Air Techniques TDA-2E Aerosol Photometer Manual
Air Techniques TDA-2E Aerosol Photometer Manual
Air Techniques TDA-2E Aerosol Photometer Manual
for the
TDA-2E Series
Aerosol Photometer
1 Rev B
2 Rev B
You have just obtained a fine b. A valve directs the airflow to the
apparatus which will give years of service scattering chamber. The “CLEAR”
with little or no maintenance-provided it position directs clean air from a high
receives proper care. Please follow the efficiency filter to the scattering
operating instructions to obtain the best use chamber. The “UPSTREAM”
of this instrument. position permits sampling of the
upstream concentration, and the
The TDA-2E apparatus is permits sampling of the downstream
referenced for use in many standards, concentration.
specifications, and publications referring to
particulate detection. A list of these is 2. Scattering Chamber
provided on Page ##. While the scattering chamber is an
integral part of the sampling train, it is also a
GENERAL INFORMATION major component in itself since it is a
The TDA-2E is a completely self- complex electrical-optical unit. The
contained near forward light scattering scattering chamber consists of a pair of
linear photometer. It operates on 110 volt hollow cones connected at the apexes, a
50/60 cycle current or other voltages as light source that is focused where the cones
required. The basic function of a meet, a pair of collimating lenses to
photometer is to sample air or gas and react straighten the light emanations from the
to any particulate being drawn through the light source, and a condensing lens that
sampling train. The photometer consists of focuses the scattered light on the phototube.
distinct sections, each working with the
others to provide the desired result. 3. Amplifier
The TDA-2EN Particulate Detection The signal from the photomultiplier
Unit is a near forward light scattering tube in the scattering chamber is delivered to
photometer based on the TDA-2E, but an FET operational amplifier capable of a
modified for nuclear use. The sampling gain increase of 2,500,000. The amplifier
system and, in particular, the smoke augments the phototube signal in a linear
chamber component of the scattering fashion and is fed simultaneously to the
chamber, is designed so that the individual front panel indicator meter, the remote
components can be easily replaced in the scanning probe and the 0-1 VOLT DC
event of contamination. The pump is recorder jack.
protected from contamination by a
replaceable high efficiency filter. All 4. TDA-2EL & TDA-2ENL
replaceable parts are in a spare parts kit, These units have a log range in
T2EN-0580, that is an optional accessory. addition to the standard 5 linear ranges. The
This kit contains two complete sets of log range compresses all 5-linear ranges into
components. one sweep of the meter. This feature allows
the user to pinpoint leaks without the
1. Sampling Train necessity of changing ranges to remain
a. The vacuum pump is the source of within scale.
sample flow for the instrument. It is
a continuous duty, oil-less type,
capable of providing a 1 cfm of
3 Rev B
aerosol. The apparatus is adjusted as
described in the Operating Section to set the
HOW IT WORKS 100% reading and then the straylight is
When air or gas is drawn through adjusted. The straylight adjustment is
the scattering chamber by the vacuum pump, necessary to compensate for any signal
any particulate matter in the sample flow caused by dark current or reflection of
will pass through the focal point of the cone. internal surfaces of the scattering chamber.
This scatters light into the normally dark After these simple adjustments have been
area of the cone. The phototube is activated made the equipment is ready for checking
by the scattered light and sends a signal to leaks on the downstream side of the filters.
the amplifier. The amplifier augments the The filter test is performed with the
signal linearly and sends it to the front panel use of the scanning probe. The filter and the
indicator meter, the remote scanning probe perimeter of the filter pack should be
and the 0-1 VOLT DC recorder jack. scanned by passing the probe in slightly
The main use of the instrument is overlapping strokes so the entire area of the
for detection of particulate matter in air or filter is sampled. The end of the probe
gas, registering the concentrations should be held one inch from the filter
encountered on the various readout scales. surface. Separate passes should be made
Detectable particle sizes range from below around the entire periphery of the filter,
0.1 micron to approximately 100 microns. along the bond between the filter pack and
Experience has shown that particulates of the frame, and around the seal of the filter.
various shapes and sizes give an exponential Readings on the meter will indicate percent
reaction when passed through the apparatus- of penetration, and 0.01%, 0.1%, 1.0%, or
theoretically, 100 one micron particles or 10 10% scales may be used as required. To
ten micron particles will give the same avoid switching ranges, the log scale may be
reaction. Therefore, since the instrument used on log units.
will read concentrations of particulate matter The scanning probe is supplied with
(regardless of size, shape or color) many 3 types of nozzles which can be screwed
applications are possible providing a 100% into the end of the flexible probe. The round
base line of aerosol is established with the Black nozzle is 1 inch (25 mm) in diameter
unit. It is then possible to take samples of which complies with National Sanitation
an atmosphere and read the concentrations Foundation Standard #49. The round Red
in relation to the base. nozzle is an Isokinetic nozzle which
The most common use of the complies with many standards. The
instrument is the measurement of leaks in rectangular Blue Isokinetic nozzle is used
high efficiency filter systems. In for faster scanning techniques and is also
establishing the integrity of a filter bank it is acceptable by many standards.
necessary to use a challenge agent such as
aerosolized polyalphaolefin (PAO) or DOP
as a test aerosol. The challenge agent is
used because there is not enough particulate
in the ambient air to provide a valid test.
The test aerosol should be
introduced into the upstream side of the
filter or filters as far from the filters as is
practical to insure adequate mixing. 10 duct
diameters are considered ideal. A sample of
the aerosol-air mixture should be taken from
the upstream side, close to the filters. This
sample is used to set the 100% base line
since it is the concentration of the challenge
4 Rev B
DETAILED OPERATING The sample should be drawn from
INSTRUCTIONS the upstream side of the test duct, as
close to the filter as possible.
A. Warm-up 4. Adjust the GAIN control until a
1. Set all switches to OFF position. reading of 100 is obtained on the
2. Remove line cord and scanning meter. This establishes the upper
probe from the inside cover of the limit of measurement and provides a
case. direct readout for the lower scales.
3. Plug line cord into the POWER IN Since this sample (100% reading) is
connector then into the appropriate drawn from the turbulent side of the
power source. filter system, the reading will
4. Attach probe to EXT METER jack usually vary. Averaging the reading
and DOWN STREAM fitting by use on the indicator is recommended for
of the phone plug and the tubing proper GAIN adjustment. For
connection. Check that the plug is example, if the reading varies from
inserted completely into the jack 60 to 100 on the meter, adjust the
and that the tubing connector is GAIN control for no lower than 80.
secure. This will still establish 100% base
5. Set selector switch to 100% for all downstream readings.
position; this will protect the 5. Set selector valve to the CLEAR
electronics during the warm-up position to provide clean, particulate
period. free air for the scattering chamber.
6. Set selector valve to CLEAR 6. Set selector switch to the 0.1%
position; this permits air to be drawn range or the most range to be used
through the internal reference filter during testing.
and provides clean air for the 7. Adjust STRAYLIGHT control to
scattering chamber. obtain a reading of 0.0 on the meter.
7. Depress POWER and PUMP This adjustment compensates for an
switches; this activates the unit. A incidental light or electronic noise in
30 second delay may occur before the system. This establishes the
switches illuminate. 0.000% base line.
8. Allow 10 minutes warm-up time for
temperature stabilization. NOTE: An ideal upstream aerosol
concentration is between 10 and 100
* A scanning probe is optional on TDA- micrograms per liter of airflow.
2EN and TDA-2ENL models. Occasionally a situation occurs when the
system being tested uses large volumes of
B. 100 % and Straylight Adjustments air causing dilution of the aerosol. Should
1. Turn selector switch to the least this be the case and a problem arises with
sensitive range, LOG or 100%. respect to obtaining a 100 reading, then
2. Set selector valve to UPSTREAM every effort should be made to introduce
position. This changes the air route additional aerosol so that the 100 reading
from the reference filter in the unit may be obtained.
to the UPSTREAM sampling port
on the front panel.
5 Rev B
which you wish the alarm to When the internal reference (INT
activate. Then turn the AUDIBLE REF) switch is depressed a secondary light
ALARM switch to ON position and source is activated. The activated light
slowly rotate clockwise until the source is set so that a gain adjustment to
alarm stops. Next readjust 10% results in a 100% response to 100
STRAYLIGHT control for zero. micrograms per liter of aerosol. Lower
Whenever a reading exceeds your concentrations will read accordingly.
set point, the alarm will reactivate.
C. Ready for Testing EXAMPLE: If an upstream sample is
After the 100% baseline is taken and a reading of 75 on the 100% range
established the unit is ready for use. Testing is obtained, this indicates a 75 microgram
is performed as follows: per liter concentration. Suppose a sample of
1. The scanning probe may be the ambient air is taken and a reading of 80
used with both the meter on the on the .1% range is obtained. This indicates
panel and the meter on the a concentration o 0.08 micrograms per liter
probe. of ambient air.
2. Set the selector switch to the If a filter’s challenge concentration
desired testing range. is known but a sample is unavailable to
3. Turn the selector valve to the establish 100%, a calculated value may be
DOWN STREAM position to obtained to allow the proper INT REF
permit sampling through the setting using the following formula:
4. Pass the nozzle of the scanning
probe over the area being tested 100
at a traverse rate of not more X 10 = Proper INT REF
than 6 seconds per foot 1” from
the surface.
Readings on the meter are directly
Known Concentration = 20 micrograms per liter
in percent of penetration. If the penetration
is too high to be read on the current scale
then the selector switch should be set to one
X 10 = 50 Proper INT REF Setting
of the less sensitive scales as required to 20
make the readings. This step is not
necessary with the Log-Linear unit. Known Concentration = 125 micrograms per liter
6 Rev B
compensate concentration in excess of 100 2. Place the unit on a table in front of you
micrograms per liter. with the front of the instrument facing
1. Set valve to the CLEAR position to you.
provide clean air for the scattering 3. Release the top panel by unscrewing
chamber. the button head screws.
2. Set selector switch to 10% position. 4. Lift the panel up and toward you
3. Adjust the STRAYLIGHT control fully slowly. Wires are of sufficient length
clockwise to the off position. to allow panel to be placed face down
4. Depress the INT REF switch; this on table in front of instrument.
initiates a secondary light source that
serves as a known input to the When the repairs or adjustments have
phototube. been made replace the top panel by
5. Adjust the GAIN control to obtain a reversing the steps outlined above, making
meter reading of 100 plus or minus 2 in sure that the tubing to the vacuum pump is
the 10.0% range. not pinched shut and that all wires are
6. Release the INT REF switch; this secured under the panel before tightening
deactivates the reference light. the screws.
7. Turn the selector switch to testing Should the phototube or lamp require
position, 0.1% or 0.01% position. adjustment, open the case as indicated and
8. Adjust STRAYLIGHT control until a proceed as follows:
reading of 0 is obtained on the meter.
1. Phototube Adjustment
E. Maintenance a. Set the unit up as in Section A.
Very little maintenance is required b. Insert the probe into the aerosol
for the apparatus since the only moving part mixture used for testing. (Never
is the part, which is a continuous duty, oil- insert the tube into the liquid product
less type, requiring no maintenance. of the aerosol generator as you may
However, it is necessary to avoid drawing harm the scattering chamber because
any unusual amounts of dirt into the pump the concentration is too great for
or into the other parts of the sampling practical use.)
system. This may be done by always setting c. Adjust GAIN control approximately
the control valve to the CLEAR position 3 to 4 turns from full
when tests are not being performed, thus counterclockwise position.
allowing filtered air to be drawn through the d. Loosen wing nut on phototube
system. Drawing excessive amounts of housing and gently rotate phototube
contaminated air into the system may also until the reading on the meter is at
be avoided by not permitting the probe to maximum. If this reading is greater
rest on the floor while the selector valve is than 100, turn gain control
in upstream or downstream. Common sense counterclockwise until the reading is
will dictate proper use. The only 80-90. Carefully tighten wing nut.
adjustments which the user should find e. If maximum reading obtained is less
necessary are adjusting the proper position than 100, adjust gain control until a
of the lamp after replacement, adjustment of reading of 100 is obtained.
the phototube, or replacement of the fuses. f. Adjust straylight in accordance with
If it is necessary to make any of the B.5, 6, and 7.
adjustments or replacements indicated
above, the following procedure should be 2. Straylight Adjustment
followed: a. Set the unit up as in Section A.
1. Disconnect the unit from the power b. Adjust GAIN control approximately
source. 3 to 4 turns from full
counterclockwise position.
7 Rev B
c. Adjust straylight fully clockwise on Symptom Cause
.1% range. Unit inoperative Unit not plugged in; line fuse
d. Loosen locking screw on light source blown; defective line cord.
assembly. GAIN or Amplifier fuse blown;
e. Slide assembly back and forth and STRAYLIGHT defective integrated circuit.
Control inoperative
rotate until a minimum reading is
STRAYLIGHT Control valve in Upstream
obtained on the meter. If the needle or Downstream; Scattering
on the meter should drop below zero, chamber dirty; Leak in
adjust the GAIN control clockwise to sampling system, Excessive
bring the needle up to above zero. gain (concentration to low).
Keep adjusting the lamp assembly Pump inoperative Carbon vanes clogged with
and the GAIN control alternately dirt (refer to pump
until the reading cannot be reduced maintenance manual);
any further. defective switch.
f. Holding the assembly firmly in place, Pump labors Tubing in sampling system
tighten the screw.
g. Loosen knurled thumb nuts on small
NOTE: These symptoms and causes are
lens end plate and move around for
general in nature and are given in order of
minimum reading. Then retighten.
possibility from warm-up to shut-down. To
h. Loosen knurled thumb screws on
troubleshoot properly, begin with the first
lamp end plate and move around for
step and work toward the last since some
minimum reading. Then retighten.
causes may be from several symptoms. If
repairs cannot be affected, unit should be
NOTE: If lamp replacement is required,
returned to manufacturer for service. Be
only steps e., f., and h. need to be
sure unit is properly packaged.
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15 Rev B
16 Rev B
CAUTION: Never lubricate oil-less air pump. The carbon vanes and grease packed motor bearings
require no oil. The rotor is held in place with Loctite adhesive. Do not remove it.
STARTING: If the motor fails to start or hums, pull the plug and check the motor nameplate ratings. The
guarantee is void if damage results from motor being improperly fused. Use a three (3) amp Slo-Blow fuse
or equivalent in line to motor. If anything appears to be wrong with the motor, return the complete pump
and motor assembly to the factory.
FLUSHING: Should excessive dirt, foreign particles, moisture or oil be permitted to enter the pump, the
vanes will act sluggish or even break. Flushing of the pump should take care of these situations. In order
to flush a pump, remove the filter and muffler assemblies and introduce several teaspoons full of solvent*
into the pump through the intake WHILE THE PUMP IS RUNNING. Repeat the flushing procedure and if
it does not remedy the situation, remove the end plate for further examination. Periodic flushing is
FILTERS: Dirty filters restrict air flow and if not corrected could lead to possible motor overloading and
early pump failure. Check filters periodically and clean when necessary by removing felts from the filter
and washing in a solvent*. Dry with compressed air and replace.
DISASSEMBLY: Remove the three screws which attach retainer plate to body. Now remove the retainer
plate and carbon wear plate and you have success to the vanes. Use compressed air to clean out the pump
chamber. The carbon wear plates have two (2) usable sides. When one side is worn, simply flip it over but
use if on the same end of the pump. DO NOT REMOVE THE ROTOR. It is held in place by Loctite and
should only be serviced by an authorized service facility. Do not loosen or remove the body “thru-bolts”.
To reset clearance between top of rotor and top of bore of the body, just LOOSEN the four (4) screws that
attach body to electric motor. DO NOT REMOVE BODY of pump because an exact factory determined
body spacer gasket provides necessary clearance. After the four (4) screws are loosened, place a .001”
feeler gauge between the top of the rotor and the body, holding the body in position while the body bolts
are tightened. Withdraw the feeler gauge and rotate the rotor to be sure all points clear the bore.
REASSEMBLY: Simply place carbon plate and retainer plate in position, add and tighten the three (3)
end plate screws. Should the pump still fail to produce proper vacuum or pressure, send to authorized
service center for repairs.
*Recommended Solvents: Loctite Safety Solvent, Inhibisol Safety Solvent and Dow Chemical
DANGER: To prevent explosive hazard, do not pump combustible liquids or vapors with these units.
It is usually quickest and least expensive to send the unit in for repair. Authorized service facilities are
located at:
17 Rev B
FRANCE 15.A.3.5.2
AUSTRALIA 15.5 (AS 1386 & 1387)
UK 9.47 (BS 5295)
EGYPT 4.4.4
HOLLAND 13.2.2
18 Rev B
International Warranty
Air Techniques International
Air Techniques International, hereinafter referred to as ATI, warrants the equipment purchased hereunder
to be free from defect in materials and workmanship under normal use and service, when used for the
purpose for which it is designed, for a period of (1) one year from the date of shipment. ATI further
warrants that the equipment will perform in accordance with the technical specifications accompanying the
formal equipment offer.
ATI will repair or replace any such defective items that may fail within the stated
warranty period, PROVIDED:
1. That any claim of defect under this warranty is made within thirty (30) days
after discovery thereof and that inspection by ATI, if required, indicates the
validity of such claim to ATI’s satisfaction; and
2. That the defect is not the result of damage incurred in shipment to or from our
factory; and
3. That the equipment has not been altered in any way whether as to design or
use, whether by replacement parts not supplied or approved by ATI, or
otherwise; and
4. That any equipment or accessories furnished but not manufactured by ATI, or
not of ATI design, shall be subject only to such adjustments as ATI may
obtain from the supplier thereof.
At ATI’s option, any defective equipment that fails within the warranty period shall
be returned to ATI’s factory for inspection, properly packed with shipping charges
prepaid. No equipment shall be returned to ATI without prior issuance of a return
authorization by ATI.
No warranties express or implied, other than those specifically set forth herein shall be
applicable to any equipment manufactured or furnished by ATI and the foregoing
warranty shall constitute the Buyer’s sole right and remedy. In no event does ATI assume
any liability for consequential damages, or for loss, damage or expense directly or indirectly
arising from the use of ATI products, or any inability to use them either separately or in
combination with other equipment or materials or from any other cause.
19 Rev B