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Problems On Toefl Pake Reference

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List of content 1
Problems on Question tag
Problems on Causative 3
Problems on Participle 4
Problems on Word Order
Problems on Adjectives and Adverbs
Problems on Pasive Voice
Problems on Linking Verbs 8
Problems on Eliptical Sentences
Problems on Auxiliary Verbs 12
Problems on Agreement
Problems on Parallel Structure
Problems on Gerunds and Infinitives
Problems on Comparisons
Problems on Personal Pronouns
Problems on Conditional Sentences
Problems on Tenses 26

Problems on TOEFL 1
Problems on Question Tag
Question tags is a statement followed by a short question. “The whole
sentence is a tag question, and the short question at the end is called a
question tag.”1 We use tag question at the end of statements to ask for
Basic structure of question tag is :

+ -
Positive negative
statement, tag?

He writes a
doesn’t he?

positive tag?

He is not
is he?

Some special cases2 :

I am right, aren’t I? aren’t I (not amn’t I)

You have to go, don’t

You (do) have to go…

I have been answering,

use first auxiliary
haven’t I?

Nothing came in the Treat statements with nothing, nobody etc

post, did it? like negative statements

Let’s go, shall we? Let’s = let us

He’d better do it, hadn’t He had better (no auxiliary)


Problems on TOEFL 2

Problems on Causative
Causative is the sentence pattern that used when we want explain about
someone that makes other people doing something for him or her.
A. Subject + have + active object + infinitive without to

Example: He has them answer the question.

The other verb which can be used for this formula are make dan get.
Example: He makes them answer the question
He gets them to answer the question

B. Subject + have + passive object + past participle + (by someone else)

“The other way to express ‘caustive’ is using Formula B, makes something was
done by somebody else. Besides using ‘have’, we also can use ‘get’.”3
I had my car washed (means: I asked someone to wash my car for me)
She had the assignment done (means: someone must do the assignment for her)

“If ‘have’ be used with this way, the negative dan interrogative form use do/did.”4
1. You have your house painted every five years (+)
Do you have your house painted every five years? (?)
2. I had them cleaned yesterday (+)
I didin’t have them cleaned yesterday (-)

Rumus XII IPA GO, 2008 page 147
Rumus XII IPA GO, 2008 page 147

Problems on TOEFL 3
Problems on Participle
A. Active Participle
“Active participle is verb ended with ‘ing’: running, passing, crying, etc. If
active participle begin with ‘tobe’, then it comes to progressive form (continous
form). Active participle appears heaps of time after the object from dari verb: see,
hear, smell, feel, watch, notice, listen to, look at, observe, keep, find, catch, leave,
which the function as adjective or adverb.”5
So, active participle is just like present participle that can be changed into
present continous if we add ‘tobe’ before the verb plus ‘ing’.
I saw the cat falling.
My mother heard the baby crying.

B. Passive Participle
“Passive participle is the third form of verb. If passive participle begin with
‘tobe’, then appears passive form pattern.”6
Passive participle is as same as past participle.
A house is made from so many material.
I was born in November.

“One of the primary function of passive participle is to express causal

Because/as/since the city is surrounded by mountain, the city has a cool climate.
(Surrounded by mountain, the city has a cool climate.)

Rumus XII IPA GO, 2008 page 152
Rumus XII IPA GO, 2008 page 152
Rumus XII IPA GO, 2008 page 152

Problems on TOEFL 4
Problems on Word Order
“Word order discuss about the place of subject, predicate, object, and
complement in a sentence according to the position and the function.”8
Referred from the definition above, we know that word order arrange the
right position for each of words.
The normal pattern of English sentence order are:

When Who Action Who How Where When

(predicat (adverb)
Which Which
What What

Yesterda I went to the

y zoo

I had a very

Budi took her to the last

cafe week

Anto drive carelessly

Assertion :

 ”Explanation of time can be placed at the beginning or the end of the

sentence. But oftentimes it’s placed at the end of the sentence.”9

 “Subject always followed by predicate, then object, adverb, and the

explanation of time.”10

 ”Different with adverb of manner that usually placed after object. Adverb
of frequency (never, seldom, often, usually, etc.) placed before the main
 The position of word ’enough’ always changed according to if ‘enough’
explain noun, adjective, or adverb.
Rumus XII IPA GO, 2008 page 160
Rumus XII IPA GO, 2008 page 160
Rumus XII IPA GO, 2008 page 160
Rumus XII IPA GO, 2008 page 160

Problems on TOEFL 5
Adjective + enough
Enough + noun
Example: He speaks well enough to be an interpreter.
It is cold enough to wear a heavy jacket.
Do you have enough money to buy the remote control car?

 “Embedded Question is a question form that inserted in a sentence or the

other question.”12
The formula:
Subject + verb + question word + subject + (auxiliary) verb

Problems on Adjectives and Adverbs

Adjectives is a word that describes, qualifies, or identifies a noun or
Example :
1. I have a black cat
(word “black” explain the noun “cat”)
Adjective are divided into four classes :
1. Possessive Adjectives
“A possessive adjective ("my," "your," "his," "her," "its," "our," "their") is
similar or identical to a possessive pronoun; however, it is used as an adjective
and modifies a noun or a noun phrase, as in the following sentences:”13
I can't complete my assignment because I don't have the textbook.
In this sentence, the possessive adjective "my" modifies "assignment" and
the noun phrase "my assignment" functions as an object. Note that the possessive
pronoun form "mine" is not used to modify a noun or noun phrase.
2. Demonstrative Adjectives
The demonstrative adjectives "this," "these," "that," "those," and
"what" are identical to the demonstrative pronouns, but are used as adjectives to
modify nouns or noun phrases, as in the following sentences:
When the librarian tripped over that cord, she dropped a pile of books.
In this sentence, the demonstrative adjective "that" modifies the noun "cord" and
the noun phrase "that cord" is the object of the preposition "over."
3. Interrogative Adjectives
An interrogative adjective ("which" or "what") is like an interrogative
pronoun, except that it modifies a noun or noun phrase rather than standing on its
own (see also demonstrative adjectives and possessive adjectives):
Which plants should be watered twice a week?

Rumus XII IPA GO, 2008 page 160
google - www.writingcentre.uottawa.ca/hypergrammar/adjectve.htm, Written by Heather

Problems on TOEFL 6
Like other adjectives, "which" can be used to modify a noun or a noun phrase. In
this example, "which" modifies "plants" and the noun phrase "which plants" is the
subject of the compound verb "should be watered":
4. Indefinite Adjectives
An indefinite adjective is similar to an indefinite pronoun, except that it
modifies a noun, pronoun, or noun phrase, as in the following sentences:
Many people believe that corporations are under-taxed.
The indefinite adjective "many" modifies the noun "people" and the noun phrase
"many people" is the subject of the sentence.

Problems on Passive Voice

Passive voice is used when the focus is on the action. It is not important or
not known, however, who or what is performing the action.
Form :
The passive is made with the verb "to be" and the past participle.
Subject + finite form of to be + Past Participle (3rd column of
irregular verbs)
Examples of Passive:14

Tense Subject Verb "to be" Past Participle

Simple present: Flowers are planted every year
Present Flowers are being planted now.
Flowers were planted last year
Simple past:
Flowers were being planted last summer.
Past continuous:
Flowers have been planted here for 10 years.
Present perfect:
Flowers had been planted until last year.
Past perfect:
Flowers will be planted next year.
Flowers will be being planted during the
Future continuous: summer.
Flowers would be
Present planted if we had seeds.
Flowers would have
been planted if we had had
Past conditional: seeds.


Problems on TOEFL 7
Problems on Linking Verbs
A linking verb implies a state of being or condition for the subject, not an
action. It links the subject to an equivalent word in the sentence.
A linking verb may connect the subject with a noun:15
1. Roads were a slushy mess on Monday along parts of the East Coast.
1. ROADS is linked to MESS, which is equal in terms of description.
2. Smoking appeared to be the cause of the blaze.
1. SMOKING is linked to CAUSE, which restates the subject.
3. It was a sad day.
1. IT is linked to a noun DAY, which restates the subject.
A linking verb may connect the subject with a pronoun:16
1. The book could be his.
1. The subject (BOOK) is linked with the pronoun indicating its state of
being (HIS).
2. The robbery victim pointed and yelled, "That is he."
1. THAT is linked with HE, which is equal in terms of description.
A linking verb may connect the subject with an adjective:17
1. The writer was proud of her efforts.
1. The subject (WRITER) is linked with her state of being (PROUD).
2. Before the show, Malik seemed nervous.
1. MALIK is linked with NERVOUS, which is equal in terms of
Typically, linking verbs are a form of the verb TO BE: IS, WAS, AM, ARE,


Problems on TOEFL 8
1. The crew's mission is to create the best topographic map of Earth.
1. The subject is MISSION. The linking verb is IS, and the descriptor—
in this case a predicate nominative—is TO CREATE.
2. The solution was judges who would mete out longer prison sentences.
1. The subject is SOLUTION. The linking verb is WAS, and the
descriptor—in this case a predicate nominative—is JUDGES.
3. Leonardo said, "I am the king of the world."
1. The subject is I. The linking verb is AM, and the descriptor—in this
case a predicate nominative—is KING.
4. The number of minor children with one or both parents behind bars is 1.5
1. The subject is NUMBER. The linking verb is IS, and the descriptor—
in this case a predicate adjective—is 1.5 MILLION.
5. Law-abiding Americans were far less safe in 1980 than in 1960.
1. The subject is AMERICANS. The linking verb is WERE, and the
descriptor—in this case a predicate adjective—is SAFE.
6. Some see this as a societal commitment to imprisonment on a scale that
would have been unthinkable a quarter of a century ago in this, or any
other, country.
1. The subject is THAT. The linking verb is WOULD HAVE BEEN, and
the descriptor—in this case a predicate adjective—is

Problems on TOEFL 9
Problems on Elliptical Sentences
1) “If the first clause use be, next clause use too.”19

Positive sentence be Subject + be + too

So + be +subject

Example :
 I am a university student and you are too
 I am a university student and so are you

2) “if the first clause have auxiliary that followed by noun verb, and auxiliary to
used at second clause.”20

Positive sentence Will Subject + will + too

Shoul Should
So + will + subject

Example :
 My friends will come to my house tomorrow and my teacher will too

(Tumijo, S.Pd., M.Hum, Drs. Slamet Riyanto, M.Pd with LTI (Language Training Institution), Pustaka
Widyatma, 2009, page 94) “our group think the sentence use be after subject.”
(Tumijo, S.Pd., M.Hum, Drs. Slamet Riyanto, M.Pd with LTI (Language Training Institution), Pustaka
Widyatma, 2009, page 94) “our group think using auxiliary to followed main verb.”

Problems on TOEFL 10
 My friends will come to my house tomorrow and so will my teacher

3) “if in the first clause not use auxiliary but use verb1, second xlause must
use auxiliary do, does, or did.”21

Positive sentence Verb1 Subject + be + too

So + be + subject

 Andi goes to school everyday and his sister does too
 Yoy like her and so do I
 They went home early yesterday and she did too

4) “either and neither is used by negative sentence. Its have same structure
such as so and too. In negative sentence word too changed with either.
Word so changed with neither. If neither is used by negative sentence that
word not require ‘not’ at its clause.”22

Negative Be Subject + be + not

sentence either
d Should
Must must
Neither + be +subject

Example :
 I am not a university student and you are not either
 They did not go home early yesterday and neither did she
 My friends will not come to my house tomorrow and my teacher won’t

5) “if we will to mention two person or noun together, we can to use both that’s
mean both of them.”23
(Tumijo, S.Pd., M.Hum, Drs. Slamet Riyanto, M.Pd with LTI (Language Training Institution), Pustaka
Widyatma, 2009, page 94), “our group thinkused auxiliary do, does, or did.”
(Tumijo, S.Pd., M.Hum, Drs. Slamet Riyanto, M.Pd with LTI (Language Training Institution), Pustaka
Widyatma, 2009, page 94), “our group think neither and either have same structure in elliptical
sentence, but its use for negative sentence. Use neither like use so, and use either like use too.
Neither not require word not that clause because neither same as not either.”

(Tumijo, S.Pd., M.Hum, Drs. Slamet Riyanto, M.Pd with LTI (Language Training Institution), Pustaka
Widyatma, 2009, page 95)

Problems on TOEFL 11
Positive sentence Both + be/verb + positive

 Doni and Andi are my brothers. Both are smart at school
 This hotel has two entrances. Both entrance look strong and nice

Problems on Auxiliary Verbs

“In English language, there are a number of verb that function helping
together verb to express different meaning. That verb kind of auxiliary verb. The
auxiliary verb such as be, have, do, dare, need, used to, and uccostumed to.”24
A. Usage BE (is, am, are, was, were, be, to be, being, and been)
1) Be + verb-ing
 They are discussing their plan for picnic
2) Be + going to + verb1
 I’m going to finish my thesis next year
3) Be + to + verb1
 The director is to open meeting
 Be + verb3
A new supermarket will be opened soon

(Tumijo, S.Pd., M.Hum, Drs. Slamet Riyanto, M.Pd with LTI (Language Training Institution), Pustaka
Widyatma, 2009, page 111) “our group think Auxiliary verb is to expressed some meaning from

Problems on TOEFL 12
B. Usage HAVE (can different type such as has, have, to have, dan
1) Have + verb3
 He has lived in this city for five years
2) Have + to + verb1
 In order to pass the exam, you have to study very hard
3) Had better + verb1
 We had better cancel the appointmemt process
C. Usage DO (do, does, did)
1) Do + not + verb1
 You do not understand me
2) Do + subject + verb1
 Did you get the same materials from the professor?
3) Do + verb1
 I do hope you to come here
D. Usage DARE
1) Dare + to + verb1 (for positive and introgative sentence)
 He dares to attach his anemy without friends
2) Dare + verb1 (for negative sentence)
 He dare dot meet the professor
E. Usage NEED
1) Need + to + verb1 (for positive sentence)
 We need to solve this problem soon
2) Need + verb1 (for negative and introgative sentence)
 You need not go to the hospital
 Need I meet you before the class?

Problems on Agreement

Problems on TOEFL 13
“The concord is agreement between subject and verb. If a sentence have
singular subject, its verb must singular too. If a sentence have plural subject, its
verb must plural too.”25
Example :
• A rabbit eats grass

• Rabbits eat grass

• Some students are in the room

a. “Phrase that prepotition by of/on/in to join subject do not change the number
of the subject.”26
subject + of/on/in…. + verb

 The study of local people in this village is necessary to carry out.

 All proposals on the project have been signed up.
 Some employees in the company were hospitalized yesterday.
b. “Phrase such as along with, together with, accompanied by, as well as
that join a subject do not change the number of subject.”27
Subject + along with/together with…. + verb
Accompanied by….
As well as….

 The teacher together with his students is waiting for the train.
 Doni along with his parents is going to the concert to night.
 All people as well as their leader were having a ceremony on the top of
the mountain.

 The president accompanied by some of his ministers is visiting the

rural village now.

c. “Subject to positioned by verb-ing always take a singular verb.”28

Verb-ing + verb
 Writing stories is my hobby.
 Learning how to communicatite in English is greatly needed in this
modern era.

(Tumijo, S.Pd., M.Hum, Drs. Slamet Riyanto, M.Pd with LTI (Language Training Institution), Pustaka
Widyatma, 2009, page 59) “our grup think about the topic is to concord subject with verb in a
sentence. Singular subjects have singular verbs and plural subjects have plural verbs.”
(Tumijo, S.Pd., M.Hum, Drs. Slamet Riyanto, M.Pd with LTI (Language Training Institution), Pustaka
Widyatma, 2009, page 60) “our group think subjects joined by preposition of/on/in do not change the
number of subject.”
(Tumijo, S.Pd., M.Hum, Drs. Slamet Riyanto, M.Pd with LTI (Language Training Institution), Pustaka
Widyatma, 2009, page 60) “our group think preposition phrases that come between a subjects and its
veb do not change the number of subject.”
(Tumijo, S.Pd., M.Hum, Drs. Slamet Riyanto, M.Pd with LTI (Language Training Institution), Pustaka
Widyatma, 2009, page 61) “our group think gerund such as a subject take a singular verb. But when
subject joined by ‘and’ take a plural verb.”

Problems on TOEFL 14
 Discussing problems among students was our tradition in the past, but
now everything look different.
“But if that subject joined by and take a plural verb.”29
 Fishing and swimming are two interesting activities when we have a
picnic to the beach.

 Reading stories and writing letters to his friends from California that he
does almost everyday make his English improve better than the others.

d. “Indefinite pronouns always take a singular subject. Because of that its

verb must singular.”30
Indefinite pronouns + verb

1) Any+….: anybody, anyone, anything

Is anyone primitted to borrow books in this library?

2) No + singular noun: nobody,no one, nothing

Nobody speaks English better than Jane dose.
No one is allowed to enter the room.

3) Some + singular noun: somebody, someone, something

Something was under your house.
Someone is coming.

4) Every + singular noun: everybody, everyone, everything

Everybody who has got a ticket should wait for the bus in the room.

5) Each + singular noun: each person, each student, each room, etc.
Each student has the right to get all the scholl service.
Each person obeys the rules.

e. “Word of none/no is nothing. If none/no such as subject it can be singular or

plural, depend its none.”31
None/no…. + verb
1) None + of the + noncountable noun + singular verb
None of the information has been got by the applicants.
2) None + of the + plural count noun + plural verb
None of the students have submitted their tasks.
3) No + singular noun + singular verb
No example was given by the teacher.

(Tumijo, S.Pd., M.Hum, Drs. Slamet Riyanto, M.Pd with LTI (Language Training Institution), Pustaka
Widyatma, 2009, page 61) “our group think indefinite pronoun always take a singular subject and its
verb must be singular verb.”
(Tumijo, S.Pd., M.Hum, Drs. Slamet Riyanto, M.Pd with LTI (Language Training Institution), Pustaka
Widyatma, 2009, page 61) “our group think indefinite pronoun always take a singular subject and its
verb must be singular verb.”
(Tumijo, S.Pd., M.Hum, Drs. Slamet Riyanto, M.Pd with LTI (Language Training Institution), Pustaka
Widyatma, 2009, page 62)
“our group think many words may be singular or plural depending on what they refer to none/no.”

Problems on TOEFL 15
4) No + noncount noun + singular verb
No sand was provided to build houses.
5) No + plural noun + plural verb
No patients like the way the doctor treats them.

f. “Subject having a form of either…or/neither..nor will be effected by its

Either… or… + verb
Neither… nor… + verb
1) Neither/either + noun + nor/or + singular noun + singular verb
Neither Rony nor Rudi is going to the party.
Either John or William likes dancing.
2) Neither/either + noun + nor/or + plural noun + plural verb
Neither Susan nor her daughters are going to the party today.
Either John or all his daughters like dancing.

g. Collective + noun verb

1) “There are some collective noun. Its usually singular, and its verb must
singular. But some noun are plural, so that its verb must plural.”33
Some of these word are: Family, Team, Jury, Committee, Government,
Crowd, Club, etc.
Example :

 The poor family has got fund from the readers of the newspapers.

 Our team has become the winner of the competition,

 The organization grows bigger this year.

 The gorvenment has decide to stop the use of narcotics in the country.

2) “Nouns for collective animals considered singular, and its verb must be
singular.”34 Some of these word are: School of fish, Pride of Lions, Flock
of birds, etc.
Example :

 A school of fish always swims along this beach.

 A flock of birds was flying to the south.

 A pack of dogs was barking all days.

(Tumijo, S.Pd., M.Hum, Drs. Slamet Riyanto, M.Pd with LTI (Language Training Institution), Pustaka
Widyatma, 2009, page 63) “when subject are joined by following structure (either..or/neither..nor), the
verb must agree with the closer subject.”
(Tumijo, S.Pd., M.Hum, Drs. Slamet Riyanto, M.Pd with LTI (Language Training Institution), Pustaka
Widyatma, 2009, page 64), “our group think collective nouns are usually singular, but may be plural if
the members are functioning independently. Watch the pronoun for clues to the singular or plural
nature of the subject.”
(Tumijo, S.Pd., M.Hum, Drs. Slamet Riyanto, M.Pd with LTI (Language Training Institution), Pustaka
Widyatma, 2009, page 64), “our group think collective of nimals re singular subject, and its verb must
be singular.”

Problems on TOEFL 16
3) “Collective noun are indicated time, money, and measure that all of
them considered singular too.”35

 Thirty minutes is nt enough time to finish the English test.

 Ten kilometers is too much to run in one hour.

 Thirty dollars is too expensive for this kind of tape recorder.

4) “Nouns are always plural, exept for phrase …a pair of…, that’s be
singular.”36 Example : Tweezers, Pliers, Jeans, Shorts, Trousers,
Eyeglasses, Scissors

 The pliers were in the drawer.

 The pair of pliers was in the drawer.

 These scissors are very sharp.

 The pair of scissors is very sharp.

5) “Subject that joined by There is /There are to follow its word.”37 (Tumijo,
S.Pd., M.Hum, Drs. Slamet Riyanto, M.Pd with LTI (Language Training
Institution), Pustaka Widyatma, 2009, page 65)
There is/there was/there has been + singular subject/non-count
There are/there were/there have been + plural subject

 There is a nice house near the bridge.

 There was a big strom last night.

 There have been many pplicants coming to this office.

 There was enough coffee for tomorrow.

Problems on Parallel Structure

“Parallel structure is one of the quickest and easiest ways to make a good
impression on your readers, especially experienced readers and writers, because
the use of parallel structure is always obvious.”38
While the following examples require just one word and are relatively easy,
look for parallel structure when you read because it is used frequently among
experienced writers.

(Tumijo, S.Pd., M.Hum, Drs. Slamet Riyanto, M.Pd with LTI (Language Training Institution), Pustaka
Widyatma, 2009, page 64), “our group think expression stating one amount of time, money, volume,
and weight are plural in form but take a singular verb.”
(Tumijo, S.Pd., M.Hum, Drs. Slamet Riyanto, M.Pd with LTI (Language Training Institution), Pustaka
Widyatma, 2009, page 65), “our group think nouns are always plural in form but some of them re
followed by a singular verb when used in expression such as …a pair of…, …a word of… .“
(Tumijo, S.Pd., M.Hum, Drs. Slamet Riyanto, M.Pd with LTI (Language Training Institution), Pustaka
Widyatma, 2009, page 65), “our group think subject followed the word of there is/are.”

Problems on TOEFL 17
1. The children are energetic and noisy. = adjective + adjective
2. She bought a skirt and a blouse. = noun + noun
3. He walked slowly and confidently to the witness stand. = adverb + adverb
4. Swimming and hiking are my favorite summer activities. = gerund + gerund

Problems on Gerunds and Infinitives

A. Verbs Followed by Gerunds OR Infinitives (Different Meaning)
Example :39

begin She began singing. She is beginning to sing.

She began to sing.
When "begin" is used in non- When "begin" is used in continuous


Problems on TOEFL 18
continuous tenses, you can
either use a gerund or an tenses, an infinitive is used.

He dreaded to think of the

consequences of his actions.
She dreaded taking the test.
dread Usually "dread" is followed by a "Dread" is sometimes used with
gerund. infinitives such as "think" or
"consider." In the sentence above,
"dreaded to think" means "did not
want to think."

She forgot reading the book She forgot to pay the rent this
when she was a kid. month.
When "forget" is used with a
gerund, it means "to forget
that you have done When forget is used with an
forget infinitive, it means "to forget that
something." The sentence
above means that she read the you need to do something." The
book when she was a kid, and sentence above means that she
that she has forgotten that forgot that she needed to pay the
fact. rent.

The attackers kept hostages to

prevent the police from entering.

She kept talking. "Keep" can also be used with an

"Keep" is normally used with a object followed by an infinitive, but
gerund to mean that you then the infinitive takes on the
continue doing an action. meaning of "in order to... ." In the
sentence above, the attackers kept
hostages in order to prevent the
police from entering.

The house needs cleaning.

He needs to call his boss.
When "need" is used with a
He needs him to call his boss.
gerund, it takes on a passive
need "Need" is usually used with an
meaning. The sentence above
infinitive or an object + an
means "the house needs to be

We regret to inform you that your

position at the company is being
I regretted being late to the
regret "Regret" is sometimes used with
"Regret" is normally used with
a gerund. infinitives such as "to inform." In
the sentence above, "We regret to
inform you" means "We wish we did
not have to tell you (bad news)."

rememb I remember mentioning the He remembered to turn off the

er meeting yesterday. lights before he left.

Problems on TOEFL 19
When "remember" is used with
a gerund, it means "to When "remember" is used with an
remember that you have done infinitive, it means "to remember
something." The sentence that you need to do something."
above means that I mentioned The sentence above means that he
the meeting, and that I remembered that he needed to turn
remember the fact that I did the lights off.

Marge is starting to talk really fast.

Marge started talking really
When "start" is used in continuous
tenses, an infinitive is used.
Marge started to talk really
I started to learn Russian, but it was
start so much work that I finally quit the
When "start" is used in non-
continuous tenses, you can
In other situations, an infinitive
either use a gerund or an
means that you did not complete or
continue an action.

He stopped to rest for a few

He stopped smoking for health
When "stop" is used with an
stop infinitive, the infinitive takes on the
"Stop" is normally used with a
meaning of "in order to." In the
sentence above, he stopped in
order to rest for a few minutes.

She can't find a job. She tried

looking in the paper, but there
was nothing. She tried asking She tried to climb the tree, but she
friends and family, but nobody couldn't even get off the ground.
knew of anything. She also When you "try to do" something,
tried going shop to shop, but you want to do it, but you do not
nobody was hiring. succeed in actually doing it. In the
"Try + gerund" means to try or sentence above, an infinitive is
to experiment with different used because she cannot
methods to see if something successfully climb the tree.
works. Try not to wake the baby when you
She tried eating the snake get up tomorrow at 5 AM.
soup, but she didn't like it. An infinitive is also used if you are
"Try + gerund" is often used asking someone to try something
when you experiment with they may or may not be able to
something, but you do not accomplish.
really like it or want to do it


B. Verbs Followed by Gerunds OR Infinitives (Similar Meaning)

Example :40

He can't bear being alone. He can't bear to be alone.


Problems on TOEFL 20
can't Nancy can't stand working the Nancy can't stand to work the late
stand late shift. shift.

The government ceased The government ceased to

providing free health care. provide free health care.

continue She continued talking. She continued to talk.

hate He hates cleaning dishes. He hates to clean dishes.

like Samantha likes reading. Samantha likes to read.

love We love scuba diving. We love to scuba dive.

He neglected doing his daily He neglected to do his daily

chores. chores.

prefer He prefers eating at 7 PM. He prefers to eat at 7 PM.

Drew proposed paying for the

propose Drew proposed to pay for the trip.


C. Gerund after prepositions (adjectives)

We use the Gerund after prepositions
adjective + preposition
Example :41
We use the Gerund after the following phrases:
afraid of They are afraid of losing the match.
angry about/at Pat is angry about walking in the rain.
bad at
John is good at working in the garden.
good at
clever at He is clever at skateboarding.
crazy about The girl is crazy about playing tennis.
disappointed He is disappointed about seeing such a bad
about/at report.
excited about We are excited about making our own film.
famous for Sandy is famous for singing songs.
fed up with I'm fed up with being treated as a child.
fond of Hannah is fond of going to parties.
glad about She is glad about getting married again.
The children are not happy about seeing a
happy about/at
interested in Are you interested in writing poems?
keen on Joe is keen on drawing.
proud of She is proud of riding a snowboard.
sick of We're sick of sitting around like this.


Problems on TOEFL 21
sorry about/for He's sorry for eating in the lesson.
tired of I'm tired of waiting for you.
used to She is used to smoking.
worried about I'm worried about making mistakes.

D. Gerund after prepositions (verbs)

We use the Gerund after prepositions.
verb + preposition
Exception: to
Here we use the phrase:
looking forward to + Gerund
I'm looking forward to seeing you soon.
We use the Gerund after the following phrases:42
accuse of They were accused of breaking into a shop.
agree with I agree with playing darts.
apologize for They apologize for being late.
believe in She doesn't believe in getting lost in the wood.
blame for The reporter is blamed for writing bad stories.
complain about She complains about bullying.
concentrate on Do you concentrate on reading or writing?
congratulate sb. I wanted to congratulate you on making such a good
on speech.
cope with He is not sure how to cope with getting older.
decide against They decided against stealing the car.
depend on Success may depend on becoming more patient.
dream about/of Sue dreams of being a pop star.
feel like They feel like going to bed.
get used to You must get used to working long hours.
insist on The girls insisted on going out with Mark.
look forward to I'm looking forward to seeing you soon.
prevent sb. from
How can I prevent Kate from working in this shop?
rely on sth. He doesn't rely on winning in the casino.
succeed in How then can I succeed in learning chemistry?
specialize in The firm specialized in designing websites.
stop sb. from I stopped Andrew from smoking.
talk about/of They often talk about travelling to New Zealand.
think of Frank thinks of playing chess.
warn sb. against We warned them against using this computer.
worry about The patient worries about having the check-up.

Problems on Comparison


Problems on TOEFL 22
“Most adjectives that show the nature, the quantitative nature of the two
words, that much and little, two adjectives and the few numbers that have many
levels of comparison (comparison degrees)”43
A. The degrees of three levels of comparison
1. The positive degree
- ended in a vowel or two in a consonant preceded by two vowels add- er and –est

- when ends in a consonant or two then just add -er and -est
Example : Rich-Richer-richest
- ends in a consonant preceded by a vowel and then the last consonant is doubled
and then add -er and -est1
- if there is a single consonant and vowel after the last letter is doubled and added
-er and -est
Example : big-bigger-Biggest
- if it ends in e only add -r and –st 44
- when the letter finally e is added to -r and -st
Example : nice-nicer-Nicest
- ending in -y preceded by a consonant and the letter -y changed to -i and add -er
and –st 44
- If the ending in the letter -y is preceded by the letter konsonant then changed to
-i and add -er and -st
Example : dry-drier, driest
- ending in -y preceded by a vowel it is not replaced but immediately added -er
and –est 44
- If y is preceded vowels do not need to be changed and add er and est (coy-
Example : coy-coyer-coyest
2. The comparatif  by adding more or -er or -r

3. The most superlative  by adding -st or -est or most

B. Application
1. The positive degree
-When two people or say the same thing in terms of specific properties of use to
us .... us or with certain expressions mean the same thing 44
-If you compare the two the same thing as it uses as ....
Formula: as + positive + us  example : This boy is as handsome as That
No less than + positive + than  example : This boy is no less Clever That
Not more than + positive + than  example: This boy is not cleverer That
2. Comparative degree
-When two people or things are not the same be said in terms of the specific
nature of the comparative degree 44

-If two things are not said whether the use of comparative degree
Formula: comparative + than  example : This girl is taller than her
Baron’s, How To Prepare for TOEFL,Jakarta: Bina Rupa Aksara,2002
Arif fahrudin “Construktion and Formation In Language English page 111

Problems on TOEFL 23

3. Superlative degree
When there is an object or person is said to exceed or surpass another, the use of
the superlative degree with the..... of 44

If an object or a person having higher levels compared to the others, he uses the
superlative degree with the….of  example: He is the tallest of all the girls)

Problems on TOEFL 24
Problems on Personal Pronouns
“A pronoun is used in place of a noun. It refers to a noun. The noun it
refers to is called the antecedent” 45
A pronouns refers to a noun
Example : I read the book. It was good  it refers to the antecedent noun
Mary said “ I drink tea”  I refers to the speker, whose name is
Possessive pronouns are not followed immediately by a noun, they stand alone 46

Possessive pronouns stand alone without noun

Example : That book is mine. Those are yours over there 46

Possessive adjective are followed immediately by a noun, they dont stand alone 46

Possessive adjective dont stand alone followed by a noun

Example : My book is here. Your books are over there 46

Reflexive pronouns to replace the pronoun that combines the two clauses into
one 47
Reflexive pronouns to shorten sentences

• Who  to change person subyek

Example : This is the man who jumps from the hills

• Whom  to change person object

Example : This is the man whom I met at the hills

• Whose  to change owner

Example : This is the women whose husbind jumps from the hills

• Which  to change matter

Example : This is the hills which we visited

Understanding and using ENGLISH GRAMMAR-Supplementary grammar units page a5
Possessive nouns required apostrophes; e.g., That book is Mary’s ( see chart 5-3 ), Possessive
pronouns do NOT take apostrophes
COORECT : That book is hers, and those books are theirs
INCORRECT : That book is her’s and those books are theirs
Phillips, Deborah Longman, Preparation Course for the TOEFL Test, New York: Adisson-Weshley
Publishing, 1996

Problems on TOEFL 25
Problems on Conditional Sentences
A. Conditional Sentences Type 148
if + Simple Present, will-Future
Example: If I find her address, I will send her an invitation.
The main clause can also be at the beginning of the sentence. In this case, don't
use a comma.
Example: I will send her an invitation if I find her address.
Note: Main clause and / or if clause might be negative. See Simple Present und
will-Future on how to form negative sentences.
Example: If I don’t see him this afternoon, I will phone him in the evening.
Conditional Sentences Type I refer to the future. An action in the future will only
happen if a certain condition is fulfilled by that time. We don't know for sure
whether the condition actually will be fulfilled or not, but the conditions seems
rather realistic – so we think it is likely to happen.
Example: If I find her address, I’ll send her an invitation.
I want to send an invitation to a friend. I just have to find her address. I am quite
sure, however, that I will find it.
Example: If John has the money, he will buy a Ferrari.
I know John very well and I know that he earns a lot of money and that he loves
Ferraris. So I think it is very likely that sooner or later he will have the money to
buy a Ferrari.

B. Conditional Sentences Type 248

if + Simple Past, main clause with Conditional I (= would + Infinitive)
Example: If I found her address, I would send her an invitation.
The main clause can also be at the beginning of the sentence. In this case, don't
use a comma.
Example: I would send her an invitation if I found her address.
Note: Main clause and / or if clause might be negative. See Simple Past und
Conditional I on how to form negative sentences.
Example: If I had a lot of money, I wouldn’t stay here.
Were instead of Was
In IF Clauses Type II, we usually use ‚were‘ – even if the pronoun is I, he, she or it
Example: If I were you, I would not do this.


Problems on TOEFL 26
Conditional Sentences Type II refer to situations in the present. An action could
happen if the present situation were different. I don't really expect the situation to
change, however. I just imagine „what would happen if …“
Example: If I found her address, I would send her an invitation.
I would like to send an invitation to a friend. I have looked everywhere for her
address, but I cannot find it. So now I think it is rather unlikely that I will
eventually find her address.
Example: If John had the money, he would buy a Ferrari.
I know John very well and I know that he doesn't have much money, but he loves
Ferraris. He would like to own a Ferrari (in his dreams). But I think it is very
unlikely that he will have the money to buy one in the near future.

C. Conditional Sentences Type 348

if + Past Perfect, main clause with Conditional II
Example: If I had found her address, I would have sent her an invitation.
The main clause can also be at the beginning of the sentence. In this case, don't
use a comma.
Example: I would have sent her an invitation if I had found her address.
Note: Main clause and / or if clause might be negative. See Past Perfect and
Conditional II on how to form negative sentences.
Example: If I hadn’t studied, I wouldn’t have passed my exams.
Conditional Sentences Type III refer to situations in the past. An action could have
happened in the past if a certain condition had been fulfilled. Things were
different then, however. We just imagine, what would have happened if the
situation had been fulfilled.
Example: If I had found her address, I would have sent her an invitation.
Sometime in the past, I wanted to send an invitation to a friend. I didn't find her
address, however. So in the end I didn't send her an invitation.
Example: If John had had the money, he would have bought a Ferrari.
I knew John very well and I know that he never had much money, but he loved
Ferraris. He would have loved to own a Ferrari, but he never had the money to
buy one.

Problems on TOEFL 27
Problems on Tenses
1. Simple Present Tense
Pattern : Subject + Verb 1 +... Subject + Verb s / es +...
They / We He / She
I / You It
Example :
1. Tebe writes a letter
2. The sun rises inthe east
3. We learn english once in a week

2. Present Continous Tense

Pattern : Subject + to be ( is, am, are ) + V-ing
Example :
1. Fikki is still playing football with Tebe at the moment
2. Jane is reading a journal

3. Present Perfect Tense

Pattern : Subject + Have + Verb 3 ( past participle ) +...
Example :
1. Manchester United has won many competitions in England and Europe
2. I have visited Tebe’s student housing many times

4. Present Perfect Continous Tense

Pattern : Subject + Have + Been + Verb-ing
Example :
1. Ario has been studying Arabic for 6 months
2. I have been doing my homework since 6 p.m

5. Simple Past Tense49

Pattern : Subject + Verb 2 + Object + ...
Example :
1. Anton met Jane in campus yesterday
2. I saw the accident in Sawangan last week

Problems on TOEFL 28
6. Past Continous Tense
Pattern : Subject + Was + Verb-ing
Example :
1. I was making some programs for computer
2. They were playing badminton in the backyard

7. Past Perfect Tense

Pattern : Subject + Had + Verb 3
Example :
1. Tebe went home after he had finshed his assignment
2. When Ario arrived, Anton had gone

8. Future Tense
Pattern : Subject + Shall / Will + Verb 1 +...
Example :
1. Our lecturer will come here soon
2. My sister will come to my house tomorrow

9. Future Continous Tense

Pattern : Subject + Shall / Will + be + V-ing
Example :
1. I will be watching the match at 7 o’clock
2. Tebe will be finishing his assignment at 10 p.m


Problems on TOEFL 29
Rumus XII IPA GO, 2008
Phillips, Deborah Longman, Preparation Course for the TOEFL Test, New York:
Adisson-Weshley Publishing, 1996
Baron’s, How To Prepare for TOEFL,Jakarta: Bina Rupa Aksara,2002
Arif fahrudin “Construktion and Formation In Language English page 111
Tumijo, S.Pd., M.Hum, Drs. Slamet Riyanto, M.Pd with LTI (Language Training
Institution), Pustaka Widyatma, 2009

http://www.writingcentre.uottawa.ca/hypergrammar/adjectve.htm, Written by
http://www.1-language.com/englishcourse/unit58_grammar.htm MacFadyen

Problems on TOEFL 30

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