Barredo Vs Garcia
Barredo Vs Garcia
Barredo Vs Garcia
Whether or not they can file a separate civil action against Fausto Barredo making him
primarily and directly responsible
(Foreword: The Barredo case was decided by the Supreme Court prior to the present
Civil Code. However, the principle enunciated in said case, that responsibility for fault
or negligence as quasi-delict is distinct and separate from negligence penalized under
the Revised Penal Code, is now specifically embodied in Art. 2177 of the Civil Code.)
The defendant maintains that Fontanilla’s negligence being punishable by the Penal
Code, his (defendant’s) liability as an employer is only subsidiary, according to said
Penal Code, but Fontanilla has not been sued in a civil action and his property has not
been exhausted. To decide the main issue, we must cut thru the tangle that has, in the
minds of many, confused and jumbled together delitos and cuasi delitos,
or crimes under the Penal Code and fault or negligence under Articles 1902-1910 of the
Civil Code. According to the Supreme Tribunal of Spain:
“It will thus be seen that while the terms of Article 1902 of the Civil Code seem to be
broad enough to cover the driver’s negligence in the instant case, nevertheless Article
1903 limits cuasi-delitos TO ACTS OR OMISSIONS ‘NOT PUNISHABLE BY LAW.’ But
inasmuch as Article 365 of the Revised Penal Code punishes not only reckless but even
simple imprudence or negligence, the fault or negligence under Article 1902 of the Civil
Code has apparently been crowded out. It is this overlapping that makes the “confusion
worse confounded.’ However, a closer study shows that such a concurrence of scope in
regard to negligent acts does not destroy the distinction between the civil liability arising
from a crime and the responsibility for cuasi-delitos or culpa extra-contractual. The
same negligent act causing damages may produce civil liability arising from a crime
under Article 100 of the Revised Penal Code; or create an action for cuasi-delito or culpa
extra-contractual under Articles 1902-1910 of the Civil Code. “Some of the differences
between crimes under the Penal Code are:
“1. That crimes affect the public interest, while quasi-delitos are only of private concern.
“2. That consequently, the Penal Code punishes or corrects the criminal act, while the
Civil Code, by means of indemnification, merely repairs the damage.
“3. That delicts are not as broad as quasi-delicts, because for the former are punished
only if there is a penal law clearly covering them, while the latter, cuasi-delitos, include
all acts in which ‘ any kind of fault or negligence intervenes.’ However, it should be
noted that not all violations of the penal law produce civil responsibility, such as begging
in contravention of ordinances, violation of the game laws, infraction of the rules
of traffic when nobody is hurt.