Mind, Body, and Soul: Nutrition
Mind, Body, and Soul: Nutrition
Mind, Body, and Soul: Nutrition
Cafeteria Tour
Next week, our class will be taking a tour of the school’s
cafeteria facility for a “behind the scenes” look at where the
food they eat at school comes from. The kitchen servers and
staff will talk about what they cook and how they prepare it
to ensure that all the students are getting the nutrition they
need to be healthy and to answer any food-based questions
that come their way.
At-Home Activities:
Let your kids be the produce pickers. At the supermarket,
engage your children so that they are part of the shopping
process. Instead of putting them in the cart with your phone,
ask them about the foods that they see and ask their opinion
about at least one meal (or a fruit or vegetable). This keeps them
interested in what’s going on in the kitchen, and inevitably, what
goes into their bodies.