements on
column-stabilized units . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42
4.10 Protection agamst flooding. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44
4.1 1 Anchoring arrangements for surface and
column-stabilized units . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44
4.12 Dynamic positioning systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46

Chapter 5 - Electrical installations for all types of units

5.1 General electrical requirements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47
5.2 Main source of electrical power . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47
5.3 Emergency source of electrical power . . . . . . . . . . . . 48
5.4 Starting arrangements for emergency generators . . . . . 52
5.5 Precautions against shock, fire and other hazards of
electrical origin. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53
5.6 Internal communication. ..................... 56
Chapter 6 .Machinery and electrical installations
i n hazardous areasfor all types of units
6.1 Zones . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57
6.2 Classification of hazardous areas . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57
6.3 Openings, access and ventilation conditions affecting
the extent of hazardous areas . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58
6.4 Ventilation of spaccs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59
6.5 Emergency conditions due to drilling operations . . . . . 59
6.6 Electrical installations in hazardous areas . . . . . . . . . . . 60
6.7 Machinery installations in hazardous areas . . . . . . . . . 61

Chapter 7 .Machinery and electrical installations

for self-propelled units
7.1 General . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63
7.2 Means of going astern . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64
7.3 Steam boilers and boiler feed systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64
7.4 Machinery controls . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64
7.5 Steeringgear . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66
7.6 Electric and electrohydraulic steering gear . . . . . . . . . 68
7.7 Communication between the navigating bridge
and the engine-room . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 68
7.8 Engineers' alarm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 68
7.9 Main source of electrical power . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 68
7.10 Emergency source of electrical power . . . . . . . . . . . . 69

Chapter 8 .Periodically unattended machinery spaces

for all types of u n i t
8.1 General . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 71
8.2 Application . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 71
8.3 Fire safety. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 71
8.4 Protection against flooding . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73
8.5 Bridge control of propulsion machinery . . . . . . . . . . . 74

. .
Communlcatlon . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Alaml system . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Special requirements for machinery, boiler
and electrical installations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Safety systems. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Chapter 9 - Fire safety

Structural fire protection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Protection of acconlrnodation spaces, service spaces
and control stations. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Means of escape . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Fire pumps, fire mains, hydrants and hoses. . . . . . . . .
Fire-extinguishing systems in machinery spaces
and in spaces containing fired processes . . . . . . . . . . .
Portable fire extinguishers in accommodation, service
and working spaces . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Fire detection and alarm system . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Gas detection and alarm system. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Firemen's outfits . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Arrangements in machinery and working spaces . . . . .
Provisions for helicopter facilities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Storage of gas cylinders . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Miscellaneous items. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Chapter 10 - Lge-saving appliances and equipment

10.1 General . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
10.2 Survival craft . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
10.3 Survival craft muster and embarkation arrangements . .
10.4 Survival craft launching stations. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
10.5 Stowage of survival craft. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
10.6 Survival craft launching and recovery arrangements . . .

Rescue boats
Stowage of rescue boats . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 101
Rcscue boat embarkation. launching and recovery
arrangements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 101
Lifcjackets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 102
Inlmersion suits . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 102
Lifcbuoys . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 102
Radio life-saving appliances . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 103
Ilistressflares . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 103
Line-throwing appliances . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 103
Emergency warnings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 104
Operating ii~structions. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 104
10.18 Operational readiness. maintenance and inspections . . . 104

C h a p t e r 11 .Radiocommunication installations
. .
11.1 ...............................
Applicat~on 107
11.2 General . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 107
11.3 Self-propelled units under way . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 107
11.4 Units when towed. o r self-propelled and accompanied
by escort ships . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 107
11.5 Units stationary at the site or engaged in drilling
operations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 108
1 1.6 Helicopter communications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 109
1 1.7 Internal communications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 109
11.8 Performance standards . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 109
1 1.9 Gas explosion danger . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 110
11.10 Survey of the radio station . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 111

C h a p t e r 12 .L f t i n g devices
12.1 Cranes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 113
12.2 Personnel lifts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 114
12.3 Drilling derricks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 114
Chapter 13 - H e l i c ~ ~ p t e r ~ f a c i l i f i e s
13.1 General . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 15
13.2 Definitions. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 15
13.3 Construction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 15
1 3.4 Arrangements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 17
13.5 Visual aids . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 17

Chapter 14 - Operntin'q rc.quircnlrr?ts

14.1 Operating manuals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 25
14.2 Dangerous goods. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 28
14.3 Pollution prevention . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 128
14.4 Towing. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 128
14.5 Transfer of material, equipment or personnel . . . . . . . 129
14.6 Diving systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 129
14.7 Safety of navigation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 29
14.8 Emergency procedures. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 130
14.9 Emergency instructions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 131
14.10 Training manuals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 132
14.11 Practice musters and drills . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 132
14.12 On-board training and instructions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 133
14.13 Records. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 134

Appendix. ..................................... 135

1 This Code has been developed to provide an international standard for
mobile offshore drilling units of new construction which will facilitate the
international inovement and operation of these units and ensure a level of
safety for such units, and for personnel on board, equivalent to that required
by the International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea, 1974, as
amended, and the International Convention on Load Lines, 1966, as
amended, for conventional ships engaged on international voyages.
2 Throughout the development of the Code, i t was rccogtlized that it
must be based upon sound design and engnecring principles and 'xperience
gained from operating such units; it was further recognized that design
technology of mobile offshore drilling units is not only a complex
technology but is rapidly evolving and that the Code should not remain
static but be re-evaluated and revised as necessary. T o this end the
Organization will periodically review the Code, taking into account both
experience and future development.
3 Any existing unit which complies with the provisions of this C o d e
should be considered eligible for issuance o f a certificate in accordance with
this Code.
4 T h e Code is not intended to prohibit the use of an existing unit
simply because its design, construction and equipment d o not confonn to
the requirements of this Code. Many existing mobile offshore drilling units
have operated successfdly and safely for extended periods of time and their
operating history should be considered in evaluating their suitability to
conduct international operations.
5 T h e coastal State may permit any unit designed to a lower standard
than that o f the Code to engage in operations having taken account of the
local environmental conditions. Any such unit should, however, comply
with safety requirements which in the opinion o f the coastal State are
adequate for the intended operation and ensure the overall safety of the unit
and the personnel on board.
6 T h e Code does not include requirements for the drilling of subsea
wells o r the procedures for their control. Such drilling operations are subject
to control by the coastal State.
Chapter 1
1.1 Purpose
T h e purpose of the Code for the Construction and Equipment of Mobile
O f f ~ h o r eDrilling Units, 1989, as amended, hereinafter referred to as the
Code, is to recommend design criteria, constr~~ction standards and other
safety measures for mobile offshore drilling units so as to minimize the risk
to such units, to the personnel on board and to the environment.

1.2 Application
1.2.1 The Code applies to nlobilc offshore drilling units as defined in 1.3.1
to 1.3.4, the keels of which are laid or which are a t a similar stage of
construction o n or after 1 May 1991.
1.2.2 The coastal State may impose additional requirements regarding the
operation of industrial systems not dealt with by the Code.

1.3 Definitions
For the purpose of this Code, unless expressly provided otherwise, the
terms used therein have the meanings defined in the following paragraphs.
1.3.1 Mobile offshore drilling unit or unit is a vessel capable of engaging in
drilling operations for the exploration for or exploitation of resources
beneath the sea-bed such as liquid or gaseous hydrocarbons, sulphur or salt.
1.3.2 Surface unit is a unit with a ship- or barge-type displacement hull of
single or multiple hull construction intended for operation in the floating
1.3.3 Self-elevating unit is a unit with movable legs capable of raising its hull
above the surface of the sea.
1.3.4 Column-stabilized unit is a unit with the main deck connected to the
underwater hull or footings by columns or caissons.
1.3.5 Administration means the Government of the State whose flag the unit
is entitled to fly.
1.3.6 Coastal State means the Government o f the State exercising
administrative control over the drilling operations of the unit.
1.3.7 Organization means the International Maritime Organization (IMO).
1.3.8 Certificate means Mobile Offshore Drilling Unit Safety Certificate.
1.3.9 1974 S O L A S Convention means the International Convention for the
Safety of Life at Sea, 1974, as amended.
1.3.10 1966 Load Lirw Corrverrtior~mcans the International Convc~ltionon
Load Lines, 1966.
1.3.11 Mode of operation means a condition or manner in which a unit may
operate o r function while on location o r in transit. T h e modes of operation
o f a ~ m i include
t the following:
.1 Operating conditions - conditions wherein a unit is on location
for the purpose of conducting drilling operations, and combined
environmental and operational loadings are within thc appro-
priate design limits established for such operations. T h e unit
may be either afloat o r supported on the sea-bed, as applicable.
.2 Severe storm n~ndiriorzs - conditions wherein a unit may be
subjected to the most sevcre environnlental loading for which
the unit is designed. Drilling operations are assumed to have
been discontinued due to the severity of thc environmental
loading. T h e unit may be either afloat o r supported on thc sca-
bed, as applicable.
.3 Transit conditions - conditions wherein a unit is moving from
one geographical location to another.
1.3.12 Freeboard is the distance measured vertically downwards amidships
from the upper edge of the deck line to the upper edge of the related load
1.3.13 Length (L) means 96% o f the total length o n a waterline at 85?h of
the least moulded depth (D) measured &om the top of the keel, o r the
length &om the foreside of the stem to the axis of the rudder stock on that
waterline, if that be greater. In units designed with a rake of keel, the
waterline o n which this length is measured should be parallel to the
designed waterline.
1.3.14 Weathertight means that in any sea conditions water will not
penetrate into the unit.
1.3.15 Watertight means the capability of preventing the passage of water
through the structure in any direction under a head of water for which the
surrounding structure is designed.
1.3.16 Downj7ooding means any flooding of the interior o f any part o f the
buoyant structure of a unit through openings which cannot be closed
watertight o r weathertight, as appropriate, in order to meet the intact o r
damage stability criteria, o r which are required for operational reasons to be
left open.
1.3.17 Normal operational and habitable conditions means:
.1 conditions under which the unit as a whole, its machinery,
services, means and aids ensuring safe navigation when under
way, safety when in the industrial mode, fire and flooding safety,
internal and external communications and signals, means of
escape and winches for rescuc boats, as well as the means of
ensuring the minimum con~fortableconditions of habitability,
are in working order and functioning normally; and
.2 drilling operations.
1.3.18 Gas-tight door is a solid, close-fitting door designed to resist the
passage of gas under normal atn~osphericconditions.
1.3.19M a i n source oflfelectricalpower is a source intended to supply electrical
power for all services necessary for maintaining the unit i n normal
operational and habitable conditions.
1.3.20 Dead ship condition is the condition under which the main
propulsion plant, boilers and auxiliaries are not in operation due to the.
absence of power.
1.3.21 M a i n switchboard is a switchboard directly supplied by the main
source of electrical power and intended to distribute electrical energy to the
unit's services.
1.3.22 Emergency switchboard is a switchboard which, in the event of failure
of the main system of electrical power supply, is directly supplied by the
emergency source of electrical power and/or the transitional source of
emergency power and is intended to distribute electrical energy to the
emergency services.
1.3.23 Emergency source of electrical power is a source of electrical power
intended to supply the necessary services in the event of failure of the main
source of electrical power.
1.3.24 M a i n steeringgear is the machinery, the steering gear power units, if
any, and ancillary equipment and the means of applying torque to the
rudder stock, e.g. tiller or quadrant, necessary for effecting movement of the
rudder for the purpose of steering the unit under normal service conditions.
1.3.25 Auxiliaty steering gear is the equipment which is provided for
effecting movement of the rudder for the purpose of steering the unit in the
event of failure of the main steering gear.
1.3.26 Steering gear power unit means, in the case of:
.1 electric steering gear, an electric motor and its associated
electrical equipment;
.2 electrohydraulic steering gear, an electric motor and its
associated electrical equipment and connected pump;
.3 other hydraulic gear, a driving engine and connected pump.
1.3.27 M a x i m u m ahead sewice speed is the greatest speed which the unit is
designed to maintain in service at sea at its deepest seagoing draught.
1.3.28 M a x i m u m astern speed is the speed which it is cstinuted the unit can
attain at the designed maximum astern power at its deepest seagoing
1.3.29 Machincvy spaces of category A are all spaccs which contain internal
combustion-type machinery used either:
.I for main propulsion; or
.2 for other purposes where such machincry has i n the aggregate a
total powcr of not less than 375 kW;
or which contain any oil-fired boiler or oil fucl unit; and trunks to such
1.3.30 Machinery spares are all machinery spaces of category A and all other
spaces containing propelling machinery, boilers and other fired proccsscs,
oil file1 units, steam and internal combustion engines, generators and major
electrical machinery, oil filling stations, refrigerating, stabilizing. vcntilation
and air-conditioning machinery and similar spaces; and trunks to such
1.3.31 Corztrol stations are those spaces in which the unit's radio o r main
navigating equipment or the emergency source of power is located or where
the fire recording or fire control equipment o r the dynamical positioning
control system is centralized or where a fire-extinguishing system serving
various locations is situated. In the case of column-stabilized units a
centralized ballast control station is a "control station". However, for
purposes of the application of chapter 9, the space where the emergency
source of power is located is not considered as being a control station.
1.3.32 Hazardous areas are all those areas where, due to the possible
presence of a flammable atmosphere arising fiom the drilling operations, the
use without proper consideration of machinery or electrical equipment may
lead to fire hazard or explosion.
1.3.33 Enclosed spaces are spaces delineated by floors, bulkheads and/or
decks which may have doors o r windows.
1.3.34 Semi-enclosed locations are locations where natural conditions of
ventilation are notably different &om those on open decks due to the
presence o f structures such as roofs, windbreaks and bulkheads and which
are so arranged that dispersion of gas may not occur.
1.3.35 Industrial machinery and components are the machinery and
components which are used in connection with the drilling operation.
1.3.36 Non-combustible material' means a material which neither bums nor
g v e s off flammable vapours in sufficient quantity for self-ignition when

I f a material passes the test as specified in annex 1, part I of the International Code for
Application of Fire Test Procedures (FTP Code) it should be considered as "non-combustible"
even if it consists of a mixture of inorganic and organic substances.
heated to approximately 750"C, this being determined to the satishction of
the Administration by an established tcst proccdure. Any other material is a
combustible material.
1.3.37A standard firr test is a test as defined in rcgulatio~~
11-213.2 of the
1974 SOLAS ~ o n " e n t i o n .
1.3.38 "A" class divisions are those divisio~~s
as dcfincd ill rcgillario~~
3.3 of the 1974 S O L A S Convention.
1.3.39 "B" class dioisio17r are those divisions :IS dcfincd ill r c g i ~ l a t i o11-21
3.4 o f thc 1974 S O L A S Convention.
1.3.40 "C" class dir~isiotis arc divisions constructed of approved non-
combustible materials. They need nlect ilcither req~iircmcntsrelative to the
passage of smoke and flame nor limitations relative to the tclllpcraturc risc.
1.3.41 Sreel or cqrrivnlrnt niaterial. Whcre the words "stccl o r cq~~ivalent
material" occur, equivalent material" means any non-combustible nlaterial
which, by itself o r due to insulation provided, has structural and integrity
properties equivalent to steel at the end of the applicable standard fire test
(e.g. aluminiu~nalloy with appropriate insulation).
1.3.42 L o w flame spread means that the surface thus described will
adequately restrict the spread of flame, this being d e t c r ~ ~ ~ i nto
e d the
satisfaction o f the Administration by an established test proccdure.
1.3.43 Continuous "B" class ceilings or linings are those "B" class ceilings o r
linings which tem~inateonly at an "A" o r "B" class division.
1.3.44 W o r k i n g spaces are those open or enclosed spaccs containing
equipment and processes, associated with drilling operations, which are not
included in 1.3.30 o r 1.3.32.
1.3.45 Accommodarion spaces are those used for public spaces, corridors,
lavatories, cabins, offices, hospitals, cinemas, games and hobbies rooms,
pantries containing n o cooking appliances and similar spaces. Public spaces
are those portions of the accommodation which are used for halls, dining
rooms, lounges and similar pennanently enclosed spaces.
1.3.46 Service spaces are those used for galleys, pantries containing cooking
appliances, lockers and store-rooms, workshops other than those forming
part of the machinery spaces, and similar spaces and trunks to such spaces.
1.3.47 Fuel oil unit is the equipment used for the preparation of oil fuel for
delivery to an oil-fired boiler, or equipment used for the preparation for
delivery of heated oil to an internal combustion engine, and includes any oil
pressure pumps, filters and heaters dealing with oil at a pressure more than
0.18 N/-'
1.3.48 Survival craft are craft capable of removing persons from a unit to be
abandoned and capable of sustaining persons until retrieval is con~pleted.
1.3,49 Rescue boat is an casily manoeuvred powcr boat capablc of rapid
launching and adequate for quick recovery of a man overboard and towing a
liferaft away from immediate danger.
1.3.50 Diving system is the plant and equipment necessary for the safe
conduct of diving operations from a mobile offshore drilling unit.
1.3.51 Anniversary date means the day and month of each year which will
correspond to the date of cxpiry of thc certificate.

1.4 Exemptions
An Administration may exempt any unit which embodies features of a
novel kind from any of the provisions of the Code the application of which
might impede research into the development of such features. Any such
unit should, however, comply with safety requirements which, in the
opinion of that Administration, are adequate for the service intended and arc
such as to ensure the overall safety of the unit. The Administration which
allows any such exemption should list such exemptions o n the certificate
and comn~unicateto the Organization the particulars, together with the
reasons therefor, so that the Organization may circulate the same to other
Governments for the information of their officers.

1.5 Equivalents
1.5.1 Where the Code requires that a particular fitting, material, appliance,
apparatus, item of equipment or type thereof should be fitted or carried in a
unit, or that any particular provision should be made, or any procedure or
arrangement should be complied with, the Administration may allow any
other fitting, material, appliance, apparatus, item of equipment or type
thereof to be fitted or carried, or any other provision, procedure or
arrangement to be made in that unit, if it is satisfied 'by trial thereof or
otherwise that such fitting, material, appliance, apparatus, item of
equipment or type thereof or that any particular provision, procedure or
arrangement is at least as effective as that required by the Code.
1.5.2 When an Administration so allows any fitting, material, appliance,
apparatus, item of equipment or type thereof, or provision, procedure,
arrangement, novel design or application to be substituted, it should
communicate to the Organization the particulars thereof, together with a
report o n the evidence submitted, so that the Organization may circulate
the same to other Governments for the information of their officers.

1.6 Surveys and certification

1.6.1 Each unit should be subject to the surveys specified below:
.I an initial survey before the unit is put in service or before the
certificate is issued for the first time;
.2 a rcrrc,lr~nlscrrlvy at i~ltcrvalsspecified by thc Adtninistration but
not exceeding 5 years except where 1.6.1 1.2.1 or or is applicable;
.3 an ir?terrlreciir~resurvey within three n ~ o n t h sb c h r c or after the
seco~ldanniversary date or within three nmnths before or after
the third anniversary datc of thc certificate, which should tnkc
the place of one of the annual surveys specified in;
.4 an nr~r?r.ialsurvey withil~ thrcc months befor' or after cach
anniversary date of the certificate;
.5 a m i n i m u ~ nof two drydoi-k surveys during any fivc-year period,
except where 1.6.1 1.5 is applicable. Where 1.6.1 1.5 is applicable
this five-year period lnay be extended to coincide with thc
extended period of the validity of the certificate. In all cases the
intervals between any two SLICII surveys should not exceed
36 months;
.6 radio smtion surveys ill accordance with 1 1.10;
.7 an additional survey as the occasion arises.

f 1.6.2 T h e surveys referred to in 1.6.1 should be carried out as follows:

.1 the initial survey should include a coinplete inspection of the
structure, safety equipment and other equipment, fittings,
arrangements and material to ensure that they comply with
the requirements of the Code, are in satisfactory condition and
are fit for the service for which the unit is intended;
.2 the renewal survey should include an inspection of the structure,
safety equipment and other equipment as referred to in
to ensure that they comply with the requirements of the Code,
are in satisfactory condition and are fit for the service for which
the unit is intended;

I .3 the intermediate survey should include an inspection of the

structure, fittings, arrangements and safety equipment to ensure
that they remain satisfactory for the service for which the unit is
I :::. ~:.. .4
the annual survey should include a geileral inspection of the
:., .. . ..
,&: , .
structure, safety equipment and other equipment as referred to
in, to ensure that they have been maintained in
..-:'v. accordance with and that they remain satisfactory for
the service for which the unit is intended;
.5 the drydock survey and the inspection of items surveyed at the
same time should be such as to ensure that they remain
satisfactory for the service for which the unit is intended. An
Administration may allow underwater inspections in lieu of a
drydock survey provided that they are satisfied that such an
inspection is equivalent to a drydock survey;
.6 the radio survey should include a coinplete inspcction of the
radio installation to ensure that it complies with the require-
ments of the Code, is in satisfactory condition and is fit for the
-. i
% c
service for which the unit is intended;
.7 a11 additional survey, either or partial according to thc
circumstances, should be madc after a repair resulting frotn
investigations prescribed ill, o r wherever any important
repairs o r renewals are made. T h e survcy should be such as to
ensure that the necessary repairs o r renewals have bccn
effectively niade, that the inaterial and workmanship of such
repairs or renewals are in all respects satisfactory, and that thc ' ~ 9
unit complies in all respects with the requirements of the Codc. % . !
1.6.3 T h e intermediate, annual and drydock surveys referred to in, and should be endorsed on the certificate.
1.6.4 As an alternative to the renewal and intermediate surveys required by I and respectively, the Administration may, at the owncr's
request, approve a continuous survey programme provided that the extent
and frequency of the surveys are equivalent to renewal and intermediate
surveys. A copy of the continuous survey programme, together with thc
record of the surveys, should be kept o n board the unit and the certificate
annotated accordingly. T h e inspection and survey of the units, so far as regards the
enforcement of the provisions of the present regulations and the
granting of exen~ptionstherehorn, should be carried out by officers
of the Administration. T h e Administration may, however, entrust
the inspections and surveys either to surveyors nominated for the
purpose o r to organizations recognized by it.
.2 An Administration nominating surveyors or recognising organiza-
tions to conduct inspections and surveys as set forth in
should as a minimum empower and nominated surveyor o r
recognized organization to:
.2.1 require repairs to a unit; 4,

2.2 carry out inspections and surveys if requested by the appropriate

authorities of a port State.
T h e Administration should notify the Organization o f the specific :

surveyors or recognized organizations.

Administration. If such corrective action is iiot taken the certificate
should be withdrawn and the Administration should be notified
immediately; and, if the unit is in an area under the jurisdiction of
another Government, the appropriate authorities of the port State
should be notified immediately. When an officer of the Ad~iiinis-
tration, a nominated surveyor or recognized organization has
notified the appropriate authorities of the port State, the Govet-11-
ment of the port State concerned should g v e such officer, surveyor
o r organization any necessary assistance to carry out their obligatiom
under this regulation. When applicable, the Government of the port
State concerned should ensure that the unit should not continue to
operate until it can do so without danger to the unit or the persons
on board.
.4 In every case, the Administration shall fully guarantee thc
completeness and efficiency o f the inspection and survey, and
should undertake to ensure the necessary arrangements to satisfy this
obligation. T h e condition of the unit a ~ l dits equipment should be maintained

to conform with the provisions of this Code to ensure that the unit
in all respects will remain fit to operate without danger to the unit o r
the persons o n board.
.2 After any survey of the unit under this regulation has been
completed, n o change should be made to structure, equipment,
fittings, arrangements and materials covered by the survey, without
the sanction of the Administration.
.3 Whenever an accident occurs to a unit o r a defect is discovered,
either o f which affects the safety of the unit o r the efficiency or
completeness of structure, equipment, fittings, arrangements and
materials, the person in charge o r owner of the unit should report at
the earliest opportunity to the Administration, the nominated
surveyor o r recognized organization responsible, who should cause
investigations to be initiated to determine whether a survey, as
required by this regulation, is necessary. If the unit is in an area
under the jurisdiction of another Government, the person in charge
o r the owner should also report immediately to the appropriate
authorities of the port State and the nominated surveyor o r
recognized organization should ascertain that such a report has
been made.

1.6.7 A certificate called a Mobile Offshore Drilling Unit Safety Certificate

(1989) may be issued after an initial o r renewal survey to a unit which
complies with the requirements of the Code. T h e Certificate should be
issued o r endorsed either by the Administration o r by any person o r
organization recognized by it. In every case, that Administration assumes
full responsibility for the certificate.
1.6.8 Any C X C I I I ~ ~ ~ O Ig~:lntcd
IS ~ ~ n d c1.4
r shollld be ~1c;~rIy
ilotcd 011 tllc
1.6.9 A Contracting C;ovcrnmcnt to both the 1974 SOLAS C o ~ ~ v c l ~ t i o n
and the 1966 Load Line Convention may, at the rcqucst of the
Administration, cause a unit to be surveyed atid, if satisfied that t l ~ c
requirements of thc Code are con~pliedwith, should issue or authorize t l ~ c
issue of a ccrtificatc to the unit and, where appropriate, cl~dorsco r ai~thorizc
the endorsen~cntof a certificatc on the unit in accordance with thc Code.
Any certificate so issued should contain a statement to the cffcct that i t has
been issued at the reqllest of the Government of the State the flag o f w l ~ i c h
the unit is entitled to fly, and it should have the same force and rcccivc the
same recognition as a certificate issucd under 1.6.7.
1.6.10 T h e certificate should be drawn up in the fort11 corresponding to the
model given in the appendix to the Code. I f the language uscd is neither
English nor French, the text should include a translation into one of these
languages. T h e Mobilc Offshore Drilling Unit Safcty Certificate (1989)
should be issued for a period specified by the Administration
which should t ~ o excccd
t five years.
notwithstanding the rcquirements of 1.6.1 1.1 , whcn the
renewal survey is completed within three months before the
expiry date of the existing certificate, the new certificatc should
be valid from the date o f completion o f the renewal survey to a
date not exceeding five years from the date of expiry of the
existing certificate;
when the renewal survey is con~pletedafter the expiry date of
the existing certificate, the new certificate should be valid fi-om
the date of completion of the renewal survey to a date not
exceeding five years from the date o f expiry of the existing
when the renewal survey is con~pletedmore than three months
before the expiry date of the existing certificate, the new
certificate should be valid from the date of completion of the
renewal survey to a date not exceeding five years from the date
of completion of the renewal survey.
If a certificate is issued for a period of less than five years, the
Administration may extend the validity of the certificate beyond
the expiry date to the maximum period specified in,
provided that the surveys when a certificate is issued for a period
of 5 years are carried out.
If a renewal survev has been completed and a new certificate
certificate and such a certificate should be accepted as valid for a
further period which should not exceed 5 months from the
expiry date.
.5 If a unit a t the time when a certificate expires is not i n the place
in which it is to be surveyed, the Administration may cxtend the
period of validity of the certificate but this extension shall be
granted only for the purpose of allowing the unit to proceed to
the place in which it is to be surveyed, and then only in cases
where i t appears proper and reasonable to d o so. N o certificate
shall be extended for a period longer than threc months, and a
unit to which an extension is granted should not, on its arrival in
the place in which it is to be surveyed, be entitled by virtue o f
such extension to leave that place without having a new
certificate. When the renewal survey is completed, the new
certificate shall be valid to a date not exceeding 5 ycars from the
date of e x p i ~ yof the existing certificate before the extension was

.6 I n special circumstances, as determined by the Administration, a

new certificate need not be dated from the date of expiry of the
existing certificate as required by o r 1.6.1 1.5. In these
circumstances, the new certificate shall be valid to a date not
exceeding five years from the date of completion of the renewal

.7 If an annual o r intermediate survey is con~pletedbefore the

period specified in the relevant regulations then:
.7.1 the anniversary date shown on the relevant certificate should
be amended by endorsement to a date which should not be
more than three months later than the date on which the
survey was completed;
.7.2 the subsequent annual o r intermediate survey required by the
relevant regulations should be completed at the intervals
prescribed by this regulation using the new anniversary date;
.7.3 the expiry date may remain unchanged provided one o r more
annual o r intermediate surveys, as appropriate, are carried o u t
so that the maximum intervals between the surveys prescribed
by and are not exceeded.

.8 A certificate issued under 1.6.7 o r 1.6.9 shall cease to be valid in

any of the following cases:
3.1 if the relevant surveys are not completed within the periods
specified in 1.6.1;
.8.2 if the certificate is not endorsed in accordance with 1.6.3;
.8.3 upon tra~~sfer of the u n i t to the flag of another State. A new
certificate should only be issued when the Government issuing
the new certificate is fully satisfied that the unit is in
conlpliance with the req~iirementsof and In
the case of a transfer between Governments that are
Contracting C;overnrnents to both thc 1974 SOLAS Con-
vention and the 1966 Load Linc Convention, if requested
within three months after the transfer has taken place, thc
Governnlent of the State whose flag the unit was formerly
entitled to fly should, as soon as possible, transmit to thc
Administration a copy of thc certificate carried by the unit
before the transfer and, if available, copies of the relevant
survey reports.
1.6.12 The privileges of the Code may n o t be claimed in favour ofany unit
unless it holds a valid certificate.

1.7 Control
1.7.1 Every unit when in an area ~ ~ n d cthe
r jurisdiction of another
Government is subject to control by off~ccrsduly authorized by such
Government in so far as this control is directed towards verifiing that the
certificate issued under 1.6 is valid.
1.7.2 Such certificate, if valid, should be accepted unless there are clear
grounds for believing that the condition o f the unit o r its equipment does
not correspond substantially with the particulars of the certificate o r that the
unit and its equipment are not i n compliance with the provisions of
1.7.3 In the circumstances given in 1.7.2 o r where the certificate has
expired o r ceased to be valid, the officer canying o u t the control should take
steps to ensure that the unit should not continue to operate (except, when
appropriate, on a temporary basis) o r leave the area for the purpose o f
proceeding to an area for repair without danger to the unit o r persons o n
1.7.4 In the event o f this control giving rise to an intervention o f any !and,
the officer carrying out the control should forthwith inform, in writing, the
consul or. in his absence, the nearest d i ~ l o m a t i cre~resentativeof the State
whose flag the unit is entitled to fly of all the circumstances in which

to the Organization.
1.7.5 W h e n exercising control under this regulation all possible effor
should be made to avoid the operation of the unit being unduly interrupte
o r delayed. If a unit is unduly interrupted o r delayed it should be entitled t
compensation for any loss o r damage suffered.

1.7.6 Notwithstanding the provisions of 1.7.1 and 1.7.2, the require~nents
of 1.6 are without prejudice to any rights of the coastal State under
international law to impose its own requirements relating to the regulation,
surveyingand inspection of units engaged, or intending to engage, in the
exploration o r exploitation of the natural resources of those parts of the sea-
bed and subsoil over which that State is entitled to exercisc sovereign rights.

1.8 Casualties
Each Administration should supply the <lrganization with pertinent
illformation concerning the findings of investigations of any casualty
o c c ~ ~ r r i nto
g any o f its units subject to the provisions of the Code. N o
reports o r r e c o m ~ ~ ~ e n d a t i oonfs the Organization based upon such
information should disclose the identity o r nationality o f the units
concerned o r in any nlanner fix o r imply responsibility upon any unit o r

1.9 Review o f t h e C o d e
1.9.1 T h e Code will be reviewed by the Organization as necessary to
consider the revision of existing provisions and the for~nulation o f
provisions for new developments in design, equipment o r technology.
1.9.2 Where a new development in design, equipment o r technology has
been found acceptable to an Administration, that Administration may
submit particulars of such development to the Organization for considera-
tion o f its incorporation into the Code.
Chapter 2
Construction, strength and materials
2.1 General
2.1.1 Ad~ninistrationsshould takc appropriate actlon to cnsurc uniformity
in the in~plcnlcntationand ~pplicationof thc prov~sionsof this chapter.
2.1.2 T h e review and approval of the design of each n nit sllo~ildbe carried
out by officers of the Admillistration. However, thc Administration may
entrust this f~inctionto certi6ing authorities nominated for this purpose or
to organizations recognized by it. In every case the Administration
concerned should fully guarantee the completeness and eficiency of the
dcsign evaluation.

2.2 Design loads

2.2.1 T h e modes of operation for each unit are to be investigated using
realistic loading conditions including gravity loading with relevant
environmental loading. T h e following environmental considerations should
be included where applicable: wind, wave, current, ice, sea-bed conditions,
temperature, fouling, and earthquake.
2.2.2 Where possible, the above design environmental conditions should be
based upon significant data with a period of recurrence of at least 50 years
for the most severe anticipated environment.
2.2.3 Results &om relevant model tests may be used to substantiate or
amplifjr calculations.
2.2.4 Limiting design data for each mode of operation should be stated in
the operating manual.
W i n d loading
2.2.5 Sustained and gust wind velocities, as relevant, should be considered
when determining wind loading. Pressures and resultant forces should be
calculated by the method referred to in 3.2 o r by some other method to the
satisfaction of the Administration.
W a v e loading
2.2.6 Design wave criteria should be described by design wave energy
spectra or deterministic design waves having appropriate shape and size.
Consideration should be given to waves of lesser height, where, due to their
period, the effects on structural elements may be greater.
2.2.7 T h e wave forces utilized in the design analysis should include the
effects of immersion, heeling and accelerations due to motion. Theories
uscd for the calculation of wave forccs and rhc sclcction of coeficients
should be to the satisfaction of the Administration.

Current loading
2.2.8 Consideration should be givcn to thc interaction of current and
waves. Where necessary, the two should be superimposed by adding thc
current velocity vectorially to the wave particle vclocity. T h c resultant
velocity should be used in calculating the struct~~ral
loading due to current
and waves.

Loading due to vortex shedding

2.2.9 Consideration should be given to loading induced in structural
members due to vortex shedding.

Deck loading
2.2.10 A loading plan should be prepared to the satisfaction of the
Administration showing the maximunl design uniform and concentratcd
deck loading for each area for each mode of operation.

O t h e r loadings

2.2.11 Other relevant loadings should be determined in a manner to the

satisfaction of the Administration.

2.3 Structural analysis

2.3.1 Sufficient loading conditions for all modes o f operation should be
analysed to enable the critical design cases for all principal structural
components to be evaluated. This design analysis should be to the
satisfaction of the Administration.
2.3.2 T h e scantlings should be determined on the basis o f criteria which
combine, in a rational manner, the individual stress components in each
structural element. T h e allowable stresses should be to the satisfaction o f the
2.3.3 Local stresses, including stresses caused by circumferential loading o n
tubular members, should be added to primary stresses in evaluating
combined stress levels.
2.3.4 T h e buckling strength of structural members should be evaluated
where appropriate.
2.3.5 Where deemed necessary by the Administration, a fatigue analysis
based o n intended operating areas o r environments should be provided.
2.3.6 T h e effect o f notches, local stress concentrations and other stress
raisers should be allowed for in the design of primary structural elements.
2.3.7 Where possible, structural joints should not be designcd to transmit
primary tensile stresses through the thickness of plates integral with the
joint. Where such joints are unavoidable, the plate material properties and
inspection procedures selected to prevent lamellar tearing should be to the
satisfaction of the Administration.

2.4 Special considerations for surface units

2.4.1 T h e rcquircd strength of the unit should be nlaintained in way of the
d~illingwell, and particular attention should be given to the transition
bctwcen fore-and-aft members. The plating of the well s h o ~ ~ lalso
d be
suitably stitkncd to prcvent damage when the nit is in transit.
2.4.2 Consideration should be given to the scantlings necessary to maintain
strength in way of large hatches.
2.4.3 T h c structure in way of components of the position mooring systcm
such as fairlcads and wi~lchesshould be designcd to withstand the stresses
imposcd when a mooring linc is loaded to its brcaking strength.

2.5 Special considerations for self-elevating units

2.5.1 T h e hull strength should be evaluated in thc clcvated position for the
specified environmental conditions with maximum gravity loads aboard and
with the unit supported by all legs. T h e distribution of these loads in the
hull structure should be determined by a method of rational analysis.
Scantlings should be calculated on the basis of this analysis, but should not
be less than those required for other modes of operation.
2.5.2 T h e unit should be so designed as to enable the hull to clear the
highest design wave including the combined effects of astronomical and
stornl tides. T h e minimum clearance may bc the lesser of either 1.2 m o r
10% of the combined storm tide, astronomical tide and height of the design
wave above the mean low water level.
2.5.3 Legs should be designed to withstand the dynamic loads which may
be encountered by their unsupported length while being lowered to the
bottom, and also to withstand the shock of bottom contact due to wave
action o n the hull. T h e maximum design motions, sea state and bottom
conditions for operations to raise or lower the hull should be clearly stated
in the operating manual.
2.5.4 W h e n evaluating leg stresses with the unit in the elevated position, the
maximum overturning moment o n the unit due to the most adverse
combination of applicable environmental and gravity loadings should be
2.5.5 Legs should be designed for the most severe environmental transit
conditions anticipated including wind moments, gravity moments and
accelerations resulting &om unit motions. T h e Administration should be
provided with calculations, ail allalysis bascd o n model tcsts, or a
combination of both. Acceptable transit conditions should be included in
the operating manual. For some transit conditions, it may be necessary to
reinforce or support the legs, or to remove sections to ensure their structural
2.5.6 Structural members which transn~itloads between the legs and the
hull should be designed for the rnaxinlu~nloads transmitted and s o arranged
as to diffuse the loads into the hull structure.
2.5.7 When a m a t is utilized to transmit the bottom bearing loads, attention
should be given to the attachn~entof the legs so that the loads are diff~ised
into the mat.
2.5.8 Where tanks in the mat are not open to the sea, the scantlings should
be based o n a design head using the maximum water depth and tidal effects.
2.5.9 Mats should be designed to withstand the loads encountered during
lowering including the shock of bottom contact due to wave action on the
2.5.10 The effect of possible scouring action' (loss of bottom support)
should be considered. The effect of skirt plates, where provided, should be
given special consideration.
2.5.11 Except for those units utilizing a bottom mat, the capability should
be provided to pre-load each.leg to the maximum applicable combined load
after initial positioning at a site. T h e pre-loading procedures should be
included in the operating manual.
2.5.12 Deckhouses located near the side shell of a unit may be required to
have scantlings similar to those of an unprotected house kont. Other
deckhouses should have scantlings suitable for their size, function and

2.6 Special considerations for column-stabilized units

2.6.1 Unless deck structures are designed for wave impact, a clearance
acceptable to the Administration should be maintained between passing
wave crests and the deck structure. T h e Administration should be provided
with model test data, reports on past operating experience with similar
configurations or calculations showing that adequate provision is made to
maintain this clearance.
2.6.2 For units operating while supported by the sea-bed the clearance
required in 2.5.2 should be maintained.
2.6.3 T h e structural arrangement of the upper hull is to be considered with
regard to the structural integrity of the unit after the assumed failure of any
primary girder. T h e Administration may require a structural analysis
showing satisfactory protection against overall collapse of the unit after such
an assunled failure when cxposed to environmental loadincr? corrcsponciing
to a one-year return period for the intended area of operation.

2.6.4 T h e scantlings of the upper structure should not be less than those
required for the loading shown in the deck loadi~igplan.

2.6.5 When an approvcd nlode of operation or damage condition in

accordance with the stability requirements allows the uppcr structurc to
bccome waterborne, special consideration should be given to the resulting
structural loading.

2.6.6 T h e scantlings of columns, lowcr hulls and footings should l x based

on the evaluation of hydrostatic pressure loading and combined loading
including wave and current considerations.

2.6.7 Where a column, lower hull o r footing is a part of thc overall

structural frame of a unit, consideration should also be given to strcsscs
resulting from deflections due to the applicable combined loading.

2.6.8 Particular consideration should be given to structural arrangements

and details in areas subject to high local loading resulting from, for example,
external damage, wave impact, partially filled tanks o r bottom bearing

2.6.9 W h e n a unit is designed for operations while supported by the sea-

bed, the footings should be designed to withstand the shock of bottom
contact due to wave action on the hull. Such units should also be evaluated
for the effects of possible scouring action (loss of bottom support). T h e
effect of skirt plates, where provided, should be gwen special consideration.

2.6.10 T h e structure in way of components of the position mooring

system such as fairleads and winches should be designed to withstand the
stresses imposed when a mooring line is loaded to its breaking strength.

2.6.11 Bracing members should be designed to make the structure

effective against applicable combined loading and, when the unit is
supported by the sea-bed, against the possibility of uneven bottom bearing
loading. Bracing members should also be investigated, where applicable, for
combined stresses including local bending stresses due to buoyancy, wave
forces and current forces.

2.6.12 T h e unit's structure should be able to withstand the loss o f any

slender bracing member without causing overall collapse when exposed to
environmental loading corresponding to a one-year return period for the
intended area of operation.

2.6.13 Where applicable, consideration should be given to local stresses

caused by wave impact.
2.6.14 Wherc bracings are watertight they should be designed to prcvc~lt
collapse fkom hydrostatic pressure. Underwater bracing should normally bc
made watertight and have a leak detection system to make it possible to
detect fatigue cracks at an early stage.
2.6.15 Consideration should be g v e n to the need for ring framcs to
maintain stiffhess and shape in tubular bracing mcmbcrs.

2.7 Fatigue analysis

2.7.1 T h e possibility of fatigue damage due to cyclic loading should bc
considered i n the design of self-elevating and column-stabilized units.
2.7.2 T h e fatigue analysis should be based the intendc-d modc a11darea of
operations to be considered in the unit's design.
2.7.3 T h e fatigue analysis should take into account the intended dcsign life
and the accessibility of individual structural mcmbcrs for inspection.

2.8 Materials
Units should be constructed from steel o r othcr suitable material having
properties acceptable to the Administration.

2.9 Construction portfolio

A construction portfolio should be prepared and a copy placed on board the
unit. It should include plans showing the location and extent of application
of different grades and strengths of materials, together with a description o f
the materials and welding procedures employed, and any other relevant
construction information. Restrictions o r prohibitions regarding repairs o r
modifications should be included.

2.10 Welding
T h e welding procedures employed during construction should be to thc
satisfaction of the Administration. Welders should be qualified in the
welding processes and procedures utilized. T h e selection of welds for testing
and the methods utilized should be to the satisfaction of the Administration.

2.11 Testing
U p o n completion, boundaries of tanks should be tested to the satisfaction of
the Administration.
Chapter 3
Subdivision, stability an,d fveeboavd
3.1 Inclining test
3.1.1 A11 iiicliiiing tcst should be rcq~lircdh r the first unit of n dcsigi~.wlicn
the nit is as near to co~iiplctionas possihlc. to d c t c r n l i ~ lnc.cu~-;itcly
~ tllc
light ship data (weight a11d positio~iof c.c.~itr~
of gravity).
3.1.2 FOI-succcssivc units which arc idciiric;ll by design, tlic light ship data
of the first u n i t of the series may L x acccptcd by t l ~ cAdmi~~istratio~i
i l i lieu
of a n inclining test, provided the diffcrc~icci l l light ship displacc~iic.~lt or
position of centre of gravity due to wciglit c.l~n~lgcs for millor dificrc~,ccsi11
machinery, outfitting 01- cqnipmcnt, co~ifir~llcdby the rcsults of a
deadweight survey, arc less than I'%I of the v a l ~ ~ cof s the ligllt sllip
displaccmcnt and principal horizontal d i l ~ ~ c ~ l s i oast ids e t e r m i l d for t l ~ cfirst
of the scries. Extra care should be given to the detailed wcight calculation
and comparison with the original unit of a scl-ics of colunln-stabilized,
scn~isubn~crsibletypes as these, even t l i o ~ ~ g identical
h by dCsigll, arc
recognized as bcing unlikely to attain an acceptable similarity of wcigllt o r
centre of gravity to warrant a waiver of the inclining test.
3.1.3 T h c rcsults of the inclining tcst, o r deadweight survey and inclining
expcrimcnt adjusted for wcight diffcrcnccs, s h o ~ ~ lbc d indicated in the
operating manual.
3.1.4 A record of all changes to machinery, structure, outfitti~lg and
equipment that affect the light ship data should be maintained i n the
operating manual o r in a light ship data alterations log and be taken into
account in daily operations.
3.1.5 For column-stabilized units, a dcadwcight survcy should bc
conductcd at intervals not exceeding 5 years. W l ~ c r cthc dcadwcight survey
indicates a change from thc calculatcd light ship displaccnlent i l l excess o f
1% of the operating displacement, an inclining tcst should be conducted.
3.1.6 T h e inclining test o r deadweight survey should be carried out in the
presence of an officer of the Administration, o r a duly authorized person o r
representative of an approved organization.

3.2 Righting m o m e n t and heeling m o m e n t curves

3.2.1 Curves of righting moments and o f wind heeling moments similar to
figure 3-1 with supporting calculations should be prepared covering the full
range of operating draughts, including thosc in transit conditions, taking
into account the maximum deck cargo and equipment in the most
unfavourable position applicable. T h e righting nloment curves and wind
heeling moment curves should be related to the most critical axes. Account
should be taken of the free surface of liquids in tanks.
3.2.2 Where equipment is of such a naturc t h a t i t can bc lowc-red and
stowed, additional wind heeling moment curves nlay be required a n d such
data should clearly indicate the position of such cquipmcnt.
3.2.3 T h e curvcs ofwind heeling momctlts should be draw11f o r wind forces
calculated by the following formula:
F = ~ . ~ c , c ~ ~ v ' A
F = the wind forcc (ncwtons)
C , = the shapc coefficient depending o n thc shape of the
structural mctnbcr exposcd to thc wind (scc tablc 3-1)
C I ~=, the height coefficient depending o n thc hcight almvc sca
level o f the structc~ralmenlber exposed to wild (see table
p = the air mass density (1.223 kg/n17)

V = the wind velocity (metres per sccond)

A = the projected area of all exposed surfaces i n either the
upright or the heeled condition (square metres)
3.2.4 Wind forces should be considered from any direction relative to thc
unit and the value of the wind velocity should be as follows:
.1 In general a minimum wind velocity of 3 6 n ~ / s(70 knots) for
offshore service should be used for normal operating conditions
and a minimum wind velocity of 5 1.5 m/s (100 knots) should be
used for the severe storm conditions.
.2 Where a unit is to be limited in operation to sheltered locations
(protected inland waters such as lakes, bays, swamps, rivers, etc.)
consideration should be given to a reduced wind velocity of not
less than 25.8 m/s (50 knots) for normal operating conditions.
3.2.5 In calculating the projected areas to the vertical plane, the area of
surfaces exposed to wind due to heel or trim, such as under-deck surfaces,
etc., should be included using the appropriate shape factor. Open truss work
may be approximated by taking 30% of the projected block area of both the
front and back section, i.e. 60% of the projected area of one side.
3.2.6 In calculating the wind heeling moments, the lever of the wind
overturning force should be taken vertically from the centre of pressure of
a l l surfaces exposed to the wind to the centre of lateral resistance of the
underwater body of the unit. The unit is to be assumed floating free of
mooring restraint.
3.2.7 T h e wind heeling moment curve should be calculated for a sufficient
number of heel angles to define the curve. For ship-shaped hulls the curve
may be assumed to vary as the cosine function of vessel heel.
~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ .~l.f/~dil~i.iioff,
. v t d / ~ i / i l )011d
~ /kd~oflrd

3.2.8 Wind heeling momcnts derived from wind tunnel tcsts on a

representative model of thc unit may be considered as alternatives to the
method given in 3.2.3 to 3.2.7. Such heeling: moment determination should
L, L,

include lift and drag effects at various applicable heel angles

Table 3-1 - Values of the coeflicient C,

Large flat surfacc (hull, deckhouse, smooth under-deck
Drilling derrick
Exposed beams and grders under deck
Small parts
Isolated shapes (crane, beam, etc.)
Clustered deckhouses o r similar structures

Table 3-2 - Values of the coefficient CH

Height above sea level (metres)
0 - 15.3
15.3 - 30.5
30.5 - 46.0
46.0 - 61.0
61.0 - 76.0
76.0 - 91.5
91.5 - 106.5
106.5 - 122.0
122.0 - 137.0
137.0 - 152.5
152.5 - 167.5
167.5 - 183.0
183.0 - 198.0
198.0 - 213.5
213.5 - 228.5
228.5 - 244.0
244.0 - 256.0
above 256
C1raprc.r .j

A R ~ g h t i n gmoment


Angle of inclination

3.3 Intact stability criteria

3.3.1 The stability of a unit in cach mode of opcration should mcct thc
following criteria (see also figure 3- 1 ):
.1 For surface and sclf-elevating units thc area undcr thc righting
moment curve to the second intercept or downflooding anglc,
whichever is less, should be not less than 400.;) in cxccss of thc
area under the wind heeling moment curve to the samc limiting
.2 For column-stabilized units' the area under thc righting
moment curve to the angle of downflooding should be not
less than 30% in excess of the area under the wind heeling
moment curve to the same limiting angle.
.3 T h e righting nloment curve should be positive over the cntire
range of angles from upright to the second intercept.
3.3.2 Each unit should be capable of attaining a severe stom1 condition in a
period of time consistent with the meteorological conditions. T h e
procedures recommended and the approximate length of time required,
considering both operating conditions and transit conditions, should be
contained in the operating manual. It should be possible to achieve the
severe storm condition without the removal or relocation of solid
consumables or other variable load. However, the Administration may
permit loading a unit past the point at which solid consumables would have
to be removed or relocated to go to severe storm condition under the

Refer to resolution A.650(16) - An example o f alternative intact stability criteria for twin-
pontoon column-stabilized semisubmersible units.
'S'E U! lnO
]as suo!~durnsse aSeurep ay1 ~ I I Mlua]s!suoD uopIpuo3 IISUEJI 10 S ~ r r ~ e l a d o
Aue ut ~ u a z u ~ ~ e d u rauo
o r , Aue30~3u!poo~ay] p a u a S u! p&sy~pw 01 &rlrqe]s
puu A3ueAonq wa!3gns a p ! ~ o ~ d 01 speayypq pue sy3ap ] ~ S ! I J ~ I ~ 30M
sueaur Aq p a p p ~ p q n saq pue pxoqaag ~ u a ! q ~ nalley
s p p o q s ]run a q L LY'E

:a~~mdo.rdde se I L I I I O J ~ ~OILIT aye] p u t 2rrpwolloj

arp 1se3l Je ~ p ! s r r o 3plnoqs LIOIII:IIS!LI!LLI~~ ayl 'eua~!n q x i s j o h q q e ~ d a s s e
3 L [ 3 ~11!11!111.1.713~ 111 .1(3!1!(113]5 [U!]!111 .JA!I!so~ 5 3 ~ 1 1 [ > 3 ~p103t
7~ 01 p3]BllS~IOZLlap
ale h t p .$1. pue pau!e]ureru sr ' h . q e s j o [ s ~ 3 ]r~s[e~!nbs [ ue p ~ p t ~ o ~ d
' L l O l l V l. l S. l ~ 1 l l I3 2 1 1 /(q p31.3p!SllO.J .Jq i(elU I?!J.>I!.IJ ~ I .I .I ~ I I I;)AI]l?LlJ7l[v
S &'&'&
3.4.3 T h e unit should have sufficient freeboard and be subdivided by means
of watcrtighc decks a ~ l dbulkheads to provide sufficient buoyancy and
stability to withstand a wind heeling momcnt induccd by a wind velocity of
25.8 m/s (50 knots) superimposed from any direction in any operating or
transit condition, taking the following considerations into account:

the angle of inclination after the damage sct out in

should not be greater than 17";

any opening below the final waterline should be made water-

tight, and openings within 4 111above the final watcrline should
be made weathertight;
the righting moment curve, after the damage set out above,
should have, from the first intercept to the lesser of the extent of
weathertight integrity required by and the second
intercept, a range of at least 7 " . Within this range, the righting
moment curve should reach a value of at least twice the wind
heeling moment curve, both being measured at the same angle.*
See figure 3-2 below.

Extent of
ighting moment

Wind heeling moment


First intercept Second intercept

Figure 3-2 - Righting moment and wind heeling moment curves

Refer to resolution A.651(16)- An example of alternative stability criteria for a range

positive stability after damage or flooding for column-stabilized sernisubrnenible units.
3.4.4 The unit should provide sutficicnt buoyancy and stability in any
operating or transit condition to withstand the flooding of any watertight
compartment wholly or partially below the waterline i n question, which is a
pump-room. a roonl containing machincry with a salt muter cooling system
or a coinpartmelit adjacent to thc sca. taking the following considerations
into account:
.1 the a~iglcof inclination aftcr tlooding should I I C ) ~hc. greater than
25' ;
.2 any opening bclow the final watcrlinc should bc n d c water-
.3 a rangc of positive stability* should L x pt-01-idcd, beyond the
~ sa,t lcast 7 " .
calculated angle of inclination in these c o ~ i d i t i o ~of

3.4.5 Conlpliancc with the requircmcnts of 3.4.1 to 3.4.4 sllould be

detcl-mined by calc~ilationswhich take into consideration the proportions
and design characteristics of the unit and the arrangcmcnts and configura-
tion OF the damaged compartments. 111 making thcsc calculations, it should
be assumed that the unit is in thc worst anticipated scrvicc condition as
regards stability and is floating free of i-nooring restraints.
3.4.6 T h e ability to reduce angles of inclination by puinping out o r
ballasting compartments o r application of mooring forces, ctc., should not
be considered as justifying any relaxation of the requirements.
3.4.7 Alternative subdivision and damage stability criteria may be con-
sidered for approval by the Administration provided a11 equivalent level of
safety is maintained. In determining the acceptability o f such criteria, the
Adnlinistration should consider at least the following and take into account:
.1 extent of damage as set out in 3.5;
.2 o n column-stabilized units, the flooding of any one compart-
ment as set out in 3.4.4;
.3 the provision of an adequate margin against capsizing.

3.5 E x t e n t of damage
Suvface units
3.5.1 In assessing the damage stability of surface units, the following extent
of damage should be assunled to occur between effective watertight
.I horizontal penetration: 1.5 rn;and
.2 vertical extent: from the base line upwards without limit.

Refer to resolution A.651(16) - An example o f alternative stability criteria for a range of

positive stability afier damage or flooding for column-stabilized scmisubmersible units.

3.5.2 T h e distance L x ~ \ ~ : c c
~i watertight b ~ ~ l k h c a d01-s their ncarcst
stepped portions which arc positioned w ~ t h i n the assu~ncd extent of
horizontal penetration should be not less than 3.0 m; where there is a lesser
distance, one o r more of the adjacent b ~ ~ l k h e a dshould
s be disregarded.
3.5.3 Wlicrc daniagc of a lcsscr extent than ill 3.5.1 results ill a 11loi-cscvcrc
condition, such 1csse1-cxtcl~tsI10~1ldbe ~SSLIIIICC~.

3.5.4 All piping, vcntilatio~i systenls, trunks, ctc.., withi11 tlic cxtc~itof
damage referred to i l l 3.5.1 should be assiuncci to L>c dmllagcd. l'ositivc
nleans of closurc should bc provided a t watcrtight bol~~idarics to prcclt~dc.
the progressive f l o o d i ~ ~ofg othcr spaccs which arc i~itendcdt o l ~ cintact.

3.5.5 In assessing the- da~iiagestalility of self-clcvati~lgunits, the followi~ig

extent of damage should be assumed to occur between cffcctivc watcrtight

.2 vertical extent: from the base line upwards without limit

3.5.6 T h e distance between effective watertight bulkheads or their nearest
stepped portions which are positioned within the assu~ned cxtellt of
horizontal penetration should be not less than 3.0 m ; where there is a lcsser
distance, one o r more of the adjacent bulkheads should be disregarded.
3.5.7 Where damage of a lesser extent than in 3.5.5 results in a more scvcre
condition, such lesser extcnt should be assumed.
3.5.8 Where a mat is fitted, the above extent of damage should be applied to
both the platform and the mat but not simultaneously, unless deemed
necessary by the Administration due to their close proximity to each other.
3.5.9 All piping, ventilation systems, trunks, etc., within the extent o f
damage referred to in 3.5.5 should be assumed to be damaged. Positive
means of closure should be provided at watertight boundaries to preclude
the progressive flooding of other spaces which are intended to be intact.
Column-stabilized units
3.5.10 In assessing the damage stability of column-stabilized units, the
following extent of damage should be assumed:
.1 Only those columns, underwater hulls and braces on the
periphery of the unit should be assumed to be damaged and the
damage should be assumed in the exposed portions of the
columns, underwater hulls and braces.
.2 Columns and braces should be assumed to be flooded by
damage having a vertial extent of 3.0 n~ occurring at any level
between 5.0 n~ above and 3.0 m below the draughts specified in
the operating manual. Where a watertight flat is located within
this rcgio~i,the d;1111;1gc s h c ) ~ ~he
l d ass~uilccito have occurred in
both c o ~ n p a r t n l e ~ ~
ts and below the watertight flat in
question. Lesser distances above o r below the draughts may be
applied to the satisfktio~i of the Admi~iistration.taking illto
accotlnt the actual operating conditio~is.Howcvcr, the rccl~~ircd
damage 1-cgion s h o ~ ~ cxt'11~1
ld a t least 1 .5 111 a1x)vc n11d hclow the
draught spccificd in the operating manual.
N o vertical bulkhead should l>cassunlcd to bc dii~~lagcd, except
wllcrc L~t~lkhcads arc spac.cd closcr thali a dista~ir.cof one eight11
of the c o l u n ~ npcri111ctc1-
;it the draught L I I I ~ ~ ~
I -o ~ i s i c i c r ; ~ t i o ~ i .
mcasurcci a t the pcripl1c.1-y, in which case o11c c>r Illore of thc.
lx~lkhc;~ds should L3c disrc~ai-dcd.
Horizo11t.il penetratio~i of damage s110~1ldbe ; I S S L I I I I C ~ to be
1.5 I l l .
U~~dcrwatct- h~illor tboci~~gs s110uld be assuli~cdto bc da~uagcd
when operating i l l a t r a ~ ~ scondition
it in the sanlc llianner as
indicated in,, and cither o r
3.5.6, having regard to t11ci1-shape.
All piping, ventilation systc~~is, trunks, etc., withi11 the cxtcnt o f
dan~agcshould be ass~unccito be damaged. Positive tnealls of
closure should be provided a t watertight boundaries to preclude
the progressive flooding of other spaces which are intended to
be intact.

3.6 W a t e r t i g h t integrity
3.6.1 T h e number of openings in watertight subdivisions should be kcpt to
a ~ ~ ~ i n i m compatible
urn with the design and proper working o f thc unit.
Where penetrations of watertight decks and bulkheads are necessary for
access, piping, ventilation, electrical cables, etc., arrangements should be
made to maintain the watertight integrity of the enclosed conlpartments.
3.6.2 Where valves are provided a t watertight boundaries to maintain
watertight integrity, these valves should be capable of being operated from a
pump-room or other normally manned space, a weather deck, o r a deck
which is above the final waterline after flooding. In the case of a column-
stabilized unit this would be the central ballast control station. Valve
position indicators should be provided at the remote control station.
3.6.3 For self-elevating units the ventilation system valves required to
maintain watertight integrity should be kept closed when the unit is afloat.
Necessary ventilation in this case should be arranged by alternative approved
Internal openings
3.6.4 T h e means to ensure the watertight integrity o f internal openings
should comply with the following:
.1 Iloors and hatch covcrs whicl1 arc used d i ~ r i ~ thc
~ gopc.1-atic,n ot
the unit while afloat s h o ~ ~ lbe d rc~notelycontrolled from the
central ballast control station and should also bc operable locally
from each side. Open/shut indicators should be providcd a t thc
control station.
.2 Doors or hatch covcrs which arc t~ormallycloscd whilc the u l ~ i t
is afloat should be provided with an alarm systclii ( c . ~ light .
signals) showing pcrso~inelboth locally and a t the c c ~ ~ t rladl a s t
control station whether the doors or hatch covcrs i l l qucstio11
are open o r closcd. A notice should bc nffixcd to c ; ~ such h door
o r hatch cover stating that i t is not to ix- lcft opc11while thc unit
is afloat.
3.6.5 The means to cnsurc the watertight integrity of internal openings
which are kept permanently closed during thr operation of t l ~ cn nit, while
afloat. should comply with the following:
.1 A notice should be affixed to each such closing appliance stating
that it is to be kept closed while the unit is afloat; however,
manholes fitted with close bolted covers need not be so marked.
.2 O n self-elevating units, an entry should be made in the official
log-book o r tour report, as applicable, stating that all such
openings have been witnessed closed before the unit becomes

External openings
3.6.6 All downflooding openings the lower edge o f which is submerged
when the unit is inclined to the first intercept between the righting moment
and wind heeling nlonlent curves in any intact o r damaged condition
should be fitted with a suitable watertight closing appliance, such as closely
spaced bolted covers.
3.6.7 Where flooding of chain lockers or other buoyant volumes may
occur, the openings to these spaces should be considered as downflooding

3.7 Freeboard
3.7.1 T h e reauirements of the 1966 Load Line Convention. including: thosc
relating to cekification, should apply to all units and certificates should b
issued as appropriate. T h e minimum freeboard of units which cannot b
computed by the normal methods laid down by that Convention should be::
determined o n the basis of meeting the applicable intact stability, damag
stability and structural requirements for transit conditions and drilli
operations while afloat. T h e freeboard should not be less than th
computed fiom the Convention where applicabIe.

3.7.2 The rccluircnlcnts of the 1966 Load Line Convc~ltionwith respect to
weathertightness and watertightness of decks, superstructures, deckhouses,
doors, hatchway covers, other openings, ventilators, air pipes, scuppers,
inlets and discharges, etc., should be taken as a basis for all units in the afloat
condi tion.
3.7.3 In general, heights of hatch and ventilator coamings. air pipes, door sills,
etc., in exposed positions and their means of closing sl~ouldbe determined by
consideration of both intact and damage stability requircmc~lts.
3.7.4 All downflooding openings which may becoinc sub~i~crged before the
angle of inclination at which the requircd area under tlic intact righting arm
curve is achieved should be fitted with weathertight closing appliances.
3.7.5 With regard to damage stability, the requirements in, 3.4.4 and
3.6.6 should apply.
3.7.6 Administrations should give special consideration to the position of
openings which cannot be closed in emergencies, sucll as air intakes for
emergency generators, having regard to the intact righting arm curves and
the final waterline after assumed damage.
Surface units
3.7.7 Load lines should be assigned to surface units as calculated under the
terrns of the 1966 Load Line Convention and should be subject to all the
conditions of assignn~entof that Convention.
3.7.8 Where it is necessary to assign a greater than minimum freeboard to
meet intact o r damage stability requirements or on account of any other
restriction imposed by the Administration. regulation 6(6) of the 1966 Load
Line Convention should apply. W h e n such a fi-eeboard is assigned, seasonal
marks above the centre of the ring should not be marked and any seasonal
marks below the centre of the ring should be marked. If a unit is assigned a
greater than minimum freeboard at the request of the owner, regulation 6(6)
need not apply.
3.7.9 Where moonpools are arranged within the hull in open cornmunica-
tion with the sea, the volume of the moonpool should not be included in
the calculation of any hydrostatic properties. If the moonpool has a larger
cross-sectional area above the waterline. at 0.85D than below, an addition
should be made to the geometric keeboard corresponding to the lost
buoyancy. This addition for the excess portion above the waterline at 0 . 8 5 0
should be made as prescribed below for wells or recesses. If an enclosed
superstructure contains part of the moonpool, deduction should be made
for the effective length of the superstructure. Where open wells or recesses
are arranged in the freeboard deck, a correction equal to the volume of the
well or recess to the freeboard deck divided by the waterplane area at 0 . 8 5 0
should be made to the fi-eeboard obtained after all other corrections, except
bow height correction, have been made. Free surface effects of the flooded
well or recess should be taken into account in stability calculations.
3.7.10 l'hc proccd~11.cdcsc.riLxd in -3.7.') sl~ouldalso apply i l l cxscs ofs111;lll
notches or relatively narrow cut-outs a t the stem of the unit.

3.7.11 Narrow wing exte~isio~ls

at the stel-11 of thc unit S ~ O L Ibe
~ ~
considered as appendages a n d cscludcd for t l ~ cd c t c ~ - ~ l l i ~ i aotfiIc.11gth
o~~ (I*)
and For the calc~~lation
of fi-celmards. The Adniinistl-ation sho~llddctcr~ninc
the effect of such wing cstcnsions with regal-d to the. ~-~clui~-c.rncnts
for thc
strength of unit based up011 Ic~lgth(L).

3.7.12 Load lines s110~1ldbe assigned to self-clcvati~igunits 3s calc~~l;~tcci

under the terms ofthc I006 Ixnd Line Co~lvcntion.W1ic11floati~igor wlict~
in transit from one operational area to another units should be s ~ ~ b j cto
c t all
the conditions of a s s i g n ~ l ~ r not f that C:onvention unlc-ss specifically
excepted. Howcver, thcsc n nits should not be subject to the tcrlns of that
Convention while they arc supported by the sea-bed or arc in the process tif
lowering or raising thcir lcgs.

3.7.13 T h e minimum ft-ccboard of units which d ~ l cto thcir c o ~ ~ f i g ~ ~ r a t i o n

cannot be computed by the normal mcthods laid down by the 1966 Load
Line Convention should be determined 011 the basis o f mccti~lgapplicable
intact stability, damage stability and structural requircmcnts in thc afloat

3.7.14 Where it is ncccssary to assign a greater than m i n i m u n ~freeboard to

meet intact o r damage stability requirements o r on account of any other
restriction imposed by the Administration, regulation 6(6) of the 1966 Load
Line Convention should apply. W h e n such a freeboard is assigned, seasonal
marks above the centre of the ring should not be marked and any seasonal
marks below the centre of the ring should be marked. If a unit is assigned a
greater than minimum freeboard at the request of the owner, regulation 6(6)
need not apply.

3.7.15 Where moonpools are arranged within the hull in open commu-
nication with the sea, the volume of the moonpool should not be included
in the calculation of any llydrostatic properties. I f the moonpool has a larger
cross-sectional area above the waterline at 0 . 8 5 0 than below, an addition
should be made to the geometric fi-eeboard corresponding to the lost
buoyancy. This addition for the excess portion above the waterline at 0 . 8 5 0
should be made as prescribed below for wells o r recesses. If an enclosed
superstructure contains part of the moonpool, deduction should be made
for the effective length of the superstructure. Where open wells o r recesses
are arranged in the fi-eeboard deck, a correction equal to the volume of the
well o r recess to the freeboard deck divided by the waterplane area at 0 . 8 5 0
should be made to the freeboard obtained after all other corrections, except
bow height correction have been made. Free surface effects of the flooded
well o r recess should be taken into account in stability calculations.
3.7.17 Narl-ow w i ~ i gc u t c ~ ~ s i o ~; ~ i stthe stcrll of the unit should l x
considcrcd ns appendages a n d cscluticd for the d c t c r ~ ~ i i ~ ~ ;of o~i (I.)
i t iIcngr11
and for tlic calc~~lation of Frcchc~arrk.l'hc Adiiiinistrntic>n should d c t c r ~ i ~ i ~ l c .
the effect of si~cliw i ~ i gc~tc11sioils\vitll regard to tlic I-c-quii-c~iic~~ts ti>r t l ~ c
strcligtli of ~ 1 1 1 ihr s c d i1po11I c ~ i g t l l ( I , ) .

3.7.19 S o ~ i l csclt~clcvatingi111its ucilizc a large illat 01-s i ~ ~ i i l suppo~-tills

structurc \vliicli co11t1-ibutcsto the L>uoyaucywhc11 thc unit is floati~~g. 111
such cascs tlic nlat o r siniilar supporti~igstructurc S I ~ O L I I C ~L x ignored i l l tlic
calculation of fi-ccboard. Tlic i i i n t 01- similar s u p p o r t i ~ ~struct~ll-c
g should,
however, always be takcn into accolltlt in the evaluation of the stability o f
tlic unit when floating since its vertical position relative to the upper 1iu11
may be critical.

3.7.20 T h e hull form of this type of unit makes the calculation o f

geometric freeboard in accordance with the provisions of chaptcr 111 of the.
1966 Load Line Convention impracticablc. T h c r c h r c the minin~imi
freeboard of cach column-stabilized unit should be dctcrmincd by meeting
the applicable requirements For:
.I the strength of the unit's structure;
.2 the minimum clearance between passing wave crests and deck
structure (see 2.6.1 to 2.6.3); and
.3 intact and damage stability requirements
3.7.21 T h e minimum freeboard should be marked in appropriate locations
on the structure.
3.7.22 T h e enclosed deck structure of each column-stabilized unit should
be made weathertight.
3.7.23 Windows, sidescuttles and portlights, including thosc of the non-
opening type, o r other similar openings should not be located below the
deck structure o f column-stabilized units.
3.7.24 Adminispations should give special consideration to the position o f
openings which cannot be closed in emergencies, such as air intakes for
emergency generators, having regard to the intact righting arm curves and
the final waterline after assumed damage.
Chapter 4
Machinery installations for all types of units

4.1.1 T h e rn;~chincryand clcctrical requirc~nentsc o ~ ~ t a i n cind chapters 4 to

8 provide an acceptable degree o f protection for pcrson~ielfrom fire, electric
shock or other physical injuries. T h c rcquirrincncs apply co both marine and
industrial equipment.
4.1.2 Codes and standards of practicc which h a w lwcn proven to be
effective by actual application by the offsl'chore dl-illi~ig
which arc not
in conflict with this Code, and which are acceptable to thc Administration,
may be applied in addition to thcse req~~ircments.
4.1.3 All nlachincry, electrical cquipnzent, boilers and other pressure
vessels, associated piping systems, fittings and wiring should be of a design
and construction adequate for the scrvice for which they are intended and
should be SO installed and protected as to reduce to a 11linimum any danger
to persons oil board, due regard being paid to movi~igparts, hot surfaces and
other hazards. T h e design should have regard to materials used in
construction, and to the marine and industrial purposes for which the
equipment is intended, the working conditions and the environn~ental
conditions to which it will be subjected. Consideration should be given to
the consequences of the failure of systems and equipment essential to the
safety o f the unit.
4.1.4 All machinery, conlponents and systems essential to the safe operation
o f a unit should be designed to operate under the following static conditions
of inclination:
.I when column-stabilized units are upright and inclined to an
angle u p to 15" in any direction;
.2 when self-elevating units are upright and inclined to an angle up
to 10" in any direction;
.3 when surface units are upright and in level trim and when
inclined to an angle o f list up. to 15" either way and
silnultaneously trimmed to an angle up to 5" by the bow o r
T h e Adn~inistrationmay permit o r require deviations from these angles,
taking into consideration the type, size and service conditions of the unit.
4.1.5 Jacking mechanisms for self-elevating units are in general to be
arranged with redundancy so that a single failure of any component does not
cause an uncontrolled descent o f the unit.

Refer to MSC/Circ.834, Guidelines for engine-room layout. design and arrangement.

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fitted if it is satisfied that adequate protection agaillst ovcrprcssu~-cis
4.3.2 Every oil-fired boiler which is intended to operate without manual
supervision should have safcty arrangements which shut off the fi~clsupply
and give an alarm at an attcndcd location in thc casc of low watcr lcvel, air
supply failure or flame hilure.
4.3.3 E v e ~ ysteam generating systcni which could bc rendered dangerous by
the failure of its feedwater supply should be providcd with not less than two
separate feedwater systcnis from and including thc fccd pumps, noting that a
single penetration of the stcam drum is acccptablc. For those scrviccs not
essential for the safety of the nit, only one fcedwatcr system is rcq~iiredif
automatic shutdown of the steam generating system upon loss of the
feedwater supply is provided. Means should be provided which will prcvent
overpressure in any part of thc fccdwater system.
4.3.4 Uoilcrs should be provided with means to supcrvisc and control the
quality of the feedwater. As far as practicable, means should be provided to
preclude the entry of oil or othcr contaminants which may adversely affect
the boilcr.
4.3.5 Every boiler essential for the safety of the unit and which is designed
to have a water level should be provided with at least two means for
indicating its water level, at least one of which should be a direct-reading
gauge glass.

4.4 Steam pipe systems

4.4.1 Every steam pipe and every fitting connected thereto through which
steam may pass should be so designed, constructed and installed as to
withstand the maximum working stresses to which it may be subjected.
4.4.2 Efficient means should be provided for draining every steam pipe
where dangerous water hammer action might otherwise occur.
4.4.3 I f a steam pipe or fitting may receive steam &om any source a t a higher
pressure than that for which it is designed, a suitable reducing valve, relief
valve and pressure gauge should be fitted.

4.5 Machinery controls

4.5.1 Machinery essential for the safety of the unit should be provided with
effective means for its operation and control.
4.5.2 Automatic starting, operational and control systems for machinery
essential for the safety of the unit should, in general, include provisions for
manually overriding the automatic controls. Failure of any part of the
automatic and remote control system should not prevent the use of the
manual override. Visual indication should be provided to show whether o r
not the override has been actuated.
4.6 Air pressure systems
4.6.1 In every unit means should bc provided to prevent excess pressure in
any part of compressed air systems and where waterjackets or casings of air
compressors and coolers might bc subjected to dangerous excess pressure
due to leakage into them from air pressure parts. Suitable pressure-relief
arrangements should be provided for all systems.
4.6.2 T h e starting air arrangemcnts for internal combustion engincs should
be adequately protected against thc effects of backfiring and internal
explosions in the starting air pipcs.
4.6.3 Starting air pipes from the air reccivers to internal combustion engines
should be entirely separate from the compressor discharge pipe system.
4.6.4 Provision should be made to reduce to a m i n i m u n ~the entry of oil
into the starting air pressure systems and to drain thesc systems.

4.7 Arrangements for oil fuel, lubricating oil and

other flammable oils
4.7.1 Arrangements for the storage, distribution and utilization of oil h c l
should be such as to ensure the safety of the unit and persons o n board..
4.7.2 Arrangements for the storage, distribution and utilization of oil used
in pressure lubrication systems should be such as to ensure the safety of the
unit and persons o n board.
4.7.3 Arrangements for the storage, distribution and utilization of other
flammable oils employed under pressure in power transmission systems,
control and activating systems and heat transfer systems should be such as to
ensure the safety of the unit and persons o n board.
4.7.4 In machinery spaces pipes, fittings and valves carrying flammable oils
should be of a material approved by the Administration, having regard to the
risk of fire.

4.8 Bilge pumping arrangements

4.8.1 An efficient bilge pumping system should be provided, capable of
pumping &om and draining watertight compartments other than spaces
permanently appropriated for the carriage of fiesh water, water ballast, oil
fuel or liquid cargo and for which other efficient means of pumping are
provided, under all'practical conditions whether the unit is upright or
inclined, as specified in 4.1.4. Additional suctions should be provided in
large compartments or compartments of unusual form, as deemed necessary
by the Administration. Arrangements should be made whereby water in the
compartment may find its way to the suction pipes. Compartments not
provided with a bilge suction may be drained to other spaces provided with
bilge pumping capability. Means should be provided to detect the presence
of water in such compartments which are adjacent to the sea or adjacent to
tanks containing liqu~dsand in void compartments through which pipes
conveying liquids pass. If thc Administration is satisfied that the safety of thc
unit is not impaired thc bilge pumping arraligcmcnts and the means to
detect thc presence of water may be dispensed with in particular
4.8.2 At least two self-priming powcr pumps conr~cctcdto each bilge main
should be provided. Sanitary, ballast and general service pumps may be
accepted as independent power bilge pumps if fitted with the necessary
connections to the bilge pumping system.
4.8.3 All bilge pipes should be of steel or othcl- s ~ ~ i t a b material
le having
properties acceptable to the Administration. Special consideration should be
given to the design of bilge lines passing through ballast tanks taking into
account effects of corrosion or other deterioration.
4.8.4 The arrangement of the bilge pumping system should be such as to
prevent the possibility of water passing from the sea into dry spaces, o r
inadvertently from one compartment to another.
4.8.5 All distribution boxes and manually operated valves in connection
with the bilge pumping arrangements should be in positions which are
accessible under ordinary circun~stances.Where such valves are located in
normally unmanned spaces below the assigned load line and not provided
with high bilge water level alarms, they should be operable from outside the
4.8.6 A means to indicate whether a valve is open or closed should be
provided at each location fi-om which the valve can be controlled. The
indicator should rely on movement of the valve spindle.
4.8.7 Drainage of hazardous areas should be given special consideration
having regard to the risk of explosion (see 6 . 3 . 2 ) .
4.8.8 T h e following additional requirements are applicable to column-
stabilized units:
.1 Chain lockers which, if flooded, could substantially affect the
unit's stability should be provided with a remote means to detect
flooding and a permanently installed mcans of dewatering.
Remote indication of flooding should be provided at the central
ballast control station.
.2 At least one of the pumps referred to in 4.8.2 and pump-room
bilge suction valves should be capable of both remote and local
.3 Propulsion rooms and pump-rooms in lower hulls should be
provided with two independent systems for high bilge water
level detection providing an audible and visual alarm at the
central ballast control station.
4.9 Ballast pumping arrangements o n column-stabilized units

4.9.1 Units should be provided with an etficicnt pumping systrm capable of

ballasting a n d deballasting any ballast tank ~ m d c rnormal operating and
transit conditio~is.Altcl-natively, Ad~l~inistrations nlay permit controlled
gravity ballasting.
4.9.2 T h e ballast systcm should pl-ovidc the capability to bring the unit,
while in a l l illtact condition, fro111the I I I ~ X ~ I I I L I I I110rn1al
I opcl-ati~~g
to a severe s t o r n ~draught, or to a greater distnncc, ;K may LX specified by the
Administration. within 3 hours.
4.9.3 T h e ballast systeln should bc arranged to provide at least two
independent pumps so that the systcm rcn~ainsoperational in the event of
failure of a n y one such pump. T h c ~ L I I I I ~provided
S 11ccd not be dedicated
ballast pumps, b ~ should
~ t be readily available for such use at all tin~cs.
4.9.4 T h e ballast systcm should be capable of operating after thc danlagc
specified in 3.5.10 and have thc capability of rcstoring the unit to a level
trim and safe draught condition without taking on additional ballast, with
any one pump inoperable. T h c Administration may pcrn~it countcr-
flooding as an operational procedure.
4.9.5 T h e ballast system should be arranged and operated so as to prevent
inadvertent transfer ofballast water from one tank o r hull to another, which
could result in moment shifts leading to excessive angles of heel or trim.
4.9.6 It should be possible to supply each ballast pump required by 4.9.3
from the emergency source of power. T h e arrangements should be such
that the system is capable of restoring the unit from an inclination specified
in to a level trim and safe draught condition after loss of any single
component in the power supply system.
4.9.7 All ballast pipes should be of steel o r other suitable material having
properties acceptable to the Administration. Special consideration should be
given to the design of ballast lines passing through ballast tanks, taking into
account effects of corrosion o r other deterioration.
4.9.8 All valves and operating controls should be clearly marked to identify
the function they serve. Means should be provided locally to indicate
whether a valve is open o r closed.
4.9.9 Air pipes should be provided o n each ballast tank sufficient in number
and cross-sectional area to permit the efficient operation of the ballast
pumping system under the conditions referred to in 4.9.1 to 4.9.9. In order
to allow deballasting of the ballast tanks intended to be used to bring the
unit back to normal draught and to ensure no inclination after damage, air
pipe openings for these tanks should be above the worst damage waterline
specified in chapter 3 . Such air pipes should be positioned outside the extent
of damage, as defined in chapter 3 .
4.9.10 A central ballast control station should be provided. I t S I ~ O L I I be
located above the worst damage waterline and in a space not within the
assumcd extent of damage referred to in chapter 3 and adeq~~ately protected
from weather. It should be provided with thc following co11t1-01and
indicating systems where applicable:
.1 ballast pump control system;
.2 ballast pump status-indicating systcm;
.3 ballast valvc control system;
.4 ballast valvc position-indicating systcm;
.5 tank level indicating system;
.6 draught indicating system;
.7 heel and trim indicators;
.8 power availability indicating systcm (main and emergency);
.9 ballast system I~ydraulic/p~~eun~aticpressure-indicati~lgsystC~n
4.9.1 1 In addition to remote control of the ballast ~ L I I and
~ ~ valvcs
S fi-0111
the central ballast control station, all ballast pumps and valves should be
fitted with independent local control operable in the event of remote
control failure. T h e independent local control of each ballast pump and o f
its associated ballast tank valves should be in the same location.
4.9.12 T h e control and indicating systems listed in 4.9.10 should fi~nction
independently of one another, o r have sufficient redundancy, such that a
failure in one system does not jeopardize the operation of any of the other
4.9.13 Each power-actuated ballast valve should fail to the closed position
upon loss of control power. U p o n reactivation of control power, each such
valve should remain closed until the ballast control operator assumes control
o f the reactivated system. T h e Adnlinistration may accept ballast valve
arrangements that d o not fail to the closed position upon loss of power
provided the Administration is satisfied that the safety of the unit is not
4.9.14 T h e tank level indicating system required by should
provide means to:
.1 indicate liquid levels in all ballast tanks. A secondary means o f
determining levels in ballast tanks, which may be a sounding
pipe, should be provided. Tank level sensors should not be
situated in the tank suction lines;
.2 indicate liquid levels in other tanks, such as fuel oil, fresh water,
drilling water or liquid storage tanks, the filling o r emptying o f
which, in the view of the Administration, could affect the
l i t . level sensors should not L x situated in
stability of the ~ ~ ~ 7'allk
the tank suction lines.
4.9.15 T h e draught indicating system should indicatc the draught at each
corner of the unit or at repl-esentative positions as required by the
4.9.16 Enclosures housing ballast system electrical conlponcnts, the failure
of which would cause unsafe operation of the ballast system upon liquid
entry into the e n c l o s ~ ~ rshould
e, comply with 5.5.21.
4.9.17 A ll~callsto indicate whcthcr a valvc 1s open o r closed should be
provided at cacli location from wIiic.11 the valve can bc controlled. T h e
indicators should rely on n1ovcnle1it of the valve spindle.
4.9.18 Means should be provided at the central ballast control station to
isolate or disconnect the ballast pump control and ballast valvc control
systems €ram their sources of electrical, pneumatic o r hydraulic power.

Internal cornrnunic~tion
4.9.19 A pernlanently installed means of c o n ~ n ~ u n i c a t i oindependent
n, of
the unit's main source of electrical power, should be provided between the
central ballast control station and spaces that contain ballast pumps o r valves,
o r other spaces that may contain equipment necessary for the operation of
the ballast system.

4.10 Protection against flooding

4.10.1 Each seawater inlet and discharge in spaces below the assigned load
line should be provided with a valve operable fi-om an accessible position
outside the space on:
.I all column-stabilized units;
.2 all other units where the space containing the valve is nonnally
unattended and is not provided with high bilge water level
4.10.2 T h e control systems and indicators provided in should be
operable in both normal conditions a ~ l din the event o f main power failure.
Where stored energy is provided for this purpose, its capacity should be to
the satisfaction of the Administration.

4.1 1 Anchoring arrangements for surface a n d column-stabilized units

4.11.1 Anchoring arrangements, where fitted as the sole means for position
keeping, should be provided with adequate factors of safety and be designed
to maintain the unit o n station in all design conditions. T h e arrangements
should be such that a failure o f any single component should not cause
progressive failure o f the remaining anchoring arrangements.
4.11.2 The anchors, cables, shackles and other associated connecting
equip~nentshould be designed, manufactured and tcsted in accordance with
a recognized standard. Evidence, to the satisfaction of the Adn~inistration.
that the equipment has been so tested and approved should be readily
available. Provisions should be made on board for the recording o f changcs
to and inspection of the equip~ncnt.
4.11.3 Anchor cables may be of wire, rope, chain o r any combination
4.1 1.4 Means should be provided to enable the ancl~orcable to be released
from the unit after loss of main power.
4.11.5 Fairlcads and sheaves should be designcd to prevent excessive
bending and wear of the anchor cable. T h e attachn~entsto the hull o r
structure should be such as to adequately withstand the stresses imposed
when an anchor cable is loaded to its breaking strength.
4.11.6 Suitable anchor stowage arrangements should be provided to
prevent movement of the anchors in a seaway.
4.11.7 Each windlass should be provided with two illdependent power-
operated brakes. Each brake should be capable of holding against a static
load in the anchor cable of at least 50% o f its breaking strength. Where the
Administration so allows, o n e of the brakes may be replaced by a manually
operated brake.
4.11.8 T h e design o f the windlass should provide for adequate dynamic
braking capacity to control normal combinations of loads &om the anchor,
anchor cable and anchor handling vessel during the deployment o f the
anchors at the maximum design payout speed o f the windlass.
4.11.9 O n loss o f power to the windlasses, the power-operated braking
system should be automatically applied and be capable of holding against
50% o f the total static braking capacity of the windlass.
4.11.10 Each windlass should be capable of being controlled from a
position which provides a good view of the operation.
4.11.11 Means should be provided at the windlass control position to
monitor cable tension and windlass power load and to indicate the amount
of cable paid out.
4.11.12 A manned control station should be provided with means to
indicate cable tensions and speed and direction of wind.
4.11.13 Reliable means should be provided to con~municatebetween
locations critical to the anchoring operation.
4.11.14 Special consideration should be given to arrangements where the
anchoring systems provided are used in conjunction with thrusters to
maintain the unit o n station.
4.12 Dynamic positioning systems
Dynamic positioning systems used as a sole means of position kccping i
, ?
should provide a level o f safety equivalent to that providcd f o r anchoring

Refer to the Guidelines for vessels with dynamic positioning systems approved by the
Maritime Safety Conunittee at its sixty-third session and disseminated by MSCICirc.645.
Chapter 5
Electrical installations for a11 types o f units
5.1 General electrical requirements
5.1.1 Electrical i~~stallatiotis
should be such chat:
.1 all electrical scrvices necessary for r n a i n t a i ~ ~ i ~thc
i g unit in
nor~iialopcratiot~alhabitable conditio~iswill bc assiircd without
rccoursc to the enlcrgcncy source of power;
.2 electrical scrviccs csscntial for safcty will bc assill-cd i l l c-ase o f
failure of the main source of clcctrical powcr; and
.3 the safcty ofpersonnel and unit from clcctrical hazards will be
5.1.2 Ad~niniscrationsshoulcl take appropriate steps to c~isut-' u11ifOr1nityin
the inlplenlentation and application of the provisions of thcse rcqitirements
in respect of electrical installations."

5.2 Main source of electrical power

5.2.1 Every unit should be provided with a main source of electrical power
which should include at least two generating sets.
5.2.2 T h e power of these sets should be such that it is still possible to ensure
the functioning of the services referred to in 5.1 .1 .1, except for services
referred to in, in the event of any one of these generating sets being
5.2.3 Where transformers or converters constitute an essential part of the
supply system, the system should be so arranged as to ensure the same
continuity of the supply as stated in 5.2.2.
5.2.4 A main electrical lighting system which should provide illumination
throughout those parts of the unit normally accessible to and used by
personnel should be supplied from the main source o f power.
5.2.5 T h e arrangement of the main lighting system should be such that a fire
o r other casualty in the space o r spaces containing the main source of power,
including transformers o r converters, if any, will not render the emergency
lighting system required by 5.3 inoperative.
5.2.6 T h e arrangement of the emergency lighting system should be such
that a fire or other casualty in the space o r spaces containing the emergency
source o f power, including transformers o r converters, if any, will not
render the main lighting system required by this section inoperative.

Refer to the recommendations publisl~edby the International Electrotecht~icalCommission.

5.3 Emergency source of electrical power
5.3.1 Every unit should be provided with a self-contained emergency
source of electrical power.
5.3.2 The emergency source of powcr, the transitional source of en~ergcncy
power and the emergency switchboard should be located above the worst
damage waterline and in a spacc not within the assunled extcnt of damage
referred to i n chapter 3 , and bc readily accessible. They should n o t bc
forward of the collision bulkhead, if any.
5.3.3 The location of thc enlcrgcncy source of powcr, the transitiol~al
source of emergency power and emergency switchboard in relation to thc
main source of electrical power should be such as to ensure to the
satisfaction of the Adnlinistration that a fire or other casualty in the space
containing the main source of electrical power or in any machinery space of
category A will not interfere with the supply or distribution of emergency
power. As far as practical, the space containing the emergency sourcc of
power, the transitional source of emergency power and the emergency
switchboard should not be contiguous to boundaries of machinery spaccs of
category A or of those spaces containing the main source of electrical
power. Where the emergency source of power, the transitional source of
emergency power, and the emergency switchboard are contiguous to the
boundaries of machinery spaces of category A or to those spaces containing
the main source of electrical power, or to spaces of zone 1 or zone 2, the
contiguous boundaries should be in compliance with 9.1.
5.3.4 Provided that suitable measures are taken for safeguarding indepen-
dent emergency operation under all circumstances, the emergency switch-
board may be used to supply non-emergency circuits, and the emergency
generator may be used exceptionally and for short periods to supply non-
emergency circuits.
5.3.5 For units where the main source of electrical power is located in
two or more spaces which have their own systems, including power
distribution and control systems, completely independent of the systems in
the other spaces and such that a fire or other casualty in any one of the
spaces will not affect the power distribution &om the others, or to the
services required by 5.3.6. the requirements of 5.3.1 may be considered
satisfied without an additional emergency source of electrical power,
provided that the Administration is satisfied that:
.I there are at least two generating sets, meeting the requirements
of 5.3.15 and each of sufficient capacity to meet the require-
ments of 5.3.6, in each of at least two spaces;
.2 the arrangements required by in each such space are
equivalent to those required by 5.3.8, 5.3.11 to 5.3.14 and 5.4
so that a source of electrical power is available at all times to the
services required by 5.3.6;
.3 the location of each of the spaces referred to in is in
conlpliancc with 5.3.2 and the boundaries meet the requirc-
nlents of 5.3.3 except that contiguous boundarics should consist
of an "A-60" bulkhead and a cofferdam, or a stecl bulkhead
itlsulated to class "A-60" on both sides.

5.3.6 T h e power available should be sufficient to supply all those services

that are essential for safety in a n emergency, due regard being paid to such
services as nlay have to be operated sinlultancously. The cmergcncy source
of power should bc capable. having regard to starting currents and the
transitory nature of certain loads, o f supplying sitnultancously at lcast the
following services for the periods specified hcreinafter, if they depend upon
an electrical source for their operation:
For a period of 18 hours, emergency lightit~g:
at every embarkation station on deck and over sides;
in all service and acconlmodation alleyways, stairways and
exits, personnel lift cars, and personnel lift trunks;
in the machinery spaces and main generating stations including
their control positions;
in all control stations and in all machinery control rooms;
in all spaces from which control of the drilling process is
perfomled and where controls of machinery essential for the
performance of this process, or devices for emergency switch-
ing-off of the power plant are located;
at the stowage position or positions far firemen's o u d t s ;
at the sprinkler punlp, if any, at the fire pump referred to in, at the emergency bilge pump, if any, and at their
starting positions;
o n helicopter landing decks;
For a period of 18 hours, the navigation lights, other lights and
sound signals, required by the International Regulations for the
Prevention of Collisions at Sea, in force;
For a period of 4 days any signalling lights o r sound signals
which may be required for marking of offshore structures;
For a period of 18 hours:
all internal communication equipment that is required in an
fire and gas detection and their alarm systems;
intermittent operation of the manual fire alarms and all internal
signals that are required in an emergency; and
.4.4 the capability of closi~ig the blow-out prcvcnter a n d o f
disconnecting the unit from the well-head arrangement, if
electrically controlled;
unlcss they have an itidcpcndcnt supply fl-0111 an accuni~~lator
battery suitably located for use i n a n cllicrgcncy a ~ i dsuRicic11t
for thc period of 18 hours;
.5 For a period of 18 hours, one of thc fire pumps, if dependent
upon the emergency generator for its soul-cc of power;
.6 For a period of a t lcast 18 hours, p c r ~ ~ l a ~ ~ cinstalled
ntly diving
equipment, if dependent upon the unit's electrical powcr;
.7 O n colun~n-stabilized ~uiits,for a period of 1 X hours:
.7.1 ballast control and indicating systetns required by 4.9.1 0; and
.7.2 any of the ballast pumps required by 4.').3; only one of the
connected pumps 11eed be considC~-cd to be i n operation a t any
.8 For a period of half an hour:
3.1 power to operate the watertight doors as provided by,
but not necessarily all of then1 sinlultaneously, unless an
independent temporary source of stored energy is provided;
.8.2 power to operate the controls and indicators required by
5.3.7 The emergency source of power may be either a generator or an
accunlulator battery.
5.3.8 Where the emergency source of power is a generator it should be:
.I driven by a suitable prime mover with an independent supply of
fuel, having a flashpoint of not less than 43°C;
.2 started autonlatically upon failure of the normal electrical supply
unless a transitional source of emergency power in accordance
with is provided; where the emergency generator is
automatically started, it should be automatically connected to
the emergency switchboard; those services referred to in 5.3.10
should then be connected automatically to the emergency
generator; and unless a second independent means of starting
the emergency generator is provided, the single source of stored
energy should be protected to preclude its complete depletion
by the automatic starting system; and
.3 provided with a transitional source of emergency power, as
specified in 5.3.10, unless the emergency generator is capable of
supplying the services mentioned in 5.3.10 and of being
automatically started and supplying the required load as quickly
as is safe and practicable but in not more than 45 seconds.
5.3.9 Whcrc the cmc~-gcl~cy
sourcc of powcl- is a11 a c ~ c ~ ~ l ~ i battery
~ ~ l ; ~ rito ~ -
should be capablc of:
.1 carryi~lgthe cnlcrgcncy load without rccliarging while main-
taining thc voltagc of the battery throughour the discharge
pa-iod within plus or nlinus 12'%1of i t s n o n ~ i l ~ voltagc;
.2 automatically connecting to the clllcrgcncy switchboard i n the
cvcnt of failure of the main powcr supply; n l l d
.3 immediately supplyillg a t lcnst tl~oscscrviccs spccificd in 5.3.10
5.3.10 Tlic transitional sourcc or sourccs of clllcrgcncy powcr, where
required by 5 . 3 . 8 . 3 , should consist of a n a c c u n ~ ~ ~ l a tlmttcry
c>r suitably
located h r usc in an cmcrgcncy, which should opcrntc \vithout recharging
whilst maintaining the voltagc of the battery t h r o u g h o ~ ~the t discharge
period within plus o r minus 12% of its nominal voltagc, a i d be ofsuficient
capacity and so arranged a s to supply automatically, in the cvcnt of failure o f
cithcr the main or the cmergcncy sourcc of powcr, the following services
for half an hour at lcast if thcy depcnd upon an clcctrical sourcc for their
.1 the lighting required by and For this transitional
phase, the required emergency lighting, i l l rcspect of the
machinery space and accomnlodation and scrvice areas, may
be provided by pern~anentlyfixed, individual accumulator lamps
which are automatically chargcd and opcratcd;
.2 all essential internal comnlunication equipment required by and; and
.3 intermittent operation of the services referred to in and,
unless, in the case of and, they have an independent
supply from an accunlulator battery suitably located for use in an emergency
and sufficient for the period specified.
5.3.11 T h e emergency switchboard should be installed as near as is
practicable to the emergency source of power and, where the emergency
source o f power is a generator, the emergency switchboard should
preferably be located in the same space.
5.3.12 N o accumulator battery fitted in accordance with this requirement
for emergency o r transitional power supply should be installed in the same
space as the emergency switchboard, unless appropriate measures to the
satisfaction o f the Administration are taken to extract the gases discharged
&om the said batteries. An indicator should be mounted in a suitable place
o n the main switchboard or in the machinery control room to indicate
when the batteries constituting either the emergency source of power o r the
transitional source of power, referred to in 5.3.9 o r 5.3.10, are being
5.3.13 T h e emergency switchboard should be supplied in i~ornlal
operation from the main switchboard by an interconnector feeder which
should be adequately protected a t the main switchboard against overload
and short circuit. T h e arrangcmellt at the emergency switchboard should be
such that the interconnector feeder is disconnected automatically at the
emergency switchboard upon failure of the main powcr supply. Where the
system is arranged for feedback operation, the intercon~~ector feeder should
also be protected a t the emergency switchboard at least against short circuit.
5.3.14 In order to ensure ready availability o f emergency supplies,
arrangements should be made where necessary to disconnect non-
emergency circuits automatically from the emcrgcncy switchboard to
ensure that power is available automatically to the emergency circuits.
5.3.15 T h e enlergency generator and its prime mover and any emergency
a c c u m ~ ~ l a t obattery
r should be designed to function a t full rated powcr
when upright and when inclined up to the maxinlum angle of heel in thc
intact and damaged condition, as determined in accordance with chapter 3 .
In no case need the equipment be designed to operate when inclined more
.1 25" in any direction on a column-stabilized unit;
.2 15" in any direction on a self-elevating unit; and
.3 22.5" about the longtudinal axis and/or when inclined 10"
about the transverse axis o n a surface unit.
5.3.16 Provision should be made for the periodic testing of the complete
emergency system. This should include the testing of automatic starting

5.4 Starting arrangements for emergency generators

5.4.1 Emergency generators should be capable of being readily started in
their cold condition down to a temperature of 0°C. If this is impracticable,
or if lower temperatures are likely to be encountered, consideration should
be given to the provision and maintenance of heating arrangements,
acceptable to the Administration, so that ready starting will be assured.
5.4.2 Each emergency generator which is arranged to be automatically
started should be equipped with starting arrangements acceptable to the
Administration with a storage energy capability of at least three consecutive
starts. A second source of energy should be provided for an additional three
starts within 30 minutes unless hand (manual) starting can be demonstrated
to be effective.
5.4.3 Provision should be made to maintain the stored energy at all times.

5.4.4 Electrical and hydraulic starting systems should be maintained fi-om

the emergency switchboard.
5.4.5 Conlpressed air starting systems n u y be maintained by thr nlain o r
auxiliary cotupressed air receivers, through a suitable non-return valve or by
an emergency air compressor energzed by the emergency switchboard.
5.4.6 All of these starting, charging and energy storing devices should be
located in the emergency generator room; these devices should not be uscd
for any purpose other than the operation of the emergency generator set.
This does not prcclude the supply to the air receiver of the emergency
generator set fro111 the main or auxiliary con~pressedair system through a
non-return valve fitted in the emergency generator room.
5.4.7 When automatic starting is not required by these requirements and
where i t can be demonstrated as being effective, hand (n~anual)starting is
permissible, such as nlanual cranking, inertia starters, manual hydraulic
accun~ulators,o r powder cartridges.
5.4.8 When hand (manual) starting is not practicable, the provisions in 5.4.2
and 5.4.3 to 5.4.6 should be complied with, except that starting may bc
manually initiated.

5.5 Precautions against shock, fire a n d other hazards of

electrical origin
5.5.1 Exposed metal parts of electrical machines or equipment which are
not intended to be live but which are liable under fault conditions to
become live should be earthed (grounded) unless the machines or
equipment are:
.1 supplied at a voltage not exceeding 55 V direct current or 55 V,
root mean square between conductors; auto-transformers
should not be used for the purpose of achieving this voltage; or
.2 supplied at a voltage not exceeding 250 V by safety isolating
transformers supplymg only one consuming device; o r
.3 constructed in accordance with the principle of double
5.5.2 T h e Administration may require additional precautions for portable
electrical equipment for use in confined o r exceptionally damp spaces where
particular risks due to conductivity may exist.
5.5.3 All electrical apparatus should be so constructed and so installed that it
does not cause injury when handled or touched in the normal manner.
5.5.4 Where not obtained through normal construction, arrangements
should be provided to effectively earth (ground) all permanently installed
machinery, metal structures of demcks, masts and helicopter decks.
5.5.5 Switchboards should be so arranged as to give easy access, where
needed, to apparatus and equipment, in order to minimize danger to
personnel. T h e sides and backs and, where necessary, the Gonts of
switchboards should be suitably guarded. Exposed live parts having voltages
to carth (ground) cxcccding a voltage to be spec-iticd by the A d ~ ~ i i ~ l i s t r a t i o ~ l
should not be installed on the front of such switchboards. There should L x
non-conducting mats o r gratings a t the front a ~ i drear, where ncccssary.
5.5.6 llistribution systems with hull return s h o ~ ~ not
l d be installed, but this
does not preclude, under conditions approvcd by thc Admillistration, the
installation of:
.1 impressed currcnt cathodic protcctivc systcn~s;
.2 limited and locally earthed systcnis (c.g. cllginc starting systciiis);
.3 limited and locally earthed wcldit~y systc~ns; wlicrc the
Administracion is satisfied that the ccl~~ipotcntial of the structure
is assured in a satisfactory manner, welding systcnls with I I L ~ I I
return may be installcd witho~ltthis restriction; and
.4 insulation lcvcl ~nonitoringdevices provided thc circulation
current does not exceed 30 niA under the most unC~vourablc
5.5.7 When a distribution system, whcthcr prirna~y or secondary, for
power, heating o r lighting, with n o connection to carth is used, a device
capable of continuo~islymonitoring thc insulation level to earth and of
giving an audible o r visual indication of abnorn~allylow insulation values
should be provided.
5.5.8 Except as permitted by the Administration in exceptional circum-
stances, all metal sheaths and a m o u r of cables should be electrically
continuous and should be earthed (grounded).
5.5.9 All electric cables and wiring external to equipment should bc at least
of a flame-retardant type and should be so installed as not to impair their
original flame-retarding properties.' Whcrc necessary for particular
applications, the Administration may permit thc use of special types of
cables such as radio frequency cables, which d o not comply with the
5.5.10 Cables and wiring serving essential or emergency power, lighting,
internal communications o r signals should, so far as practicable, be routed
clear of galleys, machinery spaces of category A and their casings and other
high fire risk areas. Cables connecting fire pumps to the emergency
switchboard should be o f a fire-resistant type where they pass through high
fire risk areas. Where practicable all such cables should be run in such a
manner as to preclude their being rendered unserviceable by heating of the
bulkheads that may be caused by a fire in an adjacent space.'
5.5.11 Cables and wiring should be installed and supported in such a
manner as to avoid chafing o r other damage.

Refer to the recommendations published by the International Electrotechnical Coinmission

concerning flame-retarding properties of bunched cables and characteristics of cables of a fire-
resistant type.
5.5.12 Ternunations and joints in all conductors should bc so madc that
they retain the original electrical, mechanical, flame-retarding and, where
necessary, fire-resisting properties of the cable.
5.5.13 Each separate circuit should be protected against short circuit and
against overload, except as permitted in 7.6, or whcre thc Administration
may exceptionally otherwisc permit.
5.5.14 T h e rating or appropriate setting of the overload protcction device
for cach circuit should be permanently indicated a t the location of the
protection device.
5.5.15 Lighting fittings should bc so arranged as to prcvent temperature
rises which could damage the cables and wiring, and to prevent surrounding
material from becoming excessively hot.
5.5.16 Accumulator batteries should be suitably housed, and compart-
ments used primarily for their accommodation should be properly
constructed and e5ciently ventilated.
5.5.17 . Electrical or other eqdipment which may constitute a source of
ignition of flammable vapours should not be permitted in these compart-
ments except as permitted in 5.5.19.

5.5.18 Accumulator batteries, except for batteries of self-contained

battery-operated lights, should not be located in sleeping quarters.
Administrations may permit relaxations from this requirement where
hermetically sealed batteries are installed..
5.5.19 In paint lockers, acetylene stores, and similar spaces where
flammable mixtures are liable to collect as well as any compartment
assigned principally to accumulator batteries, no electrical equipment
should be installed unless the Administration is satisfied that such
equipment is:
.1 essential for operational purposes;
.2 of a type which will not ignite the mixture concerned;
.3 appropriate to the space concerned; and
.4 appropriately certified for safe usage in the vapours or gases
likely to be encountered.
5.5.20 Electrical apparatus and cables should, where practicable, be
excluded &om any compartment in which explosives are stored. Where
Lighting is required, the light should come from outside, through the
boundaries of the compartment. If electrical equipment cannot be excluded
&om such a compartment it should be so designed and used as to minimize
the risk of fire or explosion.
5.5.21 Where spilling or impingement of liquids could occur upon any
electrical control or alarm console, o r similar electrical enclosure essential to
the safety of the unit, such equipment should have suitable protection
against the ingress of liquids."

5.6 Internal communication

Internal means of communication should be available for transfer o f
information between all spaces where action may be necessary in case of an

Refer to IEC publication 529:1976. A standard of at least IP x 2 is suitable. Other

arrangements for the enclosures of electrical components may be fitted provided the
Administration is satisfied that an equivalent protection is achieved.

Chapter 6
Machinery and electvical installations
in hazavdous areas for a11 types of units
6.1 Zones
Hazardous areas are divided into zones as follows:
Zonc 0: in which an explosive gaslair mixture is continuously presenc or
present for long periods.
Zone 1: in which an explosive gaslair mixture is likely to occur in normal
Zone 2: in which a n explosive gaslair mixture is not likely to occur, or in
which such a mixture, if it does occur, will only exist for a short

6.2 Classification of hazardous areas'

La 6.2.1 For the purpose of machinery and electrical installations, hazardous
areas are classified as in 6.2.2 to 6.2.4. Hazardous areas not covered in this
I paragraph should be classified in accordance with 6.1.

1 6.2.2 Hazardous areas zone 0

a The internal spaces of closed tanks and pipes for active drilling mud, as well
as oil and gas products, e.g. escape gas outlet pipes, or spaces in which an oil/
I gaslair mixture is continuously present or present for long periods.

m 6.2.3 Hazardous areas zone 1

.1 Enclosed spaces containing any part of the mud circulating
system that has an opening into the spaces and is between the
well and the final degassing discharge.
.2 Enclosed spaces or semi-enclosed locations that are below the
drill floor and contain a possible source of release such as the top
of a drilling nipple.
.3 Enclosed spaces that are on the drill floor and which are not
separated by a solid floor &om the spaces in
A In outdoor or semi-enclosed locations, except as provided for in, the area within 1.5 m &om the boundaries of any
openings to equipment which is part of the mud system as

The identification and extent of hazardous areas in this chapter have been determined taking
into account current practice.
specified in, any ventilation outlets of zone 1 spaces, o r
any access to zone 1 spaces.
.5 Pits, ducts o r similar structures in locations which would
otherwise be zone 2 but which are so arranged that dispersion of
gas may not occur.

6.2.4 H a z a r d o u s areas z o n e 2
Enclosed spaces which contain open sections of the mud
circulating system from the final degassing discharge to the mud
pump suction connection at the mud pit.
Outdoor locations within thc bo~undariesof thc drilling dcrrick
up to a height of 3 m above the drill floor.
Semi-enclosed locations below and contiguous to the drill floor
and to the boundaries of the derrick o r to the extent of any
enclosure which is liable to trap gases.
Outdoor locations below thc drill floor and within a r a d i ~ ~ofs
3 in from a possible source of releasc such as the top of a drilling
T h e areas 1.5 m beyond the zone 1 areas specified in and
beyond the semi-enclosed locations specified in
Outdoor areas within 1.5 m of the boundaries of any ventilation
outlet &om o r access to a zone 2 space.
Serni-enclosed derricks to the extent of their enclosure above
the drill floor o r to a Keight of 3 m above the drill floor,
whichever is greater.
Air locks between a zone 1 and a non-hazardous area.

6.3 Openings, access and ventilation conditions affecting

t h e e x t e n t of hazardous areas
6.3.1 Except for operational reasons, access doors or other openings should
n o t be provided between a non-hazardous space and a hazardous area o r
between a zone 2 space and a zone 1 space. Where such access doors o r
other openings are provided, any enclosed space not referred to under 6.2.3
o r 6.2.4 and having a direct access to any zone 1 location o r zone 2 location
becomes the same zone as the location except that:
.1 an enclosed space with direct access to any zone 1 location can
be considered as zone 2 iE
.1.1 the access is fitted with a gastight door opening into the zone 2
space, and
-1.2 ventilation is such that the air flow with the door open is &om
the zone 2 space into the zone 1 location, and
.1.3 loss o f ventilation is alarmed at a manned station;
an enclosed spacc with direct access to any zone 2 location is not
considered hazardous if:
the access is fitted with a self-closing gastight door that opens
into the notl-hazardous location, and
ventilation is such that the air flow with the door open is from
the non-hazardous space into the zone 2 location, and
loss of ventilation is alarmcd at a manncd station;
an enclosed space with direct access to any zone 1 location is not
considered hazardous if:
the access is fitted with self-closing gastight doors forn~ingan
airlock, and
the space has vencilation overpressure i n relation to the
hazardous space, and
loss of ventilation overpressure is alarmcd at a manned station.
Where ventilation arrangements of the intended safe space are considered
sufficient by the Administration to prevent any ingress of gas from the zone 1
location, the two self-closing doors forming an airlock may be replaced by a
single self-closing gastight door which opens into the non-hazardous
location and has no hold-back device.
6.3.2 Piping systems should be designed to preclude direct comn~unication
between hazardous areas of different classifications and between hazardous
and non-hazardous areas.

6.4 Ventilation of spaces

6.4.1 Hazardous enclosed spaces should be ventilated. Where mechanical
ventilation is applied it should be such that the hazardous enclosed spaces
are maintained with underpressure in relation to the less hazardous spaces or
areas and non-hazardous enclosed spaces are maintained in overpressure in
relation to adjacent hazardous locations.
6.4.2 All air inlets for hazardous enclosed spaces should be taken &om non-
hazardous areas. Where the inlet duct passes through a more hazardous area
the inlet duct should have overpressure in relation to this area.
6.4.3 Each air outlet should be located in an outdoor area which, in the
absence of the considered outlet, is of the same or lesser hazard than the
ventilated space.

6.5 Emergency conditions d u e t o drilling operations

6.5.1 In view of exceptional conditions in which the explosion hazard may
extend outside the above-mentioned zones, special arrangements should be
provided to facilitate the selective disconnection or shutdown of:
.1 ventilation systems, except fans necessary for supplying combus-
tion air to prime movers for the production of electrical power;
.2 main gencrator prime movers, including the ventilation systcms
for these;
.3 emergency generator prime movers.
6.5.2 Disconnection or shutdown should be possible from at least two
strategic locations, onc of which should be outside hazardous areas.
6.5.3 Shutdown systeins that are provided to comply with 6.5.1 should be
s o designed that the risk of unintentional stoppages caused by malfunction
in a shutdown system and the risk of inadvertent operation of a shutdown
are minimized.
6.5.4 Equipment which is located in spaces other than enclosed spaces and
which is capable of operation after shutdown as given in 6.5.1 should be
suitable for installation in zone 2 locations. Such equipment which is
located in enclosed spaces should be suitable for its intended application to
the satisfaction of the Administration. At least the following facilities should
b e operable after an emergency shutdown:
- emergency lighting required by to for half an
- blow-out preventer control system;
- general alarm system;
- public address system; and
- battery-supplied radiocommunication installations.

6.6 Electrical installations in hazardous areas

6.6.1 Electrical equipment and wiring installed in hazardous areas should be
limited to that necessary for operational purposes. Only the cables and types
of equipment described in this chapter may be installed.
6.6.2 Where, in the following, reference is made to certified types of
equipment, such equipment should be certified as suitable for the flammable
gaslair mixture which may be encountered.
6.6.3 Cables and types of electrical equipment permitted in hazardous areas
are as follows:
.1 Zone 0
Certified intrinsically safe circuits o r equipment and associated
.2 Zone 1
.2.1 Certified intrinsically safe circuits o r equipment and associated
2.2 Certified flameproof (explosion-proot) equipment.
Certified increased safety equipment; for incrcascd safcty
motors, due consideration should be gwen to the protection
against overcurrent.
Pressurized-enclosure type equipment which is certified safe o r
which is to the satisfaction of the Administration.
Through runs o f cables.
Zone 2
Certified instrinsically safe circuits o r equipment and associated
Certified flameproof (explosion-proof) equipment.
Certified increased safety equipment; for increased safety
motors, due consideration should be g v e n to the protection
against overcurrent.
Pressurized-enclosure type equipment which is to the
satisfaction o f the Administration.
Any equipment of a type which ensures absence of sparks o r
arcs and of "hot spots" during normal operation and which is
to the satisfaction o f the Administration.
Through runs o f cables.
6.6.4 Permanently installed, fixed cables passing through zone 1 hazardous
areas should be fitted with a conductive covering, braiding o r sheath for
earth detection. Flexible cables passing through such areas should be to the
satisfaction of the Administration.

6.7 Machinery installations in hazardous areas

6.7.1 Mechanical equipment should be limited to that necessary for
operational purposes.
6.7.2 Mechanical equipment and machinery in hazardous areas should be so
constructed and installed as to reduce the risk of ignition fiom sparking d u e
to the formation of static electricity o r h c t i o n between moving parts and
fiom high temperatures of exposed parts due to exhausts o r other emissions.
6.7.3 T h e installation of internal combustion machinery may be permitted
in zone 1 and zone 2 hazardous areas, provided that the Administration is
satisfied that sufficient precautions have been taken against the risk o f
dangerous ignition.
6.7.4 T h e installation of fired equipment may be permitted in zone 2
hazardous areas, provided that the Administration is satisfied that sufficient
precaution has been taken against the risk o f dangerous ignition.
Chapter 7
Machinery and electrical installations
for sev-propelled units

7.1 General
7.1.1 The requirctncnts of this chaptcr apply to units which are designed to
~mdertakeself-propellcd passages without cxternal assistance and are not
applicable to units which are fitted only with Incans for the purpose of
positioning or of assistance in towing operations. These requirements are
additional to thosc in chapters 4, 5 and 6.
7.1.2 Means should be provided whereby normal operation of propulsion
machinery can be sustained or restored even though one of the essential
auxiliaries becomes inoperative. Special consideration should be gven to
the malfunction of:
.1 a generator set which serves as a main source of electrical power;
.2 the sources of steam supply;
.3 the arrangements for boiler feedwater;
4 the arrangements which supply fuel oil for boilers or engines;
.5 the sources of lubricating oil pressure;
.6 the sources of water pressure;
.7 a condensate pump and the arrangements to maintain vacuum in
.8 the mechanical air supply for boilers;
.9 an air compressor and receiver for starting or control purposes;
.10 the hydraulic, pneumatic or electrical means for control in main
propulsion machinery including controllable-pitch propellers.
However, the Administration, having regard to overall safety considera-
tions, may accept a partial reduction in capability from full normal
7.1.3 Main propulsion machinery and all auxiliary machinery essential to
the propulsion and the safety of the unit should, as fitted in the unit, be
capable of operating under the static conditions required by 4.1.4 and the
following dynamic conditions:
.1 column-stabilized units 22.5" in any direction;
.2 self-elevating units 15" in any direction;
.3 surface units 22.5" rolling and simultaneously pitching 7.5' by
bow or stem.
The Administration may permit deviation froln these angles, taking into
consideration the type, size and service conditions of the unit.
7.1.4 Special consideration should be gven to the design, construction and
installation of propulsion machinery systems so that any mode of their
vibrations should not cause undue stresses in this machincry in the normal
operating ranges.

7.2 Means of going astern

7.2.1 Units should have sufficient power for going astern to sccure proper
control of the unit in all normal circumstances.
7.2.2 The ability of the machinery to reverse the direction of thrust of the
propeller in sufficient time and so to bring the unit to rest within a
reasonable distance from maximum ahead service speed should be
7.2.3 The stopping times, unit headings and distances recordcd on trials,
together with the results of trials to determine the ability of units having
multiple propellers to navigate and manoeuvre with one or more propellers
inoperative, should be available on board for the use of the master or other
designated personnel.'
7.2.4 Where the unit is provided with supplementary means for manoeuvr-
ing or stopping, these should be demonstrated and recorded as referred to in
7.2.2 and 7.2.3.

7.3 Steam boilers and boiler feed systems

7.3.1 Water tube boilers serving turbine propulsion machinery should be
fitted with a high-water-level alarm.
7.3.2 Every steam generating system which provides services essential for
the propulsion of the unit should be provided with not less than two
separate feedwater systems &om and including the feed pumps, noting that a
single penetration of the steam drum is acceptable. Means should be
provided which will prevent overpressure in any part of the systems.

7.4 Machinery controls

7.4.1 Main and auxiliary machinery essential for the propulsion of the unit
should be provided with effective means for its operation and control. A
pitch indicator should be provided on the navigating bridge for
controllable-pitch propellers.

Reference is made to the Recommendation on theprovision and display of manoeuvring information

on board ships, adopted b y the Organization by resolution A.601(15).
7.4.2 Where remote control of propulsion machincry 6-om the navigating
bridge is provided and the machinery spaces are intended to be manned, the
following should apply:
.1 the speed, direction of chrust and, if applicable, thc pitch of the
propeller should be fully controllable from the navigating bridge
under all sailing conditions, including manoeuvring;
.2 the remote control should be performed, for each independent
propcllcr, by a control device so designed and constructed that
its operation does not require particular attention to the
operational details of thc machinery. Where morc than one
propeller is designed to operate sin~ultaneously,thcsc propcllers
may be controlled by one control device;
.3 the main propulsion machinery should be providcd with an
emergency stopping device on the navigating bridge and
independent &on1 the bridge control system;
.4 propulsion machinery orders from the navigating bridge should
be indicated in the main machinery control station or at the
manoeuvring platfornl as appropriate;
.5 remote control of the propulsion machinery should be possible
from only one station at a time; at one control station
interconnected control units are permitted. There should be at
each station an indicator showing which station is in control of
the propulsion machinery. The transfer of control between
navigating bridge and machinery spaces should be possible only
in the machinery space or machinery control room;
.6 it should be possible to control the' propulsion machinery
locally, even in the case of failure in a n y part of the remote
control system;
.7 the design of the remote control system should be such that i n
case of its failure an alarm will be given and the preset speed and
direction of thrust be maintained until local control is in
operation, unless the Administration considers it impracticable;
.8 indicators should be fitted o n the navigating bridge for:
3.1 propeller speed and direction in case of fixed-pitch propellers;
3.2 propeller speed and pitch position in case of controllable-pitch
-9 an alarm should be provided at the navigating bridge and in the
machinery space to indicate low starting air pressure set at a level
which still permits main engine starting operations. If the
remote control system of the propulsion machinery is designed
for automatic starting, the number of automatic consecutive
attempts which fail to produce a start should be limited to
safeguard sufficient starting air pressure for starting locally.
7.4.3 Where the nlain propulsion a ~ i d associated machincry including
sources of main electrical supply arc provided with various degrees of
automatic or remote control and are ulider continuous manned supervision
from a control room, this control room should be designed, equipped and
installed so that the machinery operation will be as safe and cffcctive as if it
were under direct supervision; for this purposc 8.3 to 8.6 should apply as
appropriate. Particular consideration sho~ildbe given to protcction against
fire and flooding.

7.5 Steering gear

7.5.1 Except as provided in 7.5.18, units should be provided with a nrain
steering gear and an auxiliary steering gear to the satisfaction of' the
Administration. T h e main steering gear and the auxiliary steering gear
should be so arranged that a single hilure in one o f them so far as is
reasonable and practicable will not render the other one inoperative.
7.5.2 T h e main steering gear should be of adequate strength and sufficient
to steer the unit at m a x i m u n ~ service speed and this should be
demonstrated. T h e main steering gcar and rudder stock should be so
designed that they will not be damaged at maximum astern speed but this
design requirement need not be proved by trials at maximum astern speed
and maximum rudder angle.
7.5.3 T h e main steering gear should, with the unit at its deepest seagoing
draught, be capable of putting the rudder over fiom 35" o n one side to 35"
o n the other side with the unit running ahead at maximum service speed.
T h e rudder should be capable o f being put over fiom 35" on either side to
30" o n the other side in not more than 28 seconds, under the same
7.5.4 T h e main steering gear should be operated by power where necessary
to fulfil the requirements of 7.5.3 and in any case in which the
Administration would require a rudder stock of over 120 m m diameter in
way of the tiller.
7.5.5 T h e main steering gear power unit or units should be arranged to start
automatically when power is restored after a power failure.
7.5.6 T h e auxiliary steering gear should be o f adequate strength and
s u 5 c i e n t to steer the unit at navigable speed and capable of being brought
speedily into action in an emergency.
7.5.7 T h e auxiliary steering gear should be capable o f putting the rudder
over &om 15" o n one side to 15" o n the other side in not more than 60
seconds with the unit at its deepest seagoing draught while running at one
half of its maximum speed ahead o r seven knots, whichever is the greater.
7.5.8 T h e auxiliary steering gear should be operated by power where
necessary to fulfil the requirements of 7.5.7, and in any case in which the
Adn~inistrationwould require n ~ u d d c rstock of ovcr 230 mnl <II.IIII~
I, I , i I

way of the tiller.

7.5.9 Where the main steering gear con~prisestwo or morc identical ~)<I\\.L.I

units an auxiliary steering gcar necd not bc fitted if the main steering ~ C A I 1..-
capable ofopcrating thc rudder as required by 7.5.3 whilc operating with ;III
power units. As far a s is reaso~~able and practicable the main steering gcal-
should be so arranged that a single failure in its piping or in one of thc powcr
units will not i~npairthe integrity of the re~nainingpart of the stccring gear.
7.5.10 Control of the main stecring gear should be provided both on the
navigating bridge and in thc stccring gcar conlpartment. If the steering gear
control system which provides for control from the navigating bridge is
clectric, it should be supplicd from the steering gear power circuit from a
point within the steering gear compartment.
7.5.11 When the main stccring gear is arrangcd according to 7.5.9 two
independent control systems should be provided, each of which can be
operated f r o n ~the navigating bridge. Where the control system comprises a
hydraulic tele~neter,the Administration may waive the requirements for a
second independent control systcm.
7.5.12 Where the auxiliary steering gear is power operated, it should be
provided with a control system operated &om the navigating bridge and this
should be independent of the control system for the main steering gear.
7.5.13 Means should be provided in the steering gear compartment to
disconnect the steering gear control system &om the power circuit.
7.5.14 A means of coinmunication should be provided between the
navigating bridge and the steering gear compartment.
7.5.15 T h e exact angular position of the rudder, if power operated, should
be indicated on the navigating bridge. T h e rudder angle indication should
be independent of the steering gear control system.
7.5.16 T h e angular position of the rudder should be recognizable in the
steering gear compartment.
7.5.17 An alternative power supply, sufficient at least to supply a steering
gear power unit which complies with the requirement o f 7.5.7 and also its
associated control system and the rudder angle indicator, should be
provided, automatically, within 45 seconds, either from the emergency
source of electrical power or from another independent source of power
located in the steering gear compartment. This independent source o f
power should be used only for this purpose and should have a capacity
sufficient for 10 minutes of continuous operation.
7.5.18 Where a non-conventional rudder is installed, o r where a unit is
steered by means other than a rudder, the Administration should give
special consideration to the steering system so as to ensure that an acceptable
degree o f reliability and effectiveness, which is based o n 7.5.1, is provided.
7.6 Electric and electrohydraulic steering gear
7.6.1 Indicators for running indication of the motors of electric and
electrohydraulic steering gear should be installed on the navigating bridge
and a t a suitable machinery control position.
7.6.2 Each electric or electrohydraulic steering gear comprising one or more
power units should be served by at least two circuits fed from the main
switchboard. One of the circuits may pass through the emergency
switchboard. An auxiliary electric or electrohydraulic steering gear
associated with a main electric or electrohydraulic steering gear may be
connected to one of the circuits supplying this main steering gear. The
circuits supplying an electric or electrohydraulic steering gear should have
adequate rating for supplying all motors which can be simultaneously
connected to it and have to operate simultaneously.
7.6.3 Short-circuit protection and a n overload alarm should be provided for
these circuits and motors. Protection against excess current, if provided,
should be for not less than twice the full load current of the motor or circuit
so protected, and should be arranged to perfnit the passage of the
appropriate starting currents. Where a three-phase supply is used, an alarm
should be provided that will indicate failure of any one of the supply phases.
The alarms required in the subparagraph should be both audible and visual
and be situated in a position on the navigating bridge where they can be
readily observed.

7.7 Communication between the navigating bridge and

the engine-room
Units should be provided with at least two independent means for
conununicating orders fi-om the navigating bridge to the position in the
machinery space or control room fi-om which the engines are normally
controlled. One of these should be an engine-room telegraph providing
visual indication of the orders and responses both in the engine-room and
on the navigating bridge. Consideration should be given to providing a
means of communication to any other positions &om which the engines
may be controlled.

7.8 Engineers' alarm

An engineers' alarm should be provided to be operated &om the engine
control room or a t the manoeuvring platform, as appropriate, and clearly
audible in the engineers' accommodation.

7.9 Main source of electrical power

7.9.1 In addition to complying with 5.2, the main source of electrical power
should comply with the following:
.1 The arrangement of the unit's main source of power should be
such that the services referred to in can be maintained
rcgardlcss of the speed and direction of thc main propelling
engines or shafting.
.2 The generating plant should be such as to ensurc that with any
one generator or its primary source of powcr out of operation,
the remaining generator o r generators will be capablc of
providing the electrical services nccessary to start the main
propulsion plant from a dead shlp condition. T h c cmcrgcncy
generator may be used for the purpose of starting from a dead
ship condition if its capability either alone or combined with
that of any generator is sufficient to providc at the same time
thosc services required by to
.3 For electrically self-propelled units the application of 5.2.2 need
only include for propulsion sufficient power to ensure safe
navigation when under way.
7.9.2 T h e main switchboard should be s o placed relative to onc main
generating station that, as far as is practicable, the integrity of the normal
supply may be affected only by a fire o r other casualty in one space. An
environmental enclosure for the main switchboard, such as may be provided
by a machinery control room situated within the main boundaries of the
space, is not to be considered as separating the switchboards from the
7.9.3 In every unit where the total installed electrical power of the main
generators is in excess of 3 MW, the main busbars should be subdivided into
at least two parts which should normally be connected by removable links
or other approved means; so far as is practicable, the connection o f
generators and any other duplicated equipment should be equally divided
between the parts. Equivalent alternative arrangements should be permitted.

7.10 Emergency source of electrical power

In addition to complying with 5.3, the emergency source of power should
.1 For a period of 18 hours, emergency lighting at the steering
.2 For a period of 18 hours:
2.1 navigational aids as required by regulation V/12 of the 1974
SOLAS Convention;
2.2 intermittent operation of the daylight signalling lamp and the
unit's whistle;
unless they have an independent supply &om an accumulator
battery suitably located for use in an emergency and sufficient
for the period of 18 hours;
.3 For the period of 10 minutes, the steering gear where it is
required to be so supplied by 7.5.4.
Chapter 8
Periodically unattended machinery
spaces for all types of unit

8.1 General
T h e requirements of this chaptcr are additional to the rcquircments o f
chapters 4 to 7 and apply to pcr~odically unattcndcd machinery spaces
specified hcrein. The arrangements should ensure that the safety of the unit
in the marine mode, including manoeuvring, and in machinery spaces o f
category A during drilling operations, where applicable, is equivalent to that
of a unit having manned machinery spaces.

8.2 Application
8.2.1 T h e requirements of 8.3 to 8.9 apply to units which are designed to
undertake self-propelled passages without external assistance.
8.2.2 Units other than those designed for unassisted passages, having
periodically unattended spaces in which machinery associated with the
marine mode is located, should comply with the applicable parts of 8.3, 8.4,
8.7, 8.8 and 8.9.
8.2.3 Where in any unit machinery spaces of category A for drilling
purposes are intended to be periodically unattended the application of 8.3
and 8.9 to machinery spaces of category A should be considered by the
Administration, due consideration being given to the characteristics of the
machinery concerned and to the supervision envisaged to ensure safety.
8.2.4 Measures should be taken to the satisfaction of the Administration to
ensure that the equipment of every unit is functioning in a reliable manner
and that satisfactory arrangements are made for regular inspections and
routine tests to ensure continuous reliable operation.
8.2.5 Every unit should be provided with documentary evidence, to the
satisfaction of the Administration, of its fitness to operate with periodically
unattended machinery spaces.

8.3 Fire safety

Fire prevention
8.3.1 Where necessary, oil &el and lubricating oil pipes should be screened
or otherwise suitably protected to avoid, as far as practicable, oil spray or oil
leakages o n to hot surfaces or into machinery air intakes. T h e number of
joints in such piping systems should be kept to a minimum and, where
practicable, leakages firom high-pressure oil fuel pipes should be collected
and arrangements provided for an alarm to be given.
8.3.2 Where daily service oil fuel tanks are filled automatically, or by remotc
control, means should be provided to prevent overtlow spillages. Other
equipment which treats flammable liquids automatically, e.g. oil fuel
purifiers, which, whenever practicable, should be installed in a special space
reserved for purifiers and their heaters, should have arrangements to prevent
overflow spillages.
8.3.3 Where daily service oil fuel tanks or settling tanks are fitted with
heating arrangements, a high-temperature alarm should be provided if the
flashpoint of the oil fuel can be exceeded.
Fire detection
8.3.4 An approved fire detection system based on the self-monitoring
principle and including facilities for periodical testing sho~rldbe installed in
periodically unattended machinery spaces.
8.3.5 The fire detection system, required by 8.3.4, should comply with the
following general requirements.
.1 This fire detection system should be so designed and the
detectors so positioned as to detect rapidly the onset of fire in
any part of those spaces and under any normal conditions of
operation of the machinery and variations of ventilation as
required by the possible range of ambient temperatures. Except
in spaces of restricted height and where their use is specially
appropriate, detection systems using only thermal detectors
should not be permitted. The detection system should initiate
audible and visual alarms distinct in both respects horn the
alarms of any other system not indicating fire, in sufficient places
to ensure that the alarms are heard and observed at the locations
required by 8.7.1.
.2 After installation the system should be tested under varying
conditions of engine operation and ventilation.
.3 The fire detection system, where electrically supplied, should be
fed automatically hom an emergency source of power by a
separate feeder if the main source of power fails.
8.3.6 Means should be provided in case of fire:
.1 in boiler air supply casings and exhausts (uptakes); and
.2 in scavenging air belts of propulsion machinery,
to detect fires and give alarms at an early stage, unless the Administration
considers this to be unnecessary in a particular case.
8.3.7 Internal combustion engines of 2,250 kW and above or having
cylinders of more than 300 rnrn bore should be provided with crankcase oil
mist detectors or engine bearing temperature monitors or equivalent
8.3.8 A n approved fixed fire-extinguishing system should be provided in
units that arc not required to have this provision by 9.5.

8.3.9 Provision should be made for immediate water dclivery from the fire
main system at a suitable pressure, due regard being paid to the possibility of
freezing, either:
.1 by remote starting arrangements for o m of the main fire pumps.
The starting positions should be provided a t strategc locations
including the navigating bridge; or
.2 by permanent pressurization of the fire main system, either
2.1 by one of the main fire pumps; or
2.2 by a dedicated pump for the purpose with automatic starting of
one of the main fire pumps on reduction of thc pressure.

8.3.10 The Administration should give special considcration to maintain-

ing the fire integrity of the machinery spaces, to the location and
centralization of the fire-extinguishing system controls and to the required
shutdown arrangements (e.g. ventilation, fuel pumps, etc.); it may require
additional fire-extinguishing appliances and other fire-fighting equipment
and breathing apparatus.

8.4 Protection against flooding

Bilge-water level detection

8.4.1 High bilge-water level in periodically unattended machinery spaces

below the assigned load line should activate an audible and visual alarm at
the locations required by 8.7.1.

8.4.2 Bilge wells should be provided, where practicable, in periodically

unattended machinery spaces and should be large enough to accommodate
easily the normal drainage during unattended periods. They should be
located and monitored in such a way that the accumulation of liquids is
detected at pre-set levels, at normal angles of inclination.

8.4.3 Where the bilge pumps are capable of being started automatically,
means should be provided to indicate at the locations required by 8.7.1
when the influx of liquid is greater than the pump capacity or when the
pump is operating more kequently than would normally be expected. In
these cases, smaller bilge wells to cover a reasonable period of time may be
permitted. Where automatically controlled bilge pumps are provided,
special attention should be given to oil pollution prevention requirements.
8.5 Bridge control of propulsion machinery
8.5.1 In the marinc mode, including manoeuvring, the speed, direction of
thrust and, if applicable, the pitch of the propcller should be fully
controllable from the navigating bridge.
8.5.2 Such remote control should be performed by a single control devicc
for each independent propcller, with automatic performance of all
associated services, including, where necessary, means o f preventing
overload of the propulsion machinery. However, whcre more than one
thcsc propellers may be
propeller is designed to operatc siinultaneo~~sly.
controlled by a single control device.
8.5.3 T h e main propulsion machinery should bc providcd with a n
emergency stopping devicc on the navigating bridge which s h o ~ ~ lbe d
indepcndent o f the navigating bridge control systcm rcferred to in 8.5.2.
8.5.4 Propulsion machinery orders from the navigating bridge should be
indicated in the main machinery control station or at the propulsion
machinery control position, as appropriate.
8.5.5 emote control of the propulsion machinery should be possible only
&om one location at a time; at such locations interconnected control
positions are permitted. At each location there should be an indicator
showing which location is in control of the propulsion machinery. T h e
transfer of control between the navigating bridge and machinery spaces
should be possible only in the main machinery space or i n the main
machinery control station. T h e system should include means to prevent the
propelling thrust from altering significantly when transferring control from
o n e location to another.
8.5.6 It should be possible for all machinery essential for propulsion and
manoeuvring to be controlled from a local position, even in the case o f
failure in any part of the automatic o r remote control systems.
8.5.7 T h e design o f the remote automatic control system should be such
that in case o f its failure an alarm will be given o n the navigating bridge and
at the main machinery control station. Unless the Administration considers
it impracticable, the pre-set speed and direction o f thrust o f the propeller
should be maintained until local control is in operation.
8.5.8 Indicators should be fitted o n the navigating bridge for:
.1 propeller speed and direction o f rotation in the case o f fixed-
pitch propellers; o r
.2 propeller speed and pitch position in the case of controllable-
pitch propellers.
8.5.9 T h e number of consecutive automatic attempts which fail to produce
a start should be limited to safeguard sufficient starting air pressure. An
a l a r m should be provided to indicate low starting air pressure, set at a level
w h i c h still permits starting operations o f the propulsion machinery.
8.6 Communication
A reliable mcans of vocal conl~llunicationshould bc provided between thc
main machinery control station o r the propulsion machincry control
position as appropriate, the navigating bridge, the engineer officers'
accommodation and, on column-stabilized units, the ccntral ballast control

8.7 Alarm system

8.7.1 An alarn~system should he provided in the n ~ a i nnlachincry control
station gwing audible and visual indication of any. hult requiring attciltion.
It should also:
.I activate an audiblc and visual alarm at another n o r n d l y manned
control station;
.2 activate the engineers' alarm required by 7.8, or an equivalent
alarm acceptable to the Administration, if an alarm function has
not received attention locally within a limited time;
.3 as far as is practicablc be designed on the fail-to-safety principle;
.4 when in the marine mode, activate an audible and visual alarm
o n the navigating bridge for any situation which requires action
by the officer on watch or which should be brought to his
8.7.2 T h e alarm system should be continuously powered with auton~atic
change-over to a stand-by power supply in case o f loss o f nonnal power
8.7.3 Failure of the normal power supply o f the alarm system should be
8.7.4 T h e alarm system should be able to indicate at the same time more
than one fault and the acceptance of any alarm should not inhibit another
8.7.5 Acceptance at the position mentioned in 8.7.1 of any alarm condition
should be indicated at the positions where it has been shown. Alarms should
be maintained until they are accepted and the visual indications should
remain until the fault has been corrected, when the alarm system should
automatically reset to the normal operating condition.

8.8 Special requirements for machinery, boiler and electrical

8.8.1 T h e special requirements for the machinery, boiler and electrical
installations should be to the satisfaction of the Administration and should
include at least the requirements o f this section.
8.8.2 T h c main source of electrical powcr should comply with the
.1 Where the electrical power can normally be supplied by one
generator, suitablc load-shedding arrangements should be
provided to ensure the integrity of supplies to services required
for propulsion and steering as well as t h e safety of the unit. In
the case of loss of the generator in operation, adequate provision
should be made for automatic starting and connecting to the
main switchboard of a stand-by generator of sufficient capacity
to ensure safe navigation when under way and to ensure the
safety of the unit with automatic restarting of the essential
auxiliaries including, where necessary, sequential operations.
T h e Administration may dispense with this requirement for a
unit where the power necessary to ensure the functioning of the
service referred to in, except for services referred to in, is 250 kW o r less.
.2 If the electrical power is nonnally supplied by more than one
generator simultaneously in parallel operation, provision should
be made, for instance, by load shedding, to ensure that, in case
of loss of one of these generating sets, the remaining ones are
kept in operation without overload to ensure safe navigation
when under way and to ensure the safety of the unit.

Change-over function
8.8.3 Where stand-by machines are required for other auxiliary machinery
essential to propulsion, automatic change-over devices should be provided.
A n alarm should be given o n automatic change-over.

Automatic control and alarm systems

8.8.4 T h e control systems should be such that the services needed for the
operation o f the main propulsion machinery and its auxiliaries are ensured
through the necessary automatic arrangements.
8.8.5 Means should be provided to keep the starting air pressure at the
required level where internal combustion engines are used for main
8.8.6An alarm system complying wjth 8.7 should be provided for a l l
important pressures, temperatures and fluid levels and other essential

8.9 Safety systems

A safety system should be provided to ensure that serious malflnction in
machinery o r boiler operations, which presents an immediate danger,
should initiate the automatic shutdown of that part of the plant and that an
alarm should be given at the locations required by 8.7.1. Shutdown of the
propulsion system should not be automatically activated cxccpt in cases
which could lead to serious damage, complete breakdown, o r explosion.
Where arrangements for overriding the shutdown of the main propelling
machi~leryare fitted, these should be such as to preclude inadvcrtent
operation. Visual means should be provided to indicate when the ovcrnde
has been activated.
Chapter 9
Five safety
9.1 Structural fire protection
9.1.1 These rcquiren~entshave been formulated principally for u n i t s having
their hull s u p e r ~ t r u c t ~ ~ rstructural
c, bulkheads, decks and d c c k h o ~ ~ s c s
conscructcd of stccl.
9.1.2 Units constructed of ocher materials ilny be acccptcd, provided that,
in the opinion of the Administration, they provide an equivalent standard of

9.1.3 In addition to coniplying with the specific provisions for fire intcgrity
ofbulkheads and decks in this section and in 9.2, the minimum fire integrity
of bulkheads and decks should be as prescribed in tables 9-1 and 9-2.
Exterior boundaries of superstructures and deckhouses enclosing accorn-
modation, including any overhanging decks which support such accom-
modation, should be constructed to "A-60" standard for the whole of the
portion which faces and is within 30 m of thc centre of the rotary table. For
units that have a nlovable substructure the 30 m should be measured with
the substructure at its closest drilling position to the acconunodation. T h e
Administration may accept equivalent arrangements.
9.1.4 T h e following requirements should govern application of the tables:
.1 Tables 9-1 and 9-2 should apply respectively to the bulkheads
and decks separating adjacent spaces.
.2 For detennining the appropriate fire integrity standards to be
applied to divisions between adjacent spaces, such spaces are
classified according to their fire risk, as shown in categories (1) to
(1 1) below. The title of each category is intended to be typical
rather than restrictive. T h e number in parenthesis preceding each
category refers to the applicable column or row in the tables:
Control stations are spaces as defined in 1.3.31.
Corridors means corridors and lobbies.
Accommodation spaces are spaces as defined in 1.3.45,
excluding comdors, lavatories and pantries containing n o
cooking appliances.
Stairways are interior stairways, lifts and escalators (other
than those wholly contained within the machinery spaces)
and enclosures thereto. In this connection a stairway
which is enclosed only at one level should be regarded as
part of the space from which it is not separated by a fire
Table 9-1 - Fire integrity of bulkheads separating adjacent spaces
Spaces I (1) I (2)
(1) L-o'~'II A-o
-- - ~ ~

Control stations

Accommodation spaces (3) 1

stairways (4) I
Service spaces (low risk) (5) 1
Machinery spaces (6)
of category A
Other rnachmery spaces (7) 1
Hazardous areas (8) 1
Service spaces (high risk) (9)
Open decks
Sanitary and simdar
See notes under table 9-2.
~ ~ D I - D I I ~ ~ - e p l r W & J g i

Table 9-2 - Fire integrity of decks separating adjacent spaces

below above -$
I Control stations (1)
I Corridors (2)

03 A-60 A-0 A-0 A-0 A-0 A-60 A-0 - A-0 - A-0

CL Hazardous areas
Service spaces (high risk) (9) A-60 A-0 A-0 A-0 A-0 A-0 A-0 A-O A-0'" * A-0
O p e n decks
Sanitary and
sirmlar spaces
Notu: to be applied to tables 9-1 and 9-2, as approptiate.
(a) Where the space contains an emergency power source or components of an emergency power source adjoining a space containing a ship's service generator
or the components of a ship's service generator, the boundary bulkhead or deck between those spaces should be an "A-60" class division.
(b) For clarification as to which note applies see 9.2.1 and 9.2.3.
(c) Where spaces are ofthe same numerical category and superscript "c" appears, a bulkhead or deck of the rating shown in the tables is only required when the
adjacent spaces are for a &&rent purpose, e.g. in category (9). A galley next to a galley does not rcquire a bulkhead but a galley next to a paint room requircr
an "A-0" bulkhead.
(d) Bulkheads separating the navigating bridge, chamoom and ndio room &om each other may be "B-O" rating.
* Where an asterisk appears in the tables, the division should be ofsteel or equivalent material, but need not be of " A class standard. However, where a deck is
peneaated for the passage of electric cables, pipes and vent ducts, such penetrations should be made tight to prevent the passage of tlame and smoke.
(5) S c r ~ ~ i c spr7rc.s
c~ ( I i s ) arc lockcrs, storc-~-o<)rns; ~ n d
working spaces in which flanlmablc materials arc not
stored, drying rooms and laundries.
( 6 ) Machinery spaces of' c n t e p r y A arc spaces 3s dcfincd in
(7) O t h e r rwachirzery spaces are spaccs as defined i n 1.3.30other
than machinely spaccs of category A.
( 8 ) Hazardor.is a r m s are areas as defined in 1.3.32
(9) Service spaces ( h ~ q / z risk) arc lockers, store-rooms and
working spaces in which flanunable materials arc stored,
galleys, pantries containing cooking appliances, paint
rooms and workshops other than those forming part o f
the machinery space.
(10) O p e n decks arc open deck spaccs, excluding hazardous
(1I ) Sanitary arzd sinzilar spaces are communal sanitary hcilities
such as showers, baths, lavatories, etc., and isolated
pantries containing n o cooking appliances. Sanitary
facilities which serve a space and with access only from
that space shall be considered a portion of the space in
which they are located.
9.1.5 Continuous "B" class ceilings o r linings in association with the
relevant decks o r bulkheads may be accepted as contributing wholly o r in
part to the required insulation and integrity of a division.
9.1.6 In approving structural fire protection details, the Administration
should have regard to the risk of heat transmission at intersections and
terminal points of required thermal barriers.
9.1.7 Windows and sidescuttles, with the exception of navigating bridge
windows, should be of the non-opening type. Navigating bridge windows
may be o f the opening type provided the design o f such windows permits
rapid closure. T h e Administration may permit windows and sidescuttles
outside hazardous areas to be of the opening type.
9.1.8 T h e fire resistance o f doors should, as far as practicable, be equivalent
to that of the division in which they are fitted. External doors in
superstructures and deckhouses should be constructed to at least "A-0" class
standard and be self-closing, where practicable.

9.2 Protection of accommodation spaces, service spaces and

control stations
9.2.1 All bulkheads required to be "B" class divisions should extend from
deck to deck and to the deckhouse side o r other boundaries, unless
continuous "B" class ceilings o r linings are fitted on both sides of the
bulkhead, in which case the bulkhead may terminate a t thc continuous
ceiling o r lining. In c o m d o r bulkheads, ventilation ope~lings may be
permitted only in and under the doors of cabins, public spaces, offices and
sanitary spaces. T h c openings should be provided only in the lower half of
the door. Where such an opening is in o r undcr a door, thc total net area of
any such opcning or openings should not exceed 0.05 131'. When such an
opening is cut i l l a door it should l x fittcd with a grille n ~ a d eof non-
combustible matcrial. Such openings should not be provided in a door in a
division forming a stairway enclosure.
9.2.2 Stairs should bc constructed of steel 01- equivalent material
9.2.3 Staiways which penetrate only a single deck should be protected at
least at onc level by "A" or "B" class divisions and self-closing doors so as to
limit the rapid spread of fire from one deck to another. Personnel lift trunks
should be protected by "A" class divisions. Stairways and lift trunks which
penetrate more than a single deck should be surrounded by "A" class
divisions and protected by self-closing doors at all levels. Sclf-closing doors
should not be fittcd with hold-back hooks. However, hold-back
arrangements incorporating remote release fittings of the hil-safe type
may be utilized.
9.2.4 Air spaces enclosed behind ceilings, panellings or linings should be
divided by close fitting draught stops spaced not more than 14 m apart.
9.2.5 Except for insulation i n refrigerated compartments, insulation
material, pipe and vent duct lagging, ceilings, linings and bulkheads should
be o f non-combustible material. Insulation of pipe fittings for cold service
systems and vapour barriers and adhesives used in conjunction with
insulation need not be non-combustible but they should be kept to a
minimum and their exposed surfaces should have low flame spread
characteristics.' In spaces where penetration of oil products is possible,
the surfaces of the insulation should bc impervious to oil o r oil vapours.
9.2.6 T h e framing, including grounds and the joint pieces o f bulkheads,
linings, ceilings and draught stops, should be of non-combustible material.
9.2.7 All exposed surfaces in corridors and stairway enclosures and surfaces
in concealed o r inaccessible spaces in accommodation and service spaces and
control stations should have low flame spread characteristics. Exposed
surfaces of ceilings in accommodation and service spaces and control
stations should have low 'flame spread characteristics.'
9.2.8 Bulkheads, linings and ceilings may have combustible veneers
provided that the thickness of such veneers should not exceed 2 mm
within any space other than corridors, stairway enclosures and control

Refer to IMO rcsolution A.653(16) Recommcndation on improved fire test procedures for
surface flammability of bulkhead, ceiling and deck finish materials, in conjunction with
resolution A.166(ES.IV) Guidelines on the evaluation of fire hazard properties of materials and
Annex I. Part I of the International Code for Application of Fire Test Proccdures (FTP Code).
stations where the thickness should not cxcecd 1.5 nlm. Alternatively,
veneers which have a calorific value not exceeding 45 m ~ / m 'of the area for
the thickness used may be accepted by the Administration, irrespective of
the thickness of those veneers.
9.2.9 Primary deck coverings, if applied, should be of approved nlaterial
which will not readily ignite, or g v e rise to toxic or explosive hazards at
elevated temperatures.'
9.2.10 Paints, varnishes and other finishes used on exposed interior
surfaces should not offer at1 undue fire hazard in the judgement of the
Administration and should not be capable of producing excessive quantities
of smoke.
9.2.11 Ventilation ducts should be of non-combustible material. Short
ducts, however, not generally exceeding 2 m in length and with a cross-
sectional area not exceeding 0.02 m2 need not be non-combustible, subject
to the following conditions:
.1 these ducts should be of a material which, in the opinion of the
Administration, has a low fire risk;
.2 they may only be used at the end of the ventilation device;
.3 they should not be situated less than 600 mm, measured along
the duct, &om where it penetrates any " A or "B" class division
including continuous "B" class ceilings.
9.2.12 Where ventilation ducts with a cross-sectional area exceeding
0.02 m 2 pass through class "A" bulkheads or decks, the opening should be
lined with a steel sheet sleeve unless the ducts passing through the bulkheads
or decks are of steel in the vicinity of penetrations through the deck or
b u w e a d ; the ducts and sleeves at such places should comply with the
.1 T h e ducts o r sleeves should have a thickness of at least 3 mm
and a length of at least 900 mm. W h e n passing through
bulkheads, this length should be divided preferably into 450 mm
o n each side of the bulkhead. These ducts. or sleeves lining.
" such
ducts, should be provided with fire insulation. T h e insulation
should have at least the same fire integrity as the bulkhead o r
deck through which the duct passes. Equivalent penetration
protection may be provided to the satisfaction of the Adrnin-
.2 Ducts with a cross-sectional area exceeding 0.075 m2, except
those serving hazardous areas, should be fitted with fire dampers
i n addition to meeting the requirements of 2.1. T h e fire damper
should operate automatically but should also be capable of being

Refer to IMO resolution A.687(17)- Fire test procedures for ignitability o f primary deck
closed n~anuallyfrom both sides of the bulkhead o r deck. T h e
damper should be provided with an indicator which shows
whether the damper is open or closed. Fire dampers are not
required, however, where ducts pass through spaces surrounded
by "A" class divisions, without serving those spaces, provided
those ducts have the same fire integrity as the divisions which
they pierce. The Administration may, g v e n special considera-
tions, permit operation from one side of a division only.
9.2.13 Ducts provided for the ventilation of machinery spaces of category
A, galleys and hazardous areas should not pass through accommodation
spaces, service spaces or control stations. However, the Administration may
permit a relaxation &om this requirement, except for the ducts serving
hazardous areas passing through accommodation spaces, control stations
and galleys, provided that the ducts are:
.1 constructed of steel having a thickness of at least 3 m m for ducts
of 300 m m in width or lcss and of at least 5 mrn for ducts of
760 m m in width and over; in the case of ducts the width o r
diameter of which is between 300 m m and 760 m m , the
thickness should be obtained by interpolation;
.2 fitted with automatic fire dampers close to the boundaries
penetrated; and
-3 insulated to "A-60" standard &om the machinery spaces o r
galleys to a point at least 5 m beyond each fire damper;
.4 constructed of steel in accordance with .l; and
.5 insulated to "A-60" standard throughout the accommodation
spaces, service spaces or control stations.
9.2.14 Ducts provided for the ventilation of accommodation spaces,
senrice spaces or control stations should not pass through machinery spaces
of category A, galleys or hazardous areas. However, the Administration may
permit a relaxation &om this requirement, except for the ducts passing
through hazardous areas, provided that:
.1 the ducts where they pass through a machinery space of category
A o r a galley are constructed of steel in accordance with;
.2 automatic fire dampers are fitted close to the boundaries
penetrated; and
.3 the integrity of the machinery space or galley boundaries is
maintained at the penetrations;

.4 the ducts where they pass through a machinery space of category

A or a galley are constructed of steel in accordance with; and
.5 are insulated to "A-60" standard within the machincry space or
9.2.15 Ventilation ducts with a cross-sectional area exceeding 0.02 m2
passing through "B" class bulkheads should be lined with stccl shcet sleeves
of 900 m m in length divided prefcrably into 450 mm o n each side of thc
bulkhcad unless the duct is of steel for this lcngth.
9.2.16 Where they pass t h r o ~ ~ gaccom~nodation
h spaccs or spaccs contain-
ing combustible materials, the exhaust ducts from galley ranges should be of
equivalent fire integrity to "A" class divisions. Each such exhaust duct
should be fitted with:
.1 a grease trap rcadily removable for cleaning;
.2 a fire damper located in the lower end of the duct;
.3 arrangements, operable from within the galley, for shutting off
the exhaust fans; and
.4 fixed means for extinguishing a fire within thc duct.
9.2.17 The main inlets and outlets of all ventilation systems should be
capable of being closed from outside the spaces being ventilated.
9.2.18 Power ventilation of accommodation spaces, service spaces, control
stations, machinery spaces and hazardous areas should be capable of being
stopped from an easily'accessible position outside the space being served.
T h e accessibility of this position in the event of a fire in the spaces served
should be specially considered. T h e means provided for stopping the power
ventilation serving machinery spaces or hazardous areas should be entirely
separate from the means provided for stopping ventilation of other spaces.
9.2.19 Windows and sidescuttles in boundaries which are required to meet
a n "A-60" standard which face the drill floor area should be:
.1 constructed to an "A-60" standard; or
.2 protected by a water curtain; or
.3 fitted with shutters of steel or equivalent material.
9.2.20 T h e ventilation of the accommodation spaces and control stations
should be arranged in such a way as to prevent the ingress of flammable,
toxic or noxious gases or smoke &om surrounding areas.

9.3 Means of escape

9.3.1 Within the accommodation spaces, service spaces and control stations
t h e following requirements should be applied:
.I In every general area which is likely to be regularly manned or in
which personnel are accommodated at least two separate escape
routes should be provided, situated as far apart as practicable, to
allow ready means of escape to the open decks and embarkation
stations. Exceptionally, the Administration may permit only one
IIIC;IIISof cscapc, due rcg;u-d being paid to tlic nature and
location of spaces and to the number of pel-sons who niight
normally be acconxnodatcd o r ctnploycd there.
.2 Stairways should normally L x used for nlcalls of vertical escape;
liowcvcr, a vertical laddct- may be used h r one of the means of
cscapc when the installatio~~ of a stairway is shown to bc
.3 E v c ~ ycscapc route s l l o ~ ~ lbe
d readily ;~cc'ssiblc and unob-
structed and all exit doors along the I - O L I ~ sllo~lld
~ be readily
opcm1,lc. Dead-end con-idol-s exceeding 7 111 i l l length shoulci
not be permitted.
9.3.2 T w o n-rcnns of escape should L x providcd f r o n ~c-vcry nut-liinc~y spacc
of catcgory A by onc of the following:
1 two sets o f steel ladders, as widely separated a s possible, leading
to doors in the upper part of the spacc similarly separated and
fi-om which access is provided to the opcn deck. In general, one
of these ladders sl~ouldprovide continuous fire shclter from the
lowcr part of the spacc to a safe position outside the spacc.
However, the Administration may not requirc the shclter if, due
to the special arrangement o r dinlensions of the machinery
space, a safe escape route from the lower part of this space is
provided. This shelter should be of steel, insulated, where
necessary, to the satisfaction of the Administration and be
provided with a self-closing steel door at the lower end; or
.2 one steel ladder leading to a door in the upper part of the space
from which access is provided to the open deck and additionally,
in the lower part of the space and in a position well separated
from the ladder referred to, a steel door capable of being
operated from each side and which provides access to a safc
escape route from the lower part of the space to the open deck.
Exceptionally, the Adnlinistration may requirc only one means
of escape, due regard being paid to the nature and location o f
spaces and to the number of persons w h o might normally be
enlployed there.
9.3.3 From nlachinery spaces other than those of category A, escape routes
should be provided to the satisfaction of the Administration having regard to
the nature and location of the space and whether persons are normally
employed there.
9.3.4 Lifts should not be considered as forming one of the required means
of escape.
9.3.5 Consideration should be given by the Administration to the siting o f
superstructures and deckhouses such that in the event of fire at the drill floor
at least one escape route to the embarkation position and survival craft is
protected against radiation effects of that fire as far as practicable.
9.4 Fire pumps, fire mains, hydrants and hoses
9.4.1 At least two independently driven power punlps should be provided,
each arranged to draw directly from the sea and discharge into a fixed firc
main. However, in units with high suction lifts, booster pumps and storage
tanks may be installed, provided such arrangements will satisfi all the
requirements of 9.4.1 to 9.4.9.
9.4.2 At least one of the required p ~ u n p sshould be dedicated for firc-
fighting duties and be available for such dutics at all times.
9.4.3 The arrangements of the pumps, sea suctions and sources of power
should be such as to ensure that a fire in any one space would not p ~ both
~ t
the required pumps out of action.
9.4.4 Thc capacity of the rcquircd pumps should be appropriate to the firc-
fighting services supplied from thc firc main. Where more pumps than
required are installed, thcir capacity should be to the satisfaction of thc
9.4.5 Each pump should be capable of delivering at least one jet
simultaneously from each of any two fire hydrants, hoses and 19 Inn1
nozzles while maintaining a minimum pressure of 0.35 N/inm2 a t any
hydrant. In addition, where a foam system is provided for protection of the
helicopter deck, the pump should be capable of maintaining a pressure of
0.7 N/mm2 at the foam installation. If the water consumption for any other
fire protection or fire-fighting purpose should exceed the rate of the
helicopter deck foam installation, this consumption should be the
deternlining factor in calculating the required capacity of the fire pumps.
9.4.6 Where either of the required pumps is located in a space not normally
manned and, in the opinion of the Administration, is relatively far removed
fi-om working areas, suitable provision should be made for remote start-up
of that pump and remote operation of associated suction and discharge
9.4.7 Except as provided in 9.4.2, sanitary, ballast, bilge or general service
pumps may be accepted as fire pumps, provided that they are not normally
used for pumping oil.
9.4.8 Every centrifugal pump which is connected to the fire main should be
fitted with a non-return valve.
9.4.9 Relief valves should be provided in conjunction with all pumps
connected to the fire main if the pumps are capable of developing a pressure
exceeding the design pressure of the fire main, hydrants and hoses. Such
valves should be so placed and adjusted as to prevent excessive pressure in
the fire main system.
9.4.10 A fixed fire main should be provided and be so equipped and
arranged as to meet the requirements of 9.4.10 to 9.4.20.
-3ue~pAqh a m 103 p a p l ~ o l daq p p o q s asoy y srror~endo8 u ! ~ u pu! p a 8 d u a
s! l o paaesr~euBuraq sr arun aya aIryM p x o q u o asbqa 02 alq!siame A~leurrou
]run aya 36 sled ALE rlje& Leur 'aioy a q jo q18ua1 a~surse u o y aq p p o q s
~ ~ I ~ M auo
J 'auelpAq
O aures ay] urog 4u!1eueura IOU ' l a ~ e ~ saaf j o o w aseal
~e ley] q3ns aq p p o y s sluelpkq aya 30 uoplsod p u t xaqurnu a y L 6 1 . ~ 6

.ruaqa 01 pa~dnonL~rseaaq Leru sasoy alg aqa i e y ~pa+ os aq p p o q s

s~uelpLypue sadld aqL .pa]=a~oldLpvmbape ssapn sx~elpLqpue suleur a q
103 pasn aq IOU plnoys ~ e a q
Aq aAn3a_uaLr! palapual Altpea~slerla3eN ~ 1 . ~ 6
.2 For accommodation and scrvicc spaces, a nozzle size grcatcr
than 12 111111need not be uscd.
.3 For machincry spaces and exterior locations, thc nozzle sizc
should be such as to obtain the maximum discharge possiblc
from two jets at the pressure spccificd in 9.4.5 from the sn~allest
pump, providcd that a nozzlc sizc grcatcr t l m i 1 9 nlm nccd not
be used.
9.4.22 T h c surhcc n nit should bc providcd with a t least one international
shore connection complying with i r g ~ l a t i o n11-211 9 . 3 and 19.4 o f thc 1974
SOLAS Convention.
9.4.23 Facilities should be available enabling such a c.onncc-tion to be uscd
on any sidc of the unit.

9.5 Fire-extinguishing systems in machinery spaces and in spaces

containing fired processes
9.5.1 In spaces where main or auxiliary oil-fired boilers and other fired
processes of equivalent thermal rating are situated, o r in spaces containing
oil fuel units or settling tanks, the unit should be provided with the
.1 O n e o f the following fixed fire-extinguishing systems:
.1.1 a fixed pressure water-spraying system complying with
regulation 11-211 0 of the 1974 SOLAS Convention;
.1.2 a fixed fire-extinguishing system con~plyingwith regulation
11-215 of the 1974 SOLAS Convention;
.1.3 a fixed high-expansion foam installation complying with
regulation 11-219 of the 1974 SOLAS Convention.
Where the machinery space and spaces containing fired
processes are not entirely separate, or if fuel oil can drain from
the latter spaces into the machinery space, the combined
machinery space and fired process space should be considered as
one compartment.
.2 At least two approved portable foam extinguishers or equivalent
in each space containing a fired process and each space in which
a part of the oil fuel installation is situated. In addition, at least
one extinguisher of the same description with a capacity o f 9 1
for each burner, provided that the total capacity of the additional
extinguisher or extinguishers need not exceed 45 1 for any one
.3 A receptacle containing sand, sawdust impregnated with soda,
o r other approved dry material in such quantity as may be
required by the Administration. An approved portable extin-
guisher may be provided as an alternative.
9.5.2 Spaces contai~ling internal conlbustio~l ~ l i n c h i n c ~~y ~ s ccithcr
d for
main propulsion o r for other purposes, when such nlachincry has a total
power output of not less than 750 kW, should be provided with the
following arra~~gcments:
.1 O n e of the fixed arrangcnlclits ~rcquircdby ; and
.2 O n e approved foam-type cxtinguishCl- of not less t h a n 45 /
capacity o r equivalent in cvcry engine spec atld onc appl-ovcd
portable foam extinguisher for each 7.50 k W of engine power
o ~ ~ t por
~ part
i t thereoF. T h e total nunlhcr of portable cxtinguish-
crs so supplied should be not less than two a n d need not exceed
9.5.3 T h e Adnlinistration should give special consideration to the tirc-
extingnishing arrangements to bc providcd in spaces not fitted with fixed
fire-exting~iishing installations containing stcan] turbines which are
separated fi-0111boiler rooms by watertight bulkheads.
9.5.4 Where, in the opinion of the Adnlinistration, a fire hazard exists in
any machincry space for which n o specific provisions for fire-extinguishing
appliances are prescribed in 9.5.1 to 9.5.3, there s h o ~ ~ be
l d provided in, or
adjacent to, that space a number of approved portablc fire extinguishers o r
other means of fire extinction to the satisfaction of the Administration.

9.6 Portable fire extinguishers in accommodation, service

and working spaces
T h e accommodation, service and working spaces should be provided with
approved portable fire extinguishers to the satisfaction of the Administra-
tion. Approved extinguishers should c o n ~ p l ywith regulation 11-216 of the
1974 SOLAS Convention.

9.7 Fire detection a n d alarm system

9.7.1 An automatic fire detection and alarm system should be provided in
all accomn~odationand service spaces. Sleeping quarters should be fitted
with smoke detectors. All systems o r equipment installed to conform with
this paragraph should comply with regulation 11-2/13 of the 1974 SOLAS
9.7.2 Sufficient manual fire alarm stations should be installed at suitable
locations throughout the unit.

9.8 Gas detection a n d alarm system

9.8.1 A fixed automatic gas detection and alarm system should be provided
to the satisbction o f the Administration so arranged as to monitor
continuously all enclosed areas of the unit in which an accumulation o f
flammable gas may be expected to occur and capable of indicating at the
main control point by aural ;wd visual means the prcscllcc a n d locntio~io f n n
9.8.2 At least two portable gas monitoring devices should be providcd, each
capable of accurately measuring a concentration of flnn~~nable gas.

9.9 Firemen's outfits

9.9.1 At least two f i r c ~ n e t ~
'~ conlplying with t h e rcquircnlcnts of
regulation 11-211 7.1 and 17.2 and two sets of pcrsonal equipment, each set
comprising the items stipulated i n regulation 11-21, and
17.1 . I .3 of the 1974 SOLAS Convention should be provided.
9.9.2 Sparc charges s11ouId be providcd for cach breathing apparatus to the
satisfaction of the Administration.
9.9.3 T h e firemen's outfits should i n general bc stored so as to L x easily
accessible and ready for usc and, where applicable, one of the outfits should
be located at a position rcadily accessible from any hclicoptcr dcck.

9.10 Arrangements in machinery and working spaces

9.10.1 Means should be provided for stopping ventilating fans serving
inachinery and working spaces and for closing all doorways, ventilators,
annular spaces around funnels and other openings to such spaccs. Thcsc
means should be capable of being operated &om outside such spaces in case
of fire.
9.10.2 Machinery driving forced and induced draught fans, electric motor
pressurization fans, oil fuel transfer pumps, oil fuel unit pumps and other
similar fie1 pumps should be fitted with remote controls situated outside the
space concerned so that they may be stopped in the event of a fire arising in
the space in which they are located.
9.10;3 Every oil fuel suction pipe from a storage, settling or daily service
tank situated above the double bottom should be fitted with a cock or valve
capable of being closed from outside the space concerned in the event of a
fire arising in the space in which such tanks are situated. In the special case
o f deep tanks situated in any shaft or pipe tunnel, valves o n the tanks should
b e fitted but control in the event of fire may be effected by means of an
additional valve o n the pipeline or lines outside the tunnel or tunnels.

9.1 1 Provisions for helicopter facilities

9.11.1 Helicopter decks of steel, aluminium or other non-combustible
materials are to be constructed to the satisfaction of the Administration and
should be of at least "A-0" class, as identified in 1.3.38. Means should be
provided to prevent the collection of liquids on the helicopter deck and to
prevent liquids from spreading to or falling o n other parts of the unit. The
Administration may accept an air gap of at least 1 m between the deckhouse
top a ~ l dthe underside of- thc helicopter deck as a n altcrnativc to the "A-0"
requirenlent. 13eckhousc tops directly below helicopter decks should have
no openings.
9.11.2 O n any helicopter deck there should be provided and stored near to
the means of access to that deck:
at least cwo dry powder exting~~ishers having a total capacity of
not less than 45 kg;
a suitable foam application system consisting of monitors o r
foam-making lxanch pipes capable of dclivcring foam solution
to all parts of the lielicoptcr deck at a rate of not less than 0 //min
for at least 5 min for each square mctrc o f the area contained
within a circle of diameter " D m ,where "D" is thc distance in
metres across the main rotor and tail rotor in the fore-and-aft
line of a helicopter with a single main rotor and across both
rotors for a tandcm rotor helicopter. T h e Administration may
accept other fire-fighting systems which provide a fire-extin-
guishing capability at least as effective as the required foam
application system;
carbon dioxide extinguishers of a total capacity of not less than
18 kg o r equivalent, one of these extinguishers being so
equipped as to enable it to reach the engine area of any
helicopter using the deck; and
at least two dual-purpose nozzles and hoses sufficient to reach
any part of the helicopter deck.

9.11.3 A designated area should be provided for the storage of fuel tanks
which should be:
.1 as remote as is practicable &om accommodation spaces, escape
routes and embarkation stations; and
.2 suitably isolated from areas containing a source of vapour
9.11.4 T h e fuel storage area should be provided with arrangements
whereby fuel spillage may be collected and drained to a safe location.
9.11.5 Tanks and associated equipment should be protected against
physical damage and from a fire in an adjacent space o r area.
9.11.6 Where portable fuel storage tanks are used, special attention should
be given to:
.1 design o f the tank for its intended purpose;
.2 mounting and securing arrangements;
.3 electrical bonding; and
.4 inspection procedures.
9.11.7 Storage tank h c l pumps sl~ouldbe provided with nlcans \vhich
permit shutdown from a safe r e n ~ o t clocation in the cvcnt of a fire. Wherc a
gravity-fed fuelling system is installed, equivalent closing arrangenlents
should be provided.
9.11.8 The fucl pumping unit should lx connected to onc tank a t a time
and the piping between the tank and the pumping n nit should be of stccl or
equivalent material, a s short as possible and pl-occctcd against dan~agc.
9.11.9 Fire-extinguishing arra~lgcmcntsfor protection of the dcsig~~atcd
area should be to the satisfaction of the Administration.
9.11.10 Electrical fuel pumping units and assoc-iatcd control equipment
should bc of a type suitnblc for the location and potential hazard.
9.1 1.11 Fuel pumping units S I I O L I I ~ incorporatc a dcvicc which will prevent
over-pressurization of the delivery or filling hose.
9.11.12 T h e proccdurcs and precautions during refuelling operations
should be in accordance with good recognized practice.
9.11.13 Attention should be paid to thc electrical bonding of all equipment
uscd in refuelling opcrations.
9.11.14 " N O SMOKING" signs should be displayed at appropriate

9.12 Storage of gas cylinders

9.12.1 Where more than one cylinder of oxygen and more than one
cylinder of acetylene are carried simultaneously, such cylinders should be
arranged in accordance with the following:
Permanent piping systems for oxyacetylene systems are accep-
table provided that they are designed having due regard to
standards and codes of practice to the satisfaction of the
Where two o r more cylinders of each gas are intended to be
carried in enclosed spaces, separate dedicated storage rooms
should be provided for each gas.
Storage rooms should be constructed of steel, and be well
ventilated and accessible from the open deck.
Provision should be made for the expeditious removal o f
cylinders in the event of fire.
"NO SMOKING" signs should be displayed at the gas cylinder
storage rooms.
Where cylinders are stowed in open locations means should be
provided to:
protect cylinders and associated piping from physical damage;
.6.2 n ~ i ~ l i m i zespos~11-c
e to l ~ y c i ~ - o c a ~ - lawn ~
d ~s;
.6.3 cnsurc suitablc drainage.
9.12.2 Fil-c-extinguishing arrangeincnts for thc protection of arcas or
spaccs wllCre such cylinders are stored should lx to the satisfaction o f t h e

9.13 Miscellaneous items

9.13.1 A fil-c control plan conlplying with rrgulation 11-2/20 of the 1074
S O L A S Convention should b c permanently exhibited.
9.13.2 Fire-extinguishing nppliances should be kept in good order ; I I I ~b e
nvailal7le for immediate use a t all times.
Chapter 10
L$e-saving appliances and equipment
10.1 General
10.1.1 For the purposc of this chapter, unlcss expressly provided othenvise,
the terms used, relating to life-saving appliances, are as dcfincd in regulation
Visitors" arc pcrsolinel not regularly assigned to the unit,

10.1.2 Life-saving appliances should bc cvaluated, tested and approved, as

provided in regulations 11114 and 11115.
Life-saving appliances
10.1.3 All life-saving appliances should comply with regulation II1/30.2

10.2 Survival craft

Surface unit3
10.2.1 Each unit should carry o n each side of the unit, one o r more
lifeboats complying with the requirements of regulation 111146 of such
aggregate capacity as will accommodate the total number of persons o n
10.2.2 In addition, each unit should carry a liferaft o r liferafts, complying
with the requirements of regulations 111139 or 111140, capable of being
launched o n either side of the unit and of such aggregate capacity as will
accommodate the total number o f persons on board. If the liferaft o r liferafts
cannot be readily transferred for launching o n either side o f the unit, the
total capacity available on each side should be sufficient to accommodate the
total number of persons on board.
10.2.3 Where the survival craft are stowed in a position which is more than
100 m from the stem or stern, each unit should carry, in addition to the
liferafts as provided in 10.2.2, a liferaft stowed as far forward o r aft, o r one as
far forward and another as far aft, as is reasonable and practicable.
Notwithstanding 10.5.6, such liferaft o r liferafts may be securely fastened
so as to permit manual release.

' Each reference to a regulation in this chapter means a regulation in the 1974 SOLAS
Convention in forcc prior to 1 July 1998. On that date, a thoroughly revised chapter 111
(adopted by resolution MSC.47(66)) and the associated International Life-Saving Appliancc
(LSA) Code (adopted by resolution MSC.48(66)) entered into force.
10.2.4 Each unit should carry lifeboats complying with the rcquircmcnts of
regulation I I Y 4 6 , installed in at least two widely separated locations o n
different sides or ends of the unit. T h C arrangcnlcnt of the lifeboats s l i o ~ ~ l d
provide sufficient capacity to a c c o m ~ ~ ~ othe
d a tt o~t a l number of persons o n
Lxmrd if:
.1 all thc lifeboats in ally o11c location arc lost or r c ~ ~ d ~ r c d
unusable; or
.2 all the lifeboats on ally o ~ side,
~ c a n y otlc end, o r any one corner
of the unit arc lost or rc~ldcrcdunusable.
10.2.5 I n addition, each unit should carry liferafts complying with the
r e q ~ ~ i r e n ~ eof
n tregulation
s I I I / W or 111/40, of such aggregate capacity as will
acconlmodate the total numbcr of persons on board.
10.2.6 In the case of a self-elevating unit where, due to its size or
configuration, lifeboats cannot be located in widely separated locations to
satisfy 102.4, the Administration inay permit thc aggregate capacity of the
lifeboats to accomnlodate only the total n~umberof persons on board.
However, the liferafts under 1 0 . 2 . should bc served by launching
appliances complying with the requiren~ents of regulation l I I / 4 8 . 5 o r

10.3 Survival craft muster and embarkation arrangements

10.3.1If separate, muster stations should be provided close to the
embarkation stations. Each muster station should have sufficient space to
accommodate all persons assigned to muster at that station.
10.3.2Muster and embarkation stations should be readily accessible from
accommodation and work areas.
10.3.3 Muster and embarkation stations should be adequately illununated
by emergency lighting.
10.3.4 Alleyways, stairways and exits giving access to the muster and
embarkation stations should be adequately illuminated by emergency
10.3.5 Davit-launched survival craft muster and embarkation stations
should be so arranged as to enable stretcher cases to be placed in survival
10.3.6 Survival craft embarkation arrangements should be so designed that:
.1 lifeboats can be boarded by their full complement of persons
within 3 min from the time the instruction to board is given;
.2 lifeboats can be boarded and launched directly from the stowed
.3 davit-launchd lifcl-afts ~ 1 1 1I>c lxx~rdcdand lau~ichcrifrom a
position immcdiatcly adjacent to the stowed position or from a
position to which the liferaft is transferred prior to la~unchingin
conipliance with 10.5.5; and
.4 where ncccssaly, mcans should bc providcd for brit~gingthe
davit-launclicd lifcraft against the unit's sidc and holding it
alongside so that persons call hc safcly cmbarkcd.
10.3.7 At least two widely scparatcd fixed nictal ladders o r stainvays should
bc provided extending from the deck to the surfice of the water. T h e fixed
metal ladders or staixivay and sea arcas in their vicinity should l x ;~clcquately
illuminated by emcrgcncy lighting.
10.3.8 If fixed ladders cannot bc installed. ;~ltcrnativcnicalis of csc-ape with
sufficient capacity to permit all persons 0 1 1 board to dcsccnd safcly to the
waterline s h o ~ ~ be
l d providcd.

10.4 Survival craft launching stations

L;lunching stations should be in such positions as to ensure safe launching
having particular regard to clearance frotii any exposed propeller. As far as
possible, launching stations should be locatcd so that survival craft can be
launched down a straight side of the unit, except for:
.1 survival craft specially designed for free-fall launching; and
.2 survival craft mounted on structures intended to provide
clearance from lower structures.

10.5 Stowage of survival craft

10.5.1 Each survival craft should be stowed:
.1 so that neither the survival craft nor its stowage arrangements
will interfere with the operation of any other survival craft o r
rescue boat at any other launching station;
.2 as near the water surface as is safe and practicable;
.3 in a state of continuous readiness so that two crew members can
carry out preparations for embarkation and launching in less
than 5 n i n ;
.4 fully equipped as required by chapter 111 of the 1974 SOLAS
Convention; however, in the case of units operating in areas
such that, in the opinion of the Administration, certain items of
equipment are unnecessary, the Administration may allow these
items to be dispensed with;
.5 as far as practicable, in a secure and sheltered position and
protected &om damage by fire and explosion.
10.5.2 Where appropriate, the unit should be so arranged that lifeboats, i n
their stowed positions, are protected from damage by heavy seas.
10.5.3 Lifeboats sllo~lldbe stowed attacl~cdto launching appliances
10.5.4 Liferafts should be so stowed as to permit manual release from their
securing arrangements.
10.5.5 Davit-launched liferafts should be stowed within reach of the lifting
hooks, unless some means of transfer is provided which is not rcndercd
inoperable within the limits of trim and list prescribed in chapter 3 for any
darnaged condition or by unit motion o r power failure.
10.5.6 Every liferaft, other than those in 10.2.3, should be stowed with thc
weak link of its painter permanently attached to the unit and with a float-
free arrangement complying with the requirements of regulation III/38.0 so
that the liferaft floats free and, if inflatable, inflates autonlatically when the
unit sinks.

10.6 Survival craft launching and recovery arrangements

10.6.1 Launching appliances complying with the requirements of regula-
tion 111148.1 and 111148.2, 111148.4 o r 111148.6, as applicable, should be
provided for all lifeboats and davit-launched liferafts. Notwithstanding
regulation III/48.1.1, for column-stabilized units, launching appliances
should be capable of operating at the list and trim resulting from any
da~nagedcondition under chapter 3.
10.6.2 Launching and recovery arrangements should be such that the
appliance operator on the unit is able to observe the survival craft at all times
during launching and lifeboats during recovery.
10.6.3 Only one type of release mechanism should be used for similar
survival craft camed on board the unit.
10.6.4 Preparation and handling of survival craft at any one launching
station should not interfere with the prompt preparation and handling of
any other survival craft o r rescue boat at any other station.
10.6.5 Falls, where used, should be long enough for the survival craft to
reach the water with the unit under unfavourable conditions, such as
maximum air-gap, lightest transit o r operational condition o r any damaged
condition, as described in chapter 3.
10.6.6 During preparation and launching, the survival craft, its launching
appliance and the area of water into which it is to be launched should be
adequately illuminated by emergency lighting.
10.6.7 Means should be available to prevent any discharge of fluids o n to
survival craft during abandonment.
10.6.8 All lifeboats required for abandonment by the total number of
persons permitted o n board, should be capable of being launched with their
full complement of persons and equipment within 10 rnin &om the time the
signal to abandon the unit is given.
10.6.9 Manual brakcs should be so arranged that thc brakc is always applicd
unless the operator, or a mechanism activated by the opcrator, holds the
brake control in the "off' position.
10.6.10 Each survival craft should be so arranged as to clear cach leg,
column, footing, bracc, mat and each similar structure below the hull of a
self-elevating unit and below the uppcr hull of a column-stabilized unit,
with the unit in an intact condition. T h c Administration may allow a
reduction in thc total number of survival craft meeting this requirement
when the unit is in thc transit mode and thc number of personnel on board
has been reduccd. In such cases, sufficient survival craft to meet the
requirements of this chapter, including 10.2, should be availablc for use by
those personnel remaining on board.
10.6.11 In any casc of da~nagespecified in chapter 3 , lifeboats with an
aggregate capacity of not less than 100% of persons on board should, in
addition to meeting all other requirements of launching and stowage
contained in this chapter, be capable of being launched clear of any
10.6.12 Consideration should be gwen to the location and orientation of
the survival crafi with reference to MODU design such that clearance of the
unit is achieved in an efficient and safe manner having due regard to the
capabilities of the survival craft.
10.6.13 Notwithstanding the requirenlents of regulation 111148.2.6, the
speed of lowering need not be greater than 1 m/s.

10.7 Rescue boats

Each unit should carry at least one rescue boat complying with regulation
111147. A lifeboat may be accepted as a rescue boat, provided that it also
meets the requirements for a rescue boat.

10.8 Stowage of rescue boats

Rescue boats should be stowed:
.1 in a state of continuous readiness for launching in not more than
5 rnin;
.2 in a position suitable for launching and recovery;
.3 so that neither the rescue boats nor their stowage arrangements
will interfere with the operation of any survival crafi at any other
launching station;
.4 in compliance with 10.5, if they are also lifeboats.

10.9 Rescue boat embarkation, launching and recovery arrangements

10.9.1 T h e rescue boat embarkation and launching arrangements should be
such that the rescue boat can be boarded and launched in the shortest
possible time.
10.9.2 Launching arrangclncnts should conlply with 1 0 . 6 .
10.9.3 Rapid recovery of the rescue boat should be possiblc when loaded
with its full complement of persons and equipment. If the rcscue boat is also
a lifeboat, rapid recovery should be possible when loaded with its lifeboat
equipment and the approved rescue boat complement of at least six persons.

10.10 Lifejackets
10.10.1 A lifcjacket con~plyingwith the req~~ircmcnts of regulation 111/32.1
o r 111132.2 should be providcd for cvcry person on board thc unit. In
addition, a sufficient nunlber of lifcjackcts should bc stowed it] suitablc
locations for thosc pcrsons who may be on duty in locations whcrc thcir
lifejackets are not readily accessiblc.
10.10.2 Each lifcjacket should be fitted with a light complying with the
requirements o f regulation 111132.3.

10.1 1 Immersion suits

10.11.1 Each unit should carry an immersion suit complying with the
requirements of regulation 111133 for each person o n board. In addition, a
sufficient number of inl~nersionsuits should be stowed in suitable locations
for those persons w h o may be on duty in locations where their immersion
suits are not readily accessible.
10.11.2 Immersion suits need not be carried if the unit is constantly in
operation in warm climates where, in the opinion of the Administration,
immersion suits are unnecessary.

10.12 Lifebuoys
10.12.1 At least eight lifebuoys of a type complying with the requirements
o f regulation 111131 should be provided on each unit. T h e number and
placement of lifebuoys should be such that a lifebuoy is accessible from
exposed locations. Surface units over 100 nl in length should carry not less
than the number of lifebuoys prescribed in the following table:

Length of unit Minimum number

in metres of lifebuoys
100 and under 150 10
150 and under 200 12
200 and over 14

10.12.2 N o t less than one-half of the total number of lifebuoys should be

provided with self-igniting lights o f an approved electric battery type
complying with the requirements of regulation III/31.2. N o t less than two
o f these should also be provided with self-activating smoke signals
complying with the requirements of regulation II1,/31.3 a n d l x capable of
quick release from the navigating bridge main control station, 01-a location
readily available to operating pcrsonncl. Lifebuoys with lights and those
with lights and smoke signals should be equally distributed on both sidcs of
the unit and should not be thc lifebuoys provided with lifclinrs in
conlpliance with the requirements of 10.12.3.
10.12.3 At least two lifebuoys in widely separated locations should each b r
fitted with a buoyant lifeline, the length of which should bc a t least one-
and-a-half times thc distance from the deck of stowage to the waterline at
light draught or 30 m, whichever is grCatcl-.
10.12.4 Each lifebuoy sho~ildbe n~arkcdin block capitals of the 1<01nan
alphabet with thc name and port of registry of thc unit on which it is carricd.

10.13 R a d i o life-saving appliances

T r . r ~ o - u ~ aVHF
y radiotelephone apparatrrs
10.13.1 All lifeboats should carry a two-way V H F radiotelephone
apparatus. In addition, at least two such apparatuses should be available
o n the M O D U , so stowed that they can bc rapidly placed in any liferaft. All
two-way VHF radiotelephone apparatus should c o n f o m ~to perfornunce
standards not inferior to those adopted by the Organization.*
R a d a r transponder
10.13.2 All lifeboats should carry a radar transponder. In addition, at least
two radar transponders should be available o n the M O D U , so stowed that
they can be rapidly placed in any liferaft. All radar transponders should
conform to performance standards not inferior to those adopted by the

10.14 Distress flares

N o t less than 12 rocket parachute flares complying with the requirements o f
regulation 111135 should be carried and be stowed o n o r near the navigating
bridge. I f the unit does not have a navigating bridge, the flares should be
stowed in a location approved by the Administration.

10.15 Line-throwing appliances

A line-throwing appliance complying with the requirements of regulation
111149 should be provided.

Refer to the Performance standards for survival cr;af? two-way VHF ndiotelcphone apparatus,
adoptcd by the Organization by resolution A.809(19). and to regulation III/ ofthe 1988
SOLAS amendments which may be applied to units.
Refer to the Performance standards for survival cnft radar transponders for use in search and
rescue operations, adopted by the Organization by resolution A.802(19).
10.16 Emergency warnings
10.16.1 Each unit should be provided with a general alarm system so
installed as to be clearly perceptible in all parts of the unit. Control stations
for activating the darn1 should be installed to the satisfaction o f the
Administration. T h e number of signals uscd should bc limitcd to the
following: general emergency signal, fire alarm signal and abandon unit
signal. These signals should be described ill the mustcr list.
10.16.2 T h e warning signals given over the general alarm system should be
supplemented by instructions over a public address system.

10.17 Operating instructions

Illustrations and imstructions should be provided on o r in the vicinity of
survival craft and their launching controls and should:
.I illustrate the purpose of controls and the procedures for
operating the appliance and give relevant instructions or
.2 be easily seen under emergency lighting conditions; and
.3 use symbols in accordance with the recommendations o f the

10.18 Operational readiness, maintenance a n d inspections

Operational readiness
10.18.1 Before the unit leaves port and at all times during operation and
transit, all life-saving appliances should be in working order and ready for
immediate use.

10.18.2 Instructions for on-board maintenance of life-saving appliances
complying with the requirements of regulation 111152 should be provided
and maintenance should be carried out accordingly.
10.18.3 T h e Administration may accept, i n lieu of the instructions in
10.18.2, a planned maintenance programme which includes the require-
ments of regulation 111152.
10.18.4 Falls used in launching should be turned end for end at intervals of
not more than 30 months and be renewed when necessary due to
deterioration of the f d s or at intervals of not more than 5 years, whichever
is the earlier. Where a fall cannot be turned end for end a careful inspection
should take place after 24 months. If the inspection shows that the f d is
faultless it need not be changed for another period of 24 months. However,
a fall which cannot be turned end for end should always be changed at
intervals o f not more than 4 years.
10.18.5 Spares and repair equipment should be provided for life-saving
appliances and their components which are subject to csccssive wear o r
consumption and need to be replaced regularly.

Weekly ir?spections
10.18.6 T h e following tests and inspections should bc carried out weekly:
.I all survival craft, rescue boats and l a u n c h i ~ ~appliances
g should
be visually inspected to ensure that they arc r c d y for use;
.2 all engines in lifeboats and rescue boats shoi~ldbc ahead and
astern for a total period of not less than 3 m i l l ;
.3 the general alarm system should be tested.

M o n t h l y irispectior~s
10.18.7 Inspection of the life-saving appliances, including lifeboat equip-
ment and emergency lighting, should be carried out monthly using the
checklist required by regulation 111152.1 to ensure that they are complete
and in good order. A report of the inspection should be qltered in the log-

Servicing of inzatable lferafts, i n f i t a b l e ljfejackets and inflated rescue boats

10.18.8 Every inflatable liferaft and inflatable lifejacket should be serviced:
.I at intervals not exceeding 12 months. However, in cases where
it appears proper and reasonable, the Administration may extend
this period to 17 months;
.2 at an approved servicing station which is con~petentto service
them, maintains proper servicing facilities and uses only properly
trained personnel."
10.18.9 All repairs and maintenance o f inflated rescue boats should be
carried out in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions. Emergency
repairs may be carried out o n board the unit; however, permanent repairs
should be effected at an approved servicing station.

Periodic servicing of hydrostatic release units

10.18.10 Hydrostatic release units should be serviced:
.1 at intervals not exceeding 12 months. However, in cases where
it appears proper and reasonable, the Administration may extend
this period to 17 months;

Refer to the Recommendation on conditions for the approval o f servicing stations for
inflatable liferafis, adopted by the Organization by resolution A.761(18).

.2 at a servicing station which is colnpetent to s c ~ v i c c thcm,
maintains proper servicing facilities and uses only properly
trained personnel.
Chapter 11
Radiocommunication installations

1 1.1 Application

11.1.1 T h e purposc of this chapter is to provide minimum rcquircmcnts

for distress and safety radiocorn~~~unications between inobilc oKshorc
drilling units and coast stations, ships and supporting aircraft in the maritinle
mobile service.

11.1.2 T h e requirements are applicable to the following modes of-

operation of mobile offshore drilling units:
.1 when under way self-propelled;
.2 when towed, o r self-propelled and accompanied by escort ships;
.3 when stationary at the site or engaged in drilling operations.

11.2 General
Coastal States in common areas of interest should, to the extent possible,
establish similar radiocommunication requirements to avoid confusion in
case any ancillary craft have to divert to another coastal State in an

11.3 Self-propelled units u n d e r way

Each unit, while under way at sea, should comply with the applicable
provisions concerning radiocommunications for ships prescribed i n
chapter IV of the 1988 SOLAS amendments.'

11.4 U n i t s when towed, or self-propelled a n d accompanied

by escort ships

11.4.1 T h e requirements for non-self-propelled units under tow when

manned depend upon the radio installations fitted in the towing ship, as set
out in paragraphs 11.4.2 and 11.4.3.

All requirements of chapter IV of the 1988 SOLAS amendments referred to "from the
position the ship is normally navigated" should be applied as meaning "fiom the position the
MODU is normally navigated".
11.4.2 111 'ascs where the towing ship complies fully with all applicable
requircmcnts concerning r a d i o c o ~ n ~ n u ~ ~ i c a t ifor
o n s ships prescribed in
chaptc1- IV of the 1988 SOLAS amendments, the non-self-propelled unit
under tow when manned should:
.I bc fitted with VHF fiicilitics as r c q ~ ~ i r cbdy regulations IV/7.1.1
atid 7.1.2of t l ~ c 1988 SOLAS amcndmcnts and with M F
. :I- ~ .t ~ as
l:f c~ c srequircd by rcgulatio~~s IV/9.1.1 and 9.1.2;
.2 bc fitted with thc satcllitc E1'11U3 or EPIlU3 rcquircd by
regulation I V 7 . 1 as appropriate, for the area in which the
M0I)U is being towcd: and
.3 bc fittcd with equipment for autonlatic reception of navigational
and nleteorological warnings in accordance with rcgulations
1V/7.1.4and 1V/7.1.5, as appropriate, of the 1088 SOLAS
11.4.3 In cases where the towing ship does not comply fdly with the
applicable requirements concerning radioco~~lmunications for ships pre-
scribed in chapter IV of the 1988 SOLAS amendments. the MODU under
tow when manned should comply with all the applicable provisions
concerning radiocom~nunicatio~~s prescribed in chapter IV of the 1988
S O L A S ame~~drnents.*
11.4.4 Each self-propelled unit accompanied by one or more escort vessels
should c o n ~ p l ywith the provisions o f 11.3.

11.5 Units stationary a t t h e site o r engaged i n drilling operations

11.5.1 Each unit while stationary at the site, including when engaged in
drilling operations, should comply with all requirements prescribed in
chapter IV of the 1988 SOLAS amendments that are applicable to a ship
sailing through the same area.?
11.5.2 Taking into account the different types o f accident which may occur
o n t h e MODU, additional radio equipment should be installed in a room o r
position, which could be the bridge or an emergency control room, situated
as far as practicable fi-om the radio equipment fitted in compliance with
section 11.5.1, so that n o single accident in any part o f the MODU could
deprive the MODU of all facilities for radiocommunications.

All requirements o f chapter IV o f the 1988 SOLAS amendments referring to "Gon~the

position the ship is normally navigated" should be applied as meaning "from a position which is
continuously inaimed and which is controlling the MODU while under tow".
AU requirements of chapter N of the 1988 SOLAS amendments referring to "from the
position at which the ship is normally navigated should be applied as meaning %om a position
(or Gom the positions) which is continuously manned and which is controlling the MODU
while stationary at the site including its drilling operations (i.e. normally the control room)".
T h e additional radio equipment should comply with thc following
regulations of the 1988 SOLAS amendment for M O D U S drilling in:
.I sea area Al,the equipment prescribed by regulation rV/7.1.1;
.2 sea area A2, the equipment prescribed by regulations IV17.l. 1
and IV/9.l. 1;
.3 sea arca A3, the equipment prescribed in regulations IV/7.1.1
and IV/10.1.1, plus 20.1.2;o r alternatively, as required by
- IV l7.l.land 10.2.1
.4 sea area A4, the cquipn~cntprescribed by regplations IV/7.1.1
and IV/10.2.1.
11.5.3 I f the acoustic noise level in a room fitted with operating controls
for radio equipment is so high or could be so high, during particular
operating conditions, that it may disturb o r prevent proper use of the radio
equipment, then adequate noise protection should be provided by
mechanical o r other means, in association with the operating controls for
the radio equipment.

1 1.6 Helicopter communications

In order to ensure conlmunication with helicoptcrs, M O D U s serviced by
helicopters should carry an aeromobile VHF radiotelephone station
coinplylng with the relevant requirements of ICAO.

11.7 Internal communications

All types of M O D U s should be fitted with efficient means of communica-
tion between the control room, the bridge (if provided) and position o r
positions fitted with facilities for operation of radio equipment.

11.8 Performance standards

11.8.1 All radio equipment should be o f a type approved by the
Administration issuing the licence. Subject to section 11.8.2, such
equipment should conform to appropriate performance standards not
inferior to those adopted by the Organization.'

Refer to the following resolutions adopted by the Organization:

.1 Resolution A.525(13): Performance standards for narrow-band direct-plintin
telegraph equipment for the reception of navigational and meteorologic
warnings and urgent information to ships.
.2 Resolution A.694(17): General requirements for shipborne radio e uipment
forming part of the global maritime distress and safety system (GMDS?) and for
electronic navigational aids.
.3 Resolution A.808(19): Performance standards for ship earth stations capable o f
two-way communications and resolution A.570(14): Type approval of ship earth
.4 Resolution A.803(19): Performance standards for shipborne V H F radio
installations capable of voice communication and digital selective calling, as
amended, and resolution MSC.68(68). annex 1 (valid for equipment installed o n
or after 1 January 2000). (continued on following page)
11.8.2 Equipment i ~ ~ s t a l l r prior
ri to 1 February 1992 may b c excmptcd
from full compliance with the appropriate performance standards at the
discretion o f the Administration, provided that the e q u i p n x n t is con~patible
wich equipnlent complying with the performance standards, having d u c
regard to thc critcria which the Organization may adopt in conncction with
such standards.

1 1.9 Gas explosion danger

Any radio equipment installed in a zone as dcfincd in scction 6.1 s110~1ld
n I o f thc 1988 S O L A S amendments.
comply with r e g ~ ~ l a t i o1V/1

fuurnorr Jiw! prcvimrr p q c )

.5 Resolution A.804(Ic)): Performance standards for shipborne MF radio installa-
tions capable of voic-e communication and digital selective callin as amended.
and resolution MSC:.h8(68), annex 2 (valid for cquipment instal ed o n o r aficr
I January 2000).
.h l<esolution A.806(19): Performance standards for shipborne MF/HF radio
installations capablc of voice comn~unication.narrow-band direct-printing and
digital selective calling. as amended, and resolution MSC.68(68). annex 3 (valid
for equipment installed on or after 1 January 2000).
.7 Resolution A.810(19): Performance standards for float-free satellite emergency
position-indicating radio beacons (EPIRBs) operating on 406 MHz (scc also
resolution A.696(17): Type approval of satellite emergency position-indicating
radio beacons (El'llU3s) operating in the COSPAS-SARSAT system).
.8 Resolution A.802(19): Performance standards for survival craft radar transpon-
ders for use in search and rescue operations.
9 Resolution A.805(19): Perfomlance standards for float-free VHF emergency
position-indicating radio beacons.
. I 0 Resolution A.807(19): Perforn~ancestandards for Inmarsat-C ship earth stations
capable of transmitting and receiving direct-printin communications, as
amended, and resolution MSC.68(68), annex 3 (valid or equipment installed
on or after 1 January 2000). and resolution A.570(14): Type approval of ship
earth stations.
. I 1 Resolution A.664(16): Performance standards for enhanced group call equip-
-12 Resolution A.812(19): Performance standards for float-free satellite enxcrgency
position-indicating radio beacons operating through the geostationary Inmarsat
satellite svstem on 1.6 GHz.
13 Resolution A.662(16): l'erformancc srandards for float-frer release and activation
arrangements for cnlergency radio equipment.
.14 ~ e s o i u t i o n~ . 6 9 9 ( 1 7 ) : - ~ ~ s cperfo-mance
em standard for the promulgation and
co-ordination of maritime safety information using high-frequency narrow-band
direct printing.
.I5 Resolution A.700(17): Performance standards for narrow-band diiect-printin
telegraph e uipment for the reception of navigational and meteorologic
warnings an% urgent information to ships (MSI) by HF.
.16 Resolution A.811(19): Performance standards for a shipbornc integrated
radiocommunication svstem (IRCS) when used in the GMDSS.
.17 Resolution MSC.80(70), annex 1: Performance standards for on-scene
(aeronautical) two-way portable VHF radiotelephone apparatus.
11.10 Survey o f t h e radio station
11.10.1 T h e radio station of a unit should be subject to s ~ ~ r v casy specified
.1 by the Administration which issues the licence or its authorized
representative before the radio station is put into servicc;
.2 w l ~ e lthe
~ unit is moved and comes under the administrativc
control of anothcr coastal State a survey may be carried out by
that State o r its authorized representative;
.3 once every 12, months, carried out by a n officer of thC
Administration and/or the coastal Statc o r their rcspcctivc
authorized representative.
11.10.2 T h e Administration may recognize the coastal State a s its
authorized representativc.
11.10.3 In every case when a n authorized representative of the coastal State
carries out an inspection, a report sl~ouldbe issued and kept with the radio
doculnents, and a copy, if requested, should be forwarded to thc
Chapter 12
L$ting devices
12.1 Cranes
12.1.1 Each crane, including its supporting structure, which is used for the
transfer of material, equipment or personnel Lxtwccn thc unit and attending
vessels should be of a design and construction to the satisfaction of the
Administration and adequate for the service intended in accordance with
the requirements of a recognized c1as:ification socicty o r with national o r
international standards or codes.
12.1.2 Cranes should be so located and protectcd as to reduce to a
minimum any danger to personnel, due regard bcing paid to moving parts
o r other hazards. Their design sho~ildhave regard to the materials used in
construction, the working conditions to which they will be subjected and
the environnlental conditions. Adequate provisions should be made to
facilitate cleaning, inspection and maintenance.
12.1.3 Consideration should be given to the failurc mode for each cranc in
the event of extreme overload so that the cranc operator is exposed to
nunimum danger.
12.1.4 An officer of the Administration o r a duly authorized person o r
organization should survey the installation of each crane, with particular
regard to its supporting structure.
12.1.5 After each crane has been erected o n board, and before it is placed in
service, operational and load tests should be conducted. These tests should
be witnessed and verified by an officer of the Administration o r a duly
authorized person o r organization. A record of these tests and other
information concerning initial certification should be readily available.
12.1.6 Each crane should be examined at intervals not exceeding 12
months. It should be further tested and recertified, at intervals not
exceeding 5 years, o r after substantial alteration o r repairs. These tests
should be witnessed and verified by an officer of the Administration o r a
duly authorized person o r organization. A record of these exanunations,
tests and certifications should be readily available.
12.1.7 Cranes used for loading and discharging of offshore supply vessels
should be furnished with rating tables o r curves which take into account the
dynamics associated with the unit's and vessel's motions.
12.1.8 Except when loads are determined and marked prior to lifting, each
crane should be fitted, to the satisfaction of the Administration, with a safety
device to give the crane operator a continuous indication o f hook load and
rated load for each radius. T h e indicator should give a clear and continuous
warning when approaching the rated capacity of the crane.
12.1.9 T h e Administration should give consideration to the i~lstallnrio~~
linlit switches to providc for the safe operation of the crane.
12.1.10 A crane tnanual should be provided for each cranc and should be
readily available. This manual should contain full information concerning:
.1 design standard, operation, erection, dismantling and transpor-
.2 all limitations during norn~aland emergency operation with
respect to safe working load, safe working moment, maximum
wind, m a x i n ~ ~heel
~ m and trim, design tenlperatures and braking
.3 all safety devices;
.4 diagrams for electrical, hydraulic and pneumatic systems a n d
.5 materials ~lsedin construction, welding procedures and extent
of non-dcstructive testing; and
.6 guidance on maintenance and periodic inspection.

12.2 Personnel lifts

12.2.1 Personnel lifts should be of a design acceptable to the Adn~inistra-
tion and adequate for the service intended.
12.2.2 T h e construction and installation should be surveyed by an officer
o f the Administration o r a duly authorized person o r organization. T h e
inspections should be carried out on installation and at intervals not
exceeding 12 months and certificates or reports should be readily available.
12.2.3 Each lift car in a column of a column-stabilized unit should provide
for an emergency exit with an escape ladder in the hoistway.

12.3 Drilling derricks

T h e design of each drilling derrick and its supporting structure should be to
the satisfaction of the Administration. T h e rated capacity for each reeving
should be included in the operating manual.
Chapter 13
Helicopter facilities*
13.1 General
Each helicopter deck should be of suficient size and locntcci so as to provide
a clear take-off and approach to enable thc largest helicopter s sing the
helideck to operatc under the no st sevcre conditions anticipatcd for
helicopter operations.

13.2 Definitions
13.2.1 Helidcck is a purpose-built helicopter landing platform located on a
mobile otilshore drilling unit ( M O D U ) .
13.2.2 R D means the main rotor diameter of thc largest single-rotor
helicopter intcnded to use the facility.
13.2.3 LD nleans the largest dimension of the helicopter when the rotors
are turning.
13.2.4 is a sector formed by an arc origmating at the
Obstacle-five sector
reference point of the edge of a helideck and extending outward in the
horizontal plane level with the elevation of the helideck.
13.2.5 is a sector extending outward which is formed
L i m i t e d obstacle sector
by that portion of the 360° arc, excluding the obstacle-free sector, the centre
of which is the reference point from which the obstacle-free sector is
determined. Obstacles within the limited obstacle sector are limited to
specified heights.

13.3 Construction
13.3.1 T h e helideck should be of a design and construction, adequate for
the intended service and for the appropriate prevailing climatic conditions,
approved to the satisfaction of the Administration.
13.3.2 For adverse climates as determined by the coastal State, taking into
account the type of helicopter used, the conditions of wind, turbulence, sea
state, water temperature and icing conditions, the helideck should meet the
following requirements with reference to I C A O Annex 14, Volume I1
.1 the helideck should be of sufficient size to contain an area within
which can be drawn a circle of diameter not less than LD for

Reference is made to regulations of national civil aviation authorities in the unit's area o f
operation, applicable international standards o f the International Civil Aviation Organization
(ICAO) and recommended practices developed in accordancc with the Memorandum o f
Understanding between IMO and ICAO.

singlc main rotor helicopters and not less t h a n 0 . 9 L D for
tandem main rotor helicopters;
.2 where the provisions of cannot be met for helicopters
having tandem main rotors, the helideck may be in the form of a
rectangle with a small side not lessthan 0.75LD and a long side
not less than 0.9LD, but within this rectangle, bidirectional
landings only should be permitted in the direction of the 0.9LD
dimension. Where necessary for design purposes, any corners of
the rectangle may be omitted, provided that neither of the two
sides forming the rightangle of the omitted trianglc exceeds 5 111
in length;
.3 the obstacle-free sector should be not less than 210";
.4 for single main rotor and side-by-side twin main rotor
helicopters, within the 150" limited obstacle sector out to a
distance of 0.62LD, measured froin the centre of the helideck,
objects should not exceed a height of 0.05LD above the
helideck. Beyond that arc, out to an overall distance of 0.83LD,
the limited obstacle sector rises at a rate of one unit vertically for
each two units horizontally (see figure 13-1);
.5 for omnidirectional operations by tandem main rotor helicop-
ters, within the 150" limited obstacle-fkee sector out to a
distance of 0.62LD, measured from the centre of the helideck,
no fixed obstacles should be allowed. Beyond that arc, out to an
overall distance of 0.83LD, the obstacle height is limited to
0.05LD (see figure 13-2);
.6 for bidirectional operations by tandem main rotor helicopters,
within the 0.62LD arc in the 150" limited obstacle-free sector,
objects should not penetrate a level surface which has a height
equivalent to 1.1 m above the helideck (see figure 13-3);
.7 in the immediate vicinity of the helideck, over an area of at least
180" with the origin at the centre of the helideck, obstacles such
as booms, derricks, sponsons, etc., should not protrude beyond
a descending gradient having a ratio of one unit horizontal to
five units vertically measured &om the edge of the helideck
13.3.3 For moderate climates as determined by the coastal State, taking
into account the type of helicopter used, the conditions of wind,
turbulence, sea state, water temperature and icing conditions, the helideck
should meet the following requirements:
.1 the helideck should be of sufficient size to contain a circle of
diameter equal to RD. In the case of MODUs expected to be
routinely serviced by tandem main rotor helicopters, the
helideck should be of sufficient size to contain a circle of
diameter equal to at least 0.75LD;

.2 the helicopter deck should have an obstacle-free sector of a t least
180" fke of obstructions. The reference point for this sector
should be a point on the periphery of the circle referenced in
paragraph, as shown in figure 13-4;
.3 the limited obstacle sector should extend out to a distancc of
0.83RD for general operating areas. This distance should bc
measured from the centre of the helicopter deck. Obstructions
in the limited obstacle sector should not extend above a plane
measured vertically from the edge of the deck with rise at a rate
not exceeding one unit vertically for each two units horizontally
from the edge of the helideck (see figure 13-4).
13.3.4 The helideck should have a skid-resistant surface.
13.3.5 Where the helideck is constructed in the form of a grating, the
underdeck should be such that the ground effect is maintained.

13.4 Arrangements

13.4.1 The helideck should be free of projections except that landing lights
or other essential projections may be installed around the periphery of the
deck provided they do not rise more than 0.15 m above the level of the
13.4.2 The helideck should have recessed tie-down points for securing a
13.4.3 The periphery of the helideck should be fitted with a safety net
except where structural protection exists. The net should be inclined
upwards and outwards &om below the edge of the helideck to a horizontal
distance of 1.5 m and should not rise more than 0.15 m above the edge of
the deck.
13.4.4 The helideck should have both a main and an emergency personnel
access route located as far apart from each other as practicable.
13.4.5 Reference should be made to 9.11.1 concerning helideck drainage.

13.5 Visual aids

13.5.1 A wind direction indicator should be located on the unit which, in

so far as is practicable, indicates the actual wind conditions over the
helideck. Units on which night helicopter operations take place should have
provisions to illuminate the wind direction indicator.
13.5.2 The helideck should be marked as follows:
.1 the perimeter with a continuous white line with a width of
0.3 m;
Cl7aptc.l- 13
- ..- - - - -~
- ~~~ -- ~ . -- -. ~- ~.
-~~ - .~
-~~ -
7 -3

.2 the unit's name should be provided on thc helidcck and bc 3

positioned o n the obstacle side with characters not less than
1.2 m in height and in a colour contrasting with the
.3 an aiming circle, concentric to the helidcck, painted yellow with
a n inside diameter equal to 0.5LD. The width of thc line should
be I m;
.4 a white "H" centred on the landing area with the horizontal on
the bisector of the obstacle-€re
high, 1.8 m wide with 0.4 m wide lines; and
.5 the helideck obstacle-free sector marking should indicatc the
origm of the obstacle-free sector, the direction of the linlits of
the sector and the design dimensions (the LD or R D value) of
the helideck, as shown in figure 13-5. T h e delideck should be fitted with omnidirectional yellow lights
in order to enable the landing area to be easily identified at night. These
lights should be uniformly positioned along the perimeter of the helideck
and not more than 3 m apart. T h e Administration may allow the -
substitution of red lights for yellow lights to indicate the position of cranes,
and i n the case of self-elevating units legs. Helideck floodlights, where fitted, should be located so as to avoid
glare t o pilots. T h e arrangements and aiming of floodlights should be such
that helideck markings are illuminated and that shadows are kept to a

210' obstacle-free sector
lor take-off and approach

Limited obstacle sector

of 150. (Alternative
Positions on the periphery
and swinging the whole
Sector 115' lrom that

/ Shown may be used in

satislying the requirements)

Obstacle limited
to 1 :2 Slope

limited to


-1 0.83LD
k- 0.62LD
Landing area level

Figure 13-1 - Helideck obstacle limitation sector:

single main and side-by-side twin rotor helicopters in adverse climate
_ - - - -- _
Chapter 13 - _ -- -- - -- - -- - --


Landing area level

Section A-A

Figure 13-2 - Helideck obstacle limitation sectors:

tandem main rotor helicopters - omnidirectional operations
in adverse climate conditions
21 0' obstacle-free sector
for lake-off and approach Limiled obstacle sector
of 150'. NO alternative
position allowed


Of \

-1 0.62LD
Landing area level

Figure 13-3 - Helideck obstacle limitation sector:
tandem main rotor helicopter - bidirectional operations in adverse climate
180' obstacle-free sect
for take-otf and approac
Limited obstacle

tandem main rotor

Landing area level

Figure 13-4 - Helideck obstacle limitation sector:

180" for moderate climate
white perimeter marking

N0TE:The chevron marking shown

r - is aoolicable to adverse climates.
T : ; / /~or'Aoderate climales this should

be replaced by a straight bar.

1 .oo
I .----I

210' Sector origin

[ Take-off and approach
area marking 00

I white perimeter marking

Figure 13-5 - Obstacle-free sector marking

Chapter 14
Operating requirements
14.1 Operating manuals

14.1.1 Operating manuals containing guidance for the safe operation of thc
unit for both normal and envisaged emergency conditions, to the
satisfaction of the Administration, should be provided on board and be
readily availablc to all concerned. The manuals should, in addition to
providing the necessary general information about the unit, contain
guidance on and procedures for the operations that are vital to the safety
of personnel and the unit. T h e manuals should be concise and be compiled
in such a manner that they are easily understood. Each manual should be
provided with a contents list, an index and wherever possiblc be cross-
referenced to additional detailed inforn~ation which should bc readily
available on board.
14.1.2 T h e operating manual for normal operations should include the
following general descriptive infonnation, where applicable:
a description and particulars of the unit;
a chain of command with general responsibilities during nonnal
limiting design data for each mode of operation, including
draughts, air gap, wave height, wave period, wind, current, sea
and air temperatures, assumed sea-bed conditions, and any other
applicable environmental factors, such as icing;
a description of any inherent operational limitations for each
mode of operation and for each change in mode of operation;
the location of watertight and weathertight boundaries, the
location and type of watertight and weathertight closures and
the location of downflooding points;
the location, type and quantities of permanent ballast installed
o n the unit;
a description of the signals used in the general alarm, public
address, fire and gas alarm systems;
for self-elevating units, information regarding the preparation o f
the unit to avoid structural damage during the setting o r
retraction of legs o n or &om the sea-bed o r during extreme
weather conditions while in transit, including the positioning
and securing of legs, cantilever drill floor structures and heavy
cargo which might shift position;
lightship data together with a comprehensive listing of the
inclusions and exclusions of semi-permanent equipment;
stability information setting forth the allowablo n~axinlunl
height of the centre of gravity in relation to draught data or
other parameters based upon compliance with the intact and
damage criteria;
a capacity plan showing the capacities alld the vertical,
longitudinal and transverse centres of gravity of tanks and bulk
material stowage spaces;
tank sounding tables or curves showing capacities, the vertical,
longitudinal and transverse centres of gravity in graduated
intervals and the free surface data of each tank;
acceptable structural deck loadings;
identification of helicopters suited for the design of the helideck
and any limiting conditions of operation;
identification and classification of hazardous areas o n the unit;
description and linlitations of any on-board conzputer used in
operations such as ballasting, anchoring, dynamic positioning
and in trim and stability calculations;
description of towing arrangements and limiting conditions of
description of the main power system and limiting conditions o f
a list of key plans and schematics.
14.1.3 The operating manual for normal operations should also include,
where applicable:
guidance for the maintenance of adequate stability and the use of
the stability data;
guidance for the routine recording of lightweight alterations;
examples of loading conditions for each mode of operation and
instructions for developing other acceptable loading conditions,
including the vertical components of the forces in the anchor
for column-stabilized units, a description, schematic diagram
and guidance for the operation of the ballast system and of the
alternative means of ballast system operation, together with a
description of its limitations, such as pumping capacities at
various angles of heel and trim;
a description, schematic diagram, guidance for the operation of
the bilge system and of the alternative means of bilge system
operation, together with a description of its limitations, such as
draining of spaces not directly connected to the bilge system;
h e 1 oil storage and transfer procedures;
procedures for changing modes of operation;
guidance on severe weather operations and time required to
meet severe storm conditions and any inherent operational
description of the anchoring arrangcrnents and anchoring o r
mooring procedures and any limiting factors;
personnel transfer procedures;
procedures for the arrival, departure and helling of hclicopters;
limiting conditions of crane operations;
description of the dynamic positioning systems and limiting
conditions of operation;
procedures for ensuring that the requirements of applicable
international codes for the stowage and handling of dangerous
and radioactive materials are met;
guidance for the placement and safe operation of the well testing
equipment. T h e areas around possible sources of gas release
should be classified in accordance with 6.1 for the duration of
well test operations;
procedures for receiving vessels alongside;
guidance o n safe towing operations.
14.1.4 T h e operating manual for emergency operations should include,
where applicable:
.I description of fire-extinguishing systems and equipment;
.2 description of the life-saving appliances and means of escape;
.3 description of the emergency power system and limiting
conditions of operation;
.4 a list of key plans and schematics which may be useful during
emergency situations;
.5 general procedures for deballasting or counterflooding and the
closure of all openings which may lead to progressive flooding in
the event of damage;
.6 guidance for the person in charge in determining the cause of
unexpected list and trim and assessing the potential affects of
corrective measures o n unit survivability, i.e. strength, stability,
buoyancy, etc.;
.7 special procedures in the event of an uncontrolled escape of
hydrocarbons o r hydrogen sulphide, including emergency
.8 guidancc on the restoration of mechanical, electrical and
ventilation systems after main power failure or emergency
.9 ice alert procedures.
14.1.5 T h e information provided in thc operating manuals should, wherc
necessary, be supported by additional material provided in the form of plans,
manufacturers' manuals and other data necessary for the effkient operation
and maintenance of the unit. Detailed infonnation provided in manufac-
turers' manuals need not be repeated in the operating manuals. T h e
information should be referenced in the operating manual, readily
identified, located in an easily accessible place o n the unit and be available
a t all times.

14.2 Dangerous goods

14.2.1 Dangerous goods should be stored safely and appropriately
according to the nature of the goods. Incompatible goods should be
segregated fiom one another.
14.2.2 Explosives which present a serious risk should be stored in a suitable
magazine which should be kept securely closed. Such explosives should be
segregated from detonators. Electrical apparatus and cables i n any
compartment in which it is intended to store explosives should be designed
and used so as to minimize the risk of fire or explosion.
14.2.3 Flammable liquids which give off dangerous vapours and flammable
gases should be stored in a well-ventilated space or o n deck.
14.2.4 Substances which are liable to spontaneous heating or combustion
should not be carried unless adequate precautions have been taken to
prevent the outbreak of fire.
14.2.5 Radioactive substances should be stored and handled in a safe

14.3 Pollution prevention

Provision should be made such that the unit can comply with the
requirements of international conventions in force.

14.4 Towing
Towing arrangements and procedures should be such as to reduce to a
minimum any danger to personnel during towing operations. T h e design
and arrangement of towing fittings should have regard to both normal and
emergency conditions.
14.5 Transfer of material, equipment or personnel

14.5.1 Transfer operations, including the weights of loads to be handlcci,

any limiting conditions of operation and emergency procedures should bc
discussed and agreed between personnel on the unit and on attending
vessels prior to commencement of such transfers. Direct con~nlunications
should be maintained with the crane operator throughout such operations.
14.5.2 T h e unit should be equipped with at least two indepcndcnt means
for mooring attending vessels. T h e mooring positions should be such that
sufficient crane capacity in terms of lift and outreach is availablc to handle
loads in a safe manner.
14.5.3 T h e arrangement of mooring attachnlents o n the unit to facilitate
transfer operations should have regard to the risk of damage should the
attending vessel come in contact with the unit.
14.5.4 T h e mooring arrangements and procedures should bc such as to
reduce to a minimum any danger to personnel during nlooring operations.
14.5.5 T h e mooring lines between the unit and the attending vessel
should, as far as practicable, be arranged so that if a line breaks, danger to
personnel on both the attending vessel and the unit is minimized.
14.5.6 Discharges from the unit, such as those from the sewage system o r
ventilation from bulk tanks, should be arranged so that they minimize
danger to personnel o n the deck of attending vessels.

14.6 Diving systems

14.6.1 Diving systems, if provided, should be installed, protected and
maintained so as to minimize, so h r as practicable, any danger to personnel
o r the unit, due regard being paid to fire, explosion o r other hazards.
14.6.2 Diving systems should be designed, constructed, maintained and
certified in accordance with a national o r international standard o r code
acceptable to the Administration, such as the Code o f Safety for Diving
Systems (resolution A.536(13)), which may be employed for fixed diving
systems, if provided.

14.7 Safety of navigation

14.7.1 T h e requirements o f the Convention on the International Regula-
tions for Preventing Collisions at Sea in force should apply to each unit
except when stationary and engaged in drilling operations.
14.7.2 Each unit when stationary and engaged in drilling operations should
comply with the requirements for the safety of navigation o f the coastal
State in whose territorial sea o r o n whose continental shelf the unit is
14.7.3 Each unit when stationary and engaged in drilling operations should
inform the national hydrographic officc concerned about its position in
latitude and longitude, together with the approximate duration of the
operation so as to facilitate the promulgation of a temporary Notice to
Mariners. Details of future movelncnts of units should also be passed to
national hydrographic offices so that temporary Notices may be pronlul-
gatcd before a unit gets under way.

14.8 Emergency procedures

Person in charge
14.8.1 T h e person on each unit to whom all personnel on board are
responsible in an emergency should bc clcarly defined. This person should
be designated by title by the owner o r operator of the unit or the agent of
cither of them.
14.8.2 T h e person in charge should be well acquainted with the
characteristics, capabilities and limitations of the unit. This person should
be h l l y cognizant of his responsibilities for emergency organization and
action, for conducting emergency drills and training, and for keeping
records of such drills.
Manning of suwival craft and supewision
14.8.3 There should be a sufficient number of trained persons o n board for
mustering and assisting untrained persons.
14.8.4 There should be a sufficient number of certificated persons o n board
for launching and operating the survival craft to which personnel are
14.8.5 Certificated persons should be placed in command and as second-
in-command o f each lifeboat.
14.8.6 T h e person in command of the lifeboat and the second-in-,
command should have a list of all persons assigned to the boat and should
see that persons under their command are acquainted with their duties.
14.8.7 Every lifeboat should have a person assigned w h o is capable of
operating the lifeboat radio equipment.
14.8.8 Every lifeboat should have a person assigned who is capable of
operating the engine and carrying out minor adjustments.
14.8.9 T h e person in charge of the unit should ensure the equitable
distribution of persons referred to in 14.8.3, 14.8.4 and 14.8.5 among the
unit's survival craft.
Muster list
14.8.10 Muster lists should be exhibited in conspicuous places throughout
the unit including the control rooms and accommodation spaces.
14.8.11 T h e muster list sl~ouldspecif$ dctails of the general alarm system
signals and also the action to be taken in all operating modes by every person
when these alarms are sounded, indicating the location to which they
should go and the general duties, if any, they would be expected to perform.
14.8.12 T h e following duties should be included in the muster list:
.1 closing of the watertight doors, fire doors, valves, vent inlcts and
outlets, scuppers, sidcscuttlcs, skylights, portholes and other
similar openings in the unit;
.2 equipping of the survival craft and other life-saving appliances;
.3 preparation and launching of survival craft;
.4 general preparation of other life-saving appliances;
.5 muster of visitors;
.6 use of communication equipment;
.7 manning of fire parties assigned to deal with fires;
.8 special duties assigned in respect to the use of fire-fighting
equipment and installations;
.9 emergency duties on the helicopter deck;
.10 special duties assigned in the event of an uncontrolled escape o f
hydrocarbons o r hydrogen sulphide, including emergency
14.8.13 T h e muster list should specify substitutes for key persons w h o may
become disabled, taking into account that different emergencies may call for
different actions.
14.8.14 T h e muster list should show the duties assigned to regularly
assigned personnel in relation to visitors in case of emergency.
14.8.15 Each unit should have a current muster list revised as necessary to
reflect any procedural changes.
14.8.16 In deciding o n the level of detail to be included in the muster list,
account should be taken of information available in other documents, e.g.
operating manual.

14.9 Emergency instructions

14.9.1 Illustrations and instructions should be conspicuously displayed at

muster stations, control positions, working spaces and accommodation
spaces to inform all o n board oE
.1 the method of donning lifejackets; and
.2 the method o f donning immersion suits, if applicable.
14.9.2 All persons arriving on a unit for the first time, including visitors,
should upon arrival on board the unit be properly instructed in the
.I thc need to be prepared for an emergency;
.2 thc need to observe strictly the requirements of the muster list,
in particular those relating to:
- their specific conduct in any emergency,
- their survival craft station,
- the general emergency and fire alarm signals calling all
personnel to their assigned stations,
- how the order to abandon the unit will be given;
.3 the need to be alert for the sounding of alarm signals and to
respond to them in emergencies;
.4 the location of their own and spare lifejackets and, if provided,
immersion suits and the n~ethodof properly donning them;
.5 the dangers and preferred method ofjumping into the sea from a
height, particularly when wearing a lifejacket;
.6 the location of means of escape including those leading to
survival craft stations;
.7 the need to participate in any drills held during the time they are
on board; and
.a essential fire precautions.

14.10 Training manuals

A training manual complying with the requirements of regulation 111151* of
the 1974 SOLAS Convention should be provided and relevant information
made available to each person on board.

14.1 1 Practice musters and drills

14.11.1 One abandon unit drill and one fire drill should be conducted
every week. Drills should be so arranged that all personnel participate in a
drill at least once a month. A drill should take place within 24 hours after a
personnel change if more than 25% of the personnel have not participated
in abandon unit and fire drills on board that particular unit in the previous
month. The Administration may accept other arrangements that are at least
equivalent for those units for which this is impracticable.

Since 1 July 1998, the SOLAS requirements concerning the training manual are contained in
regulation 35 of new chapter 111, as adopted by resolution-MSC.47(66).
14.11.2 Each abandon unit drill should include:
.1 summoning of all on board to muster stations with the general
emergency signal and ensuring that they arc aware of how the
order to abandon the unit will be g v e n ;
.2 reporting to stations and preparing for the duties described in
the muster list;
.3 checlung that every person is suitably drcssed;
.4 checking that lifejackets and immersion suits are correctly
.5 lowering of at least one lifeboat as far a s reasonably practicable,
afeer any necessary preparation for launching;
.6 starting and operating the lifeboat engine; and
.7 operation of davits used for launching liferafts.
14.11.3 Different lifeboats should, as far as practicable, bc lowered in
compliance with the requirements of 14.1 1.2.5 at successive drills.
14.11.4 Drills should, as far as practicable, be conducted as if there were an
actual emergency.
14.11.5 Each lifeboat should, as far as reasonably practicable, be launched
with its assigned operating crew aboard and manoeuvred in the water at least
once every 3 months.
14.11.6 As far as is reasonably practicable, rescue boats, including lifeboats
which are also rescue boats, should be launched each month with their
assigned crew aboard and manoeuvred in the water. In all cases this
requirement should be complied with at least once every 3 months.

14.12 On-board training a n d instructions

14.12.1 On-board training in the use of the unit's life-saving appliances,
including survival craft equipment, should be given as soon as possible but
not later than one week after a person joins the unit. However, if the person
is o n a regularly scheduled rotating assignment to the unit, such training
should be given not later than one week after the time of first joining the
14.12.2 Instructions in the use of the unit's life-saving appliances and i n
survival at sea should be given at the same interval as the drills. Individual
instruction may cover different parts of the unit's life-saving system, but all
the unit's life-saving equipment and appliances should be covered within
any period of 2 months. Each regularly assigned person should be given
instructions which should include but not necessarily be limited to:
.1 operation and use of the unit's inflatable liferafts;
.2 problems of hypothermia, first-aid treatment for hypothermia
and other appropriate first-aid procedures;
.3 special instructions necessary for use of thc unit's life-saving
appliances in severe weather and severe sea conditions.
14.12.3 On-board training in the use of davit-launched liferafts should take
place at inteivals of not more than 4 months o n every unit fitted with such
appliances. Whenever practicable this should include the inflation and
lowering of a liferaft. This lifcraft may be a special liferaft intended for
training purposes only, which is not part of the unit's life-saving equipment;
such a special liferaft should be conspicuously marked.

14.13 Records
T h e date when musters are held, details of abandonment drills, drills of
other life-saving appliances and on-board training should be recordcd in
such log-book as may be prescribed by the Administration. If a full muster,
drill or training session is not hcld at the appointed time, an entry should bc
made in the log-book stating the circumstances and the extent of the
muster, drill or training session held.
Model form of Mobile OJshove Drilling Unit
Safety CertZficate ( 1 989)
(Official seal) (statd
Issued under the provisions of the


as amended

under the authority of the Government of

flu11 designation of the State)

by . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
lfull oflcial designation of the competent person or
organization authorized by the Administration)

Distinctive identification Type Port of registry

(name or number) (1.3 of the Code)

Date on which keel was laid or unit was at

a similar stage of construction or on which
major conversion was commenced . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

1 That the above-mentioned unit has been duly surveyed in accordance
with the applicable provisions of the Code for the Construction and
Equipment of Mobile Offshore Drilling Units, 1989.
2 That the survey showed that the structure, equipment, fittings, radio
station arrangements and materials of the unit and the condition
thereof are in a l l respects satisfactory and that the unit complies with
the relevant provisions of the Code.
3 That thc life-saving appliances provide for a total number of .......
persons and no more as follows:
4 That, in accordance with 1.4 of thc Codc, the provisions of the Codc
are modified in respect of the unit in the following manner:
5 That this unit has been issued with an approval for the continuous
survey t-echniques under 1.6.4 of the Codc in lieu of renewal and
internlediate surveys in respect of:
Hull 0 Machinery
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
si&zattrrcand seal o f approving date of contirruous survey
authority priponzme approval

This certificate is valid until . . . . . . . . . day o f . . . . . . . 20. . . .

Issued at ..................
(place of issue of certijicate)

. . . . . . . . . ..................
(date of issue) (signature of aurlzorized oflcial
issuing the certijicate)

(seal or stamp of the issuing authority, as appropriate)
Endorsement for annual and intermediate surveys
This is to certify that, at a survey required by 1.6 of the Code, this unit was
found to c o n ~ p l ywith the relevant provisions of the Code.

Annual survey: signed . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

(sipmturc o f nrrtl~orizedofficial)


date . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

(seal or stamp of authoriry, ns approprinrcp)

Annual/internlediate survey: signed: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

(signatur~cfautlrorized oflcial)

place ................

date . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

(seal or stamp of authority, as appropriate)

Annual/intermediate survey: signed: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

(signature of authorized oflcial)
place ...................
date . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

(seal or stamp of authority, as appropriate)

Annual survey: signed: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

(signature of authorized oflcial)
place ....................
date . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

(seal or stamp of authority, as appropriate)

Annuallintermediate survey in accordance with of the Code
4nnual survey: signed . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
(5ignature of authorized oficial)

place ...................

date . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

(seal or stamp of authority, as appropriate)

Endorsement for the drydock survey

This is t o certify that, at a survey required by 1.6 o f the Code, this unit was
Found to comply with the relevant provisions of the Code.

First inspection: signed . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

(signature of authorized oflctal)

place ....................
date . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

(seal or stamp of authority, as appropriate)

Second inspection: signed . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

(signature of authorized oflcial)

place .....................

date . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A

(seal or stamp of authority, as appropriate)

Endorsement to extend the certificate if valid for less
than 5 years where of the Code applies
This unit complies with the relevant requirements of the Code, and this
certificate should, in accordance with of the Code, be acceptcd as
valid until . . . . . . . . . . . .
signed . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
(signature OJ authorized oficinl)

place ....................


(seal or stamp of authority, as appropriate)

Endorsement where the renewal survey has been

completed and of the Code applies
This unit complies with the relevant requirements of the Code, and this
certificate should, in accordance with of the Code, be accepted as
valid until . . . . . . . . . .

signed . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
(signature of authorized oficial)

place ....................
date . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

(seal or stamp of authority, as appropriate)

Endorsement to extend the validity of the certificate

until reaching the port of survey where
of the Code applies
This certificate should, in accordance with of the Code, be
I accepted until . . . . . . . . . . . . .

signed . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
(signature of authorized oficial)

place ....................
date . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

(seal or stamp of authority, as appropriate)

Endorsement for the advancement of the
anniversary date where 1.6.11-7 of the Code applies
I11 accordance with 1.6.1 1.7 of the Code, the new anniversary datc is

signed . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
(s['natuw cf a ~ t h o r i z e doflcial)
place . .

date . . . . . .

(seal or stamp of authority, as appropriate)

In accordance with of the Code, the new anniversary date is


signed . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
(signature of authorized official)

place ....................
date . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

(seal or stamp of authority, as appropriate)


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