CH 11 Recommended Soil Tests For Extractable Lead
CH 11 Recommended Soil Tests For Extractable Lead
CH 11 Recommended Soil Tests For Extractable Lead
Lead occurs naturally in soils but may be significantly elevated in areas impacted by
human activities. High soil lead levels in New England are primarily associated with the past use
of lead-based paints, leaded gasoline and lead-arsenate insecticides. Occasionally, they may be
due to scrap metal disposal or previous industrial use. These lead-containing products have been
taken off the market decades ago but lead is a persistent pollutant and will remain in the soil
almost indefinitely.
In certain situations soils contaminated with lead can present a human health risk. Lead
poisoning can affect all age groups but children are particularly at risk because they most
commonly engage in hand-to-mouth activities through which lead can be ingested. Soils used for
edible plant production are a concern with regards to the level of lead in the soil as well as the
potential for lead to be taken up by plants. Inhaling dust while playing or gardening in
contaminated soil is also an ingestion pathway.
Because of the potentially severe mental and physical effects of lead poisoning, soil
testing laboratories routinely receive requests for lead testing. Total soil lead tests involve the use
of hazardous chemicals and the purchase of equipment not typically used for routine soil fertility
testing. Small laboratories often lack the personnel and time, as well, to devote to this task.
Presently all soil testing laboratories in the Northeast region analyze their sample extracts
either by inductively coupled (argon) plasmaoptical emission spectrometer (ICP-OES) or by
directly coupled (argon) plasmaoptical emission spectrometers (DCP-OES). These instruments
allow for simultaneously measurements of multiple elements including lead.
In-house relationships have been developed at several of the soil testing laboratories that
permit a prediction of total soil lead from the lead values obtained by using routine soil nutrient
extraction solutions. Development of these relationships is based on the regression analysis of
extractable lead on total soil lead determined by EPA 3050/3051 or by X-ray fluorescence. The
y-intercept value on some regression equations may preclude the detection of low soil lead
levels. Because the purpose of the lead scan is to flag samples with potentially elevated levels of
lead, accurate estimates for low soil lead values are not required.
Although the general relationships found between extractable lead and total soil lead
often have wide margins of error (Hamel et. al., 2003; Sims, 1991), extractable lead
readings are a useful indicator of the estimated total soil lead level and can reasonably predict if
further, direct measurement of total soil lead content is necessary. Scanning for lead, while
analyzing the soil for plant nutrients, is a quick, easy and inexpensive way to inform clients of a
potential soil hazard.
Chapter 11.
Four laboratories in the northeast presently measure extractable lead for clients using
routine soil nutrient extraction solutions. The University of Massachusetts Soil and Plant
Analysis Laboratory uses Morgan extracting solution, the Rutgers Soil Testing Laboratory uses
Mehlich 3, and both the University of Maine Soil Testing Laboratory and the University of
Connecticut Soil Nutrient Analysis Laboratory use Modified Morgan. At Rutgers, the lead scan
is a separate extraction with an additional fee.
The others offer an estimation of total soil lead as part of their standard nutrient analysis
package. The Cornell Soil Nutrient Analysis Laboratory and the Pennsylvania State Agricultural
Analytical Services Laboratory measure total soil lead using ASTM D5435-93 or EPA 3050/51
+ 6010 methods. The University of Delaware Soil Testing Laboratory uses a nitric acid method
cited in Cheney et. al.,1981. Each of these labs provide lead analysis for an additional fee. (The
West Virginia University Soil Testing Laboratory does not offer lead testing.) (needed ?)
Interpretation of lead scan results can vary by laboratory but there is a general consensus
that estimated total soil lead levels above 400 to 500 parts per million (ppm) are of significant
concern. The U. S. Environmental Protection Agency established new standards for lead in soils
in 2001. Soils that contain 400 ppm total lead are considered a cause for concern in children’s
play areas, and those containing 1200 ppm total lead are considered a concern for all users.
Lead interpretation sheets, developed by each individual laboratory, accompany soil test results
exhibiting elevated soil lead levels in an effort to educate clients on potential hazards and
management options.
Cooperative Bulletin No. 493
Recommended Soil Tests for Extractable Lead
Summary of Methods
Soil samples are extracted using Mehlich 3, Morgan or Modified Morgan according to Chapter 5
in this manual (Recommended Soil Tests for Macro and Micronutrients). Lead content of
samples is measured by ICP or DCP and converted through in-house regression equations to total
estimated soil lead.
1. Make reagents as directed for macronutrients. Follow normal reagent makeup and
extraction procedure used for routine nutrient analysis (See Chapter 5 –
Recommended Soil Tests for Macro and Micronutrients).
2. ICP Standards: Suggested ranges for working standards are: 0 – 100 mg/L Pb
1. To check for linearity, measure a control standard containing twice the lead as the
highest standard.
2. Include an in-house reference soil sample with known lead values with each set of
soils analyzed.
3. At the start of each run following calibration measure a secondary source or Least
Control Standard (LCS). If the LCS deviates more than 5 percent from known values,
diagnose the problem, recalibrate and rerun samples.
2. If extractable lead is used only as a screening tool to flag samples for further direct
measurement, general interpretation categories can be used on the initial report.
Recommended Soil Testing Procedures for the Northeastern United States
Last Revised 10/2009
Chapter 11.
1. Cheney, R.L.; Sterritt, S.B.; Gifford, C.H. Heavy metal enrichment of urban soils:
sources and pathways to humans. Amer. Soc. Agron., Agron. Abstr. 1981. Annual
2. Finster, M.E.; Gray, K.A.; Binns, H.J.; Lead levels of edibles grown in contaminated
residential soils: a field survey. Sci. Total Environ. 2004. 230: 245-257
3. Hamel, S.C.; Heckman, J.R.; Murphy, S. Lead contaminated soil: minimizing health
risks. 2004. Rutgers Cooperative Research and Extension fact sheet. FS336
4. Hamel, S.C.; Heckman, J.R.; Shilke-Gartley, K.L.; Hoskins, B. Lead Extraction Using
Three Soil Fertility Tests and Environmental Protection Agency Method 3050. Commun.
Soil Sci. Plant Anal. 2003, 34 (19 & 20) 2853-2873.
5. Logan, T. Lead contamination in the garden. 1993. Ohio State University fact sheet.
6. Mielke, H.W.; Blake, B.; Burroughs, S.; Hassinger, N. Urban lead levels in Minneapolis:
The case of the Hmong children. Envir. Research. 1983, 34, 64-76.
7. Nicklow, C.W.; Norvell, W.A.; Spittler, T. Predicting total lead from an acetic acid-
sodium acetate buffered solution. Commun. Soil Sci. Plant Anal. 1981, 12, 239-245.
8. Pendias, A.K. and H. Pendias. Trace Elements in Soil and Plants, 2nd edition. 1992. CRC
Press, Boca Raton, FL. p. 187 – 198.
9. Sims, J.T.; Igo, E.; Skeans, Y. Comparison of routine soil tests and EPA method 3050 as
extractants for heavy metals in Delaware soils. Commun. Soil Sci. Plant Anal. 1991, 22
(11&12) 1031-1045.
10. Stehouwer, R. Lead in residential soils: sources, testing, and reducing exposure. 1999.
Coop. Ext. Fact Sheet. Penn. State. 5M999PS30750
11. Veneman, P.L.M.; Bodine, S.M.; Murray, J.R.; Baker, J.H. Effectiveness of three rapid
digestion methods to estimate total lead in orchard soils. Commun. Soil Sci. Plant Anal.
1982, 13(8), 585-592.
Cooperative Bulletin No. 493