HO:Banking Operations Dept. Taking Banking Technology To The Common Man Chennai - 1
HO:Banking Operations Dept. Taking Banking Technology To The Common Man Chennai - 1
HO:Banking Operations Dept. Taking Banking Technology To The Common Man Chennai - 1
RTGS system is a funds transfer mechanism where transfer of money takes place
from one bank to another on a “real time” and on “gross” basis. This is the fastest
possible money transfer system through the banking channel. Settlement in “real
time” means payment transaction is not subjected to any waiting period. The
transactions are settled as soon as they are processed. “Gross settlement” means
the transaction is settled on one to one basis without bunching with any other
transaction. Considering that money transfer takes place in the books of the Reserve
Bank of India, the payment is taken as final and irrevocable.
NEFT is also an electronic funds transfer system that operates on deferred net
settlement (DNS) basis which settles transactions in batches. In DNS, the settlement
takes place at a particular point of time. All transactions are held up till that time.
NEFT Settlement take place 6 times a day during the week days (9.00 AM,11.00AM,
12.00 noon, 1.00PM, 3.00PM and 5.00 PM) and 3 times during Saturdays (9.00AM,
11.00 AM and 12.00 noon), Any transaction initiated after a designated settlement
time would have to wait till the next designated settlement time. Contrary to this, in
RTGS, transactions are processed continuously throughout the RTGS business
RTGS business hours:
Monday to Friday : 9.00 AM to 4.30 PM
RTGS system is primarily for large value transactions. The minimum amount to be
remitted through RTGS is Rs.1 lakh. There is no upper ceiling for RTGS
transactions. No minimum or maximum stipulation has been fixed for NEFT
What is the time taken for effecting funds transfer from one account to another
under RTGS?
Under normal circumstances the beneficiary branches are expected to receive funds
transfer in real time as soon as funds are transferred by the remitting bank. The
beneficiary bank has to credit the beneficiary’s account within two hours of receiving
the funds transfer message.
The remitting bank receives a message from Reserve Bank that money has been
credited to the receiving bank. Based on this the remitting bank can advise the
remitting customer that money has been delivered to the receiving bank.
Would the remitting customer get back the money if it is not credited to the
beneficiary’s account? When?
Yes. It is expected that the receiving bank will credit the account of the beneficiary
instantly. If the money cannot be credited for any reason, the receiving bank would
have to return the money to the remitting bank within 2 hours. Once the money is
received back by the remitting bank, the original debit entry in the customer’s
account is reversed.
What is the essential information that the remitting customer would have to
furnish to a bank for the remittance to be effected?
The remitting customer has to furnish the following information to a bank for effecting
a RTGS remittance.
1. Amount to be remitted
2. Account to be debited
3. Name of the beneficiary Bank
4. Name of the beneficiary customer
5. Account number of the beneficiary customer
6. Sender to receiver information if any
7. The IFSC code of the receiving branch
How would one know the IFSC code of the receiving branch?
The beneficiary customer can obtain the IFSC code from his branch. The IFSC code
is available in the cheque leaf. This code number and bank branch can be
communicated by the beneficiary to the remitting customer. Also the remitting
customer can obtain IFSC of the receiving branch from his branch.
No, all the bank branches in India are not RTGS enabled. As on date more than
53000 bank branches are enabled for RTGS. The list is available on RBI website
It would depend on the arrangement between the remitting customer and the
remitting bank. Some banks with internet banking facility provide this service. Once
the funds are credited to the account of the beneficiary bank, the remitting customer
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gets a confirmation from his bank either by an e-mail or by a short message on the
Contact bank branch. If the issue is not resolved satisfactorily, please contact RTGS
Cell, Head Office, Chennai at email rtgscell@indianbank.co.in or
hobod@indianbank.co.in and if still not resolved contact the customer service
department of RBI at
National Electronic Funds Transfer (NEFT) system is a nation wide funds transfer
system to facilitate transfer of funds from any bank branch to any other bank branch
enabled for NEFT.
Are all bank branches in the system part of the funds transfer network?
No. As on date, around 53000 branches of 85 banks are participating. Steps are
being taken to widen the coverage both in terms of banks and branches.
No. There is no restriction of centres or of any geographical area inside the country.
The system uses the concept of centralised accounting system and the bank’s
account that is sending or receiving the funds transfer instructions, gets operated at
one centre, viz Mumbai only. The individual branches participating in NEFT could be
located anywhere across the country, as detailed in the website of RBI
Step-1: The remitter fills in the NEFT application form giving the particulars of the
beneficiary (bank-branch, beneficiary’s name, account type and account number)
and authorises the branch to remit the specified amount to the beneficiary by raising
a debit to the remitter’s account. (the same can be done by using net banking
service offered by Indian Bank).
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Taking Banking Technology to the Common Man Chennai -1
Step-4: The RBI at the clearing centre sorts the transactions bank-wise and
prepares accounting entries of net debit or credit for passing on to the banks
participating in the system. Thereafter, bank-wise remittance messages are
transmitted to banks.
Step-5 The receiving banks process the remittance messages received from RBI
and effect the credit to the beneficiaries’ accounts.
How is this NEFT system an improvement over the existing RBI-EFT System?
The RBI-EFT system is confined to the 15 centers where RBI is providing the facility,
where as there is no such restriction in NEFT as it is based on centralised concept.
The system also uses the state-of-the-art technology for the communication, security
etc, and thereby offers better customer service.
NEFT is an electronic payment system to transfer funds from any part of country to
any other part of the country and works on Net settlement, unlike RTGS that works
on gross settlement and EFT which is restricted to the 15 centers only where RBI
offices are located.
Indian Financial System Code (IFSC) is an alpha numeric code designed to uniquely
identify the bank-branches in India. This is 11 digit code with first 4 characters
representing the bank code, the next character reserve as control character
(Presently 0 appears in the fifth position) and remaining 6 characters to identify the
branch. The MICR code has 9 digits to identify the bank-branch at a centre.
Contact your branch. If the issue is not resolved satisfactorily, please contact NEFT
Service Centre, Head Office, Chennai (email address: rtgscell@indianbank.co.in or
hobod@indianbank.co.in). If still it is not resolved please contact NCC, Nariman
Point, Reserve Bank of India (nefthelpdeskncc@rbi.org.in) or write to
Even customers not maintaining an account with NEFT bank can remit funds up to
Rs.50,000/- to the credit of another bank account.
This system can be used only for remitting Indian rupee among the participating
banks within the country.
No. However electronic acknowledgement is generated for the customer that his
money is received by the beneficiary’s bank at the sender branch.
Would the remitting customer get back the money if it is not credited to the
beneficiary’s account?
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Yes, the remitting customer gets back the money if it is not credited to the
beneficiary’s account.
There are 6 settlements at 0900, 1100, 1200, 1300, 1500 and 1700 hours on
weekdays and 3 settlements at 0900, 1100 and 1200 hours on Saturdays.
What is the essential information that the remitting customer would have to
furnish to a bank for the remittance to be effected?
The remitting customer has to furnish the following information to a bank for effecting
a RTGS remittance.
1. Amount to be remitted
2. Account to be debited
3. Name of the beneficiary Bank
4. Name of the beneficiary customer
5. Account number of the beneficiary customer
6. Sender to receiver information if any
7. The IFSC code of the receiving branch