Verb Phrase Worksheets
Verb Phrase Worksheets
Verb Phrase Worksheets
4 Verb Phrases Teaching
The simple predicate, or verb, may consist of two or more words. These words are
called the verb phrase. A verb phrase is made up of a main verb and one or more
helping verbs.
A main verb can stand by itself as the simple predicate of a sentence.
4 Verb Phrases More Practice
1. Master craftsmen would teach young boys certain skills.
2. The young boys were called apprentices.
3. Some apprentices could learn all about fine furniture.
4. Others might be taught about the printing press.
5. An especially talented boy would be apprenticed to a lawyer or doctor.
6. Some girls were trained as housekeepers or cooks.
7. Many children did attend some type of school.
8. All should have learned daily living skills from their parents.
9. A farm boy would help his father with the chores.
10. A girl’s mother would show her daughter how to spin and weave.
6. ________________ you ever see pictures of someone with his head and hands
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8. All the shops ________________ filled with items from colonial times.
10. The restaurants ________________ filled with people enjoying delicious colonial
4 Verb Phrases Application
A. Writing Sentences Using Verb Phrases
Make a verb phrase by adding a helping verb to each main verb below. Then write
a sentence using the verb phrase. Underline the verb phrase.
2. read
3. seen
4. run
5. remember
6. take
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